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How to Get the Best Psychic Reading

Of Your Life

by Jessica Lee


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The info in this guide expresses the views of the author at the time it was

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alter/update her opinion as time goes by. This report is for informational

purposes only, and should not be substituted for psychological, medical, or legal

advice or services. You are always free to make your own decisions regardless of

any information or interpretation that the author may convey. Author shall not

be liable for any action or non-action taken by a reader, as each individual has

their own free will. If needed, please contact a professional in your

city/state/country for psychological, medical, or legal advice or services.


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About the Author

Jessica Lee is on an “Intuition Mission…”

to help people understand the psychic and Spirit realm in a down-to-earth way.

Jessica is a professional psychic medium, wife and

mom, and mentor.

She has worked as a psychic medium since 2000,

and is also a certified Advanced Akashic Records

reader. She has given readings to, and mentored,

thousands of people from all over the world, as well

as taken part in several criminal investigations.

In 2012, after learning that several of her beloved clients had been frightened by

fake or uneducated psychics, she founded the flagship website Psychic Readings

Guide to educate people about psychic ability.

The PRG mission is to empower people to lead more joyful lives by sharing our

years of metaphysical experience in a heartfelt, loving way.

Since the inception of PRG, Jessica has become an in-demand spiritual teacher. In

2015, she created the sister site, Intuitive Souls Blog, which focuses on teaching

psychic and mediumship development in a practical, fun, and heart-centered way.



Prior to 2000, I was a hard-core skeptic when it came to psychic ability. I thought

that all psychics, mediums, and tarot card readers were fakes, con artists, or just

plain weirdos.

My mother, on the other hand, loved psychics! When I was in high school, she

would drag me to the tarot card “parties” that our cousin would host.

At the parties, each guest paid $20 for a 20-minute reading with a psychic - and all

the buffet food you could eat.

Spending time with my cousins was great and the food was always excellent.

Other than that, I felt uncomfortable.

My family would encourage me to get a reading, but I always had the same

answer: NO!

To be honest, some of the psychics scared me. I remember some that were way-

over-the-top dramatic and another that had bones that “told your future”

depending on how you arranged them. All I could think was: where’d she get the


A few years later, I married my high school sweetheart, started a family, and

stopped attending my cousin’s parties. Psychics were just dust in the wind… or so

I thought.


In 2000, after the birth of my daughter, I began having vivid dreams that were

precognitive in nature. The dreams didn’t scare me, but they did intrigue me. If

there was no such thing as psychic ability – which was what I had always believed

– then why were my dreams coming true?

I decided to do some research, and signed up for a class that was being run by a

well-known psychic medium.

In a nutshell, that class made me a believer in psychic ability and mediumship,

and forever changed the way I saw the world. It was the start of my life’s true



It’s been over 16 years since I took that class. In the early years of my psychic

development, the pendulum swung in the opposite direction. I went from being

a complete skeptic to being addicted to psychic readings.

I went to psychic, after psychic, after psychic. I spent thousands of dollars on

readings. Yet, I could never seem to get the peace of mind I longed for.

When I started giving readings professionally, I found that my readings

empowered my clients. I went beyond scratching the surface and got to the real

root of my clients’ issues. It was beautiful and healing.

I realized that THIS was the way psychic readings should be; that the true “gift”

of an intuitive reading is that it can empower you – and help get you on a path

to joy.


Readings can be wonderful tools. They can remind you of your soul’s essence and

help you heal and find clarity. When given with love, they can be tools of

empowerment, not crutches.

My intention for this book is to share with you what I have learned in the last 16

years, and show you how you can get the best psychic reading of your life; one

that will lead you on a path to joy and empowerment.

With deepest gratitude,

Founder, Psychic Readings Guide



Chapter 1

The Best Reasons to Have a


People usually contact a psychic or medium because they are looking for guidance

or comfort.

Often, people contact psychics and mediums because they have no idea where to

go, who to talk to, or who will listen to them. Sometimes, a psychic or medium is

a last resort.

This is where ethical psychics and mediums really shine, because they feel it’s their

Divine obligation to work with clients for their highest and best good.

To me, that means helping people see their TRUE self – their soul… not just who

they are on the surface.

Intuitive readings, mediumship, and tarot card readings can be lovely, healing

experiences. They can make you laugh, cry, or have an “aha!” moment. You may

even feel the truth of the reading resonate in your soul.

Sometimes, a reading can give you the courage to listen to your soul and

completely change your life for the better.

Other times, a reading might just “be OK” and forgotten the moment it’s over.


And sadly, some “readings” are given by fake or unethical “psychics” and can

leave you feeling sad or scared.

For example, I was once told in a reading that my husband was going to kill me,

and that I should pack up my kids and leave him ASAP!

I KNEW that message was untrue and did not come from a place of love!

I’ve sat on both sides of the psychic “table” (giving and receiving readings), and

it has given me a unique perspective. Here’s what I’ve discovered:

Readings that are given just to predict the future tend to keep people

“stuck” in the same cycle.

The best psychic readings are those given by psychics who believe in

empowering their clients, NOT telling them what to do or making choices

for them. (We’ll talk about this more in a later chapter.)

Psychic readings can help empower you in three distinct ways. All ways

lead to one thing: a happier life. And we could all use an extra dose of joy!

Let’s talk about these three ways now…

The Three Best Reasons to Have a Psychic


1. To get validation and move forward with confidence: “I Knew It!”


To have your thoughts and feelings validated is an awesome reason to have a

psychic reading.

It’s super helpful to know that the choice you are making is the best one for your

soul, and the one that will bring you the most joy!

You might be thinking: “Why would I pay a psychic to confirm what I already


Well, because being validated can feel like a brick has been lifted off of your

chest! Believe it or not, one of the most common phrases I hear when I’m giving

readings is, “I knew it!”

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you are considering taking on a new business partner. You have a great

feeling about her, but want some validation. You’ve never worked with a partner

before. The idea is thrilling, but scary, too!

What if something goes wrong? After all, you are stepping completely outside of

your comfort zone.

So you decide to consult a psychic. The psychic tells you all of the good qualities

about your potential new partner, such as what gifts she can bring to your

business and how you two can best work in unison.

The psychic has just confirmed what you are feeling, plus given you extra insight

about your new partner!


You let out a sigh of relief as your feelings of unease melt away. You feel good

about your choice and are ready to move forward in your business with

confidence. Totally empowering!

Psychic Reading Tip:

When you have a decision to make, ask the psychic reader to show

you your options and potential outcomes of each choice.

Though nothing is set in stone – and free will always reigns –

many people gain insight when they are able to look at Path A vs.

Path B.

2. To gain clarity or insight: “I See!”

Clarity and insight are also awesome reasons to have a reading. This could be:

Decision making. Should I sell my house?

Insight/answers. Why does my child keep lashing out at school?

Psychic Reading Tip:

Ask questions that start with Why, How (such as How can I…?),

and What for the most empowering answers!


Example of a Reading for Clarity:

I did a reading for a woman who contacted me because she was newly divorced

and feeling stuck. Her life felt very “vanilla” - basic and boring - and she really

wanted to get out of this rut. She was afraid to be alone, and not sure what to do


Her Spirit Guides told me that she had a great eye for interior design. They said

she also needed a creative outlet to share her talents.

They suggested that she start a home decorating blog. My client got so excited

that I thought she’d fall off her chair. She was totally inspired and couldn’t wait to

get started!

Whether you feel “stuck”, are dating Mr. Wrong, or are unhappy in your career

and need some inspiration, a psychic reading can offer you clarity and insight.

When a reading has inspired you or given you insight, you may:

Get excited about life and its possibilities

Learn something new about yourself

Have an “Aha” moment where something finally makes sense

Receive Divine guidance that sparks a tangible business or creative idea.

(Spirit once helped outline an entire creative work for one of my clients

during our session! It was absolutely amazing.)


When this happens, you can feel it in your soul. Somehow, it just feels right and

gets you excited. It may be the moment you let go of fear.

When you get an intuitive reading that is coming from love and your highest

good, there’s nothing quite like it! You can receive guidance and open up to the

amazing possibilities that are all around you, including ones you hadn’t noticed

were there!

3. To connect with a loved one in heaven

Many people also get readings to connect with a loved one who has passed away.

I believe grief counseling and support groups are incredibly beneficial after a loss.

Many people also report that connecting with a medium brought them a special

type of comfort.

Mediumship is a bit different from other types of psychic readings, so let’s

expand on mediumship readings in the next chapter.


Chapter 2

Special Tips for Mediumship


Mediumship readings are different than psychic readings. Psychic readings are

about you and your life, while mediumship readings are about communicating

with your loved ones in heaven.

The job of a medium is to give a voice to those in Spirit and prove the continuity

of life.

What to Expect in a Mediumship Reading

All mediums work a bit differently. Even though they all connect with Spirit, each

medium receives information from Spirit in his or her own way. For example,

some mediums hear and feel Spirit while others may see Spirit.

Also, each medium has their own style when it comes to giving readings. A

medium with an upbeat, fun-loving personality will carry that energy into their


Some will give lots of details that may include first names and dates. Other

mediums can “step into” the personality of Spirit.


Now let’s talk a little bit about what to expect so you can have a great experience!

The personality of your loved one

Our personalities don’t really change once we die. So, if your Grandpa Joe was

the life of the party when he was alive, he will still have his sense of humor on the

Other Side.

On the other hand, if your loved one was very quiet or serious, that personality

will also shine through.

Mediumship Reading Tip:

If your loved one had trouble managing their money when they

were living – don’t ask them for tax advice! Spirit retains their


What type of information should you expect?

Mediums will give you information about your loved one that will make sense to

you such as their:

Hair color

Body type




Name and/or names of others in the family

Health challenges (or how they passed)


Favorite foods

Number of children or grandchildren they had

The Good Stuff: Messages from Heaven

Now the good stuff! The best and most important part of mediumship readings

are the messages from your loved one.

Messages are always positive, even if your loved one was a bit cranky when they

were living. Why? Because we return to pure, loving energy when we are in non-

physical form.

Frequently Asked Questions about

Mediumship Readings

Q: My loved one passed away recently. Do I need to wait a certain amount of

time before I see a medium?

A: I recommend asking the medium you will be working with, but typically, no

you don’t. I’ve done many readings in the same week that the person passed

away. It’s a matter of what you are comfortable with.

Q: Will my loved one definitely come through?


A: Unfortunately, the medium cannot control which of your family and friends in

Spirit will connect. I can tell you from my own experience and that of other

mediums I know that it’s rare for a loved one not to come through.

Mediumship Reading Tip:

It can be very helpful if you imagine “inviting” your loved one to

your reading prior to the session. You can also spend some time

the day before the reading recalling favorite memories.

This will help strengthen the connection to Spirit.

Q: How is Spirit Communication Possible?

A: Everything that is made of energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Spirit energy

vibrates at a much faster speed than when we are in physical form (because we

no longer have our dense bodies to deal with).

During spirit communication, our loved ones are able to slow down their

frequency, while the medium raises her frequency. This is how the medium is

able to “link” with the energy of the person in Spirit to communicate.

Why Have a Mediumship Reading?

Most people who contact a medium after a loved one crosses over find

tremendous peace in the messages they receive. It’s nice to know our loved ones

are happy and have “arrived” Home.


From personal experience, I can also tell you it’s very comforting in situations

when your loved one died suddenly and you didn’t get to say goodbye.

No matter what type of reading you are having, there are ways to locate a

talented intuitive or medium who will work for your highest good. The next

chapter will give you tips on how to find an amazing psychic or medium.


Chapter 3

How to Find an Amazing

Psychic, Medium, or Tarot


Just like with any other profession, not all psychic readers are created equal!

The best readers have spent years learning how to work with their gifts. (We’ll

talk about the qualities of a great psychic in a later chapter.)

They work from the heart-space and guide their clients with love. Remember, the

Divine IS love.

So how do you find the best reader for you? Here are some tips:

1. Word of Mouth is Always Best

Getting a reading is much less taboo than it was years ago, so don't be afraid to

ask family or friends for referrals.


Psychic Reading Tip:

Ask family and friends what they liked about their reading and

how the session was conducted. This way, you can get an idea if

the reader would be a good fit for you, too.

2. New Age Shops Can be a Great Resource

New age shops carry things like sage, tarot cards, etc. Many of them rent space

to psychics. Often, the shop owner will seek out gifted psychics and mediums,

and then screen them by having a personal reading.

Here's what to do:

Ask employees if they recommend a particular psychic. Don’t stop there,

though. Also ask why they recommend this person. Is it because they have

years of experience? Are extremely accurate? Work from the heart-space?

If you have more than one metaphysical shop in your area, start with the

one that feels the best to you. Stay away from any place that makes you

feel uncomfortable.

Ask if the shop offers psychic development classes. Many times, the

spiritual teachers who run the classes give amazing readings!

3. Know What Type of Reading You Want


Make sure you know what type of reading you want – mediumship, astrology, etc.

Remember, not all readers do the same things. It would be a shame to set up an

appointment with someone to connect with a loved one in heaven only to find

out that the reader you chose is not a medium.

If you don’t know which type of reading to have, read the article Types of

Psychic Readings (link will take you to the Psychic Readings Guide website).

4. Let's Talk Money: Price Does Not Always Equal Quality

I learned this lesson the hard way. Years ago, I paid $700 for a half hour reading

with a celebrity psychic, and it was so discouraging. Not only was there no

connection between the reader and me, I honestly don't think she was legitimate.

It’s more important to find someone who:

is legitimate

you trust

does their work from a place of love

you personally resonate with

You might want to read these articles, too:

Little Known Ways to Get Cheap Psychic Readings

My $700 reading with a celebrity psychic

How Much Should You Pay for a Reading?


5. There's No Such Thing as a Psychic Emergency

Don't be in such a rush to have a reading that you leave yourself vulnerable to

getting scammed. Take the time to find the right reader for you. Trust your heart.

If something feels “off”, there is probably a reason.

6. Find out Who Other Psychics Trust

If the psychic you are considering hiring has a blog or is on social media, see who

they hang out with. Take a look at their Facebook page. Visit their blog and

search to see if they have done guest interviews or podcasts with others in the


How to Find a Trustworthy Psychic or Medium


Thanks to the internet and the telephone, you can get a wonderful reading

without having to leave home. You can even have your reading while wearing

your pajamas and bunny slippers if you want to!

7. Online Psychic Services can be great, but do some research first

There are many wonderful psychics online that work with services such as

Oranum. But just like when looking for a reader offline, you should do your due



I have a friend who is a wonderful intuitive and loves working as an online

psychic. She chose this route because it allows her to help people while her kids

are in school.

Tip: If you are going to work with an online psychic service, we personally like

Oranum. They allow you to try out a variety of psychics for free to see who you

resonate with before purchasing a reading.

Oranum also uses webcams so you can see the psychic you are working with.

Why is a webcam important?

I once heard a story about a phone “psychic” who would tell his clients he was

shuffling his tarot cards. Then, he would put the phone down and do household

chores - while his clients paid him by the minute!

You can learn more about Oranum in this blog post.

8. Use Common Sense

It's really easy these days to put up a blog or Facebook page and offer psychic


When searching for a psychic online, make sure to read background information,

bios, and be sure the website looks professional.

9. Use Judgment when Making Use of Online "Best" Lists

There are some extensive “best” lists on the Web, and they do a great job of

weeding out legitimate readers from fakes.


Keep in mind though that the readers endorsed by these sites often pay hefty

monthly fees for the endorsement. (A friend of mine was on one of these lists

until the monthly fees became more expensive than her mortgage payment!)

This is a legitimate business model, but the public isn’t always aware that this is

the way things work.

Also keep in mind that psychics whom pay smaller fees may not have been tested

for authenticity. So just be sure to do some research.

Now that you know how to find a legitimate and talented reader, let’s delve

into why you shouldn’t focus solely on predictions in your reading.


Chapter 4 Why You Shouldn’t Just Focus on Predictions

Lots of people want to know their future. However, I don’t recommend having a

reading to ask questions like:

Will I stay with my boyfriend?

Will I get the job I’m interviewing for next week?

Here’s why I advise against this:

1. These types of readings offer the least amount of personal insight.

Remember, the best reading of your life is going to validate, give you

clarity or insight, or inspire you (this includes connecting with a loved

one in heaven because that is pretty inspiring!).

2. Psychics cannot predict the future with pinpoint precision. The

reason for this is: We all have free will.

Free Will Explained

Free will is the birthright of all beings. It means we have personal choice. In other

words, we can choose what we want to do with our lives. Our choices affect the

outcome of any given situation.


If we didn't have free will, we'd all be walking around like puppets on a string with

every moment of our lives mapped out for us. That would be boring, take away

the joy of the human experience, and rob us of learning from all that life has to


But What about Fate/Destiny?

Most aspects of our lives are not determined by fate, but some of the "biggies”

are. The reason: Soul growth and karma.

For instance, we are not born to random people. We stay within the same soul

group for many lifetimes and select the parents we are born to. It's a soul

contract that's all worked out prior to our incarnation.

So even if a psychic predicts how many children you’ll have, free will can

determine how and when these predestined events show up in our lives.

For example, it's probably not predetermined that you're going to meet your soul

mate at 3pm on April 15 while shopping at the mall. What if you get stuck in

traffic and never make it to the mall?

If it's in your destiny to meet a certain person, you will... the Universe will make

sure of it. It's just that it’s not necessarily predetermined how or when the

meeting will occur.

Then Why Do Some Psychic Predictions Come True?


I don’t usually give predictions, but I once told a client that she would get

pregnant on her honeymoon, and she did! Her dad in Spirit gave me this message

during a mediumship reading.

So why do some predictions come true, while others don't? Think of predictions

as probabilities. It basically works like this:

An intuitive reader can sense what is in your energy fields right now. They can see

where you are heading if you stay on the path you are on. But remember, you

can change that path at any moment.

For further reading on this topic, see:

4 Reasons Not to Have a Prediction Reading

Beware, the Power of Suggestion

The power of suggestion can be wonderful when it’s kind and loving. But when it’s

negative, it can be damaging.

If you are easily influenced, be especially cautious about having a prediction

reading. Why?

Because some people can hear something from a psychic, take it as fact, and end

up attracting it into their experience. This is known as manifesting or the law of


That’s great if it’s positive and uplifting, but what if it’s bad news?


For example, let’s say that you ask a psychic if you are going to get the job at XYZ

Company. This is a job that you would really LOVE to have. The psychic tells you

“no." With this NO, your hopes are deflated, and you don't even apply for the


This is a bad idea because:

You'll never really know what could have come from applying for the job. If

it's on your heart to apply, you should, regardless of what any psychic

says. That tug on your heart is your soul nudging you to do so. Maybe you

don't get the job… but maybe the employer tells you, "You're not quite right

for us, but let me connect you with my friend over at ABC Company."

You give up your power of personal choice. Never let a psychic tell you

what you should or should not do with your life.

Instead, ask empowering questions such


Imagine how enlightening it would be if you went into a psychic reading asking

something like:

Why can’t I find a job in my niche? I’m qualified. Or…

Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting the job I’m

applying for next week?


This will leave you open to much more insightful information. Perhaps there is a

career that you’re better suited for. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of opening

your own bakery and finding a job would have squashed your dream.

That’s much more helpful than asking, Am I going to get the job?

So now you know how to find a quality psychic or medium, and how to ask

empowering questions.

In the next chapter we will talk about the traits and characteristics you should

look for in a psychic.


Chapter 5 How to Know You’ve Found an Awesome & Ethical Reader

Legitimate and ethical psychics have several things in common. These are the traits

you’ll want to look for:

They leave judgments at the door

Psychics who work with the intention of their client’s highest and best good are

messengers for the Divine. They put aside all biases and personal feelings when

they are working.

A psychic reader should not interject their personal “thoughts” into a client’s


Let’s say a woman named Marie is feeling lost. She doesn’t feel she was the best

mom and now, has regrets, and is now estranged from her grown children.

Now, you certainly will not have the best psychic reading of your life if you feel

judged. A true psychic messenger will only speak with love and make you feel


They make you feel at ease


You should feel comfortable and at ease during your session. A psychic should

not frighten you or:

Tell you that you are cursed – this is the number one psychic scam of all

time! Never give anyone money because they promise to break a curse for


Predict death – The only exception may be when someone is terminally ill -

a psychic may pick up on this if it is for your highest and best good. And

then, the message would be delivered with the utmost compassion or be

encouraged to spend more time with your loved one. Other than that,

psychics are not God and can’t predict death.

Diagnose serious health issues – Intuitive readers are not doctors and do

not make medical diagnoses.

They are honest

An honest psychic will admit when they don’t know the answer to a question or

can’t access the information.

You may think this is an oxymoron - after all, shouldn't a psychic reader be able to

tell you everything you want to know?

The answer is no, and here's why: An intuitive reader is working for your best

and highest good. If an answer to your question is not coming through during a

session, there is a reason. Perhaps there’s a lesson you need to learn first or a


decision you have to make would be influenced by the information and inhibit

your free will.

They remind you that decisions are always yours

This is a Golden Rule. A psychic should not tell you what to do. Rather, they can

offer insight while encouraging you to take charge of creating a life plan for


Gaining insight and being told what to do are drastically different. The first

empowers you to make your own decisions. The second keeps you stuck and


Never, ever do something that does not feel right to you.

Further reading:

If you feel that you are addicted to psychics, please see the post about

Psychic Dependency. And please don’t be ashamed. I am a professional

psychic, but at the start of my journey I became addicted to psychics, too.

To read my series that explains psychic scams, see:

Psychic Scams - Part One

Part Two - Internet Psychic Scams

Part Three – Promises of Physical Healing


The following bonus chapter discusses what you can do to prepare for the best

reading of your life, now that you know what type of reading you want and feel

confident in your ability to find the right psychic.


Bonus Chapter!

10 Tips to Getting the Best

Psychic Reading of Your Life

A powerful psychic reading can be an amazing experience. I’ve explained how

certain things – such as the experience and ethics of a psychic - can take your

reading from drab to fab. But did you also know that there are things that YOU

can do to help make your session great?

1. Prepare Mentally

Prior to your reading, take a little time to think about the questions you'd like to

ask or the areas of life you’d like to discuss during your appointment.

If your session is with a medium, imagine inviting your loved one in heaven to join

you during your reading.

2. Try to Relax

It's totally normal to be nervous prior to a reading. However, it really helps the

energy flow in a session when you are relaxed.

Try doing a relaxing activity before your reading, such as listening to music or

taking a walk.


Reading Tip:

It’s okay to let the reader know you’re nervous. They can help put

you at ease and assure you that no scary information will come

through during your session.

3. Ask the Right Questions

Remember to ask questions that begin with why, how, or what, so that you can

open the door to exploring an issue in depth.

4. It's All About Energy, Baby!

Keeping the energy flowing during a reading is super important. If the energy is

not flowing, it’s like trying to drive a car with flat tires. Here are some tips to keep

the energy up during a reading:

Relax and be open to all possibilities.

While it's true that the reader should be doing most of the talking during

your session, that doesn’t mean you should sit solemnly in silence. In fact,

you should participate to keep the energy going. Just relax and think of it

as having a conversation. Sitting with energetic “walls up” can block the

energy and will make it difficult for even the most experienced psychic to

give you a reading. You can certainly interact without “giving anything

away.” Even an enthusiastic yes that makes sense keeps the energy high.


Don’t worry about myths like psychics can read your mind. They can’t. You

can read more in my post about Psychic Myths here.

5. Don't Set Yourself Up for Disappointment - Especially in a Mediumship


Let’s say you consult a medium and think to yourself, I’m only going to believe this

is Uncle Jimmy if he talks about smoking cigars.

The medium could give you lots of validating evidence, but if you don’t hear

about the cigar, you don’t believe it’s Uncle Jimmy.

Try to remember that the job of a medium is to give those in Spirit a voice – and

Spirit will tell you what they feel is most important. If you go in with this mindset,

your experience will be more enjoyable.

6. Take Notes

Even if you have a memory like an elephant, take notes. Write down important


If something comes up that doesn’t make sense, write it down. If things seem

insignificant, write them down, too. I’ve had people call me months after a

reading to tell me that something I said during a reading later made sense.

Things may make sense to you later on, or someone in the family might be able to

validate the information, so it’s worth writing down.


7. Use a Good Phone

If your reading is over the phone, try to use a landline. If a cell phone is all you

have, make sure you are in an area where you have good reception.

Further Reading:

Why Telephone Readings Can be Better than In-Person Readings

8. Eliminate Distractions

The best reading of your life is NOT going to happen if you are distracted. You

totally deserve to set aside some time for yourself so you can relax and focus.

If you are having a phone reading, make sure you are in a quiet,

comfortable place (not driving in a car).

If you are having a reading in person, remember to turn off your cell phone.

9. Don't Show Up for Your Reading with a Hangover

Alcohol and recreational drugs can lower your vibration and negatively affect your

energetic fields. For this reason, you should not drink alcohol or take recreational

drugs in the 24 hour period prior to your reading. Prescription and over the

counter medication is fine.

10. Enjoy It!


Above all else, enjoy the experience! A great psychic reading should feel like a

conversation with a friend that you don’t want to end. Participate, ask questions,

and get excited! Have fun!

When a reading is awesome it feels like:

“Yes, this resonates!”

A delicious feeling in your soul! We call this a “soul-level truth”. It’s one of those things that your logical mind may not be able to make sense of, but it

feels wonderful.

A sense of release. You may be moved to tears.

You are overcome by a sense of joy (it may sound corny, but it does


You feel a chill run down your back or the hairs on your arms stand up.

You feel uplifted when the reading is over.

I hope you’ve found this eBook helpful and I wish you a joyful and enlightening

reading. Remember - you don’t NEED a psychic. Readings are wonderful tools,

but all of the answers are inside of YOU.

Psychics I Recommend:

A Lot of people ask if I’m available to give readings. I love helping people, but

unfortunately, I’m not able to take on new clients at this time.

However, I don’t want to leave you without support


If you are looking for a psychic reader, tarot, or horoscope reader, you may

want to visit our affiliate partner, Oranum. At Oranum, you can get a reading

right now (from the reader of your choice!) from your computer or mobile device.

Oranum Horoscope page

Oranum from your mobile device

Dream interpretation

Oranum Spanish site

We’ve been very pleased and have developed a great relationship with the folks

at Oranum. You can also learn more about what Oranum is here.

If you are looking for a medium, the ladies listed below were all my mentors and

are known to be ethical:

Jackie Waitkus

Rita Berkowitz, The Spirit Artist

Joanne Gerber

Sirry Berndsen (I did not study with Sirry, but she did give me a wonderful


For Akashic Records sessions, I recommend my mentor Linda Howe or Christina


With so much gratitude for you,

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