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Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Caesar to Claudius: Britain Becomes Roman Britain

You must know, till the injurious Romans did extort this tribute from us, we were free.

Cymbeline Act III, Scene 1

Roman Britain Before Claudius?

• Did Rome appoint Commius and another king?

• Changes in coins

– Improvements in minting technique: Gold coins more uniform

– Inscribed with names; new image style

– Lack of mixed early and later coins in hoards

Roman Britain Before Claudius?

• Obsides – hostages?

– Creation of Kings in Roman territories (Judea)

• Burials

• Construction at Fishbourne, Gosbecks, Silchester


Burial: Roman Influence

Welwyn, 1st Cent BCE

Celtic Burial with Imported Amphorae, Welwyn

Pottery Imports from Gaul

c. 15 BCE – 30 CE

Inscriptions on Coins


TogodumnisN. of Thames

CaratacusS. of Thames


Cunobelinus(Cymbeline)d. 40-43 CE


Tasciovanusd. c.10 CE

Cassivellaunusd. c. 20 BCE


Foreign Policy Augustus (27 BCE- 14 CE)

– Trade

–Hostages(?) educated in Rome

– Threats (26/7 BCE)


“Is there too little of Roman blood

spilled upon land and sea? [And

this,] not that the Romans might

burn the proud towers of envious

Carthage, or that the Britons,

hitherto unassailed, might go down

the sacred way bound in chains: but

that, agreeably to the wishes of the

Parthians, this city may fall by its

own might.”

Horace, c. 29 BCE

Augustus Res gestae

• “To me were sent supplications by kings: … of the Britons, Dumnobellaunus and Tincommius”

Strabo“there was nothing to fear from the Britons, since they are not powerful enough to cross over and attack us, nor was there much advantage to be gained if the Romans were to occupy it”

Dio Cassius 34 BC“Augustus had set out to lead an expedition into Britain in emulation of his father (Julius Caesar – by adoption)… when some newly conquered tribes together with the Dalmatians rose in revolt.”

Dio Cassius 27-26 BC“He also set out with the intention of leading an expedition into Britain, but on his arrival in Gaul he stayed there. For it seemed likely that the Britons would come to terms with him, and affairs in Gaul were still unsettled since the civil wars had broken out immediately after their subjugation.”

Cunobelin Coins

Cunobelin Augustus

Homage to the Emperor



Roman Foreign Policy Tiberius (14 – 37 CE)

• Augustus’ counsel: “the empire should be confined to its present limits”

• Britons tolerate import/export taxes

• Return of shipwrecked sailors

Homage to Tiberius

Roman Foreign Policy - Caligula

• Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus = Caligula

• Spectacle and emulation

• Surrender of Adminius

• ‘Conquest of Ocean’


Tincommius20 BCE- 7 CE

perhaps joint ruleNoviomogus

Eppilius7-15 CECalleva


Verica15-25 CECalleva(Berikos?)

Commius the Younger35-20 BCE

Commius-c. 35 BCE



Early Fishbourne

Roman-style Military HardwareFishbourne, pre 43 CE?

Internal Conflict

• 25 Verica, ruler at Calleva replaced by Eppilius

• 35 Eppilius dies, Verica regains territory

• 40 Caraticus defeats Verica

Reasons for Invasion

Solicitation by Britons

Desire by Claudius to demonstrate military success

Risk of revolt by legions in Germany to “restore” the Republic

Economic Motives – Depletion of Spanish silver mines



Intelligence• British Collaborators

• Experience of Caesar

• Season

Selection of troops• Amphibious experience

Transport• Coordination of landing

Roman Invasion Forces

Aulus Plautius

• II Augusta (Vespasian)

• IX Hispania

• XIV Gemina

• XX Valeria


20,000 auxiliaries

Opposing Forces


Catuvellauni 70,000

Trinovantes 40,000

Atrebates 10,000

Dobunni 7,000

Kentish Tribe 23,000

Opposing Forces

• Caratacus

–Emerges as leader of anti-Roman forces

Kelvedon (Essex) horseman (25 BCE-25CE?)

Battersea Shield 350-50 BC

Kirkborn sword and scabbard 300-200 BC

Invasion Route




• Later site of “Palace”

• Two military buildings

–Granary with raised floor

– Supply depot with cart turn around area

• Possible camp at Chichester

Invasion Route-Medway

Invasion Route-Thames

Phase II - Claudius

Claudius-16 Days

• Brings members of Senate

• Arrives with elephants.

• Reviews troops at Thames

• Receives allies

• Marches on Camulodunum

Celebrating Victory

Victory Relief at


Celebrating Victory

Silver didrachm of Caesarea, c.

AD 46 Obverse

Ti(berius) Claud(ius) Caesar

Aug(ustus) Germ(anicus)

P(ontifex) M(aximus) (High


Tr(ibunicia) P(otestas)

(Tribunician Power)


De Britannis (From Britain)

Claudius-Triumphal Arch

Claudius-Triumphal Arch

Text? -Triumphal Arch

The Roman Senate and People to Tiberius

Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, son of

Drusus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunician power

eleven times, Consul five times, Imperator 22

times, Censor, Father of the Fatherland, because

he received the surrender of eleven kings of the

Britons defeated without any loss, and first

brought barbarian peoples across the Ocean into

the dominion of the Roman people.

Another eulogy

Britain – what sort of a place it is and what sort of inhabitants it produces – will soon be described more precisely and on the basis of greater exploration.

…the greatest of emperors is opening it up after it has been closed so long, the conqueror of people not only unconquered but unknown to the boot!

Pomponius Mela


• Defeated in the East but regroups in the West

• Druids

–Use threat to their religion as a means of unifying people

–Unconscionable to Romans


• Rome in control of Thames valley and Kent

• Client kingdoms of Regni in Sussex and Iceni in Suffolk

• Face continued opposition from Caratacus, based in Wales

Aftermath-Client Kingdoms

Map With Legionary Forts

Exeter Legio II


Legio XIV


Legio XX

Out of the Fire Into the Frying Pan

• Caratacus escapes

• Allies with Ordovicians in Wales

• Defeated

• Seeks aid from Roman client, Cartimandua

• Is turned over to Romans (51 CE)

• Brought to Rome – vanishes from historical record

Caratacus before Claudius

Roman Legions Client Kingdoms

Roman Britain~47 CE


Tribes of


The Next Steps

• Wales will succumb

• Meanwhile back at the ranch the natives are restless

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