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2016- 2017

Graduate Student Handbook

Policies and Procedures

Director of Graduate Studies: Dr. Sylvia L. Mikucki-Enyart | smikucki@uwsp.edu

Division Chair: Dr. Timothy Halkowski | Timothy.Halkowski@uwsp.edu

Academic Department Associate: Michelle Herman | Michelle.Herman@uwsp.edu

Updated: Fall 2016


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Preface and Program Philosophy 4 Chapter 2: Academic Advising and Degree Completion 5 Admission to M.A. Program 5 Registering for Classes 5 Graduate Advisor and Committee 5-6 Candidacy 6-7 Time Limits and Degree Extension 7 Applying for Degree Completion 7-8 Commencement 8 Chapter 3: Coursework—Requirements and Limits 9 Required Courses 9

Course Load 9 Graduate Seminars 9 Undergraduate “Slash” Courses 9

Degree Timeline 9-10 Independent Study 10 Courses Outside of the Division 10 Transfer Credit 11 Incomplete Grades 11 Chapter 4: Thesis Option 12 Credit Requirements 12 Thesis Credit Registration 12 Thesis Deadlines 12 Thesis Prospectus 12-13 Thesis Defense and Approval 13 Depositing the Thesis 14 Chapter 5: Project Option 15

Credit Requirements 15 Project Credit Registration 15 Project Deadlines 15 Project Prospectus 15-16 Project Defense and Approval 16 Depositing the Project 17 Chapter 6: Research/Creative Activity and Conference Travel Funding 18 Chapter 7: Scholarship Awards 17 Appendix A: Graduate Seminar Offerings and Tentative Rotation 20-21


Appendix B: Degree Timelines 22-23


Chapter 1:

Preface and Program Philosophy

Preface This handbook is designed to provide concise and informative answers to commonly asked questions. The contents of this handbook reflect policies of both the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and the Division of Communication. The handbook is not an exhaustive representation of all University policies and procedures. Students are encouraged to explore the Graduate School’s website for the most current information and resources (https://catalog.uwsp.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=195). Additionally, this handbook is not intended to serve as a substitute for conversation between students, advisors, and the Director of Graduate Studies. Students are encouraged to maintain an open and ongoing dialogue with the Director of Graduate Studies regarding their Program of Study (discussed in Chapter 2). The policies and procedures outlined in this document are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Division of Communication, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and the University of Wisconsin System. Program Philosophy

The Master’s program in the Division of Communication provides a dynamic and flexible environment for students to explore theoretical, practical, and critical knowledge spanning across the fields of interpersonal/organizational communication, media studies, and public relations. Courses across these domains will provide students with a robust understanding of the communication discipline and an ability to transform communication scholarship into practice in a variety of contexts, including industry and academia.

Our students enjoy small class sizes and individualized attention from experienced and dedicated faculty. Working independently and collaboratively with faculty on research projects and creative activities, students actively employ scholarship as a lens for evaluating and addressing social issues, allowing them to translate theory into practice.

With two required courses and a broad array of electives, students can customize their plan of study to meet their personal and professional needs. Our program’s flexibility allows students to enroll either full-time or part-time. Students may choose between two culminating experience options: The 24-course credit Thesis option (31 credit hours total), or the 27-course credit Project option (31 credit hours total).


Chapter 2:

Academic Advising and Degree Completion

Admission to M.A. Program Prospective students applying to the Division of Communication’s Graduate Program must apply for admission through the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and the Division of Communication. Guidelines for applying to the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Graduate School can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/admissions/Pages/Applying/Graduate-Study.aspx). Additionally, prospective students must submit an application packet to the Division of Communication. Details regarding application procedures at the Division level can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/apply.aspx). Prospective students who have completed a baccalaureate degree more than 10 years prior to their application date may request a waiver of the GRE requirement if they can provide evidence of a demonstrated ability to succeed in the graduate program. Students requesting this waiver should contact the Director of Graduate Studies. Registering for Classes After an initial advising meeting with the Director of Graduate Studies, new students should complete the Course Registration Form available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/regrec/Documents/MAIL-IN%20REGISTRATION%20FORM.pdf) and return the form to the Office of the Registrar via mail or fax. After their initial semester, students will register for classes via MyPoint online portal. More information about course registration for continuing students can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/regrec/Pages/registrationProcess.aspx). Graduate Advisor and Committee The Director of Graduate Studies serves as the primary advisor for all graduate students regarding their Program of Study. The Program of Study is a jointly created agreement between the student and Director of Graduate Studies and serves as a contract between the University, Division of Communication, and the student to outline the selection and sequencing of graduate coursework, student’s chosen culminating experience (thesis or project), and anticipated graduation date.


Graduate students are encouraged to meet regularly with the Director of Graduate Studies to discuss their program of study, degree requirements, coursework, and selection of their Thesis/Project Committee. Students are required to outline their Program of Study after completing 9 course credits. Before completing 15 graduate credit hours (and after advancing to candidacy, discussed below), students are required to select their Thesis/Project Committee. The Thesis/Project Committee comprises a Thesis/Project Chair and two Readers to guide them through the thesis or project completion option. The committee Chair and Readers must have full graduate faculty status in the Division of Communication. If students wish to include members outside of the Division of Communication on their Thesis/Project Committee, these selections must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and Division Chair. The Thesis/Project Chair plays a significant role in the student’s academic career by assisting in the development and execution of the thesis or project degree completion option. Once a degree completion option is selected (thesis or project), the Thesis/Project Chair will guide the student through the degree completion project. The two Readers assist the student and the Thesis/Project Chair on the timely completion of the thesis or project by offering feedback, conducting the defense of the prospectus, and the defense and ultimate approval of the final product. After seeking consent from each faculty member and securing a Thesis/Project Committee, students must submit the signed Thesis/Project Committee Form to the Director of Graduate Studies. The signed form will become a part of the student’s formal record. All required forms, including the Program of Study and Thesis/Project Committee form are available on the Division of Communication, Graduate Program Website under the “Current Students” tab (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx).

Candidacy All students are admitted the program on a probationary basis. During the semester in which the student completes her/his 9th graduate course credit, members of the Graduate Program Committee will review the student’s performance and determine her/his program candidacy. When applying for candidacy, students will submit (a) a cover letter addressing why they should be granted candidacy based on the quality of their work in the program, and (b) an exemplar of their strongest piece of work they have completed in the program at that point. Upon reviewing these materials, the Graduate Program Committee will make one of three recommendations:

1. MA candidate: If the student’s work is acceptable, the committee grants her/him M.A. candidacy and clearance to select a Thesis/Project Chair and establish a Thesis/Project Committee.


2. Conditional candidate: If the student’s work shows promise, the committee will grant her/him conditional candidacy and will re-evaluate her/his status once she/he has completed their recommendations.

3. Graduate Special student: If the student’s graduate-level work is unacceptable, she/he are eligible to take courses but may not continue in the graduate degree program. She/he may appeal this status by writing to the Director of Graduate Studies and Graduate Program committee or apply to another program.

Time Limits and Degree Extension University policy states “All credits accepted toward a degree, including transfer credits, must be earned within a seven-year period. The time period starts with the beginning of the term in which the first course approved for your program of study was taken.” More information about degree time limits can be found online (https://catalog.uwsp.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=195). Students can request a one-year degree extension for the following reasons: unusual health conditions, fulfillment of military obligations, or other extenuating circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the student. Requests for a one-year extension must be approved by the Division of Communication’s Graduate Program Committee and the University’s Graduate Council. All petitions must be completed and submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies one semester prior to the expiration of the seven-year time period. Please contact the Director of Graduate Studies if you intend to request a degree extension. Students who do not complete the degree within the seven-year period (and do not apply for an extension prior to the seven-year time limit) must reapply to Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and request readmission to the Division of Communication. Students re-entering the program can count up to 6 credit hours toward their new Program of Study and then must enroll in a new series of courses and degree completion option (thesis or project) to fulfill their degree requirements. Applying For Degree Completion The University confers degrees three times a year (May, August, and December) and holds commencement ceremonies twice a year (May and December). Students should apply for graduation one full semester before they intend to graduate. Also, per University policy all grades and documentation of additional degree requirements, such as the approval of Thesis/Project, must be on file with the Office of the Registrar 30 days after the last day of the term in order to qualify for that term’s “graduation” or “degree conferral” date. Graduation applications for students who do not complete their requirements by the deadline are canceled and students must reapply to graduate.


Additional information about these policies, including how to apply for graduation can be found on the Office of the Registrar website (http://www.uwsp.edu/regrec/Pages/graduation.aspx). Commencement Commencement ceremonies are held twice a year—May and December. Students wishing to participate in the commencement ceremony must defend their Thesis/Project 30 days prior to the commencement AND deposit their finalized version to the Learning Resource Center (LRC) 10 days prior to commencement. Failure to do so will result in being ineligible to participate in that semester’s commencement ceremony. Graduate students who complete their degree requirements in the summer or fall semester participate in the December commencement ceremony. Students who complete their degree requirements during the spring semester participate in the May commencement ceremony. Additional information about the commencement ceremony can be found on the Office of the Registrar website (http://www.uwsp.edu/regrec/Pages/Commencement.aspx).


Chapter 3: Coursework—Requirements and Limits

Required Courses Graduate students are required to enroll in three courses: Communication 701(Introduction to Graduate Studies), Communication 702 (Graduate Research Methods), and Communication 797 (Colloquium). COMM 701, offered only in the fall semester, introduces students to the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of the communication discipline and communication scholarship. COMM 702, offered only in the spring semester, introduces students to quantitative and qualitative methodology in communication research. Students learn how to design, implement, analyze, and evaluate communication research from both of these perspectives. COMM 797 allows students to learn about and from faculty research projects as well as present findings or outcomes of their own culminating experience (e.g., thesis or project). Students must take both 701 and 702 during their first year in the program. Students typically register for COMM 797 during their last semester in the program. Course Load Per University policy, full-time students are those who register for 9 – 12 credit hours per semester. Full-time students within the Division of Communication typically register for 9 credit hours (or 3 courses) per semester. Students who have an Instructional Assistantship (see Chapter 6) must enroll in at least 4 credit hours per semester to maintain their assistantship. Graduate Seminars The Division of Communication attempts to offer at least two graduate seminars (700-level courses) every semester with a rotating content focus. Most seminars are offered only once a year and no seminars are offered during winterim or summer sessions. Appendix A outlines the graduate seminars offered, along with a tentative rotation. At least 15 credits of coursework must be earned at the 700-level. Undergraduate “Slash” Courses Graduate students are allowed to enroll in upper level undergraduate “slash” courses, which are courses designated with a 300/500 distinction. No more than nine, 500-level credits (3 courses), will count toward the student’s Program of Study. Graduate students are expected to complete the course requirements along with an additional project to receive graduate credit for the course. Degree Timeline Full-time students are encouraged to complete their degree in two years, although in certain circumstances full-time students may take three years to complete their degree. Tentative degree timelines for both the thesis and project option are presented in Appendix B.


Research 798--graduate research: Occasionally, students require additional time to complete their culminating experience (thesis or project) after they have completed all course credit requirements. In these instances, students may enroll in RSCH 798 (Graduate Research), which is a zero credit hour course that allows them to maintain access to student email and library resources as well as defer federal loan payments. Per Division of Communication policies, students may register for RSCH 798 for up to two contiguous semesters immediately after leaving campus (or completing all course credits), to allow continued access to the university library and electronic resources. After two semesters, students must register for at least one Project credit (COMM 780) or one Thesis credit (COMM 799) during each semester they want access to those resources. Additionally, students must be a registered student during the semester in which they plan to graduate.

Independent Study Independent Study (COMM 796) provides graduate students with the opportunity to investigate a specific area of their scholarly interest under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. Students may elect to conduct an independent research project or work collaboratively with a faculty member. All independent studies must culminate in either a comprehensive written report or examination. Final assessments will be developed and assessed by the supervising graduate faculty member. No more than 3 credit hours (1 independent study course) can be applied toward the student’s graduate course credits. Prior to the commencement of the independent study, a written proposal, approved by the supervising graduate faculty member and the Director of Graduate Studies, must be on file with the Director of Graduate Studies. The Independent Study Form can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx). Courses Outside of the Division Students are allowed to take courses outside of the Division that complement their program of study. Students pursuing the thesis option may count up to 6 credit hours (2 courses) of outside coursework toward their course credits (24 credit hours). Students pursing the project option may count up to 9 credit hours (3 courses) of outside coursework toward their course credits (27 credit hours). Courses taken outside of the Division must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. Failure to secure approval before participating in the course will result in the course being omitted from the student’s program of study.


Transfer Credit In certain circumstances, students may apply a maximum of 6 credit hours of graduate coursework from another accredited college or university to their Program of Study in the Division of Communication. Students must gain approval prior to enrolling in the course. Additionally, for transfer credit to count toward a student’s Program of Study the course must be a graduate level course taught by a graduate faculty in which the student earns at least a “B” grade. Correspondence, mass media, independent studies, UW-extension or CE courses are not accepted as transfer credits. More detailed information about the Transfer Credit policy can be found online (https://catalog.uwsp.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=195#Admission%20to%20Graduate%20Study). Students seeking approval of transfer credits can access the Transfer Credit Approval Form online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx). Incomplete Grades

Per the University’s policy: “A grade of incomplete indicates that you have done satisfactory work in the course, but because of circumstances beyond your control, you have been unable to finish all requirements. The incomplete is not given to enable you to do additional work to bring up a deficient grade. A grade of incomplete must be removed before the end of the next semester. Except for culminating experience courses, if the incomplete is not removed within that time, it automatically becomes a failure.”


Chapter 4: Thesis

Students selecting the Thesis option are required to produce a written report of an original research study or creative project. The thesis process is supervised by the student’s Thesis Chair with additional feedback provided by Readers of the student’s Thesis Committee. Credit Requirements Students selecting the Thesis option are required to complete 31 hours of total credit. Specifically, students on the thesis track will complete 24 hours of course credit (with at least 15 hours of credit at the 700-level), 6 hours of thesis credit, and 1 hour of colloquium credit. Thesis Credit Registration Students typically register for their 6 thesis credit hours (COMM 799) during their final semester in the program and focus their efforts on completing the thesis during this term. Students can only register for COMM 799 when they are actively working on their thesis under the supervision of their Thesis chair. A grade will not be assigned for COMM 799 until the thesis has been defended, approved, and deposited with the LRC. Per Division of Communication policies, students may register for RSCH 798 for up to two contiguous semesters immediately after leaving campus (or completing all course credits), to allow continued access to the university library and electronic resources while they complete their thesis. After two semesters of RSCH 798, students must register for at least one Thesis credit (COMM 799) during each semester they want access to those resources. Additionally, students must be a registered student during the semester in which they plan to defend their thesis and graduate. Thesis Deadlines Students and their thesis chair will develop a timeline to ensure timely completion of the thesis. Students wishing to participate in commencement must defend their thesis 30 days and deposit their thesis (both bound and electronically) to the LRC 10 days prior to the commencement ceremony. Thesis Prospectus The thesis prospectus serves as a contract between the student and her/his thesis committee. The prospectus details the research the student intends to complete and often serves as the foundation for the final written thesis. If applicable, the prospectus will also include the students IRB protocol application. More information about the IRB protocol is available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/acadaff/orsp/irb/Pages/default.aspx). Students and their thesis chair will determine the proper content and format for their individual thesis prospectus. The student’s thesis committee must approve the scope and design of the


project before the student is allowed to begin work on the project. The prospectus is approved after the student orally defends her/his written prospectus. Following prospectus approval, students should submit a signed Prospectus Defense form to the Director of Graduate Studies. Students can access the form online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx). Thesis Defense and Approval Upon completing the thesis, students are required to orally present and defend their research findings or creative project. The thesis defense is open to the University’s academic community. Students wishing to participate in commencement must defend their thesis 30 days and deposit their thesis (both bound and electronically) to the LRC 10 days prior to the commencement ceremony. Students not wishing to participate in the commencement ceremony must defend and deposit their thesis no later than 30 days after commencement for the term they are seeking degree conferral. For example, students seeking a May degree conferral must defend and deposit by the end of June. Students defending and depositing in July or August will receive an August graduation date. The student is responsible for securing an appropriate location for the oral defense (e.g., CAC 227). The student should contact the Academic Department Associate (ADA) for assistance with room reservations. At least seven days prior to the defense, the student is to provide two unbound examination copies of the thesis with the Division’s ADA in Main Office, CAC 225. Additionally, the student is to notify members of the Division that examination copies are available for review, along with the time, date, location, and title of the thesis. The Thesis Defense Notification form is available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx) and should be posted on the bulletin board outside of CAC 225. Following the thesis defense, students are required to attain TWO signed copies of the Outcome of Oral Defense form. One copy should be returned to the Director of Graduate Studies and the other should be kept for the student’s personal records. Additionally, the student will need to attain TWO signed copies of the Signature Page. One copy will accompany each the bound and electronic versions of the student’s thesis that will be deposited with the LRC. A template for the Signature Page can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx). After completing any outstanding revisions designated by the thesis committee, students will deposit the final version of their thesis with the LRC (see below for more detail), in both hard and electronic copy. Students are to provide the Director of Graduate Studies with the deposit receipt. Upon receiving the LRC deposit receipt and the student’s degree checklist from the Registrar’s office, the Director of Graduate Studies will finalize the student’s grades and verify that they have completed the requirements for an M.A. from the Division of Communication.


Depositing the Thesis Students are required to submit a bound and electronic copy of their thesis with the LRC. Students must include a signed Signature Page form with each copy. Instructions for depositing the thesis with the LRC are available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/library/Pages/graduateResources.aspx). Students are responsible for costs associated with thesis binding.


Chapter 5: Project

Students selecting the Project option are required to produce a written report an applied project, such as an analysis of an organization or a workshop the student designed and implemented. The project process is supervised by the student’s Project Chair with additional feedback provided by Readers of the student’s Project Committee. Credit Requirements Students selecting the Project option are required to complete 31 hours of total credit. Specifically, students on the project track will complete 27 hours of course credit (with at least 15 hours of credit at the 700-level), 3 hours of project credit, and 1 hour of colloquium credit. Product Credit Registration Students typically register for their 3 project credit hours (COMM 780) during their final semester in the program and focus their efforts on completing the project during this term. Students can only register for COMM 780 when they are actively working on their project under the supervision of their project chair. A grade will not be assigned for COMM 780 until the project has been defended, approved, and deposited with the LRC. Per Division of Communication policies, students may register for RSCH 798 for up to two contiguous semesters immediately after leaving campus (or completing all course credits), to allow continued access to the university library and electronic resources while they complete their project. After two semesters of RSCH 798, students must register for at least one Project credit (COMM 780) during each semester they want access to those resources. Additionally, students must be a registered student during the semester in which they plan to defend their project and graduate. Project Deadlines Students and their project chair will develop a timeline to ensure timely completion of the project. Students wishing to participate in commencement must defend their project 30 days and deposit their project (both bound and electronically) to the LRC 10 days prior to the commencement ceremony. Project Prospectus The project prospectus serves as a contract between the student and her/his project committee. The prospectus details the project the student intends to complete and often serves as the foundation for the final written project. If applicable, the prospectus will also include the students IRB protocol application. More information about the IRB protocol is available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/acadaff/orsp/irb/Pages/default.aspx). Students and their project chair will determine the proper content and format for their individual project prospectus. The student’s project committee must approve the scope and design of the


project before the student is allowed to begin work on the project. The prospectus is approved after the student orally defends her/his written prospectus. Following prospectus approval, students should submit a signed Prospectus Defense form to the Director of Graduate Studies. Students can access the form online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx). Project Defense and Approval Upon completing the project, students are required to orally present and defend their work. The project defense is open to the University’s academic community. Students wishing to participate in commencement must defend their project 30 days and deposit their project (both bound and electronically) to the LRC 10 days prior to the commencement ceremony. Students not wishing to participate in the commencement ceremony must defend and deposit their project no later than 30 days after commencement for the term they are seeking degree conferral. For example, students seeking a May degree conferral must defend and deposit by the end of June. Students defending and depositing in July or August will receive an August graduation date. The student is responsible for securing an appropriate location for the oral defense (e.g., CAC 227). The student should contact the Academic Department Associate (ADA) for assistance with room reservations. At least seven days prior to the defense, the student is to provide two unbound examination copies of the project with the Division’s ADA in Main Office, CAC 225. Additionally, the student is to notify members of the Division that examination copies are available for review, along with the time, date, location, and title of the project. The Project Defense Notification form is available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx) and should be posted on the bulletin board outside of CAC 225. Following the project defense, students are required to attain TWO signed copies of the Outcome of Defense form. One copy should be returned to the Director of Graduate Studies and the other should be kept for the student’s personal records. Additionally, the student will need to attain TWO signed copies of the Signature Page. One copy will accompany each the bound and electronic versions of the student’s project that will be deposited with the LRC. A template for the Signature Page can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/comm/Pages/grad/Current-Students.aspx). After completing any outstanding revisions designated by the project committee, students will deposit the final version of their project with the LRC (see below for more detail), in both hard and electronic copy. Students are to provide the Director of Graduate Studies with the deposit receipt. Upon receiving the LRC deposit receipt and the student’s degree checklist from the Registrar’s office, the Director of Graduate Studies will finalize the student’s grades and verify that they have completed the requirements for an M.A. from the Division of Communication.


Depositing the Project Students are required to submit a bound and electronic copy of their project with the LRC. Students must include a signed Signature Page form with each copy. Instructions for depositing the thesis with the LRC are available online (http://www.uwsp.edu/library/Pages/graduateResources.aspx). Students are responsible for costs associated with project binding.


Chapter 6: Research/Creative Activity and Conference Travel Funding

Research and Creative Activity Graduate students are encouraged to participate in research or creative activities throughout their graduate program, either through coursework, independently, or in collaboration with faculty.

Research Funding. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point supports student research through the Student Research and Creative Activity Grant. Students are eligible for up to $1,500 per project with a maximum of $3,500 from the OSCAR Fund throughout their graduate experience. More information about the Student Research and Creative Activity Grant, including application requirements and procedures, can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/ursca/Pages/research-grants.aspx).

Conference Participation Graduate students are encouraged to attend academic conferences during their graduate program. Local and national conferences afford students the opportunity to learn about the discipline, share research with colleagues in the field, and make key contacts in the field. Students are encouraged to talk with faculty members about conferences that align with their academic and professional goals.

Conference travel funding. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point supports student conference travel to present original research or creative projects through the URSCA Travel Grant. Students are eligible for up to $1,000 per event to help offset travel costs, and up to $1,600 during their undergraduate career. More information about the Travel Grant, including application requirements and procedures, can be found online (http://www.uwsp.edu/ursca/Pages/travel-grants.aspx).


Chapter 7: Scholarship Awards

Every year, the Division of Communication recognizes two outstanding graduate students for excellence in teaching and excellence in scholarship. Graduate students are nominated by faculty members and final award decisions are made by the Awards Committee. The William C. Davidson Scholarship was created by the family of Dr. William Davidson, co-creator of the Division’s graduate program. The award recognizes the graduate student who has demonstrated excellent scholarship. The Albert Croft Graduate Scholarship created to honor Dr. Albert Croft, co-founder of the Division’s undergraduate and graduate programs, acknowledges the graduate student who has demonstrated excellence in teaching. Scholarship recipients are recognized at the annual Division of Communication Awards Banquet in May.


Appendix A: Graduate Course Offerings and Tentative Rotation Schedule

Graduate Seminars

Course No Course Title Semester Offering

COMM 701 Introduction to Communication Graduate Studies Required (Fall semester)

COMM 702 Graduate Research Methods Required (Spring semester)

COMM 740 Seminar in Interpersonal Communication (Topic varies) (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 720 Seminar in Media Studies (Topic varies) (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 730 Seminar in Public Relations (Topic varies) (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 770 Seminar in Organizational Communication (Topic varies) (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 780 Project Credit (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 790 Seminar (Topic varies) (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 796 Independent Study Credit (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 797 Colloquium (Spring semester)

COMM 799 Thesis (Fall and/or Spring semester)

Division of Communication 500-Level (“Slash”) Graduate Courses

Course No Course Title Semester Offering

COMM 533 Case Studies in Public Relations (Fall and Spring semester)

COMM 539 Crisis Communication (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 542 Organizational Communication Laboratory (Topic varies) (Fall and Spring semester)

COMM 543 Organizational Communication Assessment (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 545 Small Group Communication (Fall and Spring semester)

COMM 559 Topics in Broadcasting (Topic varies) (Fall or Spring semester)

COMM 582 Health Communication (Fall and Spring semester)

COMM 590 Seminar (Topic varies) (Fall and Spring semester)


COMM 589 Personal Communication Topics (Topic varies) (Fall and Spring semester)

COMM 596 Communication and Gender (Fall or spring semester)


Appendix B: Degree Timelines

Thesis Option

Year 1

Semester 1 (Fall) Semester 2 (Spring)

COMM 701

Introduction to Communication Graduate Studies (Required) 3

COMM 702

Graduate Research Methods (Required) 3

COMM 7XX Graduate Seminar 3

COMM 7XX Graduate Seminar 3

COMM 5XX Graduate Slash Course 3

COMM 5XX Graduate Slash Course 3


Year 2

Semester 1 (Fall) Semester 2 (Spring) COMM 7XX Graduate Seminar 3

COMM 799 Thesis 6

COMM 5XX Graduate Slash Course 3

COMM 797 Colloquium 1



Project Option

Year 1

Semester 1 (Fall) Semester 2 (Spring)

COMM 701

Introduction to Communication Graduate Studies (Required) 3

COMM 702

Graduate Research Methods (Required) 3

COMM 7XX Graduate Seminar 3

COMM 7XX Graduate Seminar 3

COMM 5XX Graduate Slash Course 3

COMM 5XX Graduate Slash Course 3


Year 2

Semester 1 (Fall) Semester 2 (Spring) COMM 7XX Graduate Seminar 3

COMM 780 Research 3

COMM 5XX Graduate Slash Course 3

COMM 797 Colloquium 1


Graduate Slash Course or Seminar 3


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