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The Monograph


Viktoriia Hrosul, Prof. Dr. of Economics

Kseniia Kalienik, Ph.D in Economics

Ilmars Kreituss, Prof. Dr. of Chemistry

Kharkiv – Riga



UDC 658



Viktoriia Hrosul, Kseniia Kalienik, Ilmars Kreituss

The text of this monograph was approved at the RISEBA University Scientific

Committee meeting on 29 January, 2020


Prof., Doctor of Economics Tatjana Vasiljeva, Vice Rector of RISEBA University of

Applied Sciences (Latvia),

Assoc. Prof., Doctor of Economics Tatul Mkrtchyan , Vice Rector of Armenian State

University of Economics (Armenia).

Formation of competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprises: monograph /

V. Hrosul, K. Kalienik, I. Kreituss – Riga : RISEBA, 2020. – 292 p.

RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology

Meza Street 3, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia www.riseba.lv

ISBN 978-9984-705-47-7

© RISEBAUniversity, 2020

© Viktoriia Hrosul

© Kseniia Kalienik

© Ilmars Kreituss

Scientific Edition, 2020









1.1 The essence of competitive strategy and its place in the system

of basic concepts of competition theory……………………………….


1.2 Key aspects of formation of competitive strategy in restaurant

business enterprises……………………………………………………


1.3 Classification of competitive strategies of restaurant

business enterprises…………………………………………………….


Conclusions to chapter 1………………………………………………..







2.1 Analitic rating of Ukraine`s restaurant business enterprises

development tendencies………………………………………………..


2.2 Assessment of the influence of environmental factors on the

activities of restaurant business enterprises…………………………….


2.3 Comprehensive assessment of the competitive potential

of restaurant business enterprises………………………………………


Conclusions to chapter 2……………………………………………….






3.1 Methodological toolkit for determining the stage of life cycle

of restaurant business enterprises………………………………………


3.2 Assessment of the level of consumer loyalty to the restaurant

business enterprise……………………………………………………...


3.3 Determination of an optimal type of competitive strategy of

restaurant business enterprises………………………………………….


Conclusions to chapter 3……………………………………………….


CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………... 176

LIST OF REFERENCES…………………………………………………….. 180

APPENDICES………………………………………………………………... 206



The current period of structural and innovative development of the Ukraine`s

economy is characterized by volatility of the environment and aggravation of

competition. In such circumstances, the competitive sustainability and long-term

development of restaurant businesses are determined by the ability to create and

retain consumer value that generates competitive advantage. Awareness of these

circumstances has led to the intensification of the scientific interest of researchers in

the problem of forming a specific content and sequence of implementation of the

competitive strategy of the restaurant business.

Development of theory and methodology of forming of competitive strategy is

covered in works of domestic and foreign scientists economists: H. Azoiev, I. Ansoff,

L. Balabanova, Z. Bandura, R. Brukhanskyi, Ye. Beltiukov, I. Bozhydai, O.

Vykhanskyi, T. Zahorna, Yu. Ivanov, B. Karloff, R. Kvasnytska, I. Koshelupov, J.

Lamben, N. Lepa, Donald R. Lemann, M. Porter, B. Raian, A.J. Striklend, A.

Tompson, R. Fatkhutdinov, Kh. Fridah, B. Fishchuk, M. Chorna, V. Shvets etc.

Various theoretic and methodical aspects of forming of competitive strategy of

restaurant business enterprises is a subject of active scientific discussion among

domestic researchers: T. Androsova, N. Vlasova, M. Hinda, V. Hrosul, V. Zhdanova,

K. Elliott, A.Karuan, N. Krasnokutska, O. Kruhlova, N. Lepetiukha, N. Mitsenko, V.

Nadtochyi, M. Naumenko, D. Prykhodko, H. Piatnytska, S. Tkachova, V. Sharko, etc.

Therewith, the study of published works and practices of business activity

indicate a lack of coverage of fundamentally important issues related to theoretical

and methodological support for the formation of a competitive strategy of restaurants,

the use of modern methods of assessing the level of realization of competitive

potential, assessing the level of consumer loyalty to the restaurant business. farms,

determining the type of competitive behavior. The experience gained in formulation

of a competitive strategy is most often associated with the activities of manufacturing

or trading enterprises, which makes it impossible to use it without proper adjustment

and taking into account the industry specificity of domestic restaurant enterprises..

The monograph is devoted to the scientific substantiation of theoretical and

methodical provisions, the development of scientific and practical recommendations

for the formation of competitive strategy of restaurants.





1.1. The essence of competitive strategy and its place in the system of basic

concepts of competition theory

The rapid transformation of the conditions of functioning of enterprises in the

market, the widespread use of consumer-oriented approach in the production, sale of

products and provision of services, shortening the life cycle of goods and services are

making the issue of formation of an effective competitive strategy, which would be

aimed at improving the competitiveness of enterprises, benefits and support of a

competitive position in a particular market segment relevant.

Theoretical and practical aspects of formation of competitive strategy are

widely covered in the writings of domestic and foreing scientists-economists,

including: H. Azoiev [7], I. Ansoff [12], V. Androsova, N. Vlasova, O. Kruhlova, N.

Mykhailova [36], K. Bohomolovoi [23], I. Bozhydai [24], V. Hrosul [51], T. Zahorna

[72], Yu. Ivanov [73], I. Kyrchata, H. Poiasnyk [97], M. Porter [161; 258], Dzh.

OShonessy [144], H. Piatnytska [151], A. Tompson [192], S. Tkachova [191], I.

Tiukha [191], H. Khamel [199], M. Chorna [204], O. Shpytiak[212], etc. Therewith,

despite the diverse focus of publications of theoretical and methodical and applied

orientation, in the economic literature the understanding and application of the

conceptual apparatus of competition theory is ambiguous and has a controversial

nature, which complicates the practical issues of forming an effective competitive

strategy and its implementation.

To formulate an effective competitive strategy for business entities, it is first of

all necessary to have a clear understanding of the essence of its basic concept -


Conducted theoretical studies suggest that in economic science there is no

accurate information as to when and which author first introduced the concept of


"competition", but the first most comprehensive theoretical provisions on the driving

forces of competition appeared only in the XVIII century. [248; 252 parts; 263; 267].

The "competition" concept and its content have been considered at different

times by representatives of different economic schools. For the first time, the concept

of competition as a rivalry between economic entities was introduced in the work of

A. Smith, A Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [267], in which

a prominent economist proved that the so-called "invisible hand of the market", by

equating profit margins, leads to an optimal distribution of labor and capital, thereby

balancing the private interests of owners and overall economic efficiency. Further

development of the theory of absolute superiority by A. Smith was carried out by D.

Ricardo in the work "The beginnings of political economy and taxation" [263],

developing the theory of relative advantage, according to which market forces are

independently directing resources in the direction where they will be used most


Instead, J.S. Mill, in his work, Fundamentals of Political Economy, [252] did

not define competition as a law establishing rules for regulating society. The scientist

stated that competition does not have unlimited power on all sides of society,

contrasting it with the so-called "custom", according to which the rivalry that arises

in a competitive environment can destroy the existing society and class ties in it.

Thus, JJC. Mill took a step back in the formation of the theory of competition, not

understanding the need to develop competitive relationships and their impact on the


Neoclassical School of Political Economy at the End of the Nineteenth

Century introduced the effect of perfect competition on the price system directly

through A. Marshall's neoclassical concepts, as expressed in The Fundamentals of

Economic Science [248], where the mechanism of establishing equilibrium in the

market through perfect competition and the operation of marginal utility laws is

more fully substantiated.

However, critics of the perfect competition model I. Schumpeter [214] and F.

A. Hayek [239] pointed to elements of monopoly that permeated the economy and


were not reflected in the existing concept. The most fundamental contradiction, in

their view, was that the economic concept of perfect competition was not able to

reflect the deep essence of competition, neglected the dynamics of competitive

activity and ignored the importance of a temporary factor. It is worth noting that

these scientists were the first (at the beginning of the twentieth century) to focus on

the importance of innovation and information in the formation of a competitive

environment, according to which successful in the market were those entities that

fully possessed these necessary in the competition tools..

M. Porter made a significant contribution to the development of competition

theory [161; 258] proposing a new model of enterprise competitiveness formation

based on the 5 developed competitive forces and presented the main competitive

strategies that can be achieved through the acquisition and development of

competitive advantages. The theory of the American scientist was a pecurial

discovery, because until then (at the beginning of the 1980's) no detailed assessment

of the competitive environment was offered.

Further development of the theory of competition was formed in the general

conception of its main driving forces, which resulted in the creation of four classic

models: perfect (pure), monopolistic, oligopolistic competition and pure monopoly,

which have not lost their relevance today.

Summarizing the results of the study of the essence of the concept of

"competition" allowed to systematize the stages of development of the theory of

competition (Appendix A, Fig. A.1). According to the results of the analysis, it can be

stated that the substantive load of the concept of "competition" over time has

undergone some transformational changes and, if at the stage of emergence of

competition, competition was considered, first of all, as a strife for limited resources

for the greatest needs (behavioral approach), then over time the emphasis of research

of scientists has shifted to the plane of research of structural elements of the market

(structural approach), methods and results of conducting competitive struggle by

introduction of innovations (functional approach).


In Ukraine recognition of competition and understanding of competitive

principles took place at the beginning of twentieth century. However, the change of

political emphasis towards the creation of state monopolies in 1917 led to the

cessation of theoretical studies of the market and competition. Only from the second

half of the 70`s due to the formation of a fundamentally new approach to the

functioning of the economic mechanism, scientific research on competition issues is


Actually, after Ukraine became an independent state, the process of creating

legislation was started, which aimed to provide proper protection of competition to

domestic enterprises and foreign economic entities. In 1993, the Antimonopoly

Committee of Ukraine was established [145], the purpose of which is to ensure state

protection of competition in business activities. The next stage in the development of

competitive relations was the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine on 28th


1996, Article 42 of which indicates the obligations of the state to protect competition

and prevent abuse of monopoly status [105].

In the domestic scientific space, increased interest in the study of "competition"

is observed in the period of market transformation processes. In the early 1990s,

Ukraine was one of many countries that began to create a new system of competition

law to accelerate the transition from a planned to a market economy. At the same

time, the process of forming a competitive environment in accordance with

international standards was complicated by the presence of a considerable number of

problems related to the lack of practical experience of competition in Ukraine.

Researchers have mainly focused on justifying the applied importance of competition

in establishing strategic vectors for enterprise development.

2013 was a time of severe political and economic upheaval for Ukraine, the

consequences of which are still felt [145]. This has undoubtedly influenced the

formation of competition at the state, regional and sectoral levels. As such, Ukraine's

competition law is in its infancy and development stage nowadays. A number of

regulations are abolished, others are amended and supplemented, concepts of new

regulations are being developed.


The study of economic literature and the generalization of the results of the

study of the essence of the concept of "competition" (Appendix A, table. A.1) made it

possible to point out that each scientist considers competition from a certain point of

view with emphasis on those or other aspects of the activity of the enterprise, on the

one hand. reflects the breadth of the research plane, on the other hand, testifies to the

complexity and multidimensionality of the concept of "competition" itself.

Based on the results of the theoretical study, it can be argued that in the

economic literature, "competition" is most often associated with the competition of

market actors for greater benefits and advantages. Undoubtedly, the result of the

competition is to gain a winning position in a particular market, which, as it is quite

appropriately pointed out by A.S. Spitak "... is characteristic of a particular point in

time in a particular market and under certain conditions among entities that intend to

gain a winnig competitive position and have sufficient resources to admit to

competition (involved in competition)" [212, p. 422].

Noteworthy are the positions of scientists, according to which "competition" is

characterized as the struggle for the most favorable conditions for the production,

purchase and sale of goods [7; 109; 127], which provides the highest economic

results compared to competitors; the struggle for the solvent demand of consumers

[72; 162], which allows to produce and sell such products and services for which the

consumer is “willing” to pay. Noteworthy is the approach according to which the

essence of competition is seen as struggle, limited volume and the most effective

conditions and results of investment [97; 124; 127; 168; 202; 244], the result of this

struggle is, for example, the determination of the positions of investment

attractiveness of economic entities.

Thus, the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "competition" through

the behavioral aspect, binds it to the struggle (competition, strife) of market players

for economic benefits, solvent demand (consumer money), which, accordingly,

focuses attention on such features as conflict of interests between subjects, which is

usually manifested in their desire to be more successful than others [261, p. 11]. In

turn, recognition of the conflicting nature of competition necessitates the


determination of certain market behavior. At the same time, the market (its structure

and conditions) determine the parameters of behavior of business entities.

In this regard, a structural approach to defining the essence of the concept of

"competition", according to which "competition as a form of antagonistic

confrontation of market entities is not capable of long-term existence, and its research

should not be limited to simple identification of winners, is quite reasonable in our

view." [109; 119; 220], because competition reflects the relationships between

business entities in a particular target market at specific times, the essence of which is

an effort to achieve better performance than other market participants, similar in

specialization and function. In the structural approach, the focus is not on the struggle

between economic entities, but on the analysis of the market structure and its

conditions. Against this background, the concept of "competition" is relevant to a

particular target market and a certain period of time, until the competitive conditions

of the market remain unchanged. In this aspect, we support the position that "...

competition is a constructive interaction, coexistence of economic relations" [23, p.

149]. The principles of the structural approach correspond to A. M. Brandenburger

and B.J. Nailbaff's [28] theory of "co-opetition" and F. Moore's theory of

"entrepreneurial ecosystems" [254]. The essence of co-competition is that previously

competing companies are taking joint steps to achieve any goal. That is, competition

is a form of interaction that is predominantly short-term, aimed at achieving a goal

that is equally important to all participants [127]. According to the theory of

"entrepreneurial ecosystems" the entrepreneurial environment is compared with the

environment of wildlife (ecosystem), in which not only the struggle but also the

interconnection and cooperation take place [254, p.46].

In the process of researching the essence of the concept of "competition", a

functional approach to its interpretation was revealed, the main purpose of which is to

show the role of competition in a changing economy [216, p. 176-199], in which the

object of competition becomes not so much the study of the competitive behavior of

subjects in the market, but the definition of the functions of competition, its

consequences for the economy of a particular market or the country as a whole [16, p.


9]. In this aspect, the view that competition is regarded as “… a mechanism used to

ensure the efficient organization and functioning of the economic system” [143] is

noteworthy. Within the functional approach, competition is seen as an element of the

market mechanism, the main driving force of economic development, the struggle of

the old with the new.

According to the structural approach laid down by E. Chamberlin [228] and J.

Robinson [171.] competition is regarded as a criterion by which the sectoral market

can be classified into four types of markets: perfect competition, monopolistic

competition, oligopolies and monopoly [234]. This approach is based on the theory of

market morphology [40], according to which "competition" means the ability of the

market to create an environment for its participants, which determines their special

behavior. In this case, the number and behavior of industry participants determines

the overall situation on it [57; 81; 98; 147; 204]. It should be noted that in the Law of

Ukraine "On Protection of Economic Competition" the essence of the concept of

"competition" is considered from the standpoint of a structural approach, according to

which, economic competition is "... competition between economic entities to acquire

advantages over other entities management, as a result of which consumers

(economic entities) have the opportunity to choose between several sellers (buyers),

and an individual entity cannot determine the conditions of turnover of goods on the

market ”[167, p. 12]. The result of the struggle of economic entities for more

favorable conditions in the market is, as noted by M.V. Black, is “… socio-economic

development of society, and competition is subject to mandatory regulation at

national and international levels, and in various sectors of the economy has particular

manifestations. It is important that the mechanism of competition is implemented on

the basis of laws of supply and demand in the market »[204, p. 24].

In our opinion, the view that competition is regarded as an "opening procedure"

according to which the market system integrates competing management goals

characterized by unique knowledge deserves attention. The market system increases

the ability of subjects to achieve their own goals by promoting the dissemination of

knowledge and the emergence of new ones [239, p. 257].


Thus, the analysis created an informational basis for identifying the basic

positions of scientists, from which the essence of the concept of "competition" in

modern economic literature is determined (Fig. 1.1).

The identified positions of scientists, from which the essence of the concept of

"competition" is defined, focus on its versatility and comprehensively characterize its

main features as [218, p. 44]: a) objectivity (condition of market economy); b)

subjectivity (presence of subjects of competitive interaction); c) the unity of

competitive principles (market conditions); d) dynamism (changes in competitive

conditions); e) activity (focus on success in competition); f) performance

(competitive positioning, ie determining the position of winner and loser); g)

motivation (the presence of competitive motives, such as: success, leadership

positions and others); h) situationality (determined by the competitive situation); i)

innovativeness (connection with innovation processes and innovation orientation); j)

orderliness (content is determined depending on the goals for which it is formed).

* B – behavioral approach, S – structural approach, F – functional approach, Z– strategic approach

Figure. 1.1. The list of positions from which the essence of the concept of

"competition" in contemporary economic literature is determined (identified by the

author on the basis of generalization [16; 28; 40; 81; 98; 143; 147; 171; 204; 216;

218; 228; 234; 239; 254)


Market relationship


Battle between old

and new (F)

Moving force of

changes (F)

Criterion of

determination of

industry structure

of the market (S)

Forces of

interaction in the


Competition of

enteties of the

market (B*)

Condition of

functioning in the

market (S)

Constructive interaction,

coexistence of enteties of



Struggle for financial


Tools of

redistribution of


Tools of

improving quality

of products and

services (F) Procedure of

discovering new



Source of appearance

of competitive

advantages (Z)


Wide range of positions to determine the essence of the concept of

"competition" presented (Fig. 1.1) suggests that scientific concept and economic

phenomenon of competition is a multifaceted category of economic relations, which

can not be reduced to a single universal and narrow definition, which in turn focuses

on the need to use a wide range of effective tools for competitive functioning.

Therefore, based on the results of the analysis of definitions of the concept of

"competition", it should be noted that in general, competition determines the

boundary of opportunities to achieve better performance within a particular economic

system, which includes other market participants, similar in specialization and

function. At the same time, the need to characterize the ability of an individual entity

to outperform other market participants (rivals) in achieving their goals and obtain

better results in a competitive market causes the existence of a concept in the theory

of competition such as "competitiveness". Competitiveness, according to O.O.

Hetman and V.M. Shapoval describes "... the ability of an enterprise to participate in

competition and the success of its activity in a particular market" [41, p. 44-45]. Of

course, "..competitiveness is manifested only in the conditions of competition and

through competition. In addition, the more efficient the market is, the more

competitive it is, the more important is competitiveness ”[190, p. 44].

The concept of "competitiveness" is quite broadly covered in contemporary

economic literature from a broad to a narrow understanding. Summarizing the results

of the study (Appendix A, Table A.2) suggests that there is no single and commonly

accepted definition of the concept of "enterprise competitiveness" in modern

economic literature. Therewith, based on the results of the study, it should be

determined that in general, competitiveness characterizes various aspects of the

ability of the enterprise: 1) the ability to compete, withstand competitors; 2) the

ability to offer competitive products (services) that meet the requirements of

consumers; 3) ability to meet market requirements; 4) the ability to adapt to the

dynamic conditions of competition; 5) the ability to deliver high performance against



Taking into account that "ability" can be characterized only by comparing a

certain object with others (similar in specialization and functions) in a certain time

period, is determined by the degree of satisfaction with the goods and services of

specific groups of consumers, competitiveness has a comparative, time (dynamic)

and address character [174, p. 126], typical features of which are given in Appendix

A, Table. A.3.

Summarizing the results of the study on the essence of the concept of

"competitiveness of the enterprise", we can conclude that competitiveness is an

external (relative to a specific entity) quality, which is manifested only in the

conditions of competitive rivalry and involves comparing their own capabilities to

achieve the desired results relative to other competitors.

The basis on which an enterprise is able to maintain and enhance its

competitiveness in the long run is the competitive potential that characterizes the key

aspects of the enterprise that position it in the market. Competitive potential is a key

characteristic of an enterprise through which it declares itself to customers and

determines the uniqueness of the enterprise and its products (services). On the one

hand, competitive potential is a competitive strategic asset that demonstrates the

value that an enterprise brings to its customers. On the other hand, it is an asset of an

enterprise on the basis of which it confronts new threats from competitors - threats,

the existence of which it may not even be aware of, and which may result from

radical changes in the world of high technology. Identifying and using such unique

qualities will allow the enterprise to compete with other manufacturers in a dynamic

market environment [124].

In the process of competition, competitiveness through the realization of

competitive potential is transformed into competitive advantage or the subject loses

competition [16, p.423]. In this context, the view of N.V. Kudenko, who states that

“… the positive differences between the company and its competitors in some or all

activities that provide socio-economic efficiency in the short term and survival - in

the long term by the way of constant search for new opportunities and rapid

adaptation to the environment and the conditions for adapting to the ever-changing

competitive struggle and present a direct competitive advantage ” is undeniable[111,


p. 30]. The need to create, accumulate and develop competitive advantages "... in the

field of quality improvement, price reduction, flexibility to respond to changing

consumer needs or market situation, innovation is driven primarily by increased

competition in domestic and foreign markets, accelerated changes in the economy,

increased demands of consumers for goods, the level of services rendered as a result

causes the enterprises to have competitive advantages for the effective development

of the company ”[59].

Awareness of the importance of competitive advantage in delivering higher

results than competitors has led to a focus of attention of scientists and practitioners

on the issues of competitive advantage formation.

The study of economic literature has shown that the vast majority of definitions

of the essence of the concept of "competitive advantage" focus on two aspects -

obtaining higher results of the enterprise compared to competitors and different

aspects of value creation (Appendix A, Table A.4).

The concept of "competitive advantage" was first suggested by M. Porter, who

characterizes competitive advantage as a central element of the enterprise in

competitive markets and under this term understands "... a set of certain factors of the

enterprise (from low costs to differentiation of goods), which determine its success in

competitive struggle ”[162, p. 196]. The most important achievement of M. Porter's

theory is the recognition of the need for a thorough study of the value chain to

identify specific mechanisms for the interaction of enterprise units in product creation

(consumer value).

Over time, the understanding of the concept of "competitive advantage" has

been modified and acquired new shades. Thus, the development of information

technologies and the rapid growth of the possibilities of globalization of resources led

to a shift in the focus of sources to the formation of competitive advantages from the

internal factors of the enterprise (production, technology, organization, personnel,

etc.). to deeper internal factors of the enterprise - resources and abilities, which as a

result are transformed into competencies, which, in turn, are the basis of formation in

competitive advantages.\ Representatives of the resource approach to determining

competitive advantages (E. Penrose, B. Vernelfelt, G. Hamel and D. Prahalad [199],


J. Barney [223], J. Tees [190], R. Grant [46] and others) the key sources of long-term

competitive advantage are the internal resources and capabilities of the enterprise

itself. This approach does not lose its relevance today. Thus, competitive advantages

are understood as "the totality of combinations of available resources ... and ways of

using them" [115, p. 52], "the unique tangible and elusive resources possessed by the

enterprise" [122, p. 71]. Discussive is the issue is the definition of these "unique"

resources and their optimal combination, which are key to securing an edge over


Considering that the advantage over competitors must be claimed by

consumers, it is undisputed that competitive advantage can be ensured on the basis of

the most complete satisfaction of consumer requests. In this aspect, a value-oriented

approach to defining the essence of competitive advantage, according to which “…

the creation of sustainable competitive advantages is to differentiate a product on a

competitive basis by characteristics that are important and relevant to customers”

[224] is worthy of consideration. At the same time, as J. O'Shaughnessy adequately

defines, "... the created benefits must largely meet, or slightly exceed, the

expectations of consumers" [144, p. 349], and "... in order not to lose consumers, it is

necessary to respond flexibly to changes in market conditions" [219, p. 183].

Thus, the essence of competitive advantage can be interpreted as asymmetry or

a difference between enterprises in any comparative measurement that allows an

enterprise to compete better than its competitors. In order to differentiate the

enterprises a competitive benefit can be one out of two types [247, p. 53]: positional-

possition that difines the status, that leads to increase of productivity of the enterprise,

kinetic, that allows the enterprise to function more and more effective.

Positional competitive advantage is linked to unique resources possessed by an

enterprise, position on the market and other characteristics that are relatively static

and define the social or economic status of an enterprise which is perceived by

consumers, competitors, partners and other stakeholders. This approach to the

formation of competitive benefits determines the existance of “competitive

environment” cocept in the competitive theory, on basis of which the conditions of


positioning of an enterprise on the market can be characterized and the advantages of

enterprise compared to its competitors can be evaluated.

The appearance of kinetic competitive advantage is usually resulted by

knowledge, experience, adequancy and possibilities of an enterprise, especially those

that appear when accessing the knowledge and possibilities of other enterprises. It is

based on the competence and organizational skills of the enterprise, including, but not

limited to, the ability to identify market opportunities, customer knowledge, technical

know-how and capabilities, speed of action and response in the market, and the

efficiency and flexibility of business or organizational processes.

Positional and kinetic competitive advantages are interconnected and

interdependent. On one hand, positional competitive advantages result in kinetic

competitive advantages. On the other hand, kinetic competitive advantages of an

enterprise contribute to strengthening its positional advantages. Therewith, it should

be considered that current competitive position can represent possibilities that were

already realized, that with time can be lost due to changes of market conditions.

Given the lack of kinetic advantages, the likelihood of danger of losing of positional

advantages of an enterprise rises. Accordingly, without positional competitive

advantages, the kinetic advantages of the enterprise do not ensure the neutralization

of the influence of competitive forces.

Considering this, “… competitive advantages determine the competitive

position of an enterprise in the market, which it can use to form and strengthen of its

own competitiveness. With this, competitions in the market makes an influence on

competitive position of an enterprise in the market, competitive advantages and

sources for their formation, determines the relevant kinds of competitive advantages

and respectively determine the key determinants of forming of competitive

strategies” [30].

Hence, competition is a “challenge” for the competitors for the opportunity to

create the best conditions for the consumers. Taking this into account, the velocity of

decision making and rationality of manegeneral decisions in a competitive

environment serve as the key indicators of ensuring of sustainable development of

business enteties in a competitive environment. In a competitive struggle the winner


is always the one capable of providing the highest level of competitiveness of its own

products or services, in other case – the chosen kind of business activity is sentenced

to failure. Competitiveness of an enterprise is not immanent (from latin «immanens

(immanentis)» – peculiar, inherent in something, that is, internally inherent in objects

or phenomena, one that follows from their nature [65, p. 217] quality of an enterprise.

Considering this, competitiveness of an enterprise can be evaluated within a specific

group of enterprises which are a part of same industry and, respectively, satisfy

identical needs and requests of consumers. Competitiveness of an enterpriser is

formed under the influence of positional and kinetic competitive advantages, that are

a defencive tool of defense and resistance against the competitors. Taking this into

account, not only it is important for an enterprise to get those advantages, but also to

ensure their support in the long run. Under the designated conditions, the issue of the

right choice of strategy is of particular relevance, because as stated by P. Kotler: “If a

company has the same strategy with its competitiors then it in fact does not have a

strategy. Because of this, a company must base this strategy around its own position

in the market and develop their distinctive competitive advantage” [107,p.221]. Just

the need “…to create the future competitive advantage faster than competitiors can

copy what an enterprise is using at the moment” [199, p. 84] determines the presence

of “competitive strategy” concept in competitive theory, which, in our view, is a

catalyst for creation and development of consistent competitive advantages of an


Nowadays, competitive strategy is a subject of scientific and academic

research. Therewith, studying of economic literature about formation of competitive

strategy of enterprises allowed to conclude that despite diverse orientation of

theoretic and methodical and practical oriented publications, the generally accepted

definition of essence of “competitive strategy” is absent in economic literature, which

makes it difficult to logically form and practically implement it.

The conducted research showed that the “competitive strategy” concept itself

was first introduced by M. Porter. In 1979 in «Harvard Business Review» he

published an article named “How do competitive forces form the strategy” [258].


This article is considered the beginning of revolution in competitive strategy. In his

classic work “Competitive strategy. Methods of analysis of industry and competitors”

[163,p.123] the scientist states that “… competitive strategy aimed at search of

favorable competitive position in the industry, main area, in which competition is

happening.” [163,p. 18]. According tho the view of the scientist “a favorable

competitive position” can be provided through the implementation of competitive


With time the “competitive strategy” transformed and acquired new neusances.

So, based on the results of the analysis (Appendix A, table A 6) a wide range and

invariance of authoring approaches to the definition of the essence of “competitive

strategy” was established: from “a clear sequence of steps of development aimed at

development of a consistent competitive strategy outperforming the achivements of

rival enterprises” [195, p. 141] to more detailed characterizations, such as “…a

complex program of actions aimed at analysis and choice of markets, production of

goods and services for them, establishing prices and means of realisaton on the

market” [18, p.478]. Properly formed competitive strategy ensures “achieving of

competitive advantages in certain segments in accordance with situation in the market

and opportunities of an enterprise” [258], aimed at “achieving and maintainance of

wanted level of competitiveness” [125,p. 123]and “adaptation to changes in the

conditions of competition of an enterprise” [234, p.215]; allows to “determine and

strengthen a long-term competitive position of an enterprise” [216, p.478], “resist

forces that determine competitive struggle in the industry” [195, p. 141] and “acquire

profit on long-term basis, despite the resistance of different forces” [73, p.12].

Generalization of results of the content analysis allowed to identify key

parameters of competitive strategy of an enterprise, according to which exsisting

views on determining of its essence were combined in six key directions that view

competitive strategy as: 1) a way to resist competitiors (way of long-term behavior of

an enterprise in competitive conditions); 2) a way of forming and using competitive

advantages; 3) a way of preserving of achieved level of competitiveness and its

promotion; 40 a way of neutralizing of negative factors of influence; 5) a method of

adaptation; 6) summary of processes and activities.


Thus, based on the results of the analysis it can be stated that considered

concepts of competitive theory are interdependent and interconnected. Established by

the results of the research interconnection of basic concepts of competitive theory

(figure 1.2) allowed to determine that competition determines the border of

possibilyties of implementation of competitiveness of an enterprise and has an

influence on competitive position strengthening of which is possible based on an

effective competitive strategy. Attractiveness of a competitive position of enterprise

in the market depends on competitiveness of enterprise that is formed under influence

of competitive advantages, depends on competitiveness of products (goods, services),

and form on the basis of implementation of competitiveness. In turn, competitive

advantages determine competitive position of enterprise and form its competitive


Figure 1.2. Scheme of interconnections of base concepts of competitive theory

(compiled by author on basis of [16; 18; 42; 73; 97; 107; 146; 161; 163; 174; 185;

195; 199; 204; 206; 234; 216; 255; 258]).

Competitive advantages are an expression of competitiveness of products

(goods, services). In accordance, the higher the level of competitiveness of products

(goods, services) is the higher is the overall level of competitiveness of enterprise.

The targeting of business enteties on increasing the level of competitiveness,

development of competitive advantages, strengthening of competitive position

Competitive strategy

Competitiveness determines border of possibility of implementation






Competitive advantages determine


of enterprise

is an expression


Competitiveness of


Promotes strenghtening



Promotes development Sets update criteria

Formed under influence

Bases on

Competitive position

Swows up only in

condition Provides implementation


actualizes the significance of a specific in content competitive strategy in their

activity. Since, as shown in figure 1.3, competitive strategy of enterprise sets criteria

of update of competitiveness of products (goods, services), promotes development of

competitiveness of enterprise, promotes development of competitive advantages and

strengthening of competitive position of enterprise. With that, it must be noted that it

is impossible to develop a competitive strategy “once and for all”. Under the

influence of competition enterprises must constantly correct and modify that in

accordance to changes of competitive environment.

For determining the eseence of “competitive strategy of enterprise” concept we

conducted an analysis of economic literature, results of which are shown in appendix

A (table A.5).

Based on the critical analysis and generalization of theoretical views on the

interpretation of the concept of "competitive strategy of the enterprise" set out in the

economic literature, it is established that, despite the awareness of the importance and

place of competitive strategy in the activity of the enterprise, there are differences in

the interpretation of its content among scientists, which significantly complicates its

content. practical implementation.

During the conducted critical review of professional literature the presence of

a wide range of approaches to determining the essence of “competitive strategy of

enterprise” was brought to light, that is: resource, customer-oriented, competition-

oriented and intergrated.

Thus, representatives of resource approach (T. Adaieva [3], I. Ansoff [11], P.

Druker [234], A. Ivanov [73],O. Kryvoruchko [109],N. Kudenko [111], O. Lutsiv

[111], O. Lutsiv [119], M. Porter [161], I. Stupak [186], T. Khmyl ta S. Vasylyk

[201]) when determining the essence of “competitive strategy of enterprise” concept

underline the strong significance of resources and possibilities in process of

competitive struggle and accentuate attention on “… providing of a successful

activity of enterprise” [11, p. 171] by “… effectively distributing, coordinating and

using the resources” [109, p.12]. Given approach to treatment of competitive strategy

of enterprise “…is based on knowledge about development of competitive


environment” [119, p. 9] and “… gives an answer to one of the most important

questions: “How does enterprise compete in the whole market, at the expense of what

does it endure the competitive pressure and acquires victory in competitive struggle?”

[161, p.37]. While characterizing the essence of competitive strategy within the

resource approach R. Kvasnytska interprets this conceps as “…a complex of

interconnected actions that are based on internal competitive advantages the ability of

the enterprise to neutralize the influence of external factors with the maximum

benefit to itself in order to obtain priority advantages in the conduct of competition

and to achieve the desired level of competitive potential of the enterprise” [95, p.

123]. In the given definition scientist makes an accent on obtaining the maximum

benefit for enterprise and obtaining competitive advantages that in turn can be formed

“…in presence of resources and with considering internal and external environment

of functioning” [95, p.122]. With that, it is still unknown what excact competitive

resources must be used to form internal competitive advantages of enterprise.

Besides, it is neccesarry to establish the sources of forming of competitive advantages

depending on sectoral orientation of business enteties.

The key aspect while interpreting the “competitive strategy of enterprise”

concept within the consumer-oriented approach is obtaining sustainable competitive

advantages by “…satisfying diverse and changing consumer needs better than

competititors do” [7, p.127; 38, p.234]; 174, p.243; 177, p.88]. With that, considering

diverse needs of consumers, and also, given that, enterprises of different sectors of

economy satisfy different needs of consumers, key aspects that must be considered

while forming of competitive strategy with taking industry specifics into account in

which enterprise does its activity must be identified and detailed.

Within the competition-oriented approach the vast majority of scientists [7;

174; 177; 199] while interpreting the “competitive strategy of enterprise” concept

focus on ensuring a high level of competitiveness compared to competitors. Thus, P.

Smoleniuk determines the “competitive strategy” concept as “… a way of acquiring

sustainable competitive advantages of enterprise through competitive struggle,

satisfying various and changing demands of consumers better than competitiors do”


[177, p. 86]. This interpretation focuses on the necessity of formation of sustainable

competitive advantages. Only those unique ways of formation of competitive

advantages which are hard to copy and recreate in other enterprises will contribute to

achieving of wanted level of competitiveness. Since, as H. Khamel quite

appropliately determined, competitive strategy makes for “… creating of future

competitive advantage faster than competitors can copy the one you are using now”

[199, p. 84].

In our view, the most deep determination of essence of “competitive strategy of

enterprise” concept is given by Bozhydai I.,according to which “ … com відповідно

якому «… конкурентної стратегії підприємства як динамічного

довгострокового цілеспрямованого комплексу взаємопов’язаних заходів,

підпорядкованого загальній меті підприємства, що ґрунтуються на внутрішніх

можливостях підприємства, спрямованого на досягнення та утримання

бажаного рівня конкурентоспроможності, конкурентних переваг, стійкої

конкурентної позиції підприємством та здатного нейтралізувати вплив

конкурентних сил» [24, с. 25]. This approach pointa out the long-term orientation of

competitive strategy, draws attention to the internal opportunities of enterprise, that

can be used while forming sustainable competitive advantages.

By the results of conducted analysis of invariant interpretations of essence of

“competitive strategy of enterprise” concept(Appendix A, table A.5)

keycharacteristics of given category were identified(figure 1.3).

Orientation on

high level of


Orientation on

maintainance and

attraction of

clients and support

of competitive


Orientation on


influence of


forces relativity

in time

Balance of local

components of



Key characteristics of competitive strategy of enterprise


Figure 1.3. Key characteristics of competitive strategy of enterprise

(determined by author on basis of genralization [11; 24; 46; 111; 119; 174; 177;

186; 199; 202; 206; 258])

The identified key characteristics emphasize the complexity of researched

concept and necessarily have to be taken into account while forming competitive

strategy of enterprise.

In our view, the essence of “competitive strategy” concept has to be revealed

from the intergrated approach position, according to which in author’s mind:

“competitive strategy of enterprise is a holistic system of actions during certain

period of time, aimed at achieving competitive goals of development of enterprise

considering the influence of external and internal environment for sustaining of

existing and generating new competitive advantages, neutralization of influence of

competitive forces, increasing the level of competitiveness and achieving a

sustainable long-term prospects in the field of restaunt business.”

Generalizing the results of conducted theoretic research a conclusion can be

made, that is the existing approaches to interpreting the essence of “competitive

strategy of enterprise” mostly base on general aspects, and, not considering specific

industry specifics of business enteties. Indeed, for competitive strategies of

enterprises certain similar characteristics, similar complex of interconnected activities

and actions. Therewith, orientation of activity of enterprise and specific features of

industry, in which it functions, determines the specifics of formation of its

competitive strategy.

Considering this, the problem of determining the specifics of formating of

competitive strategy in restaurant business enterprises is up to date.

1.2. Key aspects of formation of competitive strategy in restaurant

business enterprises


In whole civilized world restaurant business is one of the most common types

of small business, thus restaurant business enterprises are in state of constant struggle

for optimal position in the market and its most prospective segments [64, p. 74].

Ukraine’s restaurant business is a profitable sector of state economy, that not only

serve different contengents of consumers and providing them with food services, but

also favorably positions the country in the international market. Euro-oriented

business environment in Ukraine forms the conditions, that contribute to activisation

of demand for products and services of restaurant business enterprise [30, p. 19].

According to the international standart of industry classification of all

economic activities (ISIC) of UN, restaurant business is a type of economic activity

aimed at satisfying consumer food needs with or without leisure organization [262].

Formally, “restaurant business” term was introduced in DSTU 4281:2004 standart by

changing “catering” term with it, according to which “restaurant business is a type of

economic activity of business enteties on the provision of services of satisfying the

needs of consumers in food with or without leisure organization” [63,p.28].

Nowadays, restaurant business is a huge organizational and business system,

enterprises of which play an important social role, connected with satisfaction of

livelihoods of the population in catering and leisure services [63]. The basis of this

system are enterprises and establishments of restaurant business (according to

NACE), and enterprises of other types of economic activity, structural subdivisions of

which are establishments of restaurant business, characterized by the unity of forms,

organization of production and service of consumers, and which differ in types and

their specialization [ 147], which, according to DSTU 4281: 2004 ("Restaurants

Establishments. Classification") are grouped into four groups [63]: the sale of food

and beverages, usually intended for consumption on the spot with providing or

without entertaining performances (restaurant - restaurant-bar); cafe - cafe, cafe-bar,

cafe-bakery, tea salon; cafeteria; snack bar); sale of drinks and meals to them, usually

intended for on-site consumption, with or without entertainment (bar - nightclub, beer

hall); sale of food and drink for consumers, united by professional characteristics


(dining room, buffet); supply of centralized food for consumption in other places

(factory-stocking; factory-kitchen; house kitchen; restaurant on special orders).

According to the "International Standard Industrial Classification of Economic

Activities (ISIC) of the United Nations" [262] international classification the

following types of restaurant business are distinguished: restaurants (restaurant to

order, which as the main service offers the sale of products for take-out; catering for

workers in organizations; a wagon-restaurant, a feature of which is the organization

of food for consumers of services of railway companies and other passenger transport

organizations); bars (beer garden that sells and organizes the consumption of a wide

range of beer and has a landscaped trading hall; beer - a type of bar that sells and

organizes the consumption of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages; brewery bar (a

type of bar in which to brew, sell and organize consumption beer on site); snack bar

(variety of bar specializing in assortment of snacks and sandwiches); special order

bar/restaurant (bar/restaurant variety) with special bar service us, organizing the

consumption of drinks); bistro (a type of fast-food restaurant that sells and organizes

the consumption of food and (or) beverages, a tavern (a type of cafe with an

assortment of dishes from other countries, a hallmark of which is a wide range of

alcoholic beverages).

The presence of a wide range of types of restaurant business on one hand

extends the consumer's choice of choosing the restaurant business that best suits them

by all criteria, including: kitchen, service, interior, atmosphere, entertainment

programs and more; on the other, it complicates the conditions of competition.

Restaurant business enterprises perform multidimensional functions (Figure 1.4).


Figure 1.4. Basic features of the restaurant business (summarized by the

author on the basis of [10; 45; 58; 113; 135; 140;142; 146; 151])

An important distinctive feature of restaurant business enterprises is possibility

to provide necessary conditions of adherence to a particular way of organizing food

through three interrelated functions: production of culinary products, implementation

of culinary products and organization of its consumption.

The function of production involves receiving and storing raw materials, their

mechanic processing and production of semi-finished products, thermal processing of

products and decoration of dishes. Given function serves as a necessary precondition

for execution of organizing consumption, and function of implementation as an

additional, is necessary in commodity-money relationship conditions [10, p. 92].

Function of orgazination of consumption is a basic function of industry, that is

characterizes its difference from other industries. This is confirmed by the fact that

functioning of organization of consumption is inherent only to restaurant business,

the value of this function is constantly rising, other functions (production,

implementation) are providing for the implementation of function of consumption

[113, p. 117].

Implementation of function of consumption, realization and organization of

consumption usually is organically connected and coincide in space and time,

catering enterprises have to start from principle, that it is possible to achieve the best

Production of culinary products

Sales of culinary products

Organization of consumption of culinary products

Information and communication

Recreational (relaxation)




Epistemological (cognitive)


Cognitive and cultural


Functions of restaurant management


position of company in market system, only satisfaction of consumer needs [113,


Products that are produced by restaurant business enterprises have limited terms

of implementation. Range of products that restaurant business enterprises produce

depends on kind of demand. Variety of products, produced by restaurant business

enterprises allow for more fully satisfy consumer demand, however makes it more

difficult to organize the production, many kinds of raw materials require special

storing conditions, different rooms for mechanical and culinary processing [14, p.


Certainly, the main function of restaurant business enterprises is providing for

nutrition needs (satisfaction of physiologic needs). Therewith, a feauture of restaurant

business is multidimensionality of functions, that it performs at the same time with

providing for nutrition needs, satisfaction of leisure needs, communication,

entertainment, various leisure.

In the mentioned aspect of particular attention is view of L. O. Honchar,

according to which restaurant business performs a broad spectre of additional

functions, such as [45, p. 49]: social, informative and comunicative, value,

recreational (relaxation), entertaining, epistemological (cognitive), creative.

Thus, informative and communicative function covers the processes of

formation, transferring and receiving information. Implementation of this function by

restaurant business enterprises promotes empowerment of possibilities of

communication, exchange of thoughts and ideas with clients.

Recreational (relaxation) function promotes physical and psychological

relaxation of guests of restaurant business enterprise, restoration of emotional powers

by way of implementation of playing, entertaining programs, holding evenings of

rest, public holidays, entertainment, etc.

Implementation of entertaining function promotes promotes an increase in

emotional tone, restoration and development of psycho-physical, physical and

intellectual data of the guests, receiving positive emotions and impressions [241, p.



Restaurant business is an important social element, as it affects the efficiency of

social production and the standard of living of people. Implementation of social

function by restaurant business enterprises promotes self-identification of its visitors,

allows them to feel part of a particular community. It is connected with social and

cultular and recreational projects and shows itself when organizing of thematic

evenings for diffirent groups of population, special programs, aimed at certain

category of consumers [45, p. 51].

Implementation of the value function by restaurant business enterprises ensures

the formation of value orientations of visitors in accordance with the aesthetic, moral,

gastronomic and economic values of the person. Depending on the type and class of

restaurant business enterprise, the consumer chooses entertainment programs and

value propositions. To implement this function, restaurants offer their guests various

promotional and marketing programs (for example, "hours of fortune", "happy hours

for guests", "visit - get a gift", etc.) [45,p. 51].

The epistemological (cognitive) function helps to satisfy the needs of consumers

for additional information and is manifested in such forms of restaurant leisure as:

thematic exhibitions, gastronomic shows, presentations. It should be noted that today

the vast majority of restaurants have focused on holding a variety of workshops for

the age-old consumer.

The creative function involves an innovative creative approach to organizing

and conducting cultural and entertaining programs in modern restaurant business


It should be noted that functions of restaurant business is not limited by creating

conditions for nutrition and leisure alone, but also expands its influence on other

realms: health care (sustainable nutrition, culinary arts culture), education and

culture, tourism, leisure, etc. [153, p. 329].

This quite long list of functions of restaurant business enterprises, in our view,

is completely justified, and for the most part is a result of desire to satisfy incresing

requirements and requests of consumers, and proving the wanted level of

competitiveness on this basis.


In turn, complexity and combination of multidimensional functions (production

and non-production realms) expand the competitive field for restaurant business

enterprises and justifies the complication of competitive subject in restaurant business

enterprises. In this aspect the view of scientific group, which states that “… unlike

enterprises of most other realms, object of competitions for which is usually the

product, work or service, for restaurant business enterprises competitiveness of

economic entity is conditioned by competitiveness of products, and level of services”

should be fully supported [36, p.61]. “ Product of a restaurant is much more broad…

it includes the created atmosphere, cleanness, comfortability, competence and

concern from personnel, etc.” [187]. Competition for restaurant business enterprises

is a rivalry between business enteties for consumers on basis of production,

implementation and organization of consumption, giving services, and also based on

formation and usage of economic resources [164, p.517]. Taking this into account,

the process of search for competitive advantages of restaurant business enterprise

compared to enterprises of other realms of economic activity is the most complicated,

conditioned by the following specifics of competition in restaurant business [36, p.

126; 164, p.518]:

1) restaurant business enterprises are usually aimed at a market limited by


2) some restaurant business enterprises can compete with each other in a

enterprises on a city-wide scale in the tourist services market segment, holiday

events, business meetings, etc;

3) for restaurant business enterprises that organize nutrition by working

studying place, maximalisation of profit is a secondary goal;

4) for demand of dispersed contingents of consumers at the place of work

compete both the restaurant business enterprises located nearby, and the enterprises

delivering products to workplaces by pre-order;

5) high dependence on consumer demand;

6) the importance of spatial and labor resources;

7) branching of the composition of competitors;


8) high level of risk in activity, etc.

In the practice of business to identify the sources of formation of competitive

advantages, it is customary to distinguish price and non-price factors, as well as the

corresponding types of competition. The current state of competition in the restaurant

market is characterized mainly by the development of price competition between

individual enterprises of the restaurant industry of one price niche. The reason for this

is relatively low level of income of population. Therewith, in certain segments of the

market, in process of selling products, services, aimed at consumers with high and

medium level of income, instruments of non-price competition in struggle for

consumers are becoming more and more important. In our opinion, competitiveness

in today's environment is possible through the combination of measures to choose the

best pricing policy, improving the quality of food and service, while taking into

account consumer preferences and expectations and monitoring competitors

Thus, the success of restaurant business enterprise in competition depends on the

ability to provide consumers with greater value of product.taking this into account,

the problem of searching for sources of formation of competitive advantages is

become more relevant. Because, as stated in subparagraph 1.1, competitive

advantages allow an enterprise to compete better than its competititors, and,

accordingly, differentiate the product on competitive basis by characteristics, which

are important and relevant for customers.

Study of economic literature [63; 94; 132; 133; 151; 161; 190; 221; 223; 256]

indicates that the modern analysis of competitive advantages of the enterprise, as a

rule, is based either on the ideas of market positioning (standard economic logic), or

on the resource concept of the theory of strategic management [94, p. 421].

According to the first approach, the source of competitive advantage of the enterprise

is its ability to create for its customers value that exceeds not only the cost of its

creation, but also the value brought to them by the products of competitors [161, p.

312]. The focus of the resource approach is not the price and consumer characteristics

of the enterprise products and their comparison with competitors, but organizational

and economic aspects. The logic of the resource approach assumes that competitive


advantage takes place when an enterprise pursues a strategy of value creation and

assignment of rent (using its valuable and rare resources and organizational

capabilities), which cannot be realized by any of its current or potential competitors

[223, with. 112]. Resource value includes external value (strategic industry factors)

and complementarity of resources within the enterprise; rarity is determined by

physical rarity and limited buying and selling opportunities; in the impossibility of

copying, low resource substitutability is allocated [221].

Enterprises within resource approach are considered as different resource sets –

material and non-material assets and capabilities [230, p. 82]. With that, if the

“baggage” of resources of an enterprise corresponds to three factors of its value:

rarity, conformity and demand, than enterprise has bigger chances of success

compared to competititors. Under certain circumstances resources of an enterprise

become a source of formation of its competitive advantage, both short-term and

consistent, that appear when competititors for different reasons can not copy and re-

implement strategy that provides those advantages [223, p 114]. According to

dynamic abilities concept, the sources of consistent competitive advantages are

organizational skills and abilities of collective of enterprise, and “protection” from

copying by competititors can provide “…informall collective knowledge, experience,

culture of enterprise and historical way of its formation, connected with a unique

resource combination, that makes it impossible to neither accurately imitate these

advantages by competititors, nor their effective distribution throughout the market,

due to practical impossibility to separate them from exsisting business” [190, p. 151].

One of the basic organizational skills in restaurant business enterprises is skill and

ability of personnel to satisfy requests and demands of customers overcoming their

expectations by key processes of value creating chain.

It should be noted that restaurant business is characterized by traditional idea

about valu creation chain, in which its individual entity has a certain place, getting

raw materials from suppliers, creating product and offering it to its customers [256].

Therewith, a number of features of value creating chain for enterprises of this realm

can be noted. For example, for the majority of restaurant business enterprises, that


can be seen as fast-food restaurants, it is charchteristic to create additional value,

expressed in high speed of service. It is achieved at the expense of the fact that

dishes, provided within this type of enterprises, are easily prepared and recreated with

standardized procedures of production and preparation procedures. For the most part,

the menu consists of products, that are beforehand prepared and delivered to

individual restaurants, where the process of their complete preparation is conducted

in short time [151, p. 146]. These features are reflected in the inclusion within the

restaurant business enterprises operations aimed at creating the necessary ingredients,

which can not be obtained directly from suppliers, but are necessary for the

successful implementation of a competitive strategy focused on rapid customer


A special feature of value creating chain in restaurant business enterprises is also

focused at catering service (outside the restaurant business establishment in places

chosen by customer). Accorditng to DSTU 4281 organization of service of banquets,

, corporate receptions, business meetings, weddings and other holidays in halls,

offices, outdoors, under awnings [63]. The essence of catering service is that

restaurant business enterprise by special orders provides customers with preparation

and delivery of finished products to a certain place (to home, to office, to work place,

to place of rest, etc.), as well as restaurant service for holiday event with the

provision of various services [75].

Characterisctics of value in restaurant business enterprises, taking specificity of

their activity into account, are range of products, nature of service and geographical

scale of activity. With that, as shown in table 1.1, for every type of restaurant

business enterprises certain features are characteristic.

Given characteristics of value are common for a certain type of restaurant

business enterprise. Therewith, it should be noted, that competitive advantages of

each and every type of restaurant business enterprise depend on its possibilities to

create and retention of value overtime. As a result of deficient attention to value

creation chain, the interrelation mechanism among restaurant business enterprises and

consumers is broken, “migration” of value to competitors, capable of satisfying the


most relevant consumer needs better arises. As a result, restaurant business enterprise

loses the acquired competitive advantages.

Table 1.1

Characteristics of creation and retention of value in restaurant business enterprises

(developed by author on basis of generalization [10; 58; 63;75; 113; 134; 142; 146;

151;153; 221; 223])

Type of enterprise restaurant


Characteristics of value







Assortment Nature of




y i

n r






s en






ity o

f del


y o

r ca


ng s


















Network restaurants

Network caffes

Fast food network restaurants

Network restaurant with limited



Thus, considering the multidimensionality of functions that restaurant business

enterprise performs, as well as taking into account the defined specifics of value

creation chain, possible sources of formation of competitive advantages are defined



Figure 1.5. Alternate sources of formation of competitive advantages in

restaurant business enterprises (developed by author)

It should be noted that the formation of competitive advantages in restaurant

business enterprises, shown in Fig. 1.5 according to the general concept of

competitive advantages of M. Porter [162, p. 184], can be provided in three ways:

product differentiation (restaurant location, interior, high quality dishes); price

leadership (the ability to reduce the cost of supplying products, the use of the latest

technologies of transportation and storage of products, innovations in the

manufacture of food), focusing on a particular segment of the market (when creating

different concepts of restaurants for one target group of consumers).

Each and every restaurant business enterprise individually approaches the

process of creating and developing its own competitive advantages. However, given

the industry specificity of enterprises in this field, competitive advantages can be high

(qualified personnel, reputation, effective management, profitable suppliers) and low

(cheap labor, availability of raw materials). It is undisputed that the competitive

advantage of the restaurant business enterprise can be secured on the basis of the

most complete satisfaction of customer requests. The modern client "... considers

visiting restaurants as part of his daily life, as well as the natural state of affairs" [226,

p.55]. In order to retain existing customers and attract new ones, domestic

restaurateurs are actively exploring new trends in the domestic and global restaurant




e ad








t b



s en







» t

o t




er f



Quality of dishes Originality of the menu Quality and service time Interior and atmosphere Etc. Technology of making

dishes Professionalism of chefs and personnel Psychological climate in the team Business Process Innovation Ect.








business, developing new ideas to retain regular customers and increase their loyalty

to the restaurant business establishment. In turn, customer loyalty is shaped and

maintained at the expense of competitive advantage.

Considering the necessity of systematic adjustment of current activity

depending on the change of requirements and requests of consumers, it is necessary

to support the view of scientists [64, p.123], which states: “… the power of

competition must be reflected in the competitive strategy, which should result in

realization of sustainable competitive advantages of the enterprise and achieving a

high level of competitiveness. " Of course, sustainable competitive advantages reflect

the advantages of the restaurant business over its competitors. To achieve success and

prosperity in the restaurant business market, the restaurant industry needs to find

unique sources for generating these benefits.

The complexity of the process of finding sources of competitive advantage is

also compounded by many external and internal factors. In the restaurant industry, as

already mentioned, they are characterized by an internal atmosphere (not noticeable

to the consumer), material and intangible quality of service, creating comfortable

psychological conditions for visitors, spending time on service (Fig. 1.6). However, it

should be borne in mind that consumers generally experience varying degrees of

satisfaction from consumption. If the properties of restaurant products are different

than expected, then the consumer is dissatisfied and the probability of visiting the

restaurant establishment is reduced to zero. If, however, the properties of the service

received are completely in line with expectations, then the consumer becomes

satisfied, ie, committed to the restaurant. Provided that the properties of the restaurant

service the customer receives exceed his expectations - the likelihood that he will

become a regular customer of the restaurant. For a restaurant business, having regular

customers is a particularly important consideration. Significance of the presence of

regular customers is also confirmed by a study of nine groups of services conducted

by F. Raikhkheldom and U. Sasser, which found that increasing the number of

regular customers by 5% can increase the profit of the company from 25% to 85%

(depending on the industry ) [260, p.20]


The peculiarity of the restaurant service is the complexity of its structure and the

duality of nature. The complexity of the structure is manifested in the fact that the

restaurant service consists of a large number of components and parameters, different

in nature and importance for the consumer. This makes it difficult to improve and

maintain the quality of service [140, p.179]. The complexity of nature is that, at first

glance, to meet physiological needs, restaurant services actually interest their

consumer in terms of meeting a variety of social needs.

Today, as the level of competition grows at an accelerated pace and the market

environment is constantly changing, each customer acquires a new value for any

restaurant business enterprise. Key factors contributing to competition in restaurant

business enterprises are speed of service, quality of food and competitive prices [255,

p.173]. In this case, ensuring a high level of competitiveness of the restaurant

business enterprise is possible only on the basis of a systematic study of potential

needs and consumer loyalty [73, p.134]. In this aspect it is necessary to fully support

the view of V.V.Zhdanov, which states that “… the main task of the management of

the restaurant business enterprise is to win 20% of loyal guests, who will provide

80% of profits. Not all customers make the basic profit of an enterprise, there are

those who really like the restaurant, and such guests should be encouraged, thanked

and appreciated. ”[67, p.79]. If the client is truly loyal, he will constantly visit the

establishment with confidence that he will be able to receive quality service again.

Considering this, the higher the level of consumer loyalty to the restaurant business

is, the less the pressure of the competitive environment on its activity and the more

stable its competitive position in the market.

Considering consumer loyalty as the main criterion that determines the

successful implementation of a competitive strategy of the restaurant business

enterprise, the issue of determining the determinants that shape consumer satisfaction

and loyalty is relevant.

Study of scientific works [140; 189; 205; 237 Hours; 238 Hours; 243; 251],

which are devoted to the study of consumer loyalty formation allowed to distinguish


and systematize the main components of the existing models of consumer satisfaction

and loyalty formation in the restaurant business enterprises (Appendix B, Table B.1)..

For the substantiated determination of the key determinants of the formation of

a competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise, on the basis of

generalization of existing approaches to the determination of the components of the

loyalty model (Appendix B, Table B.1), the main determinants that form it are

determined and systemized and the conceptual research model (Figure. 1.6) is


Figure 1.6. Research model for determining the key determinants of loyalty in

the formation of a competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprise (adapted by

the author on the basis of [240])

In order to substantiate the feasibility of including determinants in the research

model definition of the key determinants of loyalty in the formation of a competitive

strategy of the restaurant business enterprise, we consider it desirable to characterize

each of them (Appendix B, Table.B.3).

In accordance with the developed conceptual frameworks for forming and

assessing the loyalty of consumers of restaurant business enterprises, the following

hypotheses were formulated {G1, G2, G3, G4, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9, G10} →

result "accepted":

G1: Quality of service has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.

G2: Price has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction;

G3: Quality of service has a positive effect on customer satisfaction;






Price Customer






Competitiveness of

restaurant business



G4: The atmosphere of the restaurant business enterprise has a positive effect

on the level of consumer satisfaction;

G5: The image of the restaurant business enterprise has a positive effect on the

level of consumer confidence;

G6: Quality of service has a positive impact on consumer trust;

G7: Personnel has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction;

G8: Quality of service has a positive impact on consumer trust.

G9: Consumer satisfaction has a positive effect on loyalty;

G10: Consumer trust has a positive effect on loyalty.

In order to test the hypotheses for reliability and to take them into account

when forming the competitive strategy of the restaurants, the methodology of

multicriteria evaluation of the effectiveness of the data coverage analysis (DEA)

method was used.

In order to confirm the hypotheses, a questionnaire was developed (Appendix

B, Table B.3), which was randomly distributed to consumers of restaurant business

enterprises, whose demographic characteristics are shown in Appendix B, Table B.4.

Data for the study were collected using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire [120]

(from strongly agree to completely disagree).

Accordingly, the data given in table. B.4 the highest number of respondents

who took part in the survey - women (63.64%), 43.85% have higher education,

34.76% of the respondents are active working population (36-55 years) and 2-3 times

per month (54.55%) visit the restaurant business enterprises.

Of the 250 questionnaires distributed, 187 questionnaires were used to conduct

ongoing research. Accordingly, the response rate for the questionnaire was 0.75,

indicating a high level of information gathering for the assessment (Appendix B,

Table B.2)..

The generalized results of the expert review on the formation and assessment

of consumer loyalty (Appendix B, Figure B.2) indicate that 78.61% of respondents

believe that the quality of products significantly affects the level of consumer

satisfaction; 84.49% of respondents believe that price influences the level of


consumer satisfaction; 82.35% of respondents said that the level of service has a

positive effect on the level of customer satisfaction; 69.52% of respondents believe

that the atmosphere of a restaurant establishment has an impact on the level of

consumer satisfaction; 75.94% of respondents say that the image of a restaurant

business enterprise has a positive effect on the level of consumer confidence; 80.21%

of respondents confirm that the quality of products affects the level of consumer

confidence; 77.54% of the respondents confirm that the personnel of the

establishment influences the level of consumer satisfaction; 85.56% of respondents

agree that service influences consumer trust; 88.77% of respondents believe that the

level of consumer satisfaction has an impact on the level of loyalty to a restaurant;

80.21% of the respondents believe that the level of consumer trust has a positive

impact on the level of loyalty.

Researching the key determinants of the impact on the level of competitiveness

of the restaurant business enterprise (Appendix B, Fig. B.2), the following results

were obtained, namely 77.54% of respondents believe that the quality of the service

(products) provided directly affects the level of its competitiveness, while 85.56% of

respondents believe that the price of the provided service is a competitive advantage

in the market; 80.21% noted service as a factor of competitive influence on the

market position of the enterprise; 69.52% of the respondents believe that the

atmosphere also affects the competitiveness of the restaurant; 74.87% of respondents

are of the opinion that the image forms a competitive advantage of the enterprise in

the market; 80.21% of the surveyed respondents believe that the personnel acts as a

basic indicator in competition.

To test the reliability of hypotheses put forward in the study, the coefficients of

statistical applicability (Appendix B, Table. B.6) were calculated and, based on the

use of LISREL software [47, p.68], a calculated model of hypothesis testing was

constructed figure. 1.7.


Figure 1.7. Calculated model for testing hypotheses

A summary of the validation of the hypotheses put forward in work is given in

Appendix B, Table. B.7, according to which it is concluded that the hypotheses

regarding the formation of the system of determinants of consumer loyalty

assessment of restaurant businesses enterprises can be accepted at 95% confidence

level, except for hypothesis G8. The study found that service quality with a load

factor of 0.05 could not be accepted at 95% confidence level.

Thus, the results of the study revealed that the main determinants of consumer

loyalty to the restaurant business enterprise are the following: products, personnel,

service, atmosphere, price, image, the logical sequence of evaluation of which aims

to comprehensively justify the choice of the optimal type of competitive strategy in

accordance with established strategic orientations activity of restaurant business

enterprises. The study of each and every determinant of loyalty and the corresponding

improvement of each of them will help to generate new competitive advantages of the

restaurant business enterprise in the long run.








Consumer loyalty


Consumer satisfaction level

Consumer trust























































Based on the results of the theoretical study of the theory of competition

(subparagraph 1.1) and taking into account the identified key dominants, a conceptual

model of the formation of a competitive strategy was developed (Figure 1.8).

Figure 1.8. Conceptual model of formation of competitive strategy of

restaurant business enterprise (author's development)

The developed conceptual model of formation of competitive strategy of

restaurant business enterprise is based on scientifically grounded conection between

the aim, the tasks, the principles, sectoral features, sources and ways of formation of

competitive advantages, key determinants of consumer loyalty, and is aimed at

The aim- ensuring sustainable competitive advantages, achieving competitiveness level high enough for stable functioning and development under competitive pressure,strengthening competitive position in which restaurant business enterprise wil be best protected from the influence of competitive forces or will have the ability to influence it.

The task – adaptation of management system of restaurant business enterprise to changes in certain competitive environment which allows to determine directions of increasing competitiveness quickly and accurately.

The principles - validity; focus on priority competitors; taking into account the specifics of the restaurant market; dynamism; continuity; objectivity; systematic; comprehensiveness; optimality; Integrity; perspective orientation; priority; controllability

Sectoral features: high dynamic of change over time; specific characteristics of the value of the restaurant product, the individuality of the concept of the implementation of dishes, high sensitivity to change of consumer requirements and requests.

Ways of Forming Competitive Advantages - product differentiation, price leadership, focus on a specific market segment

Sources of competitive advantage formation - "noticeable" (quality of dishes, originality of the menu, quality and time of service, interior, atmosphere, etc.) and "imperceptible to the consumer factors" (technology of production of dishes, professionalism of cooks and service personnel, innovations in business processes ,etc.)

Key determinans of consumer loyalty,that should be considered when forming competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprise

Product Service Price Atmosphere Personnel Image

Competitiveness of restaurant business enterprise

Competitive environment


Internal resources

Formation and implementation of competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprise


development of effective management decisions in conditions of increased

competitive pressure based on understanding of unity of all components of the model.

Generalization of the results of the theoretical study of the conceptual

apparatus of the theory of competition, taking into account the sectoral features of the

activities of the restaurant industry and specific key determinants allowed us to

formulate an original vision of the essence of the competitive strategy of the

restaurant industry, which should be understood as s complex model of actions while

defending against competitive pressure during certain period of time, aimed at

maintaining existing and creating new competitive advantages, achieving the target

level of competitiveness, sufficient for stable functioning and development under

conditions of competitive pressure, strengthening of a competitive position, through

implementation and development of competitive advantages based on the

determinants of consumer loyalty: products, personnel, atmosphere, service, price and

image in the conditions of current competitive environment in the restaurant business

Thus, the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise is aimed at

creating and maintaining competitive advantages, enhancing competitiveness and

achieving a sustainable competitive position. In this case, the formation of a

competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise requires a comprehensive

approach, which includes its study and development as part of a strategic set and

choosing the best on different classification grounds.

1.3. Classification of competitive strategies of restaurant business


In the context of integration transformations, deepening of integration processes,

rapid development of technologies, the main task facing the restaurant business

enterprises is ensuring continuous development by strengthening the competitive

position, creating new competitive advantages and ensuring the flexibility of the

already acquired ones. Implementation of the tasks is possible due to the right type of


competitive strategy. Since, as was justified in subparagraph 1.1, the competitive

strategy is the effective tool that allows to adapt the potential of the restaurant

business to the requirements of the competitive environment in accordance with

changes, requirements and requests of consumers in a short time.

The competitive strategy reflects the approach of the restaurant business

enterprise to the business and activities undertaken to attract new and retaining

regular customers through ensuring a high level of their loyalty to the restaurant

business enterprise, successful competitive actions, strengthening of the market

position, developing competitive advantages, etc. Any restaurant business adheres to

one or another type of competitive strategy, taking into account certain priorities.

Along with the fact that the problems of competition and competitiveness of

the restaurant industry have recently attracted increasing interest from domestic and

foreign scientists, economic science at the present stage of development has no

universally recognized view of the universal classification of types of competitive

strategies in the field of restaurant business, and the existing researches on this

problem [5; 7; 11; 33; 35; 59; 76; 93; 99; 100; 107; 108; 111; 114; 139; 161; 169;

185; 202; 209; 237; 238; 269] are not determined by the completeness and fullnessof

its illumination.

Investigation of the essence of any economic phenomenon, in particular its

definition and classification of species manifestations, is an important direction of the

overall enterprise management system. The results of the study of economic literature

allow us to state that at the current stage of development of economic science, the

definition of types of strategies is complicated by the presence of invariant

approaches to the classification of competitive strategies and their varieties [99,

p.160]. This significantly complicates the process of choosing the optimal type of

competitive strategy by restaurant business enterprise.

The high pluralism of the authors' opinions regarding the essence of the term

“competitive enterprise strategy” (Appendix A, Table A.4) also leads to a diversity of

views on the issues of selection of its types, which are not always correct. Thus, the

conducted research suggests that in the scientific literature one can find an attempt to


determine the types of competitive strategy depending on who is the subject of

evaluation of the implementation of the competitive strategy. From this point of view,

they distinguish a competitive strategy for consumers, competitors, investors,

business partners [202, p.84], while ignoring the fact that the studied category is an

objective phenomenon of the modern dynamic market and does not depend on points

of view of subjects of competitive relations.

Considering the fact that the competitive strategies of enterprises as a whole

reflect the approach to doing business and the actions taken to attract consumers of

products and services, successful competitive actions, strengthening the market

position, development of competitive advantages. At the same time, it is important to

ensure fair competition, adhere to business ethics, form a permanent clientele,

increase customer affection and loyalty, etc. Considering this, depending on the

market situation at a particular point in time, a competitive strategy may be active,

offensive or defensive. Along with strategic measures, it also includes the tactical

actions taken when necessary to respond quickly to competitors' actions. Compared

to the overall corporate strategy, the competitive strategy is smaller, but more

specific. Business corporate strategy determines the general direction of strategic

actions and activities, which are divided by functional strategies according to their

content, management plans, as well as the approaches of executors to their

implementation. The competitive strategy reflects the plans of the top management

regarding the methods of competition and attracting new consumers [33, p.28].

As the practice of strategic management shows, there is no universal

competitive strategy for every restaurant business, because different strategies may be

chosen for each business process, line of business, product or service. Managers of

restaurant business enterprises must determine the most optimal type of competitive

strategy, depending on the available resources, the state of the industry, strategic

targets and capabilities.

Against this background, the main task for the management of restaurant

businesses is a sound choice of competitive strategy, the implementation of which

will maximize the effective use of its strong sides and opportunities and minimize


weaknesses and threats. The solution to this problem necessitates the study of

existing approaches in the scientific field to the classification of competitive


Theoretical research has shown that practically all scientists recognize and

support the basic competitive strategies proposed by M. Porter [161, p. 54]: cost

leadership, differentiation, focus. According to this criterion the classification feature

"competitive advantage in the market" is determined in literature. In our view, this

approach is quite justified and can be applied to restaurant business enterprises.

Since, as stated in subparagraph 1.2 ways of forming the competitive advantages of

the restaurant business enterprise can be priced, which are provided on the basis of

implementing the possibilities of purchasing cheaper raw materials for the

manufacture of dishes from suppliers, the use of innovative technologies in the

manufacture of dishes, which allows to obtain savings, etc.

Thus, according to researches of scientists [237; 238] cost leadership strategy is

typical of most fast-food restaurant chains. This strategy ensures the following

competitive advantages: low prices for products and services; satisfactory quality of

products and service (high speed of service); standard set of products and services;

standardization of business processes, concept elements, interior, personnel; high

productivity; high resource efficiency, advanced advertising system, etc. The strategy

is aimed at meeting the needs of the mass consumer. The Quick & Casual network of

enterprises (establishments) is characterized by a cost-effective strategy based on the

combination of the characteristics of a cost-leadership and differentiation strategies.

The defined strategy ensures the presence and development of the following

competitive advantages: a wider range of products and services (compared to fast

service companies); high quality of products and service (higher degree of

individualization of production and service); use of elements of new production and

service technologies; high qualification of personnel, advanced system of advertising

activity, etc. The focus of the strategy is on meeting the needs of both mass and

individual consumers [237].


The differentiation strategy is aimed at emphasizing the uniqueness of the

restaurant business enterprise (interior, atmosphere, quality of affairs, originality of

the menu, nature of service, etc.). The strategy will be effective in the consumer

market for which the name of the company is important,and the brand, the price of

the product or service is a secondary criterion that determines its choice. While

implementing this strategy, the enterprise focuses on a specific segment of the

market, offering different types of menus.

Considering the key determinants of consumer loyalty to the restaurant

business enterprise, identified as a result of the study (subparagraph 1.2), we consider

it appropriate to classify competitive strategies by differentiation: product strategy,

personnel strategy, service strategy, price strategy, image strategy. Their

implementation will increase the level of competitiveness of the restaurant business

enterprise according to the key criteria for the consumer.

The focus strategy, in our opinion, depends on the type of restaurant business

enterprise (luxurious restaurant, fast food restaurant, cafe, bar) and the target

consumer group (from students to VIP-segment). Using a focus strategy, even a small

restaurant business enterprise can be profitable, while concentrating on a certain

competitive niche if it has unique restaurant products or benefits at a cost, with the

market share being insignificant [161, p.98.]. It should be noted that luxurious

restaurant chains are guided mainly by a focus strategy that gives the opportunity to

compete due to such competitive advantages: unique concept of enterprise

(establishment); uniqueness of products and services; high quality of production and

service; high level of individualization of production and service; high qualification

of personnel; use of new technologies of production, service, management, advanced

marketing activity system, etc. [238].

An important classification feature that characterizes the possibility of

improving the competitive position is the "initial position of the firm in the market."

By definition, American marketer Little A. identifies the following types of strategy:

the strategy of leaders, the strategy of enterprises with a strong position, the strategy

of enterprises holding a favorable position, the strategy of enterprises occupying a


satisfactory position, the strategy of enterprises occupying a poor position [111, p


Dominant position is very rare. The restaurant business enterprise can

occupy it provided that its competitors exceed all the determinants of consumer

loyalty (products, personnel, atmosphere, service, price and image) and have a wide

range of opportunities to influence the behavior of competing enterprises and have a

wide range of strategic development vectors;

Strong position is characterized by the fact that the competitive

advantages achieved allow the restaurant business enterprise to have a high degree of

freedom regarding the choice of independent strategic options for development, while

maintaining its own competitive position in the market. The restaurant business

enterprise has a unique concept that enables it to maintain its business at a relatively

high level of security compared to competitors;

Favorable position is found in fragmented markets, where none of the

competitors has a clear position in the market and competitive enterprises have a high

degree of freedom. The specialization of the restaurant business enterprise in a

narrow niche allows to maintain a favorable competitive position, which can be

maintained for a long period of time, but there is no chance to improve its

competitive position;

Satisfactory position is characteristic of restaurant business enterprises,

which are usually vulnerable to the fierce competition of restaurant business

enterprises that have an active and strong position in the market. The acquired

competitive potential allows them to maintain viability and justify their existence in

the market. Opportunities to change market position are significantly limited, and

profitability is achieved and maintained through specialization;

Unsatisfactory position implies that the restaurant business enterprise has

a number of critical weaknesses that prevent it from maintaining consumer loyalty

and generating profits. Enterprise initiative is usually unsatisfactory, even if there are

market opportunities that can be used to improve them. The low competitive potential

of the enterprise does not allow to resist competitive pressure. If the enterprise does


not take any action to change its current position, it is likely to lose its customer or

even voluntarily leave the restaurant business [107, p.137].

The approach to the classification of competitive strategies by market share

proposed by F. Kotler is noteworthy. In his study [107, p.271] the scientist

distinguishes the following types of competitive strategies: market leader strategy,

Challenger strategy, follower strategy, niche strategy.

Market leadership is characteristic of those restaurant business enterprises

competitive potential of which allows them to maintain the balance of interests of

restaurateurs and customers. To maintain a competitive position, enterprises use non-

standard methods of customer engagement and have a highly developed corporate

culture. The market leader determines changes in pricing policy, directions of

innovation, intensity of advertising and marketing activity. That being said, he is an

innovator in marketing mix models. A market leader exists in every industry, in every

sphere of business, in every commodity and territorial market [107, p. 123].

Challengers are those enterprises that occupy the second or third market positions, are

successfully and rapidly developing, and the vector of strategic tasks of which is

aimed at expanding their market share [185, p.124]. Restaurant business enterprises

that follow a follower strategy invest little in R&D because they mostly use

innovations developed by other enterprises. As a result, their restaurant products are

derived, not original, and are therefore able to offer consumers similar restaurant

products at lower prices than their competitors. That is, by implementing a policy of

"following" the leader, they retain existing consumers. Niches are restaurant business

enterprises that have their own unique competitive advantages. The niche market is a

specific or purposeful subgroup of the wider market [185, p.12]. A niche marketing

strategy is aimed at delivering a product or service to meet the needs of a specific

audience or target group, enabling long-term success. The specialization can be

classified according to the following characteristics: by geography, by end consumer,

by the ratio "price - quality of goods", by service; according to the types of

consumers [139, p.83].

Noteworthy is the approach to the classification of the competitive strategy on

the sign of "dependence on the stage of the life cycle" (I. Adizes, G. Osovskaya, O.

Osovsky, S. Pokropivny, V. Kolot) [209, p.54], according to which allocate : a


strategy for birth, creation, growth, maturity and decline. The stage of birth is the

creation of the initial concept of the enterprise, that is, the idea itself is born, which

needs further implementation. At this stage, the main task for enterprise owners is to

correctly identify the strategic vector of future activity, based on the study of unmet

consumer demand and market trends and consumer trends [159, p.170]. The stage of

creation provides for official registration of the legal aspects of the enterprise activity.

The main goal during this period is survival, since, as statistics show, most start-ups

cease to exist at this stage because they cannot provide an adequate level of

competitiveness. During the growth, the company develops the market [76, p.98].

The stage of maturity is characterized by steady growth and final consolidation of

competitive positions in the market. At the stage of decline (stagnation) the main task

facing the management of the enterprise is its revival due to the renewal of strategic

potential [5, p.78].

The classification of competitive strategies developed by G. Azoev is based on

the concept according to which the enterprises operating in a certain market segment

are divided into enterprises-leaders, enterprises with strong competitive position,

enterprises with weak competitive position and enterprises-outsiders [7, p. .109]. G.

Azoev notes that "... the combination of different competitive strategies in practice is

not only possible but also more effective than the implementation of one strategy" [7,

p.65]. In our opinion, the scientific position of G. Azoev is relevant for the activity of

the restaurant business, because there are many examples of successful combination

of different types of competitive strategies in the practical activity of the restaurant


The matrix of opportunities for goods and markets, which was first proposed

by I. Ansoff [11, p.132], belongs to classical models of competitive strategies.

According to the proposed matrix, the following types of strategies are distinguished

according to the criterion of "market / product development focus", namely, market

penetration strategy, market development strategy, new product development

strategy, product differentiation strategy, market differentiation strategy. The market

penetration strategy is aimed at existing products and markets. Sometimes "cost


savings" or "improve what you already do" names are sometimes synonymous with

this strategy. It is effective if the market is growing or not saturated. Strategy for the

development of new products is focused on new products for formed and long-

developed markets. It is used when an enterprise has a number of successful types of

products that are popular with customers. Market development strategy involves

entering new markets with previously mastered products. The purpose of the

manufacturer is to increase sales of existing products and services, even by providing

consumers with new opportunities to use them. The strategy of diversification is

applied in conditions when it is necessary to reduce a high degree of dependence of

the manufacturer on a certain type or assortment of product group, including in the

case of care for an unpromising market segment [11, p.187].

Considering the dynamics of competitive behavior the competitive strategies

highlighted by A. Kuznetsov [114, p.117], namely offensive and defense should also

be accented. The purpose of an offensive competitive strategy is to increase

profitability by maximize the use of the effect of experience. The link between

profitability and market share is mainly found in mass production, where competitive

advantage is associated with cost savings. However, it is clear that there is a certain

limit, in which further growth of market share becomes unprofitable. Another danger

of a very large share of the market is the attention of the bodies that control the

balance of the competitive environment [108, p.28]. A passive (defensive) strategy

can be receptive and adaptive. Receptive is characterized by restriction of

innovations, use of already proven management decisions and methods is

characteristic for receptive. Adaptive, by contrast, is focused on finding new

solutions and striving to be among innovators [100, p.48].

Typical for the current stage of development of the restaurant industry

tendencies of aggravation of competition and the increasing pace of change in

consumer requests necessitate the tuning and, accordingly, the introduction of

technical and organizational and technological innovations. With this in mind,

successful implementation of a competitive strategy is possible only on the basis of

the innovative orientation of the restaurant business enterprise. In the context of this


aspect, some scholars supplement the basic composition of competitive strategies

with innovative and rapid response strategies [70, p. 48-50]; early market emergence

(pioneering) strategy and synergie strategy.

Also in economic science, researchers classify competitive strategies by level

of management (O. Wichansky) - corporate (portfolio), businesslike (business

strategy), functional (detailing, supporting corporate and businesslike), operational

(ensuring achievement of strategic goal) strategy [35, p.89]; by lines of activity (B.

Karloff) - commodity (defines the perspective range of goods, the volume of its

production and sales, development of new goods, technologies) and market

(determines market behavior, organization of sales, etc.) strategies [93, p.148]; by

level of globalization of enterprise (J.Tomspon) - narrow specialization strategy,

diversification strategy [269, p.127]; by functional criterion (P. Dol) - marketing,

production, financial, organizational, social strategy [59, p. 37].

It is noteworthy that the approach in the economic literature proposed by

scientists L. Ramensky and H. Frizevinkel [169, p.23], respectively, which in the

formation of competitive strategies scientists draw parallels with varieties of

competitive strategies, depending on "competitive behavior". According to this

approach, the following types of competitive strategies are distinguished: violent,

patent, commutative and exploratory. Within the biological approach to the

classification of competitive strategies, the Ramensky-Grime system [107; 169],

presented in table. 1.2. is noteworthy. This system is formed with consideration of the

status of two groups of factors: resource availability and disruption. Violation is the

result of the action of any external to the system (restaurant business) factor that

causes the destruction of its part or destroys it entirely.


Table 1.2

Comparative Characterization of Competitive Strategies of Enterprises under the

Ramensky - Grime System

(developed by the author on the basis of generalization [107; 169])


Type of strategy by L. Ramensky

Violent Patient Explerent

The type of strategy by J. Graemeir

Competitor (C)

Stress-tolerant (S)

ruderal (R)

Geographical skale of activity National Local Regional

Competitive environment conditions Favorable Unfavorable Favorable Intensity of the influence of external factors on the

activities of the restaurant business enterprise Low Low High

Level of competition in the industry High Low High

Level of competitiveness of products or service High Low Medium

Type of reaction to environmental changes

Innovative Adaptive Urgent

It should be noted that, according to the two-dimensional Ramensky-Grime

system, secondary competitive strategies that combine the characteristics of two or

three primary types of competitive strategies ("C", "S", "R") are possible. These types

of competitive strategies are: "CS" - violet-patient, "CR" - violet-ruderal, "CRS" - a

mixed type of competitive strategy that combines the characteristics of violators,

patients and rudeals.

In order to extend the existing approaches to the classification of competitive

strategies of restaurant business enterprises, despite the "vegetable" origin, the

approach to the classification of Ramensky-Grime strategies can be successfully

applied in determining the optimal type of competitive strategy in restaurant business


Adhering to biological approach, we have formed a system of competitive

strategies for restaurant business enterprises, which is depicted as the "Grime’s

Triangle". The model parameters, considering the key characteristics of the

competitive strategy, defined in subparagraph 1. (Figure 1.4) are: external

environment, competitive potential and competitive behavior. The letters in the

corners of the triangle (T, G, R) denote the three primary types of competitive

strategies of restaurant businesses, the combination of two and three letters (TG, T-R,

GR and TRG) - characterize the secondary (combined) types of competitive strategies

(Figure 1.9).


Figure 1.9. Model of competitive restaurant business strategies formation

(author's development)

Aggressive type of competitive strategy "Segment T" is characteristic for the

restaurant business enterprises with high level of competitive potential and

considerable opportunities to withstand the negative influence of environmental


Conservative type of competitive strategy (Segment R) is characteristic of

restaurant business enterprises with significant competitive potential, which allows

them to function successfully in the absence of resources or in the presence of

external conditions that limit their consumption (for example, in conditions of limited

financial resources able to quickly adapt the recipes when forming to strengthen the

emphasis on the use of "economical" ingredients, while not reducing the proper

quality of the dishes).

A protective competitive strategy (Segment G) is characteristic of restaurant

business enterprises that are able to adapt and "find benefits" as the intensity of

external factors increases. To maintain competitiveness, these restaurant business

enterprises use standard resources at times when they are provisionally unclaimed by

other restaurant businesses.

Changing the transition type of competitive strategy to one of its possible

primary types (T, R, or G) occurs as a result of the dynamics of model parameters

(changes in environmental pressure, changes in the level of implementation of

competitive potential and competitive behavior).



External environment pressure

Competitive potential






The proposed approach to the formation of a competitive strategy, in our

opinion, is quite reasonable, since the coordinates of the three-dimensional model are

formed with the following assumptions: the pressure of the external environment for

the restaurant buisiness enterprise is relatively the same, but the ability of the

restaurant business enterprise to resist the pressure of the external environment is

different, which is determined by the level of implementation of its competitive

potential and characteristic type of competitive behavior. Given the static pressure of

the environment on the activities of the restaurant business enterprises, but when one

or two other parameters (level of implementation of competitive potential or change

of competition policy) change, the type of competitive strategy changes. Accordingly,

changing all three parameters of the competitive strategy also alters the competitive

strategy of the restaurant business enterprise. Against this background, restaurant

business enterprises should systematically monitor the process of forming a

competitive strategy. As changes in the conditions of management place the

restaurant business with new strategic tasks that necessitate a corresponding change

in the competitive strategy and, accordingly, determine the vector of other

management decisions.

Bearing in mind that every restaurant business enterprise is an integral

"organism" where there are no minor roles, and the interior, atmosphere, space,

influence the impression and emotional perception of the restaurant service, an

important aspect that must be taken into account when formulating a competitive

strategy is emotional aspect. Practical experience of restaurant business enterprises

shows that emotions experienced by restaurant customers affect satisfaction,

willingness to pay a higher price, reuse it and share positive experiences with other

people. In order to achieve positive emotions from the customers, restaurant business

enterprise must formulate a competitive strategy so that "investing in the emotions"

of consumers is converted into a positive economic effect for the enterprise.

In the context of consumer behavior management, V. Tamberg and A. Badin

introduce the concept of "emotioning". According to them, "... emotioning is an


influence on the subconsciousness of the consumer, an appeal to his emotional

sphere" [188]. Certainly, the emotions of consumers describe the value of the

restaurant service, which is recognized by the consumer, demonstrating his choice to

potential consumers while expanding his customer base. Considering the possible

effects of emotioning, it is possible to distinguish two types of competitive strategies

of restaurant business enterprises: emotional resonance and addictive pleasures.

A competitive emotional resonance strategy can be defined as a way to create a

certain positive mood for consumers while passing information about a restaurant

business to another audience. As a result, a potential audience of consumers is

formed, who have a desire to visit this establishment in order to receive similar

emotions. The implementation of this type of strategy will enhance even the small

competitive advantages of the restaurant business.

The competitive strategy of addictive pleasures is aimed at consumers who are

“suffering” from the syndrome of pleasure deficiency, which is manifested in the

constant feeling of boredom [181, p.8]. The implementation of this competitive

strategy is focused on the range of consumers who want to receive certain emotions

from visiting the restaurant business.

Emphasizing the need to maintain competitive positions in the long run, the

issue of determining the right vector of management decisions to respond to

competitor action in certain circumstances and "asserting" their own advantages in

the market is relevant. Considering this, the notion of "competitive behavior" in

competition theory is quite reasonable. Based on the generalization of the scientific

positions of the authors (Appendix A, Table A.4) regarding the definition of the

essence of the concept of "competitive behavior", we conclude that in general,

competitive behavior characterizes the result of implementation of the competitive

advantages of the restaurant business enterprise in the complex of determinants of

consumer loyalty (products , personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image) and

determines the focus of strategic competitive decisions on ensuring and maintaining a

high level of long-term competitiveness in the long run.


Given the possible alternative actions of the restaurant business enterprise to

support and develop competitive advantages, depending on the type of competitive

behavior, the following types of competitive strategies can be distinguished:

1. Innovative competitive strategy is oriented for the restaurants, which are

actively introducing different kinds of innovations into their activities. Innovations

are an effective tool through which the restaurant business enterprise creates an

advantage over rivals (innovative menu, new types and technologies of cooking

dishes, new forms of service, new technical and technological methods of serving the

customers, new advertising).

2. Reproductive competitive strategy is characteristic of those restaurant

business enterprises, which carry out their activities in the field of restaurant business

for a long period and have a positive reputation among the consumers of their

restaurant services. In order to retain regular customers and attract new ones,

restaurateurs strive to copy their competitors' achievements in the shortest possible

time, and with the commitment of consumers to ensure a high level of


3. An adaptive competitive strategy is characteristic of restaurant business

enterprises, which provide a high level of consumer loyalty on the basis of timely

adaptation to modern trends in nutrition and servicing in accordance with customer

requirements and requests.

4.Supportive competitive strategy is characteristic of restaurant business

enterprises, whose financial capacity is limited. However, enterprises have a positive

image and good reputation, which allows them to maintain already acquired

competitive advantages and meet consumer expectations on key determinants

(products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image) through their continuous

improvement. Because image is a dynamic phenomenon and changes under the

influence of circumstances, new information and other environmental factors in

which it exists. The conducted research allowed to improve the classification of

competitive strategies of the restaurants (Figure 1.10).


Thus, according to the results of the conducted research, the classification of

types of competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprises has been further

developed based on the systematization of the basic criteria and introduction of

additional ones: by individualization (services, business needs, niche), specialization

(target group, geographical extension, VIP-segment ), differentiation (products,

personnel, service, price and image), emotion (emotional resonance, addictive

pleasures), competitive intentions (aggressive, conservative) A protective), which is

the basis to evaluate the competitive potential and to formulate a competitive strategy

for business entities in the restaurant business.

The proposed approaches to the formation of the competitive strategy of the

restaurant business enterprises allow to expand and supplement the classification of

types of competitive strategies and, accordingly, open up new opportunities for

creating the competitive advantages provided by their realization.


1. By competitive

advantage in the


1.1. Cost leadership 1.2. Differentiation 1.3. Focusing

2. By the initial position

of the enterprise in the


2.1. Leaderboard Strategy. 2.2. The strategy of firms with a strong

position. A strategy of firms that have a favorable position.

2.3. The strategy of firms that hold a satisfactory position.

2.4. The strategy of firms that take an unsatisfactory position

3. By market share

3.1. Market leader strategy. 3.2. Challenger strategy. 3.3. Follower strategy. 3.4. Niche strategy.

4. By the stage of the life cycle of the enterprise

4.1. The strategy in its infancy. 4.2. Strategy at the creation stage. 4.3. Strategy at the growth stage. 4.4. Strategy at the stage of maturity. 4.5. The strategy in the decline stage.

7. By conditions of environment and resources

7.1. Violent. 7.2. Patient. 7.3. Commutative. 7.4. Expleretant

5. By way of formation of competitive advantages

5.1. Cost reduction strategy. 5.2. Product differentiation strategy. 5.3. Market segmentation strategy. 5.4. Strategy of introduction of novelties, strategy of immediate reaction to market needs

6. By dynamics of competitive behavior

6.1. Offensive. 6.2. Defensive

8. By management level

8.1. Corporative. 8.2. Business-like(business strategy). 8.3. Functional. 8.4. Operational.

9. By functional criteria

9.1. Marketing. 9.2. Production. 9.3. Financial. 9.4 . Organizational.

10. By individualization

10.1. Restaurant service strategy. 10.2. Business needs strategy. 10.3. Niche strategy.

11. By specialization

11.1. Target groups. 11.2. Geographic extension. 11.3. VIP-segment.

13. By differentiation

13.1. Product strategy. 13.2. Personnel strategy. 13.3. Service strategy. 13.4. Price strategy. 13.5. Image staretgy.

14.By type competitive behavior

14.1. Innovative 14.2. Reproductive. 14.3.Adaptive. 14.4.Providive.

15. By competitive intents

Primary types:Combined types: 15.1. Aggressive (Т). 15.а. Т-G 15.2. Conservative (G). 15.b. Т-R 15.3. Defensive (R). 15.c. G-R 15.d.Т-G-R

12. By emotioning

12.1. Emotional resonance 12.2. Addictive plessures.

Types of competitive strategies of restaurant business enterprises

Figure. 1.10.Classification of competitive strategies of enterprises (developed by author on basis of generalization; 11; 33;

35; 59; 61; 70; 76; 93; 99; 100; 107; 111; 114; 139; 159; 161; 169; 185; 202; 209; 238; 238])




Conclusions to chapter 1

1. Based on the study of the essence of the concept of "competition", the

stages of its development were systematized and characteristic approaches to

(behavioral, structural, functional and strategic) were determined. According to the

results of the content analysis of existing interpretations of the essence of this concept

in the modern economic literature, it is established that competition determines the

boundary of possibilities of achieving the best results of activity within a certain

economic system, which includes other market participants, similar in specialization

and functions.

2. The analysis of invariant interpretations of the essence of the concept of

"competitiveness of the enterprise" allowed to create an informational basis for

determining the characteristics of this concept, which focus on its complexity: 1) the

ability to compete, withstand competitors; 2) the ability to offer competitive products

(services) that meet the requirements of consumers; 3) ability to meet market

requirements; 4) the ability to adapt to the dynamic conditions of competition; 5) the

ability to deliver high performance against competitors. These characteristics should

be considered when forming a competitive strategy of the restaurant business


3. The results of the analysis revealed the presence of different approaches to

defining the essence of the term "enterprise competitive strategy", namely: resource,

client-oriented, competitive and integrated, and the main essential characteristics of

the concept: focus on high level of competitiveness, retaining and attracting clients

and supporting competitive advantages, external orientation and relativity over time,

balance of local components of competitive potential were identified.

4. Based on the results of the study, the relationship between the basic concepts

of the theory of competition is established, according to which the competitive

strategy describes the logic of formation of competitive advantages and effective

coordination of business resources in the realization of competitive potential in the

process of creating consumer value.

5. In order to determine the key aspects of the formation of a competitive


strategy in the restaurant business enterprises, their types are investigated, a complex

of specific functions is defined and characterized: production, realization,

organization of consumption, social, information-communicative, value, recreational

(relaxation), entertaining, cognitive, creative. The complexity and combination of the

above functions (production and non-production spheres) broadens the field of

competition for restaurant business enterprises and causes the complexity of the

subject of competition in the restaurant industry.

6. Based on the existing developments in the field of research of sources of

formation of competitive advantages, the peculiarities of the value creation chain in

the restaurant business enterprises are defined: the range of products, the nature of

service and the geographical scale of activity. The identified characteristics of value

are the determining indicators of creation and development of competitive advantages

of the restaurant business enterprise.

7. For the argumentative determination of the key determinants of the

formation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise, 10

working hypotheses have been put forward. In order to test the hypotheses for

reliability and to form an information base for the reasonable choice of key

determinants of forming a competitive strategy of a restaurant business enterprise,

based on the application of the multicriteria assessment of the effectiveness of the

Data Acquisition Analysis Method (DEA), key determinants (products, personnel,

service, atmosphere, price, image) have been identified that affect customer

satisfaction and loyalty in the restaurant industry..

8. Based on developments in the field of competition theory, a conceptual

model of forming a competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise has

been developed, which is based on scientifically grounded connection of the purpose,

tasks, principles, industry peculiarities, sources and ways of forming competitive

advantages, key determinants of consumer loyalty, and aimed at developing effective

management decisions in the face of increased competitive pressure based on an

understanding of the unity of all elements of the model.

9. It is proposed to consider the " competitive strategy of enterprise " as a

complex model of actions of protection against the influence of competition forces


for a certain period of time, aimed at maintaining the existing and creating new

competitive advantages, achieving the target level of competitiveness, sufficient for

stable functioning and development under competitive pressure, strengthening of

competitive position, through implementation and development of competitive

advantages on determinants of consumer loyalty: products, personnel, atmosphere,

service, andthe image and in terms of the current competitive environment usferi

restaurant business.

10. Considering the necessity of choosing the most optimal and effective

type of competitive strategy for the modern market, the existing approaches to the

classification of competitive strategies based on the systematization of the main

criteria and introduction of additional ones were expanded: specialization (services,

business needs, niche), specialization (target group, geographical extension, VIP-

segment), differentiation (products, personnel, service, price and image), emotioning

(emotional resonance, addictive pleasures), competitive intentions (aggressive,

conservative, protective), which is the basis for assessing the competitive potential

and shaping the competitive strategy of business entities in the restaurant business.






2.1 Analitic rating of Ukraine`s restaurant business enterprises

development tendencies

When making strategic decisions about competitive development of business,

one should have a clear understanding of the trends and transformations that are

happening in the industry market. The latter is especially relevant in those areas of

economic activity, where enterprises have extensive functional specialization.

Restaurant industry is one of those areas, within which networks of various types of

restaurant business enterprises / establishment are being developed. The restaurant

business enterprise is an enterprise that combines the arts and traditions, mechanisms

of work and marketing experience, service philosophy and the concept of forming a

potential audience. The key purpose of the activity of the enterprises of restaurant

farms, as noted by M.I. Hindaie "... meeting the needs of the population in the

organization of food and leisure with the help of manufactured or purchased products

and services" [42, p.302].

The developed restaurant industry is the key to the development of the

economy of the country as a whole. The dynamic development of the industry causes

the emergence of different types of restaurant business enterprises and their

corresponding formats, which contributes to the most complete satisfaction of

different needs of consumers. The restaurant business is one of the promising

elements of the tourism sector of economy.

The restaurant business is the sector of economy that will remain one of the

most dynamic in the economy of Ukraine in the near future. This sector of the

economy is extremely attractive for investing, given the high capacity and


incompleteness of the market. Gradually, the out-of-home food market will move

closer to the most progressive Eastern European markets, on the one hand

contributing to the increase in demand for food raw materials, and on the other,

generating an aggravation of competition in this sector of the economy [30, p.21].

The restaurant business has a quite long and interesting history of formation

and development. During its existence, the restaurant business has been modifying

and changing, and new types of restaurant business enterprises have emerged (Figure

1). It should be noted that each stage is characterized by a certain emphasis in the

organization of nutrition according to changes in national traditions, requirements and

requests of consumers.

As the data shown in Figure 2.1, The modern restaurant business is represented

by a wide variety of types of establishments: from classic fast food to authoritative

high-end restaurants.

Figure 2.1. Evolution of types of restaurant business (developed by the author

on the basis of generalization [31; 50; 64; 136; 152; 226] and own observations)

At the same time, restaurateurs are actively exploring new trends for the

development of the restaurant business, new ideas for increasing customer loyalty

Working canteen

Factory Kitchen

Tea Room

Food combine

4th century BC. - 476.

н.э.ХХ ст.



17th century


Early 18th- mid

19th century.

Coffee house

Coffee shop

Dining room

Cookery Tavern

Mid 19th

century.- 1917 1917-1985. 1985-1998.




Snack bar


Restaurants of

different styles and




Beer bars

Summer cafe tents


Food stores in

business centers

Authoritative high-

end restaurants


Restaurants for


Fast food


Food court

(restaurant patio)

Coffee shops




occurring in the domestic and worldwide markets of the restaurant business.

According to the Forbes Ukraine website, "..despite of the crisis, many new

restaurants are opening in Ukraine today, and those that have already been opened are

gradually being changed and modernized" [49, p.58].

The basic directions of development of modern technologies in the restaurant

business establishments are: creation of restaurants by the type FreeFloor; opening of

food courts; creation of conceptual enterprises of restaurant business; expansion of

the network of virtual restaurants or "table-less restaurants" that provide online

ordering and delivery to the consumer; cooking in the presence of visitors;

organization of catering services, etc. Free-float restaurants have a new format with a

combination of fast food and buffet style, where the customer has the freedom to

choose and have direct access to the goods, dominated by low prices and fast service


The situation in the restaurant services market of Ukraine (as well as in other

countries of the world) is changing under the influence of economic, political,

demographic and other factors, it is constantly undergoing certain structural

transformations, including those related to the specialization of enterprises /

establishments of the restaurant business[152, p.69]. In this regard, identifying

current trends in the development of restaurants in Ukraine is an urgent problem. The

solution of which will allow to make sound managerial decisions on determination of

competitive advantages and formation of strategic directions of development of both

the branch of restaurant industry as a whole, and individual enterprises of restaurant


To solve the identified problem, the main tasks are defined, which are to

analyze the state and tendencies of the development of the restaurant business

enterprises in Ukraine, to identify the main factors that cause changes in the

development of the restaurant business enterprises and to generalize future trends in

the industry in the future.

The modern conditions of entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant business in

Ukraine have an increased level of complexity due to high dynamism and high risks.


The development of the restaurant business depends on the general tendencies of the

economy of the state, the situation of the consumer market, the emergence of new

formats under the influence of the development of innovative technologies. In

addition, the activity of restaurant business enterprises is greatly influenced by the

high elasticity of demand for products by consumer income, price and quality, given

the differentiation of consumers by income level; the presence of cross elasticity;

ability to generate new demand and exacerbate all forms of competition. Features of

demand for culinary products are determined by the specifics of the restaurant

business enterprises. Produced products enter the personal property of the consumer

and enter the final stage of movement of the product - the sphere of consumption.

Part of the purchased goods is sold in enterprises, bypassing the stage of production,

and part of the products is sold after the stage of production [150, p.16]. In the

industry, the individual nature and time constraints of product consumption are

particularly pronounced; significant fluctuations in demand during the day, week and

seasons; the presence of cross elasticity and unpredictability of the causes and nature

of the formation of new demand. To this is added such a specific feature of the

restaurant industry, as a high role in shaping the demand of internal factors, which in

the conditions of Ukraine have a predominantly negative impact [64].

The restaurant market is one of the most dynamic markets in Ukraine. It is

extremely sensitive to the economic situation, currency fluctuations and social

factors. For the last two years (2016–2017), it has been actively trying to recover

from the political and economic crisis of 2014–2015. A survey found that nearly

5600 catering enterprises have disappeared in the 2014-2015 period. According to

Rest Consulting [9], about 1500 of these restaurants closed due to the crisis, and a

little more than 4 thousand remained in occupied Crimea and the ATO area. The

volume of the entire Ukrainian restaurant market is estimated by analysts at UAH 30

billion. And by the number of establishmentss (more than 15 thousand), it has already

reached the pre-crisis 2013 indicators (not including establishments in the Crimea and

the ATO area) [43].


The analysis of the activity of the restaurant business enterprises for 2013-2017

carried out by the official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine provided an

opportunity to estimate their dynamics of quantity and structure (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1

Dynamics of the number and structure of restaurant business enterprises by their size

in Ukraine during 2013-2017 [50]

Indicators Years

Absolute deviation from

previous year, +/-

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Number of restaurant business enterprises, units, including:

10996 7885 7700 6544 7300 -3111 -185 -1156 756

prominent 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1

middle-sized 430 291 246 243 261 -139 -45 -3 18

small, including: 9665 7593 7453 6300 7031 -2072 -140 -1153 731

microenterprises 7916 6312 6272 5116 5822 -1604 -40 -1156 706

Share of prominent and avarage enterprises in the total number of restaurants,%

3,92 3,70 3,21 3,73 3,60 -0,22 -0,50 0,52 -0,13

Microenterprise share in: -the total amount of PWG,%

71,99 80,05 81,45 78,18 79,75 8,06 1,40 -3,28 1,57

- the total number of small enterprises in the restaurant business

81,90 83,13 84,15 81,21 82,80 1,23 1,02 -2,95 1,60

* made according to official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [55] by type of economic activity "Temporary accommodation and catering" and without taking into account the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and parts of the area of anti-terrorist operation.

Analysis of the data in Table 2.1 shows that the coincidence of domestic and

economic crises in 2014-2015 against the backdrop of the global economic crisis

caused a downward trend in the number of industry in 2014-2015. So, if in 2013 the

number of restaurants in Ukraine amounted to 10,996 units, in 2015 their number was

7,700 units, and in 2016 - 6544 units. According to studies conducted by H.T.

Piatnytskoiu “… at the end of 2014, due to the aggravation of the military situation in

Ukraine, some of the restaurant business enterprises decided to cease their activity in

the restaurant services market of Ukraine (also due to sharp deterioration of financial

indicators and a high level of uncertainty about the prospects for their improvement. )

or partially curtail their activities and / or review the implementation of their strategic

development plans. Among the most common management decisions of the time


were the decisions to review the pricing policy of the restaurant business enterprise

and to look for cost reduction items. During this period, a number of restaurant

business enterprises, which began to sharply raise their prices for their products,

made a big mistake, which cost some of them the loss of part of regular customers,

and others even led to the situation when the only solution was the termination of

activity ”[152, p. 70].

Therewith, in 2017 there is a positive trend in the growth of the number of

restaurant business enterprises. According to official data of the State Statistics

Service of Ukraine, the number of restaurant business enterprises in 2017 amounted

to 7300, which is 756 units. more than in 2016.

According to the data given in table. 2.1 restaurant business enterprises

operating and developing in Ukraine are mostly small in size. Thus, the results of the

study show that the share of small enterprises in the 2013-2017 period is an average

of 94%. Thus, if in 2013 the share of micro-enterprises in the total number of

restaurant business enterprises was 71.99%, in 2017 their share increased by 7.76%

compared to 2013 and amounted to 79.75%. At the same time, the proportion of large

restaurant business enterprises remains insignificant. During 2013-2016, only one

large restaurant business enterprise operated in the country (Section I, Temporary

Placement and Catering, in NACE-2010). At the same time, it should be noted that in

2017 there were 2 large enterprises operating in the restaurant industry in Ukraine. In

2017, the share of large and medium-sized restaurant business enterprises was 3.60%,

which is 0.13% less than in 2016.

The dominance of small enterprises (mainly even micro-enterprises) was

primarily driven by the advantages that under the provisions of the Tax Code of

Ukraine [156], according to which business entities can apply a simplified system of

taxation, accounting and reporting. The advantage of small and medium-sized

businesses in the restaurant business is public. support and development programs.

For example, the European Small and Medium Business Support Program

“Competiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (COSME)” is being actively

implemented in Ukr aine, combining a set of thematic projects and programs for the


period from 2014 to 2020 with a total budget of € 2.3 billion. The list of programs

defined by the European Commission is changed and presented annually in a separate

document - the Work Program, which in 2017 consists of 22 sub-programs in three

directions: facilitating entry into foreign markets; improving conditions for

competitiveness; forming a culture of doing business. Among these programs, for

example: European Enterprise Network EEN, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs,

Internationalization of SME Clusters, Tourism Development, Facilitating Access to

Government Procurement, etc. [122].

Exploring the structural transformations of the restaurant industry H.

Piatnytska, O. Hryhorenko and V. Naidiuk explain the general increase in the number

of restaurant business enterprises by the development of restaurant business

enterprises in the composition of enterprises of other (other than restaurant) types of

economic activity and identify the following main causes of this dynamics [152, p.


1) the use of an insourcing approach when it comes to catering at the place of

work, studying, treatment, etc., which is characteristic of enterprises in the fields of

education, health care, some industrial enterprises, etc .;

2) business diversification in order to ensure a more efficient internal

distribution of capital in the enterprise, maximize its profits and reduce the risk of

losses. Examples of enterprises operating in the field of restaurant business of

connected (related) diversification are enterprises of wholesale and retail trade in

foodstuffs, agricultural enterprises, hospitality industry enterprises, etc.

Investigating the current trends in the development of the restaurant industry in

Ukraine, it is usually necessary to focus on economic indicators (Table 2.2). One of

the indicators that characterizes the performance of the restaurant business enterprises

is the volume of sales of goods and services, which in the period 2015-2017 shows a

positive dynamics.

Thus, according to the data given in table. 2.1, the volume of sales in 2017

amounted to UAH 28554,8 million, which is UAH 5471 million more than in 2016

and 70.71% more than in 2014. Such dynamics indicate an increase in consumer


spending on food outside the home. Analyzing the volume of products sold per

restaurant business enterprise, we should also mention the increase of this indicator in

2017 by 10.89% compared to 2016, which is due to the excess of the growth rate of

the sales of products over the growth rate of the number of restaurant business


According to the data given in table. 2.2 decrease in the value of fixed assets in

2017 is estimated at UAH 9061.7 million compared to 2016, which is largely due to

the high level of equipment wear and tear. According to the State Committee of

Statistics of Ukraine for the restaurant industry, the depreciation of fixed assets is

gradually increasing. Thus, if in 2015 the wear and tear was 35.6%, in 2016 it was

already 41.9% [55]. The question of updating fixed assets is very acute for restaurant

business enterprises.


Table 2.2

The main economic indicators of the development of the restaurant industry in Ukraine for the years 2012-2017 (built by

author on basis of data [50])

The main economic indicators 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Deviation, +/- The pace of change, %



to 2014



to 2016



to 2014



to 2016

Sales volume of goods, services, UAH million. 16726,9 14346,3 18250 23083,8 28554,8 11827,9 5471 170,71 123,70

Volume of sales per 1 restaurant business

enterprise, UAH million. 1,52 1,82 2,37 3,53 3,91 2,39 0,38 257,14 110,89

Equity, UAH million 13786 3333,9 -3117,3 -6205,5 -3797,1 -17583 2408,4 -27,54 61,19

Net profit (loss), UAH million. -1416,7 -6641,9 -6874,9 -1983,1 1743,1 3159,8 3726,2 -123,04 -87,90

Rentability (loss) of realization,% -8,47 -46,30 -37,67 -8,59 6,10 14,57 14,70 -72,07 -71,06

Net profit (loss) per 1 restaurant business

enterprise, UAH million. -0,13 -0,84 -0,89 -0,30 0,24 0,37 0,54 -185,33 -78,79

Number of employees, thousand people 129,9 99,3 85,5 88,7 89,7 -40,2 1 69,05 101,13

Labor productivity, UAH million per person. 128,77 144,47 213,45 260,25 318,34 189,57 58,09 247,22 122,32

Cost of fixed assets, UAH million. 25571,8 19211 19958,6 21995,9 12934,2 -12638 -9061,7 50,58 58,80

Fund return, UAH million. 0,65 0,75 0,91 1,05 2,21 1,55 1,16 337,51 210,37 * compiled according to official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [55] by type of economic activity "Temporary accommodation and catering" and without taking into account the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and parts of the area of anti-terrorist operation.



The conducted research of the main indicators of activity of the restaurant

business enterprises in Ukraine shows that the devaluation of the hryvnia in 2014 had

a negative impact on the formation of profits of the restaurant business enterprises.

Thus, the profit of the restaurant business enterprises had a negative downward trend,

which was mainly due to the increase in the cost of raw materials for the production

of food, as well as alcoholic beverages. At the same time, there is a positive tendency

to overcome the loss of restaurant business enterprises in 2017. If in 2015 restaurant

business enterprises of Ukraine received a loss in the amount of UAH 6874.9 million,

in 2016 its value decreased significantly compared to 2015 (by UAH 4891.8 million)

and amounted to UAH 1983.1 million. In 2017, the restaurant business received a net

profit of UAH 1743.1 million.

A characteristic feature of today, as M. Dyadyuk and O. Filippenko state, is the

fact that “… in the conditions of preservation of essential problems and risks,

Ukraine pursues a policy of further gradual alignment of economic principles to

European norms, which has a positive impact on the business climate. Ukraine's

European integration course is first and foremost a set of challenges that need to be

answered. One of them is the need to increase the level of sectoral competitiveness of

domestic restaurant business enterprises in a Euro-oriented external environment, and

to increase investments in this sector of the economy, in particular related to the use

of European resources. The main sectoral problems hampering the development of

the restaurant market in Ukraine are the lower rentability of the restaurant business

enterprises compared to other types of business (for example, trade, the rentability of

operating activities in 2017 was 19.4%) ”[64, p.78]. In order to study the dynamics of

operating rentability, a chart has been drawn up (Figure 2.2).


* - compiled by author according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [55] without taking into account the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and part of the area of anti-terrorist operation.

Figure 2.2. Dynamics of rentability of operating activities of the restaurant

business enterprises in 2013-2017,%

According to the data given in Figure 2.2, since 2016, the performance of

restaurant business enterprises has been gradually improving since 2016. Thus, if in

2014 the operating loss of the restaurant business enterprises was 25.8%, in 2016 its

level decreased significantly and amounted to 0.8%, and in 2017 this indicator

became positive and amounted to 7.3%. At the same time, comparing the level of

rentability of the operating activities of the restaurant business enterprises with its

level as a whole by the enterprises of economic activity of Ukraine allows to confirm

its relatively low level. Compared to the overall level of rentability of operating

activities of Ukrainian enterprises by type of economic activity in 2017, the level of

rentability of restaurant business enterprises is lower by 1.6%, which indicates the

need to develop the main ways to increase it.

Despite the positive tendency to overcome the loss and increase the financial

result, the number of loss-making enterprises in the restaurant sector remains

significant (Figure 2.3).


-25,8 -17,3

-0,8 7,3 3,9



7,4 8,9








2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

тимчасове розміщування й організація харчування

в цілому по Україні

temporary accomodation and cattering

as a whole in Ukraine


* - compiled by author according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [55] without taking into account the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and part of the area of anti-terrorist operation.

Figure 2.3. Structure of restaurant business enterprises by financial result

before tax, in% of the total number of enterprises

According to the data given in Figure 2.3 the number of unprofitable restaurant

business enterprises has reached a peak in 2015, when their share in the total number

of restaurant business enterprises was 71.9%. It can well be explained by the

economic and political crisis in the country. Starting in the second half of 2015, the

Ukrainian economy has gradually moved into a phase of restoring macroeconomic

stability and growth, which has a positive impact on the performance of restaurant

business enterprises. Thus, in 2016, the share of unprofitable enterprises in the sector

began to gradually decline compared to 2015 and in 2017 amounted to 69.6%.

Undoubtedly, the main problem of the restaurant business at the present stage is

overcoming the unprofitableness of the majority of its business entities, but the

positive tendency to increase the number of profitable ones (by 2.1%) and,

accordingly, the share of unprofitable restaurant business enterprises of Ukraine

draws attention.

Investigating the tendencies of development of equity capital (Table 2.2), we

note that its size gradually decreases over five years, so that in 2013 and 2014.

accordingly, UAH 13786 million and UAH 3333.9 million respectively, since 2015,

58,9 59,5 59,5 71,9 71,7 69,6

41,1 40,5 40,5 28,1 28,3 30,4








2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Підприємства, які одержали прибуток

Підприємства, які одержали збиток

profit-making businesses

loss-recieving enterprises


the equity of restaurant business enterprises has been negative, indicating its lack. In

2017, the lack of equity of restaurant business enterprises amounted to UAH 3,797.1

million. Such negative dynamics of the equity of the restaurant business enterprises is

caused by the reduction of the net profit margin and the decrease in the level of

rentability, since the amount of the loss follows on retained earnings and accordingly

the amount of the equity capital.

The result of the resumption of the dynamic development of the restaurant

business enterprises of Ukraine after 2014 is a positive trend of increase in the

number of employees in the restaurant business, which is the result of an increase in

the number of enterprises in the field. Analyzing the dynamics of the number of

employees in the restaurant business enterprises during 2012-2017, we note that the

tendency of their reduction is similar to the trends in the number of enterprises in the

field. Thus, if in 2013 the number of employees in the restaurant business amounted

to 129.9 thousand people, in 2015 it decreased significantly by 34.18% compared to

2013 and amounted to 85.5 thousand people. However, since 2016, the number of

employees in the restaurant industry has started to increase gradually. Thus, in 2017

the number of employees amounted to 89.7 thousand people, which is 1.13% more

than in 2016.

The state of development of any sector of the economy depends directly on

cash flows. The sphere of restaurant business is no exception. According to the

leading experts in the field of estimation of tendencies of development of the

restaurant business enterprises [30; 42; 50; 64; 152] investing in the restaurant

business is advantageous, since the payback period is only 2.5 years, and the level of

rentability ranges from 15 to 30%. At the same time, comparing with the profitability

of production, where the payback period is more than 6 years and the level of

profitability from 3% to 4%, it becomes obvious that the sphere of restaurant business

research is investment-attractive for investors [50, p. 146].

The positive trend in 2016-2017 is an increase in the volume of investments in

the restaurant business. Big Ukrainian and foreign investors are interested in the

industry. One of the trends in the development of the restaurant industry is the


increase in the share of network projects. According to various estimations, the share

of network enterprises is 25-35% of restaurant business enterprises and continues to

increase [42, p.303]. The dynamics of investing in the fixed capital of the restaurants

in Ukraine is clearly shown in Figure 2.4.

* - compiled by author according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [55] without taking into account

the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and part of the area of anti-terrorist operation.

Figure 2.4. Dynamics of investments in the capital of the restaurant business

enterprises in Ukraine and Kharkiv region for the period, UAH million.

According to the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine in the field of

restaurant business in 2017 was invested UAH 1591.4 million, which is 10.66% more

than in 2016. The total amount of investments during 2015-2017 is gradually

increasing. This leads to the conclusion about the high investment attractiveness of

the restaurant business for investors. To maintain this trend, the management of the

restaurant business enterprises needs to place the main emphasis on the introduction

of innovative projects and new formats for organizing the activity of the restaurant

business enterprises, as the main factor for ensuring sustainable competitive

advantages in the long run.

Summarizing the results of the analysis, it should be noted that the decline in

entrepreneurial activity of restaurant business enterprises in the 2014-2015 period due

to the decrease in demand for restaurant services as a result of the difficult stage of

development of the economy of the country, helped to intensify. This is evidenced by


















2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


the positive dynamics of the main indicators of financial and economic activity of

restaurant business enterprises in 2017.

Considering that each region of the country has different structural indicators

of the activity of restaurant business enterprises, which is related primarily to the

economic and financial sustainability of the region, the question of the study of the

structure of restaurant business enterprises in the largest and economically developed

regions becomes relevant, since these regions form and determine the main

tendencies of development of the whole branch of restaurant business in Ukraine

(Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5. Structure of restaurant business enterprises in the largest cities of

Ukraine (Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya and Dnipro) in 2017,% (built by

the author on the basis of data [139])

The analysis of the general structure of restaurant business enterprises in the

largest cities of Ukraine, presented in Figure 2.5, namely: in Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa,

Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya and Dnipro, we can conclude that the greatest share is

characteristic of establishments such as restaurants and cafes - 46%, the share of bars

and pubs in the overall structure is 14%, and Fast Food - 40%.

Analyzing the development of the restaurant business in the territorial section

(Figure 2.6), it should be noted that the structure of establishments in each place has



40% restaurants, cafes

bars, pubs

fast food


certain features, and the number of establishments of the restaurant business is

determined by the development of tourist infrastructure of the region.

Figure 2.6. The number of restaurant business enterprises in the largest cities

of Ukraine in 2017, one.

The number of restaurants and cafes (1665) is predominant in the structure of

restaurant business in the city of Kyiv, 423 bars and pubs, and Fast Food - 780. The

city of Kharkiv ranks second in number of restaurants. Where restaurants and cafes

were 508 units, bars and pubs 250 units, and Fast Food accounted for 510 units Lviv

is ranked third in terms of number of restaurant business enterprises, 360 restaurants,

596 bars and pubs, and 596 Fast Food establishments. In the city of Odessa the

largest share of establishments is Fast Food - 531 units, restaurants and cafes are

defined 327 units, And bars and pubs 230 units. The structure of the Dnipro

establishments is also dominated by the Fast Food enterprises - 550, the restaurants

and cafes are 156 and the bars and pubs are 125. Last in terms of the number of

establishments of the restaurant industry is established in the city of Zaporizhzhya,

where restaurants and cafes are identified 96 units, Bars and pubs 85 units, and Fast

Food establishments - 158 units.

Today, the restaurant business in Ukraine is the most dynamically developed

and highly profitable and, therefore, promising for investment and an attractive








Київ Львів Одеса Дніпро Харків Запоріжжя


360 327 156




175 230





596 531




Ресторани, кафе Бари, паби Fast Food

Kyiv Lvil Odessa Dnipro Kharkiv Zaporizhzhya

restaurant, caffes bars, pubs


segment of the domestic service market for entrepreneurs. The rapid growth of the

catering sector, the accelerated pace of modern life, the growth of the general culture

of the population in our country have led to the fact that in this segment of the market

intensified competition. Domestic restaurant business enterprises are keenly

challenged to adapt to the dynamic external environment and develop effective ways

to meet changing consumer demands and requirements.

The main instrument by which a modern restaurant business enterprise can

adequately respond to changes and adapt its operations to these conditions is a high-

quality competitive strategy that must take into account the innovative aspect in

today's competitive environment. Because various innovations provide certain

benefits to both the business entity of the restaurant business (producers of restaurant

products and services) and its customers (consumers of products and services of the

restaurant business enteerprise). It is necessary to fully support the view of M. Hind,

who states that: “… despite the unstable economic situation in Ukrainian society,

food establishments are in high demand compared to other places of rest or the means

of organizing various events. The flexible policies of restaurant business enterprises

make it possible to satisfy everyone's wishes. But against the backdrop of

competition that arises in the restaurant business, there is a growing question of

moving away from traditional methods of service, cuisine, entertainment and the

expected contingent of consumers ”[42, p. 301].

The constant dynamism of the development of market relations and the

intensification of competition objectively require special attention to the problems of

the development of the restaurant industry on an innovative basis, since the

application in the practice of progressive forms and methods of service, the formation

of new types of services determines the prospects of business entities in the restaurant


Investigating the modern tendencies of innovations in the restaurant business it

is possible to state that today there is a kind of "boom" of technologies of making

restaurant dishes. In the preparation of dishes, new types of technological processing

are used (Termomix technology, vacuum marinating technology, low-temperature


processing technology, molecular distillation, aromodistillation), new types of

equipment, innovative biologically active additives based on plant material are used

to make functional foods.

Given the limited financial resources, domestic restaurateurs adapt Ukrainian

recipes and shift the focus on the use of ingredients from private farms when forming

the menu. The most striking trend of the modern Ukrainian restaurant business in

2017 is to strengthen the emphasis on healthy eating. The philosophy of "slow food"

or the gastronomic concept of "slow food", which implies the satisfaction of tasty and

healthy dishes, is becoming widespread. According to the concept of "slow food"

vegetables and fruits are subjected to minimal heat treatment to preserve the natural

taste [225]. The very concept of "slow food", that is, food found within a 30 km

radius, was the ambition of the most famous French chef Alan Ducasse. Now this

healthy direction is getting active development in the Ukrainian restaurant business

[1; 14; 225; 242]. With this trend, new types of restaurant business enterprises are

emerging on the streets of cities: salad bars, soup cafes, and the number of veggie

establishments is increasing.

Fashion for healthy eating causes the attention of restaurateurs to expand their

search for new gastronomic determinants in accordance with the requirements and

requests of consumers. Thus, today there is a trend of increasing the number of

restaurants serving gluten-free bread and desserts [49]. The main trend in beverages

in recent years is crafting. The menu of restaurant business enterprises has a large

number of craft brandy, whiskey, gin and other beverages [1].

Increased interest in delicious and healthy food has influenced the emergence

of new trends in the restaurant business. Over the past year, the “open kitchen”

format has become popular, where visitors can observe the cooking process, evaluate

the quality of the products and the level of skill of the cook. Certainly, this innovative

direction of development of the sphere of restaurant business deserves attention.

Because customers see the entire workflow from within, they have no doubt about the

freshness of the products and the quality of work of the personnel. In addition,


waiting at a restaurant is much more interesting than just looking out of a window or

on a TV screen [268].

The conditions and rhythm of life in major cities dictate special rules. People

do not always have free time for full meals and lunches, which is why the popularity

of mobile establishments offering quality street food at the level of traditional

establishments is increasing. The trend of developing food bars (cafe on wheels) of

various types is striking: coffee shops, ice creams, confectioneries, grill bars,

traditional fast food, pizzerias and even mobile breweries.

Modern food tracks are fully equipped takeaway food trucks that are really nice

to buy. It should be noted that the food track itself is still a mobile advertising brand

and the main advantage of such a business is the ability to change location, depending

on the density of street flow and time of day [1].

The wide variety of different types of restaurant establishments undoubtedly

intensifies the competition in this field. The restaurant business is made up of

thousands of little things, where every little nuance plays a crucial role. For a

successful restaurant business, restaurateurs simply need to maximize the potential of

their establishment and at the same time manage different channels of interaction

with customers. In order to increase customer loyalty, every modern restaurateur

strives to improve the quality of service at the lowest cost. Formation of competitive

advantages of the restaurant business is based on the search for innovative

determinants in the culinary skills and in service, which significantly improves the

image of the restaurant business and contributes to its competitiveness.

Noteworthy are the development and implementation of innovative

technologies in the field of restaurant business: interactive (electronic) menu, tablet-

screens on tables, touch screens, application of QR-code, technologies of LED alerts,

food 3-D printers, sensory producers of food, use of three-dimensional projections

and video-mapping for demonstration of cooking, automation and informatization of

processes at enterprises, use of web and telecommunication technologies, etc. [1, 15].

Of course, these innovative technologies may not be used by all restaurants, but only

by those with significant financial resources. Restaurateurs are inventing alternative


ways of attracting financial resources to invest in innovative technologies to increase

the competitiveness of the restaurant. Because, only an innovation-oriented enterprise

can ensure success in competition. We characterize the brightest, in our opinion,

modern innovative technologies in the restaurant industry.

The innovative Breadcrumb product is noteworthy. This iPad application is

capable of working in real time and allows you to browse tables, menus of menus by

name and ingredients, track sales processes, open tables, form, place orders for the

kitchen. Thanks to this innovation, service businesses have significantly improved

their service and significantly improved the service process [58; 64].

Scientific and technological progress has caused the tendency of introduction

of electronic and interactive menus in restaurants business establishments. The

electronic menu is analogous to the paper one, which allows the owner of the

establishment to easily add or exclude the necessary food or drink from the range at

any time. It is no longer necessary to spend time and money on expensive services of

designers and printing houses every time you need to supplement or change the menu

[14; 151]. The electronic menu is accompanied by a photo of the dish and a list of

ingredients that are part of it. After placing an order, the visitor sends it wirelessly to

the restaurant kitchen. The electronic menu, as an automation system for restaurant

business enterprises, makes the process of choosing dishes as simple and convenient

as possible. Such an innovative product can be compared to a game that allows you

to: select from the wine list of the establishment of wine by price, year, region,

bouquet, and then the appropriate dish; calculate the calorie content of certain dishes;

when selecting dishes, you can see the final order check immediately. The electronic

menu is a link between visitors and restaurateurs, as it allows you to quickly edit the

menu and bring in new dishes, improve the quality of service and increase the

number of regular visitors to the establishment. The system maintains detailed

statistics of ordered dishes. The restaurateur can review processed orders at any time,

which helps optimize the purchase of products and simplify their storage.

In turn, the invention of the QR code (in English "quick response" - "fast

access") has opened new unlimited opportunities for on-line interaction between


restaurant businesses and consumers. In the small square maze of QR code you can

program all the known innovations of the restaurant business, as well as many new


The QR code posted on the invoice delivered to the client is a creative

advertising move. In a bright box you can encode the history of the restaurant

business, the origin, age, authorship of unique details of the interior and paintings.

Visitors to the restaurant will be pleased to explore the menu of the restaurant with

details of each dish: composition and origin of ingredients, stages and methods of

processing, calories. Using a QR code, a restaurant business can notify its customers

about promotions, lotteries, sweepstakes, activate various loyalty programs, organize

voting, conduct online surveys, and quickly receive feedback from customers [151].

One of the modern areas of innovative technology in the restaurant business is

LED alert technology. This technology makes it easier to organize the restaurant

business, make it more understandable and unobtrusive. Integration of LED alert

technology allows timely notification of restaurant personnel about tasks completed,

such as preparedness of dishes, readiness to use utensils, etc. LED technology allows

you to position lighting in a restaurant so as not to invade the dining room

atmosphere, as is the case with the use of sound alarms. This innovation allows you

to maintain the relaxed atmosphere of the establishment and to create a reputation of

"expensive" restaurant.

A novelty in the quality management system at the restaurant business is an

innovative invention developed by Sealed Air - a web-monitoring system that is able

to detect violations in the worker's employee, to record any non-compliance with

health and safety rules [1]. Thanks to this technological development, management is

able to assess the level of training and competence of the persoonel of the restaurant

business enterprise.

Generalizing the results of the study of modern innovation trends in the

restaurant industry, we consider it appropriate to classify innovations in two

directions - technical and organizational-technological (Figure 2.7).


* the brackets indicate the function of the restaurant business enterprise, in the implementation of

which the i-th innovation is involved: B - production; P - implementation; C - consumption.

Fig. 2.7.Complex of innovations for formation of competitive strategy of the

restaurant business enterprise (author's development)

Thus, in the context of increased dynamism of the environment and the

growing pace of change in consumer requests and benefits, successful

implementation of a competitive strategy is possible only on the basis of the

innovative orientation of the restaurant business enterprise. Since, as shown in Figure

2.7, each innovation is involved in the implementation of a specific function of the

restaurant business enterprise. According to the study, at the present stage of

scientific and technological progress there is a significant amount of technological

and organizational and technical innovations, the introduction of which in the activity

of the restaurant business will certainly increase the level of competitiveness not only

of a particular restaurant business, but also in the whole restaurant business.

Technical innovations

related to the introduction of new

types of equipment, gadgets, tools,

as well as technical and

technological methods of

maintenance work

interactive (electronic) menu


tablet screen on tables (С);

Touch screen;

QR- code (С);

LED alert technology (В;Р;С);

food 3-D printer (В);

three-dimensional projections

and video mapping to

demonstrate cooking (С);

system of web-monitoring of

observance of sanitary and

safety rules (В), ect.

Organizational and technological innovation

associated with new types of

services, more efficient forms

of service

catering services (Р;С);

food courts (В;Р;С);

food tracks (В;Р;С);

free-flow restaurants


conceptual enterprises of

restaurant business;

"tableless restaurants"


«open kitchen» (В), ect.

technology Termomix


технологія вакуумного

маринування (В);



обробки (В);


дистиляція (В);

аромодистиляція (В);




сферифікації (В),тощо.

related to the

technology of cooking

restaurant dishes




Summarizing the results of the conducted statistical survey, it should be noted

that the current state of development of the restaurant industry is characterized by a

decrease in the purchasing power of the population, changing tastes and needs of

consumers, aggravation of the competition, the pressure of the political situation in

the country, the imperfection of the institutional environment, the emergence of new

typesof restaurant business enterprises. Studying the historical aspects of the

establishment and development of the restaurant business has allowed us to establish

that for each stage there is a specific emphasis in the organization of food according

to changes in national traditions, requirements and requests of consumers. Today, the

restaurant business is represented by a wide variety of types of establishments. At the

same time, the enterprises of this field are characterized by a high probability of new

market threats related to geopolitical instability and complexity of economic nature,

imperfection of the legislative and regulatory field of doing business in Ukraine.

In order to increase competitiveness, domestic restaurateurs are actively

exploring new trends, for the development of the restaurant business, occurring in the

domestic and world markets of the restaurant business, developing new innovative

ideas to increase customer loyalty, introducing innovative technologies. As the main

criteria for competitiveness of the restaurant business enterprises are: quality of

kitchen, level of service and timeliness of dishes, introduction of innovative

production and service technologies allows to ensure that these criteria meet the

requirements and demands of consumers. The complex of innovations (technical and

organizational-technological) formed as a result of the research is an information

basis for the formation of an innovative-oriented competitive strategy of the

restaurant business enterprise. All this necessitates the formation of an effective

management system for restaurant business enterprises in today's global competition.

The integration of Ukraine into the European space and the high dynamism of the

processes of the world economic system lead to the necessity of solving the problems

of ensuring the stability of enterprises in the strategic perspective. Therefore, it

becomes relevant to identify the factors that have a positive or negative impact on the

development of restaurant business enterprises and pay attention to them in a timely



2.2. Assessment of the influence of environmental factors on the activities

of restaurant business enterprises

The restaurant industry is recovering from the evolving and changing crisis,

watching for unique features. However, in its dynamic restaurant business, it is

necessary not only to concentrate on the internal environment, but also to have an

effective strategy, which allowed to make changes that were used in their

environment, while simultaneously using this market position. As to how the number

in others is actually noted [8, p.28; 107, p.78; 148, p. 113; 160, p.59; 184, p.317]: “…

the environment is the source that organizes the resources needed to maintain it at an

adequate level. With regard to the international organization and external

organization, it communicates information and the source of information. It is our

own release that dictates the enterprise's strategy and tactics. "

Studying economic literature, this is exactly the concept of "external

environment of the enterprise" was first discovered by Bogdanov and L. von

Bertalanffy in the first half of the twentieth century. At the same time, it was the

largest for economic entities that were represented in the 1950s in the crisis economy.

From that moment on, any enterprise was regarded as a single entity that made bound

particles, which in turn interact with the outside world [129, p.287]. The modern

external environment is not stationary, it is becoming and developing dynamically.

Domestic and foreign introduced rightly call it stormy and continuous [234; 244].

Dynamic changes in the factors that were most prevalent expanded and systematized

his research [232, p.428].

Globalization, dynamism and uncertainty of the reliability of a larger, more

competitive, high speed of work and require the use of more goods and services by

consumers are the main characteristics of the modern environment, which are [246,

p.381]. Considering that this proprietary property is more adapted to the dynamic

changes of factors that still exist, using threats and potential individuals that need to

be captured in current market positions, and perhaps at many levels their

competitiveness. This conference should support the opinion of the impaired scientist


L. Choice, who notes that "... it explores the factors that exist in the context of

competitiveness of competitiveness, and enables the use of major problems in others

with one hand, and they can potentially compete with competitors" [250].

The focus of the restaurant business on modern customers and the increase in

the number of people who reach their loyalty is a real opportunity to respond quickly

to more changes. The restaurant business is astonishing to the economic and modern

trends, such as: production of products in production, reduced the number of

consumers who are through refineries and change the priority consumers using

healthy food [245, p.139]. By providing information, it has itself really developed

and modified a strategy that combines existing players and the threats that exist and

which are competitive advantages and key factors that are the only equal way of

responding to competition. With regard to such topical issues, the questions being

asked reveal that this applies to competitive businesses in restaurant businesses.

The question of what exists at the restaurant business is a matter of active

scientific debate. Various issues are related to this issue, which is covered in Usually

foreign and domestic in them. The research of V. Polonets [157, p.48] is devoted to

substantiating the feasibility of using PEST- and SLEPT-analysis in strategic

marketing. Scientific research by NV Borovsky [27, p.326] is devoted to the study of

the factors of the macro-environment at the catering enterprise, the result of which is

a developed obstacle that is constantly in need of development. In the present NV

Lepetyukha, T.O. Artesian [116, p.416] examines the methods that exist in a macro-

environment for an entity's activities, and it reinforces the list of possible factors that

macro-environments in the enterprise use at the enterprise.

Well-timed and objective monitoring of threats from the external environment

to the activity of the enterprise and making appropriate management decisions

provides the enterprise with adequate financial and economic sustainability and the

desired level of competitiveness [116, p.415]. Effectiveness of implementation of any

business entity's competitive strategy can be ensured with the balance of internal

capabilities and the external environment, the main features of which are complexity

and dynamism. It should be noted that the degree of influence of the external


environment on the activity of enterprises in different spheres of economic activity is

not the same. This is due to both differences in the fields of activity and the internal

potential of business entities [64, p. 235].

In the modern domestic and foreign economic literature a wide arsenal of

methods of strategic analysis and assessment of the external environment of the

enterprise (Appendix C., Table.C.1) has accumulated, each of which has specific

features. At the same time, practical experience shows that the approaches and

methods used by enterprises for strategic environmental analysis do not always meet

their needs; often they do not reflect the changes that are actually taking place in it.

Any business in the international or local market develops in the plane of direct

influence of political (P), economic (E), social (S) and technological (T) factors [66,

p.1438]. PEST - analysis is a method by which an enterprise can evaluate the main

external factors that affect its operations in order to ensure competitiveness. The

advantage of this method is: ease of filling, no restrictions on the number of factors

that are independently selected and evaluated by experts [270, p.48].

In order to determine a wide range of forces of environmental change, and to

establish a list of opportunities that they represent for the restaurant business

enterprise, the following key aspects should be emphasized in the formation of the

PEST-factors model [20, p.43]: 1) systematic analysis of key external factors

(political, economic, social and technological) allows us to form a generalized model

of relationships for strategic decision making; 2) PEST analysis is a strategic

marketing tool used to evaluate the environment, markets of a particular product or

business over a period of time. However, there is no universal PEST factor set for all

businesses. For each enterprise, there are factors that take into account the power of

influence that allows you to take advantage of the opportunities available, as well as

to prepare for likely or imminent negative events.

The study of a group of political factors is based on the identification of the main

factors and the analysis of foreign and domestic policy trends. The main political factors

that adversely affect the development of business entities are the aggravation of the

political situation in Ukraine, the imperfection of legislation in the sphere of regulation


of the activity of restaurant business enterprises. Throughout the world, businesses

must comply with legal requirements. These standards relate to wage standards,

hygiene and food quality. The type of political regime, political stability in the country,

are the determining factors in attracting investment for the development of restaurant

business enterprises.

Therefore, in the study of the political and legal environment, it is necessary to

determine the positions of legislative, administrative and state bodies regarding the

interests of the restaurant business enterprises, take into account the possible political

counter of the opposition to the current government, predict possible changes in

government policy, etc.

The study of economic factors makes it possible to find out how the resources of

the restaurant business enterprise are formed and distributed in the conditions of

changing employment, consumer incomes, utility tariffs and electricity, exchange rate

fluctuations and other factors. In our opinion, one of the key factors in this group is the

level of income of the population. In this aspect, V. M. Trayno's statement draws

attention: “… the demand for services is a need that is backed up by purchasing power.

Consequently, the frequency of visits to restaurant establishments depends largely on the

income of the population ”[194, p.363]. According to the State Statistics Service of

Ukraine, wages tend to increase (Figure 2.8), but their level is quite low. In 2017, its

average amount was UAH 7104, which is 37.06% more than previous year [55].

Figure 2.8. Dynamics of the average wage in Ukraine, UAH (constructed by

the author according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [55])

2250 2648

3041 3282 3480 4195








2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


The analysis of the complex of social factors should be aimed at assessing the

impact on the activities of the restaurant business of social phenomena and processes

in society. Feeding people of any country is related to a number of factors [222, p.

34]: social standards and basic values of the population, employment status, level of

education, change of emphasis in nutrition, cultural differences, consumers' priorities

in terms of service style and format of rest, others.

Instability of development of domestic economic system, crisis phenomena in

the economy, military events in the country reflect on the behavior of households and

their economic decisions [155, p.303]. According to the Main Directorate of Statistics

in Kharkiv Oblast [44], the share of household expenditure on restaurants and hotels

in total expenditures decreased from 2.1% in 2015 to 1.6% in 2016 (Fig. 2.9). This

negative trend is largely due to the extremely high share of household spending in

2016 on food and non-alcoholic beverages (48.4%) and high tariffs on housing,

utilities and services (17.7%).

Figure 2.9. Structure of expenditures of households in Kharkiv region for non-

food goods and services (constructed by the author according to the Central

Statistics Office in Kharkiv region [44])

Modern transformation processes in the economic system of Ukraine increase

the importance of financial well-being of households both for the sustainable

development of the domestic economy [32] and for the development of the restaurant

business. At the same time, a survey of households' expectations and their assessment

of the current state of the economy and their well-being, conducted monthly by GfK







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

2,8 2,7 2,8 2,9 2,3 2,1 1,6

34,0 34,4 36,0 36,2 35,2 36,7 41,1

відпочинок і культура ресторани та готелі інші непродовольчі товари та послуги rest and culture restaurants and hotels other non-food goods and services


Ukraine, shows that in February 2018, Ukrainian consumer sentiment deteriorated:

the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) was 55.4, down by 4.2 less than in January

2018. Almost all components of the index worsened, except for expectations of

unemployment and devaluation. This is evidenced by data from a survey of consumer

sentiment in Ukraine [180]. GfK Ukraine analysts explain this negative trend: “… the

consumer sentiment index in February 2018 fell to the level of March 2017, thus

losing its height from May to November 2017. The main factor for the decline is the

decrease in the index of the expected economic development of the country over the

next five years ”[180]. Of course, such dynamics of the consumer sentiment index

has a negative impact on the activities of restaurant business enterprises.

The study of the technological group of factors allows to determine the

technological possibilities of development of the restaurant business. Technology is

constantly changing. This means that the restaurant business must change.

Technology is a useful tool for achieving the market advantage of a restaurant

business enterprise. The degree of their implementation depends on the customer

loyalty. Technology development influences the restaurant business in three

directions [22, p.33]: 1) production; 2) employees; 3) marketing.

Technological factors directly influence the improvement of the technology of

business preparation and the organization of sales and service of visitors in the

restaurant business. The introduction of new technologies has both positive and

negative consequences for employees of the restaurant business enterprise. On the

one hand, new technologies contribute to improving working conditions and safety,

on the other - they threaten the employee with the loss of workplace through the

automation of basic business processes. New technologies are changing the ways and

forms of promoting consumer value to customers.

In order to determine the list of PEST environmental factors that directly

influence the development of the competitive strategy of restaurant business

enterprises, restaurateurs and leading experts in the restaurant business were

involved. The determination of the optimal number of experts was made on the basis

of the theory of sampling [54, p.174] by the following formula:








, (2.1)

where neks

is the number of members of the expert group to determine the influence of PEST factors of the

environment on the formation of competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprises;Р is the share

of experts with experience in the restaurant business for more than 5 years is (83,5%); t is the Student

criterion (t=2,038) at a given confidence interval of (0,05); Δ2p – the average marginal error of the

particle (0,015).

As a result of the calculations, the optimal number of experts (39 persons) was

determined to ensure the representativeness of the expert evaluation.

Respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire “Assessment of the impact

of PEST factors of the external environment on the formation of a competitive

strategy of the restaurant business enterprises”. According to the results of the

processing of questionnaires, a system of environmental factors was formed: a group

of political and legal factors was described by experts on average 10 points, a group

of economic - 12, a group of social - 11 points, a group of technological factors is

characterized by 7 points. The reliability of the results of the questionnaire was tested

on the basis of the Alpha Cronbach coefficient, which determines the average

correlation between indicators [141, p.154]:

)1(1 2





, (2.2)

where 𝜌 is the number of questions in the questionnaire;𝛿𝑖2 is internal group dispersion; 𝛿2 is the

total variance.

Alpha Cronbach's average for the questionnaire scale was 0.78, for the political

and legal component 0.74, for the economic - 0.73, for the social - 0.75, for the

technological component 0.76.

The list, determined as a result of questioning of PEST-factors of external

influence on activity of the enterprises of restaurant business of Kharkiv region is

presented on figure 2.10.


Figure 2.10. The list of PEST factors of external influence on the activity of

restaurant business enterprises (made by the author on the basis of 39 expert


The list of PEST-factors presented in Figure 2.10 is formed taking into

account the industry specificity of the restaurant business enterprises, which

collectively determine their success in the modern business environment. Taking into

Р1 – the political climate in the country Р2– the resilience of political power and government Р3 – military conflict Р4 – state legislative regulation of activity of the enterprises of restaurant business Р5 – state regulation of competition Р6 – regulatory framework of the complex of relationships between partners in the restaurant business Р7 – legal regulation of labor activity Р8 – state and regional measures to provide financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises Р9 – discipline of the regime of control of the activity of the enterprises of the restaurant business in compliance with the sanitary requirements and technical norms and rules in force DSTU, GOST, TU and penalties Р10 – level of bureaucracy and corruption

Е1 – economic situation in the state

Е2 – the employment rate of the population

Е3 – the level of income of the population

Е4 – currency exchange rate dynamics

Е5 – inflation rate

Е6 – the level of financial infrastructure


Е7 – the size of interest rates

Е8 – tax system

Е9 – customs rates

Е10 - tariffs for utilities and electricity

Е11 – favorable investment climate in the

restaurant business

Е12 – regional business support preferences

S1 – social standards and basic values of the population S2 – consumer sentiment of the population S3 – purchasing power of the population S4 – the level of economic activity of the population S5 – the level of migration and immigration sentiment S6 – population growth S7– sex-age structure of the region's population S8 – the level of education of the population S9 – consumer priorities for forms and places of recreation S10 – emphasis in nutrition priorities S11 – attitude to foreign food products

Т1 – state and sectoral funding for research and development Т2 – the level of development of innovative forms of service Т3 – process automation, application of modern equipment (mechanical, thermal, refrigeration) Т4 – development of progressive technology for the production of restaurant facilities based on new technology Т5 – information and communication technologies for receiving and processing consumer orders Т6 – the level of computerization of control systems of operational processes Т7 – development of technologies of processing of raw materials and semi-finished products










account the force of influence of each of them will allow to form an effective

competitive strategy, since the climate change of the macro-environment influences

the strategic positions of the restaurant business enterprise in the market and elements

of its micro-environment. Therewith, it should be noted that the model is not static.

Dynamics of environmental changes causes new variations of PEST-factors. Since

changes in the external environment give rise to a number of new problems in the

activities of the restaurant business enterprises, the problems necessitate appropriate

management decisions which, after a certain period of time, taking into account

further dynamic changes in the external environment, create new problems and

require new solutions. Considering this, in the process of implementing a competitive

strategy, the restaurant business enterprise should systematically adjust according to

the variation of both the list of environmental factors and the level of their impact on

the activity.

Considering that the basic characteristics of the environment according to the

view of a number of scientists [11; 129; 257] are: interrelation and interdependence

of factors (defines the degree to which changes in one factor affect other

environmental factors), complexity (due to the number of factors), mobility

(characterizes the speed at which changes in the external environment of the

enterprise take place) and uncertainty (is a derivative function of the amount of

information held by an enterprise (or person) about a particular factor, as well as a

function of confidence in that information), in the context of study of environmental

factors through method of expert assessments, the degree of its instability was

evaluated for each block of PEST factors.

The expediency of carrying out this assessment in the formulation of a business

entity's development strategy is emphasized by D.A. Drucker that determines: "... the

force of the influence of the probability of an event / trend is related to the extent to

which an event or trend affects the enterprise, their importance and quantity, and the

probability of an event - with the probability of an event or trend aggravation, time

interval of events / trends and the response time available compared to the time

required to develop and implement an appropriate strategy ”[234, p. 180].


The study of economic literature showed that effective tools for assessing

environmental instability is the scale of I. Ansoff [12, p.378], which allows not only

to assess the state of instability of the external environment, but also to determine the

optimal for the enterprise type of adaptation to it, as well as well as a perceptual

measure of R. Duncan's level of environmental instability [235, p.319]. The

instability of each factor of the external environment of the restaurant business

enterprise I. Ansoff proposed to determine by three characteristics (Appendix D.,

table.D.1): the degree of habit of events; the pace of change; predictability of the

future [12, p.287]. R. Duncan proposes to assess the predictability (certainty) of the

external environment of the following elements of the industry - consumers,

competitors, suppliers, trade unions, government regulation, political thought and

society's attitude by criteria - uncertainty, mobility and complexity [235, p.320]. In

our view, R. Duncan's approach can be modified with respect to the list of elements

of the modern external environment with a focus on PEST factors. And since, as R.

Grant points out, "... every market is different from others in terms of motivating

consumers and in terms of specific competition. In order to develop an effective

business strategy, it is necessary to understand these aspects of the industry

environment ”[46, p. 108], the market factors such as consumers, suppliers and

competitors should be taken into account when assessing the environmental

instability of restaurant business enterprises.

In order to determine the level of instability of the external environment of the

enterprises of the restaurant industry, the expert method of assessment was conducted

by means of questioning (the form of the questionnaire is presented in Appendix D,

Table D.2). Respondents were asked to rate each element of the environment on a 10-

point scale from 1 (“always predictable”) to 10 (“never predictable”). In order to

check the consistency of the experts' opinions in terms of ensuring the reliability of

the results obtained, a standard deviation () was calculated, which characterizes the

variation of the distribution of expert estimates relative to the mean of the i-th PEST

factor (formula 2.3) and the coefficient of variation () (formula 2.5) [123 , p.124].








, (2.3)

with n being the number of PEST factors that influence the activity of the restaurant business enterprise; Сі

being the evaluation of the i-th PEST factor, that was assigned with the jth expert;і

С being the average of

the expert assessments, which characterizes the general opinion of the experts, which is calculated by the






1 (2.4)




~ (2.5)

The results of estimation of the level of instability of the external environment of

the enterprises of the restaurant industry of Kharkiv region and statistical estimates of

the consistency of the opinions of experts are given in Appendix D, Table D.3.

Respondents received were reduced to a single dimension with segments [103]:

0… 0.24 - stable environment with homogeneous, predictable factors;

0.25… 0.49 - relatively stable environment, there are some unpredictable factors;

0.50… 0.69 - environmet of medium of uncertainty, dynamics, complexity;

0.70… 0.87 - undetermined mobile environment with many factors;

0.88… 1.00 - a completely indeterminate, highly variable and overly complex


The overall instability level of each factor was calculated as the average of its three

characteristics [103]:

РНj = (Нj + Рj + Сj) / 3, (2.6)

With РНj being the level of instability of the j-th factor;

Нj being uncertainty of the j-th factor;

Рj being the mobility of the j-th factor;

Сj being the complexity of the j-th factor.

Taking into account the specific nature of the activities of the restaurant

business enterprises, market factors, namely consumers, suppliers and competitors,

should be added to assess the instability of the environment. In the process of

dynamic competition in the restaurant business market, the identified factors most


influence the success of the restaurant business enterprises, posing the greatest threat.

As the distribution of income, the level of competition in the industry, changing

demographic conditions, the ease of entry, analysis of future goals and evaluation of

current strategies of competitors, in-depth study of the strengths and weaknesses of

competitors, availability of resources, form a priority list of both opportunities and

constraints factors of development faced by the enterprise. In order to formulate a

competitive strategy effectively, the management of the restaurant business enterprise

must have a thorough understanding of the essential factors that can destabilize the

environment with which it constantly interacts.

Table 2.2

Assessment of the level of instability of the external environment of restaurant

business enterprises in Kharkiv region

Characteristics of the


PEST-factors Market factors





l an





























Uncertainty 0,890 0,895 0,623 0,500 0,723 0,687 0,751 0,724

Mobility 0,741 0,815 0,597 0,556 0,779 0,726 0,828 0,721

Complexity 0,808 0,746 0,731 0,521 0,646 0,595 0,874 0,703

Instability level 0,813 0,819 0,650 0,526 0,716 0,669 0,818 0,716

According to the results of the expert evaluation, it can be argued that the

modern external environment of restaurant business enterprises is characterized by

uncertainty, mobility and complexity (the overall level of environmental instability is

0.716). In such circumstances, the process of forming and implementing the

competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise is much more complicated.

According to the table. 2.2 we can conclude that in the group of PEST-factors the

highest level of instability is characteristic for the political-legal and economic

component, at 0.813 and 0.819 respectively. The medium level of uncertainty,

dynamics and complexity is characterized by socio-cultural and technological

component, which is caused by the absence of strong fluctuations of their


components. In turn, the level of instability of market factors was evaluated by

respondents as having the highest level of instability (average expert estimate 0.713).

Thus, the high level of environmental instability in the restaurant business

enterprises of the Kharkiv region actualizes the issues of assessment and

consideration of factors in shaping their competitive strategies.As each socio-

economic system must be in some way internally structured and open, which

characterizes the ability to exchange with the external environment. The exchange of

individual parts of the system between the external environment is characterized by

metabolism (from the Greek. "Metabole" - change, transformation). In this context,

we fully support the view of the Ukrainian scientist L.G. Melnik, who notes that "...

the openness of the system and its metabolism form the energy basis of development

processes" [128, p. 138]. An unstable environment determines the need for a complex

solution to a wide range of issues directly related to the creation, development and

implementation of a system of measures to counteract negative factors, as well as to

increase the efficiency of this process and the quality of functioning in the economic

sector [154]. In this context, the issues of determining the external environment

(assessing the strength of the influence of PEST factors) on the activity of the

restaurant business enterprises are relevant. Since ignoring the pressure of the

environment on the activities of the restaurant business enterprise leads to an increase

in the intensity of their negative effects, and, accordingly, causes the incorrect

competitive strategy.

To determine the impact of each i-th PEST factor the experts were asked to

evaluate on a 10-point scale, according to which 1 point - a small impact of the factor

on the activities of the restaurant business enterprise, 10 points - a significant impact

(Appendix J., table.J. 1-J.2). When processing the questionnaire data, it was taken

into account that each of the n respondents assigns one value to the i-th PEST factor

C. Statistical evaluation of the variation of the distribution of expert estimates and the

consistency of opinions was carried out on the basis of the variance method according

to the formula [123, p.124]:







, (2.7)


With σ2 being the dispersion of expert review;Сі – estimation of the i-th PEST-factor assigned by the

j-th expert;і

С - the average of the expert assessments, which characterizes the general opinion of the

experts, which is calculated by the formula (2.8):

The estimation of the degree of concordance of expert opinions was made on the

basis of the calculation of the Kendel coefficient of concordance according to the

formula [123, p.126]:












1 1


ij3232 n





S12W , (2.8)

with W being Kendel's coefficient of concordance; aij – the rank of the i-th PEST-factor assigned by

j-th specialist;m – the number of experts;n – number of PEST-factors that affect the activity of the restaurant

business enterprise.

The higher the Kendel coefficient of concordance, the higher the degree of

concordance of expert opinions. In the case where 4,02,0 W – the degree of

consistency of opinions of experts is weak; 8,05,0 W – the degree of consistency of

experts' opinions is considerable. The statistical significance of the coefficient of

concordance was verified by Pearson's criterion (χp2) [123, p.128]:




















, (2.9)

With χp2 being the Kendel's coefficient of concordance;tj – the Empirical Frequency Intervals

(Number of Related Rank Groups);tTj – theoretical frequencies in the interval (number of related

ranks in each group).

The calculated value of the Pearson test (χp2) is compared with the table value (χТ2).

If χp2> χТ2, then the coefficient of concordance is significant, provided that χp2

<χТ2 - it is necessary to increase the number of experts in the group.

The coefficient of significance of the i-th PEST-factor is calculated by the











With ωi being coefficient of significance of the i-th PEST-factor; i – the number of a factor; j – the

number of an expert; m – the number of experts; Сij – estimation of the i-th PEST-factor assigned

by the j-th expert;СSi – the sum of points awarded by the j-th expert to all the PEST-factors.

Summarized results of the expert reviews and their consistency are given in

Appendix C, Table. C.2., the analysis of which led to the following conclusions: in

the group of political and legal factors, the following indicators have the most

significant influence on the activity of the restaurant business enterprises: P4 - state

legislative regulation of the restaurant business enterprises (average expert evaluation

- 8.90 points), P9 - discipline of the regime of control of activity of the enterprises of

the restaurant business on observance of sanitary requirements and technical norms

and rules, current DSTU, GOST, TU and penalties (8,62 points), P8 - state and

regional measures of providinf financial support to small and medium-sized

enterprises (8.51 points) and P1 - the political climate in the country (8.41 points).

The factor P7 - legal regulation of labor activity (6.77 points) has the least significant

impact on the activity of restaurant business enterprises.

In the economic group the highest average scores were given tothe indicators:

E3 - the level of income of the population (9.05 points), E12 - regional preferences

for business support (8.82 points), E11 - the favorable investment climate in the

restaurant business (8.64 points) , E2 - employment rate (8.56 points) and E1 -

economic situation in the country (8.51 points). The lowest average expert estimates

in this group of factors were assigned to such indicators as: E9 - customs rates (6.44

points), E5 - inflation (6.59 points) and E4 - exchange rate dynamics (6.82 points).

The analysis of the group of socio-cultural factors showed that the biggest

influence on the activity of the restaurant business enterprises have such factors as:

S4 - the pace of life of the population (9.1 points), S2 - consumer sentiment of the

population (8.77 points) and S3 - purchasing power of the population (8.74 points).

The lowest scores in this group of factors are characteristic of indicator S11 - the ratio

to foreign food, 6.74 points, respectively.

It should be noted that the average expert assessments of the Technological

group indicators fluctuate within 6.15… 8.77 points, which makes it possible to


conclude that the technological level of development of the restaurant business

enterprises, although rated high enough, still needs improvement.

The obtained statistical estimates allow us to conclude that there is a high

degree of consistency of the experts' opinions. Thus, the value of the coefficient of

variation for the whole set of factors is in the range, ie does not exceed 33%, which

indicates the uniformity of expert estimates. The calculated value of the Kendel

coefficient of concordance varies in the range, which leads to the conclusion that a

considerable degree of coherence of experts' opinions. The Pearson test of

concordance coefficient (χp2) has been shown to reflect a high degree of concurrence

of experts' opinions, since the calculated value of χp2 for the whole set of PEST

factors corresponds to the table.

Thus, the results of the expert evaluation create an informational basis for the

calculation of the aggregate index of environmental pressure on the activities of the

restaurants (PEST

Т ) by the formula:















1 , (2.11)

with PESTС

~ being the avarage expert estimation of force of influence of the i-th PEST-factor on

activity of the enterprise of the restaurant business, points; ni – i-th РEST-factor; Nі – number of РEST-

factors:PESTCmax – maximum possible estimation of the power of influence of PEST-factors on the activity of the

restaurant enterprise (10), points.

Therefore, in the absence of the influence of PEST - factors on the activities of

the restaurant business enterprises, the aggregated index of environmental pressure

will be 0. However, in reality, such a situation is never possible. Accordingly, a

change in the value of the aggregate environmental pressure index from 0 to 1 in the

direction of growth indicates an increase in the influence of PEST - factors on the

activity of the restaurant business enterprises. The intervals for determining the level

of environmental pressure are as follows: if the calculated aggregate index PEST

Т is in

the range from 0 to 0.33, it is diagnosed as low; from 0.34 to 0.66 is diagnosed as


average; from 0.67 to 1.0 is diagnosed as high environmental pressure on the activity

of restaurant business enterprises.

According to the results of the calculations, the value of the aggregate index of

external pressure on the activity of the restaurant business enterprises (PEST

Т ) in 2017

is 0.787, which, accordingly, allows to conclude that the characteristic high pressure

of the environment on the activity of the restaurant business enterprises, which

actualizes the question of determining the optimal type of adaptation to the


Based on the existing developments in the field of adaptation management, five

types of adaptation can be identified, the characteristics of which are given in Table


Table 2.3

Characteristics of types of adaptation of economic entities to environmental

conditions [4; 103; 110; 116]

Type of adaptation Essence

Active The management of business entity tries to modify

individual elements of the environment

Moderately active Limited measures regarding influencing the elements of the


Preventive Changing business functioning processes based on

projections for environmental change and top managers'

intuitive considerations

Countervailing Adaptation due to the mechanism of switching

complementary modes of operation of the adaptation entity

Passive Changing the behavior of the socio-economic system to

function more effectively in the external environment

In order to determine the optimal type of adaptation to environmental

conditions in the formation of a competitive strategy of restaurant business

enterprises, the "Environmental instability - pressure of the external environment"

matrix is proposed in Table 2.4.


Table 2.4

Template of the "Environmental instability - pressure of the external

environment" matrix to choose the optimal type of adaptation of restaurant business

enterprises to the environment (author development)

Factor’s influence on

restaurant business enterprise Instability of the environment (РН), coefficient



The value of the aggregate

environmental pressure index


Т ),


stable Relatively



instability level





unstable, highly



24,0НР 49,025,0

НР 69,050,0

НР 87,070,0

НР 88,0


high 33,0PEST

Т 1* 2 3 4 5

medium 66,034,0 PEST


6 7 8 9 10

low 67,0PEST

Т 11 12 13 15 16

* quadrants 1,2,7 characterize the appropriateness of the compensatory type of adaptation; quadrants 3,4,5

characterize the appropriateness of the active-passive type of adaptation; quadrants 6,11,12,13 characterize the feasibility

of a passive type of adaptation; quadrant 8 characterizes the preventive type of adaptation to the environment; quadrants

6,11,12,13 characterize the active type of adaptation.

* ccordinants А (РН; ZT

PEST) determining the type of adaptation of economic entities to environmental

conditions А (0,716; 0,787)

Figure 2.11. Matrix for determining the type of adaptation of a restaurant

business enterprise in the Kharkiv region to environmental conditions (compiled by

the author)

Countervail -ling

















Moderately active



Environmental instability level (РН)

Absolutely unstable,

highly variable






instability level











re (










0 0,24 0,49 0,69 0,87 1







According to the matrix (Figure 2.11), to establish a dynamic interaction of the

restaurant business enterprises of the Kharkiv region with the external environment,

there is a characteristic emphasis on the active type of adaptation, which is aimed at

building a mechanism for regulating subsystems of the restaurant business enterprises

with the purpose of influencing the external environment and forming favorable

conditions for their functioning. . It is the active adaptation that shapes the plan of

action in the new operating environment and involves the use of the strengths of the

enterprise and the formation of benefits according to the opportunities available in the

external environment. Active adaptation involves the use of innovative technologies

in various functional areas of its activity [144, p.41].

Thus, the developed methodological toolkit for assessing the environmental

impact on the activities of the restaurant business enterprises involves the calculation

of an aggregate index of environmental pressure and the determination of the level of

environmental instability, formed on the basis of the determined influence of factors

(political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and market) by characteristics of

mobility, complexity and uncertainty, and, based on established compliance of

characteristics of its environment to determine the optimal type of adaptation of the

restaurant business enterprise to its conditions (active, moderately-active, preventive,

countervailing, passive).

The modern external environment of the restaurant business enterprises is

increasingly characterized by the appearance of atypical situations and conditions of

activity of the restaurant business enterprises. The multiplicity of atypical tasks, along

with the expansion of geographical boundaries of a market economy, complicates the

spectrum of various problems, complexity and novelty create an additional burden on

management, and the set of previously distinguished and fulfilled management skills

are less and less responsive to new working conditions, atypical situations arise. The

novelty, complexity and frequency of their occurrence increase the likelihood of

strategic surprises [21, p.17]. Provided that this type of management is adopted, the

question of assessing the competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises

arises organically. Because competitive potential is its "insurance policy" and is


determined by the ability of the restaurant business enterprise to withstand the high

pressure of environmental factors, characterizes the ability to exchange with the

external environment. The following section of the monograph is devoted to these


2.3. Comprehensive assessment of the competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises

The success of activity of the restaurant business enterprises and the ability to

maintain a high level of competitiveness in the long term in the face of increasing

competition and dynamic environmental changes depends on the development of its

own competitive potential. Undoubtedly, "... a real sustainable competitive advantage

is" grown "in a restaurant that can create a wide range of competitive advantages"

[225, p.68]. To create sustainable competitive advantages, restaurant business

enterprises must constantly outperform themselves rather than trying to outperform

their competitors. The high level of competitiveness ensures the ability of the

restaurant business enterprises to maintain and expand its market share in the

balanced development in the long run [268]. In turn, one should fully support the

view of the scientist, according to which "... knowledge of its basic components and

the degree of their development in an enterprise will help determine the future

directions of development" [13, p.121]. In this aspect, the view of Kirchat I.M.,

according to which: "... competitive conditions require enterprises to constantly look

for ways to increase their competitiveness, which is achieved by a clear focus on the

effective use of all available capabilities, which is once again emphasizes the crucial

role of the competitive capacity of enterprises in the process of competitive strategy


Issues of research of the competitive potential of economic entities are widely

covered in the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. Of greatest interest

are the scientific developments of such scientists as: I.A. Arenkova [13], A.O.

Bakunova, E.M. Smirnova [16], I.M. Kirchata, G.V. Poyasnik [97], V.A. Grossul,


M.V. Afanasieva, A.V. Yancheva [51], etc. At the same time, in spite of all the

versatility of the existing researches of the components of competitive potential, their

list is inexhaustible, there are no criteria for its estimation taking into account the

specifics of the restaurant business enterprises.

Considering this, the issues of forming an integrated structural model of the

competitive potential of the restaurant business enterprise, the development of a

system of partial indicators of the assessment of local potentials, and the

substantiation of a methodological approach to the assessment of the competitive

potential of the restaurant business enterprises are relevant.

The competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises is an integrated

multicomponent system, which is determined by the ability of an enterprise to realize

its capabilities in order to ensure its competitiveness and formulate a strategy for its

development. Given the specifics of the development of the restaurant industry, the

structure of the competitive potential of the restaurant business enterprises has

distinctive properties and represents a set of local potentials that determine the need

for the use of special management technologies and taking into account the features

of each of the potentials.

The structuring process will allow you to logically combine and streamline

your competitive potential metrics to evaluate the real opportunities for competitive


It should be noted that in the current field of economic research there is no

single point of view on determining the main components of the competitive potential

of the restaurant business enterprises and the criteria for its evaluation. However, we

believe that every viewpoint of researchers and their scientific position has a rational

right to exist. Investigating numerous scientific works of experts in the field of

structure formation and evaluation of the competitive potential of the enterprise,

namely Zawyalova P.S. (allocates production, financial, scientific and technical,

labor) [71, p.158], Voronkova A.E. (distinguishes production, financial, managerial,

marketing, innovation, communication, labor, motivational) [38, p.15], Erokhina

D.V. and Galushko D.V. (distinguish market, marketing, financial, production,

innovation, organizational, social) [66, p.62], Ivanov M.I., Levina O.V. and


Mikhalskaya V.A. (distinguish commercial, material, financial, organizational,

information, human, business) [74, p.49], Kirchata I.M. (allocates production,

marketing, financial and economic, managerial, innovative, informational, labor) [96,

p.87], Yuldasheva O.U. (allocates market, resource, marketing, innovative, creative)

[217, p.58], Medvedev O.M. and Baranova A.V. (allocate production, financial,

organizational, marketing, scientific and technical, innovative, innovative-

educational, personnel) [126, p.87], Salikhova Ya.Yu., Gavrilova M.A. and Arenkova

I.A. (distinguish market, resource, marketing, innovative, creative) [13], Semenko

S.V. (distinguish commercial, technological, consumer, communication, image) [176,

p.241]., Grosul V.A. and Afanasyev M.V. (distinguish technical and technological,

commercial, marketing, client, entrepreneurial) [51, p.39], Table E.1, Appendix E is

presented to substantiate the conclusions on the structuring of competitive potential.

At the same time, despite all the versatility of the study of local components of

competitive potential, their list is inexhaustible. As the researched approaches to the

variant of forming the optimal structure for assessing the competitive potential by

kinds of manifestation are incomplete, because they do not take into account the

industry specificity of the restaurant business enterprises. Generalization of

approaches to the structuring of competitive potential in the economic literature [13;

38; 51; 66; 71; 74; 1296; 217] allowed to form a structural model of competitive

potential, taking into account the specific activity of restaurant business enterprises

(Figure 2.12), which consists of components: technical, technological, financial,

marketing, production, innovation, customer.


Figure 2.12. Structural model of competitive potential of restaurant business

enterprises (developed by the author on the basis of the 7S model)

The aggregate of local components of competitive potential is accumulated

from the resources (tangible and intangible, quantitative and qualitative) of the

enterprises, which are closely interconnected and interdependent from each other, are

formed taking into account the specific business processes of the restaurant industry

(production of culinary products and services, realization of culinary products and

services, the organization of consumption of culinary products and services) to

achieve one or more of the goals set, with overall efficiency higher than with a simple

sum of local potentials. Undoubtedly, the impact of each structural element on

competitive potential is different. However, the importance of each structural

component is determined by the specifics of the restaurant industry and the

development characteristics of each restaurant business enterprise.

It should be noted that the need to study the local components of the

competitive potential of the restaurant business enterprises is justified by the presence

in each component of the competitive potential (financial, marketing, technical and

technological, innovative, production and customer) specific features and factors,

which, in turn, due to the specificity activity of restaurant business enterprises [175,


In order to form a system of indicators of competitive potential assessment, we

consider it necessary to determine the requirements, the fulfillment of which will



Financial potential Productive potential

Marketing potential

Innovational potential

Client potential

Technical and

technological potential


allow to reasonably formulate conclusions about the level of its implementation at the

restaurant business enterprises and to substantiate the management decisions for

further strategic development. Such requirements, in our opinion, are the following:

sufficiency, objectivity, complexity, consistency, comparability, uniformity,

systematic nature.

In view of the above requirements, a system of indicators for assessing the

local components of the competitive potential of the restaurant industry enterprises

was developed (Table 2.5).


Table 2.5

The system of indicators for the assessment of local componentscompetitive potential

of restaurants (author's development) Local Components of Competitive Potential * (KP) and indicators of their evaluation Legend

Financial potential (FP)

Profitability of implementation,% FP1

Turnover per 1 seat, thousand UAH. FP2

Autonomy coefficient, coefficient. FP3

Return on equity,% FP4

Overall liquidity ratio FP5

Production potential (PP)

Profitability of production,% VP1

The cost share in the turnover of the restaurant business, coefficient. VP2

Production defect ratio, coefficient. VP3

Inventory turnover ratio, coefficient. VP4

Return on fixed assets,% VP5

Marketing potential (MP)

Return on sales costs,% MP1

Consumer satisfaction index of food quality, coefficient. MP2

Share of regular customers, coefficient. MP3

The complexity factor of additional services, coefficient. MP4

The uniqueness factor of the assortment menu, coefficient. MP5

The coefficient of stability of the product range MP6

Innovative potential (IP)

Level of implementation of organizational and managerial innovations, coefficient. IP1

Innovation index of technologies for distribution and delivery of finished goods

(electronic menu, touchpad, LED notification technology, etc.), coefficient. IP2

Innovation Index of Communication Technologies (which provide new opportunities

for receiving and processing consumer orders using Internet technologies),



Innovation index of restaurant cooking technologies, coefficient. IP4

Innovation index of technological and thermal equipment (steam boilers, sprays,

etc.), for cooking, coefficient. IP5

Index of innovativeness of consumer services (catering, vending, food trucks, food

courts, open kitchen », etc.), coefficient. IP6

Technical and technological potential (TTP)

The coefficient of suitability of fixed assets TTP1

Coefficient of renewal of fixed assets TTP2

The coefficient of technical weapons of labor TTP3

The volume of sales per 1 m2 of retail space of the restaurant business enterprise TTP4

Service Channel Load Ratio (A system with a service channel load factor of 0.7-0.9

is recognized as rational; wait time for service start time to exceed 5 minutes) TTP5

Client potential (ОP)

Capacity of restaurant business enterprise, coefficient. OP1

Consumer Flow Intensity Ratio, coefficient OP2

Service efficiency index, coefficient. OP3

Consumer satisfaction index with quality of service, coefficient. OP4

The comfort level of consumption of culinary products and services, coefficient. OP5 * Calculated for each restaurant business enterprise based on the results of annual financial, statistical and accounting

reporting, market research and consumer surveys using the formulas given in Appendix E, Table E.2


Note that the number of evaluation indicators of each local component of

competitive potential does not exceed 10, which meets the requirements of system

analysis, as well as confirmed by studies of the psychological aspects of information

perception by a person - according to the "Miller 7 ± 2" rule: a person can instantly

perceive 5-7, maximum 10 properties. Thus, the complexity of the evaluation process

can be avoided and the contradictory conclusions can be eliminated [173, p.69]. It

should also be noted that all indicators of the evaluation system are differentiated into

those that have a positive effect on the level of competitive potential (stimulants),

which increases the level of realization of the potential, and those whose increase, on

the contrary, leads to its deterioration (destimulants), ie increase of which reduces the

level of realization of the potential.

In order to assess the competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises, it

is advisable to integrate the dedicated indicators of local potential assessment into a

single indicator. To solve this problem on the basis of the proposed evaluation system

(table 2.5), it is advisable to determine partial (local) integral indicators and, on their

main, to make an overall assessment of the competitive potential of the restaurant

business enterprise. Realization of the proposed approach involves the

implementation of eight interrelated steps (Figure 2.13).

It should be noted that the choice of a base for comparison and standardization of the

system of indicators of assessment of local components of competitive potential is

one of the main stages of diagnostics. It is advisable to choose the basis of

comparison (standards) for each specific indicator, depending on their economic

content, the features of the activity of the restaurant business enterprises and the

direction of their influence on the competitive potential.

Considering that the "norm" (from the Latin "norma" is a sample, the rule), and

the "standart" reflects a quantitative measure of the relationship between different

indicators [37], to characterize the system of indicators for assessing the competitive

potential of restaurant business enterprises for each of these, the optimal values must

be determined. In the absence of the ability to determine the optimal values of

indicators, the standards can be used actual average or best values for a certain


period. In this case, it is possible to assess the competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises in accordance with the actual conditions of business in a certain

period of time. In addition, as V.S. Stepashko notes ".. the main condition for the

formation of a base of comparison is the comparability of the norms of different years

with each other" [182]. As standards, it is advisable to use limit values for each

individual indicator, which implies setting boundaries depending on the nature of the

directional influence of the j-th local component of competitive potential on its

overall level [18; 52; 106].


Figure 2.13. Structural-logical scheme of evaluation of competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises (author's development)

In order to eliminate subjectivity in determining the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises, it is proposed to calculate the degree of achievement

of the standard by the following formula:

1. Determination of local components of competitive potential of restaurant business

enterprises (KP)
















Technical and



2. Formation of a system of indicators of evaluation of competitive potential







potential assessment




potential assessment



Client potential









Technical and




indicators (TTP)

3. Substantiation of the base of comparison and standardization of the system of

indicators of KP estimation in relation to the standard











< 0 → 𝛽𝑆𝑖𝑆𝑇 (𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃,𝑉𝑃,𝑂𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝑇𝑇𝑃)

= 0

4. Rationale for the weighting factor of

the i-th indicator

𝜀𝑖 = 𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃, 𝑉𝑃, 𝑂𝑃, 𝐼𝑃, 𝑇𝑇𝑃𝑖𝑘




5. Assessment of local components of

competitive potential

6. Calculation of the integral indicator of competitive potential

𝐼𝐾𝑃= (1 + 𝐼𝐹𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑀𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑉𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑂𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝐼𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑇𝑇𝑃)6

− 1

7. Determination of the interval of values of the integral indicator KP


А─ sufficient

В- avarage


─ allowable С-low












< 0 → 𝛽𝑆𝑖𝑆𝑇 (𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃,𝑉𝑃,𝑂𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝑇𝑇𝑃)

= 0


Given the dynamism of the external environment, restaurant business

enterprises need to try to achieve competitive advantages over the local components

of its competitive potential. However, in the real world, some of them will have

different priorities, that is, they will be defined differently to ensure success in the

rivalry by significance [16, p.119]. Considering this, the issue of determining the

weight of each local component of the competitive potential ε_i 〈FP, IP, VP, OP,

TTP, MP〉 and their i-th evaluation indicators is relevant. The determination of the

importance of each i-th indicator of competitive potential assessment is proposed to

be calculated on the basis of the hierarchy analysis method proposed by T. Saati.

The method of hierarchy analysis involves the use of the paired comparison

method to calculate the priorities of the investigated and ranked alternatives [172]. To

set the priorities of the competitive potential assessment indicators, we form a square

matrix of pairwise comparisons [34; 172], the order of which is determined by the

number of elements (appendix, Table C.2). The pairwise comparison matrix is

formed on the basis of the expression of the relative influence of competitive

potential indicators and allows to determine the relative priorities of the choice of

alternatives in accordance with the established priorities of the selection criteria

[172]. The methodology for determining the weighting of a system of indicators on

the basis of the hierarchy method is given in Appendix E, Table E.3.

The fifth stage of assessing the competitive potential of restaurant businesses

involves the calculation of the aggregate integral indicator of local components of

competitive potential by the formula:








TTP)IP,OP,VP,MP,FP,( , (2.13)

with 𝐼(𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃,𝑉𝑃,𝑂𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝑇𝑇𝑃) being the partial integral indicator of evaluation of the j-th local

component of competitive potential (financial, marketing, production, client, innovation, technical

and technological);



being the standardized value of the i-th indicator of the j-th local

component of competitive potential (financial, marketing, production, client, innovation, technical

and technological);

휀𝑖 being the specific weight of the i-th indicator in each group of assessment of the j-th local

component of competitive potential (financial, marketing, production, customer, innovation,

technical and technological);

n being the number of indicators in each group of assessment of the jth local component of

competitive potential (financial, marketing, production, client, innovation, technical and


The sixth stage of the competitive potential assessment involves the calculation

of a generalized integral index based on the following formula:

𝐼𝐾𝑃= (1 + 𝐼𝐹𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑀𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑉𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑂𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝐼𝑃)(1 + 𝐼𝑇𝑇𝑃)6

− 1 , (2.14)

with 𝐼𝐾𝑃 being the integral indicator of evaluation of competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises;

𝐼(𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃,𝑉𝑃,𝑂𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝑇𝑇𝑃) being the partial integral indicator of evaluation of financial,

marketing, production, customer, innovative, technical and technological components of

competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises.

At the seventh stage of the evaluation of the competitive potential, the scale of

values of the calculated integral index IKP. is formed. The calculations revealed that

the value of the integral indicator of competitive potential assessment is within the

range. However, if the value of IKP. reaches 1 (maximum value), it indicates a high

level of competitive potential, if the value of IKP. approaches 0, then it indicates a

low level of competitive potential.

In view of this, it becomes necessary to determine the limit values of the

integral indicator of competitive potential.

It should be noted that the competitive potential of a restaurant business

enterprise cannot be characterized by a discrete number of any i-th indicator, since

there are always certain permissible values within which there is a transition from one

level to another. In addition, the limit value of the integral indicator of competitive

potential is probabilistic, so its true value (𝛽𝑆𝑖Р (𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃,𝑉𝑃,𝑂𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝑇𝑇𝑃)) is at some limit (Δ), and

the limits of high and low level are determined accordingly. The limit value of the

integral value of the competitive potential is determined in the process of establishing

their standards (minimum limit of the standard). The magnitude of the boundary


value of the integral index of the competitive potential is 0.25 of its value, then

∆= 0,25 ∗ 𝛽𝑆𝑖Р (𝐹𝑃,𝑀𝑃,𝑉𝑃,𝑂𝑃,𝐼𝑃,𝑇𝑇𝑃)


For the purpose of linguistic assessment of the competitive potential of the

restaurant business enterprise, a corresponding scale has been developed, which is

presented in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6

The scale of linguistic assessment of the competitive potential of the restaurant

business enterprises (developed by the author)

Value range*𝐼𝐾𝑃





1KPI А high

the restaurant business enterprise is making the best use of its competitive potential, adapting it to the competitive environment




the enterprise of the restaurant business most fully implements its competitive potential, occupies a stable competitive position on the market, provides a high level of consumer loyalty, is capable to carry out competitive development in the long run




KP )I(II 1 В


the restaurant business enterprise has a fairly stable competitive position on the market, able to withstand the competitive forces in the sphere of self-interest




KP II)I( 1 В─ allowable

the restaurant business enterprise is not able to actively compete with competitors, does not make significant changes in its activities, low-profit, the threat of its expulsion from the market is high








TTP)IP,OP,VP,MP,FP,( Сlow the restaurant business enterprise does not meet the market requirements, has low efficiency of economic activity, has no opportunity to develop, is in the area of significant economic risk

* ∆= 0,25

To assess the competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises, an initial

information base was formed in the work and partial values of local structural

elements of competitive potential estimation indicators were calculated (Appendix E,

Table E.4-E.6), standardization of partial indicators of evaluation of local elements of

competitive potential was calculated (Appendic E, Table E.7-E.9) the significance of

each partial indicator and local structural elements of competitive potential is

calculated based on the hierarchy analysis method (Appendix E, Table. E.10-E. 23)

the permissible limit values and boundary integral parameter estimation of

competitive potential is defined (Table.2.7).


Table 2.7

The results of determining the admissible value and the boundary

limit of the integral indicator of the competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises

Integral indicator 𝐼𝐾𝑃 Value

Admissible value (𝐼𝑃𝐾𝑃) 0,72

Boundary limit (Δ) 0,23

On the basis of the determined values of the boundary limit of the integral

indicator ІКР, a scale that characterizes the level of competitive potential of the

restaurant business enterprises is developed

Table 2.8

The scale of evaluation of the integral indicator of competitive potential

The range of ІКР values Competitive potential level (𝑰𝑲𝑷)

ІКР>0,91 А – high

0,90<𝐼𝐾𝑃≤0,69 А─ – high enough

0,68<𝐼𝐾𝑃≤0,46 В – avarage

0,45<𝐼𝐾𝑃≤0,23 В─ – allowable

𝐼𝐾𝑃≤0,23 С – low

The results of the calculation of partial integral indicators of the local

components of the competitive potential of the restaurant business enterprise and

their qualitative estimates are shown in Table 2.9.


Table 2.9

The value of partial integral indicators of local components of competitive potential

(financial, production and marketing) of restaurant buiness enterprises in 2015-2017.

Restaurant business


Local components of competitive potential

Financially Production Marketing

2015 рік

2016 рік

2017 рік



% 2017р.



2015 рік

2016 рік

2017 рік

Темп змін,


до 2016р.

2015 рік

2016 рік

2017 рік

Темп змін,


до 2016р.


LLC «Familiia» 0,52 0,59 0,73

124,23 0,46 0,54 0,80 147,99 0,64 0,70 0,85

120,52 В

* В А

─ В В А


─ А

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,70 0,71 0,72

100,59 0,40 0,51 0,78 154,47 0,63 0,70 0,71

101,17 А

─ А

─ А

─ В

─ В А


─ А

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,72 0,76 0,69

91,30 0,26 0,35 0,51 144,36 0,63 0,64 0,59

91,47 А

─ А

─ А

─ В

─ В

─ В


LLC «Kardym» 0,70 0,73 0,56

76,75 0,68 0,51 0,33 64,47 0,38 0,43 0,44

103,03 А

─ А

─ В А

─ В В


─ В

─ В

LLC «ART Expo» 0,74 0,69 0,73

105,64 0,56 0,48 0,63 132,61 0,77 0,84 0,85

101,30 А

─ А

─ А─ В В В


─ А

─ А

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,81 0,82 0,65

79,15 0,53 0,44 0,23 51,57 0,53 0,70 0,50

71,62 А

─ А

─ В В В

─ В


─ В

Average value 0,70






96,28 0,48






115,91 0,60





(В) 98,19


LLC «Ritordo» 0,51 0,68 0,55

80,66 0,52 0,69 0,81

117,35 0,36 0,42 0,29

69,83 В А

─ В В А

─ А

─ В

─ В

─ В─

LLC «Bruskerdo» 0,59 0,71 0,36

50,12 0,44 0,71 0,78

108,47 0,36 0,35 0,20

56,95 В А

─ В

─ В

─ А

─ А

─ В

─ В

─ С

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer


0,62 0,65 0,87 132,74

0,47 0,54 0,61 113,31

0,33 0,40 0,51 128,10

В В А─

В В В В─ В

─ В

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,71 0,77 0,92

119,27 0,64 0,91 0,80

88,64 0,60 0,64 0,61

94,93 А

─ А

─ А

─ В А А

─ В В В

LLC «Dzhi eich


0,88 0,58 0,52 89,41

0,56 0,61 0,40 66,04

0,52 0,22 0,24 107,21


В В В В В─ В С В

Average value 0,66





(В) 94,44







98,76 0,43








LLC «Matonardi» 0,49 0,77 0,62

80,55 0,70 0,84 0,61

72,62 0,32 0,51 0,29

56,48 В А

─ В А

─ А

─ В В

─ В

─ В

LLC «Komunikatsii i


0,56 0,58 0,67 115,72

0,33 0,62 0,50 80,37

0,23 0,21 0,24 115,47

В В В В─ В В В

─ С В

LLC «Kharkiv


0,54 0,70 0,81 115,00

0,44 0,79 0,54 68,36

0,34 0,40 0,46 115,07

В А─ А

─ В

─ А

─ В В

─ А

─ В

LLC «Krostindi» 0,48 0,49 0,74

152,87 0,56 0,93 0,73

77,92 0,31 0,25 0,48

187,24 В В А

─ В А А

─ В

─ А

─ В

LLC «Polendora» 0,59 0,61 0,71

117,33 0,36 0,48 0,70

145,30 0,21 0,25 0,29

116,75 В В А

─ В

─ В А

─ С В

─ В

Average value 0,53






116,29 0,48





(В) 88,91








* according to the level of competitive potential (table.2.8)


Table 2.10

Value of partial integral indicators of local components of competitive potential

(innovative, client, technical and technological) of restaurant business enterprises in


Restaurant business


Local components of competitive potential Innovative Client Technical and technological








змін, 2017р.










змін, 2017р.










змін, 2017р.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


LLC «Familiia» 0,71 0,78 0,83

106,66 0,86 0,95 0,89

93,35 0,78 0,87 0,83

96,17 В

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,60 0,64 0,68

106,52 0,80 0,91 0,80

87,01 0,78 0,89 0,90

100,37 В В А

─ А

─ А А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,53 0,52 0,62

117,77 0,72 0,84 0,81

96,41 0,87 0,90 0,89

98,88 В В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Kardym» 0,58 0,65 0,75

116,25 0,73 0,90 0,77

84,99 0,83 0,87 0,85

97,21 В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «ART Expo» 0,54 0,62 0,65

104,76 0,75 0,83 0,77

93,06 0,67 0,73 0,85

115,70 В В В А

─ А

─ А

─ В А

─ А

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,57 0,63 0,73

115,91 0,75 0,89 0,78

88,11 0,86 0,90 0,93

103,55 В В В А

─ В

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

Average value 0,59






111,31 0,77






90,49 0,80








LLC «Ritordo» 0,34 0,45 0,46

100,28 0,71 0,76 0,62

81,71 0,81 0,79 0,86

108,94 В

─ В

─ В

─ А

─ А

─ В А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Bruskerdo» 0,36 0,41 0,42

103,00 0,57 0,67 0,54

79,80 0,72 0,76 0,81

106,45 В

─ В

─ В─ В В В А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer


0,37 0,48 0,46 94,47

0,65 0,81 0,74 91,03 0,80 0,85 0,91 107,84

В─ В В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,41 0,50 0,52

104,27 0,66 0,78 0,72

91,25 0,71 0,76 0,77

102,17 В

─ В В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Dzhi eich


0,48 0,52 0,57 110,61

0,67 0,76 0,72 95,17

0,85 0,88 0,77 87,73

В В В В А─

В А─



Average value 0,39





(В) 102,52







87,79 0,78








LLC «Matonardi» 0,44 0,53 0,55

103,15 0,74 0,81 0,81

100,21 0,77 0,80 0,83

103,65 В

─ В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Komunikatsii i


0,40 0,45 0,47 103,55

0,71 0,77 0,70 91,69

0,77 0,73 0,73 99,24

А─ В

─ В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Kharkiv


0,48 0,55 0,59 106,75

0,77 0,81 0,83 103,08

0,69 0,71 0,76 108,28

В─ В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Krostindi» 0,45 0,55 0,55

100,00 0,62 0,68 0,76

110,44 0,68 0,73 0,91

124,12 В В В В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А

LLC «Polendora» 0,44 0,52 0,54

103,11 0,70 0,79 0,79

99,72 0,74 0,78 0,83

106,60 В

─ В В А

─ А

─ А

─ А─ А

─ А

Average value 0,44





(В) 103,31







101,03 0,73







Based on the results of the calculations, we can draw the following conclusions:

the financial, client, technical and technological components of the competitive


potential of restaurants is at a sufficiently high level in 2015-2017, a positive trend is

the increase in the level of production capacity from average to acceptable high level,

the marketing potential of restaurants is estimated as the average ; a sufficiently high

level of the cafe's competitive potential is noted for its production, customer and

technical and technological local components; for the financial and innovative local

components of the competitive potential of the café restaurant enterprises, its average

level is characteristic, the level of marketing potential is estimated as "permissible".

Positive is the tendency to increase the level of financial component of

competitive potential at the "Bars" Group of restaurant business enterprises from

medium to high enough, the marketing locally competitive component of the

enterprises of this group, according to the results of the evaluation, is at the

“permissible” level, which indicates the need to increase it. in the short term.

A detailed analysis of the financial component of competitive potential made it

possible to determine the restaurants, which during 2015-2017. showed a steady

increase in the level of development, namely LLC "Lux Servis Plius" (the value of

the integral index is stable 0.7 for three years), LLC "Familiia" (the calculated

integral index in 2017 amounted to 0.73, which is more by 24,23% than in 2016 and

40.6% more than in 2015). Analyzing the results of the level of development of

financial potential among cafe enterprises, we can conclude that during 2015-2017

the integral indicator tends to decrease, so if in 2015. it was 0.66, then in 2017. it

decreased by 2.6% to 0.64. The average group level is defined as the average (level


The decrease in the value of the integral indicator of financial potential is due

to the negative tendency of such indicators as profitability of realization and volume

of equity capital. Among the enterprises of the restaurant industry of the Cafe group

are those enterprises that during the period 2015-2017. Continuously increasing their

financial potential, namely LLC «Brinprofit» (the value of the integral index in 2017

was 0.92, which is 29.7% more than in 2015), LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» (the

value of the integral indicator in 2017). amounted to 0.87, which is 40.4% more than

in 2015). The calculations show that only the enterprises that are assigned to the


group of bars showed a constant growth rate of financial capacity, if in 2015. the

integral indicator was 0.53 (acceptable level of В), as early as in 2017. it was 0.71

(level B), up 33.87%. It should be noted that all the surveyed enterprises of this group

increased the average level of financial potential by 16.29%, except for LLC

“Matonardi” (the integral indicator was 0.62 in 2017, which is 19.4% less than in

2016, but more 26.2% more than in 2015).

The generalized results of the calculation of the integral index of production

capacity indicate that restaurants during 2015-2017. increased the average level of

development by 15.91% in 2017 as well. the value was 0.55 (B level). However, the

value of the integral indicator for cafes is higher than restaurants by 24.5% in 2017.

and 10.7% more than bars. Enterprises with a high level of production potential

include LLC «Rittordo» (integral indicator 0.81 in 2017), LLC «Bruskerdo» (integral

indicator 0.78 in 2017), LLC «Brinprofit» (integral indicator 0.8 in 2017). The main

factors behind the success of cafe by the potential under study are the high level of

production profitability, the turnover ratio of inventories and the low production

deficiency ratio. Analysis of the integral indicator for bars in 2017. amounted to 0.61,

which is 12.4% more than in restaurants. In general, the level of production potential

development is in the middle range. Enterprises with a gradual decline in their

potential over the 2015-2017 period, namely LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort» (a

decrease of 19.6% compared to 2016) and Kharkiv Restoration (a decrease of 31.6%

compared to 2015) since 2016).

Investigating the peculiarities of the development of marketing potential in

restaurants, some tendencies have been established, namely the level of development

of that potential is higher in restaurants and is 0.65 (level B─) in 2017, which is

77.2% more than in cafes and 86 03% than the bars. Special mention should be made

of enterprises that have been steadily increasing their capacity over the three years,

namely LLC «ART Expo» (average value of the integrated indicator during 2015-

2017 - 0.82) and LLC «Lux Servis Plius» (average value of the integral indicator

during 2015-2017 - 0.68), LLC "Familii" (the average value of the integral index

during 2015-2017 - 0.73). Describing the peculiarities of marketing potential for the


cafe, we note that during 2015-2017. the integral index decreased by 14.7% in 2017

as well. was 0.37. The main reasons for the decline were the decrease in the

profitability of sales costs and inventory. The company with the low level of

marketing potential is defined by LLC «Bruskerdo» (the integral indicator was 0.2 in

2017 - level C). Despite the fact that the enterprises of the group of bars have the

lowest value of the integral index (0.35 in 2017), but during 2015-2017. on the

contrary, they showed a tendency of gradual increase (average annual growth rate of


Generalized results of the calculation of the integral indicator of innovative

potential indicate that restaurants during 2015-2017 increased the average level of

development by 11.31% in 2017 and the value of the integral index reached the limit

of 0.71 (level B). also note that the integral indicator in restaurants is 46.8% more

than in cafes and 31.5% more than in bars. In the course of the research it was found

that the rate of introduction of computer technologies into the main business

processes is higher in restaurants, as well as the level of development of technologies

of cooking dishes and the level of development of innovative forms of service. The

average annual growth rate of the integral index among cafes is set at 2.52%. The

value of the integral index is in the range from 0.39 (level C in 2015) to 0.48 (level В

─ in 2017). Analyzing the peculiarities of the development of innovative potential

among bars, we note that the average annual growth rate is quite low - 3.31%), but

higher than in cafes (the integral indicator among bars is 12.5% higher than in cafes).

However, the level of innovation potential for cafes and bars ranges from 0.39 to

0.54, indicating an acceptable level and may be one of the key hidden benchmarks for

improving their performance.

Investigating the tendencies of the development of the client component of the

competitive potential of the restaurant business enterprises, some tendencies have

been established, namely the level of development is sufficient for 100% (average

0.80 in 2017), for 60% of cafes (LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn», LLC « Brinprofit»,

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel») and 100% bars (averaging 0.78 in 2017). It should

be noted that the growth rate of the value of the integral indicator is observed in


almost all enterprises, but organizational capacity is lower among cafes by 16.9%

compared to restaurants and 14.5% compared to bars. The main reasons for this are

the low bandwidth and technical index and service culture.

The overall results of the calculation of the integral index of technical and

technological potential indicate that in 2017 the integral indicator for restaurants was

0.88 (level A-), which is 6.04% higher than in cafes and 8.05% higher than in bars.

Also note the feature that during 2015-2017. the growth of the calculated integral

index was determined at all the studied enterprises, so for restaurants the average

annual growth rate was 9.3%, for cafes - 6.07%., for bars 11.14%. It should be noted

that during the analyzed period, the enterprises of the restaurant business increased

the coefficient of fitness of fixed assets, the level of turnover per 1 m2 of retail space

and the factor of loading of service channels.

Thus, the calculated partial integral local indicators on the components of

competitive potential served as an analytical basis for further determination of the

integral indicator of the competitive potential of the studied enterprises of the

restaurant industry (table 2.11), and also allowed to draw conclusions about its level


Table 2.11

Generalized results of the calculation of the integral indicator of the competitive

potential of enterprises of restaurant business

Name of the restaurant business enterprise

Analyzed period Change rates,% Change vectors in

2015- 2017


2015 2016 2017 2017 to

2015 2017 to


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Restaurants

LLC «Familiia» 0,654 0,731 0,820 125,33 112,14 →→→

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,646 0,719 0,759 117,46 105,56 →→→ LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,609 0,658 0,679 111,51 103,18 →→→ LLC «Kardym» 0,645 0,673 0,605 93,83 89,97 →→← LLC «ART Expo» 0,672 0,693 0,744 110,71 107,40 →→→ PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,669 0,723 0,621 92,77 85,90 →→← Average value 0,649 0,699 0,705 108,601 100,692 →→→

Cafes LLC «Ritordo» 0,533 0,624 0,585 109,63 93,63 →→← LLC «Bruskerdo» 0,500 0,595 0,501 100,31 84,19 →→←


LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 0,532 0,613 0,673 126,47 109,83 →→← LLC «Brinprofit» 0,616 0,721 0,718 116,47 99,57 →→← LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 0,654 0,581 0,527 80,65 90,69 →←← Average value 0,567 0,627 0,601 106,708 95,580 →→←

Bars LLC «Matonardi» 0,569 0,704 0,607 106,69 86,20 →→← LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort» 0,488 0,548 0,542 111,09 98,84 →→← LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 0,537 0,653 0,660 122,97 100,98 →→→ LLC «Krostindi» 0,511 0,591 0,686 134,18 116,09 →→→ LLC «Polendora» 0,494 0,561 0,633 128,02 112,88 →→→ Average value 0,520 0,612 0,626 120,59 103,00 →→→

Analyzing the general tendencies of development of the integral indicator of

competitive potential estimation (Table 2.11, Fig.2.14), we can draw generalizing

conclusions, that is during 2015-2017. the value of the integral indicator calculated

for restaurants is 0.705 in 2017, which is 8.6% more than in 2015. and 0.69%

compared to 2016. Realization of competitive potential is characterized by a

sufficient level, and the direction of change - by growth. Calculation results for 60%

of restaurants (LLC «Familiia», LLC «Lux Servis Plius», LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv»,

LLC «ART Expo») indicate that over the course of three years, enterprises have been

gradually increasing their level of competitive potential. A similar upward trend in

the level of competitive potential was identified among bars. If in 2015, the integral

indicator was 0.52 (allowable level of realization), already in 2017. - 0.63 (average

level of sales), which is 20.59% higher than in 2015. Analyzing the calculated value

for the cafes, we note that the integral indicator in 2017. was 0.601, down 3.9% from

bars and 14.7% from restaurants. Analyzing the development trends, it is established

that during 2015-2016. there was an upward trend (up 10.5% in 2015 from 2016), but

in 2017 the rate of decline to the level of 2016 was 4.2%. The main factors of

negative influence on the overall competitive potential among the cafes are the

decrease of marketing, financial and organizational potentials.



Restaurants:1- LLC «Familiia»;2- LLC «Lux Servis Plius»; 3- LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv»; 4- LLC

«Kardym»; 5- LLC «ART Expo»; 6- PB «Firma «Romul 4». Cafes: 7- LLC «Ritordo»; 8- LLC «Bruskerdo»;

9- LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn»; 10- LLC «Brinprofit»; 11- LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel». Bars: 12- LLC

«Matonardi»; 13- LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort»; 14- LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia»; 15- LLC «Krostindi»; 16-

LLC «Polendora».

Fig.2.14.Qualitative assessment of local components of competitive potential of

enterprises of restaurant business in 2017.

Fig.2.15.The share of enterprises of the restaurant industry by the assessment

of competitive potential,%







А А─ В В─

16,6 33,3





20 Бари


































Financiall Production Marketing Innovative Client Technical and
























4,6,11 4,7,10,11,12,




Thus, the proposed scientific and methodological approach to the evaluation of

the competitive potential of the restaurant business enterprises, which, unlike the

existing ones, involves the calculation of the integral indicator of the competitive

potential, formed on the basis of complex assessments of its local components

(financial, marketing, technical and technological, innovative, production, and

customer), which allows concentrating the efforts of individual components of

competitive potential on the implementation of the main functions of the restaurant

business enterprise (production, sale and consumption) and allows to create strategic

prospects of restaurant business enterprises in the competitive restaurant business

environment. This approach provides a comprehensive look at the problem of

managing competitive potential and also assess strategic prospects of restaurant

business enterprises in a competitive environment.

Summarizing the results of the calculations, it should be noted that in the

conditions of constant fluctuations in the market conditions, the influence of external

fluctuations on the processes of development of restaurant business enterprises,

management of their competitive behavior requires the use of new, modern methods

that would adequately take into account the existing linearity of the process. the

optimal type of competitive strategy. However, when determining possible strategic

alternatives, it should be borne in mind that restaurant business enterprises have

different levels of realization of competitive potential, are at different stages of their

life cycle, have different opportunities to form a key competitive asset - consumer

loyalty to the restaurant business establishment and, accordingly, retaining leadership

competitive positions in the restaurant business.The following section is devoted to

addressing these issues.


Conclusions to chapter 2

The conducted analisys of development tendencies of restaurant business

enterprises allowed to make the following conclusions:

1. Analytical evaluation of the development tendencies of the restaurant

business enterprises showed that in the last two years (2016–2017) the industry is

trying to recover actively after the political and economic crisis of 2014–2015. The

volume of sales, goods and services of the restaurant enterprises in 2017 amounted to

25718.5 UAH, which is by 11,41% more than in 2016. In 2017, the enterprises of the

restaurant business received a net profit of 512,8 million UAH, and the level of

profitability amounted to 10,8%, which indicates an increase the effectiveness of their

activities and ascertain the fact of adaptation to the new conditions of economic

development of Ukraine is established. The result of the restoration of the dynamic

development of the restaurant business enterprises in Ukraine is a positive tendency

of an increase in the number of enterprises and, as a result, an increase in the number

of employees in the restaurant business.

2. It is established that the structure of establishments in the largest cities of

Ukraine has certain peculiarities, and the number of restaurant business

establishments is determined by the development of tourist infrastructure of the

region. At the same time, the largest share is characteristic of restaurants and cafes -

46%, the share of bars and pubs in the overall structure is 14%, and Fast Food is

40%. These facts testify to the high level of competition in the restaurant industry.

3. During the analysis it was determined that the modern restaurant business is

represented by a wide variety of types of establishments: from classic fast food to the

authoritative restaurants of "high cuisine". There is a pronounced tendency of

strengthening of the accents of the restaurant business enterprises in the national

cuisine, due to the popularity of "healthy eating" on the one hand, and the decrease of

real incomes of the population on the other. Increased interest in delicious and

healthy food has influenced the emergence of new trends in the restaurant business.

Over the past year, the open kitchen format has become popular. The conditions and


rhythm of life of major cities have led to an increase in the popularity of mobile

establishments - food trucks ("cafes on wheels") of different types: coffee shops, ice

cream, confectionery, grill bars, traditional fast food, pizzerias and even mobile

breweries. A wide variety of different types of restaurant business establishments

establish competition in this area.

4. In order to form a sustainable competitive advantage of the restaurant

business enterprises by the main criteria: quality of the kitchen, level of service and

timeliness of the dishes, a complex of modern innovations to form a competitive

strategy in two directions - technical and organizational-technological in the main

functions of the restaurant business enterprises (production and organization of

consumption of culinary products and services) was formed.

5. Considering that the effectiveness of the implementation of the competitive

strategy of any business entity can be ensured provided the balance of internal

capabilities and the external environment, based on a survey of restaurateurs and

leading experts in the restaurant business, a list of PEST - factors of the external

environment that takes into account the industry specific of restaurant business

enterprises. In order to determine the level of instability of the modern external

environment, the model of estimation of the level of environmental instability is

substantiated, which involves the calculation of the integral indicator of

environmental instability formed by the results of ranking external factors by the

characteristics of mobility, complexity and uncertainty. Based on the results of the

calculations, it is concluded that the restaurant business enterprises operate in an

uncertain mobile environment with many factors available.

6. Given the need for an adequate assessment of the ability of the restaurant

business enterprises to execute exchanges with the external environment based on the

calculation of the value of the aggregate pressure index of the external environment,

it is established that the formation and implementation of the competitive strategy of

the restaurant business enterprises is carried out in conditions of high pressure of the

external environment.


7. In order to ensure the dynamic interaction of the restaurant business

enterprises of the Kharkiv region with the external environment, a methodological

toolbox is proposed that allows to determine the optimal type of adaptation of the

restaurant industry to its conditions (active, moderately-active, preventive,

compensatory, passive) on the basis of established compliance of the characteristics

of the environment. On the basis of the developed matrix in the coordinates

"Instability of the external environment - pressure of the external environment" a

characteristic emphasis is placed on management in the face of strategic surprises.

8. given the need to determine the strategical prospects and opportunities of

restaurant business enterprises in a competitive environment, a scientific and

methodological approach to the evaluation of competitive potential f restaurant

business enterprises, which, unlike the existing ones, includes the calculation of

integral indicator of competitive potential, formed on the basis of complex

assessments of its local components(finance, marketing, technical and technological,

innovative, production and client) was proposed, which makes it possible to

concentrate the effort of individual components of competitive potential on

implementation of base functions of a restaurant business enterprise(production,

realization and consumption) and allows to form strategical prospects of development

of restaurant business enterprises in a competitive environment. By the results of

evaluation it was determined, that the level of competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises as a whole is characterized by a sufficient level and the vector of

changes is growth.





3.1. A methodological toolkit for determining the stage of life cycle of

restaurant business enterprises

The current economic environment complicates the conditions for ensuring

competitive development in the long run. With limited time to develop and make

managerial decisions, traditional approaches to substantiate the strategy of the

enterprise, characterized by high regulation of all processes and a high degree of

formalism, do not provide the desired effect in a dynamic external environment [211,

p.110]. Management of modern restaurant business enterprises should be focused on

effective management of its business processes, search for innovative sources of

development of competitive potential and increase. Structural changes occurring in

the modern economy of Ukraine, integration into the European Union, determine the

feasibility of non-standard approaches to the formation of a competitive strategy of

the restaurant business enterprises.

The speed of the processes of environmental change, the development of

integration processes on the one hand, the growing demands and changing customer

demands - on the other, require the restaurant business enterprises to transform their

competitive advantages accordingly. The responsiveness to dynamic environmental

changes and the creativity of the competitiveness management approach are

determinants of success. The commitment of the restaurant business enterprises to

ensuring successful development in the long term raises the issue of ensuring its

strategic competitiveness, taking into account the life cycle stage. As there are certain

quantitative and qualitative changes in goals and priorities at every stage of the life

cycle of the restaurant business enterprise.


The restaurant business enterprise, like any other enterprise in other industries,

is developing cyclically. At the time of creation, the enterprise has a set of its primary

development goals and limited resources. However, at some point in time t, it

accumulates some competitive potential to perform a transition to a new stage of

development. The new cycle of development implies the setting of new goals and,

accordingly, necessitates the increase of the level of competitive potential, which

allows to carry out qualitative transformation of competitive advantages in the sphere

of restaurant business. At different stages of the life cycle, the enterprise changes the

target strategic vectors of its development, generates various competitive advantages,

which in these circumstances are the priority. In order to ensure a timely response to

changing factors influencing and adjusting the competitive strategy, depending on the

requirements of the internal and external environment, it is necessary to have

information about the actual stage of the restaurant business enterprise and possible


The concept of life cycles of the enterprise is the subject of active scientific

discussions of domestic and foreign scientists: I. Adizesa [5; 220], I. Bernad [19], I.

Blanka [22], S. Dovbnia, Yu. Shembel [57; 208], Zh. Poplavskoi, I. Taranenko, O.

Krasovskoi [159], R. Kvanytskoi [95], O. Firstovoi [197], O. Shatskoi [207], B.

Milner [130], Y. Shumpeter [214] etc. The position of scientists, according to which

the life cycle of the enterprise consists of stages (or phases), which are periods that

the enterprise lives within the same value units and fix first of all the specifics of

management tasks in a certain period of functioning of the enterprise is generally

accepted. According to scientists, the life cycle of an enterprise depends on the type

of industry and product, the type of production, the state of resources and the

professionalism of management. The conducted scientific search testifies to the

absence of the generally accepted approach to defining the essence of the "life cycle

of the enterprise" concept, the number and names of its stages.

Noteworthy is the approach of I. Adizesa, who proposed a model in which the

stages of enterprise development are called by association with human growth -

"birth", "childhood", "maturity", etc. [5, p.113]. this approach, in our view, is quite


justified, since each enterprise goes through the same stages of development from the

beginning. As a result of its further development, the company acquires new

qualities, which accordingly characterizes a new stage of activity. In his turn, B. Z.

Milner in his work defines the life cycle of an enterprise as "... unanticipated changes

with a certain sequence of states over time" [130, p. 52]. The scientist's emphasis on

the temporal limitation of the state of the enterprise emphasizes the need to develop

appropriate management decisions aimed at ensuring its "readiness" for various

unpredictable changes. At that time, I. Bernard characterized the life cycle of the

enterprise "... both as a procedural process of development and as a stage" [19]. The

term "procedural", which is key in defining the essence of the life cycle of a company

scientist, focuses attention on the one hand on the rights of the enterprise, on the

other, and its obligations at each stage of development. According to I. A. Blank "...

the life cycle of the enterprise is the total period of time from the beginning of the

enterprise to the natural termination of its existence or revival on a new basis" [22,

p.87]. It draws attention to the scientist's emphasis on "the possibility of reviving the

enterprise on a new basis." At the same time, it should be noted that in the conditions

of fierce competition the possibility of preserving the viability of the enterprise and

its "revival" are quite difficult. Today, competitive businesses are those catering

businesses that are able to meet the demands of the environment and meet the

demands and demands of consumers better than competitors.

Management theory proposes to consider the life cycle of the enterprise as "...

the set of stages that the enterprise goes through in the process of its life from

creation to liquidation, each of which is characterized by a specific system of

strategic goals and objectives, peculiarities of formation of resource potential, the

achieved results of operation" [208, p. 40]. Undoubtedly, as it develops, the

enterprise increases its resource potential, the realization of which provides certain

financial results. However, the resource approach that is followed in this definition

leaves out such an important, in our view, factor as competence. Because of the

competence, the ability to create a unique atmosphere in the institution, the skill of


the personnel to produce unique dishes and quality service to consumers of the

restaurant business enterprise depends on it.

Unlike many researchers, N. V. Radionova believes that the life cycle of an

enterprise is "... certain patterns in the development of any enterprise, which may

differ in the speed of flow and the amplitude of the level of development" [165]. The

amplitude of development on which the scientist's attention focuses is on the

frequency of change. Of course, as stated in subparagraph. 2.2, considering the

different environmental conditions, the enterprise chooses the appropriate type of

adaptation to them. Changing of environmental conditions over time necessitates a

change in the type of adaptation in order to ensure timely response and counteract the

negative impact of a wide range of PEST - factors, a list of which is individually

tailored for enterprises in various fields of economic activity.

Characterizing the essence of the life cycle of O. Yu. Firstova treats it as "...

the period of activity of an enterprise, during which it passes certain stages of

development," is limited in time [197, p.73]. Noteworthy is the approach of O.

Kozlovoi, who views the life cycle of the enterprise as "... the set of stages that create

a complete circle of development over a certain period of evolution of the enterprise,

after which its values and activities can fundamentally change" [102, p.186] . Of

course, at each stage of its development, the values of the enterprise are different.

Thus, if at the stage of creation the priority goal of the restaurant business enterprise

is to ensure its compliance with the competitive environment, at the stage of

development - to ensure consumer commitment to the enterprise and maintain the

achieved level of competitiveness, then at the stage of decline, the main value of the

company is to maintain competitive positions and retain regular customers.

Noteworthy is view of Kozachenko H.O., according to which “… the life cycle

is a set of stages of system activity that consistently change one another, each

characterized by a specific purpose of activity and condition of both the large

production and financial system as a whole and its structural units, a special form of

organizational mechanism that realizes the achievement of strategic and operational

goals of the system [101, p.14]. This approach, in our view, underscores the


complexity of organizing the effective operation of a restaurant business enterprises

to achieve strategic and operational development goals.

Summarizing the results of the content analysis of the concept of "life cycle of

the enterprise" it should be noted that each scientist put some emphasis in the

definition. At the same time, the views of scientists are based on the concept of

"cycle", which means "repetition in time of different phases, positive and negative

deviations available for accurate measurement" [214, p.5]. With this in mind, the

lifecycle stages of the enterprise should be established and clear boundaries of

transition from one stage to another should be outlined.

There is no single point of view in the economic literature regarding the

number of stages (phases,)of the life cycle of an enterprise. Researchers vary from an

average of three (Kats D., Kann R., Hreiner L.) to ten (I. Adizes) stages of the

enterprise lifecycle. Existing models of the life cycle of the enterprise, offered by

domestic and foreign scientists, differ in their content, quality and sequence of stages,

as they determine the peculiarities of the enterprise development both in Ukraine and

in the West. In order to carry out the classification analysis of the stages of the life

cycle of the enterprise (Table 3.1), the model is standardized in the work and is

reduced to the generally accepted form: emergence, growth, stability, decline,

bankruptcy (liquidation). Also note that all of the following:

Table 3.1

Classification analysis of the stages of the life cycle of the enterprise (compiled on

the basis of works [5; 17; 19; 22; 48; 57; 130; 161; 193; 207; 213; 216])

Stages of the life cycle Number of

stages Standardization of stages

Representatives of scientific thought

Origin, growth, peak activity, decline

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Yudanov A. Yu. [216, с. 37]

Origin, growth, stability, decline

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Hryhoriev V.V. [48, с.222]

Initial period, childhood stage, maturity, decline

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Bornstain D. [26, с.120]

Formation, expansion, stabilization, attenuation

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Brahyn L. A. , Danko P. P. [193, с.64]

Birth, childhood, come on, youth, dawn, stability, aristocracy, early bureaucracy, bureaucracy,

10 Origin, growth, stability, decline, liquidation

Adizes I. [5, с. 141]


Stages of the life cycle Number of

stages Standardization of stages

Representatives of scientific thought


Birth, childhood, youth, early adulthood, maturity, full maturity, aging, renewal

8 Origin, growth, stability, decline, growth

Milner B.Z. [130, с. 58]

Birth, childhood, early maturity, ultimate maturity, aging

6 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Blank I.A. [22, с. 674]

Childhood (losses), youth (first income), maturity (maximum profit), old age (lower income)

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Belyi M., Prykhodko V. [17]

Birth, youth, maturity 3 Origin, growth, stability Lippit D., Shmidt V.


Creativity, directive leadership, delegation, coordination, collaboration

5 Origin, growth, stability Hreiner L. [57, с. 41]

Birth, growth, stability, decline

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline

Miller D., Frizen P. [213, с. 84]

Rise, inhibition of development, crisis, recovery

4 Origin, growth, stability, decline, growth

Lihonenko L.V. [161, с. 473]

Simple system, stable organization, improvement of structure

3 Origin, growth, stability Kats D., Kann R.

[207, с. 30]

According to the results of the analysis, five main stages of the life cycle

characteristic of the restaurant business enterprises are identified, which take into

account the peculiarities and specificity of the activity of the enterprises of the

industry, namely: birth, growth, slow growth, maturity (stagnation), decline.


Figure. 3.1. Cycles of development of restaurant business enterprises

depending on competitive potential (the author’s developed)

The development of the enterprise is a spiral (Figure. 3.1), the more mature the

enterprise is, the higher the level of development of its competitive potential

(accordingly, the width of the spiral is greater). The transition to another stage of

development is due to the activation of the level of competitive potential (KP). The

developmental milestone characterizes the transition to the next stage. Moreover, the

steeper the rise, the more resources are at risk of an enterprise in the event of a crisis,

but if the level of competitive potential is high and stable, the longer the period of the

enterprise's stage of growth.

Describing the features of the restaurant business enterprise at the growth

stage, we note that at this stage, as a result of increased sales, there is no acute

shortage of cash, characteristic of the stage of origin. The restaurant business

enterprise as a result of reaching a certain segment of the restaurant business market

and "winning" the commitment of a certain circle of consumers begins to grow -

gives the impression that the enterprise is flourishing. This often makes it



Trend of development

Origin Stabilization Growth Shortening


round of development

transition point


overconfident. Restaurant business enterprise is characterized by reactive behavior,

but it responds to the opportunities provided by the external environment, but cannot

yet anticipate them. The enterprise is still making mistakes. However, the more

serious the error, the more significant the losses. In the future, such actions lead to a

situation where the restaurant business enterprise begins to lose financial and

economic stability [69, p.77]. The growth stage for restaurant business enterprises

can be characterized by an increase in the level of competitive potential due to the

intensification of investment attractiveness, which is stimulated by increasing

demand and increased consumer loyalty.

The stage of slow growth is characterized by a decrease in the growth rate of

income of the restaurant business enterprise. Opportunities to support the

development of the restaurant business enterprise are approaching their limit, and the

pace of development is slowing. The restaurant business enterprise is coming to the

peak of its business activity. In order to maintain the desired level of competitiveness,

it should invest additional funds in upgrading the technical base, improving the level

of technology and production organization, improving competitive potential.

The stage of maturity is the optimum point on the spiral of the life cycle of the

restaurant business enterprise as it reaches the pinnacle of its success. At this stage,

income stability is ensured. Satisfaction of consumer demand for the products and

services of the restaurant business enterprise is carried out by the proven technology

of maintaining constant demand based on the ability to update the menu and the

range of additional services according to consumer requests and requirements. At this

stage, the target volume of the restaurant service is provided by a contingent of loyal

customers. At the same time, opportunities for growth in sales and increase in

revenue can be expanded by implementing effective marketing tools.

A characteristic feature of the activity of the restaurant business enterprise at

the stage of decline is the tendency to increase of unsatisfactory consumer demand

for restaurant products and services, which is manifested in the negative dynamics of

the main indicators of financial and economic activity. Sustainability at this stage is

possible through diversification and integration of activities, the development of a


new concept for the restaurant business enterprise, the introduction of innovative

restaurant technologies for the production of culinary dishes and customer service.

implementation of these measures is possible only on the basis of attracting

investment resources.

At the stage of recession there are two possible options for the development of

a restaurant business enterprise - death or rebirth. For the full restoration of the

restaurant business enterprise, it is necessary to make the conversion of material and

technical base, change the concept of the institution, management policy, use

innovative determinants both in culinary skills and in service technology.

Being at a critical point, any business entity seeks to improve its financial and

economic condition, reach a new level of development, increase profitability and

make a quantitative and qualitative transition to a more profitable stage of the life

cycle. However, the entire enterprise in the actual economic conditions may vary

depending on the aggressiveness of the external environment and internal flexibility

of the enterprise. In addition, empirical studies by a number of scientists have found

that, although life cycle stages differ significantly in their characteristics, they do not

follow one another in a deterministic sequence ( clearly the stage of maturity should

follow, and maturity should be a decline), because as a result of a crisis or as a result

of timely measures taken, an enterprise can "jump" from one stage of development to


Given that the competitive strategy should take into account the peculiarities of

the life cycle stage of the restaurant business enterprise, each of which is relevant to

various problems that, in our opinion, determine the dominant style of management

of competitive behavior, the issue of justifying the methodological approach to

determining the stage of the life cycle.

In order to solve this problem, we conducted an analysis of the positions of

scientists regarding the identification of the life cycle stage, which showed the

discrepancy between the parameters of the evaluation. Thus, a group of scientists

[159] found that enterprises at different stages of the life cycle differ in the degree of

uncertainty, the structure of assets and the prospects for investment. According to O.


Firstovoi's view [121] there are four key parameters that have different meanings at

different stages of the enterprise life cycle: strategy, structure, context and decision-

making style. In turn, V. Dikinson states that the stage at which an enterprise is

located can be determined by the value of the ratio of cash flows from operating,

financial, and investment activities [233]. At the same time, the existing models are

mostly intuitive and based mainly on qualitative parameter estimates.

In our view, the determination of the life cycle stage of an enterprise should be

made on the basis of the main indicators of economic activity achieved at the time of

evaluation. The following requirements should be taken into account [29, p.33]:

materiality (indicators should be as informative as possible and allow to obtain a

holistic vision about the stages of the life cycle), comparability, ease in obtaining data

from the public annual financial statements of the enterprise. In view of the

requirements for the formation of a system of indicators for determining the stage of

the life cycle of a restaurant business enterprise, in our opinion, the most appropriate

is the financial approach (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2

A system of indicators for determining the life cycle stage of a restaurant business

enterprise [57]

Indicator Legend Substantiation for choosing an indicator

Profit before tax and interest on loans and credits



The choice of this indicator, rather than net profit, is conditioned by the need to provide a uniform dimension between the amount of profit, the amount of receivables and balances of current assets in the accounts and cash desk of the enterprise.

Short-term receivables and cash on accounts



Accounts receivable shows possible additional sources of net income generation. Cash balances after balancing items are also used to generate net income

Amortization of fixed assets



Depreciation and amortization are included in net income, unchanged, however, they are taken into account in the indicators for accounting for the increase (or decrease) of the sum of all possible means that generate further net income

Productivity of the average employee



This parameter is a multiplier of cash aimed at generating net income, and it contains information about the tendency of increase (or decrease) of variable and fixed costs of the enterprise


Based on the development of S. Dovbnia and Yu. Shembel, it is proposed to

determine the life cycle stage of a restaurant business enterprise by the formula [57]:

𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 =


𝜏𝑡−1𝐻 × (𝜏𝑡

𝑃𝐿 + 𝜏𝑡𝐴𝑀 + 𝜏𝑡

𝐷𝑍), (3.1)

with 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 being the level of efficiency of the restaurant business enterprise

development (life cycle stage),

𝜏𝑡−1𝐻 being the the average employee's productivity in the past period [95,с. 134].

Note that based on the calculation of the dynamics of the indicator 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶

(indicators ( 𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶 ), with 𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 being the stage of the life cycle of restaurant

business enterprises in the future t + 1-th period) defines, as a rule, three stages of the

life cycle [128, p.134], namely:

1) stage of growth, when the current value of the indicator in the t + 1 – st

period is greater than its average value in the previous t – th period ( 𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡


10%× 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶;

2) the stage of maturity, when the current value of the indicator at the t + 1 –

th period is practically no different from its value in the previous t-th period ( 𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 −

𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶) ≈0;

3) a stage of decline when the current value of the indicator in the t + 1 - th

period is less than its value in the previous t – th period ( 𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶) < 0.

However, it should be noted that in practice it is almost impossible to obtain

exactly the same values for the periods 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 . Because in the previous calculations

there was a situation in which with a slight increase or decrease the indicator 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶

always falls in the range "Growth" or "Decline". However, such increases or

decreases in the index 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶can be very small and characterize the stage of maturity.

Therefore, using the approach proposed by S.B. Dovbni, introduced the concept of

"approaching zero within ± α% of 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶". It means that if (𝜏𝑡+1

𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶) is within (α%

* 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 ) < * 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶)< (𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶) < (α% ∗ 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 ), then this means ≈ 0 (approaching

zero). The parameter α% is set independently and denotes the percentage of the

tolerable deviation from the initial (current) value of the indicator 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶[ 57, p.90].


However, if the stage of maturity implies the relative stability of the exponent

𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 . in dynamics (that is, the approximation to (ie ( 𝜏𝑡+1

𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 ) ≈0) within the

admissible deviation from it initial (current) value, then the stage of slow growth is

characterized only by a tendency to increase the exponent 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 . in dynamics (ie

(𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶)> 0) to set the upper limit of the tolerable deviation from the initial

(current) value of the indicator 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. (ie, "growth within + α% of 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶. ").

In order to identify the stages of the life cycle "growth", "slow growth" and

"maturity" it is proposed to set the following percentages of the tolerable deviation

from the initial (current) value of the indicator 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. at these stages, namely for the

growth stage - "growth in within + 10% of 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. ”(ie α = + 10%), we believe that the

growth of all indicators at this stage cannot be less than 10%, since the activity for

such indicators can be considered as a little effective, slow growth - "growth within +

8% of 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. " (ie α = + 8%), we believe that slower growth implies an increase in

indicators of no more than 10%; for the stage of maturity - "approaching zero within

± 5% of 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. " (ie α = ± 5%), since this value is the maximum permissible deviation

of the index 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. from 0, which characterizes its relative stability in dynamics.

Based on the above conditions and peculiarities of determining the life cycle

stages for the restaurant business enterprises, a scale for determining the indicator

𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. was developed (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3

Scale of determination of lifycycle stage of restaurant business enterprises

(developed by author)

Indicator value 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 Stages of the life cycle

(𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶)≥0 Народження

(𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶)<10%× 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 Зростання

(𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶)<8%× 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶 Уповільнене зростання

(−5% × 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶) < (𝜏𝑡+1

𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶) <(5%× 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶) Зрілість

(𝜏𝑡+1𝐿𝐶 − 𝜏𝑡

𝐿𝐶)<0 Занепад


The baseline and estimated data for determining the life cycle stage of

restaurant business enterpriseses are given in Appendix F, Table F.1-F.3, an

estimation of the received results concerning determination of a life cycle stage for

the researched restaurant business enterprises is given in table 3.3..

Table 3.4

Results of the life cycle defragmentation of the restaurant business enterprises

Life cycle stage for period Birth

* Growth Slow growth Maturity Decline

2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017


LLC «Familiia»

+ +

LLC «Lux Servis Plius»

+ +

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv»

+ +

LLC «Kardym»

+ +

LLC «ART Expo»

+ +

PB «Firma «Romul 4»

+ +


LLC «Ritordo»

+ +

LLC «Bruskerdo» + +

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn»

+ +

LLC «Brinprofit» + +

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» + +


LLC «Matonardi»

+ +

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort»

+ +

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia»

+ +

LLC «Krostindi»

+ +

LLC «Polendora»

+ +

* none of the restaurant business enterprises under study are at the birth stage, since the minimum entry date at EDRPOU is from 2010.

Analyzing the data given in Table 3.4, it should be noted that the calculated

indicator 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶. during 2016-2017 preserves the sequence of life cycle stages for all

restaurant business enterprises. Life cycle defragmentation results indicate that 66.6%

of restaurants are in a slow-growing phase (LLC «Familiia», LLC «Interfud-

Kharkiv», LLC «ART Expo», PB «Firma «Romul 4») and 33 others, 4% is

determined by the stage of maturity (LLC "Lux Servis Plius" and LLC "Kardym").

According to the results of the calculations, it is determined that 80% of cafes

are at the stage of maturity (LLC "Ritordo", LLC "Restoratsiia nomer odyn", LLC

"Brinprofit", LLC "Dzhi eich Interneshenel") and 20% are at the stage of growth

(LLC "Bruskerdo »).


The results of determining the life cycle stage for bars indicate that 60.0% of

enterprises in 2016 was at the stage of maturity (LLC “Matonardi”, LLC “Krostindi”,

LLC “Polendora”), 20% at the stage of decline and the other 20% at the stage of slow

growth. However, as early as 2017. the maturity stage was determined for 40% of the

bars studied, and the decline stage was characteristic for 60%. According to the

calculations, only 18.75% of the restaurants have moved on to the next stage of their

life cycle. Yes, LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» has reached the stage of maturity, which

indicates the stabilization of the company's income and strengthening its position in

the market, LLC "Krostindi" and LLC "Polendora" moved to a stage of decline, as

financial results during 2015-2017 had a negative trend to worsen.

Thus, the proposed methodological approach to determining the stage of the

life cycle of a restaurant business enterprise takes into account the actual competitive

potential achieved at a certain point in time, which is crucial for assessing the real

possibilities of quantitative and qualitative changes of goals and priorities depending

on the requirements of the internal and external environment during the formation of

competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise and allows to determine the

future prospects of further development on the basis of the established stage of the

life cycle. The results of determining the life cycle stage in the dynamics for the

restaurant business enterprises create an informational basis for determining the

complex of management decisions for the formation of the competitive strategy of

the restaurant business enterprises in the perspective period.

3.2. Assessment of the level of consumer loyalty to the restaurant business


Every restaurant business enterprise strives for the most complete satisfaction of

requests and various requirements of consumers, the feature of which is the lack of a

characteristic of constancy, over time they increase and change, acquiring "special

shades". To maintain the competitive position of the restaurant business enterprises

develop unique systems of measures aimed at the comprehensive development of


business processes and leisure and entertainment services, the implementation of

which provides a high level of customer comfort, promotes the image of the

restaurant business enterprise, and, accordingly, ensures a consistently high profits .

The competitiveness of the restaurant business enterprise and the

competitiveness of restaurant services are interrelated as part and whole. The ability

of a restaurant business enterprise to compete in the restaurant industry directly

depends on the competitiveness of the restaurant services offered and the set of

economic methods of the enterprise's activities that significantly affect the results of

competition. In this aspect, the view of scientists should be fully supported, according

to which “… provision of services of higher quality in comparison with competitors

is one of the main directions of formation of strategic competitive advantages of the

restaurant business enterprise. The key here is to provide services that meet, and even

exceed, the expectations of the target consumers ”[140, p.180].

Based on the results of subparagraph 1.1 theoretical study, it can be argued that

the competitiveness of the restaurant business enterprises includes a large set of

characteristics that determine its competitive position in the market. This complex

may include the characteristics of the services as well as the factors that shape the

overall economic conditions for the efficient operation of the restaurant business

enterprise. The ability of the restaurant business enterprise to maintain a competitive

position in the restaurant industry over a long period of time characterizes its ability

to be customer-oriented. Since, as stated in subparagraph 1.2 only those restaurant

business enterprises that are capable of meeting the requirements of consumers for all

determinants forming its loyalty are competitive.

The practical value of determining the level of consumer loyalty is undeniable.

The commitment of the restaurant business enterprise to increasing the level of

consumer loyalty is the basis for strengthening their competitive position.

Based on the results of subparagraph 1.2 study, and taking into account the

identified key determinants of consumer loyalty, in general, the level of consumer

loyalty of the restaurant business enterprise may be represented by the following




j= {Pj; Hj; Aj; Sj; Wj; Ij;} , (3.1)

With LR

j being the level of consumer loyalty of the j-th restaurant business enterprise; Pj being the

evaluation of products of the j-th restaurant business enterprise; Hj being the evaluation of the personnel of

the j-th restaurant business enterprise; Aj being the assessment of the atmosphere of the j-th restaurant

business enterprise; Sj being the evaluation of the service of the j-th restaurant business enterprise; Wj being

the evaluation of the pricing policy of the j-th restaurant business enterprise; Ij being the evaluation of the

image of the j-th restaurant business enterprise.

In order to determine the level of consumer loyalty to the restaurant business

enterprise, a scientific and methodological approach is proposed, the implementation

of which provides a justification of the system of components of evaluation by the

determinants of consumer loyalty, the corresponding estimation of the level of

consumer loyalty for each determinant; a generalized assessment of the level of

consumer loyalty (Figure 3.2).

Considering that the restaurant business enterprises simultaneously provides

the public with services both in tangible (culinary products) and intangible (catering,

ancillary services) forms, a system of key indicators of consumer loyalty

determinants should be formed taking into account the most important aspects of

quality and synthesize a set of basic requirements that the client puts forward.

Complexity and logical linking of indicators of consumer loyalty assessment of

restaurant business enterprises according to the developed scheme (Figure 3.2)

provides an opportunity to assess loyalty from the point of view of the consumer

from receiving information about the restaurant service to its direct consumption. In

order to form a system of indicators for assessing the level of loyalty of consumers of

the restaurant business enterprises, a survey was conducted.


Figure. 3.2. Structural-logical sequence of stages of determining the level of

loyalty of consumers of the enterprises of the restaurant industry (authors’


Visitors to the restaurant business enterprise, as well as leading marketers and

business executives, were involved as respondents in the amount of 60 people. Each

respondent was asked to complete a questionnaire in which it was necessary to

3 Stage. Processing of expert data

1 Stage. Formation of system of estimation of level of consumer loyalty

2 Stage. Expert evaluation of the determinants of consumer loyalty (К = К÷Q)

Formulation of baseline data for estimating the level of loyalty for each k-th determinant of the

integrated system (P, H, A, S, W, I), taking into account the relevant evaluation indicator

Products (P) Service (S) Price (W) Image (І)

В answer options, В = В÷5

( - a point score that is exhibited

the q-m respondent to the Nk-th block of the determinant of the evaluation of each indicator

JNk) q+= {4,5} - many high scores

q+= {0,1,2,3} - many low ratings

, provided


4 Stage. Consumer loyalty assessment of the k-th determinant

(P, H, A, S, W, I) of the integrated system

Stage 5: Integral assessment of the level of consumer loyalty of the j-th of enterprise restaurant business

, , ,

with LR

j being the integral indicator characterizing consumer loyalty of the j-th enterprise restaurant business;– the degree of achievement of the k-th indicator RNk of its reference (normative), taking into account the

possibility of its increase, which is calculated for a specific enterprise of the restaurant industry; – the

significance of the k-th indicator PN

for a particular enterprise of the restaurant industry;ВЕі0 – the distance of

the value of the k-th indicator PNk

of a particular enterprise from its reference value; - the maximum

possible distance of the value of the indicator PNK

from its reference value; – the average value of the distance of the k-th index P

NK from its reference value; – the actual value of the k-th indicator Р

Nk; –

the coordinates of the point corresponding to the reference value of the score; σ0 – the mean square deviation of the distance from the reference value of the k-th index.


Stage 6: Determining the level of consumer loyalty at the j-th enterprise


j≤0,5 – high 0,51≤LR

jj≤1,00– average 1,0≤LR

j ≤1,5– low

Personnel (H) Atmosphere (А)


j≥1,51– absent


identify indicators that affect the level of consumer loyalty during a visit to a

restaurant business enterprise (Appendix G, Table G.1). It should be noted that the

respondents were asked to use a 5 point qualitative rating scale, where the value 1 is

assigned to an indicator that has a low level of influence on the assessment of

consumer loyalty by determinants, value 5 is assigned to a factor that completely

affects the consumer loyalty to the determinants, the values 2,3,4 are assigned a

corresponding intermediate value.

According to the results of processing the questionnaire data (Appendix G.,

Table G. 2), an integrated system of estimation of the determinants of consumer

loyalty of the restaurant business enterprises was formed, which is shown in Figure


Considering that during the research of objects, experts usually disagree on the

solution of the problem identified, a quantitative assessment of the consensus of

experts' opinions was made.

Checking the consistency of the experts' opinions regarding the estimation of

the determinants of consumer loyalty of the restaurant business enterprises, the

coefficient of variation according to the formula (2.5) was calculated. The calculated

value of the coefficient of variation was 9.31%, which makes it possible to conclude

that a high degree of consensus among the respondents regarding the formation of an

integrated system of evaluation of the determinants of loyalty of consumers of

restaurant business enterprises. It should be noted that the developed system of

determinants of estimation of loyalty of consumers of the restaurant business

enterprises is not exhausted. Depending on the individual characteristics of the

restaurant business enterprise, it can be modified and expanded. Its value is the

interconnection of key determinants of consumer loyalty (products, service,

personnel, atmosphere, image and price of the restaurant business) and their

integration into one. The result of such integration is the effect of synergy: 42

indicators are so closely interconnected that the improvement of one indicator

automatically leads to the improvement of the other 41, thus ensuring the overall

level of consumer loyalty of the restaurant business enterprises.


Legend: P1 - complexity menu; P2 - breadth of the range of dishes; P3 - quality of dishes; P4 - quality of design of dishes; P5 - sufficiency of dishes; P6 - uniqueness of the dishes; P7 - environmental friendliness of food products; H1 - matching the appearance of the personnel to the corporate identity of the restaurant business enterprises; H2 - level of professional training of service personnel; H3- observance by the personnel of sanitary and hygienic norms; H4 - mastery of service; H5 - personnel friendliness; H6 – communicative personnel; H7 - personnel ethics; H8 - the speed of response of service personnel to customer requests; H9 - knowledge of menu dishes, their composition; H10 - tact and correctness of service personnel; А1 – originality and harmony of design of halls; А2 – stylistic unity of the equipment, utensils, table sets; А3 – sanitary condition of premises, tableware, linen; А4 – microclimate (noise, lighting, temperature, sound); А5 – corporate identity (interior design, interior design); А6 – efficiency of table placement (comfort of rest of clients); S1 – environmental friendliness and security of additional services; S2 – the level of innovation of technical and technological methods of maintenance work (the presence of electronic menus, tablet screens on tables, etc.); S3 – own car parking; S4 – distance from the stop; S5 – working hours; S6– complexity and uniqueness of additional services (karaoke, billiards, show programs, open kitchen, others); W1 – level of prices for dishes; W2 – fair value for money; W3 - development of a system of price discounts; W4 – availability of a regular customer card; W5 - conversion of surveyed clients into real clients; W6 - effectiveness of marketing campaigns; І1 - the business reputation of the restaurant business enterprises; І2 - the popularity of the restaurant business enterprises; І3 – image of products and services of the restaurant business enterprise; І4 – the level of innovation of the restaurant establishment; І5 – the intensity of reports on the restaurant business in the media and the Internet; І6 – active participation in various social events; І7 – volume of satisfied customers

Figure 3.3. Integrated system of determinants of assessing the level of loyalty

of consumers of restaurant business enterprises (compiled by the author)


П3 П4

Пn Wn











P1 An



Р2 Р3












The level of


loyalty to the








Value for money




















) o

f T







e atmo


ere and


ality o

f service, th




ce with


mer req



Generation of positive

emotions in the target






Generalized conclusion about the level of loyalty of the consumer of the

restaurant business enterprises is formed on the basis of calculation of the integral

indicator of loyalty (formula 3.3):

















, (3.3)

with LR

j being the integral indicator characterizing consumer loyalty of the j-th restaurant business

















– the degree of achievement of the k-th indicator РNk of its reference (normative), taking into

account the possibility of its increase, which is calculated for a specific restaurant business enterprise;



– the significance of the k-th indicator РNk for a particular restaurant business enterprise;ВЕі0 – the

distance of the value of the k-th indicator РNk of a particular enterprise from its reference value; – the

maximum distance of the value of the indicator РNk of a from its reference value; – the average value of

the distance of the k-th index РNk from its reference value;

0Е – the actual value of the k-th index РNk; kN



– the coordinates of the point corresponding to the reference value of the score; σ0 – the mean square

deviation of the distance from the reference value of the k-th index.

Note that determining the significance of the k-th determinant kN


and partial

indicators of the integrated consumer loyalty assessment system of restaurant

business enterprises is based on the use of expert judgment and is to determine the

relationship between the individual indicators. For their calculation it is proposed to

use the method of nominal and limit values [6, p.85], which are based on the use of

valid and average data (formula 3.4):

















1 minlg



with PNk

iNkbeing the the nominal value of the k-th indicator of the determinant; minP


iNk- the

threshold value of the k-th positive indicator, which determines the worst but the minimum acceptable value.

The evaluation shows that the integral index jRL is a positive value oriented to

minimize the distance to the standard. Value jRL , equal to 0.00 indicates high

consumer loyalty and a correspondingly stable competitive position of the restaurant

business enterprise. At the same time, given the demands of competition, the growing

demands and demands of consumers puts new, higher criteria for ensuring a high





level of their loyalty. Reduced consumer loyalty to the restaurant business enterprise

characterizes the loss of competitive advantage. The characteristic of this situation is

a change in the integral index of loyalty jRL in a 0 to 1 range. In this case, if j

RL >1,

then the competitive position of the restaurant business enterprise is rated as weak,

which is the result of low or almost no consumer loyalty to the enterprise.

According to the results of the calculations (Appendix G, Table. G.3-G.11), the

coefficients of the weight of the determinants of the consumer loyalty РNk



.143,0;1,0;167,0;167,0;1,0;143,0 kI







The results of calculating the integral indicator of consumer loyalty of a sample

population of the surveyed restaurant business enterprise by the determinants:

Products (P), Personnel (H), Service (S), Atmosphere (A), Price (W), Image (I) are

given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.5

The value of integral indicators of assessing the level of loyalty of consumers

of restaurant business enterprises by determinants (P,H,S,A,W,I)

Restaurant business enterprise

name Products














1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Restaurants LLC «Familiia» 0,49 0,69 1,35 1,22 1,31 1,39 LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,49 0,45 0,44 0,72 0,71 0,49 LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,43 0,39 0,37 0,46 0,43 0,41 LLC «Kardym» 0,48 0,62 0,83 0,95 1,03 0,88 LLC «ART Expo» 0,86 0,80 0,91 0,79 1,18 1,00 PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,87 0,97 1,38 0,91 1,45 1,44 Maximum value 0,87 0,97 1,38 1,22 1,45 1,44 Average value 0,60 0,65 0,88 0,84 1,02 0,93 Minimum value 0,43 0,39 0,37 0,46 0,43 0,41

Cafes LLC «Ritordo» 0,98 0,69 1,33 1,36 0,98 1,34 LLC «Bruskerdo» 1,44 0,87 0,99 1,26 0,89 1,38 LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 0,70 0,30 0,88 1,06 0,95 0,96 LLC «Brinprofit» 0,50 1,23 0,49 0,64 0,49 0,56 LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 0,99 0,56 1,00 1,19 0,89 0,99 Maximum value 1,44 1,23 1,33 1,36 0,98 1,38 Average value 0,92 0,73 0,94 1,10 0,84 1,05 Minimum value 0,50 0,00 0,49 0,64 0,49 0,56


Continuation of table. 3.5 Bars

LLC «Matonardi» 1,40 1,23 1,41 1,32 0,93 1,45 LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort» 0,52 0,56 0,21 0,35 0,29 0,22 LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 1,46 1,48 1,00 1,42 1,00 1,36 LLC «Krostindi» 0,42 0,55 0,41 0,57 0,39 0,33 LLC «Polendora» 1,06 1,28 1,20 0,96 0,83 0,71 Maximum value 1,46 1,48 1,41 1,42 1,00 1,45 Average value 0,97 1,02 0,85 0,92 0,69 0,81 Minimum value 0,42 0,55 0,21 0,35 0,29 0,22

In order to qualitatively assess the level of consumer loyalty, a scale of

evaluation of the integral indicator of consumer loyalty was developed and their

corresponding characteristics were determined (Table 3.6).

Table 3.6

The scale of identification of the level of loyalty of consumers of the restaurant

business enterprises (author's development)

Range of jRL

internal indicator


assestment Characteristic

1 2 3

jRL ≥1,51

Absence of



The consumer visits a restaurant business enterprise with the

same frequency as other restaurant business enterprises, and

never recommends the establishment to friends

1,01≤ jRL ≤1,50 Low level (N)

In some cases, the consumer may prefer either products or

service or personnel or atmosphere or the image and / or

price of a restaurant business enterprise, but does not

recommend the establishment to friends. The choice depends

on the emotional state of the consumer and his purchasing

power. The low level of consumer loyalty also testifies to the

fragile competitive position of the enterprise

0,51≤ jRL ≤1,00

Average level


The consumer partially prefers the products, service,

personnel, atmosphere, image and price of a given restaurant

business enterprise, but sometimes visits other restaurant

business enterprises

jRL ≤0,50 High level (V)

The consumer completely prefers the products, service,

personnel, atmosphere, image and price of the restaurant

business enterprise. Consumers with a high level of loyalty

are easier to retain. Moreover, it may be sufficient to

maintain existing quality standards. More consumers, greater

sales volume, more sustainable competitive position of the

restaurant business enterprise. A high level of loyalty creates

competitive advantages.

It should be noted that the determined boundary intervals (low, medium, high,

absent) for assessing the level of loyalty of consumers of restaurant business

enterprises are calculated using the Fishburn formula [98, p.73]:






, (3.5)

with P(Si) being the maximum value of the k-th determinant of estimating the level of loyalty; R(Si) –

the weight of the kth determinant of the estimation of the loyalty level by РNk

; N – the total number of

evaluation indicators for k-th determinants РNk


In accordance with the results of the calculations, as well as on the basis of the

developed scale of linguistic assessment of the level of consumer loyalty, an

appropriate matrix of knowledge for the sample population of the restaurant business

enterprises was formed (Table 3.7).

Table 3.7

The matrix of knowledge regarding the level of loyalty of consumers of restaurant

business enterprises by determinants (P,H,S,A,W,I)

Restaurant business enterprise name Product












1 2 3 4 5 6 7


LLC «Familiia» V S V V N V

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» V V V S S V

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» V V V V V V

LLC «Kardym» V S S S N S

LLC «ART Expo» S S S S N S

PB «Firma «Romul 4» S S N S N N

Average value S S S S N S


LLC «Ritordo» S S N N S N

LLC «Bruskerdo» N S S N S N

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» S V S N S S

LLC «Brinprofit» V N V S V S

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» S S S N S S

Average value S S S N S N


LLC «Matonardi» N N N N S N

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort» S S V V V V

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» N N S N S N

LLC «Krostindi» V S V S H H

LLC «Polendora» N N N S S S

Average value S N S S S S

The results of the calculations (Table 3.7) provided an opportunity to formulate

the following conclusions. The calculations confirm the existence of some

discrepancies among the sampled population of the restaurant industry by the selected


determinants of consumer loyalty assessment, which indicates the peculiarities of the

activities of restaurants, bars and cafes. The obtained values of the integral indicator

of consumer loyalty by the determinant "Products" indicate that 70% of restaurants

are characterized by a high level of consumer loyalty, but on average by the group its

value is equal to 0.60. Analyzing the level of loyalty by the determinant "Products", it

is determined that 80% of cafes are characterized by an average level of loyalty and

its average value is 0.92. As a result of the calculation of the integral indicator for the

determinant "Products" for bars, it is found that the average level of loyalty is

characteristic for 60%, and the average value is 0.97. However, it should be noted

that the main indicators of influence on consumer loyalty are the complexity of the

menu, the quality of dishes, the breadth of the range of dishes, the quality of the

design of dishes. A detailed analysis of the indicators that shape loyalty by the

determinant "Products" shows that the level of loyalty is higher for restaurants by

53% compared to cafes and 61.2% higher than bars. Also note that the loyalty level

for the determinant "Products" in the cafe is 5% higher than in bars. Thus, in the

analysis of consumer loyalty by the determinant "Products", enterprises with high

integral index were identified, namely LLC "Familiia" - 0.49, LLC "Lux Servis

Plius" - 0.49, LLC "Interfud-Kharkiv" - 0.43, LLC «Kardym» - 0,48, LLC

«Brinprofit» -0,5 LLC «Krostindi»- 0,42.

Analyzing the value of the integral indicator of consumer loyalty by the

determinant "Personnel" it should be noted that for 66.7% of restaurants and 60% of

cafes the level of loyalty is average (values of the integral indicator of 0.65 and 0.73

respectively), while for most bars (66.7%) is low and stands at 1.02. It is established

that the main indicators of influence on consumer loyalty according to the studied

determinant are the level of professional training of the servicing personnel, the

observance by the personnel of sanitary and hygienic norms, the speed of response of

the servicing personnel to customer requests. The calculation of the indicators that

form the loyalty by the determinant "Personnel" shows that the level of loyalty is

higher for restaurants by 11.3% compared to cafes and 55.8% higher than bars. Also

note that the level of loyalty by the determinant "Products" in the cafe is 40.1%


higher than in bars. Thus, in the analysis of consumer loyalty by the determinant

"Products", identified enterprises with a high integral index, namely LLC "Lux Servis

Plius" - 0.45, LLC "Interfud-Kharkiv" - 0.39, LLC "Restoratsiia nomer odyn »- 0.3.

Enterprises with a low level of consumer loyalty by determinant are LLC "Brinprofit"

- 1,23, LLC "Matonardi" - 1,23, LLC "Kharkiv Restoratsiia" - 1,48, LLC "Polendora"

-1,28. It can be concluded that there is a direct correlation between the quality of

service and the level of loyalty and indeed, as practice shows, the level of service is

higher in restaurants than at bar visits.

Analyzing the determinant "Atmosphere", which affects the assessment of

consumer loyalty, it should be noted that the average loyalty indicator for 66.7% of

restaurants, 60% of cafes and 50% of bars is average. It is established that the main

indicators of influence on consumer loyalty according to the studied determinant are

the level of professional training of the servicing personnel, the observance by the

personnel of sanitary and hygienic norms, the speed of response of the servicing

personnel to customer requests. The calculation of the indicators that form the loyalty

by the determinant "Atmosphere" shows that the level of loyalty is higher for

restaurants by 6.7% compared to cafes and 3.7% lower than bars. Also note that the

level of loyalty by the determinant "Atmosphere" in bars is 10.9% higher than in

cafes. Thus, in the analysis of consumer loyalty by the determinant "Atmosphere",

enterprises with high integral index were identified, namely LLC "Lux Servis Plius" -

0.44, LLC "Interfud-Kharkiv" - 0.37, LLC "Restoratsiia nomer odyn »- 0,3, LLC«

Brinprofit »- 0,49, LLC« Komunikatsii i Komfort »- 0,21, LLC« Krostindi »- 0,41.

Also determined are enterprises with a low level of consumer loyalty by the

determinant, namely PB «Firma« Romul 4 »- 1,38, LLC« Ritordo »- 1,33, LLC«

Matonardi »- 1,41 LLC« Polendora »-1,2 . It can be concluded that there is a direct

correlation between the atmosphere and the level of loyalty and, as practical

experience in Ukraine shows, bars are an unpretentious place to visit.

An important component of the activities of the restaurant industry is

"Service", as a rule, perfect service can hide defects in the preparation or decoration

of dishes, but nothing can hide the deficiencies in the service, in the service of guests.


The success of the restaurant business depends, first and foremost, on the ability to

meet and anticipate the needs and expectations of guests. Estimating the results of the

calculation of consumer loyalty according to the determinant "Service" it is found

that for 66.6% of the studied restaurants the level of loyalty is average, 16.7% is high

and 16.7% is low. The estimated value of the integral indicator for the vast majority

of cafe enterprises, namely 83.3%, ranges from 1.06 to 1.36, indicating a low level of

loyalty. Analyzing the values obtained for bars, it was found that for 50% of

enterprises the loyalty level is low, for 33.3% it is average and for 16.7% it is high

(LLC "Komunikatsii i Komfort"). During the research it was found that the main

indicators of influence on consumer loyalty according to the studied determinant are

corporate style (interior design solutions, design of premises), efficiency of table

placement (comfort of clients' rest), mode of operation and complexity and

uniqueness of additional services (karaoke). , billiards, show programs, "open

kitchen", others).

The results of the Consumer Loyalty Assessment show that for 66.6% of

restaurants the level is low and is 1.02, which is a permissible norm since the price

policy of restaurants is the most expensive among cafes and bars. It should be noted

that for 80% of cafes the level of loyalty is defined as average and is 0.84, but the

calculated value is 22.3% lower than that determined for bars (0.69). It is revealed

that the main indicators of influence on consumer loyalty according to the

investigated determinant are the level of prices for dishes, fairness of the price /

quality ratio, the conversion of the surveyed customers into real clients. There are

companies with a high level of loyalty, for which the best value for money is the best,

namely LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» - 0,43, LLC «Brinprofit» - 0,49, LLC

«Komunikatsii i Komfort» - 0,29, LLC Krostindi - 0.39.

The specificity of the image as an attribute of the enterprise is manifested in the

fact that it exists regardless of the efforts of the enterprise itself (it is, even if not

specifically developed, a question only - any) and, therefore, requires constant

evaluation and correction. The results of the assessment of the level of consumer

loyalty by the determinant "Image" for the sample population of the surveyed


enterprises suggest that the level of loyalty is high for 33.3% of restaurants (LLC

«Lux Servis Plius» та ТОВ LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv») and 33, 5% of bars (LLC

"Komunikatsii i Komfort", LLC "Krostindi"), for most cafes (60%) the level is

average. As a result of the calculations, it is determined that the main indicators of

influence on consumer loyalty by the determinant under study are the volume of

satisfied customers, the popularity of the restaurant business, the activity of

participation in various social events. Also, the loyalty level for bars was 0.81, which

is 14.7% more than in restaurants (0.93) and 28.4% more than in cafes.

Taking into account the necessity of a comprehensive approach to assessing the

level of consumer loyalty (Figure.3.4) of the restaurants, the generalization of local

estimates of the determinants of loyalty was made by calculating the indicator jRL

(according to the formula 3.3).

Figure.3.4. Consumer loyalty pyramid for restaurant business enterprises

consumers (compiled by author)






























LLC «Familiia»

LLC «Lux Servis Plius»

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv»

LLC «Komunikatsii i


LLC «Krostindi»

LLC «Kardym»; LLC «ART Expo»; LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn»; LLC «Brinprofit»; LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» LLC «Polendora»

PB «Firma «Romul 4»; LLC «Ritordo»; LLC «Bruskerdo» LLC «Matonardi»»; LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia»»


The analysis of the data shown in Figure. 3.4 makes it possible to conclude that

overall the level of consumer loyalty to the restaurant business entrprisess is average

(for restaurants the value of the integral indicator - 0.87 for cafes - 0.94, for bars -

0.85). This is permissible, given that in the context of high competition in the

restaurant industry and the alternative of consumer choice among different formats of

establishments: from classic fast food to the authoritative restaurants of "high

cuisine" (point 2.1), the conscious choice of only one restaurant business enterprises

on a set of determinants, products, services, personnel, atmosphere, image and price

are practically impossible, given the psychological aspects of human choice.

According to the results of the study, it is determined that only LLC «Interfud-

Kharkiv» provides a high level of consumer loyalty, the level of consumer loyalty to

50% of restaurants (LLC "Lux Servis Plius", LLC "Kardym", LLC "ART Expo") is

average, and 33.3% (LLC «Familiia», PB «Firm« Romul 4 ») - low. It is established

that the level of loyalty of the consumer of the restaurant is formed under the

significant influence of such determinants as: "Personnel", "Products", "Atmosphere",

"Image". Analyzing the results for the cafe, it is determined that none of the studied

population of the restaurant industry provides a high level of consumer loyalty, the

level of consumer loyalty to 60% of the cafe (LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn», LLC«

Brinprofit », LLC« Dzhi eich Interneshenel ») is average and by 40% (LLC

«Ritordo», LLC «Bruskerdo») - low. The main determinants of loyalty of this format

of the restaurant business are: "Products", "Personnel", "Atmosphere" and "Price". In

turn, the characteristic peculiarity of the organization of the activity of bars, shapes

consumer loyalty by the criteria: "Service", "Atmosphere" and "Price". The study

found that 40% of bars (LLC "Komunikatsii i Komfort", LLC "Krostindi") provide a

high level of consumer loyalty, for 40% of enterprises of this type (LLC "Matonardi",

LLC "Kharkiv Restoratsiia") is characterized by a low level of loyalty consumers,

and, for 20% (LLC "Polendora") - average.

The proposed scientific and methodological approach to determining the level

of loyalty of consumers of the restaurant business enterprises is based on an

integrated evaluation system, concentrates six determinants (products, personnel,


atmosphere, service, price and image), allows to determine the level of consumer

loyalty (low, medium, high is absent) and characterizes the uniqueness of the

restaurant business, which creates the ability to withstand the pressure of the

competitive environment.

Summarizing the results of the calculations, it should be noted that the

consumer prefers a particular restaurant business, guided by emotions. However, the

more positive emotions are, the greater the likelihood of receiving regular customers.

In turn, the results of the consumer loyalty assessment in the restaurant business

allow the management of the enterprises to correctly determine the type of

competitive behavior, and accordingly, in a comprehensive and more reasonable way

to choose the optimal competitive strategy.

3.3. Determination of an optimal type of competitive strategy of restaurant

business enterprises

High dynamism and uncertainty of the environment, market transformations,

increased intensity of competition, increasing rates of changes in consumer demand

and benefits in terms of food quality and leisure organization make the issue of

improving the competitiveness of restaurant businesses. The solution of this issue

necessitates the need to concentrate the attention of managers and restaurateurs not

only on the internal state of affairs in the institution, but also the need to focus

attention on the issues of forming an effective competitive strategy, taking into

account a wide range of factors.

Given that each restaurant business enterprise is unique, the process of forming

a competitive strategy for each of them has some differences, because it depends on

the level of instability and pressure of the environment, the level of realization of the

competitive potential, the stage of the life cycle, the behavior of competitors, the

characteristics of the assortment, specifics and type of cuisine, method of cooking,

method of customer service (use of technical novelties to speed up the process of

registration and ordering lenses), the method of attracting visitors (promotions,


coupons, discounts, special offers), which collectively form consumer loyalty to the

restaurant business enterprise and other factors.

Given the industry specificity, it can be argued that improving the performance

of a restaurant business enterprise is possible by expanding its competitive space. In

turn, the boundaries of competitive space depend on the correct determination of the

strategic course and the type of competitive behavior that has a decisive influence on

the level of competition. Competitive behavior characterizes the result of realizing

the competitive advantages of the restaurant business enterprise with a complex of

determinants of consumer loyalty (products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price,

image) and forms the basis for the development of strategic competitive decisions

aimed at ensuring a high level of competitiveness in the long run.

A study has shown that a number of scientists [13; 36; 70; 131; 151; 199; 205;

244], focusing on the competitive behavior of the restaurant business enterprise, as a

basis for developing a competitive strategy therefore, distinguish the three types of

competitive behavior: 1) creative; 2) adaptive; 3) security.

Based on the results of the study (subparagraph 2.3) and taking into account the

fact that the restaurant business simultaneously provides the population with services

both in tangible (culinary products) and intangible (catering, additional services)

forms, competitive behavior of the restaurant industry , in our opinion, is determined

by its ability to meet consumer expectations for such determinants as: products,

personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image.


Table 3.8

Characteristics of types of competitive behavior of restaurant business enterprises

(developed by author)

Competitive behavior type


innovative (І)

are characterized by a complex of innovative actions of the restaurant business enterprise, which create an advantage over rivals (innovative menu, new types and technologies of cooking dishes, new forms of service, new technical and technological methods of work in customer service, new advertising). An essential feature of innovative behavior is the desire of restaurateurs to increase consumer loyalty through the implementation of innovative changes in the determinants: products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image, and, accordingly, the existing structure of supply and demand.

reproductive (Р)*

are characterized by attempts to outstrip rivals' actions and modernize the process of production, sale and consumption of restaurant services. This is especially true when restaurateurs strive to copy their competitors' achievements in the shortest possible time, and with the commitment of consumers to ensure a high level of competitiveness.

adaptive (А)

characterizes the ability of a restaurant business enterprise to strategically or tactically adapt gastronomic determinants to meet customer requirements and requests. This is reflected in the adaptation of the recipes of cooking according to current trends in nutrition (for example, "healthy eating"); modification of forms of service according to the conditions and rhythm of life of the population (for example, different types of food tracks).

securing (З)

behavior is dictated by the desire of restaurateurs to maintain and preserve the already existing competitive advantages in the market in the long run by improving the quality of dishes, expanding the menu and the range of additional services. An essential feature of competitive behavior is the weak innovation base of the restaurant business and the lack of financial capacity to upgrade it.

Since, as mentioned above, the basis for forming an effective competitive

strategy of restaurant business enterprises is the type of competitive behavior, the

question of justification of the relevant methodological tools is updated.

To determine the type of competitive behavior characteristic of the restaurant

business enterprise in the spatial format, we use the Chekanovskoho diagram. This

method was proposed and first published in 1909 by renowned anthropologist Yan

Chekanovskym. The Chekanovskoho diagram is used in various fields of science as a

universal method of statistical classification. The Chekanovskoho diagram provides a

clear representation of the most important relationships and similarities of the studied

objects and at the same time shows detailed links between them [231, p. 129].

Adhering to the general requirements of statistical classification, the statement

of the task of determining the type of competitive behavior of restaurant business


enterprises by the determinants of consumer loyalty (products, personnel, service,

atmosphere, price, image) is as follows: let set I = {I1, I2, ..., In} denotes n objects

(restaurant business enterprisess that are subject to grouping). The measurement

result of the i-th determinant Ij of the object is denoted by a symbol xij, and the vector

Xj = [xij] corresponds to each series of measurements (for the j-th object). Thus, for a

set of I objects, we have many measurement vectors X = {X1, X2, ..., Xn}, which

describe the set I.

Taking into account the established parameters, in the first stage, an

observation matrix is formed, which contains the most complete characteristic of a

plurality of objects (restaurant business enterprisess), and has the following form::














, (3.6)

with, ω being the number of objects (restaurant business enterprises to be grouped);n – number of

determinants of consumer loyalty (six - products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image);Хik – k-th

sign for the i-th object.

Since the determinants of consumer loyalty, which are included in the matrix

describe the various aspects of the activities of restaurant business enterprises, in the

next stage, their normalization. Note that normalization is the transition to some

identical description for all features, to the introduction of a new conditional unit of

measurement, which allows formal comparisons of objects [161, p.84]. The output

data is normalized according to the following formulas:





, (3.7)

with, k = 1, 2, 3, …, n;Zik being the the normalized value of the integral indicator of estimation of

the level of consumer loyalty by the k-th determinant (P,H,S,A,W,I) for the i-th restaurant business

enterprise;Хik – the value of the integral indicator of assessing the level of consumer loyalty by the k-th

determinant (P,H,S,A,W,I) for the i-th restaurant business enterprise; kX – arithmetic mean of the integral

indicator of estimation of the level of consumer loyalty by the k-th determinant (P,H,S,A,W,I), calculated by

the formula:



iikk XX

, (3.8)

Sk – standard deviation of integral indicator of consumer loyalty estimation by k-th determinant

(P,H,S,A,W,I) for the i-th restaurant business enterprise, calculated by the formula:







kikkXXS , (3.9)

The normalized values of the integral indicators of estimating the level of

consumer loyalty according to the determinants of consumer loyalty (P, H, S, A, W,

I) of the restaurant business enterprises calculated in the above formulas are given in

Appendix M, Table M.1-M.2.

The next step involves the formation of a distance matrix, which is written in the

following form:










D (3.10)

To calculate the elements of the matrix (Drs) we measure the Euclidean distance

by the formula:





1 (3.11)

Note that, compared to other methods, Euclidean distance is the most popular

metric for cluster analysis because it corresponds to intuitive notions of object

closeness. Graphically, it successfully combines objects in spherical arrays [249,


The results of the distance matrix calculations are presented in Appendix M,

Table M.3.

At this stage, further transformation of the matrix is carried out by a distance

scale based on the scale of change of the dZ value range, which is determined by the

Fishburn formula [215, p.137]:






minmax, (3.12)

with Zijmax, Zijmin being maximum and minimum values in the distance matrix; К – the number of


According to the results of the calculations, three ranges of dZ values were

obtained: [0; 0,809]; [0,810; 1,485]; [1,486; 2,16]. To construct a Chekanovskoho

matrix, each range is given a graphic symbol:

о ~ Х (3.13)



0,809 1,485 2,16 (max)

The adopted graphs are entered into the appropriate distance matrix (Appendix

M, Table M.3), which allows to form a chaotic diagram of Chekanovskoho (Figure.

3.5). To identify the same types of restaurant business enterprises that are

characterized by a certain type of competitive behavior based on the ordering of

elements of a chaotic diagram of Chekanovsky by rearranging columns and rows to

the moment of obtaining an ordered diagram (Figure. 3.5), in which the elements

with the diagonal of the matrix are the most elements value. These elements,

according to the developed scale, are marked with the graphic symbol "o".

І1 І2 І3 І4 І5 І6 І7 І8 І9 І10 І11 І12 І13 І14 І15 І16 І1 І6 І7 І4 І5 І8 І16 І9 І11 І12 І14 І13 І15 І2 І10 І3

І1 о Х ~ о о о о о о Х о о ~ о ~ о І1 о о о о о о о о о о о ~ ~ Х Х ~

І2 Х о о о Х ~ Х Х о о Х ~ о ~ о Х І16 о о о о о о о о о о о ~ Х Х Х Х

І3 ~ о о Х Х ~ ~ ~ Х о Х ~ о ~ о Х І5 о о о о о о о о о Х Х Х Х Х о Х

І4 о о Х о о Х о Х о о о Х Х Х Х о І7 о о о о о о о о о о о ~ ~ Х Х ~

І5 о Х Х о о о о о о о о Х Х Х Х о І2 о о о о о о о о о Х Х Х Х Х о Х

І6 о ~ ~ Х о о о о Х Х о о ~ о ~ о І11 о о о о о о о о о Х Х Х Х Х о Х

І7 о Х ~ о о о о о о Х о о ~ о ~ о І4 о Х о о о Х о о о Х Х Х Х о о Х

І8 о Х ~ Х о о о о о Х о о ~ о ~ о І8 о о о Х о о о о о о о ~ ~ Х Х ~

І9 о о Х о о Х о о о о о Х Х Х Х о І9 о Х о о о о о о о Х Х Х Х о о Х

І10 Х о о о о Х Х Х о о о ~ о ~ о Х І6 о о о Х о о о Х о о о ~ ~ ~ Х ~

І11 о Х Х о о о о о о о о Х Х Х Х о І12 о о о Х Х о о Х Х о о ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

І12 о ~ ~ Х Х о о о Х ~ Х о ~ о ~ о І14 о о о Х Х о о Х Х о о ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

І13 ~ о о Х Х ~ ~ ~ Х о Х ~ о ~ о ~ І10 Х Х Х о о Х Х о о ~ ~ о о о о о

І14 о ~ ~ Х Х о о о Х ~ Х о ~ о ~ о І3 ~ ~ ~ Х Х ~ Х Х Х ~ ~ о о о о о

І15 ~ о о Х Х ~ ~ ~ Х о Х ~ о ~ о Х І13 ~ ~ ~ Х Х ~ ~ Х Х ~ ~ о о о о о

І16 о Х Х о о о о о о Х о о ~ о Х о І15 ~ ~ ~ Х Х ~ Х Х Х ~ ~ о о о о о

Chaotic chart

An ordered chart

Legend: Restaurants: І1- LLC «Familiia»;І2- LLC «Lux Servis Plius»; І3 - LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv»; І4-LLC «Kardym»; І5 -LLC «ART Expo»; І6 - PB «Firma «Romul 4». Cafes:І7 -LLC «Ritordo»; І8-LLC «Bruskerdo»; І9-LLC «Restoratsiia

nomer odyn; І10-LLC «Brinprofit»; І11-LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel». Bars:І12-LLC «Matonardi»; І13-LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort»; І14-LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» І15-LLC «Krostindi»;

І16-LLC «Polendora»

Figure. 3.5. Chaotic and orded Chekanovskoho chart to determine the type of

competitive behavior of restaurant business enterprises (author’s developed)


Analysis of the data shown in Fig. 3.5 allows to distinguish four groups of

restaurant business enterprises, which are characterized by the corresponding types of

competitive behavior (Table 3.9).

Table 3.9

The results of the grouping of restaurant business enterprises

by types of competitive behavior (copyright development) Type of

competitive behavior

Metric range of indicator


Restaurant business


Innovative (І) dZij≤ 0,809

LLC «Familiia»; LLC

«Kardym»; LLC «ART Expo»; PB «Firma «Romul 4»;

LLC «Ritordo»; LLC «Bruskerdo».

Adaptive (А) 0,810≤ dZij ≤ 1,485 LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn»;

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel»;

LLC «Polendora»

Reproductive (Р)* 0,486≤ dZij ≤ 2,161 LLC «Matonardi»;

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia»

Securing (З) dZij ≥2,162

LLC «Lux Servis Plius»;

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv»;

LLC «Brinprofit»;

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort»;

LLC «Krostindi»; * a group of restaurant business enterprises "Restaurants" is highlighted in bold; italics - "Cafe",

the usual font - "Bars»

The structure of the restaurant business enterprises by type of competitive behavior in

2017 is presented in Figure. 3.10.

Figure. 3.6. Structure of restaurant business enterprises by types of competitive

behavior in 2017 (formed by the author on the basis of the data of Figure. 3.5, Table
























(Р) Securing (З)

Types of competitive behavior


Based on the results of the calculations, the following conclusions can be

drawn: for the vast majority of restaurants (25% of restaurants and 12.5% of cafes),

which are included in 1 group, is characterized by an innovative type of competitive

behavior, the implementation of which provides greater sales, net profit. In this case,

the enterprises of the restaurant business enterprises of this group are actively

introducing innovative changes in such determinants of consumer loyalty as:

products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image. At the same time, 12.5% of

cafes and 6.25% of bars are characterized by an adaptive type of competitive

behavior, the result of which is to ensure consumer loyalty at the average level, as

confirmed by the points made in PP. 2.3 conclusions. For 12.5% of the enterprises of

the restaurant business, which are classified into 3 groups of enterprises, which

included only 2 bars (LLC «Matonardi», LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia»), a typical

reproductive type of competitive behavior is characteristic. A competitive type of

competitive behavior is typical of 12.5% of restaurants, 6.25% of cafes and 12.5% of


Thus, the proposed methodological toolkit for determining the type of

competitive behavior of restaurant businesses, which is based on the use of modern

multidimensional classification tools in spatial format, allows the grouping of

restaurant businesses by their typical types of competitive behavior (innovative,

reproductive, adaptive and adaptive) the ability to evaluate the links between the

determinants of consumer loyalty and to identify the tiers Priority strategic decisions.

The results of this assessment can be used by both restaurateurs and external

managers to make strategic decisions in the process of forming an effective

competitive strategy.

Based on the generalization of the results of the assessment of the external

environment of the functioning of the restaurant industry (subparagraph 2.2), the

assessment of the level of realization of competitive potential (subparagraph 2.3) and

taking into account the type of competitive behavior characteristic of the restaurant

industry, for a reasonable choice of the optimal competitive strategy a parametric

model has been developed. Formed by the results of the simulation system of


competitive strategies is represented as a triangle. The coordinates of the model are

determined on the basis of the actual values of its parameters (external pressure

index, integral indicator of the level of realization of competitive potential and the

indicator characterizing the type of competitive behavior), the values of which were

normalized according to 100 point scale of assessment. To perform graphical

modeling and determine the coordinates of a triangle in three-dimensional space, a

computer program for calculating indicators and graphically interpreting the

competitive strategies of restaurant businesses in Microsoft Excel using VBA macros

(Appendix) was developed..

The indicators of the aggregate pressure index of the external environment (


Т ), the level of realization of the competitive potential (РКП) and the indicator dZij,

which characterizes the type of competitive behavior by the determinants of

formation of consumer loyalty (products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price,

image) form three basic combinations, each characterized by a specific type of

competitive strategy for the restaurant business. The corresponding segments in the

model (model layout is shown in Fig. 1.6), which characterize the primary types of

competition strategies are indicated by letters in the corners of the triangle (T, R, G).

Model Segments: T-G, T-R, G-R, and T-R-G characterize the combined (mixed)

types of competitive strategies of restaurant businesses, for which neither of the

secondary strategies can have a complete set of features of two or more of the three

primary strategies. The essential features, characteristics of competitive strategies and

parameters of optimizing the activity of the restaurant business by competitive

intentions are given in Table. 3.10.


Table 3.10 Characterization of competitive strategies of a restaurant business enterprises by competitive intentions (developed by

author) type of

competitive strategy

Essential feature Characteristic Optimization parameters

Aggressive (Т)

focused on creating unique competitive advantages, providing support and strengthening of competitive positions characterized by restaurant business enterprises with a high

level of competitive potential and significant capacity to withstand the negative impact of environmental factors

initiate changes in the industry, manage their pace

Defensive (G)

is focused on maintaining the competitive position of the enterprise. The main objective of such a strategy is to optimize the cost-to-money ratio and prevent bankruptcy.

is characteristic of restaurant business enterprises that are able to adapt and "find benefits" as the intensity of external factors increases

to react when necessary, to defend the position of the enterprise

Conservative (R)

the strategy envisages the improvement of the forms of service, which are characterized by the features of innovative behavior. Despite the tradition of satisfying demand, the form and quality of products of the restaurant business enterprise are constantly being improved.

is characteristic of the restaurant business enterprises with considerable competitive potential

anticipate possible changes, expand the range and strengthen the sales system


the strategy aims to gain a positive effect by expanding the business activity of the restaurant business in terms of adapting to a stable environment and forming long-term partnerships with other market entities

characteristic of restaurant business enterprises with strong competitive potential and significant capacity to withstand the pressure of the environment

complement, adapt resources and competitive opportunities


focused on active investment of funds in the production process to ensure an increase in turnover per 1 seat and carry out active marketing actions to support the sale of products

characteristic of restaurant business enterprises seeking to increase their high level of competitive potential and increase consumer loyalty through innovative changes in line with the existing supply and demand structure

improvement and change of usual services / products


It is based on continuous improvement, modernization and modification of the restaurant product, focusing on uniqueness and originality. This strategy is implemented under the condition of the ability of the restaurant business enterprise to provide a comprehensive effect on customer satisfaction over a wide range of determinants of its loyalty.

characteristic of restaurant business enterprises that are able to maintain an average level of competitive potential and are focused on the constant modernization of the production, sale and consumption of restaurant services

emphasizing on the introduction of organizational and technological innovations


is a focus on a specific consumer group, market segment, product range. The goal of the strategy is to best serve a specific target group and achieve competitive advantage in the narrow restaurant business sector

Characteristic of restaurant business enterprises that are able to sustain and maintain a stable level of competitive potential already achieved in the long run by improving the quality of dishes, expanding the menu and range of additional services

improvement of quality of the key determinants of loyalty: products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image.



The results of the strategic analysis of the activity of the restaurant business

enterprises (subparagraphs 2.2, 2.3, 3.2) allowed to characterize each type of

competitive strategy in more detail.

Aggressive competitive strategy (Segment Т) is characteristic of the restaurant

business enterprises, which is a distinctive feature of which is the individuality,

creativity of the concept, a great feature. The level of competitive potential of

enterprises characterized by this type of competitive strategy is above average

(sufficient or high). The actual level of realization of the competitive potential

ensures the maintenance of a stable competitive position. The result of a properly

selected type of competitive behavior (innovative or adaptive) is a high level of

consumer loyalty to the restaurant business on a set of determinants: products,

personnel, service, atmosphere, price, image, which allows to obtain a synergistic

effect. The actual level of competitive potential and the type of competitive behavior

chosen provide a considerable range of opportunities to withstand the pressure of the

environment. The restaurant business is able to be competitive in different

environmental conditions. The implementation of an aggressive competitive strategy

is the most justified for the innovation-oriented enterprises of the restaurant industry,

which actively introduce different kinds of innovation in the implementation of its

main functions of production, sale and consumption of the restaurant service..

A conservative type of competitive strategy (Segment G) is characteristic of

restaurant business enterprises, whose competitive opportunities can be realized in a

defined and stable environment. As the pressure of the environment increases, the

company begins to lose its competitive position due to the low level of competitive

potential. In turn, a competitive type of competitive behavior can only retain regular

customers, and opportunities to attract new customers are limited. Management

decisions under these conditions are mainly aimed at protecting the existing market

share. The strategic goal of restaurant businesses is to increase the current level of

competitive potential and change the type of competitive behavior. The absence of

positive changes in the parameters with the increase of external pressure will lead to

the situation when the restaurant enterprise will completely lose its customer and, as a


result, become bankrupt. Under the specified conditions, maintaining the viability of

the restaurant business is possible only by developing a new concept of the

establishment, updating the material and technical base, implementing a price-

attractive policy for the consumer, expanding the range of additional services,

forming a "new" team, etc. The solution of this issue is possible by attracting

investment resources.

Defensive competitive strategy (Segment R) is characteristic of restaurant

business enterprises with low competitive potential and a competitive type of

competitive behavior. The application of this competitive strategy is appropriate for

restaurant businesses serving a specific contingent of consumers, implementing a

standard range of dishes for a specific contingent (for example, students or workers),

and the location is public. However, it should be noted that a protective competitive

strategy only makes sense if the restaurant business has something to protect. For

example, compete with restaurant businesses that are geographically close and offer a

similar restaurant service. Therefore, its implementation is the most reasonable for

the restaurant industry with an attractive competitive position in such determinants of

consumer loyalty as the price and quality of products.

It should be noted that in practice there is always a threat of new competitors,

the signs of a modern external environment are the unpredictability of changes, the

dynamics of factors and alternative choice of vectors for strategic development,

implementation of a clearly expressed primary strategy is quite rare. Typically, a

restaurant business enterprise seeking to maintain its existing competitive position

and expand its competitive advantage changes the type of competitive behavior for

certain determinants. Because, as is appropriate enough, Ye.M. Smyrnov in his study:

“… real competition most often relies on mixed competitive models of subjects”

[111, p. 57]. This leads to the possibility of different parameter combinations of the

primary types of competition strategies discussed above: T-G; T-R; G-R or T-R-G.

Taking into account the instability of the modern environment, certain transitional

combinations of primary strategies T-G, T-R, G-R or T-R-G are characteristic of the

vast majority of restaurant business enterprises.


The combination of T-G's competitive strategies can be described as a

competitive advantage development strategy, since the type of competitive behavior

of restaurant business enterprises is predominantly adaptive, ie aimed at increasing

the level of consumer loyalty and having a competitive potential to respond to

environmental changes in a timely manner. The strategic orientation for the

development of restaurant business enterprises in the future is the orientation to the

implementation of aggressive competitive policies, ie the transition to Segment Т.

Competitive T-G type strategy. The actual level of competitive potential directs

the existing competitors of the restaurant business enterprise to maintain its existing

competitive position. The restaurant business enterprise is trying to keep up with its

competitors and keep up with modern "consumer accents". The strategy of the

enterprise is the nature of defense against a competitor.

Competitive T-R strategy. The restaurant business enterprise is trying to keep

up with the current trends in the restaurant industry and is trying to keep up with its

competitors. The level of realization of competitive potential is sufficient to ensure

the development of internal business processes in accordance with changes in the

external environment.

Competitive T-R-G Strategy. The actual situation in the restaurant business

enterprise allows us to maintain a stable rate of return through timely adaptation of

our competitive potential to dynamic changes in environmental factors and correct

customer orientation as a result of a properly selected type of competitive behavior.

The reputation of the restaurant business enterprise contributes to increased

profitability and increased sales, expanding the range and knowledge of consumers

about the unique quality of products and services. The restaurant business enterprise

has a fixed position in a particular segment. Management decisions are aimed at

“following the leader”. Thus, the determination of the optimal type of competitive

strategy of restaurant business enterprises is carried out according to the positioning

of competitiveness parameters in the coordinates of the model. The results of

modeling under the above conditions and positioning of restaurants in the segments

of the model of competitive strategy formation are presented in Figure. 3.10.


The proposed approach to the formation of a competitive strategy, in our

opinion, is quite reasonable because the coordinates of the three-dimensional model

are formed with the following assumptions: the pressure of the external environment

for the restaurant business enterprises is relatively the same, but the ability of the

restaurant enterprise to resist the pressure of the external environment is different its

competitive potential and characteristic type of competitive behavior. If the

environmental pressure is static on the activity of the restaurant business, but when

one or two other parameters (level of competitive potential or change of competition

policy) change, the type of competitive strategy changes.

Figure. 3.10. Model of formation of competitive strategy of restaurant business

enterprises (author's development)






















0 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 90,00 100,00







Aggregated environmental

pressure index

level of competitive potential

type of competitive behavior


Accordingly, changing all three parameters of the competitive strategy also

alters the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprises. In view of this,

of the restaurant business enterprises should monitor systematically the process of

forming a competitive strategy. As changes in business conditions bring to the

restaurant business enterprises new strategic tasks that necessitate a corresponding

change in the competitive strategy and, accordingly, determine the vector of other

management decisions.

The result of the simulation is to determine the optimal type of competitive

strategy for the restaurants (Fig. 3.11).

Figure. 3.11. Results of determining recommended types of competitive

strategies for restaurant businesses (author’s development)

The analysis of the positioning of the restaurant business enterprises in the

coordinates of the model (Fig. 3.10) leads to the conclusion that the investigated

enterprises are characterized by three types of combined types of competitive

strategies: T-G, Т-R та T-R-G. Practical testing of the theoretical provisions of

subparagraph 1.2 on the impossibility of implementation by the restaurant business

enterprises clearly expressed primary types of competitive strategies (aggressive,

conservative and protective) in the field of practical calculations confirmed the

theoretical assumptions made.



(G) Conservative (R) Primary types of



Combined types of






LLC «Kardym»; PB «Firma «Romul

LLC «Ritordo»; LLC «Dzhi eich


LLC «Polendora»

LLC «Lux Servis


LLC «Interfud-


LLC «Bruskerdo»

LLC «Brinprofit»;

LLC «Komunikatsii i


LLC «Kharkiv


LLC «Krostindi»

LLC «Familiia»

LLC «ART Expo»;

LLC «Restoratsiia

nomer odyn»;

LLC «Matonardi»

Enterprises of




The results of the practical testing of the proposed methodological approach

confirmed the fact that no restaurant business enterprises implements the original

competitive strategies in its purest form. According to the results of the calculations it

is established that for the vast majority of the restaurant business enterprises

(43.75%) of the combined competitive strategy is optimal Т-R (restaurants – LLC

«Lux Servis Plius», LCC «Interfud-Kharkiv»; cafes - LLC «Bruskerdo», LLC «Brin-

profit»; bars - LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia», LLC «Krostindi»). T-G's combined

competitive strategy is optimal for 31.25% of restaurant businesses enterprises,

including 2 restaurants (LLC «Kardym»; PP «Firma «Romul 4»), two cafes (LLC

«Ritordo», LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel») and bar LLC «Polendora». T-R-G's

combined competitive strategy is characteristic of 25% of the surveyed restaurants,

incl. two restaurants - LLC «Familiia», LLC «ART Ekspo», cafe - LLC «Restoratsiia

nomer odyn» and bar LLC «Matonardi». Given that each individual restaurant

business enterprises is at a certain stage of its life cycle, which is characterized by a

certain priority of solving problems, a matrix of recommended modification of

competitive strategies in the coordinates "Life cycle stage - Competition strategy"

(Fig. 3.12) is constructed it is possible to further refine the effectiveness of the

recommended strategies, taking into account the life cycle stage.

* group of companies is highlighted in bold "Restaurants" is highlighted in bold; italicized -

"Cafes", plain font - "Bars"






) P

















Slow growth Maturity Decline Renaissance

Life cycle stage

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn»*


«ART Ekspo»

ТОВ «Фамілія» ТОВ «Матонарді»

LLC «Komunika- tsii i Komfort»

LLC «Brinprofit»

LLC «Bruskerdo» LLC «Krostindi»



PP «Firma «Romul 4»

LLC «Kardym» LLC «Ritordo»

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel»

LLC «Liuks Servis

Plius»; LLC «Interfud-

Kharkiv» LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia»

Vector modification of

competitive strategies


e o

f co







Figure. 3.12. Lifecycle Stage - Competitive Strategy Matrix for Determining

Competition Modification Vectors (author's development)

Positioning of restaurant business enterprises in the coordinates of the matrix

"Life cycle stage - Competition strategy" suggests that for the vast majority (81.25%)

of restaurant businesses, the recommended type of competitive strategy is optimal,

taking into account their life cycle stages. However, vectors for modifying

competitive strategies are recommended for 18.75% of restaurants (LLC

«Brinprofit», LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel», LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort»).

Because, according to the calculations (Table 3.4), the data of the restaurant business

enterprises are at a stage of decline, where the priority task is to maintain positions in

the market. Against this background, the right strategic solution for these businesses

in the future will be to focus on the T-R-G Combined Competition Strategy with a

focus on the aggressive type of Competition Strategy (T). The choice of restaurant

businesses enterprises to modify competitive strategies will, to some extent,

contribute to their development and, as a result, to clarify management's goals of

maintaining the level of competitiveness desired.

Thus, based on the results of the study and taking into account the proposed

scientific and methodological approaches, the practical testing of which is carried out

on the restaurant business enterprises, a structural and logical scheme of forming a

competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprises in three components:

theoretical, analytical and practical (Fig. 3.13). This approach ensures the unity of the

empirical and theoretical sides of knowledge. The need to take into account the basics

of the methodology ensures the unity of the empirical, theoretical and practical

orientation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprises and

provides for the consideration of the close relationship, logical conditionality and

dynamics of all key aspects of the formation of a competitive strategy, taking into

account the industry specificity of the restaurant industry.


Figure. 3.13. Structural-logical scheme of formation of competitive strategy of

restaurant business enterprises (author's development)



1. Determination of peculiarities of competitive

strategy formation

2. Choosing the type of competitive


3. Identification of determinants of competitive

strategy formation

The hierarchy of concepts of the categorical apparatus of

competition theory

Comparative characteristics of the types of competitive strategies

Model of competitive strategy formation based on consumer

loyalty assessment

4. Analytical estimation of tendencies of development of

restaurant business enterprises

5. Assessment of the influence of

environmental factors on the formation of a

competitive strategy

6. Assessment of competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises

Development of a complex of innovations for the

formation of a competitive strategy

Construction of the matrix "Environmental instability - pressure of the environment"

А – high; А

─– sufficient;

В – average; В

─– allowable;

С – low

7. Assessment of the development of the

enterprise depending on the stages of the life cycle

Determination of the life cycle stage characteristic of this stage of

development: growth; slow growth; maturity; decline; renaissance

8. Level rating loyalty


Determining the level of consumer loyaltyв:

Lack of loyalty (Q); Low level (N); Average level(S); High level (V)

9. Determining the optimal type of

competitive strategy

Determining the type of competitive behavior:

innovative (І); reproductive (Р); adaptive (А); securing (З).

10. Building a model of

competitive strategy


11. Determining the optimal

type of competitive


Primary type: Aggressive (Т);

Conservative (G) Protected (R)

Combined type: T-G, Т-R, G-R, T-R-G

12. Determination of target vectors for modifying

competitive strategies based on the life cycle stage of restaurant

businesses enterprises



Implementation of the proposed scientific and methodological approach to the

formation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprise, which

combines the theoretical, analytical and practical bases of the formation of the

competitive strategy and, unlike the existing developments, takes into account the

external pressure on the activities of the restaurant business enterprises, evaluation of

competitive potential and competitive potential and allows you to determine a

landmark vector based on a comparison of possible alternatives to strengthening your

competitive position ies on further development in a competitive environment

Conclusions to chapter 3

Improvement of the system of formation of competitive strategy in the

restaurant business enterprises has made the following conclusions:

1. A methodical approach to determining the life cycle stage of a restaurant

business enterprises, which, unlike the existing ones, takes into account the

competitive potential actually achieved at a certain point in time, which is decisive

for assessing the real possibilities of quantitative and qualitative changes of goals and

priorities depending on the requirements of internal and external environment during

the formation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprises and

allows based on the established stage of the life cycle to determine the pers further

development bikes.

Practical testing of the proposed methodological tools showed that during

2016-2017. the sequence of life cycle stages is maintained for all restaurant

businesses enterprises. In 2017 all the restaurant businesses enterprises have moved

to a new stage of their development. Thus, in 2017, 31.25 of the restaurant businesses

enterprises are characterized by the stage of "growth", 25% - the stage of "slow

growth", at the stage of "maturity" and "decline" characteristic of 18.75% of the

restaurant businesses enterprises.

2. Considering that the restaurant service consists of a large number of

components and parameters, different in nature and importance for the consumer, a


scientific and methodological approach to determining the level of loyalty of

consumers of the enterprises of the restaurant businesses enterprises is developed,

personnel, atmosphere, service, price and image), allows you to determine the level

of consumer loyalty (low, medium, high, absent) and characterizes the uniqueness of

the company storannoho economy, creating opportunities to ensure conflict-pressure

competitive environment.

According to the results of the calculations, it is found that only the LLC

«Interfud-Kharkiv» provides high level of consumer loyalty among restaurant

companies, the level of consumer loyalty to 50% of restaurants is medium, and

33.3% - low. It is established that the level of loyalty of the restaurant consumer is

formed under the significant influence of such determinants as: "personnel",

"products", "atmosphere", "image". It is determined that the level of consumer loyalty

of up to 60% of cafes is average and 40% low. The main determinants of loyalty of

this format of the restaurant business are: "Products", "Personnel", "Atmosphere" and

"Price". Substantiated that the characteristic peculiarities of the organization of the

activity of bars, shapes consumer loyalty by the criteria: "Service", "Atmosphere" and

"Price". The study found that 40% of bars provide a high level of consumer loyalty.

3. In order to ensure the conformity of determinants, a scientific and

methodological approach of tools for determining the type of competitive behavior of

restaurant businesses enterprises, which is based on the use of modern

multidimensional classification tools in a spatial format, allows to group of the

restaurant businesses enterprises by their characteristic types of competitive behavior

(innovative, adaptive, and security), provides an opportunity to evaluate the

relationships between the determinants of loylty duration of consumers and to

determine priorities for strategic decisions.

According to the results of practical testing, it is established that the vast

majority of restaurant businesses enterprises (25% of restaurants and 12.5% of cafes),

which are included in 1 group, is characterized by an innovative type of competitive

behavior, the implementation of which provides greater sales, net profit. In this case,

of the restaurant businesses enterprises of this group are actively introducing


innovative changes in such determinants of consumer loyalty as: products, personnel,

service, atmosphere, price, image. 12.5% of cafes and 6.25% of bars are

characterized by an adaptive type of competitive behavior, the result of which is to

ensure average consumer loyalty. A competitive type of competitive behavior is

typical of 12.5% of restaurants, 6.25% of cafes and 12.5% of bars.

4. Based on the necessity of sound choice of directions of increasing the

competitiveness of the restaurant business enterprises, the scientific and methodical

to the formation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business enterprises is

proposed, which combines theoretical, analytical and practical bases of formation of

the competitive strategy and, unlike the existing developments, restaurant

management, competitive potential assessment, and type of competitive behavior and

permit based on a comparison of possible alternatives to strengthening the

competitive position, determine the vector of targets for further development in a

competitive environment.

According to the results of the calculations, it is established that no of the

restaurant business enterprises is implementing the original competitive strategies in

its purest form. The combined T-R competitive strategy is optimal for 43.75% of the

restaurant business enterprises, the T-G combined competitive strategy is optimal for

31.25% of the restaurant business, including 2 restaurants, and the T-R-G combined

competitive strategy 25% of the surveyed restaurants.



1. On the basis of generalization of theoretical provisions the essence is

revealed and the relationship between basic concepts of the theory of competition

("competition", "competitive potential", "competitiveness of products (goods,

services)", "competitiveness of the enterprise", "competitive position", "competitive

advantages" "And" competitive enterprise strategy "). According to the results of the

research, different approaches to defining the essence of the term "enterprise

competitive strategy" were identified, namely: resource, client-oriented, competitive

and integrated, and the main essential characteristics of this concept were

highlighted: orientation to high level of competitiveness and competitiveness ,

external orientation and relativity in time, balance of local components of competitive


2. In order to identify the key aspects of the formation of a competitive

strategy, a set of specific functions was singled out and characterized, and the

features of the value chain at the restaurant business enterprises were identified. To

identify the key determinants of forming a competitive strategy of a restaurant

business enterprises, a research model was developed based on the DEA

methodology to identify the main determinants that determine the level of consumer

loyalty in the restaurant industry (products, personnel, service, atmosphere, price,


Based on the research of the content and systematization of the existing

approaches to the formation of the competitive strategy of enterprises, a conceptual

model of the formation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business

enterprises of the has been developed, which gives a systematic idea of the directions

of management decision making and is the basis for determining the management of

enterprises of the complex of measures to influence the objects of competition in the

research area.

3. Based on the systematization of the main criteria and the introduction of

additional: individualization (services, business needs, niche), specialization (target


group, geographical expansion, VIP-segment), differentiation (products, personnel,

service, prices and image), emotion ( emotional resonance, addictive pleasures),

according to competitive intentions (aggressive, conservative, protective), the

classification of types of competitive strategies of the restaurant business enterprises

has been developed. Taking into account the criteria is the basis for an objective

assessment of the possibilities of increasing competitiveness, establishing priority

key determinants of increasing the level of consumer loyalty, determining the

directions of expansion of the competitive space and a reasonable choice of the

optimal type of competitive strategy in the restaurant business enterprises.

4. According to the results of a complex analytical evaluation of the tendencies

of the development of the restaurant business enterprises, it is established that the

number of restaurants is determined by the development of tourist infrastructure in

the region. The presence of a steady tendency of shifting the accents of the restaurant

business enterprises to the national cuisine was revealed, which positively influenced

the emergence of new directions in the restaurant business enterprises. With the

purpose of formation of sustainable competitive advantages of the restaurant business

enterprises by the main criteria: quality and timeliness of the production of dishes, the

level of service, a complex of modern innovations was formed to form a competitive

strategy in two directions - technical and organizational and technological in the main

functions of the restaurant business enterprises (production, sale organization of

consumption of culinary products and services).

5. In order to adapt of the restaurant business enterprises to the environment, a

scientific and methodological approach has been developed, which focuses on

integrated assessments of the pressure and instability of the external environment and

allows to evaluate the adaptive capacity of the restaurant business enterprises to

establish dynamic interaction with the external environment on the basis of a matrix

approach. The implementation of the developed scientific and methodological

approach at the restaurant business enterprises has allowed to characterize the modern

external environment as unstable and difficult and set the target criteria for the

implementation of the active type of adaptation to the environmental conditions.


6. Given the need to quantify the competitive potential of restaurant businesses

enterprises, a system of indicators for evaluating its components has been developed,

which meets the requirements of sufficiency, objectivity, complexity, consistency,

comparability, uniformity, systematicity and takes into account industry specificity.

In order to obtain a generic characteristic of the competitive potential of restaurant

businesses enterprises, a scientific and methodological approach to its assessment is

justified, which takes into account the limit values for each local component of

competitive potential and allows to identify the level of competitive ability of

restaurant business enterprises based on the method of hierarchy analysis. According

to the results of the assessment, it is established that the restaurants-type enterprises

have higher competitive opportunities compared to the "bars" and "cafes". During the

approbation of the developed approach it was found that the competitive potential of

62.5% of the restaurants business enterprises is sufficient for their development in the

competitive environment, the most problematic components of the competitive

potential are the production, marketing and innovative local components of it.

7. In order to substantiate the optimal type of competitive strategy of the

restaurant business enterprises, the main provisions are formulated and a methodological

approach is developed to determine the stage of life cycle of the restaurant business

enterprises, which is based on the indicators of profit, short-term receivables, cash,

depreciation and labor deductions of the enterprise, allows to evaluate the possibility of

qualitative transformations of competitive lines evag in the restaurant business

enterprises. As a result of the testing of the proposed scientific and methodological

approach it is established that the majority of the restaurant business enterprises are at

the stage of the life cycle “maturity”.

8. For an argumented choise of alternatives of strengthening of competitive

position and development of an appropriate set of management decisions, a scientific

and methodological toolbox of determining the type of competitive behavior of

restaurant business enterprise, that includes determination of Euclidean distance

between the integral indicators of assessment of level of consumer loyalty and allows

to determine an optimal for a restaurant business enterprise type of competitive


behavior based on the construction of the ordered Chekanovskoho diagram in spatial

format was proposed. According to the results of practical approbation of the

proposed approach, it was found that for 37.5% of the restaurant business enterprises,

characteristic innovative type of competitive behavior, for 31.25% adaptive type of

competitive behavior, adaptive and reproductive types of competitive behavior,

respectively, 18.75% and 12.5% of the restaurant business enterprises.

9. In order to determine the targets for the further development of business

entities in the restaurant industry in a competitive environment, a structural and

logical scheme of forming their competitive strategy was developed, the logical

implementation of the stages of which is aimed at ensuring the validity of

management decisions taking into account theoretical, analytical and practical aspects

of competition. To determine the optimal type of competitive strategy, a three-

dimensional model was developed in coordinates: environmental pressure, level of

competitive potential, and type of competitive behavior. The simulation results show

that no restaurant business enterprise is implementing the original competitive

strategies in its purest form (43.75% of the restaurant business enterprises is the

optimal competitive «Т-R» strategy, the combined competitive «T-G» is optimal for

31.25 % of the restaurant business enterprises, and the combined competitive strategy

«T-R-G» is characteristic of 25% of the surveyed restaurant business enterprises).



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The essence of the basic concepts of competition theory

Table А.1

The essence of the concept of «competition» Author Definition of the concept Source

Hretskyi R.

Economic category, which expresses the industrial relations between producers in the process of exchange of products of labor.

Hretskyi R. Teoretychni pidkhody do vyznachennia pryrody ta sutnosti konkurentsii / R. Hretskyi // Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini. ‒ 2015. ‒ № 2. S. 35-38.

Panasenko D.A.

Political and economic relations between states should do better in the excitation markets for themselves and their producers.

Panasenko D.A. Konkurentospromozhnist pidpryiemstva: sutnisna ta funktsionalna kharakterystyky / D.A. Panasenko // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika». – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky. – 2012. – № 727. – S. 270-276.



An integral feature of the market and one of the most important features of the growing internationalization of business.

Rudnytska M.O. Mikroekonomika: navch. posib. / M.O. Rudnytska. ‒ K.: TsUL, 2008. 360 s.

Fyliuk H.M.

The process of managing entities with their competitive advantage to meet the goals of combating competitors to meet objective or subjective needs.

Fyliuk H.M. Konkurentsiia i monopoliia v epokhu hlobalizatsii: monohrafiia / H.M. Fyliuk. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2011. – 404 s.

Adamyk V.A.

Competition in any field of activity between individual legal entities or individuals (competitors) interested in achieving one goal.

Adamyk V.A. Otsinka konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstva / V.A. Adamyk // Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho ekonomichnoho universytetu. – 2012. – № 1. – S. 69-78.

Mochernyi S.V.

Fighting for higher value-added sectors. A country's real income can only grow if its labor and capital flow into the business, which gives a higher value in recruiting for the employed and the country holds positions in such business better than its international competitors.

Mochernyi S.V. Politekonomiia: pidruchnyk / S.V. Mochernyi. – K. : Vikar, 2005. – 386 s.

Azoiev H.L.,

Zavialov P.S.,

Raizberh B.A.

Economic process of interaction, interconnection and struggle between the companies acting on the market in order to provide the best opportunities for marketing their products, to meet the various needs of customers.

Zavialov F. N. Ranhovaia otsenka konkurentosposobnosty massovoho potrebytelskoho tovara (na prymere rыnka khlebobulochnыkh yzdelyi) / F. N. Zavialov, O. V. Kaplyna, D. A. Zaichenko // Marketynh v Rossyy y za rubezhom. – 2005. – № 3 (47). – S. 90–103.



Briu S.L.

The presence of more independent buyers and sellers in the market and the opportunity for them to enter and leave the market freely.

Makkonnell K.R., Briu S.L. Ekonomyks: Pryntsypы, problemы y polytyka:V 2 t. :Per. s anhl. 13-ho yzd. :Ucheb — T.1. — M.: YNFRA-M, 2001. — [974] s.

Kiperman H.


The process of interaction, interconnection and struggle of manufacturers and suppliers in the sale of products, economic rivalry between detached producers or suppliers of goods (services) for the most favorable conditions of sale.

Kyperman H. Ya. Rыnochnaia эkonomyka : slovar / pod obshch. red. H. Ya. Kypermana. – M. : Respublyka, 1993. – 524 s.


Table А.2

The essence of the concept of «enterprise competitiveness» in the scientific field of

economic research Author Definition Source

1 2 3

Opportunity to compete in markets

Honcharevych L.


Owning a subject with certain qualities that

enable him or her to develop on an innovative

basis and to win in competition [1, с. 109].

Honcharevych L. H. Problema zabezpechennia mizhnarodnoi konkurentospromozhnosti v protsesi evoliutsii / L. H. Honcharevych // Visnyk Donetskoho Universytetu, Ser. V: Ekonomika i pravo. – 2007. – №2. – S. 107–116.

B.A. Raizberh,

L.Sh. Lozovskyi,

E.B. Starodubtseva

The ability of manufacturers and sellers of goods

to compete with their rivals, who supply

analogous products to the same markets or seek

to penetrate the markets

Raizberh B.A. Sovremennыi эkonomycheskyi slovar / B.A. Raizberh, L.Sh. Lozovskyi, E.B. Starodubtseva – [4-e yzd., pererab. y dop.]. – M.: YNFRA-M, 2004. – 480 s.

T.S. Prakhova Ability to compete with similar objects in a

specific market, taking advantage of competitive

advantages to achieve the set goals

Prakhova T.S. Poniatye y sushchnost konkurentosposobnosty [Эlektronnыi resurs] / T.S. Prakhova // Sb. nauch. trudov SevKavHTU. Seryia «Эkonomyka». – Stavropol: SevKavHTU, 2005. – №2. – Access mode: http://science.nstu.ru/articles/econom.

I.V. Hroshev,

P.V. Emelianov,

V.M. Yurev

Ability to withstand competition, to resist


Hroshev Y.V. Orhanyzatsyonnaia kultura: [uchebnoe posobye] / Y.V. Hroshev, P.V. Emelianov, V.M. Yurev. – M.: YuNYTY-DANA, 2004. – 288 s.

H.L. Azoev,

P.S. Zavialov

The ability of a firm, a company to compete in

markets with manufacturers and sellers of similar

goods, with the help of higher quality, affordable

prices, and convenience merchants, consumers

Marketynh: [slovar] / [H.L. Azoev, P.S. Zavialov, L.Sh. Lozovskyi y dr.]. – M.: OAO «NPO «Эkonomyka», 2000. – 362 s.

V.M. Horbatov

The ability of an enterprise to successfully

compete with other enterprises for the limited

solvent demand of consumers in the market

segments available to them

Horbatov V.M. Konkurentosposobnost y tsyklы razvytyia yntehryrovannыkh struktur byznesa: [monohrafyia] / V.M. Horbatov. – Kharkov: YD «YNZhEK», 2006. – 592 s.

Comparative advantage over competitors

M. Porter comparative advantage over other firms

Porter E. Maikl Konkurentnaia stratehyia: metodyka analyza otraslei y konkurentov / Maikl E. Porter ; Per. s anhl. – M. : Alpyna Byznes Buks, 2005. – 454 s.

V.V. Sharko

A set of interrelated elements aimed at securing

its strong competitive position, maintaining and

developing existing ones and creating new

competitive advantages

Konkurentospromozhnist pidpryiemstva: metody otsinky, stratehii pidvyshchennia [Tekst] / V.V. Sharko // Biznes Inform. – 2015. – № 10. – C. 237–243

A.P. Hradov Comparative advantage over other firms in the Ekonomicheskaya strategiya firmyi: [uchebnoe posobie] / pod.


industry domestically and abroad red. A.P. Gradova. – [2-e izd., ispr. i dop.]. – SPb.: Spetsialnaya literatura, 1999. – 589 s.

V.F. Oberemchuk

Comprehensive comparative characteristics of

an enterprise, which shows the degree of

preference for the totality of evaluation

indicators of the activity of the enterprise, which

determines its success in a particular market

over a certain period of time in relation to the

aggregate sub- competitive competitors

Oberemchuk V.F. StrategIya pIdpriEmstv: [kurs lektsIy] / V.F. Oberemchuk. – K.: MAUP, 2000. – 128 s.

M.O. Yermolov

A relative characteristic that reflects the

difference in the process of development of one

manufacturer from a competitor both in terms of

satisfaction with their goods or services for a

specific social need and in the efficiency of

production activity

Ermolov M.O. Chem otlichaetsya konkurentosposobnost firmyi ot konkurentosposobnosti tovara / M.O. Ermolov. – M. : Myisl,

1990. – 229 s.

V.S. Ponomarenko,

L.I. Piddubna

"Power balance" - system potential and relevant

market potential or comparative characteristic of

the first

KonkurentospromozhnIst: problemi nauki ta praktiki: [monografIya]. – H.: VD «INZhEK», 2007. – 264 s.

R.P. Dykson Shows how productive and effective the firm is

with respect to competitors, intermediaries and

customer service

Dikson R. Piter. Upravlenie marketingom / Piter R. Dikson; per. s angl. Yu.V. Shlenova. – M.: BINOM, 1998. – 556 s.

V.H. Shynkarenko,

A.S. Bondarenko

Dynamic characteristics of an enterprise's ability

to adapt to changes in the environment while

providing a certain level of competitive


Shinkarenko V.G. Upravlenie konkurentosposobnostyu predpriyatiya / V.G. Shinkarenko, A.S. Bondarenko. – Harkov : Izd-vo HNADU, 2003. – 186 s.

А.А. Мазаракі

A generalized assessment of its competitive

advantages in terms of resource potential

development, quality of satisfaction of consumer

demand and achievement due to this efficiency of

functioning of the economic system that take place

at the moment or during the evaluation period

Mazaraki A.A. Ekonomika torhovelnoho pidpryiemstva : [pidruchnyk dlia stud. vuziv.] / Mazaraki A.A., Ushakova N.M., Lihonenko L.O.; pid red. N.M. Ushakovoi – K.: «Khreshchatyk», 1999. – 800s.

Z.Ie. Shershnova,

S.V. Oborska

The level of competence of the enterprise in

relation to other competing enterprises in the

accumulation and utilization of production

potential of a certain orientation, as well as its

individual components: technology, resources,

management, skills and knowledge of the

personnel, etc., which is reflected in outputs

such as product quality, profitability,

productivity, etc.

Shershnova Z.Ie. Stratehichne upravlinnia: [navchalnyi posibnyk] / Z.Ie. Shershnova, S.V. Oborska. – K.: KNEU, 1999. – 384 s.

Ability to offer competitive products to the market

S.F.Pokropyvnyi The ability of an enterprise to provide such

output so that it can be successfully sold in a

competitive market.

Ekonomika pidpryiemstva: [Pidruchnyk] / Za zah. red. S.F. Pokropyvnoho. – Vyd. 2-he. – K.: KNEU, 2004. – 528 s.

R.A. Fatkhutdynov The ability of a firm (organization) to produce

competitive products; the firm's advantage over

other firms in the industry within and outside the


Fathudinov, R.A. Upravlenie konkurentosposobnostyu organizatsii: [uchebnik] / R.A. Fathutdinov. – [2-e izd., ispr. i dop.] – Moskva: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2005. – 544 s.

M.I. Malik Ability to generate revenue sufficient to

reproduce simple or expanded production, work

motivation and product improvement

Osnovy ahrarnoho pidpryiemnytstva; za red. M.I. Malika. – K. : Instytut ahrarnoi


ekonomiky, 2000. – 582 s.


V.E. Khorutskyi

I.V. Korneeva

Ability to operate successfully in a specific

market (region of sale) in a given period of time

by launching and marketing competitive

products and services

Horutskiy V.E. Sovremennyiy marketing: nastolnaya kniga po issledovaniyu ryinka: [uchebnoe posobie] / V.E. Hrutskiy, I.V. Korneeva. – M.: Finansyi i statistika, 2002. – 528 s.

M.I. Pertsovskyi Possibility of carrying out effective

economic activity and its practical profitable

realization in the conditions of competitive


Pertsovskiy N.I. Mezhdunarodnyiy marketing: ucheb. posobie / I.A. Spiridonov, S.V. Barsukova; rod red. N.I. Pertsovskogo. – M. : Vyisshaya shkola, 2001. – 239 s.

Kh.A. Faskhyev,

I.M. Haraev

The predominance of an organization with its

analog products and services in specific market

segments over a period of time and in the future

to develop, produce and sell competitive goods

(services) without compromising financial This

is the state of the organization

Fashiev H.A. Analiz sostoyaniya problemyi upravleniya konkurentosposobnostyu organizatsii sferyi uslug / H.A. Fashiev, I.M. Garaev // Vestnik TISBI. – 2006. - №8.

H.M. Skudar Multilateral economic category that can be

considered at the level of product,

commodity, industry, country

Skudar G.M. Upravlenie konkurentosposobnostyu krupnogo AO: problemyi i resheniya / G.M. Skudar. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1999. – 496 s.

A.N. Azriliian Property of a product along with similar

products, services or competing entities of

market relations present there

Bolshoy ekonomicheskiy slovar [Tekst] / M.Yu.Agafonova,A.N.Azriliyan,S.I.Degtyarev i dr.;Obsch.red.A.N.Azriliyana. - M. : Fond "Pravovaya kultura", 1994. - 525 c.

A.Yu. Yudanov

The ability of an enterprise to produce and

sell competitive products

Yudanov A.Yu. Konkurentsiya: teoriya i praktika [uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie] / A.Yu. Yudanov. – [3-e izd. ispr. i dop.] – M.: Izdatelstvo GNOM i D, 2001. – 304 s.



a complex concept characterized by the

system and quality of management, product

quality, breadth and depth of range required

by the company or its individual members,

stable financial position, ability to innovate,

efficient use of resources, purposeful work

with personnel, level of system of

movement and service of the firm.

Kalashnikova L.M. Konkurentosposobnost predpriyatiya i ih produktsii / L.M. Kalashnikova // Mashinostroitel. – 2003. – # 11. – S. 15-18

Ability to meet consumer requirements and queries

Z.A. Vasyliev

Ability to meet consumer needs based on the

production of products and services that

outperform competitors in the required set of


Vasyleva Z.A. Yerarkhyia poniatyi konkurentosposobnosty subektov rynka / Z.A. Vasyleva // Marketynh v Rossyy y za rubezhom. – 2006. – № 2. – S. 83-90

A.V. Korotkov

Comparative characteristics of specific

products, strategic commercial (economic)

divisions, enterprises on the principle of

"better-worse" from the standpoint of


Korotkov A.V. Marketynhovыe yssledovanyia: [uchebnoe posobye] / A.V. Kortkov. – M: YuNYTY-DANA, 2005. – 304 s.

A. Doil The competitiveness of an enterprise Doil P. Marketynh-menedzhment y stratehyy / P. Doil; per. s anhl.,


depends on its ability to meet the needs of

consumers better than its competitors

pod red. Yu.N. Kapturevskoho. – [3-e yzd.]. – SPb: Yzd-vo «Piter», 2002. – 544 s.

B. Karloff Ability to provide a better pro position

compared to a competing business

Karloff B. Delovaia stratehyia / B. Karloff; per. s anhl. – M.: Еkonomyka, 1991. – 239 s.

Ability to deliver high performance against competitors

P. S. Zavialov

Possibility to ensure efficient economic

activity and its practical profitable

realization in the conditions of competitive


Zavialov P.S. Marketynh v skhemakh, rysunkakh, tablytsakh: Uchebnoe posobye. - M.: YNFRA-M, 2002. – 496 s.

P.V. Zabelyn,

N.K. Moyseeva

Ability to make a return on invested capital

in the short-term, no less than the set point,

or as an excess of the average profit in the

relevant field of business

Zabelyn P.V. Osnovы stratehycheskoho upravlenyia: [uchebnoe posobye] / P.V. Zabelyn, N.K. Moyseeva. - M.: Ynformatsyonno-vnedrencheskyi tsentr «Marketynh», 1997. – 195 s.

V.V. Sharko,

E.A. Obolontseva

The result of competitive advantages, which

is the ability to carry out profitable business

activities in the market, across the whole

range of management and development

problems, the criteria of which is the level of

sales and a stable place in the market

Sharko V.V. Teoretycheskye osnovy poniatyino-termynolohycheskoho apparata konkurentosposobnosty / M.V. Sharko, E.A. Obolontseva // Ekonomika, finansy, pravo. – 2007. – №12. – S. 8-11.

A. Marenych,

I. Astakhova

complex characteristics of enterprise

activity, based on the analysis of various

aspects of production and economic activity

(production potential, labor resources,

material security, financial performance,

etc.) and allows to identify the "strengths" of

enterprises in competition, find ways to

achieve advantages over competitors

Marenych A. Upravlenye konkurentosposobnostiu predpryiatyia / A. Marenych, Y. Astakhova // Byznes-Ynform. – 1996. – № 5 – S. 23-27.

N.I. Pertsovskyi,

I.A. Spyrydonov,

S.V. Barsukova

Possibility of effective economic activity

and its practical profitable realization in the

competitive market

Mezhdunarodniі marketynh: [uchebnoe posobye] / [N.Y. Pertsovskyi, Y.A.Spyrydonov, S.V. Barsukova]; pod red. N.Y. Pertsovskoho – M.: Vыsshaia shkola, 2001. – 239 s.

O.H. Nefedova

A multifaceted, comprehensive, comparative

feature of an enterprise that determines its

status among many homogeneous entities

and reveals its ability to use all types of

resources more efficiently than competitors

Nefedova O.H. Efektyvnist i konkurentospromozhnist pidpryiemstv / O.H. Nefedova // Kultura narodov Prychernomoria. – 2005. – №62. – S. 36-39.

Ability to adapt to changing competitive environment

Yu. Ivanov

The property of the company to change the

trajectory or intended mode of operation in the

process of adaptation to environmental

influences in order to preserve the development

of existing or created new competitive


Ivanov. Yu. B. Konkurentni perevahy pidpryiemstva: otsinka, formuvannia ta rozvytok : monohrafiia / Yu. B. Ivanov, P. A. Orlov, O. Yu. Ivanova. – Kh. : VD «INZhEK», 2008. – 352.

V.H. Shynkarenko,

A.S. Bondarenko

A dynamic characteristic of an enterprise's

ability to adapt to changes in the external

environment while providing a certain level of

competitive advantage

Shynkarenko V.H. Upravlenye konkurentosposobnostiu predpryiatyia: [monorhafyia] / V.H. Shynkarenko, A.S. Bondarenko. – Kh.: Yzd. KhNADU, 2003. – 186 s.

I.M. Akymova The ability of an organization to continue to Akymova Y.M. Promыshlennыi


work in its chosen business area when the macro

environment is changing rapidly, adapting to

changes in the environment, creating its

competitive advantage and, on this basis,

achieving better performance than competitors

marketynh: [monohrafyia] / Y.M. Akymova. – [2-e yzd.]. – K: Znanyia, KOO, 2001. - 294 s.

V.A. Pavlova The ability of an enterprise to maintain

competitive position in the market or to change

them in the process of adaptation to the

changing competitive environment

Pavlova V.A. Konkurentospromozhnist pidpryiemstva: otsinka ta stratehiia zabezpechennia: [monohrafiia] / V.A. Pavlova. – D.: DUEP, 2006. – 276 s.

L. Andreeva,

E. Myrhorodskaia

The active state of the economic system in

which its competitive advantages are formed

Andreeva L. Vzghliad na systemnuiu konkurentosposobnost kak domynantu ustoichyvoho razvytyia эkonomyky / L. Andreeva, E. Myrhorodskaia // Еkonomyst. – 2004. - №1. – S. 81-88.

Table А.3

Essential features of the nature of competitiveness of the enterprise Nature of

competitiveness Essence


means that competitiveness can be assessed by comparing the indicators that

most comprehensively characterize certain aspects of the activity of

enterprises, the result of which is to compare the level of competitiveness, the

establishment of "bottlenecks" and the justification of the list of key

management decisions for further competitive development.


focuses on the dynamism of this concept ("dynamic" in a certain aspect defines

the ability to continue activities in such a way as to achieve competitiveness

with a changing external environment [218, p. 19]), since the level of

competitiveness achieved in a separate period of time cannot be considered as a

long term its market position, considering the constant opposition of other

entities whose determination and activity may lead to the loss of competitive

position. In this aspect of particular importance are the elements of the

environment, the underestimation of the importance of which can lead to loss

of customers, reducing the efficiency of resource use, the effectiveness of the

enterprise as a whole and, consequently, reducing the level of competitiveness.

Social targeting

is determined by the degree of conformity of the product, product (service) of

the enterprise to the consumer's requirements: the higher the degree of

consumer satisfaction, the more competitive the enterprise is. The social

targeting of the nature of competitiveness focuses on social elements (historical

traditions that are inherent in territorial formation, within which the target

segment of consumers, ethical standards, type of outlook and moral principles

are concentrated [219, p. 33]), without taking into account the level of neglect.



Table А.4

Essence of the concept of "competitive advantage of the enterprise" Author Essence Source

1 2 3

Porter M.

set of certain factors of the enterprise activity (from low costs to differentiation of goods) that determine its success in competition.

Porter E. M. (1985) Competitive Advantage: creating and sustaining superior perfomans. Free Press. New York, NY. 557 p.

Kotler F.

the advantage that an entity gains over competitors by offering more value or by offering goods and services at lower prices than a competitor, or by providing consumers with greater benefits that are sufficiently offset by higher prices. "

Kotler F. Osnovyi marketinga / F.

Kotler, G. Armstrong,Dzh.

Sonders, V. Vong; per. s angl. – 2-

e evrop. izd. – M. : Vilyams,1999.

– 1152 s.

Dzh. OShonessi

as a success factor and a core competency of an enterprise that gives it an edge over market competitors and is considered in the following aspects: concentration in itself; concentration on competitors; concentration on clients; focus on market prospects

O’Shonessi Dzh. Konkurentnyiy marketing: strategicheskiy podhod / Dzh. O’Shonessi ; per. s angl. D. Yampolskogo. – Sankt-Peterburg : Piter, 2002. – 864 s.

Lahutin V. D., Bakalinska O. O., Vertelieva

O. V.

concentrated display of advantages over competitors in economic, technical and organizational spheres of activity that can be measured by economic indicators (additional profit, higher profitability, market share, etc.).

Konkurentsiia i konkurentna polityka: katehoriia ta poniattia /V. D. Lahutin, O. O. Bakalinska, O. V. Vertelieva ta in.; za zah. red.V. D. Lahutina. – K. : KNTEU, 2009. – 320 s.

Rubyn Yu.B.

higher achievements in the chosen areas of entrepreneurial activity in comparison with the achievements of rivals, recognized by the external environment of this business entity

Teoriya i praktika predprini-matelskoy konkurentsii: [uchebnik] / Yu.B. Rubin. – M.: Moskovskaya finansovo-promyishlennaya akademiya, 2004 – 572 s.

Shynkarenko V.H.

high competence of the enterprise, compared to its competitors, based on the achieved level of competitive status, adequacy and efficiency of the use of competitive potential

Shinkarenko V. G. Upravlenie konkurentosposobnostyu predpriyatiya / V. G. Shinkarenko, A. S. Bondarenko. – Harkov : HNADU, 2003. – 188 s.

Lamben Zh.-Zh.

characteristics and properties of the goods (brands) that give the organization a certain edge over its direct competitors. These characteristics can be diverse and relate both to the product itself (the basic service) and to the ancillary services accompanying the basic product, to the forms of production, sale or sale that are specific to the enterprise or product.

Lamben Zhan-Zhak. Menedzhment,

orientirovannyiy na ryinok / Perev. s

angl. pod red. V.B. Kolchanova. –

SPb.: Piter, 2007. – 800s.

Oberemchuk V.F.

advantages that provide revenue that exceeds the industry average and contributes to gaining strong market position; basis of successful existence and development of the enterprise

Oberemchuk V. F. Stratehiia pidpryiemstv / Oberemchuk V. F. – Kyiv : Vyd-vo MAUP, 2000. – 128 s.

Tesliuk N.P. such characteristics of the enterprise's activity, qualitative or quantitative indicators of its market position, which provide the enterprise, after all, with revenues in excess of the average industry level, as well as relevant indicators of competitors.

Tesliuk N.P. Stratehii pidpryiemstva po dosiahnenniu konkurentnykh perevah // Ekonomika, finansy, pravo. – 2005. - № 11. – S. 17-20.

Havryliuk S.P.

assets and areas of strategic importance to the enterprise that enable it to win in competition

Havryliuk S. P. Konkurentni perevahy yak osnova rozrobky stratehii turystskykh pidpryiemstv / S. P. Havryliuk // Naukovyi visnyk Poltavskoho universytetu spozhyvchoi kooperatsii Ukrainy. – 2001. – № 4. – S. 76–80.

Markova V.D. unique tangible and subtle resources that the company owns, as well as strategically important business areas for the enterprise,

Markova V. D. Marketing uslug / Markova V. D. – Moskva : Finansyi i statistika, 1996. – 128 s.


which enable them to win in competition

Levytska A.O.

set of combinations of available resources (raw materials, space, labor, management, technological, information, marketing, etc.) and ways of using them, which provide him with greater possibilities of production and sale of products in comparison with its competitors

Levytska A.O. Konkurentni perevahy pidpryiemstva: sutnist ta dzherela formuvannia / Levytska A.O. // Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu – 2012. – № 4, T. 1.– S. 51–54

Ivanov Yu. B., Orlov P. A.,

Ivanova O. Yu.

positive differences between the company and its competitors in some or all activities that provide improved socio-economic efficiency in the short term and long-term survival through constant search for opportunities and rapid adaptation to the changing environment and changing conditions of competition

Ivanov Yu. B. Konkurentni perevahy pidpryiemstva: otsinka, formuvannia ta rozvytok / Yu. B. Ivanov, P. A. Orlov, O. Yu. Ivanova. – Kharkiv : INZhEK, 2008. – 352 s.

Malevskyi E.Z

concentrated manifestation of the result, more effective than competitors adapting the economic activity of the enterprise to the conditions of the competitive environment due to the innovative development of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the process or product

Malevskyi E. Z. Realizatsiia stratehii dosiahnennia konkurentnykh perevah za rakhunok innovatsiinoho rozvytku u kozhnii funktsionalnii sferi diialnosti pidpryiemstva / E. Z. Malevskyi // ekonomycheskye problemy y perspektyvы stabylyzatsyy ekonomyky Ukraynы : sb. nauch. tr. / NAN Ukrayni, Yn-t ekonomyky prom-sty. – Donetsk, 2006. – T. 1. – S. 197–203.

Andrieieva Ye.L.

characteristics of the enterprise that are available under certain competitive status and efficient use of competitive potential and provide advantages over competitors.

Andrieieva Ye. L. Teoretychne doslidzhennia sutnosti poniattia «konkurentostiikist pidpryiemstva» [Elektronnyi resurs] / Ye. L. Andrieieva // Materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Aktualni problemy formuvannia ta upravlinnia potentsialom pidpryiemstv v umovakh innovatsiinoinvestytsiinoho rozvytku», Kharkiv 22-25 zhovtnia, 2013 roku– Rezhym dostupu.: http://ekon.uipa.edu.ua/

Boryshkevych I.I.

unique strengths of the enterprise in relation to competitors, combining the best elements of doing business, such as marketing, application of technology, organization of activity on an innovative platform, that is all that makes a product or service exclusive, providing the enterprise with competitiveness.

Boryshkevych I.I. Stratehichni napriamy zabezpechennia konkurentospromozhnost silskohospodarskykh pidpryiemstv // Visnyk Kamianets-Podilskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiienka. Ekonomichni nauky. –2017.– Vypusk 12– T.1 – S.6-11

Shapovalova I.V.

the degree of difference from a competitor, both internal and external, aimed at maintaining a stable competitive position for a long period.

Shapovalova I.V. Konkurentni perevahy pidpryiemstva: retrospektyvnyi analiz traktuvannia terminiv // Ekonomika ta suspilstvo.– 2017.–Vypusk № 10.–S.427-432 Rezhym dostupu:http://www.economyandsociety.in.ua/journal/10_ukr/74.pdf


Table А.5

Essence of the concept of "competitive behavior of the enterprise"

Author Content description of the concept Source

Prakhalad K.K., Ramasvami V. N.

as the attitude of rivalry between enterprises, expressed in market strategies, that is, when an enterprise responds to a competitor's actions in certain circumstances

Prakhalad K.K. Maibutnie konkurentsii. Tvorennia unikalnoi tsinnosti spilno z kliientamy / K.K. Prakhalad, V. Ramasvami ; per. z anhl. Mykhaila Stavytskoho. ‒ K. : Vyd-vo Oleksiia Kapusty, 2005. ‒ 258 s.

Shynkarenko V.H. i Bondarenko A.S.

it is a dynamic characteristic of an enterprise's attitude to adapt to changes in the environment while providing a certain level of competitive advantage

Shinkarenko V.G. Upravlenie konkurentosposobnostyu predpriyatiya / V.G. Shinkarenko, A.S. Bondarenko. – Harkov : Izd-vo HNADU, 2003. – 186 s

Mintsberh H.

operating incremental behavior for profit in an environment where existing markets allow for targeted production and profit margins

Mintsberg G., Alsrend B., Lempel D. Shkolyi strategiy. Strategicheskoe safari: ekskursiya po debryam strategicheskogo menedzhmenta. SPb.: Piter, 2000.

Fathutdinov R. A.

property of an object that is characterized by the degree of actual or potential satisfaction of a specific need in comparison with similar objects that are presented in this market

Fathutdinov R. A. Konkurentosposobnost: Rossiya i mir. 1992 – 2015. Monografiya. M.: Ekonomika, 2005.

Zabelin P.V., Moiseeva I.K.

the ability to make a return on invested capital in the short term, not below the set point, or as an excess over the average return in the relevant business area.

Zabelin P.V., Moiseeva I.K. Osnovyi strategicheskogo upravleniya. – M.: Informatsionno-vnedrencheskiy tsentr «Marketing», 2014. – 195 s.

Yaroshenko S.P.

the ability to assert a longer-term advantage in the marketplace by having a more effective strategy or ability to function in the long-term in the marketplace while generating profit, after which redistribution will remain an opportunity to improve production, maintain product quality and encourage workers.

Yaroshenko S.P. Pryntsypy konkurentozdatnosti sfery materialnoho vyrobnytstva / S.P. Yaroshenko // Rehionalni perspektyvy. – 1998. – № 1(2). – S. 37-39.

Kaninskyi P.K.

the ability to generate income sufficient to reproduce simple or expanded production, work motivation and product performance.

Kaninskyi P.K. Spetsializatsiia silskohospodarskykh pidpryiemstv. – K.: NNTs IAE, 2005. – 410 s.

Bielienkyi P. Yu.

generalized indicator that reflects the effectiveness of the whole complex of mechanisms of management, and the study of problems of its provision should be approached in a comprehensive way, taking into account all the factors and mechanisms.

Bielienkyi P. Yu. Doslidzhennia problem konkurentospromozhnosti / P.Iu. Bielienkyi // Visnyk NAN Ukrainy. – 2007. – № 5. – S. 9-18.


Table А.6

Analysis of invariant interpretations of the essence of the concept of "competitive enterprise strategy"

Author (s) of

definition Competitive strategy is…. Literary source

Key definition


1 3 4 5

Resource approach

Porter M.

aims to take a stable and advantageous position that will

allow the organization to withstand the onset of those

forces that determine competition in the industry.

Porter M. Konkurentnaya strategiya: Metodika

analiza otrasley i konkurentov. / Per. s angl. – M.:

Alpina Biznes Buks, 2005. – 234 s.

achieving a stable

and advantageous


Ivanov Yu.B.

carefully designed program of measures that must be

implemented by the organization in order to achieve a

competitive competitive position in the market and adapt

the organization to changes in the internal and external


Ivanov Yu.B. Teoretychni osnovy konkurentnoi

stratehii pidpryiemstva : Monohrafiia / Yu.B. Ivanov ta

in.; Za zah. red. Yu.B. Ivanova ; KhNEU. – Kh.: VD

«INZhEK», 2006 – 383 s. 9.

achieving a



Kryvoruchko O. S.

generalized activity program (action model) aimed at

achieving an appropriate level of competitive advantage

for an enterprise through efficient allocation, coordination

and use of resources and efforts.

Kryvoruchko O. S. Formuvannia konkurentnykh

stratehii torhovelnykh pidpryiemstv spozhyvchoi

kooperatsii. avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia

ekon. nauk : spets. 08.00.04 – ekonomika ta

upravlinnia pidpryiemstvamy (za vydamy

ekonomichnoi diialnosti) / Kryvoruchko O. S.. –

Poltava : PUET, 2016. – 20 s.



Ansoff I.

a strategy that focuses on actions and approaches that are

management-related and aimed at ensuring successful

operations in one specific business area (strategic area).

Ansoff I. Strategicheskoeupravlenie / I. Ansoff ;

per. s angl. ; pod red. L.I. Evenko. – M. :

Ekonomika, 1989. – 519 s.

ensuring successful


Stupak I. O.

... it is focused on achieving strategic goals and

sustainable competitive advantages, an enterprise plan that

is in the process of continuous improvement and is able to

respond quickly to changes in the external and internal

environment to meet the needs of consumers and their

own growth.

Stupak I. O. Konkurentna stratehiia yak upravlinska

katehoriia / I. O. Stupak // Visnyk natsionalnoho

universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika» № 684. – S. 249-

254 «Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnia». – 2010.

achievement of

strategic goals and





Continuation of Table А.6 1 3 4 5

Lutsiv O. R.

an algorithm for managing an organization's behavior to

achieve a certain market position, based on the

competitive advantages of the enterprise and knowledge

of the development of the competitive environment.

Lutsiv O. R. Konkurentna stratehiia pidpryiemstva v

umovakh nevyznachenosti (na prykladi

molokopererobnoi haluzi) [Tekst] : avtoref. dys. ...

kand. ekon. nauk : spets. 08.00.04 / O. R. Lutsiv ;

nauk. ker. V. I. Hrynchutskyi ; Nats. un-t kharchovykh

tekhnolohii. - K., 2011. - 20 s.



Drucker P. F.

a set of strategies aimed at adapting an enterprise to

changes in competitive conditions and strengthening its

long-term competitive position in the market.

Drucker P. F. Managing in Turbulent Times / P. F.

Drucher. – New York: Harper & Row, 1980. – 312 p. competitive


Adaeva T.

the firm's ability to produce competitive goods, the

competitive sustainability of the organization and its

ability to adapt to adverse competition conditions.

Adaeva T. Organizatsionnyie faktoryi i rezervyi

povyisheniya konkurentosposobnosti

predpriyatiya / T. Adaeva. – Penza: Izd-vo

Penzenskogo gos. un-ta, 2011. – 230 s.



Kudenko N. V.

a variety of organizational strategies that answers one of

the most pressing questions: "How does an organization

compete in the target market, withstand the competitive

pressure and win the competition?"

Kudenko N. V. Marketynhovi stratehii firmy :

monohrafiia / N.V. Kudenko. – K. : KNEU, 2002. –

245 s.



Mostenska T.L.

provides for the formation and realization of the goals and

objectives of the organization to achieve its competitive

advantage in certain segments according to the market

situation and capabilities of the organization.

Mostenska T.L. Osnovy marketynhu : [navch. posib.] /

T.L. Mostenska. – K. : Kondor, 2005. – 240 s. 11. competitive


Hmil T.M.,

Vasilik S.K.

a range of approaches and areas developed by

management to achieve the best performance in one

specific area of activity.

Strategicheskiy menedzhment [Tekst] : [Ucheb.

posobie] / T.M. Hmil, S.K. Vasilik, L.O.

Shishmareva ; Hark. nats. ekon. un-t. - [2-e izd.,

ster.]. - H. : INZhEK, 2006. - 133 s.

achievement of

target results

Dolinskaya M. G.

a set of resources and capabilities of the enterprise,

ensuring the acquisition of competitive advantages in the

market and achievement of the set strategic competitive


Dolinskaya M. G. Marketing i

konkurentosposobnost promyishlennoy produktsii

/ M. G. Dolinskaya, I. A. Solovev. − Moskva :

Ekonomika, 1999. − 143 s..




Continuation of Table А.6 1 3 4 5

Client-oriented approach

Saienko M.H.

a way to gain sustainable competitive advantage in every

enterprise SOB by competing, meeting the diverse and

changing needs of customers better than competitors do.

Saienko M.H. Stratehiia pidpryiemstva: pidruchnyk. /

M.H. Saienko. – Ternopil: «Ekonomichna dumka». –

2006. – 390 s.



Dudar A. P.

a way of long-term actions of the company in the fight

against competitors, which is based on improving the

quality of goods, reducing costs, product differentiation,

penetration into new markets in order to gain competitive


Dudar A. P. Osobennosti formirovaniya

konkurentnoy strategii torgovo-proizvodstvennoy

firmyi / A. P. Dudar, A. Ya. Fedishin. –

Simferopol: Tavrida, 2005. – 182 s



Smoleniuk P.S.

a way to gain sustainable competitive advantage for the

company through competition, meeting different and

changing customer needs better than competitors do. The

company's competitive strategy helps to answer the

question of how the company competes in the target

market, at the expense of which it withstands competitive

pressure and wins the competition?

Smoleniuk P.S. Obgruntuvannia konkurentnoi stratehii

pidpryiemstva // Innovatsiina ekonomika. – 2012. - №

3 (29). – s.86-93. gaining sustainable



Azoev G.L.

an organization's action plan to succeed in competing in a

particular market. Azoev G.L. Konkurentsiya: analiz, strategiya i

praktika. / G.L. AzoEv. – M. : TsEIM, 2001. –

207 s.



Voronkova A. E.

is the development of proposals based on the existing

competitive advantages of the enterprise, which will meet

the needs of the target consumers to a greater extent than

the proposals of competitors.

Voronkova A. E. Strategicheskoe upravlenie

konkurentosposobnyim potentsialom

predpriyatiya: diagnostika i organizatsiya :

[monografiya] / A. E. Voronkova. – Lugansk :

Izd-vo Vost.-ukr. nats. un-ta, 2000. – 315 s.



Vasylenko V. O.

formation and realization of the goals and objectives of

the manufacturer and exporter for each individual market

(market segment) and each product for a certain period of

time in order to carry out production and commercial

activities in full accordance with the market situation and

capabilities of the enterprise.

Vasylenko V. O. Vyrobnychyi (operatsiinyi)

menedzhment : navch. posib. / V. O. Vasylenko, T. I.

Tkachenko. – K. : Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2003. –

532 s.

formation and

realization of goals

and objectives


Continuation of Table А.6 1 3 5

O’Shonessi Dzh.

is a comprehensive program of actions aimed at analyzing

and selecting markets, manufacturing products and

services for them, setting prices and ways to market them.

O’Shonessi Dzh. Konkurentnyiy marketing:

strategicheskiy podhod / Dzh. O’Shonessi ; per. s angl.

D. Yampolskogo. – Sankt-Peterburg : Piter, 2002. –

864 s.

an action program

aimed at analyzing

and selecting


Ershova R.

ability of an enterprise to produce competitive products

while effectively utilizing the potential of the enterprise.

Ershova R. Konkurentnyie strategii tehnologicheski

orientirovannyih predpriyatiy / R. Ershova. –

Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UGTU, 2012. – 230 s.



Pankov V.

creation of exceptional opportunities and competitive

advantages that allow to produce competitive products of

market novelty with new market consumer properties and

value characteristics.

Pankov V. Innovatsionnaya deyatelnost i strategiya

povyisheniya konkurentosposobnosti produktsii:

mezhdunarodnyiy i regionalnyiy aspektyi / V. Pankov,

Yu. Makogon // EkonomIst. – 2005. – # 6. – S. 40–45..



Pichurin I.

actual and potential ability of an enterprise to produce and

market products that are more attractive to consumers at

their quality and / or price.

Pichurin I. Obschaya teoriya marketinga / I. Pichurin. –

Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UGTU, 2011. – 104 s. potential


Competitive - oriented approach

Tiukha I. V.

a clear sequence of development steps designed to

develop a sustainable competitive position beyond the

achievements of rival companies and to confront the

forces that determine competition in the industry.

Tiukha I. V. Upravlinnia konkurentospromozhnistiu

pidpryiemstva v umovakh kryzy / I. V. Tiukha //

Naukovi pratsi Natsionalnoho universytetu

kharchovykh tekhnolohii. – 2009. – № 29. – S. 141-


stable competitive


Yatsiv I. B.

a set of measures aimed at gaining the enterprise

competitive advantages.

Yatsiv I. B. Konkurentospromozhnist

silskohospodarskykh pidp- ryiemstv : monohrafiia / I.

B. Yatsiv. – Lviv : Ukrainskyi bestseler, 2013. – 427 s.



Kovalska Yu. H.

is a collection of individual interrelated and

interdependent components that are united by a single

global purpose - to create and maintain a high level of

sustainable competitive advantage for the enterprise.

Kovalska Yu. H. Formuvannia konkurentnoi stratehii

pidpryiemst- va : avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk :

spets. 08.06.01 / Yu. H. Kovalska ; Yev- ropeiskyi un-t

finansiv, informatsiinykh system, menedzhmentu i

biznesu. – 20 s. Kyiv, 2004.




Continuation of Table А.6 1 3 4 5

Makhmudov Kh. Z.

is a set of interconnected activities aimed at achieving and

maintaining a high level of competitiveness and

competitive position in the market, based on the effective

use of competitive advantage and the elimination of

negative factors of influence.

Makhmudov Kh. Z. Teoretychni aspekty formuvannia

konkurentnykh stratehii ahrarnykh pidpryiemstv / Kh.

Z. Makhmudov // Naukovi pratsi Poltavskoi

derzhavnoi ahrarnoi akademii. Seriia «Ekonomichni

nauky». – 2012. – Vyp. 2. – T. 1. – S. 118–127.


advantages and

neutralization of

negative factors of


Barabas D. O.

it is a comprehensive plan of action to maintain a position

in the market, which involves either expanding the market

capacity, or protecting existing positions, or increasing

market share over the existing market capacity.

Barabas D. O. Upravlinnia konkurentnymy

perevahamy pidpryiemstva (na prykladi shveinoi

haluzi) : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia ekon.

nauk : spets. 08.06.01 «Ekonomika, orhanizatsiia i

upravlinnia pidpryiemstvamy» / D. O. Barabas. – Kyiv

: KNEU, 2003. – 18 s.

maintaining a

position in the


Kotler Ph.

the concept and subordinate system of its actions of the

enterprise aimed at achievement of long-term competitive

advantages; is a set of rules of conduct in selected

strategic areas of business, which the company is guided

to achieve the set goals in each area in a competitive


Kotler Philip Marketing Management / Philip Kotler,

Kevin Lane Keller. – Second edition. – New York :

Prentice Hall International, 1984, 2008. – 711 p. long-term



Koval N. V.

a set of actions to plan and implement a system of measures aimed at achieving a favorable competitive position of the company in the market.

Koval N. V. Teoretychni aspekty formuvannia konkurentnykh stratehii pidpryiemstv v umovakh nevyznachenosti ta ryzyku / N. V. Koval // Ekonomika ta upravlinnia APK. - 2015. - № 1. - S. 43-50.


competitive position

Bulakh I. V.

… these are competitive measures and actions, market approaches that can provide a lasting advantage over competitors or the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole.

Bulakh I. V. Vybir konkurentnoi stratehii pidpryiemstva: metodych- nyi pidkhid / I. V. Bulakh // Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlinnia. – 2010. – Vyp. №2 (8).– S. 25–32.




Grant R.

is a comprehensive plan of actions of an enterprise in the market in relation to competing firms. The essence of competitive strategies is that they help to increase or maintain an enterprise position in the market relative to competitors.

Grant R. Sovremennyiy strategicheskiy analiz / R.

Grant ; per. s angl. pod red. V. N. Funtova. – Sankt-

Peterburg : Piter, 2008. – 560 s.

retaining market



Continuation of Table А.6 1 3 4 5

Aranchii V.I.,

Zoria S.P.,

Lantukh A.O.

a set of interrelated measures based on internal

competitive advantages and the ability of the enterprise to

neutralize the influence of external factors with the

maximum benefit to themselves in order to obtain priority

advantages in competitive struggle to win and maintain

strong positions in the market, achieve, enhance or

maintain the desired level of competition -


Aranchii V.I. Teoretychni aspekty formuvannia

konkurentnykh stratehii ahrarnykh pidpryiemstv / V.I.

Aranchii, S.P. Zoria, A.O. Lantukh [Elektronnyi

resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:





Bozhydai I. I.

a dynamic, long-term, focused set of interrelated

activities, subordinated to the overall goal of the

enterprise, based on the enterprise's internal capabilities,

aimed at achieving and maintaining the desired level of

competitiveness, competitive advantage, sustainable

competitive position by the enterprise and capable of

neutralizing influence.

Bozhydai I. I. Definitsiia poniattia "konkurentna

stratehiia" ta yii mistse v upravlinskii iierarkhii

stratehii / I. I. Bozhydai // Traektoryia nauky. - 2016. -

T. 2, № 1. - S. 21-28.


level, competitive


competitive position

Tompson A.A.

development of management decisions aimed at

establishing and strengthening the long-term competitive

position of an enterprise in a specific industry.

Tompson A.A. Strategicheskiy menedzhment:

kontseptsii i situatsii dlya analiza / A.A. Tompson,

A.Dzh. Striklend. 17-e izd.; per. s angl. – M.: ID

«Vilyams», 2007. – 928 s.



Trenev N.N. a competitive strategy for each component of the business

portfolio in different activities

Trenev N.N. Strategicheskoe upravlenie: ucheb.

posobie / N.N. Trenev. – M.: PRIOR, 2000. – 282 s.



Popov V. N.

Competition strategies determine the different approaches

by which an enterprise will act in each strategic business

area and aim at securing sustainable competitive positions

in the market, securing and maintaining long-term

competitive advantages.

Popov V. N. Sistemnyiy analiz v menedzhmente :

[uchebnoe posobie] / V. N. Popov. – Moskva :

KNORUS, 2007. – 304 s. competitive


Shershnova Z.Ie.

business strategy of the organization, which is based on

sustainable competitive advantage.

Shershnova Z.Ie. Stratehichne upravlinnia: pidruchnyk

/ Z.Ie. Shershnova. – 2-he vyd., pererob. i dop. – K. :

KNEU, 2004. – 699 s.




Ending of the table.А.6 1 3 4 5

Yudanov A. Yu.

is a set of actions aimed at ensuring stable competitive

positions in the market, ensuring and maintaining long-

term competitive advantages in a specific field of activity

of the enterprise.

Yudanov A. Yu. Konkurentsiya: teoriya i praktika :

[uchebnoe posobie] / A. Yu. Yudanov. [2-e izd., s ispr.

i dop.]. − Moskva : Assots. avtorov i izdatelei

«Tandem» : HNOM-PRESS, 2003. − 457 s

competitor position

Ivanov A.P.

finding an advantage in the industry or in the market, in

other words, where competition is taking place. A

competitive strategy aims to provide an organization with

a position that enables it to make a profit on a long-term

basis, despite opposition from various forces.

Ivanov A.P. Metod formirovaniya i otsenki

konkurentnoy strategii kompanii / A.P. Ivanov, E.Yu.

Hrus- talev // Finansovyiy menedzhment. – M. : Delo i

servis, 2005. – # 5. – S. 3–14.



Knyish M.I.

an enterprise action plan designed to succeed in

competition that involves offensive or defensive action to

overcome the five forces of competition.

Knyish M.I. Konkurentnyie strategi : [uchebnoe

posobie] / M.I. Knyish. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 204 s competitive


Lunev V.L. the concept and subordinate system of actions of the

enterprise aimed at achieving its ultimate goals.

Lunev V.L. Taktika i strategiya upravleniya firmoy /

V.L. Lunev. – M. : Finpress, NGAEiU, 1997. – 356 s.

achievement of


Nefedova O.H.

a way of long-term competitive behavior of an enterprise

in order to maintain or enhance its competitiveness level.

Nefedova O.H. Mekhanizm vyboru konkurentnoi

stratehii pidpryiemstva / O.H. Nefedova // Visnyk

ekono- michnoi nauky Ukrainy. – 2008. – № 2(14). –

S. 117–120



Tompson A.A.

development of management decisions aimed at

establishing and strengthening the long-term competitive

position of an enterprise in a specific industry.

Tompson A.A. Strategicheskiy menedzhment:

kontseptsii i situatsii dlya analiza / A.A. Tompson,

A.Dzh. Striklend ; 17-e izd. ; per. s angl. – M. :

Vilyams, 2007. – 928 s.



Hemel G.

is about creating future competitive advantage faster than

competitors are copying what you use today.

Hemel G. Konkurentsiya za buduschee. Sozdanie

ryinkov zavtrashnego dnya : per. s angl. / G. Hemel, K.

Prahalad. – M. : Olimp-Biznes, 2002. – 288 s.




Fig. A.1. Staging major approaches to the definition of "competition"

(compiled by the author on the basis of generalization [7; 11; 97; 99; 104; 107; 144;

161; 170; 176; 190; 192; 204; 206; 221; 223; 244; 267])

Approaches Representatives of

the approach The essence of the concept of






A. Smit, D Rikardo, K Marks,A. Marshall, G. B.

Klark, M. Tuhan- Baranovskyi

G. Robinson,

A. Kurno

Y. Shumpeter,

G. M Klark,

F. Khaiek

M. Porter, H. Khammel,

K Parkhald, Dzh. Mur,

Ch. U Kim, R. Moborn

Competition – it is a competition between individual sellers and buyers for better market conditions. The purpose of competition – the fight for the highest profits. The main method of competition - pricing policy. The neoclassical version of the behavioral approach is associated with the struggle for rare economic goods and for the buyer's money for which they can be bought.

The emphasis shifts from the struggle between companies to analyzing the market structure, the conditions that prevail. There are four types of market: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly.

Competition it is seen as a rivalry between the old and the new, whose functional role is to break the equilibrium due to innovation and displacement from the market of enterprises that use outdated technologies. The role of competition in dynamic economic development is determined, as well as the value of non-price competition based on innovation and economic progress are substantiated

The main strategic goal is to gain and consolidate the competitive advantages that provide market leadership. One of the main competitive advantages is innovation. Not only is the focus on maintaining a leading position, but also capturing potential markets. Among the priority areas of competition are mutually beneficial cooperation and the search for new markets free from competition (blue oceans). Competition through the realization of the concept of leadership leads to the emergence of most advanced technologies, new types of business and the achievement of unique competitive advantages.



Determinants of formation and evaluation of consumer loyalty of enterprises

Table B.1

Key components of the models of formation of consumer satisfaction and loyalty in the

enterprises of the restaurant industry

(are generalizet by author on basis of [140; 189;237; 238; 251])

Model components Emphasis on research Quality of food, quality of service, cost / value of each meal, location, personnel [140, c. 1059]

Study of factors affecting consumer decisions to re-visit a restaurant business

Physical environment of the restaurant, quality of food, customer orientation, communication, interests of relationships, fair price [189, c. 513]

Research of factors affecting the quality of restaurant service

Features of the food personality: food neophobia (fear of new products), eating, pleasure [251, c. 224]

Applying the concept of eating personality traits to the hospitality and tourism industry and exploring the relationship between personality, satisfaction and loyalty

Restaurant design, restaurant environment, price perception, personnel, customer satisfaction [238, c. 497]

Exploring the relationship between the physical environment, price perceptions and consumer satisfaction in the restaurant industry

Cleanliness of the restaurant, atmosphere and space, quality of food, price, responsiveness, personnel behavior, restaurant hours [238, c. 499]

Assessment of factors affecting food service satisfaction

Restaurant atmosphere, quality of service, quality of food [237, c. 524]

Research on the impact of service and food quality, as well as the mitigation of the effect of the atmosphere on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of the restaurant business


Table B.2

Characteristics of the determinants of the model of formation and assessment of

loyalty of consumers of restaurants business enterprises (compiled by the author on

the basis of generalization [15; 23; 28; 127; 212; 251; 216; 254]) Determinant of

consumer loyalty


1 2


A restaurant product is both a product and a service. As a commodity, it is a food product of our own production, or a purchase product offered to consumers and having a complex of relevant consumption properties, namely food, energy, biological, physiological utility, etc. sales of products and others [212]


The personnel is a key element of the enterprise functioning and solving the tasks in search of competitive advantages. It is from the concerted actions of the personnel and management of the restaurant business that the result of its activity and the conquest of its worthy visitor depends. The restaurant business attracts by its diversity, freedom of creativity of gifted, talented people, when every waiter is an "actor" of his own show, every manager is a "director" of the hall, and the manager is a "screenwriter", "director" and "actor" in one person [15, c. 104]

Price From the consumer's point of view, the price is what the customer pays or provides to get a product or service. Price fairness is a psychological factor that plays an important role in a customer's response to a paid price [261, c. 223]


Service is an essential component of the marketing policy of a restaurant business enterprise. Service - these are additional services that provide quality and culture service based on knowledge of the psychology of consumers with regard to their consumer behavior.


The standard of service is a set of actions and daily operations of the personnel contributing to the maximum satisfaction of the consumer. Quality of service is one of the reasons of dissatisfaction of clients with the enterprises of the restaurant business, which lead to change of the service provider. [15, с. 106].


It is a factor of consumer confidence in the company and its services, a factor of increase in the number of sales, and therefore a factor of prosperity or decline for the restaurant, its owners and its employees. In this case, the image is a dynamic phenomenon, and therefore the image may change under the influence of circumstances, new information and other factors of the environment in which it exists. [23, c. 332]

Atmosphere The restaurant environment is an important factor in customer satisfaction and behavior. At the restaurant, customers are directly confronted with restaurant services [28, c. 264]

Level of consumer


Customer response to evaluate perceived discrepancy between previous expectations and actual productivity perceived after consumption [254, c. 219]

Consumer confidence level

Trust is a psychological state that leads to one person's trust in another person and creates expectations for the favorable outcomes of other people's behavior. Thus, it is an indicator of trust in the reliability and reliability of both parties to the exchange [127, c. 198]

Consumer loyalty level

This is a certain positive attitude of consumers to everything related to the activity of the organization, products and services, which produces, sells or provides the organization, company personnel, image of the organization, trademarks, logo. Loyal customers can be called those who stay with the company for a long time (compared to the life of the product) and make repeated purchases. [251, c. 511]


Table B.3

Determination of the determinants of formation and assessment of consumer

loyalty of of restaurants business enterprises

Where 5 points - completely agree; 1- point completely disagree on a Likert scale № Indicator Choice on a Likert scale

1 Quality of products affects the level of consumer satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

2 Price has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

3 Quality of service has a positive effect on the level of customer satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

4 Atmosphere of the restaurant business enterprises has a positive effect on the level of consumer satisfaction

1 2 3 4 5

5 Image of the restaurant business enterprises has a positive effect on the level of consumer confidence

1 2 3 4 5

6 Product quality has a positive effect on consumer confidence 1 2 3 4 5

7 Personnel has a positive effect on the level of customer satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

8 Quality of service has a positive impact on the level of consumer confidence 1 2 3 4 5

9 Level of customer satisfaction has a positive impact on the level of loyalty 1 2 3 4 5

10 Level of consumer confidence has a positive impact on the level of loyalty 1 2 3 4 5

11 Visitors are attracted to the parking lot and construction of the facility's exterior

1 2 3 4 5

12 Visually appealing dining influences the choice of venue 1 2 3 4 5

13 Employees who are clean, tidy and properly dressed earn more tips 1 2 3 4 5

14 Interior decor affects the image and price range of the establishment 1 2 3 4 5

15 Beautifully folded menu speeds up the choice of dishes 1 2 3 4 5

16 Institution personnel who can fully answer your questions encourage you to buy

1 2 3 4 5

17 Location influences the choice of restaurant 1 2 3 4 5

18 Level of professional training of service personnel influences the frequency of visiting the institution

1 2 3 4 5

19 Price of a dish does not always indicate its quality 1 2 3 4 5

20 Loyalty system (cards, bonuses) influences the choice of an institution to visit 1 2 3 4 5

21 Satisfied consumer leaves more tips 1 2 3 4 5

22 Service at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

1 2 3 4 5

23 Quality of the provided service (product) at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

1 2 3 4 5

24 Price of the provided service (product) at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

1 2 3 4 5

25 Atmosphere at a restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

1 2 3 4 5

26 Personnel at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

1 2 3 4 5

27 Consumer commitment to a particular institution enhances its competitive position

1 2 3 4 5

28 Consumer confidence in a particular institution affects its level of competition 1 2 3 4 5

29 Image of a restaurant business enterprises directly affects its competitive position

1 2 3 4 5

30 Quality of service affects the number of visits 1 2 3 4 5



Table B.4

Demographic characteristics of the respondents

(compiled by the author on the results of his own research)

Variable ID Category Frequency Frequency


Sex men's 68 36,36

female 119 63,64

Educational level

higher education 82 43,85

full secondary

education 60 32,09

basic secondary

education 45 24,06


up to 20 years 33 17,65

21 to 35 years old 55 29,41

from 36 to 55 years 65 34,76

over 56 34 18,18

Number of visits to

restaurant business


do not visit 0 0,00

once a month 28 14,97

2-3 times a month 102 54,55

more than 4 times 57 30,48


Table B.5

Generalized results of expert study of formation and evaluation

loyalty of consumers of restaurant business enterprises

№ Questionnaire questions

Experts' answers are distributed on a Likert

scale Specific


% 1










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Quality of products affects the level of consumer satisfaction

5 15 20 37 110 78,61

2 Price has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction 10 4 15 40 118 84,49

3 Quality of service has a positive effect on the level of customer satisfaction

8 10 15 45 109 82,35

4 Atmosphere of the restaurant business enterprises has a positive effect on the level of consumer satisfaction

10 18 30 90 40 69,52

5 Image of the restaurant business enterprises has a positive effect on the level of consumer confidence

5 10 30 87 55 75,94

6 Product quality has a positive effect on consumer confidence

3 10 24 58 92 80,21

7 The personnel has a positive effect on the level of customer satisfaction

7 10 25 65 80 77,54

8 Quality of service has a positive impact on the level of consumer confidence

2 10 15 70 90 85,56

9 Level of customer satisfaction has a positive impact on the level of loyalty

6 5 10 36 130 88,77

10 Level of consumer confidence has a positive impact on the level of loyalty

10 9 18 40 110 80,21

11 Visitors are attracted to the parking lot and construction of the facility's exterior

7 30 80 40 30 37,43

12 Visually appealing dining influences the choice of venue

7 20 90 40 30 37,43

13 Employees who are clean, tidy and properly dressed earn more tips

22 15 80 30 40 37,43

14 Interior decor affects the image and price range of the establishment

17 30 50 40 50 48,13

15 Beautifully folded menu speeds up the choice of dishes 17 60 50 30 30 32,09

16 Institution personnel who can fully answer your questions encourage you to buy

7 50 60 40 30 37,43

17 Location influences the choice of restaurant 32 15 60 50 30 42,78

18 Level of professional training of service personnel influences the frequency of visiting the institution

27 30 60 40 30 37,43

19 Price of a dish does not always indicate its quality 12 25 60 40 50 48,13

20 Loyalty system (cards, bonuses) influences the choice of an institution to visit

2 15 40 80 50 69,52

21 Satisfied consumer leaves more tips 10 20 80 40 37 41,18

22 Service at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

7 10 20 30 120 80,21

23 Quality of the provided service (product) at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

10 12 20 15 130 77,54


End of the table. B.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

24 Price of the provided service (product) at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

5 17 10 70 90 85,56

25 Atmosphere at a restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

5 12 20 90 60 69,52

26 Personnel at the restaurant business enterprises influences the level of its competitiveness

7 10 10 90 70 85,56

27 Consumer commitment to a particular institution enhances its competitive position

4 13 20 50 100 80,21

28 Consumer confidence in a particular institution affects its level of competition

9 8 20 90 60 80,21

29 Image of a restaurant business enterprises directly affects its competitive position

3 9 25 60 90 74,87

30 Quality of service affects the number of visits 7 10 30 50 90 74,87

Total points 283 512 1092 1573 2151 1980

Alpha Cronbach's coefficient 0,8


Figure. B.1. Expert evaluation results on identifying determinants of consumer loyalty


Figure. B.2. The results of the peer review on identifying factors that affect the

competitiveness of restaurant businesses enterprises, %









88,77 80,21

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10



85,56 69,52



Сервіс Якість продкції Ціна Атмосфера Персонал Імідж


Table B.6

Results of the statistical validity of the results of the study

Index Acceptable index

value range Resulting value


χ2/df < 3 2,14

P- value P<0,05 0,0001

Coefficient of the mean square


<0,08 0,064

Suitability index >0,9 0,92

Adjusted suitability index >0,9 0,93

Normalized suitability index >0,9 0,94

Table B.7

Results of testing the feasibility of hypotheses regarding the formation of

consumer loyalty for restaurant businesses enterprises

Hypothesis Coefficient

origin Результат

G1: quality of service has a positive effect on customer

satisfaction 0,58 accepted

G2: price positively influences the level of consumer

satisfaction 0,45 accepted

G3: quality of service has a positive effect on consumer

satisfaction 0,51 accepted

G4: atmosphere of the restaurant business enterprises has a

positive effect on the level of consumer satisfaction 0,33 accepted

G5: image of the restaurant business enterprises has a

positive effect on the level of consumer confidence 0,55 accepted

G6: service has a positive effect on the level of consumer

confidence 0,48 accepted

G7: persjnnel has a positive effect on the level of consumer

satisfaction 0,31 accepted

G8: quality of service has a positive impact on consumer

confidence 0,05 not accepted

G9: level of customer satisfaction has a positive impact on

the level of loyalty 0,89 accepted

G10: consumer confidence has a positive impact on loyalty 0,69 accepted



Strategic analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

Table C.1

Methods of strategic analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

Direction of strategic analysis

Methods of analysis Characteristic of the method

Strategic analysis of the

enterprise macro




used as a tool for macroeconomic analysis of the external environment of the enterprise and its possible resources. The technique is followed by the use of a matrix

Model GETS

The model provides for the evaluation of four groups of external pressure forces: Government; Economy; Tehnology; Society. GETS- analysis identifies problems that reduce the market potential of the business and impede its liquidity. The GETS model mainly analyzes external factors that are systematic or uncontrolled within the following subsystems: - political, administrative-legal, budgetary, regulatory, tax; - economic, financial, credit; - technological (cost of building materials and works, new materials and technologies); - public requirements and expectations, consumer behavior, demand standards, changing preferences.

Analysis of opportunities and threats

The method allows to summarize the situation in the enterprise and in the market, to see the chances and threats helps by identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the enterprise and its competitors. The process of such analysis covers three stages: identification of strengths and weaknesses; identifying the chances and threats and reflecting them in terms of the weaknesses and strengths of the enterprise; search for opportunities to act on the boundaries of the relevant characteristics of the enterprise and its competitors.

Method of compiling the environment profile

This method expertly assesses the relative importance of each individual environmental factor to the enterprise. The evaluation is carried out in a special table. Experts give each of the factors in the context of all environments a certain scale, namely "importance to the industry", "impact on the enterprise", "focus of influence", "the degree of significance of the factor for the enterprise". Thus, making the profile of the environment, making a gradation of factors of importance for the enterprise, selects the most significant opportunities and threats to the environment and the strengths and weaknesses of the internal


Continuation of the table C 1.

SPACE- analysis

The analysis allows to evaluate the position of the company in the market, to analyze a number of characteristics of the enterprise activity and to determine the optimal strategy. The basis of the method of analysis is modeling based on expert judgment. When using SPACE-analysis, four groups of criteria for assessing the activity of the enterprise should be identified and an integrated assessment should be made: financial environment, competitiveness of the enterprise, attractiveness of the industry, stability of the environment.

Метод «5х5»

The method involves five questions about environmental factors: 1. If you have information on five environmental factors, name at least 5 of them. 2. What are the five environmental factors that pose the greatest danger to you? 3. What are five factors you know about your competitors' plans? 4. If you have already identified the direction of the strategy, what are the five factors that should be critical to achieving your goals? 5. Name five exterior spaces that include the potential for change that might be beneficial to you. In order to provide accurate answers to each of the five questions, it is necessary to collect already existing information about the enterprise environment and to try to predict its future state. The disadvantage of this method is that this analysis does not give a complete picture of environmental factors and requires great planning and forecasting skills, identifying only the most significant elements of the environment.

List of 4 questions and the «Probability –

Impact» matrix

The method involves both macro and microenvironmental analysis and includes the main criteria for assessing the impact of each significant environmental factor on the future of the enterprise: 1. How (positively or negatively) can this factor affect the status of the organization? 2. What is the likelihood of an increase in this factor, can it be traced? 3. How significant is the impact of the factor on the organization? 4. When can the impact of this factor on the organization diminish? Soon? IN the medium term? After a long time? Environmental analyst JH Wilson suggested a better understanding of the issue the matrix "Probability of reinforcement of factor - influence of factors on the enterprise" which is not not only does it complement the 'List of 4 questions' but also allows us to quantify the impact factors of the organizational environment on the activities of the organization. If, according to the matrix, the value of the factor is high, it should be given special attention when strategy development.


Continuation of the table C 1. Strategic

analysis of the industry

M. Porter's five forces model

The model identifies five forces that determine the level of competition and the attractiveness of doing business in a particular industry. The attractiveness of the industry, in this context, is related to sufficient profitability of the industry. An "unattractive" industry is one in which the combination of forces reduces profitability. The "most unattractive" is an industry that is approaching perfect competition. Porter's five forces analysis includes three forces of "horizontal" competition: the threat of substitute products, the threat of new players, the level of competition, and both forces of "vertical" competition: market power of suppliers and market power of consumers.

Bowman's Strategic Clock

The corporate strategy model extends Porter's three positions to eight, explaining the concepts of "price" and "acceptable value", as well as identifying the likelihood of success for each strategy. The overall strategies proposed in this model are based on the principle that businesses are gaining competitive advantage by providing their customers with a higher quality product or at a lower cost. Each arrow on this clock indicates a particular strategy. Namely: No excesses - this strategy is only applicable to individual segments. Low Price - the danger of a price war and low profits; to follow this strategy you need to be the leader in cost (have a minimum cost to competitors) Hybrid strategy - low cost and differentiation at the same time Differentiation - Higher perceived consumer value, higher market share (No margin); - Perceived consumer value is high enough for consumers to bear an increased price (With a margin). Focused differentiation - Higher perceived cost per segment, allowing margin to be used Increased price / standard cost - Higher revenue if competitors do not follow the same strategy; risk of losing market share Increased price / low cost - Only allowed in a monopoly situation Low Consumer Cost / Standard Price - Loss of market share Strategic Clock allows you to identify the main competitive strategies, as well as their possible changes in time.

K. Coyne Industry Analysis Model

The model is a convenient tool for analyzing the internal organizational structure and principles of the company. The model analyzes the 7 key elements of an organization's micro-environment and draws conclusions about how well the business processes within the company are built and streamlined, how effectively the available resources are used. It helps in improving the internal business processes of an enterprise of any size, increase the productivity of the enterprise, predict the possible consequences of the planned changes in the organizational structure, properly merge departments and conduct mergers of enterprises, determine the best way to implement the strategy of enterprise development.


Continuation of the table C 1. Strategic

analysis of competitors

Map of competitors' strategic groups

The map provides an opportunity to schematically depict on a two-dimensional plane the structure of the industry in the context of groups of competing companies that have close positions in the market and compete with each other on the basis of the same competitive advantages and the same methods, implementing similar strategies using similar resources. Enterprises belonging to one strategic group may have the following affinities: comparable product nomenclature; the same types of distribution channels; a similar degree of vertical integration; similar service and technical assistance provided to buyers; the use of virtually identical qualities and characteristics of products in relation to related types and needs of customers; heavy use of advertising in the media; dependence on identical technical approaches; same prices and quality of products. The closer the parameters are to competing firms, the more closely they should study their activities, since they are their main competitors.

Analysis of competitors on four portdiagnostic

components of M. Porter

The analysis consists of summarizing information into four elements: goals for the future, current strategies, ideas about the capabilities and capabilities of competitors. The idea of allocating strategic groups of competitors, and in fact, their segmentation makes the process of competition manageable. This approach is useful in cases where each of the competitors clearly occupies a position on the market and operates its own ways of working with consumers. To analyze the competitive position of the company, you can offer the following algorithm: 1) identification of the main competitors of the organization; 2) selection of major market segments in which competition is taking place; 3) identifying the nature of competition in this market segment; 3) identifying the overall trends in the competitive position of the organization in these market segments; 4) parametric analysis of the organization and competitors.

Competitive market map

Competition card is a classification of competitors according to the position they occupy in the market. A competitive market map is constructed using two indicators: company market share and market share dynamics. The distribution of market share makes it possible to distinguish a number of standard states of enterprises in the market: market leaders; enterprises with a strong competitive position; enterprises with weak competitive position; market outsiders. To determine the degree of change in the competitive position distinguish the typical state of the enterprise according to the dynamics of its market share: enterprises with rapidly growing competitive position; enterprises with an improving competitive position; enterprises with a deteriorating competitive position; businesses with a rapidly deteriorating competitive position.


Continuation of the table C 1.

Matrix of competitors comparison

The essence of the method is to focus on positioning existing types of business on the matrix of market development of goods, identifying the ideal set of these types of business and developing ways of forming such an ideal set. The position of each type of business is determined by the degree of development of its market and its effectiveness in relation to competitors. Depending on the stage of product market development, different strategies are chosen.

Competitors profile

This method is based on identifying the competitiveness criteria of a product or enterprise as a whole, establishing a hierarchy of criteria identified and building polygons of competitiveness. This methodology does not contain simple and unambiguous criteria for assessing competitiveness, but is based on the use of indirect generalized indicators (competence vectors).

Scheme of the power of rivals

Competition analysis helps the company to calculate the number of competitors in the market (many of them or the market is monopolized), identify the most serious of them and form competitive strategies to interact with them, taking into account the data of the competitive environment analysis.

Strategic analysis of consumers

It is the collection and dissemination of market information about existing and potential consumers and their needs. Consumer analysis includes both quantitative data (demographics, satisfaction, competitiveness) and qualitative data (consumer information, behaviors, focus group results).

Cluster analysis

Analysis is a multidimensional statistical procedure that collects data that contains information about a sample of objects and then organizes the objects into relatively homogeneous groups. The main purpose of cluster analysis is to divide a large number of objects and features into homogeneous groups or clusters. This means that the task of grouping data and identifying the appropriate structure in it is solved.

Perception map

Perception card is a product positioning tool designed to visualize the proximity between goods or segments, measured in terms of psychological factors, which uses the method of multidimensional scaling of consumer preferences and perception. Perception cards provide a schedule of attitude to the product. When using this method, consumers answer questions about the product based on their own experience of using it and their opinion of what it should be like. The answers are plotted, the results used to improve and develop products.


Ending of the table C 1.

Method of benefits

An assessment of the competitiveness of an enterprise is a comparison of its characteristics, properties or brands of goods, which are compared with similar indicators of priority competitors (those that occupy the best positions in a given market) in order to identify those that create advantages of the enterprise over competitors in any field of activity. It should be understood that there are external and internal competitive advantages. External competitive advantage is based on the excellent quality of the product, which creates value for the buyer by reducing its costs or increasing its efficiency. It increases the "market power" of an enterprise so that it can force the market to accept a higher sales price than its competitors. Internal competitive advantage is the cost or management advantage of an enterprise that creates value for the commodity producer, allowing it to lower its cost more than the priority competitor.

Analysis of competitors D. Hassi

The competitor analysis based on D.Hassi's approach includes the following steps: image of an industry map; identification of the main characteristics of competitors; identifying competitors' businesses; building competitive advantage. Important to analyze the characteristics of competitors are: financial results; product analysis; marketing and sales; sources of competitive advantage; the importance of this activity for the whole group; volume of international operations; key factors; explicit strategy; strengths and weaknesses; organization philosophy; personnel policy; rating on critical success factors.


Table C.2

Average expert assessments of РEST -factors and results of statistical analysis

of consistency of opinions of experts



r tor





С )


average grade


і )




~ )

Coefficient of

variation (CV),



coefficient of




criterion (χ2)

χ2р = 0,105

Coefficien of


factor (ωi)








Р1 8,41 1,46 1,208 14,36% 0,691 0,169 0,026

Р2 7,97 1,29 1,135 14,24% 0,621 0,157 0,025

Р3 7,82 1,26 1,121 14,33% 0,598 0,157 0,024

Р4 8,90 0,88 0,940 10,57% 0,774 0,197 0,028

Р5 8,18 1,26 1,121 13,70% 0,654 0,150 0,026

Р6 7,41 1,67 1,292 17,44% 0,537 0,220 0,023

Р7 6,77 0,92 0,959 14,16% 0,448 0,132 0,021

Р8 8,51 1,20 1,097 12,89% 0,708 0,138 0,027

Р9 8,62 0,93 0,963 11,18% 0,725 0,105 0,027

Р10 8,28 1,42 1,191 14,38% 0,670 0,167 0,026





Е1 8,51 0,89 0,942 11,07% 0,708 0,102 0,027

Е2 8,56 0,73 0,852 9,95% 0,717 0,183 0,027

Е3 9,05 0,73 0,857 9,47% 0,801 0,179 0,028

Е4 6,82 1,15 1,073 15,73% 0,455 0,164 0,021

Е5 6,59 0,93 0,966 14,65% 0,424 0,138 0,021

Е6 8,31 0,90 0,950 11,44% 0,674 0,106 0,026

Е7 8,41 1,30 1,141 13,56% 0,691 0,151 0,026

Е8 8,38 0,98 0,990 11,81% 0,687 0,114 0,026

Е9 6,44 1,62 1,273 19,78% 0,405 0,245 0,020

Е10 7,54 2,15 1,466 19,45% 0,555 0,278 0,024

Е11 8,64 1,13 1,063 12,31% 0,760 0,128 0,027

Е12 8,82 0,73 0,854 9,69% 0,760 0,181 0,028







S1 8,59 0,88 0,938 10,92% 0,721 0,106 0,027

S2 8,77 0,87 0,931 10,61% 0,752 0,196 0,027

S3 8,74 0,83 0,910 10,40% 0,747 0,192 0,027

S4 9,10 0,52 0,718 7,89% 0,810 0,155 0,029

S5 7,85 1,45 1,204 15,34% 0,602 0,180 0,025

S6 8,21 1,17 1,080 13,17% 0,658 0,139 0,026

S7 7,85 1,45 1,204 15,34% 0,602 0,180 0,025

S8 8,36 0,87 0,932 11,14% 0,683 0,101 0,026

S9 7,67 1,23 1,108 14,45% 0,574 0,156 0,024

S10 8,10 0,99 0,995 12,27% 0,642 0,119 0,025

S11 6,74 0,77 0,880 13,05% 0,444 0,112 0,021







Т1 7,15 1,92 1,387 19,38% 0,500 0,262 0,022

Т2 8,26 1,09 1,044 12,65% 0,666 0,129 0,026

Т3 8,56 0,94 0,968 11,30% 0,717 0,107 0,027

Т4 8,77 0,81 0,902 10,29% 0,752 0,129 0,027

Т5 6,51 1,89 1,374 21,10% 0,405 0,282 0,020

Т6 6,15 0,92 0,961 15,61% 0,464 0,146 0,019

Т7 6,87 1,27 1,128 16,42% 0,461 0,180 0,022



Assessment of the level of instability of environmental factors

Table D.1

Assessment of the level of instability of environmental factors [22, с.318]




Stability Response to

problems Prediction Research Art

commonality of

events Usual within extrapolation

Surprisingly, it has an analogy

with the past

All of a sudden for

the first time

Rate of change

Slower than

the enterprise


Levels with the reaction of the


Rather than the reaction of the


Predictability of

the future

By analogy

with the past By extrapolation

Predicted problems and new



predictability and



1 2 3 4 5

The instability scale


Tadle D.2


survey of restaurant dusines enterprises in Kharkiv region

Seeker Department of Economics and Management

Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade conducts research on the state and characteristics of

the external environment of the restaurant industry. Please answer this questionnaire. The results of

the study will only be used for scientific purposes.

1. Please specify the legal form of your company:

□ Public Company

□ private joint stock company

□ limited liability company

□ private enterprise

□ another form of ownership ___________

2. Specify how old is the restaurant business enterpris?

□ less than 1 year

□ from 1 to 3 years

□ from 3 to 5 years

□ more than 5 years

3. Does the company have a strategic development plan?

□ Yes

□ No

4. Does the company have a competitive strategy?

□ Yes

□ No

5. Assess the dynamics of environmental change over the last three years

□ the changes are significant and dynamic

□ the changes are significant, but they happen gradually

□ changes are minor and rarely occur 6. Assess the impact of environmental changes on your business over the last three years

□ the impact is significant

□ changes affect the enterprise in part

□ the impact is negligible

7. Describe the impact of environmental factors on your business

Factors Threat





degree of





Factors Threat





degree of




Political and legal (Р)

Р1 – the political situation in the country

Р2 – the resilience of political power and government

Р3 – military conflict

Р4 – state legislative regulation of activity of the restaurant dusiness enterprises

P5 - state regulation of competition

P6 is the legal basis of the complex of relationships between

partners in the restaurant business

P7 - legal regulation of labor activity

P8 - State and regional measures to provide financial support

to small and medium-sized enterprises

P9 - Discipline of the regime of control of the activity of the

enterprises of the restaurant industry in compliance with the

sanitary requirements and technical norms and rules in force

DSTU, GOST, TU and penalties

P10 is a level of bureaucracy and corruption

Economic (Е)

E1 is the economic situation in the country

E2 is the employment rate of the population

E3 is the level of income of the population

E4 - currency exchange rate dynamics

E5 is the inflation rate

E6 is the level of development of financial infrastructure

E7 is the size of interest rates

E8 is a tax system

E9 - customs rates

E10 - tariffs for utilities and electricity

E11 is a favorable investment climate in the restaurant


E12 - regional business support preferences

Socio-cultural (S)

S1 - social standards and basic values of the population

S2 - consumer sentiment

S3 is the purchasing power of the population

S4 is the pace of life of the population

S5 - migration rate and immigration sentiment

S6 - population growth rate

S7 is the age and age structure of the region's population

S8 is the level of education of the population

S9 - Consumer priorities for forms and places of recreation

S10 - Highlights in nutrition priorities

S11 - Relation to foreign food

Technological (Т)

T1 - state and sectoral funding for research and development

T2 is the level of development of innovative forms of


T3 - process automation, application of modern equipment

(mechanical, thermal, refrigeration)


Factors Threat





degree of




T4 - the development of advanced technology for the

production of restaurant products based on new technology

T5 - information and communication technologies for

receiving and processing consumer orders

T6 is the level of computerization of operating process

control systems

T7 - development of technologies of processing of raw

materials and semi-finished products

8. Rate on a scale of 0 to 10 the characteristics of individual environmental factors

Group of factors Uncertainty Mobility Complexity

Political and Legal (P)

Economic (E)

Socio-cultural (S)

Technological (T)

9. Monitoring environmental factors and assessing the impact of their impact on your


□ is carried out

□ carried out from time to time

□ not done at all

Thank you for your answers and cooperation!



Assessment of the external environment of functioning of the enterprises of the restaurant business enterprises of Kharkiv


Table J.1

The results of the expert evaluation of the characteristics of the external environment of the functioning of the restaurant

business enterprises of Kharkiv region


PEST factors Market factors

Political and Legal

(P) Economic (E) Socio-Cultural (S) Technological (T) Consumers Suppliers Competitors














































































1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1 9 8 7 10 9 8 6 5 7 5 6 5 7 9 7 8 8 6 8 9 10

2 10 9 7 10 9 8 6 5 7 4 6 5 6 9 5 7 7 6 8 9 10

3 8 8 8 9 8 8 7 6 8 5 5 4 5 8 8 8 7 5 7 8 8

4 9 7 8 9 9 7 6 4 6 5 6 5 7 8 7 6 7 6 9 8 8

5 10 8 7 10 8 7 5 5 7 5 6 5 6 10 8 8 8 6 8 7 9

6 8 7 8 9 7 8 7 6 7 4 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 10

7 9 8 9 10 8 9 6 5 8 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 9 7 7 9 9

8 10 8 8 8 7 8 5 6 8 5 5 4 7 7 8 6 6 5 6 8 10

9 7 7 7 9 8 7 6 7 7 3 6 5 8 7 5 8 6 6 6 9 9

10 8 7 8 9 9 8 6 5 8 5 7 6 6 8 8 7 8 7 8 8 10

11 9 8 7 8 8 10 7 6 6 4 5 6 8 8 7 8 7 5 7 7 10

12 10 7 7 10 7 9 6 7 6 5 6 5 7 10 8 8 8 6 9 8 9

13 10 8 7 10 7 8 6 6 8 4 5 4 8 7 6 7 7 7 8 9 10

14 7 6 9 9 8 7 6 8 7 5 6 7 6 6 5 8 7 6 7 9 8

15 8 8 7 8 7 6 7 7 9 6 5 5 8 8 7 7 8 6 7 8 9

16 9 7 9 10 8 7 7 5 8 5 6 6 7 10 7 6 6 5 9 7 10

17 10 8 9 9 8 8 5 6 7 5 5 5 7 8 8 6 8 7 6 8 8


Continuation of the table.J. 1


PEST factors Market factors

Political and Legal

(P) Economic (E) Socio-Cultural (S) Technological (T) Consumers Suppliers Competitors














































































18 8 6 10 9 9 7 6 5 8 6 7 6 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 9 9

19 7 5 8 8 9 7 6 7 9 5 5 6 9 7 7 8 8 6 9 8 8

20 10 7 9 10 8 6 5 6 8 7 6 7 9 9 6 6 8 5 7 7 9

21 9 8 8 8 9 7 7 5 7 5 5 5 8 7 6 8 7 7 8 8 8

22 9 7 9 9 10 6 7 5 6 6 7 5 8 8 5 5 6 5 8 9 9

23 10 8 10 9 8 8 6 5 8 5 5 5 7 8 8 6 8 6 6 8 8

24 8 7 9 8 9 7 7 6 7 4 6 6 6 7 6 7 7 4 6 8 8

25 9 8 8 10 8 8 6 5 8 5 5 5 8 7 5 8 8 8 8 9 7

26 9 7 7 9 7 7 5 7 6 5 4 6 8 9 5 6 8 7 9 9 9

27 7 8 8 8 8 6 7 6 8 5 5 5 9 8 7 8 7 5 7 8 8

28 8 7 9 9 10 8 5 8 7 4 6 5 9 7 6 6 6 6 6 9 9

29 10 8 7 9 7 7 6 5 9 5 5 5 7 8 5 7 6 5 6 7 8

30 9 6 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 6 4 6 6 9 5 8 7 7 7 8 9

31 8 5 7 9 8 8 6 6 7 5 7 5 8 8 6 6 7 7 7 8 8

32 9 8 8 8 7 6 6 7 7 5 5 5 6 7 5 6 8 5 8 9 7

33 10 7 7 8 9 8 7 6 6 5 6 5 7 8 7 7 8 6 9 9 8

34 8 8 9 7 8 7 8 5 7 6 5 5 6 8 6 7 7 5 8 7 8

35 10 6 9 9 7 8 8 7 8 5 6 5 8 7 5 6 6 7 7 8 10

36 10 8 8 9 10 9 7 5 6 5 4 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 8 8 10

37 9 9 7 10 9 8 6 8 6 6 6 4 8 8 7 6 9 5 9 9 9

38 10 8 8 9 8 7 5 6 7 5 7 5 7 7 6 6 8 4 7 9 8

39 9 9 10 9 7 6 6 7 8 6 5 4 8 7 8 7 7 5 8 10 7

Average rating 8,90 7,41 8,08 8,95 8,15 7,46 6,23 5,97 7,31 5,00 5,56 5,21 7,23 7,79 6,46 6,87 7,26 5,95 7,51 8,28 8,74

Mean square deviation 0,995 0,966 0,957 0,793 0,904 0,942 0,810 1,013 0,893 0,761 0,821 0,732 1,038 1,031 1,097 0,923 0,850 0,999 0,997 0,759 0,938

Coefficient of variation, % 11,2 13,0 11,8 8,9 11,1 12,6 13,0 17,0 12,2 15,2 14,7 14,1 14,4 13,2 17,0 13,4 11,7 16,8 13,3 9,2 10,7


Table J.1

The results of the expert evaluation of the impact of PCT factors on the activity of restaurant business enterprises

Factors Expert assessments Total



rating (С) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Political and legal (Р)

Р1 8 9 10 8 7 9 9 8 9 6 8 7 9 10 6 9 8 9 10 9 10 9 8 7 9 10 9 10 8 10 7 8 7 8 7 6 8 9 10 328 8,41

Р2 7 6 8 8 9 10 8 9 7 7 8 9 10 8 7 6 7 9 8 7 8 9 6 9 10 8 9 9 8 8 7 6 7 8 9 7 9 9 7 311 7,97

Р3 7 8 7 7 6 5 7 8 9 7 8 6 9 7 8 9 8 10 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 8 7 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 8 8 305 7,82

Р4 9 10 9 9 10 8 7 7 8 9 10 9 8 9 10 10 9 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 9 8 9 8 10 10 8 347 8,90

Р5 8 10 7 9 8 9 7 8 9 9 8 6 9 8 9 7 6 7 7 8 8 7 6 8 9 9 9 6 9 9 9 8 8 9 10 10 9 8 9 319 8,18

Р6 8 9 8 9 8 9 7 10 9 7 8 7 7 8 6 5 7 7 8 9 10 8 7 7 8 8 9 7 6 8 5 6 7 6 5 7 6 6 7 289 7,41

Р7 6 6 7 6 7 6 5 7 8 6 7 8 6 5 9 6 7 7 8 6 8 7 8 6 8 7 6 5 7 6 8 7 6 7 7 8 7 6 7 264 6,77

Р8 8 8 7 9 10 8 9 7 8 6 9 8 10 9 9 10 10 9 8 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 8 7 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 9 8 9 9 332 8,51

Р9 8 9 9 8 8 9 10 10 9 8 8 7 9 9 8 7 8 7 10 8 9 9 10 8 10 8 9 7 7 8 9 10 9 8 8 9 10 10 9 336 8,62

Р10 10 9 8 7 7 8 7 8 6 8 7 10 9 8 9 7 10 9 8 8 9 8 9 8 7 6 7 6 8 8 9 10 9 9 8 10 9 10 10 323 8,28

Economic (Е) 0

Е1 9 8 7 8 9 8 9 8 8 9 8 7 9 8 7 6 10 8 9 9 8 9 10 9 9 8 9 8 9 7 9 10 10 9 8 9 10 8 9 332 8,51

Е2 10 9 8 9 9 10 8 9 9 8 7 8 8 9 10 9 8 9 9 8 10 8 9 8 9 8 7 8 9 7 8 9 8 9 9 10 9 8 7 334 8,56

Е3 9 10 9 8 9 10 9 9 8 10 8 10 9 7 10 8 9 10 10 8 9 9 10 9 8 9 8 7 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 9 353 9,05

Е4 8 6 5 8 7 6 5 7 5 6 8 7 5 6 9 8 7 8 7 8 7 6 7 6 8 6 5 7 8 7 8 7 6 6 7 6 8 7 8 266 6,82

Е5 5 6 5 6 6 5 7 7 6 8 8 7 8 6 7 8 6 6 7 7 6 6 5 6 7 6 7 8 5 6 8 7 7 7 6 8 7 8 6 257 6,59

Е6 10 8 9 9 8 9 7 8 8 9 10 9 7 9 9 8 9 7 8 9 9 10 8 7 9 9 8 9 9 9 8 7 8 8 7 6 7 8 8 324 8,31

Е7 8 9 9 8 8 8 6 8 10 9 7 6 9 10 8 6 7 8 10 9 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 8 7 8 9 9 10 9 9 8 8 9 10 328 8,41

Е8 10 9 8 7 6 7 8 9 8 9 7 9 8 8 9 8 7 8 8 7 9 8 7 10 9 10 8 9 9 8 10 9 8 10 8 9 8 9 9 327 8,38

Е9 7 7 7 8 7 6 7 6 7 7 8 6 5 8 5 6 7 8 7 6 4 5 6 3 4 5 7 5 6 7 8 7 5 6 7 8 7 8 8 251 6,44

Е10 8 7 8 9 8 9 10 8 9 10 8 9 10 8 9 10 8 9 7 6 5 7 8 6 5 7 6 8 7 6 7 8 5 6 7 6 5 8 7 294 7,54

Е11 9 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 9 8 9 8 7 8 10 9 7 8 8 9 6 7 8 8 9 10 6 9 8 9 9 10 9 9 10 8 10 9 8 337 8,64

Е12 10 9 9 # 8 9 10 9 9 8 8 10 9 9 8 9 10 8 7 9 8 8 9 10 9 9 10 8 9 9 8 10 10 8 9 7 8 8 9 344 8,82

Socio-cultural (S)

S1 9 8 8 9 8 9 7 8 8 8 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 8 9 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 8 8 10 9 10 10 9 8 8 9 10 8 10 335 8,59

S2 8 8 9 9 9 8 10 10 8 9 9 10 8 9 7 9 8 10 9 9 10 9 8 8 9 9 7 8 6 9 10 9 9 10 9 9 10 8 9 342 8,77

S3 9 8 9 8 10 9 8 9 10 9 8 10 9 10 9 8 7 10 8 9 9 10 8 9 8 8 9 8 7 9 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 8 341 8,74

S4 10 10 9 9 10 8 9 9 10 8 9 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 8 10 9 8 9 9 10 8 9 8 9 10 10 8 9 8 9 9 9 10 9 355 9,10

S5 9 9 8 7 8 7 8 9 8 8 9 7 8 9 8 5 6 9 8 7 8 9 5 8 9 9 8 7 8 9 5 6 8 7 8 9 8 10 8 306 7,85

S6 10 8 9 7 8 8 7 6 9 8 7 8 9 6 9 8 7 10 8 7 9 10 9 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 9 8 7 8 9 8 7 320 8,21

S7 9 9 10 9 8 8 9 7 8 9 7 5 6 9 8 7 7 8 9 10 8 7 7 6 9 8 8 7 8 6 8 7 7 6 9 8 7 10 8 306 7,85

S8 8 7 8 9 8 9 7 9 9 8 7 9 8 7 8 10 9 10 8 7 9 9 8 9 10 8 7 9 8 9 10 9 8 9 8 7 8 9 7 326 8,36



Factors Expert assessments





(С) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

S9 7 7 8 8 8 9 8 7 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 8 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 8 9 9 5 6 8 9 7 6 8 7 8 7 6 8 6 299 7,67

S10 8 8 9 9 8 9 7 6 8 9 8 9 8 7 9 8 9 7 7 6 7 7 9 8 7 7 8 9 9 8 10 9 8 7 9 8 9 10 8 316 8,10

S11 7 6 7 5 6 8 7 5 6 5 6 8 7 6 7 8 6 7 7 8 6 6 7 8 7 8 7 6 7 7 7 6 7 8 7 6 8 7 6 263 6,74

Technological (Т) 0

Т1 7 5 6 7 8 6 8 7 7 6 5 4 8 7 7 9 7 6 10 6 7 9 10 8 9 6 7 7 6 5 8 7 7 8 9 7 6 9 8 279 7,15

Т2 8 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 8 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 8 10 9 8 7 10 9 8 8 7 9 9 10 9 8 7 6 8 7 9 10 9 8 322 8,26

Т3 9 8 7 9 8 8 9 10 9 8 9 10 9 10 9 8 9 8 8 7 9 9 8 10 9 8 9 10 7 8 6 9 8 7 9 8 10 9 9 334 8,56

Т4 10 9 9 # 9 8 8 9 9 10 10 9 8 9 8 10 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 9 8 9 8 7 9 10 8 8 9 8 7 7 8 9 10 342 8,77

Т5 6 5 8 7 6 5 7 5 6 4 5 6 8 7 6 5 4 6 7 5 6 7 7 6 8 9 6 10 8 9 6 7 5 6 8 7 7 6 8 254 6,51

Т6 6 7 7 6 5 6 5 8 6 7 5 6 8 7 6 7 5 4 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 6 6 5 7 6 7 5 6 7 8 6 5 7 5 240 6,15

Т7 8 8 7 8 7 6 8 7 8 6 5 8 6 8 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 6 8 7 6 7 8 5 6 8 7 8 8 7 6 8 9 5 6 268 6,87


Table J.2

PEST-analysis of the external environment of restaurants business enterprises in

Kharkiv region

Events / Factors Threat




Degree of



Weight Weighted


Political and legal (Р) P1 - the political situation in the country - 8,41 6,35 -53,41 P2 - the resilience of political power and

government + 7,97 5,41 43,14 P3 - a military conflict - 7,82 6,37 -49,82 P4 - the state legislative regulation of the

activity of the restaurants + 8,90 7,12 63,35 P5 - state regulation of competition + 8,18 6,17 50,47 P6 - the legal basis of the complex of

relationships between partners in the restaurant

business + 7,41 5,12 37,94 P7 - legal regulation of labor activity + 6,77 7,84 53,07 P8 - State and regional measures to provide

financial support to small and medium-sized

enterprises + 8,51 8,45 71,93 P9 - Discipline of the regime of control of the

activity of the enterprises of the restaurant

industry in compliance with the sanitary

requirements and technical norms and rules in

force DSTU, GOST, TU and penalties + 8,62 9,65 83,14 P10 - a level of bureaucracy and corruption - 8,28 8,64 -71,56

Weighing political and legal factors 228,26

Economic (E) E1 - the economic situation in the country - 8,51 9,1 -77,47 E2 - the employment rate of the population - 8,56 8,52 -72,97 E3 - the level of income of the population - 9,05 9,63 -87,16 E4 - currency exchange rate dynamics - 6,82 7,31 -49,86 E5 - the inflation rate - 6,59 8,64 -56,94 E6 - the level of development of financial

infrastructure + 8,31 7,27 60,40 E7 - the size of interest rates - 8,41 6,48 -54,50 E8 - a tax system - 8,38 8,91 -74,71 E9 - customs rates - 6,44 6,54 -42,09 E10 - tariffs for utilities and electricity - 7,54 9,12 -68,75 E11 - a favorable investment climate in the

restaurant business + 8,64 9,65 83,39 E12 - regional business support preferences + 8,82 9,74 85,91

Weighted assessment of economic factors -354,74

Socio-cultural (S) S1 - social standards and basic values of the

population + 8,59 8,94 76,79

S2 - consumer sentiment + 8,77 9,12 79,98 S3 - the purchasing power of the population - 8,74 9,72 -84,99 S4 - the level of economic activity of the

population + 9,10 8,21 74,73 S5 - migration rate and immigration sentiment - 7,85 7,31 -57,36


Ending of the table.J.2

Events / Factors Threat








Weight Weighted


S6 - population growth + 8,21 6,54 53,66 S7 - the age and age structure of the region's

population + 7,85 7,19 56,41 S8 - the level of education of the population + 8,36 7,15 59,77 S9 - consumer priorities for forms and places of

recreation + 7,67 8,94 68,54 S10 - highlights in nutrition priorities + 8,10 9,15 74,14 S11 - relation to foreign food + 6,74 7,12 48,01

Weighted assessment of socio-cultural factors

Technological (Т) 449,69 T1 - state and sectoral funding for research and

development + 7,15 9,5 67,96 T2 - the level of development of innovative forms of

service + 8,26 9,7 80,09 T3 - process automation, application of modern

equipment (mechanical, thermal, refrigeration) + 8,56 8,54 73,14 T4 - the development of advanced technology for the

production of restaurant products based on new

technology + 8,77 9,12 79,98 T5 - information and communication technologies for

receiving and processing consumer orders + 6,51 9,67 62,98 T6 - the level of computerization of operating process

control systems + 6,15 8,15 50,15 T7 - development of technologies of processing of

raw materials and semi-finished products + 6,87 9,12 62,67

Weighted assessment of technological factors 476,97



Diagnostics of competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises

Table E.1

Analysis of structuring of competitive potential of the enterprise

Specific manifestations of

competitive potential

Representation of competitive potential in the works of leading specialists

Level of

agreement of

opinions, %














a D










a M




a O










а І.





a O





a A







., K







a O










a Y














o S









a M


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

production + + + + + + 50,00

financial + + + + + + 50,00

scientific and technical + 8,33

working + + + 25,00

administrative + + 16,67

marketing + + + + + + + 58,33

innovative + + + + + + 50,00

communicative + 8,33

motivational + 8,33

market + + + 25,00

sales + 8,33

organizational + + + 25,00

social + 8,33

commercial + 8,33

material + 8,33

informative + + 16,67

human + 8,33

entrepreneurial + + 16,67

financial and economic + + + 25,00

resource + + 16,67

creative + + 16,67

market + 8,33


Continuation of the table E.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

scientific and technical + + 16,67

organizational and managerial + 8,33

property + 8,33

logistic + 8,33

personnelling + + 16,67

innovative and technological + 8,33

information and communication + 8,33

innovative and educational + 8,33

commercial + + 16,67

technological + 8,33

consumer + 8,33

communicative + 8,33

image + 8,33

technical and technological + 8,33

client + 8,33

Total 4 8 7 8 7 5 4 8 8 5 5 5


Table E.2

A system of indicators for assessing the components of the competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises


components of




Name of indicator Calculation formula Legend


potential (FP)

FP1- Profitability of implementation,% 𝐹𝑃1 =𝑅


R - net profit;

D - net sales revenue

FP2- Turnover based on 1 seat, thousand UAH. 𝐹𝑃2 =𝑇


M – the number of seats of a restaurant;

T - commodity circulation

FP3- Autonomy coefficient, coef. 𝐹𝑃3 =𝑉𝐾


VK - equity;

K – balance (line 640 of form 1)

FP4- Profitability of private capital, % 𝐹𝑃4 =𝑅


VK - equity;

R - net profit

FP5- Overall liquidity ratio, coef. 𝐹𝑃5 =𝑂𝐴


OA - current assets;

PZ - current liabilities


potential (VP)

VP1- Profitability of production, % 𝑉𝑃1 =



VP - gross profit from sales (works, services);

VV - production costs of products sold (its production


VP2- Cost share in the turnover of the restaurant

business, coefficient. 𝑉𝑃2 =



VR – cost of sales;

T - commodity circulation

VP3- Production defect ratio, coef. - Expert rating from 1 to 5

VP4- Coefficient of production reserve, coef. 𝑉𝑃4 =𝑉𝑍


VZ - amount of production facilities of the enterprise;

D - net sales revenue

VP5- Profitability of fixed assets, % 𝑉𝑃5 =𝑅


VZ – amount of fixed assets of the enterprise;

R - net profit


potential (MP)

MP1- Return on sales costs,% 𝑀𝑃1 =𝑅


ZV - selling expenses;

R - net profit

MP2- Consumer satisfaction index of food quality,


- Expert rating from 1 to 5

MP3- Share of regular customers, coef. 𝑀𝑃3 =𝑃𝐾


PK – number of regular customers in the period i;

VK - the number of total customers in the period and;

MP4- Complexity factor of additional services, the


- Expert rating from 1 to 5


Continuation of the table E 2 Local

components of




Name of indicator Calculation formula Legend

MP5- Uniqueness coefficient of the assortment

menu, the coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

MP6- Coefficient of stability of the product range - Expert rating from 1 to 5


потенціал (IP)

IP1- Level of implementation of organizational and

managerial innovations, coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

IP2- Innovation index of technologies for

distribution and provision of finished products

(electronic menu, touchpad, LED notification

technology, etc.), coef.


Expert rating from 1 to 5

IP3- Innovation index of communication

technologies (which provide new opportunities for

receiving and processing consumer orders using

internet technologies), coef.


Expert rating from 1 to 5

IP4- Innovation index of restaurant cooking

technologies, coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

IP5- Innovation index of technological and thermal

equipment (steam boilers, sprays, etc.), for cooking,



Expert rating from 1 to 5

IP6- Index of innovativeness of customer service

forms (catering, vending, foodstuffs, food courts,

open kitchen », etc.), coef.


Expert rating from 1 to 5

Technical and



TTP1- Coefficient of applicability of fixed assets,

coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

TTP2- Fixed assets upgrade coefficient, coef. 𝑇𝑇𝑃2 =𝑂𝑍𝑛

𝑂𝑍𝑘∗ 100

OZn - the amount of new fixed assets at initial value put

into operation in the reporting period;

OZk - the amount of fixed assets at initial value at the

end of the reporting period


Ending of the table E.2 Local

components of




Name of indicator Calculation formula Legend

TTP3- Coefficient of technical weapons of labor,

the coef. 𝑇𝑇𝑃3 =



L - average number of production personnel;

OZ - total value of fixed assets

TTP4- Сommodity circulation per 1 m2 of retail

space of the restaurant business enterprise 𝑇𝑇𝑃4 =



T – commodity circulation;

W – size of retail space, м2

TTP5- Coefficient of loading of service channels,

coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

Client potential


OP1- Capacity of restaurant business enterprise,

coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

OP2- Coefficient intensity of flow of consumers,

coef. 𝑂𝑃2 = 𝑁𝐺 ∗ (𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 +


𝑁𝐺∗ 𝑈)

S - average number of visitors per day, people;

NG - number of visitors for one hour of the heaviest

period of work, people;

Gmax - number of hours of busy period, hours;

U - the number of hours remaining, h.

OP3- Service efficiency index, coef. - Expert rating from 1 to 5

OP4- Consumer satisfaction index with quality of

service, coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5

OP5- Comfort level of consumption of culinary

products and services, coef. -

Expert rating from 1 to 5


Table E.3


to determine the weight of partial and generic indicators of the system for assessing the level

of realization of competitive potential

Dear Respondent _____________________________________________!

We ask you to participate in the expert evaluation of determining the weight of partial and

generic indicators of the system for assessing the level of competitive potential realization and to

fill in the tables of significance in the overall assessment (Table E.3.1) and the table of significance

of partial indicators in each block of local components of competitive potential. 3.2-3.3.8).

The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine the weighting of the coefficients for the

indicators of competitive potential assessment using the method of paired comparisons using expert


The questionnaire lists six major assessment groups: financial, marketing, production,

innovation, technical and organizational capacity. Considering the importance of each partial

evaluation indicator as well as the generalizing local potentials, compare the estimated indicators in

pairs (indicators are provided separately). That is, when filling in the matrices, answer the question:

which of the two benchmarks (or groups of indicators) is more important or has a greater impact on

the level of realization of competitive potential (points, for presentation are given in Table E.3.1).

Table E.3.1

The hierarchy analysis method scale relation [172] Degree of

importance Definition Rationale

1 2 3

1 Equal importance Two actions contribute equally to the goal


Some advantage of importance of

one action over another (low


Experience and judgment give little advantage to one action

over another

5 Significant or strong importance Experience and judgment strongly favor one action over


7 Very strong or obvious importance Advantage of one action over another is very strong. Its

predominance is almost obvious

9 Absolutely importance Testimony in favor of one action over another is far more


2,4,6,8 Intermediate values between

adjacent scale values A situation where a compromise solution is needed


of the



If the action i comparison with

action j is attributed to one of the

numbers above, then the action j

compared to action i attributed the

opposite value

Reasonable assumption



Relationships that occur on a

given scale

If you agree,

then n is required to obtain the matrix

numeric values


Table E.3.2

Matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of local components of the

competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises

Competitive potential









FP 1

VP Х 1

MP Х Х 1

IP Х Х Х 1

OP Х Х Х Х 1


Table E.3.4

Matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators of financial

potential to assess the impact on the competitive potential of restaurant business


Financial potential








FP1 1

FP2 Х 1

FP3 Х Х 1

FP4 Х Х Х 1

FP5 Х Х Х Х 1

Table E.3.5

Matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators of marketing

potential to evaluate the impact on the competitive potential of restaurant business


Marketing potential








MP1 1

MP2 Х 1

MP3 Х Х 1

MP4 Х Х Х 1

MP5 Х Х Х Х 1

MP6 Х Х Х Х Х 1


Table E.3.3

Matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial performance indicators

for assessing the impact on the restaurant industry's competitive potential

Production potential









VP1 1

VP2 Х 1

VP3 Х Х 1

VP4 Х Х Х 1

VP5 Х Х Х Х 1

Table E.3.6

Matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators of

innovation potential for assessing the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises

Innovative potential









IP1 1

IP2 Х 1

IP3 Х Х 1

IP4 Х Х Х 1

IP5 Х Х Х Х 1

IP6 Х Х Х Х Х 1

Table E.3.7

Matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators of

organizational capacity to assess the impact on the competitive potential of restaurant

businesses enterprises

Organizational capacity









OP1 1

OP2 Х 1

OP3 Х Х 1

OP4 Х Х Х 1

OP5 Х Х Х Х 1


Table E 3.8

Matrix of paired comparisons for estimating the weight of partial indicators of

technical and technological potential for assessing the impact on the competitive

potential of restaurant business enterprises

Technical and technological potential















TTP1 1

TTP2 Х 1

TTP3 Х Х 1

TTP4 Х Х Х 1

TTP5 Х Х Х Х 1

Thank you for your participation!

Table E.4

Baseline data to evaluate the competitive potential of restaurants

Legend Years LLC Familiia LLC «Lux

Servis Plius»



LLC «Kardym»



PP «Firma «Romul

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


2015 0,943 2,057 1,621 2,884 16,957 3,953

2016 1,705 2,056 2,015 3,095 17,090 6,276

2017 6,531 2,451 1,634 1,558 19,178 1,662


2015 3,710 14,843 118,420 6,241 2,524 23,276

2016 5,182 23,679 173,304 12,832 3,654 30,180

2017 8,666 26,108 195,866 14,297 4,233 40,084


2015 9,744 0,941 4,135 0,691 0,682 0,985

2016 11,661 0,937 3,655 0,533 1,437 0,978

2017 9,190 0,931 2,935 0,428 0,536 0,958


2015 0,005 0,017 0,017 0,018 0,803 0,026

2016 0,011 0,028 0,029 0,044 0,256 0,050

2017 0,079 0,039 0,027 0,026 0,475 0,017


2015 1,325 2,076 2,474 1,085 0,366 2,686

2016 1,273 2,123 2,003 1,149 0,330 1,851

2017 1,146 2,069 1,477 2,072 0,309 2,003


2015 78,881 244,419 -6,859 -28,295 437,647 14,390

2016 70,546 191,695 30,343 12,265 620,724 27,611

2017 103,938 215,379 24,296 10,342 762,426 15,343


2015 0,003 0,007 0,011 1,395 0,003 1,000

2016 1,005 0,730 0,518 0,891 0,915 0,999

2017 866,520 213,872 129,558 0,906 179,964 1,000


2015 0,060 0,040 0,020 0,070 0,060 0,030

2016 0,040 0,030 0,020 0,060 0,010 0,050

2017 0,030 0,050 0,030 0,050 0,020 0,030


2015 17,392 1,653 14,543 0,995 1,356 2,631

2016 16,757 3,078 10,114 1,068 0,561 2,491

2017 14,077 2,959 8,335 1,021 0,444 3,374


2015 7,332 2,134 13,389 32,006 319,767 3,887

2016 23,266 3,469 27,891 124,436 502,347 8,261

2017 183,766 5,011 30,303 136,112 55,618 2,759


Table E.4 Legend Years LLC Familiia

LLC «Lux

Servis Plius»



LLC «Kardym»



PP «Firma

«Romul 4»

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


2015 4,219 17,709 3,775 5,170 190,311 11,303

2016 7,267 14,993 6,566 8,687 276,724 20,021

2017 33,299 19,327 5,077 4,296 413,496 4,791


2015 8,950 4,320 6,840 6,520 8,120 4,150

2016 8,640 5,840 5,420 7,320 7,650 5,180

2017 9,350 6,050 6,180 6,460 8,740 5,650


2015 0,640 0,590 0,620 0,420 0,710 0,460

2016 0,760 0,610 0,640 0,430 0,720 0,470

2017 0,790 0,620 0,690 0,450 0,740 0,510


2015 3,900 3,700 3,700 3,100 3,600 2,900

2016 4,700 3,800 3,900 3,200 4,900 3,700

2017 5,000 4,900 4,700 4,200 5,000 4,300


2015 18,784 7,493 14,056 1,316 66,066 7,612

2016 31,176 11,815 17,001 2,376 39,708 12,770

2017 120,000 14,642 10,833 1,123 47,014 4,139


2015 0,645 0,632 0,645 0,412 0,596 0,549

2016 0,798 0,687 0,616 0,501 0,774 0,514

2017 0,967 0,818 0,804 0,816 0,822 0,929


2015 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772

2016 0,798 0,687 0,616 0,501 0,774 0,514

2017 0,967 0,818 0,804 0,816 0,822 0,929


2015 0,645 0,632 0,645 0,412 0,596 0,549

2016 0,874 0,621 0,521 0,832 0,521 0,782

2017 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786


2015 0,215 0,185 0,198 0,321 0,224 0,235

2016 0,245 0,165 0,214 0,235 0,238 0,198

2017 0,324 0,157 0,321 0,324 0,246 0,214


2015 0,874 0,621 0,521 0,832 0,521 0,782

2016 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786

2017 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772


2015 0,645 0,632 0,645 0,412 0,596 0,549

2016 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772

2017 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772


2015 4,500 3,800 2,800 3,200 3,600 2,600

2016 4,900 4,700 2,700 3,600 4,600 3,800

2017 5,000 4,800 3,300 4,300 4,900 4,200


2015 0,700 0,780 0,630 0,650 0,780 0,790

2016 0,720 0,710 0,730 0,720 0,800 0,810

2017 0,780 0,790 0,780 0,800 0,810 0,830


2015 0,300 0,220 0,370 0,350 0,220 0,210

2016 0,280 0,290 0,270 0,280 0,200 0,190

2017 0,220 0,210 0,220 0,200 0,190 0,170


2015 10,229 66,302 12,153 8,271 4,914 69,612

2016 9,492 65,039 11,179 5,700 5,809 76,420

2017 7,700 60,668 10,154 3,408 75,030 80,467


2015 3,710 14,843 118,420 6,241 2,524 23,276

2016 5,182 23,679 173,304 12,832 3,654 30,180

2017 8,666 26,108 195,866 14,297 4,233 40,084


2015 0,559 0,290 1,074 1,395 0,223 0,874

2016 0,586 0,343 0,767 0,891 0,154 0,784

2017 0,490 0,317 0,805 0,906 0,116 0,867


2015 0,798 0,687 0,616 0,501 0,774 0,514

2016 0,967 0,818 0,804 0,816 0,822 0,929

2017 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786


2015 0,324 0,157 0,321 0,324 0,246 0,214

2016 0,874 0,621 0,521 0,832 0,521 0,782

2017 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786


2015 4,500 4,800 3,300 3,200 3,400 4,100

2016 4,800 4,700 4,400 4,100 3,500 4,200

2017 5,000 4,500 4,800 4,300 4,000 4,700


2015 4,800 4,700 4,400 4,100 3,500 4,200

2016 4,500 4,800 3,300 3,200 3,400 4,100

2017 0,790 0,620 0,690 0,450 0,740 0,510


2015 4,600 3,800 3,300 3,900 3,700 3,700

2016 4,600 4,800 3,900 4,600 4,300 4,200

2017 4,600 5,000 4,800 4,800 4,600 4,700


Table E.5

Baseline data to calculate the competitive potential of a cafes

Legend Years LLC «Ritordo» LLC «Bruskerdo» LLC «Restoratsiia

nomer odyn» LLC «Brinprofit»

LLC «Dzhi eich



2015 1,284 1,756 0,797 2,457 6,456

2016 1,900 1,747 1,444 3,855 0,355

2017 1,341 0,100 3,068 4,743 0,336


2015 32,567 19,362 40,546 43,947 82,400

2016 40,185 45,790 46,658 70,863 135,060

2017 45,422 62,024 74,471 107,294 166,900


2015 0,142 0,263 0,684 0,661 0,965

2016 0,380 0,442 0,607 0,372 0,930

2017 0,367 0,423 0,622 0,417 0,878


2015 0,227 0,095 0,034 0,182 0,177

2016 0,153 0,102 0,067 0,316 0,016

2017 0,108 0,008 0,185 0,370 0,018


2015 1,230 2,300 1,366 0,456 2,217

2016 1,286 3,067 1,142 0,431 1,556

2017 1,149 0,330 1,477 2,072 1,074


2015 200,688 301,036 255,428 384,838 5,263

2016 157,120 208,475 169,080 268,995 37,929

2017 119,333 135,367 125,301 275,887 35,207


2015 0,017 0,025 0,011 0,036 0,076

2016 3,275 3,197 0,604 5,801 2,448

2017 369,854 291,788 53,893 221,020 91,580


2015 0,060 0,040 0,040 0,060 0,050

2016 0,020 0,030 0,040 0,060 0,030

2017 0,070 0,060 0,060 0,040 0,020


2015 2,075 0,660 3,578 1,945 7,831

2016 2,581 1,637 3,108 1,356 8,844

2017 2,540 2,550 3,951 1,397 9,702


2015 8,712 15,858 3,669 63,851 39,060

2016 20,619 22,485 8,711 232,887 3,524

2017 23,911 2,445 34,423 498,880 4,112


2015 9,653 17,606 7,080 29,787 16,990

2016 12,215 13,473 9,715 35,558 1,225

2017 7,353 0,588 17,279 44,567 1,134


2015 3,010 3,150 1,680 2,030 1,890

2016 2,850 3,080 2,010 2,360 2,150

2017 3,430 3,520 2,360 2,050 2,180


2015 0,430 0,330 0,450 0,380 0,410

2016 0,460 0,350 0,470 0,420 0,470

2017 0,450 0,380 0,460 0,440 0,510


2015 2,600 1,700 2,800 3,700 2,800

2016 2,900 1,800 3,500 4,700 2,700

2017 2,700 2,500 3,900 4,800 3,700


2015 5,127 2,977 6,485 14,835 34,059

2016 8,072 5,646 7,730 12,343 2,775

2017 4,781 0,384 17,477 15,937 2,817


2015 0,028 0,025 0,025 0,016 0,012

2016 0,017 0,018 0,032 0,018 0,024

2017 0,027 0,012 0,035 0,021 0,032


2015 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815

2016 0,017 0,018 0,032 0,018 0,024

2017 0,027 0,012 0,035 0,021 0,032


2015 0,028 0,025 0,025 0,016 0,012

2016 0,594 0,612 0,559 0,637 0,624

2017 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722


2015 0,214 0,187 0,132 0,137 0,219

2016 0,243 0,163 0,125 0,145 0,325

2017 0,314 0,215 0,134 0,218 0,212


2015 0,594 0,612 0,559 0,637 0,624

2016 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722

2017 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815


2015 0,028 0,025 0,025 0,016 0,012

2016 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815

2017 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815


2015 2,700 2,900 3,600 4,200 4,800

2016 3,800 2,700 4,800 4,700 3,600

2017 3,600 2,800 3,800 4,900 4,700


Ending of table E.5 Legend Years LLC «Ritordo» LLC «Bruskerdo»

LLC «Restoratsiia

nomer odyn» LLC «Brinprofit»

LLC «Dzhi eich



2015 0,540 0,580 0,680 0,800 0,700

2016 0,820 0,790 0,780 0,790 0,780

2017 0,820 0,810 0,790 0,770 0,870


2015 0,460 0,420 0,320 0,200 0,300

2016 0,180 0,210 0,220 0,210 0,220

2017 0,180 0,190 0,210 0,230 0,130


2015 13,895 5,642 16,835 9,108 12,382

2016 9,700 5,930 13,589 5,864 12,161

2017 17,513 9,754 23,967 1,700 6,743


2015 32,567 19,362 40,546 43,947 82,400

2016 40,185 45,790 46,658 70,863 135,060

2017 45,422 62,024 74,471 107,294 166,900


2015 0,333 0,249 0,281 0,206 0,950

2016 0,389 0,324 0,372 0,271 0,725

2017 0,456 0,425 0,444 0,266 0,740


2015 0,017 0,018 0,032 0,018 0,024

2016 0,027 0,012 0,035 0,021 0,032

2017 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722


2015 0,314 0,215 0,134 0,218 0,212

2016 0,594 0,612 0,559 0,637 0,624

2017 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722


2015 3,900 3,800 4,300 4,000 4,600

2016 4,200 4,100 4,800 4,100 4,900

2017 4,300 3,200 4,700 4,300 4,800


2015 4,200 4,100 4,800 4,100 4,900

2016 3,900 3,800 4,300 4,000 4,600

2017 0,450 0,380 0,460 0,440 0,510


2015 4,100 1,900 3,100 3,300 3,100

2016 4,100 2,800 4,700 4,600 3,600

2017 3,100 2,800 4,800 4,700 3,800


Table E.6

Baseline data to calculate the competitive potential for bars

Legend Years LLC «Matonardi»


«Komunikatsii i Komfort»

LLC «Kharkiv

Restoratsiia» LLC «Krostindi» LLC «Polendora»


2015 0,960 0,186 1,613 1,063 0,488

2016 2,647 0,369 2,460 0,688 0,735

2017 1,269 1,401 4,027 4,233 1,828


2015 24,293 85,940 25,748 37,802 33,547

2016 28,960 107,978 38,334 49,422 43,565

2017 32,565 104,642 34,120 93,746 55,496


2015 0,381 2,301 0,171 0,389 0,725

2016 0,603 2,973 0,191 0,556 0,717

2017 0,548 2,136 0,438 0,282 0,614


2015 0,077 0,002 0,280 0,116 0,014

2016 0,172 0,005 0,401 0,090 0,030

2017 0,085 0,017 0,369 0,515 0,087


2015 0,927 2,118 1,184 0,344 2,686

2016 1,086 2,840 1,024 0,343 1,851

2017 2,046 2,346 1,019 0,297 2,003


2015 241,199 -5,935 246,000 245,098 228,895

2016 189,793 135,780 149,544 180,647 164,062

2017 122,743 170,547 117,645 141,315 107,245


2015 0,180 0,056 0,013 0,029 0,004

2016 4,907 5,007 6,913 2,887 0,990

2017 137,283 86,880 74,826 159,740 245,405


2015 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,040 0,030

2016 0,040 0,010 0,030 0,050 0,020

2017 0,030 0,010 0,020 0,040 0,030


2015 3,524 5,256 1,505 2,059 1,169

2016 4,656 2,630 2,048 4,404 2,047

2017 3,546 1,563 2,997 3,038 2,410


2015 4,919 10,884 44,408 64,630 5,833

2016 19,303 15,984 169,337 61,151 14,498

2017 17,651 74,115 425,238 54,208 65,493


2015 8,193 0,438 13,955 9,175 4,011

2016 19,179 2,173 15,348 4,827 4,849

2017 7,068 9,476 21,909 25,535 9,472


2015 1,350 3,540 1,540 1,320 1,250

2016 1,480 2,850 1,940 1,570 2,040

2017 1,540 1,650 1,850 1,420 2,120


2015 0,680 0,490 0,690 0,570 0,560

2016 0,720 0,530 0,780 0,610 0,590

2017 0,740 0,570 0,810 0,630 0,620


2015 1,900 3,200 1,800 2,800 3,100

2016 2,800 2,100 2,100 1,800 2,900

2017 3,100 2,600 2,200 2,100 2,900


2015 7,392 0,589 5,376 4,835 1,200

2016 22,863 1,463 8,047 5,442 2,542

2017 6,417 3,792 16,808 19,860 5,845


2015 0,015 0,025 0,012 0,008 0,024

2016 0,045 0,045 0,048 0,012 0,012

2017 0,064 0,031 0,042 0,047 0,021


2015 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625

2016 0,045 0,045 0,048 0,012 0,012

2017 0,064 0,031 0,042 0,047 0,021


2015 0,015 0,025 0,012 0,008 0,024

2016 0,654 0,605 0,724 0,754 0,621

2017 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687


2015 0,318 0,312 0,245 0,236 0,251

2016 0,321 0,216 0,321 0,312 0,312

2017 0,328 0,345 0,451 0,316 0,345


2015 0,654 0,605 0,724 0,754 0,621

2016 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687

2017 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625


2015 0,015 0,025 0,012 0,008 0,024

2016 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625

2017 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625


2015 4,100 3,700 4,900 3,800 4,600

2016 4,500 3,900 4,200 4,000 4,800

2017 4,700 4,000 4,600 3,700 5,000


Ending of table E.6

Legend Years LLC «Matonardi»


«Komunikatsii i Komfort»

LLC «Kharkiv

Restoratsiia» LLC «Krostindi» LLC «Polendora»


2015 0,700 0,710 0,640 0,640 0,640

2016 0,790 0,820 0,830 0,790 0,790

2017 0,820 0,840 0,820 0,800 0,810


2015 0,300 0,290 0,360 0,360 0,360

2016 0,210 0,180 0,170 0,210 0,210

2017 0,180 0,160 0,180 0,200 0,190


2015 12,936 1,885 2,764 1,481 8,121

2016 9,929 3,192 1,810 1,390 6,389

2017 14,050 2,060 3,000 28,154 10,650


2015 24,293 85,940 25,748 37,802 33,547

2016 28,960 107,978 38,334 49,422 43,565

2017 32,565 104,642 34,120 93,746 55,496


2015 0,293 1,063 0,289 0,290 0,304

2016 0,345 0,424 0,401 0,356 0,379

2017 0,449 0,370 0,459 0,414 0,483


2015 0,045 0,045 0,048 0,012 0,012

2016 0,064 0,031 0,042 0,047 0,021

2017 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687


2015 0,328 0,345 0,451 0,316 0,345

2016 0,654 0,605 0,724 0,754 0,621

2017 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687


2015 4,800 4,300 3,900 3,100 3,600

2016 4,500 4,800 4,900 2,800 4,100

2017 4,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 5,000


2015 4,500 4,800 4,900 2,800 4,100

2016 4,800 4,300 3,900 3,100 3,600

2017 0,740 0,570 0,810 0,630 0,620


2015 3,900 3,600 4,700 3,100 4,100

2016 4,600 3,900 4,300 3,500 4,800

2017 4,900 3,800 4,800 4,200 4,500


Table E.7

Standardized values of indicators to calculate the competitive potential of businesses

for restaurants


Years LLC


LLC «Lux Servis




LLC «Kardym»





«Romul 4»

FP1 0,311

2,84 2015 0,332 0,724 0,570 1,000 1,000 1,000

3,03 2016 0,563 0,679 0,666 1,000 1,000 1,000

3,46 2017 1,000 0,708 0,472 0,450 1,000 0,480

FP2 0,117

37,20 2015 0,100 0,399 1,000 0,168 0,068 0,626

53,48 2016 0,097 0,443 1,000 0,240 0,068 0,564

66,62 2017 0,130 0,392 1,000 0,215 0,064 0,602

FP3 0,231

0,50 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

0,50 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

0,50 2017 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,856 1,000 1,000

FP4 0,148

0,80 2015 0,007 0,022 0,021 0,023 1,000 0,032

0,40 2016 0,028 0,070 0,072 0,109 0,638 0,125

0,52 2017 0,153 0,077 0,053 0,051 0,922 0,034

FP5 0,193

1,50 2015 0,883 1,000 1,000 0,723 0,244 1,000

1,50 2016 0,849 1,000 1,000 0,766 0,220 1,000

1,50 2017 0,764 1,000 0,984 1,000 0,206 1,000

VP1 0,197

177,67 2015 0,444 1,000 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,081

163,41 2016 0,432 1,000 0,186 0,075 1,000 0,169

155,14 2017 0,670 1,000 0,157 0,067 1,000 0,099

VP2 0,316

0,18 2015 0,018 0,037 0,060 1,000 0,017 1,000

2,57 2016 0,391 0,284 0,202 0,347 0,356 0,389

195,26 2017 1,000 1,000 0,664 0,005 0,922 0,005

VP3 0,243

0,07 2015 0,857 0,571 0,286 1,000 0,857 0,429

0,06 2016 0,667 0,500 0,333 1,000 0,167 0,833

0,07 2017 0,429 0,714 0,429 0,714 0,286 0,429

VP4 0,135

4,50 2015 1,000 0,367 1,000 0,221 0,301 0,585

4,50 2016 1,000 0,684 1,000 0,237 0,125 0,554

4,50 2017 1,000 0,658 1,000 0,227 0,099 0,750

VP5 0,109

40,02 2015 0,183 0,053 0,335 0,800 1,000 0,097

78,64 2016 0,296 0,044 0,355 1,000 1,000 0,105

100,88 2017 1,000 0,050 0,300 1,000 0,551 0,027

MP1 0,182

21,84 2015 0,193 0,811 0,173 0,237 1,000 0,518

28,30 2016 0,257 0,530 0,232 0,307 1,000 0,707

39,04 2017 0,853 0,495 0,130 0,110 1,000 0,123

MP2 0,136

5,00 2015 1,000 0,864 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,830

5,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

5,00 2017 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

MP3 0,146

5,00 2015 0,128 0,118 0,124 0,084 0,142 0,092

5,00 2016 0,152 0,122 0,128 0,086 0,144 0,094

5,00 2017 0,158 0,124 0,138 0,090 0,148 0,102

MP4 0,165

5,00 2015 0,780 0,740 0,740 0,620 0,720 0,580

5,00 2016 0,940 0,760 0,780 0,640 0,980 0,740

5,00 2017 1,000 0,980 0,940 0,840 1,000 0,860

MP5 0,225

12,39 2015 1,000 0,605 1,000 0,106 1,000 0,614

11,99 2016 1,000 0,986 1,000 0,198 1,000 1,000

18,24 2017 1,000 0,803 0,594 0,062 1,000 0,227

MP6 0,146

1,00 2015 0,645 0,632 0,645 0,412 0,596 0,549

1,00 2016 0,798 0,687 0,616 0,501 0,774 0,514

1,00 2017 0,967 0,818 0,804 0,816 0,822 0,929

IP1 0,20

1,00 2015 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772

1,00 2016 0,798 0,687 0,616 0,501 0,774 0,514

1,00 2017 0,967 0,818 0,804 0,816 0,822 0,929

IP2 0,15

1,00 2015 0,645 0,632 0,645 0,412 0,596 0,549

1,00 2016 0,874 0,621 0,521 0,832 0,521 0,782

1,00 2017 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786

IP3 0,16

1,00 2015 0,215 0,185 0,198 0,321 0,224 0,235

1,00 2016 0,245 0,165 0,214 0,235 0,238 0,198

1,00 2017 0,324 0,157 0,321 0,324 0,246 0,214

IP4 0,14

1,00 2015 0,874 0,621 0,521 0,832 0,521 0,782

1,00 2016 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786

1,00 2017 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772

휀𝑖 𝛽𝑖𝑁



Years LLC


LLC «Lux

Servis Plius»



LLC «Kardym»


«АРТ Експо»

PP «Firma


IP5 0,15

1,00 2015 0,645 0,632 0,645 0,412 0,596 0,549

1,00 2016 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772

1,00 2017 0,887 0,712 0,618 0,836 0,564 0,772

IP6 0,20

5,00 2015 0,900 0,760 0,560 0,640 0,720 0,520

5,00 2016 0,980 0,940 0,540 0,720 0,920 0,760

5,00 2017 1,000 0,960 0,660 0,860 0,980 0,840

TTP1 0,28

0,80 2015 0,875 0,975 0,788 0,813 0,975 0,988

0,80 2016 0,900 0,888 0,913 0,900 1,000 1,000

0,80 2017 0,975 0,988 0,975 1,000 1,000 1,000

TTP2 0,25

0,46 2015 0,652 0,478 0,804 0,761 0,478 0,457

0,29 2016 0,966 1,000 0,931 0,966 0,690 0,655

0,23 2017 0,957 0,913 0,957 0,870 0,826 0,739

TTP3 0,14

16,03 2015 0,638 1,000 0,758 0,516 0,307 1,000

15,22 2016 0,623 1,000 0,734 0,374 0,382 1,000

22,19 2017 0,347 1,000 0,458 0,154 1,000 1,000

TTP4 0,21

1,00 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2017 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

TTP5 0,14

1,00 2015 0,559 0,290 1,000 1,000 0,223 0,874

1,00 2016 0,586 0,343 0,767 0,891 0,154 0,784

1,00 2017 0,490 0,317 0,805 0,906 0,116 0,867

OP1 0,121

1,00 2015 0,798 0,687 0,616 0,501 0,774 0,514

1,00 2016 0,967 0,818 0,804 0,816 0,822 0,929

1,00 2017 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786

OP2 0,104

1,00 2015 0,324 0,157 0,321 0,324 0,246 0,214

1,00 2016 0,874 0,621 0,521 0,832 0,521 0,782

1,00 2017 0,871 0,657 0,621 0,824 0,587 0,786

OP3 0,196

5,00 2015 0,900 0,960 0,660 0,640 0,680 0,820

5,00 2016 0,960 0,940 0,880 0,820 0,700 0,840

5,00 2017 1,000 0,900 0,960 0,860 0,800 0,940

OP4 0,282

1,00 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2017 0,790 0,620 0,690 0,450 0,740 0,510

OP5 0,297

5,00 2015 0,920 0,760 0,660 0,780 0,740 0,740

5,00 2016 0,920 0,960 0,780 0,920 0,860 0,840

5,00 2017 0,920 1,000 0,960 0,960 0,920 0,940

휀𝑖 𝛽𝑖𝑁


Table E.8

Standardized benchmark values for competitive cafes potential








«Restoratsiia nomer odyn»



LLC «Dzhi eich


FP1 0,311

2,84 2015 0,452 0,618 0,280 0,865 1,000

3,03 2016 0,628 0,577 0,477 1,000 0,117

3,46 2017 0,388 0,029 0,887 1,000 0,097

FP2 0,117

37,20 2015 0,876 0,521 1,000 1,000 1,000

53,48 2016 0,751 0,856 0,872 1,000 1,000

66,62 2017 0,682 0,931 1,000 1,000 1,000

FP3 0,231

0,50 2015 0,284 0,526 1,000 1,000 1,000

0,50 2016 0,760 0,885 1,000 0,743 1,000

0,50 2017 0,735 0,847 1,000 0,834 1,000

FP4 0,148

0,80 2015 0,283 0,119 0,042 0,227 0,220

0,40 2016 0,380 0,254 0,166 0,786 0,039

0,52 2017 0,211 0,015 0,358 0,719 0,035

FP5 0,193

1,50 2015 0,820 1,000 0,911 0,304 1,000

1,50 2016 0,857 1,000 0,761 0,287 1,000

1,50 2017 0,766 0,220 0,984 1,000 0,716

VP1 0,197

177,67 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,030

163,41 2016 0,961 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,232

155,14 2017 0,769 0,873 0,808 1,000 0,227

VP2 0,316

0,18 2015 0,094 0,138 0,059 0,203 0,427

2,57 2016 1,000 1,000 0,235 1,000 0,953

195,26 2017 1,000 1,000 0,276 1,000 0,469

VP3 0,243

0,07 2015 0,857 0,571 0,571 0,857 0,714

0,06 2016 0,333 0,500 0,667 1,000 0,500

0,07 2017 1,000 0,857 0,857 0,571 0,286

VP4 0,135

4,50 2015 0,461 0,147 0,795 0,432 1,000

4,50 2016 0,574 0,364 0,691 0,301 1,000

4,50 2017 0,564 0,567 0,878 0,310 1,000

VP5 0,109

40,02 2015 0,218 0,396 0,092 1,000 0,976

78,64 2016 0,262 0,286 0,111 1,000 0,045

100,88 2017 0,237 0,024 0,341 1,000 0,041

MP1 0,182

21,84 2015 0,442 0,806 0,324 1,000 0,778

28,30 2016 0,432 0,476 0,343 1,000 0,043

39,04 2017 0,188 0,015 0,443 1,000 0,029

MP2 0,136

5,00 2015 0,602 0,630 0,336 0,406 0,378

5,00 2016 0,570 0,616 0,402 0,472 0,430

5,00 2017 0,686 0,704 0,472 0,410 0,436

MP3 0,146

5,00 2015 0,086 0,066 0,090 0,076 0,082

5,00 2016 0,092 0,070 0,094 0,084 0,094

5,00 2017 0,090 0,076 0,092 0,088 0,102

MP4 0,165

5,00 2015 0,520 0,340 0,560 0,740 0,560

5,00 2016 0,580 0,360 0,700 0,940 0,540

5,00 2017 0,540 0,500 0,780 0,960 0,740

MP5 0,225

12,39 2015 0,414 0,240 0,524 1,000 1,000

11,99 2016 0,674 0,471 0,645 1,000 0,231

18,24 2017 0,262 0,021 0,958 0,874 0,154

MP6 0,146

1,00 2015 0,028 0,025 0,025 0,016 0,012

1,00 2016 0,017 0,018 0,032 0,018 0,024

1,00 2017 0,027 0,012 0,035 0,021 0,032

IP1 0,20

1,00 2015 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815

1,00 2016 0,017 0,018 0,032 0,018 0,024

1,00 2017 0,027 0,012 0,035 0,021 0,032

IP2 0,15

1,00 2015 0,028 0,025 0,025 0,016 0,012

1,00 2016 0,594 0,612 0,559 0,637 0,624

1,00 2017 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722

IP3 0,16

1,00 2015 0,214 0,187 0,132 0,137 0,219

1,00 2016 0,243 0,163 0,125 0,145 0,325

1,00 2017 0,314 0,215 0,134 0,218 0,212

IP4 0,14

1,00 2015 0,594 0,612 0,559 0,637 0,624

1,00 2016 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722

1,00 2017 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815

IP5 0,15

1,00 2015 0,028 0,025 0,025 0,016 0,012

1,00 2016 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815

1,00 2017 0,563 0,621 0,632 0,645 0,815

휀𝑖 𝛽𝑖𝑁














LLC «Dzhi eich


IP6 0,20

5,00 2015 0,540 0,580 0,720 0,840 0,960

5,00 2016 0,760 0,540 0,960 0,940 0,720

5,00 2017 0,720 0,560 0,760 0,980 0,940

TTP1 0,28

0,80 2015 0,675 0,725 0,850 1,000 0,875

0,80 2016 1,000 0,988 0,975 0,988 0,975

0,80 2017 1,000 1,000 0,988 0,963 1,000

TTP2 0,25

0,46 2015 1,000 0,913 0,696 0,435 0,652

0,29 2016 0,621 0,724 0,759 0,724 0,759

0,23 2017 0,783 0,826 0,913 1,000 0,565

TTP3 0,14

16,03 2015 0,867 0,352 1,000 0,568 0,772

15,22 2016 0,637 0,390 0,893 0,385 0,799

22,19 2017 0,789 0,440 1,000 0,077 0,304

TTP4 0,21

1,00 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2017 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

TTP5 0,14

1,00 2015 0,333 0,249 0,281 0,206 0,950

1,00 2016 0,389 0,324 0,372 0,271 0,725

1,00 2017 0,456 0,425 0,444 0,266 0,740

OP1 0,121

1,00 2015 0,017 0,018 0,032 0,018 0,024

1,00 2016 0,027 0,012 0,035 0,021 0,032

1,00 2017 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722

OP2 0,104

1,00 2015 0,314 0,215 0,134 0,218 0,212

1,00 2016 0,594 0,612 0,559 0,637 0,624

1,00 2017 0,611 0,618 0,621 0,641 0,722

OP3 0,196

5,00 2015 0,780 0,760 0,860 0,800 0,920

5,00 2016 0,840 0,820 0,960 0,820 0,980

5,00 2017 0,860 0,640 0,940 0,860 0,960

OP4 0,282

1,00 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2017 0,450 0,380 0,460 0,440 0,510

OP5 0,297

5,00 2015 0,820 0,380 0,620 0,660 0,620

5,00 2016 0,820 0,560 0,940 0,920 0,720

5,00 2017 0,620 0,560 0,960 0,940 0,760

휀𝑖 𝛽𝑖𝑁


Table E.9

Standardized values of indicators to calculate the competitive potential for bars






«Komunikatsii i Komfort»


«Kharkiv Restoratsiia»





FP1 0,311

2,84 2015 0,338 0,066 0,568 0,374 0,172

3,03 2016 0,874 0,122 0,813 0,227 0,243

3,46 2017 0,367 0,405 1,000 1,000 0,528

FP2 0,117

37,20 2015 0,653 1,000 0,692 1,000 0,902

53,48 2016 0,542 1,000 0,717 0,924 0,815

66,62 2017 0,489 1,000 0,512 1,000 0,833

FP3 0,231

0,50 2015 0,761 1,000 0,342 0,779 1,000

0,50 2016 1,000 1,000 0,383 1,000 1,000

0,50 2017 1,000 1,000 0,877 0,564 1,000

FP4 0,148

0,80 2015 0,096 0,003 0,349 0,144 0,017

0,40 2016 0,428 0,011 1,000 0,224 0,075

0,52 2017 0,165 0,033 0,716 1,000 0,170

FP5 0,193

1,50 2015 0,618 1,000 0,789 0,229 1,000

1,50 2016 0,724 1,000 0,683 0,228 1,000

1,50 2017 1,000 1,000 0,680 0,198 1,000

VP1 0,197

177,67 2015 1,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

163,41 2016 1,000 0,831 0,915 1,000 1,000

155,14 2017 0,791 1,000 0,758 0,911 0,691

VP2 0,316

0,18 2015 1,000 0,313 0,073 0,163 0,023

2,57 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,386

195,26 2017 0,703 0,445 0,383 0,818 1,000

VP3 0,243

0,07 2015 0,286 0,286 0,286 0,571 0,429

0,06 2016 0,667 0,167 0,500 0,833 0,333

0,07 2017 0,429 0,143 0,286 0,571 0,429

VP4 0,135

4,50 2015 0,783 1,000 0,334 0,457 0,260

4,50 2016 1,000 0,584 0,455 0,979 0,455

4,50 2017 0,788 0,347 0,666 0,675 0,536

VP5 0,109

40,02 2015 0,123 0,272 1,000 1,000 0,146

78,64 2016 0,245 0,203 1,000 0,778 0,184

100,88 2017 0,175 0,735 1,000 0,537 0,649

MP1 0,182

21,84 2015 0,375 0,020 0,639 0,420 0,184

28,30 2016 0,678 0,077 0,542 0,171 0,171

39,04 2017 0,181 0,243 0,561 0,654 0,243

MP2 0,136

5,00 2015 0,270 0,708 0,308 0,264 0,250

5,00 2016 0,296 0,570 0,388 0,314 0,408

5,00 2017 0,308 0,330 0,370 0,284 0,424

MP3 0,146

5,00 2015 0,136 0,098 0,138 0,114 0,112

5,00 2016 0,144 0,106 0,156 0,122 0,118

5,00 2017 0,148 0,114 0,162 0,126 0,124

MP4 0,165

5,00 2015 0,380 0,640 0,360 0,560 0,620

5,00 2016 0,560 0,420 0,420 0,360 0,580

5,00 2017 0,620 0,520 0,440 0,420 0,580

MP5 0,225

12,39 2015 0,597 0,048 0,434 0,390 0,097

11,99 2016 1,000 0,122 0,671 0,454 0,212

18,24 2017 0,352 0,208 0,921 1,000 0,320

MP6 0,146

1,00 2015 0,015 0,025 0,012 0,008 0,024

1,00 2016 0,045 0,045 0,048 0,012 0,012

1,00 2017 0,064 0,031 0,042 0,047 0,021

IP1 0,20

1,00 2015 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625

1,00 2016 0,045 0,045 0,048 0,012 0,012

1,00 2017 0,064 0,031 0,042 0,047 0,021

IP2 0,15

1,00 2015 0,015 0,025 0,012 0,008 0,024

1,00 2016 0,654 0,605 0,724 0,754 0,621

1,00 2017 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687

IP3 0,16

1,00 2015 0,318 0,312 0,245 0,236 0,251

1,00 2016 0,321 0,216 0,321 0,312 0,312

1,00 2017 0,328 0,345 0,451 0,316 0,345

IP4 0,14

1,00 2015 0,654 0,605 0,724 0,754 0,621

1,00 2016 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687

1,00 2017 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625

IP5 0,15

1,00 2015 0,015 0,025 0,012 0,008 0,024

1,00 2016 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625

1,00 2017 0,681 0,571 0,738 0,784 0,625


휀𝑖 𝛽𝑖𝑁

휀𝑖 𝛽𝑖𝑁


«Matonardi» «Komunikatsii i Komfort»

«Kharkiv Restoratsiia»

«Krostindi» «Polendora»

IP6 0,20

5,00 2015 0,820 0,740 0,980 0,760 0,920

5,00 2016 0,900 0,780 0,840 0,800 0,960

5,00 2017 0,940 0,800 0,920 0,740 1,000

TTP1 0,28

0,80 2015 0,875 0,888 0,800 0,800 0,800

0,80 2016 0,988 1,000 1,000 0,988 0,988

0,80 2017 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

TTP2 0,25

0,46 2015 0,652 0,630 0,783 0,783 0,783

0,29 2016 0,724 0,621 0,586 0,724 0,724

0,23 2017 0,783 0,696 0,783 0,870 0,826

TTP3 0,14

16,03 2015 0,807 0,118 0,172 0,092 0,507

15,22 2016 0,652 0,210 0,119 0,091 0,420

22,19 2017 0,633 0,093 0,135 1,000 0,480

TTP4 0,21

1,00 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2017 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

TTP5 0,14

1,00 2015 0,293 1,000 0,289 0,290 0,304

1,00 2016 0,345 0,424 0,401 0,356 0,379

1,00 2017 0,449 0,370 0,459 0,414 0,483

OP1 0,121

1,00 2015 0,045 0,045 0,048 0,012 0,012

1,00 2016 0,064 0,031 0,042 0,047 0,021

1,00 2017 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687

OP2 0,104

1,00 2015 0,328 0,345 0,451 0,316 0,345

1,00 2016 0,654 0,605 0,724 0,754 0,621

1,00 2017 0,678 0,543 0,731 0,761 0,687

OP3 0,196

5,00 2015 0,960 0,860 0,780 0,620 0,720

5,00 2016 0,900 0,960 0,980 0,560 0,820

5,00 2017 0,800 1,000 0,800 0,800 1,000

OP4 0,282

1,00 2015 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2016 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

1,00 2017 0,740 0,570 0,810 0,630 0,620

OP5 0,297

5,00 2015 0,780 0,720 0,940 0,620 0,820

5,00 2016 0,920 0,780 0,860 0,700 0,960

5,00 2017 0,980 0,760 0,960 0,840 0,900

Table E.10

The resulting matrix of pairwise comparisons to determine the weight of local

components of the competitive potential of restaurant businesses enterprises

Local potentials FP VP MP IP OP TTP




Weight of

the i-th



of vector


FP 1 2 4 3 2 2 2,14 0,31 2,13

VP 0,50 1 3 2 3 4 1,82 0,26 1,65

MP 0,25 0,33 1 3 2 3 1,07 0,15 1,06

IP 0,33 0,50 0,33 1 3 3 0,89 0,13 0,87

OP 0,50 0,33 0,50 0,33 1 3 0,66 0,09 0,63

TTP 0,50 0,25 0,33 0,33 0,33 1 0,41 0,06 0,40

Всього 6,99 1,00 6,33

Random Index 1,24

Consistency index 0,067

Consistency ratio 0,054


Table E.11

The resulting matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of financial potential to assess the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant businesses enterprises

Partial indicators





Weight of

the i-th



of priority


FP1 1 2 0,5 3 2 1,43 0,26 1,51

FP2 0,50 1 2 3 2 1,43 0,26 1,42

FP3 2,00 0,50 1 3 1/2 1,08 0,20 1,18

FP4 0,33 0,33 0,33 1 1/3 0,42 0,08 0,38

FP5 0,50 0,50 2,00 3,00 1 1,08 0,20 1,09

Всього 5,45 1,00 5,59

Random Index 1,12

Consistency index 0,148

Consistency ratio 0,132

Table E.12

The resulting matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of marketing potential to assess the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant businesses enterprises Partial







Weight of

the i-th



of priority


MP1 1 2 0,5 3 2 2 1,51 0,23 1,61

MP2 0,50 1 2 3 2 1/2 1,20 0,18 1,35

MP3 2,00 0,5 1 3 1/2 1/2 0,95 0,15 1,50

MP4 0,33 0,33 0,33 1 0,33 1/3 0,40 0,06 0,33

MP5 0,50 0,500 2,00 3 1 0,5 0,95 0,15 0,80

MP6 0,50 2,00 2,00 3,00 2 1 1,51 0,23 1,19

Total 6,53 1,00 6,78

Random Index 1,24

Consistency index 0,156

Consistency ratio 0,126

Table E.13

The resulting matrix of pairwise comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

performance indicators for assessing the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises Partial







Weight of

the i-th



of priority


VP1 1 3 3 2 2 2,05 0,37 2,03

VP2 0,33 1 2,00 2 3 1,32 0,24 1,50

VP3 0,33 0,5 1 2 2 0,92 0,17 0,97

VP4 0,50 0,5 0,50 1 0,50 0,57 0,10 0,54

VP5 0,5 0,333 0,50 2 1 0,70 0,13 0,67

Total 5,56 1,00 5,71

Random Index 1,12

Consistency index 0,178

Consistency ratio 0,159

Table E.14


The resulting matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of innovation potential to assess the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises

Partial indicators





Weight of

the i-th



of priority


IP1 1 2 3 4 2 2 2,14 0,30 2,09

IP2 0,50 1 2 3 3 4 1,82 0,26 1,61

IP3 0,33 0,50 1 3 2 3 1,20 0,17 1,10

IP4 0,25 0,33 0,33 1 3 3 0,79 0,11 0,79

IP5 0,50 0,33 0,50 0,33 1 3 0,66 0,09 0,63

IP6 0,50 0,25 0,33 0,33 0,33 1 0,41 0,06 0,40

Total 7,02 1,00 6,22

Random Index 1,24

Consistency index 0,045

Consistency ratio 0,036

Table E.15

The resulting matrix of pairwise comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of organizational capacity to assess the impact on the competitive potential

of restaurant business enterprises

Partial indicators





Weight of

the i-th



of priority


OP1 1 2 2 3 3 2,05 0,36 1,85

OP2 0,50 1 2 2 3 1,43 0,25 1,30

OP3 0,50 0,50 1 2 3 1,08 0,19 0,99

OP4 0,33 0,50 0,50 1 2 0,70 0,12 0,63

OP5 0,33 0,50 0,33 0,50 1 0,49 0,08 0,45

Total 5,75 1,00 5,22

Random Index 1,12

Consistency index 0,055

Consistency ratio 0,049

Table E.16

The resulting matrix of pairwise comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of technological and technological potential to assess the impact on the

competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises Partial







Weight of

the i-th



of priority


TTP1 1 2 0,5 3 2 1,43 0,27 1,51

TTP2 0,50 1 2 3 2 1,43 0,27 1,41

TTP3 2,00 0,50 1 3 0,5 1,08 0,20 1,20

TTP4 0,33 0,33 0,33 1 0,333 0,42 0,08 0,38

TTP5 0,50 0,33 2,00 3,00 1 1,00 0,19 1,05

Всього 5,36 1,00 5,54

Random Index 1,12

Consistency index 0,136

Consistency ratio 0,121

Table E.17


Aggregated matrix of pairwise comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of financial potential to evaluate the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises

Partial indicators


Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

FP1 0,36 0,28 0,29 0,31 0,29 0,27 0,32 0,34 0,35 0,3 0,311

FP2 0,09 0,14 0,14 0,12 0,13 0,11 0,06 0,12 0,12 0,14 0,117

FP3 0,25 0,22 0,22 0,21 0,25 0,27 0,24 0,2 0,22 0,23 0,231

FP4 0,12 0,15 0,13 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,19 0,15 0,13 0,16 0,148

FP5 0,18 0,21 0,22 0,2 0,18 0,21 0,19 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,193

Consistency ratio 0,07 0,06 0,03 0,02 0,09 0,09 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,07

Table E.18

An aggregate matrix of pairwise comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial

indicators of marketing potential to assess the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises

Partial indicators


Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

MP1 0,18 0,17 0,19 0,16 0,18 0,19 0,2 0,2 0,18 0,17 0,182

MP2 0,1 0,12 0,15 0,13 0,15 0,15 0,12 0,14 0,15 0,15 0,136

MP3 0,14 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,16 0,13 0,14 0,15 0,14 0,15 0,146

MP4 0,1 0,09 0,1 0,15 0,24 0,24 0,26 0,1 0,13 0,24 0,165

MP5 0,34 0,3 0,26 0,28 0,11 0,16 0,14 0,26 0,26 0,14 0,225

MP6 0,14 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,16 0,13 0,14 0,15 0,14 0,15 0,146

Consistency ratio 0,07 0,06 0,07 0,04 0,08 0,03 0,05 0,08 0,07 0,10

Table E.19

Aggregated pairwise comparison matrix for estimating the weight of partial

performance indicators for assessing the impact competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises

Partial indicators


Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

VP1 0,18 0,2 0,19 0,21 0,22 0,17 0,22 0,17 0,21 0,2 0,197

VP2 0,34 0,29 0,29 0,34 0,33 0,32 0,28 0,33 0,3 0,34 0,316

VP3 0,27 0,23 0,26 0,23 0,24 0,27 0,25 0,23 0,22 0,23 0,243

VP4 0,12 0,16 0,14 0,11 0,12 0,11 0,14 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,135

VP5 0,09 0,12 0,12 0,11 0,09 0,13 0,11 0,11 0,12 0,09 0,109

Consistency ratio 0,02 0,08 0,09 0,10 0,04 0,02 0,02 0,06 0,10 0,07

Table E.20


Aggregated matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators

of innovation potential to assess the impact on the competitive potential of restaurant

business enterprises

Partial indicators


Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IP1 0,18 0,26 0,27 0,21 0,21 0,15 0,16 0,27 0,18 0,09 0,26 0,20

IP2 0,10 0,18 0,19 0,17 0,10 0,23 0,18 0,12 0,10 0,15 0,14 0,15

IP3 0,16 0,11 0,12 0,17 0,18 0,14 0,19 0,16 0,17 0,16 0,17 0,16

IP4 0,12 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,15 0,07 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,12 0,16 0,14

IP5 0,19 0,11 0,08 0,15 0,17 0,18 0,17 0,08 0,16 0,23 0,17 0,15

IP6 0,25 0,18 0,19 0,17 0,19 0,23 0,18 0,22 0,21 0,25 0,10 0,20

Consistency ratio 0,01 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,08 0,19 0,09 0,08 0,03 0,16 0,13

Table E.21

Aggregated matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators

of organizational capacity to assess the impact on the competitive potential of

restaurant business enterprises

Partial indicators


Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

OP1 0,11 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,11 0,14 0,14 0,1 0,13 0,11 0,121

OP2 0,08 0,09 0,11 0,09 0,12 0,11 0,12 0,11 0,09 0,12 0,104

OP3 0,19 0,21 0,11 0,21 0,2 0,19 0,19 0,21 0,23 0,22 0,196

OP4 0,27 0,26 0,36 0,3 0,27 0,29 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,26 0,282

OP5 0,35 0,31 0,3 0,28 0,3 0,27 0,28 0,31 0,28 0,29 0,297

Consistency ratio 0,06 0,02 0,06 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,04 0,07 0,02 0,03

Table E.22

Aggregated matrix of paired comparisons to evaluate the weight of partial indicators

of technical and technological potential to assess the impact on the competitive

potential of restaurant business enterprises

Partial indicators


Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

TTP1 0,24 0,3 0,3 0,25 0,3 0,26 0,3 0,2 0,37 0,29 0,28

TTP2 0,27 0,3 0,2 0,25 0,15 0,18 0,38 0,27 0,19 0,26 0,25

TTP3 0,11 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,15 0,19 0,17 0,12 0,14 0,19 0,14

TTP4 0,23 0,17 0,22 0,21 0,28 0,26 0,15 0,27 0,17 0,14 0,21

TTP5 0,15 0,15 0,17 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,14

Consistency ratio 0,03 0,01 0,08 0,12 0,11 0,02 0,03 0,01 0,04 0,09

Table E.23


Aggregated pairwise comparison matrix for assessing the weight of local structural

components of the competitive potential of restaurant business enterprises

Local potentials Value of the respondents ( R ) Generalized

assessment R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

FP 0,24 0,3 0,25 0,15 0,05 0,16 0,3 0,15 0,17 0,23 0,20

VP 0,25 0,18 0,2 0,17 0,15 0,15 0,06 0,33 0,14 0,2 0,18

MP 0,11 0,08 0,12 0,15 0,16 0,04 0,15 0,11 0,17 0,13 0,12

IP 0,08 0,14 0,1 0,21 0,4 0,3 0,15 0,09 0,15 0,13 0,18

OP 0,13 0,1 0,11 0,17 0,07 0,17 0,17 0,12 0,2 0,18 0,14

TTP 0,19 0,20 0,22 0,15 0,17 0,18 0,17 0,20 0,17 0,13 0,18

Consistency ratio 0,11 0,09 0,02 0,05 0,08 0,03 0,06 0,13 0,07 0,04



Determining the life cycle stage of restaurant business enterprises

Table F.1

Baseline data to determine the life cycle stage of restaurant businesses nterprises

Groups Name of Company


2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017


LLC «Familiia» 490,80 643,10 1 325,00 6,80 12,10 20,90

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 2 001,30 2 956,70 3 387,70 209,20 114,80 161,50

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» -436,00 2 017,20 1 914,30 47,00 34,00 41,00

LLC «Kardym» -615,70 350,48 335,02 2 726,60 2 710 2 273,30

LLC «ART Expo» 1 264,80 1 800,10 1 923,60 191,10 359,60 479,70

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 146,40 326,50 266,60 4,00 15,80 170,50


LLC «Ritordo» 1 195,50 1 350,60 1 359,20 372,50 418,10 576,70

LLC «Bruskerdo» 726,70 1 547,30 1 783,60 457,90 408,40 426,70

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer

odyn» 1 894,00 1 905,70 2 692,10 264,10 212,80 546,40

LLC «Brinprofit» 2 441,80 3 616,10 5 512,50 186,10 351,90 355,20

LLC «Dzhi eich

Interneshenel» 206,00 1 857,00 2 173,00 601,00 696,00 950,00


LLC «Matonardi» 1 030,40 1 138,00 1 076,70 142,50 103,00 139,20

LLC «Komunikatsii i

Komfort» -271,10 3 109,10 3 298,20 19,00 31,10 55,70

LLC «Kharkiv

Restoratsiia» 1 189,90 1 493,20 1 198,80 446,00 606,10 521,70

LLC «Krostindi» 1 342,40 1 590,60 2 744,90 243,50 58,20 192,30

LLC «Polendora» 1 284,10 1 488,70 1 579,50 651,60 408,90 491,90

Table F.2

Baseline data to determine the life cycle stage of restaurant business enterprises

Groups Name of Company

𝜏𝐴𝑀 𝜏𝐴𝑀 𝜏𝐴𝑀 𝜏𝐻 𝜏𝐻 𝜏𝐻 𝜏𝐻

2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017


LLC «Familiia» 17,18 13,67 11,09 69,96 79,50 129,56 216,65

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 326,21 319,99 291,20 60,53 68,78 109,73 124,02

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 86,04 75,12 63,36 88,31 100,36 154,74 188,33

LLC «Kardym» 16,87 9,58 4,91 80,77 91,78 229,15 297,86

LLC «ART Expo» 8,26 7,67 90,04 81,55 92,67 170,75 217,59

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 142,01 137,56 144,84 60,24 68,46 100,60 133,61


LLC «Ritordo» 31,68 24,44 16,81 82,96 94,27 105,25 312,28

LLC «Bruskerdo» 12,86 21,35 15,22 44,84 50,95 76,32 238,55

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 68,69 60,34 51,77 68,21 77,51 81,97 268,92

LLC «Brinprofit» 14,21 9,85 8,57 208,24 236,64 354,31 178,82

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 81,72 81,72 81,72 65,92 74,91 120,59 82,62


LLC «Matonardi» 34,15 28,60 16,86 58,30 66,25 72,40 195,39

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfort» 8,82 14,94 11,87 96,96 110,18 138,43 109,00

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 7,30 4,34 2,52 66,94 76,07 124,59 316,83

LLC «Krostindi» 3,73 3,34 43,92 79,20 90,00 123,56 360,56

LLC «Polendora» 18,52 14,57 10,22 85,46 97,11 126,11 381,54


Table F.3

Estimated values τСL for of restaurant business enterprises

Groups Indicators

𝜏𝑡𝐶𝐿 𝜏𝑡



− 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶


− 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶


− 𝜏𝑡𝐿𝐶

Years 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017


LLC «Familiia» 584,98 1 090,03 2 269,18 584,98 505,05 1 179,15

LLC «Lux Servis

Plius» 2 882,62 5 410,68 4 340,20 2 882,62 2 528,06 -1 070,49

LLC «Interfud-

Kharkiv» -344,27 3 278,51 2 456,96 -344,27 3 622,78 -821,55

LLC «Kardym» 2 417,92 7 667,11 3 396,80 2 417,92 5 249,18 -4 270,31

LLC «ART Expo» 1 663,81 3 993,55 3 177,22 1 663,81 2 329,74 -816,33

PB «Firma «Romul

4» 332,28 705,15 772,91 332,28 372,86 67,77


LLC «Ritordo» 1 817,82 2 001,88 5 793,80 1 817,82 184,06 3 791,92

LLC «Bruskerdo» 1 360,75 2 961,22 6 956,61 1 360,75 1 600,46 3 995,40

LLC «Restoratsiia

nomer odyn» 2 530,44 2 304,00 10 794,83 2 530,44 -226,44 8 490,83

LLC «Brinprofit» 3 002,40 5 955,96 2 965,78 3 002,40 2 953,57 -2 990,19

LLC «Dzhi eich

Interneshenel» 1 009,91 4 241,39 2 195,77 1 009,91 3 231,49 -2 045,63


LLC «Matonardi» 1 371,65 1 387,36 3 326,92 1 371,65 15,71 1 939,56

LLC «Komunikatsii i

Komfort» -276,45 3 964,23 2 650,20 -276,45 4 240,68 -1 314,03

LLC «Kharkiv

Restoratsiia» 1 867,27 3 445,16 4 381,76 1 867,27 1 577,89 936,61

LLC «Krostindi» 1 806,40 2 267,99 8 699,58 1 806,40 461,59 6 431,60

ТОВ «Полендора» 2 220,70 2 483,20 6 297,79 2 220,70 262,50 3 814,59



The results of the study of competitive pressure on the level of loyalty of consumers

of restaurant business enterprise

Table G.1

Questionnaire to determine the indicators of evaluationdeterminants of consumer loyalty of restaurant

business enterprise

Dear Respondent! We are conducting a survey to develop an integrated system for assessing

consumer loyalty

Rules for filling in the questionnaire: tick the answer you choose with the "+" mark.

1. Select the «Product» Determination Indicators that you think should be included to assess

the level of consumer loyalty:

comprehensive menu

breadth of the range of dishes

quality of dishes

breadth of nomenclature groups

quality of the dishes

sufficiency of dishes

range updating frequency

uniqueness of the dishes

labor intensity of production

environmental friendliness of food products

2. Select the «Personnel» Determinant Indicators that you think should be included to assess

the level of customer loyalty:

matching the appearance of the personnel to the corporate identity of the restaurant business


level of professional training of service personnel

observance by the personnel of sanitary and hygienic norms

ability to avoid conflict situations

mastery of service

friendliness of the personnel

communicative personnel

personnel education level

personnel ethics

the speed of response of service personnel to customer requests

knowledge of menu dishes, their composition


personnel interest in the continuous improvement of their skills

tact and correctness of service personnel

3. Select the «Atmosphere» determinant rating indicators that you think should be included to

assess consumer loyalty:

originality and harmony of design of halls

stylistic unity of the equipment, utensils, cutlery

sanitary condition of premises, cutlery, linen

quality of music service

microclimate (noise, lighting, temperature, sound)

stability of the service system to the uneven flow of customers

corporate identity (interior design, interior design)

efficiency of table placement (comfort of rest of clients)

noise level

4. Select the «Service» determinant rating indicators that you think should be included to

assess consumer loyalty:

environmental friendliness and security of additional services

ability to anticipate customer needs

level of innovation of technical and technological methods of service work (the presence of

electronic menus, tablet screens on tables, etc.)

level of cost of linen, uniform, aprons

. own car parking

the availability of detergents, a way of processing dishes and cutlery

distance from the stop

mode of operation

duration of service

the speed of action of the settlement node

level of regular customers

complexity and uniqueness of additional services (karaoke, billiards, show programs, open

kitchen, others)

harmony between serving a dish, its aroma and taste

5. Select the «Price» determinant rating indicators that you think should be included to assess

consumer loyalty:

level of prices for dishes

level of profitability for one hour per visit

fairnest of price to quality ratio


development of a system of price discounts

cost of ancillary services

availability of a regular customer card

conversion of surveyed clients into real clients

effectiveness of marketing campaigns

6. Select the «Image» determinant rating indicators that you think should be included to assess

consumer loyalty:

business reputation of the restaurant business

popularity of the restaurant business enterprise

intensity of reports on the restaurant business enterprise in the media and the Internet

image of products and services of the restaurant business enterprise

level of innovation of the restaurant establishment

reviews in the press

identity of the institution's name

active participation in various social events

volume of satisfied customers

the weight of marketing and advertising spend in total sales

Thank you for your attention!!!


Table G.2

Results of respondents' data processing regarding the inclusion of indicators in

the system of assessing the level of consumer loyalty

Determinants Indicators Expert

evaluation Significanc

e Pareto

group 1 2 3 4 5


comprehensive menu 54 0,90 А

breadth of the range of dishes 57 0,95 А

quality of dishes 52 0,87 А

breadth of nomenclature groups 11 0,18 С

quality of the dishes 58 0,97 А

sufficiency of dishes 48 0,80 А

range updating frequency 22 0,37 В

uniqueness of the dishes 51 0,85 А

labor intensity of production 19 0,32 В

environmental friendliness of food products 54 0,90 А


matching the appearance of the personnel to the

corporate identity of the restaurant business


58 0,97 А

level of professional training of service

personnel 60 1,00 А

observance by the personnel of sanitary and

hygienic norms 52 0,87 А

ability to avoid conflict situations 14 0,23 С

mastery of service 49 0,82 А

friendliness of the personnel 51 0,85 А

communicative personnel 57 0,95 А

personnel education level 11 0,18 С

personnel ethics 48 0,80 А

the speed of response of service personnel to

customer requests 49 0,82 А

knowledge of menu dishes, their composition 53 0,88 А

personell interest in the continuous improvement

of their skills 15 0,25 С

tact and correctness of service personnel 48 0,80 А


originality and harmony of design of halls 49 0,82 А

stylistic unity of the equipment, utensils, cutlery 53 0,88 А

sanitary condition of premises, cutlery, linen 57 0,95 А

quality of music service 24 0,40 В

microclimate (noise, lighting, temperature,

sound) 57 0,95 А

stability of the service system to the uneven flow

of customers 21 0,35 В

corporate identity (interior design) 57 0,95 А

efficiency of table placement (comfort of rest of

clients) 50 0,83 А

noise level 23 0,38 В


environmental friendliness and security of

additional services 54 0,90 А

ability to anticipate customer needs 21 0,35 В


Determinants Indicators Expert

evaluation Significanc

e Pareto

group 1 2 3 4 5

level of innovation of technical and

technological methods of service work (the

presence of electronic menus, tablet screens on

tables, etc.)

57 0,95 А

level of cost of linen, uniform, aprons 13 0,22 С

own car parking 49 0,82 А

the availability of detergents, a way of

processing dishes and cutlery 13 0,22 С

distance from the stop 48 0,80 А

mode of operation 51 0,85 А

duration of service 25 0,42 В

the speed of action of the settlement node 24 0,40 В

level of regular customers 27 0,45 В

complexity and uniqueness of additional services

(karaoke, billiards, show programs, open

kitchen, etc.)

49 0,82 А

harmony between serving a dish, its aroma and

taste 21 0,35 В


level of prices for dishes 57 0,95 А

level of profitability for one hour per visit 21 0,35 В

fairnest of price to quality ratio 57 0,95 А

development of a system of price discounts 54 0,90 А

cost of ancillary services 14 0,23 С

availability of a regular customer card 53 0,88 А

conversion of surveyed clients into real clients 54 0,90 А

effectiveness of marketing campaigns 55 0,92 А


business reputation of the restaurant business 53 0,88 А

popularity of the restaurant business enterprise 57 0,95 А

intensity of reports on the restaurant business

enterprise in the media and the Internet 12 0,20 С

image of products and services of the restaurant

business enterprise 54 0,90 А

level of innovation of the restaurant

establishment 49 0,82 А

reviews in the press 14 0,23 С

intensity of reports on the restaurant business

enterprise in the media and the Internet 52 0,87 А

identity of the institution's name 13 0,22 С

active participation in various social events 48 0,80 А

volume of satisfied customers 49 0,82 А

the weight of marketing and advertising spend in

total sales 12 0,20 С

Total 2612 - - Average 40,8125 - - Coefficient of variation 9,31% - -


Table G. 3

Baseline data for the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of loyalty of consumers of restaurant business enterprises by

the determinants «Products, Personnel»

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Products Personnel

P1 -



















P3 -



y o

f d



P4 -



y o

f d







P5 -




cy o

f d



P6 -




s o

f th

e d



P7 -












d p




H1 -



g t















te i











H2 -


el o

f p






g o

f se


e p




H3 -




by t








y a







H4 -










ly p




H6 -









H7 -






H8 -






se o














H9 -










, th






H10 -


t an

d c














LLC «Familiia» 3,30 4,20 4,20 4,90 3,20 4,10 4,40 3,90 4,10 4,10 4,40 3,90 3,80 4,40 4,60 4,70 3,40

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 4,50 4,40 4,30 4,60 3,90 4,60 4,60 4,30 4,60 4,80 4,40 4,60 4,70 4,90 4,40 4,30 4,40

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 4,60 4,60 4,80 4,70 4,40 4,60 4,60 4,80 4,90 4,80 4,60 4,70 4,50 4,80 4,80 4,40 4,60

LLC «Kardym» 4,40 4,30 4,30 4,40 4,30 4,60 3,90 4,40 4,50 4,60 4,40 4,50 4,40 4,30 4,40 4,50 4,20

LLC «ART Expo» 3,70 3,70 3,80 3,90 4,10 3,90 4,10 3,60 3,90 4,10 4,10 4,50 4,10 3,90 4,10 4,40 4,10

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 3,40 3,50 4,10 4,10 3,80 3,90 3,90 4,10 4,20 3,60 3,40 3,60 3,50 3,60 3,70 4,10 3,80


LLC «Ritordo» 3,50 3,60 3,70 4,10 4,10 3,80 4,20 4,20 3,80 3,90 3,90 4,10 4,10 3,70 3,80 3,70 3,80

LLC «Bruskerdo» 3,30 3,40 3,50 3,60 3,50 3,80 4,10 4,10 4,10 3,90 3,80 3,70 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,80 3,60

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 4,50 4,40 4,30 4,50 4,40 4,60 4,50 4,40 4,30 4,50 4,60 4,40 4,30 4,50 4,40 4,30 4,20

LLC «Brinprofit» 4,70 4,80 4,60 4,70 4,60 4,90 4,50 4,80 4,90 4,60 4,70 4,90 4,60 4,70 4,40 4,70 4,80

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 4,40 4,30 4,30 4,40 4,50 4,30 4,20 4,40 4,50 4,20 4,30 4,40 4,40 4,60 4,30 4,40 4,40


LLC «Matonardi» 3,40 3,30 3,60 3,80 3,60 3,80 3,90 3,70 4,10 4,10 3,90 4,10 4,20 4,10 4,10 4,10 3,60

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 4,60 4,50 4,60 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,40 4,80 4,80 4,60 4,80 4,60 4,70 4,60 4,60 4,40 4,50

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 3,40 3,30 3,60 3,70 3,60 3,30 3,50 3,40 3,60 3,20 3,60 3,40 3,30 3,60 3,20 3,60 3,70

LLC «Krostindi» 4,70 4,30 4,40 4,50 4,60 4,60 4,70 4,40 4,60 4,50 4,60 4,60 4,30 4,40 4,60 4,60 4,60

LLC «Polendora» 4,30 4,30 3,90 4,20 4,20 3,80 3,90 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,20 3,80 3,90 3,80 4,10 4,10 3,90

Average 4,04 4,06 4,13 4,30 4,09 4,21 4,21 4,21 4,31 4,23 4,23 4,24 4,15 4,22 4,19 4,26 4,10

Max 4,70 4,80 4,80 4,90 4,70 4,90 4,70 4,80 4,90 4,80 4,80 4,90 4,70 4,90 4,80 4,70 4,80

Min 3,30 3,30 3,50 3,60 3,20 3,30 3,50 3,40 3,60 3,20 3,40 3,40 3,30 3,60 3,20 3,60 3,40


Table G. 4

Baseline data for the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of loyalty of consumers of restaurant business enterprises by

the determinants «Atmosphere, Service»

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Atmosphere Service

А1 –




y a











А 2 –



ic u


y o

f th









le s


А 3 –



y c



ion o










А4 –




e (n






, te




, so



А5 –













А6 –












rt o

f re

st o





S1 –













ty o








S2 –


el o

f in







al a














rk (




ce o

f el



ic m












S3 –


n c

ar p



S4 –



ce f



e st


S5 –







S6 –










s o

f ad













w p







, et



LLC «Familiia» 3,90 4,30 4,40 3,20 4,10 3,30 4,20 4,10 4,30 3,90 3,80 4,10

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 4,30 4,60 4,20 4,10 4,20 4,30 4,30 4,40 4,60 4,20 4,50 4,30

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 4,50 4,70 4,60 4,70 4,40 4,60 4,70 4,60 4,60 4,30 4,50 4,60

LLC «Kardym» 4,30 3,80 3,90 3,80 4,10 3,90 4,10 4,20 4,40 4,40 4,20 4,10

LLC «ART Expo» 4,10 3,70 3,90 3,90 4,10 4,20 4,10 4,10 4,20 4,10 3,90 4,10

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 3,90 4,10 3,90 3,90 3,50 3,70 4,10 3,90 3,90 3,90 4,10 4,20


LLC «Ritordo» 3,80 3,90 3,50 4,10 3,90 3,90 4,20 3,60 3,70 4,10 4,10 3,80

LLC «Bruskerdo» 3,70 3,80 3,90 3,60 3,60 3,70 3,70 3,80 3,90 3,50 3,60 3,80

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 4,30 4,30 4,10 4,20 4,40 4,10 4,20 4,10 4,20 4,20 4,10 4,10

LLC «Brinprofit» 4,40 4,80 4,70 4,40 4,60 4,70 4,80 4,90 4,60 4,70 4,70 4,80

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 4,30 4,20 4,30 4,40 4,50 4,30 4,30 4,40 4,30 4,40 4,50 4,30


LLC «Matonardi» 3,80 3,90 3,60 3,70 3,90 3,80 3,50 3,80 3,90 4,10 4,10 4,20

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 4,60 4,80 4,70 4,80 4,90 4,80 4,50 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,70 4,60

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 3,60 4,10 3,90 3,80 3,70 3,60 3,90 3,80 3,60 3,80 3,80 3,80

LLC «Krostindi» 4,30 4,60 4,60 4,30 4,60 4,60 4,50 4,60 4,50 4,30 4,40 4,30

LLC «Polendora» 4,10 4,10 3,90 3,90 3,70 4,20 4,10 4,20 4,10 4,10 4,20 4,20

Average 4,12 4,23 4,13 4,05 4,14 4,11 4,20 4,20 4,22 4,18 4,20 4,21

Max 4,60 4,80 4,70 4,80 4,90 4,80 4,80 4,90 4,70 4,80 4,70 4,80

Min 3,60 3,70 3,50 3,20 3,50 3,30 3,50 3,60 3,60 3,50 3,60 3,80


Table G.5

Baseline data for the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of loyalty of consumers of restaurant business enterprises by

the determinants "Price, Image"

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Ціна Імідж

W1 –


el o

f p


s fo

r d



W2 –


r p





y r


W3 -






a sy




ce d




W4 –






a re





er c


W5 - c




n o

f su






to r




W6 -













І 1 -


e b



s re












І 2-





ty o

f th








І 3 –





















І 4 –


e le






n o












І 5 –


e in






s o









in t



ia a



e In



І 6–










s so




І 7–



e of








LLC «Familiia» 3,90 4,20 4,40 4,10 3,90 3,80 4,10 4,10 3,50 3,70 3,90 4,10 4,20

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 4,40 4,50 4,50 4,60 4,20 4,20 4,30 4,20 4,60 4,70 4,30 4,60 4,50

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 4,70 4,60 4,60 4,30 4,60 4,60 4,50 4,40 4,60 4,80 4,50 4,60 4,70

LLC «Kardym» 4,30 4,20 4,10 4,30 4,20 4,10 4,10 4,20 3,90 3,80 4,20 4,10 4,20

LLC «ART Expo» 4,20 4,20 4,10 3,90 4,10 4,20 4,10 3,90 3,90 4,10 4,20 4,20 4,10

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 4,10 3,90 3,80 3,70 3,90 4,20 3,90 3,80 3,80 4,00 4,10 3,90 3,80


LLC «Ritordo» 3,70 3,80 3,80 3,90 4,10 3,90 3,80 4,10 3,90 3,90 4,10 3,90 3,90

LLC «Bruskerdo» 3,70 3,50 3,90 3,90 4,10 4,10 3,70 3,90 3,90 3,90 4,10 3,90 3,90

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 4,20 4,20 4,20 4,20 4,30 4,40 4,40 4,20 4,10 3,90 4,10 4,50 4,40

LLC «Brinprofit» 4,60 4,60 4,70 4,50 4,60 4,60 4,60 4,50 4,60 4,70 4,70 4,30 4,60

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 4,20 4,50 4,50 4,60 4,50 4,50 4,70 4,30 4,30 4,50 4,50 4,40 4,50


LLC «Matonardi» 3,90 3,90 3,80 3,80 3,90 4,10 3,70 3,40 3,60 3,70 3,80 3,70 3,80

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,60 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,70 4,60 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,80

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 3,80 3,90 3,50 4,10 3,80 3,70 3,90 4,10 3,60 3,50 3,90 4,10 3,90

LLC «Krostindi» 4,40 4,30 4,40 4,70 4,50 4,60 4,50 4,60 4,70 4,30 4,40 4,50 4,60

LLC «Polendora» 4,40 4,30 4,20 4,20 4,40 4,20 4,40 4,20 4,20 4,40 4,20 4,40 4,50

Average 4,20 4,21 4,21 4,21 4,24 4,24 4,22 4,16 4,11 4,16 4,23 4,25 4,28

Max 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,70 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,70 4,70 4,80 4,70 4,80 4,80

Min 3,70 3,50 3,50 3,70 3,80 3,70 3,70 3,40 3,50 3,50 3,80 3,70 3,80


Table G.6

Determining the distance of the k-th value of the determinant РNk

(«Products», «Personnel») of a particular enterprise

from its reference value

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Продукція Персонал

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 H1 H2 H3 H4 H4 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10


LLC «Familiia» -0,74 0,14 0,08 0,60 -0,89 -0,11 0,19 -0,31 -0,21 -0,13 0,17 -0,34 -0,35 0,18 0,41 0,44 -0,70

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,46 0,34 0,18 0,30 -0,19 0,39 0,39 0,09 0,29 0,57 0,17 0,36 0,55 0,68 0,21 0,04 0,30

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,56 0,54 0,68 0,40 0,31 0,39 0,39 0,59 0,59 0,57 0,37 0,46 0,35 0,58 0,61 0,14 0,50

LLC «Kardym» 0,36 0,24 0,18 0,10 0,21 0,39 -0,31 0,19 0,19 0,37 0,17 0,26 0,25 0,08 0,21 0,24 0,10

LLC «ART Expo» -0,34 -0,36 -0,33 -0,40 0,01 -0,31 -0,11 -0,61 -0,41 -0,13 -0,13 0,26 -0,05 -0,32 -0,09 0,14 0,00

PB «Firma «Romul 4» -0,64 -0,56 -0,03 -0,20 -0,29 -0,31 -0,31 -0,11 -0,11 -0,63 -0,83 -0,64 -0,65 -0,62 -0,49 -0,16 -0,30


LLC «Ritordo» -0,54 -0,46 -0,43 -0,20 0,01 -0,41 -0,01 -0,01 -0,51 -0,33 -0,33 -0,14 -0,05 -0,52 -0,39 -0,56 -0,30

LLC «Bruskerdo» -0,74 -0,66 -0,63 -0,70 -0,59 -0,41 -0,11 -0,11 -0,21 -0,33 -0,43 -0,54 -0,55 -0,62 -0,59 -0,46 -0,50

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer

odyn» 0,46 0,34 0,18 0,20 0,31 0,39 0,29 0,19 -0,01 0,27 0,37 0,16 0,15 0,28 0,21 0,04 0,10

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,66 0,74 0,48 0,40 0,51 0,69 0,29 0,59 0,59 0,37 0,47 0,66 0,45 0,48 0,21 0,44 0,70

LLC «Dzhi eich

Interneshenel» -0,30 -0,50 -0,50 -0,50 -0,20 -0,60 -0,50 -0,40 -0,40 -0,60 -0,50 -0,50 -0,30 -0,30 -0,50 -0,30 -0,40


LLC «Matonardi» -0,64 -0,76 -0,53 -0,50 -0,49 -0,41 -0,31 -0,51 -0,21 -0,13 -0,33 -0,14 0,05 -0,12 -0,09 -0,16 -0,50

LLC «Komunikatsii i

Komfor» 0,56 0,44 0,48 0,40 0,61 0,59 0,19 0,59 0,49 0,37 0,57 0,36 0,55 0,38 0,41 0,14 0,40

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» -0,64 -0,76 -0,53 -0,60 -0,49 -0,91 -0,71 -0,81 -0,71 -1,03 -0,63 -0,84 -0,85 -0,62 -0,99 -0,66 -0,40

LLC «Krostindi» 0,66 0,24 0,28 0,20 0,51 0,39 0,49 0,19 0,29 0,27 0,37 0,36 0,15 0,18 0,41 0,34 0,50

LLC «Polendora» 0,26 0,24 -0,23 -0,10 0,11 -0,41 -0,31 -0,11 -0,21 -0,13 -0,03 -0,44 -0,25 -0,42 -0,09 -0,16 -0,20




kk N





Table G.7

Determining the distance of the k-th value of the determinant РNk

(«Atmosphere», «Service») of a particular enterprise

from its reference value

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Atmosphere Service

А1 А2 А3 А4 А5 А6 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6


LLC «Familiia» -0,22 0,07 0,27 -0,85 -0,04 -0,81 0,00 -0,10 0,08 -0,28 -0,40 -0,11

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,18 0,37 0,07 0,05 0,06 0,19 0,10 0,20 0,38 0,03 0,30 0,09

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,38 0,47 0,47 0,65 0,26 0,49 0,50 0,40 0,38 0,13 0,30 0,39

LLC «Kardym» 0,18 -0,43 -0,23 -0,25 -0,04 -0,21 -0,10 0,00 0,18 0,23 0,00 -0,11

LLC «ART Expo» -0,02 -0,53 -0,23 -0,15 -0,04 0,09 -0,10 -0,10 -0,02 -0,08 -0,30 -0,11

PB «Firma «Romul 4» -0,22 -0,13 -0,23 -0,15 -0,64 -0,41 -0,10 -0,30 -0,32 -0,28 -0,10 -0,01


LLC «Ritordo» -0,32 -0,33 -0,63 0,05 -0,24 -0,21 0,00 -0,60 -0,52 -0,08 -0,10 -0,41

LLC «Bruskerdo» -0,42 -0,43 -0,23 -0,45 -0,54 -0,41 -0,50 -0,40 -0,32 -0,68 -0,60 -0,41

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 0,18 0,07 -0,03 0,15 0,26 -0,01 0,00 -0,10 -0,02 0,03 -0,10 -0,11

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,28 0,57 0,57 0,35 0,46 0,59 0,60 0,70 0,38 0,53 0,50 0,59

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» -0,30 -0,60 -0,40 -0,40 -0,40 -0,50 -0,50 -0,50 -0,40 -0,40 -0,20 -0,50


LLC «Matonardi» -0,32 -0,33 -0,53 -0,35 -0,24 -0,31 -0,70 -0,40 -0,32 -0,08 -0,10 -0,01

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 0,48 0,57 0,57 0,75 0,76 0,69 0,30 0,50 0,48 0,63 0,50 0,39

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» -0,52 -0,13 -0,23 -0,25 -0,44 -0,51 -0,30 -0,40 -0,62 -0,38 -0,40 -0,41

LLC «Krostindi» 0,18 0,37 0,47 0,25 0,46 0,49 0,30 0,40 0,28 0,13 0,20 0,09

LLC «Polendora» -0,02 -0,13 -0,23 -0,15 -0,44 0,09 -0,10 0,00 -0,12 -0,08 0,00 -0,01




kk N





Table G.8

Determining the distance of the k-th value of the determinant РNk

(«Price», «Image») of a particular enterprise

from its reference value

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Price Image

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 І1 І2 І3 І4 І5 І6 І7


LLC «Familiia» -0,30 -0,01 0,19 -0,11 -0,34 -0,44 -0,12 -0,06 -0,61 -0,46 -0,33 -0,15 -0,07

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,20 0,29 0,29 0,39 -0,04 -0,04 0,08 0,04 0,49 0,54 0,07 0,35 0,23

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,50 0,39 0,39 0,09 0,36 0,36 0,28 0,24 0,49 0,64 0,27 0,35 0,43

LLC «Kardym» 0,10 -0,01 -0,11 0,09 -0,04 -0,14 -0,12 0,04 -0,21 -0,36 -0,03 -0,15 -0,07

LLC «ART Expo» 0,00 -0,01 -0,11 -0,31 -0,14 -0,04 -0,12 -0,26 -0,21 -0,06 -0,03 -0,05 -0,18

PB «Firma «Romul 4» -0,10 -0,31 -0,41 -0,51 -0,34 -0,04 -0,32 -0,36 -0,31 -0,16 -0,13 -0,35 -0,48


LLC «Ritordo» -0,50 -0,41 -0,41 -0,31 -0,14 -0,34 -0,42 -0,06 -0,21 -0,26 -0,13 -0,35 -0,38

LLC «Bruskerdo» -0,50 -0,71 -0,31 -0,31 -0,14 -0,14 -0,52 -0,26 -0,21 -0,26 -0,13 -0,35 -0,38

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer

odyn» 0,00 -0,01 -0,01 -0,01 0,06 0,16 0,18 0,04 -0,01 -0,26 -0,13 0,25 0,13

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,40 0,39 0,49 0,29 0,36 0,36 0,38 0,34 0,49 0,54 0,47 0,05 0,33

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» -0,50 -0,20 -0,30 -0,10 -0,20 -0,20 -0,10 -0,40 -0,40 -0,30 -0,20 -0,40 -0,30


LLC «Matonardi» -0,30 -0,31 -0,41 -0,41 -0,34 -0,14 -0,52 -0,76 -0,51 -0,46 -0,43 -0,55 -0,48

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 0,50 0,49 0,59 0,39 0,46 0,46 0,58 0,54 0,49 0,54 0,47 0,55 0,53

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» -0,40 -0,31 -0,71 -0,11 -0,44 -0,54 -0,32 -0,06 -0,51 -0,66 -0,33 -0,15 -0,38

LLC «Krostindi» 0,20 0,09 0,19 0,49 0,26 0,36 0,28 0,44 0,59 0,14 0,17 0,25 0,33

LLC «Polendora» 0,20 0,09 -0,01 -0,01 0,16 -0,04 0,18 0,04 0,09 0,24 -0,03 0,15 0,23




kk N





Table G.9

Determination of the maximum possible distance of the value of the determinant РNk

(«Products», «Personnel»)

from its reference value

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Products Personnel

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 H1 H2 H3 H4 H4 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10


LLC «Familiia» 1,07 0,94 0,76 0,77 0,81 0,91 0,66 0,79 0,74 0,87 0,80 0,85 0,79 0,84 0,83 0,63 0,79

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 1,09 0,96 0,78 0,68 0,77 0,94 0,66 0,82 0,77 0,91 0,80 0,88 0,83 0,84 0,80 0,57 0,78

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 1,07 0,94 0,78 0,65 0,80 0,92 0,62 0,84 0,76 0,84 0,81 0,86 0,76 0,73 0,80 0,59 0,77

LLC «Kardym» 1,01 0,87 0,65 0,58 0,80 0,89 0,56 0,75 0,65 0,74 0,78 0,81 0,72 0,61 0,69 0,58 0,71

LLC «ART Expo» 0,99 0,85 0,63 0,58 0,80 0,84 0,59 0,75 0,64 0,69 0,77 0,80 0,71 0,61 0,66 0,55 0,72

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 1,11 0,98 0,74 0,69 0,87 0,96 0,67 0,82 0,73 0,80 0,87 0,84 0,79 0,74 0,77 0,60 0,80


LLC «Ritordo» 1,21 1,11 0,86 0,81 0,93 1,09 0,76 0,92 0,84 0,93 0,92 0,95 0,87 0,86 0,91 0,70 0,89

LLC «Bruskerdo» 1,25 1,17 0,91 0,87 0,97 1,16 0,81 0,97 0,87 0,99 0,96 1,02 0,93 0,89 0,97 0,73 0,94

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 1,21 1,18 0,91 0,86 0,94 1,20 0,85 1,01 0,91 1,03 0,98 1,05 0,93 0,88 0,98 0,74 0,94

LLC «Brinprofit» 1,23 1,21 0,95 0,89 0,95 1,22 0,86 1,04 0,95 1,06 1,00 1,09 0,97 0,90 1,02 0,77 0,98

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 1,21 1,16 0,93 0,88 0,94 1,18 0,87 1,01 0,90 1,07 0,99 1,04 0,96 0,88 1,05 0,74 0,91


LLC «Matonardi» 1,22 1,17 0,93 0,89 0,95 1,19 0,87 1,03 0,91 1,06 0,96 1,05 0,98 0,91 1,05 0,76 0,91

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 1,08 1,05 0,86 0,83 0,85 1,19 0,88 0,99 0,91 1,09 0,93 1,07 1,00 0,92 1,07 0,77 0,82

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 1,07 1,06 0,85 0,83 0,81 1,18 0,90 0,97 0,89 1,10 0,90 1,08 0,97 0,92 1,07 0,79 0,82

LLC «Krostindi» 0,69 0,67 0,69 0,61 0,55 0,92 0,69 0,67 0,66 0,71 0,63 0,86 0,71 0,77 0,68 0,56 0,69

LLC «Polendora» 0,67 0,64 0,71 0,62 0,53 0,94 0,68 0,68 0,67 0,73 0,64 0,88 0,72 0,80 0,69 0,56 0,68

0002 ЕЕ


Table G.10

Determination of the maximum possible distance of the value of the indicator of the determinant РNk

(«Atmosphere», «Service») from its reference value

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Atmosphere Service

А1 А2 А3 А4 А5 А6 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6


LLC «Familiia» 0,56 0,74 0,72 0,75 0,74 0,82 0,65 0,71 0,66 0,60 0,59 0,56

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,59 0,76 0,71 0,71 0,76 0,81 0,67 0,74 0,67 0,63 0,61 0,59

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,58 0,72 0,73 0,73 0,78 0,81 0,68 0,74 0,63 0,65 0,58 0,60

LLC «Kardym» 0,53 0,65 0,66 0,62 0,77 0,76 0,60 0,69 0,57 0,66 0,55 0,54

LLC «ART Expo» 0,52 0,69 0,69 0,65 0,80 0,80 0,63 0,71 0,56 0,65 0,57 0,57

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,58 0,75 0,78 0,73 0,87 0,86 0,70 0,79 0,63 0,71 0,63 0,63


LLC «Ritordo» 0,66 0,85 0,88 0,80 0,94 0,93 0,80 0,89 0,75 0,78 0,70 0,71

LLC «Bruskerdo» 0,70 0,88 0,88 0,83 0,99 0,98 0,84 0,91 0,77 0,83 0,74 0,73

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer odyn» 0,70 0,89 0,91 0,83 0,99 0,99 0,86 0,93 0,80 0,78 0,69 0,74

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,72 0,92 0,95 0,85 1,02 1,02 0,90 0,96 0,84 0,81 0,71 0,77

LLC «Dzhi eich Interneshenel» 0,72 0,88 0,91 0,86 1,02 0,99 0,84 0,90 0,83 0,77 0,67 0,70


LLC «Matonardi» 0,73 0,79 0,90 0,83 1,00 0,94 0,84 0,86 0,83 0,74 0,67 0,64

LLC «Komunikatsii i Komfor» 0,70 0,72 0,79 0,77 0,99 0,89 0,68 0,79 0,81 0,74 0,66 0,65

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 0,66 0,67 0,76 0,66 0,92 0,83 0,70 0,77 0,79 0,67 0,62 0,63

LLC «Krostindi» 0,45 0,61 0,68 0,58 0,82 0,57 0,58 0,58 0,56 0,53 0,44 0,48

LLC «Polendora» 0,46 0,62 0,68 0,59 0,83 0,56 0,59 0,58 0,58 0,54 0,45 0,47

0002 ЕЕ


Table G.11

Determination of the maximum possible distance of the value of the determinant РNk

(«Price», «Image»)

from its reference value

Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business

Price Image

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 І1 І2 І3 І4 І5 І6 І7


LLC «Familiia» 0,65 0,61 0,69 0,56 0,52 0,55 0,61 0,61 0,77 0,77 0,48 0,59 0,63

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» 0,68 0,63 0,68 0,58 0,53 0,55 0,63 0,63 0,78 0,80 0,49 0,62 0,66

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» 0,68 0,60 0,66 0,53 0,55 0,57 0,65 0,65 0,73 0,73 0,50 0,58 0,65

LLC «Kardym» 0,60 0,54 0,60 0,53 0,50 0,53 0,62 0,64 0,65 0,60 0,48 0,53 0,59

LLC «ART Expo» 0,60 0,56 0,63 0,54 0,53 0,56 0,65 0,66 0,69 0,64 0,50 0,56 0,61

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,67 0,62 0,72 0,60 0,58 0,61 0,72 0,72 0,78 0,73 0,55 0,63 0,69


LLC «Ritordo» 0,77 0,72 0,81 0,64 0,62 0,66 0,79 0,79 0,86 0,83 0,60 0,70 0,75

LLC «Bruskerdo» 0,79 0,75 0,85 0,65 0,65 0,67 0,81 0,83 0,90 0,88 0,63 0,73 0,78

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer

odyn» 0,78 0,67 0,88 0,65 0,67 0,69 0,78 0,86 0,93 0,91 0,66 0,74 0,78

LLC «Brinprofit» 0,81 0,70 0,92 0,67 0,69 0,71 0,80 0,89 0,96 0,94 0,68 0,76 0,81

LLC «Dzhi eich

Interneshenel» 0,80 0,69 0,90 0,68 0,68 0,70 0,80 0,90 0,95 0,91 0,64 0,79 0,82


LLC «Matonardi» 0,75 0,69 0,92 0,68 0,68 0,70 0,81 0,88 0,93 0,92 0,65 0,75 0,80

LLC «Komunikatsii i

Komfor» 0,70 0,64 0,88 0,56 0,63 0,70 0,68 0,62 0,84 0,86 0,58 0,58 0,69

LLC «Kharkiv Restoratsiia» 0,67 0,59 0,84 0,54 0,59 0,67 0,62 0,58 0,82 0,84 0,54 0,52 0,65

LLC «Krostindi» 0,43 0,45 0,55 0,48 0,33 0,45 0,41 0,52 0,58 0,51 0,40 0,40 0,39

LLC «Polendora» 0,42 0,43 0,56 0,43 0,33 0,44 0,42 0,51 0,53 0,46 0,41 0,40 0,40

0002 ЕЕ



Determination of an optimal type of competitive strategy

Table М.1

Additional data for normalization of the determinants of consumer loyalty of

enterprises of restaurant business

Statistical indicators Determinants of consumer loyalty in restaurant business enterprises













Average value ( kX ) 0,82 0,79 0,89 0,95 0,86 0,93

Standard deviation (Sk) 0,362 0,342 0,385 0,325 0,318 0,420

Table М.2

Normalized values of integral indicators of estimation of level of loyalty of

consumers of the enterprises of the restaurant business on determinants


Name of the enterprise of

restaurant business Product












LLC «Familiia» -0,93 -0,31 1,24 0,86 1,46 1,12

LLC «Lux Servis Plius» -0,93 -1,03 -1,20 -0,73 -0,48 -1,08

LLC «Interfud-Kharkiv» -1,10 -1,21 -1,38 -1,55 -1,39 -1,28

LLC «Kardym» -0,96 -0,52 -0,15 0,00 0,55 -0,13

LLC «ART Expo» 0,12 0,02 0,06 -0,50 1,04 0,17

PB «Firma «Romul 4» 0,15 0,54 1,32 -0,12 1,91 1,25

LLC «Ritordo» 0,46 -0,31 1,18 1,31 0,39 1,00

LLC «Bruskerdo» 1,77 0,24 0,27 0,99 0,10 1,10

LLC «Restoratsiia nomer

odyn» -0,34 -1,48 -0,02 0,35 0,29 0,07

LLC «Brinprofit» -0,91 1,32 -1,06 -0,98 -1,20 -0,91

LLC «Dzhi eich

Interneshenel» 0,49 -0,70 0,30 0,77 0,10 0,14

LLC «Matonardi» 1,66 1,32 1,40 1,18 0,23 1,27

LLC «Komunikatsii i

Komfor» -0,85 -0,70 -1,81 -1,90 -1,84 -1,75

LLC «Kharkiv

Restoratsiia» 1,83 2,07 0,30 1,50 0,46 1,05

LLC «Krostindi» -1,13 -0,73 -1,28 -1,20 -1,52 -1,48

LLC «Polendora» 0,69 1,47 0,84 0,04 -0,10 -0,54


Table М.3

Matrix of distances of integral indicators of estimation of level of loyalty of consumers of the enterprises of the restaurant

business by determinants (P,H,S,A,W,I)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 0 1,271 1,624 0,664 0,362 -0,228 -0,085 -0,147 0,652 1,025 0,335 -0,516 1,756 -0,538 1,540 0,150

2 1,271 0 0,353 -0,607 -0,909 -1,499 -1,356 -1,418 -0,619 -0,246 -0,936 -1,787 0,485 -1,809 0,269 -1,121

3 1,624 0,353 0,000 0,960 1,261 1,852 1,708 1,770 0,971 0,598 1,289 2,140 -0,133 2,161 0,083 1,474

4 0,664 -0,607 0,960 0 -0,301 -0,892 -0,749 0,810 -0,012 0,362 0,329 -1,180 1,092 -1,201 0,876 0,514

5 0,362 -0,909 1,261 -0,301 0 -0,590 0,447 0,509 -0,290 0,663 0,028 -0,878 -1,394 -0,900 1,178 0,212

6 -0,228 -1,499 1,852 -0,892 -0,590 0 -0,143 -0,082 -0,880 1,254 -0,563 0,288 -1,984 0,310 -1,768 -0,378

7 -0,085 -1,356 1,708 -0,749 0,447 -0,143 0 0,062 0,737 1,110 -0,419 -0,431 1,841 -0,453 1,625 -0,235

8 -0,147 -1,418 1,770 0,810 0,509 -0,082 0,062 0 0,799 1,172 -0,481 -0,370 1,903 -0,391 1,687 0,296

9 0,652 -0,619 0,971 -0,012 -0,290 -0,880 0,737 0,799 0 0,373 0,317 -1,168 1,104 -1,190 0,888 0,502

10 1,025 -0,246 0,598 0,362 0,663 1,254 1,110 1,172 0,373 0 0,691 1,542 -0,731 1,563 -0,515 0,876

11 0,335 -0,936 1,289 0,329 0,028 -0,563 -0,419 -0,481 0,317 0,691 0 -0,851 1,422 -0,872 1,205 -0,185

12 -0,516 -1,787 2,140 -1,180 -0,878 0,288 -0,431 -0,370 -1,168 1,542 -0,851 0 -2,272 0,022 -2,056 -0,666

13 1,756 0,485 -0,133 1,092 -1,394 -1,984 1,841 1,903 1,104 -0,731 1,422 -2,272 0 -2,294 -0,216 1,606

14 -0,538 -1,809 2,161 -1,201 -0,900 0,310 -0,453 -0,391 -1,190 1,563 -0,872 0,022 -2,294 0 -2,078 -0,688

15 1,540 0,269 0,083 0,876 1,178 -1,768 1,625 1,687 0,888 -0,515 1,205 -2,056 -0,216 -2,078 0 1,390

16 0,150 -1,121 1,474 0,514 0,212 -0,378 -0,235 0,296 0,502 0,876 -0,185 -0,666 1,606 -0,688 1,390 0


Table М.4


RISEBA University of Business,

Arts and Technology

3 Meza street

LV-1048 Riga, Latvia


Tel. +371 67807234

E-mail: riseba@riseba.lv

Kharkiv State University of

Food Technology and Trade

333 Klochkivska,

61051 Kharkiv, Ukraine


Tel: +380 579494594

E-mail: kaf_business@hduht.edu.ua

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