25 ways to take a 30 minute break

Post on 12-Mar-2015






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Ways to Take a 30 Minute Break

Whether you’re in the mood for something relaxing or something motivating, half an hour

can go a long way! There are endless ways to take a 30 minute break.

Consider these ideas:


1. Go for a walk or run.

Get some exercise and enjoy yourself in the process.

2. Write a letter.

Sit down and write a letter the old-fashioned way.

Maybe you can write to a friend or relative you haven’t talked to in a while. You can even write to someone who has passed away if you’re feeling lonely or nostalgic.

3. Make plans.

Take the time to look at your goals and map out a way to reach them.

4. Talk to a friend.

Enjoy some time cultivating your relationships.

5. Spend time on a social networking website.

If your friends aren’t close by, you can connect with them online.

6. Go out for a meal.

Grab a bite at a restaurant as a special treat.

7. Daydream

Daydreaming isn’t wasted time if you’re enjoying yourself!

After all, it’s your 30 minute break!

8. Run an errand.

You might save yourself added stress later if you take care of an errand during your half hour break.

Decide on one change you’d like to make in your life. It can be big or small. Research some ideas for making the change and take at least one step in your new direction.

9. Make a change.

10. Call a family member.

Make a phone call to a family member who might like to hear from you.

11. Listen to music.

Remember when you were a teenager and you’d just listen to your favorite music for an hour or more, uninterrupted by life? Grab your computer or music player and relax to some tunes.

12. Play a game.

Enjoy a game on the internet, your TV, or even on your cell phone.

13. Budget your time.

Plan the rest of your day. Budget your time wisely and you may get some more 30 minute breaks!

14. Enjoy nature.

Go outside and appreciate nature.

15. Exercise.

There are exercises you can do without needing to go to the gym. Jumping jacks, pushups, and sit ups can get you started.

16. Meditate.

A 30 minute session is a great place to start. If that seems too long to you, try ten or fifteen minutes, then fill the other time with one of the other suggestions here.

17. Take a nap.

If you’re particularly tired, try taking a nap. Although we may loathe naps as children, as adults they’re a great form of self-care.

18. Watch TV.

Escape with one of your favorite TV shows.

19. Try something new.

Decide on something you’d like to try and follow through.

20. Make a “bucket list.”

Create a list of things you’d like to do in the near future and one for a longer-term goal.

21. Review your finances.

Make a new budget or revise the one you currently have.

Investigate ways to pare down your expenses so that you have more money to save or to put toward that vacation you’ve been planning.

22. Read a book.

Maybe there’s a new book out from your favorite author. Or you could re-read one of your old favorites.

23. Organize something.

Find something you can organize better, whether it’s a drawer, shelf, or your bathroom vanity.

24. Work on a craft.

Start a new project or finish an old one.

25. Take a bath.

It’s a great choice if you’re feeling especially stressed out. Add relaxing aromatherapy with some scented candles.


There are so many wonderful ways to use 30 minutes that you’ve set aside for yourself. In just this short period of time, you can really enrich your life!

Why Is The Number 26 So Significant When It Comes To Success In Life?

A few years ago, NASA conducted an experiment to test the physiological limits of people who were planning to go into outer space. The experiment was designed to uncover the long term effects of disorientation on the mind and body.

In the experiment, subjects were given convex glasses that they head to wear 24/7 for several weeks. These glasses made everything appear upside down. The goal was to monitor how these kinds of conditions would impact blood pressure, and other critical physiological functions.

During the experiment they discovered something shocking!

After a period of about 26 days (on average), each astronaut in the experiment experienced a "flip" in which their brains began translating everything "right side up". Their brains were literally re-wired after 26 days. They went on to determine that this was the average length of time to implement any fundamental change into a human being.

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