2014- 2015 overview

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Ms. Berry204English Language Arts

New School Policies and Procedures

Only data room 01 will have lockers on the second floor. All other 8th grade lockers are in the basement.

Within the next week or so, all students will be issued a school lock, they will placed on every locker in the school. You do not have to purchase a lock for your locker.

Uniform: Cargos and fleece jackets are NOT allowed. Logos must be smaller than a quarter.

There will be no passes given after 2pm each day.

Use of your own agenda and passport is mandatory. Sharing will no longer be permitted.


▪ Locker Times– You only have permission to go to your

locker at 8:00 am and 2:50pm. The 8th grade team will not be giving passes during the day to your lockers.

▪ Materials– You don’t have a Math, English or

Science textbook that you need to carry with you everyday. You are expected to carry a notebook, independent reading book and all utensils with you for the duration of the day.

Locker times are dictated by the 8th Grade Team teachers to assist in

easy transitions. A locker has been assigned to you, then that locker may only contain your personal

belongings that you do not wish to carry with you to class. Sharing is not permitted. Note: No 8th grade classrooms allow backpacks of any

kind once lockers have been assigned.


▪ Uniforms– Jackets, Hoodies and Backpacks are

not allowed. That’s the rule. I don’t care who has seen you with it on, I don’t care who allows you to wear them. It’s the rule.

You know the rule, I know the rule, and I follow the rules. I am going to expect that you follow them also.

Each 8th Grade classroom teacher will be adhering to the uniform policy as per the Springfield Public School District. Please be sure to review it in detail.

Room 204

Literacy Focus

The state uses seven literacy requirements to define students who are college and career ready. The students in this class and I will be striving to meet these requirements!

1. Students can be independent in their learning

2. Students build strong understanding of English Language Arts

3. Students can adapt their communication to an audience, task or purpose.

4. Students can read and listen- and also ask questions

5. Students use evidence when sharing their options of an oral or written text

6. Student utilize technology and digital media to enhance their reading

7. Students come to understand other perspectives and cultures

The Daily Four

Every classroom, everyday

▪ Listening - Teachers read something to student

▪ Reading- Students read something on their own

▪ Speaking- Students discuss their thinking/learning/text

▪ Writing - Students will write something

Rule #1

Treat others the way they need to be treated!

Being respectful means:1. Raising your hand

2. Not talking over others3. Listening actively4. No name calling5. Being on time

Everyone has the right to be respected.It is my job to make sure that this

environment is mentally and physically safe for everyone!

Rule #2

Take responsibility for your words, actions, belongings, and work.

WordsIf your language is

offensive or inappropriate,


ActionsIf you drop

something, pick it up. If you bump into someone,

apologize. If you hurt someone

intentionally, be prepared for the consequences.Belongings

Your belongings belong to you. Take care of them, don’t break, rip or

throw them! Take them with you!

WorkStudents are to be

on task AT ALL TIMES and work to

the best of their ability. This means

you are to be working on whatever

assignment is given with all of your concentration.

If you choose to Break a Rule…

▪ First Offense: Verbal Warning and 3 grade points deducted from daily participation grade.

▪ Second Offense: 15 minute removal from class to complete problem solving and mediation contract

(to be signed by two teachers and parent)

▪ Third Offense: Breakfast, Lunch, and Afterschool Detention. Written referral to office.

▪ Severe Disruptions: These will result in automatic removal by an administrator, with a written referral.

Classroom time is

learning time. If I give you

specific directions, they

are for the benefit and safety of all

students in the classroom. I do

not argue or negotiate.

Class Rotations

▪ The Activator

Students must have a lesson-based task to do as soon as they enter the classroom. The activator is a question or task springing from the unit’s work, written in the agenda, intended to focus students on the unit of instruction. The purpose is to draw them in, get necessary class materials on their desks, and engage their minds in the day’s content.

▪ The Mini Lesson

A mini lesson, which follows the activator, is direct teacher instruction in the objective of the day. The teacher will explain what she wants the students to know and be able to do at the end of class. I will define the key word, concept, skill, or strategy and show the class several examples, modeling the outcome I expect.

▪ The Learning Activity

The learning activity must give the students the intellectual experience they need to accomplish the lesson objective. Cooperative work is often superior to working alone.

▪ The Wrap Up

The wrap up requires all students to say or write their learning from this lesson, bringing them back to the beginning – your lesson objective, what you wanted them to know or be able to do.

Work ELA

Daily Assessments: Activator Notes (occasionally) Learning Activity Wrap Up Homework

These are FIVE (5) ways to earn a good grade in this class on a daily

basis! Make sure you are here everyday!

If you are absent, you have SEVEN days (from the day you return) to turn in your work! You MUST make arrangements for before school, lunch, or afterschool to get your missing work. I cannot reteach the 20 minute lesson you missed in the time before class, after class, or passing you in the hall

Work READ 180/ System 44

▪ We may have to start each class with rotations first.

▪ Independent reading- During independent reading time you should be focused on reading a book 100 points above or below your Lexile. You may not communicate with your classmates at this time. You have an independent reading log to complete or a reading counts quiz.

▪ Software Time- Software time is 15 mins a day.

▪ Small group- Summarize, React and Writes and drafting will be done in writers notebook.

Upon Entering Class

each day…

1. Open your Agenda and write down the homework

from the homework board.

If there is no homework, you may write “No Homework” in the space provided. You still need to have an organized notebook and folder for ALL classes, and your backpack ready with a minimum of 3 writing utensils

and any other required materials for school.

2. Check the Agenda board. Grab materials needed to

complete the activator, Writer’s Notebook or a

single sheet of white lined paper.

3.Put your Name and today’s date, and Activator at the top of your paper. Respond to the prompt on the board,


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