2/1/15 why does god allow suffering

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Sermon Date: February 1, 2015

Sermon Title: The Problem of Pain

Sermon Text: Romans 8:28

Video Series: The Reason for God

Session 4: Why does God allow suffering

“Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. If God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world? " -Epicurus, athiest philosopher

The question of why evil exists is probably one of the most often asked questions for individuals who are exploring the Christian faith. Many people believe that the existance of both evil and suffering disproves the existence of a good and loving God; however, as Christians, we understand that God allows suffering because He is a good God that also allows freedom/free will. Jesus Christ not only endured suffering through His death and resurrection, He conquered it and resurrected. An accomplishment that no other God can claim. Therefore, as Christians, we understand that the answer to why is a who, and not a what…

“To our wounds only God’s wounds can speak, and no god has wounds but thou alone.” Edward Shillito

1. If you could ask God any question about pain and suffering what would you ask?

2. What does free-will mean to you? How would you feel if God forced everyone one of us to love and follow Him?

3. Have pain and suffering shaped your character and values? Why or why not?

4. Read 2 Cor. 1:3-4. How have you experienced God’s comfort and love in the midst of pain?

1. Read Romans 8:28. How can suffering work for “the good of those who love him” ?

2. How can your reaction to pain and suffering affect others? 3. Would you say God knows the pain and suffering of this world?

Why or why not? 4. Read Roman 5:1-11. What would it look like for you to rejoice in your

suffering? Can one be thankful for suffering? 5. What does Christ’s suffering on the cross mean to you? 6. How can you help bring Christ’s message of hope, to pain and

suffering around you?

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