21 top ways to supercharge your productivity

Post on 09-Feb-2017



Self Improvement



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21 Top Ways to Supercharge Your


Melissa ChuJumpstart Your Dream Life

So, you want to get more


But you also want more time for fun…

…and relaxation.

I gotcha.

You can have both!

With these goals in mind, here are a list of 21 ways

to become superproductive.

1. Take lots of naps.

Leonardo da Vinci took numerous naps during the day.Napoleon Bonaparte took naps every day.So did President John F. Kennedy…who even ate lunch in bed!

2. Say “no” to most things.

“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.”

– Warren Buffett

3. Stop working at 50 hours.

Research has found that productivity drastically decreases after working 50 hours in a week.So go on, get out of the office and have a restful evening.

4. Let go of perfection.

Perfectionism leads to increased time on each task, procrastination, and missing the big picture.Stop over-thinking everything.

5. Get important work done early.

Mornings are the most productive time of the day because you have the most energy after waking up.Instead of checking email and reading the news, get started on your priorities.

6. Stop everything periodically.

Take time off to reflect on your work. Doing nothing can be the best way to find solutions.Try taking a walk or a shower if you can’t think your way through a problem.

7. Batch your communication.

Phones and emails can be distracting. Instead of being constantly available, set times when you check your messages and emails.

8. Schedule it in.

If something is extremely important, set a date and time for it. This goes for things such as exercise, generating business leads, and making time for loved ones.

9. Listen to music.

Different types of music work for different folks. General rule of thumb: avoid music with lyrics, as these can be distracting. Classical music, dubstep, and epic music are worth a try.

10. Review what you need to do the night before.

Knowing your priorities begins with planning beforehand, not thinking of what to do when you’re in the midst of things.Take some time before the end of the day to plan out the next day’s events.

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11. Try the Pomodoro Technique.

Set your timer at 25 minutes and work on one task (this is one “Pomodoro”). When time’s up, take a break.Take a longer break every four Pomodoros – around 15 to 30 minutes.

12. Use Parkinson’s Law.

According to Parkinson’s Law, we complete work in the time allotted.Look at one goal you’ve wanted to complete for awhile and set a close deadline.You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can get a task done.

13. Declutter your desk.

A lot of unnecessary items on your desk makes for easy distraction.Clean out or put away the objects you don’t need.

14. Quit multitasking.

Humans weren’t built to do more than one task at a time (despite the bragging you might hear about it).Look at what needs to be done and work on them individually.

15. Track what works.

If you’re generating leads for your business, record how many leads you received from one method.Be relentless. If you’ve tried a number of methods and some are consistently doing better, focus on them.

16. Maintain a healthy diet.

Junk food may jolt your tastebuds, but it’ll leave you with a bad feeling in the end.Opt for high protein foods, like eggs, chickpeas, and chicken to maintain energy.

17. Drink lots of water.

Most of us don’t get enough water in the day. Have a large pitcher of water nearby so that you can stay hydrated.

18. Get regular exercise.

Interestingly, exercise increases energy levels and lowers the number of hours you need to sleep.Regular jogs or walks a few times a week go a long way.

19. Get to work early.

People who get to work early can make full use of their high energy levels in the morning. Another benefit is beating the morning traffic rush.Traffic jams can be a major time killer.

20. Have stand-up meetings.

Standing meetings are popular at many start ups, and for good reason.Standing up while communicating increases blood flow, improves thinking and generates creativity.

21. Do the same task continuously.

When you switch from one task to another, you end up wasting time getting adjusted to a different task.Instead, work on one task until it’s completely finished, then work on another task.

Awesome stuff!

Melissa ChuJumpstart Your Dream Life

You’re 99% of the way to becoming superproductive.

Melissa ChuJumpstart Your Dream Life

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