2014 07 all saints magazine

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Magazine for All Saints' Church Sidmouth


July & August 2014

40 p Suggested


Magazine for

All Saints’ Church and

St Mary & St Peter’s Church,

Salcombe Regis


From the Vicarage

Supporting others

I used to live in Divorce city – well near it anyhow. England has the highest divorce rate in Europe, Surrey the highest rate in England, and Guildford the highest rate in Surrey. We lived 12 miles away.

I am reminded of this when I think of Devonport. Plymouth is the most deprived part of Devon, and Devonport is the most deprived part of Plymouth. On every measure Devonport comes out the worst; the highest rate of the population claiming benefit, the highest rate of anti-social behaviour, the highest rate of children in need, and the lowest life expectancy.

I met the vicar of one of the Devonport churches by chance, over lunch at the Diocesan Synod last month. She was telling Frank Eul (Parish Church) and me, about the issues the church faces, and the problems of the area. I am in awe of her dedication to serve Christ in such a tough area.

Of course, there is no way a struggling church like hers can pay their way. Their Common Fund is a little over £12,000 this year, and they have been paying in full in recent years. But that’s only just over a quarter of the cost of having a vicar there. (That includes housing and other costs – we don’t get paid £40,000!) The Diocese is able to keep people like Alison serving in Devonport, because churches like ours pay more in Common Fund than we get back in clergy. It means, we are contributing to the Mission of the Church in the tough places of our county.

The Common Fund never sounds as exciting as other Mission work, especially Mission overseas, but it is, nevertheless, an important part of what we do. So when reminding ourselves of the weekly cost of our Common Fund contributions (about £10 a week for each one of us) let’s remember all the good that that money does.


Our Mission: We exist to see lives transformed by Christ.

Our Vision is that All Saints’ should be increasingly:

God honouring, Christ following, Spirit-led and Bible-based

Welcoming, open hearted, outward looking and relevant

A people who are humble, gracious, generous and servant hearted.

Our service times are scheduled on page 16 of the magazine. The 8am Holy Communion follows the Book of Common Prayer. The 9.45 Service offers informal contemporary worship during which there’s seekers@saints, separate age related activities in five different groups for those aged 3 to teens. There are crèche facilities for the under 3s. The 11.15 am Service follows Common Worship.

We hope you will always find a warm welcome here, and worship which is both reverent and meaningful.

For disabled people we have level access into the Church by all doors, and a ramp to the Hall and toilets (including adapted toilet); we also provide baby changing facilities. There is an efficient loudspeaker system for those who find listening difficult. A hearing loop, covering most of the church and hall, serves those with hearing aids switched to the ‘T’ position. The car park is available free for those attending services and meetings. Permits for parking at other times are available for church members.

All Saints’ Church is part of the Sid Valley Mission Community in the Devon Anglican Diocese.

P 2 Vicar’s Letter & notes P4 Regular activities P5 Vicar’s & Editors Notes P6 - Around Salcombe Regis Parish P7 & P12 Team Rector’s letter P8 - P9 Kate’s Blog P10 & 11 Events P12 & p13 Prayer Focus P14 Salcombe Regis Services for July


P15 Salcombe Regis Services for August P16 All Saints’ Services for July P17 All Saints’ Services for August P18 - P19 Who’s Who & Contacts P20 - p30 Adverts P30 Diary Dates P31 Profile— Alastair Bates P32 Folk Week theatre at All Saints




Prayer Groups

Weekly prayer, Friday 9.00 - 9.30 am in Church.

Monthly prayer and praise, 7.30 pm the first Tuesday of each month in Church

Men’s Prayer group, 7am each Friday morning in church. Contact Phil Cranch.

Prayer for the Nation, 4th Monday at 2pm in Church. Contact Joyce Missing. House Groups There are many groups which meet at various places in the valley on different days and times. Please contact Brenda Richards for information.

Pastoral Team (vacancy) Anyone who would like to discuss potential visits should initially contact the Vicar.

Friendship Group for retired people, meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10am - 12noon for coffee, board games, and other varied activities. Chris Lowden manages this event.

Coffee & Co is a group for people who would like to meet others just for friendship. Biddy Miller manages this event which meets on the 4th Saturday of each month 10 am - 12 noon.

Snack ‘n chat meets for a simple lunch, from 12 noon on the first Tuesday of the month from October to April. Anne Kay and Hazel Fergie manage this event.

Man to Man Breakfast for the men normally on a third Saturday of a month at 8am – some for Christian men only and some outreach events. Contact Robin Johnson

Messy Church is a fun packed session for children aged 4-11 accompanied by a parent, with games, craft, storytelling, songs, short bible talk and supper. 3.30pm - 5.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Contact Sally Marvin

Gardening. Contact David Guthrie-Clark

Missionary partners and Interests A blue leaflet in the foyer gives an overview of information. More detailed information is available on the notice board in the Church Hall.

See page 18 for contact tel. numbers.


Editor’s Note - Thanks to Kirsty Laird who provided the interesting

photos on the front cover of Salcombe Regis Country Fair.

Our prayers go with Kate and Chris, please see her update on pages 8 & 9. I hope you will enjoy the summer, and be refreshed.

Notes from the Vicarage

Epic Camp. Over the weekend of July 18th to 20th a number of All Saints’ families will be camping at the Scout field. We decided to join them for worship on Sunday morning! So the 9.45 service at All Saints’ will move up the hill. Pray for suitable weather for all the plans.

The Folk Festival service is Sunday August 3rd at 10.30 in the Connaught Gardens. This year the speaker is the Rev Steve Weston the Team Rector of Ottery. Again, the All Saints’ 9.45 service will be on the move – that crowd need to be really on the ball!

Sunday on the seafront. For the last couple of years we have been holding short meetings of praise and worship on the Seafront on Sunday evenings in August. Do join us to make a crowd. 5.00pm each Sunday August 10th to 31st, opposite the Bedford Hotel.

Tea in the churchyard. Every Sunday afternoon you can enjoy tea and cake in Salcombe Regis churchyard! Great.

Life under the Sun. Also in folk week we are hosting a Christian drama production at All Saints’ on the evenings of August 5th and 6th. Seth Bathurst is bringing his one man show based on Ecclesiastes. [see back cover for further details] 7.30pm each night, £8 and £6, tickets on the door or from the mustard seed.



Sunday, 3 August at 6.00pm in St Francis Church, Woolbrook.

A peaceful and reflective service of music, hymns, prayers and readings.


Around the Parish at Salcombe Regis

Behind every successful event is good organisation. A committee who initially meet in January to plan the running of the day, stall holders, tea and cake makers, the flower ladies and help on the day all make for the running of the Salcombe Regis Country Fair. Everyone comes together from all aspects of life to make this day run smoothly. Our thanks must go to the minibus drivers and the Sidmouth Hopper bus who convey people from the Car park on the Salcombe Regis recreation ground into the village. QES Electrical for providing power to the “stage” which is assembled by Sidmouth Scaffolding, Bagwells for their assistance in the putting up and taking down of the banner in the centre of town and the Donkey Sanctuary for the use of their tables. We must thank the Scouts for running the car park so efficiently. The Guides man the sideshows with fun and games for every age. Thanks must go to Carol for masterminding the raffle and to all those who sell the raffle tickets. The only thing that cannot be controlled is the weather.

The weather forecast prior to the Fair did not bode well. Heavy rain and thunder was forecast. As the church clock struck two o’clock the Fair opened with much activity in and around the church and villagers’ gardens. There were people clutching bargain buys, children with their faces painted, much tea and cake consumed and stalls and sideshows very busy. The flower ladies had excelled themselves with their nursery rhyme theme which was much enjoyed by all who entered the church. Overall numbers attending this year’s Fair were somewhat lower than hoped for undoubtedly due to the weather prospects and we all wish for a warm sunny and dry day in 2015.

Following the first of our churchyard teas the busy week ended with Songs of Praise, in Salcombe Regis the congregation singing the much loved hymns with enthusiasm. After the service coffee, tea and biscuits were served giving the congregation the opportunity to meet Canon Philip Bourne our guest speaker.

To all going away during the summer holidays or staying at home our wishes are enjoy July and August, travel safely and keep well.

Annette Newman


Dear Friends,

Last month I finally managed to find enough time to start exploring the great coastline here. Although I cheated slightly by starting my walk in the car park at the top of Peak Hill, I did then enjoy a spectacular walk across the hills and over the cliffs to Ladram Bay. In August I shall be enjoying a fortnight’s break, but won’t be travelling very far, not least because I want to experience the Folk Festival. However, in November, I am hoping to combine a small study project with a little holiday in New York City.

Sometimes I quite envy those who get to travel with their employment, although when I used to minister within the expatriate community in The Netherlands, the business men and women used to complain about moving from bed to bed, restaurant to restaurant, waiting for delayed flights, coping with different time zones, and managing packed work schedules. Travel could be quite gruelling.

Jesus travelled quite a bit, although not by aeroplane but on foot. During his lifetime, and especially during his ministry, he walked the 95 miles between Nazareth and Jerusalem several times, and probably not via the most direct route since the Jews usually avoided going through Samaria. He spent most of the three years of his ministry with “no place to lay his head.” Sometimes he was walking away from conflict, but often he was walking straight into it. I don’t think Jesus would have described any of his travel as vacation time!

But Jesus did take time to rest. The Gospel of Mark records Jesus taking his disciples for a break from all the people-work they were involved in: “The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’. So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place” (6:30-32).

So, rest and a change of scene were important for Jesus. However, life was not intended as an all-year holiday, and Jesus clearly talked more about work than rest: “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). “As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4).

Contd on page 12

Contd from p 7

If Jesus came to the Sid Valley for a few days’ break, he would enjoy watching the sun set over the sea. He might be amused to watch the seagulls swooping down

Team Rector’s letter


Kate’s Blog

This my last edition of Kate’s Blog before I take annual leave then hopefully adoption leave from some time in July.

I have a mixture of feelings about my changing role. I am really thankful for my 3 1/2 years in Sidmouth - to God in enabling me to do the work, to the many who have worked along side or supported me in it and for the many friends I have made. I have grown a huge amount in my own Christian faith and understanding, and I have loved having so many opportunities to help children and young people move on in their own journey of faith.

I am excited for the future of the work, as Kirsty Hammond covers the role during my adoption leave. Kirsty has been a teacher for 16 years, has connections with many local families, not least through her own upbringing in Sidmouth, her 10 years teaching at Sidmouth Primary, and being a local Cub leader. Kirsty and her husband John, with their house group, started up the now annual ‘EPIC’ family camp event for All Saints families. Together with a group of others they have recently started up a new initiative for youth in the Sid Valley called ‘ROC’ being a monthly music jam event where the young people learn to play and sing new songs and that is appealing also to young people who are not regular church attenders. Kirsty has been coming along to our regular youth events over the past few months to familiarise herself with the role as well as having been a regular leader in the All Saints children's’ groups over the past few years. She will hit the ground running as she starts the role towards the end of July in taking over the holiday club reins!

I am also excited but not a little apprehensive at the prospect of hopefully us soon becoming a family! There is still uncertainty as to whether the current proposed match of a 5 year old boy and his 4 year sister will actually go ahead - the panel hearing which approves the match only takes place a couple of weeks or so before the introductions would commence. However it turns out, we know from experience that we can


count on God to do what is for the best, and that is of huge reassurance to us. We are under no illusion that our tranquil lives and cosy home will soon be turned upside down!

May I finish with a big plug for Holiday Club which is themed ‘Starwars - The Final Conquest’. It takes place on the mornings of 12th—15th August, with Monday 11th being a leader’s training and preparation day. It will be thoroughly Starwarsy, but with the big story of the Bible woven through the Star Wars plot that develops over the week. We still need several helpers, including people to help with registration from 9.30 - 10.15am, cake-makers for leaders in the morning break as well as folk to serve drinks and snacks to the children. We need several group helpers especially in the younger two groups (aged 4-6) as well as folk to participate in the drama on one or more days, to help with the stage building and to clear up the mess afterwards! You don’t need to be into StarWars, just eager to serve the Lord, willing to use or explore your gifting in any of the above areas. It’s going to be fun!

Kate Hamilton Children’s & Youth Pastor Sid Valley Mission Community

Tel: 07588 817590 / youth@sidvalley.org.uk


Rose Lawn

Holy communion taken by Revd David Lewis at Rose Lawn on Tuesday 8 July 11am followed by coffee also :-

Sundays 13 July Revd Roger Trumper and 27 July Mrs Yvonne Franks 4.30pm at Rose Lawn informal afternoon service followed by tea.

A number of folks from All Saints’ have come to the services to support recently and this has been so much appreciated and enjoyed.

June Glennie

‘Devon Historic Churches Day’

“Ride and Stride” On 13th September All Saints’ will be taking part in the Ride and Stride day helping to raise funds to save Devon’s churches for future generations. Riders and striders will be welcomed here with a smiley face and refreshments as they ‘clock in’ at All Saints’ on their chosen journey around local churches. Watch out for more details in the September magazine about how you might like to take part in and support this.

June Glennie



Summer concert at Sidholme

In the music room on Saturday 19th July at 7.45 pm.

The St David’s Singers of Exeter

Raising funds for the Sidholme Organ restoration fund, Sidmouth Victoria Hospital Comforts Fund and Exeter Leukemia Fund.

The St David’s Singers, under the direction of Mark Perry, will present a wonderfully varied programme of music in the elegant surroundings of the Music Room at Sidholme. The singers have recently appeared in the Chapel Royal Windsor and regularly perform across the South West.

Tickets £7 from Paragon Books, High Street, Sidmouth or from Jeremy Roberts on 07968172453, jeremyb.roberts@btinternet.com


Roger Jones (Christian Music Ministries) has written and composed a number of musicals and he will be coming to All Saints' in October for a performance of Two Sisters and a Funeral (the story of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary) and we will be providing the choir. There has been an encouraging response to the request for singers but we could do with a few more men who are available on the following dates:

- Monday 14th July at 7.30pm when Roger will introduce the musical to all who would like to be involved,

- then weekly rehearsals on Monday evenings (starting 11th August) to be led by Peter Fung,

- weekend of 11th/12th October when Roger will take the rehearsal throughout the day on Saturday with a public performance on Sunday afternoon.

Even if you have never been in a choir, please consider being part of this one and let me know if you would like to join us.

John Belton (tel: 01404-813431 or email: thebeltons@talk21.com)



Intercessions for the Mission Community Pray for the witness of Christians within local organisations and for those who come to Sidmouth on holiday and our outreach to them.

For our Town Council and leader John Hollick For local businesses and hoteliers, especially those dependent on the tourist

trade For voluntary organisations and associations - SVS, SVA, Probus, Rotary and

Chamber of Commerce For those who administer the Keith Owen Fund For the Scripture Union Family Mission For the Folk Festival August 1st to 8th and for the opportunities our

congregations have for meeting with people For visitors who come to our church services or who just come into the

buildings to look around For Sidmouth Inshore Rescue Service and those who administer and crew it For relaxation, time to think and safe travels for everyone on holiday this

summer Rev. Philip Bourne, Team Rector

over unsuspecting visitors. He would probably enjoy visiting Roly’s Fudge Pantry, Bloater’s fish and chip shop and The Anchor pub. And he would most likely find interest in a production of Jesus Christ, Superstar at the Manor Pavilion Theatre.

But he wouldn’t stay long, because he would be thinking about getting back to work – the work that his Father sent him to do while it was still day.

Whoops! Enough musing and day-dreaming. Time to get back to work!

Philip Bourne


All Saints’ Church Fellowship Prayer list for July-August 2014

1. Fran and Brendan Lee 2. David and Wendy Lewis 3. Sheila Lockwood 4. Alison and Chris Long 5. Barry and Chris Lowden 6. Rosemarie Luff 7. Ian and Wendy Mackie 8. Ann McCabe 9. Rosemary Martin 10. Sally and Chris Marvin 11. Lorna Meers 12. Andy and Maureen Millar 13. Tony and Biddy Miller 14. Paula Mills 15. Peter and Sue Mison 16. Joyce Missing

1. Rosemary Radley

2. Duncan and Zoe Reavill

3. John and Monica Rawlings

4. Jack and Christine Rew

5. Brenda Richards

6. Allan and Alison Roberts

7. Clare Robson

8. Elizabeth Rodwell

9. Sarah Rose

10. Pam Russell

11. Patsy Rust

12. Tom and Barbara Salthill

13. Mark and Mary Sanders

14. Jean Simpson

15. Gareth and Jenny Smith

16. Jill Smith







In everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. Phil 46

I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me I will call on him as long as I live. Psalm 116 1-2

The Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Rom.



6 July Third Sunday after Trinity 9:15 am Parish Communion 11:00 am Matins Title: Hearing God’s call - Nehemiah Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Nehemiah 1: 1 -11; Matthew 11: 20 - 24 13 July Fourth Sunday after Trinity 8:00 am Holy Communion 9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Israel’s failure Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Judges 2: 6 – 3:6; Matthew 13: 53 - 58 20 July Fifth Sunday after Trinity 9:15 am Parish Communion 11:00 am Matins Title: Deborah Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Judges 4: 1 – 23; Matthew 15: 21 - 28 27 July Sixth Sunday after Trinity 8:00 am Holy Communion 9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Gideon Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Judges 7: 1 - 25; Matthew 17: 1 - 8



3 August Seventh Sunday after Trinity 9:15 am Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Shambrook 11:00 am Matins Title Samson – the beginning Readings: Judges 13: 1 – 14, 21 – 25; Matthew 1: 18 – 25

10 August Eighth Sunday after Trinity 8:00 am Holy Communion Preacher: Canon Denis Gurney 9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Samson’s marriage Readings: Judges 14: 1 – 17; Matthew 13: 24 – 30

17 August Ninth Sunday after Trinity 9:15 am Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 11:00 am Matins Title: Samson’s Prime Readings: Judges 15: 1 – 16; Matthew 15: 29 – 39

24 August Tenth Sunday after Trinity 8:00 am Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett 9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Samson’s Downfall Readings: Judges 16: 1 – 9, 15 – 21; Matthew 18: 1 – 9

31 August Eleventh Sunday after Trinity 9:15 am Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Title: Samson’s End Readings: Judges 16: 21 – 31; Matthew 14: 1 – 12



6 July Third Sunday after Trinity 8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Mark Barrett 9:45 am & 11:15 am Morning Services Title: Hearing God’s call - Nehemiah Preacher: Alastair Bates Readings: Nehemiah 1: 1 -11; Matthew 11: 20 - 24 13 July Fourth Sunday after Trinity 9:45 am & 11:15 am Morning Services Title: Israel’s failure Preacher: John Dunster Readings: Judges 2: 6 – 3:6; Matthew 13: 53 - 58 6:00 pm Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 20 July Fifth Sunday after Trinity 8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Roger Trumper 9.45 Relocated to EPIC Camp on the scout field (transport will be available from Church). 11:15 am Title: Deborah Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Judges 4: 1 – 23; Matthew 15: 21 - 28 27 July Sixth Sunday after Trinity 9:45 am & 11:15 am Morning Services and Holy Communion Title: Gideon Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Judges 7: 1 - 25; Matthew 17: 1 - 8 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm Encounter Title: Pain and suffering



3 August Trinity 7

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Roger Trumper 10:30 am Festival Service in Connaught Gardens 11:15 am Morning Service Rev Roger Trumper Title Samson – the beginning Readings: Judges 13: 1 – 14, 21 – 25 ; Matthew 1: 18 - 25

10 August Trinity 8

9:45am All-Age Service 11:15 am Morning Service Rev Mark Barrett Title: Samson’s marriage Readings: Judges 14: 1 – 17; Matthew 13: 24 – 30 5:00 pm Church on the Promenade

17 August Trinity 9

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Mark Barrett 9:45am All-Age Service 11:15 am Morning Service Rev Ken Crooks Title: Samson’s Prime Readings: Judges 15: 1 – 16; Matthew 15: 29 – 39 5:00 pm Church on the Promenade

24 August Trinity 10

9:15am All-Age Service 11:45am Holy Communion Rev Roger Trumper Title: Samson’s Downfall Readings: Judges 16: 1 – 9, 15 – 21; Matthew 18: 1 – 9 5:00 pm Church on the Promenade 7:00pm Coffee before Encounter at 7:30pm

31 August Trinity 11

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Roger Trumper 9:45am All-Age Service 11:15 am Morning Service Rev Roger Trumper Title: Samson’s End Readings: Judges 16: 21 – 31 Matthew 14: 1 – 12 5:00 pm Church on the Promenade


Friendship Group Chris Lowden 516028 Children’s Ministry Tracey Tipton 576804 Prayer Chain Margaret Jenkins 577981 Man to Man Robin Johnson 578433 Men’s Prayer Phil Cranch 515677 Snack ‘n’ Chat

Anne Kay 579040

& Hazel Fergie 513517 Coffee & Co Biddy Miller 513697 Hall Bookings & Flower Rota Biddy Miller 513697 Messy Church Sally Marvin 514475

Car Park Permits Tony Miller 513697 Notice Board Geraldine Gee 579604 Heating Tony Miller 513697 Sound System Martin Allen 579152 Bible Reading Notes Rosemarie Luff 579345 House Groups Brenda Richards 516241

WEBSITE Editor Paula Mills 515488 (millspaula@hotmail.co.uk)

PCC SECRETARY Tony Miller 513697 biddyandtony@ukgateway.net

PCC TREASURER Gill Johnson 578433

GIVING Freewill Offering Geraldine Gee 579604 Gift Aid Gill Johnson 578433



CHURCH ADMIN. ASSISTANT Phil Cranch Office email : allsaints@sidvalley.org.uk CHURCH WARDENS Phil Cranch 515677 Vacancy

DEANERY SYNOD June Glennie 578722 Jennie Crabtree 568750 Hannah Vicarage 07944222276

WHO’S WHO VICAR - Rev. Roger Trumper, The Vicarage, All Saints Road, Sidmouth, EX10 8ES

Tel.: 515963 Email: roger.trumper@sidvalley.org.uk

CURATE - Mark Barrett, 25 Lymebourne Park, Sidmouth EX10 9HZ

Tel: 512645 Email: mark.barrett@sidvalley.org.uk


Tel. 07588 817590 Email: youth@sidvalley.org.uk

ALL SAINTS WEB SITE : www.allsaintssidmouth.org.uk

All Saints’ Church charity number 1128968

HON. ASSISTANT CLERGY Rev. Handel Bennett 514211

Rev. Kenneth Crooks 489254

Canon Dennis Gurney 515362


TEAM RECTOR - Sidmouth Parish Church

Rev. Philip Bourne 512595


All Saints & Salcombe Regis Rev. Roger Trumper 515963 Mark Barrett 512645 Community Youth Pastor Kate Hamilton 07588817590 St. Francis, Woolbrook and Sidbury & Sidford Rev. Susie Williams 516036 susie.williams@sidvalley.org.uk Clergy & Staff Rest Days Rev. Roger Trumper - Thursday Mark Barrett - Wednesday Rev. Susie Williams - Wednesday Kate Hamilton - Saturday

Magazine Editors

Sidmouth Parish Church Margaret Jewes 512020 St Francis, Woolbrook (Grapevine news letter) Jackie Herbert & Bettina Wilson stfnews@yahoo.co.uk & bettina.wilson1@btinternet.com Sidbury & Sidford Janice Salway 514862 E-mail: jansalway@hotmail.co.uk

All Saints’ Church Joyce Missing 516806 E-mail: jemissing@aol.com Salcombe Regis Parish Church Contacts Annette Newman & 513313 m.newman140@btinternet.com Erica Hodgson 577216 hodgsonerica@hotmail.com


Rev. Roger Trumper - Vicar & Chairman Phil Cranch - Warden relected 2014 Gill Johnson - Treasurer elected 2014 Tony Miller - Secretary elected 2014 Barbara Allen - elected 2013 Alastair Bates elected 2014 Peter Fung - elected 2012 Chris Hamilton - elected 2012 Fran Lee - elected 2013 John Montgomery - elected 2014 Hannah Vicarage - Deanery Rep elected 2014 June Glennie - Deanery Rep Jennie Crabtree - Deanery Rep Mark Barrett - Curate Carole Hawkins - Reader John Dunster - Reader

If you have an issue you wish to raise for the PCC's consideration, please write to



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Diary Dates for All Saints’ &

St Mary & St Peters Churches See regular activities on page 4 Sunday, 6th July Salcombe Regis Parish Church Picnic at 12.30pm in the churchyard. Sunday afternoon teas throughout July and August in the Salcombe Regis Churchyard 2.30 pm--5pm. Tuesday 8th & Sundays 13 & 27 Rose Lawn Services see p 10 for details Tuesday 8th Prayer & Praise 7.30 Thursday 10th July Messy Church 3.30 pm [last until September] Monday 14th July 7.30pm “2 sisters and a funeral” introduction p 11 Tuesday 15th July Friendship group 10 am [last until September] Tuesday 15th July All Saints’ PCC meeting 7.30 pm EPIC camp Friday 18 -20 July Saturday 19th Man to Man 8am [last until September] Saturday 19th July 7.45pm Sidholme Concert see p11 Saturday 26th July Coffee & Co. meeting on 10am to noon

Wednesday 20th August by 9am Magazine copy date for September Tuesday 12th -15th August Holiday club.


Peoples’ Stories - Alastair Bates

Born in Perth, Australia, Alastair spent his early childhood in Manjimup,

"Gateway to Tall Timber Country" and "Home of the Pink Lady Apple", before

moving as a child with his family to England. His teenage years were in

Beckenham, Kent, attending the same school as Nigel Farage, a compromising

fact told you in confidence which he asks you to hush up. He read history at

Cambridge and eventually qualified as a solicitor, a job he has done for the last

30 years.

He and Sharon were married 32 years ago. Sharon is a nurse and midwife but

more recently has worked as a bariatric nurse practitioner dealing with obesity


They moved to Sidmouth in 1986 and it has been a great place to bring up

their two daughters, Catherine (married to Chris in All Saints’ in March) and

Alexandra (Zsa Zsa) married to Barny.

Owing to recent problems re-entering the UK on an Australian passport Alastair

obtained a second, Irish, passport as well, so had to leave the bright sunlit

pragmatic Anglo Saxon world and enter a twilight Celtic world of myth,

fantasy and legend, obviously appropriate for a lawyer.

Alastair enjoys preaching in church, has just gone onto the All Saints’ Church

Council and is excited at what God has next for All Saints’. He is interested in

ideas, philosophy and theology, and in understanding the philosophical basis (or

lack of it) of the spirit of the age which drives our culture, hence the Built on

Nothing page on the church website.

Another foreign link is with Uganda where Alastair's mother was born and where

his missionary grandparents married many years ago. It was a great thrill a few

years ago to visit Uganda and see where they lived and to meet Ugandan

Christians. From this came the visit to All Saints’ recently of Rev. Kenneth

Karyaija. As a fifth generation Australian Alastair supports Australia (and Ireland)

in rugby and cricket.

Asked to say a few spontaneous words of consolation, encouragement and hope

for England supporters at All Saints, about the England cricket team after the

Ashes series, Alastair responded "Of course. Hope for the England cricket team?

Let's see. Well, um, er, oh dear ... Sorry words fail me. Well at least I tried."


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