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30 International EIR April 11, 2008

From Our Archives

Gore’s Racist Assault 

 Against Malaysia  by Michael Billington

To anyone who is amiliar with the history o Al Gore’s racist,

anti-development, imperialist policies toward developing na-

tions, it comes as no surprise to fnd him campaigning today

against the phony “threat” o global warming allegedly posed 

by the process o industrialization. His hatred o any develop-

ing nation that reuses to ollow the orders o the Anglo-Dutch

 fnanciers’ “Washington Consensus” is particularly evident 

in the case o Malaysia. EIR has recently learned that Gore is

again interering in Malaysian internal aairs, conspiring

again with Anwar Ibrahim (a “shared asset” o Gore and 

Paul Wolowitz) to bring down the majority party in Malaysia

and take control himsel, on behal o his colonial sponsors.

 Here is a brie review o Gore’s past evil deeds in Malaysia:

In November 1998, President Clinton had to skip an impor-

tant meeting o the Asia Pacic Economic Cooperation o-

rum (APEC) in Kuala Lumpur, because o a military crisis in

the Balkans (which had been instigated by Vice President Al

Gore and his pal, diplomat and investment banker Richard

Holbrooke). Clinton sent Gore in his place to represent the

United States. Only two months earlier, Malaysian Prime

Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad had implemented currency

controls and xed currency rates, to counter the attack on the

Asian currencies by George Soros and his ellow hedge und


Clinton had been considering what he reerred to as a

“new international nancial architecture,” which would have

seen the Malaysian move towards currency controls as a pos-

sible model or developing nations to protect themselves

within a new monetary ramework.

However, rather than building the needed relationship be-

tween the United States and Malaysia, Gore launched a public

assault on Prime Minister Mahathir, and in deense o the de-

posed ormer Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who had de-

ended the IMF’s conditionalities and rejected Mahathir’s

sovereign controls. As Finance Minister (and Deputy Prime

Minister), Anwar had implemented an “IMF austerity policy

without the IMF,” beore Mahathir dumped him.

‘We Should Fry Him’Gore was the eatured speaker at the APEC orum on Nov.

16, sharing the podium with Mahathir. Outside the conerence

center, anarchists supporting Anwar were rioting in the streets,

making calls to bring down the government. Claiming that

Malaysia could not protect his security, Gore demanded that

the hotel management shut down the air conditioning, sup-

posedly to prevent his enemies rom putting poison in the ven-

tilation system. Then, beore a sweaty audience, Gore incited

the anarchists: “Democracy can give the stamp o legitimacy

that reorms must have in order to be eective, and so, among

nations who suer economic crises, we continue to hear calls

or democracy, calls or reorm, in many languages. People

power. Reormasi. We hear them today, right here, right now,

among the brave people o Malaysia.”

Trade Minister Radah Aziz called it “the most disgusting

speech I’ve heard in my lie,” while Foreign Minister Abdul-

lah Ahmad Badawi (now the Prime Minister) said: “Malaysia

nds the incitement by the U.S. government to lawlessness by

certain elements within the country, to use undemocratic

means in order to overthrow a constitutionally elected gov-

ernment, most abhorrent. Malaysians do not take kindly to

sanctimonious sermonizing rom any oreign quarter, espe-

cially the United States, a country which is known to have

committed gross violations o human rights.”

Dr. Mahathir was more direct: “We should ry him. Al Gore

does not love Malaysia nor its people. Al Gore and his govern-

ment only want to manipulate and control our country.”

Gore did not apologize, but told Russian Prime Minister

Yevgeni Primakov (another target o Gore’s intended “regime

change”), “That is the American message, and I am proud to

EIRNS/Stuart Lewis

 Al Gore rides the circuit or his global warming raud (here, at 

George Washington University in May 2007).

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April 11, 2008EIR

International 31

deliver it here and anywhere I go. Moving into the 21st Cen-

tury with a strong economy really requires democracy and


Anwar’s Friends to the RescueTwo days ater the 1998 Gore tirade in Kuala Lumpur,

when the Asian Wall Street Journal oered the jailed Anwar

Ibrahim its editorial page, Anwar showed his allegiance to the

international nancial institutions, and to colonial policy: “In-

stead o pointing the nger at speculators and blaming ‘unre-

alistic demands’ set by international agencies acting as lend-

ers o last resort, Asian nations would do well to put their

houses in order rst,” he wrote. Asian nations must end “am-

bitious plans or outlandish projects,” commit themselves “to

wiping out corruption and nepotism,” remove tari barriers

and eradicate “subsidies, monopolies and avoritism. . . . So

many vested interests are at stake. Unless the gale o creative

destruction is unleashed on these rent-seeking and parasitic

corporate activities [i.e., national industries], the Asian econ-

omy will never regain its past vigor.”

It is clear he means the “past vigor” o the colonial era,

with the colonies providing raw materials and cheap labor, but

certainly no “ambitious plans or outlandish projects” in their

own sel-interest.

A ew weeks later, speculator George Soros returned the

avor in a speech at Johns Hopkins University, calling or An-

war to be released, while accusing Dr. Mahathir o supporting

his “cronies” at the expense o the economy, concluding: “So

I think what needs to happen, is, he needs to be removed rom


In August 2000, when Anwar Ibrahim was convicted o 

corruption and sodomy ater a 14-month trial, his pal Al Gore,

then in the heat o his Presidential campaign against George

W. Bush, took time out rom his campaign to speak out against

the rule o law: “I am deeply disturbed by the verdicts

handed down in Malaysia in the case o Deputy Prime

Minister Anwar Ibrahim. . . . The show trial [he was]

orced to endure mocked the international standards

o justice.”

Among Friends in WashingtonWhen Anwar was released rom prison in 2004, he

was greeted by his two closest allies in the West, Al

Gore and Paul Wolowitz. It was probably Wolowitz,

then at the center o running a military version o “re-

gime change” in Iraq, who arranged or Anwar to get

a position at the Johns Hopkins University School or

Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washing-

ton, where Wolowitz had been the dean. Anwar also

got a position at St. Anthony’s College at Oxord,

England, where he met with Gore, who was by this

time running a hedge und in London, Generation In-

vestment Management. Anwar also spent time with

his old riends rom the British oligarchy, Chris Pat-

ten, ormer high lord o Hong Kong, and Gordon Brown, the

current Prime Minister.

Returning to Washington, Anwar ound another lucrative

position working or Wolowitz at the World Bank, imposing

conditions on developing nations that reject his warped orm

o “democracy.” He also took on the leadership o a project

promoted by Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz, or “regime

change” through subversion in the Arab world, called Foun-

dation or the Future. When Wolowitz had to nd a place to

send his then-girlriend because o a potential confict o in-

terest at the World Bank, Anwar took her in with open arms,

turning his “anti-corruption” head the other way when Wolo-

witz corruptly arranged to pay her a bloated tax-ree salary on

the World Bank tab. Wolowitz was soon ousted rom his post

over this hypocritical stunt, although the representatives o 

the developing nations at the World Bank had plenty o other,

more serious, reasons to throw the bum out.

In February 2006, Gore shared the stage with Anwar at the

Jeddah Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia. Gore shared another

position with a dierent Malaysian in 2007; both he and Dr. Ma-

hathir were nominated or the Nobel Peace Prize. Although Gore

won, or the genocidal pack o lies in his lm “An Inconvenient

Truth,” the real inconvenient truth is that Gore is committed to

the “Peace o the Grave” or millions o the world’s poor.

Anwar Ibrahim is back in politics in Malaysia now. He

has pasted together a coalition o his own small ollowing,

with the Islamic undamentalist party and the racial parties

representing the raction o the Chinese and Indian minori-

ties, which reuse to work with the government coalition. Al-

though these parties won only a third o the parliamentary

seats, that is ar more than the opposition has won in recent

elections, and Anwar is bragging that he can “persuade”

some government MPs to switch sides. Is the green ascist Al

Gore part o that persuasion?


 Anwar Ibrahim (center) meets with buddy Paul Wolowitz (with back tocamera). Anwar is working with a small group in Malaysia to oust the

governing coalition.

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