3 ways weightlifting lowers blood pressure

Post on 17-May-2015






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Contrary to popular belief, weightlifting lowers blood pressure naturally (and studies prove it). Here are 3 ways resistance training mediates this effect...


3 Ways Weightlifting Lowers Blood Pressure

by James Wardwww.CruiseControlDiet.com

Weightlifting has gotten a bum rap throughout the years.

As a result, many choose to avoid it altogether - opting for some form of cardio instead.

And it's unfortunate because the health benefits of resistance training are many, while the risks relatively few.

For example, most women will choose the treadmill over the squat rack for fear of getting


- something that's unlikely to happen unless anabolic

steroids come into the picture.

Similarly, several men with hypertension will shy away from the weights as well - believing it will make their

condition worse.

Which is why the need for this presentation exists.

Listen, everyone should be lifting weights.

But if you have high blood pressure, there's even more

reason to do so.

It will help you lower it naturally. And as you already

know, that will keep your ticker beating strong, and without

needing more drugs.

Of course, this bit of information flies in the face of

conventional wisdom.

In fact, many well-meaning (yet ignorant) doctors have…

…scared their patients away from such a wonderful way to get fit – fearing that it would

exacerbate their hypertension.

But studies clearly show that the exact opposite happens.

As it turns out, lifting a few times a week is one of the best (natural) medicines for lowering blood pressure.

Now, before we move on to how exactly weightlifting lowers blood pressure, take

heed of this warning.

You need to get clearance from your doctor first.

Plus, your hypertension should be controlled.

It's not a good idea to strain your system if you're

pulsing at 200/120.

But provided the above-mentioned criteria are met, hit

the gym and hit it hard.

With that said, here are 3 ways weightlifting lowers

blood pressure:

#1. It builds muscle (the most obvious benefit).

When you're carrying more lean mass, everyday tasks require less effort.

As a result, your heart doesn't strain as much, and your blood pressure stays


#2. It improves insulin sensitivity.

The more responsive your cells are to insulin, the less your pancreas

needs to secrete.

Why is this so important?

Simple: high levels of this hormone cause salt retention.

This, in turn, leads to fluid retention and an

overall rise in BP.

In contrast, keeping your insulin levels low

(by reducing demand via resistance training) stops

this from happening.

#3. It prevents Magnesium wasting.

This is an indirect effect that's mediated by insulin.

However, the mechanism (and its importance) is worth

mentioning on its own.

When you're insulin resistant – something you can avoid or even reverse with resistance

training – your body loses Magnesium in the urine.

That's not good because this mineral allows your blood

vessels to relax.

On the other hand, less magnesium leads to stricter arteries and a rise in blood


With that said, there are many more ways weightlifting can lower blood pressure – both indirectly and directly.

But I'm sure you get the point.

So, if you haven't already incorporated this type of training into your weekly schedule, now's

the time to do it.

You'll lose weight, optimize your health, and... even look good naked! What could be

better than that?


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