2015 dresden mandelbrot's other route to1 over f

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Mandelbrot’s other model of 1/f noise, and why it still


Nick Watkins


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Given as a seminar on 30th January 2015, at MPIPKS Dresden.

Uploaded to Slideshare in pdf on 30th Jan 2015 by Nick Watkins (NickWatkins@mykolab.com)

AbstractMore than 100 years ago, Thomson (Kelvin) and Tait's classic "Treatise on Natural Philosophy" cautioned its readers against "considering the formula and not the fact as physical reality". My own research [1,2] in modelling time series from complex systems, including space plasma, atmospheric temperature and animal foraging datasets, has exposed me to many instances of the problem Thomson & Tait identified, and I have certainly been no exception to it myself.

Today I will focus on one aspect of this problem-the "1/f" spectral shape seen in many areas of physics. I will briefly recap the relatively well known story [3] of part of Mandelbrot’s intellectual journey-from the amplitude domain and heavy tails in cotton price fluctuations in 1963, via the Fourier spectral domain and a stationary long range dependent (LRD) fractional Gaussian model for the water levels in the Nile in 1968, and then on to multifractal models for turbulence and finance from 1972 on. A much less well known part of this tale, which I was completely unaware of before coming to PKS, is his “conditionally stationary” family of models [1963-67]. These also gave a 1/f spectrum but in contrast to fGn’s he showed it to be time dependent. The models achieved a 1/f effect by having long tailed waiting times, and I will talk about their similarities to and differences from stationary LRD models. I will recount how in the 1990s, late in his life, Mandelbrot made a special effort in his Selecta volumes to explain the differences between the two models, and urged us to use our eyes as well as formalism, making him an unexpected (to some) ally of Thomson and Tait.

I will also touch on several new results that have been informed or inspired by this historical research, including Bayesian methods for choosing between LRD models [4], and work on a dynamical origin for the Hurst effect [5].

[1] Watkins, Bunched Black Swans, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013

[2] Watkins and Freeman, Natural Complexity, Science, 2008

[3] Graves et al, 2014b, A Brief History of Long Memory, submitted, arXiv:1406.6018[stat.OT]

[4] Graves et al, 2014a, Efficient Bayesian inference for long memory processes, submitted 1403.2940[stat.ME]

[5] Franzke et al, Scientific Reports, in review.


Holger, the MPI, all in TSA and all at PKS for giving Sandra Chapman and myself such a rich experience here in Dresden.

• My co-authors Tim Graves, Christian Franzke, Sandra, Bobby Gramacy, Scott Osprey and Paulo Davini.

• Discussions with all of the above and Eli Barkai, Igor Sokolov, Rainer Klages, Aleksei Chechkin, and Daniela Froemberg among many others.

Summary• Two interwoven topics: Both motivated by 1/f noise-formula or phenomenon ?

• First some history: Mandelbrot’s papers [65 & 67] on heavy tailed waiting times and 1/f noise. Much less well known than his stationary fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) series. I had not read them until Holger cited the 1967 IEEE paper in his retreat talk, as proposing a nonstationary origin for 1/f noise. Graves et al, 2014b, arXiv:1406.6018[stat.OT] is our recent historical review, focused on fGn.

• Second is about the two main current families of model for anomalous diffusion & time series. Can we make use of above to help us to understand their differing physical content [Watkins, Franzke and Chapman, in prep, 2015], and help people engaged in practical applications such as climate [Watkins, in prep for “Nonlinear and Stochastic Climate Dynamics”, (Franzke & O’Kane, eds.) CUP, 2016]? Ultimate aim is better diagnostics, and I will advertise some new work in that area.

• This talk will go on my Slideshare page: http://www.slideshare.net/NickWatkins1

“The importance of Mandelbrot's discovery that fractals occur widespread

in nature can hardly be exaggerated. Many things which we used to think

of as messy and structureless are in fact characterized by well-defined

power-law spatial correlation functions. By now, we are so used to seeing

fractals that we are tempted to feel that we understand them. But do we

simply have to accept their existence as “God-given" without further

explanation or is it possible to construct a dynamical theory of the physics

of fractals?”

-Bak and Chen, “The physics of fractals”

Physica D, Vol. 38, # 1-3 (1989).

Why do physicists care about fractals ?

“There is another ubiquitous phenomenon which has defied explanation for

decades. The signal (water, electrical current, light, prices, …) from a variety

of sources has a power spectrum decaying with an exponent near unity at

low frequencies .... This type of behavior is known as “1/ f" noise, or flicker

noise.” -Bak and Chen, ibid.

Weatherwax et al, GRL, 2000Tsurutani et al, GRL, 1991

1/f noise – fractals in time

““Strangely enough, just as those working on fractal

phenomena in nature never seem to be interested [sic] in

the temporal aspects of the phenomenon, … those

working on ``1/ f" noise never bother with the spatial

structure of the source of the signal. We believe that those

two phenomena are often two sides of the same coin: they

are the spatial and temporal manifestations of a self-

organized critical state.

- Bak and Chen (1989).

Could there be just one mechanism for 1/f ?

“It turns out that techniques that are used for the 1/f noises, for the rivers, and for

turbulence form a whole. As a matter of fact, I started with one, a very simplified

view of the 1/f noise, which was lucky, because had I seen the whole monster I

would have been totally overwhelmed. So chance served me once again. But

very soon I realised that the 1/f noise was not a well-defined notion, that in

fact you could have a spectrum, 1/f , while being of very many different kinds,

and that is a discovery that at the same time is, how should I say, a shallow

observation and at the same time also very profound, because 1/f is a

formula. The same formula can be used as caption to all kinds of different

phenomena … 1/f finds some commonality among them but doesn't go any deeper.

Or are there several … ?

“It turns out that techniques that are used for the 1/f noises, for the rivers, and for

turbulence form a whole. As a matter of fact, I started with one, a very simplified

view of the 1/f noise, which was lucky, because had I seen the whole monster I

would have been totally overwhelmed. So chance served me once again. But

very soon I realised that the 1/f noise was not a well-defined notion, that in

fact you could have a spectrum, 1/f , while being of very many different kinds,

and that is a discovery that at the same time is, how should I say, a shallow

observation and at the same time also very profound, because 1/f is a

formula. The same formula can be used as caption to all kinds of different

phenomena … 1/f finds some commonality among them but doesn't go any deeper.

– Benoit Mandelbrot, Web of Stories, 1998.

Or are there several … ?

Thomson (Kelvin) and Tait



“Nothing can be more fatal to progress than a too confident reliance on mathematical

symbols; for the student is only too apt to … consider the formula and not the fact

as the physical reality”. Thomson (Kelvin) & Tait, The Treatise on Natural

Philosophy, page viii. of 1890 edition. Mandelbrot would perhaps have said

formula and phenomenon.


Fact: Wild Fluctuations



J. Business,


[S&P 500] Mantegna &

Stanley, Nature, 1996

Formula: Heavy tails

Light tailed example Gaussian

Heavy tailed example, alpha stable distribution which has a power law tail.

1(1 )( ) ~ p xx

2 2~ exp(( ) / )2xp x

Pdf p(x).


(1 )) ~ , 1p( / x x H

Another fact: Hurst’s growth of range


Magnetosphere600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 13009






15Annual minimum level of Nile: 622-1284

Annual m




Time in years

“I heard about the … Nile … in '64, ... the variance doesn't draw like time span as you take bigger and bigger integration intervals; it goes like time to a certain power different from one. … Hurst … was getting results that were incomprehensible”. – Mandelbrot, 1998, interviewed by Bernard Sapoval for Web of Stories

Nile minima, 622-1284Hurst, Nature, 1957

But what’s the formula ?



“This was very much noticed and the literaturegrew about it … it was viewed as a major puzzle,this thing which didn't work out” -Mandelbrot, 1998.

In collected papers (Selecta) he says he initially thought could explain Hurst’s observations with heavy tailed model like 1963 financial one.

But when saw data realised wasn’t heavy tailed in amplitude ! Instead abstracted out property of self similarity, but in spectral rather than amplitude domain --- i.e. proposed a model with a heavy tailed power spectrum ~ 1/f, even down to lowest frequency. Advocated idea to mathematicians with van Ness, and hydrologists with Wallis.

SpectralDensity S(f).

Frequency f.

S(f) ~ f

Formula: fBm & fGn, 1965-68



1 12 2

, 22fBm: ( ) ( ) ( )~ ( )



HX t t s s dL s

Memory kernel Gaussian

See also Kolmogorov“Wiener Spirals and some other interesting curves in a Hilbert space” (1940).

And Mandelbrot, Comptes Rendus, 1965

Noises vs. motions



• Mandelbrot and van Ness [1968] proposed use of fractional Brownian motion. Non stationary, H-self similar model. Generalises Wiener process, has spectral index between -1 and -3.

• … and its derivative, fractional Gaussian noise, which is stationary, and long range dependent.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000-18










2Fractional Brownian motion, H=0.7

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000-0.8









1Fractional Gaussian noise

2 1 H

2 1 H

1 12 2

, 22fBm: ( ) ( ) ( )~ ( )



HX t t s s dL s

A singular PSD…. a puzzle ?



• Unlike the stable amplitude distribution we just saw, the power spectra of fBm and fGn are singular at zero frequency. In Bm (and fBm)this is a result of its nonstationarity … [Selecta, N2, 1999]

But fGn shows singularity in a stationary model ….

Reminder: What is puzzling about 1/f ?If spectral density '( )

then i) it is singular as

and ii) if we define an autocorrelation

function via ( ) ( ) ( )

and use Wiener-Khinchine theorem to

get from Fourier transform of



S f f


x t x t


falls off as power law, and

'( )


summed lags "blow up"


( )


Reminder: What is puzzling about 1/f ?If spectral density '( )

then i) it is singular as

and ii) if we define an autocorrelation

function via ( ) ( ) ( )

and use Wiener-Khinchine theorem to

get from Fourier transform of



S f f


x t x t


falls off as power law, and

'( )


summed lags "blow up"


( )


• So two odd features

• Infrared catastrophe in the psd

• Non Markovian autocorrelation behaviour

… LRD was certainly controversial



Mandelbrot’s “Joseph effect” (i.e. LRD in a stationary model), seems tohave been his own favourite explanation for the Hurst effect (empirical growth of rescaled range). Certainly his best known one [> 2600 citations to Mandelbrot & van Ness].

• But the long ranged kernel, and low frequency blowup, means that physical meaning of long range dependence has always been controversial

• Note : Classic diagnostics for LRD have been based on singular S(f) (or an ACF whose summed lags blow up) --- but their interpretation as LRD presupposes stationarity. Most maths books on LRD e.g. Beran simply assume stationarity from the outset.



[…], if infinite dependence is necessary it does not mean that IBM's details of ten years ago influence IBM today, because there's no mechanism within IBM for this dependence. However, IBM is not alone. The River Nile is [not] alone. They're just one-dimensional corners of immensely big systems. The behaviour of IBM stock ten years ago does not influence its stock today through IBM, but IBM the enormous corporation has changed the environment very strongly. The way its price varied, went up or went up and fluctuated, had discontinuities, had effects upon all kinds of other quantities, and they in turn affect us. –Mandelbrot, interviewed in 1998 by B. Sapoval for Web of Stories

So what did BBM think it meant ?

In modern fractional Langevin models fGn is noise term e.g. Metzler et al, PCCP, 2014; Watkins GRL, 2013; Taloni et al, 2010; Kupferman, 2004; Lutz, 2001.



[…], if infinite dependence is necessary it does not mean that IBM's details of ten years ago influence IBM today, because there's no mechanism within IBM for this dependence. However, IBM is not alone. The River Nile is [not] alone. They're just one-dimensional corners of immensely big systems. The behaviour of IBM stock ten years ago does not influence its stock today through IBM, but IBM the enormous corporation has changed the environment very strongly. The way its price varied, went up or went up and fluctuated, had discontinuities, had effects upon all kinds of other quantities, and they in turn affect us. –Mandelbrot, interviewed in 1998 by B. Sapoval for Web of Stories

So what did BBM think it meant ?

In modern fractional Langevin models fGn is noise term e.g. Metzler et al, PCCP, 2014; Watkins GRL, 2013; Taloni et al, 2010; Kupferman, 2004; Lutz, 2001.

• Resolution of apparent paradox is that world as a whole is Markovian, the infinite memory is consequence of looking at a piece of it. In spirit of Mori-Zwanzig.

Ohmic Langevin equation

( ) ( )q tV fM q q

Beyond the Ohmic caseMore generally we can consider other types of reservoir oscillator spectral function including but not limited to power laws :

( )

where s 1 is super-Ohmic

and s 1 is sub-Ohmic


And in the presence of a memory in the heat bath we have the generalised Langevin equation of the form:

.. .

0'(q) ( ) ( ) ( )


q V M dt t t t f tM q Where memory kernel rho replaces constant eta [e.g. Kupferman, 2004; Caldeira, 2010]

Fractional Langevin equation

(1 2 )If memory kernel has slowest decay ( ) ~ d

.. .

0(( ) ( )then GLE: M ' ) )(q


M dt t t f tV tq q ..

(1 )



(1 2 ) 2becomes FLE: M (q)

( ) 1where frac. derivative is


( )( )(






d d




q t

d F





fBm wasn’t his only “1/f” model …



Selecta H Selecta N

The many faces of “1/f”



• Late in his life, Mandelbrot re-emphasised that the formula wasn’t the fact, and the property of self-similarity seen in his most famous models wasn’t the whole story. “Reducing the notion of “1/f noise" to self-affinity ... shows it to be very severely underspecified”- Selecta volume N, 1999.

• Why was he saying this ? Because his eyes told him to: “Like the ear, the eye is very sensitive to features that the spectrum does not reflect. Seen side by side, different 1/f noises, Gaussian, dustborne and multifractal, obviously differ from one another”- Selecta, op cit.

So what were these models ?

• Additive, stable, models extending fGn like fractional hyperbolic model of Mandelbrot & Wallis [1969].

• Multiplicative, multifractal models exhibiting volatility bunching as well as 1/f spectra and fat tails-1972 (turbulence), 1990s (finance).

• And the class he referred to as “dustborne”: the least known of his papers, from 1963-67, though closely related to the Alternating Fractional Renewal Process, the CTRW and modern work on weak ergodicity breaking.

• We’ll very briefly recap first two, then dwell on last one.


MagnetosphereMandelbrot & Wallis [1969] first attempt to unify long range memory kernel of fGn with heavy tailed amplitude fluctuations - called it “fractional hyperbolic” model because of its power law tails.

Anticipated the versatile linear fractional stable noises, but it didn’t satisfy him completely for problems he was looking at.

Additive fractional stable class

Multiplicative multifractal cascades

Many systems have aggregation, but not by an additive route. Classic example is turbulence.

One indicator is a lognormal or stretched exponential pdf

Selecta Volume N1999

Multifractals and volatility clusteringanother is correlations between the absolute values of the time series- or here, in ionospheric data, the first differences.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

x 104










, r

First differences of AE index January-June 1979

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100-0.1













AE data: acf of returns

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100-0.1













AE data: acf of squared returns

Watkins et al, in “Extreme Events and Natural Hazards”, 2012




• 1965 IEEE Boulder conference paper [N8 in Selecta 1999] & 1967 journal paper [N9].• Abrupt state changes – “conditionally stationary”• Fat distributions of switching times: “Levy” (E[t^2] = ∞) case.

The conditional spectrum:


• First key finding was that Wiener-Khinchine inspired measures like PSD would return a ``1/f'' spectrum for such models, but that the more useful object was conditioned also on series length T. This conditional spectrum S(f,T) would factor into two parts, one dependent on f and one on T.

• In the 1967 paper he describes it thus (theta is determined by exponent of power law waiting time distribution = usual Levy alpha):

The conditional spectrum:


• First key finding was that Wiener-Khinchine inspired measures like PSD would return a ``1/f'' spectrum for such models, but that the more useful object was conditioned also on series length T. This conditional spectrum S(f,T) would factor into two parts, one dependent on f and one on T.

• In the 1967 paper he describes it thus (theta is determined by exponent of power law waiting time distribution = usual Levy alpha):

• “Numerical … 1/f … spectrum … need not … estimate … Wiener-Khinchine spectrum”. M67 reviewed in N2, Selecta, 1999Instead “depends on conditioning length T”. Unlike the stationary LRD model, singularity is an artefact.

The infrared catastrophe as mirage:



• Rather than representing a true singularity in power at the lowest frequencies, in this model he described the infrared catastrophe in the power spectral density as a ``mirage“:

M67 reviewed in N2, Selecta, 1999

1 jump is extreme case: not W-Khinchine:



• M 1967 illustrated non ergodicity in case of single jump in an infinite interval

Also explicitly discussed infinite mean case:



• Mandelbrot 1967 then discussed case of many state changes with power law waiting times where mean tends to infinity


Hurst effect

Have today distinguished 3 things often taken as same

• Observed growth of range in time series: “Hurst effect”


Hurst effect

Have today distinguished 3 things often taken as same

• Observed growth of range in time series: “Hurst effect”

• Observation of a singularity at zero in Fourier spectra: “1/f”



Hurst effect

Have today distinguished 3 things often taken as same

• Observed growth of range in time series: “Hurst effect”

• Observation of a singularity at zero in Fourier spectra: “1/f”

• The long range dependence seen in stationary 1/f case: (S)LRD.

• Using 1/f as a diagnostic of LRD assumes stationarity

Fact: Anomalous growth of range

Hurst Effect

Hurst, Nature, 1957

“I heard about the … Nile … in '64, ... the variance doesn't draw like time span as you take bigger and bigger integration intervals; it goes like time to a certain power different from one. … Hurst …was getting results that were incomprehensible”. – Mandelbrot, 1998

Fact: Empirical 1/f spectra


Hurst effect

'( ) ~ S f f

Reminder: What is puzzling about 1/f ?If spectral density '( )

then i) it is singular as

and ii) if we define an autocorrelation

function via ( ) ( ) ( )

and use Wiener-Khinchine theorem to

get from Fourier transform of



S f f


x t x t


falls off as power law, and

'( )


summed lags "blow up"


( )


Two different resolutions were proposed

• In both of the models we have seen, appearance of 1/f flags that something that violates our intuition is happening, but it physically corresponds to something quite different in the two cases.

One way: Stationary LRD



Hurst effect

• Mandelbrot, van Ness, and Wallis, 1965-69

• First [history in Graves et al, arXiv, 2014a] demonstration that Hurst effect could be explained by stationary long range dependent process

• Model, fractional Gaussian noise [see also Kolmogorov’s “Wiener Spiral”], had singular spectral density at lowest frequencies.

•'( ) ~ S f f

One way: Stationary LRD



Hurst effect

• Mandelbrot, van Ness, and Wallis, 1965-69

• First [history in Graves et al, arXiv, 2014a] demonstration that Hurst effect could be explained by stationary long range dependent process

• Model, fractional Gaussian noise [see also Kolmogorov’s “Wiener Spiral”], had singular spectral density at lowest frequencies.

•'( ) ~ S f f

• Here the singularity is flagging that although the laws of physicsare globally Markovian, you are just looking at a piece of the world,(or in the case of fGn, the noise term in a fractional Langevin model). That piece is not required to be Markovian because spatial correlation creates temporal memory. In fact Mandelbrot seemed to have something very reminiscent of criticality in mind in 1998 when he described LRD …



And so my argument has always [sic] been that each of these causal chains is totally incomprehensible in detail, probably exponentially decaying. There are so many of them that a very strong dependence may be perfectly compatible. Now I would like to mention that this is precisely the reason why infinite dependence exists, for example, in physics. In a magnet- because two parts far away have very minor dependence along any path of actual dependence. There are so many different paths that they all combine to create a global structure. In other words, there is no global structure in one dimension, but there's one in two and three dimensions etc. for magnets -the basis of Onsager's work and the whole theory. And in economics there is nothing comparable to these calculations, but the intuition of what they represent is the same – BBM, op cit

A critical phenomenon ?

Other way: 1/f without (S)LRD



Hurst effect

• Before (S)LRD models, Mandelbrot [1963-67] had proposed other 1/f models which were not stationary LRD in same sense as fGn.

• Solved 1/f paradox by a different route. Still little known in the geosciences [but see Klemes, WRR, 1974].

Other way: 1/f without (S)LRD



Hurst effect

• Before (S)LRD models, Mandelbrot [1963-67] had proposed other 1/f models which were not stationary LRD in same sense as fGn.

• Solved 1/f paradox by a different route. Still little known in the geosciences [but see Klemes, WRR, 1974].

• Here the singularity is flagging that the Fourier operation is no longer estimating the stationary Wiener-Khinchine spectral density of a stationary process.

A neglected paper … ?



Mandelbrot 1967 received far less attention than either papers on heavy tails in finance in early 1960s or the series with Van Ness and Wallis in 1968-69 on stationary fractional Gaussian models for LRD. About 20 citations in its first 20 years (c.f. M & van Ness ~100)despite fact that the 1967 IEEE paper cites the 1968 fGn paper and vice versa.

Was apparently unknown to Vit Klemes [Water Resources Research, 1974], who essentially reinvented it to criticise fBm. Still seems relatively little known. Not cited by Beran et al [2013], and while listed in the citations of Beran [1994] I haven’t yet found itin the text. Some exceptions, e.g. discussion in Grigolini et al, Physica A, 2009.

Although he revisited the paper with new commentary in Selecta Volume N [1999] dealing with multifractals and 1/f noise, Mandelbrot neglected to mention it explicitly in his popular and historical accounts of genesis of LRD such as Mandelbrot and Hudson [2008].

Why ? Because it wasn’t as popular as fBm/fGn ? Because it wasn’t as “beautiful” ? Orjust because it complicated the story too much ?

… Whose time has come ?



• Should we pay more attention to this 2nd class of models ? Fortunately, as the Alternating Fractional Renewal Process [e.g. Lowen and Teich’s book], with cutoffs at long and short times; and as models for weak ergodicity breaking [c.f. Niemann et al, 2013], we already are. Also close links to the Continuous Time Random Walk family.

Above workers going much further than Mandelbrot. Particular value of looking back nearly 50 years to how Mandelbrot saw these models is to see how they fit into “the panorama of grid-bound self-affine variability” as he later put it[Selecta, 1999, N1]. Helps link maths and physics, the formula & the

phenomenon. And inform future work.


No magic bullet

• Above story confirms, in my opinion at least, relevance of T&T’s maxim, and suggests that we should indeed take Mandelbrot’s view of 1/f not Bak’s.

• But what can we then do about this diversity of mechanisms ?• In my view there are at least two things. • If you have a priori reasons to propose a given model then can use

Bayesian inference to compare different model orders and exponents e.g. Graves et al, arXiv: 2014a where we compare fGn-like ARFIMA models.

• But what if you don’t know a priori if a given model is sensible. How well can you trust popular diagnostics, e.g. DFA ? Another track is to develop our understanding by testing them, using relevant physical models such as Lorenz model to see what they will do, e.g. Franzke et al, Sci. Reports, in review.

Joint inference on LRD and heavy tails.

Tim Graves’ PhD developed Bayesian method: tested on α-stable ARFIMA(0,d,0)

where heavy tails & LRD co-exist, see Graves et al, arXiv 2014a;

my talk from AGU, 2012 on Slideshare, and poster outside 1A6. Allows you to compare

ARFIMA models, but how do you know a given model is sensible ?

1.5 0.15 d

Test on Synthetic ARFIMA data

Hurst effect from state changes



Franzke et al, in review, Sci. Rep., 2015

• Interestingly, the classic Lorenz 63 model (columns 1 and 2) can generate Hurst effect in some measures, such as DFA, even without long tailed waiting times between regime shifts. Confirms that Hurst effect is easier to generate than 1/f or full blown S(LRD).


• The 1/f paradox: The "1/f" spectral shape seen throughout physics, & why it seems paradoxical.

• Many faces of 1/f: Mandelbrot promoted tworesolutions of paradox in the mid 60s: stationary long range dependence (S)LRD , or what he dubbed “conditionally stationary” renewal models. History is in Graves et al, arXiv, 2014b. One “formula” can be consistent with different “facts/phenomena”.

• Ways forward ? Mandelbrot’s Selecta (Vols. N &H) urged use of our eyes as well as formalism, and I’ve advertised 2 new results in this spirit: Bayesian diagnostics for LRD models [Graves et al, arXiv, 2014a] and work on a dynamical origin for Hurst effect in the Lorenz model (Franzke et al, Scientific Reports, in review, 2015 ).




Mandelbrot, Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Probability,1965.

Distinct from fBm and fGN:



Mandelbrot 1967 was prepared in the same period as Mandelbrot and van Ness on fBm and fGn, which it cites as ``to be published". In it contrast is clearly drawn between the conditionally stationary, non-Gaussian renewal process as a 1/f model and his stationary, Gaussian (fGn) model:

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