3 tips for planning your honeymoon

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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{ 3 Tips for planning your honeymoon

Money is a deciding factor

This video is for anyone who is not yet married, anyone who is helping a friend with their wedding planning and anyone who is planning a romantic getaway. The honeymoon is a very important part of getting married. If you fall into this category, keep watching.

My wife and I were married in 2011 and did not have a lot of money. We had close friends getting married who spent 2 weeks in Mexico for their honeymoon. We wanted a great honeymoon but did not have a lot of money. I want you to know that no matter where you go, whether it’s foreign or not, you can have a fantastic time.

Tip 1: Set a honeymoon budget

We all know that weddings are extremely expensive. The last thing you want to do is put your honeymoon on a credit card. Putting your honeymoon on a credit card is a huge mistake. I see countless couples do it. Starting your marriage in debt is a huge mistake. Set a budget and do not exceed this budget. If you have to stay in the same city you were married in then so be it.

Like I said earlier, it doesn’t matter where you go, you can have an amazing time. There are great restaurants anywhere you go. You can always find a nice swimming pool and hot tub. There are spas around every corner. My wife and I left our Salt Lake wedding venue and drove 5 minutes to a Salt Lake City hotel. Not exceeding your budget will take discipline but I promise it will be worth it.

I wish I knew this before my own wedding. If you have ever booked a cruise, you know it can be pricy. This past month my wife and I were looking at cruises for this coming November, 11 months in advance. We were amazed that you can get tickets for under $300. All it takes is making a plan and booking tickets several months in advance. Schedule your honeymoon in advance. You will save thousands of dollars.

Tip 2: Schedule in advance

I don’t know about you but I love to eat out; on occasion. Eating out is a nice treat that I always enjoy, unless I go out too much. When staying a week in a hotel, if you do not have a kitchen, you will have to eat out for every meal. By the end of your honeymoon, you will be so sick of restaurant food. If you find a room with a kitchen and buy groceries you will benefit in multiple ways. You will save a ton of money and you will be happy to have normal meals.Tip 3: Find a place with a


I have only shared 3 tips but I promise they will make your honeymoon more enjoyable. Brainstorm your own ideas and share them with others. Have an awesome time planning your honeymoon. I hope it is everything you have dreamed of.

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