21st century teaching and learning: beyond the rhetoric

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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  • 1. Teaching for learning in the 21st Century: Beyond the rhetoric St Francis Xavier College August 19, 2013 Dr Catherine Hart Twitter @CatherineRHart

2. 1 x husband 2 x kids 3 x degrees 3 x university jobs 4 x school jobs 5 x chickens (still alive) 10 x houses (8 rental) 17 x yrs teaching Preparing kids for our past or their future?Whats in your virtual school bag? Time-poor Work harder not smarter 3. http://vimeo.com/32674575 Accessed August 16, 2013 4. Sceptical? 5. Challenge 1: Dichotomous thinking Evolution versus Revolution Success versus Failure Instead-of versus Add-on 6. I don't mind failure. I've always thought that schoolchildren should be marked by the number of failures they've had. I made 5,127 prototypes of my vacuum before I got it right. There were 5,126 failures. But I learned from each one. That's how I came up with a solution. 7. Challenge 2: Rhetoric 8. Info-whelm? 9. Stuff it, Ill just Google it ringh TMMelb presentation on concept based teaching see tiny.cc/conceptbased 10. Challenge 3: Typologies 11. Productive pedagogies POLT Thinking Routines e5 Instructional Model 21st Century Fluencies Thinkers Keys DEEP THINKING 12. Challenge 4: Ambiguity 13. Sir Ken Ronbinson How to change education from the ground up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEsZOnyQzxQ Accessed Aug 16, 2013 14. Slide via Martin Westwell http://prezi.com/0cmom550bljt/educational-neuroscience-and-the-ac/ 15. Anything that you expected to see missing from that list? 16. THINKING Fluency Understanding Problem Solving - Reasoning 17. Surface versus deep learning importance of context 18. http://www.aitsl.edu.au/learning-frontiers.html Accessed Aug 16, 2013 19. Metacognitive skills Awareness of knowledge understanding what one knows, what one does not know, and what one wants to know Awareness of thinking understanding cognitive tasks and the nature of what is required to complete them Awareness of thinking strategies understanding approaches to directing learning 20. 19012475200 0 21. Using your non-dominant hand, write down the number shown. You have 20 seconds to do this 22. Try again and this time use your dominant hand ... and think of three things: Federation - 1901 Hours-days-weeks Emergency - 000 Concept for this task borrowed from Glenn Wiebe http://historytech.wordpress.com/ 23. Thinking frames/scaffolds what do you use?Takeaway No. 1: METACOGNITION key driver in curricular practice 24. Takeaway No. 2: Not all class time is created equal 25. http://www.aitsl.edu.au/learning-frontiers.html Accessed Aug 16, 2013 26. Takeaway No. 3: Pedagogy is key 27. High Tech Low Tech No Tech 28. http://susanoxnevad.blogspot.com.au/p/digital-differentiation_21.html Accessed Aug 16, 2013 29. Churches, A http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom%27s+and+ICT+tools Accessed Aug 16, 2013 30. Takeaway No. 4: Power of technology as a transformative tool 31. Slide from Ilja VanWeringh HTAV presentation on tech and history teaching Techtipteacher.wordpress.com 32. http://www.teachthought.com/learning/inside-out-school-21st-century-learning-model/ Accessed Aug 16, 2013 33. Where Do I Begin? Start small but start! First Steps: * * * * * * Next Steps Leaps * * * Bounds Who will help or support you? ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ * * 34. Challenges Takeaways Outcomes? 1 thing that was interesting 1 thing you disagree with 1 question this session generated 1 thing you will try

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