3rd revolution happening in rotterdam

Post on 01-Sep-2014






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Presentation for 4th year students Industrial Design at the University of Antwerpen.







The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

The third industrial revolution is happening

The third industrial revolution is happening

Goal of this presentation

Third industrial revolution

Birth of Fablabs

Fablabs in manu-

facturing & education

First industrial revolution

Second industrial revolution

Third industrial revolution

Third industrial revolution













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Third industrial revolution: Internet of Things

Digital revolution

analog to digital communication (1945)

analog to digital computation (1955)

analog to digital fabrication (2005)

Third industrial revolution in Fablabs

The third industrial revolution can be experienced in so-called FabLabs that empower users to ‘make almost anything’. Although this does not change the need for designers to have making and prototyping skills, there is no doubt the revolution impacts the design profession in terms of skills required and design methodologies and practices.


3D printers

Laser cutters

Microcontroller programming tools

3D milling machines

3D scanners

CNC routers

6 3D printers

2 Lasersnijders

1 Vinylsnijder

Fablabs in Belgium

Brussels (Fablab iMAL)        site: http://www.imal.org/fablab         contact: Yves Bernard, fablab@imal.org

Genk (FabLab Genk)        site: http://www.fablabgenk.be         contact: Danny Leen, danny.leen@khlim.be

Gent (Timelab)         site: http:www.timelab.org         contact: Evi Swinnen, evi@timelab.org

Leuven       site: http://www.fablab-leuven.be       contact: Pieter Gysel, pieter.gysel@leuven.be

Liège/Luik site: http://relab.be/

Designers must handle the development

Designers must handle the development

This does, however, not change the need for designers to have making and prototyping skills – to the contrary: it is fair to assume that designers will be supposed to be even more proficient in using these possibilities.

Integration of microelectronics

Stadslab Rotterdam (Fablab+)

Stadslab Rotterdam (Fablab+)

Stadslab Rotterdam

Stadslab Rotterdam / Sensorlab

Stadslab Rotterdam / Sensorlab

Stadslab Rotterdam / Applab (Open Data)

Stadslab Rotterdam / Applab (Open Data)

Stadslab Rotterdam / Fablab

Stadslab Rotterdam / Fablab

Working in the lab

* Learning by doing * No incentives like exams * Experimenting (and failing (again)) * Inspire (others) * Technology is no magic, it’s a tool * Start everyday with a new idea

Stadslab Rotterdam

Stadslab Rotterdam

© 2009 Thomas Whaites, Photo Nick Ballon

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything

Design  problems  are  mul0dimensional,  highly  interac0ve,  ill-­‐structered...  also  refered  to  as  ‘wicked’  problems  Lawson  

In  design  ‘perfect’  solu0ons  do  not  exist.  Simply  because  we  do  not  know  what  the  perfect  solu0on  is.  

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything

Problem  focused  

Solu0on  focused  

New challenges in rapid prototyping and co-creating

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything

In this course students were asked to build their own smart object – an object using electronics and programming to create interaction. Using open source technologies students were enabled to build their own working prototype. Students would not build a perfect product, but a series of prototypes that leads to an alpha version of a smart object.

Core of the elective is to empower students by teaching them simple processes and using publicly accessible information and technology (open source) to develop prototypes with a minimal amount of time.

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything


1.  De student kent de basisprocessen van een FabLab

2.  De student kan de basisprocessen voor het bouwen van een prototype zelfstandig gebruiken

3.  De student kan gedocumenteerde ontwerpen en processen vinden en aan- of toepassen op zijn eigen project

4.  De student kan een (hardware) ontwikkelproces documenteren

5.  De student kan door middel van het prototyping proces reflecteren op zijn ontwerp

Doelen: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything






The Course

1)  The method of agile rapid prototyping 2)  Mechanical drawing and buildings 3)  Circuit boards and electronics 4)  Microcontrollers 5)  Input and sensors 6)  Output and activators 7)  Communication

8)  Alpha prototype 9)  Alpha prototype 10) Exposition

Course: What Do You Need to Make (Almost) Anything

Essential: Peer learning

Different educational backgrounds

Relevance of the topics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7












1st quarter2nd quarter

Examples: Prototypes

Current insights not only show that the Fablab course enables students to use the Fablab machines and materials, but also that it empowers students to accelerate their ideation and invention processes.

Interestingly, students develop near-professional prototypes using the laser cutter and 3D printer in just 10 weeks.


Other (educational) users: Minors

Rediscover, Retrieve, Relive & Reinvent

Trial workshops

Trial workshops

Trial workshops

Trial workshops

Trial workshops

Not only students that followed the FabLab course are working in the city lab. Currently, the FabLab almost succumbed due to its success; more and more students find their way to the FabLab. It can be concluded that the course has been a catalyst; current students are increasingly active, creative, and innovative.

To enable students to use the Fablab we hired students as stewards of the lab. We educated these students to be experts of all machines and materials. Now these students educate other students to become stewards as well.

What is happening: Catalysing innovation

What is happening: Creative spaces

Hackerspace = a collection of programmers sharing a physical space (result: MakerBot)

What is happening: Creative spaces

Makerspace = publicly-accessible places to design and create (result: Pebble)

What is happening: Creative spaces

Techshop = public access to high-end equipment in exchange for membership fees

What is happening: Creative spaces

Fablab = is a small scale workshop offering digital fabrication

What is happening: Participatory learning environment

Why it is happening: Open

Why it is happening: Peer learning

Get your hands dirty with digital production!






The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

Third industrial revolution from hierarchical to lateral (consumer) power.

The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

Third industrial & digital revolution new ‘designers’ on the market

The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

Thanks to increased computing difficult processes & machines become easy

The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

A Fablab is (fabrication laboratory) is a small- scale workshop offering digital fabrication

The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

In a Fablab everyone can design & create where does that leaves us (designers)?

(t)here is a new world unfolding and everyone will have to adapt1

Contact Informatie Kenniscentrum Creating 010 Hogeschool Rotterdam


The third industrial revolution happening in Rotterdam

Manon Mostert – van der Sar m.h.van.der.sar@hr.nl

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