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Remote Controlled Robot to Perform Echocardiography on Distance

Luleå 21th September, 2005

K Boman, Professor of MedicineHeartNet, SkellefteåUmeå university, Sweden



Remote Controlled Robot to Perform Echocardiography on Distance

Luleå 21th September, 2005

K Boman, Professor of MedicineHeartNet, SkellefteåUmeå university, Sweden

HeartNet, Cardista (EU-projects)

Luleå University of Technology

Skeria, Skellefteå

Alkit Communications, Luleå

Mobile Robotics, Skellefteå

Partners in the Project:



Artic circle


EU project since 2001

Remote controlled echocardiography

”Second Generation” Telemedicine

• Support demanding distance investigations

• Achieve high communication quality

• Create a module based communication environment,

• Utilize the broadband potentials

• Utilize standard desktop computers

• Access patient information directly in the telemedicine situation

• Combine synchronous and asynchronous communication

• Support regional development:•- move knowledge to the patient•- “export” top expertise services to other regions

The general background in Northern Sweden:

• Long distances.

• Expensive transports.

• Limited access to cardiac expertise

• More elderly people will need health care, nursing and rehabilitation.

• New kinds of hospitals, smaller but more specialized towards acute treatment.

The general background in Northern Sweden:

• Increased preventive and knowledge-based health care.

• More physically and mentally active people in high age will be found among patients and their relatives.

• An increased usage of IT within health care itself.

• More treatment and rehabilitation of patients at their homes.

Congestive Heart failure (CHF)Background:

• CHF is the only cardiovascular condition in which both the prevalence and the incidence continue to rise1

• CHF is the leading cause of hospitalisation amongst the >65 year age group3

• Annual inpatient and outpatient expenditure on CHF in Sweden has been estimated at SEK 2.6 billion2

1Yamani & Massie (1993); 1Yamani & Massie (1993); 2Rydén-Bergsten et al (1999); 2Rydén-Bergsten et al (1999); 3Graves & Bilium (1996); 3Graves & Bilium (1996);

• Correct diagnosis.

• Early diagnosis

• Optimal treatment

• Managed care

• Follow-up of selected patients.

• Improved prognosis

• Lower cost

Clinical goals for patients in rural areas.

Proposed projects from 2001-2005

• System for improved communication between primary System for improved communication between primary

health care centers and specialist. health care centers and specialist.

• Develop diagnostic algorithms for heart failure, focusing Develop diagnostic algorithms for heart failure, focusing

on echocardiography on distance.on echocardiography on distance.

• A system to improve quality in health care managing A system to improve quality in health care managing


• Improved therapy by optimizing heart failure treatmentImproved therapy by optimizing heart failure treatment

• New products and servicesNew products and services

Project developement

2001: Clinical and scientific cooperation with primary health care.

2002: Echocardiography with portable echomachine and consultation at the


health care center.

2003: Echocardiography with portable echomachine and consultation through

telemedicine as a videoconference.

2004: Remoted-controlled echocardiography and consultation using broadband

and Internet

2005: Clinical tests in daily care at rural health care centers

Echocardiography on distance

Interactivity on-line

Patient side Specialist side

A Mobile, Remote Controlled,

Sonographer Support, that holds

the transducer during the

ultrasound examination of a


Components and technical specifications for Medirob

Medirob holds the transducer


Ultrasound scanning system from any vendor on the market.

Ultrasound scanning system from any vendor on the market.

The transducer* is placed in the transducer holder on the Medirob.

The transducer* is placed in the transducer holder on the Medirob.

View of empty transducer holder.

View of empty transducer holder.

*A transducer is an electronic device that converts energy from one form to another. It is a small, hand-held device attached to the scanner by a cord. The sonographer presses the transducer firmly against the patients skin to obtain images.

*A transducer is an electronic device that converts energy from one form to another. It is a small, hand-held device attached to the scanner by a cord. The sonographer presses the transducer firmly against the patients skin to obtain images.

The Goals:

• Shortening time to diagnosis

• Saving money for Health Care System

• Easing agony and suffering for patients

• Obtain technical clarification

• Diagnose 30 patients in daily care using standard level communication technology (H 323 platform 5-10 Mbit)

• Diagnose 30 patients in daily care using high level communication technology (Confero system 20-40 Mbit)

A Clinical Test in Northern Sweden


Gothenburg Nov 2004

Umeå Sept 2004

Norsjö 2005

Arvidsjaur 2006Tromsö May 2005

Performed and planned tests

Possible applications of remote-controlled echocardiography :


-Telemedical consultations in remote areas

- Ergonomy for sonographers

-Special areas- dangerous areas: war and emergency situations, - chemical and bacterilogical poisoned areas,- radiation poisoned areas

Ready to go!!

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