3 d match columbia univ jan 2014

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. CONFIDENTIEL3D Match Lean Launchpad Team 2Meetings: 15 Interviews: 28January 17th, 2014
  2. 2. Day D 5: 1 Business Model Canvas 3D DesignersRelationship/Network ManagementCo-CreationBest price via biddingAutomated ServicesWorldwide network of professional printers3D PrintersLarge offer of designsConsumersCommunities3D DesignersPlatform Management Brands & Celebrities Promotion3D Printers 3D Product VendorPersonalized design New audience / shop interfacePlatform Developers / clients supportFixed Cost (platform maintenance)New customersWebsiteWorldwide audienceCommissions and FeesVariable (storage, customers acquisition)- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -2
  3. 3. Days D 5: 2 - 4: Getting out of the Building! SME (4)3D Designers (4)End Users of 3D printing (15)3D Printers (3)Investors in 3D market (2)- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -3
  4. 4. Rejection, Despair, and Excitement! D 5: Day 1Business ModelMarket SegmentHypothesis validated?Days 2 & 3: Pivot 1Days 4 & 5: Pivot 2Horizontal marketplace for all types of 3D products & servicesVertical marketplace for 3D printed unique / customizable art objectsMatchmaking businesses with 3D printers for prototypes productionConsumers, 3D Designers, 3D PrintersConsumers, 3D DesignersSmall & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), 3D printersToo broad market -> need to focusToo competitive market. End users dont care about 3D.Identified a niche: businesses need to source their vendors quickly & for less priceResult - Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -4
  5. 5. Learning D 5: 3D Printing world is vast with multiple players in multiple industries mostly in high techLow Tech usage is fragmented and customer base is driven only by short lived euphoriaFIRST BIG LEARNING: 3D Printing is beneficial for customized unique products, prototypes, and just in time inventory especially for Small and Midsized Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have trouble sourcing the right 3D printing vendorWHAT THAT MEANS FOR US: Opportunity to connect SMEs with the right 3D Printers who can address their specific needs!- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -5
  6. 6. Our D 5: Vision 3D Match3D Match online platform connecting SMEs with 3D Printing vendors to meet their prototyping needs- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -6
  7. 7. Hypothesis Testing D 5: Small & Medium EnterprisesWhat we learnt:(SMEs): SMEs would want to find 3D printingThere is a pain that SMEs have requestingservice and the best terms for theirquotes from 5-10 different 3D service providersprototypes productionfor every new type of prototype3D printing services:What we learnt:3D printers would want to bid for3D printers send quotes for every requestsevery new requestsfrom the SME, and wouldfor proposal from SMEsuse out platform to get more clients- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -7
  8. 8. Hypothesis Testing (1 of 4 SMEs) D 5:NeuroNexus Michigan - USA - Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -8
  9. 9. Value D 5: Proposition BEFORESearching for a supplier3D Prototyping(weeks)CAD Design2-5 daysSerial ProductionVALUE CREATEDTimeAFTER CAD Design3D Prototyping (Days)Serial Production2-5 days3D Match - Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -9
  10. 10. Value D 5: Proposition Gain Creators SME One stop shop to seek relevant and trusted 3D printers Ability to quickly source and select 3D printers based on ratings, price, and specific needs 3D Printer Shops One stop shop to seek targeted customers A place to establish reputation and trust within the industry for quality 3D prototypingPain Relievers Less time spent on vendor sourcing Less time spent on responding to irrelevant requests Less to almost No variability in quality Ability to focus on specific requestsProduct & Services Trusted and Niche Markeplace Trusted and Niche Markeplace- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -10
  11. 11. Target D 5: Customer Segment (Archetype): Small & Medium Enterprises prototyping their products before manufacturing Use 3D printing for rapid prototyping Do not have their own 3D printers, capacity, or capability Require 3D printing services to produce prototypes Need different 3D printing vendors for different types of prototypes / materials / sizes Price and Time sensitive - Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -11
  12. 12. Customer Relationships D 5: Businesses3D PrintersGETSearch: SEO, SEM PR Tradeshows ConferencesDirect Marketing Telemarketing Tradeshows ConferencesKEEPEmail Marketing Loyalty program Blog Events ConferencesEmail Marketing Partner program Blog Events ConferencesGROWReferrals Special offers from 3D printersCommunity- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -12
  13. 13. Competitive Analysis and Market Size D 5:$4 billionTotal market in 20153D Match(according to Forbes)RFP based Market-place- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -13
  14. 14. Revenues and Costs Analysis D 5: Niche business, but high margin profile REVENUESCOSTSSMEFixed Costs Fees (quarter fee for unlimited quotes) Platform maintenance3D Printer Shops Commissions (on price charged to SMEs) Fees (to highlight their offer compared to other providers) On-site visits of 3D printers Marketing (sector newsletter, conferences, etc.) Variable Costs Customers Acquisition Champagne- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -14
  15. 15. Business Model Canvas 3D MATCH D 5: 3D printer manufacturersRelationship/Network Management Platform Management Promotion Customer Acquisition Conference PresenceLess time spent on searching for capable 3D print shops for their specific needs Ability to select vendors based on bids received from vendorsGET & KEEP: SEO/SEM, PR, Blogs, Trade Shows, Conferences GROW: Referrals GET & KEEP: Trade Shows, Events, Blogs, Conferences GROW: CommunityTargeted CustomerSmall & Medium Enterprises who are looking for 3-D printing vendors to print their prototypes3-D Printing Vendors with capacity and capability to provide high quality and cost efficient prototypesAcquisition Intellectual: Platform Human: Developers, MarketingWebsite Ability to focus on relevant and specific requestsFixed Cost (platform maintenance, Marketing, Conferences, Thought Leadership) Variable (customers acquisition, on site visits of 3-D printers)Quarterly Fees (for posting unlimited RFPs and receiving unlimited price quotes- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -Commissions on transactions (price charged to SMEs) Fees (for promoting their bids)
  16. 16. Next D 5: StepsNext Steps Add 3D Designers to the model Redefine revenue and pricing model- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -16
  17. 17. Appendix: Industry Research D 5:- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -17
  18. 18. Appendix: Industry Research D 5: 3D Printers in the Market (2012 Data)- Lean Launch Pad - 3D Printing Project -18

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