21may, 2007 1 in the name of allah the most beneficent and the most merciful

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21May, 2007 1

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

21May, 2007 2

Copyrights and Related RightsSituation in Pakistanby

Shakil Ahmed Abbasi

Registrar CopyrightIPO-Pakistan

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What is Copyright International Conventions/Treaties Copyright Ordinance 1962 Role of Copyright Industries in Economy Where Copyright is honored (Examples)

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Copyright is a set of exclusive rights granted by government for a limited time to protect the particular form, way or manner in which an idea or information is expressed. Examples literary works, movies, musical works, sound recordings, paintings, photographs, software.

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International Treaties/Conventions on


Berne Convention, 1886 (Signatory) International Copyright Convention, 1952

(Signatory) TRIPS Agreement, 1994 (Signatory) Rome Convention, 1961 WCT, 2002 WPPT, 2002

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Copyright in Pakistan

The Copyright law in Pakistan is governed by the Copyright Ordinance 1962 (amended in 2000)

The Copyright Rules 1967 (amended in 2002)

International Copyright Order, 1968 The Copyright Board (Procedure)

Regulations 1981.

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Works in which Copyright subsist

(1) Literary works, including computer programme

(2) Artistic works, including drawings, maps, photographs and architectural works

(3) Cinematographic works including motion pictures & visual works.

(4) Records including audio works

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Duration of Copyright

Literary, Dramatic, Musical and Artistic works published within the life of Author. Life of the Author plus 50 years next after

the death of author. For posthumous work: 50 years after first

publication Cinematographic, Record: 50 years after

first publication

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Registration of Copyright

Registration of Copyright1. Filing of application

2. Examination

3. Publication in newspaper (Artistic Work only)

4. Opposition if any

5. Issuance of Certificate by Registrar (Registration)

Copyright OfficesKarachi


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Copyright Board

Copyright Board Board acts as an “Appellate Authority” against the

order of the Registrar Consisting of a Chairman and three to five members Representing various stakeholders of copyright.

Appeals To Copyright Board then to High Court

International Copyright National Treatment to foreign copyright work. Protection will not be given to the country where Pakistani Author's

work is not protected.

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Infringement of CopyrightCopy, issue copies, rent or perform the work without consent or License of the owner.

When Copyright Not Infringed A fair dealing for

Research or private study;Criticism or review,Reporting current events

Judicial proceeding Reproduction or adaptation by teachers or pupil for

instruction in education.

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Prohibition of Importation and Exportation by Customs authorities.

Civil Injunction, damages Jurisdiction by District Court Court may seize, destroy or deliver the infringed

material to the owner Criminal

Cognizable and Non bailable Fine and imprisonment

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Penalties and Cognizance

Penalties (upper limits)

Imprisonment two to three years Fine one lac Or both

Cognizance Agencies District Police FIA Pakistan Customs

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Copyright Statistics

S.NoYears 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

(April 07)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Received2342 2018 2696 2353 2479 2762 2238

2. Examination 1739 1561 1544 1733 1635 1849 1845

3. Registrations 1143 1071 943 932 872 1247 1048

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Copyright Registrations in Other countries

Year USA Canada Indonesia

2002-03 534,122 7965 -

2003-04 661,469 7928 3565

2004-05 531,720 7650 2316

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Copyright Contribution to US Economy

Strong Employment and WagesThe “core” copyright industries employed 5.38 million workers in 2005 (4.03% of

U.S. workers)

Foreign Sales and Exports$110.8 billion, leading other major industry sectors

IIPA Press Release on The 2006 Report January 30, 2007,

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The copyright head office established in 1963 is situated at Karachi with a branch office at Lahore established in 1986. The addresses and contact numbers are: -

Head Office: Copyright Office, IPO-Pakistan, Ground Floor, Liaquat

Memorial Library Building, Adjacent TV Station, Stadium Road, Karachi

Telephone No. Fax No. 021-9230140-41 021-9230140 Email Address: copyright@ipo.gov.pk

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Branch Office:

IPO Regional Office, 3rd Floor, Farid Tower, 19- Tample Road, Lahore

Telephone No. Fax No. 042-7224394 042-7224396 042-7224395 Email Addresses: (1)

copyright@ipo.gov.pk (2)lahore@ipo.gov.pk

21May, 2007 19

Improvement in Service Delivery of Copyright Registry

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) internet service has been installed and now email is extensively used for fast communication;

Since January, 2007, the data for Artistic work is being computerized and also provided to TMR for publication in TMR Journal & the same is also available on IPO website.

Seven employees are getting Basic IT Training while 15 have been nominated for the training.

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Two sides of the coin

Faiz Ahmed Faiz Leading poet had to seek one job or the other totally unrelated to his creative temperament

Sydney SheldonAn American NovelistA Millionaire

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Two sides of the coin

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Michael Jackson

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Two sides of the coin

Fahmida RiazPopular poet and novelist

J.K. Rowling

Royalties have made her richer than the British Queen

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Please Visit: www.ipo.gov.pk

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