3299777 colloquial english idioms

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  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms




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  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


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  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms



    The aim of this book is to s!!"# a $mbe% of &o""o'ia"$"ish i*ioms &"assifie*+ e,!"ai$e* a$* i""st%ate* b# e,am!"es*%a-$ mai$"# f%om mo*e%$ $"ish a$* .me%i&a$ atho%s/ t

    -i"" be $oti&e* that the te%m i*iom is se* he%e i$ its b%oa*e%se$se+ emb%a&i$ both i*ioms !%o!e% a$* so2&a""e* $o$2i*iomati& -o%* %o!s/ 3$"# &o""o'ia" !h%ases a%e i$&"*e* i$the book a fe- i*ioms ma%ke* s"a$# a%e mo%e fo%%e&o$itio$ tha$ a&ta" se/ / a""s &"assifi&atio$ of &o""o'ia"i*ioms (see be"o-)+ thoh %eat"# &ha$e*+ is !a%tia""# se* i$this book/

    The *efi$itio$s a$* e,!"a$atio$s a%e take$ mai$"# f%om thefo""o-i$ so%&es8

    1/ The .*a$&e* :ea%$e%s ;i&tio$a%# of "a$+ b# W. Freeman.? . @%a&ti&a" Ai*e to

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms



    . e$e%a" !h%ase fo% (to be) i$ *iffi&"ties o% t%ob"e is8 (tobe) up against it (to be) &o$f%o$te* b# fo%mi*ab"e*iffi&"ties o% t%ob"e

    e""+ o"* i%"+ she m%m%e*+ #o%e ! aai$stit this time+ a$* $o mistake/ (K/M.)Eo -e%e a b%i&k to me -he$ -as ! aai$stit/ J. G.)

    e a%e !%o!e%"# ! aai$st it he%e+

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    Bis &a%t has st&k i$ the %ie%+ so that he is i$ a ba*fi,/ W. M.) sho"* "ike to see the fi, * be i$ i$ this hose if sta%te* "a#i$ *o-$ that "a-/ (. A.)

    to be in (get into) a scrape to be i$ (et i$to) t%ob"e(*iffi&"t#)

    >he !e%&eie* she -as i$ a s&%a!e+ a$* t%ie* i$ ai$to thi$k of a -a# of es&a!e/ H. W.) f he* et i$to as&%a!e+ o% b%eak his "e/ J. G.) "" *o a$#thi$ #o"ike to he"! #o ot of the s&%a!e if #o%e i$ o$e/H. W.)

    (to be) in a hole (to be) fa&e* -ith -hat a!!ea%s to be a*isast%os *iffi&"t#+ a$ i$s%mo$tab"e t%ob"e

    Eo* thi$k to H*e f%om the s!ee&hes of the

    "ea*e%s+ that the -o%"* ha* $ee% bee$ i$ a ho"ebefo%e/ The -o%"*s a"-a#s i$ a ho"e+ o$"# i$ the o"**a#s !eo!"e *i*$t make a so$ abot it/ J. G.)

    (to be) in the soup (cart) (to be) i$ *isast%os"# se%iost%ob"e

    hat if she *e&"a%e* he% %ea" faith i$

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    The s&hoo"maste% ot i$to hot -ate% -ith the$s!e&to% fo% taki$ !a%t i$ !o"iti&a" meeti$s/ W.M.)

    (to be, get into) in deep water $*e%oi$ *iffi&"t# o%misfo%t$e

    Be "ooke* a$* "ooke*+ a$* the "o$e% the sitatio$"aste* the mo%e *iffi&"t it be&ame/ The "itt"e sho!2i%" -as etti$ i$to *ee! -ate%/ $%. &.)

    (to be) in a mess (to be) i$ t%ob"e

    C$&"e+ #o%e so %e$o-$e* fo% *%o!!i$ #o% best!a"s -he$ the#%e i$ a mess/ J. G.) ... if ee% thesto%# b%eaks #o%e i$ a -o%se mess tha$ ee%+ a%e$t#oJ !. S.)

    to catch it to et i$to t%ob"e to %e&eie &e$s%e o% b"ameThe $e- boss is a te%%o%/ Eo* bette% -at&h #o%ste! o% #o"" &at&h it/ W. B.)

    The sha%i$ of *iffi&"t o% a*e%se &i%&msta$&es is &om2me$te* !o$ b# the fo""o-i$ !h%ase8

    to be (all) in the same boat to hae the same *a$e%s(*iffi&"ties) to fa&e

    The t%ob"e is ho- to et o$ -ithot %e*&i$ staff/e%#o$e is i$ the same boat/ (K/ A/) Eo%e i$ the

    same boat/ ;o$t #o see this -a% is bei$ "ostJ S.H.)

    :e-isham "ooke* at mothe% fo% a mome$t/ The$ he"a$&e* at the"/ e%e a"" i$ the same boat+ sai*:e-isham/ H. W.)

    To "eae a !e%so$ i$ *iffi&"ties o% t%ob"e is to "eae him(he%) i$ the "%&h/

    3$e thi$ -e hae to tha$k Do&h fo%+ he $ee% "efts i$ the "%&h/ J. G.)

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    $iti$ t%ob"e+ that is a&ti$ o% behai$ i$ s&h a -a#as to b%i$ t%ob"e !o$ o$ese"f ma# be &o""o'ia""# !tths8to look (ask) for trouble

    >omethi$ i$ #o% e#e sa#s #o%e "ooki$ fo%

    t%ob"e/ Thats the o$"# ki$* of sea%&h that is bo$*to be a s&&ess #o k$o-/ M. W.) Aess he is ot"ooki$ fo% t%ob"e+ Lo# sai*/ Be ma# be "ooki$fo% it %iht he%e+ Ka&k sai*/ J. Ald.)e""+ to he"" -ith it+ he thoht a$%i"#+ his "ife too&om!"i&ate* -ithot "ooki$ fo% that ki$* of t%ob"ea"" oe% aai$/ M. W.) f #o -a$t to o ot+ &a$tsto! #o+ she sai*/ t it"" !%obab"# be #o% "ast/Eo a$* #o% &hest o$ a *a# "ike this /// ///Eo a$*#o% &hest+ she sai* aai$/ ts Hst aski$ fo%t%ob"e/ '. !.)

    ... mst sa# that #o a%e aski$ fo% t%ob"e /// J.Ald.)

    to ask for (it) to take a$ a&tio$ "ea*i$ a"most i$eitab"#to a$ $*esi%e* %es"t o% t%ob"e

    Eoe bee$ *ismisse* bt #o *i* ask fo% itF

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    >ei$e &o""o'ia" !h%ases fo% t%ob"e maki$ a%e8to stir up a hornets' nest (the nest of hornets) to sti%! host of e$emies &ase a %eat otb%st of a$%# fee"i$To bring a hornets' nest about one's ears mea$s the samethi$/

    /// Eo *o$t seem to %ea"iMe+ >e$ato%+ that this hassti%%e* ! a ho%$ets $est/ &. .) That sestio$ ofmi$e+ it has i$*ee* sti%%e* ! the $est of ho%$ets/A. !%r.)

    to stir up trouble to make t%ob"e

    >o$*s i$$o&e$t e$oh bt &a$ see th%oh #o/Aet ho"* of the &o"o%e* fo"k %o$* he%e a$* makethem *issatisfie* !t i*eas i$ thei% hea*s sti%! t%ob"eF &. .)

    to raise (make, kick up) a dust (shindy) to make a*ist%ba$&e

    Eo* obios"# ot to %aise the *st abotIihti$a"e a$* ie them a$ es&a!e2%ote ato$e a$* the same *am$e* time/ !. S.) *o$t -a$t his "a-#e% to ki&k ! a shi$*#abot this/ A. !%r.)The#"" make a %e"a% *st if the# "ea%$ abot

    it/ !. &.)

    a%$i$ of t%ob"e to &ome ma# be e,!%esse* b# these!h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8

    the fat is in the fire -hat has bee$ *o$e -i"" &ase %eatt%ob"e+ e,&iteme$t+ a$e%+ et&/

    e""+ the fats i$ the fi%e/ f #o !e%sist i$ #o%-i"f"$ess+ #o"" hae #o%se"f to b"ame/ J. G.)Ees+ m%m%e* >i% :a-%e$&e -at&hi$ he%+ thefat is i$ the fi%e+ as o"* Do%s#te -o"* hae sai*/J. G.)

    trouble is brewing t%ob"e is abot to &ome

    Na%ti$ k$e- imme*iate"# the mea$i$ of it/T%ob"e -as b%e-i$/ The a$ -as his bo*#a%*/

    J. (.)10

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    you're for it *e fo%+ o% abot to %e&eie+ !$ishme$t+ et&/

    Ko$es is "ate aai$+ a$* this time hes fo% it/ &. E.S.). oi&e &ame %iht i$to the to-e% -ith s+ it seeme*to s!eak f%om the sha*o-s b# the t%a! a ho""o-

    mea!ho$e oi&e sa#i$ somethi$ i$ Oiet$amese/e%e fo% it+ sai*/ Gr. Gr.)

    A *iffi&"t task is &o""o'ia""# s!eaki$8a large (tall) order a task a"most im!ossib"e to !e%fo%ma bi thi$ to be aske* to !e%fo%m

    hat #o a$* a%e oi$+ he sai* e,!a$sie"#+is to %eo"tio$iMe this -ho"e *am$ i$*st%#/ Thatsa "a%e o%*e%+ a$* it ma# take s a "o$ time bt-e"" !"" it off/ M. W.) Be sa#s8 e""+ N%/

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    .$ $e,!e&te* *iffi&"t# (hi$*%a$&e) is &o""o'ia""# s!eaki$a snag or a hitch.

    f the%es a$# s$a+ sai* Aeo%e+ sho"* e,!e&t#o to "ook o$ me as #o% ba$ke%/ !. S.) take itthe%e -o$t be a$# hit&h abot that+ %o-$J !. S.)

    >ome &o""o'ia" !h%ases to *es&%ibe fi$a$&ia" *iffi&"tiesa%e8to be hard up to be sho%t of mo$e#

    >he a"-a#s ta"ks abot bei$ ha%* !+ sai* N%s/.""e%to$ -ith a ti$e of s!ite/ A. !%r.) 3h+ bt -ema# o to the theat%e+ #o see+ Nothe%+ a$* thi$k oht to sta$* the ti&kets hes a"-a#s ha%* !+ #ok$o-/ J. G.)

    (to be) in ueer street (to be) e,t%eme"# sho%t of mo$e#i$ t%ob"e i$ *ebt

    t if #o ask me the fi%ms $ot fa% off Gee%st%eet/ A. !%r.)

    . ma$ mst be i$ Gee% st%eet i$*ee* to take a %isk"ike that/ J. G.)

    (to be) on one's beam ends to be -ithot mo$e#+ he"!"esso% i$ *a$e%

    hat has he to sa# fo% himse"fJIothi$/ 3$e of his boots is s!"it a&%oss thetoe/ >oames sta%e* at he%/.hF he sai*+ of &o%seF 3$ his beam e$*s/

    J. G.)

    to be (stony) broke to be !e$$i"ess

    t -e%e "ess b%oke tha$ -e -e%e/ &o"* bo%%o- a*%ess f%om Na# T%$e%/ M. W.) Be sobe%e* !/>to$# b%oke+ he sai*/ G.)

    They can hardly (can't) make both ends meet a"so e,!%esses

    a$ a&te fi$a$&ia" emba%%assme$t/

    ith the hih %e$t fo% thei% f"at the# &a$ ha%*"#make both e$*s meet o$ his sma"" sa"a%#/ K. H.)


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    .$ e$* to t%ob"es a$* *iffi&"ties ma# be !t i$ this

    -a#8it's all plain sailing now (*iffi&"ties a%e oe%&ome)plain sailing f%ee*om f%om *iffi&"ties+ obsta&"es

    The &ase -as &om!a%atie"# !"ai$ sai"i$/ S. M.)

    .fte% -e e$ae* a i*e ee%#thi$ -as !"ai$sai"i$/ A. H.)f #o% -ife ha* o$"# shot Bammo$* o$&e+ the-ho"e thi$ -o"* be abso"te"# !"ai$ sai"i$/ (>/


    Be a**e* i$ a to$e $sa""# sim!"e a$* *i%e&t8This is$t a"toethe% !"ai$ sai"i$+ #o k$o-/ !.S.)

    to blow over to !ass b# to be fo%otte$

    ;o$t -o%%#+ sai* m# mothe%+ he% fa&e "i$e* -ith

    &a%e+ *efia$t+ !%ote&tie+ a$* "oi$/ @e%ha!s it -i""b"o- oe%/ !. S.)

    To aoi* t%ob"e is to keep out of it or steer clear of it.

    Pee! ot of mis&hiefF (i/ e/ ;o$t et i$to mis&hiefF)A. H.)

    C! ti"" the$ he ha* a"-a#s ma$ae* to stee% &"ea% oft%ob"e/ A. !%r.)

    >ome !%oe%bs *ea"i$ -ith t%ob"e8 #t

    never rains but it pours.$isfortunes (troubles) never come singly. The# mea$8misfo%t$es *o $ot &ome o$e b# o$e bt ma$# &ometoethe%/3$e mo%e !%oe%bia" e,!%essio$ o$ t%ob"e is8 %andora'sbo& (of trouble) a so%&e of t%ob"es/

    Bo- *o -e k$o- that -e a%e$t o!e$i$ a @a$*o%asbo, of t%ob"eJ A. &er.) e""+ "ets $ot "ift the "i* of@a$*o%as bo, befo%e -e hae to/ &. .)


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  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    Bis hea%t sa$k/ Be fe"t "ike t%$i$ a-a#+ abeate$ *o/ A. !.)N%/ >'a"es hea%t sa$k as he %ea"iMe* -hat it-as that he ha* *o$e/ '.

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    The &o-a%* is sai* to have no guts (to do something) tohave guts is to !ossess &o%ae/

    ts a"" #o &a$ e,!e&t of a &ha! "ike that/ Bes ot$o ts/ !. S.)Go on a$* *o it+ #o "a*#s ma$/ >ho- #oe ot

    ts/ '. !.)to show the white feather to e,hibit &o-a%*i&e

    The #o$ %e&%it ha* boaste* of his b%ae%# bt-he$ the fi%st b""ets -hiMMe* !ast his ea%s+ hesho-e* the -hite feathe%/ K. H.) t -as %e!o%te* ///he /// ha* &e%tai$"# sho-$ the -hite feathe% i$ his%eime$t/ W. $%.)

    3the% !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se a%e8to give one the creeps to &ase o$e to hae se$satio$of fea% a$* ho%%o% (o% st%o$ *is"ike)

    The >'a%e -as too bi fo% o$e -oma$ to hae a""to he%se"f/ t -as "ike taki$ a mi*$iht -a"k o$ themoo$/ t ae !i$ks s#m!atheti&a""#/ hats etti$ #o*o-$J Eo%e $ot sa""# Hm!# "ike this/1 M. E.M.) Aeo%e -as e%# Hitte%# a"" "ast -eek/ M, E.M.)


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    to give somebody the shivers to &ase a se$satio$ of fea% i$him+ to f%ihte$ him

    Eo k$o-+ #o thi$k m# t%$ $e,t a$* it ies#o the shie%s/ A. !%r.) Eo a!!ea%e* sos**e$"# that it ae me the shie%s+ she sai*/ A.


    to get (have) cold feet to be af%ai*+ to "ose &o%ae

    Be /// %e* me to o ahea* $ot to fai$t o% et &o"*feet/ $%. &.)he$ o$e of the mo$tai$ee%s sa- the stee! %o&k+he ha* &o"* feet+ a$* -e$t ba&k to the %efe/ K.


    >ome !%oe%bs *ea"i$ -ith &o-a%*i&e a$* fea%8 +owards diemany times before their deaths. (

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    Thats -he%e *o !t m# foot *o-$+ she sai*/e ma# hae to "ie at the &ottae o%se"es-ithot ;o%is+ be&ase -ee boht it/ t m $otoi$ to hae

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    The -o%ke%s ma*e $o bo$es abot te""i$ theem!"o#e%s that the# -o"* o o$ st%ike $"ess thei%-aes -e%e %aise*/ K. H.)

    @h%ases &o$$e&te* -ith the i*ea of &o$t%o" i$&"*e the

    fo""o-i$8in ha$* $*e% &o$t%o"to take (have, keep) oneself in hand to et &o$t%o"of o$ese"f

    >he ha* he% &a% -e"" i$ ha$* -he$ sa- he% "ast/A. W.)

    These $%"# &hi"*%e$ $ee* to be take$ i$ ha$*/A. H.)f he -i"" take himse"f i$ ha$*+ he oht to *o -e""/J. M.)ts a"" m# fa"t i$ a se$se+ bt hae t%ie* to kee!

    m#se"f i$ ha$*/ (K/ A/)

    to pull oneself together to %e&oe% o$es $o%ma" se"f2&o$t%o" o% ba"a$&e

    Io+ $o+ m# *ea%8 #o mst !"" #o%se"f toethe%a$* be se$sib"e/ am i$ $o *a$e% $ot the "easti$ the -o%"*/ B. S%.)>he &"ea%e* he% th%oat+ !""e* he%se"f toethe% a$*

    !e%t"# a**%esse* the ma$2se%a$t/ B. .)@e$$i$to$ s**e$"# !""e* himse"f toethe%/ Be-as sti"" a -%e&k of a ma$+ bt his fihti$ s!i%it

    ha* %et%$e* i$ a &e%tai$ meas%e/ A. !%r.)

    Pee! your hair (shirt) on/ mea$sKee+ calm Kee+ yo#rtem+er

    ."" %ihtF Pee! #o% hai% o$F The%es $o $ee* toshot at me/ A. W.)Ka&k

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    .bso"te se"f2&o$t%o" is e,!%esse* i$ the fo""o-i$ !h%ases8not to turn a hair to be 'ite &a"m a$* $*ist%be* sho-$o si$ of bei$ $e%os+ sho&ke* o% -o%%ie*/ ."so8 withoutturning a hair.

    h# sho"* the 3-e$s be !setJ o"*$t #o

    t%$ a hai% if #o fo$* that somebo*# of -hom#o hae bee$ maki$ a f%ie$* t%$e* ot to be $ot-hat #o "ike* them fo%+ bt a &om!"ete"# *iffe%e$t

    !e%so$J B. .) he$ the e$e%a" %e&eie* the$e-s of his a%m# *efeat he *i* $ot t%$ a hai%/ A.W.) hat *o #o thi$k of he%J Das&i$ati$/ ""te"" he% that+ she -o$t t%$ a hai%/ The ea%ths mostmatte% of fa&t #o$ -oma$/ (J/ G.) he$ aske*

    b# the ;ete&tie2$s!e&to% >mo -hat he -as*oi$ bet-ee$ R a$* 11 !/m/ o$ the $iht of them%*e%+ he a$s-e%e*+ -ithot t%$i$ a hai%+ hatm%*e%J This is $e-s to me/ W. B.)

    without batting an eyelid -ithot a$# si$s of emba%2%assme$t+ asto$ishme$t o% othe% emotio$ not to bat an eyelid

    $ot to sho- a$# si$ of asto$ishme$t o% othe% emotio$

    The i$$o&e$t !e%so$ is ofte$ a&te"# emba%%asse*-he$ he is a$s-e%i$ the H*es 'estio$s/ t thei"t# ma$ -i"" te"" his "ies -ithot so m&h as

    batti$ a$ e#e"i*/ W. B.) Io+ m $ot a # -hooes fo% *ames+ te"" he% -ithot batti$ a$e#e"i*/ *. !%.)

    The i*ea of "osi$ &o$t%o" is &o$tai$e* i$ the !h%ases8 (to get,be) out of hand (to et+ be) ot of &o$t%o"+ be#o$*&o$t%o" $*is&i!"i$e*

    The bo#s hae 'ite ot ot of ha$*/ A. H.) Thi$sa%e etti$ a "itt"e ot of ha$* a$* $ee* someo$e/M. W.)

    Eo a%e etti$ ot of ha$*+ his -ife sai* to him/// J. Ald.)


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    to lose one's grip to "ose &o$t%o" of &i%&msta$&es

    The @%ime Ni$iste% is "osi$ his %i!/ Be -o$t beab"e to &omma$* the &o$t%#s &o$fi*e$&e m&h"o$e%/ W. B.)Be fe"t that he -as "osi$ his %i! o$ a*ie$&e/ '.


    to lose one's head to "ose o$es !%ese$&e of mi$* tobe&ome i%%es!o$sib"e a$* i$&a!ab"e of &o!i$ -ith a$eme%e$

    he$ a&&se* he "ost his hea* &om!"ete"# a$*behae* "ike a foo"/ A. W.);o$t ee% "ose #o% hea* "ike that aai$+ sai*Bai"a$* at "ast/ M. W.). %eat ma$# se%a$ts miht hae "ost thei%hea*s a$* "et s *o-$/ B. .)

    :osi$ o$es se"f2&o$t%o" a$* etti$ a$%# ma# be *es&%ibe*b# these !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8to lose one's temper to "ose o$es se"f2&o$t%o" to eta$%#

    e""+ she "ost he% tem!e% a$* *i*$t mi$e/ J. G.)Eo hae &ase* me to "ose m# tem!e%8 a thi$ S thathas ha%*"# ee% ha!!e$e* to me befo%e/ B. S%.)

    to fly off the handle to fly out s**e$"# take offe$&e to

    "ose o$es tem!e% to b%st ot s**e$"# i$to a$e%

    ;o$t #o be"iee the o"* ma$s a"" %ihtJ Iot fo%a mi$te/ Io% -i"" K"ia$/ Thats -h# *o$t -a$thim to f"# off the ha$*"e/ (

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    *o$t k$o- is the sim!"est a$* the &"ea%est fo%m of

    a*missio$ of o$es i$o%a$&e of somethi$/ t &o""o'ia"s!ee&h ofte$ !%efe%s mo%e em!hati& stateme$ts+ s&h as8

    # haven't got the slightestthe faintesttheremotestthe foggiestthe vaguestthe least

    idea (notion)

    # haven't a notion (an idea, a clue). # have no idea (notion).

    Bo- m&h the# &o"* ea%$ ea%$est"#J hae$t thes"ihtest i*ea/ H. W.) (ady *lymdale. ho is that-e""2*%esse* -oma$ ta"ki$ to i$*e%me%eJmby. Bae$t ot the s"ihtest i*ea/ -. W.) eot a$ i*ea #o%e t%#i$ to te"" me somethi$ bt hae$t the fai$test i*ea -hat it is/ A. !%r.)

    hat o$ ea%th #o a%e se%ios abot hae$t ot the%emotest i*ea/ -. W.) hae$t the aest i*ea-he%e to sta%t/ M. W.) Eo *i* $ot k$o- he -as&omi$J ha* $ot the "east i*ea of it/ .$* hae#o $o i*ea -h# he &ameJ A. !%r.) sti"" ha*$t theaest $otio$ -hat -as oi$ to *o/// J. *.) ha*$t the fai$test $otio$ -hat a"" this -as abot/S. M.)

    ha* $o i*ea he -as i$ #!t/// A. !%r.) hat -ashis $ameJ hae$t a $otio$/ A. !%r.)


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    To be (completely) in the dark (about something) mea$s the

    same thi$/

    Eo a$* Niss Bo-a%* seem to k$o- -hat #o a%eta"ki$ abot+ obse%e* &o"*"#/ @e%ha!s #o*o$t %ea"iMe that am sti"" i$ the *a%k/ A. !%r.)

    ///the%e &e%tai$"# -e%e o$e o% t-o !oi$ts o$ -hi&h-e -e%e a "itt"e i$ the *a%k/ B. S%.) ;am$ it a""+ma$+ t-o m%*e%s+ a$* -e%e sti"" i$ the *a%k/ A.!%r.)

    # wouldn't know is a"so se* to e,!%ess i$o%a$&e of fa&tbt im!"ies cannot really be e/+ected to kno0,

    ;i* he o to see Ae$e%a" TheJ -o"*$t k$o-/ Gr. Gr.)Eo *o$t k$o- if N%/ >mith te"e!ho$e*J -o"*$t k$o-+ i$s!e&to%/ V. (.)

    Be -as b%i""ia$t/ hat abot his !%iate "ifeJA%a$t -aite*/ -o"*$t k$o-/ A. &er.)

    .sk me another/ a$* 0earch me/ a*mit &om!"ete i$o%a$&ebt a%e a bit too &o""o'ia" fo% e$e%a" se/

    i""+ the &o$omi& .tta&he sai*+ -e -a$tto k$o- -ho Ni&k is/ >ea%&h me/ Gr. Gr.)Bo- &ome $o o$e is the%e "ooki$ afte% themJLo# aske*/>ea%&h me+ Noose sai*/ /// J. Ald.)N%s/ Ka$ #" %i!!e*

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    Bae a "ook at this !ate$t ti$2o!e$e%+ -i"" #oJ tsot me beate$/ &a$t see ho- it -o%ks/ W. B.)

    $o%a$&e of a !a%ti&"a% sbHe&t is &o""o'ia""# e,!%esse*ths8

    #t's (all) 1reek (double 2utch)to me. &a$t $*e%sta$*it/

    Te"" him *o$t k$o- -hat he is ta"ki$ abot/ts *ob"e ;t&h to me/ A. !%r.)f o$"# he &o"* hae $*e%stoo* the *o&to%s

    Ha%o$+ the me*i&a" $i&eties+ /// bt the# -e%eA%eek to him "ike a "ea" !%ob"em to a "a#ma$/J. G.)

    #'m out of my depth.(i/e/ &a$t $*e%sta$* the sbHe&t/)

    Io- am 'ite ot of m# *e!th/ sa""# am 11

    -he$ :o%* ""i$-o%th sa#s a$#thi$/ 2. W.) ts af$$# thi$+ m af%ai* ot be#o$* m# *e!th i$ it+

    bt m# i$te$tio$s -e%e oo*/ J. (.)

    . fat "ot #o k$o-F mea$s 3o# don4t kno0 anyt%in5 at all

    Bis b%oeF . fat "ot #o k$o- abot b%oesF B.S%.)

    e "ost m# -a# (m# bea%i$s) a*mits i$o%a$&e of *i%e&tio$o% "o&a"it#/

    he%e"" he &ome !J aske* >teee$s/ e "ostm# bea%i$s/ H. W.) f #oe "ost #o% -a#+ the "iftis the thi%* o$ the %iht/ A. !.)

    *o$t k$o- m# -a# a%o$* is simi"a%"# se*/

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    -he%e she %esi*e*+ bo-e* himse"f !o"ite"# i$/

    $%. &.)

    Eo a%e maki$ some mistake+ si%+ sai* hee#ei$ the st%a$e% as if he *i* $ot k$o- him

    f%om .*am/ J. F.)

    1;o #o% !eo!"e k$o- the -oma$J1 1Iot f%om

    e/ V. (.)

    to be a complete stranger to one

    am s%e the# -e%e &om!"ete st%a$e%s to o$e a$othe%/

    V. (.)

    # can't place him (the name, face) mea$s can4t f#lly identify

    %im it).

    The st%a$e%7s fa&e -as fami"ia% to :amm"ei$+ thoh

    he &o"*$7t !"a&e it/ S. H.) Kasha+ @%i$&e 6e%eski$

    some-he%e Kates ha* hea%* his $ame+ bt he &o"*$7t

    'ite !"a&e it/ S. H.)

    $o%a$&e of ft%e *ee"o!me$ts o% of a !e%so$7s i$te$tio$s is

    e,!%esse* b# these !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8 one (you) never can


    (you can't ever tell) it is im!ossib"e to k$o-

    you never know there's noknowing (telling)

    t #o &a$t ee% te"" -hat -e%e oi$ to %$ i$to/M. W.)

    3f &o%se+ the%es a &ha$&e/ 3$e &a$t te""F S. (.)

    Eo $ee% k$o- -hat a$#bo*#s oi$ to sa# a$**o $e,t/ J. *.)

    :et -ome$ i$to #o% !"a$s+ !%se* >oames+a$* #o $ee% k$o- -he%e it"" e$*/ J. G.) h#+the%es $o k$o-i$ -hat #o"" be ab"e to *o -ith it/!. S.)

    4hat are you driving at5 4hat are you up to5 a"so e,!%ess

    i$o%a$&e of someo$es i$te$tio$/

    hat a%e #o *%ii$ atJ .%e #o &%aM#J A. !%r.)Aoo*$ess %a&iosF hat a%e #o ! toJ A. !%r.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    He knows no better (He doesn't know any better) is a&omme$t o$ i$o%a$t behaio%/ This is a$ e,&se fo%a !e%so$ -ho $-itti$"# *oes some -%o$/

    t -as a"" m# fa"t/ These !eo!"e *o$t k$o-a$# bette%+ bt *o/ A. !.)

    Brett, >hes sti"" #o$ mama/Bella. Eo$ a$* $o oo*/Brett. >he *oes$t k$o- a$# bette%/ &. .)

    $&om!%ehe$sio$ a$* i$abi"it# to $*e%sta$* se these!h%ases8

    # don't (6uite) get you (it).# don't 6uite follow you.# can't follow you (it).# don't 6uite see (what you mean why...).# don't 6uite understand.

    Be hesitate*8 *o$t 'ite et #o/ !. S.). The#o$ ma$ f%o-$e*/ sim!"# *o$t et it/1 A.!%r.) be #o% !a%*o$+ *i*$t 'ite etyo#.A.!%r.) m af%ai*+ N%/ >e%%o&o"*+ that *o$t 'itefo""o- #o/ A. !%r.) The# ta"ke* abot a%iosto!i&s he *i*$t 'ite fo""o-/// . A.) *o$t 'itesee -hat #o mea$/ A. !%r.) *o$t 'ite see -h#the# t%ie* to fi, the b"ame o$ Koh$+ %ema%ke*/ A.!%r.) m af%ai* *o$t 'ite see -hat a"" this has to*o -ith it/ B. .) # the -a#+ N%/ .$*e%so$+ *o$ot 'ite $*e%sta$*/ B. S%.)

    3the% !h%ases simi"a%"# se* i$&"*e the fo""o-i$8# can't make head or tail of it. &a$t $*e%sta$* it i$the "east/

    :i$$et thoht she sa- a te"e%am fo% he% sti&ki$! o$ the boa%*/ >o she to%e it o!e$+ &o"*$t makehea* o% tai" of it/// A. !%r.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    it beats me &a$t $*e%sta$*


    This thi$ beats me+ he -his!e%e*/ *o$t seeth%oh it a bit/ S. (.)

    Bo- #o &a$ sta$* that o"* foo" beats me+ sai* De%so$ "oomi"#/ A. !%r.)///it beats me -hat set #o "ooki$ the%e/

    A. !%r.)

    Bo- he &o"* be s&h a foo" beats meF A. !%r.)

    #'m all at sea. m $ab"e to $*e%sta$*+ i$ a state ofi$o%a$&e abot &i%&msta$&es+ sitatio$+ et&/

    Bae #o a$# theo%iesJ he aske* the se%ea$t/ am a"" at sea+ si%+ the othe% to"* him/ A. &er.)

    can't make it (him) out. &a$t $*e%sta$* it (him)/

    The%es o$e thi$ &a$t make ot+ -h# *i*$t he*est%o# it at o$&e -he$ he ot ho"* of itJ A. !%r.) am s%e $ee% &a$ make ot -hat #o a%e ta"ki$abot/ 2. W.)

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    he seeme* !e%fe&t"# se"f2!ossesse*+ bt ha*

    a $otio$ that she -as siMi$ me !/ To te"" #othe t%th it !t m# ba&k !/ S. M.)3h+ bothe%F The%e8 *o$t be offe$*e*+ o"* &ha!/hats the se of !tti$ #o% ba&k ! at ee%#t%if"eJ B. S%.)The# -e%e %athe% %ese%e* a$* #o &o"*$t he"!seei$ that the# "ike* thei% o-$ so&iet# bette%tha$ othe% !eo!"es/ *o$t k$o- if #oe


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    $oti&e* it+ bt that a"-a#s seems to !t !eo!"esba&k !/ S. M.)he-F sai* >imo$/ Eoe !t the o"* bo#s

    ba&k !/ A. !%r.)

    to rub (stroke) someone the wrong way to i%%itate himhatee% sa# these *a#s seems to %b him! the -%o$ -a#/ W. B.)Bis ta&t"ess 'estio$s %bbe* he% the -%o$

    -a#/ K. H.)

    to get one's goat to a$$o#+ to e,as!e%ate

    Eo o$"# sa# that+ ;a**#+ to et m# oat/ .$*o$"# be&ase #o% oat is so eas# to et/ (. A.)hats -%o$ -ith $"a$* is >$obbish$ess/ .$* ifthe%es a$#thi$ that ets m# oat its a s$ob/ (>/


    to give someone the pip to a$$o#

    ome$ *%ie%s ofte$ ie me the !i!/ A. W.)That ies me the !i!/ A. H.)Bis -ish2-ash ies me the !i!/ K. H.)

    to get (take) a rise out of someone to a$$o#+ to teasehim to a&t i$ s&h a -a# that he ies a *is!"a# of ba*tem!e%+ sho-s a$$o#a$&e (o% othe% -eak$ess)

    Be sai* those $!"easa$t thi$s to et a %ise ot of#o/ A. H.)

    To be a$$o#e* o% e,e* is &o""o'ia""# s!eaki$8 to be putout (about something or with somebody) to be a$$o#e*+i%%itate*

    >he misse* it #este%*a# at "$&h2time+ si%+ a$* to"*me to "ook &a%ef""# fo% it/ >he -as e%# m&h !tot abot it/ A. !%r.);o #o mi$* te""i$ me if the#%e m&h !t ot-ith he%J N# !eo!"eJ .!!a%e$t"# $ot+ sai*Lo$$ie/// B. .)

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    .$ i%%itate* !e%so$ (o% his $e%es) ma# be sai* to be on edge(to be i%%itab"e to be i$ a state of $e%os te$sio$)/

    1>t%a$e thi$s ha!!e$ the%e/1

    1This is etti$ o$ m# $e%es+ 1 sai* the *o&to%///

    Be% $e%es too -e%e o$ e*e/ S. M.)

    1Take it eas#+ :a%%#+ -e7%e both a "itt"e o$ e*e/1M. W.)

    to be (to get) sore (about something, at someone) to be(to be&ome) a$$o#e*+ e,e*+ h%t+ a%iee*

    1.$* #o a%e $ot so%e+ a$# mo%eJ1 he aske*/

    >he t%$e* a$* shook he% hea* te$*e%"# as if he

    -e%e ho!e"ess/

    1Io+ 1 she sai*+ a$* it -as he% s!%eme

    $*e%stateme$t/ 17m $ot so%e/1 M. W.)

    15hat a%e #o etti$ so%e abotJ1 5hite*ema$*e*/ M. W.)1;o$7t et so%e at me+ 1 he sai*/ 1t7s $ot m# fa"t/1M. W.)

    to be fed up (with) to be tte%"# bo%e* -ith a$* ti%e* of

    (This is %athe% s"a$#/)

    Be sai* i$ a %ati$ to$e8 17m fe* !1 15hatJ1

    &%ie* Tom/ 17m fe* ! -ith bei$ ta"ke* abot/1

    !. S.)

    To be (get) sick and tired of to be (be&ome) a$$o#e*+

    ti%e* of+ *isste* -ith/ ."so8 to be sick to death of to bedeadly sick of.

    17m si&k a$* ti%e* of oi$ oe% stff #o k$o- as

    -e"" as *o+ 1 sai* Bo-a%*/// !. S.) t -as

    i$te%esti$ e$oh at fi%st+ -hi"e -e -e%e at the

    !ho$eti&s bt afte% that ot *ea*"# si&k of it/ B.S%.)

    ,as!e%atio$+ a$$o#a$&e a$* i%%itatio$ ma# be e,!%esse* b#

    these e,&"amatio$s a$* !h%ases88nnoyance:

    0uch a bore/ 4hat a bore/ 4hat a nuisance/ ;h, bother/How annoying/ How ve&ing/ How awful/

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    the !atie$&e of a sai$t (of Kob) e$oh to make a sai$ts-ea% (its) e$oh to make #o tea% #o% hai%/

    hat a $isa$&e thei% t%$i$ s ot of the &"b atthis timeF -. W.)t is s&h a bo%e !tti$ o$ o$es *%ess &"othes+

    mtte%e* Ba""-a%*/ 2. W.):iste$8 -i"" #o *i$e -ith me to2$ihtJ;a%"i$+ m so so%%#+ bt sim!"# &a$t/ e a$a!!oi$tme$t sim!"# mst kee!/ >&h a bo%eF>&h a bo%e+ as #o sa#F . A.)3h+ bothe%F The%e8 *o$t be offe$*e*+ o"* &ha!/hats the se of !tti$ #o% ba&k ! at ee%#t%if"eJ B. S%.)Bai$ his hose &o$sta$t"# f"" of ossi!i$-ome$ is e$oh to *%ie a ma$ to *%i$k/ W. B.)The %emo$st%a$&es/// hae %e&eie*/// hae bee$e$oh to make a sai$t s-ea%/ Fr. M.)

    %%itatio$ ma# be a"so e,!%esse* b# si$ the !h%ase o$ ea%thafte% the i$te%%oatie -o%* of a 'estio$8 4hy on earth...54hat on earth...5 How on earth...5 4here on earth...5t&/

    hat o$ ea%ths he *oi$ ot he%eJ Tim aske*/Bis mothe% "ahe*/ ;a%"i$+ #o so$* 'ite

    e,&ite*/ A. !%r.)hatF h# o$ ea%th sho"* #o sa# thatJ B. .)h# o$ ea%th *i*$t #o sa# so befo%eJ W. B.)


    Tho%oh k$o-"e*e ($*e%sta$*i$) of a thi$ (!e%so$) ise,!%esse* b# these !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8

    to k$o- somethi$ (somebo*#) "ike the !a"m of o$es ha$*to k$o- tho%oh"#

    e%#thi$ that &a$ be *o$e is bei$ *o$e+ #o$ee*$t -o%%# abot that/ Na%ti$ k$o-s the !"a&e"ike the !a"m of his ha$*/ !. S.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    Eo a%e -hat -eN%/ @oi%ot/

    &a"" 'i&k i$ the !take+


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    .h+ that+ it "ea!s to the e#eF A. !%r.) >he -as $otat a"" sh#+ a$* she aske* me to &a" he% >a""# befo%e-e* k$o-$ o$e a$othe% te$ mi$tes+ a$* she -as'i&k i$ the !take/ S. M.)

    >ome e$e%a" !h%ases of $*e%sta$*i$ a%e8to know what is what to hae !%o!e% k$o-"e*e ofthe -o%"* a$* of thi$s i$ e$e%a"

    Be is$t s&h a foo" as The# took him fo%/ Bek$o-s -hat is -hat/ '. !.).$* that -o$t -ashF sai* T%ae%/ Be k$o-s-hat is -hat/ V. (.)Iee% #o mi$*/ t sho-s #o k$o- -hat is -hat/

    S. M.)

    to know the ropes to be tho%oh"# fami"ia% -ith the *e2tai"s of a$# o&&!atio$ to be -o%"*"# a$* so!histi&ate*

    ;i* he fi$* it eas#J e,!e&t he k$e- the %o!es/ (

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    *i* $ot 'ite k$o- o$ -hi&h si*e his b%ea* -e%ebtte%e* he sho"* be eas# to *ea" i$ mo$e# mat2te%s/ J. G.)Na%# ofte$ sta#s -ith he% o"* $&"e a$* kee!shose fo% him/ Be is e%# %i&h+ a$* she k$o-s o$-hi&h si*e he% b%ea* is btte%e*/ K. H.)

    to know better (than...) to be -ise e$oh $ot to///

    N# fathe% -o"* ta"k mo%a"it# afte% *i$$e%/ to"*him he -as o"* e$oh to k$o- bette%/ t m#e,!e%ie$&e is that as soo$ as !eo!"e a%e o"* e$ohto k$o- bette%+ the# *o$t k$o- a$#thi$ at a""/ 2.W.) >he oht to k$o- bette% tha$ to ask him/ A.!%r.)

    to get to know to be&ome a&'ai$te*

    e""+ -e""+ he sai*+ -e -a$t to et to k$o- o%$e- f%ie$*s+ *o$t -e+ Nothe%J '. !.) Be is a""%iht -he$ #o et to k$o- him/ J. *.)

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    .$ amsi$ !h%ase mea$i$ a be"ate* a&t of &om!%ehe$sio$is8The penny's dropped, (i/ e/ Bes at "ast ot m# mea$i$/)T-o &ommo$ sa#i$s &omme$ti$ o$ k$o-"e*e8

    =nowledge is power.(The mo%e a ma$ k$o-s+ the %eate%!o-e% he has/):ie a$* "ea%$/ (.s "o$ as #o "ie the%e"" be $e- thi$sto "ea%$/ This is sa""# sai* b# someo$e -ho has Hst"ea%$e* somethi$ -hi&h he *i* $ot k$o- befo%e/)

    t Nmm#+ ha* $o i*ea #o -e%e so immo%a"Fe "ie a$* "ea%$ (. A.)


    The i*ea of maki$ a mistake is !%ese$t i$ the fo""o-i$!h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8to !t o$es foot i$ it to &ommit a b"$*e%

    >i% Aeo%e mo!!e* his moist fo%ehea*/ m af%ai*e !t m# foot i$ it/ !. &.)Thats -h# hae$t moe* ti"" $o-+ si%/ t isthe so%t of a &ase a ma$ miht -e"" !t his foot i$/

    V. (.)h# *i* #o ask >mith ho- his -ife is -he$ #o

    k$o- shes "eft himJ Eo a%e a"-a#s !tti$#o% foot i$ it/ A. W.)

    m so%%# if !t m# foot i$ it+ Niss No%%is/

    B. .)e$*#J e""+ he ha* !t his foot i$ it $o-+ ee$if he *i*$t k$o- it/ V. (.)

    to *%o! a b%i&k to make a ba* mistake+ es!e&ia""# to makea st!i* a$* i$*is&%eet so&ia" mistake

    *%o!!e* a b%i&k b# i$'i%i$ afte% he% hsba$*+$ot k$o-i$ that she -as *io%&e* "ast #ea%/ K.H.)

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    hatee% ha!!e$s+ Ni&kae" thoht+ e ot tokee! m# hea* sht+ o% sha"" be *%o!!i$ a b%i&k/J. G.)

    .t *i$$e% "it a &ia%ette befo%e the host ha* ie$!e%missio$/ That -as o$"# the fi%st of ma$# b%i&ks *%o!!e* that ee$i$/ W. B.)

    Nis&a"&"atio$ ses the fo""o-i$ !h%ases8to ba%k ! the -%o$ t%ee to a&t $*e% a mistake tob"ame the -%o$ !e%so$ o% thi$

    t be&ase "ike #o a$* %es!e&t #o% !"&k "" *o#o a oo* t%$ befo%e -e !a%t/ *o$t -a$t #o to-aste time ba%ki$ ! the -%o$ t%ee/ St.) !%).f #o thi$k #o% *%ie% -as %es!o$sib"e fo% thea&&i*e$t+ #o a%e ba%ki$ ! the -%o$ t%ee/ K.


    to ba&k the -%o$ ho%se to mis!"a&e o$es t%st

    $ oti$ fo% the Le!b"i&a$s #o ba&ke* the -%o$ho%se+ si$&e the# "ost thosa$*s of otes

    K. H.)Bis !%omises &ame to $othi$/ m af%ai* -ee

    ba&ke* the -%o$ ho%se this time/ W. B.)

    3e%2estimati$ o$es st%e$th8to bite off mo%e tha$ o$e &a$ &he- to t%# to a&hieesomethi$ be#o$* o$es !o-e% to $*e%estimate the *iffi2&"ties

    Be -o%ks oe%time+ atte$*s ee$i$ &"asses+ a$*st*ies D%e$&h thi$k he bit off mo%e tha$ %e &a$&he-/ K.. H.)

    3e%2estimati$ o$es &ha$&es8to &o$t o$es &hi&ke$s befo%e the# a%e hat&he* to be tooho!ef" of o$es &ha$&es

    m $ot &o$ti$ m# &hi&ke$s befo%e the#%ehat&he*+ >imo$/ te"" #o :i$$et -o$t "et s *o-$FA. !%r.)


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    ;i$$# -i"" hae t-o bo#s a$* a i%"/ ;e&e she-i""F Thats &o$ti$ he% &hi&ke$s %athe% fast/ J.G.)

    2o not catch your chickens before they are hatched. (2onot

    be too o!timisti& !%oe%bia" a*i&e to those "ike"# to sffe%*isa!!oi$tme$t th%oh mis&a"&"atio$/) Aetti$ thi$s i$ the-%o$ o%*e%8to !t the &a%t befo%e the ho%se to *o o% !t thi$s i$ the-%o$ o%*e% to %ee%se the !%o!e% o%*e% of thi$s


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    to go to the wall to fai" to s&&mb to s!e%io% fo%&e toet the -o%st of it (3t of the !%oe%b8 The weakest goes tothe wall.)

    $ the &o$f"i&t th%ohot the hose the -ome$ha* o$e to the -a""/ J. G.)

    si$ess is a ha%* ame+ a$* the -eak o to the-a""/ !"a#e* the ame fo% a"" it -as -o%th/ St.)

    to come a cropper to fai" ba*"# o% sffe% *isaste% to fa""heai"#

    Be &ame a &%o!!e% i$ a$ e,ami$atio$/ A. H.) e""+a"" ho!e+ N%+ Boo!*%ie%+ is that #o"" et fi$e-eathe%+ sai* Niss Bo-e/ .$* $ot &ome a$#$ast# &%o!!e%s/ H. W.)

    to take a plough to fai" i$ a$ e,ami$atio$N# so$ -aste* his time i$ !bs a$* $iht2&"bs hehas take$ a !"oh $o-/ K. H.)

    to fall flat to fai" to hae the i$te$*e* effe&t to eoke $ofao%ab"e %ea&tio$ o% %es!o$se f%om a$ a*ie$&e (of as!ee&h+ !e%fo%ma$&e)

    Bis best Hokes a"" fe"" f"at/ (i/ e/ *i* $ot makea$#o$e "ah) A. H.)The s&heme fe"" f"at/ (i/ e/ fai"e* &om!"ete"#)

    A. H.)

    The $e- !"a# fe"" &om!"ete"# f"at a$* -as o$"#-eak"# a!!"a*e*/ (K/H.)

    not to &ome off to fai"

    he$ k$e- him+ he ha* bee$ a s&ie$tist -ho ha*$ot &ome off+ a$* at the same time a$ embitte%e*

    ba&he"o%/ !. S.)

    Dai"%e to obtai$ a$# %es"ts o% make f%the% !%o%ess ma# be*es&%ibe* b# the fo""o-i$ &o""o'ia" !h%ases8


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    to *%a- a b"a$k to et $othi$ to obtai$ a $eatie o% $o%es"t

    .s %ea%*s a "i$k -ith N%/ abbi$to$+ #o hae*%a-$ the b"a$k #es+ bt #o hae &o""e&te*othe% sestie i$fo%matio$/ A. !%r.)

    not to get (someone) anywhere to obtai$ $o %es"tto make $o !%o%ess#t's not getting us anywhere. e%e $ot maki$ a$#


    >to! th%o-i$ a%o$* #o% %e&%imi$atio$s+ :ie2te$a$t the#"" $ee% et s a$#-he%e/ S. H.);o$t s!eak "ike that to meF Na%ti$ b%oke ot/The$ etti$ ba&k his sa" to$e he sai*8 :ook+this is$t oi$ to et s a$#-he%e/ !. S.)/H.)

    . &he&k to !%o%ess ma# be !t i$ this -a#8 a set>back tohave (suffer) a set>back.

    &a$t %ea""# $*e%sta$* -h# he ha* this s**e$set2ba&k/ A !%r.)Be -as im!%oi$+ im!%oi$ e%# m&h/ The$fo% some %easo$ he ha* a set2ba&k/ A. !%r.)t i$ s!ite of a"" !%e&atio$s+ he ha* a set2ba&k/

    &. (.)>he *i* $ot sht he% e#es to a$# set2ba&k+ a$* #et

    mai$tai$e* a$ abso"te a$* $'a"ifie* faiththat the &ase -o"* t%im!h i$ the e$*/ !. S.)

    to get (be) stuck (for) to be b%oht to a ha"t to make $ohea*-a#

    m $ot satisfie* -ith the -a# thi$s a%e oi$/ *o$t -a$t them to et st&k a$* the# -i"" et st&k$"ess -e%e &a%ef"/ !. S.) .%e #o st&k sosoo$J %ik sat *o-$ a$* si"e$t"# took o$e of the&ia%ettes f%om the *esk/ m $ot st&k+ he sai* i$*eHe&tio$+ -as ab"e to fo""o- ee%#thi$/ M.


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    To fai" a !e%so$ i$ a time of $ee* is &o""o'ia""# to let him(her) down.

    te"" #o :i$$et -o$t "et s *o-$F miht "ethe% *o-$/ A. !%r.);a%"i$ :i$$et #o%e a %ea" f%ie$*F k$e- #o-e%e/ Eo -o"*$t "et me *o-$ ee%/ 6A.!%r.)

    The i%" i$ the %esta%a$t me$tio$e* a f%ie$* af%ie$* -ho+ she -as e%# !ositie+ -o"* $ot "et he%*o-$/ A. !%r.)f m# hea"th "et me *o-$+ ha* "ost/ !. S.)e *o$e m# best $ot to "et them *o-$/ !. S.)

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    o% %e%etti$ -hat has ha!!e$e*+ bt sho"* make the best ofit a$* be mo%e &a%ef" i$ the ft%e/)

    3h+ *ea% meF e,&"aime*

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    N# *ea% Basti$s+ *o$t mi$* te""i$ #o that mat m# -its e$* fo% mo$e#/ A. !%r.)Io- she -as

    b%eathi$ %athe% 'i&k"#+ #et s!oke s"o-"#8 N%s/Bo-e"s -as at he% -its e$*/ A. !.)t i$ that f"ash -as see$ the othe%

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    hats he bee$ ! toJ sai* i$ Bis o"* t%i&ks

    S. H.)hat hae #o bee$ ! toJ he%e hae #o

    bee$J he %e!eate*/ A. !.)hat a%e #o afte%J sai* >mithe%s i$ a $ois#

    -his!e% a$* -ith a *ete&tie e#e o$ the !a!e%s/// /3h+ $othi$+ sai* :e-isham b"a$*"#+ -ithhis ha$* fa""i$ &asa""# oe% his memo%a$*a/hats #o% !a%ti&"a% "itt"e ameJ H. W.)

    %erple&ity and indecision a"so se these !h%ases8to be in a 6uandary to be i$ a !e%!"e,i$ sitatio$ o% i$a *i"emma

    The -eathe% -as so &ha$eab"e that -as i$ a'a$*a%# -hat thi$s to take -ith me/ s&a!i$ the"ast *%ie+ ;i$$# -a"ke* home b# he%se"f/ Be% se$seof hmo% -as ti&k"e*+ bt she -as i$ a 'a$*a%#/

    J. G.)he$ B%st-oo*/ ot ba&k to his offi&e aai$ he-as i$ %eate% 'a$*a%# tha$ ee%/ $%. &.)

    To be in a dilemma o% to be caught (put) on the horns ofthe dilemma is &o""o'ia" fo% to be fa&e* -ith a *iffi&"t&hoi&e (a$* he$&e to be !e%!"e,e*)/ ."so8 to put (place)someone in a dilemma.

    ;a-so$2Bi"" -as i$ a *i"emma/ Be -as too sh%e-*a ma$+ too oo* a "a-#e%+ $ot to hae see$ the &%isis&omi$/ !. S.)

    Aeo%e fo$* himse"f i$ a fi, "ast -eek/ Be ha*!%omise* to o to his f%ie$* .%th%s e$aeme$t!a%t# o$ D%i*a#+ The$ the Na$ai$ ;i%e&to%i$ite* him to *i$$e% the same ee$i$+ a$* this !tAeo%e o$ the ho%$s of a *i"emma+ eithe% he mst*isa!!oi$t his o"* f%ie$* o% he mst %isk offe$*i$the %eat ma$/ M. E. M.) ith a st%o$ me$ta"effo%t >i% :a-%e$&e t%ie* to !"a&e himse"f i$ a "ike*i"emma/ J. G.) The *i%e&t 'estio$ !"a&e* .$*%e-i$ a *i"emma A. !.)

    To fall between two stools is to fai" th%oh hesitati$ be2

    t-ee$ t-o &o%ses of a&tio$+ to "ose a$ o!!o%t$it# th%oh4*

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    i$abi"it# to *e&i*e bet-ee$ t-o a"te%$aties/ >o as the!%oe%b !ts it8-etween two stools you fall to the ground. (. !e%so$ -ho&a$$ot *e&i*e -hi&h of t-o &o%ses to fo""o- o% -ho t%iesto fo""o- t-o &o%ses at the same time ma# fai" to fo""o-eithe%/)

    >o ho- its to o o$ *o$t k$o-/ :a-%e$&e*oes$t sae a !e$$#/e%e fa""i$ bet-ee$ t-o stoo"s+ m a$* o$e fi$e*a# -e sha"" %ea&h the f"oo% -ith a bm! J. G.)Be t%ie* to kee! i$ -ith the t-o o!!o$e$ts+ bt 2 he

    fe"" bet-ee$ t-o stoo"s/ K. H.)

    to be in two (twenty) minds to be $*e&i*e* to hesitate

    he$ sa- #o "ast+ he sai*+ -as i$ t-omi$*s/ e ta"ke* a$* #o e,!%esse* #o% o!i$io$/J. G.)

    >he -as i$ t-o mi$*s -hethe% to s!eak of thefee"i$

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    .fte% a $ihts s"ee! a$* &a"m thoht #o% *e&isio$ is "ike"#to be a -ise o$e -ise% tha$ if #o *e&i*e h%%ie*"#/)

    *o$t fee" ab"e to &ome *o-$ fi$a""# o$e -a# o%the othe% $ti" e s"e!t o$ it/ !. S.)m ob"ie* to te"" #o+ sai* %o-$+ that m

    asto$ishe* to hea% the ba%e sestio$/ .i" &a$ho!e is that -he$ #oe s"e!t o$ it #o -i"" %ea"iMeho- $fo%iab"e a"" of s he%e -o"* H*e a$#s&h a&tio$ to be/ !. S.) to"* him -o"* iehe% a shake2*o-$ he%e+ "ast $iht+ i$ o%*e% that hemiht s"ee! o$ it befo%e he *e&i*e* to "et he% haea$# asso&iatio$ -ith :oisa/ !%. &.)he$ m i$ a Ham abot somethi$+ a"-a#s "iketo s"ee! o$ it befo%e &ome to a *e&isio$ M. E.M.)

    $*e&isio$ sometimes fi$*s e,!%essio$ i$ Ees a$* Io/

    As ha* sae* he%/ ;i* she -ish he ha*$tJ Io a$*#es/ V. (.);i* #o mi$* him *oi$ thatJ Ka$e took amome$t to a$s-e%/ e""+ #es a$* $o/ W. B.)

    to shilly>shally to be $ab"e to make ! o$es mi$* tobe $*e&i*e*

    Bes a -eak ma$ a$* he shi""#2sha""ie*/ S. M.)This shi""#2sha""#i$ -ith the 'estio$ is abs%*/

    2. W.)N# *ea%+ its $o oo* shi""#2sha""#i$/ e &a$t

    o o$ "ike this/ S. M.)Thats $ot 'ite fai%+ sai* %o-$ stea*i"#+ bt *o$t -a$t to shi""#2sha""#/ !. S.)

    >ome &ommo$ !h%ases to e,!%ess confusion a%e8a) confusion of actionnot to know which way to turn to be &o$fse* a$* $otto k$o- ho- to a&t o% -hat to *o (o% sa#)

    ts $ot too m&h t%ob"e+ mothe%/ "" te"" #oto$iht+ sai* $ot k$o-i$ -hi&h -a# to t%$/!. S.)


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    3h+ this is a-f" *o$t k$o- -hat to *o $o%-hi&h -a# to t%$F M. $.)

    not to know if one is standing on one's head or one's heelsto be &o$fse* $ot to k$o- ho- to a&t o% -hat to *o (sa#)

    *o$t k$o- -hethe% m o$ m# hea* o% m# hee"s-he$ #o a"" sta%t o$ me "ike this/ B. S%.) oti$fo%matio$ so &o$t%a*i&to%# that *i*$t k$o--hethe% stoo* o$ m# hea* o% m# hee"s/ K. H.)

    Bot to know what to do for the best and not to knowwhether one is coming or going are also similarly used.

    f "eae he% k$o- she"" ask fo% me/ t if sta# she"" o$"# fi$* fa"t -ith me/ *o$t k$o--hat to *o fo% the best/ W. B.)

    Be *oes$t k$o- -hethe% he is &omi$ o% oi$/W. B.)3h+ this is a-f"/ *o$t k$o- -hat to *o fo%the best/

    b) confusion of thoughtto be (get) all mi&ed up or to be (get) all muddled up tobe&o$fse* i$ mi$*

    A%e+ -i"" #o a*mit o$e thi$J she sai* etti$!/

    The$ m oi$/ Eo%e a"" mi,e* ! i$si*e #o+a%e$t #oJ/// /Ees+ sai*+ -a% a$* a"" that stff/ t thats $ot-hat mea$/ m a""o-i$ fo% that/ ts #o i$si*e#o%se"f thats mi,e* ! #es+ a"" m**"e* a$*&h%$e* ! .%e$t #oJ J. *.)Aie me a &ha$&e to thi$k it oe%+ he %e!"ie*e,haste*/ m too *am$e* mi,e* !/ (N/ W.);o$t o $o- abot sam!"es a$* !%i&es a$* &%oss2

    b%ee*s a$* thi$s+ be&ase a$#ho- its bo%i$ a$* et a"" mi,e* !/ J. *.) m etti$ s"iht"#m**"e*+ sai*

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    # can't think straight ma# be se* -ith the same mea$i$/

    k$o-/ Be %bbe* his fo%ehea*/ ot thi$s a""-%o$/ The%e a%e times -he$ &a$t thi$k st%aiht/ et m**"e*/ A. !%r.)

    c) confusion and disorder in general>ome a*e%bia" a$* a*He&tia" !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se a%e8(all) at si&es and sevens is se* of thi$s -hi&h a%e i$ a stateof tte% &o$fsio$ o% ot of o%*e%/

    The se%a$ts hae o$e off "eai$ ee%#thi$ atsi,es a$* see$s/ W. M.) e hae Hst t%a$s!o%te*the ma&hi$es i$to the $e- -o%ksho!+ a$*ee%#thi$ is at si,es a$* see$s/ K. H.)The%es a %e"a% shi$*# i$ the hose a$* ee%#2thi$ at si,es a$* see$s/ W. $%.) m *oi$ m#"ee" best bt ee%#thi$ is at si,es a$* see$s/ (.


    upside down i$ *iso%*e% i$ &o$fsio$

    *o$t k$o- -hat e *o$e+ sai* >oameshski"#/ $ee% hae/ ts a"" !si*e *o-$/ -as fo$*of he% e a"-a#s bee$/ J. G.)3h+ *ea%+ sai* N%s/2."i$to$+ ho!e the# a%e

    $ot t%$i$ the !"a&e !si*e *o-$/ (K/*.)

    Topsyturvy is simi"a%"# se*/(to be) in a muddie (mess, tangle) i$ a state of&o$fsio$ a$* *iso%*e%

    3h+ *o &ome i$+

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    helter>skelter (i$) *iso%*e%"# haste (se* of a !%e&i!itatea&tio$+ ofte$ i$ maki$ a hast# %et%eat)

    he$ the %ai$ &ame the &%i&kete%s %she* he"te%2ske"te% fo% the !ai"io$/ W. B.) k$e- thatAe%a"*i$e ke!t he% !a!e%s i$ t-o *%a-e%s at the

    bottom of he% *esk/ $to these she ha* th%o-$ -hatshe -a$te* to kee!+ he"te%2ske"te%/ /// (. A.)

    pell>mell i$ a &o$fse*+ *iso%*e%e* ma$$e%

    /// -he$ "ooki$ *o-$ i$to the "o&k f%om the'a#+ #o miht fa$ it -as a he bo, i$to -hi&hf"o-e%s of ee%# he a$* sha*e ha* bee$ th%o-$

    !e""2me""/ /// J. J.)

    higgledy>piggledy i$ tte% &o$fsio$ o% &om!"ete *iso%*e%

    T%ae% ha* o$e of those mi$*s i$ -hi&h "itt"e bits of

    obse%atio$+ *e*&tio$+ f"ashes of i$s!i%atio$+ a$*i*eas bo%$ of a -i*e e,!e%ie$&e f"oate* abothi"e*#2!i"e*#/ /// V. (.)

    haywire i$ a$ $sa"+ &o$fse* ma$$e% &o$fse* (se*of thi$s that seem to a&t i""oi&a""# a$*$&o$t%o""ab"#) *o$ k$o- -hats ha!!e$e* to the L%ita%ia$s/Thei% fo%ei$ !o"i seems to hae o$e &om!"ete"#ha#-i%e/ W. B.) This %a*ios o$e ha#-i%e/ &. A.S.)

    a bear garden (a bedlam) a !"a&e f"" of $oise a$* &o$2fsio$

    t the -a# hes o$e abot it+ its maki$the &o""ee i$to a bea% a%*e$/ !. S.)The %oom -as Hst "ike a be*"am -he$ -e$t i$/

    8 pretty (nice, fine) kettle of fish is &o""o'ia" fo% a&o$fse* a$* *iffi&"t sitatio$/

    he$ she ha* o$e >oames %ea&he* fo% the "ette%/. !%ett# kett"e of fish+ he mtte%e*/ J. G.) Thea!!%e$ti&e ha* b%oke$ the *%ii$ moto% of thema&hi$e/ t -as a $i&e kett"e of fish/ K. H.)


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    (to be) as clear (plain) as day (daylight)

    3h+ &omeF sai* >mme%ha#e+ o!e$i$ his "i!s fo%the fi%st time/ >%e"# the -ho"e thi$ is &"ea% as*a#"iht/ The ma$s &aht %e*2ha$*e*/ A. !%r.)@%ese$t"# he sai* to himse"f8 hat to *o is as !"ai$

    as *a#+ $o-/ M. $.)

    it leaps to the eye(s) it is e,t%eme"# &o$s!i&os it sta$*sot it &at&hes o$es e#e

    Eo a%e -hat -e &a"" 'i&k i$ the !take/ .h+that+ it "ea!s to the e#e/ A. !%r.) The# te"" me he isa-a# i$

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    (it's) as easy (simple) as falling off a log e,t%eme"# eas#(sim!"e)

    as# as fa""i$ off a "o+ if #o se #o% hea*!%o!e%"#+ it -as sa#i$/ ."" it $ee*s is timi$/@i&k #o% mome$t/ '. !.)

    *o$t 'ite fo""o- #o+ D%e**#+ Na$so$sai*/h#+ its as sim!"e as fa""i$ off a "o//// A. !.)

    (it's) as easy as kiss your hand (my thumb) e,t%eme"#eas#

    he$ t-o atte$*a$ts ot ot thei% st%et&he% a$*-a"ke* im!o%ta$t"# th%oh the mi**"e of the&%o-*+

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    e *i*$t 'ite take the hi"" i$ o% st%i*e+ as#e miht sa#F A. !.)o&he !at%o"s a"" oe%F T-o a%mo%e* &a%sFNa$ti$ took the $e-s i$ his st%i*e/ Be seeme*to k$o- -hat -as !/ S. H.)The# &o"* $ot take thei% "&k i$ thei% st%i*e/

    !. S.)

    to waltA (%om!) th%oh (an e&amination) to *o it -ithease

    Be -a"tMe* th%oh his e,ami$atio$s/ W. B.)

    3the% !h%ases simi"a%"# se* a%e8 # can do it blindfold # cando it standing on my head # can do it with my hands tied

    behind my back, a"" mea$i$ 9 can do it :#ite ea7ily, 0it%o#t


    Be &a$ *o it sta$*i$ o$ his hea*/ W. B.)

    a walk>over a$ eas# i&to%# a &om!"ete a$* eas# i&to%#i$ a &om!etitio$/

    Bo- -e%e the Di$a"sJi"" %i$$e*/ 3h+ them+ he sai*/ The#%e Ham/The#%e a -a"k2oe%/ '. !.)The# ha* a -a"k2oe% i$ the me$s *ob"es

    W. B.)

    To hae a$ eas# i&to%# is to win hands down.

    Bickerin5. 3h+ &omeF the a%*e$ !a%t# -as f%iht2f""# e,&iti$/ N# hea%t bea$ beati$ "ike a$#2thi$/

    Hi55in7. Ees+ fo% the fi%st th%ee mi$tes/ t -he$ sa- -e -e%e oi$ to -i$ ha$*s *o-$+ fe"t "ike a

    bea% i$ a &ae+ ha$i$ abot *oi$ $othi$/ B.S%.)Be -o$ a"" his mo$e# ha$*s *o-$/ (K/H.) Eo &a$"eae a"" the %est to me its a"" oe% bt theshoti$+ a$* -e -i$ ha$*s *o-$/ J. F.)


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    to get on (very well) to !%o%ess -ith o$es !%ofessio$ o%bsi$ess to make a s&&ess of thi$s to !%os!e%

    he$ ha* fi%st e$te%e* the %eat hoses i$-hi&h she -as b%oht !+ ha* bee$ a !oo% #o$ma$ *ete%mi$e* to et o$/ !. S.)

    Eo ta"k as if -as some ki$* of *i%t# &%ook/ o$"# -a$t to et o$/ A. !.)Bo- -i"" #o et o$ -ithot a teamJ Lo# sai*$ha!!i"#/ -o$t et o$+ $"ess #o ie me a ha$*/

    J. Ald.)t Be%be%t ot o$ e%# -e"" at s&hoo"/ Be -asa oo* -o%ke% a$* fa% f%om st!i*/ Bis %e!o%ts-e%e e,&e""e$t/ S. M.)Bo- hae #o bee$ etti$ o$J ."" %iht+ she sai* %ea%*i$ him/ H. W.)

    to sha!e -e"" to ie !%omise of s&&ess

    3% !"a$s a%e sha!i$ -e""/ A. H.)e"" hit+ Ba%%isF shote* o$oe%+ a$* bea$to &"a! his ha$*s/ e"" hit+ si%/ Ba%%is sha!ese%# -e""+ sai* N%/ :e-isham/ H. W.)t -o"* be best of %e$e to &ome 'iet"# to s atLobi$ Bi""+ a$* see ho- thi$s sha!e/ J. G.)

    to make ot Amer.) ; to et a"o$ to s&&ee*

    e""+ if it ai$t o"* a%$a&"e i"" ba&k f%om the seaFBo- a%e #o maki$ ot+ ;a*J J. M.)

    . !e%so$ -ho is s&&essf" i$ "ife th%oh o$es o-$ effo%tsis sai* to be se"f2ma*e/

    Be -as a s&&ess himse"f a$* !%o* of it/ Be -asse"f2ma*e/ Io o$e ha* he"!e* him/ Be o-e* to $oma$/ J. (.) sai* -as a se"f2ma*e ma$ a$* am $otashame* of it/ B. S%.)@%ett# -e"" this+ fo% a se"f2ma*e ma$/ !%. &.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    The i*ea of a&hieeme$t o% s&&ess is a"so &o$tai$e* i$ thefo""o-i$ !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8

    to make it "timate"# s&&ee* (f%e'e$t"# a!!"ie* to a!$&ta" a%%ia")

    The%e #o a%e+ *a%/ thoht -o"*$t make iti$ time/ A. !%r.)The "ist of e,ami$atio$s -hi&h stoo* bet-ee$%ik a$* *e%ee -as ma*e ee$ mo%e fo%mi*ab"e

    b# Na,-e""s 'iet %e&itatio$/ >ome fe""o-smake it+ a$* othe%s *o$t/ t *e!e$*s o$ -hat #o-a$t/ -a$t to make it+ sai* %ik sim!"#/ M. W.)The t%ai$ "eaes at 7/=5 &a$ -e make itJ (%ea&hthe statio$ i$ time to &at&h it) A. H.)

    to pull (bring) off something to b%i$ to a s&&essf"

    &o$&"sio$ to s&&ee* i$ a !"a$+ i$ -i$$i$ somethi$+ et&/."so8 to pull it off and bring it down.

    Be sai*8 ho!e &a$ !"" it off/Eoe ot to !"" it off+ his !a%t$e% sai*/A. !%r.)

    Thats a "a%e o%*e%+ a$* it ma# take s a "o$time+ bt -e"" !"" it off/ M. W.)e""+ "ook he%e+ Tom -e$t o$+ e ot a$i*ea a$* its a bi thi$/ f -e &a$ !"" it offa$* b%i$ it *o-$+ be"iee -e &a$ !t it oe%/

    S. (.)

    Eo oht to b%i$ off somethi$+ she tease* me+-ith #o% atomati& &om!ete$&e/ !. S.)$ee% ma*e ! m# mi$* to *o a thi$ #et that *i*$t b%i$ it off/ B. S%.) mst sa#+ she &%ie*+ sho"* "ike to b%i$ offsomethi$ fo% him/ !. S.)

    to *o the t%i&k to a&hiee o$es obHe&t

    Eo *o$t $ee* mi""io$ o"ts/ @e%ha!s a 'a%te%-o"* *o the t%i&k/ M. W.) thi$k e *o$e thet%i&k this time/ Hst ae them a bit of st%aiht ta"ka$* it -e$t home/

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    e &a%ef"/ >a# $othi$/ Aet otsi*e me$ to *o thet%i&k/ F. H.)t -o"*$t hae *o$e a$# oo*+ sai*/ t -o"*hae *o$e the t%i&k/ !. S.)

    to come off to s&&ee* to %ea&h a satisfa&to%# e$*

    The -o%ks &ome off !%ett# -e"" a"" thi$s &o$2si*e%e*/ !. S.)Be sat e%# sti"" -ithot %e!"#i$/ hats the matte%+%ik+ *i*$t the &o$fe%e$&e &ome offJ he&ame to :o$*o$ to *o the seaso$+ a$*+ b# Aeo%e+she *i* it/ >he Hst s-e!t ee%#thi$ befo%e he%/ S.


    Lobe%t &a%%ie* a"" befo%e him i$ the s&hoo" s!o%ts+W. B.)

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    to make a hit (often to make a great, magnificent, etc., hit) to be a !o!"a% s&&ess (e$e%a""# a!!"ie* to a!e%fo%ma$&e of some t#!e)

    >he -%ote 3$e2a#2T%affi&/ sa- it t-i&e/ t ma*ea %eat hit/ A. !%r.)

    *o$t be"iee &o"* a&t+ he *oes$t "ike this at a"" so she aims to ki"" t-o

    bi%*s -ith o$e sto$e/ *. !%.)

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    #t's all over but (bar) the shouting and the battle's as good

    as -o$ a"so e,!%ess i%ta""# &e%tai$ a&hieeme$t/

    Eo &a$ "eae a"" the %est to me its a"" oe% btthe shoti$+ a$* -e -i$ ha$*s *o-$/ J. F.)

    To &o$e%t *efeat i$to i&to%# (o% s&&ess) is to turn thetables (on somebody) to ai$ a i&to%# o% a !ositio$ ofs!e%io%it# afte% hai$ bee$ *efeate* o% i$ a !ositio$ ofi$fe%io%it#+ to &ha$e !ossib"e *efeat i$to i&to%#/

    .$* -hat a $isa$&e se* to thi$k #o thatmise%ab"e "itt"e ki* Ai$a/ e""+ the tab"es a%e t%$e*$o-/ Eoe ot me -he%e #o -a$t me+ hae$t#o+ Ai$aJ A. !%r.) $ a$ o"* -a#+ the tab"esseeme* to hae bee$ t%$e*/ t *i* $ot seem asthoh :e-is >e%%o&o"* ha* &ome i$to the %oom toa$s-e% !o"i&e 'estio$i$/ A. !%r.)The i$*e!e$*e$&e of s&&ess ma*e its fi%st fai$tsho-i$/ ith the tab"es t%$e*+ she -as "ooki$*o-$+ %athe% tha$ ! to he% "oe%/ $%. &.)

    . $a%%o- ma%i$ of s&&ess+ es!e&ia""# es&a!i$ *isaste%(*a$e%+ *efeat+ *eath+ et&/) b# a e%# $a%%o- ma%i$+ ise,!%esse* ths8 to have a narrow s6ueak (shave) to have a

    narrow (near) escape to es&a!e f%om *isaste%+ *a$e%+ et&/+b# a e%# sma"" ma%i$

    ha* some $a%%o- s'eaks $o- a$* the$+ bt a"-a#s &ame th%oh a"" %iht/ S. M.)>he ha* a $ea% es&a!e befo%e+ #o %emembe%+

    at this e%# !"a&e -he$ that bo"*e% &%ashe**o-$ ahF A. !%r.)Eeste%*a# she ha* a e%# $a%%o- es&a!e f%om*eath/ A. !%r.)t mst hae bee$ a e%# $ea% es&a!e/ A. !%r.)

    (to be) a near thing (a close thing a close shave) (to be)

    a e%# $a%%o- es&a!e

    see+ sai*

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    touch>and>go a$ e,t%eme"# $a%%o- ma%i$ of safet# o%time (ofte$ se* of a se%ios o!e%atio$ o% a *a$e%os task)

    &o$%at"ate #o+ he hea%* the *o&to% sa# it-as to&h a$* o/ (J/ G.) * $o time to thi$k/ Hst

    a&te* "ike a f"ash/ t -as a"most e,&iti$/ k$e- it-as to&h a$* o that time/ A. !%r.)"" &ome -ith #o+ he sai*/ t -as to&h2a$*2ofo% a mome$t/ t ;o%ee$ %ea"iMe* that she mst$t"ose he% tem!e% i$ f%o$t of a"" these !eo!"e/ A.!%r.)

    t -as to&h2a$*2o -hethe% the *o&to% -o"* etthe%e i$ time/ A. H.)

    >&&ess i$ es&a!i$ !$ishme$t is e,!%esse* ths8 to getaway with (it) o% to get away with murder to &ommit a$

    $offi&ia" o% i""ea" a&t a$* es&a!e the &o$se'e$&es

    e bee$ "etti$ #o et a-a# -ith m%*e%Fi""ohb# sai*/ .$* *o$t thi$k that *o$t k$o-it/ N%*e%J :amm"ei$ aske* i$$o&e$t"#/ Thats

    Hst a$ e,!%essio$/ &o"* hae sai* %a!e+ theft+ "ies a$#thi$/ (S/ H.) >a# #o thi$k &o"* makeoo* $o-J 3the%-ise ho- sho"* hae ot a-a#-ith taki$ ee%#bo*# i$J B. .)Eo *am$e* foo"+ she sai* thi&k"#+ *o #o thi$k#o &a$ t%eat me as #o hae *o$e a$* et a-a#

    -ith itJ A. !%r.)

    >ome !%oe%bia" &omme$ts8Bothing succeeds like success. (3$e s&&ess "ea*s toa$othe%/he$ o$e has "ea%$e* to a&hiee s&&ess it is eas# to be&o$ti$os"# s&&essf"/) This is ofte$ i%o$i&a"/ >&&essofte$ *e!e$*s o$ maki$ a oo* sta%t88 good beginning is half the battle. (he$ $*e%taki$a$#thi$ $e-+ it is im!o%ta$t that #o sho"* sta%t -ith


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    e$thsiasm a$* e$e%# the$ #o a%e mo%e "ike"# to s&&ee*-ith the $e,t of the $*e%taki$/)

    4ell begun is half done e,!%esses the same i*ea/ (. oo*bei$$i$ makes it eas# to fi$ish a !ie&e of -o%k s&&ess2f""#/)


    0 Li$ a$* *e&a# ma# be &o""o'ia""# *es&%ibe* ths8 togo to the dogs to be %i$e* to *ete%io%ate&om!"ete"#

    3$"# $"a$* &o"* hae !%o*&e* him+ a$*

    he a"-a#s sai* that the &o$t%# -as oi$ tothe *o)s/ -. W.)Be bea$ to thi$k that :o$*o$ -as $o !"a&efo% a -hite ma$/ t ha* Hst o$e to the *os+that -as the "o$ a$* sho%t of it//// S. M.)o&iet#/ The thi$ has o$e to the *os+ a "otof *am$e* $obo*ies ta"ki$ abot $othi$/-. W.) f the &o$t%# *oes$t o to the *os o%the La*i&a"s+ -e sha"" hae #o @%imeNi$iste%+ some *a#/ 2. W.)

    (to be) on its last "es (to be) a ho!e"ess state of*e&a# a"most e,haste* abot to *ie

    ;a%"i$+ #o mst o%*e% #o%se"f a $e-*i$$e%2Ha&ket #o%s is o$ its "ast "es sho"*e%s %athe%F B. .)

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    / J. G.) >"ashF The -hi! fe"" amo$ the *ossaae"# es!e&ia""# o$ the o$e -hi&h ha*fa""e$/ ;o$t+ Naso$+ Na"emte ki*

    bee*+ the !oo% *ei"s o$ its "ast "es/ (J.(.)

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    to go to pieces to b%eak ! (!h#si&a""#+ me$ta""# o% mo%2a""#)

    s!!ose #o%e te%%ib"# bs#+ bt ho$est"#+ %ik+$"ess ta"k to someo$e "" o to !ie&es/ M. W.)The$ -he$ his -ife *ie* abot si, o% see$ #ea%s

    ao+ he seeme* to o a"" to !ie&es/ !. &.) .fte%fi%i$ the shot+ this #o$ ma$ -e$t &om!"ete"# to

    !ie&es/ A. !%r.) Bis $e%es ha* o$e to !ie&es/ A.!.)

    Tofall to piecessa""# e,!%esses !h#si&a" *e&a# of thi$s/

    Ta!est%ies a$* *%a!es a$* &hai%2&oe%s a"" sati$ a$*b%o&a*e a$* stff a$* its fa""i$ to !ie&es/ A.!%r.) . The o"* bi"*i$ -as fa""i$ to !ie&es/ B.


    to go from bad to worse to be&ome %i$e* to"* him that #oe "et thi$s s"i*e fo% "o$e$oh/ Io -o$*e% #o%e seei$ it a"" o f%om ba*to -o%se/ (/ N/)

    to goto the bad to *ete%io%ate &om!"ete"# to be %i$e* tobe&ome of *e!%ae* &ha%a&te% to asso&iate -ith ei"&om!a$io$s

    f #o make i*"e+ *issi!ate* !eo!"e #o% &om2!a$io$s+ #o a%e s%e to o to the ba*/ W. M.)


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    if the worst comes to the worst if thi$s a%e as ba* asthe# &a$ !ossib"# be

    f the -o%st &omes to the -o%st+ the Naste% -i""hae to make it !/ (

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    to ride for a fall to a&t i$ s&h a -a# that *isaste% o%fai"%e -i"" !%obab"# be the %es"t a&t -ith %e&k"ess$ess thatmakes *isaste% !%a&ti&a""# i$eitab"e

    Ees+ his hea"th is a"" %iht+ bt hes %i*i$ fo% a fa""/A. !%r.)

    fee" shes %i*i$ fo% a ba* fa""+ bt ho!e sho"**o the same/ J. G.)

    3the% !h%ases *ea"i$ -ith the i*ea of %i$ i$&"*e thefo""o-i$8 b%i$i$ a !e%so$ to %i$ is &o""o'ia""# *es&%ibe*ths8to &ook a !e%so$s oose to b%i$ to %i$+ *est%o# to *ofo% him

    >mith has fi$a""# &ooke* %o-$s oose/&. E. S.)

    N%s/ ;o#"e o!e$e* that te"e%am b# mistake+ #osee/ f she -e%e ee% to %e!eat -hat -as i$ it

    befo%e me+ he k$e- his oose -o"* be &ooke*/A. !%r.)

    3f &o%se -he$ he *i* that he &ooke* his oose asfa% as !%omotio$ -as &o$&e%$e*/ A. W.)

    to settle a person's hash to *o fo%+ make a$ e$* of hime sett"e* he% hash a"" %iht+ she sai*/ S. M.)

    >!oi"i$ someo$es !"a$s is !t i$ this -a#8 tos!ike someo$es $s to -%e&k his !"a$s

    The i*ea of the i$s!e&to% s!iki$ A$s $s so$eat"# b# a&&i*e$t -as he"# &omi&/ V. (.) The

    se$io% e$i$ee% ha* see%a" times sai* he -o"* $ot&o$se$t to the i$t%o*&tio$ of $e- !%o*&tio$metho*s/ The !%o*&tio$ e$i$ee%+ ho-ee%+ s!ike*his $s b# hai$ t-o $e- ma&hi$es i$sta""e*/ K.


    to 'ee% the (somebo*#s) !it&h to !set !%ea%%a$e*!"a$s

    k$o- &a$ *o it+ if $o o$e t%ies to 'ee% m# !it&h/V. (.)

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    Bes 'ee%e* his !it&h -ith that $fo%t$atei$te%ie-/ W. B.)

    to put a spoke in a person's wheel to spoil his plans

    $ #o% o-$ best i$te%ests !e%ha!s sho"* !t a

    s!oke i$ #o% -hee"/ !. S.) Be oht !e%ha!s tohae !t a s!oke i$ the -hee" of thei% ma%%iaethe# -e%e too #o$/ /// J. G.) &o"* hae easi"#fi$ishe* the e,!e%ime$ts if the# ha* $ot !t a s!okei$ m# -hee"/ (K/H.)

    aste is a%ios"# e,!%esse* b# these &o""o'ia" !h%ases8asti$ effo%t8

    a wild>goose chase a !%a&ti&a""# ho!e"ess !%sit o%sea%&h a foo"ish a$* se"ess e$te%!%ise

    o"fe k$e- that the

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    >e$*i$ a &a$ of o"ies to A%ee&e -o"* be "ike&a%%#i$ &oa"s to Ie-&ast"e/ W. B.)

    4asting one's breath (words), i/ e/ ta"ki$ se"ess"#+ is*es&%ibe* i$ this -a#8 miht as -e"" ta"k to a b%i&k -a""/ miht as -e"" saem# b%eath/ (hat sa# has $o effe&t/) N# -o%*s fa"" o$*eaf ea%s/ (Iobo*# "iste$s to me/)hat sa# oes i$ at o$e ea% a$* ot of the othe%/ (Eo*o$t "iste$ to me/)

    >o thats #o% "i$eJ she sai*/ Eo%e -asti$#o% b%eath o$ me/ V. (.)ts $o se ta"ki$ to T!!#/ Eo miht as -e""ta"k to a b%i&k -a""/ -. W.)The i$fo%matio$ -e$t i$ o$e ea% of :o"a a$* otof the othe%/ $%. &.)9 miht as -e"" sae m# b%eath+ fo% a"" the $oti&ethe# take of me/ W. B.)

    asti$ mo$e#8to !"a# (make) *&ks a$* *%akes -ith o$es mo$e# to-aste mo$e# s!e$* it e,t%aaa$t"#

    Be !"a#e* *&ks a$* *%akes -ith his mo$e# i$stea*of !a#i$ the fami"#s *ebts/ K. H.) Be soo$ ma*e*&ks a$* *%akes of -hat * "eft him/ W. B.)

    to go down the drain to be -aste*

    ."" %iht+ a"" %iht+

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    >ome &o""o'ia" !h%ases &o$$e&te* -ith the i*ea of s&o"*i$a%e8 a f"ea i$ o$es ea% is &o""o'ia" fo% a sha%! %e!%ima$*/

    ///a$* if see #o $e,t o% $ih m# hose "" !t #oi$ the *it&h -ith a f"ea i$ #o% ea%8 mi$* that $o-/B. S%.)

    %e$e -as i$ f%o$t that #o$ fe""o- -hat ha* the#$i&k$ame* him The &&a$ee%F "ooke*

    !%e&ios ha$*o the%e behi$* he% ha* ot a f"ea i$his ea%+ he sho"*$t -o$*e%/ J. G.)

    to ti&k a !e%so$ off (to ie a !e%so$ a oo* ti&ki$ off) to %e!%ima$*+ s&o"* o% b"ame him

    >hes $o bea% o$ ho%seba&k as Lo$$# sai* &o"*$t he"! a*mi%i$ the -a# she ti&ke* off those

    Ho%$a"ist fe""o-s/ B. .) >he ae .sts a oo*ti&ki$ off fo% ta"ki$ too m&h abot his !i&t%esV. (.)

    to tell a person off (to give a person a good telling off) to %ebke+ s&o"* o% %e!%ima$* him

    :iste$+ $"ess #o &a$ "ea%$ to f"atte% #o% ests+m $ot &omi$ ba&k aai$+ &a$ be to"* off at

    home/ M. W.):ast time he ha* s!oke$ to this asto$*i$ i%"it ha* bee$ to te"" he% off fo% i$s"ti$ his !eo!"e-ho t%ste* a$* "ike* he%/ B. .).$* $o- -e""+ #o &a$t be a""o-e* to o o$"ike this thats that/ >omebo*#* ot to ie #oa oo* te""i$ off/ B. .)* te"" he% off !%o!e%/ K. M.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    to give a person a piece (bit) of one's mind to %ebkehimto te"" him f%a$k"# -hat o$e thi$ks of him+ his behaio%+


    3h+ if &o"* o$"# !a# that -oma$+ * ie he% a

    !ie&e of m# mi$* that she -o"*$t fo%et/ * te""he% off !%o!e%/ (K.M.) * "ike to o ba&k the%e a$*ie them a !ie&e of m# mi$* the#%e as"ee! mostof the time/ S. H.) /// o$e *a# he -o"* fo%ethimse"f a$* ie he% $ot a !ie&e+ bt the -ho"e ofhis mi$*/ S. M.)

    to give a person a (good) dressing down to s&o"* o% beathim

    Dathe% ae Na%# a *%essi$ *o-$ -he$ she to"*him that she ha* b%oke$ off the e$aeme$t/ K.


    to be (&ome) *o-$ o$ a !e%so$ to be see%e !o$ him tos&o"*+ b"ame o% !$ish him

    Eo"" hae [e" *o-$ o$ #o if #o sta%t shooti$+ Lo# sai*/ J. Ald.)N# mothe% *i* $ot "ike it+ a$* she &ame *o-$ o$ ssee%e"#/ B. H.)

    To be at a !e%so$ mea$s the same thi$/

    Ao o$+ he %o-"e*/ Aie me a"" m# fa"ts -he$#o%e abot it/ >s!i&iosF Kea"osF Eoe bee$ at

    me befo%eF 3h+ a$* m too #o$+ s!!ose/ A.!.)

    Be fi$*s ot ee$ta""#+ a$* he"" be at #o i$ thee$*+ a#+ a$* make it a bitte% e$*/ A. !.) N# mothe%is a"-a#s at me abot m# behaio% at mea"s/ B.


    to give a person a good talking to to s&o"* o% %ebke him

    "" ie he% a oo* ta"ki$ to -he$ she &omes/ m$ot oi$ to sta$* a$# of he% $o$se$se/ B. S%.) mst ie he% a oo* ta"ki$ to this afte%$oo$+ sai* :e-isham/// H. W.)

    3* 67

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    to call a person names to i$s"t him b# si$ ba* $ames

    >tea*#2o$F ;o$t #o o a2&a""i$ s $ames+!"ease/3$e mi$teF sai* N%/ Boo!*%ie%/ t -as$t bea$ &a""i$ $ames/ H. W.)

    To o fo% a !e%so$ ma# be simi"a%"# se* -ith the mea$i$ toab#7e, to blame, to re+rimand.

    The ma$ae% -e$t fo% the offi&e bo#+ -ho hesai*+ -as sa/ B. H.)The s!eake% -e$t fo% the !%ofitee%s/ >. &.)

    to snap (bite) a person's head (nose) off to s!eak to him%*e"#+ a$%i"# o% im!atie$t"#

    Nake ! #o% mi$*/ Di%st #o te"" me its $o oo*/

    he$ a%ee+ #o s$a! m# hea* off/ M. W.) Theo"* "a*# bit the bo#s $ose off be&ase he ha*

    b%oke$ he% -i$*o-2!a$e/ K. H.) The%es $o $ee* tos$a! m# hea* off/ o$"# -a$t a &ii" a$s-e% to a&ii" 'estio$/ W. B.)

    To %e&eie hea# &e$s%e o% !$ishme$t is &o""o'ia""#s!eaki$ to et it i$ the $e&k/

    .$# o$e that -o%%ies #o+ m# *ea%+ -i"" et it i$the $e&k f%om me+ a$* #o &a$ be s%e of that/V. (.)

    >he ha*$t ha"f bee$ -a$ti$ to see him et it i$the $e&k f%om someo$e -ithot bei$ ab"e toa$s-e% ba&k/ '. !.)Eo *o$t k$o- -hats oi$ o$/ Eo sit he%ei$ @a%is a$* se$* home #a%*s of si"k a$* &asesof &o$a& -hi"e -e et it i$ the $e&k/ S. H.)

    $o catc% it a$* to get it hot mea$ the same thi$/

    Eo"" &at&h itF (Eo"" be s&o"*e*+ !$ishe*+ et&/)

    A. H.)Be"" et it hot fo% it/


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    To b"ame someo$e is a"so &o""o'ia""# to put (fi&, lay) theblame on him to sa# that a !e%so$ is %es!o$sib"e fo%+

    N# fathe% %i$$e*/ >he a"-a#s !ts the b"ame o$me/ hae to bea% it/ !. S.) -a%$ #o its $o se t%#i$ to !t the b"ame o$

    me/ Bo- -as to k$o- the so%t of fe""o- he -asJ

    B. S%.) *o$t 'ite see -h# the# t%ie* to fi, the b"ameo$ Koh$+ %ema%ke*/ A. !%r.)

    .$othe% !h%ase fo% to b"ame a !e%so$ is to find fault with aperson. t ma# be $ot so st%o$ as to b"ame a$* hae themea$i$ to com+lain, to critici?e.

    @"easeF The fo%ema$ "ifte* his ha$* a$* &"ea%e*his th%oat aai$/ ts $ot o% Hob to fi$* fa"t -ithea&h othe%/ ts o% Hob to fi$* the !%iso$e% i"t#/'. !.)

    @eo!"e sometimes fi$* fa"t -ith othe%s -he$ the#sho"* b"ame themse"es/ W. M.)Nothe% is &o$sta$t"# fi$*i$ fa"t -ith m#hsba$*/ K. H.)

    To find fault with a thing is to fi$* it *efi&ie$t i$ some !a%2ti&"a%/ The !h%ase im!"ies that #o !oi$t ot the fa"t/

    &a$$ot fi$* fa"t -ith Niss >ha%!s &o$*&t/ W.

    $%.).$# mo%e fa"t to fi$* -ith the ei*e$&eJ i$'i%e* sati%i&a""#/ A. !%r.)

    to pick on a person to fi$* fa"t -ith him

    h# *o$t #o !i&k o$ himJ Bes the o$e tobe$efit $ot me/ A. !%r.)ts $o se !i&ki$ o$ them -he$ the#%e so #o$a$* te$*e%/ &a$t sta$* it/ (K. R.).$*+ of &o%se+

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    4hy pick on me5 ma# be se* as a !%otest b# a !e%so$ ab2so"i$ himse"f f%om b"ame/

    ."" sa# is+ -h# !i&k o$ me -he$ *o$t be$efit b#he% *eathJ A. !%r.)Tomm# sho-e* P%o$e i$to a$ a%m&hai%/ h# !i&k

    o$ me+ P%o$eJ Tomm# sai*/ . K.)

    Iote a"so the fo""o-i$ !atte%$s8#'m (he's, etc.) to blame. (m (hes+ et&/) to be b"ame*/)

    a*mit -as e$ti%e"# to b"ame/ A. !%r.)

    4ho is to blame5 (ho is to be b"ame*J) tsall (entirely) my (his, etc.) fault.

    Bo- *o #o a&&o$t fo% #o% !isto" bei$ se*Je"" m af%ai* ma# be to b"ame the%e/ Gitesoo$ afte% etti$ ab%oa* the%e -as a &o$e%satio$i$ the sa"oo$ o$e ee$i$+ a$* me$tio$e* the$ that a"-a#s &a%%ie* a %eo"e% -ith me -he$ t%ae"/m &e%tai$"# to b"ame the%e/1 A. !%r.)These *oo%s a%e e,&ee*i$"# t%ea&he%os/ The#oht+ of &o%se+ to hae "ass -i$*o-s to them/ tis e$ti%e"# m# fa"t fo% $ot hai$ b%oht thematte% befo%e the o%oh

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    $t%o*&to%# !h%ases fo% e$e%a" &om!"ai$ts of $ot tooe,!"osie a $at%e i$&"*e the fo""o-i$8 its a bit thi&k o% itsa bit m&h (o% off)/

    -as %ea""# a$$o#e* $o-/ :ook he%e+ %i*et+ mst sa# thats a bit thi&k/ Eo *o$t k$o-

    *o k$o-+ she i$te%%!te* mo&ki$ me/ .$* itis$t a bit thi&k/ J. *.) ;o$t #o thi$k its a bitthi&k that -he$ #oe bee$ tho%oh"# *e&e$t -ith

    !eo!"e the# sho"* o ot of thei% -a# to *o the*i%t# o$ #oJ S. M.) mst sa#+ si%+ he% hsba$*e&hoe*+ its a bit m&h/ (. A.)

    @ou are the limit/ #t's the limit/ o% There's a limit/e,!%esse,t%eme a$$o#a$&e a$* ma%k the e$* of to"e%atio$/

    k$o- -e hae$t bee$ a"o$e m&h+ bt that &o"*

    easi"# hae bee$ ma$ae*/ *o thi$k #o a%ethe "imit+ A%eo%#/ J. *.)at&hi$ fo% a mome$t of -eak$ess+ she -%e$&he*it f%ee the$ !"a&i$ the *i$i$ tab"e bet-ee$them+ sai* bet-ee$ he% teeth8 Eo a%e the "imit+No$t#/ J. G.)hat is the matte% -ith #oJ "" make a &e%tai$a""o-a$&e fo% #o% $e%es/ t the%es a "imitF

    S. H.)

    To e,ae%ate a &om!"ai$t a$* make a "ot of fss abot it is8to make a song and dance about it.

    -o"*$t make too m&h of a so$ a$* *a$&eabot it+ if -e%e #o+ he sai*/ Eo"" hae to-a"k -a%i"#/ >he"" hae a "ot to fo%ie too/ S. M.)he$ she s!oke it -as 'ite &a"m"#+ as thoh -e""+ as thoh she* Hst misse* a bs a$* -o"*hae to -ait fo% a$othe%/ .s thoh it -as a $i2sa$&e+ #o k$o-+ bt $othi$ to make a so$ a$**a$&e abot/ S. M.)The -o%"*s a"-a#s i$ a ho"e+ o$"# i$ o"* *a#s

    !eo!"e *i*$t make a so$ abot it/ J. G.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    To make a mountain out of a mole>hillis simi"a%"# se* -ith

    the mea$i$ to e/a55erate@ make diffic#ltie7 a++ear m#c%

    5reater t%an t%ey really are.

    *a%e sa# 7e bee$ maki$ a mo$tai$ ot of a mo"e2

    hi""/ mst Hst -ait !atie$t"# fo% his "ette%/ S. M.)

    ;o$7t take it too se%ios"#+ Kames has s%e"# ma*e amo$tai$ ot of a mo"e2hi""/ K. H.)


    To aoi* te""i$ a se&%et is to keep it. =eeping something secret

    a$* sa#i$ $othi$ abot it ma# be a"so &o""o'ia""# e,!%esse* b#

    these !h%ases8 to keep (it, something) dark to kee! se&%et/."so8 to keep someone in the dark (abot somethi$)/

    Eo7%e $ot i$ "oe -ith somebo*#+ a%e #o a$* hae

    bee$ kee!i$ it *a%kJ J. *.) >omebo*# has to k$o-

    these thi$s befo%eha$* $o matte% ho- *a%k the#7%e

    ke!t/ B. S%.) 1Aoo* Ao*F1 he e,&"aime*+ 1the$ it is$7t

    !oet%# #o7%e -%iti$/ thoht that7s -hat #o -e%e

    kee!i$ *a%k/1 E. (.) Eo ma# hae bee$ %iht to kee!

    *a%k+ as #o &a"" it+ so fa% as the *o&to%s a%e


    J. G.)

    15e""+ thi$k it is e%# $fai% to kee! me i$ the *a%kabot the fa&ts/1

    17m $ot kee!i$ #o i$ the *a%k/ e%# fa&t that k$o-

    is i$ #o% !ossessio$/1 A. !%r.)

    $um's the word sa# $othi$ abot the matte% be si"e$t/

    ."so8 kee! mm %emai$ si"e$t/

    1;o$7t sa# a$#thi$ abot this+ 1 he aske*/ 1Kst "et it be

    !%iate bet-ee$ the t-o of s/1


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  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    t *e&i*e* that if ma*e a$# i$te%esti$ a$*im!o%ta$t *is&oe%ies a$* $o *obt sho"* -o"* kee! them to m#se"f+ a$* s%!%ise @oi%ot -iththe "timate %es"t/ A. !%r.)

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    et-ee$ #o a$* me+ >i%+ %ema%ke* Ka!!+ *soo$e% hae a$# amo$t of %mo%s tha$ bea%%este* fo% m%*e%/ A. !%r.) t bet-ee$ #o a$me a$ the o"* *oo%!ost am -o%%ie* abot that*ame/ *. !%.) e""+ bet-ee$ #o a$* me a$* the-a""+ >i% @ea%&e+ thi$k the "ess -e sa# abot that$ti" the -a%s oe%+ the bette%/ B. S%.) "" te"" #o ase&%et+ -his!e%e*+ Hst bet-ee$ o%se"es+Aeo%e/ m bei$$i$ to hate the *am sto%#/ J.


    et-ee$ o%se"es+ the%e a%e o$"# th%ee *isti$2ishe* me$ he%e /// !. S.)

    3$ the othe% ha$*+ ta"ki$ too m&h a$* %eea"i$ a se&%etma# be &o""o'ia""# !t i$ this -a#8 to give the show away

    to %eea"+ $&o$s&ios"# o% ma"i&ios"#

    e""+ at a$# mi$te+ o"* abbi$to$ i$ the most

    i$$o&e$t -a# i$ the -o%"*+ miht ie the sho-a-a#/ A. !%r.):"o#* "ooke* oe% his sho"*e% at the othe% me$/;o$t ie the sho- a-a#+ he sai*/ J. F.)

    to let the cat out of theba to %eea" $i$te$tio$a""#

    $ the "ast &abi$et meeti$ the @%ime Ni$iste% "etthe &at ot of the ba %eea"i$ the t%e &i%2&msta$&es of the &ase/ K. H.) sho"*$t hae "etthe &at ot of the ba/ t the%e it is its a "&k#sta%t fo% #o+ m# *ea% fe""o-/ A. !.)

    to spill the beans to %eea" a se&%et to &o$fess a""

    Na#be the o"* bo# ha* hea%* somethi$ abot."e, a$* -as oi$ to s!i"" the bea$s to the>e%%o&o"*s/ A. !%r.)hoee% is !oiso$i$ N%s/ >e%%o&o"* ki""e* Ai*2b%a$se$ to !%ee$t him s!i""i$ the bea$s/A. !%r.)

    m oi$ to s!i"" the bea$s/ "" te"" #o the -ho"et%th/ *. !%.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    to b"%t ot to sa# somethi$ -ithot thoht+ $2a%*e*"# he$&e %eea" a se&%et

    Bas that foo" >keffi$to$ to b"%t ot the -ho"esto%# befo%e a$# of s hae ha* a &ha$&e to haea "ook at itJ !. S.)

    Be %emembe%e* ho-/// K$e ha* b"%te* ot tohim that D"e% oht to hae ma%%ie* he% #o$b%othe%/ J. G.)f #o *o -a$t to k$o- the t%th+ he b"%te*ot+ it !t me to a he"" of a "ot of t%ob"eF

    (A. C.)

    to "et ot to %eea" a se&%et

    Aeo%e a$* ta"ke* it 3hF Bis $ames Aeo%e+ is itJEes/ ;i* "et that otJ . A.)

    "a&kmai"F 3h+ N%/ >a%to%is+ *o #o thi$k -o"* "et ot a -o%* abot #o% !%emisesJ B. S%.)

    to "et o$ to %eea" (a se&%et) to bet%a# (a fa&t)

    hae$t hea%* a -o%* abot a$#thi$/ >he ob2ios"# -as$t oi$ to "et o$/ B. .) ;o$t "et o$that to"* #o/ W. B.)

    to let a person in on (the secret, idea, plan, etc.) tomake it k$o-$ to him to %eea" it to him

    ot o$e o% t-o i*eas that -i"" "et #o i$ o$/ *.!%.)

    %ik smi"e*/ h# $ot "et them i$ o$ the oo*$e-sJ M. W.)

    . "eakae of i$fo%matio$ is *es&%ibe* ths8 to "eak ot tobe&ome e$e%a""# k$o-$ afte% bei$ a se&%et (i$ s!ite ofeffo%ts to kee! it se&%et)

    The $e-s has "eake* ot/ A. H.)t -as the so%t of thi$ that+ if ta"ke* oe%+-o"* &e%tai$"# "eak ot/ (K/ A/)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    8 little bird is a fa&etios te%m fo% a$ a$o$#mos i$fo%me%+he$&e . little bird tells (told) me mea$s kno0 it fromanonymo#7 7o#rce7.

    . "itt"e bi%* te""s me #o%e etti$ ma%%ie*$e,t mo$th/ &. E. S.)

    t *o$t see ho- #o k$o-/ Aeo%e &"ose*the othe% e#e/. "itt"e bi%*+ :a*#

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    fish# a%osi$ ss!i&io$ ss!i&ios of a *is%e!tab"e o%*obtf" &ha%a&te%

    *o$t "ike that/ t so$*s a bit fish# to me/ A. W.)Eo mea$ that i$ #o% be"ief Ka&k'e"i$e *ee""efo%t shot ma*ame ;o#"eJ @oi%ot aske*/

    Thats -hat it "ooks "ike to me/ t a"" so$*s %athe%fish# to me/ A. !%r.) The%e -as somethi$ fish#abot ;o$*o"os so"i&it*e+ somethi$ f%ihte$i$/(>/H.) Be -as a $e- ma$ >i% a%tho"ome- ha*o$"# him a fo%t$iht a$* the mome$t afte% the &%imehe *isa!!ea%s a$ishes i$to the ai%/ That "ooks a

    bit fish#+ *oes$t itJ A. !%r.) This is a fish# sto%#/A. H.)

    to smell a rat 2 to be&ome ss!i&ios to hae ss!i&io$s

    Io+ >i%+ it -o"*$t *o/ f he is -hat he ma# be+ he

    -o"* sme"" a %at/ V. (.) The foo"+ mtte%e*:ois :emi%e/ Be o$"# ot -hat he *ese%e*/ Besho"* hae sme"t a %at/ S. M.)

    to hae (hae ot) a h$&h to hae a st%o$ fee"i$ ofss!i&io$ to hae a ss!i&io$ -hi&h has $o "oi&a" basis+ a


    e ot a h$&h that he *i* it+ bt the%es $othi$ too o$/ J. F.) Be has a h$&h that he is bei$t%i&ke*/ A. H.) Be sa#s hes ot a h$&h the%essomethi$ -%o$ -ith the !"a$+ bt he &a$t !t hisfi$e% o$ it/ . K.)

    The%es a &at&h i$ it (some-he%e) e,!%esses ss!i&io$ thatee%#thi$ is $ot -hat it a!!ea%s to be/

    ;o #o %emembe% -hat it -as #o fe"" oe%Jhe fe"t that the%e -as a &at&hi$ it some-he%e/ '. !.) thoht the%e -as a &at&hi$ it some-he%e/ B. S%.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    a mare's nest a$ $fo$*e* ss!i&io$ a base"ess %mo%a me%e i$e$tio$/ 3fte$8 to find a mare's nest.,

    m m&h ob"ie* to #o/ . !%ett# ma%es $esta%%esti$ him -o"* hae bee$/ A. !%r.) >oames%ose/ Iee% mi$* that/ @"ease -at&h 47+ a$* take

    &a%e $ot to fi$* a ma%es $est/ Aoo*2mo%$i$F N%/@o"tee*s e#e "i$te* at the -o%*s ma%es $estF J.G.)

    .mo$ &o""o'ia" !h%ases &o$tai$i$ the i*ea of *e&e!tio$the fo""o-i$ a%e e%# &ommo$8to take someone in to *e&eie him to &heat

    ;o$t #o *a%e t%# this ame o$ meJ taht it to#o a$* it *oes$t take me i$/ B. S%.) Bo-ma"i&ios #o a%e+ ."e, *ea%/ e&ase %efse to

    be take$ i$ b# #oJ A. !%r.) am s%e #o &o"*

    be take$ i$+ #o k$o-+ if a &"ee% !e%so$ -o%ke* o$#o% oo* $at%e/ V. (.)

    to pull someone's leg to *e&eie Hoki$"# to make f$of

    3the% !h%ases simi"a%"# se* a%e8to have someone on and to kid someone to *e&eie/ The#mea$ a"most the same as to +#ll 7omeone47 le5.#'m kidding mea$s94m okin5@ 94m not tellin5 t%e tr#t%@it i7 only intended a7 a oke.

    @ou're having me on. Eo%e $ot se%ios #o *o$tmea$ -hat #o sa# #o%e maki$ f$ of me/

    .$*%e- *i* $ot smi"e/ *i*$t ask #o to !"" m#"e+ N% >i""ma$/ m *ea* se%ios abot this i%"/A. !.)

    hat *oes she sa#J aske* Iei"/ >hes !""i$#o% "e+ %e!"ie* the

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    to !"" the -oo" oe% someo$es e#es to *e&eie him

    Eet this is me%e"# to !"" the -oo" oe% the e#es ofthe !eo!"e //// $%. &.) t is ha%*"# to be s!!ose*that his f%ie$* &o"* !"" the -oo" oe% his e#es/ A.!%r.)

    e#e-ash *e&eit+ t%i&ke%#+ a mis"ea*i$+ f%e'e$t"# f"at2te%i$ stateme$t

    ;o$t t%st his $i&e+ f%ie$*"# ma$$e% thats a""e#e-ash+ a$* a&ta""# he hates #o/ A. W.) Be to"*me he* &a""e* to see m# !ai$ti$s+ bt k$e- that-as e#e-ash/ &. E. S.) h# *o$t #o "eae thema$ a"o$e+

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    To do one down is &o""o'ia" fo% to &heat+ to *e&eie him/

    e bee$ *o$e *o-$ b# m# best f%ie$*/ A. !.)Bo- ma$# !eo!"e hae #o see$ *o$e *o-$ i$#o% timeJGite a "ot+ sai*+ bt $ot 'ite The$ -h#

    the s-eet he"" *o$t #o o a$* !t that %ihtJ -as oi$ to sa#+ %e!"ie*+ $ot 'ite i$ this-a#/ .$* Hst be&ase a "ot of !eo!"e a%e *o$e *o-$i$eitab"#+ thats $o %easo$ to a** a$othe%/ !. S.)

    to do brown to s-i$*"e ofte$ i$ the !assie8 to be donebrown to be s-i$*"e*

    ;o$t o to that sho! o% #o"" be *o$e b%o-$/ A.W.)Be -as too &"ee% fo% me a$* -as *o$e b%o-$/B. H.)

    to pull a fast one (over, on) to take a ta&ti&a" a*a$taeof+ b# a s**e$ ma$oe%e o% a &"ee% s-i$*"e (t%i&k+*e&e!tio$)

    Be t%ie* to !"" a fast o$e o$ me+ a$* "iste$e* "ike -as i$ a ho!*%eam/ E. (.) This m A%a$t the$

    !""s a$othe% fast o$e/ *. !%.)

    To mis"ea* someo$e *e"ibe%ate"# is8 to draw a red herringacross the track (path) to i$t%o*&e a$ i%%e"ea$t matte%+to *ist%a&t atte$tio$ a red herring a$ i%%e"ea$t matte%

    i$te$*e* to *ie%t atte$tio$

    t -hatee% !ossesse* #o to *%a- that abs%*%e* he%%i$J !. S.)The bt"e% seems to me a e%# &"ms# %e* he%%i$/

    A. !%r.)

    he$ -e &ame to ta"k abot the ba* 'a"it#of the moto%s+ Ee$ki$s *%e- a %e* he%%i$a&%oss the !ath/ K. H.)


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    to put (throw) someone off the scent to *e&eie him b#ii$ -%o$ i$fo%matio$+ et&/

    Be t%ie* to !t me off the s&e$t/ A. H.) Thes-i$*"e% th%e- the !o"i&e off the s&e$t/ K. H.)

    To "ea* someo$e ! the !ath (a%*e$ !ath) is simi"a%"# se*-ith the mea$i$ to decei"e@ to im+o7e on.

    The #o$ ma$ "e* Na%# ! the a%*e$ !ath/ K.H.)

    . *e&eitf" !e%so$ ma# be fi%atie"# *es&%ibe* as a s$akei$ the %ass/

    Be !%oe* to be a s$ake i$ the %ass/ A. W.) Be -asa e%itab"e s$ake i$ the %ass/ W. B.) e ha*a"-a#s ss!e&te* she -as a s$ake i$ the %ass $o-

    o% ss!i&io$ -as &o$fi%me*/ K. H.)

    To be&ome a i&tim of *e&e!tio$ is &o""o'ia""#to fall for itor to swallow it+ i/e/ to be"iee+ to a&&e!t as t%e somethi$that is $t%e/

    $ee% thoht she* fa"" fo% that o"* sto%#/

    &. E. S.)N%/ >atte%th-aite thoht8 Bes "ooki$ to seeif s-a""o- this sto%#/ A. !%r.);o #o thi$k he"" s-a""o- that e,!"a$atio$J

    W. B.)

    @%oe%bia" %emi$*e%s $ot to be *e&eie* b# the a!!ea%a$&eof thi$s o% !eo!"e88ll that glitters is not gold.8ppearances are deceptive.There's more to it than meets the eye.

    hat *o #o mea$J mea$ that a"" is $ot o"*that "itte%s/ mea$ that thoh this "a*# is %i&h a$*

    beatif" a$* be"oe*+ the%e is a"" the samesomethi$ that is $ot %iht/ A. !%r.)


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    The%es mo%e he%e+ >i%+ ho-ee%+ he sai*+ tha$meets the e#e/ *o$t be"iee i$ si&i*e+ $o% i$ !%ea&&i*e$t m#se"f/ J. G.)

    ;isbe"ief ses the fo""o-i$ !h%ases8Tell that to the marines (horse marines). (Te"" #o% sto%#bt $o o$e -i"" be"iee #o/)Tell me (us) another one/ ( (-e) *o$t be"iee this sto%#/)The !h%ases a%e se* to e,!%ess *isbe"ief i$ a$ im!ossib"esto%#/

    To me$tio$ that to the i% :a-%e$&esai* s"o-"#+ -o"* &e%tai$"# be te""i$ it to thema%i$es/ J. G.)he$ he sta%te* ta"ki$ abot his a*e$t%es i$$b%# te$tatie"#afte% the #o$ thi$s hae "eft/


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    @%ett# m# footF ."" that !ai$t a$* !o-*e%/ (>/M.) ma# hae bee$ fas&i$ate* he"* i$ a ki$* ofs!e"" b# a &e%tai$ 'a"it# of "ife 3h+ 'a"it#of "ife m# foot/ Eo Hst sta#e* i$ "oe -ith he% a$**i*$t k$o- it/ J. *.) hat -a$t to et at+ a$*-hat -e a"" oht to k$o- is -he%e this i%" otthose !ea%"sJ >he has to"* s the# -e%e ie$ tohe%/ . "ike"# ta"eF B. .)

    Dime$ts of the imai$atio$ a%e *es&%ibe* ths8a tall story a sto%# *iffi&"t to be"iee a$ e,ae%ate*sto%#

    e""+ sai* T%o#+ ho- *i* he et he%eJAe%i""a+ e,!"ai$e* T%ab/ The Lssia$s se$thim ba&k th%oh the "i$es to -o%k as a e%i""a/$ Lia the Ae%ma$s &aht him a$* to%t%e*

    him/Ta"" sto%#+ sai* T%o#/ S. H.)

    a cock>and>bull story (tale, yarn) a fa$tasti& a$* i$2&%e*ib"e sto%#

    Be to"* s that &o&k2a$*2b"" sto%# befo%e/ W. B.)The H*e *i* $ot be"iee the *efe$*a$ts &o&k2a$*2

    b"" sto%#/ K. H.)

    #t's far>fetched, (i/ e/ t st%ai$s o$es &%e*"it#/)

    Thats fa%2fet&he*+ am af%ai*/ (O/(.) Do% ma$#%easo$s -hi&h #o miht thi$k fa%fet&he*+ ha* a$*sti"" hae a fee"i$ that oht to s!e$* the a% i$the %a$ks a$* i$ the "i$e/ . A.)

    thi$ (e$e%a""# a bit thin) $&o$i$&i$+ im!%obab"# -eak

    Be% sto%# abot "eai$ he% !%se o$ the !ia$oso$*e* a bit thi$/ &. E. S.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    C$be"ieab"e oo* fo%t$e is *es&%ibe* ths8 ts too oo* tobe t%e/

    Bis oi&e t%emb"e* a "itt"e as he s!oke/ t a"" seeme*too oo* to be t%e/ '. !.)


    Tastes differ, o% as a$othe% !%oe%b !ts it8 one man's meatis another man's poison o$e !e%so$ ma# hate -hata$othe% "ikes/

    There is no accounting for tastes is a$othe% !%oe%b mea$2i$ the same thi$/ t it ofte$ im!"ies that the s!eake% hasthe bette% taste/

    To "ike someo$e (o% somethi$) ma# be &o""o'ia""# e,2!%esse* b# these !h%ases8 to take a fancy (liking) tosomeone (something)

    e""+ the t%th is+ e take$ a so%t of fa$ to #o+Aoe%$o% /// B. S%.) took a fa$ to him at o$&e/S. M.) Be seeme* to take %athe% a fa$ to me/ (J/G.) 9 took a %eat fa$ to #o$ .%bth$ot the mo2me$t met him/ -. W.)Eo"" thi$k me abs%*+ bt *o #o k$o- e take$a %eat fa$ to this fa$ that -as si""# e$oh to%$ a-a# -ith "ast $iht f%om #o%ba""/ -. W.)>he miht take 'ite a "iki$ to he% b%othe%2i$2"a-/

    A. !%r.) The o"* ma$s take$ a "iki$ to it/ A. !%r.)

    to take to somebody to be&ome fo$* of somebo*# tofo%m a "iki$ fo% somebo*#

    Bett# ha* a"%ea*# take$ to the i%"/ /// V. (.) N#fathe% took to him a "ot the o$"# time the# met+ a$*m# fathe%s *a%$e* *iffi&"t to !"ease/ Gr. Gr.)


  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    to have a soft spot for somebody (something)

    >he sti"" so$*e* %att#/ Iee%the"ess+ thoht sheha* a soft s!ot fo% him/ (

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    To be craAy (mad) about (on) something (somebody) is tobe%eat"# atta&he* to e%# fo$* of o% e$thsiasti& abot/ To bekee$ o$ (abot) a$* to be $ts o$ (abot) hae the samesi$ifi&a$&e/

    m &%aM# abot him/ Bes &%aM# abot me/ e&a$t "ie -ithot ea&h othe%/ A. !%r.)>hes ma* abot msi&/hi&h of s is it #o%e so kee$ o$ k$o-i$Jts a"" th%ee+ sai* ea%$est"#/ J. *.):&ki"# %ea""# am f%ihtf""# kee$ abotho%ses/ J. G.)Ni&hae"s s&h *ea* $ts o$ he% that hes etti$*""/// / J. G.)

    m $ts abot he%/ >hes $ts abot him/ &. A. S/)

    >ome othe% !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se a%e8

    (to be) up one's street site* to o$es tastes (o% !o-e%s)Be thi$ks #o%e Hst a e%# $i&e e"*e%"# "a*# -ho-as at s&hoo" -ith his -ife/ Be shook his hea* athe%/ e k$o- #o%e a bit mo%e tha$ that+ NissNa%!"e+ a%e$t #oJ

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    >ome !eo!"e miht et a ki&k ot of it/ *i*$t/A. !%r.)

    >he ot a ki&k ot of "ii$/ . K.)

    To !%efe% o$e &o%se of a&tio$ to a$othe% o% to "ike it mo%e

    tha$ a$othe% ma# be &o""o'ia""# e,!%esse* b# these !h%ases8#'d rather...#'d sooner...#'d *ust as soon...

    hi&h -o"* #o %athe% hae+ tea o% &offeeJ

    A. H.)Ne a$* Noosie% he%e hae met befo%e a$*the%es $o ma$s H*eme$t * soo$e% take tha$his/ -o"* m&h soo$e% *a$&e -ith #o/ -. W.)The#* *i$e ot -ith !eo!"e a$* make themse"es

    e%# !"easa$t bt it -as !%ett# obios thatthe#* Hst as soo$ hae sta#e* at home/ S. M.)>he sa#s she* Hst as soo$ sit a$* -at&h the

    te$$is/ W. B.)

    $*iffe%e$&e is e,!%esse* b# these !h%ases i$ &ommo$ se8#t's all one (the same) to me.

    tte%f"# o% 3,fo%*+ he sai*/ts a"" o$e to meF (/ !.)hat a%e #o oi$ to ie s+ Iikiti$J.$#thi$ #o "ike+ sai* Iikiti$+ its a"" o$e

    to me/ E. (.)>a# -hat #o thi$k+ sai* a$fo%*/ts a"" the same to me+ sai* Na%&h/ &. (.)

    abtto$t-o!e$&e a%a! t-o hoots

    not to carea fi t-o !i$sa %o- of !i$sa hoot+ et&/


    $fi$itie -ithot to

  • 8/13/2019 3299777 Colloquial English Idioms


    *o$t &a%e t-o!e$&e abot mo$e#+ sai* Be%be%t/S. M.)///m bo$* to te"" #o that *o$t &a%e t-o !i$s if#o thi$k me !"ai$ o% $ot/ S. M.) *o$t &a%e a %a!-hat #o% ste!fathe% is/ H. W.) *o$t &a%e t-ohoots -hat &o$se"11 *o/ V. (.) *o$t+ sai* o"*Ko"#o$+ &a%e a fi fo% his o!i$io$/ J. G.)

    To dislike somethi$ o% somebo*# ma# be &o""o'ia""# !ti$ this -a#8it's (he's) not my cup of tea it (he) *oes$t sit m# tasteit is $ot the so%t of thi$ (!e%so$) to a!!ea" to

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