3 reasons your building materials parking lot matters - a lot!

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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This deck explains the importance of a stellar, inviting parking lot for building materials companies that will increase sales and referrals.


3 Reasons Your Building Materials

Parking Lot Matters

Psychological research shows that if you create a welcoming environment(1957 Chevy optional) …

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New Friedman’s Building Materials and Home Improvement Store in Petaluma, California

…you make people feel like they belong.

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And that has a positiveimpact on both employees and customers:

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Employees are more…

Cooperative Conscientious Accurate

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And customers trust you.

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So how do you welcome people to your business….

before they even meet you?

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North American Sweeper magazine says that:

“a clean parking lot invites people to enter your business with a positive feeling.”

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So what feeling does your parking lot create?

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How does this one make you feel:

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Or these two:

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Would you get out of your truck to spend thousands on materials for your upcoming make-or-break construction contract?

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Probably not.

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North American Sweeper also says that:

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“A clean parking lot encourages people not to litter.”

And “a clean parking lot can deter loitering and crime.”

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Of course, sometimes a worn out parking lot can look inviting…

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Even beautiful…

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But not professional.

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For most building materials suppliers, your parking lot gives your customer his first impression of your business.

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Are you average?

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Are you extraordinary?

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Are you faking it?

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Or are you trying to optimize what you already have?

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It’s OK

Here’s an example from CrossCheck’s home town…

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This building materials company provides materials for many projects done in our county.

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When a customer sees their orderly, tree lined parking lot….

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They expect to see an orderly, LEED Certified selection of materials:

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Here’s a nice example of a much smaller company:

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Did this last winter destroy your parking lot?

It ruined a lot of them…

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If you replacing it makes more sense than patching it (again)…

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Go with the LEED flow and recycle the whole thing.

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For Construction Pros magazine says that “preservation” and “sustainability” have become essential facets of many pavement projects.

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Your asphalt and a predetermined thickness of base material can be pulverized , blended and stabilized with additives -- and then put right back where it is now.

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It’s called “full-depth reclamation.”

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Even more extreme eco solutions are also possible:

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But be careful not to get carried away by a fad.

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Landscape Architecture magazine says that light colored pavement doesn’t actually help the environment.

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So however you approach your parking lot…

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…remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

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Your parking lot may make that first impression…

…so make sure it’s a good one:

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…and you never know who might show up, or how big their order might be:

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You never get a second chance to make a last impression, either…

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…so before you send your customer back out into your beautifully manicured parking lot, make sure you closed the sale and left your customer smiling.

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www.cross-check.com 888-937-2249

We offer the highest check approval ratio in the industry…

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…which lets you close business right now, with your customer’s preferred method of payment.

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And we guarantee every check we approve, so you know you’ll get paid.

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Learn more here:

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