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Number 239 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Wednesday 27-08-2014

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

The FJORD arrived in her new Dockwise Livery at Singapore Eastern Anchorage

Photo : Piet Sinke © – CLICK on the Photo


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Heerema’s HERMOD arriving at the Keppel-Verolme yard in Rotterdam-Botlek

Photo : Hans Hoffman ©

Lifeboat crews' warning after second incident of people being caught out by

rip tides in Seahouses


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Lifeboat bosses have issued a safety warning after a “disturbing” second incident in a matter of days of people being caught out by rip tides. RNLI chiefs at Seahouses have spoken out on the back of their second rescue in four days of

members of the public who have found themselves in “serious difficulty” at the same location. They have claimed such people are at risk of potentially fatal secondary drowning and are calling for warning signs to be put up at the spot to prevent further incidents. In the latest, Humber Coastguard received reports of people in the water shouting for help, off the beach between Seahouses and Beadnell near Annstead Farm, at 4.50pm on Sunday.

Coastguards requested the immediate launch of both Seahouses lifeboats. On arrival at the location, one youngster was pulled to safety by the inshore lifeboat, another by a passing inflatable boat, and passed on to the all

weather lifeboat, which also picked up a third person. An adult female in a kayak had attempted to assist them and had also to be rescued. Once it was confirmed that all persons were accounted for, the lifeboats brought all four to Seahouses harbour, where they were placed in the station Land Rover and taken to the boathouse. They were treated by the lifeboat crews who are all trained as casualty care medics and warmed using blankets, and given hot drinks.

All four were “deeply shocked,” “very cold,” and some had swallowed sea water. Crews established the four were on holiday in the area from Sheffield and had been caught by a rip current and carried out into deeper colder water, which was described as quite choppy. An ambulance and first responder attended and after a thorough check by paramedics, all four were released without need for hospitalisation. The incident followed another at the same location on Wednesday in which four youngsters and an adult were rescued having been similarly caught out by a rip current.

Seahouses lifeboat operations manager Ian Clayton said there is a risk of secondary drowning where people swallow excess sea water. He added: “It is disturbing that twice within a few days, people have found themselves in serious difficulty, having been carried out by rip tides. “Fortunately the lifeboats got to them quickly, and they were brought ashore safely. “The incident further underlines the RNLI’s current safety campaign to ‘Respect the Water.’ “We are all once more relieved that none seem to have suffered any lasting effects from their disturbing experience. “We are kind of urging people if they think they are getting into difficulty to get on the phone. Minutes can be critical. “I would urge anyone witnessing such an incident to call 999 immediately and ask for the coastguard, as time can be critical in such rescues.” Mr Clayton said coastguard chiefs would be writing to Northumberland County Council asking for warning signs to be put up at the location. Source : chroniclelive

The PACIFIC ASKARI moored in Cape Town – Photo : Aad Noorland ©


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Stemat Marine Services in Rotterdam proudly presents that they qualified her Multi-Purpose Vessels Anna B (DP2), Fenna B, Inge W and Nova K for the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and International Safety Management (ISM) According to the regulations and tonnage of the vessels, Stemat is not required to certify her vessels. Safety and high standard working conditions are paramount at Stemat. Therefore Stemat decided voluntarily to comply to these regulations. The customers of Stemat are familiar with the high standard of the equipment and qualified crew. With these certifications Stemat takes the opportunity to show the rest of the world

that they guaranty safe working methods and high qualified crew onboard.

The aim of the Maritime Labour Convention is to improve the working conditions and terms of employment the crew and to prevent unfair competition in the shipping sector. The ISM Code provides an International standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. Bureau Veritas Marine MLC inspector Elena handed over the certificates to the proud crew of Inge W.Left to right: Jeroen de Gans (Master Inge W), Marijn Zwart (Engineer Anna B), Elena v/d Grift (Marine MLC

inspector Bureau Veritas), Heleen Koelewijn (QHSE officer Stemat), Joël Szamosi (Chief Mate Inge W)


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Het leven gaat door terwijl de FPSO PETROJARL KNARR gesleept door de FAIRMOUNT SHERPA / EXPEDITION en GLACIER, over de South Atlantic vliegt met 12 knots op weg naar Stavanger. Als bezigheidstherapie wordt op de leading tug FAIRMOUNT SHERPA op de 8-12 wacht het hout onder handen genomen door kapitein Kees de Graaff en 3e strm Jan Pak de Leuning. 3e strm Myron van Doorn (vanwege zijn vernis project van alle hand-stays op de brug, voortaan 'Jan Pak de Leuning', genaamd, en Capt Kees de Graaff, bij het volbrengen van de 1e vernis laag op de planken van het 'geleende' park-bankje van een niet nader te benoemen haven.

Nova Scotia seeks $5M ferry subsidy from Maine

Nova Scotia's provincial government is reportedly pushing for the state of Maine to provide the heavily subsidized Nova Star Cruises ferry a $5 million line of credit. The Chronicle Herald reported that Nova Scotia's economic development minister, Michel Samson, is seeking a meeting with Gov. Paul LePage to discuss the matter. "I think it would be the responsible thing to do on behalf of Nova Scotians to see how we can find ways of developing partnerships and reducing the financial burden to Nova Scotians regarding the ferry," Samson told the newspaper. The sought meeting comes after Nova Scotia has provided the ferry service between Portland and Nova Scotia a total of $21 million in government subsidies that was originally supposed to be distributed over a seven-year period. While the state of Maine has yet to aid the ferry, state officials have previously said they would help Nova Star Cruises obtain a $5 million line of credit. The Finance Authority of Maine has reportedly been working with the ferry on a deal that would involve FAME guaranteeing a part of a bank loan or giving a direct loan, the Bangor Daily News reported. "Bottom line is we want to be helpful but can't provide all the money, so are hoping to partner with others," Norbert told the newspaper at the time. The Nova Star ferry saw nearly double the number of passengers in July over the previous month, but the Portland-Nova Scotia service remains behind ridership expectations. Source : Mainebiz

Harbor Star says BOC seizure order on tugboat 'null and void'

The seizure order issued by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) for a tugboat imported by Harbor Star Shipping Services Inc. is "null and void" as the proper duties and taxes were already paid, the publicly listed shipping company said. The payment of import duties and taxes is backed by a Certificate of Conversion, dated May 28, 2014, authorized the clearance of the MT Propus, Harbor Star said in a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange over the weekend "Furthermore, there is no pending assessment for additional taxes that should merit the issuance of said seizure order," it added. On August 20, Harbor Star received from the Bureau of Customs a seizure order for Propus – a tugboat built in 1982 with a 157.89 gross registered tonnage – for supposedly misdeclaring or underdeclaring the vessel. "The seizure of MT Propus shall not materially affect the operations of Harbor Star," the company said. Source : Danessa O. Rivera/VS, GMA News

Baydelta Maritime’s Newest Tugboat, Delta Audrey, Sets Sail with SBA 504 Financing

Provided by Capital Access Group


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Capital Access Group (www.capitalaccess.com), a commercial real estate lender specializing in U.S. Small Business Administration 504 financing for growing businesses, today announced that Baydelta Maritime (http://www.baydeltamaritime.com) secured $10.4 million in total project financing to acquire the “Delta Audrey,” a powerful, new, 100 foot, 85-ton (6,800 horsepower) tractor tugboat. Baydelta Maritime provides tugboat escort and assist services for petroleum tankers and cargo vessels entering and departing the San Francisco Bay and its tributaries. The Delta Audrey features the most modern design, engines, and equipment to increase safety, reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions, and provide increased capability to stop or redirect a tanker in shorter distances. “Our customers, the ship owners, continually demand more powerful tugs that can stop or redirect a tanker in a shorter distance, so we’ve been revamping our fleet since 2007 to build this class of tug—the most powerful on the West Coast for the work we’re doing,” said Shawn Bennett, General Manager, Baydelta Maritime. “The whole purpose is to increase safety by improving our ability to maneuver in case of an emergency, which is exactly what this tug is designed to do.”

“The SBA 504 loan program is a great fit for Baydelta Maritime,” said Jacklyn Jordan, President and CEO of Capital Access Group. “The 504 program provides access to low down payment, fixed-rate, long-term financing, which freed up capital for Baydelta to use for other purposes. In addition to creating new jobs, the Delta Audrey will increase shipping safety and efficiency in the San Francisco Bay.” Capital Access Group financed $4.7 million and First Bank provided $5.7 million in financing for the Delta Audrey. First Bank also provided construction financing in the amount of $10.3 million. “The longevity of the 504 loan is what helps us in terms of being able to free capital for other purposes including hiring the crew to man the tug,” said Bennett. “The SBA 504 loan enabled us to do it.” “Our experience with Capital Access Group has been exceptional,” said Bennett. “Alan Jung (SVP & Chief Credit Officer) and Tom Parini (Loan Officer) were outstanding in terms of guidance and looking at all the data we kept throwing their way and helping us put it all together. It’s really been a great experience for us.” About Capital Access Group: San Francisco-based Capital Access Group is a leading Certified Development Company, authorized by the U.S. Small Business Administration to provide long-term, fixed-rate financing through the SBA 504 loan program, which offers 90% financing to business owners for the purchase, renovation, or construction of commercial real estate for their growing businesses. Founded in 1981, Capital Access Group has helped thousands of entrepreneurs grow their businesses and realize their dreams of owning their own buildings. Currently, the SBA 504 interest rate is 4.95%, fully amortized and fixed for 20 years. For more information, please visit www.capitalaccess.com Source : digitaljournal

Mawa ferry services disrupted Ferry crossings between Mawa and Kawrakandi landing stations have run into difficulties because of strong currents in the river Padma. Authorities said on Monday that at least three hundred vehicles are waiting on both banks that link capital Dhaka with southern parts of the country. Out of the 16 ferries that ply on the route, 13 were operated on Monday. Bangladesh Inland Water Transport's (BIWTA) Mawa station manager Sirajul Haque said that it took one to one and half hours to reach Kawrakandi, but due to the strong current a return trip was taking anything between three and five hours. "Operations of three ferries have been suspended due to the adverse river conditions," he said Source : bdnews24



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Hulp voor ons Erfgoed De aankomende stoomsleepboot Goudvisch heeft hulp gekregen uit onverwachte hoek.

Het slepertje lag al vanaf november 2013 te wachten om op de ponton Gaston geplaatst te worden, stroppen en stophout lagen al die tijd al klaar. Verschillende bedrijven al eens gepolst, sommige waren welwillend, maar, geen tijd, druk, komt niet uit, misschien dan en dan. De stichting stoomsleepboot Goudvisch heeft een moeilijke start, geen geld, geen bankrekening, maar wel enthousiaste vrijwilligers. Zo had de voorzitter van de stichting het er maar eens op gewaagd om een buitenlandse firma met een kantoor in

Maassluis op maandag te bellen en het hele verhaal op te biechten, je weet maar nooit. Kreeg als antwoord van Gareloch Support Services, er ligt nu een Multicat zeeklaar te maken, schikt het morgenmiddag? Slik, ja, natuurlijk. En zo is het ook gebeurd, het mag duidelijk zijn dat we de directeur Jan Peute en de Maassluizenaren Frans en Marnix en kapitein en bemanning van de Sandy M. heel erg dankbaar zijn voor deze hijsactie, thank you very much.

Buiten deze geweldige hijsactie zijn er meer die bedankt moeten worden: T. v/d Reijen voor het leveren van stophout, D v. Son voor het gebruik van de hijsbanden, en stichting Calorische Werktuigen voor het een en

ander regelen. De stoomsleepboot Goudvisch werd gebouwd op de Groningse werf van Botje, Ensing en Co. onder bouwnummer 140. Er werden nog 3 zusterschepen gebouwd, Ordonnans, Wolga en Johan. In de vetkuil een 2 cilinder compound diagonaal stoommachine met Hollandsche schuifbus met 8 nominale paarden krachten. Ze werd geleverd aan J.L. Meerman te Rotterdam die een participant was in de sleepdienst Volharding. In de Eerste Wereldoorlog werd het bootje verhuurd aan het ministerie van Oorlog te Hellevoetsluis ter inspectie van het zeegat aldaar. Na deze periode weer terug in de sleepdienst te Rotterdam. Met het reorganiseren

van de sleepdienst Volharding en het teruglopen van het kleine sleepwerk en door de opkomst van de dieselmotor


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en de opduwer is de Goudvisch verkocht naar houthandel Varsseveld te Leerdam. Na een aantal jaren weer verkocht aan meneer de Weerdt te Dordrecht, na weer een aantal jaren verkocht aan meneer Popijus ook te Dordrecht met de mooie naam Adriana Elisabeth, met deze naam in 1931 verkocht naar België. Maar daar pas in 1938 ingeschreven. In het jaar 1953 verkocht en van naam verandert in Remi, waarna in de jaren 70 een prachtige GM in de machinekamer kwam. Nadat het bootje een aantal jaren stilgelegen had, samen met ponton Gaston verkocht naar Schiedam. Op 2-10-2013 is de stichting stoomsleepboot Goudvisch opgericht met medewerking van Dhr. H. Verel, en notaris Dhr. J. Krabbendam van Van der Valk Notarissen. Begonnen is ook met uitbreken van de betimmering in het vooronder en afslijpen van de gelaste opbouw en stuurhut, waarna de machinekamer aan de beurt was en dan nu het hijsen op de ponton. Geïnteresseerd in het verhaal van de overtocht met de voormalige sleepboot "Remi" van Grembergen naar Schiedam en het starten van de GM voor de eerste keer na aanschaf, kijk op http://www.binnenvaartlog.nl/?p=13857 Foto's van plaatsen Goudvisch op de ponton, kijk op www.sshercules.nl of https://nl-nl.facebook.com/s.s.goudvisch waarbij nog anderen foto's te zien zijn.

Seattle protesters aim to block Israeli cargo ship over Gaza siege

by Renee Lewis Palestinian rights activists in the Seattle area picketed the Port of Tacoma on Monday in an attempt to block a commercial Israeli cargo ship from unloading its merchandise. The action follows a similar protest last week that managed to prevent the delivery of goods for days from a vessel seeking to dock in Oakland, California. Block the Boat organizers said the ship, which is owned by Israel's Zim Shipping Services Ltd., one of the world’s largest container shipping companies, was scheduled to arrive in the Port of Tacoma on Monday afternoon. Activists planned to block dockworkers from entering the port and prevent the ship from unloading, said organizer Nada Elia, who spoke to Al Jazeera as Monday's action began. "Our hope is to prevent the unload completely, but even if we just delay it we send the message we want," Elia said.

But according to the group's Twitter account, the action did not delay the the ship's plans "as we had hoped." Instead, after one arrest, more than 100 protesters dispersed by 8 p.m. PDT and were "Regrouping for the next round!" they tweeted. Organizers said the action is part of a wider Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, modeled after a similar effort targeting South Africa under apartheid. In a press release, they describe the actions as economic sanctions imposed in response to the current siege of the Gaza Strip and the occupation of the Palestinian territories.

More than 2,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s ongoing offensive on Gaza. Most of the dead are civilians, many of them young. Oakland activists began their blockade on Aug. 16 and prevented the unloading of a Zim ship for days. Activists said their aim is to shut down all West coast ports to Israeli shipping, with activists in Oakland, Seattle, and Vancouver taking part in their own blockades. Protesters in Oakland said they had successfully prevented the ship from being unloaded, but subsequent media reports suggested the ship had feigned a return to sea before returning to dock where its cargo was unloaded overnight. Seattle area organizers, aware of that possibility, said that they would have overlapping shifts of activists waiting at the Tacoma port in case the ship docked off-schedule, with the first protesters arriving late Monday and shifts continuing overnight. “In Oakland, Zim released a false press release in order to redirect protesters — instead of moving to the port of Long Beach as stated the Zim Piraeus returned to the port of Oakland at a different terminal,” Block the Boat organizers said in the release.


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“We are checking multiple sources of information trying to update with the most accurate information, but we know they are actively trying to deceive us.” Zim Shipping did not respond to Al Jazeera's request for comment. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union, a labor union that represents the longshoremen who unload Zim ships at the targeted ports, participated in blockades against South African ships during apartheid. Craig Merrilees, an ILWU spokesman, noted the union's long history of involvement in foreign conflicts but said that the union "had not taken a position on the Israel-Palestine conflict," and that it had no comment on Block the Boat's latest efforts.

In 2010 West Coast protesters managed to block a Zim cargo ship — an action organized in response to Israel’s deadly attack on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish-led humanitarian flotilla aimed at delivering aid to the occupied Gaza Strip. Israeli naval commandos killed 10 people in the mission meant to stop the aid from entering Israeli-controlled waters around the besieged territory. Al Jazeera reached out to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), but had not received any comment at the time of publication.

The ZIM Chartered TIANJIN enroute Antwerp – Photo : Walter de Groot ©

ROTTERDAMSE HAVENDAGEN PROGRAMMA de online kaartverkoop voor excursies van de Wereldhavendagen in Rotterdam is gestart, daarmee is het aftellen naar dit jaarlijkse maritieme evenement begonnen. De Wereldhavendagen vinden plaats van vrijdag 5 tot en met zondag 7 september en trekken jaarlijks zo’n 400.000 bezoekers. Vooruitlopend en tijdens de Wereldhavendagen, zijn een aantal activiteiten waarop wij u graag alvast attent willen maken.

Woensdag 3 september Rond 19.00 uur de binnenkomst van de Karel Doorman, het nieuwe Joint Support Ship van de Koninklijke Marine, dat tijdens de Wereldhavendagen voor het eerst voor publiek is opengesteld. Donderdag 4 september Diverse andere schepen die tijdens de Wereldhavendagen zijn opengesteld, lopen deze dag de haven van Rotterdam binnen. aan boord van de Karel Doorman worden de nieuwe Young Maritime Representatives bekend gemaakt. Dit zijn maritieme studenten die komend jaar als jongerenambassadeur voor de maritieme sector optreden. Ze spelen een belangrijke rol bij het op de kaart zetten van (technische) martieme opleidingen en het uitdagende werk in de maritieme sector. In het STC-gebouw aan de Lloydskade vindt tussen 14.00 uur en 17.00 uur de jaarlijkse Johan de Wittlezing plaats. Onder het thema ’De Marine, business case of beauty case?’ wordt in bijzijn van leden van de vaste Kamercommissie voor Defensie gesproken over het nut en de noodzaak van de Koninklijke Marine voor de Nederlandse economie en de maritieme sector. Vrijdag 5 september Van 10.00 tot 18.00 uur is het evenemententerrein geopend. Tussen 10.00 en 14.00 uur vindt een speciaal jongerenprogramma plaats, waarmee jongeren kennis kunnen maken met beroepen in de haven. Om 14.00 uur vindt de formele opening van de Wereldhavendagen plaats op het water voor de Wilhelminakade. Dit beloofd in het kader van het thema ’Kleurrijke haven’ een visueel aantrekkelijk en kleurrijk geheel te worden. Om 15.30 uur krijgt de bemanning van Zr.Ms. Zeven Provinciën een herinneringsmedaille uitgereikt voor hun bijdrage aan de EU-antipiraterijmissie Atalanta. De Zeven Provinciën komt rechtstreeks uit de missie naar Rotterdam gevaren.

Zaterdag 6 september Van 10.00 tot 23.00 uur is het evenemententerrein geopend. Vanaf 21.00 uur is op het water tussen de Wilhelminakade, Willemskade en Erasmusbrug een kleurrijke lichtshow waarbij de hoofdrol is weggelegd voor de Marinierskapel. Het avondprogramma wordt rond 22.30 uur afgesloten met spectaculair vuurwerk op het water.

Zondag 7 september: sluiting Wereldhavendagen Van 10.00 tot 18.00 uur is het evenemententerrein geopend.


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Om 17.00 uur vindt de slotact plaats nabij de Wilhelminapier, waarbij ook het thema van de Wereldhavendagen in 2015 bekend wordt gemaakt.

Mitsubishi Heavy cruise ship exit may return Aida to Germany-Handelsblatt

Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy is planning to exit the cruise ship-making business, German business daily Handelsblatt reported, citing several ship owners. That means Germany's Meyer-Werft stands a good chance of winning back Carnival's Aida Cruises as a customer, the paper reported. Mitsubishi Heavy took a hit to its results for the 2013/14 fiscal year after delays in the construction of two big cruise ships for Aida led to unexpectedly high costs. Handelsblatt cited several unnamed shipping companies as saying Mitsubishi Heavy planned to stop building cruise ships. "Mitsubishi Heavy has not decided on anything at the moment," a spokesman for Mitsubishi Heavy said the company had not decided , adding the group was doing its best to hand over Aida's two ships, delivery of which is due in 2015 and 2016. A spokesman for Meyer-Werft, which just bought a 70 percent stake in a shipyard in Finland, said the group was open to joint projects. Meyer-Werft has already built seven ships for Aida. Aida Cruises declined to comment, saying the article in Handelsblatt was "speculation". Source : Reuters (Reporting by Maria Sheahan; Additional reporting by Jan Schwartz in Hamburg and Yoko Kubota in Tokyo, editing by Louise Heavens)

Hallin Marine completes mooring replacement on live FPSO in China

Hallin Marine, a Superior Energy Services company, announces the highly successful outcome of a unique project for COOEC Subsea Technology, a wholly-own subsidiary of COOEC (China Offshore Oil Engineering Company). This assignment involved the replacement of nine mooring lines beneath the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel HYSY111, while maintaining live operations. The oil and gas industry has previously witnessed the replacement of a single damaged mooring line replacement under such conditions; however this is the first time all FPSO mooring lines have been replaced as one continuous activity. The entire task was completed ahead of schedule without shutting down production on the facility, and with zero lost-time injury. “The HYSY111 FPSO mooring replacement project consisted of several phases of work beginning with piles installation then laying and pre-tensioning new lower chain segments by COOEC," comments Phil Chamberlain, Hallin's Director – Service Delivery. "Hallin then provided subsea services to cut and remove the old mooring lines, followed by laying and hooking up new upper mooring wires.” For the final phase, COOEC completed the engineering analysis and developed the main project procedures, providing specialised subsea tools for the subsea mooring line connection, while Hallin provided the DSV Windermere and dive team as well as subsea operational solutions for the mooring line hook-up to successfully


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execute the project. “Hallin’s involvement commenced at an early phase with an operational and engineering presence on the ground in Shenzhen, China. COOEC and Hallin teams worked together in developing the optimal technical solution while ensuring the critical safety elements of undertaking this work on a live platform were addressed. The project has provided an excellent opportunity to showcase Hallin’s capabilities as an integrated subsea service provider." COOEC reported that it is very pleased with the outcome of the work and the support provided by Hallin. The project involved careful analysis and innovation. COOEC and Hallin worked very well together in collaboration to achieve a safe and successful outcome. For more information, please visit: http://www.hallinmarine.com

Alliance DBS Research downgrades TH Heavy Engineering

KUALA LUMPUR: Alliance DBS Research has downgraded TH Heavy Engineering after the 2Q14 financial results were below it and consensus estimates as it reported a net loss. “Challenging near term outlook with immediate need to replenish orderbook and rising cost pressures. Longer term outlook more positive with US$372mil floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) contract in hand,” it said on Monday.

Alliance DBS Research downgraded the TH Heavy to Hold and reduce the target price to 95 sen. TH Heavy reported a net loss of RM6.2mil in 2Q14 and a cumulative loss of RM4.5mil for 1H14. Similar to other fabricators in Malaysia, TH appears to be facing project execution challenges and rising costs on ongoing jobs. This has resulted in three quarters of weak results,” it said. The research house said TH’s latest orderbook of RM250mil does not provide earnings visibility beyond FY14. “We understand the group is actively bidding for work, however, strong competition with local and foreign players may result in a smaller than expected pace of orderbook replenishment. “Therefore, we are cutting our new order wins for FY14-FY15 to RM700mil total for the two years from RM1bil previously,” it said. Alliance DBS Research also said the FPSO provides steadier long term outlook. The US$372m FPSO contract with Nippon Oil provides TH with much needed longer term earnings visibility. The project is still in the engineering phase with topside construction activity to start in 4Q14. “We expect the charter contract to commence in mid-FY16 onwards from our earlier assumption of early-FY16. “We cut our FY14-FY16 estimates by 38-59% to reflect higher costs of fabrication activities, slower orderbook replenishment pace, and also a later start on the FPSO,” it said. Source : The Star

Asia-Europe rates fall for third week to US$1,106/TEU

SPOT Asia-Europe rates fell to their lowest since June, according to the Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI), which shows a third straight week of decline - down 7.7 per cent to US$1,106 per TEU. Services between Shanghai and the Mediterranean followed suit falling 6.4 per cent to $1,427. Freight Investor Services broker Richard Ward said rates will fall in weeks to come with only weak September general rate increases expected. Reports that Zim was offering spot cargo rates of $1,000, as expected seem to have been the catalyst for the undercutting," Mr Ward informed Lloyd's List. Disruption at Ningbo has forced some carriers to offer discounted rates in an attempt to fill the void created by the strikes,?he said. This week’s SCFI shows that rates for the US west coast were off 3.1 per cent to $2,044 per FEU, while east coast deliveries slipped 0.4 per cent to $4,161 per FEU. The comprehensive index fell by 44.35 points, or four per cent to 1,076.47 point as rates dropped in all major trade lanes last week. But Drew’s Hong


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Kong-Los Angeles rate was unchanged at $2,075 per FEU though it was down 7.2 per cent year on year. Drewry expected rates to decline as shippers divert to the east coast to avoid west coast congestion. Source : Asian Shipper

Cook Strait ferry Kaitaki fails to sail A mechanical problem took Cook Strait ferry Kaitaki out of action yesterday (Tuesday) , reducing the Interislander fleet to a single vessel for the day. Interislander spokesman Michael Flyger said the Kaitaki had a mechanical issue, involving a valve in the bottom of a ballast tank not functioning as it should. Engineers had worked on the problem since 3am in the morning and had fixed it. Kaitaki would make its scheduled 8pm sailing from Wellington to Picton tonight, Flyger said. Aratere sailed for Picton from Wellington Tuesday at 2pm, alleviating the backlog caused by the cancellation of Kaitaki's earlier round trip cancellation. Compounding Interislander's problems is the fact that the reliable workhorse rail freight ferry Arahura sailed out of Wellington for a scheduled Auckland dry docking on Sunday. That meant the Interislander fleet, which usually has three ferries operating on Cook Strait, was down to one ferry on Tuesday Source : Stuff

Boskalis update on share buyback program

In the period from 18 August up to and including 22 August, Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) repurchased 150,500 of its own shares at an average price of EUR 41.5715 per share for a total consideration of EUR 6,256,515.50 million. The repurchases took place within the framework of the share buyback program which was announced on 14 August. Boskalis intends to repurchase up to 10 million of its own shares in the next two and a half years, subject to the development of results and maintaining the desired balance sheet ratios. A total of 150,500 shares have been repurchased under the program to date for a total consideration of EUR 6,256,515.50 million. This is the first press release updating the share buyback program. During the program Boskalis will publish a weekly update every Monday provided that shares were bought back in the preceding week. These press releases will only be published on the company website and with the AFM. Interested parties can subscribe to receive these press releases by sending an email to ir@boskalis.com . Individual weekly press releases are available upon request through this same email address.

KNRM “redt”eerstejaars leerlingen Nautisch College

De Cocksdorp - Op donderdagavond 21 augustus, is een grote reddings- en EHBO oefening gehouden door de KNRM in samenwerking het Nautisch College uit Den Helder en Teambuilding Texel. Maar liefst 52 eerstejaars leerlingen van diverse koopvaardij en visserij opleidingen leerden om als team een raft (vlot) op zee in bedwang te houden en hoe als team te handelen in een noodsituatie. De leerlingen waren in de voorafgaande veiligheidsinstructie verteld dat ze vervolgens een noodsituatie zouden nabootsen in een oefening met de reddingboten Beursplein 5, Zalm, Joke Dijkstra en het Kust hulpverleningsvoertuig. Ook werd verteld dat er in iedere raft een KNRM waarnemer mee zou gaan, dit waren echter (Lotus)acteurs welke voor een groot verrassingseffect zorgden. Na het leren van de benodigde basisvaardigheden peddelde de toekomstige maritieme officieren de rafts verder de Waddenzee op. Ondertussen maakten de reddingboten flinke hekgolven rondom de rafts om het zo echt mogelijk te maken waardoor de rafts behoorlijk op en neer gingen. Eenmaal op de oefenlocatie gearriveerd startte de “noodsituatie”met het omslaan (omtrekken) van de rafts en het afsteken van een oefen handstakellicht door de instructeur van Teambuilding Texel.


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Eerst dienden de teams het raft te richten en elkaar terug in het eigen raft te helpen. Nadat dit was gebeurd volgden er een grote verassing voor velen omdat de zogenaamde waarnemer gewond bleek. Ieder team werd geconfronteerd

met een slachtoffer wat of een hoofdwond had, of bewusteloos of onderkoeld was. De eerste verzorging diende door de leerlingen in de raft te worden uitgevoerd, vervolgens zouden de KNRM reddingboten te hulp schieten. De “waarnemers” bleken geboren acteurs want

enkele leerlingen waren in de veronderstelling dat dit “echte” slachtoffers waren. Enkele leerlingen riepen dat dit geen oefening meer was en er “echt” een gewonde was. Toen de betreffende acteur gaf aan dat zij het uitbeeldde stonden deze leerlingen dan ook perplex. Doordat alles zo realistisch verliep nam iedereen zijn taak serieus en werkte de leerlingen goed samen met elkaar en met de te hulp schietende KNRM bemanningsleden. Voor de drie KNRM reddingboten lag de uitdaging in een goede

afhandeling van het redden van meer dan 60 personen en het verzorgen van de 6 gewonden. Reddingboot Beursplein 5 was het eerste ter plaatse en nam hiervoor het On Scene Coordinator-schap op zich. Door bondige, duidelijke communicatie en een goede coördinatie van de taken werden de gewonden als eerste gecontroleerd, verzorgd en horizontaal aan boord van de de reddingboten getild. Vervolgens werden de leerlingen aan boord geholpen en snel naar de wal gevaren. Aan de wal nam het Kust Hulpverleningsvoertuig de EHBO van de slachtoffers over tot de oefening ten einde was. De eerstejaars leerlingen kregen hiermee een geweldige kennismaking met de dynamiek van de zee en het in teamverband oplossen van een noodsituatie. De grootschalige oefening was dan ook de afsluiting van de introductiedagen

waarin de basisbeginselen van de navigatie en teambuilding als een rode draad door het introductieprogramma liepen. Daarbij kregen de docenten een goed beeld hoe de leerlingen in dynamische en uitdagende situaties reageren en of ze geschikt zijn voor een toekomstige carrière als maritiem officier Voor alle partijen was het een zeer nuttige oefening om redding en eerste hulp op zee in een realistische situatie met veel opvarenden doeltreffend en efficiënt uit te voeren. De KNRM is zeer dankbaar voor de samenwerking met Het Nautisch College en Teambuilding Texel.

ClassNK Release Annual Report on Port State Control

Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) have released their annual report on Port State Control. Port State Control (PSC) inspections have proved to be a highly effective tool for eliminating substandard ships that may be in operation, ensuring maritime safety as well as reducing maritime


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pollution. In recent years, a large number of port states have signed and accepted a Memorandum of Understanding or MOU in addition to establishing a centralized database and harmonized approach towards surveys to improve the transparency of information and further strengthen PSC related activities. The implementation of the ISM code for all ships means that PSC inspections oversee not only the physical structures and components of a ship, but now also examine operations such as the maintenance of the ship and ensuring that personnel have an adequate understanding of how to operate ship equipment. Undoubtedly the recent string of revisions to international regulations taking place over the years indicate that the scope of PSC inspections will most likely continue to expand in accordance with these regulation changes, incorporating the diversification and increase in the number of rules being applied to ships. This report aims to provide the maritime industry with information about ships detained by PSC as well as deficiencies that were found on board from all port states around the world in 2013. The information provided in this report can be used to further increase awareness about PSC and their activities, and improve ship maintenance, surveys and safety management systems. In light of this, ClassNK is also working hard to increase the transparency of information related to PSC issues and make it even more difficult for substandard ships to survive in the marketplace. You can obtain the PDF version of the Port State Control Annual Report free of charge by accessing the ClassNK website via the link: http://www.classnk.or.jp/hp/en/psc/psc.aspx

Four ULSTEIN PX121 designs to Otto Offshore

Ulstein Design & Solutions has entered into an extensive contract with Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd, China,on the delivery of ship design & equipment to four PX121 type platform supply vessels. Shipowner is the Singapore based Otto Offshore Ltd., who will receive all vessels in 2016. The contract also includes an option for four vessels.

These PX121 vessels are capable of supporting offshore activities which are being carried out further from shore and in deeper waters. The vessels can carry flexible loads. In addition to tanks for various contents such as oil, water, and drilling fluids, they have four stainless steel tanks for flammable liquids or corrosive chemicals (LFL tanks). The vessels are certified by DNV and carry the ‘Clean Design’ notation. Measuring 83.4 metres in length and a beam of 18 metres, they have a cargo deck of 840 square metres and a load capacity of 4,000 tonnes (dwt). Each ship has a maximum speed of approximately 14.5 knots and accommodates 30 people. They carry the X-BOW® hull line design, which is efficient on all draughts, a factor critical for PSVs, as they frequently operate with varying draughts. The X-BOW® has unique and documented qualities in head seas, in which the bow shape eliminates slamming and reduces bow impact, noise and vibration. This leads to better performance and increased operability, increased crew comfort and safety and reduced fuel consumption. Each ship will be equipped with dynamic positioning system Class II and meets the requirements of Comfort Class. “We are happy to welcome Wuchang Shipbuilding and Otto Offshore asnew customers to Ulstein.The PX121 vessels boast a performance you would normally expect from a larger PSV. Being able to do this at a medium-sized PSV cost, with reduced emissions and fuel consumption, the ship owner gets a favourable combination of two market areas,” states Sigurd Viseth, managing director in Ulstein Design & Solutions. Otto Offshore is a company in Otto Marine Ltd.“We are very pleased to partner with Ulstein and Wuchang Shipbuilding for our latest new buildings,” comments Garrick Stanley, Group CEO in Otto Marine.“Ulstein was chosen as the designer for the latest additions to the fleet after careful analysis of the market and our clients’ requirements leading into the future. We look forward to welcoming the four new Ulstein vessels into our fleet in early 2016 to be deployed around the world to the Oil Majors and customers we support.” The contract with Ulstein includes the deliveries of design, engineering and main equipment. An extensive delivery from Ulstein Power & Controlincludes integrated control


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systems, bridge (radio, navigation), switchboard, diesel electric propulsion and frequency converters, and communication systems. The vessels will be prepared for offshore crane and mezzanine deck for ROV.

Tanker market could be on a roll once seasonal demand kicks in

In what appears to be a summer boon for tanker owners, another market subsegment appears to be on a positive note. According to a recent note from shipbroker and market analysts Poten & Partners, despite the fact that the Caribbean market for Aframaxes wasn’t at its best over the past couple of weeks, other tanker segments have managed to maintain healthy spot rates, a trend which could be a signal that the problem of vessel oversupply could be moderating in the general sense. According to Poten, “a look at the current orderbook across all segments provides some insight as to what is still coming down the pike, but more curiously what has slipped or has fallen off the radar all together. Since ordering momentum continues, due in large part to a feeling that the market is coming off of cycle lows, the threat of vessel oversupply looms. However, the uptick in ton-mile demand could offset the incremental new tonnage supply in the near term. The current orderbook for tankers, 30,000 deadweight and larger, is 66.1 million deadweight tons (mDWT) through 2017” Poten noted. The analyst’s report added that “what is the most interesting about these statistics, however, is not the incremental capacity that has been ordered this year, but that the reported new orders do not account for the differential between the January 2014 orderbook and that of today. At the start of the year, the 2014 orderbook was 27.2 mDWT, the current orderbook is 15.9 mDWT and only 8.1 mDWT has reportedly delivered. This differential suggests that 3.3 mDWT, or 12%, of the originally reported orderbook is on a surface level unaccounted for. The likely explanation is that these vessels have simply slipped into later years. Looking at the year-to-date delivery pace, this could explain for the majority of that differential. The bulk of the orderbook, 41% is made up of VLCC tonnage, the majority of which is currently slated to deliver in 2016. As of the beginning of August, 11 VLCCs have been delivered of an initially expected 36. At this rate, the total deliveries for full year 2014 will be 20 vessels; 16 VLCCs have slipped forward, or been renegotiated and or cancelled”, Poten said. According to the report, “on a sector-by-sector basis, a thorough review of credit risk from the shipowner and shipyard perspective can help to hone the view on the actual new supply expected. For example, speculation surrounding the ultimate deliverability of the Suezmax orderbook is a function of both shipyard capability and orderer of record. Some schools of thought believe that the Suezmax orderbook is realistically only 55% of the 62 vessels reportedly on order, suggesting that widely reported orderbook numbers grossly overstate the reality of new tonnage supply in the next few years”. Poten concluded its positive analysis on the tanker market prospects by noting that “while shipyard statistics is sometimes a pseudoscience, shipowners are still cautioned not to over-do the ordering in the grander sense. Although, for many, it is still difficult to forget the glut of tonnage that has largely plagued the market for most of the past decade, group-think is a powerful force. Today’s freight environment suggests the faint hope of light at the end of the tunnel, but any rapid influx of tonnage could seriously hinder the upside in earnings for the longer-term. Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide


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Voith wins record contract for Voith Schneider Propellers

In South Africa’s largest local shipbuilding contract Transnet National Ports Authority has ordered nine new Voith Water Tractors (VWT) for use in several ports across the country. This is also the largest order in the history of Voith marine technology. The VWT will be built by South African Shipyards in Durban over the next 42 months. Eight of the tugs will be identical in construction with a length of 31 meters and a beam of 12.5 meters. Propelled by two Voith Schneider Propellers VSP 32R5/265-2 with a power of 2 x 2,650kW they will have a bollard pull of 70 tons. The VWT will be utilized for harbor towage in the ports of Saldanha Bay, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Richard’s Bay. Another VWT will achieve a bollard pull of more than 100 tons and therefore is one of the strongest ever equipped. Propelled by two VSP 36R6EC/285-2 it offers Transnet a wider escort envelope to protect the ecologically sensitive coastal areas of the West coast. Powered by 2 x 3,900kW it is 37.1 meters long and has a beam of 13.5 meters. In addition to the VSP, the Voith scope of supply for each Water Tractor comprises two turbo couplings and two Renk couplings. The eight identical Voith Water Tractors will get a mechanical control system, the 100 tons bollard pull VWT will be equipped with a Voith electronic steering system. These components are to be delivered between 2015 and 2017. Furthermore Voith will provide local training, skills development and capacity building to Transnet employees. This ensures to further optimize the safe and efficient utilization of the VWT fleet. Transnet manages all eight commercial seaports in South Africa and provides port infrastructure and marine services for the handling of the international freight traffic. To date, the company already operates 23 vessels with Voith Schneider Propellers. The first vessel has proven its reliability since entering service in 1972. Voith Turbo, a Group Division of Voith GmbH, is a specialist for intelligent drive solutions. Customers from highly diverse industries such as oil and gas, energy, mining and mechanical engineering, ship technology, rail and commercial vehicles rely on advanced technologies from Voith Turbo. Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transportation & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 43 000 people, generates €5.7 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the largest family-owned companies in Europe.

DP World takes control of second Belgian terminal

Dubai: DP World is to take full control of a planned container terminal at Liège Port in Belgium. The operator is taking on the shares owned by Euroports. The container terminal will cover 100 hectares along the Albert Canal and should be up and running next year. “For DP World, involvement in the project is a logical step in its expansion in the Benelux [Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg] and a way of strengthening its presence on the Albert Canal,” the ports operator said. Since 2011, DP World has been operating a terminal in Grobbendonk, near Antwerp in Belgium. Source : GulfshipNews

Despite low dry bulk rates, bulker prices are still high

Traditionally, August tends to be a month of slow activity in the sale and purchasing market and this year has been no exception. However, as shipbroker Intermodal noted in a recent report, the month of August, while it is the quietest


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month of terms of ship transactions, it’s also a time very critical for the forthcoming quarter, as this is typically, a period during which the market seeks signs for the direction of asset prices. As things stand at the moment, the future prospects of the sale and purchasing (snp) market, is currently tangled between uncertainty in both global economic conditions and geopolitics, which affect market psychology and actual trade at the same time. According to Intermodal’s SnP broker, Mr. Konstantinos Kontomichis, “despite the fact that freight rates in the dry sector have been depressingly low during the past months, the decrease in asset prices has not been equally strong. This is because during the past six years sellers have been trained to acknowledge volatility incurred during the smaller shipping circles and to resist in reducing their price ideas, as they wait for the recovery of the freight market in September”, Mr. Kontomichis noted. He added that “as far as older tonnage is concerned, we experience a correction in values of 90′s blt vessels. However, the firm demolition prices, which in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are still at Usd high 400′s per long ton, block a further correction in asset values since the “scrap age” of a vessel is being approached faster this way”. Meanwhile, according to the analyst, “on the newbuilding market, a big number of shipyards are sitting on a significant orderbook and currently don’t appear willing to proceed to heavy price discounts. Resale prices are perhaps a bit more elastic than newbuilding ones, and although they have dropped from the high levels reached earlier in 2014, they are still fairly stable compared to rest of the market. A representative recent example is that of a 61,000dwt Imabari Blt 2015, which was sold at usd 31,4 mill. Most notably though, the premium required for prompt deliveries is thinning due to the poor freight market”, Kontomichis mentioned. He went on to state that “having discussed what is going on the resale and vintage tonnage, which are heavily dependent upon newbuilding and scrap prices, it is interesting to see what is happening to the “middle-aged” tonnage. The post 2000′s blt ships are significantly exposed to the freight market, as newbuilding and scrap prices are not a critical factor in their value. Two notable snp transactions to be mentioned in the handysize market are the recent sale of M/V Atlantic Arrow (Abt 28,000dwt 2005 Blt Japan) which went for Usd 12,1m and that of the M/V Cielo Di Genova (Abt 32,300dwt / 2005 Blt Japan) which was snapped, considerably higher, for Usd 16,5 mill last December. In the more volatile sector of Panamax, prices presented the higher correction. The M/V Ocean Lily (Abt 76,500dwt / 2006 Blt Japan) was sold in March this year at region Usd 25 mill, while the M/V Yusho Spica (Abt 76,000 dwt / 2006 Blt Japan) was sold for around Usd 20 mill 3 months later. The M/V Michele D’Amato (Abt 76.000 / 2005 Blt Japan) and the M/V Lowlands Nello were reported sold last week for USD 17,7mill and 17,2 mill respectively. The level where the next comparable sale will be fixed, which will probably be the fresh market candidate M/V Golden Kiji (Abt 76,500dwt / 2007 Blt Japan), will be significant in terms of where the market is heading next, so remain seated with your seatbelt fastened as there might be a few more bumps ahead”, he concluded. Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Kurdish Crude Tanker Changes Course A tanker carrying 300,000 barrels of Kurdish crude oil has changed its destination to Limassol, Cyprus, as it returned from the United States without delivering its disputed cargo to a New Jersey refiner.

The Minerva Joy tanker had previously listed its destination as "Gibraltar orders," which usually implies a destination in the Eastern Mediterranean or further east. It changed its destination to "Limassol orders" at around 1600 GMT on Saturday, according to Reuters AIS Live shiptracking. On Aug. 13, the Minerva Joy began sailing eastwards from off the coast of Paulsboro, New Jersey, after refiner Axeon Specialty Products said it would not buy or accept delivery of any cargoes of disputed Kurdish crude oil for its Paulsboro refinery.

Iraq's central government has sought to block independent exports of crude by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The KRG argued it was allowed to sell crude under the Iraqi constitution, which Baghdad disputes. Several cargoes of Kurdish Shaikan crude have recently reached the United States, but not all have been able to discharge their oil. The United Kalavrvta is anchored outside of Galveston, Texas, with its cargo of Kurdish crude still unloaded.

In total, about $140 million worth of Iraqi Kurdish crude oil has been stopped from entering the United States in the last month. The United States has not banned companies from buying Iraqi Kurdish oil, but has warned firms they may face legal action from Baghdad.

Axeon has said it received a separate cargo of Kurdish Shaikan crude in June.

At the end of July, refiner LyondellBasell NV confirmed it had recently bought "modest quantities" of what public records showed was Kurdish Shaikan crude and said it would scrap further purchases of the disputed oil for the time being. Source : Reutrs / MAREX Anna Louie Sussman


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Last Monday morning the Semi-Submersible Heavy Load vessel FJORD arrived in Singapore waters from OPL to load stores, fresh water and for a crewchange prior the departure for her next project, transporting heavy load cargo to Australia, I received an invitation from Capt. Paul which I ofcoarse accepted so after contacting the Ships agent Jeffrey of Jardine Shipping it was very fast arranged to lift with him to the vessel with a

York launch for the inward clearance

and other formalities onboard.

The FJORD and near sister FJELL are original build as transportbarges for BOA offshore In August 2005, Fairmount acquired the FJORD and FJELL from Norway’s BOA Offshore for $45m. The construction contract was signed in Malta during March 200 and after being purchased converted in Malta into semi-submersible heavy transport vessels The conversion work comprised additional accommodation and a navigation bridge, life-saving equipment, an engine room with generator sets, thrusters, electric propulsion moors, generator sets for powering ballasting system and auxiliary systems, bow thruster to increase manoeuvrability and a new bow with a bulbous section. A ballast system with a capacity of 7,000m3 p/hr was installed in the vessel. The system can be operated remotely from a control room. Two independent remote sounding systems, including interactive loading

computers, are installed in the control room. Since 2012 Fairstar Heavy Transport is a full subsidiary of Dockwise Ltd., a leading provider of marine heavy transport solutions, specializing in high-value cargoes for the offshore and onshore energy and construction industries. Fairstar owns and operates four of the most modern semi-submersible heavy transport ships in the global fleet, FJORD, FJELL, FORTE and FINESSE.


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The FJORD is having a length of 159.2 mtr and a beam of 45.50 mtr with a displacement of 37.700 tons at her design draft of 6.0 mtrs, the vessel is able to submerge to create upto 11 mtr of water above the deck, which deck can handle a load upto 25 ton / m2, the FJORD is equipped with 3 sets of Main generators which are providing the power for the 2 Wärtsilä – LMT FS3500 WM steerable thrusters which are driving the vessel with speed upto 12 knots, for

better maneuvering in port beside the 360 degrees steareable thrusters at the stern the FJORD is equipped with an Wärtsilä – CT225M-D Controllable pitch tunnel bow thruster of 1,500 kW the FJORD is

able to load 3120 m3 HFO and 204 m3 Gasoil enough for 56 days steaming at full power or 80 days at economical

speed. As no transportation back to the shore was available in the afternoon, it was arranged with Capt Paul that I should stay onboard overnight and return ashore Tuesday morning with the crew-change launch, so a good opportunity to have a chat with the crew during the excellent dinner ( freshly made Pizza ) and a cup of coffee at the


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wheelhouse in the evening which was very pleasant and it is very good to see how the younger generation is getting ready for the future and enjoying their job onboard. Left : Capt. Paul (l) and Ch.Eng. Koos (r) with their teams ready for the next assignment with the FJORD, herewith I would like to thank Capt. Paul and the FJORD crew for the hospitality whilst onboard this beautifull vessel, all photo’s Piet Sinke © just CLICK on the photo to view and or download the High Resolution version !!

Statoil claims new DP2 Multi-Purpose Offshore Vessel Mokul Nordic for North

Sea charter Nordic Maritime’s latest fleet addition wins first work with energy giant

Nordic Maritime, a leading offshore service operator, today announced its newest DP2 vessel, MOKUL NORDIC , has been contracted for a 30 days firm + optional 15 days charter in the North Sea by international energy provider, Statoil.

“At Nordic Maritime, we are delighted to have won our inaugural contract with Statoil in 2014, the year in which we celebrate our 15th anniversary,” said Kjell Gauksheim, Nordic Maritime CEO. MOKUL NORDIC is a DP2 VS470 MKIII subsea service vessel capable of ROV / IMR operations. Having just completed her inaugural charter, with N-Sea Offshore, Mokul Nordic will remain in the North Sea and today starts on a job with international energy provider, Statoil. "Mokul


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Nordic has IMR capacities which fit our client’s requirement and is capable of a great deal also for North Sea operation" explained Gauksheim. "She is economical and that fact, coupled with her high capacity, is what our client saw in her". MOKUL NORDIC is specially customised and equipped to perform IMR/ROV work. The vessel has a 100-tonne active heave compensated offshore knuckle-boom crane and built-in swell compensation systems per 2,000m depth. Compliant with SPS 2008 Code & Clean and Comfort class notation, MOKUL NORDIC can accommodate 60 people, offers full cargo deck capacity, and logistical support to extend full usage flexibility. "Her sister vessel, Nordic Amprak, is currently under construction and will be delivered in the second quarter of 2015," Gauksheim added. Separately, Gauksheim also confirmed Nordic Maritime is in the final build stages of a new Research Catamaran which pioneers unique OBN (Ocean Bottom Node) technology, for use in seismic support and subsea mapping. The as-yet-unnamed catamaran will be available for chartering in South East Asia from January 2015.

Former Sydney Ferries boss and navy chief Geoffrey Smith jailed for fraud

Former CEO of Sydney Ferries, Geoffrey Smith, was today jailed for at least 18 months after defrauding the government corporation of more than $200,000. Family members of the retired rear admiral, a former deputy chief of the Royal Australian Navy, wept in court as he was sentenced to prison. Sydney’s District Court heard Smith was hired to help turn the troubled transport company around in August 2006 but soon begun using his CEO credit card for personal expenses.

From September 2006 to May 2008 he defrauded Sydney Ferries of more than $128,000. He eventually paid back all but $23 of this but then went on to steal a further $111,649. This was spent on funding a lavish lifestyle, which included expensive family holidays and repayments on a Sydney home valued at more than $2 million. In handing down his sentence, Judge Michael Finnane said that up until this point in Smith’s career he was a man of “exemplary good character’’. At the time of his retirement from the navy in 2002 he was Maritime Commander of the Australian Fleet, had won a number of military decorations and had been made an officer of the Order of Australia. “In every sense it is a tragedy that such a distinguished man should find himself facing sentence for fraud offences.’’

Smith, who pleaded guilty to one charge of cheating or defrauding Sydney Ferries, told the court earlier this year that he had promised his wife a comfortable home in her retirement. To this end he bought a property for them in Sydney’s north in 2002, carrying with it a $1.5 million mortgage. By the time he was CEO of Sydney Ferries four years later he was in a dire financial position, attempting to pay off a crippling mortgage and his wife’s medical expenses.

Notwithstanding this, he continued to live beyond his means, borrowing more money in 2007 to put in a swimming pool, lease two BMW cars, buy his wife jewellery and pay for expensive family holidays. “Clearly his lifestyle far exceeded his income and he chose from May 2008 onwards to engage in active fraud of Sydney Ferries,” Judge Finnane said. When the matter first came before him, Judge Finnane said he thought the sentence might be able to be served by way of an Intensive Correction Order rather than full-time imprisonment. However, he said Smith’s case was a “very serious example of a major fraud” and highlighted the need for general deterrence. He sentenced him to a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of two-and-a-half years. The retired rear admiral will be eligible for release in February 2016. Source : AAP


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NAVY NEWS Nieuw stationsschip in de West

Zr.Ms. Holland Het nieuwe stationsschip in de West, Zr.Ms. Holland, is ceremonieel de haven van Curacao binnen gevaren. Het schip lost Zr.Ms. Groningen af, die de afgelopen vier maanden is ingezet in counterdrugsoperaties en kustwachttaken zoals visserijinspectie en controle van grotere scheepvaart.

Ook Zr.Ms. Holland, een schip van dezelfde klasse als de Groningen, zal deze taken op zich nemen. De bemanning bestaat uit 55 mannen en vrouwen die hun West-periode afgelopen weekend enthousiast zijn begonnen met een zogenaamde ‘disaster exercise’ op Aruba. Zij hebben daar voor oefening hulp verleend na een ‘orkaanpassage’ want dat is namelijk ook een van de hoofdtaken van het stationsschip.

US, Chinese officials to meet at Pentagon after China intercepts US

Navy jet The United States has lodged a formal protest with Beijing over an air intercept this week in which a Chinese warplane flew close to a U.S. Navy patrol jet and conducted acrobatic maneuvers around it in international air space, the Pentagon said on Aug. 22, 2014. Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said the intercept took place on Aug. 19, 2014, 135 miles (200 km) east of Hainan Island. He said the Chinese fighter jet flew as close as 20 to 30 feet (7 to 10 meters) to a P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol plane and conducted a barrel roll over the plane. Picture taken WASHINGTON — U.S. and Chinese military officials will hold talks on rules of behavior at the Pentagon on Wednesday and Thursday, a U.S. official said, days after the U.S. denounced a “dangerous” Chinese jet intercept of a U.S. Navy patrol plane. Last Tuesday, a Chinese fighter pilot flew acrobatic maneuvers around the U.S. Navy’s P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine and reconnaissance plane, crossing over and under it in international airspace over the South China Sea, the Pentagon said. At one point, the jet flew wingtip-to-wingtip about 10 yards from the Poseidon, then performed a barrel roll over the top of it. The U.S. defense official said other close intercepts occurred in March, April and May.

While this week’s discussions at the Pentagon were planned long before the recent incidents, they touch on issues at the core of the U.S. concerns about Chinese military behavior: a Chinese provocation could spiral into a broader crisis sparked by a military miscalculation in the disputed territory. China’s sovereignty claims over the strategic stretch of mineral-rich water off its southern coast and to the east of mainland Southeast Asia set it directly against U.S. allies Vietnam and the Philippines, while Brunei, Taiwan and Malaysia also lay claim to parts of the disputed areas. The


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meetings involve a working group to discuss existing multilateral standards of behavior for air and maritime activities, the defense official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Rear Admiral James Foggo, Assistant Deputy Chief of U.S. Naval Operations, is among the U.S. military officials attending, the official said. It was not immediately clear which Chinese officials would participate. The U.S. and Chinese militaries have boosted their contacts in recent years amid recognition that as China’s economic interests continue to expand, it will play a bigger security role in the world and have more interactions with the U.S. military.

Still, the recent intercepts show that those increased contacts have not eliminated friction between the two. In April 2001, a similar aggressive intercept of a U.S. EP-3E spy plane by a Chinese F-8 fighter in the same area resulted in a collision that killed the Chinese pilot and forced the American plane to make an emergency landing at a base on China’s Hainan island. The 24 U.S. air crew members were held for 11 days until Washington apologized for the incident. That encounter soured U.S.-Chinese relations in the early days of President George W. Bush’s first administration. China has denied wrongdoing in the latest incident and blamed the U.S., citing “large-scale and highly frequent close-in reconnaissance.” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded by saying the U.S. operated “in a transparent manner.” “We make other countries, including China, aware of our plans,” Psaki said Source : bangordailynews

SHIPYARD NEWS Aztech acquires Glenn Marine shipyard

in Singapore By Lee Hong Liang from Singapore

Singapore’s Aztech Group has acquired Glenn Marine's shipyard in Singapore through a 100% takeover of the shares of a company owning the leasehold interest of the yard. The value of the acquisition deal was agreed at $11m. The yard has been renamed to AZ Marine Offshore Services from Glenn Marine Logistics Base. The yard sits on a site area of approximately 251,500 sq feet and water frontage of about 2,475 feet long, including a part four-storey/part six-storey detached factory with an open yard and jetty.

“The acquisition is in line with the overall strategy of the group to strengthen its core marine logistics capability, as well as expand its ship repair and maintenance capacity,” Singapore-listed Aztech said. Aztech is also involved in the businesses of electronics and lightings, materials supply and food. The shipyard offers a range of marine services including ship management, vessel agency, ship chandling and ship brokerage. It owns a fleet of 11 tugs, nine barges and two self-propelled conveyor barges, two mooring boats and one passenger launch boat. “In the long run, this acquisition will further open up new revenue opportunities in the fabrication and high value-added services catering to the fast growing oil and gas industry,” Aztech stated. “It will also enable AZ Marine to better provide ancillary services such as ship agency, ship chandling and vessel resupply to its clients.” Source : Seatrade-global

Ferry operator CalMac vows to help keep shipbuilder afloat

FERRY operator Caledonian MacBrayne has said it will do everything it can to help support a rescue of Ferguson's, the last commercial shipbuilder on the Clyde. The backing came as discussions continued over the weekend between administrators and parties interested in saving the Ferguson yard. It was founded in 1902 but collapsed into administration on August 15, with the loss of 70 jobs. An announcement concerning the future of the firm is expected to be made as early as today, with engineering tycoon Jim McColl widely tipped as the favourite to be named as the preferred bidder. Four potential buyers had lodged an interest by the deadline of Thursday at 5pm. However, Rangers directors James and Sandy Easdale, owners of McGill's Buses, later said they would step aside to allow Mr McColl to potentially take over the firm. Mr McColl, who has a personal fortune of around £1 billion, founded the firm Clyde Blowers and bought Weir Pumps. The shipbuilder recently built two ferries for state-owned ferry operator CalMac in a £22 million contract. Last Tuesday, Finance Secretary John Swinney said he believed there was a viable future for shipbuilding on the Clyde, with up to 12 CalMac vessels due to be replaced at a cost of up to £250m, and regular repair and maintenance required. A spokesman for CalMac said: "As a major employer in the Inverclyde region and acquirer of maritime services in Scotland we will, of course, support any rescue of Ferguson's. "As you would expect, David MacBrayne Ltd [the parent


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company of CalMac] is constantly looking at opportunities to grow its capability and capacity in the maritime sector, and would be interested in working with other organisations to do this." However, it is understood one limiting factor is that repairs for CalMac vessels sometimes require a dry dock, which is not available at the Ferguson yard. Yesterday, Mr McColl could not be reached for comment. But on Friday, a spokesman for the Easdale brothers said they were delighted someone with his engineering background was keen to take over the yard.The spokesman said: "Sandy spoke to Jim at length and his plans for hundreds of jobs and millions of pounds in investment are exactly what Inverclyde needs. "We said all along that we would step aside if somebody with an engineering pedigree and access to markets wanted to get involved. "Our only interest has been to save the yard and as many jobs as possible. "As local businessmen the Easdales have a strong interest in seeing a thriving Inverclyde economy." First Minister Alex Salmond, who visited the yard on Friday, yesterday said the Scottish Government would do everything it could to help save the shipyard and secure jobs. In a statement on Friday, Blair Nimmo, joint administrator and head of restructuring for KPMG in Scotland, said: "The level of interest and support shown for the future of Ferguson Shipbuilders provides us with the confidence that a sale could be achieved which will hopefully lead to work restarting in Port Glasgow in the short term." Yesterday, Mr Nimmo did not respond to a request for further comment Source : heraldscotland


Port of Salalah container productivity rises by 26 per cent

Muscat: Port of Salalah enhanced its berth productivity levels by 26 per cent in 2013 to rank as the 15 best port globally and figure among top container ports in the world, according to the independent research firm, Journal of Commerce (JOC). Based on the 2013 average container moves per ship, the JOC also ranked the Port of Salalah as the third top port in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, having achieved an average of 91 gross moves per hour (gmph), a 26 per cent increase over the 2012 average of 71 gmph. This is JOC's second Port Productivity report after its debut report a year earlier.

"Our employees have been working hard to coordinate teamwork and internal processes at the port, and the benefits of these efforts eventually flow to our customers," said Ahmed Akaak, deputy CEO at the Port of Salalah. "For example, we have reduced the waiting time at the gate from over 70 minutes to less than 30 minutes, apart from achiving significant reduction in instances of breakdowns and downtimes. This has resulted in overall improved level of work satisfaction and efficient teamwork." With its state-of-the-art container terminal facility, the Port of Salalah is the country's leading terminal for direct sailing connections to the USEC, Europe, Far East and East Africa, handling between three to four million containers annually over the past seven years. The Port of Salalah is managed by APM Terminals, a global leader in port terminal operations. The 2013 JOC Productivity Ranking named 11 facilities within the APM Terminals' Global Terminal Network as world leaders, including APM Terminals Yokohama, which tied with Tianjin Xingang Sinor Terminal for first place with 163 gmph. The JOC study used data from over 150,000 port calls during 2013, evaluating the individual performances of 443 ports and 771 terminals. Source : Times of Oman


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New bid to solve containers row BAHRAIN'S business leaders have pledged to investigate claims that a port operator has refused to release cargo containers belonging to eight major shipping companies in a dispute over unpaid fees. The port committee at Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is expected to meet Transportation Ministry officials this week to resolve the issue after APM Terminals (APMT), the operator of Khalifa Bin Salman Port (KBSP), allegedly threatened to block the release of the empty containers over pending storage charges ranging between BD5,000 and BD80,000. Companies are allowed to store their empty containers at the port for 10 days before a tax is imposed, however, the owners claim they had an agreement with officials to hold the boxes depending on availability of space without enforcing additional charges. The GDN earlier reported that the companies were given a deadline to settle the dues, which ended Aug 24. "We have received the case from the representative of the agents who are facing the issue," said BCCI port committee head Khalid Al Murbati. "According to (the companies), they have a problem and now since the matter has been referred to the BCCI we will take it up with the government.

"We have asked for an urgent meeting with Transportation Ministry Under-Secretary for Ports and Maritime Navigation Affairs Hassan Ali Al Majid and APTM. We are just waiting for replies."

The affected companies, known as Non-Vessel Operating Carriers (NVOCs), are Trans-Continental Shipping, Celerity Shipping and Forwarding, Pan Gulf Logistics, Al Mulla Logistics, International Agencies, Onyx Shipping Agencies, Clarion Shipping Services and United Arab Shipping Company. They earlier told the GDN that they were in negotiations to pay the fees in instalments, which were accumulated from last year, and claimed the levy was a result of a system glitch at the APMT. Meanwhile, BCCI transport committee head Abdulhakim Al Shammary criticised the ministry for signing a 25-year contract with APMT. "Right from the beginning we had issues with this company which has failed in serving the national trade," claimed Mr Al Shammary, who is also an outgoing MP. "We were patient in the beginning thinking that those were the transition hitches. "However, till today, this company is still making many mistakes which are causing damage to the importers and exporters and the government is silent. "I am very surprised that the port authorities are not doing anything to safeguard our country's interest." He also urged His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to intervene to resolve the dispute. Meanwhile, Dilmun Shipping Company general manager Balaji Ardhanari told the GDN they settled their storage dues with APMT in December 2013. "We are not part of the issue anymore, as we have already settled the dues with APTM," he added. APMT officials declined to comment when contacted by the GDN yesterday, while the Transportation Ministry said it would respond soon. Source : Gulf DailyNews


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Tech-savvy modern travelers will be wowed by Royal Caribbean International's newest ship, Quantum of the Seas, which incorporates unprecedented levels of technology to amp up the vacation experience. “Cruise vacations have a romantic past – but they also have a lively, adventurous, state-of-the-art future,” said Richard D. Fain, chairman and CEO, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. “We were determined to take the best advances in modern


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technology, turn them into shipboard WOWs, and take the frustration out of the vacation. This ship’s combination of ease and flexibility would make a yoga instructor proud.” Boatloads of bandwidth keep guests connected; easy-to-use systems expand guest choices and simplify schedules; and RFID technology speeds the boarding process and allows guests to keep track of their luggage every step of the way. Altogether, customer-centered technology makes Quantum of the Seas six kinds of SMART: SMART Check-In: From sidewalk to ship in record time A Quantum vacation begins at home, where guests can generate boarding documents online, upload their own ID photo, and receive digital boarding confirmation. By the time they arrive at the cruise terminal for departure, Royal Caribbean guests can go from “sidewalk to ship” in 10 minutes with no check-in counter, no forms to fill out and no lines to stand in. Guests will be able to track luggage in real time on their smartphones. Luggage will be tagged curbside with RFID technology at drop-off, and guests can monitor their bags’ progress through key points en route to the stateroom. On departure, the process is reversed. SMART Concierge: Flexibility at your fingertips Quantum of the Seas will offer new RFID WOWband wristbands, which require only a simple tap to quickly navigate the ship, make onboard purchases, serve as the room key and more. Simplicity and efficiency are also at the heart of two new apps that put guests in charge of their cruise choices: Cruise Planner, which allows guests to research and book dining reservations, shore excursions, spa appointments and more before their vacation begins; and Royal iQ, available as a downloadable app and provided at freestanding iQ stations around the ship. Royal iQ allows guests to manage details during the cruise, includes a convenient calendar that provides at-a-glance views of their program, and keep in touch with one another and home via phone and text capabilities. “Every vacation minute counts, especially on Quantum of the Seas where there is so much to see and do,” said Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, Executive Vice President, Operations, Royal Caribbean International. “Guests can now tailor everything about their cruise in advance, so they can start enjoying their vacation the minute they step onboard. In essence, they get back the first day of their cruise.” Taken together, these features take the company’s time-saving efforts to a new level,” Lutoff-Perlo said. “Every minute we can save our guests is another minute of their vacation they have to enjoy.” SMART Connect: Downloads at the speed of modern life Quantum of the Seas will operate with unprecedented bandwidth using satellites launched by tech partner O3b Networks. With speeds that match fast broadband connections onshore, guests can be online 24/7, no matter what personal device they bring onboard. Guests can watch streaming video, check email, share images on social media and enjoy face-to-face video conversations – even in the middle of the ocean. “Even when they are getting away from it all on vacation, people want to be able to connect,” said Lutoff-Perlo. “Our satellite network will make things possible at sea that could never have been done before, and will make all the difference in the way guests share their Royal Caribbean experience.” In addition, Quantum’s connectivity makes it possible for one of the SeaPods in SeaPlex to become a live global video gaming suite where guests can enjoy Xbox Live and compete with other gamers worldwide. SMART Experiences: Shaking martinis and spinning screens Technology also powers surprise-and-delight elements on Quantum of the Seas. A brand new venue, Bionic Bar, is set to make waves with robots at center stage. Guests place orders via tablets and then have fun watching robotic bartenders hard at work mixing cocktails. Robots drive another entertaining feature on Quantum of the Seas. Two70 is home to a playful and agile troupe of six Roboscreens that stage surprise performances during every cruise, creating scenes while soaring and twisting solo, or uniting as one. Guests will also experience Vistarama, floor-to-ceiling glass walls that transform into an expansive ambient surface that projects any scene, real or imagined, including the multidimensional performance spectacle, Starwater. Quantum of the Seas will take advantage of technology in functional forms as well. Guest staterooms are equipped with device-charging USB outlets, as well as energy efficient and environmentally friendly lighting systems. Interior accommodations are outfitted with Virtual Balconies that display real-time sights and sounds of the sea through 80-inch LED screens, ensuring every stateroom has a view. SMART Service: Crew can connect better with guests – and with home The technology benefits of Quantum of the Seas extend to the ship’s crew. Custom apps will allow crew members to keep better track of guests’ tastes and preferences, allowing staff to tailor their already remarkably personalized service to an even higher degree. Whether a guest prefers gluten-free dining, early show seating, or shiatsu massage, the features of the smart ship allow crew members to anticipate every need. And the ship’s remarkable capabilities give the company an opportunity to make life better for crew members too, since Royal Caribbean will present every crew member on Quantum of the Seas with a free, personal Microsoft Windows tablet, with a suite of services and apps that is theirs to keep. And as technology upgrades are made across the company’s fleet, every shipboard employee in the entire Royal Caribbean International fleet will also receive their own tablet – a total of 40,000 tablets.


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“The Royal Caribbean men and women who provide such great vacations are the real heroes of our fleet and these gifts demonstrate our appreciation in a tangible way,” Fain said. “This technology isn't only about giving our guests a better vacation – it’s also about giving our crew and their families a closer connection than we’ve ever been able to” SMART Sustainability: Cleaner and greener Technology has even played a part in making the ship more environmentally friendly. Sophisticated computer modeling was used to reduce the vessel’s energy consumption with efficient hull configuration, engine design and energy saving devices. The ship has eliminated the use of incandescent bulbs; all lighting will be provided by low-energy LED or fluorescents. Motion sensors even dim hallway lighting when no one is present. The Quantum Class spans 18 decks, encompasses 167,800 gross registered tons, carries 4,180 guests at double occupancy and features 2,090 staterooms. Quantum of the Seas will sail out of New York Harbor from her homeport of Cape Liberty for her inaugural season before departing to her new homeport of Shanghai (Baoshan), China. Anthem of the Seas will debut in Southampton, U.K. in April 2015 sailing Mediterranean itineraries. More information on Quantum class is available at www.RoyalCaribbean.com/QuantumoftheSeas. Media can contact Cruise Connection or visit www.RoyalCaribbeanPressCenter.com. Or CLICK HERE !!


The FLOKS Floating Eye Clinic PETR PERVYY (Петр Первы й ) moored in Jebel Ali Port (United Arab Emirates) ( sorry I lost the date of this photo) this 133 mtr long and 21 mtr width vessel was built as 1 of the 7 Dmitriy Shostakovich class ferries during the period 1980 > 1986 at the Stocznia Szczecinska im Adolfa Warskiego shipyard in Szczecin, Poland under yard number B492/04 as the MIKHAIL SUSLOV in 1982 was renamed PYOTR PERVYY in 1989 under which name she sailed until 2001 when she was renamed in OCEAN EMPRESS followed by OCEAN JEWEL OF. ST PETERSBURG as a casino vessel operating from St. Petersburg (Florida) the vessel was scrapped in Venezuela in 2013 Photo : Piet Sinke (c) – CLICK on the photo !

Inter-Industrial Scientific and Technological Complex "Eye Microsurgery" turned to Twenty-Twenty Limited Company (Associated Member of ROSH Group Companies) for assistance in the development of the project - Floks Floating Eye Hospital. The idea was to use a modern ocean liner to make available to people in the remotest parts of the world the high-quality medical services in the field of ophthalmology. For that purpose 11,000-tonne cruise liner " PETR PERVYY" was hired from the Black Sea Steam Ship Line.(Ukrainian: Чорноморське морське пароплавство) which company was a major shipping company of the former Soviet Union based in Odessa, Ukraine. During the Soviet rule, the company held the title of world's largest shipping company for at least several years and was instrumental in important foreign trade and international aid initiatives of the Soviet government. In February 2009 it was recognized bankrupt by the Higher Commercial Court of Ukraine (previously by the Commercial Court of Odessa Oblast and the Odessa Appellate Commercial Court).The crew of the ship consisted of 126 people.

Ophthalmologists from the Moscow Microsurgery Complex were invited to work onboard at the Clinic. The medical team consisted of 14 doctors, 16 nurses and 8 technical specialists. The specialists used the most advanced techniques developed by the Complex under the guidance of Professor Svyatoslav Fyodorov, internationally acclaimed ophthalmologist and member of many medical societies around the world. These medical techniques were adopted by


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eye clinics in the United States, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Cuba, India, the Philippines, China, Italy and the United Arab Emirates.

The most up-to-date ophthalmic instruments and apparatus purchased from the top manufacturers were used in the Clinic. They included diamond blades, lasers and computer diagnostic facilities. Surgeons at the Floks Clinic were able to eliminate the following ocular diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, myopia of all degrees, progressive myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, keratoconus, corneal leukomas, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, retinal atrophy, squint, optic nerve atrophy, ocular injuries and vitreous pathology. If an operation was simple and took only a few minutes, patients had the option of staying on board of the ship for 24 hours under medical supervision. A longer stay was needed when operations were more complicated. Operations were performed only when the ship was securely berthed in port. Single and twin cabins were available for patients and people having accompanied them.

A range of luxurious leisure facilities complemented the medical services on the Floks Ship. Among them were a restaurant, four bars, two cafeterias, sauna, hairdressing salon and shop selling souvenirs from Russia. Twenty-Twenty Limited was assigned to organise medical activity (carry out medical management) of the Clinic functioning on the board of the Ship " PETR PERVYY " as well as to supply additional medical and technological equipment, medicines and materials needed for extending medical services. The whilst moored in Gibraltar between February and November 1996 More than 15,000 patients from 20 countries were diagnosed in the Clinic received medical treatment and got necessary operations performed.

Pacific Drilling announces firm contract extension for Pacific Bora

Pacific Drilling S.A. announced that Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited, an affiliate of Chevron, has signed a firm contract extension for the Pacific Bora, the company said in its press release. As previously announced in recent Fleet Status reports, the contract extension increases the drillship’s backlog by approximately $439 million, bringing the company’s total contract backlog as of Aug. 22, 2014, to $3.0 billion. Pacific Bora is capable of operating in water depths of up to 10,000 feet and drilling wells 37,500 feet deep. With its best-in-class drillships and highly experienced team, Pacific Drilling is a fast-growing company that is committed to becoming the industry’s preferred ultra-deepwater drilling contractor. Pacific Drilling’s fleet of eight high-specification drillships will represent one of the youngest and most technologically advanced fleets in the world. The company currently operates five drillships under customer contract, has a drillship preparing for contract commencement, and has two drillships under construction at Samsung Heavy Industries. Source : PortNews

Nieuwe Maas gedeeltelijk afgesloten voor scheepvaart tijdens

Wereldhavendagen Van vrijdag 5 tot en met zondag 7 september is de Nieuwe Maas in Rotterdam gedeeltelijk afgesloten. Dan vinden in Rotterdam de Wereldhavendagen plaats. Daarbij tonen grote en kleine schepen op het water wat zij allemaal kunnen. Deze demonstraties spelen zich voornamelijk af in het ge bied tussen de Parkhaven en de Erasmusbrug. Om dit veilig te laten verlopen reguleert de havenmeester de scheepvaart op de Nieuwe Maas. Op zaterdag 6 september wordt de scheepvaart zelfs helemaal gestremd. De scheepvaart is hier door middel van een Bekendmaking aan de Scheepvaart 113/2014 op de hoogte gesteld. De grenzen van het gestremde gebied liggen aan de oostzijde van de Erasmusbrug en nabij de Parkkade. In verband met de veiligheid is het niet toegestaan om zich in of aan de randen van het gestremde gebied op te houden. Dit betekent dat toeschouwers op het water door de grote afstand een beperkt zicht hebben op de demonstraties. Het Havenbedrijf adviseert met name de recreatievaart daarom af te meren in een jachthaven en het laatste stuk te voet of met het openbaar vervoer af te leggen. Daarmee voorkomt het drukte in een klein gebied op een stromende rivier waardoor nautisch onveilige situaties kunnen ontstaan. Meer informatie over de wereldhavendagen en de mogelijkheden van openbaar vervoer staat op www.wereldhavendagen.nl



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25-08-2014 : Cruise liner ARTANIA arriving on the Tyne at sunrise Photo : Kevin Blair ©

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