25. follow up questions + describing charts

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Academic Interactions 130


Spring 2015

Nikki Mattson


• Upcoming test announcement

• Week 3 task – Conversation and Tutoring Partners

• Distribute interview partners

• Asking follow-up questions (practice)

• Describing charts

Next Test = 3/5

• Test = Unit 3 (not Unit 5 as the syllabus indicates)

Week 3 Conversation Partner Update

Interview Partners!

• Distribute partner table

• APLNG 493 student partners will likely interview you after you interview them. You don’t need to record that part for our class.

Asking Follow-up Questions

• handout

Describing Data

• Why?

– Common activity in many university classes

– Useful life skill for describing economic trends, fashion trends, etc.

– IELTS skill

Pre-testKey: letters indicate months of the year. The product that is being

described is bottled water.

Write one sentence to describe the imports and one sentence to describe the exports.

Data Description Phrases

• Climbed steadily

• Fell steadily

• Steep rise

• Slight dip

• Fluctuated wildly

• Fluctuated slightly

• Plunged

• Rose steadily

• Declined slightly

• Remained steady

• Increased dramatically

• Fell dramatically

• Were stable

• Declined gradually

Describing Data Activity

• Goal: Match the charts to their corrosponding descriptions.

• Process: – Divide the written descriptions among the group members.

– Place the graphs in the middle of the group

– Take turns reading a description aloud while the other group members listen and look at the graphs to choose the one that matches the description

– After all of the descriptions and charts have been matched, double check the matches to make sure that they are matched correctly.

– We will check your matches as a group after the activity

Data Description Review

• Climbed steadily

• Fell steadily

• Steep rise

• Slight dip

• Fluctuated wildly

• Fluctuated slightly

• Plunged

• Rose steadily

• Declined slightly

• Remained steady

• Increased dramatically

• Fell dramatically

• Were stable

• Declined gradually

Describing Data• Try it out! (bottled water sales)

• Climbed steadily• Fell steadily• Steep rise• Slight dip• Fluctuated wildly • Fluctuated slightly• Plunged• Rose steadily• Declined slightly• Remained steady• Increased dramatically• Fell dramatically• Were stable• Declined gradually


• petroleum sales • Climbed steadily• Fell steadily• Steep rise• Slight dip• Fluctuated wildly • Fluctuated slightly• Plunged• Rose steadily• Declined slightly• Remained steady• Increased dramatically• Fell dramatically• Were stable• Declined gradually


• Email your interview partner sometime soon to set a date and time

• Bring a draft of interview questions to class on Monday

• PSU Observation Voicethread comment(s) Due by 2/27 at midnight

• Tutoring and Conversation Partnership recording and reflection due (3/1) (Meeting 2)

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