2015-04 beacon

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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Volume IV, Issue III - Apr 10th, 2015


  • What is ISIS? Unless youve been living under a rock, you have probably seen or heard the word ISIS at least 5 times a day. ISIS is an Islamic terrorist group based in Iraq and Syria led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who is known as the caliph. The group originated from the more commonly known al-Qaeda. Most recently, they refer to themselves as The Islamic State. This name in particular has outraged many people who peacefully practice Islam. Those who practice Islam believe that ISIS is a highly corrupt and non-representative version of their religion. Islam by its very definition is a peaceful faith. It receives negative media attention due to the actions of groups like ISIS.Now if youre asking why you should care about this group of terrorists who live so far away from us here in Canada, Ill tell you why you should. ISIS is a Salafi extremist group. Its followers believe in an extreme version of Islam that promotes religious violence. They strongly believe that fighting predominantly non-Muslim countries is the first step to creating their ideal Islamic society. Canada is considered one of those non-Muslim countries. Currently, ISIS is at large in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq. They have been active since the late 1990s but these

    last few years have seen significant increases in their activity.In the spring of 2013, evidence of atrocities and violence against Syrian civilians became known to global media sources. There was also evidence being presented of mass kidnappings and radicalization of young boys in Iraq and Syria. The Western world was being

    inundated with information about the terror these rebels had been inflicting on civilian populations. ISIS had also been kidnapping foreign aid workers and journalists, holding them captive and torturing them. In August of 2014, ISIS uploaded a video to YouTube, showing the beheading of American journalist Jim Foley. In the months that followed, ISIS

    released more videos of the same nature, showing the barbaric murders of Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Herve Gourdel and Peter Kassig to name a few. These people were working in Syria and Iraq to aid civilians that were being terrorized by ISIS. Thousands of other civilians, aid workers, and journalists have been brutally murdered by these extremists.The UN estimates that almost 1.2 million Iraqi civilians have been forced to leave their homes due to the control that ISIS now has over Iraq. The threat is not isolated. ISIS terrorism has already affected our own country. On October 22, 2014 Corporal Nathan Cirillo was standing guard at our National War Memorial in Ottawa when he was shot and killed by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau. This was deemed an act of terrorism against Canada. There has been speculation that Zehaf-Bibeau was influenced by the ISIS cause. Recently, President Obama announced that the US would be sending troops back in to Iraq and Syria to continue the fight against ISIS. Many people have been critical of this decision. While Canadas exact role has yet to be determined, people continue to suffer in this ugly struggle for control of the hearts and minds of millions.


    Her Name Was LeelahHer name was Leelah. His name was Zander. These are the names of the transgender teen suicides you may or may not have heard about on the news. The reasons they killed themselves were similar; they both experienced intense bullying due to being transgender. A transgender person is someone who does not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth. This may mean that they experience gender dysphoria, or do not identify with the precepts their assigned gender may have. Being transgender isnt something one can quash; it is a part of oneself. And yet, the parents and peers of young transgender people may be so unaccepting that they physically, emotionally, and verbally abuse them to the point that they want to kill themselves.Transgender suicide isnt new. It has certainly occurred before the recent instance of Leelah Alcorns death. It has been proven

    that the LGBTQ+ community has higher suicide rates than other minority groups, often as a result of the high levels of discrimination against them. However, the mainstream media has only recently started covering these issues. When Leelah released her suicide note on Tumblr.com, she revealed that her parents isolated her and sent her into Christian Conversion Therapy in an attempt to talk her out of being transgender. This caused an outcry in the LGBTQ+ corners of social media. The story spread from Tumblr to Twitter, where it reached mainstream media.With the growing popularity of social media, information about these tragedies becomes more widespread. Loved ones, friends, and other members of the transgender community now have the opportunity to tweet, blog, and post about their grief.

    Before the existence of social media, the causes of transgender peoples suicides were rarely acknowledged or mourned outside of the LGBTQ+ community. Harassment and transphobia were seldom discussed in conventional settings. Even now, discrimination in the workplace occurs and offenses against transgender people go unprosecuted.It is up to all of us to recognize that discrimination in any form has no place in our society.


  • 2 The Martingrove Beacon




















    Hey Bears, As the end of the school year approaches, youre probably feeling a whole slew of emotions: excitement for the future, nostalgia for the past just dont let regret be one of the top concerns on your mind. Regret is one useless sentiment; it will get you absolutely nowhere (unless you count digging yourself into a hole somewhere). Whether the problem stems from a stupid argument with your parents or gaining 2lbs eating Easter chocolates over the April long weekend, dont look back in anger! Theres always a chance to patch up your relationship or get back on your health kick. If you simply long for another chance to re-do whats already done in a different manner, youll just work yourself into a rut. The years almost done, and warm weather is on its merry way!With love from your friendly Copy Heads,

    Siera Carrozza and Mariel Lepra

    Hannah Redlich

    Lillian Li


  • 3MCI NEWSQ: Hi. I have two best friends and all three of us share the same tastes. Theyre great, but the only problem is I always feel jealous of them when were around guys. My first friend is very popular and at least six guys like her; she always talks about how this cute guy always stares at her and things like that. The second one is also liked by at least five guys. The guy I have a crush on likes my first friend and it makes me feel insecure because I feel like no one likes me. Please help!A: Hi there! Unfortunately, unrequited love is a common occurrence, and happens to the best of us. If you are sure that this guy you are interested in has feelings for your friend, then it is time to move on. It may be slow and difficult, but youll only hurt yourself more if you continue with this crush. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, and theres no point trying to catch the one thats already hooked.Just because your friends might have more guys that like them doesnt mean they are any better, prettier, or more interesting than you.

    Your value as a person is not determined by the number of guys that like you. Its not a tally in your notebook or the number of likes on a profile picture. Numbers are insignificant, and all that matters is that you think youre fabulous. Confidence isnt based off of what other people think of you. Its alright to be jealous of your friends sometime, but never believe that you are worth less simply because you dont know of any boys at the moment who have a crush on you. Boys and crushes can be fun and all, but theyre just a small add-on to life, not the base of it. Youve got two best friends to laugh and talk with, which is far better than a collection of fleeting admirers.

    Q: Is it better to confront someone, even though you know it'll hurt their feelings, than to pretend something didn't hurt you and move on?A: Hello! If someone has hurt you in any way, especially if it is a friend who has done so, I strongly encourage you to discuss this with them. Relationships are never flawless, and

    open communication is essential. Some things are easy to brush off the shoulders and move past, but other issues, particularly the ones that are repeated, cannot be forgotten so easily. Often the more unpleasant conversations are the ones that need to be had. If your friend or partner has hurt you in some way, you should absolutely make it clear to them that this wasnt okay with you, so that you can find a solution to this problem together. Good luck.

    Need Advice? Check out MCIs new ad-vice column on Tumblr:


    MCI Beacon Advice Column

    Why is there such a lineup? At least one unknowing teacher will ask this question on Mondays and the occasional Tuesdays when they walk past the office after school.It is board policy to issue TTC tickets to those who live 4.8km or more away from their home school. To receive them, students have to present themselves weekly and have their names checked off of a list. It is a simple procedure, but the journey leading up to it is not.To outsiders, the crowd seems to be in an orderly queue; in reality, it is lawless and without order.After zig-zagging through the equally etiquette-less hallways at maximum speed, the battleground is reached. After six past three, an earlier time of arrival is not considered advantageous, as line-cutting commences.Line-cutters can be distinguished by a smug smile and a slow flat drawl of Hey, sometimes accompanied by an outstretched arm as they approach their acquaintances. This social misconduct is widely considered acceptable, as confrontations are rare. Only a select few will do something about this.I am a self-proclaimed part-time line justice warrior. For three and half years, I have watched scores of MCI Bears insert themselves where they do not belong, whether they position themselves in front of

    or behind me, or even attempt to use me as a placeholder. While I do not participate in this activity, my integrity erodes every time I stop myself from telling friends to do the right thing. On the occasions that I do manage to get some words out, I am not taken seriously.

    It is easier and common, however, for me to confront strangers who cut right in front of me. I recommend the following steps for those who wish to reclaim their line rights:Begin with asking, Did you just cut in front of me? while maintaining eye contact.If the individual or group is not lost nor

    temporarily blinded by the dimmed florescent lights, proceed to inquire about the reason behind their misconduct (e.g. Why do you think this is okay?)

    If met with excuses, backs turning, or anything that is not repositioning themselves to the back of the line, reclaim your rightful place with your body.If this is not possible, wait until you are

    closer to the office door and gently push away those in your way and stand a little past the door frameThis method has never failed. Even in Grade 9, male 12th graders were no match for me. My future plans include donating a placard for the last person in line to hold to indicate the correct place to queue. Unless you had to accompany your five year-old child to the toilet AND you have already been in line previously for more than thirty minutes, the basic courtesy is to go behind the last person in line. There is even a convenient wall to use for straightening and making some semblance of a line, unlike at bus stops.I sincerely hope this reminds my fellow Bears of the proper behaviour

    they would exhibit elsewhere such as at Timmys, grocery stores, and amusement parks. I have attempted to interview line-cutters with no success, with one exception. This isnt some government queue. This is a no mans land. A dog eat dog world, said G.R. who then proceeded to offer my friend and I a toonie in compensation for cutting in front of us. Do we give each other the same basic respect we would give to complete strangers outside the school? Evidently not.


    Friday, April 10th, 2015

  • 4 The Martingrove Beacon



    Although Toronto is one of the largest cities in the world, its transportation system is woefully inadequate for its 2.6 million residents. Since the Yonge subway expansion into Vaughan was first announced in 2006, three different mayors and city councils have endlessly revised the subway expansion plan, including John Torys current SmartTrack proposal. Given the abysmal recent history of Torontos rapid transit expansion attempts, it would certainly be unwise to meddle with the long-overdue subway expansion any more. Despite this, here are some changes to the current system that have been proposed over the past decade. They would connect all of the suburbs and many of the neighbouring municipalities:

    1.Yonge-University Line Expansion North to Vaughan and Richmond Hill

    The expansion of the Yonge line nort--h to Vaughan is currently under construction with completion scheduled for fall 2016. As is often the case, expansion on one end of this subway line would be mirrored by expanding north from Finch to Richmond Hill Centre, as originally proposed back in 2007.

    2.Bloor-Danforth Line Expansion to Mississauga and Markham

    This would finally implement a westbound expansion of the Bloor subway to Mississauga City Centre that was first proposed more than a decade ago. On the eastern end, the Scarborough subway would bypass the old RT route by going straight from Kennedy northeast to Scarborough Centre, and then north to Markham Centre.3.Eglinton Line from Pearson Airport to Rouge HillAn Eglinton crosstown line has been planned since 2007 and one is finally under construction, set for opening in 2023 with its terminals at Mt. Dennis and Kennedy. Alternatively, it would be ideal for this route to truly bisect the city by running from Pearson Airport in the west to Rouge Hill in the eastern end. This would have two purposes in servicing the neglected eastern end of Scarborough, and simultaneously providing the overdue subway to Pearson Airport.4. Sheppard Line Expansion to Northern Etbicoke and Malvern/ThorncliffeAlthough the Sheppard line currently experiences underwhelming numbers, the solution could be to expand its usefulness so that it runs from Rexdale in the west through North York and then to the neglected northern

    Scarborough neighbourhoods of Malvern and Thorncliffe.5.Downtown West Relief Line from Union to Keele to Weston via Island AirportA downtown relief line has been discussed as early as 1911 and this current proposal calls for a westwards relief line south from Union to the island, including Billy Bishop Airport along the way, and then northwest through the Junction towards Weston and Sheppard, intersecting with the three east-west routes.6.Downtown East Relief Line from Dundas to Pape to Don MillsA second eastbound relief line would complement the westbound one and start from Dundas station and then move northeast through Pape to Sheppard and then onwards to Don Mills. Intersecting with the Bloor, Eglinton, and Sheppard routes as well, the two relief lines would provide the long-rumored assistance for the overcrowded Yonge-University line. If implemented, these changes would certainly transform the city and the way Torontonians live, work and play.

    The TTC in 2045: Modernizing Torontos Outdated Public Transportation



    Friday, April 10th, 2015

    Sleep deprivation can kill you. In the United States, 1550 deaths in 200 000 car accidents are caused by sleepy drivers annually, which is greater than the number of deaths caused by drunk driving. Sleep is also linked to your immune health. When you lack sleep, the number of antibodies decreases in your system, making you more vulnerable to illnesses. In the 1980s, Alex Rechtschaffen performed a study showing rats that died after only two weeks of sleep deprivation. They died out of pure exhaustion! Humans can die faster from sleep deprivation than from food deprivation. Sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise. It is also the number one biological urge for mammals. There are many theories as to why we sleep, one of which is that it simply conserves energy. Another, more widely used theory is that it restores our bodies. During sleep, our cells synthesize proteins, repair muscle tissues, and release growth hormones. The brain needs sleep just as much as our bodies do to essentially reorganize and store the vast amount of information we cram into it.

    A study done in Berkeley University had two groups memorize a set of patterns. One group was given the pattern in the morning, the other in the evening. The morning group recited the pattern 12 hours later, in the afternoon, while the evening group recited the next morning after sleeping. The group that got the sleep memorized the pattern better, since their brains had time to process and store the information overnight. After pulling an all-nighter, you might feel your body slip into a sort of emotional jell-o state. From short-term sleep deprivation, your amygdala goes into overdrive, shuts down your pre-frontal cortex (the part of your brain in charge of reasoning) and instead connects to the locus coeruleus (the blue spot of the brain which creates panic and heightened awareness). This causes that anxious, stressful feeling you get during the day after. After losing sleep for longer periods of time, your memory and speech will suffer, and you may start to experience paranoia and hallucinations.Teenagers need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night, and studies show that the majority of teens get less than 8.5 hours on

    a school night. Biologically, its natural for most adolescents to have trouble falling asleep before 11 pm; however, irregular sleeping patterns throughout the week i.e. staying up and waking up later on weekends, can negatively affect your quality of sleep in general. Not everyone can sleep for 10 hours each night, but its important to rest your brain and your body after a hard days work. Things like decreasing your caffeine intake and increasing your physical activity throughout your day will help you sleep better, which in turn will make you feel healthier and rejuvenated for the day to come.


    Hey Martingrove, this months movie review is the new live-action version of Disneys Cinderella. The movie tells the story of a girl named Ella, played by Lilly James, whose mother just died. As a result, Ella must live with her terrible step-mother Lady Tremaine and her step-sisters Anastasia and Drizella, who arent very bright. Soon, she is forced to be a scullery maid in her own home, and her only friends are the mice in the house, who call her Cinderella. But her life is soon turned upside-down when she meets the Prince, played by Richard Madden. Cinderellas only chance of seeing the Prince again is at his upcoming ball, but Lady Tremaine will stop at nothing to see that Cinderella will not go to the Princes ball.

    On a scale of 1-10, I would give Cinderella a 9.5 because it had great acting, and was a phenomenal twist on the classic tale. The only discrepancy was that the fairy godmother, played by Helena Bonham Carter, forgets to say the magic words Bippity-Boppity-Boo when she performs an act of magic. Nevertheless, if you love Disney movies and classic fairytale stories told differently, Cinderella is the perfect movie for all ages. Also, theres an added bonus for those Disneys Frozen fans. Before the Cinderella movie begins, a new Frozen short film called Frozen Fever is shown.

    Disney RemixedBRADLEY REDLICH


  • The Martingrove Beacon6


    The Grilled CheeseLocation: 66 Nassau Street, TorontoExactly what the name implies! This small sandwich shop in Kensington Market is nothing more than a tiny room with a tinier kitchen, yet eating here is

    an indescribably delicious experience. Each sandwich is only five dollars and the atmosphere of the shop is as wonderful as the rest of Kensington.

    Allan GardensLocation: 19 Horticultural Avenue, TorontoLovers of spiky, aggressive foliage and any plants in general will like the calming atmosphere of Allan Gardens. One of the oldest parks in the city, this massive greenhouse houses rare tropical plants from all over the globe and is just a relaxing and quiet place to visit.

    Balfour Books Location: 468 College Street, Toronto

    While this used bookstore may be small, its packed to the brim with books ranging from classics to philosophy and everything in between. The shop also carries a wide selection of rare novels that arent sold at typical Chapters or Indigos, and has a bright, cozy, and lived-in vibe with scrabble-tiles labeling each section.

    Bay St. Video Location: 1172 Bay Street, TorontoFollowing the extinction of Rogers Video Stores and Blockbusters, DVD rental stores seem mostly defunct nowadays. But nestled into a building on Bay Street is Bay St. Video, one of the few remaining

    DVD rental stores actually in existence. The stores slogan is If a movie isnt here, it doesnt exist, which is pretty amazing as far as slogans go.

    Public Butter VintageLocation: 1290 Queen Street West, TorontoThis vintage shop is owned by Black Market and has a similar groovy vibe. Specializing in vintage clothing, funky furniture, and custom T-shirt screening, the Parkdale store has a kind of amazing-garage-sale feel to it.


    Five wonderful places to visit downtown

    MSCs Shakespeare: Abridged

    Hannah Redlich


    Anika Sharma

    Friday, April 10th, 2015 7

  • The Martingrove Beacon




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