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Career Communications Group, Inc. | 729 E Pratt Street, Suite 504 | Baltimore, MD 21202 | P: 410-244-7101 | F: 410-752-1837



2015BEYA STEM Training

February 5–7, 2015www.beya.org

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Message from Dr. Tyrone D. Taborn, Ph.D (h.c)

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Exceeding Expectations: Path to the Future

For many professionals, connecting today’s actions can lead to future opportunities. The BEYA STEM Conference presents numerous options for employers and pro-fessionals to grow. Exceeding expectations begins with a foundational attitude that employees feel inspired to express in their work. A recent study has found that 87% employees who are inspired and engaged are likely to stay at that company.

The BEYA STEM Conference Training Seminars address the demand for STEM profes-sionals to interact with like-minded peers in a socially inclusive environment (i.e., Pro-fessional Conferences). This intimate mentoring is useful for diversity candidates due to the limited amount of peers within their particular organizations. These interactions have become essential in building foundations for successful career advancement.

The BEYA STEM Conference Training also addresses the need for employers to locate the next generation of exceptional workforce talent while fulfilling the compa-ny human management needs. Participation at our conference has proven beneficial to recruiters searching for their next rising star as well as advantageous for profes-sionals seeking the appropriate corporate fit.

BEYA STEM Conference is a talent-rich environment that promotes networking, training and mentoring opportunities for students and professionals. The thirty-two sessions, led by subject matter experts and featured in our five seminar tracks, of-fer participants a chance to participate in discussions about leadership, professional development, and technical advancements that are aimed at helping attendees learn the pathways to success.

We look forward to your participation at the BEYA STEM Conference Training Workshops.

DIEL College Student Seminars.................. ➤ p. x

Professional Enhancement........................... ➤ p. x

Diversity and Inclusion.................................. ➤ p. x

Leadership Skills.............................................. ➤ p. x

Technical Leadership and Innovation...... ➤ p. x

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Leadership Skills: This track is designed to nurture, foster, and enhances leadership skills. Attendees will be able to augment their leadership capability by connecting with veteran professionals, conversing with top executives in diverse industries, and adopting new techniques for leadership growth. Track topics include building professional relationships, the power of persuasion, personal communication styles, and effective leadership techniques.

The Power of Creative Leadership: How Do Great Leaders Push Through Adversity?

Learning objective: Discuss the use of creativity to motivate employees

Creativity is a core competence of organizations. Good leaders strive to use creativity to improve capacity, manage change and overcome adversity. This seminar will not only arm you with change management strategies, but also examine ways to solve problems and create growth opportunities. New and seasoned leaders seek novel approaches to move teams through adver-sity, strengthen commitment and performance, and encourage creative problem solving. Join us at BEYA 2013 as experienced leaders share ways to creatively impact and influence positive change and support their people.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Examine specific creative leadership strategies

b. Explore ways to help teams stay inspired and committed

c. Identify specific tools and examples of how obstacles and change can be stepping stones for great opportunities

d. Examine how to motivate teams through change and retain valuable talent

e. Examine top qualities of creative leadership

Personality, Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence: Strategies and Assessments

Learning objective: Explore the benefits of emotional intelligence

Is your personality and leadership style helping or hurting you? Some studies have shown that emotional intelligence is a better predictor of success than technical or intellectual capacity. Effec-tive leaders invest in a lifelong journey of self- assessment and learning. Not only must they understand the business environ-ment, challenges, and opportunities associated with growth,

they also need understanding of how his/her personality, skills, experiences impact people and contribute to goal attainment. Leaders must work on capacity to manage self, have a positive outlook, and effectively recognize the needs of others. As the complexity of interactions change, more leaders are forced to use emotional intelligence to cultivate viable relationships with customers and employees. Join us as we assess varying levels of emotional intelligence and explore unique personal skills that will help you continue to develop as a leader.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Assess current level of emotional intelligence

b. Explore concepts of personality and habits

c. View scenarios and case studies to identify emotionally intelligent strategies

d. Examine the levels of emotional intelligent leadership

Situational Leadership: The Shift Every Leader Must Make to be Effective

Learning objective: Identify personal leadership styles

What is your leadership style? Do you handle everyone and ev-ery situation the same way despite the circumstances? one of the key qualities many great leaders share is the ability to adapt. The way you manage and lead depends on the needs of the situation and the people executing the tasks. Awareness of how these elements change and flow will enable you to adapt your style and preferences to meet the needs of the vision, mission and goals. You can’t be a leader if you don’t have followers or if you lack the ability to bring your vision to fruition.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

a. Identify your personal leadership style

b. Explore leadership style model to discover ways to adapt your style

Leadership Skills

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c. Participate in mock leadership challenges to practices adapt-ing and applying situational leadership strategies

Leadership Excellence in Action: A Roadmap to Inspire and Engage People and Teams

Learning objective: Increase techniques for strengthening team leadership

The concept of leadership is talked about so much we all should be experts. We use and hear words like inspire, engage, and motivate as we seek real solutions to leadership challenges. This workshop looks at the concept of leadership in action. What behaviors, knowledge, and skills do you need to grow and develop as a leader? how will you measure success? What unique qualities, power, and influence impact people and teams? Engage with federal executives and discover ways to turn YoU into tangible leadership value. This roadmap will take you from good to great leadership.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

a. List sources of power needed to be influential

b. Take a self-assessment to identify personal leadership strengths

c. Explore the art of delegation and effective team leadership

d. Explore the role of feedback and performance measures

e. Create an action list with and explore plans to measure success

Fundamentals of Executive Leadership: The 5 Most Critical Leadership Skills

Learning objective: Enhance career leadership skills and in-crease influence

Most of us have been to countless leadership seminars. Some of us skim through several leadership books and pick up on tidbits of leadership strategies and knowledge from speeches at con-ferences like these. So, the question is, of all of the leadership advice, what actually works? What are the top key strategies that we need to embrace to make the difference in the way we manage ourselves, people, and competing values? key leaders will share their “top five list” of strategies and skills you can use to transform your team.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

a. Understanding the top five strategies used to get results in teams

b. review key leadership knowledge and techniques that have transformed industries

c. Identify personal leadership strategies

I Just Want to be Successful: Leadership, Lyrics and Life

Learning objective: Increase professional leadership qualities, confidence, and competence

Are you playing the game, or is the game playing you? Great Leadership happens when you understand the game and sharpen the right tools to play effectively. Achieving greatness is no easy task. Each person has a unique path with its own set of challenges and obstacles to overcome. As emerging leaders, you must explore who you are and understand how all life ex-periences contribute value to your journey. on this path, most will discover that success is about embracing and using your individuality to achieve greatness. on this path, you will discover that great men make great leaders. What truly makes you great? Who do you consider great? This seminar will explore life and leadership while examining the impact of hip-hop culture and its impact on definitions and perspectives of success.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Explore characteristics of great men and ways to maintain and gain respect

b. Identify effective leadership qualities

c. Examine basic “success” rules and ways to ways to manage corporate politics

d. Discuss ways to overcome challenges and stereotypes

e. Explore themes and lyrics of “hip hop” culture and its impact on perspectives of success

Leadership Skills

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Professional Enhancement: This track is designed to provide attendees and corporations with substantial material for success in both personal and professional lives. Attendees will interact with seasoned professionals that will share their pathways to success. This track includes topics addressing issues such as personal branding, building cultural trust, mentoring, inspiring creativity in teams, and managing change.

The “X” Factor: Strategies for Winning Images, Lasting Impressions, and Brilliant Brands

Learning objective: Identify and enhance personal brand image

Everyone is looking for ways to gain a competitive edge. how can we ensure success? or, how can we avoid mistakes and pitfalls? The secret to long-term success is leaving lasting impressions. You may need a brand and image makeover. We all have an image, whether good or bad, that leaves an impres-sion on everyone we meet. We are often unaware of what that image is really saying. When people hear your name or look at you, they have a series of perceptions that determine their decisions and thoughts. These consistent thoughts define your brand. Your visual appearance, actions, reactions, and reputa-tion impact those perceptions. “Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image”.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe As professional women, it is critical to be deliberate about design-ing an image and brand that support career goals and personal values. Come join a panel of peers discuss critical factors that make or break your winning image, lasting impression, and bril-liant brand.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

a. Explore what their personal image conveys

b. Examine ways to build personal image conveys

c. Discuss common mistakes that make or break a winning image and brand

d. Create strategies for building a brand and image that works for their organization’s culture

Great Places to Work: Building Organizational Cultures of Trust, Pride, and Joy

Learning objective: Assessing methods for building corporate culture and teamwork

“A great place to work is one in which you trust the people you work for, have pride in what you do, and enjoy the people you work with.”—Robert Levering, Co-founder, Great Places to Work.

Employee satisfaction and relationships in the workplace are key to successful business. how often have you taken the time to assess whether or not your mangers, leaders, employee, and stakeholders are building cultures proven to foster greater satis-faction and productivity in people? Do you let your team know, that employee happiness is a priority? Join us as we examine the role of trust and collaboration in the workplace, and give you the secrets to transforming your culture into a great place to work.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

a. Understand elements that build trust in an organization

b. Explore statistics and best practices of and organizations that have been recognized as best places to work

c. Interact with leaders to create a plan of simple techniques to see changes in your team and workplace

Unlocking Innovation: Training Teams and Individuals to Have Every Day Breakthroughs

Learning objective: Improve team creativity and development

In order to stay ahead of the competition, people and teams must be creative and innovative. The key to success is engag-ing in ways of thinking that inspires breakthroughs. Science and technology is about using talent and skills to create possibilities. Did you know that there are proven tools to inspire teams to have every day breakthroughs? Uncover hidden talent on your team; learn strategies that are not only fun and creative, but also just might help you create the next breakthrough.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Explore leadership skills that encourage creativity

Professional Enhancement

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b. Learn techniques and tools that support an inventive mind

c. Play games that inspire creativity and innovation

Playing in the Sandbox: Effective Strategies for Managing Multi-Generational Teams

Learning objective: Enhance techniques for successful collabo-ration among teams

Managers are charged with meeting diverse needs to maximize value and productivity. To be a competent leader and manager, your role is to create opportunities, empower others, and leverage the specialized skills of employees. one continuing challenge is managing multigenerational teams. The complex-ity of communication presents two core challenges. how do we increase quality and efficiency of knowledge sharing? How do we improve value? Collaboration and knowledge sharing practices are essential to solving problems, enhancing profes-sional relationships, increasing productivity, and improving work quality. Building communities that continue to address knowl-edge sharing and collaboration systems is the key to remaining competitive.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Explore knowledge sharing techniques to stay ahead of the competition

b. Identify new and innovative ways that organizations share knowledge and collaborate

c. Explore ways to foster communities that embrace successful collaborative exchanges

d. Examine global and multi-generational knowledge sharing opportunities and challenges

Purpose-Driven Mentoring: How to Find, Pick, and Create Powerful Mentor Relationships

Learning objective: Assess successful mentoring techniques

Mentoring is a mutually beneficial practice that provides oppor-tunities both for mentor and mentee, as well as pay dividends for employers. Corporations have discovered that the act of implementing strategic mentoring results in great short and long term value. Mentoring creates collaborations, bonds, and

buy-in like no other relationship process. This seminar will help you engage, find, and benefit from mentoring programs.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Identify strategic mentoring solutions

b. Examine the benefit of reverse mentoring

c. Examine successful networking strategies that connect people

d. Identify successful strategies for winning collaborations

e. Examine mentoring activities and suggestions that enrich the experience

f. Explore ways to identify and pair successful mentoring matches

Change Management Soup for the Business Soul: Provide Support and Manage Resistance to Main-tain Morale and Sustain High Performance

Learning objective: Evaluate guidelines for managing change

Many employees gain validation and value through what they contribute, and for some, it has taken years to solidify the value of this knowledge. Changing business practices and processes seems to threaten the value one perceives he/she is contrib-uting. It is important to foster a learning environment that celebrates the value of contributions and encourages the col-lective, team-based approach to managing and leading through transitions. on the other hand, individuals must challenge faulty thinking and become aware of how resistance and poor atti-tudes impact personal and professional growth. Understanding the stages of change is critical in understanding the psychology of an individual and how one tends to naturally respond to change. of all the stages, the most useful component to busi-ness is the concept of resistance.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

a. Explore the cycles of change

b. review team strategies and learning tools to manage change

c. Examine the concept of resistance and tips to motivating self and others to overcome barriers to successful change process

Professional Enhancement

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Diversity and Inclusion: This track addresses the multiplicity of diversity and inclusion challenges, practices, and strategies in the workplace. Attendees and corporations will engage in candid discussions and share best practices that support successful D&I initiatives. These seminars aim to provide a safe environment to explore challenging topics. This track addresses topics such as sexual harassment and assault, unconscious bias, cultural competency in business, and D&I leadership.

We Are the World: A Journey Beyond Diversity to Cultural Competence

Learning objective: Increase cultural competence and strategies in the workplace

Seasoned and emerging leaders alike will be held accountable for negotiating and collaborating in an ever-evolving world of differences. Professional cultural competence expands the definition of diversity by encompassing other factors such as lifestyle, sexual orientation, learning styles, industry, positional power, etc. No matter where you are in your career, this course will challenge you to examine “what you know”, “what you don’t know”, and “what you need to do” to move toward greater cultural competence.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

a. Define cultural competence and diversity

b. List and assess cultural challenges that take place in your organization

c. Apply culturally sensitive collaboration and negotiation techniques

d. Identify specific personal and organizational strategies to improve cross cultural exchanges

Diversity and inclusion in Action: Top Diversity Leaders Share Roadmaps for Success

Learning objective: Strengthen diversity strategies for inclusion, leadership, and performance

Are you ready to stop spinning wheels? Do you want to upgrade your diversity GPS? There is a process which you can successfully roll out a robust and sustainable diversity initiative. Clarifying and mapping your direction will save you and your organization time and resources. This process includes under-standing specific diversity challenges that are tied to the busi-

ness goals of the organization. often companies start with ex-ternal recruiting, employee resource groups, and other sources that may not yield maximum results. What does success mean to your organization and how can your initiatives contribute to this greater purpose? In this seminar, top diversity leaders share ways to drive your message, implement best practices, and integrate your diversity strategies to increase talent acquisition, enhance performance, and strengthen leadership skills.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

a. Explore best practices in diversity leadership practices

b. Examine the process of developing sustainable diversity initiatives

c. Discuss leadership and talent management strategies

d. Create a process or plan that works within their organiza-tional needs

Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender in the work-place: Speaking out about inclusion

Learning objective: Address workplace techniques to overcome those stereotypes

how do we honor individual beliefs and choice to protect business values and morale? Diversity and inclusion practices represent a corporation’s capacity to utilize an array of talents, cultures, and experiences. This allows organizations to gain access to creativity and problem solving far beyond what would be available in a monocultural environment. With this commit-ment, there is also a clear business value system that respects the rights of all to work in a safe environment

that values their contributions. 70 percent of surveyed LGBT community members report that they feel discriminated against and bullied at work. over half have had to leave workplaces at least once in their careers because of related issues. Join us in

Diversity and Inclusion

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this workshop for a candid discussion about unique challenges and explore strategies to create a LGBT friendly work environment.

At the end of this workshop:

a. Identify challenges and issue specific to the LGBT community (according to individual experiences and surveys)

b. Explore statistics and real world examples

c. Explore best practices in building friendly LGBT environments

Attracting and Recruiting Talent: Diverse Teams are Innovative Powerhouses

Learning objective: Discuss strategies for successful recruiting strategies

Diversity is not just about colorful teams; it’s about colorful solutions. organizations that successfully design and implement strong diversity strategies spark greater performance, motiva-tion, and success. Differences capture broad thinking and en-hance human performance and motivation. Most organizations understand the need for diversity and create plans, yet, there is something missing. In this seminar, understand how to recruit and attract diverse talent and transform your organization into an innovative powerhouse.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Identify what diverse talent pools look for in an organization

b. Explore elements of successful diversity strategies

c. Discover strategies to attract and retain top talent

d. Explore innovative recruitment resources

Diversity of Thought: What is it and how do you implement it as a Diversity initiative

Learning objective: Discuss creating an environment of diverse thinkers and improving successful business strategies

Diversity is a resource to be accessed and utilized for superior performance and innovation in part because of “more-than-one-way- thinking” which results in innovation and creates an agile workforce. Access to diversity of thought is blocked unless organizations also create an environment of fairness, non-discrimination, respect, trust and where employees feel that their voices matters. The social justice side of the diversity conversation is directly linked to the performance side, without it, Diversity of Thought is a human resource withheld. Diversity of thought allows for differing perspectives on ideas and unique insights into problems, it creates opportunities for innovation and partnerships in unexpected places where ideas will develop into newer and more forward-thinking ideas that can be imple-mented as successful business strategies.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Identify Diversity of Thought and it’s evolution

b. Understand the challenges to creating a culture that Embraces Diversity of Thought

c. Implement and measure Diversity of Thought

d. Explore the Four Point Sequence and the Predictive model framework

Diversity and Inclusion

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Technical Leadership and Innovation: This track addresses specific technical leadership needs and explores unique trends among STEM professionals. This track will aid professionals in amplifying their strategic thinking by com-prehending technologically diverse topics. We will examine new technological advancements and trends, transportation’s role in our society, and the impact that electronic banking has on how business practices and the consumer’s use money.

Increase Value, Increase Success: Tools, Certifications, and Strategies to be Competitive in STEM Careers

Learning objective: Investigate the security clearance process and benefits

Familiarization with the extensive U.S. Security Clearance Process will enable applicants to research, acquire, and compile accurate information for a complete security package. The pro-cess for obtaining a security clearance depends in part on the agency that is providing the clearance, but since the vast major-ity of security clearances are obtained through the Department of Defense (DoD), the primary focus for exploration will be the DoD process.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Identify the three levels of DoD security clearances

b. Examine the security clearance application process

c. Familiarize oneself with government utilized security clear-ance application documents

d. Explore benefits and career opportunities

Fueling the Future: Sustainable and Renewable Energy Opportunities and Solutions

Learning objective: Address the impact of renewable energy and their impacts

Energy Efficiency and the use of alternative energy solutions is a hot topic in our nation.

Policy makers, educators, and STEM professionals are working in many areas to evaluate energy alternatives and develop inno-vative ways to be more efficient about how we fuel the future. What are new trends in this industry? What is our collective responsibility? how does policy and politics impact renewable energy? This seminar will answer your questions. Come join an

expert panel as they share the vision of the future of sustain-able and renewable energy.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Examine the impact of sustainable and renewable energy

b. Explore recent developments and sources of energy available

c. Explore the impact of policy and law on renewable energy

d. Examine global perspectives on Energy efficiency

Shaping a Brighter Future: New Advancements in Healthcare Technology

Learning objective: Address the challenges of healthcare under obamacare

health IT is a major component of healthcare reform. The obama Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) aims to reduce cost of health care and decrease the number of uninsured Americans. Advancement in healthcare technology will be a critical player in improving healthcare outcomes and streamlining the delivery of health care. As we move forward, health IT will continue to strive to meet the demands for existing and new drug channels, advancing drug discovery, and development, increased quality care, efficiency, and cost-effec-tiveness. This seminar will examine the role of PPCA in advanc-ing healthcare technology to meet increasing healthcare needs and demands.

At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:

a. Identify challenges in healthcare delivery systems

b. Examine existing and new drug channels

c. Explore Systems Pharmacology Goals and Supply Chain integrity

d. Explore the obama Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act and its impact on healthcare technology

Technical Leadership and Innovation

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DIEL Seminars: This track is designed for college level and new professionals. These seminars will increase profes-sional, personal, and leadership skills that aid in career development and corporate readiness. Attendees will explore resume writing, interview techniques, business etiquette, presentation skills, public speaking, and team dynamics.

Business Etiquette Prep School: Learn the game, rules, and strategies to WIN

Learning Objective: Increase professional and personal development

In the workplace, what you don’t know can definitely hurt you. Business etiquette and executive manners are an impor-tant part of the relationship building process. Some of these unstated rules are in place to respect and protect time, people, and processes. This seminar takes an in depth look at everyday social interactions and attitudes that impact business success. When you understand the rules and expectations, you gain greater confidence and assertiveness as you navigate organiza-tional politics and develop key connections. The love is in the details. - oprah Winfrey

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Explore business etiquette and executive manners

b. Identify common misconceptions and mistakes

c. Explore the role of culture and authenticity

d. Identify resources for further personal and professional development

e. Discuss body language, communication skills, punctuality, and work ethics

Set Off Your Career! The Art of Flawless Presentations and Effective Interviews

Learning Objective: Increase professional and personal development

In today’s workforce, it is critical for rising leaders to seek ways to stand out. human resource professionals and leaders seek out the best and the brightest. This seminar will help you discover effective techniques that will ensure a memorable and lasting impression. Join hr professionals and other executives as they share their best interview responses and other tools that will help you represent your best self.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Explore best practices in interviews and career enhancing presentations

b. Examine effective techniques to prepare for job interviews and important meetings

c. Identify common mistakes of rising leaders and new professionals

d. Explore presentation skills and techniques

“Can You Hear Me Now?” Public Speaking and the Power of Words

Learning objective: Increase presentation skills and personal development

The confident speaker, despite title or position, will have a com-petitive edge over just about everyone. Cultivating the ability to communicate, choose your words carefully, and engage people is the best investment you could ever make. The Science of presenting is the ability to organize, choose, and convey impor-tant information in a meaningful way. The Art of presenting is using your personal talent, personality, and resources so your audience will listen and stay engaged. Both are critical, even when presenting highly technical information. Learn how to take the lead and motivate the masses by conveying your mes-sage with passion and inspiration.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Examine specific tools for organizing material

b. Practice ways to present technical information

c. Deliver and design a short presentation

d. Explore mental coaching techniques to address fear

e. Identify best practices of visual aids (i.e., PowerPoint)

DIEL College Student Seminars

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Let’s get ready to rumble! Managing groups and cultures when you are not in charge

Learning Outcome: Increase communication and team building skills

Are you a team player? Do you have the skills to thrive and contribute value in groups? In order to be effective, it is helpful to understand the complexity of group dynamics and people. This seminar will support you in understanding group dynamics, dealing with difficult people, and maintaining your professional-ism in a variety of group challenges. Further, we will discuss the role of culture, values, and perceptions in-group interactions. This high level seminar will transform any new professional into a savvy communicator and thoughtful collaborator.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Explore common group dynamics and goals

b. Examine common challenges and struggles

c. Discuss self-management and emotional intelligence

d. Explore the role of culture, values, and perceptions in group situations

Cultivating leaders Throughout the Organization: Influencing without Authority

Learning objective: Increase responsibility and influencing others

on the path to success, results and impact happen before the promotion. how can you achieve goals before you have posi-tional or decision making power? Most employees are expected and encouraged to achieve results, yet many often feel frus-trated with limited power and authority. The key to address-ing this challenge is to fully leverage multiple sources of power effectively… despite positional authority. Employees through-out organizations have access to many sources of power. The critical shift is to acknowledge how these talents, resources, and personal qualities impact change and influence stakeholders. Leadership decisions are influenced by influential and vocal em-ployees at all levels throughout the organization. This workshop will help you develop a strategy to gain power and influence among decision makers in your organization. These skills will contribute to your ability to move up the corporate latter, gain recognition, support team members, and create value.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Identify different sources of power within an organization

b. Explore ways to prepare for increased responsibility before you have it

c. Explore organizational value proposition and strategies to be more influential

d. Learn how to effectively use and navigate organizational politics to get results

DIEL College Student Seminars

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