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Gym memberships aretrite, expensive andoften purchased with

well-intended, but blindambition. This leaves no oneto wonder why 85% of thepopulation does not engage ina regular fitness routine.Something is not working.Why are people purchasinggym memberships, going hardcore for a few weeks and thendropping out, dejected anddisappointed in themselves.Two words: accountabilityand community. Despite the

ample selection of programsand classes at what hasbecome a buffet selection ofgyms, these two core thingsare lacking disabling folksfrom being successful in theirfitness journey.

This is what Dr. GlennFoss wants to offer to that85%. Tailored programs,human connection, and acommunity of encouragementwith the introduction ofAdvanced Fitness & WellnessCenter. Having been in thebusiness of physical rehabili-

tation and working with alllevels of sport related injuries,Dr. Foss felt there was neveran adequate “step down” pro-gram for individuals followingtheir physical rehabilitation.These individuals need guid-ance in subsequent exerciseand activity to support thestrengthening and condition-ing from their rehab program.But now with their newlybuilt facility adjunct toAdvanced Sports Medicine,Advanced Fitness & Wellness

The Fitness Formula: Different for everyone By A. Jibbs

Proverbs 3:5,6 • God Bless AmericaRecycled Paper from 30% Post Consumer Waste

July 22, 2015Zone 3, Vol. 13, No. 13

We are a Family, Friendly Publication

continued on page 6

Look Inside The 2015

Annual Directoryis Here!

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 2, Zone 3

NOTE: To have your group’s announce-ment appear in Community Happenings,please e-mail your paragraph to calen-dar@lifeandleisurenj.com.JUL 23•Butler Public Library will hold a CraftNight for Adults: Magazine Bead Jewelryon Thursday, July 23 from 7-7:45pm.Learn how to use recycled old magazinesand turn it into a beautiful piece of jewel-ry by making beads from strips of a mag-azine. All materials will be provided,unless you want to bring your own. Freeprogram limited to 15 participants.Please call 973-838-3262 or stop by theCirculation Desk to pre-register. ButlerPublic Library is located at 1 Ace Road,behind the municipal building, on theinternet at www.butlerlibrary.org.•Looking Super on Thursday, July 23 at7pm - Allison Smith, ShopRite of LincolnPark’s registered dietitian, and beautyadvisor Allison Demaio will be here withadvice and samples to help us look superthis summer and beyond. You’ll leave thisworkshop with tips for eating to lookgreat and tricks to help keep your hairand skin looking flawless. For more infor-mation, call the library at 973-835-5044or check our website at www.riverdalelibrary.org. JUL 26•The Reformed Church in Kinnelon wel-comes the area community to a talk by itsmissionary from Oman, the Rev. KennethBradsell, on Sunday, July 26, during theregular worship service at 10am. TheReformed Church in Kinnelon is located at155 Kinnelon Road. Weekly worship isheld Sundays at 10am. Childcare is pro-vided during worship. For more informa-tion, please call the church at 973-838-3113 or visit the website at reformed-churchkinnelon.org. JUL 30 •Mask-erade on Thursday, July 30 at

5pm. Design an awesome mask to createyour super-secret identity and originstory! For tweens and teens enteringgrades 6+. For more information, call thelibrary at 973-835-5044 or check ourwebsite at www.riverdalelibrary.org.AUG 3•Water Music: Use fountains, waterfallsand ponds to create an oasis in your gar-den. We’ve all enjoyed the serenity of arippling brook or waterfall while hiking ortraveling, but where is that spot when weneed it most? On Monday, August 3 at7pm Master Gardener Barbara Katz willhelp you re-create those serene momentsin your yard or add a new dimension toyour garden. For more information, callthe library at 973-835-5044 or check ourwebsite at www.riverdalelibrary.org.AUG 5•Summer movie night on Wednesday,August 5 at 5:45pm. Enjoy popcorn and agreat movie on our big screen – andenter a raffle to win a copy of the bookAllegiant! For tweens and teens enteringgrades 6+. For the movie title and moreinformation, call the library at 973-835-5044 or check our website atwww.riverdalelibrary.org.AUG 6•Camp Half-Blood on Thursday, August 6at 5pm. Are you a half-blood, descendedfrom the great Greek gods? Prepare to goon a quest like Percy Jackson and testyour knowledge of all things mythologi-cal. For children entering grades 4-6. Formore information, call the library at 973-835-5044 or check our website atwww.riverdalelibrary.org.AUG 15•Get your Superhero costume ready andjoin friends and family for the 3rd AnnualCASA Superhero 4 Mile Run & Walk atGarret Mountain Reservation inWoodland Park on Saturday, August 15.To register as a runner, form a team,

donate or sponsor the CASA SuperheroRun, go to www.runsignup.com/casarace or call 973-832-4002. Also fol-low the event on Facebook at /casarace.Register ends Wednesday, August 12.AUG 19•Movie Night at Riverdale Library onWednesday, August 19 at 7pm. View arecent blockbuster movie presented onour big screen. Refreshments will beserved. For the movie title and moreinformation, call the library at 973-835-5044 or check our website atwww.riverdalelibrary.org.•Adult summer reading finale onWednesday, August 19 at 7pm. Join usfor the conclusion of our adult summerreading program. We’ll be holding thedrawings for our summer reading prizes,sharing what we’ve read, and enjoyingsome refreshments. We’ll also be sharinginformation about your most and leastpopular summer reads. For more infor-mation, call the library at 973-835-5044or check our website at www.riverdalelibrary.org.

Around theCommunity…•The Friends of the Kinnelon Library needsvolunteers to help with our annual usedbook sale. Be sure to dress for dust!Receive further information at the orienta-tion meeting to be held at the library, 132Kinnelon Rd., on Thursday, July 23 from11am-12:30pm. Volunteer hours at theKiel Avenue Firehouse begin Wednesday,July 29 and run through August 26. If youwould like to volunteer for the Book Salesimply email the Friends of the Library atfriends.cll@kinnelonlibrary.org, call thelibrary at 973-838-1321 or visit www.kinnelonlibrary.org and click on the‘Friends’ link.

100% Mailed, Bi-Weekly Newspaper234 Main Street, 2nd Floor

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Publisher: Joe Pellegrino i Editor: Bethanne Pellegrino i Assistant Editor: Janice McCullen i Art Director: Robin Banta Sales: Lisa Buniewski, Larry Johnson, George Papendick, Denise Wirsing i Classifieds: Kathleen ToddPlease e-mail all press releases and calendar information to calendar@lifeandleisurenj.com or fax to 973.556.1991.Advertising in Life & Leisure is affordable and effective. We are a “family friendly” publication and therefore reserve the right to accept only advertisements that appeal to the entire family; the final determination of which is made by Life & Leisure. Views expressed in Life & Leisure arethose of the respective columnists and writers, and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, or Life & Leisure. Advertising is open to anyonedesiring to reach the public and is subject to approval, revision and/or rejection at any time by the publisher. Many of the articles are paid for by theauthor and are in effect advertisements. Publication of any advertisement does not constitute, either implied or inferred, an endorsement of services,products or businesses advertised. © 2015 Life & Leisure, LLC. Life & Leisure is a trademark of Life & Leisure, LLC.

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visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 3

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 4, Zone 3

It’s a great question isn’t it,but, the answer is evenbetter, at least I believe so

and I’ll tell you why. Folks,I’m in my 54th year and thereare more years behind methan in front of me, especiallyworking and earning years;this means the closer I get toretirement, the more interest-ed I become in my retirementportfolio and you should too.Certainly, I do not mean cre-ating the retirement portfoliothat you should have startedyears ago, no, I mean prepar-ing to depend on one!

When you hang-up yourhat for the last time at yourjob, you will be dependent onthe portfolio that you con-structed over the last threedecades to provide for yourwife and yourself. In my case,hopefully there will be someSocial Security left for mywife and I, but, it will be of lit-tle consequence should it becurtailed or eliminated beforeI even get the first check atmy age of 67. I have alwayspoked fun at Social Security,even since my very first pay-check at 14 years of age. Back

then, Sy Weiner, the owner ofSinger’s Department Store inPompton Lakes, promised meI was being paid $2.35 anhour, minimum wage at thetime. After school I would putin my time emptying the trashbins, stocking shelves, vacu-uming the carpeting and dust-ing/mopping the floors. Withgreat anticipation I tore openthe envelope containing thefirst paycheck and stub of myworking life after working 10hours that week. Much to mysurprise, the check was a lotless than the $23.50 that waspromised to me, so this young14 year old rushed into theowner’s office to inform himof a math calculation error.Sy, informed me of the follow-ing: “Mark, those letters onthe stub indicate withdrawalsfrom your check before youreceive the “net dollars”. Firstis Fed-With, which is for fed-eral income tax and there isanother deduction for NJincome tax too. Next is SUIand that is for state unemploy-ment insurance and this onecalled FICA is for your retire-ment,” he said firmly. “Everypay period, the governmenttakes out of your pay a portionthat goes into an account withyour name and number on it,to be returned to you whenyou are 65 years old, this iscalled Social Security!”

Sy, bless his heart, didn’tknow or realize that in that

one statement defining SocialSecurity, he was doublywrong! The first misnomerwas that my money was goinginto an account with myname and number on it, when

actually it was being paid tocurrent retirees who were col-lecting from the system. Thesecond error was that I wasgoing to get my retirementshare at age 65. The govern-ment has now determinedthat my “FRA” full retirementage is now 67 and there is noguarantee of that at all! Whatremains to be seen is if I everreceive a Social Securitycheck at all! I believe thatcertain people will be ren-dered ineligible due to theirindividual financial success;

meaning a new governmentinstituted asset and meanstest, where a committee willbe created to determine ifyour contribution to FICAwill be changed to a donation

instead, for the benefit of the“greater good.” That would beproof of the third paycheckmisinformation espoused tome back in 1975. It wasn’t Sy’sfault or any employer’s for thatmatter, how could they haveknown or predicted thefuture. But, the whole storysounded a little fishy to me,even then, so I did somethingabout it.

I decided not to rely ordepend on Social Securityeven though I was forced to

contribute to it. Instead, I wasdetermined to consider mySocial Security check, if I evergot one, as gravy or icing onthe cake. I adopted the finan-cial attitude, “If It Is to Be, It’sUp to Me!” And thereforedetermined that my retire-ment portfolio possess all ofthe answers in the Answertitle of today’s column:Growth – Income – Liquidity– Tax-Advantages + Safety! Iasked the question of myselfand answered it as it is writ-ten; my retirement portfoliorequired all of these featureswhen creating it, adding to it,and eventually when with-drawing from it.

This leads me to a fewquestions. 1. Do you agreewith me? 2. Does your needfor retirement funds and whatthey must accomplish whenyou hang-up your working hatfor the last time, require thesame attributes as indicatedon this list? 3. Lastly, is yourretirement portfolio investedproperly with these require-ments included? 4. Not sure,need another opinion, don’tthink so, not enough confi-dence in the allocation or per-haps your current advisor oryour own investing efforts? Ifthere is some doubt, even theslightest degree, APG repre-sentatives, like myself, chargeno fees to see! No AmericanProsperity Group office willcharge you to take a look, give

you our opinion of your cur-rent financial situation, anddetermine your preparednessfor the next market correc-tion, crash or if we see anydeficiencies in your alloca-tions. We might even con-gratulate you or your currentadvisor for a job well done,but, you won’t know unlessyou contact us for a no feereview. It’s just that simpleand I encourage you to takeadvantage of this opportunity.

Mark E. Charnet, CAS, isPresident and Founder of

American Prosperity Group.APG is the Premier Retirementand Estate Planning Franchisein the United States with 20 of-fices in 10 states. Mr. Charnethas over 35 years of experiencein the Retirement and Estate

Planning fields. Creator of theTrinity Method of Investing©,Mark encourages your inquiries

and can be reached at:973-831-4424 or via email,markcharnet@1APG.com.

Check out our website:www.1APG.com Interested ina career in retirement and estateplanning? Check out this web-site: www.APGFranchise.comSecurities through: United Plan-ners Financial Services, a limit-ed partnership. Member SIPC,FINRA and a Registered In-vestment Advisor. APG is lo-cated at: 901 Route 23 South,2nd floor, Pompton Plains, NJ

in the Lakeland Bank andPediatriCare building.

Answer: Growth – income – liquidity – tax-advantages + safetyQuestion: What are the most important investment attributes youwould demand of your retirement portfolio? By Mark Charnet

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 5

Center caters to not only thepost rehab patient but the85% of the population whodon’t pursue exercise do tofear of injury, self-conscious-ness, lack of guidance, fish outof water theory, and the mostcommonly “I hate exercise!”

This state of the art facil-ity is designed for the individ-ual that needs a safe and effec-tive training program as wellas the athlete that needs toget to the next level. Usingthe latest science and researchdriven methods this 10,000square foot facility alsoincludes spa like locker rooms,open floor space training, allthe latest fitness classes and2000 square feet of turf forspeed and agility training.Advanced Fitness & WellnessCenter effectively takes aperson on an individualizedpath to achieve their fitness

driven goals. Dr. Glenn Foss describes

Advanced Fitness & WellnessCenter as, “An environmentconducive for socialization,creating camaraderie, and tolearn to enjoy, like, or evenlove exercise and ultimatelyachieve a level of health andwellness. All of our staffinghad been hand-picked based

on their credentials and expe-rience. They are all capable oftaking an individual whoeither needs hand holding toteach them how to exercise orthe athlete who is seeking ahigher level of athleticismand performance.”

With four membershiptiers to choose from, there’ssomething for every levelof fitness. Now throughSeptember 15, AdvancedFitness & Wellness Center isoffering their most elite mem-bership tier, Tier 4, for theprice of Tier 1. Visit thewebsite www.advancedfitnessandwellness.com for moreinformation or call 973-530-4300, or to schedule a tour.Advanced Fitness & WellnessCenter is located at 18Newark Pompton Turnpike inRiverdale.Paid advertisement

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 6, Zone 3

The Fitness Formula: Different for everyonecontinued from page 1

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visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 7

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The Butler PublicLibrary has DVDs,music CDs, audio-

books, fiction novels, non-fic-tion books, free museum pass-es, and magazines, which areall available to borrow forfree. There is no need to buyany of these things when youcan borrow them from alibrary for free and returnthem, thus eliminating clutterin your home. We also pro-vide some digital books whichyou can read and listen to ona computer or tablet outsidethe Library, as long as youhave a Butler Library card.

We also have currentnewspapers which you mayread in the library and weoffer access to over 70 maga-zines online which you canread from outside the

Library. So, if you want toread and don’t get it deliveredto your house, you can read itonline, courtesy of yourlibrary.

If your printer at home isnot working and you need toprint something quick, cometo the library and print-outcopies from one of our com-puters or from a hard-copy for$0.15 a page for black &white. We also can send faxesfor you at a nominal fee com-pared to office supply stores.

If you can’t find what youare looking for in the ButlerLibrary, we can order it for youfrom another library. Thebook, DVD, and CD will bedelivered to the Butler Libraryfor you to pick up, all as partof our services.

To use the resources and

services we offer, come to theButler Library with an ID ora utility bill which shows youlive in the town. Sign up foryour free library card and youwill be able to use it at anylibrary in Morris County andalso at some other localcounties.

When you pay your taxesor rent, the library services areincluded in the fees so pleasecome and take advantage ofthe services that are offered toyou. We look forward to serv-ing you at the Butler PublicLibrary.

Butler Public Library islocated at 1 Ace Road, behindthe municipal building, andon the internet at www.but-lerlibrary.org, or by phone973-838-3262.

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 8, Zone 3

What can the Butler PublicLibrary offer me in 2015?

Looking to reduce your2015 income taxes?Consider these summer-

time strategies.Take a credit for summer

day care. If you have one ormore children under age 13,your costs of in-home child-care, a day care facility, orsending the kids to day campmay qualify for the Child andDependent Care Tax Credit.The costs must be incurred toenable you (and your spouse,if you file jointly) to work or

look for work and you gener-ally must report some earnedincome. Payments to yourspouse, your dependent, oryour child who is under age19 at the end of the yeararen’t eligible. Overnightcamps and summer schooltutoring won’t qualify either.

The credit can equal upto 35% of qualifying expens-es, depending on yourincome. Total expenses arelimited to $3,000 for onechild and $6,000 for two ormore.

Combine business withpleasure. Add vacation daysto a summer business trip, andbring your family along. Youcan deduct most of your own(but not your families’) unre-imbursed costs, such as airfareand your share of meals andlodging during the businessportion of your trip.

Put your kids to work. Ifyou own a business, give yourchildren a summer job. Youcan deduct their wages, and ifyou’re a sole proprietor, youneedn’t withhold social secu-rity or Medicare taxes as longas your kids are under 18.They can even use their earn-ings to set up an IRA.

Clean out your garageand take a deduction. Donateyour excess property to aqualifying charity and deductthe fair market value. Be sureto get a receipt and check thedocumentation rules for high-value items.

Contact us for moresummer tax-cutting ideas.We’re here to help you planfor your 2015 tax savings.

Robert P. Sokoloff and Associ-ates, PC, is a year round fullservice CPA firm providing a

wide range of Accounting andTax services to both Small Busi-ness and Individual Clients. Weare QuickBooks Certified Pro

Advisors and provide new busi-ness set up, training and support.Our office is located at 166 MainSt. Lincoln Park. Our website is

www.cpanewjersey.com andemail is rps@cpanewjersey.com.

To contact us by phone please call973-633-1001.

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 9


All of your child's abilities, whether academic or physical, comethrough their nerve system.

Everything they learn is experienced through their nerve system.

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• Your child may have Spinal Subluxations - spinal bonesjust slightly misaligned because of falls, twists, or sports activities,causing interference to the flow of nerve messages along theirspinal cord.

• Spinal Subluxations often DO NOT hurt. Yet they impairspinal cord nerve message transmission.

• Correcting Spinal Subluxations can often enhanceperformance, reflexes, cognition, and attentionspan, while also raising resistance to colds, earinfections, and other childhood conditions.

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Save taxes with summertime planning

Summer is a season withmany activities takingplace outdoors in the

warm temperatures and longdays. As people venture out-side to enjoy their favoritesummer pastime, extremelyhigh temperatures can affectthe body’s ability to keep cool.

Persons over age 65 particu-larly are at high risk for suffer-ing a heat-related illness.Thus it is especially importantfor senior citizens to keep coolin the summer heat. Here are

some ways how:

1. Seek an air-conditionedenvironment: If your home isnot air conditioned, visit anair-conditioned shopping mall,

movie theater or public libraryto cool off.

2. Plan outdoor activities inthe morning when it is cooler:It is important to minimize

direct exposure to the sun asmuch as possible. Therefore, alloutdoor activities should beplanned for early morningswhen it is cooler and the sun isless harsh. As much as possible,use the shaded areas undertrees or covered porches.

3. Take a cool shower, bath,or sponge bath: Heat stroke isthe most serious heat-relatedillness and occurs when thebody becomes unable to con-trol its temperature. When thebody’s temperature rises toofast, the body loses its ability tosweat and is unable to cooldown. The most relaxing wayto cool down your body’s tem-

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 10, Zone 3

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Top 5 ways seniors can keep cool in the summer heat

continued on page 12

Extreme heat can beunpleasant for anyone,and pets are no excep-

tion. While it’s easy for menand women to detect if theirbodies are responding nega-tively to heat, those warningsigns may not be so prevalentin pets, who may suffer insilence as the mercury contin-ues to rise.

Pet owners must pay spe-cial attention to their pets onhot days, which the HumaneSociety of the United Statesnotes can be both uncomfort-able and dangerous for pets. Inan effort to help pet ownersprotect their pets from thesummer heat, the HSUS offers

the following tips to pet ownerswho want to keep their petscool and safe this summer.

Don’t leave pets in aparked car. The temperatureinside a vehicle can quicklyapproach dangerous levels onhot days, so pet owners shouldnever leave their pets in parkedcars, even if they leave the airconditioning on and theengine running. The HSUSnotes that on an 85-degree day,temperatures inside cars withslightly cracked windows canreach 102 degrees in as little as10 minutes. Rather than takingpets with you on car trips, leavethem at home inside a comfort-ably air conditioned room

where they won’t be vulnerableto rising temperatures.

Change pet’s exercise reg-imen. Pet owners who makesure their pets get daily exerciseshould change such routineswhen temperatures are on the

rise. Midday walks or jogsshould be switched to eveningsor early mornings, when tem-peratures tend to be at theirmost moderate. In addition, cutback on the time spent exercis-ing, as pets may have trouble

breathing on hot days. Whentaking your dog for a jog or arun in the summertime, do soon the grass, avoiding asphalt,as hot asphalt can do signifi-cant damage to your pet’s paws.

Be mindful of your breed.Dog owners should recognizethat certain dogs can handlethe heat better than others.Short-nosed breeds have aharder time in extreme heatbecause their shorter airwaysdon’t allow as much time forthe air they breathe in to coolas dogs with longer noses. Inaddition, the HSUS points outthat dogs with white-coloredears are more susceptible toskin cancer than other dogs,

making it imperative that own-ers of such dogs reduce theirexposure to the sun on hot dayswhen the UV index is especial-ly dangerous.

Let dogs inside. Dog-houses might not be as preva-lent as they once were, butmany owners still keep dog-houses in their backyards sotheir four-legged friends have aplace to relax outdoors on lazyafternoons. But doghouses canbe similar to parked cars onespecially hot days, making ris-ing temperatures feel even hot-ter. Let dogs hang out inside in

How to protect your pets from extreme heat

Brought to you byDr. Matthew Krupnick, the owner of PequannockAnimal Hospital

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 11

Dr. Matthew Krupnick, D.V.M.

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973.616.0400• Full Service Animal Hospital, Specializing in Cats & Dogs

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Hours: Mon 8-6pm • Tues 8-4pmWed 8-7pm • Thurs 8-6pm • Fri 8-5pm • Sat 8-12pm

continued on page 13

Recently, Porta’s Karateand Kobudo Academyof Pompton Lakes and

Wayne held a Black Belt test-ing for its students. After thecandidates successfully com-pleted an extensive black belttraining program, a formal testusing international standards

was performed. Testing includ-ed knowledge of martial artshistory and culture and con-cluded with each candidateperforming practical applica-tions of martial arts techniquesin a variety of self-defense situ-ations.

After completion of test-

ing, a promotion ceremony andcelebration party for family andfriends was held at Porta’sAcademy headquarters at 306Wanaque Avenue, PomptonLakes. The black belt awardswere presented by Sensei JohnPorta, a ninth degree black belt

perature is to take a nice longcool shower or bath.

4. Stay hydrated: Seniorsshould avoid caffeine and alco-holic beverages as much as pos-sible as they accelerate dehy-dration. Drinking plain water isgreat, but may not be adequateas the body also loses sodiumand potassium salts through

sweating. Popular sports drinkstaste great and are an effectiveway to replenish the body’s lossof sodium.

5. Dress appropriately:Everyone, especially seniors,should wear light colored, loosefitting, cool clothing (prefer-ably cotton) and use head cov-erings like hats or caps. As sen-iors’ skin is sensitive they

should use high SPF sun blocks(30+) and avoid direct sun asmuch as possible by seeking outshaded spots.

Dorson Home Care, Inc. is afull-service home health care

agency providing familiesthroughout Northern and CentralNew Jersey with compassionatehome care services since 1988.


visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 12, Zone 3


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Top 5 ways seniors can keep cool in the summer heatcontinued from page 10

Porta’s Karate Students ReceiveBlack Belt Awards

Recent Black Belt Award recipients from Porta’s Karate Academyare Steve Vogt (left) Sensei John Porta (center)

and Jared Egan (right.)

continued on page 14

an air conditioned room on hotdays to reduce their risk ofheatstroke.

Learn to recognize thesigns of heatstroke. Pets suf-fering from heatstroke willexhibit certain symptoms, andpet owners who learn to rec-ognize those symptoms can dosomething about them beforeit’s too late. Heavy panting,glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat,difficulty breathing, excessivethirst, and lack of coordina-tion are just a few potentialindicators that a pet is suffer-ing from heatstroke. Animalsthat are very old, very young,overweight, and unaccus-tomed to prolonged exercise,as well as those who haveheart or respiratory condi-tions, are especially suscepti-ble to heatstroke. Learn moreabout pets and heatstroke at

www.humanesociety.org.Extreme heat can be dan-

gerous to pets, who often sufferin silence when dealing withthe consequences of extremeheat. Pet owners who take cer-tain precautions and learn torecognize signs of a pet strug-gling with heat can better pro-tect their animals from suc-cumbing to rising tempera-tures.

Dr. Matthew Krupnick is theowner of the Pequannock Ani-mal Hospital. He grew up inKinnelon and is happy to be

home – with his wife, three cats,and two dogs – to provide qualityand compassionate care for petsin the community. The Pequan-nock Animal Hospital is locatedat 591 Newark Pompton Turn-pike in Pompton Plains. You can

reach the hospital by calling973-616-0400.

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 13

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How to protect your pets fromextreme heat continued from page 11

and senior United States repre-sentative for the OkinawanGoju-Ryu Shobukan Karate-Do organization of Okinawa,Japan. Receiving awards wereJared Egan, Sho-Dan-Ho, andSteve Vogt, Sho-dan (Istdegree).

Jared Egan and SteveVogt were also inducted intoPorta’s Karate Academy’snational martial arts demon-stration team which is sched-uled to perform both locallyand nationally throughout thecoming year. For more infor-mation on Porta’s Karate andKobudo Academy visitwww.facebook.com/portasacademy, www.portaskarate.orgor call 973-835-5473.

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 14, Zone 3

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Porta’s KarateStudents ReceiveBlack BeltAwardscontinued from page 12

One of the RhinoTheatre’s most be-loved performers

will enthrall audiences withhis smooth and classyvoice as he sings some ofhis favorite Croon and

Broadway songs on Saturday,July 25 at 7:30 p.m. Frankiehas played leading roles allover the state of NJ, with hismost recent role as JeanValjean in Rhino Theatre’sLes Miserables. The number

to call for tickets is 973-248-9491, or visit their websiteat www.rhinotheatre.com topurchase tickets online.

Rhino Theatre is located at247 Wanaque Avenue inPompton Lakes.

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 15


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in theTri-boro area

by PLHSMusic ParentAssociation”

Rhino Theatre presents Crooning DownBroadway with Frank Todisco

Construction is under-way and non-bindingreservations are now

being accepted at LakelandVillage, a 76 unit townhouse

and condominium communitylocated on the old U.S.Aluminum property, 86 FourthAvenue in Haskell, NJ.Greentree Development

Group, LLC of Howell, NJ isdeveloping the project whichis being marketed by Century21 Crest Real Estate, PomptonPlains, NJ.

Lakeland Village will fea-ture a total of six buildings: 36multi-level townhouses in fourstacked buildings and 40, one-level condominiums in two, 20unit buildings. Square footageof each unit will range from1324 sq. to 1682 sq. ft. for thetwo bedroom townhouses and820 sq. ft. (1 bedroom) to 1324sq. ft. for a 2 bedroom condowith garage. All townhouseunits will include garages andeither a patio or a balcony. Allcondos will have a balcony.

The exterior and interior ren-derings have been designed byThomas J. Brennan Architectsof Plano, TX.

Pre-construction pricingis starting at $189,000 for aone bedroom condo unit and$225,000 for a two bedroomcondo unit. Three levelTownhouses will start from$274,900. Information andnon-binding reservations areavailable now at LakelandVillage’s Sales Center, Century21 Crest Real Estate, 142Route 23 North, PomptonPlains. Sales Center hours areWednesdays and Thursdays, 6-8pm, Saturdays and Sunday’s11am-4pm and by appoint-

ment by calling 973-646-7476.Occupancy for the 5 acre com-munity is slated for the fall of2015.

Lakeland Village willboast elevation designs withstone features and mainte-nance free vinyl siding.Decorative streetlamps, com-munity-planned green spacesand energy efficient featureshave all been included in thecomplex’s design.

Interior features include,among others, hardwood floor-ing, maple cabinetry in choiceof style and color, granitecounters, stainless steel appli-ances, ceramic tile bath floors,walk-in closets in master

suites, decorative and recessedlighting and washer and dryerper unit.

“Lakeland Village will bea mix of stacked townhousesand one-level living spacescalled flats,” says David Gunia,President of GreentreeDevelopment Group. “Webuilt them in response to thesomewhat overwhelming num-ber of buyers looking for one-level living with a garage andstorage, as opposed to two-story up and down living. Firsttime homebuyers and emptynesters predominantly makeup the group most interested inmulti-family living. Bedroom

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 16, Zone 3

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Lakeland Village coming to Wanaque borough76 Townhouse/Condo Units now accepting non-binding reservations

continued on next page

counts are one and two bed-rooms so starting a family hereis great.”

Gunia says the town ofHaskell has responded “verywell to the project, as the prop-erty has been vacant and untilrecently, covered with dilapi-dated industrial buildings.”

Gunia compares LakelandVillage to the similar Parksideat Wanaque complex that hisfirm recently developed andmarketed via Century 21 CrestReal Estate. “Parkside was wellreceived by the communityand I would foresee the samehere as we work with the townand surrounding community.Our goal is to disturb the resi-dents as little as possible whilethe project is constructed. Wedon’t cut corners and have a

desire to leave a positive lastingimpression on the community.”

As part of the project, 8units will be designated afford-able. The remainder will bemarket-rate units with twobedrooms a piece. Three differ-ent configurations will makeup the Lakeland Village exteri-or. The complex will includetwo exits and entrances forvehicles, via Fourth Avenueand the Boulevard.

Greentree DevelopmentGroup was established in2011, as a spinoff of an invest-ment group engaged in thedevelopment of commercialand residential real estateprojects. Greentree specializesin redevelopment, revitaliza-tion, environmentally chal-lenged and financially trou-bled properties. More infor-

mation about Greentree isavailable at http://greentreedevelopment group.com/or by calling 862-666-9100.Information about LakelandVillage can be found atwww.lakelandvillageliving.com.

Servicing the NorthernNew Jersey area since 1981,Century 21 Crest Real Estate,Inc. has enjoyed a fine reputa-tion specializing in residential,commercial and rental proper-ties. Century 21 Crest RealEstate, Inc. is an award-win-ning, full service real estateagency located at 142Professional Center on Route23 North in Pompton Plains.You can reach members ofCentury 21 Crest Real Estate’saward-winning sales team at973-686-1500.

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 17

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Lakeland Village coming to Wanaque boroughcontinued from previous page

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1234 Washington Street2-bedroom, 2-bath ranch homewith spacious, fenced yard. Newkitchen counters and cabinets.Great location close to schoolsand shopping. MLS# XXXXXXX

Hadley $115,999

Contact Nadia Gardner000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street3-bedroom, 2.5-bath split-levelhome with cathedral ceilings andcentral air. Berber carpets,granite counters and spaciousmaster suite. MLS# XXXXXXX

Eldridge $219,555

Contact William Dodd000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street3-bedroom, 3-bath two-storyhome with upgrades throughout.Tastefully renovated with newkitchen, upgraded bath and freshpaint. MLS# XXXXXXX

Bayboro $270,000

Contact Jeff Ortiz000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street2-bedroom, 1.5-bath cottage withpatio and lush landscaping. Newappliances, new windows andnew roof. Must see! MLS#XXXXXXX

Pearl Heights $98,500

Contact Amy Newsome000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street2-bedroom, 2-bath home oncorner lot with large yard. Plentyof privacy. Hardwood floors, highceilings and lots of sunlight.MLS# XXXXXXX

Lyndon $135,500

Contact Nina Estes000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street2-bedroom, 1.5-bath cottage withfenced yard and poured concretepatio. Very charming and lovinglymaintained in a great location.MLS# XXXXXXX

Melville $112,999

Contact Vernon Parks000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street5-bedroom, 3-bath two-storyhome in need of some TLC. Primelocation and great floor plan on alarge corner lot. MLS# XXXXXXX

Baker Hill $255,500

Contact Leslie Sorenson000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

1234 Washington Street2-bedroom, 2-bath ranch homewith spacious, fenced yard. Newkitchen counters and cabinets.Great location close to schoolsand shopping. MLS# XXXXXXX

Hadley $115,999

Contact Nadia Gardner000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile name@namewebsite.com

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visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 18, Zone 3

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 19

Recent Luxury Sales by Boswell Aiosa & Co.

10 Ryan Lane, Pompton PlainsNestled in one of the most sought a�er loca'onsin town lies this magnificent Custom Colonial. Thisbeau'ful custom home boasts large rooms andgleaming hardwood floors. The home features aone of a kind gourmet kitchen which effortlesslyflows to the breakfast room and into the familyroom and is complete with cathedral ceilings, a gasfireplace and planta'on shu(ers.

1172 Pines Lake Drive West, Wayne Lakefront on Pines Lake. This absolutely stunningproperty presents an unparalleled combina'on ofsophis'ca'on and refinement. The front facade ofthis classic modern work of art is purposely decep-'ve and understated... in contrast to the drama ofthe lakeside eleva'on with its striking views andgardens.

Mt. Saint Francis474 Sloatsburg Road, Ringwood

Perched atop more than 90 acres of rolling land-scape, sits this awe-inspiring stone manor built inthe mid to late 1800’s. Privacy abounds, the tran-quil grounds and pond offer serene, breathtakingviews... during all four seasons. The stately homeis poised to be restored to its original state as agrand residence. Historical interior features remain,providing an elegant glimpse into the homes ma-jes'c past. Grand archways, stately doors, finewoodwork, and gold finishings only begin to painta picture of a property that is truly one of a kind.

1 Masar Road, MontvilleMagnificent custom European estate nestled onto2.76 acres atop a secluded mountain side. Locatedat the end of a private cul-de-sac in sought a�erValhalla Ridge, this custom manor boasts nearly10,000 SF of luxurious living space. Among themany custom features are the sunken great roomwith 14' coffered ceilings and a grand piano alcove;an ultra-custom in-ground pool and spa, and awalk-out lower level with a game room, a soundproof media room, and an exercise room.

Sold for $800,000

Sold for $2,338,562

Sold for $2,500,000

Sold for $6,400,000

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.com July 22, 2015Page 20, Zone 3

BOONTON $2,395,000Discover classic comfort, classic style in thisluxurious 6BR, 6+BA Mountain View Colonialideally set on 3.68 Acres. MLS 3186251

KINNELON 973-838-9300

BUTLER $675,000A real haven! You are sure to love this 4BR,2+BA Colonial sited on Cul-de-sac, Relaxingpool, Cozy Fireplace, Patio. MLS 3227371

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $550,000Smoke Rise-Cul-de-sac 4BR, 3BA Bi-Levelclose to a lovely park on 1.53 Acres. 3-Car Gar,Cozy Fireplace, Mstr Bth, Deck. MLS 3227177

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $580,000Smoke Rise-Steep yourself in privacy on 1.41Acres. Discover the flair of this Cul-de-sac,4BR, 2+BA wooded-lot Colonial. MLS 3210735

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $725,000Smoke Rise-Savor peaceful privacy on 2.16 Acres.Bask in the charms of this wooded-lot Colonial.5BR, 3BA, 3 Car Gar, Deck. MLS 3224884

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $800,000Kinnelon Estates.-Make happiness a priority in this3BR, 2+BA wooded-lot Colonial offering city-lightsview on 1.71 Acres, 3 Car Gar. MLS 3230809

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $879,000Wrap yourself in luxury in this truly tempting4BR, 5+BA Contemporary nicely set on 1 Acre,3 Car Gar, Cozy Fireplace. MLS 3210217

KINNELON 973-8338-9300

KINNELON $1,245,000Smoke Rise-Delight in the distinctive design ofthis fenced 5BR, 4+BA Streamside Colonial sit-uated on 1.84 Acres, 3 Car Gar. MLS 3225400

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $1,249,900Smoke Rise-Pamper yourself with luxury in thisCustom fenced 5BR, 4+BA residence nicelysited on 2.39 Acres, I/G pool. MLS 3197811

KINNELON 973-838-9300

KINNELON $2,180,000Smoke Rise-Discover classic comfort with classicstyle in this Custom 6BR, 5+BA Park Area Colonialpositioned on 3.12 Acres, 5 Car Gar. MLS 3200849

KINNELON 973-838-9300

LINCOLN PARK $369,900Great 3BR, 1.2 BA Bi-Level w/EIK, FDR, LR, allHW flrs on main flr, Lwr Lvl/Large Fam Rm. &Sliders to yard, 2 Car Gar. MLS 3237020

WAYNE 973-694-8000

MONTVILLE $1,375,000Welcome to Brookwood Estates! 6BR, 4.1BA Colo-nial features timeless beauty with hand crafted ex-cellence & old world charm. MLS 3224154

KINNELON 973-838-9300

NORTH HALEDON $565,000Stylish 4BR, 2.5BA Center Hall Colonial w/de-signer features, gorgeous EIK/Cherry & Granite,Dbl Staircase, Skylites, and Fplc, on Cul-de-sac. MLS 3230300

WAYNE 973-694-8000

POMPTON LAKES $629,000Custom 4BR, 2.5BA Lake Front Colonialw/charm & character, LR, tray ceil, FDR, Coun-try Kit, Fam Rm/Gas Fplc, Bsmt & much more!MLS 3211363

WAYNE 973-694-8000

ROCKAWAY $1,795,000Green Pond-Enjoy the charm of this Custom4BR, 3BA Mountain-View home with Lake set-ting on 1.55 Acres, 4 Car Gar, Dock. MLS3221112

KINNELON 973-838-9300

WAYNE $429,000Packanack Lake Charmer! 3BR Split w/updtdKit, LR with gorgeous cathedral beamed ceil &Fplc, FDR, 3 Season Rm, Lg Deck to nice yard.MLS 3237127

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $499,000LAKEFRONT 4BR, 2.5BA Packanack Capew/LR/HW flrs & Fplc, FDR/built-in cabinet,Kit/Breakfast nook, Bright Fam Rm & Fin W/OBsmt. MLS 3237260

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $549,900Custom tranquil 3BR home w/Newer Kit, FDR,huge LR, Great Rm, vault ceil, skylites, spa-cious Fam Rm, Nwr BAs, I/G pool, 2 Car Gar.MLS 3235475

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $629,995High end Custom 4BR Colonial w/HW flrsthroughout, new Kit, LR, FDR, Fam Rm/gasFplc, sound system, Fin Bsmt, Multi-levelDeck, I/G Pool. MLS 3236359

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $839,500Gorgeous nearly 4,000 sf 5BR, 3.2BA Colonialw/huge EIK/stunning cabinetry, huge Fam Rm,HW flrs, Custom moldings, 2 Car Gar, MORE!MLS 3215922

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $1,149,900 Captivating 5BR, 4.2BA home w/Marble Foyer,Architectural millwork, 2-Story Library, Gour-met Kit, MBR/gas fplc on 1 Acre. MLS 3201274

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $1,169,999Spectacular Bunton Farms, 5BR, 4.5BA Colo-nial w/Gourmet Kit, 9’ ceil, Open Flr Plan, HWflrs, Bonus Rm, Dual staircases, more on .9Acre. MLS 3208020

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WAYNE $1,299,000Stately 5BR, 4.5BA Country Manor home com-bining craftsmanship & luxury at its best! Ap-prox 5,200 sq.ft. living space, 3 Car Gar. MLS3214231

WAYNE 973-694-8000

WOOD RIDGE $358,075NEW Construction at Liberty Square -WesmontStation! Prices starting in low $300-$500s &1,052-2,101 sq ft. Train station in 2015. MLS3228578

WAYNE 973-694-8000

visit our website at www.lifeandleisurenj.comJuly 22, 2015 Zone 3, Page 21

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License #: NJ09980558654 ©2015 CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE LLC. CENTURY 21® is a trademark licensed to Century 21 Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each office is independently owned and operated. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Prices subject to change. If your property is currently listed with a real estate broker please disregard this offer.

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WANAQUE $272,8004.00/4.112% APR


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WEST MILFORD $289,8004.00/4.106% APR


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POMPTON PLAINS $502,0004.00/4.068% APR


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BUTLER $299,9004.00/4.103% APR


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HASKELL $389,9004.00/4.083% APR


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LINCOLN PARK $287,8004.00/4.107% APR


3 BR, 2 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

POMPTON PLAINS $400,0004.00/4.082% APR


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POMPTON PLAINS $599,9004.125/4.186% APR


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142 Route 23 NorthPompton Plains, NJ 07444



POMPTON PLAINS $289,9004.00/4.106% APR


3 BR, 1 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

RIVERDALE $339,9004.00/4.093% APR


2 BR, 2 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

RIVERDALE $354,9004.00/4.090% APR


4 BR, 3.1 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

RIVERDALE $249,8004.00/4.121% APR$954 PER MONTH


WAYNE $499,0004.00/4.069% APR


4 BR, 3 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

WAYNE $379,0004.00/4.085% APR


3 BR, 1 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

WAYNE $539,3214.125/4.191% APR


WAYNE $368,8004.00/4.087% APR


4 BR, 2 BA, 1 CAR GAR.

PEQUANNOCK $279,5004.00/4.110% APR


3 BR, 2 BA.

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KINNELON $525,000Reduced to SELL! Tucked Away for Privacy, You Will Find This Wonderful Four BedroomCenter Hall Colonial on Over 3 Acres of Beautiful Wooded Property. Close to ChiltonMemorial Hospital & Major Highways for Easy Access. The Kitchen with Cherry Cabinets and GraniteCountertops is Open to the Kitchen Dining Area & a Family Room with a Beamed Ceiling; a BrickFireplace with a Wood Burning Insert, Hardwood Floors & a Sliding Glass Door to a Blue Stone Patio& Backyard. The Formal Dining Room & Living Room are Very Spacious, Great for Entertaining. TwoPowder Rooms & a 2 Car Main Level Garage For Your Convenience. Hardwood Floors on the First &Second Levels. The Second Level Offers a Large Master Bedroom with a Walk-In Closet, a Master Bathwith a Deep Soaking Tub & Shower. Three Additional Bedrooms & a Full Bath. Generator Panel forHook Up. Central Vacuum, Central Air Conditioning. Kinnelon Has a Top Rated School System and isApproximately 25 Miles to New York City. Nothing to Do But Move-In! GSMLS#3209015

KINNELON $449,900Wow! Move Right into this Fabulous Custom Home with Three Bedrooms and TwoBeautiful Newer Baths. This Home Offers Custom Crown Moldings, Custom Wainscoting, HardwoodFloors, Recessed Lighting, Newer Roof, Newer Four Bedroom Septic, Built-In Speakers andCentral Air Conditioning. Beautiful Family Room with a Custom Gas Fireplace, a WetBar with Granite and a Wine Refrigerator is Perfect for Entertaining. A Living Room witha Fireplace and Dining Area Close to the Kitchen with Newer Double Ovens and Cook Top. Sliding GlassDoors Open to a Deck with a Large Level Backyard. Plenty of Storage, Close to Schools, Shopping andMajor Highways. Kinnelon Offers a Top Rated School System and is Only Approximately 25 Miles fromNew York City. Make This Home Your First and Only Stop!! GSMLS#3237645

KINNELON $625,000If You Are Looking for a 3BR, 2.5BA Home with Privacy and Convenience at the Endof a Quiet Cul-De-Sac with a Sun Drenched Layout and High Ceilings, Hardwood Floors,Walls of Windows & a Deck Overlooking the Spectacular Level Backyard with anAbove Ground Pool, Paver Patio’s and a Hot Tub, Than This is the House is For You.Large Eat-In Kitchen with a Center Island, Gas Cook top, Granite Counter Tops Opens to the LivingRoom, Sun Room with Radiant Heated Floors & a Formal Dining Room with Floor to Ceiling Window’s.A Master Bedroom with a Master Bath A Family Room with a Wood Burning Fireplace, Office, PossibleFourth Bedroom or Another Office. Sliding Glass Doors to a Paver Patio and Lush Grounds. 2 Car MainLevel Garage. Kinnelon has a Top Rated School System and is Only Approximately 25 Miles from NewYork City & Close to Lakes and Ski Slopes to Enjoy. GSMLS#3238519



Expect to Be Impressed the Second You Enter This Beautiful Custom Home. Casual YetSophisticated. Fine Architectural Detail & Modern Day Amenities with Graciously ScaledRooms. Light Filled Spaces. Stunning Quarter Sawn Reclaimed Oak Wood Wide Plank Flooring. IntricateMillwork & High End Details Throughout. French Doors Lead to a New Deck. Two Fabulous Kitchens. EnjoyElegant Bathrooms. A Living Room w/Stone Fireplace, Custom Walnut Mantel, an Entertainment Room Offthe Kitchen with a Fireplace, New Kitchen, Bathroom, Office or Possible Sixth Bedroom. This Home Has soMany Options. Lends Towards a Mother/Daughter with a Separate Main Level Area. New Window’s,Staircases, Gas Efficient Navien Furnace, New Leech Field, New Slate Tile Entry Ways, New Central AirConditioning Unit Being Installed. Custom Radiator Covers, Subway Tile, All New Three Panel CraftsmanDoors. Kitchen Number One Has Granite Countertops and Kitchen Number Two Has Ash Wood Countertops.Enjoy Low Maintenance Grounds. Too Many Items to Mention! GSMLS#3238112

100 Lanidex Plaza, 2ND Floor | Parsippany, NJ 07054Main: (862) 261-9160| Cell: (862) 881-7701Fax: (973) 463-3494 NMLS # 1188216 | Company NMLS # 34973jfinkle@rhfunding.com

JOHN G. FINKLEMortgage Loan OriginatorDirector of Mortgagefor Champions

Licensed by the NJ Dept. of Banking and Insurance – JMLS#34973






Enjoy Luxury Living Within the Private Gated Smoke Rise Community in this ElegantWest Shore Estate. This Home Sits on a Very Private Lot that has been Designed and Maintainedby Professional Landscape Artists to Provide Beauty and Privacy on the Most Sought After Dead-EndStreet in Smoke Rise. Gorgeous Black Gunite Pool That has Two Streams and a Waterfall Above aGrotto. This Home Has Been Renovated Inside and Outside and Has an Open Floor Plan. There is Spacefor Every Person to Have Privacy and is Large Enough for Entertaining Large Gatherings. The InteriorFeatures a New Kitchen with Marble, Viking Gas Stove with Double Oven. New Lower Level Kitchenettewith SS appliances, Five New Baths, New Timberline Roof, New Generac Auto Switch Generator. TooMany Items to List. Move Right In. Only Approximately 25 Miles From NYC & 10 Minutes Away FromNYC Express Bus. Enjoy the Large Sandy Beach, Snack Bar, Boating, Tennis, & Swimming.GSMLS#3225400

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