2019 presidential election in ukraine · by the radas ommittee on legal policy and the judiciary...

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2019 Presidential Election in Ukraine: Post-Election Report

May 2019

This report was developed by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) through the support

of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Affair Canada and UK aid. The

opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of

do not necessarily reflect the views of the UK government, USAID, the United States Government, Global

Affairs Canada or the Government of Canada.

2019 Presidential Election in Ukraine: Post-Election Report Copyright © 2019 International Foundation for Electoral Systems. All rights reserved.

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Photo credits:

Cover: Roman Shalamov

Page 6: Roman Shalamov

Page 8: Roman Shalamov

Page 9: Valeriia Landar

Page 12: Roman Shalamov

Page 14: Roman Shalamov

Page 19: Roman Shalamov

Page 20: Civil Network OPORA

Page 21: Valeriia Landar

Page 23: Roman Shalamov

Table of Contents

Executive summary ................................................................................................................. 3

Background ............................................................................................................................. 4

Legal framework ..................................................................................................................... 5

Election security ...................................................................................................................... 5

Election administration ........................................................................................................... 6

The Central Election Commission (CEC) ........................................................................................ 6

District Election Commissions (DECs) ............................................................................................ 8

Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) ........................................................................................... 8

Voter registration .................................................................................................................. 11

Candidate nomination and registration.................................................................................. 14

Election campaigning and media coverage of elections .......................................................... 15

Campaign finance .................................................................................................................. 17

Election dispute resolution .................................................................................................... 19

Voting, vote counting and vote tabulation ............................................................................. 21

Accessibility and inclusion ..................................................................................................... 23

Election observation ............................................................................................................. 24

Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 26


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report


IFES Ukraine

Executive summary

The presidential election in Ukraine held across two rounds on March 31st and April 21st represents

an important electoral milestone for democracy in Ukraine. This was the first major national election

held since the Central Election Commission (CEC) was renewed in September 2018. Observers from a

diverse range of international and domestic monitoring missions stated that election day was carried

out in a generally professional and smooth manner across the country. The efforts of all levels of

election administration – as well as the large margin of victory for Volodymyr Zelenskyi – leave little

doubt that this election represents a democratic achievement for all involved.

However, there are a number of outstanding issues that must be addressed both to improve future

presidential elections as well as to prepare Ukraine for the anticipated parliamentary elections in only

a few months. It is critical that election stakeholders reflect seriously on the 2019 presidential election

to draw lessons learned and consider observer recommendations. The legal framework requires

significant change to meet international standards and best practices. While the Presidential Election

Law is arguably the least flawed of the laws governing elections, only a few of the recommendations

for improvement by the Council of Europe’s Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice

Commission), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic

Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and domestic observer missions have been addressed. The

laws governing elections must be adapted and clarified in order to remove conflicting language, clarify

key definitions and roles of electoral stakeholders, require sanctions for electoral offenses, and further

bolster the democratic process to make it more inclusive and transparent.

In addition to legal shortcomings, a number of outstanding issues pertaining to the administration of

the presidential election surfaced in domestic and international observer reports as well. Key areas of

concern includes: the centralized nature and perceived lack of transparency of the CEC; the large

composition of lower-level election commissions and the frequent replacement of their members,

undermining their efficiency and professionalism; the lack of effective, proportionate and dissuasive

sanctions for election-related offences; the cumbersome procedures for changing the place of voting

without changing a voter’s address and de-facto introduction of active voter registration for certain

groups of citizens; a general lack of accessibility for persons with disability at odds with Ukraine’s

international commitments; short timelines for election dispute resolution; the lack of campaign

finance transparency; negative campaigning; abuse of administrative resources and the lack of a level

playing field in the coverage of the campaign in media; as well as the significant number of “technical”

candidates standing for election.

Despite these issues and challenges, there were a number of significant improvements noted by

observers and electoral stakeholders alike for this election. The major improvements noted by the

observers include: better preparedness of the CEC and other authorities to combat cyber-attacks on

key election infrastructure; a competitive campaign environment with respect for the fundamentals

freedoms; lack of major violations during voting, vote counting and vote tabulation; the effective role

of police in maintaining and protecting public order on election day; and high-quality wide-scale

training of the election commissioners provided with IFES technical assistance. This report provides

analysis of key electoral issues as well as achievements from the 2019 presidential election, and offers

recommendations for stakeholders to improve future democratic processes.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report


Under the Constitution, the President of Ukraine is elected for a five-year term and may serve two

consecutive terms; there is no limitation on the number of nonconsecutive terms. The first

presidential election after Euromaidan in 2014 was held on May 25, 2014, triggered by the early

termination of office of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to the Russian Federation in

February that year. Early parliamentary elections were held in October the same year.

Following Euromaidan, Ukraine faced a number of serious challenges ranging from economic

downturn to the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by the Russian Federation and de facto

loss of control over parts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts to Russian-backed separatists. Aspirations

for swift reforms inspired by Euromaidan have largely not materialized. Several reform initiatives

launched since 2014 have never been fully or properly implemented, such as: decentralization, the

fight against corruption and reform of the judiciary. The CEC that organized the notoriously flawed

2012 parliamentary elections continued to exercise its powers until 2018, even though the terms in

office for most of its members expired in 2014. CEC members with expired terms were replaced only

in September 2018. The lead up to the 2019 presidential election was marked by widespread loss of

public trust in the political elite and state institutions, failed attempts to fundamentally change the

electoral system and laws governing elections as well as the questionable introduction of martial law

in late 2018 initiated by outgoing President Petro Poroshenko.

Legal framework

The preparation and conduct of a presidential election is regulated by the Presidential Election Law,

which has undergone several amendments since its adoption in 1999. The last significant amendments

were introduced in 2014 and 2015. Other aspects of the election process are governed by the 2001

Law on Political Parties in Ukraine, the 2004 Law on the Central Election Commission, and the 2007

Law on the State Register of Voters. Sanctions for election-related offenses are set out in the 2001

Criminal Code and the 1984 Code of Administrative Offences. Election disputes are resolved by courts

(local courts of general jurisdiction and administrative courts) based on the 2004 Code of

Administrative Adjudication. The CEC supplements the legal framework by adopting resolutions to

specify certain provisions of the Presidential Election Law (including the procedures for campaign

finance oversight, observer accreditation, compilation of vote count and tabulation protocols, and for

resolving electoral disputes by lower-level election commissions).

The electoral legal framework overall remains fragmented and comprises a number of laws adopted

at different times that sometimes contradict each other. ODIHR and the Venice Commission have

repeatedly recommended to harmonize the electoral legal framework through the adoption of a

consolidated Election Code, but their recommendation has not been fully implemented.

In November 2017, the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, adopted a draft harmonized

election code in the first reading. Prior to the second reading of the code, MPs proposed more than

4,000 amendments which were considered and further elaborated on by a working group established

by the Rada’s Committee on Legal Policy and the Judiciary (the Committee). While the working group

has now accomplished the task of processing all the amendments to the draft code, the draft code is

still required to be considered by the Committee and will need a majority of 226 votes to be adopted


IFES Ukraine

in the second reading by the 423-member Verkhovna Rada. The code would enter legal force only if

promulgated by the President. In the current political environment, there is a lack of consensus among

MPs on such key elements of the draft code as the choice of electoral system for parliamentary and

local elections, the procedure for establishing lower-level election commissions, as well as whether or

not to fully enfranchise IDPs and mobile groups of citizens, among others. Thus, the prospect for

adopting the election code well in advance of the 2019 October parliamentary elections is dwindling.

Given that the adoption of the draft election code well before the fall 2019 elections does not seem

realistic and further will contradict the internationally recognized principle of stability of election

laws, the Rada needs to focus on fixing the flaws in the existing laws governing elections in Ukraine.

Election security

Despite serious external and internal security threats to the 2019 presidential election, for the most

part these threats never materialized. The situation on the line of contact in the East between the

Armed Forces of Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists remained the same as before the election

and did not affect election preparations in the adjacent districts in government-controlled areas. This

is a positive sign and increases the prospects for holding local elections in newly amalgamated

communities in these areas. At an early stage of the election process, certain far-right para-military

groups made statements that they would “protect” the election by force; these claims never

materialized into concrete action. The role of the police during the first and second round in protecting

public order received a positive response from election observers across the board.

While cybersecurity attacks were an issue of concern during the 2014 elections, installment of the

new cybersecurity equipment procured with IFES support, as well as cybersecurity trainings delivered

to the CEC secretariat staff contributed to preventing any serious external interference in the

electronic databases (voter registers, results management system, etc.) administered by the CEC. The

CEC should further continue its efforts aimed to ensure an appropriate level of cyber security

protection of its electronic systems.

Election administration

The Central Election Commission (CEC) Under the Presidential Election Law, the presidential election is administered by a three-tier system

of election commissions: the Central Election Commission (CEC), District Election Commissions (DECs),

and Precinct Election Commissions (PECs). For the 2019 election, the CEC created 199 DECs and

established 29,289 PECs in-country. No DECs or PECs were established in the non-government

controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, as well as in Russian-annexed Crimea and

Sevastopol. For out-of-country voting, the CEC established 101 PECs at diplomatic and consular

representations of Ukraine abroad. Due to security threats and based on a suggestion by the Ministry

of Foreign Affairs, the CEC decided to close all polling stations in the Russian Federation and referred

some 54,000 registered voters residing in Russia to vote at diplomatic representations of Ukraine in

three neighboring states.

According to the assessment of most international election observers (including OSCE/ODIHR, NDI,

and IRI), the CEC operated in a professional, collegial manner and met all legal deadlines. While CEC

operations were assessed as transparent in general, international and domestic observers criticized


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

the practice of holding preliminary meetings behind closed doors to discuss draft CEC Resolutions;

thereby reducing real discussions at the public sessions. Most decisions of the CEC were adopted

unanimously. As in previous elections, the CEC did not initiate public consultations to discuss key draft

resolutions with election stakeholders. The CEC should consider establishing an expert council to

discuss its key draft resolutions, introduce public consultations, and abstain from holding closed-

door preparatory meetings.

Ukrainian NGO Civil Network OPORA raised concerns about CEC attempts to question the presence of

OPORA and other domestic observers at certain CEC sessions, in violation of the Presidential Election

Law that allows domestic and international observers to be present at CEC meetings without an

invitation or the Commission’s consent. A lack of transparency has had consequences in terms of

public perception. In some cases, the CEC did not effectively react to concerns raised by certain

presidential candidates (for instance Anatoliy Hrytsenko) resulting in wide-scale and completely

unreasonable speculations in the media. These speculations included that the CEC allegedly

attempted to “legitimize vote buying,” was attempting to falsify the election result by ordering the

printing of double the amount of ballot papers needed for the first round, and that the State Register

of Voters was of poor quality.

The CEC website still needs to be

modernized to ensure enhanced

accessibility for all voters, including voters

with disabilities, to ensure that CEC

decisions and voter information, as well as

other data are fully accessible. The CEC de

facto restricted access to information on

campaign finance by rejecting requests by

NGOs for access to data on the campaign

expenses of presidential candidates (the CEC

ruled that such data is covered by banking

secret rules). Much can be done to increase

the transparency of the CEC. Enhancing

transparency of the CEC is crucial for building

public trust and strengthening the credibility

and accountability of the institution.

As a legacy from the past, the CEC remains a highly centralized institution. While the Law on Central

Election Commission allows the CEC to establish regional branches functioning on a permanent basis,

these have never been established due to lack of budget, organizational and other resources. As in

previous elections, any irregularity at district or even precinct level requires CEC action in Kyiv. Such

centralization can hardly be considered necessary and undermines the collegial nature of the

institution, as each CEC member is in charge of supervising elections in a particular region of Ukraine

and has to intervene personally once irregularities occur in a particular region/district. The Rada

should consider changes to the Law on Central Election Commission to specify the mandates of the

CEC branches in the regions, while the government should allocate resources needed to establish

such branches.

The CEC Chairperson Tatiana Slipachuk and the Head of Sector of

Websites Functioning Volodymyr Som present a draft version of

Commission’s new website to the IT-experts and media

representatives in December 2018.


IFES Ukraine

District Election Commissions (DECs) Before the first round of the presidential election, the CEC formed DECs on time and based on

nominations filed by the presidential candidates. While the Presidential Election Law establishes that

the minimum composition of a DEC is 12 members, it does not impose any restrictions on the

maximum members of a DEC. A presidential candidate is entitled to suggest one commissioner for

each DEC subject to approval by the CEC if the proposed nominees comply with the legal requirements

for DEC membership. The Presidential Election Law requires all DECs to be formed anew by the CEC

within a short ten-day deadline before a potential second round based on submissions of the two

presidential candidates running in the second round. Both candidates are entitled to nominate seven

DEC members each, while the DEC is to comprise 14 members overall.

For the first round of the 2019 presidential election, the CEC initially registered 44 presidential

candidates (of which five later withdrew their candidacy), most of whom nominated members to

DECs. Due to the large number of nominees proposed, DECs on average included 37 members. The

smallest DEC was No 105 in Luhansk oblast with 29 members, while the largest DECs included 41

members (DECs Nos 174 and 176 in Kharkiv oblast).

Large membership does not contribute to the effective performance of DECs and unnecessarily

complicates election administration operations as most election-related documents must be signed

by all the DEC members. Large DECs also result in overcrowding of their premises, a fact noted by

most election observer groups as negatively affecting DEC operations and transparency during the

tabulation of votes, since all DEC sessions can further be attended by observers, presidential

candidates and their proxies, journalists, and members of the CEC. The Presidential Election Law,

therefore, should be reviewed to establish the maximum composition of the DECs to make sure

they could effectively manage the election process.

Before the second round, all DECs were created anew by the CEC and both presidential candidates,

nominated candidates to most DECs as foreseen by the Presidential Election Law. Petro Poroshenko

nominated seven members to all DECs, while Volodymyr Zelenskyi did not suggest any nominees in

two election districts (Nos 57 and 58 in Mariupol). The vacant seats on these DECs were filled by the

CEC based on the proposal of the CEC Chair, as envisaged by law. OPORA noted that the overall process

of the DEC re-establishment before the second round was much better compared to the first round,

and both presidential candidates received a balanced representation on the DECs, including DEC

executive positions.

The approach towards establishment of the DECs laid down in the Presidential Election Law is

problematic in a number of aspects. Complete re-establishment of DECs for the second round might

have a negative impact on the level of professionalism of DEC commissioners, as the narrow

timeframes between the rounds do not allow for sufficient time to properly train new DEC members.

Further, if candidates decide not to propose any nominees to certain DECs, it might be difficult for the

CEC to identify enough prospective commissioners and bring into question the principle of equal

representation on the commission. Furthermore, the formation of DECs and, subsequently, PECs may

then suffer from significant delays that would negatively impact preparations for the second round.

For these reasons, the provision in the Presidential Election Law requiring complete re-appointment

of election commissioners shortly before a potential second round should be reconsidered.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

According to the preliminary statement of the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM)1,

some interlocutors alleged so-called ‘technical’ candidates who are in fact affiliated with the leading

candidates had registered in part to obtain seats in lower-level commissions, which undermined the

principle of equal representation as well as the purpose of the proportional allocation of executive

positions. Some nominees for election commissions were not aware they had been proposed to be a

member of the election commission. While no such issues were reported in the second round, the

role of “technical candidates” in proposing nominees to lower level election commissions should be

significantly restricted.

The Presidential Election Law fails to set a deadline for replacements of commissioners at lower-level

election commissions; presidential candidates are free to replace election commissioners appointed

by them at any time, including before, during and after election day. According to the IEOM, 39

percent of the initially appointed members of DECs established for the April 21 first round were

replaced by the presidential candidates who nominated them or on their own initiative before election

day. The lack of any restriction on the right to replace members of election commissions has been

repeatedly criticized by the OSCE/ODIHR, the Venice Commission, and IFES as it has a negative impact

on the professionalism of the election commissions. After the initial formation of DECs for the second

round, candidates submitted requests for changing 8 percent of the initially appointed members.

These replacements were criticized by domestic and international observers, including for rendering

training provided to DEC members less effective.

According to the Civil Network OPORA, 65

percent of the DEC members initially

appointed before the first round previously

served on an election commission. This figure

is somewhat lower compared to the 2010

presidential election (78 percent of the

commissioners had previous election

experience) and the 2014 presidential

election (72 percent had previous

experience). The share of DEC members

appointed for the second round with

previous election experience increased to 69

percent, indicating that 31 percent of the

second round DEC commissioners were not

commission members during the first round.

The CEC, with IFES’ technical assistance and through the CEC Training Center, organized a wide-scale

training of DEC and PEC members before the first round to ensure that they could effectively exercise

their duties and were aware of key election procedures. However, the fact that presidential candidates

can appoint untrained commissioners to serve on election commissions in both the first and second

round, their frequent and unrestricted replacement of commissioners, and the narrow timeframes for

establishing the DECs and PECs for the second round vote still poses a significant risk and may have a

negative impact on the professionalism and performance of election commissioners in future

1 The International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) was a joint effort of the long-term OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission and short-term observer delegations from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

IFES in cooperation with the CEC and the joint IFES-CEC Training

Center organized a five-day training of trainers (TOT), who in turn

conducted 106 regional trainings for more than 3,000 District

Election Commission (DEC) members.


IFES Ukraine

elections. The laws governing presidential, parliamentary and local elections should be amended to

exclude the possibility of appointing untrained commissioners and to provide for their mandatory

certification by the CEC Training Center before appointment to the DECs and PECs.

Gender balance was ensured during the initial appointment to the DECs: 55 percent of the DEC

members were women. Women were also largely represented in leadership positions on DECs: some

58 percent of these positions were held by women, according to OPORA. This level of representation

is a welcome step to ensure a balanced representation of women and men on the DECs. Parties and

candidates participating in elections should continue their efforts aimed to ensure a balanced

representation of women on DECs and PECs.

Both domestic and international observers noted that DECs – both before the first and the second

round – performed their tasks adequately. Some DECs, however, lacked operational resources and

adequate office premises. This reduced the transparency of DEC operations including during the

tabulation of votes on election day where candidate, domestic and international observers had

difficulties following the tabulation process. The CEC needs to ensure that in future elections DECs

have sufficient financial, technical and other resources to implement their mandates and ensure

transparency of their operations, including during the tabulation of votes on election day.

Transparency of DEC operations remains an issue, as many DECs opt not to transmit the legally

required data (such as copies of the decisions made by the DECs) to the CEC for central publication on

the CEC website. Similar cases were noted during previous nationwide elections in 2012 and 2014. All

election laws should provide for measures aimed at ensuring that all DEC decisions are available on

the CEC website. The CEC should ensure that DECs have the equipment and resources necessary to

enable them to promptly transmit their decisions and other legally required data to the CEC through

the “Vybory” electronic system.

Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) Under the Presidential Election Law, the

procedure for establishing PECs is the same

as for the DECs in both the first and second

round, whereby each presidential candidate

is entitled to nominate a certain number of

PEC members (first round candidates can

nominate one PEC member each, while

second round candidates can nominate from

six to eight commissioners to each PEC

depending on the size of the precinct in

terms of registered voters). Candidates are

entitled to replace PEC members they have

nominated at will at any time. As with DECs,

the Presidential Election Law does not envisage mandatory training for PEC members or require

previous experience for being appointed to a PEC. As with DECs, PECs must be entirely renewed for

the second round, and DECs must reestablish the PECs in their election district within five days prior

to the second round vote.

Members of a precinct election commission in Kyiv prepare the

polling station for opening on March 31, 2019.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

Domestic and international observer reports confirmed that all PECs for the first round were

established by DECs within the legal deadline. The average number of commissioners on each PEC

amounted to 14 members. In the second round, most PECs were formed in time; however, delays

occurred in six DECs that were struggling to find enough prospective commissioners when the

candidates failed to nominate them in the required numbers. According to OPORA, on average, 15

percent of PEC members were appointed based on proposals of DEC chairs, with some being

appointed after the official deadline. In both rounds, the executive positions on PECs were generally

distributed equally between the candidates, in line with legal requirements.

The IEOM noted other factors that negatively affected the establishment of PECs, including “poor

quality of nomination documents submitted by candidates to the DECs and shortfall of nominees” as

well as the “over-involvement of candidate proxies when allocating executive positions” on the PECs.

In the first round, OPORA observers noted a number of cases in which the PEC commissioners

proposed by candidates were rejected by DECs for this reason. In some cases, commissioners were

unaware of their appointment to serve on a PEC and many subsequently filed a request for withdrawal

from the commission.

Similar issues were reported by the IEOM in the second round. In most cases, these vacancies were

filled by members nominated by the DEC chair to serve on the PECs. The Presidential Election Law, for

instance, may give the leading role in establishing the DECs and PECs to the parties that passed the

electoral threshold in the most recent parliamentary elections to prevent frivolous candidates from

receiving representation on DECs. The Criminal Code should provide for sanctions for proposing

nominees for membership of election commissions without their consent or based on falsified

nomination documents.

After being established, PECs faced similar problems as the DECs: PEC members were frequently

replaced on the initiative of the candidates who nominated them; in many cases, they were replaced

by new members with little or no election experience. This was especially the case in the second

round, although the number of replacements of initially commission members at PEC level is not

known for the first or second round.

Given the similarities in procedures for establishing PECs and DECs, the recommendations outlined

above for improving the formation and operation of DECs are also relevant to PECs.

Voter registration

The procedure for voter registration is governed by the Law on State Register of Voters, while the

procedures for the compilation and distribution of preliminary and updated voter lists for each

election event are governed by the respective election law. Voter registration is passive and

continuous, whereby all eligible citizens of Ukraine are included into the State Registry of Voters (SRV)

based on information on citizen status (birth, death, conscription, imprisonment, etc.) provided by

various public authorities (the State Migration Service, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense,

Ministry of Justice and others). These authorities are in charge of updating SRV data on voters, both

before and during the election period. Voter registration is centralized; the SRV is administered by the

CEC while the updates and changes to SRV data are made by the voter register maintenance bodies

(RMBs) at rayon level.


IFES Ukraine

Before the legally established deadline, the RMBs must produce preliminary voter lists for each

election precinct (the territory of a polling station) based on the SRV data and deliver them to the

respective PEC. The Presidential Election Law provides that the PEC must display the preliminary voter

lists in the polling station for public scrutiny. Voters are entitled to challenge inaccuracies on the

preliminary voter lists to the PECs, courts, and RMBs. PECs must forward each received complaint to

the relevant RMB for further consideration, while the courts must obtain the relevant RMB opinion

on the complaint before adopting any decision to correct the voter lists. The voter should also be able

to access the state voter register online to check their individual registration but cannot apply for

corrections or challenge incorrect registrations online. The updated voter lists are to be delivered to

the PECs no later than two days before the vote. The updated voter lists reflect changes to civil

registration data, deceased voters, those who have turned 18 years of age, and corrections requested

by voters. No changes to the updated voter lists (except corrections of misspelled names and similar

technical errors) are allowed on election day.

While domestic and international election observers did not note serious issues related to the quality

of the voter lists and the overall voter registration process, the procedure for updating the SRV data

may raise concerns in future elections. This is due to the fact that the primary responsibility for

registering the place of residence of citizens rests on local self-governance bodies, which often fail to

transmit data on changes in residency registration to SRV and other state registers in a timely manner.

Such failure is rooted in insufficient financial, human and technical resources at the local level and

modest sanctions for failure to submit the required data to SRV. Local self-government bodies should

be sufficiently resourced to allow for timely (continuous) transmission of relevant data on citizens’

place of residence in Ukraine to the SRV. A system of sanctions for delayed/incomplete transmission

of such data to the SRV could be considered to ensure that the SRV data is accurate and up-to-date.

Voters who cannot vote at their assigned polling station, such as internal displayed persons (IDPs),

economic migrants, and others, can change their place of voting without changing their place of

residence in order to vote at another polling station. To do so, a voter must file a written application

to the relevant RMB no later than five days prior to the vote. The procedure for changing the place of

voting is the only option available for election participation of voters who are registered in the non-

government controlled areas of Ukraine in Crimea and Donbas where no RMBs, PECs, and DECs have

been formed. This means that eligible Ukrainian citizens (whether they have official IDP status or not)

must undergo this procedure in order to exercise their constitutional right to vote. Before the second

round, 325,604 voters temporarily changed their place of voting, including 75,607 IDPs. The total

number of IDPs on voter lists for the second round was near similar to the first round (130 IDP voters

less that in first round).

The procedure for changing the place of voting without changing the electoral address (place of official

residence) proved to be problematic for a number of reasons. First and foremost, IDPs and economic

migrants must undergo the procedure to change their place of voting without changing their electoral

address before each election event in which they want to take part. In practice, this means that the

governing principle of passive voter registration does not extend to these categories of citizens.

The IEOM stated that “the need for voters to renew … requests [to change the place of voting without

changing the electoral address] represents an unnecessary burden, especially for internally displaced

persons (IDPs), voters abroad, and persons with disabilities.” Before the second round, voters had only

eight days to change their place of voting before election day, in contrast to more than 80 days


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

available for the procedure prior to the first round. This calls for reform of the current voter

registration system as laid out in the Law on State Register of Voters.

The voter registration system strongly depends on residence registration, which, despite attempts at

reform, is still fundamentally based on the discriminatory Soviet “propiska” system. The “propiska”

system is permission based rather than declaration based (a citizen has to obtain permission from the

authorities to change their place of residence). Many eligible citizens are barred from changing their

registered place of residence to their actual place of residence, and thus only have the option to

temporarily change their place of voting ahead of each election event in order to exercise their right

to vote. Barriers to change the place of official residence are well-documented in reports of NGOs and

especially affect voters who rent or lease their accommodation due to resistance of the owners to

grant permission or provide the documents that will allow the voter to officially obtain residence

registration at the place where they actually reside. In the long-term, the government should reform

the overall system of residence registration in Ukraine towards a declarative approach for residency

registration to be in line with international standards.

In local elections and in the single-mandate constituency component of parliamentary elections, there

is no option to temporarily change one’s place of voting without changing one’s electoral address,

leaving IDPs and economic migrants practically disenfranchised in these respective elections unless

they somehow manage to register at their place of actual residence. This may be considered

discriminatory to these groups of otherwise eligible voters. The issue is properly addressed in Draft

Law No 6240. This draft law aims to simplify the voter registration system, remove existing legal and

practical barriers created by the outdated residence registration system, and enfranchise IDPs and

economic migrants in all elections at the place where they actually reside. The Rada needs to

accelerate the consideration of Draft Law No 6240 and adopt it into law well in advance of the next

parliamentary elections in October 2019. In the long term, the overall system of residence

registration should be brought in compliance with international standards.

While the Presidential Election Law does not

require IDPs to substantiate the reasons for

changing their place of voting, other voters

are required to file documents supporting

the requested change in voting place. This is

an unnecessary and cumbersome

requirement, which might prevent many

voters from changing their place of voting

simply because they do not possess the

necessary documents to support their

request. Given that changing the place of

voting cannot result in multiple voting of the

same voter at different polling stations or

multiple inclusion of the voter on different voter lists, the Law on State Register of Voters should

not require voters to file documents supporting their request for changing place of voting without

changing their electoral address (residence registration).

Both domestic and international observers reported long queues of voters wishing to change their

place of voting near the RMBs, especially in the last days before the deadline. The CEC should take

A female voter is making up her mind in the first round of the

presidential election.


IFES Ukraine

further steps to increase voter awareness of the procedure for changing one’s place of voting and

encourage RMBs to introduce a queue management system to simplify the process.

The legal timelines for updating voter lists/changing the place of voting temporarily, for ballot printing,

and for the formation of PECs are interdependent but do not appear to be harmonized in practice.

While ballot papers are printed with 0.5 percent surplus for each polling station based on SRV

information about the preliminary number of voters registered in the precinct, the Presidential

Election Law de facto envisages procedures that may substantially alter the final number of voters in

the precinct after the printing of ballots: voters may request to temporarily change their place of

voting and updates to the voter lists may continue even after ballot papers have been delivered to the

polling station. In this election, several polling stations had fewer ballots than registered voters on the

updated voter lists. Even though a 100 percent turnout is uncommon, an increase in turnout combined

with a large discrepancy between the final number of voters and the amount of printed ballots might

result in voters not being able to exercise their right to vote simply due to the shortage of ballot papers

in some precincts.

In the second round, the deadline for formation of PECs coincides with the deadline for temporarily

changing the place of voting. Late establishment of PECs for the second round effectively prevents

members appointed late from changing their place of voting. This may potentially disenfranchise PEC

members who serve away from the precinct where they are on the voter list. The legal timelines for

printing ballot papers, for the formation of PECs, and for updating voter lists/temporarily changing

the place of voting should be harmonized for the reasons indicated above.

Pursuant to the Code of Administrative Adjudication, courts must consider all lawsuits related to

inaccuracies in voter lists no later than two days prior to election day and deliver their decisions to the

PECs for them to update the voter list before the beginning of the vote. However, in more complicated

cases, such decisions may be delivered later, especially if the court for some reason did not receive

the RMB’s opinion on the complaint in time. While court decisions are mandatory and failure to

implement them may entail criminal liability, the election laws do not permit any changes to the voter

list after the opening of polls on election day. Any room for conflicting interpretations should be

eliminated from the legal framework. The Code of Administrative Adjudication should be clarified to

provide that court decisions in cases related to voter list inaccuracies must be delivered to the PECs

before the opening of polls on election day.

During both rounds of the presidential election, observers noted isolated cases of inaccuracies on the

voter lists, such as the inclusion of deceased voters and non-inclusion of eligible voters with residence

in the precinct. While the Presidential Election Law makes it clear that no changes to the voter lists

are allowed after the opening of polls on election day, it fails to provide any guidance for PECs as to

how to react to obvious inaccuracies or to cases where voters arrive to the polling station after the

opening of polls with a valid court ruling that they are to be placed on the voter list for the election at

this particular precinct.

Candidate nomination and registration

The right to stand for president is granted to any voter who has reached 35 years of age, resided in

Ukraine for the 10 years before the election, and have command of the state language. The

prospective candidate must also pay an electoral deposit of UAH 2.5 million. The Venice Commission


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

and ODIHR have repeatedly criticized the residency requirement for being unreasonably restrictive,

contradicting international standards and best practice. While the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

ruled that the electoral deposit does not violate the right to be elected enshrined in the Constitution,

the Venice Commission and ODIHR repeatedly stated that the size of the deposit is substantial and as

such represents a restriction on candidacy. They recommended that the Presidential Election Law

should establish a clear threshold for its partial or full refund, for instance, in the form of a percentage

of votes cast for a particular candidate. Significant monetary requirements can also have a

disproportionate negative affect on people from historically excluded or under-represented groups,

such as women, minorities, and other identities. Out of the 44 initially registered presidential

candidates, only four of these were women.

The Presidential Election Law should clearly

specify the criteria and the approach for

calculating the term of residence in Ukraine

for presidential and parliamentary

candidates. The Rada should consider

decreasing the size of the electoral deposit

to be paid to run for election or provide for

the possibility of filing lists of signatures in

support of candidacy as an alternative

option to the monetary deposit (e.g., a

certain number of voter signatures, or

signatures of members of parliament or

local councils). In addition to those

candidates who currently qualify for the

return of the deposit, the deposit should be fully or partially reimbursable also to those unsuccessful

candidates who receive a certain percentage of the votes cast.

Before the first round, the CEC initially registered 44 presidential candidates. 47 applicants were

rejected on various grounds, most commonly for failure to pay the monetary deposit. Five candidates

withdrew before the first round, resulting in 39 candidates on the ballot including four women, 20

self-nominated candidates, and 19 party-nominated candidates. In the second round, incumbent

President Petro Poroshenko (independent) lost to the first-round frontrunner Volodymyr Zelenskyi

(the Servant of the People Party). Domestic and international observers did not report significant

irregularities during candidate nomination and registration.

Election campaigning and media coverage of elections

The Presidential Election Law provides for several instruments aimed at ensuring a level playing field

during the election campaign: political advertising must be clearly marked; media must announce the

rates for each minute/second of political advertising and ensure equal conditions for all the candidates

while placing their election advertising; candidates can launch their election campaign only once they

have been registered for the election; and there is a provision for free airtime on public TV/radio for

election campaigning purposes.

In the first round of the presidential election on March 31, 2019, a

record number of 39 presidential candidates were on the 80-

centimeters-long ballot: 35 men and four women.


IFES Ukraine

The election campaign was largely peaceful and competitive, and candidates were generally able to

campaign freely without undue restrictions, according to the IEOM. However, the campaign was

marred by instances of negative campaigning and abuse of state resources, as well as cases of vote-

buying and involvement of public institutions and officials in the election campaign. Police need to

take further action to ensure that those who committed criminal and administrative offenses

related to election campaigning are effectively prosecuted and do not enjoy impunity. State bodies

should issue clear instructions to public officials and other employees setting standards for their

behavior during the election to prevent the abuse of administrative resources and public office.

The Presidential Election Law provides only a vague definition of what is considered election

campaigning and fails to draw a clear line between the campaign activities of the incumbent and

activities related to the exercise of his/her official duties as president during the campaign.

Poroshenko utilized this legal flaw effectively by de facto using his office for campaigning purposes

(i.e. during the so-called Tomos tour and similar events). The lack of clear legal definitions of what is

considered campaign activities has repeatedly been criticized by ODIHR. The Presidential Election Law

should provide clear guidance on what should be considered informational coverage of the election,

election campaigning, and official activities of public office holders who run as candidates.

In the 2019 election, most prospective candidates began their election campaign before their official

registration as candidates by the CEC. They also placed political advertising during the campaign

silence period including on election day and afterwards, prior to the calling of the second round. The

Presidential Election Law should introduce effective measures to deter prospective presidential

candidates from starting their campaigning early or in violation of campaign silence provisions. Such

measures could include introducing a formal registration procedure that obliges prospective

candidates to register as presidential nominees, combined with a prohibition to place political

advertising prior to their registration as prospective candidates as well as effective, proportionate,

and dissuasive sanctions for failure to comply.

Media coverage of the campaign was far from balanced. During the first round, media coverage mainly

focused on seven candidates, according to the IEOM. Debates, talk shows, and current affairs

programs were mainly used by candidates to discredit their opponents rather than to present the

program for their presidency. Certain TV channels gave most of their coverage to only one candidate.

Unmarked promotional materials on media, also known as “jeansa” or “hidden political advertising,”

were widely used during this election. The reasons for the unbalanced media coverage of the

campaign are rooted in the concentration of media ownership in the hands of a few oligarchs, lack of

proper state oversight over media campaign coverage, as well as a lack of proportionate, effective and

dissuasive sanctions for media violations and low journalistic standards. The Rada should consider

strengthening the independence and expanding the mandate of the National Broadcasting Council

to become an effective media oversight body. The Rada should also consider providing for the

establishment of an independent media council in charge of providing recommendations and

guidance to the media as to how to cover campaign events, and establishing effective,

proportionate and dissuasive sanctions for violations. The Presidential Election Law should be

amended to provide for a clear definition of “hidden political advertising.”

The Presidential Election Law provides for mandatory debates in the second round between the two

presidential candidates. These debates should be organized by a public service broadcaster on the last

Friday before the runoff election day during prime time. All expenses related to such debates are


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

covered by the state budget. If one of the candidates refuses to participate in the debates, all airtime

is given to the other candidate. Holding such debates does not exclude the possibility other debates

between the candidates provided that the expenses for such debates are covered from the

candidates’ election funds. Poroshenko and Zelenskyi held a debate organized and agreed on by both

candidates’ campaign teams at Olimpiyskyi stadium in Kyiv on Friday April 19, but Zelenskyi declined

to participate in the official debate organized by the public service broadcaster later the same day;

hence, the full airtime was allocated to Poroshenko. Holding mandatory debates on the evening

before the day of campaign silence does not allow voters the time to properly analyze the respective

candidates’ platforms and statements, or to comment on their positions. This reduces the ability of

the public to make an informed choice. The Presidential Election Law should be changed to require

that the state-funded debates before the second round are held at least three to four days before

the election to allow the voters to make an informed choice. to comment on their positions. This

reduces the ability of the public to make an informed choice

Campaign finance

In 2015, the Rada adopted the Political Finance Reform Law that introduced a number of amendments

to the existing legislation governing political and campaign finance in Ukraine. While the new law

increased the transparency of political and campaign finance, remaining shortcomings identified by

the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO), ODIHR, and the Venice Commission (such as lack of

regulation of “third-party” funding, lack of restrictions on excessive funding of campaigns and other)

limited its effectiveness in regulating the role of money in election campaigns.

Both domestic and international EOMs concluded that funding of the presidential election campaign

was not transparent: supporters of the candidates donated offices, paid for fuel and printed campaign

materials with funds being declared as third-party donations or donations-in-kind by the respective

candidates; some candidates did not pay for their YouTube campaigns, organized free concerts not

labeled as campaign events and/or allegedly made unofficial payments to members of election

commissions, observers and media.

The Presidential Election Law, as amended by the Political Finance Reform Law, provides that

candidates and the parties which nominated them can transfer money to campaign accounts without

any limits in terms of amount and number of transactions, contrary to Venice Commission

recommendations whereby a party’s/candidate’s own donations should not exceed a certain value.

Consideration should be given by the Rada to impose restrictions on the value of permissible

donations transferred not only by private donors but also by candidates themselves or by the

parties that nominated the candidates.

There are no spending limits in presidential elections. The absence of spending limits creates an

incentive for candidates to increase their campaign expenditures from one election to another. Both

the Venice Commission and ODIHR have repeatedly recommended setting a ceiling on campaign

expenses to prevent excessive use of funds and create a level playing field. Failure to address this

recommendation has led political parties and candidates to become increasingly dependent on

wealthy donors, which poses a risk of political corruption. Research from UNDP and others indicate

that increased spending and contributions by wealthy donors can have an adverse impact on the

representation of women in elected office; the more campaigning costs, the fewer women have the


IFES Ukraine

resources to compete on a level playing field with men. The Rada should consider the possibility of

either introducing campaign spending limits or imposing restrictions on costly types of campaigning,

such as TV and/or radio advertising during an election.

In contrast to the 2014 presidential election, the amended Presidential Election Law required that

candidates in the 2019 presidential election had to submit not only post-election campaign finance

reports but also pre-election financial reports. These reports must specify all information on donors,

donations, and expenses and must be fully published (except for personal data) on the websites of

the CEC and National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC). Preliminary reports must be

published before election day. Before the first round, all 44 presidential candidates (including the five

that had withdrawn) filed their pre-election reports to the CEC and NAPC in a timely manner. As

required by law, Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Petro Poroshenko filed an additional pre-election report

before the second round vote. Given that there is no requirement in the legal framework that

candidates must file a post-election report after the first round, the second-round report covers only

the limited period from April 7 to 13. However, it is common that the majority of campaign expenses

are made in the last days of the campaign, which are not covered by any interim financial report. Thus,

voters do not have access to any information about the spending of the second round candidates in

the last days of the first-round campaign, the period from March 19 to 29. Although the candidates’

campaigns possess information about income and expenditure during this period, they are not under

a legal obligation to disclose it: this period is covered in the final report that is submitted and published

only after the election. This limits the effectiveness of the pre-election finance reports. The

Presidential Election Law should provide for filing post-election financial reports not only after the

second round but also after the first round. The reporting period covered by the financial reports

should be as extensive as possible, including covering income and expenses on the last day of the

first round campaign.

Third party donations, i.e. donations made in support of a particular candidate by a third party (often

without the consent of or informing the recipient), as well as donations in-kind are not properly

regulated by the laws. NAPC should approve the procedure regulating donations in-kind and clarify

how they are reported on by the parties and candidates in election.

Both the pre- and post-election financial reports must be analyzed by the campaign finance oversight

bodies, the CEC and the NAPC, which are obliged to publish the result of this analysis on their websites.

The IEOM concluded from the published reports that both campaign finance oversight bodies refrain

from accepting a mandate to determine any circumvention of transparency rules, including the misuse

of state resources, and also noted that the bodies lack investigatory powers. Their analyses of financial

reports were mainly technical in accordance with the established procedures. They found that the

reports of 17 first round candidates revealed signs of campaign finance violations such as accepting

donations from persons with tax debts or providing incomplete financial information. The fact that

the CEC and NAPC combined their efforts to evaluate campaign finance reports is a welcome

development. However, NAPC and CEC should improve the quality of analysis of the financial reports

with an increased focus on major violations, such as shadow financing and unreported expenses,

that could undermine the fairness of the election. The election laws should also clearly delineate

the oversight mandates of the CEC and NAPC to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure effective

campaign finance oversight. In the mid-term, the Rada should take steps to strengthen the

independence, accountability and resources of the NAPC whose role as political finance regulator

remains insufficient.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

Civil society and media lacked day-to-day access to information about candidates’ incomes and

expenditures, as the CEC has ruled that this information falls under the bank secrecy clause. The public

has access to this information, but only after the reports are published, i.e. shortly before election day

(which leaves no time for the public to analyze the published information) or after the election (when

the analysis has a limited effect). Consequently, voters do not have the opportunity to make a fully

informed choice when they go to the polls. The election laws, including the Presidential Election Law,

should be amended to state that all information contained in the financial reports/election fund

bank accounts that are subject to publication by the CEC and NAPC can be provided to any

stakeholder upon request prior to the official publication, and that such information should not be

covered by the bank secrecy clause.

Current sanctions for failure to comply with the campaign finance requirements can hardly be

considered proportionate, effective, or dissuasive, as most campaign finance violations are only

subject to the issuance of a warning to the candidate in question or to an administrative fine ranging

from UAH 5,100 – 6,800 (equivalent of USD 192-256). Furthermore, sanctions are difficult to impose

due to short statutes of limitations (after this period expires, the court cannot consider the case). The

Criminal Code and Code of Administrative Offences should be changed to introduce effective,

proportionate and dissuasive sanctions for political/campaign finance violations.

Election dispute resolution

Depending on its type, a complaint/lawsuit may be filed with the CEC, a DEC or a PEC, or to a local

court of general jurisdiction, a District Administrative Court, the respective administrative court of

appeals or the Supreme Court. Most types of disputes can be filed with an election commission and/or

with a court at the discretion of the complainant. Although such overlapping jurisdictions are foreseen

in Constitution, which entitles anyone to challenge any irregularity at a court directly, it has in practice

not caused any significant problems in recent elections. There have been no cases when the same

complaint on the same subject matter has been heard in parallel by a court and an election

commission. Despite this, overlapping jurisdictions have been repeatedly criticized by the Venice

Commission and ODIHR, who jointly recommended to remove it from the legal framework. While

introducing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Rada should consider changes aimed

to eliminate the possibility of parallel consideration of the same complaint by the courts and

administrative/executive bodies such as election commissions.

A complaint to an election commission must be filed within five days of the violation (with a few

exceptions depending on the type of the case). Lawsuits regarding violations committed before

election day must be filed within five days of the violation (except for lawsuits against inaccuracies on

the voter lists), while lawsuits against violations committed on election day and afterward must be

filed within two days of the violation. In almost all cases, the CEC, DEC, PEC or court are required to

provide a decision within two days of receiving the complaint. The Code of Administrative

Adjudication provides that all court decisions can be challenged to the respective next instance court

(i.e., to an administrative court of appeals or the Supreme Court/Grand Chamber of the Supreme

Court, depending on the court that considered the case in the first instance). An appeal must usually

be filed within two days following the day when the first court decision was announced.


IFES Ukraine

While the IEOM noted that courts adhered to the two-day deadline for resolving disputes, such a

narrow deadline may cause difficulties if the allegation is complex and/or requires investigation. On

the other hand, the five-day deadline for filing complaints can potentially derail the election process

in the second round, as the CEC cannot proceed with second round preparations until all election

disputed have been resolved by the courts. In some cases, resolution of disputes related to the first

round outcome may take up to 8-11 days or even more, while the CEC is required to establish the first

and second round results within ten days following the election. Any delay with establishing the first

round results caused by election disputes pending in courts may delay the formation of DECs and PECs

and thus render it practically impossible to hold the second round vote within three weeks of the first

round vote, as required by law. The timelines for filing election-related complaints and resolving

election disputes should be reviewed to allow courts sufficient time to resolve complex cases

without derailing preparations for second round.

A complaint/lawsuit must comply with detailed requirements set forth in the Presidential Election Law

(if filed to an election commission) or the Code of Administrative Adjudication (if filed to court). The

list of mandatory requirements includes full contact details of all the parties to a case, the substance

of the violation, motivation, and evidence, precisely formulated claims and description of the decision

to be adopted in the case, among other things. Failure to comply with any of these requirements may

result in the lawsuit/complaint being sent back to the complainant for correction without being

considered on its merits. The CEC received more than 130 complaints in the first round and 43 in the

second round, most of which were rejected by private letter from an individual CEC commissioner

(rather than by the entire commission) for technical reasons (i.e. failure to meet the formal

requirements to a complaint). Most second round complaints were rejected by the CEC for this reason.

The practice of rejecting complaints on technical grounds has been criticized by ODIHR for years as it

denies the complainant an effective remedy against administrative action, contrary to OSCE

commitments. The Presidential Election Law should provide that if a complaint fails to comply with

technical requirements but contains the necessary data to allow the violation to be identified and

verified/investigated, such a complaint must be further investigated by the relevant election


IFES conducted comprehensive training

exercises for judges of all administrative

courts (both district and administrative

courts of appeals) before the first round of

the election. Despite the fact that the

judiciary overall managed to resolve cases

related to the presidential election in line

with legal requirements and international

standards, the IEOM noted that some court

judgments lacked a sound legal basis,

thereby limiting the access to an effective

remedy for violations of electoral rights and

casting doubts about the independence of

the judiciary. According to the IEOM, the

cases concerned included several unsuccessful cases against the incumbent over alleged misuse of

official position and state resources, and one case against Zelenskyi for allegedly bypassing campaign

Judges of administrative courts take part in an interactive training

for trainers (TOT) jointly organized by IFES and the National School

of Judges on January 30, 2019.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

finance rules by featuring extensively in his role as comedian and actor as well as cases of conflicting

decisions delivered by the same courts. The Supreme Court of Ukraine should carefully review the

election-related court practice and issue official clarifications as to how cases with conflicting

decisions should be resolved in future elections. The international community should continue

efforts to strengthen the independence and professionalism of the judiciary.

The current legal framework governing liability for election-related offenses remains deeply flawed.

Some violations, such as the distribution of goods and services to voters in relation to election

campaigning is formally prohibited but punished only by the issuance of a warning. Falsifying

signatures in nomination papers for election commission membership is not punishable at all. Many

administrative fines and criminal penalties are too modest to ensure effective enforcement. The Rada

should accelerate consideration of the Draft Law No 8270 aimed to strengthen the system of

sanctions for election-related offenses and adopt this bill into law well in advance of the 2019

parliamentary elections.

In relation to the 2019 presidential election,

the police received more than 3,000

complaints and launched 90 criminal

investigations. Civil Network OPORA

reported that police had some difficulties

correctly documenting administrative

offenses in the first round; no such issues

were reported in the second round. The role

of police during the election overall received

positive feedback from all election

stakeholders and observer missions. Before

the first round, OPORA and IFES conducted a

series of regional training exercises for police

officers on the role and powers of police on election day and issued a pocket handbook for police

officers on how to adequately respond in specific situations, including violations of the election laws.

The National Police, with assistance from the international counterparts, should continue efforts

aimed to strengthen the professionalism of police in the sphere of elections. The Prosecutor

General’s Office should consider conducting training for prosecutors on election-related matters.

The National School of Judges should consider training for judges of local courts on criminal and

administrative liability for election related offenses.

Voting, vote counting and vote tabulation

For both the first and second round, the CEC established election results in a timely manner. The final

results were published by the CEC in the official gazettes on May 3, 2019. Both the first and second

round election days were conducted without major violations reported during voting in polling

stations. OPORA and international election observation missions noted isolated incidents, including

voters allowed to vote without presenting proper ID, voters taking photos of their marked ballots

(potentially indicating vote buying schemes), and a few instances of PECs beginning opening

procedures prior to 7:15am or not allowing observer presence at their opening session. EOMs

concluded that voting on March 31 and April 21 took place in a competitive environment and in

Police officers take part in a training jointly organized by IFES

Ukraine and Civil Network OPORA.


IFES Ukraine

accordance with international standards. The isolated instances of electoral violations did not become

a critical obstacle for citizens in exercising their voting rights.

The secrecy of vote became an issue during second-round voting as the ballots were small and voters

did not fold them before casting them into the transparent ballot boxes; it was easy for observers and

election commissioners (as well as other voters) to see how a particular voter voted. To ensure the

secrecy of vote during the next election, the Presidential Election Law should either provide for using

translucent ballot boxes or require the CEC to issue instructions that require ballot issuing officers

to pre-fold the ballot paper and voters to fold the marked ballots before leaving the booth to ensure

the secrecy of the vote. The introduction of these measures should be accompanied by a

comprehensive information campaign prior to election day.

All election laws envisage a procedure

whereby voters who spoil a ballot paper is

entitled to a replacement. In practice, this

procedure does not apply to voters who vote

at their place of stay (homebound voters):

the election laws provide that the number of

ballots that are issued to the PEC members

who perform homebound voting must be

equal to the number of voters on the excerpt

from the voter list used for homebound

voting. The election laws should be

amended to entitle PEC members who

perform homebound voting to bring a

reasonable surplus of ballot papers to cater for homebound voters who accidentally spoil their

ballot and need a replacement. The number of ballot papers that accompany the mobile ballot box

must be strictly accounted for (their number announced and entered into the PEC journal prior to the

departure of the mobile ballot box).

As in previous elections, some polling stations were overcrowded on election day, especially during

the first round. The Presidential Election Law should require PECs to identify PEC commissioner(s)

who would be in charge of maintaining order and managing a queue at the polling station.

The Presidential Election Law tolerates a certain level of fraud by stating that the precinct results can

be invalidated only if the number of documented cases of fraud (ballot stuffing, illegal issuance of a

ballot to the voter, etc.) exceeds 5 percent. Such a threshold was repeatedly criticized by the Venice

Commission and ODIHR as inconsistent with international standards and best practices. The

Presidential Election Law should be amended to state that the result of the vote in a precinct can

be invalidated if the violation affects the election outcome in a precinct at a level whereby the

genuine will of the voters cannot be reliably determined. The criteria for invalidating the vote in the

precinct should be listed in the law.

Isolated cases of ballot stuffing were noted in both rounds of the election. In all cases, the stuffed

ballots were intercepted and invalidated, thereby not affecting the outcome of the vote in the

precinct. PECs, however, faced difficulties in deciding how to record the intercepted ballots – as invalid

ballots or as ballots that are not to be taken into account. The Presidential Election Law should specify

A senior citizen votes in the second round of the presidential

election at a polling station in Kyiv.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

how a PEC that intercepts stuffed ballots during the vote count should record them in the PEC


The tabulation at the DEC and the establishment of the election results by the CEC were properly

managed by the respective election commissions, according to most election observation missions. At

times, the DEC tabulation process lacked transparency due to inadequate premises or poor

organization, compounded by the huge number of authorized persons, especially in the first round.

The CEC should take measures to ensure that DECs have adequate premises and that the tabulation

of PEC results is sufficiently transparent for all present, including official observers. Establishing an

effective queue management system and use of a projector to display the results are measures that

could be considered to enhance the transparency of the DEC vote tabulation.

Vote tabulation procedures for DECs should be reviewed. Currently, they open up the possibility for

arbitrary vote recounts and unauthorized corrections in the protocols. The law should provide that,

during the corrections of the protocols, only those figures that served as the grounds for correction

must be subject to correction, rather than the entire protocol. Existing ODIHR recommendations to

simplify the PEC results protocol should also be considered.

Accessibility and inclusion

Accessibility of all elections in Ukraine remains a significant issue. Nearly all credible observer

organizations highlighted that polling stations, information on the electoral and political

process as well as candidate information and campaign materials were not sufficiently

accessible. According to IEOM, 58 percent of polling stations observed during the election

were not accessible to voters with disabilities, though disabled person’s organizations in

Ukraine report that these numbers are much higher. The Presidential Election Law does not

provide for the availability of tactile ballot guides for voters with visual disabilities; local

authorities are not obliged to allocate premises to PECs and DECs adapted to the needs of the

voters with disabilities; the CEC website is not adapted to the needs of voters with disabilities.

The law also fails to allow commissioners with disabilities the right to bring an assistant to

election commission meetings without the commission’s consent or invite. Voters with

disabilities are de facto forced to vote at home, contrary to international standards, the

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and best

practice. In addition and as noted by the IEOM, the Constitution does not allow citizens who

have been deemed “incapable” by a court to vote or run for office, which is not in line with

the CRPD which states that all persons, regardless of type of disability, deserve equal political

rights. Access to election campaigning materials, voter information, political party platforms,

and candidate posters remains limited for persons with disabilities. Many of these issues are

addressed in Draft Law 5559 pending in the Rada. The Rada needs to prioritize this bill and

adopt it well in advance of the next parliamentary election, following consultations with

disabled persons organizations (DPOs). The CEC, in consultation with DPOs, should explore

possibilities within its existing mandate to improve access to the electoral process for

persons with disabilities to bring it closer to meeting international standards.


IFES Ukraine

Election observation

The Presidential Election Law provides that the election process can be observed by domestic

observers (from parties, candidates, and NGOs) and international observers representing foreign

states and international organizations. To become accredited to observe the election, an NGO must

have election observation-related provisions in its charter. Members of the NGO are registered by the

DECs, while international observers are registered by the CEC. Domestic observers are granted broad

rights, including filing complaints and lawsuits against decisions, actions or inactions of the election

commissions, taking photos and video records, as well as the right to be present at the meetings of

the election commissions without prior invitation or consent.

For the presidential election, the CEC

accredited 139 NGOs, of which 132 had the

right to observe the election nationwide.

Only 82 of the 139 accredited NGOs

registered observers for the first and second

round. This is the highest number of NGOs

accredited to observe in the country’s

history. Many NGOs, according to OPORA,

were directly or indirectly affiliated with

specific parties and candidates, thus

undermining the independent nature of

election observation and discrediting the

overall idea of observation. Some NGOs

accredited by the CEC were connected to paramilitary groups. A large number of observers can have

a negative impact on DEC and PEC operations, especially if they appear in huge numbers in the

premises of the election commissions or interfere in election day processes. While these fears did not

manifest themselves in this election, measures are needed to decrease the number of frivolous and

party/candidate affiliated domestic observers registered as NGOs. To decrease the number of NGOs

eligible to observe the election, the Presidential Election Law could impose additional requirements

for NGOs, such as registration at least one year before election.

The CEC announced that 2,700 international observers from 41 states and international organizations

were registered to observe the second round (compared to 2,300 observers from 36 states and

organizations in the first round). International observers from the Russian Federation were banned

from observing the election, in violation of the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document. It is questionable

to bar citizens of a certain state from observing elections as members of multilateral election

observation efforts from an international organization of which Ukraine is member, since these

citizens do not represent their country but the sending organization. The criteria for rejecting

international observers should be specified in election laws and should comply with international

standards and best practices.

DECs are in charge of registering domestic observers. Given that DECs are formed in the middle of the

election process, domestic observers are de facto deprived the right to observe key election-related

procedures such as candidate nomination and registration, early stages of the election campaign and

the very formation of the DECs. The procedure for accreditation and registration of domestic

Observers monitor the voting process at a polling station in Kyiv,



2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

observers needs to be reviewed to ensure they are able to observe the early stages of the election

process, including initial election-related preparations. Consideration could be given to entitling

NGOs with a proven record of observing elections to accredit observers with the CEC on equal terms

with official observers from foreign states and international organizations.

While there were some isolated cases of observers being obstructed from observing certain aspects

of the election process (by questioning or not allowing their presence at certain commission

meetings), observers generally had the opportunity to observe the election.


IFES Ukraine


To address the key challenges identified in this report:

1) Given that the adoption of the draft election code well before the fall 2019 elections does

not seem realistic and further will contradict the internationally recognized principle of

stability of election laws, the Rada needs to focus on fixing the flaws in the existing laws

governing elections in Ukraine. Specifically, the Rada should introduce changes to the

Presidential Election Law and other laws in order to:

• Specify the mandates, rights and obligations of the CEC branches in the regions.

• Set a maximum number of members of DECs and PECs to make sure they can effectively

manage the election process;

• Consider discontinuing the requirement that election commissions should be completely

reappointed shortly before a possible second round vote.

• Restrict the role of “technical candidates” in proposing nominees to lower level election


• Introduce sanctions for fraudulently proposing nominees to election commissions without

their consent/based on falsified nomination documents.

• Exclude the possibility of appointing untrained commissioners to DECs and PECs, and make

it mandatory that they have prior certification by the CEC Training Center.

• Consider additional measures to ensure lower-level election commissions transmit their

decisions to the CEC in a timely manner for publication on the CEC website.

• Local self-government bodies should be sufficiently resourced to allow for timely

(continuous) transmission of relevant data on citizens’ places of residence in Ukraine to

the SRV. The system of sanctions for delayed/incomplete transmission of such data to the

SRV could be considered to ensure that the SRV data is accurate and up-to-date.

• In the long-term, reform the overall system of residence registration in Ukraine from a

permission-based system to a declarative approach to be in line with international


• Given that changing the place of voting cannot result in multiple voting of the same voter

at different polling stations or multiple inclusion of the voter on different voter lists, the

Law on State Register of Voters should not require voters to file documents supporting

their request for changing place of voting without changing their electoral address

(residence registration).

• Harmonize the timelines for: printing ballot papers before the second round; the

establishment of PECs before the second round vote; and for changing the place of

voting/updating the voter list. This will ensure that all PEC members can change their place


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

of voting before the deadline, and that each polling station has an equal number of ballot

papers (or, at least, with little departure from) to the number of voters finally registered

to vote at each polling station.

• The election laws should be amended to entitle PEC members who perform homebound

voting to bring a reasonable surplus of ballot papers to cater for homebound voters who

accidentally spoil their ballot and need a replacement.

• Ensure that court decisions in cases related to voter list inaccuracies are delivered to the

PECs before election day.

• Provide clear guidance as to the criteria and the approach for calculating the term of

residence in Ukraine for parliamentary and presidential candidates.

• Decrease the size of the electoral deposit to be paid to run for election or provide for the

possibility of filing lists of signatures in support of a candidacy in lieu of this deposit (e.g., a

certain number of voter signatures, or signatures of members of parliament or local


• Allow for reimbursement of the electoral deposit not only to those who won their election,

ran in the second round or were rejected by the CEC, but also to those who receive a certain

percentage of the votes cast.

• Provide clear guidance on what is considered informational coverage of the election,

election campaigning, and official activities of public office holders who run as candidates.

• Introduce effective measures to deter prospective presidential candidates from starting

their campaigning early or in violation of campaign silence provisions.

• Strengthen the independence and expand the mandate of the National Broadcasting

Council to become an effective media oversight body.

• Establish an independent media council in charge of providing recommendations and

guidance to the media as to how election-related events must be covered.

• Establish effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions for violations of legal

requirements to campaigning in line with draft law No 8270.

• Provide a clear definition of “hidden political advertising.”

• Require that the state-funded debates before the second round are held at least three to

four days before the election in order to allow voters to make an informed choice.

• Impose restrictions on the value of permissible donations transferred not only by private

donors but also by candidates themselves or by parties that nominated the candidates.


IFES Ukraine

• Consider the possibility of either introducing campaign spending limits or imposing

restrictions on costly types of campaigning, such as TV and/or radio advertising during an


• Introduce a requirement that obliges candidates to file a post-election financial report after

the first round to cover the expenses made in the last days of the campaign. It should also

require that all information contained in the financial reports/election fund bank accounts

that are subject to publication by the CEC and the NAPC can be provided to any stakeholder

upon request prior to the official publication, and that such information should not be

covered by the bank secrecy clause.

• Clearly delineate the oversight mandates of the CEC and NAPC to avoid duplication of

efforts and ensure effective campaign finance oversight.

• Take steps to strengthen the independence, accountability and resources of the NAPC

whose role as political finance regulator remains insufficient.

• Introduce effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions for political/campaign finance


• Eliminate the possibility of parallel consideration of the same complaint by the courts and

administrative/executive bodies.

• Ensure that the timelines for filing election-related complaints and resolving election

disputes allow courts sufficient time to resolve complex cases and do not derail

preparations for the second round vote.

• Allow for the possibility of election commissions to consider complaints with technical

errors if a complaint presents sufficient data to allow for the violation to be identified and


• Mandate the use of translucent ballot boxes or require the CEC/lower level commissions

to issue instructions to voters as how to fold their ballots to ensure the secrecy of vote.

The introduction of these measures should be accompanied by a comprehensive

information campaign prior to election day.

• Require the PECs to identify PEC commissioner(s) who will be in charge of maintaining

order and managing the queue at the polling station.

• Provide that precinct results can be invalidated if violations affected the election outcome

(the criteria for invalidation should be listed in the law).

• Explain how stuffed ballots should be accounted for and marked.

• Establish that, during corrections of protocols, only those figures that served as the

grounds for a correction are subject to revision, rather than the entire protocol.


2019 Presidential Election: Post-Election Report

• Impose additional requirements for NGOs to observe, such as NGO registration at least one

year before the election.

• Specify the criteria for rejecting international observers.

• Allow for the possibility for domestic observers to observe all stages of the election process

and all election-related events.

The Rada should accelerate consideration and ensure adoption, well in advance of the 2019

parliamentary elections, of bills No 8270 (strengthening sanctions for election violations), 6240

(aimed to fully enfranchise IDPs as well as other mobile populations in elections), and 5559 (on

accessibility of electoral process).

2) The CEC should:

• Further continue its efforts aimed to ensure an appropriate level of cybersecurity

protection of its electronic systems.

• Modernize its website to ensure accessibility to for all voters, including those with

disabilities, and make it easy to access CEC decisions and voter information, as well as other


• Adopt a comprehensive strategic communication strategy.

• Consider establishing an expert council to discuss its key draft resolutions as well as

introduce public consultations and abstain from holding closed-door preparatory


• Ensure that in future elections DECs have sufficient financial, technical and other resources

in order to implement their mandates and ensure transparency of their operations,

including during the tabulation of votes on election day.

• Ensure that DECs have the equipment and resources that would enable them to promptly

transmit their decisions and other legally required data to the CEC through the “Vybory”

electronic system.

• Take further steps to increase voter awareness of the procedure for changing the place of

voting and encourage the RMBs to introduce a queue management system to simplify the


• In coordination with the NAPC, improve the quality of analysis of the financial reports with

an increased focus on major violations, such as shadow financing and unreported

expenses, that could undermine the fairness of the election.

• In consultation with DPOs, explore possibilities within its existing mandate to

improve access to the electoral process for persons with disabilities to bring it

closer to meeting international standards.


IFES Ukraine

3) National Police should:

• Take further action to make sure that those who committed criminal and administrative

offences related to election campaigning are effectively prosecuted and do not enjoy


• Continue efforts aimed to strengthen the professionalism of police in the sphere of


CSOs should continue their efforts to move the needed reforms forward in advance of 2019

parliamentary elections, as well as to monitor how the reforms are implemented in practice.

International stakeholders should prioritize electoral reforms and continue to provide support and

technical assistance to the Government of Ukraine to ensure effective and timely implementation

of the reforms.


IFES Ukraine

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