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2018 August Tidings

First Presbyterian Church

5 Court St., Towanda PA 18848

Email - fpchurch@comcast.net

Website - www.fpctowanda.com

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From Pastor Rachel...

On July 15, I preached on the portion of the Apostle’s Creed which declares that Jesus will come again to

judge the living and the dead. That day, my sermon focused on the core Christian truth of our Lord’s Second

Coming. While all Christians agree on that, they have differing views of what will happen in the time leading

up to Judgment Day.

I’d like to share with you the 3 major views Christians have about the “end times,” formally known as

“eschatology.” Most of the differences among these views have to do with interpretations of Revelation 20:1-

10, where Satan is bound and thrown into an abyss for a thousand years. This time frame is referred to as the


In the early Church, Christ’s return was assumed to be imminent, so not much thought developed about

the specifics of what the Millennium and Judgment Day would be like. Early Christians tended to see the thou-

sand-year period in symbolic terms. They expected Christ to return in victory and reduce Roman rule to rub-


When that didn’t happen, Christians devoted further thought to what the end times might be like given

the passage of several centuries and the profession of faith by Roman Emperor Constantine. Nearly all Church

leaders interpreted the Book of Revelation as an allegory in the apocalyptic genre. Apocalyptic writings had

been common for many centuries. They contained revelations about the end of the world and the full mani-

festation of the Kingdom of God, and were assumed to be symbolic in nature.

Of course early Christians believed that the apocalyptic views in the Book of Revelation were inspired by

God, and thus fully valid. But because they were apocalyptic, they were not taken as prophecies of literal, his-

toric facts. Christians after the 4th century generally saw Revelation’s statements about the end times as sym-

bolic and figurative. This view of the end times is called amillennialism, and holds that Christ is now victorious

over Satan and evil. Since Christ’s resurrection, the devil has been restrained in his influence until the Second

Coming. The Millennium is a symbol for the time, however long it may be, until Jesus returns, which could

happen at any moment. When He does return, that is the Day of Judgment, and history as we know it will

end. This perspective was held by the vast majority of Christians through the 17th century, and today is the

view most commonly held by Christians around the world.

(cont’d. on the next page)

The second view of the end times is called postmillennialism. This view developed in the 18th century

and was initially centralized to Britain and the United States. Postmillennialism expects that eventually the

vast majority of people living will be saved. Increasing Gospel success will gradually produce a time in history

prior to Christ's return in which faith, righteousness, peace, and prosperity will prevail in the affairs of individ-

uals and of nations. After an extensive era of such conditions, Jesus Christ will return visibly, bodily, and glori-

ously, to end history with the general resurrection and the final judgment. The settlement and expansion of

the United States was sometimes seen as evidence for the truth of this viewpoint. Its prevalence sharply de-

clined after World War II, though it still has adherents.

The third major view about the end times is called premillennialism, which developed during the 19th

century. This view has several variations that expanded during the 20th century, but its core principle is a lit-

eral interpretation of the Book of Revelation and other Biblical prophecies. Premillennials believe that Je-

sus will physically return to the earth (the Second Coming) before the Millennium and initiate a literal thou-

sand-year golden age of peace. Some premillennial strains also include a rapture in which believers are re-

moved from the world before a 7-year period of worldwide tribulation. Since many televangelists hold this

view, people might think it’s the predominant or even only view of the end times. However, this view exists

mainly in the United States and Britain, and is infrequently held by Protestants in the Reformed tradition.

It is most important by far that we affirm Jesus’ Second Coming and prepare for it by drawing close to

Him and living out His will. The details of how His Second Coming may transpire should not divide us. Even so,

it can strengthen our faith and knowledge of the Lord to explore these ideas and the Scriptures they’re based

on. If some of these ideas are new to you, I encourage you to study more about them, and especially God’s

Word in the Book of Revelation. If you’d like me to direct you to more resources, please let me know!


Pastor, Rev. Phil Wanck, has made reservations to Sight & Sound to see its newest production, “JESUS.”

The date is Wednesday, September 26, for an 11 AM showing. A family-style dinner at Hershey Farms

(next to the theatre) will be enjoyed immediately afterward. The price is $130 per adult and $95 for

children 12 and under. This price includes bus, theatre ticket and meal (tax and tip included). A hat will

be passed to give the bus driver a tip. The bus will pick us up at 6:15 AM at the old Nichols Creamery,

not far from the Nichols Fire Hall, on West River Road. You might want to bring a drink and bite to eat

for the bus ride. Contact Cathy Rought at 570-247-7280 for reservations. We have 56 tickets re-

served—first come, first served. Don’t miss this exciting spectacle and all the fun we’ll have along the


African Choir Coming, Rescheduled

On Sunday, September 9, the Destiny Africa Children's Choir will be leading us for morning

worship! The choir was supposed to visit us in July, but could not secure visas from the Ugandan

government in time to fulfill their initial schedule.

You may recall that the choir was here 2 years ago and performed at the Keystone Theater.

This time, they will be leading us in song, declaring God's Word, and sharing their testimonies.

Many of the children are orphans at the Kamapal Children's Centre in Uganda, but all have been

adopted as children of God. Their tour raises funds and awareness for their orphanage and chil-

dren's ministries. A freewill offering will be taken to support them. After worship, we will host them

for a fellowship meal. If you'd like to help with that, be on the lookout for bulletin notices this


We are also be looking for host homes for September 8. Each home would have 2-3 people.

Teens will always have a chaperone with them. This is a fabulous opportunity you will surely enjoy.

Please contact Pastor Rachel if you would like to host some of the group.

Please be sure to spread the word about this terrific event and invite your coworkers, friends,

and neighbors! For more info go to destinyafrica.org.

Summer KIDS CLUB will conclude with a pool party at the home of Linda Ferrario on

Wednesday, August 15 from 5:30—7:00 pm. Pizza and drinks will be provided.

Looking ahead...Our weekly KIDS CLUB will resume on Wednesday,

September 12.



PROJECT Every fall the KIDS CLUB children participate in

packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Monetary

donations or supplies are needed in order to fill the boxes.

“Back to School” supplies are filling the shelves at our local stores and many are

on sale. NOW is the time to consider shopping for the KIDS CLUB shoebox project.

All items should be new.

Items needed: school supplies, arts & craft supplies, small toys, non-liquid hygiene

items such as toothbrushes and bars of soap, washcloths, hair accessories,

calculators, watches, jewelry, clothing accessories – tops, shoes, socks, hair bows,

gloves, scarves.

Do Not Include: Candy, toothpaste, gum, used or damaged items,

war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures, chocolate or

food, seeds, fruit rolls or other fruit snacks, drink mixes (powdered or liquid), liquids

or lotions, medications or vitamins, breakable items such as snow globes or glass

containers, aerosol cans.

Adult Sunday school classes will resume on Sept. 16.



Help is needed in the Nursery, Children’s Church

and KIDS CLUB! Talk to Deb Fuller to find out more

about these ministries.

The Eighth 5th Quarter Is Just Around the Corner!!!

We will be starting the 8th year of our 5th Quarter teen outreach in just a few

weeks. We will meet in the old high school gym after each home football game to

provide safe fun for any youth who wants to come. We will also provide pizza and

drinks as before. WE NEED YOU!!! Even if you can come only once, it is a great help

to have extra chaperones. You can also help by picking up pizzas at the North

Towanda Dandy, sitting at the registration table, playing table games, or keeping

the drinks supplied and chilled. Dates for the 5th Quarter are September 14, and 28; and

October 12, 19, and 26. Please contact Craig Wollenberg to sign up by calling 265-0679.

Riverfest Dunking Booth Planned

Last year we arranged to have a dunking booth on

our lawn for Riverfest. It was such a huge success

that we’re doing it again! Come on Saturday, August

18, and see your favorite church friends dunked. We

will also be handing out promotional materials for

our church and for Kids Club. If you would like to

help with coordinating the dunking booth or hand-

ing out promos, please contact Pastor Rachel. We

also welcome volunteer “dunkees,” including young

people who can take part with their

parents’ permission.

Day of Prayer: August 1

Thank the Lord for the ways He’s blessed you and guided you so far this summer.

For those who struggle with addiction. May the Lord empower them to be healthy, and empower us

to care for them with love and compassion.

For kids and teachers as they prepare to start another schoolyear. May the Lord keep them safe and

enable them to do their very best.

For our congregation’s leaders to be enthused and wise as they seek the Lord’s will for us, and in-

vest themselves in service.

For the missionaries and ministries to the poor that we support. May the Lord provide for their

needs and encourage them in their work.

For our attendance of Sunday school and Bible studies to grow in number and in faith.

“Hiding Our Hurts” by Elisa Morgan

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between

soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all crea-

tion is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes, and He is the one to whom we are

accountable. (Hebrews 4:12-13)

I was guest-speaking in a local church and my topic was an honest story about presenting our broken-

ness before God and receiving the healing He wants to give. Before closing in prayer, the pastor stood in the

center aisle, looked deeply into the eyes of the gathered congregants, and said, “As your pastor, I have the

privilege of seeing you midweek and hearing your heart-breaking stories of brokenness. Then in our weekend

worship services, I have the pain of watching you hide your hurt away.”

My heart ached at the hidden hurts God came to heal. The writer of Hebrews describes the Word of

God as alive and active. Many have understood this “word” to be the Bible, but it’s even more than that. Je-

sus is the living Word of God. He evaluates our thoughts and attitudes--and loves us still.

Jesus died to give us access to God’s presence, all the time. And while we all know it’s not wise to share

everything with everyone, we also know that God intends His Church to be a place where we can live unapolo-

getically as broken and forgiven followers of Christ. It’s to be a place where we can “carry each other’s bur-

dens” (Galatians 6:2).

What are you hiding from others today? And how are you trying to hide from God as well? God sees us

through Jesus. And He still loves us. Will we let Him?

Who will you prayerfully consider letting help you carry your burdens? God sees us with the eyes of a


From “Our Daily Bread,” July 14, 2018.

August Greeters

5 - Dave Guffey

12 - Ray Fleming

19 - Tom & Nancy Neilson

26 - Craig & Deb Wollenberg

August Scripture Reading

5 - Shirley Strohl

12 - Judy Isaac

19 - Deb Fuller

26 - Marguerite Fox Picou

Wisdom and Riches by Woodrow Kroll In Early in the Morning

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

Proverbs belongs to that segment of the Old Testament designated as "wisdom literature." Such proverbial teaching repre-

sents one of the most ancient forms of instruction. The wisdom literature of Israel was the chief storehouse of moral and practi-

cal instruction for the Jews. It guided the head of state as well as the head of the home. It embodied the difference between

right and wrong, righteousness and unrighteousness. But most of all, Israel's wisdom literature taught the Jews how to live

before Jehovah. It contrasted the wisdom of the world, a wisdom of possessions, with the wisdom of God, a wisdom of piety.

Proverbs teaches us that all who would live godly must seek the wisdom of God and forsake the wisdom of the world. To seek

divine wisdom, therefore, is to seek to know God better and to possess less. Wisdom is God; and speaking as wisdom, God

says, "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me" (Proverbs 8:17). God is to be sought early in life

and early in each day of life. When we show Him we love Him in this way, He shows us He loves us by filling our day with His


Seeking the wisdom of God and the God of wisdom does not necessarily mean we will be paupers on this earth. God says,

"Riches and honor are with me; yea durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea than fine gold; and my

revenue than choice silver" (Proverbs 8:18-19). The revenue paid by seeking this world's wealth is temporal gain and a fre-

quent deterrent to godliness. The revenue gained by seeking divine wisdom is eternal gain and an everlasting aid to godliness.

Therefore, the truly wise person in this world will seek God's wisdom instead of the world's wealth. But should God allow us to

have both, our attitude toward our possessions will be, "Every man to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given

him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God" (Ecclesiastes 5:19).

An English nobleman once visited Josiah Wedgwood to see how he made his legendary china and pottery. A young apprentice

was instructed to give the nobleman a tour of the factory. The nobleman didn't believe in God and was sacrilegious and foul-

mouthed, and he consistently ridiculed the Bible during the tour. At first the young apprentice was shocked, but after awhile he

began to laugh when the man made his cynical remarks. Josiah Wedgwood was greatly disturbed by this, especially when he

saw how his young apprentice was being influenced by this wealthy nobleman. Later the atheist asked if he could purchase a

particularly expensive vase. As he handed it to the nobleman, Wedgwood deliberately let it crash to the floor. With a vile oath

the nobleman angrily said, "That's the one I really wanted and now it's shattered by your carelessness." Josiah Wedgwood

replied, "Sir, there are things more precious than any vase things that can never be restored once they are ruined. I can make

another vase, but you can never give back to my helper the pure heart you've defiled by your vile language and sacrilegious


The nobleman was an example of a man who did not seek the Lord early but sought riches all the day. Josiah Wedgwood is a

fine example of a man who early sought the Lord and recognized that his wealth was a gift from God. God never intended that

we should not have riches; He only intended that riches should not have us. It is vitally important for Christians who possess

wealth not to be possessed by it. Seek the wisdom of the Lord early in the day, before earning the wealth of the world. Then

use that wealth in a way which will bring eternal reward.

August Birthdays -

2 - Dick Walsh 7 - Jean Hall Kafes 24 - Matt Smith

3 - Dave Guffey, Henry Dunn Sr. 8 - Deb Wollenberg, Dixie Cabucci 29 - Sally Rohrer

5 - Rowena Kuhn 9 - Lois Smith 30 - Zanetta Tewksbury, David Pavey

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Day of Prayer

8AM H.H. at Cup


3 4


10AM Morning Worship

“Crumbs on the Carpet” following morning worship in Welcome Center


6PM Trustees


9AM Prayer and Bible Study

8 9


1PM Fellowship Team



10AM Morning Worship

Church Picnic immediately following at Riverfront Park

3PM Virginia Rice piano recital in church sanctuary

Pastor Rachel on vacation

13 14

9AM Prayer and Bible Study

1:30PM Christian Ed Team

15 Tidings Deadline

1PM Prayer and

Bible Study -

Richards Home

5:30 Kid’s Club Pool Party at Ferrario Home


6PM Stewardship


17 18


10AM Morning Worship

2PM Youth Group to Knoebel’s


1PM Worship Team


9AM Prayer and Bible Study

Sr. Citizens Day

22 23

24 25


10AM Morning Worship

5PM “Thank You” Dinner at Community Alliance Church


Pastor Rachel on

study leave


9AM Prayer and Bible Study

6PM Session


Pastor Rachel on





5th - 9th - Vacation Bible School at Wysox Presbyterian


Pastor Rachel on vacation

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