31events native calendar invitations - calendar api/widgets

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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31events allows you to send native calendar invites to any email client. No longer do users need to "add to calendar" Events are sent via email to the users inbox and now marketers can see if a users have the event on their calendar. In addition there is a ticketing engine for events. Attendance has increases when you are correctly on a users calendar.


Embedded Calendar


Maximize your Event Send native calendar invitations for your event to any mobile or desktop device without having to worry about calendar compatibility. 31Events works with most calendar clients across Apple IOS, Android, Microsoft OutLook, Yahoo, Google and Hotmail. Ensuring that your event gets on the correct calendar is increasingly important due to mobility of devices and diversity of clients. Since our technology is based on the open standard for calendaring, your events will show up and sync to the desktop client for acceptance onto your customers calendar.

Banners Popups Email

Reporting Reminders PDF Ticketing Coupons




Why bother sending an email if you know the customer? In most B to B environments, it’s

best just to send a calendar invitation for events under 250 invitations. 31Events allows you

to create, test and send a calendar event. The invite can be tested, to ensure correct time

zone, reminders, and event messaging. There is an option to develop a pdf ticket or

coupon for the event with a option in the event creation. You can monitor the event with the

web reporting tools and also gather ticket scans at the door as an option.

We leverage our calendar web service to deliver event invitations that are in an

embedded code that can be used for email templates, web banners and pop –up windows

to enhance customer signups and attendance.

31Events use’s SENDGRID technology to ensure the best delivery of the message.

31Events.com Our Calendar Technology




Embedded Calendar Banners. This options generates the

code that can be embedded into any website for simple, easy

capture of customers that want to attend your event. We

generate a simple banner that has the date, time start, time

stop, location, reminder, and message that was created


Popup Modal. This option generates the code

that can be embedded into the classic “Add to

Calendar” Button on any website. This

replaces the need to generate several different

ICAL files that meet the specific “Add to

Calendar” Icons for Yahoo, Google, Out Look,


Email Templates for One Click RSVP. This

option generates the code that can be

embedded into any email template for simple,

easy capture of customers that want to attend

your event. Once the customer clicks the email

“Hot Link” URL, we send them the calendar

invitation. Currently we support Mail Chimp

and Constant Contact.

31Events.com Use Cases to maximize attendance


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