3 ways to get more attention for your small business

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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3 Ways to Get More Attention for your Small Business

I have worked for companies with huge PR and communications departments—teams who spend their entire day getting the word out about your products and services. I have also worked for 10-person companies who didn't have two nickels to rub together—and who had to claw and scratch to get any attention at all.

As a small business owner, you think about customers every day: how to engage current ones and lure back former ones. But you also likely spend a great deal of time thinking about how to attract new customers. Leaf offers 3 (plus!) strategies that can help.

Forge partnerships with complementary businesses. There is strength in numbers, and partnering with like-minded businesses will enable you to expand your customer reach. Hold a sidewalk sale with neighboring shops. Host a themed event. For example, if you own an independent pet store, you could partner with an animal training company, a professional dog walking firm, and the new vet in town to host a pet show at the public park. Include small, relevant vendors and watch people—and their revenue—roll in.

Get involved in your local community. Whether you volunteer at community events or participate in charity giving, establishing stronger roots in your community is a wonderful undertaking that will reap benefits for years to come. Sponsor a 5k, put a donation cup on your counter to support a sick local child, or donate your business skills (tax prep, marketing, etc.) to an event or organization in need. You will expand your business circles, give back to the neighborhood that supports you, and introduce yourself to a new set of potential customers.

Reach out to members of the media. Contact your local media when you have something newsworthy to report—such as a new location, new ownership, a milestone anniversary, a new employee who deserves the spotlight, and the like. But instead of making the story about YOU, take it as an opportunity to share wisdom about how you got there. Be creative in your approach, and be willing to talk about anything—but be picky in the stories you choose to share, and make sure they will have value for readers.

Embrace low-level marketing tactics. Distribute business cards and fliers to local, non-competitive businesses, and offer to do the same for them. Choose a charity to get involved with, and bring customers along for the ride—offer discounts to customers who volunteer time or donate money to the designated organization. If your shop or restaurant is situated in a place with good foot traffic, position an employee outside your door and hand out free samples. Create a themed, personalized 2015 calendar (include your logo and contact info on every page) and give it to customers—food and puppy pictures sell! Think creatively, and your promotional efforts will be rewarded.

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