28 august blenheim sun

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Blenheim Sun 28 August 2013 Issue


Flight of the falconOutlook for TodayMainly fine, but showers and southeasterlies at night.

Sun Weather Today 3-17 Thursday 1-12 Friday -1-11 Saturday 0-15 call us on: 5777 868

WednesdayAugust 28, 2013

SSSunBlenheim Marlborough


By Kristy MartinRenowned woodcarver Pita Rua is working on

his latest venture, a giant falcon to be the mascot for an art gallery at Wairau Valley Village.

Mr Rua, from Picton, is a carving master with 50 years’ experience, and it was he who crafted the impressive bears for the 3 Bears café at Renwick.

His falcon, carved with an electric chainsaw from macrocarpa wood, is located at the Te Rere Karearea, or the Flight of the Falcon, art gallery and wood carving studio owned by artist Rosana Mae.

The gallery, on SH 63, features the works of 14 artists and is still being developed by Ms Mae, who is in the process of installing a café.

OPEN 7 DAYS - 5.30pm til late

17B Maxwell Road, Blenheim

Phone: 577 5000

2 Wednesday August 28, 2013 SunThe

How to reach us

Telephone(03) 5777-868E-mail news@blenheimsun.co.nzsales@blenheimsun.co.nz


Address 72 High St, BlenheimP.O.Box 634 Blenheim

Fax (03) 5777-863www.blenheimsun.co.nz

Katrina Whiteside

Les Whiteside

The Sun 18,701 copies.

The largest circulating

newspaper in Marlborough.


Trusted for generations

The manager of a vineyard located on State Highway 63 arrived at work on Monday to find more than 1200 litres of diesel stolen sometime at the weekend.

While investigations continue the vine-yard is not being named, but the manager described the theft as “a massive loss”.

“I have heard of recent thefts happening but not of this amount,” he said.

The vineyard’s 1500 litre diesel tank had been locked securely last Friday but when the manager arrived on Monday he

noticed the hose laying on the ground and evidence of foul play.

The approximate cost of the stolen diesel could be around $2000 he said.

The Blenheim Police are investigating and the manager said they may have some leads.

If anyone has information they are encouraged to contact Police.

“It was a lot of diesel so it’s possible people may have seen a vehicle with drums or a tanker on the back.”

Over 1000L of diesel stolen from vineyard

Environmental group Sustain Our Sounds (SOS) has announced it will take its bid to stop the New Zea-land King Salmon expansion in the Marlborough Sounds to the Supreme Court.

The move comes just weeks after two appeals, lodged by Save Our Sounds and the Environmental Defence Society, against the decision allowing King Salmon to develop four new marine farms were thrown out by a High Court judge.

The applications were originally submitted to the Environmental Protection Authority and accepted by the Minister of Conservation to be of national significance, before being processed by a Board of Inquiry.

“SOS has carefully considered whether to spend its scarce resources on an appeal to the Supreme Court,” said Danny Boulton, chairman of Sustain Our Sounds.

“We have decided to go ahead in the interest in clarifying the law about how a Board of Inquiry should ap-proach its decision-making regarding a proposal of national significance.

“This is the first time a Board of Inquiry has considered a plan change and resource consents concurrently.

“We do not accept its reliance on elaborate resource consent conditions

to protect the environment.”New Zealand King Salmon chief

executive Grant Rosewarne has hit back at Sustain Our Sounds, saying the group had been forced to give up its appeal based on environmental protection grounds because there was “no case to answer”.

“They are now instead seeking to overturn the decision to award four farms (6 surface hectares) on a techni-cality as to whether a plan change and a resource consent can be considered concurrently.

“I think this speaks volumes as to

the lack of credibility at the base of SOS’s position.”

He went on to say that any further delays in the expansion could lead to a biosecurity threat, as well as placing jobs at risk.

“Our entire company is dependent on two surface hectares of water space in the Marlborough Sounds.

“Four hundred and thirty people are depending on the fact we have been awarded six additional hectares.

“This expansion will let them farm in a more biosecure way.

“Any further delays will therefore

be putting jobs and our biosecurity at risk.”

But Mr Bouton said his group were concerned the expansion had been rushed through without a full investi-gation of environmental impacts.

“It is alarming that the King Salmon proposal may go ahead on so little evidence of the environmental ef-fects and antidotal benefits of salmon farming in the Sounds, which was acknowledged by the Board of Inquiry as a ‘fundamental failing’,” he said.

“SOS looks forward to having the Supreme Court rule on which approach is correct in such circum-stances.

“This would allow us to hopefully achieve the best outcome for our com-munities and environment for the long term.”

But Mr Rosewarne refutes that, saying his company has injected $10 million into research.

“New Zealand King Salmon has been operating successfully in both environmental and economic terms for 20 years.

“We have just funded $10 million worth of research and legal expenses in our attempt to grow. We would not be able to do this if we were not a highly successful company,” he said.

King salmon battle back on

New Zealand King Salmon chief executive, Grant Rosewarne.

Chairman of Sustain Our Sounds, Danny Boulton.

SunThe 3Wednesday August 28, 2013

inbriefDHB canDiDates

There are 23 candidates contest-ing seven positions in the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board election this year.

Six out of the current seven elected board members are seeking re-election. The only sitting board member not standing is John Inder. Some of the candidates are currently on DHB Advisory Committees as community members. Voting is by postal vote in September and early October.


ProPerty Damage

All proper ty owners with earthquake damage anywhere in Marlborough are advised to contact EQC. Even if an EQC claim was lodged after the July quake, people must contact EQC (0800 326 243) to register a further claim as the latest earthquakes are a new event. EQC allows three months to lodge a claim.

EQC will have a strong presence in Seddon this week after setting up a temporary office next to the Awatere Community Information Centre on Duncan Street in Seddon.

There has been an enormous response to the welfare needs of the people of Seddon and Ward. The Community Information Office at Seddon has received many offers of all kinds of help.

Rather than overwhelm this cen-tre, people are asked to contact the Marlborough District Council, Ph: 03 520 7400, as a first step. Council will compile a register of donations, volunteers and offers of support which will be passed on to the Seddon Community Information Office.

Donations for eartHquake

By Kristy MartinLike most seven-year-olds, Kaleb

Webb just wants to run around and play.

But for somebody with a heart defect, it is difficult to perform even these basic activities.

Kaleb has a rare condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome, meaning his left ventricle, the pumping ventricle, is severely underdeveloped.

“It basically means he only has half his heart,” Kaleb’s mum Vanessa said.

“He’s had three open heart sur-geries, one at six days old, one at 12

weeks and one at three years and he still has more surgeries to go.

“I feel gutted for him. He gets puffed out way quicker than any-one else, but he jut wants to be so normal.

“He just did the cross country. I swear I cry a little every year he does it.”

Vanessa has her hands full with Kaleb, a Year Three student at Wairau Valley School, his older brother Connor, 9, and their little sister Jaidyn, 2, who also suffers from a heart condition.

So she is incredibly touched by the generosity and support

demonstrated by Wairau Valley School staff and students, who recently held a Jump Rope for Heart event to raise money for the Heart Foundation.

“The beauty of going to a little school is that they all look after Kaleb,” Vanessa said.

“And the school has supported us with fundraisers every year.”

School principal Charlotte Whit-low said even Kaleb’s condition couldn’t impede his desire to be active.

“He did the cross country and came third in his year group.”

The school recently obtained a

defibrillator to keep onsite and all staff have been trained to use it.

Thirty-eight students and their teachers took part in the Jump Rope for Heart skipping challenge, which raised $841 for the Heart Foundation.

“We just wanted to do something special for Kaleb and to get all the parents and students involved,” Ms Whitlow said.

Darryl Bishop from the Heart Foundation in Auckland also attended and presented the school with certificates of appreciation.

Kaleb and his brother Connor raised $500 for the cause alone.

School rallies around Kaleb kaleb Webb, who suffers a condition called hypoplastic left heart.


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students at Wairau Valley school raised about $700 during their Jump rope for Heart event. inset: kaleb Webb, who suffers a condition called hypoplastic left heart.

Story by Celeste LodewykThe flood of support for Seddon

and the surrounding areas follow-ing the 6.6 magnitude earthquake on August 16 has not yet ceased.

The Sun received a call yesterday from “a retired bloke”, who did not want to be named, to say he and two of his friends would be selling raffle tickets this weekend to raise money for affected residents.

“We are just three blokes who want to help out so we have cut

four square metres of firewood and will be raffling it to raise money so we can purchase new crockery for those who lost the lot in the quakes.

“There are people living it rough, some of the residents don’t have a cup or plate. They lost a lot.

“We don’t want any praise, we just want to have some fun and raise some money. It keeps us out of mischief,” he laughed.

Supporting the raffle is the Ware-house Blenheim store who has

offered a discount to the men when they purchase the new crockery.

“We couldn’t believe the generos-ity, but it means we can buy more with the money we raise,” he said.

The raffle tickets will be sold at the Blenheim Rotary Car Boot Sale on Saturday morning, then the men will have a stand at New World Supermarket where they will continue sellling Saturday and Sunday.

The winner of the raffle will have

the wood delivered on Monday and the crockery will be handed over to the Awatere Community Informa-tion Centre to be distributed to those in need.

“We are really hoping to raise around $600 so if the community can support us we would really appreciate it.

“We are grateful to the Ware-house and New World Supermar-ket for their support.”

Raffle to purchase crockery for Seddon this weekend

Wednesday August 28, 2013 SunThe4

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Tall PoppiesI had a discussion earlier this week about Tall Poppy syndrome. Seems it’s still quite an ‘art form’ both locally and nationally. We need tall poppies to give structure and form to a garden, and it is no different in society. Recently one researcher into tall poppy syndrome in NZ found, let alone celebrating other people’s success, people felt really reticent about celebrating their own success!

Personally I find tall poppies inspiring - and usually lots of fun!

There is so much in life we would not have if it wasn’t for those who are prepared to put their head above the parapet. How much more could be achieved if we encouraged rather than ‘chopped’?

In the jewellery worldKAREN WALKER

is one Tall Poppy we love.Described in the latest Fashion Quarterly as a Shining Star she is the epitome of a tall poppy who just continues to grow!Keep your eyes open for who is wearing Karen Walker Jewellery and Diamonds. A very clever lady, she has something to suit so many personal styles and tastes.

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By Kristy MartinSixteen-year-old Nicholas Ben-

nett has not only gained skills and confidence through the Gateway Programme, he now has a new job as well.

The Marlborough Boys’ College student has taken up an appren-ticeship at Stainless Systems steel fabricators in Riverlands after successfully completing a seven week placement there.

Learning to weld has been a challenge for Nick, who found out that it takes great skill and practice.

“I really like that satisfaction of making something and seeing the finished product,” he said.

Nick is the second Gateway stu-dent to be employed by Stainless Systems owner Robin Roselli, who praised the teenager’s en-thusiasm.

“If we are starting a job at 7am, he’ll be there at 6.45am,” he said.

“The other guys love having him around, they’ve taken him under their wing and are really helping him out.”

Mr Roselli said he was happy to support the college.

“Someone gave me an opportu-nity once, many years ago, and so I’d like to do that for somebody else,” he said.

Gateway is a government-funded initiative aimed at giving students hands on experience in the work-force.

This year 30 students from Marlborough Boys’

College participat-ed, in fields as di-verse as banking, caregiving, pest control, sports and pilot training.

Students get a head start

Left, Gateway student Nicholas Bennett with his new employer Robin Roselli of Stainless Sys-tems. Above, learning new skills onsite.

By Kristy MartinThe future is looking bright for New

Zealand wine, according to industry representatives.

Wine is one of the little luxuries that people won’t go without, says Philip Gregan, chief executive of New Zealand Winegrowers.

“In general terms, the impact of the recession has been relatively minor,” Mr Gregan said, as the company released its annual report figures.

“Yes, people have cut back on their spending, but they still like to buy small luxuries, including a nice bottle of wine.”

He said you could tell the industry was in good shape just by seeing new vineyards cropping up around Marlborough.

“We really haven’t seen any new vines going in since 2008 but now we are

starting to see the first signs of renewed planting, which is very positive.”

The New Zealand Winegrowers An-nual Report up to June 2013 showed a continued international demand for New Zealand wine.

“The small 2012 grape crop meant wine was in short supply and wineries took the opportunity to improve their positioning in the market,” said Steve Green, chair of New Zealand Winegrowers.

“The end result was a 3% increase in the export value to a record $1.21 billion but 5% lower export volume”.

A record 345,000 tonnes of grapes were harvested in 2013.

North to South experienced ideal grape growing conditions with a long dry summer providing well balanced, well-ripened fruit. The 2013 crop is up 28%

on the small 2012 harvest, but up only 5% on 2011.

“Winemakers have welcomed the more normal 2013 harvest as the improved sup-ply will facilitate renewed export growth in the year ahead,” Mr Green said.

This generated a renewed optimism amongst growers and wineries and led to the new vineyard plantings. But Mr Green warned that if the industry is to learn from the recent past, new plantings must be market-led and demand driven.

He said there were still challenges for both growers and wineries, and supply discipline remains as essential now as ever before.

The Bragato Wine Conference, the largest event of its kind for New Zealand’s wine industry, will kick off in Blenheim today.

NZ wine industry looks to the future

Total market coverage in Marlborough

To advertise your business, call Katrina

on (03) 5777 868

SunThe 5Wednesday August 28, 2013

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inbriefPoliceBail Breach and assault

On Friday Police made four arrests, the first at 3:30pm of a 17-year-old male for breach of bail conditions. He was held in custody and appeared in court.

This was followed by the arrest of a 23-year-old male vineyard worker for a historic common as-sault and wilful damage and will appear in the Blenheim District Court on September 2.

Later that evening at 10:30pm a 25-year-old unemployed male and a 23-year-old female were arrested for being unlawfully on property at a Newman Rd property without a reasonable excuse. They too will appear in the Blenheim District Court on September 2.

Wilful damage caught in act

On Saturday Police began their arrests in the early hours of the morning with a 56-year-old fe-male sickness beneficiary who was found breaching her bail conditions by being intoxicated in

Mary Street. She was held in custody and appeared in the Blenheim District Court that morning.

Shortly after Police arrested an 18-year-old male student at 12:05am on Market St for the assault of another male. He was held in Police custody until sober and released with a pre-charge warning.

Later in the evening at 11:15pm an 18-year-old la-bourer was arrested for wilful damage after he was observed damaging real estate signs. He received a pre-charge warning and was released.

OBstructing a POlice Officer

At 1am on Sunday Police took into custody a 42-year-old beneficiary due to her level of intoxication and in-ability to look after herself. She was released when sober.

Arrests continued at 8:50am when an 18-year-old unem-ployed female was arrested at a Faulkland Drive property after she assaulted a family member. She appeared in the Blenheim District Court on Monday.

Later that day at 5:45pm a 17-year-old female student

was arrested for Obstructing a Police officer in the execution of his duty when Police went to a Battys Rd address to in-vestigate a domestic dispute. She received a pre-charge warning and was released.

At 8:32pm a 48-year-old fabricator was arrested for disorderly behaviour on Grove Road. He was held in Police custody until sober and was released with a pre-charge warning.

unlaWfully On a PrOPerty

In the early hours of Mon-day morning around 3:25am a 27-year-old male was arrested on Hospital Rd after being observed on a property in the Hospital Road area. He was unable to provide a reason-able explanation for being on the property and has been charged with being unlawfully on property. He will appear in the Blenheim District Court on Septem-ber 2.

Last Thursday night a Park Terrace Busi-ness was broken into and tools, tyres and engine oil were taken.

Also on Thursday, the Anglican church on High Street, Renwick was targeted by a burglar. The offender has broken into the tool shed and taken a number of tools from the shed.

Early into Saturday evening the driver’s side window of a vehicle parked outside the Boat House Theatre was smashed.

The St Pauls church in Kaikoura was also targeted on Saturday evening with two windows being smashed by rocks. Police say they have no suspects.

In Blenheim on Saturday night two vehi-cles parked on Stuart Street were interfered with. The offender has attempted to gain entry to the vehicle’s by forcing door locks.

Burglars have been targeting vehicles and businesses over the weekend.

Weekend marred by burglary attempts

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Animalshave roar-some time

SunThe6 Wednesday August 28, 2013

Do you enjoy the warmth of your log burner? Make the most of it. If the

council continues to follow the lead of others, they will be banned.

This I am vigorously opposed to.


for Mayor

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Story and photos by Kristy Martin

Fur, feathers, onesies and even pyjamas graced the catwalk during an animal-themed mufti day at the Blenheim School last Friday.

Some fierce and others friendly, the students had fun dressing up as their favourite animals, and a few even got their faces painted just for the occasion.

Deveon Mead, 5, proved she was a roar-some lion and Chloe Speck became a vibrant bird of paradise, complete with mask and feathers.

Christina Vehikite was a stand-out with her snow owl costume that she worked all night on with the help of her mum.

The kids did an outdoor parade to show off their safari-style fashions.

Gold coin donations from the day went towards the Room 2 students’ upcoming camp to Wellington, where they will be visiting the Wel-lington Zoo.

This was the inspiration for the theme.

Check out more photos on Out & About page 22

It was the one day of the year we could eat all the cupcakes we wanted and not feel guilty.

And so the local community threw its support wholeheartedly behind the SPCA Cupcake Day on Monday, to help raise funds for animal welfare.

“It went really well,” said Marlborough SPCA office man-ager Kate Horrey.

“We had a stall at the Warehouse in Blenheim, we had a couple of volunteers selling cupcakes from business to business, with one of them dressed as a bear, and we had MP Colin King delivering pre-ordered cupcakes to businesses.”

Ms Horrey said there were fewer

orders than last year, but they were bigger.

Cupcake registrations had also increased nationwide.

“We’d really like to thank all the people who supported us through baking, selling and buying.

“We had one person who got up at 4am to start baking and others who baked for entire days.”

She also gave a special shout out to the businesses who supplied cupcakes and the company who donated the ingredients.

The amount of money raised has not yet been tallied, but all funds will go toward SPCA’s efforts to save the lives of animals and prevent animal cruelty.

Toby Bowler, 2, from Picton and Analena McNabb, 2, from Blenheim get their cupcakes from SPCA volunteers Freda Clout and Anne Leckie at The Warehouse stall.

Success for SPCA Cupcake Day

Blenheim School's Room 2 students, with teacher Suzanne Orchard.

L-R, Kelsi Hart dressed up as a pig, Jar-rod Temaro was a lion and Chloe Speck became a bird of paradise.

SunThe 7Wednesday August 28, 2013

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8 SunThe

Q: What have been the biggest projects undertaken by this council and were you for or against them?

readers have their say... with the WORD on the Street.Sun

Tessa FletcherBlenheim

Progress is good for the CBD, anything that makes the facilities better and more convenient. We are a small town but we don’t have to act like one.

Annette HamptonBlenheim

I think the theatre was a waste of money. I can’t say what the money should have been spent on, but there are definitely more deserving projects.

Barry SatherleyBlenheim

That carpark was a waste of time and money, and so is the new theatre. They could have used the money to improve some of the shops instead.

Richard Tau’alupeBlenheim

We didn’t need the carpark. Nobody parks there and the money could have been spent on activities and projects for the youth, to keep them out of trouble.

Grant AbramsKekerengu

I work in town and I think projects like the theatre are good for Blenheim if they bring in more events and tourists.

Pam LoganBlenheim

The theatre is the most recent one and I am definitely for it. At the time, it was the best project for the money to go to. I think the location will extend the use of the Clubs and the theatre.

Letters to the editorLetters on issues of community

interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication.

The editor reserves the right to

abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication.

Send or fax them to the address on page two, or e mail them to news@blenheimsun.co.nz. Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

Wednesday August 28, 2013

Dear Ed,I am appalled at the treatment that myself and

others have received by WINZ. We who were tax payers before we fell on hard

times mostly receive the bare minimum weekly allowance.

Some of us pay high rent each week, which only gives us about $20pw to live on.

That tends to always occur to those 25 and above. Yet there those between the ages of 17 - 22 who

pay no taxes and purposely get pregnant so as to claim twice the minimum benefit or more for doing nothing.

That is where the system is so flawed and is so unjust to the once working individual who is only asking for a little bit of help.

Gary Hobson

Dear Ed,Your interview with former Coun-

cillor and Mayor, Leo McKendry makes for an interesting read. Why, at this time, would someone well and truly “out of the loop” since 1995 pick this time, in particular, to make a stand clearly in favour of long stand-ing Councillors and the incumbent Mayor? There surely can’t be an “A” team outside chambers as well could there?

His comments with respect to some (unnamed) “new” Councillors are nothing short of opinionated and condescending. Everyone has to start somewhere in order to gain the experience he says is so necessary. They are grown adults, Leo, and do not need a mid 90’s commentator to tell them how to behave, think and conduct themselves. The “complexity and difficulties” you speak of is theirs to undertake not for you to tell them

they may not be up to the challenges. Goodness me, in your day the RMA had only just been invented.

He also makes a silly comment that we need to find out who these people are. Of course we do. I know I, for one, don’t need to be told this before casting my vote for people to lead this great region.

With all due respect, this article is trite in the purest sense of the word. I remain confident (sic) that some other external “A” team is not at work here?

Fresh thinker

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WINZ flawedDear Ed,I too would add my congratulations

regarding your excellent series of articles on the current Marlborough District Councillors.

It was interesting to read their com-ments and it was also very telling that with the exception of three of them all the rest made very clear and favourable comments about the ability of the cur-rent Mayor Alistair Sowman and their desire that he should get another term.

There have been comments about “time for a change”, ”9 years is long enough” etc however I would make

the comment that Sir Alex Fergusson, the famous coach of the Manchester United Soccer team was at the top of his game for 28 years!!

Alistair has been arguably the best Mayor that Marlborough has had for many years and he still has that same desire to succeed and the ability to pull a team together.

I trust that you will do another series of articles on the other candidates as your paper seems to be the only one showing any leadership in this area.


Dear Ed,Uh? John Key wants us to believe that the GSB

proposed law will be okay and we have his promise not to spy on Kiwis?

What if he has a brain-fade, an affliction to which he has shown he is prone to?

Anyhow when would you trust a politician?An ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (470 BC-

399 BC) once said "I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live."

And Abraham Lincoln said "Politicians are a set of men and --- who are to say the most of them are --- at least one long step removed from honest men."

Should we believe John Key above Socrates and Lincoln?

Don Coyote

Spying Assurance Worthless

Desire to succeed

Former Councillor and Mayor, Leo McKendry.


Dear Ed,Former mayor Leo McKendry in the “Sun”,

seemed to be making a play for retaining the present council and not voting for any newcomers. Is this proper? Should an ex-mayor be trying to influence the voters?

Dwelling on the subject, why would you vote for most of the present council? Rates have risen greatly. Expenditure is over the top on “white elephants”. Consultants and lawyers are profiting in spite of a staff of over 200, many bureaucrats.

Contrary to McKendry’s edict, there’s a case to inject new blood and more “people say”. Some exist-ing councillors are good and speak up against the “A team” elite. Jessica Bagge, Jamie Arbuckle and Geoff Evans are good value. Despite McKendry’s dictate, I’m voting for a few new faces such as David Lloyd too.

Frank Henry

Old Mayor’s opinion

Dear Ed, Well stone the crows! What’s one-time mayor Leo

McKendry doing telling us people how to vote? It looks like an “Old Boys” club to me. I reckon

it’s time for a bit of a clean-out. There’s some councillors who never say “boo” for 12 months of the year. Others have their own personal agendas. Others can’t even run their own businesses. Time to go! New faces?

You bet! Awake Voter

Old boys club

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9SunThe Wednesday August 28, 2013

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Of the five directors on the National Stroke Association Board, Pete Car-penter of Blenheim is the only South Island member – and the only stroke survivor.

“Survivor, not victim,” says Pete firmly. “Our families are the victims.”

Twelve years ago Pete was 42 and working for the contracting firm T.C. Nicholls.

Without warning, he had a serious stroke.

“They can’t pinpoint why.” Pete and wife Barbara’s two sons

were at that stage getting ready to leave home, one to university, the other to work.

However, any plans for a new stage in their lives evaporated when, just before New Year’s Eve, 2008, Pete woke about 1.30am. His body wouldn’t work.

“I was basically a blith-ering idiot. My arm was affected and my walk-ing wasn’t good.”

His eldest son, then 17, took him to Wairau Hospital, where the di-agnosis became obvious.

It wasn’t good. “They told me I wouldn’t walk and I probably wouldn’t work again.”

“I just thought ‘No way’. However, I did sometime hear the words pig-headed and stubborn. And that’s true.”

Pete was in hospital for a month. It took three weeks before he tried walk-ing. He was motivated though.

“Scary things those wheelchairs.” The therapy helped a lot in the time

allocation he said. “But after the first three to six months

you are pretty well on your own.”“The equipment at home is not as

good as the hospital and you can only do what you can do,” he said.

He then hit a brick wall mentally. “I wasn’t earning a cent. There were

two kids to be fed, and a mortgage.

“Luckily Barbara’s employer was really good about her having time off when it was needed.

“If I’d lost an arm in an accident breaking into someone’s else’s house I’d have got a huge amount of money. I’ve largely lost the use of my arm and I get nothing.”

The national association keeps try-ing to get equality between ACC and sickness, he says.

Pete misses some things. “I used to have a lot of fun trail bike riding down the Sounds. I can’t do it anymore, though I still go whitebaiting and really enjoy that. Luckily I’m a glass half full sort of person.”

He has also been able to con-tinue his heavy involvement in Eastern States Speedway, where he is the steward. And holidays,

which he never took, are big on the agenda too. “Cruises. I love them.”

It was a full two years after his stroke,

a time of tiredness of retraining the brain and the body, and remotivating himself, before he picked up his life.

He started with a couple of hours a day working with street kids at the youth centre. “I did it for five years and I learnt a lot.”

T. C. Nicholls then rang him for advice about a job. He eased back to work, one day a week working up to full time.

“They call me yard manager. I call it general dogsbody.” He covers health and safety, as well as driving the roller. He also, he says, changes the toilet rolls and sorts out the coffee machine.

Although Pete still battles tiredness, and takes “bucketloads” of pills, he has simple but powerful advice for anyone in a similar situation.

“Don’t ever give up.”

10 SunTheone on onewith the Sun

Just before New Year’s Eve 12 years ago, Pete Carpenter’s life changed forever. Here he talks to Glenise Dreaver about how he has reclaimed his life

“I was basically a

blithering idiot”

“Survivor, not victim”

Wednesday August 28, 2013

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SunThe 11Wednesday August 28, 2013

Jan Watts and Scott Manson of Makana Confections present a cheque to Plunket Marlborough's Heather Sorensen (centre).

By Kristy MartinMakana Confections has delivered a sweet

gift to Plunket Marlborough in the form of a giant cheque.

The $2450 cheque was the result of a July fundraiser that saw all proceeds from the sale of Makana’s special nut-free caramel corn donated to the local service.

Plunket Marlborough’s community co-ordinator Heather Sorensen said a “huge thankyou” to the chocolate factory staff and their customers.

“It’s so nice when people come forward and

do things like this for us instead of having to go out into the community and ask for funding,” Ms Sorensen said.

The money will go towards Plunket’s child health and parenting education services.

“We have funding to provide core services, but we pride ourselves on the extra services we can offer to young families.”

Makana general manager Scott Manson said his staff were happy to support Plunket given that many of them have had babies of their own.

“We keep them busy,” he joked.

Sweet result for fundraiser

Staff at the Fix Cafe put on a surprise party for owner Fran Roche, who is this week celebrating her 10th anniversary as owner of the Blenheim establishment. The cafe was decorated with balloons and regular customers stopped in on Monday to deliver flowers and gifts. "It wouldn't be The Fix without Fran," said staff member Coral MacGregor. Pictured are Charlene Anderson, Fran Roche, Coral MacGregor and Dani Kilworth.

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The Sun has one Garnier Dark Spot Treatment Night Serum to give away to a lucky reader.

To enter, send in your name, number and address to The Sun Newspaper, PO Box 634, Blenheim.

The winner will be chosen by random and entries close September 4.

12 SunTheWednesday August 28, 2013

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Story and photo by Celeste Lodewyk

"A little life is not a little loss".This is something parents

find when faced with the heart-wrenching reality of the death of a baby at any stage during pregnancy, as a baby or infant.

Sands (stillbirth and neonatal death society) Marlborough branch secretary Sandra Sangster has experienced this heartache and now dedicates her time towards supporting other bereaved families in the community.

Sandra and husband Aaron had twin boys Mason and Cole on December 11, 2008 at 24 weeks premature.

Mason lived six hours and Cole 40 days.

Following the loss of Mason the couple was given a Sands support pack which they ap-preciated, but at that time their attention was focused on Cole's

survival."I thought he would be coming

home but he was just too little," Sandra said.

When Cole passed away a hos-pital social worker approached them again offering to put them in touch with Sands.

"We went along to some sup-port meetings and found it good to be with other people who understood what we were going through.

"Most of the time I would put a smile on my face and keep going but at the meetings I could cry, say my babies names or just enjoy a get-together," she said.

The support Sandra and Aaron received from Sands was "in-valuable" so after moving to Blenheim from Christchurch Sandra got in contact with the Marlborough branch to see how she could get involved.

"It's great to be able to give back to other families, give

comfort and be there for them when they need support."

Sandra's role is as secretary and administrator and she plans to receive 'support training' at next month's Sands national conference.

She is also a mother to Har-ley (3), a proud big brother to Mason and Cole, and is also expecting another child.

Sands Marlborough will be marking the 'Baby Loss Aware-ness Week' (October 9 - 15) with a special service at Geoffrey T Sowman on October 15 at 6:30pm.

For more information contact Anna on 021 270 2662.

Sands Marlborough secretary Sandra Sangster pictured with son Harley (3) and a photo of twins Mason and Cole who passed away shortly after their premature birth.

Loss of a baby “heart wrenching”

A study scholarship valued at $2,500 will be up for grabs at Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT)’s Open Day on Friday.

The sought after ‘The Edge’ $2,500 Youth Scholarship for 2014 will be drawn at the Marlborough campus on the day.

Entries can be made on the day and applicants must be there during the draw at 1.45pm to claim the prize.

The scholarship is available to 2013 school leavers and students under the age of 25 years who are returning to study.

Last year’s ‘The Edge’ Scholarship recipient was former Queen Charlotte College student, Dimpy Yadav of Picton, who is now studying Business Administration Level 3 at NMIT’s Marlborough Campus.

Dimpy said receiving the scholarship

was a huge boost.“It meant a lot,”she said.“This course is basically free for me

– it’s enabled me to save my money. I really wanted to study business admin-istration and my family encouraged me to do it.”

The NMIT Open Day is held annually and highlights this year will include the activities being presented by tutors and students from a variety of study areas.

Visitors will be able to enjoy getting pampered in the hair and beauty salons, evaluate their senses with a sensory wine test, try their hands at vine graft-ing, get home handyman tips from the trades tutors, create a self-portrait using the latest photography and video equipment and even build their own IT network cable.

The Open Day runs from 11am-2pm.

$2500 scholarship from NMIT up for grabs

Garnier giveaway

SunThe 13Wednesday August 28, 2013

With your help there is hope

Daffodil Day Friday 30 august 2013

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proud to support Daffodil Day

Daffodil Day Friday 30th August

Daffodil Day is the Cancer Society’sannual flagship event and one of

the most important fundraising and awareness campaigns in the country. As well as providing an opportunity to raise

awareness of cancer in New Zealand, Daffodil Day is a major funding source

for the Cancer Society. We are so grateful to have received the support from three very inspiring young Marlburians, who put their efforts into

growing daffodils for the Cancer Society to sell to boost our fundraising locally.

Pictured are Nate Shipley, Cancer Society volunteer coordinator Margaret Tepania,

Yazmin Shipley and Marina Suban.Thank you all for your generous gesture,

we appreciate it very much.Look out for our collectors on Daffodil

Day, they will be out and about around Marlborough with Daffodil Day

merchandise and fresh daffodils.

With your help there is hope.

Blenheim mother of three Esther Stone is supporting Daffodil Day through her business Beautiful Bottoms Nappies and Accessories.

Esther is selling lemon coloured 'snap-in' fabric nappies at a reduced price and will donate all the profits to Cancer Society Marlborough.

"I wanted to do something for Daffodil Day as a way to help the community as I believe cancer affects everyone in one way or another.

"It's about looking after those who look after you when you need it most, so this is my way of raising money," she says.

The nappies normally retail for $26 each but Esther has dropped the price to $20 and are available from newborn through to potty training.

"I have used these on my own kids, they are fantastic. They are also a great gift idea and you will be supporting a worthy cause," she says.

To purchase the lemon snap-in nappies simply contact Esther on 577 8438 or email beautifulbottomsnz@gmail.com

Beautiful bottoms

Thousands of daffodils are currently being picked and delivered to businesses around Marlborough this week ahead of Friday's an-nual Daffodil Day fundraiser for the Cancer Society.

Around 30 Blenheim South Rotary members began picking yEstherday and will continue through to tomorrow, while volunteers collect and hand deliver them to those who have pre-ordered bunches.

More than 500 local volunteers will hit the streets all over the region on Friday selling fresh daffodils and fundraising merchandise to the public as well as accepting donations for the Cancer Society.

All money raised locally will stay in the region.Daffodil Day Events - Forum Market Place.•Street collection begins early Friday morn-

ing in Blenheim and Picton, and donations can be made at all major supermarkets, including in Renwick Havelock and Seddon.

•12noon: ANZ Bank will hold its BBQ in the Forum.

•11am - 1:30pm: Entertainment including Kapa Haka and Pipe Band performances.

•12:30pm - 1:30pm: Activities hosted by MORE FM as well as games hosted by Blenheim and Whitney Street Schools with the support of Sport Tasman.Blenheim South Rotary members

Greta Firth and Henny Vervaart.

Daffodils delivered

Cancer Society Fundraiser

Quiz Night September 6

Held by the ANZ Bank at the

Clubs Of Marlborough. Tickets are available from ANZ Bank and the Cancer Society

Marlborough office.

PHONE: 579 4379Forum Building, Market St, Blenheim

Daffodil Day is coming around quickly and we are in need of more daffodils for our Blenheim South

Rotary volunteers to pick.

Spare Daffodils?Daffodil Day

Friday August 30

YOUR daffodils would be very much appreciated

Please phone 579 4379 to arrange a pick up or drop them at our bunching centre, McKendrys Car

Cnr, opposite Coundown Supermarket or Mayfield Motors

Drop offAugust 27-29

The team at Sowmans are proud to support Daffodil Day on August 30

Cnr Hutcheson and Parker Streets, BlenheimEmail: sowmans@funerals.co.nz

Phone (03) 578 4719at any time

A day to remember loved ones.

14 SunTheWednesday August 28, 2013

Thank you for your generosity

Daffodil Day!Friday 30th August

Local Businesses showing their support

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15SunThe Wednesday August 28, 2013

Thank you for your generosity

Daffodil Day!Friday 30th August

Local Businesses showing their support


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16 SunTheWednesday August 28, 2013

Prices apply from Wednesday 28th August to Sunday 1st September 2013, or while stocks last. Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specifi ed apply per customer per day. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Product range may vary from store to store. Proprietary brands not for resale.


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SunThe 17Wednesday August 28, 2013

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The Interislander ferry Kaitaki will start its run again on Saturday September 14 after a $4.5m refit.

The vessel was taken to Brisbane in August to have its food court, bar, atrium, toilets, and other passenger areas overhauled, as well as having dry dock maintenance work done.

Interislander General Manager Thomas Davis said the ship had been away for just under four weeks, with maintenance work being carried out on the hull, tailshafts, stabilisers, and the decks.

“A number of fuel efficiency meas-ures, including the installation of new propeller blades and applying the latest generation of low resistance

anti-fouling paint to protect the ship’s hull from marine growth, are also being undertaken.”

“The main scope of the refurbish-ment will include a revamp of the food court area, the bar, the atrium and the toilets, as well as the passen-ger thoroughfare and family lounge on Deck 8.

“Already, this work is starting to take shape with bulkhead finish being applied in all areas, ceiling changes mostly complete and furniture start-ing to be laid out.”

That had given a real sense of how the new passenger areas would look, he said.

“Around 50 Interislander crew are

staying on board the Kaitaki to assist with the drydock and refurbishment work,” he said.

Crew were working to undertake cleaning and painting, deck scraping and repainting and other engineering requirements.

The refit of the passenger areas are the first in the eight years the Kaitaki has been on the Cook Strait run and it follows KiwiRail’s four-year exten-sion on the vessel’s lease in April.

The 181m vessel, the largest in the Interislander fleet, takes about 1650 passengers, and up to 550 vehicles, though it does not carry rail traffic.

By Nadia CrightonIt’s not everyday you get to meet a bunch

of passionate kids who think that writing and journalism is as cool (if not cooler) than the latest video games.

Renwick School, however, is leading the way in making publishing the next big thing and the kids are more than enthusiastic about their writing prospects.

The Renwick Accelerated Programme, better known as RAP, is made up of 12 junior students (year three to four) and 15 senior students (year five to eight), who meet on a weekly basis.

This year both RAP groups decided to develop a newspaper for students by stu-dents. The articles are published weekly on a website – www.renwickschoolrap.com - and cover a range of subjects from puzzle pages to cartoons, sports, interviews and feature articles. There is something to suit anyone.

It all started when a few RAP children decided to write a newspaper/magazine called ‘Eureka’ and publish it on the school's Google shared drive. It became

a huge hit with staff and students at Renwick School.

“The staff heard about it and thought it would be a good idea for the whole RAP group (junior and senior) to create a similar thing,” Arewen Van Pallandt, a senior student in the group explains.

The children also debated the digital verses printed versions of the newspaper.

“There was a lot of debate and voting about what we wanted to do,” Oscar Nott, another senior RAP student said. “Small groups of us persuaded the others to give a website a go, as a paper edition would have cost too much.”

The children developed the website themselves using a program call Web-node.

Spurred on by the fantastic teaching staff at Renwick School, in particular, Mrs Johnstone, who meets with the children weekly to help develop and brainstorm ideas, it’s clear this group of passionate kids are on their way to great things.

$4.5m refit for Kaitaki

Above: The Kaitaki in dry dock. Right: Kaitaki’s revamped food court, with its new furniture. Photos provided.

Budding journalists have the write stuff

Renwick School's senior student journalists.

40 Main St Blenheim • Ph: 578 7900

Great gift ideas for Father’s Day!


SunThe18 Wednesday August 28, 2013

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Suicide numberS dropDespite the continuing unaccept-

ably high number of suicides, the Coroner’s latest provisional figures, for the year ending June 30, 2013 show a reduction in the number of deaths by suicide among both young people aged between 15 and 24 years and Maori.

The total number of suicides for the year was 541, which is a decrease of six from last year, and two less than the average number of suicides over the last six years.

$ 2 7 m i l l i o n f o r children

Education Minister Hekia Parata announced on Monday the Government is investing $27 million in education initiatives targeted at priority children.

Ms Parata says the 11 initiatives are targeted at children who are falling behind for a range of reasons.

Tony Woodcock All Blacks loose-head prop Tony

Woodcock (32) has marked his 100th All Blacks Test cap in front of a sell-out Bledisloe Cup crowd at Wellington’s Westpac Stadium last Saturday night.

Woodcock was gifted a special silver cap, presented to him by captain Richie McCaw after they beat Australia 27 - 16, retaining the Bledisloe Cup.

louiS VuiTTon cup WinTeam New Zealand was named

the the winner of the Louis Vuit-ton Cup and will challenge for the America’s Cup in San Francisco after winning the eighth race, com-pleting a 7-1 win in the best-of-13 final.

Team NZ beat Luna Rossa in the final and the team will now seek to reclaim the America’s Cup lost in 2003. The first two races are set for September 7. The marlborough Singers are preparing for their upcoming concert. Photo supplied.

By Kristy MartinThe Marlborough Singers, also

known as Blenheim Choral Soci-ety, are set to hold two September concerts in order to introduce the public to their new conductor, Nancy Woolford.

Nancy is a renowned vocal tutor who worked at the Nelson School of Music for 27 years, teaching singing to students of all ages.

A professional singer herself, she was a well-known soprano soloist, finalist in the Mobil Song Quest, choral conductor and adjudicator.

Nancy said she recently moved

to Picton to retire, but that didn’t quite happen.

“I was coming here to retire and the Marlborough Singers needed a conductor so I got persuaded,” she laughed.

“But I enjoy it very much.“I believe having a community

choir is doing a service for the community, and I also believe that singing fulfills a need in a lot of people.

“It feeds the soul and creates a real feeling of wellness and wellbeing.”

Nancy said the group, which is now 45 singers strong, was open

to anybody and that it was great to see young people becoming involved.

The concerts will be held at Wesley Centre in Henry Street, Blenheim, on Saturday Septem-ber 7 from 7.30 p.m. and Sunday September 8 from 2p.m.

They will feature “well known and well loved” songs for eve-rybody and the singers will be accompanied on piano by Lily Stuart and Adrienne de Boo.

Entry is $10, with tickets on sale at Cresswells Shoes in Market Street.

Choir welcomes new conductor

nancy Woolford

New Zealand King Salmon has announced two new scholarships for students studying aquaculture at Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT).

The two scholarships will be available to students enrolled on Year 1 and Year 2 of NMIT’s Di-ploma in Aquaculture from 2014. The year one scholarship will cover the value of half a year’s course fees while the year two scholarship will cover a student’s full course fees for a year.

New Zealand King Salmon chief executive Grant Rosewarne said paid work experience during semester breaks and during sum-mer holidays could also be a part of the scholarship.

"Aquaculture is one of the region's major industries and we

are delighted to support up and coming talent," Mr Rosewarne said. "These scholarships are part of our commitment to de-veloping both the industry, and the excellent educational facility at NMIT.”

NMIT's chief executive Dr Tony Gray said the institute was proud to be partnering with New Zealand King Salmon.

"While scholarships make things easier financially for students, they also importantly provide a catalyst to get people into tertiary training and an incentive for them to stay in the region. They also demonstrate to students that our programmes are closely aligned with industry needs,” he said.

New aquaculture scholarships offered

new Zealand king Salmon chief executive Grant rosewarne with nmiT's dr Tony Gray.

SunThe 19Wednesday August 28, 2013DR









MEAT WEEKF O O 3 5 8 2 d _ R - 1 2 0 1 3 - 0 8 - 2 0 T 1 1 : 5 4 : 3 7 + 1 2 : 0 0

20 SunThe

PLEASE NOTEWairau Hospital Maternity Ward visiting

hours are: DAILY at 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm

Order your baby photos at the Sun office:

72 High Street, Blenheim

BANKS: Nicole and Steve are proud to announce the speedy arrival of their baby girl, Neve Eileen (9lb 4oz) born August 26, 2013 at 12:30am at Wairau Hospital. A little sister for Paige, Callum, Taylor, Courtney, Chase and Addison. Special thanks to midwives Shona and Emily. Both well.

LYFORD/SCOTT: Robert and Saman-tha are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first baby boy, Riley Brian James (6lb 11oz) on August 17, 2013, at 8:24am at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to midwife Nicky Taylor. Photo supplied.

MILLS/NEAL: Ian and Jolene are proud to announce the safe arrival of their son Harry Neal (6lb 4oz) born June 20, 2013 at 9:22pm. Special thanks to our mid-wives Shona Wills and Emily Saul, Dr Gary Fentiman and all the staff at Ward One. Photo supplied.

JOHNSON: Sommer and Shane are proud to announce the safe arrival of their baby, Lily Jaye (8lb 14oz) on August 14, 2013 at 11:26pm at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to midwife Nicky Taylor and all the staff at Ward One. Photo supplied.


COOKE: Simon and Julia are proud to announce the safe arrival of their first child, Harriet Adelaide (8lb) born August 24, 2013 at 4:09am at Wairau Hospital. Special thanks to midwives Tash and Marion and all the staff at Ward One. Both well.

Wednesday August 28, 2013

K i d s s a y t h e d a r n d e s t t h i n g s . . .

My daughter came home from preschool recently proudly telling me that she knows where milk comes from.“Cows have four pee-pees so when the machine squeezes them the milk comes out.”I had to laugh, she was 80 percent correct!

Send in your child's funny comments to our weekly "Kids say the darndest things" column to celeste@blenheimsun.co.nz

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Congratulations to Julia Cooke this week’s lucky winner of the New World $25 voucher

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prize when she next visits New World Blenheim.

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WARREN: Tim, Nicole a n d b i g b r o t h e r Kaizer are pleased to announce the early and speedy arrival of McKinley John. Born on August 15, 2013 at 10:32am weighing 7lb 15oz. Many thanks to friends and family for their support and to our beautiful midwife Cathy Middleton for everything you do. Photo supplied.

SunThe 21Wednesday August 28, 2013

Sun Healthy Bodies

For an appointmentPh: 03 578 8310 c/- Physiotherapy Centre

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Early diagnosis and prompt treatment canresult in a complete cure from skin cancer.

The clinic provides a comprehensive range of treatment options and is now approved by

Southern Cross as an affiliated provider.

Make an appointment today to have you and your family’s skin checked.

Ph: 578 166524 George Street, Blenheim


Mole ChecksMoleChecks

MoleMax or digital dermoscopy is the

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melanoma and other skin cancers.

Dermoscopy can detect melanomas before

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Cancer Society Marlborough

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The Blenheim Denture Studio is now proudly owned by Anna-Marie Morris. You can’t help but notice the enthusiasm she has for her profession.

Anna-Marie has launched herself into the business and says she loves where she has found herself after years of study and hard work, and is looking forward to relocating her four-legged friends from her previous home Queenstown to sunny Blenheim.

“Marlborough has so much to offer recreationally and I look forward to mak-ing the most of the local environment.

“The Alfred Street clinic is an iconic and purpose built building with a long and interesting history. It’s a lovely place to work,” she smiles.

Thriving on the challenges of having a lab and clinic together, the Blenheim Den-ture Studio is a far cry from the smaller client base enjoyed in Queenstown (where she continues to maintain a clinic).

“I have big boots to fill here. I enjoy a

challenge and this is a good one.“Hilary on reception is a ‘godsend’ who

is always ready with a welcoming smile and makes a great cup of tea,” she says.

‘Smilewise’ is Anna-Marie’s brand and philosophy, emphasising the importance of an end result to be proud of.

The Smilewise philosophy is a combi-nation of high quality materials, photos, technical skill and careful attention to detail.

Dentures are crafted to not only last, but bring out individual character. When treatment is complete patients leave with a comfortable confident smile.

The Blenheim Denture Studio offers high quality repairs, relines, new or replacement dentures, partial dentures, mouth guards, cleans and adjustments.

Every care is taken to provide a friendly, accommodating service.

No dental referral is required, call in or phone to make an appointment for a consultation.

New owner for the Blenheim

Denture Studio

The iconic Blenheim Denture Studio building located on Alfred St.


• FREE Hearing checks. • Diagnostic hearing tests.• Latest hearing technology.• Advice and assistance on funding

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• FREE Hearing checks. • Diagnostic hearing tests.• Latest hearing technology.• Advice and assistance on funding

and finance options.• Full warranty and repair service

Call us on 03 579 4769 or call in to 54 Scott Street Blenheim.


out & about

Any of our “out & about” photos can be purchased at the Sun Newspaper office.

Karen McNabb, ASB assistant

manager with Shelvin Pillay.

Rebecca Highman from Year Four and Rose Eaton from Year Five get skipping.

Tanajah-Rose Poi-Sylvester the smiling leopard. Zookeeper Reef Casey, 5, and lion Deveon Mead, 5, both from Room 3.

Riley Lomax from Year Four.

Christina Vehikite, 10, with her wonderful snow owl costume.

Hayley McLeod, Rebecca Stuart and Lydia Hunt pull off

a tricky tandem jump.

Richard Thompson of Thompson Electrical

and student Joshua Tomlinson. Springlands Lifestyle Village manager Naomi Nailer with Allen Gibbins.

Gateway Programme Marlborough Boys' College students thanked the employers who participated in its Gateway Programme by hosting a lunch at the Clubs of Marlborough last Thursday.

Jump Rope for Heart

Animal mufti day

Students and staff at Wairau Valley School collected funds for the Heart Foundation when the entire school did a Jump Rope for Heart last week.

Kids from the Blenheim School dressed as zoo animals during mufti day last Friday to raise money for an upcom-ing camp to Wellington.

SunThe22 Wednesday August 28, 2013

Hilary Stuart, Year Six, displays her talent for hula hooping.

CNR HARDY & MORRISON STS, NELSON www.fashionisland.co.nz

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Brook Reeve and David Henry of Rigtec Engineering.

SunThe 23

death notices community noticesThe Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $10.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office at 72 High Street, Blenheim

AcknowledgementsThe Sun Newspaper offers an acknowledgement service to its readers. You can submit acknowledgements following family bereavements. The deadline will be on Mondays at 5.00pm, with a limit of 50 words for $15.00. You can submit acknowledgements by bringing them to the Sun office at 72 High Street, or posting them to PO Box 634 Blenheim 7240. You can also email them to sales@blenheimsun.co.nz Please include your contact details: Name, address, email and phone numbers, including your mobile number if possible.


community servicesMarlborough After Hours

GP Services: Wairau Hospital campus, after 6pm. Reception 5206377.Office 5209980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 579 4870.After Hours Chemists:Springlands Pharmacy9am-6pm 7 days Ph 5782271.

Diabetes Marlborough Inc:

5775549, Office hours 10am-2pm, Monday - Friday

Lifeline Marlborough: 0800 543 354, 24hr helpline.

Marlborough Women's Refuge, Rape and Sexual Abuse Resource Centre:

Crisis line, phone Wairau Hospital 520 9999, for

Women's Refuge contact numbers.

Overeaters Anonymous: For more information Ph 570 5137

Alcoholics Anonymous: Rose 5777651, Harvey 5788125

Citizens Advice Bureau Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4pm. Phone 578 4272.

Al-Anon: Help for families & friends of alcoholics. Ph Margaret 578 4690 or Cilla 570 5335.

Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846)

Al-Anon Adult Children of Alcoholics:

A support group for those who grew up with addiction. Meet every Wednesday 7pm, SF Marlborough rooms (upstairs), 4 Scott St. Ph Tania 972 0155, Ross 578 5896.

Alzheimers Society Marlborough:

577 6172, 8 Wither Rd, Mon,Wed,Fri 9am-4pm / Tue, Thurs 9.30-3pm.

Hospital Visiting Hours:Wairau Hospi ta l : Dai ly 11.30am-7.30pm, children under 12 may visit parents only. Maternity Ward: 10am-Noon, 4pm-7pm.Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward.

Marlborough Family Budgeting:

Free confidential budgeting advice. Monday-Friday. Phone 578 2006.

PictonDoctor: Phone weekend doctor 573 6092 or Marlborough After Hours GP Service 520 6377. Office 5209980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non-urgent 579 4870. Chemist:Picton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 9-6pm, Sat-Sun 9-3pm, Queen Charlotte Pharmacy 573 7927 Sat 9-1pm.

Wednesday August 28, 2013

Family/WhanauFor information/advocacy/support for families living with mental illness/addictions please contact– Sup-porting Families in Mental Wellbeing - Cheryl or Lyn on 577 5491 or visit us at 4 Scott Street.

The Blue Door is open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm. Saturday 9.00am - 2pm. Items surplus to your requirements we would gladly accept. We can deliver. Phone 579 4353.

Sheets'n'Things ‘require warm linen and blankets now. Please phone or drop in to Bread of Life, 14b Stephenson Street Phone: 578-1355 ext:5 - happy to collect linen.

Bingo/HousieThursday 7pm Blenheim Bowling Club, Weld Street. 40 houses, raffles and meals from 5.30pm. Proceeds to Te Rerenga o Te Ra

Kaipupu Point & Mistletoe Bay Boat Trip. Saturday 7th September. Leaving on Beachcomber Picton 9am. Bring food, drink and suitable clothing. $20 per adult $10 per student. Book by calling 520 3002 (bus hours) or 578 4115 A/H

Mental Health Consumer Advocacy Service. Our Advocates will take up your cause to ensure your rights are respected, listen to your concerns and support you in the actions you want to take to gain resolution. Ph: 5795304 or call at Level 2, Aorere House, 54 Scott St.

Hospice Shop, RedwoodtownClothing and accessories HALF PRICE SALE now on. Men's woman's and children's. Be in quick for great bargains. Something for everyone. Thank you for supporting the Marlborough Hospice.

Craft Fair Tua Marina Hall Aug 31 & Sept 1 - 10am - 4pm daily free entry Sup-porting Cancer Society

GIBB-Hugener, Heidi: On August 23 2013, peacefully, at Hospice Marlborough Blenheim. Aged 50 years. Dearest friend of Chris, much loved daughter of Hans and Helen, much loved sister of Marlise and Erika and loved sister-in-law, aunty and godmother. Loved and enjoyed by many friends. Messages to 24 Havelock St Renwick 7204. In lieu of flowers donations to Hospice Marlborough would be appreciated and may be left at the service or sent to P O Box 411 Blenheim 7240. A service to celebrate Heidi’s life will be held at the Old St Mary’s Convent, 776 Rapaura Rd Blenheim, at 1.30 pm Wednesday August 28, followed by private cremation at the Sowman Crematorium.GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZTel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

EDMOND, Phyllis: On August 24 2013, at Redwood Lifestyle Care & Village Blenheim. Aged 95 years. Loved wife of the late Edric Oswald and the late John Edmond, loved mother and mother-in-law of Jenny and Alastair Nicol, and John Oswald and Jenny Harris and loved grandmother of Fiona and Sally; and William, Harriet, and Pete and great grandmother to Felix. Messages to P O Box 956 Blenheim 7240. A memorial service for Phyllis will be held at 419 Ben Morven Rd Blenheim at 2.30pm Sunday September 8.GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

VELDMAN, Antoinette (Netty): Died August 26 2013 at Nelson Hospital. In her 99th year. Wife of the late George, loved mother of Hetty and Georgette (Jacky) and cherished friend of Bronwyn. Messages to P O Box 110 Blenheim 7240. A celebration of Netty’s life will be held at the Mayfield Chapel, cnr Hutcheson & Parker Sts at 1.30 pm Thursday August 29.GEOFFREY T SOWMAN FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

18 Scott Street Blenheim Email: tansplace@xtra.co.nz • Ph 578 9701

CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters

SOLUTIONFor January 12, 2005

ACROSS 1. Graduate with academic degree (6) 4. Person’s vulnerable point. (8,4)11. Skull. (7)12. Stack of hay. (4)13. Nunnery’s female superior. (6)15. Part of house let seperately. (10)16. Deceptive. (8)17. Large forearm bone(pl) (5)18. Final. (8)21. As soon as possible(abbr) (4)23. Brazilian port, ... de janeiro (3)25. Ox(pl) (4)27. Notion. (4)29. Bay Of Islands town (7)31. Craggy. (6)32. Sorrows. (4)34. Male whale. (4)35. Reach (6)36. Mongol conqueror, ... Khan. (7)37. Win & place bet(horses) ... way (4)38. Narrow opening. (4)40. Arable land. (3)42. Sworn to telling the truth, under ...(4)44. Male soprano(pl) (8)

45. Nut of the areca palm. (5)48. Old T.v’ series, Dr. Findlay’s ... (8)49. Reeling. (10)52. Early counting frame. (6)53. Star. (4)54. Pale. (7)55. Female Relative. (12)56. Deadly. (6)

DOWN 1. In retreat (13) 2. Type of trumpet. (7) 3. A captive. (8) 5. Gold measurement. (5) 6. Former Peruvian rulers. (4) 7. Overpower. (6) 8. Adversaries. (7) 9. Hard cotton thread. (5)10. Hasty. (9)14. Smallest planet. (5)19. Flavour. (5)20. Pardon. (6)21. Aged. (5)22. Relating to the mind. (13)24. Peaceful. (6)26. Cloth measurement. (3)28. Covered with water. (5)30. Traditional saying(pl) (5)

33. Petroleum bore, ... well. (3)34. In two languages. (9)39. Forbidden. (5)41. Deny. (8)43. Having left a will. (7)46. Success. (7)47. Nonsensical. (6)48. Coarse. (5)50. Annoy. (5)51. Ark builder. (4)

Last weeks answers

Batons upSunday 1st Sept. 12.30 at the Blenheim Bowling club 65a Weld St. $5 a ticket. Afternoon tea available.

Thorn Family GatheringThe descendants of JOHN & MARY ANN THORN DOVEDALE Sunday October 27th HOPE HALL Main Rd Hope, Nelson Please bring a plate and any relevant photos.

HERD, Felix Arthur: 2.03.2013. Marie, Noel, Graeme, Alison, Fay, Brian and families. Wish to thank everyone who supported them with baking, flowers, visits and messages following Felix's death. also special thanks to all the staff at Springlands Lifestyle Village for their care.

24 SunTheWednesday August 28, 2013

health & beauty health & beauty public notice commercial leaseholiday accommodation


public notice


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Grout is a very porous material and is rarely sealed when new so it starts to absorb dirt and bacteria from day one. In no time it starts to looks dirty and unsightly, no matter how long you spend on your knees trying to scrub it clean. To make it worse, the wrong type of cleaners could cause more damage!

However, Marlburians can now forget endless, pointless scrubbing, as Blenheim locals Darryl and Cecilia Norman have just started up GroutPro (Marlborough) Ltd. They are part of a team of franchisees throughout New Zealand and Australia.

“GroutPro is the only business in New Zealand specialising in tile and grout restoration and we offer a cost effective solution to making your tiles and grout look brand new again” says Darryl and Cecilia. “It costs only a small proportion of the price to restore tiles than to replace them”.

“We are delighted to be able to offer the people of Marlborough this unique service. Our previous experience in the flooring industry combined with intensive GroutPro training has provided us with a good grounding with which to start our new venture.

One of the biggest drawcards for us was to be able to see what a huge difference our services can make to the appearance of tiled areas in a home.”

Their product range and services include a breathable, topical sealer called Colourseal, unique in New Zealand, which repels dirt, oils and water and will prevent your grout from restaining for up to 15 years. This is applied to grout lines after a deep and thorough clean with specialist products and equipment and offers a range of 89 different colours.

“It looks fantastic once it is applied, truly making your grout lines look like new again and as it repels dirt and oils – no more scrubbing!!!” If you are building a new home with tiled areas, Coloursealing the grout as part of the build finish is high recommended.

If you are selling your home and want to give all the tiled areas a like new appearance, give Darryl and Cecilia a call. Fabulous kitchens and bathrooms sell houses and the GroutProl process could increase the value of your home and help you clinch the deal!


Cecilia Norman Darryl Norman

Dirty Tiles & Grout?Are you tired of scrubbing your dirty tiles and grout with no success?

Concrete & Path Cleaning

GroutPro offers:3 Professional Tile and Grout

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in wet areas)3 Shower Glass Restoration3 Outdoor patio and pathway

cleaning and sealing

Check out the GroutPro website at www.groutpro.co.nz for more information, call Darryl and Cecilia on 0800 66 77 86, or email cecilia.n@groutpro.co.nz to arrange a free in home no obligation demonstration and quote and give your tiled areas back the “wow factor!” Before After

Phone: 0800 66 77 86email: cecilia.n@groutpro.co.nzwww.groutpro.co.nz


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EAR HEAltH. Re-moval of Ear Wax using microscope & suction. Ph for an appointment 5788310 at Physiothera-py Centre, 11 Francis St.

MOlE cHEcks - for a thorough skin check using dermoscopy. Call the Skin Clinic 578 1665.

VEINs, do you dream of wearing shorts again. Call for your free no obligation assessment. Ph 03 548 8216

cANcER support and information. Contact The Cancer Society in the Forum. Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.30pm. Ph. 579 4379.


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DENtUREs - Ad-vanced Pros thet i c Treatment. Premium Dentures. Natural looks thanks to digital preci-sion at Blenheim Den-ture Studio. 71 Alfred Street. Ph 578 4344

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art/antiquesStock liquidation sale bargains galore for ear-ly birds.Inc NZ Paint-ings, Rugs, Books, China, Toys etc. Ph 579 6046 Souchebys Antiques 50 Grove Rd (SH1) Blenheim

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Phone Rebecca

0274 835 776


Mastercraft Kitchens by Cantwell Joinery15 Bristol Street, Riverlands, Blenheim

Come and see us for a free consultation, great advice, and award winning design.

03 578 3375

www.mastercraft.co.nz/ideas for ideas and inspiration

“I LOVE my new Mastercraft Kitchen”

WHItE cHIP & white rocks. Ideal for pebble gardens, paths, drive-ways.Phone Thomson 5756885

fORMAl GIRls Full body Spray Tan $25.00 Ph 021 1257190

surfers Paradise

Stay 7 / pay 6 at Le Chelsea Apartments with Lynne and Peter (ex Blen). Close to beach. Cavill Mall & Pacific Fair (conditions apply) . www.lechelsea.com.au stay@lechel-sea.com.au PH; (07)55383366

t O U c H f O R HEAltH 1 & 2, November in Nelson, 16/17 & 23/24. Register bainbridgeka@gmail.com NOW.


Vortex Marine

PH 578 57206 Dodson St,


Get ready forsummer


Everything youneed instore at

public notice

furnitureStock Liquidation Sale. Genuine bargains inc Large dining tables, chairs, chests of draw-ers, display cabinets, rugs etc. Ph 5796046 Souchebys Antiques 50 Grove Rd (SH1) Blenheim

RUNNING out o f F i rewood? Cheap, Dry Macrocarpa and Gum $70 per cubic meter. Green Pine, $45. Green Macro-carpa $55. Contact Giff Bristed 0278297148 or griffbristed@gmail.com

25SunThe CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING PH 03 577 7868 Wednesday August 28, 2013

public notice situation vacant



Colin’s Diary

BLENHEIM OFFICE CONTACTMon - Fri, 10am - 3pm P.O. Box 130, The Forum, Market Street, Blenheim

PHONE (03) 579 3204 0800 COLIN MP (265 466)

FAX (03) 577 6934 EMAIL colin.kingmp@parliament.govt.nz


Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Colin King MP, Forum Building, Market Street, Blenheim

Wednesday August 28-29: In Parliament, Primary Production and Education and Science Select Committee meetings.

Friday August 30: In Marlborough meeting with constituents and community groups by arrangement. Help sell flowers for Daffodil Day.

Saturday August 31: Spring Creek School Gala.

Monday September 2: Visit constituents in the area of Seddon and Awatere.

Tuesday September 3-5: In Parliament, Primary Production and Education and Science Select Committee meetings.

Friday September 6: Hosting VIP guest to Marlborough.

Nominations for New Zealander of the Year close on Monday 30th September 2013.

Nominate from one of these categories: Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year, Coca Cola Amatil Young New Zealander of the Year, Metlifecare Senior New Zealander of the Year, Mitre 10 Community of the Year and Kiwibank Local Heroes.

New Zealander of the Year AwardsPO Box 74443, Greenlane, Auckland 1546, New ZealandTelephone: (09) 377 1794 Facsimile: (09) 377 1784 Email: info@nzawards.org.nzToll free: 0508 NZAWARDS (0508 692 927) Nominate online: www.nzawards.org.nz

Busy Restau-rant/Takeaway looking for two ex-perienced, quali-fied chefs special-ising in Chinese/Asian cuisine Call 021 2661144

public notice

Over 30 years experience in all

aspects of painting & decorating.

FREE QUOTESNo job too small.

Scott Hogg027 922 435503 579 1557


Coastal Painting

Residential & Comercial


*Qualified Dog Groomer*Specializing in smaller breeds.*Reasonable rates.*Weekend appointments available

For an appointment phone Carolyn Harrison 5778573.

At Plumbing World Blenheim the conditions are always perfect! Rain or shine our team are on hand to deliver outstanding customer service to ensure our customer leaves happy with the product they need. A hot opportunity has arisen to join our team in an action packed role. Being part of a small team, your day will be varied and will see you take on a range of branch duties including helping with inventory, customer service, sales, delivering product wherever is needed around Blenheim area and generally keeping the branch tidy and ready for business. When you’re not looking after our trade or retail clients you will be sorting out inwards goods and out and about making deliveries. What will make you the perfect fit will be your ability to fit in with the team and to learn things quickly as there is a lot to do! Whilst we would love someone who has worked in the plumbing industry, it will be your proven work ethic, enthusiasm and customer focus that will see you join our team. This is a full time role working Monday - Friday with rostered Saturdays.

Call Jenny Porter on 0800 467 258 or email your CV to jenny@jobswithsalt.com

Warehouse / Customer Service Person - Blenheim



Inspired to “Think boldly, tread lightly and never say it can’t be done”, Yealands Estate Wines has quickly become one of New Zealand’s premier wine exporters.

Established with the vision to create the world’s best wines sustainably, Yealands Estate has been recognised for the quality of its wines having received the “International Sauvignon Blanc” Trophy at the International Wine Challenge (London 2012). Demonstrating that the best wines in the world can be produced sustainably, Yealands Estate Wines was also awarded “Most Sustainable Medium Sized Business” at the International Green Awards (UK 2012).

Enjoyed in over 65 markets world-wide, Yealands Estate Wines rapid growth means that we are continuously looking for dynamic, talented people to join our passionate team.

Maintenance engineer

Working under the direction of the Winery Engineer the Maintenance Engineer will be responsible for the maintenance on our plant and pump equipment at our state of the art winery in Seddon. The successful applicant will have experience in a similar role within the manufacturing industry, have the ability to Tig weld to a 4703 standard, have strong people and time management skills.

Applications including CV’s should be sent to info@yealands.co.nz by Tuesday 3 September.

Workshop Mechanic / engineer

Based at our vineyard workshop in Seddon, the Workshop Mechanic / Engineer will work alongside our experienced team servicing and maintaining our vineyard machinery and equipment. The successful applicant will have a wide skill base in viticultural maintenance operations, be able to work unsupervised and ideally have an HT license.

Applications including CV’s should be sent to info@yealands.co.nz by Tuesday 3 September.

situation vacant

Marlborough Softball Association

Coaching VacanciesMSA has vacancies for Coaches and

Managers for RepresentativeTeams in the 2013/2014 Season.U13, U15, U17, U19 Boys & Men

Please forward a letter of application to MSA by Friday 27 September 2012.

PO Box 5101, Springlands, Blenheim 7241 or email the Secretary at:


Marlborough Softball Association

MUSTER DAYMSA are holding a Muster Day for

players in all grades that are interested in playing softball in 2013/2014

If you are unable to attend or require further information

Contact the JAB Coordinator Nathan Gill on 03 577 7883 or 027 497 8167

Come along and join in

Where: A & P Park on Maxwell RoadWhen: Sunday 15 Sept 2013 at 11am

public notice

Casual Worker requiredWe would prefer the applicant to be able to cover Kitchen, Cleaning and Caregiving Shifts.

If you are a team player and have a passion to work in aged care then call Naomi,

Village Manager on 5775208 or 0211366504.

Pit Crew Wantedfor major race teamDo you have an interest in Motorsport & be able to enjoy what they do? Our team races Speedway, sealed circuit & targa so a wide variety of vehicles to work on. We are looking for six crew members to be trained in all aspects of preparation & racing in each field we run.Please email rmc.racing@xtra.co.nz for further information or text only 021 214 8517

Saturday 31 August 2-4pm Pablo Picasso is quoted as saying,

“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child”.

Pelorus Community Preschool is holding an art and craft expo at the Havelock School Hall.

On display will be a sample of the children’s art work. There will be local

artists from the community, such as flax weaver, painters, ceramics, patchwork,

woodwork and more. Celebrate the children’s

and the wider community’s creativity.

To cover costs there will be a gold coin entry fee.

A time to celebrate


Senior Citizens Club Inc

Notice of AGM

Thursday 5th September


Senior Citizens Hall

172 High St, Blenehim

Early Childhood rEliEf Staff

We are growing our pool of relievers at our 3 preschools.

If you are a bright energetic person with a passion for teaching young

children, ideally have experience in an Early Childhood setting we would love

to hear from you.Relieving is on a casual on-call basis

with variable hours

Please email beccad2@xtra.co.nz or send your CV to Jo dewe

Po Box 388 Blenheim 7240

Would you like to support a family organisation that empowers adults and children to work, play,

learn and grow together? If your answer is Yes!, then we may have a part

time position for you, working to support our Playcentres in the Marlborough Association area. To apply for the position or to find out more

please contact Marlborough.assn@playcentre.org.nz or

Marlborough Playcentre Association, P O Box 807, Blenheim.

Applications close on Friday 6 September.

Marlborough Playcentre Association

Centre Support Worker wanted


Relief & Permanent Deliverers

You must be honest & reliable

Phone Lizat The Sun5777 868



Ph 5777 868

26 SunTheWednesday August 28, 2013

Do it once, do it right!

0274 783 045

Always Stopping And Painting Ltd


• Painting & decorating • Gib stopping • Special finishes

• Paper hanging • Roof restoration • Moss & mould control

• Residential and Commercial

PO Box 1005, Blenheim 7240, Ph 03 579 6359

Harvey World Travel Blenheim98 Market Street Blenheim

P: 578 8575 E: blenheim@harveyworld.co.nz

Thinking of warming up?

Showcasing the best of the ‘50’s, ‘60’s, ‘70’s and ‘80’sOmaka Classic Cars

Open daily from 10am – 4pm. Aerodrome Road, Omaka. Phone 577 9419. (*up to two kids free (under 13) with every paying adult)

Over 50 cars on display at any one time, from a collection of 120 plus motorbikes and other memorabilia.

Bring Dad to Omaka Classic Cars this Father’s Day weekend for just $10 (kids go free!) and we’ll give

him a years’ worth of visits free!Voucher for 12 months free entry not transferable.

property for sale




Freehold Estate In Fee Simple

Land Area 574m² - House 115m²• 3 bedrooms and conservatory.

• Fully insulated, • Permanent materials. • Log burner, heat pump, nitestore.

• Partially furnished. • Double garage • Raised garden plots. • Handy to Oliver Park, Redwoodtown

Village and Schools.

$275,000For inspection ph 0274 403 027


Second Hand Shop42 Arthur Street

Good quality Lounge Suites

Call Peter 0274579595

Blenheim’s BoomTown Brawlettes Roller Derby League member Matt Brown gained a whole new experience going up against Australia’s top roller derby talent in Sydney on August 17.

Matt was selected to join New Zealand’s men’s ‘Blackskates’ team for the first ever ‘NZ vs

Australia International Men’s Roller Derby Bout’.

Matt was one of 12 NZ team members and the only South Island selection.

Both teams battled hard on court in the one-day bout which saw Australia’s ‘Wizards of Oz’ take the win at 330 - 122 points.

“The experience was fun and a

real eye opener. The game was hard as the Australian skaters were top notch and managed to gain an early lead.

“After 15 minutes of play however we made them work for every point they won,” he said.

This bout gave Matt more experience which he said would

be used in the up and coming Nationals event in Palmerston North on Labour Weekend.

There he will be both compet-ing and refereeing.

Several skaters from Blen-heim’s BoomTown Brawlettes will also be competing at the nationals alongside skaters from Hawkes Bay.

Matt returns from derby down under

Above: The “Wizards of Oz” and the “New Zealand Black Skates” mens roller derby teams after both countries inaugral international bout two weeks ago.Right: “Falling small” isn’t enough to avoid the imminent pile-up. Photos by Nick Sullivan Images.

Picton RSA & ClubEntertainment

66 Wellington Street 573 6114

UKES OF MARLBOROUGH Saturday 31st August

starting 6pm • Admission Free

A TRIBUTE TO JERSEY BOYS by Madsen Promotions

Thursday 19th September 7pmTickets $20pp available at the club


"Yo yo" dieting will be a thing of the past for Marlborough wom-en since the launch of a revolutionary weight loss programme at Curves in Blenheim.

The programme titled Curves Complete aims to promote long term weight loss by boosting body metabolism, owner Karen Jennison (pictured) said.

"We want to end this pattern of women losing weight and then quickly

gaining it back. Curves Complete is designed to help women lose weight and keep it off for the long term.

"There are many diet plans available which can help women lose weight, but it's often at the ex-pense of losing valuable muscle which slows down metabolism and can con-tribute to a lifetime of 'yo-yo' dieting," Karen said.

The programme takes a holistic approach by

combining a scientifically proven 30 minute workout circuit at Curves with one-on-one coaching and personalised meal plans.

"Most people who are serious about losing weight know that they won't get the results they want by just dieting. They also need to exercise and they need encouragement to stick to the plan.

"This is what Curves Complete can provide."

Weight loss programme launched at Curves Blenheim

27SunThe Sun sport Wednesday August 28, 2013

The residents of Springlands Lifestyle Village in Blenheim were in for a treat when several of the Tasman Makos popped in for a visit last Friday.

In the lead-up to their Canterbury game at Lansdowne Park on Saturday, the team took time out to meet with some of their older, and wiser, fans.

Lorraine Nieper and Sylvia Brownlee joked that they were in "cougar town" when they got to rub shoulders with the handsome young rugby players.

Staff from Springlands took a group of residents to watch Saturday's game, where unfortunately were the Makos defeated 28-13.

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Makos make waves at Springlands

Makos player Tevita Koloamatangi spends time with Nell Moss.

Springlands Lifestyle Village residents Sylvia Brownlee, Frances Henderson and Lorraine Nieper rubbing shoulders with Makos players Joe Wheeler and Shane Christie before last week's game.

Five Blenheim Swim Club members have qualified for the South Island Swimming Cham-pionships to be held at the aquatic centre at Stadium 2000 between August 30 and Sepember 1.

Blenheim and Nelson clubs are hosting the champs under the umbrella of Swimming Nelson Marlborough.

There will be 20 clubs repre-sented from all over the South Island, with 9 swimmers from Southland; 51 from Otago; 110 from Canterbury/West Coast and

Nelson will bring 26 swimmers.This is the first time in many

years that Blenheim has been able to host such an important meet, thanks to the new facilities.

For three of the five Blenheim swimmers, Sara Gane, Toby Lloyd and Sally McMath, this meet is a pre-run for the National Short Course Championships meet in Wellington at the end of September. Others are also hoping both for personal bests and to qualify for this event.

Sara, national breast stroke

champion for her age, will be hoping to repeat her national winning breast stroke races with some medals. Toby, Annaliese, Sally and Emma hope for finals places, with a top eight perfor-mance.

South Island swimmers and their entourages will be arriving tomorrow, Thursday, for the three days of racing with two sessions each day.

Spectators are encouraged to come along at no cost to watch some top national swimmers.

Top local swimmers vie for placings

The five Blenheim Swim Club members competing in the South Island champs being held here this weekend are, from top left: Sara Gane, 15; Toby Lloyd, 15; Annaliese Raemaki, 14; Sally McMath, 15; Emma Gardiner, 14.

28 SunTheWednesday August 28, 2013

www.mikepero.comMike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)

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