3 presentacion proyecto sena español e inglés

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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The SENA in development of his

institutional mission and bearing mind the

importance of developing in the country

human competent talent, I consider

neccesary to promote and to develop in

young people from the Average Education,

the knowledges and labour skills

associated with the productivity and

competitiveness of the country.

The program develops a process of immersion to the productive world of the young people from the 9th grade, in such a way that they acquire competitions to continue their process of learning or to link theirselfto the world of the work.

Likewise it is considered like the best strategy to shape the seedbed of apprentices sena and for the Technical education, Technological and University in Colombia.

what does the program of Integration

consist with the average Education?

La Integración con la Educación Media incluye igualmente

la transformación de ambientes, que garanticen las cuatro

fuentes de aprendizaje:

1. Trabajo Colaborativo

2. Las Tecnologías de la Información y las

Comunicaciones (TIC´S)

3. El Entorno

4. El Tutor



Acompañamiento directo 100 Horas.

Trabajo Virtual y autónomo: 100 Horas.

This program tries that young people

fortify, and apply the common

competitions through the strategy of

learning by projects, associated to

each of the technological lines


Son las competencias minimas requeridas para

ingresar a un programa de aprendizaje en el SENA

que son:

1. Comunicación.

2. Emprendimiento.

3. Tecnologias de la informacion y las comunicaciones.

4. Matematicas.

5. Competencias Cientificas.

That the student could identify,

describe and solve in a creative

way problems that appear them in

their daily life, in the environment of

learning and with projection in the

fields familiar and productive.

what is it sought whit this program?

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