23 april 2021 - gsl.wa.edu.au

Post on 17-Nov-2021






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Good Shepherd Catholic School

Phone: 6278 9500 Email: admin@gsl.wa.edu.au Website: web.gsl.wa.edu.au

23 April 2021 Vision Statement: Good Shepherd Catholic School is an inclusive community growing together in faith by living our Catholic values and beliefs. We are guided by catholic Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ, in partnership with parents, caregivers, parish and the wider community. Our school is dedicated to fostering life-long learning through educational excellence encapsulating the spiritual, cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of the child.

Principal’s Message Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers of Good Shepherd Catholic School

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die. (John 11:25)

I would like to welcome all our students and their families back to our school for the beginning of Term 2. I hope all our families were able to reflect on the events of Easter, spend time with their loved ones and enjoy the break from school routine. I would especially like to welcome our new students and their families to our school and hope that they enjoy their time with our community. Term 2 is always a busy term. This year it is 11 weeks long so there will be the opportunity for lots of learning.

During the holidays, the State Government announced a further easing of the COVID restrictions. For our school, the following now applies:

• We are now able to welcome families back to our assemblies, although there are still some restrictions. Because of these restrictions, only families connected to the class that is holding the assembly and families of students who are receiving merit awards will be able to attend. Adults who do attend the assembly are to be respectful of physical distancing and will need to sanitise their hands when they enter the hall.

• Restrictions have been lifted from places of worship which means that our Parish Church is now back to 100% capacity. Therefore, families can join the students at any school Masses that we now hold. It will also mean that there are now no longer restrictions for the Sacramental Masses at this point in time. Further information will be distributed to families regarding Sacramental Masses at the appropriate times.

Next Tuesday, after recess, the Year 6 students will lead the school in an ANZAC Day service. Families are welcome to join us in the undercover area. If any parents or caregivers do attend, they are asked to respect physical distancing. ANZAC Day is a very important day in Australia’s calendar as it recognises, not just the events of April 25, 1915, but the many men and women who have lost their lives in armed conflict while being in the Australian Armed Forces. I would like to thank the Year 6 students and their teachers for helping us to remember this day.

On Thursday of next week, our school will compete in the Interschool Swimming Carnival. We wish all the students, who have been selected to represent our school, good luck. I know they will do their best and represent our school with pride. A big thank you to Mr B and the staff who have trained the team. Your willingness to do this for the students is certainly appreciated by them.

I will be away from the school for most of next week, attending professional development at the Catholic Education Office. Please contact the school administration if you have any issues and they will make certain that your problem is addressed in my absence.

Stay safe and stay well in the week ahead. Mark Powell Principal

23 April 2021 Good Shepherd Catholic School

School Values

Our Catholic Values underpin all of our 6 school values. This year our School is focusing on our school value…


We celebrate diversity by accepting the uniqueness of individuals through their multi-cultural heritage, their varying abilities and many gifts.

Faction Points

Maali House: 206 Foley House: 139 Francis House: 134 Noonan House: 129


The following celebrated a birthday this week.

We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! These will be acknowledged at our Monday assembly

Joshua Osorio PPB Tristan Minniti PPB Lincoln Mort 2W Nicholas Napier 4B Tejj Bijadhur 1B Micheal O’Riordan 3W Myka Laserna 5W Aiden McCormick 3W Spencer Hoeden 5B Anthony Panaiia 6B Zara Burke PPB Charlie Barlow 2B Charlotte Morris 3W Myra Joshi KB Jujhar Singh KB Charlotte Talbot 6W Chase Mateljan 6B Mannat Hundal 2B Arielle Joyce Ramilo 3B Sharon Mafungate 6B Max Andacic 1W Indiana McLaughlin 6B Eva Guerriero PPB Zion Latimer 5B Natasha Nguyen KW Charlotte Scobbie 3B Jiro Nanagas 4W Mwamba Nonde 5W Caelan Culleton 2B Dion Francis 5W Arjun Masuta 2B Suryansh Shetty 2B Harlow Kaeding 1W Vianca Yaneza 3B Romeo Fisher PPW Bor Gayo KW Samar Khanchi 2B Dominic Lewis 6B Asher Habimana 1W Saoirse O’Riordan 1W Imogen Greeve PPB Dana Andacic 3B Fasika Eyayu 5W Mrs Vacarro Miss Luscombe

Term Dates 2021 Pupil Free Days

Term 2 Tuesday 20th April – Friday 2nd July Monday 19th April Term 3 Monday 19th July – Thursday 23rd September Monday 16th August Term 4 Tuesday 12th October – Friday 10th December Monday 8th November

Facebook Page

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook Page. Please like our page and follow us as we

begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events

happening within our wonderful school. Search @GoodShepherdLockridge

23 April 2021 Good Shepherd Catholic School

Important Dates to Remember Subject to change, based on Covid-19 advice

ANZAC Day – Public Holiday 26th April CPSSA Swimming Carnival 29th April Mother’s Day 9th May First Holy Communion Workshop 11th May First Holy Communion Retreat Day 25th May First Holy Communion 29th May School Photos 2nd – 3rd June WA DAY - Public Holiday 7th June Interhouse Cross Country Carnival 9th June Winter Carnival 17th June Last Day of Term 2nd July

NAPLAN 2021 NAPLAN information brochures have been sent home to parents of students in Year 3 and Year 5. Please look out for this document that provides information for parents and carers about NAPLAN and how you can support your child. Your child will sit the NAPLAN online tests except for the Year 3 Writing test which remains in paper format. Students will be exposed to the format and process of the tests prior to the test period, however please take the time to visit the public demonstrations site with your child to get an idea of what the tests look like and to give them opportunities to practice:


The dates for NAPLAN are Tuesday 11 May – Friday 21 May and although tests will be scheduled for specific days in this time, catch up tests will be conducted during the whole period to give all students an opportunity to complete all tests.

Bowl Patrol - Ten Pin Bowling

Last term, students from our school Support Program learnt the basic skills of Tenpin Bowling. Coaches from Tenpin Bowling WA showed us some fun games to improve balance, fitness, targeting and focus – important skills for Tenpin Bowling. Our lucky students also got the chance to experience the sport at ZONE BOWLING Morley in the last few weeks. For anyone keen to learn more about the sport, Bowl Patrol is the National Junior Learn to Bowl Program and runs at ZONE BOWLING Morley. In term 2, 2021 these sessions will be on Monday afternoons from 4.00pm – 5.00pm starting on 3 May 2021. This program accepts KIDSPORT vouchers, so eligible families could participate for free! For more information and to register for Bowl Patrol or KIDSPORT click on the following links: Bowl Patrol or KIDSPORT All Good Shepherd students (including those who didn’t participate this time around) have the opportunity to come and try Bowl Patrol for free. The first session is on Monday 3 May at ZONE BOWLING MORLEY, come along and give it a go. Look for the flyer coming home with your child this week. Hopefully, some of our Good Shepherd students will go on a Tenpin Bowling adventure.

23 April 2021 Good Shepherd Catholic School

Eco Warriors - Sustainability

Good Shepherd has entered the Wonder White bread bag and tag recycling

competition. Please start collecting empty bread bags and bread tags. We

have not received the collection bin yet but you will be informed when it

arrives. It will be located at the recycling station outside the library.

For more information see the link below:


Book Club

Book club brochures have been sent home this week for students and parents to purchase some fantastic books. This is a great way to foster the love of reading for your child as they get to choose what they are interested in! Orders can be made through Loop by following the instructions on the brochure. Alternatively, you can place an order form with the correct money in a sealed envelope with your child's name and class clearly labelled. Please ensure that correct amount is sent in as no change will be given.

Book Club orders are due: 28/04/2021

Uniform Shop


Canteen Recess orders will be accepted from all students in Kindy to Year 6. We ask parents to write their order on an envelope and place the correct money to avoid handling change. The Canteen Menu is available on our Website. https://www.gsl.wa.edu.au/debbies-deli/

Uniform Shop Trading Hours

Tuesday 8:15am – 9:15am

Friday 2:15pm – 3:15pm

23 April 2021 Good Shepherd Catholic School

The P&F Page

Upcoming Events

Friend Raising Fund Raising Meetings

Mother’s Day 5th May (KB) & 7th May (KW-Yr6)

2021/22 Digital Entertainment Book

P&F Meeting Tuesday, 18th May

Welcome to Term 2 Mother’s Day Stall

A warm welcome back from the Good Shepherd Parents and Friends to all our Parents, Teachers, and Students. We hope that everyone had a wonderful break.

Icy Pole Day

The sun was shining, and the smiles said it all.


School Banking

Want to know more about our School Banking


Our School Banking Coordinator, Holly and her

fantastic volunteers, Chantell and Rhianna are ready

to help and answer any of your questions.

School Banking in located in the School Canteen

every Thursday from 8.20am till 8.40am.

For any further information regarding School Banking please contact Holly on 0424 520 329.

23 April 2021 Good Shepherd Catholic School

St Vinnie’s Parish Bingo Night

23 April 2021 Good Shepherd Catholic School

Midvale Hub Parenting Service

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