2015 global technology surveysurveygizmolibrary.s3.amazonaws.com/library/291896/...enterprise...

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2015 Global Technology Survey


1) Which of the following is your company's primary industry? If you serve multiple

industries, please select the one which generates the most revenue for your firm.*

( ) Enterprise Hardware

( ) Enterprise Software

( ) Consumer Hardware/Devices

( ) Consumer Software

( ) Healthcare/Medical Devices

( ) Telecommunications

( ) Financial Services

( ) Other

2) What is your company's annual revenue in US dollars?*

( ) Less than $100 Million

( ) $100 Million - $500 Million

( ) $500 Million - $1 Billion

( ) $1 Billion - $10 Billion

( ) More than $10 Billion

3) In what region are you located? If your company operates in multiple regions, please

select the region in which your department is located.*

( ) Americas (Canada, US, Central and South America)

( ) EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)

( ) APAC (Asia Pacific)

4) Service Discipline. This survey covers technology used by 4 lines of service, or service

disciplines. For which discipline or disciplines are you answering this survey? You will only

be asked about technology that applies to the disciple or disciplines you select. Education

Services provides in person and electronic training for customers. Field Service provides

onsite repair for customers. Professional Services implements and customizes products for

customers. Customer Success and Support provides support for products via phone, email,

chat, or other channels, as well as owning customer adoption, renewals and expand


[ ] Education Services

[ ] Field Service

[ ] Professional Services

[ ] Customer Success and Support Services


Technology for communities and collaboration are designed to enable peer-to-

peer support, and to collaborate and share information internally and externally.

This category Includes customer and employee communities and enterprise

collaboration, discussion forums, expertise tracking, reputation models,

moderation, etc.

5) Are you currently using online communities or another form of enterprise


( ) Yes

( ) No


6) Which provider(s) are you using for online communities/enterprise collaboration?*

[ ] Drupal

[ ] Get Satisfaction

[ ] Igloo Software

[ ] InQuira/RightNow/Oracle

[ ] Jive

[ ] Joomla

[ ] Leverage Software

[ ] Microsoft/Parature

[ ] Moxie Software

[ ] Ning

[ ] Lithium

[ ] phpBB

[ ] Salesforce.com Chatter

[ ] TeamSupport

[ ] Yammer

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


7) How satisfied are you with your current community/collaboration solution(s)?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied


8) Are you planning to invest in communities/collaboration technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Voice of the Customer

Voice of the customer technology includes survey and reporting tools used to

track transactional, periodic, and project customer satisfaction. In addition to

customer survey tools, voice of the customer technology includes quality

monitoring for agent performance, as well as voice and text analysis of assisted,

unassisted, and social interactions.

9) Are you currently using technology to monitor the Voice of the Customer?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Voice of the Customer

10) Which of the following Voice of the Customer tools are you currently using?*

[ ] Clicktools

[ ] Confirmit CustomerSat

[ ] Marketii

[ ] MarketTools/MetrixLab

[ ] NICE Fizzback

[ ] QuestionPro

[ ] Ransys

[ ] SatMetrix

[ ] Service800

[ ] SurveyGizmo

[ ] SurveyMonkey

[ ] Verint-Vovici-KANA

[ ] Walker Information

[ ] Zoomerang

[ ] A survey module of our incident management-CRM system

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


11) How satisfied are you with your current Voice of the Customer technology?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satsified

Voice of the Customer

12) Are you planning to invest in Voice of the Customer technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Enterprise CRM-Incident Management

Enterprise CRM is an enterprise deployment of CRM (customer relationship

management) across sales, marketing, and service. This platform tracks leads,

opportunities, campaigns, accounts, and contact history. Incident management is

used to track an occurrence of a customer question or problem through to

resolution; also known as case management, service requests (SRs), or trouble


13) Are you currently using an enterprise CRM-Incident Management tool?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Enterprise CRM-Incident Management

14) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for Enterprise CRM-Incident


[ ] Amdocs

[ ] Aptean Consona CRM-Onyx

[ ] BMC Remedy

[ ] FrontRange-Goldmine

[ ] Microsoft CRM-Parature

[ ] Netsuite

[ ] Oracle-Siebel-RightNow

[ ] Salesforce.com

[ ] SalesLogix

[ ] SAP

[ ] SugarCRM

[ ] Vertical Solutions

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


15) How satisfied are you with your current Enterprise CRM-Incident Management


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satsified

Enterprise CRM-Incident Management

16) Are you planning to invest in Enterprise CRM-Incident Management?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Field Service Scheduling-Dispatch

Field service scheduling and dispatch technology is used to automate the

scheduling of field service technicians and provide automated routing


17) Are you currently using field service scheduling and dispatch technology?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Field Service Scheduling-Dispatch

18) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for field service scheduling and


[ ] Astea International

[ ] ClickSoftware

[ ] Epiphany

[ ] Field Aware

[ ] Innosoft

[ ] Optimal Solutions

[ ] Oracle

[ ] PTC-Servigistics

[ ] SAP

[ ] ServiceMax

[ ] TOA Technologies

[ ] TouchStar

[ ] Vertical Solutions

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


19) How satisfied are you with your current field service scheduling and dispatch


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Field Service Scheduling-Dispatch

20) Are you planning to invest in field service scheduling and dispatch technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Consumption Monitoring-Analytics

Consumption monitoring/analytics are tools used to measure and monitor

customer consumption of technology, gauging how quickly customers are

adopting new tools, common process flows, top-used features, number of users,

and length of session time, etc. Consumption monitoring is a key piece of shifting

toward outcome-based services.

21) Do you currently use any Consumption Monitoring-Analytics technology?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Consumption Monitoring-Analytics

22) Which technology are you currently using for Consumption Monitoring-Analytics?*

[ ] Clarabridge

[ ] Gainsight

[ ] Glassbeam

[ ] ISOdx

[ ] Kaseya

[ ] Mural

[ ] Nalpeiron

[ ] New Relic

[ ] ServiceSource/Scout Analytics

[ ] SolarWinds

[ ] Totango

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


23) How satisfied are you with your current Consumption Monitoring-Analytics


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Consumption Monitoring-Analytics

24) Are you planning to invest in Consumption Monitoring-Analytics?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Intelligent-Enterprise Search

Intelligent or Enterprise search is a linguistic-based search platform, including

analytics for sophisticated reporting; allows content in any format or location to

be indexed, searched and filtered. Intelligent search includes unified and

federated search.

25) Are you currently using an intelligent search or enterprise search tool?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Intelligent-Enterprise Search

26) Which intelligent-enterprise search products are you currently using?*

[ ] Aptean Knova

[ ] Autonomy-HP

[ ] Baynote

[ ] Coveo

[ ] Google

[ ] Microsoft FAST

[ ] Oracle-InQuira

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


27) How satisfied are you with your current intelligent-enterprise search technology?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Intelligent-Enterprise Search

28) Are you planning to invest in intelligent-enterprise search technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Knowledge-Content Management

Knowledge management or content management technology is used to capture,

maintain, and reuse knowledge.

29) Are you currently using a knowledge management or content management solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Knowledge-Content Management

30) Which technology are you currently using for knowledge or content management?*

[ ] Aptean Knova

[ ] Atlassian Confluence

[ ] Drupal

[ ] eGain

[ ] EMC Documentum

[ ] Lionbridge GeoFluent

[ ] LogicNets

[ ] Lotus Notes

[ ] Microsoft Sharepoint

[ ] Moxie Software

[ ] noHold

[ ] Open Text-Vignette

[ ] Oracle-InQuira-RightNow

[ ] Parature

[ ] RightAnswers

[ ] Salesforce.com

[ ] SAP


[ ] TeamSupport

[ ] Verint KANA

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


31) How satisfied are you with your current knowledge or content management


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Knowledge-Content Management

32) Are you planning to invest in knowledge or content management technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Learning Content Development Systems

Learning content development systems, or LCDS, are used to create and

maintain content for learning management, including tools for video creation

and editing.

33) Are you currently using a learning content development system?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Learning Content Development Systems

34) Which technology are you currently using for learning content development system?*

[ ] Adobe (Captivate, FrameMaker, Flash, ArborText, Acrobat)

[ ] ANCILE uLearn

[ ] Articulate

[ ] Atlantic Link-Knowledge Point

[ ] Camtasia-TechSmith

[ ] Citrix GoToTraining

[ ] EasyAuthoring

[ ] Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK)

[ ] SumTotal

[ ] Trivantis-Lectora

[ ] Xerceo (Feathercap)

[ ] Xyleme

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


35) How satisfied are you with your current learning content development system?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Learning Content Development Systems

36) Are you planning to invest in learning content development systems?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Learning Management Systems

Learning management systems, or LMS, are platforms for managing learning,

including training modules, distance learning and remote delivery, scheduling,

course tracking, completion tracking, and course accounting.

37) Are you currently using a learning management system?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Learning Management Systems

38) Which technology are you currently using for learning management?*

[ ] Citrix GoToTraining

[ ] Cornerstone OnDemand

[ ] Moodle

[ ] OnPoint Digital

[ ] Kenexa-OutStart

[ ] Rainmaker-ViewCentral

[ ] Saba

[ ] SumTotal

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


39) How satisfied are you with your current learning management system?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Learning Management Systems

40) Are you planning to invest in learning management system technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Mobility and Video

Mobility and video in service are tools for improving productivity and accuracy

by leveraging mobile and video technology; includes tools to mobilize field

service technicians, professional services consultants, and other service

employees, giving them access to corporate content, collaboration, and workflow

from anywhere, including video knowledge or training content.

41) Are you currently using mobile or video tools?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Mobility and Video

42) Which technology are you currently using for Mobility and Video?*

[ ] Adobe

[ ] Antenna Software

[ ] Astea International

[ ] ClickService-ClickSoftware

[ ] Intermec

[ ] Kopin Golden-i

[ ] Metrix

[ ] Oracle

[ ] SAP Afaria

[ ] ServiceMax

[ ] Syclo

[ ] TOA Technologies

[ ] TouchStar

[ ] Ventyx

[ ] Vertical Solutions

[ ] ViryaNet

[ ] XO Eye

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


43) How satisfied are you with your current Mobility and Video systems?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Mobility and Video

44) Are you planning to invest in mobile and video technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Multi-Channel Service and Self-Service

Multichannel service and self-service includes non-phone customer interaction

channels (email, web chat) as well as self-service technology. Offering multiple

channels to appeal to different customers is a key part of a successful customer

engagement strategy.

45) Are you currently using a multi-channel service or self-service solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Multi-Channel Service and Self-Service

46) Which technology are you currently using for mutli-channel service and self-service?*

[ ] Avaya

[ ] eGain

[ ] FrontRange-Goldmine

[ ] Genesys

[ ] LivePerson

[ ] LogMeIn

[ ] Moxie Software

[ ] NeoCase

[ ] noHold

[ ] Oracle-Siebel-RightNow

[ ] Parature-Microsoft

[ ] RightAnswers

[ ] Salesforce.com

[ ] SAP

[ ] Siemens

[ ] TeamSupport

[ ] Verint KANA

[ ] Zendesk

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


47) How satisfied are you with your current mutli-channel service and self-service


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Multi-Channel Service and Self-Service

48) Are you planning to invest in mutli-channel service and self-service technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Parts Logistics and Depot Repair

Parts logistics and depot repair technology is used by field service operations to

manage spare parts inventory and to automate the in-house repair process, from

the creation of the return material authorization (RMA) to billing and shipment

of the repaired product back to the customer.

49) Are you currently using a parts logistics and depot repair solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Parts Logistics and Depot Repair

50) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for parts logistics and depot


[ ] Astea International

[ ] ClickSoftware

[ ] Epicor

[ ] Epiphany

[ ] Infor Fourth Shift

[ ] MCA Solutions

[ ] Metrix

[ ] Oracle

[ ] PTC-Servigistics

[ ] SAP

[ ] ServiceMax

[ ] ServicePower

[ ] TouchStar

[ ] Vertical Solutions

[ ] ViryaNet

[ ] Zenoss

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


51) How satisfied are you with your current parts logistics and depot repair solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Parts Logistics and Depot Repair

52) Are you planning to invest in parts logistics and depot repair technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Proactive Support-Intelligent Diagnostics

Proactive support and intelligent diagnostics is a category of tools used to

remotely monitor customer equipment for error conditions; may include auto-

resolution or notification features.

53) Are you currently using a proactive support-intelligent diagnostics solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Proactive Support-Intelligent Diagnostics

54) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for proactive support-

intelligent diagnostics?*

[ ] Apparent Network AppCritical

[ ] Axeda

[ ] BMC Indentify's AppSight

[ ] CA Unicenter

[ ] Glassbeam

[ ] HP OpenView

[ ] IBM Systems Director

[ ] ISOdx

[ ] Mariner Partners xVu

[ ] Monitis

[ ] Mural

[ ] NextNine

[ ] SolarWinds

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


55) How satisfied are you with your current parts proactive support-intelligent


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Proactive Support-Intelligent Diagnostics

56) Are you planning to invest in proactive support-intelligent diagnostics technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Professional Services Automation

Professional services automation, or PSA, is a platform to automate professional

services engagements; includes resource management, scheduling, project

management, and accounting modules.

57) Are you currently using a PSA solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Professional Services Automation

58) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for PSA?*

[ ] Changepoint

[ ] Clarizen

[ ] ConnectWise PSA

[ ] Microsoft Project

[ ] FinancialForce PSA

[ ] NetSuite OpenAir

[ ] Oracle

[ ] Planview

[ ] Projector PSA

[ ] SAP

[ ] Tenrox

[ ] Vertical Solutions

[ ] Workfront/AtTask

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


59) How satisfied are you with your current PSA solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Professional Services Automation

60) Are you planning to invest in PSA technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Recurring Revenue Management

Recurring revenue management tools are used by service professionals to

manage the sales and renewals processes for maintenance and support contracts.

Functionality includes automating renewals, renewal dashboards, and analytics

that predict likelihood of renewal and manage profitable contract/maintenance


61) Are you currently using an Recurring Revenue Management solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Recurring Revenue Management

62) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for Recurring Revenue


[ ] Amdocs

[ ] Concentrix

[ ] MaintenanceNet

[ ] Managed Maintenance

[ ] Oracle-Siebel

[ ] Rainmaker

[ ] SAP

[ ] ServiceSource

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


63) How satisfied are you with your current Recurring Revenue Management solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Recurring Revenue Management

64) Are you planning to invest in Recurring Revenue Management technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Reporting-Analytic Platforms

Reporting/analytic platforms are analytic-based reporting platforms used to do

sophisticated trend reports and create reporting portals, such as a services


65) Are you currently using a reporting-analytic solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Reporting-Analytic Platforms

66) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for reporting-analytics?*

[ ] Adobe Omniture

[ ] IBM-Cognos-SPSS

[ ] Microsoft Access

[ ] Oracle-Hyperion

[ ] MicroStrategy

[ ] QlikView

[ ] SAP-Crystal Reports-Business Objects

[ ] SAS Institute

[ ] Teradata

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


67) How satisfied are you with your current reporting-analytic solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Reporting-Analytic Platforms

68) Are you planning to invest in reporting-analytic technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Contract-Entitlement Management

Contract/entitlement management is a suite of tools that tracks which customers

have current warranties, service contracts, or maintenance agreements with your

company. This includes the ability to easily check if a customer has a current

contract in place, i.e., that they are entitled to service, as well as ensuring you are

meeting response/resolution time commitments.

69) Are you currently using technology for contract-entitlement management?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Contract-Entitlement Management

70) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for contract-entitlement

management ?*

[ ] Amdocs

[ ] Aptean Consona CRM-Onyx

[ ] Concentrix

[ ] FrontRange-Goldmine

[ ] MaintenanceNet

[ ] Managed Maintenance

[ ] Microsoft CRM

[ ] Netsuite

[ ] Oracle-Siebel-RightNow

[ ] Rainmaker

[ ] Salesforce.com

[ ] SalesLogix

[ ] SAP

[ ] SafeNet Sentinel

[ ] ServiceMax

[ ] ServiceSource

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


71) How satisfied are you with your current contract-entitlement management


( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Contract-Entitlement Management

72) Are you planning to invest in contract-entitlement management technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Social Media-Social Service

Social media or social service is a set of tools used to manage interactions with

customers and employees via social channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and

YouTube. Monitoring or listening technology allows you to proactively identify

when product issues are being discussed via social channels.

73) Are you currently using a social media-social service solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Social Media-Social Service

74) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for social media-social


[ ] Aptean Consona CRM-Knova

[ ] Baynote Collective Intelligence Platform

[ ] CoTweet

[ ] eGain

[ ] HootSuite

[ ] Moxie Software

[ ] Oracle-InQuira-RightNow

[ ] Parature

[ ] Salesforce.com-Radian6

[ ] TeamSupport

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


75) How satisfied are you with your current social media-social service solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Social Media-Social Service

76) Are you planning to invest in social media-social service technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Support Scheduling/Workforce Optimization

77) Are you currently using a support scheduling/workforce optimization solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Support Scheduling/Workforce Optimization

78) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for support

scheduling/workforce optimization?*

[ ] Aspect

[ ] Avaya-Nortel

[ ] Cisco

[ ] Genesys


[ ] Kronos

[ ] Nice

[ ] Pipkins

[ ] Siemens

[ ] Verint Witness Actionable Solutions

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


79) How satisfied are you with your current support scheduling/workforce optimization?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very satisfied

Support Scheduling/Workforce Optimization

80) Are you planning to invest in support scheduling/workforce optimization?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Voice-Telephony Platform

81) Are you currently using a voice-telephony solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Voice/telephony platform is the infrastructure used to route inbound customer

voice interactions via phone; typically includes skills-based routing, right

channeling, voice menus (IVR), real-time volume management, etc.

Voice-Telephony Platform

82) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for support voice-telephony?*

[ ] Alcatel-Lucent

[ ] Aspect

[ ] Avaya

[ ] BT

[ ] Cisco

[ ] Contactual

[ ] Ericsson

[ ] Five9

[ ] Genesys

[ ] inContact

[ ] Interactive Intelligence

[ ] LiveOps

[ ] Oracle-RightNow

[ ] ShoreTel

[ ] Siemens

[ ] Syntellect

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


83) How satisfied are you with your current voice-telephony solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very satisfied

Voice-Telephony Platform

84) Are you planning to invest in voice-telephony technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.


Upsell and cross-sell technology is a set of tools that prompt service employees

and renewals agents with personalized offers to present to customers during an

interaction, tracking offer extension and accept rates. Upsell/cross-sell enables

seamless selling during technical support or field service interactions. These

upsell and cross-sell technologies also assist renewal specialists and account

managers with “expand selling” strategies with existing customers.

85) Are you currently using an upsell-cross-sell solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No


86) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for upsell-cross-sell?*

[ ] Aptean Consona CRM

[ ] Aprimo

[ ] Baynote

[ ] Coveo

[ ] Infor CRM-Epiphany

[ ] LivePerson

[ ] Moxie Software

[ ] Oracle-RightNow

[ ] SAP

[ ] Selligent

[ ] Teradata

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


87) How satisfied are you with your current upsell-cross-sell solution?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satsified


88) Are you planning to invest in upsell-cross-sell technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Web Collab-Desktop Sharing

Web collaboration/desktop sharing is a collection of web-based tools used to

enable collaboration between employees and customers; includes web chat,

proactive chat, screen sharing, online meetings and training, and webcasts.

Remote control/desktop sharing is also included in this category.

89) Are you currently using a web collaboration solution?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Web Collab-Desktop Sharing

90) Which of the following vendors are you currently using for web collaboration-remote


[ ] Aptean Consona CRM

[ ] Adobe Connect

[ ] Bomgar

[ ] Cisco WebEx

[ ] Citrix Online

[ ] IBM Sametime

[ ] LogMeIn

[ ] Microsoft Live Meeting

[ ] NTRglobal

[ ] Oracle Collaboration Suite

[ ] SAP StreamWork

[ ] Siemens OpenScape

[ ] TeamViewer

[ ] Internally developed

[ ] Other


91) How satisfied are you with your current web collaboration solution-remote support?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Web Collab-Desktop Sharing

92) Are you planning to invest in web collaboration-remote control technology?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Business Consultants

TSIA’s network of expert alliance partners (EAP) and services excellence

alliance partners (SEAP) offer consulting services for various topics such as

knowledge management, service delivery optimization, services sales and

marketing, offer development and pricing, employee education, etc.

93) Are you currently using a business consultant, or have you used a business consultant

in the last year?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Business Consultants

94) Which of the following business consultants are you currently using or have used in the

last year?*

[ ] Allegro Associates

[ ] Bill Rose I.N.C.

[ ] Call Center Group

[ ] Conexo

[ ] Customer Service Delivery Platform (CSDP)

[ ] DB Kay & Associates

[ ] DG Associates

[ ] FT Works

[ ] Impact Learning Systems (a Miller Heiman Company)

[ ] Intelechy Group

[ ] J.D. Power and Associates

[ ] Kepner-Tregoe (KT)

[ ] Klever

[ ] Neochange

[ ] Outsights, Inc.

[ ] Patrick Saeger Consulting

[ ] Pretium Partners

[ ] PwC

[ ] RTM Consulting

[ ] Sequoia Worldwide

[ ] serVelocity

[ ] ServiceSource

[ ] Sigma Performance Solutions

[ ] Stone Cobra

[ ] Strategies for Growth (SM)

[ ] Top Step Consulting

[ ] TSANet

[ ] Value & Pricing Partners, LLC

[ ] Waterstone Management Group

[ ] Other


95) How satisfied are you with your current business consultants?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Business Consultants

96) Are you planning to invest in new or additional business consultants?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Service Providers-Outsourcers

Service providers and business process outsourcers are third-party firms used to

deliver services; includes onshore and offshore outsourcing. Though traditionally

outsourcers primarily focused on support interactions, today technology firms

are looking to service providers for a wide variety of capabilities, including

language translation, renewal automation, community moderation, knowledge

management, etc.

97) Are you currently using a service provider-outsourcer?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Service Providers-Outsourcers

98) Which of the following service provider-outsourcers are you currently using?*

[ ] Aegis

[ ] Aricent

[ ] Convergys

[ ] CSS Corp.-Slashsupport

[ ] Datacom

[ ] e4e

[ ] Genpact

[ ] HCL Axon

[ ] Infosys

[ ] Managed Maintenance

[ ] Klever

[ ] Lionbridge

[ ] PlumChoice

[ ] ServiceSource

[ ] Stream Global Services

[ ] Support.com

[ ] SupportSpace

[ ] Sykes Enterprises

[ ] Teleperformance

[ ] Teletech

[ ] TELUS International

[ ] Telvista

[ ] Transcom

[ ] Wipro


[ ] Other


99) How satisfied are you with your current service providers-outsourcers?*

( ) Very Unsatisfied

( ) Unsatisfied

( ) Neutral

( ) Satisfied

( ) Very Satisfied

Service Providers-Outsourcers

100) Are you planning to invest in new or additional service providers-outsourcers?*

[ ] We are planning to invest in this fiscal year.

[ ] We are planning to invest in the next fiscal year.

[ ] We do not plan to invest in this technology.

Final Page: [question("value"), id="183"]

You have now reached the FINAL PAGE of the survey. If you would like to

make any edits to your survey, or go back to review your final selections, please

do so now by navigating backwards in the survey. If you are satisfied with your

response, please proceed to the next page to officially submit your response.

Thank You!

Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us. For

completing the survey, you will be sent a complimentary copy of "The TSIA 2015

Technology Heatmap," to be published in May, 2015.

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