· 2017-12-22 · the courts. honorstoadeadlawyer....

Post on 24-May-2020






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('II AMI'S M. Killin. after the» oppuinff ye«t».rday ofthe United ¡States Cireult Couri. civil side, Judge Blatch¬

ford presiding, £. N. -».cherson formally announced the

death of the prominent patent la »a ver, Charlea M. Kel¬

ler, and moved that the Court adjourn out of re*.i»ect to

Ins memory. In making the motion Mr. Dlckersoua nd :

Our brother, whose tosa we deeply foeI, wa« not only alaw»er whose place c innot bo easily Ulled, hut he was

in bones» man. a failbiul friend, and au upright citizen,mut he baa none to his gr ive churnahe«! by host» offriends, and surrounded by such honors as axe Justlydue to a Virll-spcni life.

lo supporting the motion, George Gifford said, amongother thin«.:

1 had ile liest possible opportunity of beeomtnr. lnti-tnattsty anpiaititcil with the moi ives which controlledMi. Belter's ac»lotta, aud the widen W"}.linn in In« business rcl «tiona, and I can bear unqualifiedti-Mtinony of their being of the purest kiud, and of the

hicuitt order. I was »ith him in manv litigations a« a

eollcagu« and in in mj aa BB opponent, and in all MM,and under all «ircumstancos I found the love of truth,ii.slice aiil huii« vi v le«' la his mind. It was

in« saMI to "dis.ourarge litigation, and hovas al*, .n« di.ig!ii«.d when c.'otending par¬ties c.u..e to an »nucubie seulement.In ihe piactice f hi» profession he had great averslouto techa« aUtle*. aad ha utterly despised all those pettycatches mid iKivautages with winch some lawyer« em¬

barrass «se!, other at the expense of their clients, andhe had no feilo*ship with any member of the bar who

placed»«» low au eettaMta u|K»n professional chai a. tera» lo ludulge lu falsehood or deccptiou.Geo. T. Curtis, I W. Btougbtou, and Edmund Wet¬

more made hrb f sp««-ches eulogistic of Mr. Keller, after

which Jurtcc Blatchford «aid :

Bo mneh ha. BOOB BB well said by the gentlemen whohave apoki-u that I can a Id ouly a few words in sympa¬thy willi the «. s« i vauous which h«ve been made. Mr.

Keller was my peraooal friend; I was long associate'!with linn ut' no but. and was on terms of intimatefrieuilshii« with him. I learn« d, as all his brethren did,10 regard lum as possessing all those qualities whichbelong to a an«! good lawver, üdelity and oonsci-11 iioii.sin » toward h.s clients. His .in Iguieut wat veryHoiiml, an i he u.'Vi-r siiff-red it to ba led away by lealla the cans ol his ellem.». Tiny could «always rely uponins JuiIkiu« nt, wuich was alwavs at severe aa ajudicialjn.lgun-i.t ou the merits of a case, and It his(lient lud a bad ease, he frankly andl.-arlessly toM bun of it» When so emi¬nent a persea a» Mr. Keller passes away we should allpawn, noi oaly to pay a tribute of respect to his inem-

.'i », but io iaik of tue lessou taught by the eveut ; andli Is eminently Utting that, inasmuch as

no one can be a member of the Birviibo.n «u»taitiiiig toward the Coori thoseii.anona winch, as a member of the Bar, make himwhat he is. piocc.-diugs in regard to the death of a «goodmid gre.ii im-mocr of the prof« »sion should take plaoe ¡n

Coen, li lias n. -n said that Mr. Keller's death is a

gnat lo»« t.. on.- brauch of the profession. It is a loss tothe Court as well as lo all who liad au interest In his par¬ticular bilan, n of the profession lu conclusion theJudge «lu«. ted that the Couri adjourn for the day, andordere, tue Clerk to enter tae cause of the adjournmentou the miuuics.

Jill: TENDING AMENDMENT?.Tbc qiic.tioü of the const itutioual araend-

meuisin this Sate has excited considerable attentionin commercial circles. The recently formed Board of, recognizing the importance of the proposedMinendm-nts, is' arranging for a public meeting, to be

held next week, to discuss the amendment«. The

Mayors of all the eitle» in the Plateare ex-ofHeio mem-hera of the Executive Commutée of the Board, andt'.eir presence will lend increased interest to the occa¬sion.A special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will

t»e held lo «lav lu response to the following call t<i tokoaction in regsni to the proposed amendment« to theM»ic Cons,hutton ;TV ifii*. w« R. I»'poa. President of the ."laafcr of Commerce.MU: VV«. tbe »»demgni- mt..bert ol tut (-tintitr of (..rain.-Kr re-

tpreifah» r.-.jii- »t vuo lo «til t tpex-.ll meeting of »lie I'hiniber for Tut«-.It«, (»ft átu. ti 1 o elis ». v ra , for the t.urpot* ol t Q.i ierin^ *l«I

ti o_iuc»..iiiti tiie Mupiiot «I ibi tratnJmestt to tbt Contlilnt »u otW-.s st .«¦ Tntr otxMiiett tenant«

Usosei on.* _¦ J..HS F. IIb-rt,Tutu runs« (VKRiV, .tarn. B.,1'i.Tat» ( «vopaa. Bim. B. Hmniui.iiiisKi v ar_a_atae Boiaa Phslci.W. li---, n«. Prs, «», Johm T. I «HIT,8<iia>a li: «i-HH. >< 1» V. 1:.iik«uki» s liawiTT, w. B. boo.a.

O». 6 1H74.'I'h.-sa meotlngs wit. afford all an opportunity for non-

priimoai action m behalf <>r the baalaeaa and ugricultural Intoreists of New-York City and .tate.


Geo. John T. Barnard Btied tho city forfi.OO. 27. the price of coal delivered to the city In May,!»:«_ The city set up a defense that between June,ls-.s, and February, 1*70, the plaintiff received <t90,000.rom the city for coal which bad «never been furnished,aud tiley had a right to pul this iu as a set-off. The

plaintiff demanded a bill of particulars, giving theitem« of the alleged fraudulent payments, the dates ofwarrants, and the Departments into which the coal is

alleged not to have been delivered; and the BuperlorCourt made an order directing such bill to be furnishedwithin len davs or plaintiff to have leave to move thatil.-f.-n.1imt» ix* debarred from mvlng testimony on thetrial at lo the truth of the allegations in their answer.Tha bill wa» no: served, and the matter como up yes-

tontajta me Superior Court, Chambers, on a motionfor the order of prohibition. Mr. Carter opposed themotion, mi«i Ibera were some vouchers lost and thecity could not give complete data, but would give all theparticulars to ne had. Mr. Wingate argued that if thed. fendants could not then give puiliciilars they oughtI«, be deb irn «1 from .-«.ming forward with testimony onthe trial lo sustain these allegations. Judge Curtis al¬lowed the mailer to staud over for ti ii days, défeudaulalo put lu the heal bill of particulais they could.

CIVIL KOTE*.Edward S. Smith of Brooklyn ha* sued for

divorce from hi« wife Hannah, before Judge Learned,in Albany. The wire nuts in no answer. The case was

aeut to a referee le take testlmuuv.

Charlen W. Arthur has begun suit againstthe city for tbe lons of hi« two sous, who »ero drownedin a pond of water tn Sixth-ave. last January. He claims.10,000 damage«. Wm. J. Cravat has also brought suitfor BMW for the drowning of his sou at the same timeand place. The papers viere served on Mayor Hunteryesterday.0. L. Konus of New-Orleans has begun a

ann lo the Uuited 8tat*'S circuit Court against Otis X.Cutler, as United States Treasury Agent lu that city, to

recover hio.777, alleged to have been paid under protest,for permission to land a cargo of cotton at New-Orleansin June, isC5. The money was d«-man «led under thespecial regulation of the Treasury Department relativeto the shipment of the products of insurrectioaaryBtates. Tins ra»«', which is a test one, «ill determinethe legality or illegality of the epei'ial regulation re-

Icrred to. as well as the Ooverumeut's right to retainnevera! nu ion.-, of dollars said to have been paid underlike circumstances. Jefferson Clark for the plaintiff,'mil United -lattt -».strict Attorn«'.* Bliss for the de¬fendant

CRIMINAL NOTES.At the Etwex Market Polico Court yeslerdar, be-

«oi* ja_ÉM W«i;_el!. Joteph M Block wts held lu $1 «KH» bul, to¦tower i charge of «tell ng *l_0 ¡tom Lit it.dl-J/, Mr» Vi ouburg.r.of No. 19 J Muoton-ik

In the Cuited States Circuit Court yesterday,J W. Oartv, tbe Ural lutte of .!,. «falf fv.v«-i-n.n of 1st .1-»» «st fun.Jgull» ol «TBeJIv treatiug Ctrli Broa., one of lui tulon, ti. >.i it

uttiled tor riifüfi

.lanitv« Howard and David Amor, first and secondntl«« of tie Aittni-tn ttnp < orueliut «ho «ra c-trged «iturmeily tieiur.g tome «if their tailor», «ti» comm iu. vetttr.ts bvlo«i_i-uitrr at.rUl-, it .vital» of $1 000 Ml va«li

i bomas Collins and Franci. Connolly were heldtar tntl bv Ju.lir« Htumer. tt tbe Je_>-r»on Mtrket Police Court vei-terdt«/. ektrgisd »>»b bavin» on Of. 1«! «riereJ the re«l.len«-e of ja«Mottadle-i al Bo 441 Weat Bortvfonrtbit., tod stolen »mein vtl-o»«1 it $3.ri J "hu Lawrenrr en end lue bedroom of Mit. Lou.»«Miller it -No 07 Wet» T«eMT-lkli.-*t. venerdiv llte-uooD, tai .»«.I«oetrl; $l,T.s. «ortb of jewe.rr. Ltwrthce. »ko «ti SSSSStSS.ief kttnotbsr ntl wts nrpnte. bv the sVBSt of Hie jeaelrv, tod tbev I.. Hifled (roit Ike borve. Al Seteutb-tT« ind I »eolv Inartb ii. ti oBcertucee^tsl m irreititt Livrcnrv but tbt oilier uni etctiiwl. Jhtlic*fU-taer belt lb« pr«to«er m $.1,000.At the York vi lie Police Court vesterdav .Indfre

Murrt, beal p.irici J-1yt of No. 116 Weil Killi fourth-it. m defan'tol$l.«K>U. Jud.e enier-<1 tr.« ttlixin of Lewn Brtnntn ol No 1 JOThird it-t. drttk »one l.q.or, tod refuted to pir BO renti do« the pro-pr.ttor. Tte ittier «t*t lovtrd the door to «-»li tt «_,<«r. wbeu Jad/ie»aMiilMd Ma «nk t loaded iwnnl-ctne ..Jame« Brtdy puked ibepocket of Pttnck finn o< i*ir«t«ve. tn«l 1 uiriv tertnlb tt, «biw IbeItlK-r «it ndinï on . T'.ir.) «ve. r»r. Brtdi «ii Lill f r »ntl ...Ther-iapluatof Kite O'Dnu... traitât tbe Ornihv. «bo it it

tlleajitd, (Mtulted ker, «ti «mil; «riimined bv Judge Murrt». Tb«cutirt «ti «tataii.»! tie tbt «kiort. tnd llr. Ortsvbv pit ouder tj'JOIwil le tot«M il ta« «i.ü.itl *jeawnt

DXCISIONB.Supreme Court Chamber».Hv Ju.]«_e Harrett..

BmiU MT». KIauton. M. ti.,n denesl «itbont eo.t». Mum.'»..'. in

Meyer «aft. G.tct..Mol,ou o.tioa »d4 te.p..rt,i Iljnifla diaooiveu«itbaiocotu. Lev« tat. Lew, vr.bou tg- t*-a* S r.fbl tfA.Lea«-.Meltonuüum. 1st Mt;ir. _c. N Y. tft. L__tt_Motionto cou ti ii u« .iiijuctioi« d»i lid |. leiupoitr/ IUJUICI.O0 d.taolled ».li.BlOeaaU .«-t Kata..Motion rni.-ed u|mn i,t«uiei,t _ftoe CoaU of IU c-uc lo Ik« ./1 et» ii I «UM- li», tío ewsU of opporiut Ikenx.llos. Ver»iilvt i(rt Po.t.I'ik.b t't Plut f» iB.ltrit Hal tu,booti ir» tu» »it.n, tat jurtiíi. tua tn«l open ti til pin).« i.auei tou.fetdtu» t hupeci.ot, lue u.ot «u tor t rvc«JTtr is «i be tí*¿.eú »tjouleo«U.By Jtvhre bi»re»e«. M-ehiuief id' Trnitr»- fltrinfl H.s'i'ttlot ml.

Lru'k. Oroc*n' Btuk tit Metd, ( lirk igt »Vi..',«..Ur«te(t «rtne :.Dartnpart igt. Woi.«.- Ord.« ol releretee f«rtute<l. li e««1er Igttltrtiga». Míneme tgt ii <át, _er.; «.i t\rt>b, lu Ib« in.ttrr ofMat, MiraLill irt tkaatt, Attrill «l.'uirj] l>.,nt C. rup.uv tri

Kits Atsoeisiiou of Kbiltûtlpbit. Sebetet ».: ait.ty, Aver .: i «áallilf».»! Coaapjur «,t. Aui" «tn « tmrtl In-irit, e ( oapanv. kenn» ttt.lindt. Ktll.i ift. Tlie Mito'. *e N Y thean «n*. Hm«t, Caritgt J«.k«toa. Tie» Cl-D.i Mt« bl». « < tv,|.i, _,_ Wilina», («hMide,

igt B^rliBgiior Tb* Prodite Bul . H rttUis Ford trt. In«M.ror. «_»,B » ; l-ill«i ML The Mtvor. a. B. Y. «B-'.I Hu«B »BJ M MviauftrluM.)» Co. a»tt. Be»'«., hjiaii! »»t p.i..r C.^,u¦tt Ti.» Mivor, ke.. B. Ï Hbtro» t*l « vtkoi.j. ti,«! au« Une» ,r\.

B-r_>r, Mtu^.i «g1 Welett, I lit « liatuaiu N-,li.,Lal bank |gt. Spver,llobtrU tri»» Kttet tgt. King. « buln- Nationtl _ai.« kt ,.

»er, a_ai tgl. W»od. folle' Ml « a_pl.-l A'tu U.n t,l (..»pe.tsc, -Urtu'.*!. igeigL ScL__l«i.-Mriu..r_lid»!S.

SwfMTior t ourt.s¡nctal Term.ltf Juan Cuni*..tleutr-K-jr mt llrtttwev..Motioa ". v»««l proe.e-iii.». »ranie4, «iib

rvttt of «.«liol lo aeleudtul A« «er. <, aTttsft) tt ti..(J..,«i ésfaat,J..bilton trt Jobuttoi el ti .M.tioB to t «en , g »bim!. JuUmtot igt..ouutMiel tl.-On_»l»_t___Common PUu»-S»tnai .lud««* Kolunson.

. _od«i_,ll ttt P.rke, liiju.eti«. deu.e.. tod ItiuVorirj lujaiclioifmftati tiltil BIO W»'4 t»«OMi« tte .««ok


S4..ftrhurler art Crowbar27. .Lttek, (it. aft Kerr*.31..Litio in. AltenbrittJ

(So. 1.)82.. »ion .ft Son* (Bo. 2 )31..II..wini ttl Datoobiirr.41 Phill. Cot) Co. aft BotoAU Mil Hi t«i. L j ti« Ultu J R.

S K .

B5..8rcond I'nloa Co.. ort***-It* t.. and B. Boc>*t?aft si, r-,

70. K«e igt. Tti* Maror, Af-77. .Stil** tit. Cirraa».87 .Pb*la» art Coll*ad*r.

Ills Ootnlbiart, Jr.. tft U»odheart.

11 «..Matter of Chalmer*.117..To* Maror agi- Ko». Jr

1 .'! II r.l tax »oleo.l.-'...ll»rilartrt Fi*HtI.'.' .PeUh.o art. Atlauto,1.1.1 Milln of Kitfli«.H.i..AI!»tton igt Tb« Morer,

A*»ll.V.Martkill t«i. Hrtrlqt**.1 HO..Brookana tit Annttronf.l!.u..8biw A Wilcox O*. ift

Dirgittlfir.. Sim* art H«tr«h*B.íM..aaofkoa**. »oír«».

l.r. H.»¦»>.Ki. I*rr-.'.'«I..M .r» .«i ll*unai.2.13.. Matt. I of Pinel*»*4.. Matltr of AM*rm...j 7 l.tniKin »gi »aub' .no» ti-.J agi» Mott-tiiort,

A«.2.19 .Peter« aft Betrdiler.11«. Wood K B. to. *.u Jico- BBB...fBósooati Baas»

do*. I till «Hl..8ekinoer tgt Balloo.

¦BBoooaB Toro.Batí». P. J., I_woooco ano intuíais. JJ.

lly.-McGoiroift Tb* Peope,Box

l'.'tl.Murpbr ter Sirte.l'Jl.. Footer Ift Sim«1 'J.'.. li.ii'! aft 8orae.l'J.I. .Krer» «ft »ira«.

. li. r »r.l »i-t. »ia«.1 J'. .KlirlA a «ft Sun*.128, Wapi-oTitrb art Bata*.lj:..llrl» agi. 8am .

128..QUI andioo art Sim*.l.-.'.t t.nai» til. Hare*.1 lu..Umhin tgl Situ*.131..I b-iriirk uti aoo. ift

8* toe.f« .Wl. ti-, trait*«, art. Li

it. it »ton, *t al111 .'.»»rling irl. llr*w»t*r el alSA..4 allia art Calita.7"..T..I*r *t al. »<t. WlMinni78.. Redmond uni oto. tri

Hog* ti ii.1"! I'ltlofiit. Brewrter *t»». .Uillrarleo at al. a«t.Eckert

*liL2ii'i. .O.-flfrtf til Mooer.2UJ..M*reD»itt CoroKirbitire

Hitit.'-' '1 Moiatt «ft. Ciullotll and

BOOB.205..Rall agt M»dd*n.H.l M Mrrai,-! The Maror. A«,-ni. .Oibora agt K.-era.

307..Satt*rwtlta aft Vieeltodttol.

!lj..n»rtl*lt »rt McNeil.1 lil .Ki«-*! IM Co. aft« l.t'-'T.

ei'r, ti al.1KO. Mam* art 8»m«.IM..PliH el »i (in, ort.

Pint1 50..pi-opi* «i ml Aletitiler

aft A *»«.- '..-¦

7..Boinl of ( orara'rt ofPilott «ft- bpofurd et

ti.8 .Sim* ort Si'i»

11.11..- nutter. A«.. nf Li tit«.71 .I'» Riiliuad Uta. agi.

It..;, n»..t.

v1..Dbíoo 1). 8. loilltoto aftDorret, Ae.

.>". Brit art. Poilloa »ni»..-aft-.IT...narline aft. Brtwiter. et

at8n..Robert«art Hill.;-l II rM-ii »ni l..i.i..«'..n, »I r

and ian.

132..Pet.pla et rel. B-bneideraft IlirtraBB.

147..Rollwigeo oft. Rollwig'n,


1SB, .R,iiton«tilI ift t'ird-liS..Ok_k art Oonilili«.!.103..-ort.-.

Oi«ciiit-P*rt T. AitjitBt-ed for Ihe Terra.Pxot It..Vam Bac.-rr.'J.

2592..Cofle*d*r, tor. k« tft.Dinimore, Pi*«t fcc

2ri!>l..Pioeko oft- Botch.2ôKJ..Peonl*'i Btot of ». T. ort.

« .¦ tod me.

2598..Hewitt et al. tft» ,,rnando«.

2000..Rdder tft Wilier.2(112..KottelUloci K*»|t-r et »1.'.''Ml Fnli-r »rt Jem. mi.Ji t)i;..Hs-i.l «st Omron.2t>IO..Pirnt igt. Britton.«HMS..0kS0«0O| l*n_, ke. »rt.

Ii .'h,, et al.20U..CanoitiKbim agi» Mardo

.t. » ¦¦ ke2ül6..Steraut etol.aft Iireooao,

si. r.ff2C18..l>el*mttet tft. Bboilet.

28..Pitw*r»M tguSh*ritT, ke.

19S8..Vermiljoe oi al. 0-1. Sot-dtoi tod ano.

1834..Pb*lpt trt Cbtppell,linpOd, te.

UjüV-TuiOfMot il ti. igt Mir-lbill.

14..Barnard «t iL aft Camp¬bell.

2104..Merer art ittrr and ino.31154.. Jin »t.* »«t Tb* Mum

Ac, N. V.2130..Rtigler *gt. Lrnrb.JMU...M ni trt. Hil'lretb tnfl ino

Jii'.i.-i.Aj j. rt.r «pi, lot AilorFire lot Co.

r_S..P*ill*B aft« Itulior.170l»..Conrtn*r tod ano. ift.

laiui-itk.Pint III..Doxoire«. J.

90 ig .A'kerP., «.'mr igt- SillpBiO'i el a

1653..Ire*, a» mutee, Ac., *gt,lleitb.

1747..Corert agt Benaan, rx'r.1 -'ii..smith art. 8nnn*kilt *t al.2921..B_ thagt The Maror.1 i. 5. U.I.lion art li«»»..ii

B6 i..«i*lipck» *7t. Qoint«lllJjJ..U»lii»ier igt Kugkliirt,

'j .«. «t*i ti, I im. i(t M....-.- |1701..U.o«'Dg agt, 1 nbune Aaao-

lMV.McOrath «St Wood.1 ..'. ..Waloh »gt. M*ad.l'l 'I .Wataou aft Ipitiiock.313j..H<.jerigl. Tbr Mi)..r Ac,

NY.BroOtoa igt. Frutb.DgbiiB

el ii.I,toni tgt I.'icl,t*rilt01«.Krcretl tgt 8uplri.

.-'17. t it. .I.t, 0|i rt li.S0tl..BafB «gi. Wilinerdiaf «I

»I t2025..Bik*r ind too. igt. furn

«.log.2027..Johanna ift urtu,

SrrlRio« Cot-RT.Thul Toro.Pakt I.

«bo. tgt.eng agt

I' »tluD.J181..!.rl»OB «od

0.1 «roe.19S1..0or.loer ind inn. igt Mc

Nultj.1983..Mir.h»l ort. Au.. Co:

11 oa Co.


2013.2l I Ii

«"ii. .Willi« art,".;! Kariong aft. Allea.ti09..Men,lel»oB ift. The Oreeo-

wich In«iir»fi-* C >.

1247..Rfl.n-vrr«kt. The Miri.r,Ac. ». r.

701.. Brown aft. Bilhcriteinel ti.

787..Vil*ntint tgt. Bean ind.OS,

2»'>1..8mthirt Proit.287..Holi igt. [liri gt.fl K-t'gh »gt. Let» -inn

:.'. .ij Wr ¿lit Igt. II .-.mi«.4ll..GI*ibit-t ,sb»r.-r.551 ..Horl» »pi. Slurp* et «I.

ll.'til.BroW: art Ki«»-, jr.. *t al.7H7..B*ew«t«r et al. »g1 Tiylor.7 -a .' r.....'«., «1 *L agt

Wird.71j..0n.»»iai*rer «ft, Helier

«I »

753..Waid igt. Brrnmn. Sher¬iff.

771..Treidw*ll Oft Tb» FmpirtMutt.: Life lui. Co.

Part II,.S«r>.:wirK, J.183-1 0 Bri*n «gt. »Viliiimibiirfh

Pire lu» n ai.' ¦700..B.e*.ker igt lJ.ridaon.

»I .1.672..Wo«»d« «ft- Jin»*. Irnpl'd.

t57rfV. Mty aet. llinckler.1 Mi..Mir igt Bretnin. Sheriff.ttl»8. .Medieoi igt. Tb« Oermanit

Ina. lo.f'72 .1, i og«tt,r. trt »ft Tbt .Nat CltJ

Hank.744..Learitt tgt Millorrettl.

Cohmus Puai-butin Tiro.Lirrivor«. J,

7«»..BkslAoiB igt McCrath.7..n..liol'. » l<* Ht Bir-

b.le i-l al.7 l.'..S na .-i agi. I'll« SI «lu', tnd

11 In«. Co734.. bull» Head Bank igt. Mc

K**l«niet ti.lil-'-.Tb* Bitrni.nd Ki»'» Iron

Co. art l.itlbcrger.4 '8 .Pi' man aft Mailor.'...J Ilirrotiriiiu» uri. I'¦ :r*.

7211..Turner agi. Mm.r

44..Vandewl*le igt ( iliania.4J..Bate*aft Pelton.B3..C«a-BHMt B.T« A London

Manar« Co.24..SturXbioicr igt. Knicker-

boekrr L. I. Co.6..II--mnr «ft- Mortro*r.ll..McKroi ag'. M

lu Su, th »et .sump,.i-.. « »»' II..II, trt Bania,61.. Sito* art Sam*.62..Sime aft *<»..».,'.;..Si.iut- «tt Sante.64.8ame igt 8*m*.61. Sau., tgl. 8irne.Sä.PeirlHroin igt Bnni«-t»

Trial Tbrh.Part I..I,o«w, J.Cue on.

1773..BBSS art- Lark!*.Part II..Halt. J.

1171..IV**-!, ltira r, irt. üreilWeitem Im. 'o

12.%3..B».iaiu..nt art. Kimoton.Juri'-.- K:1.-i.i agt. l'lie Maror.JlS.-J..Huit and ino. aft S.-J.iu tt.1 I.... »vi.,'.!* ,,,'t WolDliif et al.1 OtW.. Moller et ti Oft-L»»k et »Lloii'i..Mo Irret aL art Samt.1212..Howland agt Mi.rp .j. CoraT.Trial TBK« Part 1.Alk ki* j.

1135..lialti-n agt iMcDonald and

1918 Oui» igt. Bonton ind ano1 7t. .lier»» b art. Kim««.3137..CooioII* «rt. Tb* M»j-or.199l..MoQ**M af' Same.B44..QrioooilOft Krrner.]i'.7.. lo*le igt Little indino.71S..CooS_ tgl. Warroo.

ltlO-J..Brown igt. The M«'.'.- .i,.m;u*r airt. ti'Ht-.i...

l!«O..Wabiiuung art. N*w.B38. Coben agt Sitel et al.

4..KlciB agt Foi.22Ü..Werder agt. M*t*er. jr.83*},. Liindherg igt (ir B«.4.'p2..ktain.ell and .ano. tft.

Ni. Ltrainn ind ion.lOf.-.ll.wret ii. igt. BoilBOlOotj. scbwincliild tgl. Oijptn

beim.Part II..Joichimir-». J

28P, M^-gbio igt- «'«T*». jr.liol .ri.-l.ulli igt I'« BSSB_

WCICX.127..Wilof-s etil. tri. P*t*r.

13.1»..Ki 1.1 tod Olio, ogl New¬man.

413..M*i-*ri Igt. Foi.2MI..linne et iL tgt. Wilton.892..B*Ot*S Igt Hur..tier.447..Mo! en «ft Pige.

í'AhT Iii1122..rVohird igt Rud.

"i. »» i.«n» *,-i Oirdaer.6l «ils.. Leo agt Mereri.lull.. Aire, aft M.Kinler.

SB. Benito i.t t uc.l.u.0O3..Yi.unf tgt I'i li.i.-«>".. f. rt a«t Oatlarber442..McNamtrt igt li.In in

4(S..f«ch*f.'tiart. Mndfrtt-14II..H ¡fl.rn.t igt. Cvnorer

and ino.4ti .Nul. r i-t «I tft- V.-K'*.44.'...Same i.-t. Taggirt.4 IS s.tine igt. Khuwoi.d. imp'd.-.. .CtSty 01 iL aft. i.. . .t.

2-s.Kh.-lp« ¦((. Tjtu.V-'.i. s»ib« .gt R .r.-p» *t .1.'.ti..Hill rial, agt i.'. .ti._!«?. .Staral.uri igt. Cirr.46..Carr and aao agt. Tbt

Towel». K. M. Co.^01..Srbwirti aft ( j. .Ouit*r:iian and ano. tft

L«rb*nberg.«iu, J.ASS., i.iord tri B*»i S M. Co.Ki« I .( amt.bril igt. Vi. .rbii.IBoA..tTooSI trt- Ktuflei.127H.. Marriott irt. Ilirntoo.1'.'-»ti.. Lock wood igt. Iii« !*. r.

*'3J..Bi.g'r and loo. agt. lie.' rad..rff.

234..Samt igt Longhrta.OiaiOAL Sainos».HatKRTT. R.Jobo Kel it Jtmei Ctnpb«ll,

Jome* Coj, robberr Jimet C. Krllr. John Hiilonn, Kirrtn Potro,fmiiioui itttalt ind batter» Pitrick Slum. John Hellt, r. John N'olin.M rbael Ahearn, Ki:b*rd Kran, bargiar. line Tinnenboli, Rdwirdliog*o. Edwin] Mci ibe Ji'mei I'trrr, Patrick »!¦ «. »Vro. L M» Lia.» »ion. grit. larcenr ,llenrr Wei.llog, Jim Crine, lireenffrom tkt p*noni JoMpb ln.iir, frinu larteir. Willum Wiikod,fiiie mABBOM Andrew Smith, Jnob 8m lb, grind lircenr; JoboJo»epb Oillan, o-aaalanfbt*r Patrick Doon.a. Mooni li He.rr, J.m»iO'Ntil, Mltbeo liait. L. Jaj.e» Monofban. feloniuui iitanll and l.atterr;(ieorte Butler, rrand Urc*nr i llrnrr K. «ark, Carl,» Mt-ntelit, h 1-

lacnd fortrrr Ibirl*. tlirriion. 0«-orgo II l»man. re

eoitiaf itolei fiMMlii Blwird C. M.-K».i. f*.»e pre:.n.*«- Khil.p hame,perjorr, Oonoo Boehm, et al, foi*« \ iti. l»«.«, j..;.t, 0 Boll, touiUt tudc.» lerr.(ita« «wo TiRottiR.Bkapt, J..John H »ftni* rttmltnghler ;

John H l>eck*r ind Boaird Broderick, r .!'.ct. » i lum link Hir-wood Cherrr, Wm. Barm Peter Murphr. Jain'i O'Nul, Pitriel lion«orín. Mirkatl Hogan, felonn.aitit.iu.tii_ bainrv. In tit bal M.Tn-lire. Ko.oinon Hu¡p*rg«r Frin .» B Iii« Jatob llt.ienUrg. MeviuiBlii-ri», n et »I Lew«, Mirki June. Smith et ti., grind lircnrA.berl K. trariett, forgerr Arcbiblid M .Frauen, el aL, Jo»i»b Car-panter. George' P. ll»»':ni, f*l»e pr*tencei Har? »Aimbperrb irton Rt*bird Shannon. Aleiinder skiiitirr. rece v,lj ||<p1(go.»d»n.-.;.ibtiten.

Il.'ll Ila 1 *!. »l!-iu|.t »,. li,« )t _ir JiilKI M .: .«*n.1'ti.. » Maher, «1«i.i i- Jlua-a .«»..'Li-- «.»»nil aud


Tl'KSHAY. Orr 20.Firlr.ih Mi oí.« r.» (Vueei.itoan. h. the »i<»in«lip M nr.e.oti,

¦Ola etoS* Ol 11..l'l ¦ li- A .- .(,,,-utan all.! I« I« *1 II ti» 1-...Inil', at IS M. ,-t. »u.»ii.p t-.t at 1 p. in. (mia Pier So. 40 .V.rth_«*«

I m Britain and CoUinrnt. br tb* »t*im«lnp Herder, milli cloitit 1! ..Q »¦ «". A Sun( .«in-n-a-) Mi.: i» ,....: al ile Paat-OooM.* 1:3(1 Mt ..u..I. ¡ al J j., ui fioia 1'ier Io t of ihuil »,.Muli 'or Hiria*. t.r «be it»imil,lD ( ..lnmrio. c]n»e it 2 p. A

kp|.iem«nvir? Mu.' BcOMOl tt tb* Pott tlfflrr »t .'.«10 p.m. Mun,Ititi nil» al 1 I. ax. trun. P.ti Bo, 13 N,.rtt Biter.Mam li.r llennuua. or the Memaka« ii*oryii. cloie it 4 p. ro. Stfim

»b i mi li «>)._., 1,-i.u. I'irr .No IS North Kit,» OtT. Sa.

Mill fn Karoo* el» (Juee rooSors no1 Lirerppo' perth» tt*tmibttIi. thnit. rio** ti lil t. a. A Muppt-mrnUn »I» >..... it -¡.* l'..»t-(iff rt- ii 1S M Mt»ta.lL ¡ ,_., ulu. u. Iron, i unaM Bock, Jrrie?OtrMuli lot Forot* ni SootbiBr.'on ind Br-men. t«*r Iks »t*»m»r.ln

Wtoor, '...»' al 11:30a in. A Su|.pi*inrnurr BAU I» «.«< M it.»Po«t (lkV«e al 1 HI p. u> M itn»l. f nu it 'J p. from pier loot it. UoUikta.

lill rtsDAT 0<t. 22,Milli for Europe Tit Cherbourg inJ Hiinbarg hr it»inib:t

I n, l.r » ¡,,_ .t ii 96 . m A suj.pemii.uri Mi,.I » no«.3 it tbtlo.tlifr.' it 1:311 p. il BOOOOBtASB aila It UP in. frump *r ffcvl ofTbird-IL. lloboletMiall fur lilla.*, dirrrt p*r "l', ( itr tf llatn.i rloie «I 2

r m A Baopltmeulir? Mail Boo***« it tb» i'«..t «J. t .i «'.lit p. u.M'hl-1 t itii* »i.' pal.. Iron Pier No .1 Y K. \ O. . (.Mail» f.i W.tln'«-« Brant tad Argrnune ( '. r.M'r»' lo« br tb*

>t.«ii..o p Hrrrnirl, Man it 1 p u.. A Sappirm« marr Mill willco»« »i ti.* p.w.1 office at ¡filS p. ax 8l*oa..i.ip _.,, »t., p i_, fromI'.rr No 43 N kA for ti»- f»t 1 r- li rl, 1*4 ii ibt .1t-w York I'oit Othc« ererf

Itr i.tit.1 and goa* rn B-atoa.SATIBUAI Ocr 21.

Mal'l OS Of**) Br la n «ti li- luü, rn Our* «own lu,I i.irfrpnol. h?.n-oOMOto Adriatic r,..«* »t l'J m A Suptii-iuti.-irr Moll li eim*d tiia* I'...- OB, « at 1 ..U p. u. 8t*»o_b.p li J p, «, dum Pla«BO S.ith Kite?For i .i.t.u'iui and Br»n.*i, Mil» b« thi lUitaibip Min. mall

p-U.,» al I ¡II a ni. A «upi,ru,*nttrr Mil t» c ',.*.! »i th» l".»t ltd ¦¦«.

»I 1 .III y. M*«_.tu.p »all» «I . p OL. Ilom lout fcl li,..J,l IlaIKi»'».

M.ii» It r S«atk Facile *i.1 C*Btr.l Amer.e*. br the »tein.hti li.loi,ili-.aliil» Ki A 8upp.nn'Llarr Hail i»r.i» .. t. l'..»i office iiII i. n nil« it 13 M. from P.*r Bo. \2 S. UM.It -. krr Mot, hr »K.n.ri n « B ka, <l«i*. »I .' p. ra.

Hu».I, p li.ii it J p. w. from I'er Bo, SO B B,m sha! o. B3.

All Main rl_i atti »rt« ka. a. To« p_:-OA*e ii o'.tt fr.n 9 o.....Ila.*«.


FJssf-MiEK.s A Kill VEl>l-OB LITBBfOOI*.IB Itramih'p rtirtliai OH li-Mr» 0

K*..l. M ?» M. rg»a, lu ... Mr» 1 ll««un k1,» K j »»....., M,..W,^»«. M». I- II «'.. ... M«, li W W...», I. Aun....« Mr.. l'l Mr. Ktlw.rd M.tchr.l tod bud. li, breen*, jr Mr and Mr«. Ja*Mar.hill. Mr and Mr, (>. r King «... I u.,i. Mm M Kitt.a MaiT. Katoa» II P.. Mr. Mo t« It-» l> B...t*gB» Morrtti. J.n anvil. W. ü.aer. Oin. Uraeu*. J. K Bsali. W. lag* Mr indM-». N ¦.,...i Mr. i*d M'» F. Weira, ... lodal » «xaid ». foybod». Mri C. B. Biarrofl. Mm Bascn.a «n0 two nalOa, Coull BTjaxk.»we_»Bd two ia_ *atr»a*_ Mr Jawortki. J. B. Ball«', AU.

Maat, Dr Beth«».. B H Mt*»« Mia B»r»a O».», C. P¦ *.»*Bimsi Bnotk, Mrt Pt»to». two fhudriB, ltd a»-i i«*»» «*"fCh»rl«iN. Htrringlot. C.I. A D H.aith (III) «"I _»l J_*J£R..«tai-., I». tXtai. Mr »B1 Mr« P. f «''«tir., Mr. Ta» ne

Mr.»lvu,Oto,..JoBM.Mr.»iWMr»i J Hfr«»d. Mia Mtrr I «

ton. .Mil L Uliield. Sol.«.« Littra». (».«.». Barch hti-it* Wtmt

al, Mr am Mr. J.iki K«Oned r, Mrs. Jtne» Miller ill «< g_" »¦

(W. W_n«ntl.l. Mia All«. _. W.mwrLbt M. II. »'albert. M tt B.

J. i-.lh..., Mil -eil. M«m... Htrte, K. U.lhiMr. «t-r«s O. 1.1st.

Js-S M.rtl... Mr. tnJMrt. J.b. (Word Mr ¦¦«"'.: ""¦'«J?rb.kl Ml» Muir. Ml* Htrhrid.e, A Sherwo«I Mr »adMrt. 1)1.

Willi.PttM. M*. Mtrv B. Mrt. L.wter »ad eh IrL Mr ltd

Mr. .....ullin Klc*..r.t.«vn. M'M «'.U.e (»»nth. A A. JulivV Mr «niMr». « Nbeldrtke. A. Wilina«, Artfcir Rollit. Fred II P A.P.uotney Cii.t Urtdltagh, MittPitita, Min«'oraislii I» Holwell.

MINIATUR.. ALMA* \rSut rtiei. 0 17 «at tJrtt. ft 13 Mon» teU. 0:20

inn «.-¦» rat« .... a ¦

Stair H.^k 255 iO«ti ItlSsS.... 3.-1 11.11 Oil« Perry.. '¦> 0 IHKIB WAT«« TBII D»T-» *

tssd; Hook... 3 .J lUor, Itliiva.... 3 i>7 Hell Otu Pert».. 5:13


CI.KAltKT».r-tetriiriip A C Stirnen Wirrit. 1'hilt.lelthii. Jtaet Hil LM*tn_blD Krtnroiit. Bi_k. I'orWtrel J. P. IM"hip Sir Robert Ptel. .»rr«tx»..Lo-h>n. « Mmttn. k Co.

Bbip t'oBiUttli Kier), rl.llei.boni I'hlli.lel»!.». (>e n«-ht k Co.Birk Booti Mtlteo (liil.i. Ctatignoli. Publia. A. P Agreita.Birk Iron« (Nor), J.-rg-utoa. ( ort l.r orden rlio-.r.r.. it Co

Birk lli.u-.' I. («-i. lltgfi», Cork or Kilraot-b lor orden, ¦¦.>,',

Birk Cbttdltre (Br.), BrowB, Dnnneded tnd Wellington, N.Z.. R. W.Ciñieron h 6-Birk Ferit (Bor.) Chn»tl»ni»«, Akfth. Pn»«-h. Kdrt li Go.Birk Kber (Antt) (iurnch. Olttgow, li « o

Bru hatj (Br.). Irriur, Ptintinhico II. II Mw-ft li Ok,Bri» Solarlo (Br.l. Kto_rl. HI. John«, N P B- I'. Curri« It Co.Brig Iitnoolt. FrHerirk. Optrto, Hl.sconch k Co.Brig Mourt (der.), Htntoi Til itii-hwond SloeoTirr. 4 C».Bilir. Ptrspcro (Br.), bock«. St Joba, N. B P. I. Ner.ut It Son.Behr Alerand.r (Br.) PnrtM« Maitland N ». J. P. .vh.tuef ii Co.Behr. Benrv Middleton, Brower, St. Mire. It Murri/, Jr.ttloop Coruelit. Stepp, .Ne» II «Ten Itar.eti It Uro.

AltltlVKD.Bir\ Nor.. (Nor.), Ilintea Antwerp Al diri. In hillnt.BrigAtltoU llir ,, VV'bacttr, Uieeui- litr.ior. .N. P ,.«) .Uri, with

í«h.Itrir WiaHta (of Michin), Spsneer, Lirerpoil, Til boag l.liu 1

Rim., .¡'.l .la?, with s-..IiVtr. J. Truiiitii. lit-iltll fnditaoli .14 dar« with bid«*!.Behr. Stiver Mar. Ha.lh, I'trt '.1 di»», «iib rubber .ul «iBehr. Anuí. Amtlsa (of Bottou), Mtluetoo Wtulwortb, N. 9., 9

dtvi. with pttiter.tcaooHsat.airta «»r> cut«..«

II n V)r<_ni». bun«- .iel .1er deirgttown.D.C.Ru-aï. Wriith». Georgetown, D. C. Harrr I,inl«-ll, Virrim».H. uilrr, » .finit. I It kia-k«. Virgioit.

DOMESTIC PORSiBotTow. 0-t If». Arrived, itesnthipi Alhvrahrt. from Chirlottt-

town; Liadt (Br ). froa Virrnoath. N. N. Not... in, fr «ra I'n is«birk Citberin. Leed, fron i*ort tlittbttb, C. O II. iciiri.It.arrI. pi>ett. fruin Lou uri. I..-UÍU I>. (Hr I. froru I» iDi-e Jolio K «a«, mlJ. I'. Alberger. frmn Pbiltdtlpbi»; bthw». from l'on Jobnum, Beaj.1 ourmer. trois Werhawken.Ntl PKt*i« i«c«> «»rt. 1!).R_!l<-, itetmiblp Vuco di (itmt, for

(bint tud Jipau. tt uooB P'IRTS.

*TrwrRp. 0«-t 10 1'.. «leirotbip bwiiierlin!, Ttttiftbtflte.from NewYi.rk (Iel. ,'> »rrited here t.l.j. Th. Itttmibip V-lerltadtilled it 11 t. m. t-i-iiir for ci ils I., «Jil. 19..Tbt Allen Í n. il«»m«hip l'iilfaesias. Brown,

from (J"n becUet. 9. for l.trerp ,ol irrir«-«) h-re to Itr<ji.â»u«iw, Ott, 111..II.« »ut» Line ii.tu.-lii>> htite of Penntjl-

ttnit, Ki.iglit. from New York Od 7 trnrcj b tr lo-lir.laBNiKis. Oct. 19..Silted (ar lb« l'a.ted Mures. M.lliotrne Bort.

Purr, Ktr.b I»., S.ii.'il, K«!«s Prince, tnd Hand. Arrirej on th« 1 Tibin"U: Aim, (¡li Iiateur. I. mi.e, tu Cam la. Arr.vel oat »b tue 1 »iibiaat: Jtton, <_jeiiisr»-rrv, Mi'i.ilt lu.peeinr. Stir, Rinne,Tiuulloa Callie. AutuiiiB. Koblie, < an«. Blata, i; uni «iramlee.Tlii-iii»! Hi.ii» »ii..; iv jan. Cairo, h'rtnkl.a r ... f» tnd Agoai.u»Arrived out on the Illili in«» A-rliru OtatS Belle. Kite Burr IIlindern, N m,va Stn Mirhele Ongiue, tnd II. u «1. Ato trrired wat:Clotilde, Mttna, tad Niueitb.

DtSABTKa.LmtRPOOL Ort II».The ^orwegllü birk Alber'.ne trrirH here

todir from I'.iiit le pin» ni,« tipfiKun. t burncaue, aud t.JeredColl» ii« lal,.e dalOag«.

ppoKtor,Rep' 23. n_ the (Van.r Illtuds, birk I.tnr» k Oertrule (Ger ), from

Utuburg fur .New lork.I/««- Latent Ship Ant. see Fifth i'age.\

lil.AL ESTATE.New York. Mon lav. (Vf. 19, 1«ri.

At tim Eselutoga Balesroomi i«»-day HodN C inj. »..I«! iii« I« in-ill« nt imipirtv known as îio. 5J

Buffolk-st., wont nhle, 175 feet north uf U.-jntl st., lot 2Jxloo, to lat-wis J. Wilta, for I1J.050.

Kichiir«! V. Uki nott sold ftatue liouie and plot of lund,«S8 1(1X2(18.3, 3O.;;\199.10, on West One hundred ..tid-fllly-n«'i-on«l-i*t., south mae, extoiidina throiii;li io Wost One-huiiili« «I .lol IIII\ Iii st »i 7 »... I« i-t w ."n ol «,r in i 1 i .

v.n i, foi 116.0X1, to a. Oreea.Cut,iinui P. Kairrhilil sold tt»« lenochold iironiisf.» on

leaved st., uorih »ide, ;« «-t east of areaea A, for thosum ni %:.'..The report of tha Dapartawal of BaOdlaga for the

week euuiun Oct. 17 will lie found balow.

official nump__n of rbal estáte.M:\V-Y«»I»K ITT.

Deht.rev «t N. 301 a e .or of I.ewi» ,t. I7.-I100, pin ti >nOSSIBS r* .selgwuk. r f. t.. llenaaiin »V., f.fJO.OO'l

8«n.epriep; An..« w.fe of li Wolf, heir of Ciaa.liiriui, to Margtrel. wife of Jol.u II hootf, '« ntr«. 6,00.

De|ii.c-r-»t. No ;¡'»4. ii e nt l.ú.i.t. il s, loo Mvr,«rel,wife of J«.bn II baa-l Henrr Otrms; i'iüitrine. wif-ifller-man Muli», ha linn of Cltua «itnus. der'd. (o li.-riiiii.a

Wolf. 20,-002J it, n t. lot» ft e of 4-'«!«K). M «rn«init;

II and L Ncbul.ljert. Ctrollne, wife .f f> YVev»..,!, au. BU*.beth, wife of t Ytrk. bein of Henry SolmUberl, Jec'd, toJohn Kuli., n . ... 1,025

l.'.ih-it, | i, f» . of (jreeuwirb line or tvouoe, 2.*iilo..!, William Mi. ..un .1» ... «-'lia. tnd C MeCourt,heirt of Jt.nei MeConrl, dee'd. to it «tier» M «.rt.i«. 15 000

311 l-l». I l, 1(K» fl w of lit »ve. JO« is II. C ll'.o'U.ill to Mir-gsret Uo.ert widow . 0 000

51m nt. I«. i.OOfl e.,f 1 Ith-ive, .'>ill>s.H. Hist, s s, 800fl e of lltb-tve ..'nilton. M irr K 41aou.iv, truatee, tndW tsrhtrfenberg. to G II KiMel. 4,00f»

llotll-.l. I, a, .....I ft w .f Til, .V. 1.I.I, loo ii--- - -

.¡«X1 w of Til. tie. 1 oui Uni; Hauurl .*n_ou, jr, lo BaitsWHS(tro . 25,000

MlM-si s. ,1,111 fi « .f 7lb-ire. I0MNL11)«! It . nt Vi -hw, lO.ll.'.l 1 ,S,,.,l,ie, m e AbratnJ 1<11-tenboeier, t.. Samuel Mm,,» jr: Qf. Bomlnal

Leiuicton uve. No t'.-l.l. . I. DO 5 It n f .lib it, 'J'nlOO, HCaro to N.Vmon jr. 3ti,000

Mi..« ii,, a s B3 6 ft n of 4-1 »t. ÍS-M l.aviu « W, «,feof Jsin.-J. Jtckion, to J.a-a ('«utan .Bomintl

Rame uropertr; J ( »¿in to J. I.. Jicktos.Noui.utlTtvlor-tre. n w », lot Noll., unuul Oshssat, lOOiloo,

J. Wolf to L. PI.-M. 800lit-tre, 11 cr of .Wih-tt, *JS.i»il50. l.t-ire, e i, US 9 fi i of

3sth-«l. 4'.» 4 « 1 '.:> »ne clot beinr Kip'a Bav Mill llmie,O KNU-elt, ref. to h Bernheim« r n I ii Jone»; f»r«-cl ..e-t rlO.OOO

2d tve. w I, .0.5 I» . of 4«ii!, »i. 'J.'.ilUO, hri.-l Cook to Jobsliocr .Nomintl

6i »v.-. t e .or of 4_«l-«t. Ji.uilOM: Sib-tve. . t 'J.'i.S It i ofI3J-»I. 37-Cil'-'.l; 43d- I. ti. 10ntteol5tb-iTe, l.'.iJ.r.'.,

p«rt; 431-it. «t. 12.1 ft e of »u-ive, lOtlOOJ, »3part; Ii L.u lo., lo « li I.»ni.m.J10.000

?. n oo-vatAVca.Cinil it. No 201 ne cor of Mulbeir. it; Wm MrNimtrt toMl. *; 1 ....'.. $1.001)

Kl-K lill lill.K11

CtL ire Ila SIS, 4 vein, per leir. $3.500

nOJkWtstD BUII.IlIXOS.New l.nlMln.» pr«>,»ia-d for ..ellon for »hieii plans tad «TM*e:1e»tloni

t«\e !.. en eui.m 1 .luring lim week «Li.uf O.t. 17, 1.74, lo tbe i.f Hu |.l.ii(.i

.^rleuI>-»lItü »I-, aoath lid. 205 feet west of Seer,» i-sTe. two brlekle., in. I», et. I« four «I-ne». J.nil J. il^-irj Iii.unan, sarasa,

K»(| lifti -m n -' .Ni, 3_3, one br»«u itoue Kreuib flat, four Ito-rle» ._3iól, Ueo. H. I» «limiter, owner.

PIM ata., »culb eaal coner ol «lue hundred lud twentr-«,flti-«t., fi.rjrl.r ¦« 1, a' ito.-ei lud t.-neu.,»'., etcb tour iturlet, 'J iji.n, JJ4ii- ». rr o«ner.Oje-bunlred »ml twentr .ftbit «oBlh «ide. 75 feet eut of Kir»t »re..

I Lu «D sluiic le. in« ni. tour iloriea, J.iitiO. J at M. sr er owner.I-'leirberat., »oulh ii.le. IBOiSttSattal r.ilr..»d ll'ordliini), 1 tram«

dwelling, two linne». HO-Mi Ju. (mo. ow. er.

hei on.late., math eta» MfBtf of K.iratr »eeond-tL. tw« brick tndbr«.»u-»t-'ne itoret md ten. menti, rtuh f'.ar tlttrlit, _ 1._tti4, -j-,. Oi > JWas, M. Mu. n ".i;

Bill One bun IreJan 1-tl.irteentb »t.. So 114, t frtrnt thr«»ettonu. IO81IO; Ja». II. (i-over, owner.Kura place es-l»i.le. ,">0 feet north of Fin.» it. two br ck Un.-_.nii,

etch tve norie» 3.,6.Ul *<e». Jobnao». o« er.

Korest ive «e.i ¦ le. BOO feet north of C1 J-st.. Woodit.k. 1 hrlek¦tore ai.J ». «.... «'.an dwelliBf. three lionel, 'J.ulU, V» i_ btoucowner.But Ponrtb rt No 217, 1 br.. k Hore lad tepeoent ive itorie«

J4 I.I..I li. ."si a. f.r. OHUer.We.t hftj/ourt it.. No 4V Bnrtb nie 3S0 feet eist of mith-iTe

t Irown-itoae, Br»:-« I»»» dwell.nt. four lH.l>iô'J, stnmiteilcoat of ereciloi. »1 oOO J,,.. 1'irki. 1, owner.We.1 1 ti; luurtli-ii. No1. 47 lui 40. i.orth llde, 345 feet e_rt of

P:i-h «ve., two browa-noae ftrtt-iItu .!*ell:n«i| etch 4-itorr, 2Jx(jil.litt. rit.uistel tmt *.IO,000 each John I'erkini, owu.r.

I «¦¦ No. 294, SSSt nJe. 30 fe I toutb «>f I« ut. -third 1»., «

brick Kore tnd tenemert. Sv« itonei M.B0| l>«drirb _.Igsa ownerF.ttb ive. routh »ei coraer of N.i.lhil.. » brick, iron and bru«»

tt"te front b-it-l Dr«t-c:»">t. Ill itoriei s>0.(iil21 feet; e.lim.u.1 cu.iof erection f.lKl.iiôô; Wm. ('. Hbite'inJ. r, o«»al| itali-Sl. lonth tide, M3 fe»t w-.t ul FliMtT», 1 brown

ttone Frereb flat, f..ur «loriei, !«l.s,;,«; Wm (). (lunnin, owner.

Ki_tj-t««»eond-lt., north tide, 175 «eel et«l of r» iih-ave.. t l>ri.»B-st«>Mtr.lrli.i dwellmit, font tloiiri, JJi'j". eeiuuiitad coil »..looo,J. We.ion. owner.

I i^bt.v-tir«: «I. lonth tide. 75 fret «tit of I' r*t ive two brick '.¦ nimeali. each four «tonet, ttaM lee». W. II. Ji.bnalon; owner

Tweiftbtrr.. touib-ettt corner »f ) nu- ti- -eil. . brick woi.ibop, twoItone». Milli! feet Jil. «Julie,, owner.

1 'i.ih-l. i.nth ilie, HO feet eui of T«e]fth-iTe tbtiek ittblethree »tones, J", M last) Ja. «iilliea. »gat,Totti ett.iutlt. roll ol «r.ction of tbe J7 building« enuui. rated


CN9AFE BUILDIN'OB.Btildln^t npoiled 11 uottfe, tnd bail lingi reported f.>r anitfi

Bcv,. during me «. ek eoJint Nttardtv. <>>u 17. Is7t:Al.»tour pitee. No. 27, unitf. front will. Bemoldi eiutt. owner

A. »t Nie., pltrt, .No. 30, nunfe geienllv lievnollt -«1,le owner; A.

W. .N..¦..!. Iniatee.Abittolr-piice. No. 33. «nitfe generillr i Btvioldt tiUU, »wner; A.

W. Nicoll, Initie«.Ainu«. 1 No. 34, nnufe fenerillv; Bejnoldt tittle, owner; A.

W. Nicoll, Irntlc«.Ati.ti«. r plaie. No. 35, onstfe icoeril1/, Uejnokli uute, owner A

W. Nicoll, tro'tee.Alum, rp1..,-, No. 30, ia tafe .entrai!», Bevnoldi ttUie. owner, AW Nicoll, basil a

Ai.tiu..r pitee Mo. 37, unttfe genertllr: K'.vnoi.l» e,nte .owner AW. Nicoll, triutte

Abattoir pu«', No M, ni.uf« geneiillr, BejnoiM« «itiM, owa«r, A.W jhtsll truste».

Al place. No 30, annie geneitlll Bevnold« emit, owner A.W N.roll. tru»oe.

Abatl.'ir pitee. So. 40. naiife {enertllv, Btvnolll e«'tte owner, AV». Nic.,11 trunee.I'mire .1. No .*>'.' ant,te band nil. ti«iu«|er«. Ittlr«, lad cb mn»»i,

-Lfine k>ie u>. avast»IÎ. >_;.si.n «1, N'.. 3«> nnufr btod-itil, top Door, lad oma fe

nevt; »V <_ s. Mt.iksntV, «»wner».Alxtioir place, No. in, un-tlt front wall, K'ji ¦¦ 1, «.'»>, \>

N.'oll,»AbitUi.r place, N«. 31. ontlfe willi (eacrtUr, Re;tv>).li ettlU, A.

W. Nicoll, No. M, onttft willi («nertll;, Bertold. _.«»..«, _.

W. Nicoll. »r«»te«.Colnnibit-tl No 114 Bnn'e roof Henrr H. O'Brien ittntNiaih tie M.uii. ¦< it corner Fortr-iSird ii anttl. v.,l,i ««ting

nu r .. ..»ali A. II11 ru.ii owner.II., vere No. 17... un.afe front wall, retr titaMiilot fi; «urti ml chla-

ser., H II.h Lort ...ntWiaBiBgluu tt-. No Jil, «naif« nulli (lb.e will (.eorfi Oldjki,

owner.< haihtat-it N, 02, «auf« eenUr «t«t gibl» -f ,-:.,; ,.,

Alei. Kraut, »wainKi... it N.. M, uniife front will I B lltoh agi. igeattal Mo»,1..0 .1 N. ,w uittfe ittiri to roof, tal .!«.> elii-ncrt

'Ii..... J (.l>b...l. «treal.Bereei-.t N .11 unavfe roof ciT.rng Ato« S K»«> ..¦,.,

Kirai ite. Na. .".«si an,», pier» lad c.ilaaat of fruui diugerouIti. Uard li»l..o n.aer

I.-: Hou,.,, st N>. 33M. nnuf« «tiurlv per of fr«nt w»I', Hu-betli I horne ow.,er1st Houston ii No. 340, diagernet ansafa r-tr wall, Bliubetb

Thora«, owter.W..II »ino, reportnl /Sr rntnt, i'hmnty*;

Wootter-tt No IH AC K ¡ ownerI'..i»er«H).p te», N. 4H. (I li Rnili»»' ownerli-wtt-«t, Bo "iltreir): Mrt, Bvi Tn«ic, owar».Baal il'iuauiu tt No .VI, a Samarai«. if»t.l-.l.j'U ... fig I J Jolu, liol «ti. v«U.I

trrae-boadred and fortr-lnt-it, aoalk ¦.!*, 100 (*«t wean of Blfht-'ot* lb.. k}c<Vu?, own«.

fltrlnr-ot, Bri 119; P. A KnnhMt, awa.r.

Righto «tv , Na. 204, Armar *.t»t* »ii« | J. Bcahim, Of«OX,Bontk »''.»..ipigton v|u»r». Ne. 49; Mr». 8*g*. ownerMonth W»»-ii*ftoa «, K» I'. A. T. 0.wart awn*r

Klgbtk it*., No. »'i'.«». Arnir titile; J. IXohim, trealKit' th »»» , N«. 'Jil.'. Amir .-.til* J. Deohira, i«*it.

flj.r.tig it No 11?, M. »u I 8. Bietoborftr, ownen.j

Bi-ii.iti.'i STiTiiTir-i Hi« w*-k eulin« rlttard«r Oet. 17. 1874,fron r. .'..nit *f th* ll*pirtm*nt of Hill li n -», Wilt*r W. A I.»..Sij., r ut. i, l«nt The Bureau of lnip*cti..n r*t.«rl. plini tobmittitl torif n.'w bat'lingi it ia *«tttini'il out of BA9S,S00| of tin» tula

ii-r 17 irr (*n*m*nl< an.l 4 ire lr.( clan dw*lliBgi; of thli litter ria«It <>Bt »rowa-Hoit. No 45 W*a| Fifir-fourth-.1. calal, «.IIj.WKJ; -I -I ti

I'erkiBi. owner. il«o, N... 47 We«l Fifir ("i-t1 «t urne owner, roit,4 |.. .ni.» Arnon«; cull» hatMiag« propotrd ia . h.itrl on th* ...nth we»lciii.-r uf Flf.h «T*. lad Hirth «t., to t»' eonitrurt* 1 .,f «BOM md Iroa,« « »luna», teret «tori.» i« bight, e«ttniit*d cal of ah.eb m

.i.lHI.iiiiii, Wm 0 lil. n I. n l.r owier Am.>uf eoill/ alterttioBtpropo-al hob« it Sni. 3. 37 nr.nlcir, il t eoit of BUH).ODO;A. Ilciuinwi, nf 1I..--.UI1, Ma«.., uwB-r An. B. Koli, inrtenntend^nt;Number of hui' ln<« t,rot>oi*d for ilt*rition. 21. it in *itim«t*d cut of|1S I. I it»; i.t' »«'itii.i» I e ..I ol errrtinn of oew l.u'Mmii tod ilteri(fin» S7AB.8S0 Number of «lamil application tor frame tud otOer»i-.i tnr-". Bl| rejrcleal. 3.

H'-mam .it Vi .ii, iriisi report» n.imh»r of building! tarrerrd, 4 (Ki;r*'».rt*l oroaa/*, 3U¡ mil» «.falls, taken down. 1 aoiire. »erred,4J Tiol.ttou. of law r»port«J, 22, »toiauuni rcmne-1, 32, nolaLiooBallenato-; I'll toittorn»». 1.Ian ni'iiBAi .,» Fina K«. »i-«« »su Ik .s Work report» 15 build-

.:-.« «« i*'|.i i'i.r Hre-*«_p*», .,., 11 ?, b nil« it hiruii. pt «« *uu r..|iireia»nt«. b*-*n pr..»ll.-.| with Ir*«aaSBOS, or a.l.iitlu «I

mein» ol egree, lu.l li.* c«»»i r»l»u»* tiier*t<i hate b*en nBfoS) fire-<«e»p» «otioel lerred, 87. «eilt t,, «'tan »r, li e.-e.. u'ltnl.-r .ii i--.n

in-.h e'rd«r», l.-ira«. no1 BSA. . l*,t«-l. 17; rej-.l*.!. 1, lUth**(*riin i pito*» of i i.o»*iB*iit h»i» h«*n in»[*etetl wuh referme« to Ire life-gut 'I«, rtttiltllo*. of etea»», and «oeoVOsA. »bera

r-|.ire|. n. ..u "f liw hr Ih At -ia in.'* The owner« of KirkThriter hire completed t Ir» feet *m wir fror* lr»t haleoog lo ball-ft. k1 . 'j.n/ bull koj ib a titi ..ra ii meant ol egr». »id *if« Ir. re in tar >gr«ii thetria, 7.19 boildiug« heretofore prornlad with Ire-e ip « li -re b >"t ipcriolr inn» »lu to th« cond'tlnB, repur »Iiri.nt a? of »oh *»r«p*i in ¦'«>¦. of Ire ; of thu uutnlt*r, Olli war*

fi.nn.1 in g.w.l cotnlmon, lol 53 ii mure ,.r len ol,»tiu-t» I, »r ri 0,1 rl«Bpt.ntlng or triltnr rrntiri 1 '.ti haildinr» pr»r<on«ljp r*port*«l fur n.01«..»I*-.,, or i» r«.]nrini iiljitionil nein, of .-gre»», har* b**o re-

ri».D'ni«1 tad 1 'JJ I.Bildtnr» ob »Inch rteap*» w»re prrri .u.'r re

p.irteJ i» reiju rtnt repuri or ihn r min' of ..buructioai th- r*from,or reiiuinng |>«.uUof wera rein», ind of ti i» iiuiuticr til) -re u-

p.irte.l ii bl» It g. ib cnupiimce w.l,i lb* iu«luiii naenti, completed ihoi. >tr work.

itn Ken. <_etate for onie.


M de-gaal four-story brown-stono DWELL*DHL 17 hit. near .".i h are fretv,ie.| thr.».»-l >ut pre* low

y II aSADT, fraff ii h ire, or O A. KI S.SAM, (à I'm* rt.

1JÀ1WAIN..The lirnt-cliiMri l.rowo-iton« HOI'hk, No 03 Hut 8in?-uiil-»t, m.rth

> le. between M i.i.c.u tod fourth-are*, with gin* »al parlor cor

¦ice«. Afp!/ Ui

_E. II NICHOLS, owner, No. II Pine it

AHAKtiAIN..Two new fniif.Ht.iry DWI.J.L-l.Mi «,*< cheap .. inv in tb« eil», li.'d ii 171 hOtOSOlW

Br.udwir. ctl.inFilni.h, «rJUiMdl .a.b. Ali... K. »It 8ALK or 111I Ki. niitt.ll/ furn..b .I 1. >\ i.i.i.i N ... »I »I. |,|.,,K..(, ...i » We.lfa-tib it_TT'IHAITIVH I'Koi'KinV I'OIC .iAI.K-In/«. 1'itr «n I near br ('laiiirr:10 W. &l»t-«».. *eir BIM ir* 1 «torr, huh «to .p. Irtt eli.« brown-

BO* IIOI'sK, 'Jill)'), ill i;,,,.i iTeineatt wild burglar-il.rta

IBInVol neir ! ft li »?». ind M«nnt Morrl« Park; r*»r .1*«ir«bl*.Tw»I 't ruth toop, Intel lit hr-'Wn-.tttiu-; eiln uui.h,«II improtem-nl» new. Is.'.I,".ii I,.'., liri)

Batt 13"»IL «t heir BaOlkon bon'.raril--2 »t..r» uni Min.ard roof,Ir.t-cl»« brick and browt.ito e ll<IU.-IK. IMH.V »nd ex-trntioa 1.'. feet, new. »ith four let», '.Uil'i'i, huug-uin.l.

South OtOnfn O'i tb» Mi'rrl.lown ro«i) i,*ir depot.A place of thn*«i.J a quarter acre«, with bri* el««, lilli ISK.«.nd »tal.'e, |».ultrr-b.'U r, Ac; Iran, » ...i-u, i.wu, gior.I,-., o.e., .rrj

Ptwiic, on I'a'ilitou. near l'a«.n.-»»e..Ten lou. with rotbic 111)! 81'.,carr ila;*-hou»», «iln*. V» fruit, gjrdou, Uwu, Ac., Ac

Ai.r or til fir it > al i btrgno, lor cnh.Addreit OWBln,

_B..i No 2(5. Trtha«»ofn.*__?0R SALE.A IiAKii.VlN-Tlircc-story mid1 I. ti:, buek 1101 -it »n.l LOI'. SUB Watt 1 wentr ».rentli »t

w h »li nii^ nea-.« ti., iluj, well Seimu ave. (lui.,. Ll.'tllOllttii» 1 -_'ii7 Uti.a,!w»»._ _

^o. io east -k; ru-Ts r«, soo foot ^îiTTiiv*it» . f ral-elui. full »II-, f»nr-»!orr bna-nttoot BOOM for». ;pt,»ten.on S Kliliï 1 Pirkp.i*_NEW 4-story first.claas cabiaet-flniafa

D.VELMMJi .¦ »t. 171 fe»t writ of Urotdwar, onl/joi linn . . ., Ma. BOB »V. »t, or will be riSn-S, w'tb or wub-..u ,i ".re. A -It on it ¦ »> WM. HHli KLL.

13roo:»tnn Heal .state tor Gale.

AIV\1!<;.\IN'.-MAt ON'-ST.. ],rimklyn^Hr>I.| « bnr, i ¦¦" ¦.¦¦ BOO. 1 14, 1 lil. liri ISS »I ... »t nrtr

ju-i -....n í tur. fool Kolota «rot, I «tso «re U'. b*tt*r t.uill nor b*tt*rlocated buutei io Br ..'k'rn »ize Jill lil 1(81. on pren. i.t, or la

h II. Mt lid!.3 (»OPOT,, No. :i l'lae-.t Nrw-Vofk.

V0I{ sAIaK-HOlTSK-()r TO LET.A twi7A »torr lol I.... ti., ni Bli! K IHM SB, Philadelphia briek front..tun» tn mi, i.-« a I »toop iron r» luir »u »toop lire marble mint*!«,1 p a.1. ind ill« ; itnm»; it* a*jMBSnOO| r*nt BBS p*r

ln.iuir«' on the preioiiei, liiucock-»t., foailli boute .ait ofPaiei, n are of_JnllN Mt/FPAT.


POBSAiaE (l\ VKUV _ÄS_ TERMH.A .N... 11,2 I'ltieapplt-it .Krirn* « »ti home, lot, -7i '..)BOO IS SI at.l AS !fO***S-«i. Kr-im*.|w*llingl, lol ill.ill.Kel 2-ili ind'.'.s »\ .«hi-, ton .t..Pri-ne Jwp'ling lot, liiift).Boo IT'I in I lil*,w-it ;i .«or» in I bitemenl b-tek !i..u*a»,No. 43 Will,.nrnht-it.-3 « orr bri-k home 1 ,t. 2.')»liJU.No s7 II ek.-.t.3-itorr brick home: I.t, SAllOO.No. l.'.S Ucuuau-al..3 ion brick honte, lot. 2.11I1M).

»». 1'. C0.1K, 'tU »V.»i,iiagtoi. »t.. Br-oklra.

îicïD-.creen Beal (Sotate for Sale.

A HOME IN THE COUNTRY..Central N. J.a I.M.I liniirnrem.nt 00. It.- hou»*», 1»ti. lad lui I.? the irr* hw

AALB at all «alola «o tm Boo *f too r«atr«i It K. of N.J. Appl» toA II IIIH'K ,r K1,« I ON MMISII. Ill L.hertj.«-..

AT iforriatowB, N. «I., Koli BALE, U mileafrom .!.'...t . l.e mill ii ill N IKÏ IiKsIUKM K, mai l.nil'liug«,

3 lo ii ocie* ; pientjr of fruit tad oraiinrntil tre*». pr.e* rrrr low.

B, I Llliy, No. 1 Pirk-plic«._PURNISHED HOUSE to BENT for tho1 Wlalor.Tbre* »torr brick. bi»»-*nt inn »alt-c»¡lxr, with ill mod¬ern imi.r..r.-inenti, u»»r Pirot.ii-iT». on (iroT* »t J»rt*r ( 11/. Applrot B14 Blqplk al.. Aaoooy CKy. Kent BBS mat naatk.

tX)R SALE AT A HAKiiAlX-Two-storyJ- an i-it*:i .i. IHM »K 7 room» bim, tnl li ntr loll onlr 5Un 1.ut», tram H*w-Tark, and 3 raimutci frona depot m BSV-JoaoSf.i'nc i I.'.tlU. Terini »cr, elie.

_KI'IASD t WltmsQ, 5 B**kminit

VOR SALE-50,000~acri'8 of LAND m1 son'.heia N. » -Je-et will be lold In out bodr or in tríela ut6.01X1 icrei ind npwird. Thr*. itt gool Itadi, ind tre opeaed uo bruirigatou »i. rilli.,1 li. 1 ne, ninia ti ,-.,.. .»ter p»w*n, gu,.a wood,in 1 ecdir lumber. Ad tai V.. WBIiiil I'. Klw .«d, ». I.

J^IRSl-l LASS HOUSE.Free of coat, in th«bett ptrt of B «ih«(h. N.J.t Ihe pr'.perlr. cued ho .le.

It.hie ind .'.II lot*, mil l.e lold for l*.t» thin the rilut of the lot»¡who * iinooi.t lal» rt ia n until pud br lilt an r»l*il* of lot!, etui gmulloo ind lot. llRli'Jii'l. clear. A r .. 11 A .'. l-.i: llox -O, I'o.tOBtO, Ne« Turk, or (It »NK k OlaASBT, Elinb.'l.. V. J._OKANUK. N..J..tirent vnriety property for

aale . 1 to rent OhVe hann 'nu I ko 3 n in

I. H. ii I.KKi 39 N .-,.. cor. Libert?.it

(Tountrn Heal Cotatetor Gale

HUDSON ÎUVEU FAKM ;it ¡; *)_ r.s. t rltait.hir.L X r..,tn r-.ti/e tarn, » akaSS frnl;«:

»pring a.uck 1'-p'i»ii. hirl.. heiltnlul, p..-turvt-|tit- ran tadriutitn »c-n*r> ; >.nlv #.i.lKI0. C. II. OLIVKIt, 1 H.rk-pltce.

Real'Célatelo .»rcliange.A FARM wnrth about í 12,000 wantwl in EX-_\ IIAN'i.Kf .r t.06'» itorr t.riek UoL'-iKS. etnirillr I «-atetl, un

Pror*-n*u'.ion r«eh fle.r; rent *l-iJH. 111 I.Hi-:., l'li K HealK.tai. Ilroker, SHS Welt 3lth It_

I.^ol»! EXCHANGE.For a FAKM. i coantrjHKallltM- B in i'a«.»:e N. J hou». ha* lil ra,Mern lmpror«raenti

KlLA.Ml A WIIITINU, B Beekiuin »t 1 Ï. fitr.

1,^01. EXCHANGE..Tb« owner will «»xiliantr«bruwi-itoar-front boa»» fullr furai»he.l. Bear Arnold A ..n.-'.»-

I..- ¦ hiring lir«e proiperiir. be»in**4 r*l*< *nd prêtent eriuilr ofa " » for rea deuce it u. .. .¦.. of ïoukerx A .... «« BSTBIB, Boxj.14 1 l'..«t-()flc«._iiUOD COUNTRY" l'KdFKUTY. with oiie,h,\ M taken ineiehang* f «r c.nier IIOL.iKoa Ma li«t«-a»e. (leo.ebold):rente., for IS n.i.Bti.» it i-l -I'll iririr. nnfurni.heJ, aecurnr. (.orern-

vaeul bondi. Adlreai Mr. 2 IV til-it

Û0U6C6 ant) iarms CDanteo.

HOUSE wanted in (rood location in city, ineirhane» for T.rnil.1* lot» in the cttr ot Kliiibcth N. J., untn-

e.iii' --ted . r ». louie c»»h tdr.uced if bar.-a.u o*S. rx »«

Lor-*, rrikoooOBjSj «_.\T'IXT1-1>. hy ¡i rospousiblc party.A FUR-It HIÀBBD ll«'l >K tv thn an ur ol the Cltr. Ad Iren, »1th

pirticolir». liltï lui' Lit< InbunrO«

wrANTKl>. on Lontr Lfase.A Small IIOl'SE.. UOOD OltliKK, in 33d 31 b, 3'.th, or 3'ith-iU.. between

,',t!i »i. lltb »re. «ill w»lt till fprinif, lor BO0000O ou prefer lo dellwith prioeiptii; will «-.»» aUtihrtoir reference. «» to re.poutibilitr.Addieu iHnVUB, Trtboo* I p-TowB oSic*. 54 »« We.l 3l¿d»t

unction Bales ot ».eil (fstntc.





lo Im «aI 1 it t.u I* tb. birh**4 bl tdrrxAl, 1 *l«o lb* crouiotl .Bl Mia.i.PB. coouiutn« ¦SOUS Morai.


Brrirtaeofi eonfrict with the ri«culon of t»ie estate of the It'*Thoa II I .«'ti -¦. t«« th. a>»»l Talatbl« propertj ia 1- !.i«t u«

iitaax* ..a Mhb. Amur. I'biob, au (n*w) IrtSOOO »u »arrouad*»! b»

ilorri ind lu Up* crater of tnCc aad tri»*l. will l# .,f.-r-,l «« i»nn<

within the retrh of til. ti til our buttue.« expenenot w. irrer k«r«b*«a «t. . lo o'er beralolere io »»¡»«bl« propertr apoa tucO B*_»»loa.IT



It i« bat lair t« utlnat. that tar**

LilTI WILL DOl'IILB I.N »ALl'H IB KIVB 11. lustad nor« thin liktlt

HE WORTH BaBrtxoS EACH IN TEN YEARS.In romptriauB II weall tv* Ilk. burla« propertr ob Brt.ialwar. Now-

T..rk at " « prie*, of twcalr r**r* if*, aal ft.ui.« toi mena»«», tala*

mt it toa].»I bert will be HO FREB LI'NCH tod foo «ttrnroni ladacta*Bti I*

» wt- ft lair ilia** «a» mr.t-1 taho* lo tacuro roall; rilual.1*Drot-rt» for bata**». «Btl for reitareac*, and ia**a who ara atcltu« th*

ia »le« ol lureiUarnl.l.xr.ltlKI giblu bow hu itcloint «ewtr*. (li. witrr lo r.1p*t. tod ill «ht

e.'.trn.. -io *i »f .I'« I "it Oaf I 1 -ti» .(»n» pirn tcpoll. ftr.lil. ei.1» wa Loaf lilaod hUiliotd (li n, al 1 tal »le of ferrf «I Btualcr'iP.i»t )

V .lU.ri c»n t«k* Jirrwitlp Ambut (t 10 mt 111. n *T cr*_

Tliirt' "ur'.l. «t al 1(1. It or lit 15. ml lake trti. at 10 .10 ., 11 Jil,lad al pioinre. Mipi lad fr**p*at_ aio tit BSSAl (1 KIHtiKU«.HU. Ai' '».»«.r. la I la_iu| 1*4 tt

HIKNJ. W. HITOIIOOrK'Ski: il kbtsta iiridu' aRtkks,


Brn «8o0bf.

____._-_.^____AT E. RIDLEY k SON,


We thtll oller I

l.l.)li: Ol' I Ol Oll*» If«


EDWARD RIDLEY & SON,.10», .111, .111 !-'? Ilninil.«».. N. V...4, «I. fl«, ti», aad 70 Allia-««.,

Kiltb blorl» rail frnm the Howitt.....¦¦^..¦at..¦»m..¦

Auction balee ot lieal (Estate.O. H. FIKR.SO.V, Auct.osecr,

l'iue-.t N. Ï.,

WILL SELL, hy otter of JOHN O'NEILL,. «i on Til I'll».»A Ï, «le. '.'., InVl. it ..Hil p. iu., ou preumet,

it public tuitioo,50 riUT-BU BUII-IHNO. LOT»,

frouting on (inn.I it., Ptuliton toil I «f«jette tret.,

IN CITY OK PASSAI«', S. J.,11 mile« from New-York, hf Brie or Mo-m «Bil F.««ej _»ilro»d«.

'-. »runt .--vch w«r «ltl.v on Kne »ml I'J br Morn« »ni Ra-Kj f lum-

.tei' «ilk from «lejiots on either rout, In henri of ritr.Train (mm foot of T«ent/tiiird it »I 1:15 p. ra., »_1 Cbauiheri-it.

ti I li J p. m. .lar of nie.Bree 1'iute, M«p«. k,:. of Auctioneer.

ADU-B li ilULLBB. Aaatltassr.



BIXTT -NIVTII si viven iii. SKVKM Vsi:vi-:.n'TI(. «I :~BUTT-Ms ni. s.-i.i K.iiiiT»-BBCON. st»

¡neladti.t »-«. r«i iron. » Sa»»'», «a.l I.ABdK I'IlII'i», «uittble fori'.iil.lC BUt-UINOB. Hill' li US. Itc,

wii.i, ni: .so1.1» at ai irrioa OB


No. 1 11 BBOADW-T.Two third« of the pun nt-e nioner mt» remain on mortgage. M ipi ti

the office »I Al.l.lA.a II. Mt'l.-U. ON.Aui-iiiiB.-cri, No. 7 P ne»t.

Prof JOHN M. PINKSF.Y. 10 llurcl...,-.i. (I.-. ,_ADI'IA.N II. .M.I.i.KK. Arcn.iMi: lu

180 LOTSORT OP'S _foNE_5_lS,


TO BK KO-. AT Al ti IO.'. OX

TUESDAY, 0CTOB1-B %%A» 12 o'clock at the

RX0R-NQI BaUiBOOaf, B«. Ill Hroid««r. Bew-T«r_Thes-loi.are s '.iiii-i .n I'AUK n rial I.AK K-.WKS., III.,Il » I'., ind

triNIMU li. I an V. «ni eominsr.d eiteu.ire newt of tie HUDSONKIVKK. iml tieinir «mir I few lu.unle*' ««Ik frou. i.i>i.\

. r« vere de .ri'ile for iinmeiliale luip.oruiueul. There ire hourlr triim

Iroui Ntc-lork to lon.ert, in i Ibu time io Wall-it. hjr K.ettie I lUil-r.til Is oalr abo .1 o-e hour. »iitv tv-r cent on bond au«l mort. i.e.Deicriptlve map« tt the ..IB e of A. Ill AN 11. ML L..-U li BOB Aa»»,,. Xo. 7 P. c ii., B, Ï. (6-01.)

Cup Proycrtn io Let.

APIBST*CLA8â four slory bffOWM KtoneHOi:-K (ne*). ¡Mta-O, to Mil', with pilule.- of «no-letting ptr»,

rent Am. >- on the preuii»et, 1.7 Wt-t _7ih *«_

ryö LET-Furuiahed, 'J PARLORS, suitableft for light bouteïe.-piug. aSmftj at 3<»0 Weat -jib at., c «mer .tu-


rP0 LET to a privat« family, a four-storyA broam viona BOUBB, fnrnihul. wiih til imalern iniprov, .,.-¦,-»,

« th «xieiisiua tnd conservator/. Inijmre on pre..te», No. 1 but¡JDlh-it. _

r|,0 LET.An elegant four-story, brown-ft linne Hor.-sK. BU feet from, full« furn shed, svi'b KS-nlen a Ij.iuiii.:

»is., ttimnttai, » ttsble with taliasea »t »rsl »treat, M Hiern.- rani io

l.ood tenant. J. WILLIAMS- SONS..7«» We.t 34_,.»l., cor. 8th »Te.

TH> LET.UNION-SQUARE PROPERTY.-ft The bnt-iliu buiMing No. B4 Kui S, v.-nieeinn ,t. uu !.. ,-:i put

in coin] lele «.rler. uni » ill lie rented chea» to t (*oo«i tenan: for lii*i-

n--t» partióse» «he loeifti.n i« unsnrpaatcd. A-juif »«» T. K. LYON,Arnolo, (áinaltble . (.>.'«. Urotóway au,l XiaetevBtu-st.

Ici EAST 16TH-8T., between Unton-sqaai-* 9 lint üiIi-vtc.T«. I.K1', -o t elah «.I (¡entfernen onlr, b_r¡.i«oin«ij

furnislii-.l IIOI'.SK, .'i rooms dtep: Be li.f, lad v« rn; in. complete.*V\ w i:sT -»TH-ST, near 5th-aye..Brown-tßtß Hone boote, new!" pal .V!.

371 Broadwit.

Üroolilnn propcrtn (£o _ct.

DARLOB FLOOR of No. 102 Pitioappl»>-.sf.;ft Staat room it tonalli, »or in oTJee or tliop. (.nix but t«a_ doonfrom Fii'ma-it. »V. P. I'OIIK. '.' !"> »Vitb ristOB-«» Brook It».

Conntrn properto to Let.

AT Morrhsiown. N.J.,TO LEASE,furnished,br two «>r fv'irs, 10 minotci' walï fiom ilepot, « nrsl-.laei

KKslUK.NL'K in ev.-rr re»p.-et, with araoe liroonJi; hoo«a baaererrro'ii-ort i.ri.t e.nvenience f,.r e-'bi-r »Viuu-r or »u.uuier. grouiiu. wtiiiloct«r«! wtib trun tuil »Uaie ire«, .c

_S. EWiV. No. 1 Pirkpliet^I^.rRPÎNT.In the City of Savannah, (ia..

A Bull-list KK.slliKN« K. imvirii t'l the inieter» imiiroTementiiii-l reiy ni-lv farslt__l. It tatml for Ub.N'i to t reapounbl«len ,nt, who will »bdftta himself Io tike t.od e.ire of the fnrnitare »nil

HHOiutmenti of the h.u.e, the une fronla on fnltiki-njuare, »nil ii

lurrouu.leil br I firat-clatt ueighboiiioo., lenna moderate. Ko.- (BflBSIptnicultr« tuilv tt BLOB <k DIMUB,

Real Estile A.enta ted ilruker», -ivtnntb, (ia.

WO LET.Furnish« «I, a laXM three-stoir,-ft bi,li «ti'i.p Hot SK, lu ¦ nice BSItlliUirlimel, conrmient to ferrie»;iwner wnl ttke botri in pawncnl «>f nat, or «ill let a portion to a «millfau.ilr of adults. Andrea« W. Jerrs-f I'ilv l*0it-O_i-e

'PO LET, IN POUQHKEEPSl¥, by the yearft or letton, furniiheJ, a «loubie brick liol .-K. ia perf-e: aaiat.«iib liirK«-lol; a verr desirable reinlence; loeiiioo mil ncigbborboodHie T, rj beal lenna lu'elertt.-. Th«- plnee i« tl.-o offi ie«l fur «tie.

IKIslllAM OfffflB, àt'oroev, Pou^hkeepiie.

L'oan si)a.ccG.

$'7"*_ ..Mil -AMERICAN OFFICE,I t J,a r\J\ ?*. KBTABUBHKD 1SJ4

On Lliauiouili. Wtt.-he«. Jewel., Silver, Ctmel»' Hair Nbtwlr. 8i'kl,Lice«, Vtlaal'le«, Le, _.-. The iiiino-t v.i'i.e l.oontd, or will /lu./.

J. ii. UAKKl.NUKK. 733 lirotdwtv. oppotit. Aauir iiiace.

_BteamoûûtB ano fiauroaos.

|\i:i'autlt:f. of Tiii.on.n BAlLROAD1 ¥ TWAINS from BBrV-TO-K.

Ksib R_t-WAT.0.00 tnd 10:48 I. m.. tod 7 p m..VtwJ.Kam Ski, niLii.N.i-ui l'-.l«.!' ¦., L.i 1.1. .... er Irives'. --.. ]",

I. B.Nkw-T.ih». BaW-HAW A^r> Hirtforp.For Bo»ta*n Til íprirc-

|eli-H:ii."> .uni HI .-,. n, ;| »nil S:1U 0 ra Tit Mbo.e Line, I «nu '.«ill»I«, ra. Kor N. » ll»Tea.7: lu. Si.i.'i. I.-.U.',. tau 10 t. ni., l'_ m. tau 12:'Jil, &0_,4:BB. ">;1,'>, hiltl. aud U: 10 p. n. ('h'«.*!, ano II1.S0.M iliitH.1<, 10, »ad 10:40 .. r-

in.l .lilli, 4, 0. H. tint 11 p. o.NawJiKiBT Cext«*_.Kor the sVeitrli Allentown..':l."i ind 9

». ni r_40.4. ind 5l90 p. m. K»r Ka,ton.Ô.15. 7 00, .uo.1t.11.,12:40, '¿.'.Al 4, m BlSO p. m. 7:110 p.. m leaigrini).Nsw-JtH»»t MhiLimi K*ii.WAT.-Knr Oiwego «j:40t. _.: VNter

Poautr btpre»« to Kllenville, 4lB0 p.m.; Lottl'.mat, S:4U tn.l11:40 i. m.. tnU MO, .'>::t0, tad 1 Jil 1 m.

1' KaiLHu.ii.-ror ibe »Ven ind *"«')) vi« Plttiharfh.b.'.UJ 1. i».. tad 6 an«l Kill» p.m. For Ibe Hoath. Ti» Witlunfoi*i 10 a m.. tnd ii tni B ». ui. For PhiliUelpbu-h: IO tad if-.'M a. in.,mi lv»::iO, », 4. 4:10, fi, 7. 8:30, tnd 'J p.m. 12 n.gnt.Sot-Tii Sip» Kau or I.o >« l.iasn -c lill tad 10:30 1. m.,

Bd 1:30 4:00, 4:16. b-.tH), 6:tH»,ind 7:00 p. m.

A LBANY und TUOY~DÄY LIINE-Steam.r-ft AltMKNIA will iesve N.-w York hondtyi. Wsé-NÉM ind Fri-l«»t, froin Veitrj-st.. ti b:30 t. _., »1,0 1 «enu fnn.tli s». it« AS t. ¦.

Retaining, letret Alhtav Tue.ltv, Tbanultvt ail Satardtri. at s 101. Bl. tt YoKKKrIH, IMr.UÏTOW.S, ami NYAUB (bv ferr«,bsxt), WF.MI' POINT,, tn.l NKVi'Kl'BUU. 1'OL.U-KBEPfllB. KIIINKIll'CK «ArsKIIL. and HtTMOKTrip tlekett to Wet» I'o.ut. Coru» j I mil Ntwbarkh, retsrninf the foi'

lo«iBg dar, $1.

BRIDGEPORT, and all points on Housatonictnd Ntontluck K«. ,1a. Fire BL tjteiiner Hil iii«, tl'olil'

h-arei Cttotrine aim it 11.I0 a- ra. mil Brldreport t» 11pm.

yoli RONIiOI'T and KIN(iSTOa\riandiri»fâtft « o«. ni', «ornwtll. Newbarvh, Mtrlbornniih. Meltoi, Pouuhkeepne. Weal 1'tra, _,<.,-ui »leamlioat James W. Ktldwin latTW Utrr.toi-it.1'ier, N. R-, ever, Wnlnesda», lid Fridir. it 4 o'eloek p. BL

tX)R Nni.WALK and DÀNHCRY^Î-epopn-ft l.rstatmhot» NKI.I.Ï M III IK litre« dt.iv toot 1.1 Mtrtxn «i

B:4B. tnd 'l'hirtv ihlrl it. tt 3 o'clock p. m Veiarniur, leitet Norwtlktt 7:50 a. m. oa amrai of lltibur» ltd Ntw-lliveu Irt.n», IUtiu.«lBirt.JJO tent!. Bti-ur.ioo ti«k»U, $1 00._'Von"RÓÑlJ0L*T_añ7Í.KINGSTON, landingft at Coûtai, I'oriiwvll N««horgh. Mtrlboroafb. Milton. Il.fhli.iiti(New Pilli). l-.-.|,u. I.« «teimbott THOMAS cnRNKI I. le.,..

BirriMI-il , Pier JA, .V it, »v.,, T.-.UA1, au. MA I

IMHAY at 4d. m._


(il.NHAYS E*:« KPTKln Al 4 ra.

From Pier '.'8 North Hirer foo» of Marri, it..THK UoHI.H RrNi'lVviHi HTKAMBIU


The moil oirect route l» Twite« M oil Ita» r«'. Pivm.aih »>«

Bidlord, Mink» I Vinrrird, .Ninturl.t, f,pa tad, tha WBIlKMOI'.ITAINä, «at ill pninpil paull ii Ne« Kafliid and the P10»iicai. Bar Tlekett tad nuteronmt ai.plv it 'J41 lad 5'.'9 RrotSwtv-Brutowtv. correr Twaatv UirU it; luirdtre ttu Ot« h.slresl it.l-Iwealv-lltb li UsMkl, Binreta «.-re« «44 .rotdw.v. aaU 10 «««>»-.V, iiri'uklra »r al »he «¡*<e u» Uia Ptr. iaO ti Hi II.- .

»»4 lilka« Oiíeei ,» iba et»« - Hams IM., »r,i j. for in» «k»«< m

HOHI.I-.N k KiVKI.L. Ai.itaOL0R0B 1.. lONNUU. <t«L.r«l I'tM-.a.r A eil.

_O. «' S i i'naivtav.

MEKCHANTH' OPPOSITION LINE tor AI~HAN» tadTRoY -Fare Ml , end. «leek f 1 .,tn berth, fl Ml

wita roora. J u «Kill YI.F.B, »rsoa (lier 4I> Surtas «».. MONDA»«WKH.NKsl'Al.. ami FRI.Al., Op. ¦., neuem, , »t. ead ..1 .

»y rtilrotd» J W HANCOX ...ter

^;E\V-1ÍAVF.S7 HAhTFOUn." Kc-Furv,I fl '..»». Me.m-s Ittt* Pa-k »l.p f.r Nevt-Hlve. .' J M,| ||

p m., Unir iSumltfi eirei t».i) «<.i.n»clia< with tb. n .road

Stonington line f»»r newport *_7iCJ BOSTON

Tha »aw lid tv. «-en« , ,.u 1 I. Hore lui ANT» T«ie»»ira,1 -tia... .¦<! »»i«i. lill »»J il.» r ,«. 1 lletm.l KTllNINO-TOB. HtaÉ-f* Wediie»itvi, ltd Fnl»~ ""».» Bi«r 3.1 Birt» Mirar,I ot of Jar .L. al 5 p ¦¦.. arnsiug ii Batta« «kawl al thl olii.r Ima».1 ,leu lol aale ti til rltop«! r«i r*»d tk\na* at.| Have rnwat ttea.Wti Ik. ..«¦ . of Ile. 11 k-i>rua« o., ltd it .11'J Hrotd.lvB. A. -k rut, fiwubt A ce. i L W FlI.-IM.i, Usa'L Tats, ittsi.

l'-uta-",i. 1 ,'..j,.k

(Dtean gieamers


iii l'l ».I.n I'll lli.'tHm id.. A.'.ii li VtlUI IM.Tlirrfi'Etat »teituih'nt will ia.I frota N-w-.or* ti BBBMBB

IJKKUKK. ( »nt. Ki.vcnrr, (V o',«r -.'II8. IIII.LKH. I ipi Ih.. ..» 3.

fror* Katie Line Pier, foot of f'ir.t »i., Hobokea.KtTK« OK I'AS.-A«ih HI

PI.TMOtTH. LONIKIN. ClfKRUOI.RO ASt) MAKtlUKO('.«».in ir.i laloi.u -j.KIO. «»!.]. wn>t..l »al,, ,.i. »aiO, «o'«, »u«era«*,BSA, tirrenrr. I'., in ,1 »u-, r«¿» ticket, from BosioOff iF2i rorreo*-«,

ear It*.«ht », i.l« io I (.MM, BDTK li Co.. 27 Horn» William*«.Korpawaurit a,,,./ to h vu ill. NAfiioli, k KL'IINK,

(l*n»r.»l Ar-t«, IS HrwiTwi*.


< AHKYIM. TIIK V. S. MAIM.Tun liverpool ami OBBAT wisnitv mik im c.impab»

will diipilch one of their lr*t-eli«». tall po»*r. ,.u »cr.-w »le.-0.ip*FROM I'K.K No. 46, B. l¡. l.VI.KY T.HS11AY,

a» follownBiaaBBBTA, Cant J'.XF«.O' t her 'Hi. .1 1 :(KI p ¦_

WYOMINO. (».(. Baouoa.Norriulwr ii. it 1 eil a at

NKi AHA. Opt Pa«! «...N«-T*_M>r IO. i( SlOS m. a.

II'AIIO. (apt. P..«*».I.Sor-tal, «J ti, ti I I iii, al

ClblB p««_Ke, $»(>, /Rtcerire I'iraJa-e (O.fle*. No. 'ift Uro. Imt). a' low r»'_

Kor frrifbt or cihia p-iMAt-r, .i.olr toWILLIAMS 4 i.LI'i.V No. lil W.ll 0.

i «HEAT WESTERS STEAMSHIP LINE."A BBW-lOBB TO SBISTOI. (80s j WBBCTTaking i-o'.l» and ¡..-. ní»t< tor Loi ¡on, ('»mil, Newport, (ilocrnOr,

and »M le.ri« ia lit lol laoel.Th» »t*im*ri ot tbt» Line wnl -ni fn.m l'i,-r 11. Biro? i« fol'own

(iKKAl WKBTKhB. «indium.TI KBleAl. On..her 27KiKNWM.L. ftimner.Tl'KBDAt, Bo-reaoAor IOAKUAUON. .« No».moor 24

I' Pusairr. *7U currrn.'i lot rm- »I. +1.. HTreü'-r .«f-uro,*:'.ll rurr*ncr. Parti*« wutul.-to «end for th*> fr.*nd» *»t obtt'a pr*>Bold ( »rtil-.alf«. Urtflt (or S. 1 «t.i uuw.r.l«. For Ir.iirol or piwauto,

ipplrlaa S. B MOB»IN'* NON* No. 70 Moott.-«! Ni w Tor«.

jNMAN LIN-.-aOUTHEKLY COURSE.Korti Util Cl'irjirr» |r»;o.«JlUl*Al W_ll.«'..llowi:FOR ¡5l-'baaft. A\Tl T.TVKKI'U.iI.CITY Or BOBTBBA1.r«A ( BUST. Oot -'l II 2 o.

I ITÏ OF AMIS UKI'.KATU-RDAV. Oft. <l "l I" *. ox

l 111 OK (MKS KK.-a ATI Hil A» No». 7 al S» m

CITY Of K11 HMOMM.SATUKIiAt. No». 14 il a i m.

cii'v of Bjnr-roBK.saitruay. No» si. .* 2 0,_

CABIN pafcj.A<»k, *X0 »old.H » i UAH.; .1. ia] tram ii. pointa, a» related r.l««,( oMa ind il,-n*r.-il OBtS. Mo, IO li-- ilti-

httterif« UJite«, 33 UroWwir. and I'.er U. North K ter

_jnll.» «.. lui K, A rent

V KSV^TuiTÄNÎTÏÏAVAX.V" I )I III A I MAÍLLi LIXK.-ïh»-e" tint caw gTrUMKHIPri «ill ».tai crer» TOS-BAff,»I .'.-,. in.. Iroin 1,1 .1. It ifoot of ). tor folio»«:

( ULI MBI'S. E. C Red.TrRMlAt. October 20»liiHKii CAMTLa, T. li. Morton.TOBo-At. 27CBKSCBRTCITT, T.S.Cin__TU«kAx_i. N..»«iBii-r :i

Portreifblor paatagc ( tn.rnitieeat .com.odinonii ipp.r toWM. P. I i.t li-. 4, t Om No. ti ilowlin« «ree«.

M. Koli.««. LiLl.tiu 4. Co., A.*uti d Haran*.

8 ATIONAL LlNh.Prom Pier« 41 «nd 47, North Riter.

TO j. - n.l«, i<r.» N Alto LIVERPOOL-KV-LAND ... .net. It |.,m. F.KIN.No» 7 li » 'X1 p. «M'AlN.Oct. ill. ti 10 t. m. hi.IPI'. ...Not. 14, at 8.JU »..*.

fin LONDON* lu it-.i i.

8BB8CB.UTUB-AT. Ott 24, it:-«!.rihin riwiií*. $7ti «ail $HO. ciirrenc» Iteer*«* ii t-rc»i» lenncoA

or «a, Iteiurn 'licke:»»t Itadui-ed Rat*«». Prrriai Steer»!.* uelett iron

Ltirrpo.,1 it the lowe.t rat**. App./ ti .tb» Compter « i/Jiee No. W. J. MIK». F Mux»-»«.


ros sorTHAMPTu.«- ano brbmkb.The Pt»*m«üii, WK.-KK. Cant W. Wiln:ei.*i. «ill rStl «o WKO-

NI-.»UAl. Oil, 2\. i: 1'. p. ia., trod* Brea-» Pier, too; lhiri it. It»Dotro. to t.* ;tliowe>l or

t«t»au'«hir. MAIN. Pint. C Mai, ob rtATl'RHAt. Oct. C4.AATKs OF PA»SitA(ia TO IAlNIioM. HAVKO. ASH BKKïIg_Flrrtctbio..Al"*- tata,re.OBd cobla. '." te'd.

BW-*.«». 24 carrcaer.

Ferfri.tUol pi»»*.», ipplTl* OhllUiJHB It lo.. At» .ia,2 t>< wl of ¿r*e«.

New-York, Havana i_ Mexican Mail i5. S.» letre Pier :t. North ktrer. u followi,

FOB UWANA:riTY OP HAVANA.rrmr-atir. Ort "»1(III OP Nli tV 1 OK h. ITia Naatta)..Thunltr. Ort. BJ

CUBS.Sttonlij, Oct (ICITI OP MfcltlLA.Tiior»d»f. No». B

mik «BBS <iti/t A.-aii .tb«..i.l -[ it tTarana. Proa-reao, L'in.o* Tulpia, and I an.- ¡rot

« I HA...Sitiirdir. Oel. IllCITY OF MEXICO.ttaiurdir, Not. 21

For treikhl or ptitafr. applr tor. ALKXANIiRR at SON8. No. ill Broaxowi«.


(¡LAMORijAN.SATL'RDAY. OCTOBBB Blrirrt-i. « toont ina p»t»*nt*rt it thmn«n mu rroro lil part* if roo

I'mtetl Stat*.on«! CaiaaJ* to pórtalo U.« llriilol Channel «ud all UMP«. r.-.iB Kntliou.Tuete iteoiniliipi. bnilt entmtlr for tin rrtde. or* o-eruleai «iib ail

lb* Oteit loiprorrmeut. for to* coiufort >o.l eofenietc* ot

CABIN AN11 BTIBBAOS FA.S-tKNtJKIflPint Cib'B $75 in,! $80 currtBcr.Peeond Cabio, S.15 eof

r*ui-t.Ste*nie, iM) *ttrreicr.Fr»i*id Kt**rti* C*rtite«_from if. t.!.. C'i'rei..-r.DrtRi for £ 1 mo no wari.

For ''.Miier Dartleolan. «t'D r ia Carlia, at tot Cuapaar-l OScet, Ho»li CtiiBibeti. Bud m Nrw-Vork la

A'.i U.L iI.U ii.tXltR fc Co At*

_No. 17 Broidw»«.


BIEAMMIIPS BSTWA1>.M HAW XoliA atNO BATBB, CALLIB«AT bBKST.Tb* .-. 1 *».». i ot ti ti fkrorlt« reata for th« CoeOooot fharlaf

nor* tomber!/ thin ia/ oluny. will tait trout No. 50 Not. litre',U fo towt:

VILI.B PR PARIS. Ptnro.OATlRDAt. October SIPFKbIRF.. PorraoBl.>A 11 Kl»AY NuTeiatxr 14.l'UANCI- Trndell*.MAI LRIIAY. Noreajbtl '¿a.

PRICK OK P..SNA(,F. IN «OLDno«.odio« wtaotFlrit Cthia.$12ö OveooS.$70 Ibird.S30»ticunion ntSSSi ti r*ou'-*tl rtt*o.Amrnrit trtreiert. Ot talar tl.ii Itn». «-. M hoto rrtnttl b.r Rd »li« A

riiiwir ti* in* 'liaconMB «I croaatu« lut Caaoatl. ».«¦...»..»« tia*... . lOOtXOtBt*.

GEO. MACKBNr.lB. Are« No. r.5 Broodwojt


Ritei nf*. inciradin« ill necewiriet for the trip:N, » Viirk to b«n Francisco, *.«'. tflOO, ... ». .0, cuneoc/.han Fian.-into to Y.iknhimi. -F150, goal.MB F .bli » o lo 11 L. Aoug, f iiKJ, gold.8t*»m*ri leit» Pier 42 North Rirer. New-York, .» M'.mi

I Ol.ON. » «ft. J. M. How, Oft SA, at Vi n.till OF PAJfABA, COBA J- F Leait, Ort. 31, «t 12 Bb

(Fr*"bt in.1 Wit P**«eo»-er» oal». IAnd *T*rr tlteroaie Satuntar tb*reaitrr, coiiotctiuo* with k11 il'ineoS

tor Ceotitl Auieric« «ad äoutb Piche port«.

Fitr« itetmer« for ?,- . i.t «nd wir ; i»«»- *«-i will li ip.t. bed «n>

iotcifcuiBf Salural»,, ueitelail/ u.a; ir ,. ic.

St*ira*ri lute Sao FriocuKo fcr Jip» tod Cb..«« .. foil«..(OLORAÜO.October ill

JAPAN.Norember 14

I", r f-* ght or p»*oi<>*. or forth»» tnformitioo, tppl/ ti th« Comptor'BOfti'o, liOwLiil :»ui Ooosl H, Ne* li.

B. J. m i.i Ar.OapeiiouoJeet

RTPt'S HATCH M.n.fin» r>ir**for_ _

G1RAND EXCURSION TRIP u> PANAMAI aad KK II UN ob the sew aad .nlraiid itemibip I 11 Y o*>

H'KI'l « ».'. JI.FF MALlll,».»:tr » tbt l__.bip CITY OS1'KKINUCabía tick*!» ti irtoee focal 'or Ih'i (rip «nlr wi'l be limed it SlOtl

Correscr. to tal fron Pirf 42. Ninth U.itr, New-York, ol 12 «'ciocB¦oon. -. A 11 Hi'.M Oct i. 1»7_Tbi* KxeeriioB will lAord a «ca r..ritf of 4 OOO n, « -n,! . r-«il I«

tbe I topic« oo ono of Ibo IINKSTO. IAN bl FAjIMIIPS AFLOAT.A rorupetcnl Hurgr. n on board.Tab!« aad «me Irat-cla**.tvi aoktu, _-.. ippiT ti

COMPANYS Til KIT nilli K ON WHARP.Fool ol t ixl) it, North Barer. Nrw l«r_

ltrrrs hati n, ii. J. m« Uir*efor._r»op*riut*nda*t

RED STAR LLNE..Apponiti-tï to carry thai-atetan aad I'nitrO Stale! nalia,

li.» foikjwii-l OUtiaaei» arr appt.inlr« to «a,IFVR ABTWBBr.

Fron PhtUttalaAl*. Pre«« New York.NKIiPKL-Nb.Oct. 17 BJJ»AM.U1.ANI).No» IO I RWtTZKK_k.M \.i -._

FROM t ¦» .,'Por Ph ¡id.lphii. F*r N«w York.

VirPRLANfl.Ort 17 HWIT/KRIANIi.(Vt 1-NF.litBL4.Nl..Nor lu umina.Bo*. Ü

rBJCEa of PsAwaoi in ¡un n, t

rnltlhl«.f'.tft I «ta*..«,! ,-«h ¦ . Brirjr-tetrt,« *ad lottrnedlita lirlri» to ian Ira« ali fitti. it It* ...»*..

rt:»«P»**r«f*T icroBB m'il'oni 1er ill rli»»»* an»arT<*«**ti. Anrl* .«*»_.

«or« la pto»i.i*«l. K»*i» »t»».i *r r»mr» * »art*.,* to>l »trtarlraa,lhro8«h luAltl tad -.Liouah Ililli ol .awed t»ta«.» .11 t*ma>

iaent pol.U.F*r pa.»*«* ral*, of fr*i«ht. aid ."t*r ii(»mati** «pt l« '. »\ ni m» \», |-J Bit«« m »'. InkJ'iHN M. lm.NALU Pi«.»*»*« ?».¦'

^ H.iorir t ..«. BO* T*T_PI'I'KB WKIUIII à OOSI . U .

» « .al .1 Phil*B ViiNHKR thi RP G»«*r«l For...»ia Age»t *¦'*'


lal.iiiN,. nuI'MII D sis II s M Ml..

BBW »N,. Kill, I'iiUKKKU »I «AlOtHIr-«. a »I T*n «rw-loit mu >AI MPtl.i. ;io« lini.e. «. riliaa»

.Iii-«.... C*rt H. ...

AHHIAII« OtllKI'A» ot .'I »i J(M» *. OX

«lill« tllUIHI Oet .11 at in.«"» ¦ .*.

li. K4NII »4Tt HUAT Nor.nrwr 7 it I ."' O ax

k1 PI Bl It B4 I BH4» N...»»aO»r 14 al S »u * ax»

BAL TIC. «4M K1 Al N»»»i*b*r ill .' .' ,K' ** "»* r.r*:' "»«'.h«.**'

BBBOaajatooon.nnonaos .(«" »il« t***-«! a.*!"1»-1 .**»."* a|AAKBl'trlPKhli AN|p ««iMK.'UT

«ita«*« ita** Mt-k tt r,-. n »i»i l-OA» r~_ ¦ BBBnS>_a»u.¦ «i... »aa« nouo*'» MA »or«**** o. BnnBSBBBni .wonooos*'t» ... .. ...

HAI k*_4tl**o S*" r«>*. R*»*e« T»*k»ti S» I'» UM O'»».»^.I taw r.w-0, ruf w«ki»| fc» nad n-r frkraai non la« Ok« »«%«_*?«ti »*w ubi... »..ra*. pr**~.l ».ml *i»» .» '«. r.l«*.

P.i**Bi*rt rt**k*d»**r ironin oM ..» lo*M* Pin, rlinM'S*B..i«.r aw*4»a. lad« *-*.lr* . ' *«.

i .¦-. Al « «<¦

».TiMOwOtt el *li«ii*l«*--»"*f«'r«o*i«,a. .*»'«n «o* f»*.._«-a

AnlSoMtSSaoi.aoS lot«» J. CO» I IS, '

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