3 body - science topic 1

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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The BodyScience 2nd

Our body has 3 parts

This is the Head

This is the torso

These are the limbs


On my head i have….

2 eyes

On my head i have….


On my head i have….

2 ears

On my head i have….

1 nose

On my head i have….

1 mouth

On my head i have….

1 tongue

On my head i have….

2 eyebrows

On my head i have….

2 cheeks

On my head i have….

1 chin

On my torso i have…

1 chest

On my torso i have…

1 belly

On my torso i have…

1 belly button

On my torso i have…

1 back

On my torso i have…


I have 4 limbs

I have 2 arms

I have 2 hands

I have 10 fingers

I have 2 legs

I have 2 feet

I have 10 toes

I have 5 senses

With my ears I can hear

I can hear a rooster

With my nose I can smell

I can smell a flower

With my hands I can touch

I can touch a dog

With my tongue I can taste

I can taste cookies!

With my eyes I can see

I can see a rainbow

With our face we show feelings

I smile when I’m happy

I cry when I’m sad

My eyebrows frown when I’m angry

I look like this when I’m worried

I yawn when I’m sleepy

Sometimes I’m scared!

Human body, Systems

Digestive system

Food is our fuel

We eat food

We chew

We mix the food with our toungue=

We swallow food

The stomach stores food

The small intestine absorbs nutrients

The klarge intestine stores poop

Respiratory system

Living things need air

We breathe air

We breathe air

But… Why?…. and how?

We have lungs

lungs are like balloons

The Diaphragm inflates the lungs

Oxigen is absorved in the lungs

Circulatory system

We also have a heart

Our heart beats

We have veins

Veins carry blood

Blood takes nutrients all over our body

Excretor system

Blood also carries waste

Blood goes into the kidneys

Kidneys clean bloodThe filter experiment

Waste goes into our bladder

And then we urinate

The leeky bag experiment

Healthy Habbits

To be healthy you should eat colourful

Breakfast is the most important meal in the day

You must practice sports

Don’t be a couch potato

You must read every day

Drink lots of water

Wash your hands before eating and after playing

Breakfast is the most important meal in the day

Be careful with strangers

Be careful with the sun

Be careful with the sun

Never swim alone

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