291204 icsi chapter management guidelines final · î ([whqw dqg &rpphqfhphqw 7khvh *xlgholqhv...

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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(As amended and approved by the Council on its 265th Meeting)

1. Short title

1.1 These Guidelines shall be called the Chapter Management Guidelines, 2019.

1.2 These Guidelines shall supersede all earlier Guidelines, directions,

notifications, circulars, instructions, orders, memorandum made or issued by the President and / or the Council relating to incorporation, management and functioning of Chapters of ICSI.

2. Definitions In these Guidelines unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context:

2.1 ‘Chapter’ means the Chapter of the Institute constituted under Regulation 143 of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982;

2.2 ‘Guidelines’ means the Chapter Management Guidelines, 2019 as notified by the Council in the journal;

2.3 ‘Jurisdiction’ of a Chapter means the city which the Chapter is situated and

the area determined by the Council, The same may be different for students and members;

2.4 ‘Managing Committee’ means the governing body of the Chapter constituted

in accordance with guideline 11 of these Guidelines;

2.5 ‘Office-bearers’ means Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Managing Committee of the Chapter;

2.6 ‘Regional Council’ means the Regional Council constituted under the

Company Secretaries Act, 1980 having territorial Jurisdiction over the Chapter;

2.7 ‘ICSI Contact Centre’ shall be an office under the direct control of the

Institute Head Office through the Regional Director. The in-charge of the Contact Centre shall directly report to the Regional Director. The ICSI Contact Centre also be known as “Branch Office of the Institute”.

2.8 All words and expressions used herein and not defined in these Guidelines

but defined in the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 or the Company Secretaries Regulations 1982 shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them under the Act or the Regulations.


3. Extent and Commencement

These Guidelines shall come into force from such date as may be specified by

the Council and shall apply to all Chapters of the Institute constituted and recognized earlier and existing on the said date or constituted under these Guidelines as amended by the Council time to time.

4. Removal of difficulty

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these

Guidelines, the President-ICSI may make such provisions or give such directions to the Chapter or to the Institute deemed necessary for the removal of the difficulty.

5. Functions of the Chapter

Subject to the directions of the Institute, a Chapter shall perform the following

functions within its Jurisdiction, in addition to others as approved by the Executive Committee and the Council, namely:-

a. To provide services to members and students; b. Organise Training Program for students; c. Organise Professional Development program; d. Development of profession; e. Organize or assist in programs, seminars, conventions and

conferences or any other Program organized by the Institute; f. Organize Career Awareness program; g. Arrange Placement facilities ; h. Provide library facilities; i. Provide classroom teaching, or virtual classroom facility or any other

mode; j. Liaison and brand-building under the directions of Institute *;

(*Representation to any Govt Authority can only be given under the instructions of HO only).

k. Recommend study centers and circles; l. Recommend appointment of counsellor; m. Maintain and secure assets and infrastructure; n. Assist Institute in maintaining updated data of members; o. Assist in identification of examination centers and facilitate smooth

conduct of examination; p. Assist in conduct of election of the council, Regional Council and

Chapter managing Committee; q. Provide assistance in defending litigation; r. Cater to increase in CSBF Membership; s. Such other functions as may be assigned by the Regional Council or the



6. Constitution, Jurisdiction and of Chapter 6.1 A Chapter may be constituted by Council of the Institute on the recommendation

of the EC / concerned Regional Council and its Jurisdiction specified by the Council by notification in the Journal or the website of the Institute. The Chapter so constituted shall be governed by these Guidelines.

6.2 No Chapter shall be constituted:

a) Within the municipal corporation or municipality limits of a city where the Regional Council is situated; or

b) Unless there are at least 100 members having their professional addresses* or 1000 students having their addresses within the Jurisdiction of the Chapter;

c) Unless there is strategic and cogent reason for promotion and development of ICSI through creation/formation of a Chapter in an area of special relevance for example Education hub or Industrial hub.

* In absence of Professional Address, the Residential Address will be considered as Professional Address.

6.3 Grades of Chapters shall be determined on the basis of number of members or

students as per criteria prescribed in given below table: Revised Criteria for Gradation of Chapters

w.e.f. 1st April, 2020 New Nomenclature Existing Grade Number of Members or Number of

Students Diamond A+ >2000 >7500 Platinum A 1000-1999 4000-7499

Gold B 500-999 2000-3999 Silver C 100-499 1000-1999

6.4 With effect from 1st April 2020, existing Chapters which do not meet criteria of

minimum 100 members or 1000 students would continue as Silver Grade Chapter

6.5 In case at any Chapter, the Managing Committee is not constituted or the

constituted Managing Committee has been dissolved, due to what so ever reason, the Chapter shall be converted into ICSI Contact Center. , The Institute after evaluation of progress may close such ICSI Contact Center and may endeavor to create Study Centre.

6.6 The Regional Council shall make a recommendation to the Council or the

Council by itself may review the ICSI Contact Center for its eligibility to be considered as a Chapter.

7. Name of Chapter

The Chapter shall be known by such name as may be approved by the Council

and notified by the Institute in its Journal or the Website


8. Infrastructure for Chapters

8.1 Upon recommendation of the Concerned Regional Council, the office

premises of the Chapter shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

8.2 Chapter office shall not function from residential or official premises of any office bearer or member of the Managing Committee of the Chapter.

9. Financial Year

The financial year of the Chapter shall be a period commencing from 1st day of

April of a year and ending on 31st day of March of the succeeding year.

10. Admission to and deletion from the Chapter Registers

10.1 Maintenance of Chapter Register Data of members and Students shall be centralized and shall be maintained by

ICSI HQ in electronic format/or in any other such form as specified by the Council from time to time. Chapter-wise data may be provided to respective Chapter by ICSI HQ from time to time on demand on signing of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

10.2 Deletion from Chapter Register

(i) The name of a member who has been removed from the Register of members maintained by the Council or who has shifted his professional or residential address in the absence of professional address outside the Jurisdiction of the Chapter shall ipso facto be removed from the Chapter Register and if he is a member of the Managing Committee, he shall automatically cease to be its member.

(ii) The name of a Student who has been removed from the Register of students maintained by the Institute or who has shifted his registered address outside the Jurisdiction or of the Chapter shall not be considered to be a Student under the Jurisdiction or of the Chapter.

11. Managing Committee

11.1 There shall be a Managing Committee to manage the affairs of the Chapter and

to discharge functions assigned to it under these Guidelines. 11.2 Where a new Chapter of any Grade is constituted, the concerned Regional

Council shall recommend names of 10 (ten) members to the President-ICSI in order of preference, out of which 7 (seven) members shall be nominated to the Managing Committee by the President-ICSI.


11.3 The Managing Committee shall consist of

(a) The Members of the Central Council/Regional Council whose professional addresses are borne on the Register of the Chapter as Ex Officio Member* of Managing Committee;

(b) 7 members to be elected by the members of the Chapter or nominated by the President of the Institute in the manner specified in Guideline No. 15.

*ex Officio Member(s) means the Member(s) of Central Council/Regional Council whose professional address are borne on the Register as on 1st April when the election was held. If any change occurs subsequently, in professional address, the seat of ex Officio Member of Managing Committee will become vacant ipso-facto, and consequently he will also be incapacitated to be an ex Officio Member in Managing Committee of Chapter where he moves to.”

11.4 Ex-Officio Member shall have right to vote (equal to one vote only) at the meeting of Managing Committee of Chapter but they cannot be elected or nominated as office bearers of Managing Committee or Chairman of any Sub-Committee under Managing Committee of Chapter.

11.5 The Managing Committee may, at its first meeting, held after its constitution

and thereafter first meeting of every year, co-opt not more than two persons out of which one person representing the interest of the central or state government and the other person representing the interest of trade, commerce or industry, who should not be members of ICSI, except those employed with any Regulator/Ministry, or a Vice Chancellor etc. of any University, under intimation to the Regional Council, who, in the opinion of the Chapter, may make useful contribution to the development and growth of the profession. Provided that the term of the co-opted member(s) shall expire automatically on closure of the year (term of the chairman) in which he was co-opted. Provided also that such co-opted person(s) shall have no right to vote at the meeting of the Managing Committee of the Chapter and he shall not be elected or nominated as office bearers of the Managing Committee.

11.6 The Managing Committee of the Chapter shall forward to the Regional Council and Secretary of the Institute a quarterly report in the in Annexure-A about its functions and activities within ten days of the close of each quarter. The various formats as proposed shall be converted into online mode and thereafter will be deemed redundant. Managing Committee of the Chapter shall also forward minutes of the meetings of Managing Committee to respective Regional Council.

12. Constitution of Sub-Committees

12.1 The Managing Committee shall constitute following Sub-Committees consisting

of not more than seven members in each such Sub-Committee, namely;-


a) Students Facilities Sub-Committee; b) Members Facilities Sub-Committee; c) Training and Placement Sub-Committee; d) Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund Sub-Committee; and e) Such other Committees as requested shall be referred to the Regional

Council, as the case may be. 12.2 Recommendations of Sub - Committee shall be placed before the Managing

Committee for consideration and approval. 12.3 No action on the recommendation of the Sub-Committees shall be initiated

without the prior approval of the Managing Committee. 13. Chairman of the Sub-Committee

The Managing Committee of the Chapter shall nominate a member of the

Managing Committee to be the Chairman of the Sub-Committee: Provided that in the case of a Sub-Committee constituted on the direction of the Council or Regional Council, person nominated by the Council or Regional Council shall be the Chairman of such Sub-Committee. It is mentioned here that nominated members shall be members of CSBF.

14. Term of member of Sub-Committee The term of members of a Sub-Committee shall expire automatically on closure

of the year (term of the chairman) in which he was inducted as member of Sub-Committee. A Sub-Committee constituted for a specific purpose under item (e) of sub guideline (1) of guideline 12 shall stand dissolved on the completion of the assignment and every member of such Sub-Committee shall hold office until such dissolution.

15. Election to Managing Committee of Chapters 15.1 The election to the Managing Committee of a Chapter, where specified, shall be

held once in every four years not later than the 31st day of December in the fourth year.

15.2 The members elected to the Managing Committee shall hold office for a period

of four years (coinciding with the term of the Council), presently from the 19th day of January.

15.3 The Council has specified that the election to the Managing Committee of Grade

Platinum and Diamond Chapters shall be held by single transferable vote, and in case of other Chapters the election will be held by simple vote on specific date as determined by the Council of the Institute and result of the same shall be announced by the Returning Officer not later than the 31stday of December of the said fourth year. No proxy vote shall be admissible.


Provided that on counting of votes, if there is a tie, the Returning Officer will decide the winner through draw of lot.

15.4 The elected office bearers and Members of the Managing Committee shall

forward their particulars with due diligence of Know Your Member (KYM) in Annexure-B to the Institute on or before the 31stday of January every year. If Member of the Managing Committee shifts his address outside the Jurisdiction of the Chapter, then his seat as Member of Managing Committee stands vacated. Third party information/complaint in this regard shall also be acceptable subject to validation.

15. 5 Every member of the Institute whose name has been borne on the Chapter

Register (i.e. as per Chapter-wise data maintained by the Institute on 1st September prior to the date of election shall be eligible to vote and/or stand for election to the Managing Committee of the Chapter; provided that his/her name has not been removed from the Register after the said date and before the date of election. The nominations received shall be scrutinized by the Returning Officer and the List of valid nominations shall be displayed on the notice board of the respective Chapter. This list may also be displayed at the child portal of the respective Chapter or on the Institute’s website.

15.6 In the election for the Managing Committee of Chapters, the Chairman of the Chapter shall recommend a panel of two officers (in service or retired) from amongst the officers of the Government or Public Sector Undertakings or Lecturer or Professor or Principal from Colleges or Management Institutes or Universities, in order of preference to act as the Returning Officer to conduct the election, to the Secretary of the Institute at least thirty days before the date of the election.

15.7 The Institute shall appoint the Returning Officer for conducting elections of the

Managing Committee, from the panel recommended by the Chairman of the Chapter. Provided that where the Institute is satisfied that there is a requirement of appointment of one more person to conduct election to any Chapter, the Institute may appoint a Deputy Returning Officer also.

15.8 The Institute shall communicate the names of the Returning Officer and Deputy

Returning Officer to the Chapter and the Regional Council concerned. 15.9 Any Member intending to contest election shall submit his nomination in writing

to the Returning Officer duly signed by him, so as to reach the Returning Officer at the Chapter Office on or before the date appointed for this purpose. Only one set of nomination form (along with supporting paper/annexure, if any) is required to be submitted.

Provided that for all Grades of Chapters, no member of the Institute, who is or

has been elected as Chairman or had been Chairman, at any time in the past


of any chapter of the ICSI, shall be eligible to contest election to the Managing Committee or to be nominated as a member or Chairman of the Managing Committee of any Chapter. The Member of Managing Committee can contest elections only for two successive terms, in case he has not been elected as Chairman. A cooling period of one term shall apply thereafter. None of these restrictions shall apply to those Chapters where number of Members are less than 50.

Provided further that in case, required minimum number of members are not available at any Chapter to constitute the Managing Committee in any particular year, in that case the Chapter shall be dissolved and be converted to ICSI Contact Center and Study Centre.

15.10 The Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer shall consider all procedural matters relating to election to the Managing Committee of the Chapter, conduct the election in an impartial and transparent manner and declare the result. Decision of the Returning Officer shall be final.

16. Resignation from Managing Committee 16.1 A Member of the Managing Committee may at any time resign from the

membership of the Managing Committee by writing under his hand addressed to the Chairman of the Managing Committee with a copy to the Office in-charge of the concerned Chapter and to Chairman and Regional Director of the concerned Region.

16.2 The effective date of resignation shall be the date mentioned in the resignation

letter or the date on which the Chairman and Office in-charge receives the resignation letter, whichever is later.

17. Casual Vacancy

17.1 Casual vacancy arising by resignations, removal, death or any other reason,

whatsoever, of an elected or nominated member in the Managing Committee shall be filled up by nomination by the Managing Committee from amongst the members of the Chapter with the prior approval of the Regional Council.

17.2 The member so nominated shall hold office for the remaining term of the Managing Committee.

18. Absence from meeting

An elected/nominated member of the Managing Committee shall be deemed to

have vacated his seat if he absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Managing Committee with or without obtaining leave of absence in writing, in one year.


19. Defect of Constitution or vacancy in Managing Committee not to effect its functioning

Any act of the Managing Committee shall not be called into question merely on

the ground that there was a vacancy or some defect had existed/existing in the constitution of the Managing Committee.

Provided that where the Council is satisfied that there is some defect in the constitution of the Managing Committee, it shall immediately intimate the same to the said Managing Committee and any decision till removal of the defect to the satisfaction of the council shall be deemed invalid.

20. Meeting of Managing Committee

20.1 The Managing Committee may meet as often as necessary for the conduct of

its business provided that a meeting of the Managing Committee shall be held at least once in every three months and at least four such meetings shall be held every year.

20.2 The meeting of the Managing Committee shall be held at the Chapter office

premises only. 20.3 Special meeting of the Managing Committee A special meeting of the Managing Committee may at any time be called by the

Chairman or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman 21. Resolution by the Circulation

21.1 Procedure for Resolution by Circulation

(i) Business in a meeting of the Managing Committee shall ordinarily be transacted where the quorum for the meeting is there: ; Provided that in the event of urgency, the Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman may circulate the resolution along with supporting papers, if any, among all the Members of the Managing Committee for consideration and approval thereof.

(ii) Where two third Members of the Managing Committee are of the opinion that the resolution under circulation shall be considered in a meeting, the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, as the case may be, shall withdraw the resolution from circulation and the matter shall be placed in a meeting of the Managing Committee held immediately thereafter.

21.2 Period of circulation Any resolution circulated under Sub Guidelines (1) shall be deemed to have

been passed by the Managing Committee after the expiry of a period of five (05) days from the date of circulation of the resolution or after the receipt of responses from all Members of the Managing Committee, whichever is earlier.


21.3 Recording of resolution by circulation A resolution approved by circulation by the majority of Members out of those

who respond to the resolution shall be communicated to all Members of the Managing Committee and is to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting held immediately after passing of the resolution by circulation.

22. Notice of meeting

22.1 Period of Notice 22.1.1 The Secretary of the Chapter shall issue a notice in electronic mode or in writing

preferably seven days before the date of the meeting indicating therein the time, place and date of the meeting to every Member of the Managing Committee at his registered email. Such Notice shall include Agenda and Notes to Agenda, as far as practicable. A copy of Notice, Notes of Agenda and Minutes shall be provided to the Regional Director concerned.

22.1.2 Special meeting may be convened by giving such shorter notice as may be

considered appropriate. The notice shall, so far as practicable, contain a statement of the business to be transacted in the meeting.

23. Quorum in meeting

23.1 Five Members of the Managing Committee, other than co-opted members,

physically present in the meeting shall constitute the quorum. Every Chapter shall maintain attendance register for the meeting of Managing Committee or Sub-Committees.

23.2 If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting which has been

adjourned earlier for want of quorum, the quorum is not there, the meeting shall be convened the following week at the same time and same place. Provided that in the adjourned meeting the business shall be transacted only if at least two elected or nominated Members are present: Provided further that in adjourned meeting no business other than the adjourned business shall be transacted.

Provided further that if the last meeting of the fourth year (of the four year term of the Managing Committee) is adjourned because of any reason, that meeting will be treated as cancelled and is not to be held again as the term of the existing Managing Committee is expiring on the completion of the four year term.

23.3 The Chairman of the Managing Committee may with the consent of the Members present at a meeting, adjourn the meeting but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place unless not less than five days’ notice of any other business to be transacted at such adjourned meeting has been given to the Committee Members.


24. Approval of business by majority

24.1 The businesses placed in a meeting of the Managing Committee shall be approved by a majority of votes.

24.2 In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. 25. Chairman of meeting

The Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, shall be the Chair for every

meeting of the Managing Committee, but if both are absent, the members present at the meeting may elect one amongst themselves to Chair the meeting.

26. Office Bearers

26.1 Election of office bearers of the Managing Committee

A. Election of office bearers of the Managing Committee (at its first meeting to be held soon after its constitution in the first year of the term of the newly constituted Managing Committee)

(i) The first meeting of newly constituted Managing Committees of Chapters for electing its Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for a period of one year commencing from 19th January of the first year, can be held on any day between 1st January and 18th January of the first year. The elected office bearers shall enter upon office on 19th January, of first year and the term of the elected office bearer shall end on 18th January, of the following year.

(ii) The notice for calling this meeting is to be issued by existing / outgoing Chairman of the respective Chapter. Existing / outgoing Chairman will initially chair the meeting and start the proceeding. Once name of Chairman of first year is decided, the existing / outgoing chairman will hand over the chair to the newly elected Chairman for further election of other office bearers viz. Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and the existing / outgoing Chairman will move out from the meeting.

(iii) While conducting the meeting, names of the office bearers will be

decided in sequential order(i.e. First Chairman then Vice-Chairman, then Secretary and at last Treasurer)

(iv) If polling is required to be conducted for deciding the office bearers for the first year in that case only newly elected/nominated/ex. officio members of the Managing Committee will have the voting right.

(v) If polling is being conducted for the post of Chairman and after polling

there is a “tie”, in that case the outgoing/existing Chairman shall have a casting vote in this situation, though the outgoing / existing Chairman does not have the original vote.


(vi) If polling is being conducted for the post of Vice-Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer and after polling there is a “tie”, in that case the newly elected Chairman of the Managing Committee (who is chairing the meeting) shall have a casting vote in this situation. It is clarified here that in this situation the newly elected chairman of Managing Committee has two (2) votes; one original vote and one casting vote.

(vii) Co-opted member or ex. officio member cannot be elected or

nominated as office bearer of the Managing Committee.

B. Election of office bearers of the Managing Committee (for subsequent years of the term of the Managing Committee)

(i) The Managing Committee at its meeting to be held in the month of December every year shall hold a meeting to elect its Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for a period of one year commencing from the 19th day of January of the following year and so often as any of these offices become vacant, the Managing Committee shall choose another member of the Managing Committee to hold that office.

Provided that co-opted member or ex. officio member cannot be elected or nominated as office bearer of the Managing Committee.

(ii) A Member elected as Chairman shall not be eligible to be re-elected to the post of Chairman during the same term or tenure of four years. However, he shall be eligible to hold any other office bearer’s post during the four years term.

(iii) No member of the Managing Committee shall hold more than one post of office bearers during the same term.

26.2 Chairman’s duty

(i) The Chairman of the Managing Committee shall be the Chief Executive authority of the Managing Committee responsible for overall administration and affairs of the Chapter.

(ii) The Chairman shall be responsible and accountable for performing all duties and functions and activities of the Chapter including timely audit and maintenance of the accounts of the Chapter.

26.3 Duties of Secretary

(i) The Secretary shall perform his duties under the supervision and control of the Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, and shall be responsible for day to day management of the office of the Chapter.

(ii) The Secretary shall assist the Chairman in conducting meetings of the Chapter and the Managing Committee and shall record and maintain the minutes of such meeting(s).


(iii) The Secretary shall forward copy of the minute of every meeting to the

Regional Council and the Secretary to the Council within thirty days from the meeting.

26.4 Duties of Treasurer The Treasurer shall maintain accounts of the assets and liabilities, moneys

received and expended by the Chapter and finalize the annual accounts and budget of the Chapter.

27. Meeting of Chapter

27.1 Annual General Meeting

The Managing Committee shall fix the date, time and place for convening the Annual General Meeting of the Chapter every year to be held not later than the 30th day of June of the year to consider the adoption of Annual Report, Accounts and Auditors Report for the year ending the 31st day of March of that year and report of the Managing Committee on the activities of the Chapter, as ordinary business and any other business as special business, with explanatory note(s) on the nature of business.

27.2 Extraordinary General Meeting The Managing Committee may also convene other meetings which shall be

called extraordinary general meeting as often as it may deem necessary. 27.3 Notice of meeting

Fifteen days’ notice of the meeting specifying the date, place and time of such meeting along with agenda and accounts and in case of special business, the specific business along with explanatory note shall be sent to every Member of the Chapter in electronic mode or in writing.

27.4 Extraordinary meeting by requisition

a. The Managing Committee, on requisition made in writing by at least one-fifth of the total number of members of the Chapter as on date of requisition or twenty members, whichever is less, shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting.

b. Any such requisition shall specify the object for which the meeting is convened, shall be signed by the Members making the same and shall be delivered at the office of the Managing Committee under acknowledgement.


27.5 Requisitionists’ meeting On receipt of a proper requisition, the Managing Committees shall convene an

Extraordinary General Meeting within forty five days after the receipt of such a requisition. If the Managing Committee fails to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting within that period, the requisitionists may themselves convene a meeting within ninety days from the date of the requisition.

27.6 Business at an Annual General Meeting The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to receive and adopt the

Report of the Managing Committee, the auditor(s) report and annual accounts and transact such other business as has been circulated in the notice of the said meeting.

27.7 Chairman of General Meeting

(i) The Chairman of the Chapter or in his absence, the Vice-Chairman shall preside over the General Meeting of the Chapter.

(ii) In the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, members present in the meeting shall elect any member from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting.

28. Quorum in General Meeting of Chapter

28.1 Quorum at commencement (i) Seven members physically present in the meeting shall form the quorum. (ii) Where the quorum is not there throughout the meeting, no business shall be

transacted at any such General Meeting 28.2 Adjournment for want of quorum If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not

present, the meeting if convened upon requisition shall stand dissolved but in any other case shall stand adjourned to the same day, in the next week at the same time and place and at every such adjourned meeting, three members physically present, shall have the power to transact all the business which could properly be transacted by the meeting originally convened had the necessary quorum been present thereat.

29. Approval of business by majority Every member of the Chapter, whose name exists on the Chapter Register of

Members on the date of the meeting, shall have one vote and all decisions at all meetings shall be taken by a majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote in the capacity of a member.


29.1. Minutes of meeting The Chairman of the Managing Committee shall ensure that the minutes of all

meetings are properly drawn up and duly recorded. 30. Finance and Accounts

30.1 Constitution of Fund

The Institute shall constitute a Fund under the management and control of the Managing Committee into which shall be paid all moneys received by the Chapter and out of which shall be met all expenses and liabilities properly and judiciously incurred by the Managing Committee. Provided that no moneys from the fund of the Chapter shall be applied either directly or indirectly for payment to the Members of the Managing Committee of the Chapter except reimbursement of expenses actually incurred by them in connection with the activities of and for the purpose of the Chapter as per the prevailing Guidelines and no moneys out of the fund shall be utilized for any other purpose without the written approval of the Institute.

30.2 Funds The Funds of the Chapter shall consist of the following:

(i) grants and monies received by the Chapter from the Institute ; (ii) allocations or grant-in-aid received from the Regional Council; (iii) donations accepted and monies raised if any, in accordance with the

Financial Guidelines made by the Council; (iv) fees from programmes, seminars, workshops and other similar

activities; (v) voluntary contribution or donation for any specific activity in compliance

with the Financial Guidelines made by the Council; (vi) incentives for service provided in the based on the performance; and (vii) any other monies received by the Chapter including classroom teaching

fee, training fee, library fee.

30.3 Operation of Bank Account The banking account of the Chapter shall be operated by two signatories as

authorized by the Managing Committee, one of whom shall be the Executive Officer or Office In-charge of the Chapter and another shall be any of the office bearers of the Managing Committee of the Chapter.

30.4 Borrowings The Managing Committee shall not borrow or avail of overdraft facility or incur

any liability without prior written approval of the Council on the recommendation of the Regional Council.


30.5 Investment of Funds The Managing Committee may invest any money for the time being standing to

the credit of the Fund of the Chapter in any Government Securities or in nationalized bank as fixed deposit or in any other Securities approved by the Central Government.

31. Audit of Accounts

31.1 Appointment of Auditor The annual accounts of the Chapter shall be subject to statuary audit by a

Chartered Accountant in practice or by a firm of such Chartered Accountants, appointed in this behalf with the prior approval of the Regional Council.

31.2 Forwarding of Audited Accounts and Report A copy of the audited accounts along with the auditor’s report and report of the

Managing Committee shall be sent to the Regional Council concerned and the Institute not later than the 30th day of April of the following year.

31.3 Circulation of Accounts among Members (i) The audited accounts together with the auditor’s report and the report of

the Managing Committee shall be forwarded to the members of the Chapter at least seven days before the date of the annual general meeting and shall be placed for adoption before the Annual General Meeting.

(ii) The Managing Committee report shall generally state about the

finances, variation analysis in respect of income and expenditure and the efforts made for providing services to the members, students, the programmes organized for the dissemination of useful information and updating of the professional knowledge etc. during the year under review.

31.4 Adopted Accounts and Report to Regional Council and the Council A copy of the audited accounts and the report of the Managing Committee as

adopted at the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the Regional Council concerned and the Institute not later than seven days after the holding of the Annual General Meeting.

31.5 Internal Audit (i) The books of accounts and other records of the Chapter shall be subject to

internal audit as directed by the Council or Regional Council regarding schedule of submitting the report along with complete enclosures, replies and Action Taken Report.


(ii) Where Internal Audit Report duly complete in all respect is not received by the Institute or the Regional Council as the case may be, for any two consecutive quarters or half year till the date on which the receipt of the Internal Audit Report of the next quarter has become due, then special audit shall be arranged by the Institute or the Regional Council in respect of Chapter to be conducted at the cost of the Chapter. (iii) The Chairman of the Regional Council or the Chapter for which Special Audit has become due shall suggest the name of the local Special Auditor along with the proposed fee within one week from the date on which communication from the Institute or the Regional Council has been sent for conducting the special audit. (iv) The Special Auditor shall submit its Report to the Institute with a copy to the Regional Council or Chapter. (v) The Regional Council or the Chapter shall submit its reply on the observations to the Institute within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the Report.

(vi) The Special Audit Report shall be placed in the meeting of the Managing Committee or in the meeting of the Regional Council for taking necessary action thereon.

32. Property and Assets with the Chapter 32.1 All properties, assets and Funds with the Chapter shall vest with the Institute,

but the Managing Committee shall have the right to administer them subject to the control, supervision and direction of the Institute or its Committees through the Regional Council.

32.2 The physical verification of all properties, assets and Funds shall be conducted

at the close of every financial year in the presence of the statutory auditors and a report in this regard shall be forwarded to the Regional Council and the Institute latest by the 15th day of April of each following year.

33. Direction to and dissolution or Reconstruction of Chapter

33.1 The Council may, issue such directions to the Chapter or its office bearers or its Managing Committee as in the opinion of the Council are conducive to the fulfillment of the objects of the CS Act, and CS Regulations and Guidelines made thereunder in the discharge of its functions.

33.2 The Chapter or its office bearers or its Managing Committee shall be bound to

carry out any such directions. 33.3 Upon any incidence of non-compliance or failure to comply with the provisions

of the Act, rules, regulations, Guidelines and directions of the Council, the Council shall take appropriate action against such Chapter, its office bearers or its Managing Committee, as the case may be, as it may deem fit including


cancellation or suspension or setting aside all or any power of the office bearers or its Managing Committee or appointment of administrator with such power as the Council assigns for such period after giving the opportunity of being heard.

33.4 The Council may at any time, in consultation with the concerned Regional

Council, dissolve any Chapter after affording an opportunity of being heard to the concerned Chapter.

33.5 The Council may also, if it considers necessary so, merge or reconstitute a

Chapter. 33.6 If a chapter continues to incur operative losses for any consecutive two financial

years, then the Council may after giving the opportunity of being heard to the Chapter, decide to dissolve such a Chapter.

34. Officer and Staff of Chapter

Officer and staff of the Chapter shall be appointed by the Institute and the Chapter shall have no power to appoint any officer or staff on regular, casual or daily wage basis in the Chapter.

35. Procedure for formation of New Chapter On recommendation of concerned Regional Council (through passing a resolution at its meeting), the Council may give its in-principle approval for opening a new Chapter, subject to criteria mentioned at provision (6) of this Guidelines: -

i. An intimation will be sent by bulk email to all such members whose

professional address comes under the preview the proposed new Chapter, informing them that Institute is in process of opening a new chapter at respective locations.

ii. In the same email, they shall also be requested to express their willingness if they are interested to be inducted as member of the Managing Committee of respective Chapter to serve the Institute and profession. They will be asked to send their consent by email to the Chairman-of the respective Regional Council under whose Jurisdiction the new Chapter is being constituted (with copy mark to Regional Director of the respective Region).

iii. Out of the such consents received, the Chairman of the respective Regional Council, by passing a resolution in this regard at meeting of respective Regional Council, shall send recommendation for names of members twice the number of vacancy for the new Chapter (in order of preference) to be taken as member of the first Managing Committee of the concerned Chapter, to the President-ICSI for his approval.


iv. Out of the above recommendations as received from the Chairman of the respective Regional Council, the President – ICSI, will approve names equal to the number of vacancy who will be nominated in the first Managing Committee of respective Chapter for the term remaining in the period of the term of the current Regional Council/Council.

v. At the meeting of these members of the newly constituted Managing Committee at their respective locations on a convenient date, the names of office bearers (i.e. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) for the first year shall be decided by them amongst themselves.

vi. Notice for calling the first meeting of the Managing Committee of the new Chapter shall be issued by the respective Regional Director.

vii. The Chairman of the respective Regional Council will authorized any one Regional Council member of the respective Regional Council or the Regional Director of the respective region to go in person to the location to conduct the first meeting of the new Managing Committee on the date of the meeting. Initially, he/she will preside over the meeting to start the proceedings. Officer bearers’ names will be decided in sequential order i.e. firstly Chairman, then Vice Chairman, then Secretary & lastly Treasurer. After Chairman’s name is decided, he/she will hand over the chair to the new Chairman and further proceedings of the meeting shall be conducted by the new Chairman.

viii. The Directorate of Infrastructure to arrange a rented office premise, sign boards, office furniture, computer, telephone etc. required for the smooth functioning of the Chapters. Directorate of HR to deploy office staff at these new Chapters. Directorate of Finance & Accounts to ensure the opening of bank account of concerned Chapter. The respective Regional Director to ensure all above.

ix. After the above setup is ready, on a convenient day, the formal inaugural function of the Chapter may be organized when President-ICSI may visit to inaugurate the Chapter (or the inauguration of Chapter may also be done by any other Chief Guest, if President-ICSI is not available on the said date).

36. Functioning of ICSI Contact Centre

36.1) Introduction of ICSI Contact Centre

ICSI Contact Centre is an office of ICSI where no Managing Committee is in place and the staff will directly report to the Regional Director.

36.2) Administrator of ICSI Contact Centre


The Regional Director shall be Administrator and the ICSI Contact Centre will act as an extension counter for the Regional Office. The Role of the Administrator shall be as follows:

1. The Administrator will submit Quarterly report to the Institute. 2. The Administrator shall approve day to day expenses of running the

Centre. 3. The Administrator or any person deputed by him shall visit the ICSI

Contact Centre once in every quarter. 4. All certificates of the ICSI Contact Centre shall be signed under the

authority of the Regional Director.

36.3) Role of Executive Officer / In-Charge The role of the Executive Office / In-charge shall be as follows: (i) The In-charge of ICSI Contact Centre shall be authorized to make

routine payments, viz. Monthly rental of the premises, electricity, telephone charges.

(ii) The In-charge of ICSI Centre shall organise various Training Programs and seminars for stake holders after getting approval from the Administrator.

36.4) The working of the ICSI Contact Centre will be evaluated on Quarterly basis.

In case it is noted that the Managing Committee can be formed and other criteria like minimum number of member is in order, the Secretariat shall make recommendation to the Council for opening of a Chapter.

37. Leadership Summit

37.1 Objective

To bring all Central Council Members, all Regional Council Members, Chairmen of all Chapters (irrespective of grade), Regional Directors, Executive Officer / Office-in-charge at all Chapters, all HODs of ICSI including CGRT, GRKF, IPA, RVO and any other entity established by the Institute for common understanding about :-.

a) To educate all participants about the Institute. b) To develop a common strategic action plan of every Regional Council in

consensus with all Chapters under their jurisdiction for every year. c) To identify measurable targets in respect of the activities of each Regional

Council and Chapters and fix targets with clear timelines accordingly. d) To familiarize the work profile/ activities of each Directorate / Unit at HQ to the

elected members so that they can contact the right person for accomplishing the tasks.

e) To introduce the Central Council Members with the details of their respective Committees to all participants so that they know the right forum to approach for executing their ideas, suggestions and resolving their difficulties.


f) To create an opportunity for the Leadership to know each other so that it is easy for them to collaborate to achieve the targets.

g) To generate new ideas from all corners of the country to take Institute to newer heights.

h) To develop team building and leadership skills among all participants. i) To organize common Oath Taking Ceremony for all elected members and also

for HODs of the Institute. j) To give an opportunity of an Open House Session to all participants so that

important/critical issues can be deliberated for solutions. k) To create a sense of togetherness amongst all participants so that all have

space to raise constructive criticism and to take path-breaking decisions on the basis of such deliberations.

l) The standard list of participants of the program shall include All Central Council Members, All Regional Council Members, Chairmen of All Chapters, Secretary-ICSI, All HoDs (Joint Director and above), Dean-CCGRT, In-charge of all COEs of Institute, In-charge of ICSI-IPA, In-charge of ICSI-RVO, Regional Directors, Executive Officer / Office-in-charge of all Chapters, One representative of any other entity established by the Institute, selected support officials (as per need) to make various administrative arrangements, Any other participant as may be decided by President in consultation with Secretary.

37.2 Frequency/Structure of the Program 37.2.1 Frequency / Structure of the program shall be as under:

a) ICSI Leadership Summit shall be organized every calendar year. b) Whenever a new Central Council and Regional Councils are constituted

through election, during the first year the ICSI Leadership Summit shall be organized within one month of the formation of the new Central Council. Further, during the second, third and fourth year, the ICSI Leadership Summit will be organized within one month of election of new President. The exact date shall be decided by the President of the Institute.

c) During the four years term of a new Council, the first year program will be

conducted for three days, covering the following broad agenda:

For Central Council Members and participating HODs: (a) Introduction of HODs with their work profiles to Central Council Members. (b) Presentation by every Central Council Member, Secretary and HOD – one

single slide with three broad heads. Time allotted to every Central Council Member and Secretary shall be maximum 5 minutes and every HOD shall be 3 minutes.

(c) Orientation Programme with special emphasis on Vision Document (d) Team Building and Leadership Exercise.

For Regional Council Members, Chapter Chairmen and entire participating RDs/EOs/Office-in-charge from Regional Councils and Chapters:-


(a) Separate Meeting of Regional Councils with all Chapters under that Regional Council For all Delegates:-

(a) Oath Taking Ceremony (b) Introduction of HODs with their work profiles to all delegates (c) Introduction of all elected members. (d) Presentation of Action Plan of every region by Chairperson of the Regional Council (d) President’s Meet with entire Leadership Team of the Country. (e) Leadership and Team Building Session (f) Open House Session

37.2.2 In the program schedule, a session shall be included for award distribution ceremony, recreational/entertainment program, musical/cultural night cum gala dinner, various sports activities, quiz session (viz. GK quiz, Know your Institute etc.), motivational/leadership development session by any outside expert on soft skills/lifestyle management for the participants. To adjust the above sessions in the program structure, if required the duration of program may be extend from three to four days.

37.2.3 The program schedule for second, third and fourth year shall also developed

on similar lines as above by excluding the repetitions wherever required. President shall approve the exact program schedule.

37.2.4 President has the power to design / modify the Structure of the Program in

consultation with Secretary as per the requirement from time to time. 37.3 Budget

Budget of ICSI Leadership Summit shall be separately allocated from the overall budget of Institute.

37.4 Role & Responsibilities of Directorates Directorate of Co-ordination will be primarily responsible for the overall arrangements of the event. The President shall form a special team by selecting various employees for the successful conduct of the event.

37.5 TA/DA payable for attending the summit As per entitlements as approved by the Institute.

37.6 Oath Taking Ceremony Preferably one of the Union Ministers may be invited for the oath taking ceremony and deliver his/her special address to all the participants.


37.7 Prizes/Awards

37.7.1 Every year Institute decides various targets (Viz. Student Registration, Career Awareness Program, Various Training Program etc.) which is communicated in advance to all regional/chapters offices.

37.7.2 To encourage and motivate top achievers of targets in various category, the

Institute may recognize them by giving prizes/awards either in cash or kind. Some awards to motivate the employees of Institute-HQs may also be introduced.

37.7.3 Criteria for selection of achievers may be decided in advance and

communicated to all regions and chapters. Jury for deciding the criteria and selection of achievers/awardees shall be decided by the Institute.

37.8 Feedback

37.8.1 After the event is over, the Secretary to compile feedback and present ATR to

the President and thereafter seek quarterly report from the Regional Director/ Executive Officer as to whether they met the targets and goals as per the presentation or not and to follow up for implementation. The performance/ nonperformance on the presented targets and goals be linked appropriately with high weightage for deciding Best Regional Council/ Chapter Awards and promotions of the concerned employees.

37.8.2 Subsequently the above report of Secretary shall be placed before Council for


38. President Meet cum Review Meeting Review Meet of Leadership Summit or President Meet with Regional Council(s) shall be organized after six (6) months of Leadership Summit.

39. Guidelines for reimbursement of expenses to

members/special invitees for their official travelling for attending meetings/events/programs organized by respective Regional Councils or as per specific directions from Chairman of Regional Councils on recommendation of the Regional Director

39.1 Applicability of Guidelines: These guidelines shall be applicable as under:

i) To Members of the Regional Councils for attending meetings of Regional Council/various committee meetings of respective Regional Councils.

ii) To Members of the Managing Committees of Chapters for attending meetings organized by respective Regional Councils on its specific invitation.


iii) To any member of Institute (who has been given any special assignment by Chairman of respective Regional Council, on recommendation of respective Regional Director) for attending any special assignments/events.

iv) This guidelines shall not be applicable to the Past Presidents/Past Council members of Institute. For the purpose of reimbursement of travelling/lodging expenses/Daily allowance/Local conveyance etc. they will be treated at par with present Council members of Institute.

39.2 The following expenses shall be reimbursed by respective Regional Councils:

Sl No

Purpose Attended by

Location of Member

Class of Travel

1. For Attending Regional Council Meeting, *Executive Committee Meeting and *Functional/Sub-Committee Meeting

Chairman/Member of Regional Council ( including Ex-officio & Co-opted members)

Members Coming From outstation

Reimbursement of expenditure on actual basis for travel (to & fro) by shortest route : 1. By Air in Economy Class by direct and

shortest route – Original Boarding pass is to be submitted for claiming reimbursement.

2. By train by direct and shortest route in IInd AC by superfast train/Rajdhani Express or Chair Car (CC) in Shatabdi Express or by AC Volvo Bus -. Tatkal charges shall also be admissible if tickets are booked under “Tatkal” quota.

3. For intercity journey where above modes are not possible, reimbursement of actual fare of Taxi (to and fro) shall be reimbursed subject to submission of original bills.

4. Total Reimbursement towards travel (to and fro) will be restricted to Rs.15,000/- per visit irrespective of the mode of travel (train/air/road, etc.) for Managing Committee meeting. *Total Reimbursement towards travel (to and fro) will be restricted to Rs.8,000/- per visit irrespective of the mode of travel (train/air/road, etc.) for EC / Subcommittee meeting


39.3 Important Notes: 39.3.1 It is clarified that a Regional Council is allowed to conduct its various types of

meetings/special assignments/events/programs etc. at places which are falling under its jurisdiction only.

39.3.2 Reimbursement shall be at actual or the entitlement whichever is lower.

39.3.3 Original / Xerox / scanned copy of tickets to be attached to claim form. Ticket sent by email is allowed. Boarding Pass to be sent in original through courier.

39.3.4 Local Member means the Member belonging to the city wherein the Meeting/

Event is held. (For example, if SIRC’s Meeting / Event is held in Bangalore, all Members belonging to Bangalore shall be treated as Local Members.)

39.3.5 If claiming reimbursement by Taxi / Own Car, the meter reading be captured

at the time of commencement and completion of journey and the same is to be mentioned in the claim form.

39.3.6 Expenses incurred on car driver’s lodging/boarding will not be allowed,

however the expenses (daily allowances) incurred on hiring of driver in case of own car shall be reimbursed at actual or not more than Rs.500/- per day, whichever is lower.

39.3.7 If more than one Member travelling together in the same car then any one of

them is entitled to claim the amount.

39.3.8 Subject to the limit given above, actual en-route toll charges/parking can be claimed against toll/parking ticket in original / scanned copy.

39.4 Reimbursement of Hotel Accommodation / Lodging Expenses: Reimbursement of lodging expenses on actual basis for stay in hotel - not more than @ Rs 5000/- per day per head (on Twin Sharing Basis) + applicable taxes. Hotel stay shall be allowed for the number of days for which meeting is scheduled + one day extra (either one night before the scheduled date of commencement of meeting or one night extra after concluding day of meeting, depending upon his/her arrival/departure flight/train schedule). It would be appreciated that a member stays with Twin Sharing basis to reduce expenses.

39.5 Out of pocket expenses/Daily allowance (applicable for out station members only): Out of pocket expenses shall be payable as per rates mentioned in given below table to only such members who are coming from out station to attend the meeting/event. It will not be payable to local members. No other claims for food/beverages/entertainment shall be admissible. If meeting/event is held in such cities where Regional Office/A+&A grade chapters are situated

@ Rs 1000/- per day


If meeting/event is held in any other cities (other than above)

@ Rs 750/- per day

39.6 Actual agent’s commission or service charges paid for booking of air/rail/bus

ticket will be reimbursed. Submission of proof for Agent’s Commission is essential.

39.7 Reimbursement of Local Conveyance (applicable for Members coming from outstation or local): For Chairman, Ex-Officio/ Co-opted Members of the Regional Council, transportation shall be arranged by the Regional Council on demand. Remaining Members coming from outstation are to book Ola/Uber/prepaid cabs etc. from airport/railway station for local travel and claim reimbursement of same against the bills. The reimbursement will be made by the Regional Council as per the following:

a) Actual Taxi fare from residence/office to airport/railway station (to & fro) in the

city from where Member is coming to attend the meeting on submitting the bills. If he/she is not able to submit the bills, in such case he/she will be reimbursed @ Rs 10 per km subject to maximum of Rs. 1000/-.

b) Actual taxi fare from airport/railway station to Regional Office (or venue of

meeting) - to & fro journey, on submitting the bills. If he/she is not able to submit the bills, in such case he/she will be reimbursed @ Rs 10 per km subject to maximum of Rs. 1000/-.

39.8 Approval of the Chairman of Regional Council on the claim form is essential

before making reimbursement. Soft copy of claim form or scanned copy thereof is allowed in all cases.

39.9 Chairman of respective Regional Council and respective Regional Director are

to ensure that the above guidelines are followed strictly in letter & spirit.

40. Guidelines on Expenses payable by Chapters for meetings/assignments of Chapters :

40.1 Applicability of Guidelines:

These guidelines shall be applicable as under:

i) To members of the Managing committee of Chapters to attend the Managing committee meeting of Chapter or any other meeting/special assignments as approved by Chairman of respective Chapter.

ii) To any other member of concerned Chapter to attend any meeting/or special assignment which is approved by the Chairman of the respective Chapter.


It is clarified that since all members of the Chapter are local members and all meetings/programs are also being organized at local level, therefore, no reimbursement for travelling/lodging/local conveyance/out of pocket expenses/food expenses etc. shall be allowed to members for attending meetings/programs. It is further clarified that a Chapter is allowed to conduct its various types of meetings/special assignments at places which are falling under its jurisdiction only.

41. Guidelines for reimbursement of expenses to members/special invitees for their official travelling for attending meetings/events/programs organized by ICSI HQ or for attending other meetings as per specific directions from the ICSI HQ Expenses payable by HQ for meetings/assignments of HQ

41.1 Applicability of Guidelines: These guidelines shall be applicable as under:

i) To Members/Special Invitees of various Boards/Task Forces/Core Groups/Committee (other than standing & non-standing committee of Council) / sub-committees constituted by the Council for specific purpose for attending meetings of their respective committees.

ii) To Members of Regional Councils/Members of the Managing Committees of Chapters for attending meetings organized by ICSI HQ.

iii) To Member of the Regional Councils/Members of the Managing Committee of Chapters or any member of Institute (who has been given any special assignment by President/Vice-President/Secretary of ICSI or for approved schemes of ICSI) for attending any special assignments/events or other meetings in different parts of India as per specific directions issued by the ICSI HQ.

iv) To Chairman of Regional Councils/Chapters to received Best Regional Council/Best Chapter Award

v) This guidelines shall not be applicable to the Past Presidents/Past Council members of Institute. For the purpose of reimbursement of travelling/lodging expenses/Daily allowance/Local conveyance etc. they will be treated at par with present Council members of Institute.


41.2 The following expenses shall be reimbursed by ICSI HQ:

Sl No

Purpose Location of Member

Class of Travel

1. Class of Travel (for Inter-city travel within India)

Members Coming From outstation

Reimbursement of expenditure on actual basis for travel (to & fro) by shortest route : 1. By Air in Economy Class by direct and

shortest route – if distance between cities is more than 350 km. Original Boarding pass is to be submitted for claiming reimbursement, if tickets are not booked by HO.

2. By train by direct and shortest route in IInd AC by superfast train/rajdhani express or Chair Car (CC) in Shatabdi express or by AC Volvo Bus – if distance between two cities is equal to or less than 350 km. Tatkal charges shall also be admissible if tickets are booked under “Tatkal” quota.

3. If member is coming from any nearby location (within a maximum distance of 350 km), by Taxi, in such case actual taxi hiring charges shall be paid (to & fro) on submitting the original bills (Max @ Rs. 12 per km).

4. If member is coming from any nearby location (outstation) (within a maximum distance of 350 km) by his own car, in such case he/she will be reimbursed @ Rs. 12 per km. (to & fro).

5. Total Reimbursement towards travel (to and fro) will be restricted to Rs.15,000/- per visit irrespective of the mode of travel (train/air/road, etc.) for Managing Committee meeting.

Local Members

Not applicable


2. Local Conveyance

Members coming from outstation

Members coming from outstation are requested to book Ola/Uber/prepaid cabs etc. from airport/railway station for local travel and claim reimbursement of same against the bills. The reimbursement will be made by ICSI HQ as per the following: (a) Actual Taxi fare from residence/office

to airport/railway station (to & fro) in the city from where member is coming to attend the meeting on submitting the bills. If he/she is not able to submit the bills, in such case he/she will be reimbursed @ Rs. 10 per km.

(b) Actual taxi fare from airport/railway station to ICSI HQ (or venue of meeting) – to & fro journey, on submitting the bills. If he/she is not able to submit the bills, in such case he/she will be reimbursed @ Rs. 10 per km.

Local Members

Not applicable

3. Lodging Expenses / Hotel accommodation

Members coming from outstation

Reimbursement of lodging expenses on actual basis in hotel – not more than @ Rs. 7500/- per day per head on Twin Sharing basis + applicable taxes. It would be appreciated that a member stays with Twin Sharing basis to reduce expenses. In case anyone in compelled to stay in single occupancy due to some unavoidable reasons, then maximum up to Rs. 10,000/- per day + applicable taxes may be reimbursed subject to special approval from Secretary, the ICSI on case to case basis. Hotel stay shall be allowed for the number of days for which meeting is scheduled + one day extra (either one night before the scheduled date of commencement of meeting or one night extra after concluding day of meeting, depending up on his/her arrival/departure flight/train schedule).


Local Members

Not applicable

41.3 Important Notes:

41.3.1 The reimbursement by Head Office for specified meeting/events shall only be

for the specific persons who have been invited by ICSI-HQ for the meeting/event. Chairman of Regional Councils/Chapters are requested not to send any additional representatives without prior approval in writing from ICSI-HQ.

41.3.2 Reimbursement shall be at actual or the entitlement whichever is lower.

41.3.3 Original / Xerox / scanned copy of tickets to be attached to claim form. Ticket sent by email is allowed. If tickets are not booked by HQ than original Boarding Pass to be sent in original through courier.

41.3.4 Local Member means the Member belonging to the city wherein the Meeting/

Event is held. (For example, if Meeting / Event is held in Mumbai, all Members belonging to Mumbai shall be treated as Local Members.)

41.3.5 If claiming reimbursement by Taxi / Own Car, the meter reading be captured

at the time of commencement and completion of journey and the same is to be mentioned in the claim form.

41.3.6 Expenses incurred on car driver’s lodging/boarding will not be allowed,

however the expenses (daily allowances) incurred on hiring of driver in case of own car shall be reimbursed at actual or not more than Rs.500/- per day, whichever is lower.

41.3.7 If more than one Member travelling together in the same car then any one of

them is entitled to claim the amount.

41.3.8 Subject to the limit given above, actual en-route toll charges/parking can be claimed against toll/parking ticket in original / scanned copy.

41.3.9 Out of pocket expenses/Daily allowance (applicable for out station members only):

Out of pocket expenses shall be payable as per rates mentioned in given below table to only such members who are coming from out station to attend the meeting/event. It will not be payable to local members. No other claims for food/beverages/entertainment shall be admissible. If meeting/event is held in such cities where ICSI’s HQ/Regional Office/A+&A grade chapters are situated

@ Rs 1000/- per day

If meeting/event is held in any other cities (other than above)

@ Rs 750/- per day


41.3.10 Actual agent’s commission or service charges paid for booking of air/rail/bus ticket will be reimbursed. Submission of proof for Agent’s Commission is essential.

41.3.11 Recommendation of the coordinating HOD on the claim form is essential before making reimbursement. Soft copy of claim form or scanned copy thereof is allowed in all cases.

41.4 Removal of Difficulty: if any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these guidelines, the Secretary of Institute may make such provisions or give such directions as appear to be necessary for removal of the difficulty.

42 Guidelines for the Best Regional Council/Chapter Awards

The Council had instituted Best Chapter Award from the year 1984-85. Since 1999, the Best Chapter Award is given separately for each category, i.e. A-1, A, B, C, D and E. There is one ‘National Best Chapter Award’ common for all categories of the Chapters. Consequent upon the regrouping of Chapters with effect from 1st April 2008, the Chapters of the Institute has been re-graded as Grade A, B, C and D. In addition, there is one ‘National Best Chapter Award’ common for all categories of the Chapters. Consequent upon further re-grouping of Chapters with effect from 01st April 2012, the Chapters of the Institute has been re-graded as Grade A+, A, B, C, D. this guidelines further changes the grading as Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver etc.

The Guidelines for the Best Regional Council and Chapters were reviewed by the Council in its 262nd Meeting and by allocating specific weight-age to different activities being undertaken by the Chapters and approved the existing guidelines with effect for the financial year 2019-20 for Best Regional & Chapters Awards for the year 2019. The same is placed as under.

Best Regional / Chapter Award 2019

GL. No.

Particulars Max Marks Targets


Career Awareness Programmes & Participation in Career fairs/ exhibitions

(i) Number of Career Awareness Programmes held by the Chapter


(ii) Number of Career Fairs/Exhibitions in which the Chapter participated


(iii) Teachers' congruence 10


(A) Registration of Students (i) Target & Achievement - Foundation Programme


(ii) Target & Achievement – Executive Programme 10 (iii) On the spot registration 5


(iv) Attaining target of study centre 10 (v) Attaining target of signature award 10 (vi) No. of propagation on CS Commerce Olympiad


(B) Class Room Teaching

i). Class Room Teaching: total number of Students – for all the stages – who have undergone classes conducted by the Chapter office in the relevant Calendar year.

Foundation 15 Executive 15 Professional 10 ii). Tie-up with schools and colleges for library facility


iii). Refresher/ crash course ,Model Exam 10 (C) Student Month i. Number of activities conducted by your Chapter Office during Student Month


ii. Social activities like tree plantation, blood bank and the participation thereof


(D) Whether the Office organized Students’ Conference during the year: (YES / NO)


(E) Whether the Chapter organized Chapter level round for Moot Court Competition during the year: (YES / NO)


(F) No. of Candidates participated in Company Law Quiz during the year: (YES / NO)


(G) Whether the Chapter organized Chapter level round for India Elocution Debate/Competition during the year: (YES / NO)



Financial & Accounting activities (a) Surplus / Deficit as per audited Balance sheet 10 Surplus increased in comparison of previous year 5 (b) Submission of audited signed Balance Sheet Standalone Balance Sheet 5 Consolidated Balance Sheet (c) Submission of Quarterly Accounts 5 (d) Settlement of Advances for HQ National Programmes (Convention, PCS conference) and Other Programmes


(e) Inter Unit Reconciliation with Headquarters 5 Quarterly Reconciliation


(f) Submission of Internal Audit Report to Headquarters


(g) Maintenance of Assets Register and Physical verification of items at the close of the year and submission of report to HQ along with audited Annual Accounts


(h) Compliance of TDS & GST during the relevant financial Year.



Sale of Publications (a) Amount of Sale of Publications by the Chapter (i) Sale of Guideline Answers and Study Material/ Research Publications/RVO Publications


(ii) Whether Sale proceeds were remitted to the Institute’s Headquarters along with the Stock Statement on monthly basis within the deadline of 7th of the next month



Image Building initiative taken (A) Liaisons / Visits made to Central/State Government Department to seek new recognitions for CS Course & Profession (Provide details)


(B) New recognitions sought for CS Course & Profession (Provide details



P R Exercise (A) Press Releases issued in the Local Media during the relevant Calendar year (Attach Copy of the Press Releases issued)


(B) Press Clippings published in Local Media (Newspapers / Magazines)


(C) Coverage in Local Radio/ T.V Channels in the relevant Calendar year (enclose CD containing the Coverage)


(D) Press Conferences organized in the relevant Calendar year


(E) Sale of Brand Store items 10


Training Programmes : (a) No. of one day orientation program held in the relevant Calendar year


(b) No. of Management Skills Orientation Programmes (MSOP)/ CLDP held in the relevant Calendar year



Services Provided to Members (a) Placement Services provide to Members in the relevant Calendar Year


(b) Facilities being made available to Members 5


(c) Addition in CSBF 10 (d) Decreasing defaulters 10


Professional Development Programmes – For Members

Programmes held in collaboration with Regional offices and chapters (any conflict of date will invite a penalty of -10)


Paid Programmes held by the Chapters in the relevant Calendar year

(A) Corporate Membership Scheme, if any i. Number of Corporate Members added during the year


ii. Amount of Corporate Membership fees received during the year


iii. Deficit or surplus due to Corporate Membership Scheme


(B) Paid Seminars, Workshops and Participative Programmes held during the relevant Calendar year by the Chapter 5

Surplus / Deficit on Paid programmes (C) HQ’s Professional Development Programmes, if any, held by the Chapter in the relevant calendar year


FREE PROGRAMMES (D) Study Circle meetings held by the Chapter during the relevant Calendar year


(E) Talks and Lecture Meetings held by the Chapter during the relevant Calendar year.


(F) Opening of study circle in nearby districts 10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES – FOR STUDENTS

(G) Study Circle Meetings /Talks, Lecture Meetings and Whether Counselling cell organized Guidance programmes based on the Examiners’ observation held by the Chapter during the relevant Calendar Year.


(H) Interaction made by the Chapter in the relevant Calendar year with (Exclusive of Career Awareness Programme with Colleges / Universities / Schools)


(i) Universities/Colleges (ii) Chambers of Commerce and Industries (iii) Professional bodies (iv) Regulatory Authorities like SEBI, Stock Exchanges etc.


(I) Details of the academic inputs created by the Chapter in respect of the Professional Development Programmes organized in the relevant Calendar year.


Number and details of Background / Reference Material brought out by the Chapter Whether copies of the same have been sent to the Headquarters (J) CONSTITUTION OF COMMITTEES (i) Whether PCS/Student Committee has been constituted and intimation to this effect has been given to HQs. And its no. of meetings


(ii) Number and details of views /suggestions / comments sent to HQs on various issues / consultative papers as desired by the Headquarters.





(i) Number and amount of advertisements/ sponsorship secured by the Chapter for the last National Convention held in the relevant Calendar year.


(ii) Number of delegates enrolled by the Chapter for the last National Convention held in the relevant Calendar year



Amount of advertisements/sponsorship/Assistance secured by the Chapter for the last Corporate Governance Award Function held in the relevant Calendar year


(C) PCS CONFERENCE (i) Number of Members attended the PCS Conference


(ii) Amount of Advt./Sponsorship secured by the Chapter for PCS Conference


11 Compliance of Chapter Management Guidelines



Subscription of the CS Journal by the students and trade and industry in the Region / Chapter

a) Percentage Students subscription increased 5 b) Percentage Industry/ Corporates subscription increased


13 MIS


(a) Dashboard usage and updation (one day orientation programme)


(b) Updation of calendar of events (on portal) 10 (c) Updation of credit hours 10


Managing Committee meetings (a) Timely meeting, issue of notice, issue of agenda and minutes


(b) Cohesiveness in working of Managing Committee


(c) Co-option of person in Managing Committee and its attendance




Particular Proposed Negative Marks

1 Delay in payment of Goods and Service Tax (GST)


2 Delay in payment of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)


3 Delay in payment of Professional Tax (PT) -10

4 Delay in the filing of Returns of Goods and Service Tax(GST), Tax Deduction at source(TDS), Professional Tax (PT)


5 Other Noncompliance of Statutory or Local tax laws





Annexure – A

** The various formats as proposed shall be converted into online mode and thereafter will be deemed redundant



Name & Address of the Regional Council/Chapter


Working Hours Employee (s) Amount Payable Monthly Office Rent

Cash & Bank Balance Opening Balance Closing Balance Cash Rs. Rs. Bank Rs. Rs.

Reimbursement for the quarter ending: Claimed Received

Publication Account for the month (Amount in Rupees): Opening Additions Sales Amount remitted

to ICSI Closing dues to ICSI not


Stock Position (Quantity) as on: Study Material Guideline Answers Exam Books Others Opening Balance


Oral Coaching Course Started on Total Number of

Students Completed

In Next Batch Remarks


Regional Council/Chapter Activities

(i) Other Activities (ii) Programmes/Workshops/Seminars/meetings (iii) Professional Development Programmes

Sl. No. Date Topics Venue Chief Guest/Speaker Attendance

Capital Expenditure incurred During the period From _____________________________ to


Library Books Purchased

Furniture & Fixtures purchased

Remitted by ICSI

Cumulative up to the end of the period From ______________________________________ to

________________________________ Any other point(s) including matters pending with _______________________________ / ICSI for action etc. Place: Date: Executive Officer / In-Charge

Verified by Chairman /Secretary





Telephone No:- Fax No:-

Mobile No:- E-mail Id Regional Office/Chapter:-

Office Timings:-

Name and Designation of Office-In charge:-

Telephone Nos.

(O) : (R) : (M) :

E-mail Id:

Please indicate whether the office is operating from its own/rented premises

Availability of Library facility and its Timings



YEAR ________ Details of Regional Council/Managing Committee Members Chairman Name :

Designation : ACS/FCS no : CSBF Member : Yes / No LM No. KYM Filled : Yes / No Professional Address : Residential Address : Tel. No.: Office : Resi : Mobile No : Fax No.: Office : Resi : Email IDs :

Vice - Chairman Name : Designation : ACS/FCS no : CSBF Member : Yes / No LM No. KYM Filled : Yes / No Professional Address : Residential Address : Tel. No.: Office : Resi : Mobile No : Fax No.: Office : Resi : Email IDs :

Secretary Name : Designation : ACS/FCS no : CSBF Member : Yes / No LM No. KYM Filled : Yes / No Professional Address : Residential Address : Tel. No.: Office :


Resi : Mobile No : Fax No.: Office : Resi :: Email IDs :

Treasurer Name : Designation : ACS/FCS no : CSBF Member : Yes / No LM No. KYM Filled : Yes / No Professional Address : Tel. No.: Office : Resi : Mobile No : Fax No.: Office : Resi : Email IDs :

Members Name : Designation : ACS/FCS no : CSBF Member : Yes / No LM No. KYM Filled : Yes / No Professional Address : Residential Address : Tel. No.: Office : Resi : Mobile No : Fax No.: Office : Resi : Email IDs :

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