2013 project development manual...eventually, much of this content will again transition to cdot’s...

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A PDM in Transition and CDOT’s Transition to Electronic Documentation

Project Management related content in the Project Development Manual (“PDM”) is transitioning to the CDOT Program/Project Management website: (https://www.codot.gov/business/project-management). Eventually, much of this content will again transition to CDOT’s new project management software platform (called OnTrack) that is currently under development. When the transition is complete, the PDM will be revised to reflect only the remaining content with the acknowledgement that CDOT is in the process of transitioning to the use of technology to improve project delivery, including the use of electronic rather than paper records.

Two Procedural Directives, PD 21.1 and PD 508.1, issued in May and June 2019, provide the basis for CDOT’s record retention and eSealing eConstruction effort. These two directives apply to CDOT employees and to contractors, consultants and local agencies who develop, transfer, augment, or are in any way involved with or responsible for CDOT project records. They apply to all CDOT projects including local agency and Innovative: P3, Design-Build and CMGC projects.

The main requirements of CDOT’s directives are as follows. Please review the entire directives for more comprehensive guidance.

• CDOT’s EDMS for Project Records o Bentley ProjectWise Explorer is the Electronic Document Management System

(EDMS) for archiving all electronic Project Records set forth in the CDOT Record File Plans.

o If project consultants are using Aconex, the PM and CDOT Resident Engineer must develop a phased approach to migrate records into ProjectWise Explorer on an ongoing basis within 45 days of the project final acceptance.

• CDOT Record File Plans. CDOT’s Record File Plans contain a list of the public records that are required to be retained, as well as the electronic folder in ProjectWise Explorer where they will be archived. For local agencies, contractors and consultants, a link to the CDOT Record File Plans is included in all Project Share sites.

• Adobe Sign: CDOT’s Electronic Signature Software for Project Records.

• Adobe Sign is the electronic signature and professional seal software selected by CDOT and required for use on Project Records.

• For all Project Records that do not require a CDOT Controller/State Controller signature, Adobe Sign shall be used for both eSignatures and eSeals on Project Records. Note that Adobe Sign is permissible for use on contract modification orders ("CMO") given that CMOs do not require a signature by the Office of the State Controller. Adobe Sign work flows for Project Records will significantly cut down time routing paper records for signature, and will automatically archive the signed Project Record in ProjectWise.

• Professional Engineer Sealing. All CDOT, local agency and consulting Engineers must utilize electronic sealing (rather than mechanical sealing on paper) by January 2020 unless an exception request and approval is granted by the Chief Engineer. Beginning January 2021, no exemptions will be granted to the electronic sealing requirements.

• Sealed Project Records must be retained in ProjectWise Explorer in conformance with the CDOT Record File Plans.

• Unless otherwise notified by the Chief Engineer, Adobe Sign is CDOT’s approved electronic workflow signature software for “Project Records.” This includes the use of Adobe Sign for sealing with the professional engineer seal (see Procedural Directive 508.1 below, which sets forth requirements for sealing). Adobe Sign may not be utilized for any document which requires a signature from the CDOT Controller or State Controller.

• CDOT’s Sealing requirements are dictated by and adhere to the Sealing requirements for licensed engineers set forth in the AES Board Rules, 4 CCR 730-1, which have the effect of law. The AES Board Rules dictate which documents require a Seal. These include Record Sets, Contract Modification Orders, VECP’s M&S Standards and changes thereto.

• Responsibilities o Engineer in Responsible Charge: Must seal respective documents for work

within their scope of work, including local agencies. Must ensure that all seals are obtained on the record set. This includes the limitation of scope for each seal.

o The Engineer in Responsible Charge on a local agency project with COOT oversight is required to Seal all documents within the scope of their work. They shall be responsible for depositing the Seal Record Set into ProjectWise within 45 days of the award.

January 31, 2013 Table of Contents



INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................. xi

ACRONYMS COMMON TO CDOT ............................................................................................ xiii

FORM 1048


1.01  STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ........................... 1-2 

1.02  ESTIMATED INITIAL PROJECT COST AND SCHEDULE .................................... 1-10 

1.03  FUNDING SOURCES AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION ...................................... 1-19 

1.04  PROJECT CREATION AND FINANCES ............................................................... 1-21 

1.05  CONSULTANT SELECTION AND CONTRACTING PROCESS ........................... 1-32 


1.07  PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROJECT (OR DESIGN) SCHEDULE ............................ 1-42 

1.08  INNOVATIVE CONTRACTING .............................................................................. 1-48 

1.09  ENTITY AGREEMENT (LOCAL AGENCY, INTER- GOVERNMENTAL, INTER-AGENCY, PUBLIC/PRIVATE) ................................................................................ 1-50 

1.10  PROJECT DELIVERY METHODS ......................................................................... 1-54 

1.11  FORCE ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTION METHOD (FORM 895) ............................ 1-56 

1.12  CONSOLIDATED PROJECTS ............................................................................... 1-60 

1.13  SIGNATURE PROJECTS ...................................................................................... 1-62 

1.14  FASTER BRIDGE ENTERPRISE PROJECTS ...................................................... 1-64 


2.01  DESIGN SCOPING REVIEW ................................................................................... 2-1 


2.03  EXISTING TYPICAL SECTION ................................................................................ 2-5 

2.04  PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION ............................................................................ 2-6 

2.05  DESIGN DATA (FORM 463) .................................................................................... 2-8 

2.06  DESIGN EXCEPTION (VARIANCE) (FORM 464) ................................................. 2-13 

January 31, 2013 Table of Contents



2.08  SAFETY REVIEW (INCLUDING CLEAR ZONE DECISIONS) .............................. 2-27 

2.09  ROADSIDE BARRIER DESIGN AND REVIEW ..................................................... 2-29 

2.10  BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES ........................................................... 2-32 



2.13  CDOT MAINTENANCE INPUT .............................................................................. 2-39 

2.14  FIELD SURVEY (FORM 1217) .............................................................................. 2-41 

2.15  VALUE ENGINEERING (DURING DESIGN PHASE) ............................................ 2-43 


2.17  FIELD INSPECTION REVIEW ............................................................................... 2-54 

2.18  CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEWS .......................................................................... 2-64 

2.19  DESIGN OFFICE REVIEW (STATUS MEETING) ................................................. 2-71 

2.20  DESIGN DECISION LETTER ................................................................................ 2-72 

2.21  ON-THE-JOB TRAINEE APPROVAL .................................................................... 2-73 

2.22  DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOALS ........................................ 2-75 

2.23  SPECIAL PROVISIONS ......................................................................................... 2-79 

2.24  PROPRIETARY ITEMS .......................................................................................... 2-83 

2.25  PROJECT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NEEDS ............................................. 2-87 

2.26  PROJECT CONTROL DATA (FORM 859) ............................................................ 2-88 

2.27  ESTIMATE REVIEW BY ENGINEERING ESTIMATES AND MARKET ANALYSIS UNIT ....................................................................................................................... 2-90 

2.28  FINAL OFFICE REVIEW ........................................................................................ 2-92 

2.29  BID PACKAGE REVIEW (FORM 1299) ................................................................. 2-95 



2.32  PLANS AND REPRODUCTION PROCESSES ................................................... 2-103 

2.33  ADVERTISEMENT ............................................................................................... 2-114 

2.34  PS&E REVISIONS UNDER ADVERTISEMENT .................................................. 2-117 

2.35  RE-ADVERTISEMENT ......................................................................................... 2-121 

2.36  RETAINING BID SURPLUS FUNDS ................................................................... 2-123 

January 31, 2013 Table of Contents



3.01  INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3-1 

3.02  4(f) PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 3-10 

3.03  6(f) .......................................................................................................................... 3-13 

3.04  AIR QUALITY ......................................................................................................... 3-15 

3.05  FARMLAND ............................................................................................................ 3-18 

3.06  FLOODPLAINS ...................................................................................................... 3-20 

3.07  HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ................................................................................... 3-22 

3.08  HISTORIC PROPERTIES CLEARANCES (ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY, HISTORIC BRIDGE) ................................................................................................................ 3-25 

3.09  MIGRATORY BIRDS .............................................................................................. 3-28 

3.10  NOISE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 3-31 

3.11  NOXIOUS WEEDS ................................................................................................. 3-33 

3.12  PALEONTOLOGY .................................................................................................. 3-34 

3.13  SENATE BILL 40 (SB 40) ...................................................................................... 3-36 

3.14  SOCIAL RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 3-38 

3.15  STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS (SWMP) ............................................... 3-40 

3.16  THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ................................................... 3-42 

3.17  WATER QUALITY .................................................................................................. 3-44 

3.18  WETLANDS ........................................................................................................... 3-46


4.01  TRAFFIC DATA ........................................................................................................ 4-1 

4.02  REQUEST AND ANALYZE CRASH DATA .............................................................. 4-2 

4.03  TURNING MOVEMENTS REQUEST ...................................................................... 4-4 

4.04  TRAFFIC MOVEMENT DIAGRAM ........................................................................... 4-5 

4.05  SIGNAL WARRANTS ............................................................................................... 4-6 

4.06  INTERSECTION AND INTERCHANGE DESIGN .................................................... 4-7 

4.07  TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN .......................................................................................... 4-9 

4.08  LIGHTING PLAN .................................................................................................... 4-10 

4.09  PERMANENT SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING ......................................... 4-12 






























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... 5-1 

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... 5-6 

... 5-8 

. 5-10 

. 5-11 

. 5-12 

. 5-13 

. 5-15 

. 5-16 

. 5-17 

. 5-18 

. 5-20 

. 5-21 

... 6-1 

... 6-3 

... 6-5 

... 6-6 

... 6-8 

. 6-10 

... 7-1 

... 7-9 

. 7-12 

. 7-17

January 31, 2013 Table of Contents




8.02  DETOUR DESIGN ................................................................................................... 8-3 

8.03  AIRPORT AND HELIPORT CLEARANCES ............................................................ 8-6 

8.04  SAFETY REST AREAS ............................................................................................ 8-8 

8.05  RAILROAD DESIGN .............................................................................................. 8-10 

8.06  TRANSIT ACCOMMODATIONS ............................................................................ 8-13 

8.07  IRRIGATION COMPANY AGREEMENT ............................................................... 8-15 

8.08  CLIMBING AND PASSING LANES ........................................................................ 8-22 

8.09  STOCKPASSES, LANDOWNERS’ ACCESS, WILDLIFE CROSSINGS AND MACHINE PASSES ............................................................................................... 8-23 

8.10  EXPERIMENTAL ITEMS ........................................................................................ 8-25 

8.11  DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL OFF PROJECT SITE .................................. 8-26 

8.12  MANDATORY SOURCE OF MATERIALS OR MATERIALS FURNISHED BY A PUBLIC AGENCY .................................................................................................. 8-27 


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January 31, 2013 Acronyms


ACRONYMS COMMON TO CDOT 3R Resurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADT Average Daily Traffic

AQCC Air Quality Control Commission

AQCM Air Quality Congestion Mitigation

BAMS Bid Analysis and Management System

BLM Bureau of Land Management

CBC Concrete Box Culvert

CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CMGC Construction Manager/General Contractor

COFRS Colorado Financial Reporting System

CRS Colorado Revised Statutes

DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

DHV Design Hour Volume

DOR Design Office Review

DOW Division of Wildlife (Colorado)

DRCOG Denver Regional Council of Governments

DSR Design Scoping Review

DTD Division of Transportation Development

Acronyms January 31, 2013


EA Environmental Assessment

EEO Equal Employment Opportunity

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

ESAL Equivalent Single Axle Load

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FAPG Federal Aid Policy Guide

FHWA Federal Highway Administration

FIPI Finding-in-the-Public-Interest

FIR Field Inspection Review

FMV Fair Market Value

FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact

FOR Final Office Review

FTA Federal Transit Administration

HAZMAT Hazardous Materials

HCM Highway Capacity Manual

HES Hazard Elimination System

HOV High-Occupancy Vehicle

HTF Highway Trust Fund (Federal)

HUTF Highway Users Tax Fund (State)

IGA Inter-Governmental Agreement

IRIS Inventory Road Information System

ISA Initial Site Assessment

January 31, 2013 Acronyms


ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act

IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System

JBC Joint Budget Committee

MHT Method of Handling Traffic

MMS Maintenance Management System

MOA Memorandum of Agreement

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization

MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

NHS National Highway System

NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

OFMB Office of Financial Management and Budget

OJT On-the-Job Trainee

PPPP Project Priority Programming Process

ProMIS Project Management Information System

PS&E Plans, Specifications and Estimate

PSI Preliminary Site Investigation

PUC Public Utilities Commission

ROD Record of Decision

ROW Right of Way

RPEM Region Planning and Environmental Manager

Acronyms January 31, 2013


RTD Region Transportation Director

SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users

SHPO State Historic Preservation Office

STIP Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

TCP Traffic Control Plan

TEA-21 Transportation and Efficiency Act for the 21st Century

TIP Transportation Improvement Program

TPR Transportation Planning Region

UDBE Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

UMTA Urban Mass Transportation Administration

USACE U. S. Army Corps of Engineers

USC U. S. Code

USDA U. S. Department of Agriculture

USDOT U. S. Department of Transportation

USFWS U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled

WASHTO Washington Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming




Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


1.00 Form 1048, Project Scoping/Clearance Record

Form 1048, Project Scoping/Clearance Record comprises a review list that can be used to document the design scoping process, to monitor status toward PS&E approval, and to sign-off on final clearances prior to advertisement of a project. See Section 2.01 for a more detailed discussion of Form 1048.

See previous section labeled “Form 1048” for a recent version of the form. If changes have been made, the current version of Form 1048 is found at:


Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013



Federal Regulations require that State Transportation Departments develop a Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP contains capital and non-capital transportation projects proposed for funding under Title 23 (highways) and Title 49 (transit) of the U.S. Code as well as all regionally significant transportation projects that require an action by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

In July 2012, the President signed Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). The STIP is developed under current federal regulations (23 USC).. Currently, the development of a new STIP is required at least every four years and must contain a minimum four-year listing of Federal-Aid Projects. The STIP must be approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). At the Transportation Commission’s direction, Colorado develops a STIP which includes six years of projects. The current STIP covers FY2012–FY2017. However, this current STIP expires June 30, 2015.

Federal regulations require each STIP to be fiscally constrained. All federally funded transportation projects must be included in the STIP. It is Transportation Commission policy to include state funded projects and local projects with CDOT oversight in the STIP.

1.01.01 Project Planning & Budget Process

SAP is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that CDOT installed in 2006. A German company, SAP is an acronym for “Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing.” SAP is the financial system of record for CDOT, and provides information through interfaces to other state of Colorado systems including the Colorado Financial Reporting System (COFRS) and the Colorado Personnel and Payroll System (CPPS). Some of the functions the system is used for include:

1. Payroll

2. Human Resources

3. Budget

4. Project Systems

5. Work Orders

6. Project Financials

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


7. Purchasing

8. Inventory

CDOT also owns an additional SAP system called Public Budget Formulation (PBF) which includes the planning functions (including STIP, Annual Budget, Revenue Forecasting, Resource Allocation, Asset Management and Maintenance Level of Service - MLOS).

The first step in the planning process is inclusion in the long-range Statewide Transportation Plan. This plan covers a minimum of 20 years. Colorado’s plan is developed by staff in the Division of Transportation Development (DTD). Instead of a list of projects, the plan looks at long- range visions, strategies and goals for specific transportation corridors throughout the state. This plan is also updated every four years as required by regulations included in 23 USC.

Once a project is consistent with the visions, goals, and strategies of the Statewide Plan, it can be included in the STIP. Projects in the STIP are linked to specific to Plan corridors or pools. Projects are included in the STIP based on priorities determined by the CDOT Regions and Transportation Planning Regions.

Once a project is included in both the Statewide Plan and the STIP, it can be budgeted.

1.01.02 Developing the STIP

Development and ongoing maintenance of the STIP is managed by staff in the Office of Financial Management and Budget at CDOT Headquarters. OFMB works closely with Region Planners, located in each CDOT Region, to ensure that projects are included and updated as necessary. In turn, the Region Planners also work closely with their respective Region Business Offices and Engineering staff, as well as with local officials and representatives from each Transportation Planning Region (TPR).

All STIP projects must be consistent with specific Statewide Plan Corridor Visions before they can be included in the STIP. CDOT budget categories and strategies must also be selected for each STIP project. The connection is made in the projects’ master data in SAP and verified by DTD staff for consistency with the Statewide Plan.

At the beginning of any STIP development cycle, Region Planners must follow the process laid out in the Project Priority Programming Process (4P) Guidelines. This process sets forth the parameters for ensuring an open public process for including projects in the STIP. Region Planners work with planning partners in the TPRs to prioritize transportation projects for the next STIP cycle.

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


The 4P process requires each CDOT Region to hold individual meetings with each TPR, and then hold a joint meeting with all of its TPRs to set project priorities. Region Planners may elect to also meet with individual counties, but this is not required.

Once priorities are selected, projects are entered into SAP and included in the draft STIP document. Fiscal constraint is verified by OFMB prior to requesting the Transportation Commission to release the Draft STIP for public review and comment.

After public review and comment, the Commission holds a public hearing to gather final comments on the draft document. Any necessary changes are made to the draft and submitted to the Commission for adoption. The adopted STIP is then forwarded to FHWA and FTA for final approval.

Below is a summary of the development schedule.

June – September

4P meetings

October – November

Joint TPR meetings

December - February

CDOT Regions submit projects for the draft STIP

March Draft STIP released by TC for public review and comment Notice of public hearing sent out

April STAC discussion of draft STIP Public hearing for draft STIP

May Transportation Commission adopts and FHWA/FTA approves STIP

July 1 New STIP effective

1.01.03 STIP Projects

The STIP contains two types of projects: Regionally Significant and STIP Pool projects. A Regionally Significant project is defined as a discreet STIP number pertaining to one STIP Project. Typically, a regionally significant project is a larger project and is considered significant to the locals, or region, it serves.

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Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


1.01.04 Fiscal Constraint

The STIP must be fiscally constrained in order to be approved by FHWA and FTA. CDOT looks for constraint by CDOT Region, CDOT program, and fiscal year for federal and state dollars only. Local dollars are not constrained.

Fiscal constraint is determined in SAP. Funding Program amounts are determined through Resource Allocation. These amounts are loaded and stored in Budget Pools in the FM Module after Resource Allocation is adopted. As transactions occur in the FM budget pools, fiscal constraint is based on the adjusted totals using the following formula:

UNBUDGETED = Amount Programmed in STIP minus Budgeted

UNPROGRAMMED = Budget Pool minus Unbudgeted total from above

This remaining unprogrammed amount is what is still available to STIP into other projects. Budget actions must also be constrained to both the STIP and Regional Pool. Within a STIP Pool, a STIP WBS element may be budgeted more than it is programmed, as long as the parent STIP maintains fiscal constraint.

Fiscal constraint may be verified daily by using the STIP Reconciliation Report available in BEx (Business Explorer software). Region Planners and Business Office staff may be able to assist you if you have trouble finding or using this report.

1.01.05 STIP Amendments

Once the STIP is adopted, it can be amended as needed. There are three types of STIP changes – Policy, Administrative, and TIP amendments. Amendments are submitted by the CDOT Region Planners and approved through OFMB. CDOT Policy Amendments 

Policy amendments must go through a 30 day public involvement process and then be approved by the Transportation Commission. OFMB oversees the process for public comment as well as submits pending policy amendments to the Commission for approval each month. After the Commission approves these amendments, they are forwarded to FHWA and FTA for concurrence. The following excerpt from the CDOT Process for Public Involvement and Approval of TIP/STIP Policy Amendments and Administrative Actions details items which may trigger the need for a policy amendment:

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


1. Adding projects to, or deleting projects from, the STIP pools for the following Funding Programs:

a. 7th Pot – all amendments need to be policy (not currently in pools) b. Earmarks – all amendments need to be policy c. Bridge On System

i. Any new project totaling $2.5M or more is a policy amendment ii. Any funds added to an existing project that makes the total $2.5M or more

is a policy amendment

d. RPP

i. Any new project totaling $2.5M or more is a policy amendment ii. Any funds added to an existing project that makes the total $2.5M or more

is a policy amendment

e. Faster Safety

i. Any new project totaling $2.5M or more is a policy amendment ii. Any funds added to an existing project that makes the total $2.5M or more

is a policy amendment

The following details apply to the programs listed above: The $2.5M threshold would be the total of the project cost in the six STIP years; any amendment that will bring a project’s total cost to $2.5M or more will be considered a policy amendment at that time. CDOT Administrative Actions 

Administrative Actions are minor changes to STIP projects that do not fall under any of the Policy Amendment requirements. These amendments may be processed without Commission or FHWA and FTA approval. Public review and comment is not required and these changes are effective in one business day. TIP Amendments 

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) must follow separate federal regulations to develop and amend their TIPs. Once an MPO Board/Council adopts a TIP, it must be approved by the Governor. The Governor also approves any TIP amendments that are made. In Colorado, the Governor has delegated authority to the CDOT Executive Director to approve TIP amendments (the Governor still approves new TIPs). TIP amendments are incorporated into the STIP administratively once approved by the Governor, or his delegate. However, TIP amendments may take up to four months to be completed by the MPO, depending upon each MPO’s individual process.

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


In summary, amendments fall into the following timeline depending on the type of amendment.

1. Administrative Amendments

a. Overnight process

2. Policy Amendments

a. Up to 60 day process requiring TC approval

3. TIP Amendments

a. Up to 4 months depending on MPO processes b. Overnight once approved by CDOT Executive Director

1.01.06 STIP Reports

There are several STIP reports available for your use. The most common reports are the Daily STIP Report and the Reconciliation Report. Daily STIP Report 

The Daily STIP Report details the funding for all STIP projects in the current STIP. The report itself is a derivative of an Excel spreadsheet providing project basics. It shows the STIP number, the project description, the fund source, and the amount of funding by fiscal year. Since the STIP can be amended on a daily basis, this report reflects the STIP by providing current STIP information on a day‐to-day basis. The report is sorted by CDOT Region and then by STIP number. The report allows you to see all the funding programmed to a specific STIP number in one place. Two versions of the Daily STIP report are posted daily on the external CDOT website at http://www.coloradodot.info/business/budget STIP Reconciliation Report 

The purpose of the STIP Reconciliation Report is to show that the STIP is fiscally constrained. The report shows funding for STIP projects broken down by CDOT Region, funding program, and fiscal year. This report also shows budget action totals taken against any given STIP number within specific funding programs.

The Reconciliation report provides a very good snapshot of each funding program overall. It provides crucial information concerning how much money has been programmed in the STIP versus how much has been budgeted and what is remaining both to budget or program. However, using the Reconciliation Report to track specific

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STIP project information is not recommended because information is sorted by funding program and not by STIP projects.

Also, the STIP Weekly Reconciliation Report provided to FHWA only shows the current and future years of the STIP that require fiscal constraint (the first four years of the STIP), and excludes programs that are not constrained, such as transit. The Reconciliation report is sorted by CDOT Region, Funding Program, Fiscal Year, and STIP number. Access to Reports 

The Daily STIP report may be found online at http://www.coloradodot.info/business/budget. The Reconciliation report may be found in CAR via the SAP Portal on the internal website. Region Planners and OFMB STIP Managers can help you if you need assistance in accessing this or other reports.

1.01.07 STIP Resources

OFMB manages the STIP and provides guidance to the Regions regarding STIP development and amendments. If you need assistance with the STIP, please call 303-757-9262.

1.01.08 Additional References: 1. OFMB’s “BPS Team Overview Training” 2. OFMB Policy and Procedure Manual -


3. Statewide Long-Range Plan Guidebook 4. On-line Budgeting class through TETP


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Estimates need to be made for the total cost of a project for implementation into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), for the Design Scoping Review and later for Field Inspection Review, Final Office Review, and through the engineer’s final estimate for bid. This section will address the initial budgeting effort.

1.02.01 Budgeting Basics: Work‐Hour Estimate: 

This estimate details the personnel work-hours projected to complete the project activities reflected in the project schedule. When labor rates are applied, the Work-Hour Estimate represents a significant portion of the Project Estimate. The Work-Hour estimate is required on all projects prior to the obligation of project funds. On projects with consultant contracts, the Work-Hour Estimate along with the Scope of Work should serve as the basis for the negotiation of final work-hours. Project Estimate: 

The Project Estimate is the summary of total costs for a project. This is broken out into Phases identified as ROW, Utilities, Design, Environmental and Miscellaneous (RUDEM) phases (see below). Additionally, the Project Estimate will include projected costs for Construction of the project. At initial budgeting the construction budget may not be relevant. The ROW and utility phases may not be able to be estimated until after the FIR plan level. Indirects: 

A brief discussion of how the CE and indirect charges work at CDOT is shown in the text box below.

How Construction Engineering and Indirects are used at CDOT

The current CDOT rate for the CE pool is 10.0%, which on a CDOT CE POOL project covers the Salary and Benefits of CDOT personnel and/or consultant task orders who charge directly to the project. The indirect rate of 90.0% is then added to the costs to cover the costs of CDOT personnel time who do not

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charge their time directly to the project.

That indirect rate for federally participating projects is broken out further to 74.51% Participating Indirects (the FHWA will pay this percentage) and 15.49% non-participating indirects (FHWA does not pay these costs) which totals to the 90.0%. The indirect rate for non-participating projects is still 90.0%. The logic is the total indirect amount required does not change based on whether the project is participating and non-participating.

The 10.0% for Salary and benefits (or consultant task orders) for construction oversight plus 90.0% indirects is how we get to the typical rate of 19.0% for the total CE charges.

10.0% Construction engineering+(10.0%*90.0%) indirects = 19.0% total CE charges.


For CE pool project, the CE amount used to cover CDOT’s costs for construction engineering is based on how much is paid to the Contractor. If the Contractor gets paid $1,000,000 for his work that month, CDOT would draw from the project the following amount to cover our costs:

1. $100,000.00 for the Direct Personnel charges to the project (10.0% of $1,000,000)

2. $90,000.00 for the Indirect Personnel costs (90.0% of $100,000)

For a Federally participating project the indirects would be broken up as follows:

1. $74,510.00 FHWA pays (74.51% of $100,000) 2. $15,490.00 CDOT pays (15.49% of $100,000)

This same approach needs to be used for CE POOL exempt projects but just on a project by project basis. For projects with all CDOT personnel the rate will probably be less than 23.95%. If it is all consultant, the rate will be higher than 24%.

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See Region Business manager for current rates.

1.02.02 Timesheet Reports:

There are time sheet reports now available to see the salary, benefits, and indirects that are charged to the pre-construction phase of projects since June 1, 2008. These will help with future estimating for preconstruction phases and for tracking monthly charges against a project. The time sheet reports are available through the Portal (not SAP) and there are work instructions available for these reports in the portal.

1.02.03 Budgeting Phases

Budgeting is no longer on a project basis but is done by Project Phases. STIPs and budgeting in SAP are done by Phases. Guidance as to what charges should be considered in these phases are as follows. These are identified in SAP by the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements which are designated below as the project 5-digit code shown as XXXXX and then the WBS coding.

ROW (WBS – XXXXX.10.10)

This may not be part of the initial budget until the project is further into the process such as at the Field Inspection Review meeting when the amount of ROW can be determined.

ROW costs include the cost of property acquisition, access control, and easements. Also included is the cost of contingencies (salaries, contracts, potential litigation, and miscellaneous expenses) associated with the acquisitions and relocations.

CDOT staff charges or consultant task order charges are generally not included in this phase but are accounted in the design phase of the project. If the design phase is closed and there is still ROW work being completed, then this phase will need to take into account charges needed to do the work.

Utilities (WBS – XXXXX.10.20)

This may not be part of the initial budget until the project is further into the process such as at the Field Inspection Review meeting when utilities can be identified.

Utility costs include the cost for removals, installations, modifications, and relocation of utilities required to construct a project, including the associated design and agreement processing. The cost may be partially or fully the responsibility of the utility owner,

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depending on the type of project funding, utility company, right-of-way occupancy held, and local agency-utility arrangement (See Section 7 Right of Way and Utilities).

Railroad agreements will be funded under the Utility phase of a project.

CDOT staff or consultant task order charges are generally not included in this phase but are accounted in the design phase of the project. If the design phase is closed and there is still ROW work being completed, then this phase will need to take into account charges needed to do the work.

Design (WBS – XXXXX.10.30)

Design costs include survey, design, and other engineering work required to develop a complete set of project plans and specifications. For consultant-designed projects, the cost of these professional services needs to be included.

When estimating this phase the current indirect rate needs to be taken into account and applied to the CDOT staff salary with benefits and Consultant Task orders.

Any design support needed during construction should be charged under the Construction Engineering Cost Center and not the design phase.

For Local Agency projects, this will only include the design work that will be included in the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Local. It will exclude any CDOT salary charges.

Environmental (WBS – XXXXX.10.40)

This phase is set up for CDOT staff (Resident Engineer) and consultant charges on major Environmental document charges such as Environmental Assessments (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).

The intent is for this phase is to not include any charges required for CDOT projects that are Categorical exclusion and will not include CDOT environmental staff review. In most regions the CDOT environmental staff time is charged to their cost center.

Miscellaneous (WBS – XXXXX.10.50)

This phase is to be used at the discretion of the Region.

Construction (WBS – XXXXX.20.10)

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Construction estimate should include the cost of the bid items, force account and the current CE and indirect rates. Check with your business office on the current rates.

CDOT staff or consultant task order charges should not be accounted for here unless it is a CE exempt project such as a FASTER Bridge (Bridge Enterprise) project.

Construction Statistical (WBS – XXXXX.20.20)

There is no funding required for this or budget. This is for tracking charges in the CE cost accumulation center on time sheets only.

1.02.04 Pre-project Budgeting:

Before a project can be budgeted, a good schedule and project estimate (phased, as appropriate) are required. This assures that the Resident Engineer, Specialty Units, Region Business Office and Region Management all have the same understanding of the project scope and the anticipated costs to move the project through the project development process. In order to accomplish this in a proficient and satisfactory manner, the following tasks must be completed:

Preliminary project scoping activities for a given fiscal year if possible should be conducted prior to May 1st of each prior fiscal year. This allows for budgets and ad dates to be entered into the system by May 1st and better estimated ad dates for the Chief Engineer’s objectives.

Region scoping pools will be established by each Region. In order to address costs associated with these pre-budget activities, each Region has scoping pools set up. Current scoping pools are cost centers and are R#PSP-010 so for example R1 is R1PSP-010, R2 is R2PSP-010, etc...

The Resident Engineer will create a draft baseline schedule that identifies key project milestones and related activities. Depending on the complexity of the project, the initial schedule may not be able to be accurately forecasted beyond the FIR phase of the project. The purpose of this schedule is to:

1. Identify and specify actual activities in the schedule to ensure adequate planning of the work has been achieved, as well as to permit accurate monitoring and evaluation of the project’s progress.

2. Identify the need for CDOT and/or consultant personnel resources.

3. Identify activities that are critical in ensuring the timely achievement of project deadlines.

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4. Identify associated dates with respect to the deliverables of other project specialty groups.

5. Identify specific deadlines from CDOT Management or Region work plans.

6. It must consider critical processes such as STIP/TIP/Long Range Plan amendments and project budgeting.

7. Identify specific milestones to allow Region management to easily track project progress.

As a minimum, project milestones will include the following (order may vary):

1. Completed Survey

2. Prelim. Horiz. and Vert. Alignments

3. Prelim. Hydraulic Information

4. Structure Selection Report

5. Field Inspection Review (FIR)

6. Form 128 Signature (Top Portion)

7. Final ROW Plans

8. Final Office Review (FOR)

9. Environmental Clearance

10. Right of Way Clearance

11. Utility Clearance

12. Final PS&E

13. Shelf Date

14. Advertisement Date

Additional milestones may be added, as needed, based on the complexity of individual projects. For projects involving consultants, the project schedule should include milestones and activities related to the contracting/task order process, i.e. SOW, SOI, RFP, Short List, Interviews, Consultant Selection and Notice to Proceed. Where applicable, the project schedule should also include appropriate milestones and activities related to the administration of IGAs.

The Resident Engineer will be responsible for the development of a preliminary work-hour estimate for the project. This work-hour estimate will be required on all projects, regardless of personnel involved (State or consultant) and shall represent reasonable work-hours needed to complete all project activities. On projects which involve consultant contracts, the work-hour estimates shall be done independently of any consultant-provided estimate and shall serve as a resource in work-hour negotiations.

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The Resident Engineer will provide a copy of the baseline schedule and preliminary work-hour estimate to all internal specialty units at least two weeks prior to the project Scoping Review Meeting. The CDOT specialty unit manager will be notified by the RE of project scoping activities on all projects. For both in-house and consultant design projects, the CDOT specialty unit manager, or designee, will participate in the scoping activities when the project involves their discipline or when requested by the RE. The CDOT specialty unit manager will review the project in advance and prepare any information that may be needed for the scoping meeting, i.e. the structural engineer would review and present existing bridge information on projects involving structures.

The CDOT specialty unit manager will review the baseline schedule on both in-house and consultant design projects and recommend changes as needed to accommodate the project work activities identified for the subject discipline.

1. The specialty unit manager may recommend additions to the minimum milestones as needed for the specific needs of the project. For example, on a retaining wall project that requires extensive geotechnical work that will be in the critical path, additional milestones pertaining to this work may be recommended.

2. The CDOT specialty unit manager will participate in the development of the consultant scope-of-work and write the portions pertaining to their discipline as needed or assigned by the RE/PM.

3. The specialty unit manager will provide review and comments to the RE/PM on the final draft of the consultant scope-of-work.

The CDOT specialty unit manager will provide the RE/PM with an independent work-hour estimate to accomplish the specialty project work. Critical assumptions on which the estimate is based will be included in the submittal. The specialty unit manager will attend work-hour negotiation meetings, or provide consultation, as requested by the RE/PM or Agreements on consultant design projects. Project schedule review comments and work-hour estimates may be prepared the CDOT specialty unit manager’s designee, but will be reviewed and submitted to the RE/PM by the specialty unit manager.

The Resident Engineer will be responsible for coordinating the project Scoping Review Meeting. (Refer to Section 2.01 for specific details on the Scoping Review Meeting.) This meeting shall include representatives from all appropriate specialties. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the scope of the proposed project and to identify appropriate project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements, work activities, durations and relationships, as well as to thoroughly assess the draft baseline schedule and preliminary work-hour estimate. The Resident Engineer and the other specialties

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will consider current work load factors and future projects that may have an impact on their work activities and durations. Feedback obtained from the Scoping Review Meeting will be used by the Resident Engineer and accurately reflected in the draft baseline schedule and preliminary work-hour estimate.

The Resident Engineer will provide the revised draft baseline schedule and work-hour estimate to all key specialties (Bridge, ROW, Environmental, Traffic, Materials, etc.) for final resolution of any potential conflicts of logic or deliverables. Upon this review, any changes will be incorporated by the Resident Engineer.

A Region Management team (as a minimum, the Program Engineer, ROW Manager and Environmental Manager and Resident Engineer) will review and approve the draft baseline schedule and preliminary work-hour estimate, including milestone dates, critical path activities and specific deliverables. The Ad date reflected in the schedule will be addressed at this time and, if agreed to, will be accepted as the project Initial Planned Ad date for use in the project set-up.

Upon review by the Region Management team, the Resident Engineer will make any necessary modifications to the draft baseline schedule and preliminary work-hour estimate. These modifications will be the last changes to either document. The RE/PM will save and refer to these files as the final baseline schedule and final work-hour estimate. These final documents shall not be altered at any time during the remainder of the project.

The Resident Engineer will develop a preliminary cost estimate for the project, including estimates for each phase of the project (Right of Way, Utilities, Design, Environmental, Miscellaneous and Construction). The RE/PM should consider the phase and respective personnel resources (in-house or consultant). The phased estimates will include any respective consultant services for the project.

The CDOT specialty unit manager will participate in the development of the consultant scope of work and write the portions pertaining to their discipline as needed or assigned by the RE/PM. The specialty unit manager will provide review and comments to the RE on the final draft of the consultant scope-of-work. Alternatively, the specialty unit manager may provide the RE with a separate consultant scope of work and preliminary cost estimate for consultant services that the specialty unit manager may choose to directly contract for.

The CDOT Specialty Unit manager will provide the Resident Engineer with a cost estimate for each phase of the project, as appropriate, to accomplish the

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specialty project work. Construction, right of way, and utility cost estimates will be rough at this phase of the project. The Specialty Unit managers will be responsible for updating these cost estimates and keeping the RE/PM informed of significant changes throughout the project design.

The Resident Engineer will review the preliminary cost estimate with the Program Engineer and make revisions, where appropriate. Any revisions made to the cost estimate must be reviewed with affected specialty units prior to finalizing.

The Resident Engineer will provide the Initial Planned Ad date and project cost estimate to the RTD and Region Business office. This will be done by July 1 of each year for all planned projects. The Region Business Office will use this project information for entry into CDOT’s business management system (SAP). These ad dates will be used for the Chief Engineer’s objectives.

The Resident Engineer will develop a closure document that will include the baseline schedule and work-hour estimate, along with documented assumptions and risks associated with the project scope and schedule and any other relevant information used in developing the project schedule. This document will be kept in the project files with copies provided to the RTD, Program Engineer, and appropriate Specialty Unit managers. This may be done after scoping up to the FIR for complex projects.

1.02.05 Additional References: 1. CDOT Procedural Directive 512.1 – Project Scoping and the Design Scoping Review

(DSR) 2. Estimate Review by Engineer Estimates and Market Analysis (see Section 2.27 of

this manual). 3. OFMB Policy and Procedures Manual -


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State, federal, and local funding sources are used to provide for all modes of transportation including aviation, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, rail, bridge replacement, and highways.

Colorado's highway construction program is primarily funded through the Federal Highway Users Trust Fund, the Colorado Highway Users Tax Fund, and special legislation.

Major sources of the Colorado Highway Users Tax Fund are the motor fuel taxes, drivers’ license fees, and motor vehicle registration fees. The motor fuel taxes constitute approximately 75 percent of the fund.

CDOT prepares resource allocation projections that reflect revenues for a minimum of a 20-year period to match the timeframe of the Long-Range Transportation Plan.

1.03.01 Revenue Forecasting

Revenue forecasts include all “reasonably anticipated” revenues known to be available to the Colorado Transportation Commission to fund capital improvements, maintenance, and operations for existing and expanded facilities and services of the State of Colorado transportation system.

Every four to six years, Congress passes a new surface transportation act. For resource allocation purposes, it is assumed that the federal program will continue at the same funding level and contain the same program categories.

Financial constraint of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) works through the “highest use” concept. Projects are programmed in the STIP with the highest priority federal funding source that each project qualifies to use. The highest federal funding category is the Interstate, and the next highest federal funding category is the National Highway System. By funding each project with the highest funding source for which it qualifies, the Office of Finance, Management and Budget enables Regions to select projects based on need, not federal funding type.

The transaction in SAP that shows the funding priority for a project is ZF20. The Region business office determines the funding priority.

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These ratios are entered in ZF20 in SAP but not everyone has access to this transaction. The Resident Engineer should work with the business office to enter data in Trns*port.

1.03.02 Resource Allocation

For state transportation purposes, the State of Colorado is divided into several different geographic regions. There are 11 Transportation Commission districts.

The Transportation Commission allocates the available revenues to the six CDOT Engineering Regions through the use of Investment Categories. These categories are:

1. Safety

2. Mobility

3. System Quality

4. Program Delivery


All funds are allocated to the six CDOT Engineering Regions based on results of performance modeling or appropriate formula consistent with Transportation Commission decisions. Metro Planning has been allocated statewide based on the federal funding level. Enhancement funds were allocated to the six CDOT Engineering Regions based on a revenue distribution formula after a statewide allocation was made for program administration.

1.03.03 Special Funding Sources

From time to time the Transportation Commission establishes special funding sources, for example, the 7th Pot or contingency funds.

1.03.04 Program Implementation

Resource Allocation for the Statewide Long-Range Plan is implemented through the Long-Range Plan “control total” planning allocations approved by the Transportation Commission.

1.03.05 Additional References: 1. OFMB Policy and Procedures Manual -


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SAP Steps for new projects (click on link to go to work instructions).

ZJ08 – Initiate Project Creation – PM (ZJ08 Initiate Project Creation) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29385?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

SBWP – Complete Project Manager Tab – PM (SBWP Complete CJ20N) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.32630?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

CJ20N – Enter GIS details in SAP Project Manager – PM (GIS Project Limits ) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29337?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

CJ20N – Create Project Structure from Standard Template – (Add Template ) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29381?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

FMMEASURE – Maintain Funded Program for Project (FMMEASURE ) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.28338?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

CJ20N Release Project (CJ20N) - Release project (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29333?mode=EU )

Use the link to SAPTraining for SAP checklists for full list of transactions and workflow steps. SAP checklists for project processes (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.33901?mode=EU ).

1.04.01 Description

After a project has been scoped and is part of the current STIP, a project is ready to be created in SAP. Although one project usually covers all phases, sometimes it necessary to create multiple projects under one STIP number. For example, the Resident Engineer may create a project for design and a separate project for construction. The Resident Engineer should confer with the Business Office to ascertain if there will be any benefits or deterrents to fragmenting the STIP line item into more than one project.

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The Resident Engineer begins the process in SAP with Transaction Code ZJ08. ZJ08 starts a workflow that is routed to OFMB, the person who initiates ZJ08, and the Region Business office. See the online SAP work instructions for more details on project creation steps and information required. SAP Checklists provided in SAP training website show the participants and order for the SAP workflow.

KEY ITEMS TO KNOW FOR PROJECT CREATION - These fields combined, are the project information sent to FHWA via the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) and so it is key to have it as accurate as possible.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION (NAME) – ZJ08 The project name will be based on the information supplied with the request for the project using SAP transaction code – ZJ08. The information should be as descriptive as possible using state roads or federal highways and cities or counties.

PROJECT DESIGNATORS (General Location) – ZJ08 The Project Designators is the general location of the project which is used to generate the project number. If you choose a highway segment, then the system will then generate a number after that highway segment in sequential order. Example project number 0504-055 is on Highway 50 segment 4 (between La Junta and Kansas) and is the 55th project on this segment.

PROJECT PRE-FIX The business manager will designate the Project Pre-fix to be used on the project during this process. It will depend on the primary scope, location and funding for the project. For example, IM is Interstate Maintenance, FBR is Faster Bridge project, NH is National Highway.

OTHER PROJECT CREATION INFORMATION (fields with a check mark are required)

1. Region Code – Select the Region overseeing the project. For projects not created in the Region, select Statewide (ST). Do not select HQ.

2. Federal System Code:

I – Interstate

N – NHS Non Interstate

O – Other Federal Aid Highway

X – For conversion purposes (do not use)

Z – Not on any federal aid highway (local agency off system projects for example)

3. Advertised By:

None – The project is design only or a study and will not go to Ad

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State – This is a project advertised by CDOT and will go to ad. If you choose this option, the business manager must enter an ad date into SAP.

Local – This is a project that is advertised by a Local Agency (not CDOT). If None is chosen above, a reason must be given from the pull down menu.

4. Federal Improvement Code

Choose an option that best corresponds with the majority of funding or work. For example, if the project is mainly bridge funds then select “bridge replacement (either added capacity or no added capacity).” FHWA will review the code to make sure the work is in line with the funding.

5. State Improvement Code

The selection here should be similar to the Federal Improvement code based on the funding available.

6. Oversight Designator

A – CDOT administered – This is the majority of the projects.

N – Full FHWA (NHS) The Resident Engineer is responsible for determining whether the project is under CDOT or FHWA oversight. The oversight responsibilities are outlined in the Stewardship Agreement between the FHWA Colorado Division and CDOT. Unless the STA/FHWA agreement differs, full FHWA involvement projects will tend to be new construction or reconstruction projects on Interstate routes with an estimated value greater than $1 million. The Resident Engineer can contact the FHWA for further guidance.

O- Other – This is almost never used. FHWA will indicated if it is needed.

X- Full FHWA (Non-NHS) – This is rarely used. FHWA will indicate if it is needed. 7. Construction Engineering by:

C- Cons/Contr – This is a unique situation. Only use if told to do so.

L- Local – Construction oversight by Local Agency.

O- Other – Only use if instructed to use for special reasons.

S- State - This is standard for CDOT projects.

X- For conversion purposes – Do not select

8. Geographic Location, Terrain Type, Proposal of Work.

a. For the Geographic Location be as precise as possible (similar to, if not exactly the name of the project) by naming the Federal or State road and the city or county (i.e. – CR 520/CR 616 on SH 69 in Huerfano County).

b. For terrain type the options are: Level, Mountainous, Plains, Rolling or Urban. c. For Proposal of Work list the major activity to be completed (e.g. –

Intersection Design, Drainage improvements, Surface Treatment or Safety improvements).

9. % construction complete – this is usually zero

10. Remark or Comments – Add more information here if needed.


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a. This information is key if someone needs to contact appropriate party during any of the project development process.

b. The people entered are tied to their organization code and are what is used when SAP sends workflows for key processes in the project development.

c. The organization codes associated with the project personnel need to be correct and if there are more than one organization involved in the project there is an alternate Org code.

d. The business office also enters in Cost Center codes for the project which should correspond to the Residency in-charge of the project.

12. On System or Off System –

If it is on a state highway then it is ON SYSTEM. If it is on a City or County road or not on a highway, then OFF SYSTEM.


a. Design-bid-build is our traditional method for projects. b. Other options – Refer to Innovating contracting manual.


are not tied to the information given in OTIS at this time. Make sure the Planned Length entered matches the mileposts in OTIS. This information goes into Form 463.


Check all that may apply to your project. Update as needed as project develops. Refer to Innovative Contracting manual as needed.


a. Exit SAP and go into OTIS to enter this information b. Route, beginning and ending reference points, lane quantity, facility type,

functional type, and population.DTD has this information for highways on CDOT’s Intranet in Data Access – Transportation Data Set and OTIS.

c. SAP will carry the project location information to other forms such as Form 463, FMIS, ProjectWise project description, and ZJ40 Project Tracker.


If there are railroads near the project, use the pull-down menus to select which ones may be involved.

18. County Details, Congressional Districts, Structure ID Details, MPO’s, TRP;s, and Commission Districts, and TIP information –

Must press the Calculate County Percentages and Calculate Cong Dist Percentage buttons. This information is calculated automatically based on the project limits entered in OTIS.

19. Other fields such as “Completed construction date” are not required at project creation and can be ignored.

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ADVERTISEMENT DATES The Advertisement Date is the milestone where construction funds are authorized and obligated for the project. This date also serves as the commencement of the period when a project is open for job showings and acceptance of bid proposals. CDOT recognizes three types of Advertisement or “Ad” dates, for use in project schedules. These “Ad” dates are recognized in CDOT’s business application system (SAP):

1. Initial Planned Ad date – Ideally this is the Ad date that each region puts forth prior to July 1st of every year for the upcoming fiscal year’s projects going to bid or when the project is created. This date is entered into SAP by the Region Business Manager.

2. Current Planned Ad date - This is the Ad date which is current and officially agreed to by the RTD. The Current Planned Ad date will match the Initial Planned Ad date until such time during the course of the fiscal year that the RTD has concurred with the necessity to change. Changes to the Current Planned Ad date are entered into SAP by the Region Business Manager.

3. Scheduled Ad date.

This is the date that goes into the Go Sheet.

This is a working Ad date generated by the Resident Engineer based on the most current scheduling information. This Ad date primarily serves as a barometer of progress in the total project. When indicated by a Scheduled Ad date which exceeds the Current Planned Ad date, the Resident Engineer will conduct a further assessment of the project and give consideration to a revision to the Current Planned Ad date (including consulting with the appropriate Region and project personnel).

The Resident Engineer should review CJ20N in SAP after the project is created to be sure all the data is accurate and inform the Business Office of any revisions.

After the project is created in SAP, an email message will be sent to key Region personnel involved indicating the process is complete and show the project information including the 5 digit project code.

The Resident Engineer needs to add a Template to the project before funds can be added to the project in SAP. See the SAP training internal website for work instructions on adding a template to a project. A project cannot be seen in ZJ40 until the template is added.

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1.04.02 Budgeting and Obligation

Once a template is added to the project in SAP, the Resident Engineer can notify the business office that the project is ready to be budgeted. See Section 1.02 for estimations for the Preconstruction Phases for a project. Background: 

Federal-aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist the States provide for the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-aid highway routes and for other special purpose programs and projects. Projects utilizing Federal funds must meet specific federal program requirements as outlined below and as a practical matter, at present, CDOT requires all highway projects it constructs to also conform to the federal standards. Doing so ensures consistency and allows for the possibility of adding federal funds to a project that initially, is funded without any federal funds. Federal funds are made available to the department for expenditure on highway related construction projects. Routine highway maintenance activities such as snow removal or filling pot holes do not meet these criteria Definitions: 

NCAT: NCAT prevents time/labor charges from hitting the phase, at time sheet entry. The Region Business Office will need to unset NCAT to allow labor charges after Federal authorization is given. The Region Business Office should be notified if the Resident Engineer wants to allow payroll charges. Some projects do not want payroll charges to a particular phase.

NOPT: NOPT (No postings) stops all financial postings to the project. Nothing can be charged to this phase including Purchase Requisitions or direct charges.

ENCUMBRANCE: An encumbrance is a binding obligation to pay.

Pre-Construction Phase encumbrances are generally for ROW acquisition, Utility agreements, and Consultant Task Orders.

Construction phase encumbrances are for the contract with the contractor, Construction Engineering (CE) and Indirects costs calculated for the project.

Intergovernmental agreements (IGA) encumber funds for all phases for the Local Agency on Local Agency projects.

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1.04.03 Obligation:

Obligation is the same as authorization. It ensures that FHWA has agreed that CDOT can spend the funds identified for the project. Charges cannot be made against a phase until the funds are obligated. It is further important to note that if federal aid is requested, state authorization is not initiated and not authorized until the federal authorization is received. Work performed on unauthorized projects is not legitimate and could become the personal liability of the individual authorizing such work.

Procedure to Budget Funds: The initiating region must ensure that the project is properly listed in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) and within the fiscal constraints imposed by the STIP. Each project budget action is individually processed and verified against its approved STIP line item. Each project is budgeted by phase (ROW, Utility, Design, Environmental, Construction, Miscellaneous, etc.) and provider (i.e. Federal, State, or Other (Local).

Identify the sources of funding for the project.

For Federal Funds there are subcategories that have to match the characteristics of the project such as Interstate Maintenance and Bridge-On System. OFMB reviews the annual federal appropriation bill by category, comparing the appropriations with the authorizations calculating the percentage obligation limits for Colorado by program. Based upon these calculations, CDOT Regions and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are allotted funds to spend on actual projects by sub-category. It is from these allotted funds or additional funding provided by a local government that a project receives obligated funding.

The regional business offices must ensure that the project funds from the various federal categories, as well as state and/or local highway funds, are applied in a suitable mix based on estimates from the Resident Engineer.

Funds to be budgeted must be in the current year’s STIP. It should be noted that moving funds currently budgeted into a project that are from the same fiscal year is considerably easier than moving funds from a prior fiscal year. For example, if the project needs funds moved from Design to Construction, it will be much easier if the Design funds are in the current fiscal year STIP. If the funds are from a prior fiscal year, they will have to be de-budgeted, rolled forward in the TIP and in the STIP, and re-budgeted into the construction phase.

Determine whether or not the project’s budget requires Transportation Commission action. Budget items requiring Commission approval are:

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1. Initial Project Budget Actions from certain programs not already approved by Commission as a whole. (i.e., RPP, BRS, FBR)

2. Projects involving Earmarks or Discretionary Funding

3. Local Overmatch not already projected or 100% locally funded projects

4. Strategic Projects (7th Pot)

5. Additional Funding above 15% of prior TC approved Budget

All Budget Actions are processed daily and, if Commission action is required immediately scheduled for the next supplement. The cutoff for Budget Actions inclusion in a Supplement is the 25th of the month preceding the T.C. Scheduled Meeting. These Budget Actions will remain in a “Pre-posted” status until the commission’s approval of the Budget Supplement.

After verifying the overall project description, including location and work type with the requested funding and ensures each budget action is linked to a viable STIP number, OFMB applies first and second level approvals to the budget action and determines the Budget Document Type.

OFMB enters the approved budget request into the SAP system which automatically generates the corresponding requests for phase authorization/obligation.

Non-federal-aid phases are authorized and obligated immediately upon Budget Action approval in SAP.

Federal-aid phase authorizations and obligations requests are submitted daily for review and approval by FHWA Colorado Division via the outbound FHWA Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS). The approved federal authorization/obligation is received from FHWA via the inbound FMIS interface.

The process of requesting Federal aid obligation/authorization is differentiated by non-construction and construction phases of work.:

1. Pre-Construction

For the pre-construction phases of a Federal-aid project OFMB’s final approval of a budget action in SAP prompts a request to FHWA for federal authorization/obligation via the outbound FMIS interface. Once authorization is granted by FHWA and recorded in FMIS, the FHWA phase authorization date(s) is auto populated in SAP PS via the inbound FMIS interface.

The Right of Way phase requires no further budgetary action by the Region. Actual acquisition, however, must be authorized by Staff ROW upon completion and approval of the ROW plans. Staff ROW notifies the Region, via Form 462A, Right of Way Plan Approval, that ROW acquisition may occur.

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The Utility phase requires no further budgetary action by the Region, but the region must also submit utility agreements to the utility engineer for processing.

The Design, Environmental and Miscellaneous phase requires no further budgetary action by the Region.

Note: Project Phases are automatically set to NCAT or NOPT (see definitions above) when created. Resident Engineer will notify the business office if they want payroll charges or other charges to be allowed to the Preconstruction phases after budgeting and obligation are complete.

2. For the construction phase Obligation of a Federal-aid construction project (See Section 2.30):

3. Budgeting Timing before obligation:

Budgeting construction funds is usually in advance of the authorization/obligation process.

Budgeting construction funds can occur when the current STIP year begins for construction phase designated or when the funds are completed in the STIP process.

If additional funds for Construction are required, the budgeting request may initiate the change in the STIP process.

4. Obligation – See Section 2.30 Form 1180 section for construction funds obligation process.

1.04.04 After Award of Low Bidder

At the time of award, the construction phase budget will be adjusted so it matches Form 65 exactly. The preconstruction phases have to be closed shortly thereafter (approximately 30 days) or a request with justification has to be made to keep the funds open.

The Approved Commission Budget level is significant in determining the number of authorized actions over the life of a project. Use SAP transaction ZJ20 to access Form 65 which will indicate the Approve Commission Budget. It is from this dollar amount that the 10 percent will be computed for determining if Chief Engineer approval is required for project award during the project bid process. It is also from this amount that the 15 percent will be calculated to establish if Transportation Commission Action is required to increase the project budget or for award of a project at bid.

Any request for additional budget greater than 15 percent of the approved Transportation Commission budget will be processed through a budget supplement action, which occurs on a monthly basis.

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If the budget request is less than 15 percent of the Transportation Commission approved budget, OFMB may approve the request as an “allotment advice.” Allotment advices include transfers to projects from pools or other projects. Allotment advices are usually processed within a few days.

Any surplus or deficit amounts will be corrected by the Regional Business Managers with a Budget Action submitted to OFMB for approval to de-budget or supplement the amount. If the Regional Business Office wishes to retain this surplus amount, the business office must request an approval to retain the surplus funds from the Chief Engineer. The request must be submitted to the Bids and Awards section by Monday, NOON, following the Letting Day. See Section 2.36 for additional information on retaining surplus bids.

1.04.05 Supplementing the Budget

There are many reasons that project phase budgets need to be supplemented, including additional work or overruns. In those instances, the Resident Engineer will work with the Region Program Engineer and the Business Office to find sources.

Many requests to add funds to a project do not require Transportation Commission approval. However, in those cases that do require Transportation Commission approval, the Resident Engineer needs to be aware that supplementing a project can take months. See Section 1.01 requirements on STIP/TIP, and Transportation Commission Action (PD 707.1).

The Region should make as few presentations to the Transportation Commission as possible on any given project If there is any likelihood that several phases such as utilities and right of way are going to run over budget, both requests should be calculated and communicated to the Region Program Engineer as soon as the Resident Engineer has solid figures.

1.04.06 Day-to-Day Financial Management

The Resident Engineer should check their projects in either ZJ40 or ZF70 in SAP to determine the current status of the project funding, expenditures, and encumbrances. It is recommended to use the timesheet report available through the Portal and run the report as needed to see which CDOT employee charges to their project(s) and the indirects that hit the project(s) budget.

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If any phase of a project goes into deficit, payment for any phase of the project to a third party will not be processed. For example, if the design phase goes into deficit after the project is awarded in construction, the contractor cannot be paid. The Resident Engineer needs to be aware of CDOT purchasing requirements, rules, and directives. State Procurement, CDOT Procurement, and the Center for Accounting offer training applicable to the financial aspects of running a project. There is an On-line budgeting class available through the Transportation Engineering Training Program (TETP).

1.04.07 Additional References: 1. OFMB Policy and Procedures Manual -


2. PD 707.1 – Annual Budget Process 3. FHWA A Guide to Federal-Aid Programs and Projects

http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/federalaid/projects.pdf 4. Title 23, United States Code (23 U.S.C.) Title 23, Highways, of the Code of Federal

Regulations (23 CFR) – 630.106 (Project Authorizations (FMIS) Preconstruction) 5. The FHWA/CDOT Stewardship Agreement)


6. TETP On-line budget training 7. SAP Training website

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When the State does not have adequate resources (such as qualified personnel, adequate staff, specialized expertise, or ample time) to perform a task, consultant services are contracted. A professional consultant is a licensed professional engineer, licensed professional architect, licensed landscape architect, licensed industrial hygienist, or licensed surveyor. A qualified and experienced consultant in relation to the expected scope of work is obtained according to an approved selection process through the Engineering Contracts Unit Program in the Contracts & Market Analysis Branch.

This process is also followed when Construction Manager/General Contractor or CMGC services contractor is required for CMGC delivery. If CMGC services that require a Contractor produce any stamped design plans or lead a formal Value Engineering Study, Brooks Act compliance per the Consultant Selection process will be required. If no Brooks Act compliance is required for the CMGC process, please follow the alternate process for CMGC projects.

The method for obtaining a professional consultant to do a specific scope of work or non-project-specific consultant services shall comply with applicable federal and state laws governing the services of consultants, as outlined in CDOT Procedural Directive 400.1, Obtaining Professional Consultant Services, and 23 CFR Section 172, Administration of Engineering and Design Related Services.

The Agreements Program Manager in the Contracts & Market Analysis Branch is responsible for the prequalification and coordination in the selection of a consultant, and developing a contract between the state and the selected consultant. The Agreements Program facilitates the selection process. The Resident Engineer shall evaluate the consultant’s performance on projects.

1.05.01 Obtaining a Consultant Contract

The following steps are necessary to obtain an executed consultant contract. The Agreements Program shall perform the steps unless otherwise noted [responsible persons are identified in parentheses after each step]:

1. Ensure that the proposed consultant service is consistent with CDOT’s Long-Range Plan, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, the CDOT budget, and the Obligation Plan (Program Engineer, Resident Engineer and Business Office).

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2. Develop scope of work (Resident Engineer).

3. Prepare a contract cost estimate (Resident Engineer).

4. Prepare consultant selection request, including the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) goals, for the Chief Engineer’s approval for advertisement (Resident Engineer and Region EEO/Civil Rights Specialist).

5. Establish a selection panel (Resident Engineer).

6. Create selection schedule (Resident Engineer and the Engineering Contracts Program Staff).

7. Advertise Invitation for Consultant Services on the Internet and, as needed, in special journals (contract writer).

8. Create and distribute the selection information and instruction package to the consultant community (contract writer).

9. Coordinate and facilitate selection panels to achieve consensus and make a recommendation to the Chief Engineer (contract writer).

10. Obtain RTD’s approval of the selection results. (Resident Engineer)

11. Obtain the Chief Engineer’s approval of the selection results (contract writer).

12. Notify consultants of selection results (contract writer).

13. Finalize scope of work, and for project-specific funds-encumbered contracts, negotiate work-hours and the cost proposal (Resident Engineer and the consultant representative), and submit those to the Agreements Program. Note: For task order contracts, this step is done for each task order request.

14. Obtain and review the consultant’s financial information, insurance information, and initial cost proposal (Consultant Audit).

15. Initiate audit evaluation (Consultant Audit Program). 16. Analyze audit evaluation report and negotiate consultant fee and final contract

cost exhibit (contract writer).

17. Prepare final contract and route the contract for approval and signatures. Distribute executed contract (Procurement and Business Offices).

18. Issue the Notice-to-Proceed to the consultant (Agreements Program Staff).

19. Debrief consultants, as requested, on selection results (contract writer).

20. Compile selection documentation and transmit the selection file to the CDOT Records Center (contract writer).

The Resident Engineer is responsible for the submittal of the Contract Certification and Contractor Evaluation forms that are part of the Colorado State Controllers Contract Management System (CMS). See Section 1.06 Contract Certification and Evaluation Requirements for Colorado Contract Management System (CMS).

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1.05.02 Obtaining a CMGC Contract (Alternate Process)

The following steps are necessary to obtain an executed CMGC contract. The Agreements Program shall perform the steps unless otherwise noted [responsible persons are identified in parentheses after each step]:

1. Ensure that the proposed CMGC service is consistent with CDOT’s Long-Range Plan, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, the CDOT budget, and the Obligation Plan (Program Engineer, Resident Engineer and Business Office).

2. Develop scope of work (Resident Engineer).

3. Prepare a contract cost estimate (Resident Engineer).

4. Prepare CMGC selection request, including the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) goals, for the Chief Engineer’s approval for advertisement (Resident Engineer and Region EEO/Civil Rights Specialist).

5. Establish a CMGC selection panel per CMGC guidance from the Innovative Contracting Advisory Committee (Resident Engineer).

6. Create selection schedule (Resident Engineer and the Engineering Contracts Program Staff).

7. Advertise Invitation for CMGC Services on the Internet and, as needed, in special journals (contract writer).

8. Create and distribute the selection information and instruction package to the CMGC and CCA community (contract writer).

9. Coordinate and facilitate selection panels to achieve consensus and make a recommendation to the Chief Engineer (contract writer).

10. Obtain RTD’s approval of the selection results. (Resident Engineer)

11. Obtain the Chief Engineer’s approval of the selection results (contract writer). 12. Notify contractors of selection results (contract writer).

13. Finalize scope of work, and for project-specific funds-encumbered contracts, negotiate work-hours and the cost proposal (Resident Engineer and the contractor representative), and submit those to the Agreements Program. Note: For task order contracts, this step is done for each task order request.

14. Obtain and review the contractor’s financial information, insurance information, and initial cost proposal (contract writer). (Only for Brooks Act CMGC Contracts.)

15. Initiate audit evaluation (contract writer). (Only for Brooks Act CMGC Contracts.)

16. Analyze audit evaluation report and negotiate contractor fee and final contract cost exhibit (contract writer). (Only for Brooks Act CMGC Contracts.)

17. Prepare final contract and route the contract for approval and signatures. Distribute executed contract (Procurement and Business Offices).

18. Issue the Notice-to-Proceed to the contractor (Agreements Program Staff).

19. Debrief contractors with CMGC Debrief Template on selection results. In-person debriefs are optional and up to the Resident Engineer. (contract writer)

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20. Compile selection documentation and transmit the selection file to the CDOT Records Center (contract writer).

The Resident Engineer is responsible for the submittal of the Contract Certification and Contractor Evaluation forms that are part of the Colorado State Controllers Contract Management System (CMS). See Section 1.06 Contract Certification and Evaluation Requirements for Colorado Contract Management System (CMS).

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As stated in Section 1.05, the Project Manager is responsible for the submittal of the Contract Certification and Contractor Evaluation forms that are part of the Colorado State Controller’s Contract Management System (CMS). (See Section 1.05 Consultation Selection and Contracting Process).

1.06.01 Contract Management System

Colorado’s Contract Management System was created under direction of Senate Bill 07-228. The law was enacted to facilitate tracking, evaluation and reporting of vendor performance. The requirements are now codified as Colorado Revised Statutes, see C.R.S. §§ 24-102-205, 24-102-206, 24-103.5-101, and 24-105-102.

1.06.02 Form Use Required

The Project Manager is required to complete forms associated with the Contract Management System when a contract meets all of the following criteria:

1. Personal services contract

2. Value greater than $100,000

3. Entered into after July 1, 2009

State Controller Fiscal Rule 3-1, Section 2.27 defines “personal services contract” as follows:

“A contract between an Agency or Institution of Higher Education [IHE] and another party, where the other party provides personal services for the benefit of the Agency or Institution of Higher Education or a third party. An individual or entity performing services under a personal services contract is an independent contractor and not an employee of the State.”

Personal services contracts include the following categories:

1. Construction contracts (including those entered into using forms provided by the Office of the State Architect)

2. Grants contracts

3. Individual task orders when evaluated separately by the Agency or IHE

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4. Master task orders when evaluated by the Agency or IHE

5. Information technology contracts

6. Interagency contracts (no evaluation required)

7. Intergovernmental contracts, including grants

8. Mixed procurements where the service component is greater than $100,000

9. Multi-party contracts

10. Outsource agreements

11. Price agreements for services

12. Professional services as defined in CRS §24-30-1402(6)

13. Purchase orders for services greater than $100,000

14. Purchased services as defined in CRS §24-50-502(3)

For contracts that meet the above criteria, eight separate forms are available. Five of these forms are mandatory and three are optional depending on additional requirements. The forms and requirements are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Forms Summary

Project Engineers may use the Contract Management System to track other types of contracts, which do not fall within the definition of “personal services contract,” but are not required to complete the forms for these other types of contracts. A complete list of all contract types is included in Table 1-2 Forms Use and Certification Applicability per Contract Type.

Table 1-2 Form Use and Certification Appl

1.06.03 Contract Completion

By statute, the Project Engineer is required to finalize the evaluation of the contractor and enter the evaluation in the Contract Management System within 30 days after contract completion.

For construction contracts, “contract completion” means the later of the following two occurrences:

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1. The end of the contractor warranty period, occurring one year following the date of the Notice of Substantial Completion, or as otherwise provided in the construction contract.

2. The completion of the public notification requirements under CRS §38-26-107.

For all other contracts, “contract completion” means the date upon which the contractor has finished all of his performance obligations, including submission of the final invoice, AND the earlier of the following two occurrences:

1. The Project Engineer has accepted the contractor’s performance and agreed upon the final payment to the contractor.

2. Six months have elapsed after the contractor submitted his final invoice.

1.06.04 Use of Forms in a “Typical” Personal Service Contract

The following hypothetical scenarios illustrate how the Contract Management System forms would be used during these contract stages:

1. Solicitation Stage

2. Pre-contract Execution

3. Executed Contracts

4. Multi-year contracts

5. End of the Full Contract Period

6. Construction Contracts Equal to or Greater than $500,000 Solicitation Stage 

1. Responding vendors are requested to provide vendor disclosure information as part of their bid/proposal.

2. The Vendor Disclosure Statement form may be attached to the solicitation with appropriate instruction for completion of fields.

3. The Sole Source Justification and Certification form, if applicable, may be scanned and attached to the CMS record when the record is created.

4. If applicable, the Personal Services Certification form prepared by the Division of Human Resources may be scanned and attached to the CMS record when the record is created. Pre‐contract Execution 

1. Ensure that the Statement of Work includes:

a. Performance measures and standards tied to the work to be performed.

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b. Accountability language tied to the performance measures and standards. c. Monitoring requirements tied to the performance measures and standards. d. Resolution methods specific to the work to be performed.

2. If using the Performance Measures and Standards Certification for Original Contract form, maintain the form as part of the official contract file or scan the form and attach it to the CMS record when the record is created.

3. Complete the field in CMS asking if the contract has been certified. Executed Contracts 

1. Create a contract record in CMS.

2. Include vendor disclosure information in appropriate record fields.

3. Attach scanned Vendor Disclosure Statement form, if applicable (optional but recommended).

4. Begin monitoring of contractor’s performance obligations in the contract Statement of Work Multi‐year Contracts 

Annually On or Before Each 12-month Anniversary of Contract Effective Date:

1. Annual Certification. If using this form, maintain it as part of the official contract file. The form may be scanned and attached to the CMS record when the record is created.

2. Complete recertification fields in CMS.

3. Use of the INTERIM Contractor Performance Evaluation Worksheet is optional. The form is provided as an aid in gathering information in support of contract completion, recertification and vendor evaluation. Project Engineers should incorporate the use of this form (or a similar form) as part of their own contracting process.

4. Assignment of an interim rating at the end of each contract term is recommended. If such rating is assigned, record the interim rating and date the rating was assigned in a CMS Notes field. End of the Full Contract Period 

1. Complete the FINAL Contractor Performance Evaluation form.

2. Attach the scanned FINAL Contractor Performance Evaluation form to the CMS record.

3. Send the FINAL Contractor Performance Evaluation form to the contractor for review.

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4. Update the CMS record with the contractor’s response to its evaluation and rating, if any.

5. Enter the final rating into the appropriate CMS record field.

6. The FINAL Contractor Performance Evaluation form and contractor’s response, if any, shall be posted on the public website.

1.06.05 Construction Contracts Equal to or Greater than $500,000** (**Note that Project Engineers entering into construction contracts with a dollar value over $100,000.00 also must comply with the requirements of the preceding stages.)

Prior to completion of the construction contract:

1. Complete and sign the Construction Contractor Performance Evaluation Report form.

2. Attach the scanned Construction Contractor Performance Evaluation Report form to the CMS record.

3. Send form to the contractor for review.

4. Update CMS record with the contractor’s response to its evaluation and rating, if any.

5. Enter final rating into appropriate CMS record field.

1.06.06 Forms

The eight forms are embedded here for convenience. More recent copies, if any, may be found at:










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1.06.07 Additional References: 1. Colorado’s Contract Management System and Vendor Performance Statutes Form

Completion - Technical Assistance Guide – May 2010 http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/dfp/sco/contracts/Contract_Administration/Current_Processes_Forms/Technical_Assitance_Guide.pdf

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Project Management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources in a way that facilitates the successful project delivery within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints. At CDOT, Project Management responsibilities will be applied in three phases:

1. Phase I: Pre-Project Budget – see Section 1.02

2. Phase II: Design

3. Phase III: Construction (not included in this manual)

A project which is effectively managed has a clearly defined scope and strategy which is well executed, monitored and controlled. In the end, the results meet the anticipations and expectations of the stakeholders.


Project Scheduling is the task of defining relationships between work activities having duration, events without duration that indicate a significant completion, and milestones that represent major achievements or decision points in a project. Scheduling is an inexact process in that it tries to predict the future. While it may not be possible to predict with certainty the duration of a project, there are techniques that can increase the accuracy of a reasonable timeline estimate. Project schedules are most effective when the project activities are well-defined and appropriately linked.


Within the Project Schedule, the WBS defines and organizes the scope of a project in a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical structure of a WBS includes a list of project activities which are critical to the scheduling, estimating and budgeting processes of Project Management. In order to be included in the WBS, project activities must meet the following criteria:

1. Must have a definable beginning and end,

2. Must have a finite duration, with at least one start and one end date,

3. Must have an associated level of effort,

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4. Must have a state of completion that can be estimated and

5. Must have a reviewable deliverable at completion of the task/subtask


Project activities are the most detailed element of a project schedule and address the following:

1. Who is going to do the work?

2. When is the work going to be done and how much time will the work require?

3. How much is the work going to cost?

4. How is the work going to be accomplished?

Relationships of project activities must be established within the project schedule so that an order of completion and dependencies on one another are clearly represented.


The Project Manager for any given project is responsible for the following:

1. Ensuring that all of the work is being completed on time, within budget and scope, and at the correct performance level.

2. Coordinating staff assignments to ensure work is done in a manner which meets the objectives of the project.

It is recommended that the Project Manager not be assigned to perform the engineering or technical work of a project. Technical work should be the assignment of a project’s technical staff. This differentiation is pointed out because when conflicts arise, the technical work typically takes priority and management of the work becomes secondary.

For the purpose of this resource document, a project’s technical staff shall refer to those assigned the oversight and/or direct application of engineering principles to a project. Where applicable, a licensed engineer in this capacity shall assume all appropriate professional liability associated with the exercising of engineering decisions. For further information on Professional Engineering responsibilities and/or liability, please refer to CDOT Procedural Directive 508.1 – Professional Engineer’s Stamp.

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For the purpose of this resource, the Resident Engineer refers to the supervisor of an engineering staff assigned the task of applying technical expertise to a project from scoping through construction. It is recommended that the Resident Engineer serve as the Project Manager for projects under their direct supervision and be responsible for the successful coordination, oversight and completion of all Project Management-related activities detailed within these guidelines. The Resident Engineer may delegate Project Management activities and tasks, as deemed appropriate, but should retain the appointment as Project Manager and responsibility for their successful completion. The appointment of Project Management responsibilities to any particular person does not transfer license liability which otherwise resides with licensed Professional Engineers involved on a project, i.e. lead designer, construction project engineer, etc. For further information on Professional Engineering responsibilities and/or liability, please refer to CDOT Procedural Directive 508.1 – Professional Engineer’s Stamp.


Successful project management relies on the following work processes:

1. INITIATE – Define what is to be done to meet the requirements of the project; Authorize the work on the project; Establish the project team; Define the authority, responsibility, and accountability of the project team; Establish the scope of the project; Communicate with all project team members and Region management personnel, as appropriate; Consider a Team Charter for complicated projects.

2. PLAN – Define what must be done and by whom, how will it be done, when must it be done, how much will it cost and what will be done with it; Establish contingency plans.

3. EXECUTE – Commence performance of the technical work and implementation of the project plan.

4. MONITOR AND CONTROL – Assess the quantity and quality of the work; Comparing where the project is to where it is supposed to be; Taking action to correct for any deviations in the project plan; Perform iterations of Steps 1, 2 and 3, as needed.

5. CLOSE – Identifying lessons learned; Identify pitfalls for future projects; Celebrate your accomplishments.

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1.07.08 PITFALLS

By acknowledging lessons learned from others, our transition to a more Project Management-oriented organization can occur more smoothly. Examples of Pitfalls include the following:

1. You cannot control your project if you do not have a plan.

2. Involve the people who must do the work in the development of the plan.

3. Be prepared to revise the plan – the plan WILL change!

4. Do not attempt to serve as a single point of knowledge for the project.

5. Disseminate information…nobody ever complains that they are being told too much, but they usually resent being told too little.

6. Identifying and documenting risks is like putting up lighthouses…fewer shipwrecks.

1.07.09 BASELINE SCHEDULE – (See Section 1.02)

This schedule details anticipated project activities, durations and resource allocations and is developed prior to the commencement of any project activities. At the point of acceptance by all project participants, a finalized version of the baseline schedule is saved by the Resident Engineer and remains unchanged throughout the duration of the project.


This schedule details actual project activities, durations and resource allocations. This schedule is updated regularly by the Resident Engineer and reflects actual progress of work activities throughout the duration of the project. At any time, a comparison may be made between the working and baseline schedules to assess the progress of a project. The Resident Engineer should perform a comparison, at least monthly, to assist with the identification and management of unanticipated obstacles.

1.07.11 WORK-HOUR ESTIMATE – (See Section 1.02)

This estimate details the personnel work-hours projected to complete the project activities reflected in the project schedule. When labor rates are applied, the Work-Hour Estimate represents a significant portion of the Project Estimate. The Work-Hour estimate is required on all projects prior to the obligation of project funds. On projects with consultant contracts, the Work-Hour Estimate along with the Scope of Work should serve as the basis for the negotiation of final work-hours.

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1.07.12 PROJECT ESTIMATE – (See Section 1.02)

The Project Estimate is the summary of total costs for a project. This estimate is often broken out into ROW, Utilities, Design, Environmental and Miscellaneous (RUDEM) phases. Additionally, the Project Estimate will include projected costs for Construction of the project. Reasonably accurate Project Estimates are important, as budgets and project limits are often established from them.

A project schedule is prepared to monitor the progress of preconstruction activities and to determine a reasonable date for the advertisement of the project.

The project schedule is developed by the Resident Engineer to monitor important events and activities required to complete the design, right-of-way acquisition, environmental clearances, utility work, and other associated tasks required to finalize design of a project. The Resident Engineer will monitor the schedule to ensure important dates are met to successfully advertise the project.

The Resident Engineer should give priority attention to critical path tasks that often require considerable time such as right-of-way acquisition, complex bridge design, consultant selection, environmental investigations, local agency agreements, utility and railroad agreements, and hazardous materials mitigation.

Microsoft Project is used to establish the project schedule, critical path and milestones. Using Microsoft Project, the Resident Engineer and the Specialty Units can coordinate production milestones for completion of assigned tasks.

The Resident Engineer needs to consider the availability of funds when determining schedules. For example, preliminary engineering should not be started until funds have been budgeted and obligated for the design phase, and a project may not be advertised until funds are available for construction, particularly if federal aid is involved. In addition, local agencies may provide funds and their processes and time constraints for providing these funds have to be considered.

The Resident Engineer will develop the project schedule and coordinate project progress with the project design team and all affected parties. The project team will be informed of activity schedule changes and accomplishments in order to coordinate plan development. Strategies should be developed for resolving critical path activity delays. The Resident Engineer will inform affected parties of any changes to the schedule and adjustment to the advertisement date.

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Developing and managing a project schedule includes the following activities:

1. Conduct the project design scoping prior to preliminary design by initiating a Design Scoping Review – See Sections 1.02 and 2.01.

2. Develop a proposed project schedule, preferably within 30 days after the Design Scoping Review.

3. Coordinate, monitor and update the project schedule with other appropriate milestones such as request and receipt of the survey, Field Inspection Review, Final Office Review, and advertisement date.

4. Update any changes to these dates in Microsoft Project.

The project schedule should be saved on a server within the Region or as a shared file on a personal computer so that specialty units and other members of the design project team may review the schedule. Any changes to the schedule or notes to be added should be coordinated through the Resident Engineer.

For Programming and Budgeting of funds refer to Sections 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04:

1.07.13 Additional References: 1. CDOT Procedural Directive 512.1, Project Scoping and the Design Scoping Review

(DSR) at the following link: http://intranet/resources/policy-procedure/documents/0512-1/view

2. SAP Workflows at the following site: http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.33901?mode=EU

3. OFMB Policy and Procedures Manual - http://intranet.dot.state.co.us/business/ofmb/other/current/ofmb-policy-manual-4-11/view

4. Controlling our Critical Path guide found at the following link: http://www.coloradodot.info/business/designsupport/design-docs/Controlling_Our_Critical_Path.pdf/view

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Innovative contracting differs from conventional contracting by using alternative techniques to provide CDOT with quality transportation facilities. It is a process of systematic decision-making, risk management, strategy development, and goal identification that creates a competitive procurement environment, which promotes innovation and partnership between CDOT and all others involved.

Innovative contracting, applied successfully, can result in an effective and efficient delivery of programs and projects in less time, with less disruption, at less cost, but without compromising safety and the environment. The needs of CDOT, funding providers, designers, constructors, stakeholders, and end users are all blended into cooperative partnerships focused on meeting or exceeding customer expectations. These aligned efforts are the foundation of Innovative Contracting.

The choices of Program and Project Delivery are varied. To assist in making these choices, consideration should be given to: identifying and defining the complexity of the program or project; the program or project goals; the allocation of risk; the availability of funding; the capability and experience of contractors, and CDOT’s ability to develop, implement and manage the contract.

The assignment of risk between CDOT and the Contractor will assist in determining which option or provision is best suited for use with a program or project. Low risk allocation to CDOT may equate to a high risk allocation to the contractor, and vice versa. Understanding which risks can and must be controlled by CDOT, and which risks can and should be shared with the contractor, will result in an efficient and effective bid package, a competitive bidding environment, and overall lower costs. The CDOT Innovative Contracting Staff is available to assist with determining the best Project Delivery method for your project and should be contacted anytime innovative contracting is considered.

The four major categories of Innovative Contracting include:

1. Project Delivery Methods (Design-Build, Modified Design-Build, CMGC, etc…),

2. Procurement Methods (A+B, Multiple Bid Schedule, Alternate Bid Schedule, etc…),

3. Contracting Methods (Phase Funding, Lump Sum Contracts, Value Engineering), and

4. Contract Management Techniques (Lane Rentals, Incentives/Disincentives, Liquidated Savings).

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All CDOT Projects using any Innovative Contracting technique are currently tracked in SAP. When the project is created or under design, the innovated contracting methods are to be populated in CJ20N under the PM tab. During the 1180 workflow, there is another screen that asks for this information again. In addition, all Resident Engineers should report any innovative contracting technique to the appropriate entity, as described in the “Reporting” Section in the CDOT Innovative Contracting Manual and to the Engineering Estimates and Market Analysis Unit early in design development.

For further information regarding CDOT Innovative Contracting techniques, please refer to the CDOT Innovative Contracting Guidelines, and the CDOT Design-Build Manual.

Additional References: 1. CDOT Design-Build Manual 2. CDOT Innovative Contracting Guidelines 3. CDOT Innovative Contracting Website


4. Policy Memo 21 Guidelines for Ensuring Bidding Competition, March 11, 2010

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An entity agreement is required when CDOT and an entity have a shared interest in a transportation project. The entity agreement identifies the responsibilities of every party and their respective financial contributions. The agreement enables the transferring of funds between CDOT and the entity. The term “entity,” as used here, refers to a public agency, local public agency, established publicly owned organization or private interest that can legally enter into an agreement with CDOT for a transportation project.

The following definitions apply:

Local Public Agency Local Public Agency is any city, county, township, municipality, or other political subdivision that is empowered to cooperate with CDOT in transportation matters. This is usually referred to as a local agency. An agreement between CDOT and a city or county is entered into when a project is within a local public agencies jurisdiction and CDOT administers the federal-state funding. When the entity is a local public agency, the CDOT Colorado Local Agency program guidelines apply. (See the CDOT Local Agency Manual: http://www.coloradodot.info/business/designsupport/bulletins_manuals/2006-local-agency-manual .)

Public Agency Public Agency is any organization with administrative or functional responsibilities directly or indirectly affiliated with a national, state or local jurisdiction. CDOT may enter into an agreement with another state agency, a federal agency such as the National Forest Service, or a regional agency such as the Denver Regional Council of Governments.

Public Owned Organization Public Owned Organization is a company, corporation, or enterprise that has publicly traded stock; this could include utilities, railroads, or any other public company. CDOT may enter into these agreements to relocate utilities and railroads, and for projects such as a bicycle path in railroad right of way. A public company may contribute funds to transportation projects.

Private Interest Private Interest is a privately held company, landowner, or developer. CDOT

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may enter into an agreement with a private interest to provide improved access to a state highway and as part of local development plans.

The Resident Engineer should work with the entity to determine the parameters of an appropriate agreement whenever an entity or public agency needs to:

1. Maintain or construct a project affecting the State Highway System;

2. Provide funds for such a project; or

3. Address other interests that require the entity to coordinate with CDOT on such a project.

The Agreements Program in the Contracts and Market Analysis Branch is responsible for the execution of an agreement between CDOT and an entity or public agency except for the following types of agreements:

1. Railroad and utility agreements (which are done by the Utilities and Railroad Programs in the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch)

2. Safety grant contracts (which are done by the Safety, Planning and Grants unit, also in the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch)

3. Right of Way agreements (which are done by the Regional Right of Way Unit, often as part of a larger document such as an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA).

If there will be utility involvement (i.e., the relocation of existing facilities or the installation of new services) the Resident Engineer must coordinate with the Region Utilities Engineer to determine if any contracts may be required, and to initiate contract development.

In general, a separate contract with each involved utility will be required for any work by the utility for which CDOT repays the utility, or for utility work incorporated into the project for which the utility repays the project. The Region Utilities Engineer, in consultation with the Resident Engineer, negotiates an appropriate agreement with the utility and processes that agreement for approval via Agreements Program personnel. All required utility agreements should be in place prior to the project being advertised for construction. Copies of utility agreements are on file with the Resident Engineer, Region Utilities Engineer, Region Business Office, and Records Management in the Administrative Service Center.

The following steps for implementing an original entity agreement or an amendment to an entity agreement for a transportation project are performed by the Agreements Program personnel unless otherwise noted:

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1. Ensure that the proposed entity agreement is consistent with CDOT’s Long-Range Plan, State-wide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the CDOT budget, and the Obligation Plan. (Program Engineer, Resident Engineer and Business Office).

2. Determine division of work responsibilities for the project (Resident Engineer and entity representative)

3. Prepare and transmit to the Agreements Program a contract request, including budget, encumbrance, scope of work (e.g., Form 463), preconstruction checklist, and construction list (Resident Engineer in coordination with Region Business Office).

4. Review and analyze contract request, prepare draft contract, and forward draft to Region

5. Review and comment on contract draft (Resident Engineer in coordination with Region Business Office)

6. Send final draft copies to the entity (in coordination with the Region Business Office)

7. Revise final draft, if requested and, as appropriate, to address entity concerns (in coordination with the Resident Engineer, Region Business Office, and the Attorney General, as needed)

8. Check local agency resolution or other authorization document to ensure funding commitment and signature authority

9. Route the entity-signed contract copies for execution.

10. Distribute executed contract (Procurement and Region Business Office)

11. Issue Notice to Proceed to entity (Agreements Program personnel).

The Agreements Program is also responsible to review entity-consultant selection processes and contracts and entity-contractor bids for compliance with federal aid funding requirements. The review process must occur before any of the following take place: (1) an entity-consultant selection is advertised; (2) an entity-consultant agreement is executed; and (3) an entity-contractor bid is awarded. The steps in this review process are:

1. For consultant selections: Prior to the selection, the entity shall submit its consultant-selection procedures and the proposed consultant contract to the Agreements Program (entity in coordination with the Resident Engineer). (Currently Jefferson County and Denver consultant procurement procedures have been approved by CDOT under the Local Agency Certification Acceptance process and do not need review).

2. For contractor selections: Prior to the advertisement, the entity shall submit its bid procedures to the Region, which may at its discretion, forward it to the Agreements Program for review. Prior to the award, the bid results, a financial

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statement, and all required bid forms from the low bidder must be sent to the Agreements Program with a request for concurrence in award (entity in coordination with the Resident Engineer)

3. Review and analyze the entity’s submissions.

4. Send the entity either notice of approval of the entity’s submissions or send the entity advice on the required revisions to bring the submissions into compliance with the federal aid funding guidelines.

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CDOT projects are typically delivered using a Design-Bid-Build approach, where CDOT defines the scope and requirements of a construction project by fully completing design documents, either in-house, or with the assistance of design consultants. A construction contractor is then selected to build the project using a low-bid process. In Design-Bid-Build, CDOT retains most of the risks, and very few risks are transferred to the contractor.

CDOT projects can also be delivered using innovative project delivery methods such as Design-Build, Modified Design-Build, Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC), or Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). All these methods are approved for use by Federal Regulations, State Statutes, and CDOT policies and procedures (See CDOT Innovative Contracting Guidelines and CDOT Design-Build Manual).

In Design-Build, CDOT defines clear project scope and requirements through initial design documentation, and then procures both the final design and the construction through the evaluation of technical proposals, price, or both. The project is typically procured using a two phase process by producing Request for Qualifications (RFQ), and Request for Proposal (RFP) documents. The project is awarded using a Best Value process, where price and other factors are considered. Some of these other factors may include schedule, past performance, qualifications, project scope, project approach, design alternatives, innovations, aesthetics, and quality management plan.

Design-Build projects can significantly vary in the amount of design included in the RFP and risks allocated to the design-build team, but the key element in each project is a single source of responsibility for CDOT through one contract for both the design and the construction. The major advantages for using Design-Build are better risk mitigation, and shortening the project delivery schedule by overlapping the project design phase with the project construction phase.

In Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC), CDOT executes two separate contracts: one with a design consultant and one with a Construction Manager who also takes the role of a General Contractor. The design consultant is selected using normal CDOT consultant selection procedures. CDOT awards the CMGC contract to the CM firm based on Best Value. The responsibility of reviewing the design for constructability, administering the construction contract, and executing the work is transferred to the CM firm for a guaranteed maximum price. The CM firm works with the design consultant to ensure innovation, cost savings, and a reduced delivery schedule. CDOT does have flexibility with design staffing when using the CMGC delivery method. CDOT can use in-

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house staff for the design, a hybrid of consultant and in-house staff, or utilize a consultant for the entire design. It is recommended that the overall project manager not be the designer to ensure an objective role in the decisions that are made and the direction of the project.

The use of CMGC requires SEP-14 approval from FHWA headquarters. CDOT currently has a programmatic SEP-14 agreement with FHWA for eight projects that could be expanded through the Project Development Branch.

In Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), CDOT executes contracts with private entities or developers to design, construct, operate, maintain, and finance large-scale transportation projects in return for monetary compensation derived from the transportation improvement(s). CDOT typically utilizes a two phase Design-Build process to award PPPs. Solicited PPPs are preferred by CDOT, as opposed to un-solicited PPPs because they provide CDOT with improved levels of risk management, contract negotiation, and Best Value determination.

Additional References: 1. CDOT Design-Build Manual (2006) 2. CDOT Innovative Contracting Guidelines (2006) 3. CDOT Innovative Contracting website:


4. CDOT Policy Directive 504.0 5. 2 CCR 601-15 Rules to Establish Requirements for Procurement by CDOT of

Design-Build Contracts for Transportation Projects 6. 23 CFR Part 636

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The term “Force Account Construction Method” refers to construction work a public agency performs on federal or state funded projects using its own forces. Specifically, it means the direct performance of highway construction work by the Department, local entity, county, railroad, public utility company, or other agency by use of labor, equipment, materials, and supplies furnished by the agency and used under its contract terms (23 CFR part 635.203(c)). This Section does not apply to Planned Force Account items of work as defined in CDOT’s Standard Specifications.

Competitive bidding is specifically required by title 23 USC 112. Waiving the requirements should be done only after careful consideration of the effect or precedent that will be set. Projects may be entirely or partially constructed by the force account method only when it is determined that the needs of the public will be better met by not following the general rules.

If circumstances justify a negotiated contract or another unusual method of construction, the policies and procedures prescribed herein for the force account construction method apply.

A Finding in the Public Interest (FIPI) fully justifying the use of the force account construction method must be prepared and documented on Form 895, Force Account Construction Method - Finding in the Public Interest. All supporting documentation must be attached.

The force account construction method may be justified on a federal or state funded project under any one of the following conditions:

1. Emergency work, as defined in Section 120.8 of CDOT's Construction Manual, is necessary to protect public health and safety, or a major element or segment of a highway or roadway has failed, and competitive bidding is impossible or impractical. Competitive bidding may be precluded because immediate action is necessary to minimize the extent of the damage, to protect remaining facilities, or to restore essential travel as provided in 23CFR 635.204(b).

2. The inherent nature of the operation makes it cost effective to perform minor adjustments (as determined by the railroad or utility) of railroad and utility facilities by the force account construction method, while the majority of work is performed by competitive bid. See 23CFR 635.205(b).

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3. It is cost effective to perform work that is incidental to the main purpose of the project by the force account construction method. The majority of work is still accomplished by competitive bidding.

4. It is cost effective to perform the work by the force account construction method and the agency demonstrates that the circumstances are unusual and unlikely to recur.

5. The construction contract value is under $50,000, and does not justify the costs associated with the competitive bidding process; or there is a lack of bids, or the bids received are unreasonable.

When the force account construction method is considered it must be justified by a cost effectiveness determination that shows a substantial savings over estimated contract prices.

1. The cost effectiveness determination should compare the detailed cost estimate for work by the force account construction method with the detailed cost estimate of work by the competitive bid method of construction. The estimates for both shall be all inclusive so a fair and equal comparison can be made.

2. The public agency estimate for the force account construction method must include all costs associated with the work and not just the work that will be billed to the project. These costs include non-reimbursable costs that are inherent to the work including labor, overhead, equipment, materials, and supplies.

3. The cost effectiveness determination may be based on unit prices, including all engineering and administrative costs. Unit prices must be based on the cost of performing the work. If the public agency has no set rates for its equipment, it may use the current rental rates specified in subsection 109.04(c) of CDOT's Standard Specifications.

4. The cost effectiveness determination must include the overhead costs incurred by the public agency (employee wages, benefits, and equipment costs) and other items subsidized by the taxpayer.

5. To perform work by the force account construction method, the public agency must be adequately staffed and suitably equipped to perform the work cost effectively in the prescribed time.

The following items of documentation, when used to justify the use of force account construction methods by a public agency, must be retained in the project files:

1. Form 895.

2. Cost effectiveness determination.

3. Evaluation that demonstrates the circumstances are unusual and unlikely to recur.

4. Documentation of the emergency.

5. Documentation demonstrating a lack of bids or bids received were unreasonable.

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The Region administration process for the force account construction method includes the following procedures.

1. The Region investigates the public agency’s request to use the force account construction method.

2. The public agency Project Manager completes a Form 463 that clearly indicates the method used.

3. The Region Program Engineer certifies that the public agency is capable of administering and performing the specified work and assembles the supporting documentation listed on Form 895.

4. The public agency prepares a set of plans. The minimum plans consist of:

a. General plan sheets (typical sections, plan and profile) as applicable. b. Estimate of quantities (summary of quantities). c. Tabulation of bid items, general notes, description of project work type, and

location (map). d. Special details, as required. e. Special Provisions, as required.

5. The public agency obtains all required clearances and permits as applicable on Form 1048, Project Scoping/Clearance record.

6. SAP shall show that the project will be constructed by the force account construction method, whether state forces or a local agency does the work.

7. CDOT's Office of Financial Management and Budget (OFMB) completes Form 418 after receipt of the signed Form 1180. Obligation must be requested and approved through SAP. For federal aid projects, Form 418 is used to obtain obligation/authorization approval for the construction phase from FHWA.

8. For projects that do not go through the CDOT bid process, the Region issues a Notice to Proceed only when all of the following are complete:

a. All documentation justifying the force account construction method is complete.

b. Plans are complete and approved by the Resident Engineer. c. Obligation authority and funding are cleared by the Resident Engineer.

A copy of the Notice to Proceed must be sent to OFMB and Projects and Grants for CDOT to authorize expenditures for the construction phase.

Blanket approval under force account is given to state forces (with a current limit of $5,000) for certain advance construction signing, temporary construction striping, permanent signing, and permanent striping, all of which have an existing blanket FHWA approval.

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Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 635B, Force Account Construction 2. CDOT Policy Directive 387.0, Construction by Public Agencies 3. For forms, see CDOT on-line forms library


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Construction projects conceived independently of one another and having different types of work or funding may be consolidated into a single project for the purpose of bid and award of the construction work and to allow for more efficient construction management. In 1990, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and CDOT agreed to eliminate the combination process (i.e., two separate project numbers advertised together). Trns*port allows for consolidation of projects, which was found to be a more efficient way of managing the project. It should also be noted that SiteManager® does not handle combination projects. (SiteManager is a registered trademark of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.)

Consolidated projects are used to:

1. Increase the total construction bid amount of small projects (less than $100,000) to allow more interest for contractor bids.

2. Place multiple or sequenced projects under the control of a single general contractor for considerations such as traffic control, scheduling, decreased mobilization costs, and remote locations.

Consolidation allows for construction of a project that is beneficial to several entities with multiple, varied funding sources. Projects are best consolidated early in the design phase. In some cases, it may be appropriate to consolidate construction projects later in the development process; however, this involves additional steps and approvals and may delay the project. The consolidation must be completed prior to the project being advertised for bids.

Plans, specifications and estimates shall be prepared under a single project number. When federal funds contribute to a consolidated project or design is done with federal funds, federal rules and regulations apply to the entire project.

All proposals submitted must be prepared under a single project number, including single bid quantities and single pay estimate of quantities. All funding sources are commingled and each funding source participates at the authorized prorata. Consolidation of construction projects may be more efficient due to lower engineering and administration costs as a percentage of total project costs.

Pay quantities and tabulations can be accumulated and reported at the project level rather than at the component project level. Trns*port allows for the items to be identified in multiple ways:

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1. Pay items can be billed and paid using a common proportion of federal, state, and local funds regardless of location within the project, using an agreed upon percentage split.

2. The pay items can also be isolated by category, each category is then capable of unique funding.

3. Individual items can be isolated and funded uniquely.

The Resident Engineer will initiate the appropriate budget requests for funding distribution in SAP to consolidate funds. A Form 950, Project Closure, should be prepared in SAP for closing a project being absorbed in consolidation. Closure should be coordinated with the Business Office.

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 635.111, Tied Bids 2. CDOT Trns*Port Client-server 3. CDOT Trns*Port PES/LAS manual 4. Pay Estimates: http://www.coloradodot.info/business/payestimates 5. For forms, see CDOT on-line forms library


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A Signature Project is one that has a complex feature that is unique or different from most CDOT projects. The complex feature requires extra consideration by CDOT when estimating the project and by bidders when bidding the project. The size of a project should not be a factor in its designation as a signature project, only its complexity. Aspects to consider in determining this designation include, design features, constructability, and innovative delivery methods. Few CDOT projects require this designation.

The Region Program and Resident Engineers are responsible for designating Signature Projects. The following criteria should be considered in their determination:

1. Will there be less than 8 hours of productive work time each day?

2. Will there be significant work outside normal work hours?

3. Will the use of state of the art technology be required?

4. Is current cost comparison data unavailable?

5. Will an alternative bid method be used? Examples are:

a. Cost + Time b. Modified Design Build c. Alternate Bridge Design d. Multiple Bid Schedules

6. Will there be unusual or limited access to the work site (e.g. tunnel, mountain pass)?

7. Will Escrow of Proposal Documents be required?

The Region Program and Resident Engineers should use engineering judgment in designating Signature Projects. The existence of one or two of the triggers identified above does not automatically require the project to be designated as a Signature Project. It is the region’s responsibility to make an informed determination when considering this classification.

Signature Projects shall be so designated by the Resident Engineer in a memo to the project file. A copy of the memo shall be e-mailed to the Program Engineer and the Engineering Estimates Program Manager.

A constructability review should be conducted by the region to define risks and potential costs associated with the project. The constructability review should include members of the contracting community and occur shortly after the Field Inspection Review stage of design (See Section 2.18).

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A Value Engineering (VE) analysis is required for federally funded projects over $40 million. A VE analysis often leads to money and time savings, a more constructible project, and lower impacts to the traveling public. Although not required for projects under $40 million, it is a good practice to perform a VE on projects that have complexities, or elements that may benefit from a VE analysis. Examples are projects that have major structures, complex design or construction, challenging constraints, difficult technical issues, external influences and unique or complicated functional requirements, competing community and stakeholder objectives, etc. (See Section 2.15.)

A minimum advertisement period of five weeks should be used. During the minimum 5 week ad, bidders shall be required to have a project showing within the first 3 weeks after advertisement. During the showing the bidder may ask questions with regard to the plans and the project. Those questions should be handled according to section 102.5.2 of the Construction Manual. The longer advertisement time should allow CDOT enough time to summarize the questions from the showings, identify any areas of concern, and prepare answers to the questions. If possible, the summary should include questions asked subsequent to the showings. The Engineering Estimates Program Manager should be invited to the project showings.

Additional References: 1. CDOT Construction Manual

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1.14.01 Background

Legislation titled “Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery” (FASTER) was enacted in 2009 to increase the state’s ability to improve structures and roadway safety in Colorado.

A major component of the bill was the creation of the Bridge Enterprise (BE). The term Enterprise means “a nonprofit entity that dedicates derived funding specifically to the functions of the enterprise.” A key point: these Bridge Enterprise funds are not directed to CDOT, but to the Bridge Enterprise. This funding goes specifically to the replacement, rehabilitation, repair, and maintenance of eligible structures in the State of Colorado.

According to the legislation, structures that are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete and have been designated as poor by the Department are eligible for transfer to the BE. Every year the list of bridges meeting this eligibility requirement will change.

To prevent these funds from being included in the calculation of the State’s funding limits established by the TABOR legislation, structures must be transferred as assets from CDOT to the BE, and the funds used for these bridges must be tracked separately. Generally State funds are not to be used for these bridges in order to protect the enterprise status of the BE. The statutes allow federal funds and a small amount of state funds to be used for the BE, and occasionally OFMB may elect to use this small allowance of State funds. For project planning purposes it should be assumed that CDOT or Local Agency funds cannot be used for bridges transferred to the BE without an additional project set up in combination with the BE project.

1.14.02 Bridge Enterprise Projects

A Bridge Enterprise project must meet specific criteria and any increase to the cost of the project or additional type of funding must be approved by the Bridge Enterprise Board before moving forward. Funding for a Bridge Enterprise project can be either FASTER Bridge funds only, or may have a combination of Federal Bridge and FASTER bridge funds included. The Bridge Enterprise Board will indicate what type and the amount of funding is approved for the project.

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1.14.03 Scope for a Bridge Enterprise Funded Project

Projects that will use the FASTER bridge funds need to have the scope of the project for any non-bridge work limited to work that is necessary to replace or rehabilitate the bridge and bring the bridge up to current roadway and structural standards. This may include portions of roadway approaches that require work to facilitate the bridge rehabilitation or replacement.

Restrict the scope of the Bridge Enterprise Project to that of replacing the bridge and the approaches as needed to replace or rehabilitate the bridge. Avoid increasing the project scope during the project development process. Such a change in scope may cause the need for additional funds, a different type of funding, or both for the project.

1.14.04 Adding a Non Bridge Enterprise Related Type of Funding

The method to develop, advertise and construct a project with a combination of BE and CDOT roadway funds is laid out in Design Bulletin 2010-8, Combined BE and CDOT funded projects.

When considering the scope and requirements of a Bridge Enterprise Project, keep in mind that adding another type of funding from either a Local Agency or CDOT roadway funds, will increase the complexity and difficulty of the project dramatically.

1.14.05 Federal Participation on the Bonding Process (Fund 542)

A quick discussion on the Federal participation for the BE Binding is as follows. The FHWA chose to participate in the Bridge Enterprise Bonding process with a $20 million dollar annual contribution with the intent to cover a portion of the annual debt services to bond the money. That $20 million dollar contribution allowed the BE bonds to get a better interest rate since on the Bond market due to the FHWA involvement in the funding process.

That $20 million dollar annual contribution requires the BE bonded projects to be treated as federal participation. Generally that means these BE projects are required to follow the 1180 process and the stewardship agreement for the administration of the project. Generally for the advertisement process, it means the FHWA obligation to participate on the projects must be completed and the purchase requisition for the project needs to be created as federally participating. Examples will follow:

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1.14.06 Critical Differences between CDOT Projects and BE Projects

Funds used for the Bridge Enterprise are not the same as CDOT projects and have unique conditions and categories. Here are some of the main differences that need to be kept in mind. Significant Differences in SAP  

1. Fund Numbers 538, 540 or 542 are the fund types for Bridge Enterprise. The typical value for the fund center is 400 for CDOT projects

2. Project Prefix: FBR is correct for Bridge Enterprise projects

3. Org Group: B8800-538 is the Responsible Cost Center for BE projects

4. Profit Center 5000-538 instead of the normal CDOT value 5000-010

5. Investment Profile is Z00992 instead of the normal CDOT value of Z00990

6. Unlike typical CDOT projects, budget actions for funding BE projects will completed by OFMB at Headquarters rather than at the regional level. Purchase Requisitions 

1. Release Strategy: Bridge Enterprise PR releases are available for all Program Engineers statewide to complete. They are also available for all Business Office managers to complete for the second required release. The intent is still for the responsible region to approve their own regional Purchase Requisitions.

2. Plant: 7001 is always used for Bridge Enterprise projects rather than your regional plant designation. Assets for Bridge Enterprise Projects: 

A difference with the Bridge Enterprise is that once the existing bridge is transferred to the Bridge Enterprise, the existing bridge and any new bridge resulting from replacement, become assets of the Bridge Enterprise not CDOT. Existing bridges must be transferred to the Bridge Enterprise before any Bridge Enterprise funds are used for design or construction. CE Pool Exempt: 

Because the construction cost for these projects must be kept separate from normal CDOT funds, the CDOT CE Pools cannot be used to fund the Construction engineering costs of the BE projects.

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1-67 CDOT Indirects 

CDOT Indirects charges will still be collected at the current rate for CDOT staff working on BE projects. Those indirects will be applied for any payroll charges or consultant task orders used. PES TRNS•PORT categories differences:  

Different standard categories will be used in TRNS•PORT to identify and separate BE items from typical CDOT funded sources. Category examples are shown below:

Bridge Enterprise Items All Other

Roadway 0250, 0251 0200

Single Bridge 0350 0300

Multiple Bridges 0351, 0352, etc. 0301, 0302, etc.

Construction Engineering Bid Items 0450 0400

Indirects 1125 1100

1.14.07 Technical Bridge Enterprise Requirements Creation in SAP 

There are significant differences in the process of adding the WBS structure for a BE project. Please use the following link to SAP Work Instructions to add the standard template for a BE project.



1. TC5pte

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Figure 1-5, pemplate stru

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y 31, 2013

Figure 1BE Projec



1-5, Page 2t Resource

Scoping, Bu

2 of 6 e Guide

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g, Budgetingg and Progrramming

Figure 1BE Projec


1-5, Page 3t Resource

3 of 6 e Guide

Jaanuary 31, 22013


y 31, 2013

Figure 1BE Projec



1-5, Page 4t Resource

Scoping, Bu

4 of 6 e Guide

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g, Budgetingg and Progrramming

Figure 1BE Projec


1-5, Page 5t Resource

5 of 6 e Guide

Jaanuary 31, 22013



Bridge Ewill needrather th

y 31, 2013

.02 Cons

Enterprise pd to chargehan to the R

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Figure 1BE Projec


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1-5, Page 6t Resource

g is (CE) Po

o be CE Pohe construcngineering

Scoping, Bu

6 of 6 e Guide

ool Exemp

ool Exemptction phasePool.

udgeting an

. The projee of the spe

nd Program

ct personneecific projec


el ct

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


Typically on CDOT projects, the construction budget is reduced to cover only the Prime Contractor commitment amount. Since the CDOT employees will be charging directly against the construction budget, the Resident Engineer will need to estimate and set aside sufficient construction budget to cover all the costs associated with the Construction Engineering (CE) on the project. The charges that need to be accounted for in the estimate include the following:

1. CDOT personnel charging to the project including benefits.

2. Construction Engineering task orders for Consultant Services.

3. Indirect charges at the current rate agreed to with the FHWA (applied to both internal charges and consultant charges).

4. Materials test costs from central lab.

A brief discussion of how the CE and indirect charges work at CDOT is shown in the text box below.

How Construction Engineering and Indirects are used at CDOT

The current CDOT rate for the CE pool is 10.0%, which on a CDOT CE POOL project covers the Salary and Benefits of CDOT personnel and/or consultant task orders who charge directly to the project. The indirect rate of 90.0% is then added to the costs to cover the costs of CDOT personnel time who do not charge their time directly to the project.

That indirect rate for federally participating projects is broken out further to 74.51% Participating Indirects (the FHWA will pay this percentage) and 15.49% non-participating indirects (FHWA does not pay these costs) which totals to the 90.0%. The indirect rate for non-participating projects is still 90.0%. The logic is the total indirect amount required does not change based on whether the project is participating and non-participating.

The 10.0% for Salary and benefits (or consultant task orders) for construction oversight plus 90.0% indirects is how we get to the typical rate of 19.0% for the total CE charges.

10.0% Construction engineering+(10.0%*90.0%) indirects = 19.0% total CE charges.

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



For CE pool project, the CE amount used to cover CDOT’s costs for construction engineering is based on how much is paid to the Contractor. If the Contractor gets paid $1,000,000 for his work that month, CDOT would draw from the project the following amount to cover our costs:

1. $100,000.00 for the Direct Personnel charges to the project (10.0% of $1,000,000)

2. $90,000.00 for the Indirect Personnel costs (90.0% of $100,000)

For a Federally participating project the indirects would be broken up as follows:

1. $74,510.00 FHWA pays (74.51% of $100,000) 2. $15,490.00 CDOT pays (15.49% of $100,000)

This same approach needs to be used for CE POOL exempt projects but just on a project by project basis. For projects with all CDOT personnel the rate will probably be less than 23.95%. If it is all consultant, the rate will be higher than 24%. See the Excel worksheets referenced below for more information on how to calculate on a project by project basis.

All these Construction Engineering costs for the project need to be estimated accurately so sufficient budget is set aside to cover the anticipated costs. The indirect rate will be applied to both the Employee payments including benefits as well as any Consultant Construction Engineering Task orders.

When developing the construction engineering estimate, meetings to be included in the construction engineering charges are: partnering, preconstruction, pre-paving, pre-pour, pre-survey, bridge demolition, pre-erection, dispute resolution meetings, weekly scheduling meetings, and any other meetings the project is expected to require. When estimating the actual hours required for the CE estimate, the following personnel and support units should be considered to ensure all potential charges are estimated:

1. Resident Engineer (site visits and meetings)

2. Project Engineer

3. Inspectors (overtime for non-exempt employees should be considered)

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


4. Testers (overtime for non-exempt employees should be considered)

5. Region Materials lab (site visits, IATs, deck pour assistance, submittals, etc.)

6. Region Utilities unit

7. Central Lab (HQ) test costs for samples submitted to Headquarters for testing

8. Staff Bridge

a. fabrication inspections b. construction assistance c. required Project Acceptance final Bridge review

9. Bridge Designer – Staff Bridge or consultant as applicable

a. Review of shop drawings b. Construction assistance

10. Staff Geotechnical Personnel

11. Environmental Group Support (NPDES, T & E inspections)

12. Public Relations Support

13. Finals Engineers

a. Processing CMOs in Site Manager b. Finals package review and check

14. Staff Branches (Area Engineers and Asst. Area Engineers)

a. CMO review/assistance b. Dispute resolution assistance

15. Consultant Construction Staff.

Based on whether the construction phase of the project is state funded or has federal participation, choose the correct Excel worksheet below to develop the estimated Construction Engineering costs of the project.

For the purposes of choosing which excel form to use, the key difference is whether there is a federal funding source to cover the Indirects.

If the construction phase is funded solely with any combination of the following, use the ‘all state BE funded’ spread sheet:

1. FAB538

2. FAB540

3. FAB542

If there are FHWA funds in addition to the BE funds listed above, you need to use the “BE_Federal Participating’ worksheet for your estimate. For example, a fund type that would require the participating worksheet is FABL1CE in SAP or FL1CE in Trns•port PES.

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


State Funded:

CE est wksht - all state BE Funded.xls

Federal Participation:

CE est wksht - BE_Federal Partcip.xl

A key point to note on the CE services Task order portion of this estimate sheet is you will not be able to process the Task Order for CE services until after the 1180 process is completed on the PS and E package. Once you have obtained the Federal obligation of participation, you can also submit the TO for processional services to hopefully get that in place prior to the project getting awarded and the notice to proceed given to the contractor. Use the estimated value in the above spread sheet, but keep in mind any amount you short yourself there, will be taken from the available budget for your internal charges.

1.14.08 Purchase Requisitions (PR) For Construction and Construction Consultant Task Order

The purchase requisition required for Bridge Enterprise projects will need to be created differently from a typical CDOT capital engineering project. PR for BE Project 

For any Purchase Requisition (PR) created for a BE project, a key difference is the “Plant 7001” needs to be used rather than the plant of your region. Unfortunately, the plant field in SAP for PRs is not an editable field. So if a Plant other than 7001 is

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


entered and saved incorrectly, the PR will need to get closed and a new PR created with the correct plant.

If you ever have PR for a BE project that does not have a “Release Strategy” tab, the error is likely an incorrect plant was used. PR for CE Services 

For Purchase Requisitions (PR) for Construction engineering services, there will now be a pre-requisite step prior to starting the PR in SAP. An email will need to be sent to the Outlook distribution group “*HQ-OFMB-Project Accounting Bid and Award Unit” to have them set up the G/L number on the SAP Project validation table. Once that step has been completed, the PR for CE services can be created correctly so that the billings operate as required. The G/L Account number for the Bridge Enterprise projects will be based on whether there are Federal funds on the project or if it is bridge enterprise state funded only.

1. G/L number for Bridge Enterprise funded projects is 4192000010

2. G/L number for Bridge Enterprise projects with Federal participation is 4192000011

See the attached screen shot for an example of both a state funded PR (Figure 1-6, Page 1 of 2) and Federal participating PR (Figure 1-6, Page 2 of 2). A quick caveat is even though your project may not have a separate Federal funding source such as FABL1CE or FL1CE, it likely still has federal money involved with the ‘debt services’ which would require the PR to get set up as federal participation. The only instance of a BE project not being federally participating would be if the fund was fund 538 or 540.


“State F

y 31, 2013

unded” Briddge Enterprise Purcha

Figure 1PR



ase Requis

1-6, Page 1R Creation

Scoping, Bu

ition for CE

of 2

udgeting an

E services

nd Programming




The SAPavailablerelease regions for a Bri

g, Budgeting

ly Participat

.03 SAP R

P release se to be appand any Bushould normdge Enterp

g and Progr

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prise project



Figure 1PR


a Bridge Ereleased by

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e Purchase

1-6, Page 2R Creation

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wn PRs. Seere 1-7).


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CE and indirall cost estimue is not ens added intoilar to how Cas a perce



igure 1-7 ase Strateg

Form 65 a

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Scoping, Bu


and SAP

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culated prevrt) and on Fa percentagestimate an

pool are incld cost of th

nd Program

viously, muForm 65 Proge. The nd Form 65luded in the

he project.


st oject

5 via e

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


Once the Engineer’s Estimate has been reviewed by the Cost Estimates Unit and the estimated costs are firm for the CE and indirects, a correct version of Form 65 may be generated that matches up with the PES (trns*port) Estimate for the total construction estimate. This will be required prior to submitting the project’s 1180 to the FHWA. Use the amounts shown in the Excel estimating spreadsheet to enter in the CE Pool percentage in PES (Trns*port) and calculate the Indirects in the 1100 category above.

1.14.10 Immediately Before Requesting 1180:

There are two places where the CE Pool Percentage is needed to calculate the estimate amount correctly on the 1180. The first location is the in Trns•port PES at the category levels. The Resident Engineer is responsible for entering this value. The second location is in SAP via CJ20N on the custom fields “Accounting” tab. The only group authorized and expected to enter this value is OFMB or the SAP Project Systems BPX. The percentage for the CE Pool calculation in SAP will reset every night to the current CE Pool rate. This field is important to get corrected the same day that you start the form 1180. The exact amount of CE Pool and indirects calculated from the percentage entered into SAP and Trns•port may have a small rounding difference. Let your business manager know that they may not match exactly.

1.14.11 After Project Is Awarded:

Once the project is awarded to the low bidder, the percentage for CE used to set aside the construction budget required for the Personal charging to the project directly will need to change in SAP based upon the percentage in conjunction with the Contractor’s commitment amount instead of the engineer’s estimate. The percentage for CE Pool will now need to be recalculated again and the new percentage based will need to be entered in SAP accounting tab (the percentage does not need to be changed in Trns•port after award). The indirects will be automatically calculated in the system (currently set at 90.0).

The following screensshots show how to check that the project is set up correctly in Trns•port, PES, and SAP so that the CE costs will calculate correctly. Based upon your project having Federal Bridge funds along with the BE funds or if your project is BE funded only, choose one of the following documents to check your PES set up in conjunction with the SAP form 65.

The following screenshots show how to check that the project is set up correctly in TRNS*port, PES, and SAP so that the CE costs will calculate correctly. Choose one of the following documents depending on whether the project is totally state-funded

January through (Figure

For helpSupport become

SAP cheaccount

y 31, 2013

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Figure 1



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he screenshb.

Figure 1


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1-8, Page 2

s an examp

2 of 7


ple of PES

anuary 31, 2

project 176




TRNS*Pbid. This

y 31, 2013

PORT PES s is the Cat

review - Thegories Tab

he screenshb.

Figure 1



hot below is

1-8, Page 3

Scoping, Bu

s an examp

3 of 7

udgeting an

ple of PES

nd Program

project 176




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y 31, 2013

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Figure 1



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1-8, Page 5

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5 of 7

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PORT PES D. This is th

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review - Thhe Workshe


he screensheet Tab.

Figure 1


hot below is

1-8, Page 6

s an examp

6 of 7


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anuary 31, 2

project 176




Form 65

y 31, 2013

5 Check

Figure 1



1-8, Page 7

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7 of 7

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Accountthe Acco

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20N Customstom tab.


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Figure 1


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1-9, Page 1

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of 7


an example

anuary 31, 2

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y 31, 2013

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Figure 1



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1-9, Page 2

Scoping, Bu

s an examp

2 of 7

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ple of PES

nd Program

project 176




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review - Thegories Tab


he screenshb.

Figure 1


hot below is

1-9, Page 3

s an examp

3 of 7


ple of PES

anuary 31, 2

project 176




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Fund soCategorFund Coshould n

y 31, 2013

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Figure 1



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1-9, Page 4

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4 of 7

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he screenshFunding Ta

Figure 1


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1-9, Page 5

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5 of 7


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anuary 31, 2

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y 31, 2013

PORT PES D. This is th

review - Thhe Workshe

he screensheet Tab.

Figure 1



hot below is

1-9, Page 6

Scoping, Bu

s an examp

6 of 7

udgeting an

ple of PES

nd Program

project 176




Form 65


All projeFASTERThere wbe spec

g, Budgeting

5 Check


ects funded R projects.

will normallyial circumst

g and Progr

Signs for F

with FASTThe signs

y be a minimtances, the


Figure 1


TER money are to be e

mum of twoe Resident E


1-9, Page 7


shall have erected at e

of these siEngineer sh

7 of 7

special sigeach major igns on thehould consu


gns identifyiapproach t project. Sult the Reg

anuary 31, 2

ing them aso the projecince there ion Traffic


s ct. may

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


Engineer on the number and locations of signs. The sign layout consists of two panels, a W21-1a “Workers Sign” sign mounted on a special FASTER sign.

Signs shall be mounted on 6 X 6 timber posts for a temporary installation in accordance with the applicable S-Standards. These signs will be paid for using bid item 630-80344, Construction Traffic Sign (Special).

The sign layout can be accessed via the HQ Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch website under the link to the CDOT Sign Library webpage at: http://www.coloradodot.info/library/traffic/traffic-manuals-guidelines/fed-state-co-traffic-manuals/cdot-sign-library.html.

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013




y 31, 2013







N 2


oject Develo


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Project D

Developmeent Processs Jaanuary 31, 22013



The Despreliminwith the project pbudgetinmeetingcreated

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Form 10documetrack fin


The DSRChargesletter shitems on

1. L

2. P

3. T

4. A

5. E

6. D

7. R

8. E

y 31, 2013


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Form 10

048, Projectnt the desigal clearanc


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Traffic data.

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048, Projec

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y 31, 2013

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Addition1. CDO

(DSR2. FHW3. CDO4. For f


y 31, 2013


oject plans overlaid or

ay Design Goadway sec

sting typicaction or roay lane widthd gutter, me

m to old typicds.

sident Enginsection baseriteria and m

ortation Devfunctional - Transport(OTIS) ava

ollowing link

sting typicag/Clearance

nal RefereOT ProceduR)

WA FlexibilitOT Roadwayforms, see C//www.colo


show an exreconstruc

Guide shoulction.

l section is dway impro

hs, shouldeedians, or bcal section

neer will coed on the fumake the pvelopment dclassificatiotation Data ailable for mk: (OTIS) (h

l section she Record, a

nces: ral Directiv

ty in Highway Design GCDOT on-liradodot.info


xisting roadcted, currenld be review

the roadwaovements. r widths, z-

barriers. Mstandards

ompare the unctional cl

proposed tydeveloped aon, traffic daSet and D

more informhttp://dtdapp

hall be docund Form 46

e 512.1, Pr

ay Design, Guide, Chapine forms lio/library/for



dway typicat standard

wed for reas

ay cross-seThe typica

-slope distaany existingand do not

existing roaassificationpical sectioa website tata, and hig

DTD also haation and pps.colorado

umented on63, Design

roject Scop

Publicationpter 4 brary rms



al section. Wtypical sectsonable ap

ection that el section us

ance, and sg roadwaysmeet curre

adway sectn of the roaon recommehat containghway dataas Online Tphotos of exodot.info/oti

n the Form Data.

ing and the

n No. FHWA

oject Develo

When an extions in Cha

pplication to

exists prior sually conside slopes.s were consent roadway

tion to the ldway and Cendation. T

ns road invea. The webransportatixisting highis ).

1048, Proje

e Design Sc


opment Pro

xisting roadapter 4 of t

o the existin

to new ists of the It may incstructed to y design

latest standCDOT DesThe Divisioentory data bsite is at Don Informa

hway condit


coping Rev

62 (1997)


dway he



dard ign n of

Data tion tions


Project D


The propCDOT RRegion MCDOT P

The ResfunctionData, shAny excdocumeDesign Vconditiondeterminshould amay con

The proproadwayconstrucotherwissection o

Travel laroads, sdependiprovide in the AA

CDOT tyor edge Design Gdepend thicknesmay also

For projeDesign g



posed geomRoadway DMaterials E

Pavement D

sident Enginal, safety a

hall be usedception to thnted in the Variance. Bns, new insnation is to always consnsult the FH

posed typicy improvemction plans se noted in on a projec

ane width vuch as collng on the radequate cASHTO Ro

ypical sectiof the road

Guide. Thion the type

ss of layerso be contai

ects within guidebook.

ent Process


metric typicesign Guid

Engineer in Design Man

neer shouldnd capacity

d to documehe maximum

project file Because of stallation of be docume

sider accideHWA Flexib

cal section ments. The

and shall mSection 2.0

ct if needed

varies from ectors and roadway funclear zone roadside Des

ons usuallydway referres slope is pe of facility. . Typical sened in the

scenic or h



cal section sde. The pav


d provide ay requiremeent these rem or minimand may nbudget, funa full-stand

ented on Foent history

bility in High

is the roadwproposed t

meet curren05 of this mto cover th

10 feet on arterials. S

nctional typrecovery (asign Guide.

y incorporated to as thepart of the c

The typicaections for plans.

historic area



should be dvement strue with the R

proposed tents of the equirementum standar

need to be dnding type, dard typicalorm 464, Deof the exist

hway Desig

way cross-stypical roadnt CDOT or manual. Thehe full lengt

low volumeShoulder wpe. Roadwaa relatively f.

te a slight se z-slope, dclear zone dal section uroad appro

as, refer to


designed inucture shall Roadway D

typical secthighway. Tts. (See nerd identifieddocumenteterrain, dev

l section maesign Variating facility

gn guideboo

section usedway sectio

AASHTO sere may beh of the pro

e roads to 1width varies

ay side slopflat, unobst

sloping areadetailed in tdesign. Meusually detaoaches, bike

the FHWA


n accordanc be designe

Design Guid

tion that meThe Form 4ext Section d on the Foed with a Fovelopment,ay not be p

ance. The das well. Th

ok for these

ed on new con should bestandards, e more thanoject.

12 feet on hfrom 4 to 1pes should ructed area

a borderinghe CDOT R

edian and tuails pavemee paths, an

Flexibility i

anuary 31, 2

ce with the ed by the de and the

eets the 463, Designon Form 46rm 463 sha

orm 464, , or scenic practical; thdesigner he designere situations.

constructione in all unless

n one typica

higher volum2 feet, be designe

a) as explai

g the shouldRoadway urn lane wident type andnd sidewalk

in Highway


n 63) all be


r .

n or



ed to ned


dths d s

January The Ressection. functionmodes, later thaReview change designsaltered ban addit

Prior to typical sEnvironmare to be

Addition1. AAS2. 23 C3. CDO

(DSR4. CDO5. For f

http:/6. CDO


y 31, 2013

sident Engin Current anal class andsuch as bic

an two weekplans and osignificantly, right of waby changestional Field

the Field Insection to thmental perse informed

nal RefereHTO Policy

CFR Part 62OT ProceduR)

OT M&S Staforms, see C//www.colo

OT Online T//internal/Ap

neer is respnd future trad use of thecycles. Theks after the on the final y after the Fay acquisitios to the typiInspection

nspection Rhe participasonnel, wheof all chang

nces: y on Geome25, Design Sral Directiv

andard PlanCDOT on-liradodot.info


ponsible foraffic countse highway f

e proposed Field InspeForm 463.

Field Inspeon, and envcal sectionReview me

Review, the ting Bridgeen appropriges to the t

etric DesignStandards fe 512.1, Pr

ns ine forms lio/library/foron Informa



r establishins, current afacility shalroadway tyection Revi In generaction Revievironmenta. If the typieeting may

Resident Ee, Hydrauliciate for the typical sect

n of Highwafor Highwayroject Scop

brary rms

ation System/index.cfm


ng the apprnd future lal be consid

ypical sectioew, based

al, the typicaew is condual impact caical sectionbe required

Engineer wics, Materials

project typion.

ays and Strys ing and the

m (OTIS):

oject Develo

ropriate roaand use, anered, includon should bon the Fiel

al section sucted, sincean all be sign is substand.

ill provide ths, Traffic, ae. Appropr


e Design Sc

opment Pro

adway typicnd the ding alterna

be finalized d Inspectio

should not e bridge gnificantly ntially chang

he proposeand riate person

coping Rev



ate no






Project D


Form 46all CDOinformat(http://vu

Much ofManageoutlined The sele


An impoand feasseverity project lCDOT dCDOT MAASHTOForm 46standardSection


The Resdesign sNationalin the CD

Form 46with the importanForm 46referencclassific



63, Design T projects ttion during upweb.dot.s

f the informer Tab. If th

in the Stewection for th

Safety E

ortant goal osible level oof accidentimits is req

design standM&S StandaO Policy on63 compareds acceptab2.07 applie


sident Enginscoping revl Highway SDOT Road

63 prompts minimum s

nt that the a63 and Formce will depeation of the

ent Process


Data, whichto documenproject devstate.co.us/

ation in Forhe project hwardship Aghis is made


of FHWA inof safety onts on highwuired to ensdards are dard Plans.

n Geometrices the existible for that es.

ng Form 46

neer shouldview meetinSystem shaway Design

the preparestandards aappropriatem 464, and end on the te roadway,



h is complent importanvelopment./gm/folder-

rm 463 is pas FHWA ogreement bwhen the p

n conjunction the transpways. A safsure hazarddetailed in tThe CDOT

c Design of ing and proparticular t

63 in SAP

d begin Forg is comple

all comply wn Guide.

er to compaacceptable e reference

that both fotype of fedethe design


M 463)

eted in SAPt design infLink to the 1.11.30033

populated froversight, tbetween FHproject is cr

on with CDOportation sysfety evaluatdous featurhe CDOT R

T Roadway f Highways oposed desype of road

rm 463 sooeted. Fedewith geomet

are the exisfor that parsource for orms cite theral fundingelements c

P under tranformation awork instru


rom informahen the ove

HWA Colorareated in CJ

OT is to prostem and totion of highres are not Roadway DDesign Guand Streetign criteria dway. If it is

on after the eral aid projtric and stru

sting and prticular typethe standa

he same reg program, tconsidered,


nsaction ZJand provide uctions ZJ1U).

ation from Cersight respado DivisionJ20N – PM

ovide the hio reduce th

hway sectiooverlooked

Design Guiduide is basets (the “Grewith the mi

s a 3R proje

project is cects and pructural stan

roposed dee of roadward be identiferences. the function, or a comb

anuary 31, 2

14, is useduniform 4 Form 463

CJ20N Projponsibilitiesn and CDO

M tab.

ghest practhe number aons within thd. The currede and the ed on the een Book”).inimum ect, then

created androjects on tndards outl

esign criteriay. It is ified on In general, nal bination the




ect s are


tical and he ent

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January In additicurrent lgood de

Design d

The Resand com“standartype of fBook. ThproposeincreaseThe TypB, C, anshoulderoadwaymedian Form 46

When a preliminthe scoplimits or changedResidenRegion B

To modiPMGR. regionalOnce thchanged

y 31, 2013

on to the Clisting of AA

esign are in

data on For

1. Traffic2. Geom3. Projec4. Right o5. Railroa6. Agenc7. Entitie

sident Enginmplete all aprd” typical sfacility. Thishe “ultimate

ed for the cued capacitypical Sectionnd D found ir widths lefy separatedexists. Item

63 by an as

project reaary Form 4pe of work othe scope

d under thent Engineer Business o

ify the projeThis status Business Oe project std in by tran


rm 463 incl

c volumes etric standa

ct characterof Way issuad crossingcy coordinaes involved

neer shouldpplicable desection shous is outlinede” typical seurrent proje, a NEPA dn Type refein the CDOft and right d by a doubms that do n

terisk and m

aches the F63 should bor extend thof work, the SAP transwill have toffice to cha

ect limits in s is typicallyOffice or thtatus is set nsaction CJ

dway Designblications thart 625.

udes, but is

ardsristicsues gs tion

d determineesign data ould be base

d in the CDOection referect. If the udocument mers to Geom

OT Design Grefer to left

ble yellow wnot meet themay require

ield Inspecbe complethe project lien Form 46

saction CJ2o have the ange the pro

SAP, the py set to LOCe OFMB Prto the PMG

J20N Projec


n Guide anhat provide

s not limited

8. Struc9. Majo10. Hig11. Util12. Env13. Con

e accurate on Form 46ed on the cOT Design rs to a futurltimate typi

must exist thmetric DesigGuide and t

as the medwould have e design stae a variance

ction Reviewe and the Rimits. If it is63 must be 0N and is aProject Maoject limits

project will nCK. To get rojects and

GR User Stact Manager


nd the AASHvaluable in

d to:

ctural road or structuresghway classities vironmentanstruction i

project limi63 to the fuhosen desiGuide and

re design becal sectionhat recognign Type whthe AASHTdian. For exan existingandards are (see Sec

w stage, theResident Ens necessaryrevised. T

auto populaanager tab u

in CJ20N.

need to havthis status Grants groatus, the Mr tab and se

oject Develo

HTO Greennformation f

parameterss sification

l category nformation

ts, project dllest extentign speed, the AASHTeyond the t provides fozes this fut

hich includeO Green Bxample, a t

g 0 ft. left shre to be idenction 2.06 of

e informationgineer shoy to revise

The Project ated into Founlocked th

ve the Userchanged, a

oup to set itMile Point fieelecting

opment Pro

n Book, a for obtainin


descriptiont possible. traffic levelTO Green typical sector future ture expanses Types AAook. The two-way houlder as nntified on f this manu

on on the ould not chathe project Limits are

orm 463. Thhrough their

r Status setask your t to PMGR.elds can be



, The and


sion. A, A,




he r

t to


Project D

the the projechangesgroup asmade anexplaininrequired

Form 46Form 46near the

These ficlearing used suexampleproject soriginal used fortracking

The Resto the Rshould b


ect in OTISs are complsking them nd why. An ng the chand for the Cle

63 is create63 that neede top of the

elds are intof the consch (like a R

e would be specifically.project). Adr this projecof related p

sident Enginegion Prog

be made wh

ent Process

where the leted, a reqto set the semail shou

nges so he earance of t

d for the cods to get filform as sh

tended to listruction pr

Resurfacingif a ROW a (the intent

dditionally, ct, it should project cos

neer will chram Enginehile it is still


Project GISquest needsstatus backuld also be can make the project.

onstruction led out corrown below

st any otheroject. Gene Design po

acquisition pt is not to lisif an envirobe listed ints in SAP, m

heck the foreer for apprl in prelimin


S informatios to be sentk to LOCK asent to thean informed.

project PS rectly is the:

er projects terally speak

ool or a projproject wasst Projects wonmental EAn these fieldmainly for F

rm for accuroval. If po

nary status.

buton is storedt to the OFMand explaine Environmed decision

and E pace PE Projec

that were usking, if a seect design

s used to acwhere ROWA or EIS wads as well. TFHWA infor

racy and coossible, all c


tton. This gd and trackMB Project

ning what chental Prograon whether

ckage. A kect Codes fi

sed for the eparate descorridor). A

cquire ROWW was acquas completeThese fieldrmational n

ompletion bchanges to

anuary 31, 2

grants accesed. Once thts and Granhanges weam Manager a change

y portion ofelds locate

preparatiosign projectAnother W for this uired for theed and is b

ds are usedeeds.

before submForm 463


ss to he nts re er is

f ed

n or t was

e being for


January 2.05.03

If the nethe formthey havmade. Oneed to


The Fina

FHWA sThese re

1. D


y 31, 2013


eed arises tom will need tve set the sOnce the chcheck the L

Final Fo

al form is re

stresses twoequirement

Description roject files.afety featuro these criteo FHWA for

g Form 463

o modify thto be set to status to Rehanges havLock after R


equired for

o requiremets, which ar

of the proje These critres. Any coeria should r reference

3 in SAP

e data afteRevised by

evised, the fve been maRevision bu

OFMB auth

ents concere mandato

ect and its cteria conceorrective acbe docume



r Form 463y the Regioform will be

ade and apputton as sho

horization p

rning desigory unless e

controlling cern the presction or proented. Suc


3 has been onal Businee editable sproved, theown below

prior to the

gn standardexceptions a

criteria mussent conditioposed imprch documen

oject Develo

set to Finaess office grso the chane Resident and save th

project bein

ds on federaare specific

st be identifon of the rorovements ntation mus

opment Pro

l status in Sroup. Onceges can beEngineer whe changes

ng advertis

al aid projeccally noted,

fied in the oadway andneeded rel

st be availa


SAP, e e will s.


cts. are:

d ative


Project D

2. Fredsfe


The follo

1. Cm

2. Inw

3. Pd

4. Csh

In additithe CJ20Form 12


1. Post http:/bulle

2. AAS3. CDO


http:/5. For f

http:/6. CDO


7. FHW


FHWA concequest sentoes not proafety and deatures. Th


owing steps

Conduct themanual). Disnitiate Crea

will have stePrepare the

istribution tComplete thignature onalf of the fo

on, Block 50N and the28.


Award Pro//www.colo

etins/currenHTO Policy

OT ProceduR)

OT Transpo//internal/Apforms, see C//www.colo

OT and FHW//www.coloement.pdf/v

WA core cur

ent Process

cerns must t to FHWA ovide enougdesign imprhe Form 46


s describe t

e Design Scstribute me

ate Project iep 1 after th

preliminaryto users an

he final Formn the hard corm 128 wil

5 (Environm Environme

nal Referen

oject Financradodot.infot/cb-2009-5y on Geomeural Directiv

rtation Datapp_DTD_DCDOT on-liradodot.info

WA stewardradodot.infoview rriculum http


be reasonafor its apprgh informatovements p

64 meets th

the activitie

coping Revieting minutn SAP (see

his step. y Form 463d for actionm 463 and copy. This cl be signed

mental sectioental custom


cial Statemefo/business/5-form-65.detric Design

ve 512.1, Pr

a Set DataAccessine forms lio/library/for

dship agreeo/business/



ably addresroval. FHWtion and detprovided, aese require

es involved

iew (see Setes with acte Section 1

3 after the Dn on any exobtain the Rcan be done.

on) of Formm tab along

ent: Form 6/designsupp

doc/view n of Highwaroject Scop

/index.cfmbrary rms

ement /permits/ac


ssed in any WA may not

tail to satisfnd the opp


in the comp

ections 1.02tion items. .04 of this m

Design Scoxception to dRegion Proe after the

m 463 is pog with inform

65 pport/bulletin

ays and Strping and the




variance juapprove a fy its conceortunity to p

pletion of a

2 and 2.01

manual). S

ping Reviewdesign stan

ogram EngiFIR meetin

pulated frommation ente


reets e Design Sc



anuary 31, 2

ustification request tha

erns about tprovide suc

a Form 463:

of this

ome projec

w for ndards. neer's

ng when the

m input on ered via ZJ


coping Rev




at the ch



e top

both 17,






Form 46exceptioinformatDesign D

The ResSubstanForm 46the desifeature mshould b


The Forcriteria wimportanForm 46referencclassific


In additicurrent lgood de

If the proprocedu


The Descompletand whefollowingstandard

y 31, 2013


64, Design on (variancetion requireData, canno

sident Enginndard featur64, along wgn standardmust be exbe compare


m 463 promwith the minnt that the a63 and Formce will depeation of the


on to the Clisting of AA

esign is in 2

oject is a 3Rures.


sign Scopinion, prior to

ether any exg controllingd values are


Exception Ve). This ford when minot be met.

neer shall ires that willith the ratiod, accident plained. Th

ed to the es

ment betwee

mpts the prenimum stanappropriatem 464, and end on the te roadway,

nal Resour


R Project, f

ering Non-c

ng Review po or concurrxception to g design cre not met.


Variance Rrm documenimum des

dentify subl not be coronale for the

history dathe estimatestimated cos

en Forms 4

eparer to condards accee reference

that both fotype of fedethe design


dway Designblications tht 625.

follow Secti


provides a drent with Fothe minimu

iteria requir



equest, is unts importaign standar

bstandard drrected on te exceptionta, and costed cost for tst for const

463 and 46

ompare theeptable for tsource for orms cite theral fundingelements c

n Guide anhat provide

on 2.07 for


design dataorm 463, wum criteria re variance



used to docant decisionrds, as iden

esign featuthe project wns. Mitigatiot analysis fothe project tructing the


e existing athat particuthe standa

he same reg program, tconsidered,

nd the AASHvaluable in

r the applica

a scoping pill identify threquires fu

e document

oject Develo


cument a prns, mitigationtified on Fo

ures based will be descon measureor each subwith the de project to f

nd proposeular type of rd be identiferences. the function, or a comb

HTO Greennformation f

able design

process; anhe existing rther action

tation when

opment Pro


roject desigon, and safeorm 463,

on Form 46cribed on aes for reducbstandard esign excepfull standar

ed design roadway. ified on In general, nal bination the

n Book, a for obtainin

n exception

d upon criteria sta

n. The never the


gn ety

63. a cing

ption rds.

It is





Project Development Process Rev: June 29, 2020


1. Design speed 8. Grade2. Lane width 9. Cross-slope3. Shoulder width 10. Superelevation4. Structural capacity 11. Horizontal clearance (except clear zone)5. Horizontal alignment 12. Vertical clearance6. Vertical alignment 13. Bridge width7. Stopping sight distance

Guardrail and bridge rail are to be designed according to the latest CDOT M&S Standard Plans, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and AASHTO Roadside Design Guide on all new construction and reconstruction projects. For 3R and surfacing type projects, guardrail is to be handled in accordance with Section 2.07.

FHWA may approve design exceptions on federal aid projects for experimental features or where conditions warrant an exception.

Determination to approve a project design that does not conform to the minimum criteria is to be made only after due consideration is given to project conditions and safety benefits for the dollar invested, compatibility with adjacent sections of roadway, and the probable time before the roadway section will be reconstructed due to increased traffic demands or changed conditions.

On local agency projects the involved entities and consultants should discuss the variance request with the Resident Engineer to determine the feasibility of approval and the possibility of project delays. Local agency projects may not have historical accident data and roadway safety inventories. However, accident records may be available from the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch.

FHWA should be invited to the Field Inspection Review meeting on National Highway System projects and federal-oversight projects when there is a potential variance.

All variances should be identified by the Field Inspection Review and approved prior to the Final Office Review. Early submittal of variance requests will allow time to incorporate comments and concerns, and to collect any additional supporting data and analysis. Untimely submittal for approval of design variances can result in costly delays to the project.

When the design criteria are properly discussed on Form 464, the minimum FHWA requirements for preparing the variance request are satisfied. Additional comments can be added to clarify items. No separate variance transmittal letter is necessary when Form 464 is used.

January Form 46projects is explaiAdminis


The follodecision

1. Rmo

2. CHa


The docfollows:

1. IdDER

2. P3. P


4. Tstthpab

y 31, 2013

64 is approvand all inte

ined in the tration, Col

No Varia

owing itemsn. See Sect

Reduction inminimum in

r appropriaChanges to However, ch

variance, a



dentify the eDesign ScopEngineer shReview. Prepare a prPrepare a Fosts, and ptatement sh

Resident Enesearched e noted wit

made to obtThe followintandards buhe CDOT Rrepared: . 3R proje. Corridor

Design Gand Streon the N

ved by the erstate projStewardshlorado Divis

ance Requ

s do not reqion 2.20.

n existing roThe AASH

ate CDOT sthe CDOT

hanges to Fas stated in


n and proce

exception toping Reviewould discus

reliminary Form 464 (o

proposed mhould be in

ngineer shoor obtainedth applicablain the infog type of prut must me

Roadway De

cts: See theprojects, as

Guide and Tets for thosational High

Region Proects regardip Agreemesion, and th


quire a varia

oadway eleHTO Policy ostandard (do

M&S StandFHWA policn the policy


edures for p

o the desigw but prior tss the statu

Form 463 aor letter) wit

itigation. Wcluded stat

ould included. If criteria le reasonin

ormation. rojects may

eet the miniesign Guide

e CDOT Ros defined bThe AASHTse sections hway Syste


ogram Engidless of oveent betweenhe Colorado

ance, but s

ements wheon Geometoes not appdard Planscy, such as .

preparing a

n standardto the Field

us of varianc

and indicateh a descrip

When suppoting that suc

e as much incannot be g. The rem

y not be reqmum stande. Otherwis

oadway Deby a NEPA dTO Policy othat apply



neer and, oersight, by Fn the Federo Departme

should be do

ere the roadtric Design ply to rehabare handlecrash-teste

design exc

s within at d Inspectionce approva

e all exceptption of all eorting informch data is nnformation addressed

marks shou

quired to mdards in these a varianc

esign Guidedocument:

on Geometrto the class

oject Develo

on federal-oFHWA. Fedral Highwayent of Trans


dway still mof Highway

bilitation proed on a projed bridge ra

ception req

least 30 dan Review. Tal at the Fie

ions to desexceptions, mation is nonot collectaas can be , “Not Availld describe

eet full AASe appropriatce request

e. See the CD

ric Design osification of

opment Pro

oversight deral oversy sportation.

d as a desig

meets the ys and Streojects). ject basis. ail, may req

uest are as

ays after theThe Reside

eld Inspectio

sign standarjustificationot availableble. The reasonablylable” shou

e the effort

SHTO te sections will be

DOT Roadwof Highwaysf roadways







e ent on

rds. ns, e, a

y ld


way s not

Project D


5. Pa

6. Fv

All affecapprovaCDOT b

Any desbe docuSection


1. Desi2. Desi3. CDO



5. Tran6. For f



. Safety typrojects, minimumconsider more appstandardguardrailstandardfederal arecomme

Projects withpproval.

For projects ariance req

cted organizal of any varbranches.

sign decisiomented in a2.20.)


gn Data (Sgn Scoping

OT ProceduR)

WA Technicaeria and Pro//www.fhwasportation forms, see C//www.colo

ent Process

ype projectsthe 3R pro

m roadway csafety and

propriate. Fds and apprl at the app

ds. Althougaid and Statendation to h federal ai

by outsidequest to det

zations musriance. The

ns that do a design de

nal Referen

ee Section g Review (Sural Directiv

al Advisoryocesses for a.dot.gov////Research BCDOT on-liradodot.info


s. When evaoject standacriteria haved hazard poFor examplropriate rail proach roadh the scopite projects, prepare a

d oversight

agencies otermine whe

st be informese organiz

not require ecision lette


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anuary 31, 2

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y 31, 2013



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January 2.07.03

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Project Development Process Rev: June 29. 2020


lesser standards should not be used automatically, but only if higher values are not possible, practical, or cost effective (See Section on 3R standards in the CDOT Roadway Design Guide for these standards).

The project team should address all documented safety issues identified through the Safety Evaluation, DSR, FIR, and FOR processes. Existing roadway design features may be retained where they are performing in a satisfactory manner with regard to accident history. The proposed design should not worsen an existing condition (guardrail height, edge drop-off, drainage, etc.). Safety issues identified as being related to any of the 13 geometric design criteria will be addressed in the design process. Only those geometric design criteria directly related to the identified safety issue need to be addressed. Refer to the “Process for Addressing Safety Requirements on 3R Projects” flowchart (Figure 2-1) for guidance.

If a geometric design criterion is identified as being related to accident causality, then the designer will either bring this design element up to the relevant standard, or will complete a design variance according to the procedures described in Section 2.05 Design Exception (Variance) (Form 464) and the process flowchart (Figure 2-1). Design variances for Interstate projects require FHWA approval.

All existing guardrail, bridge rail,transitions and end and median terminals not meeting NCHRP 350 shall be upgraded to meet MASH 2016 requirements. All roadside safety devices meeting NCHRP 350 in good condition, determined to function as designed and meeting minimum height requirements may remain in place. See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide and Sections 2.09 and 5.12 of the this manual for additional information. For assistance contact the Standards and Specifications Unit and Staff Bridge.

The Resident Engineer may implement safety improvements not specifically identified in the Safety Evaluation, DSR, FIR, and FOR if funding and special circumstances exist and written approval is obtained from the Program Engineer. Safety Issues Not Related to One of the 13 Geometric Design Criteria

Safety mitigation recommendations identified through the Safety Evaluation, DSR, FIR, and FOR processes that are not related to one of the 13 geometric design criteria should be incorporated into the plans. If the decision is made not to implement recommendations for improvement, this decision should be documented in the meeting minutes or explained in a design decision letter.

January 2.07.03

The Resrecommwithin th




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y 31, 2013

.06 Struc

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.07 Comp

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Project D

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Jaanuary 31, 22013


y 31, 2013

Figgure 2-1 3


3R Projects



oject Develoopment Proocess

Project D



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ent Process

chart is an e


example of


a sample FForm 464, c


completed f

anuary 31, 2

for a 3R




Project nam SH 99 NeptuType (check

New co Recons

Part 1 – CoA. Short pResurface SSafety Evalu B. DescripIn accordancREHABILITA(Recommenconsidered. C. RationaSee attacheTable) for ea D. MitigatiSee attacheTable) for ea

E. Descrip Other:

F. Accide Most recent functional cl a) Latest accid a) H. Other Part 2 – ApA. Submitted

Resident E

Required forApproved by

B. Not ap Approv





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ption(s) sment Report (Reety issue location

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g sections: ( se

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ent rate (calendar million vehicle-

highway (usually

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ght projects only n Administrator)

ons Condition

Previoager gineer gineer Center




surfacing hancement cts.

T Form 463 for mnus Avenue. Saf

widening, and s

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safety discussioecommendations.

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s Section) and C

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DOT Form # 132

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may not be used

HWA versight Yes No

P 1






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27 (13 Geometric

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same as exis

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o full standard ception:






Project Code


Project Number

NH 099-121 Region


TO standards appndards apply

G, RESTORATIOent Report vement locations

c Design Criteria

c Design Criteria

sting project

posed project

$ 400$ 200$ 200

DOT Form #0464






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Project D


1. 23 C2. AAS3. CDO4. FHW


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CFR Part 62HTO Road

OT RoadwayWA Technicacesses for N//www.fhwasportation forms, see C//www.colo

cy Memo No://www.colo

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nal Referen

25, Design Sdside Design

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Nonfreewaya.dot.gov////Research BCDOT on-liradodot.infoo. 7 Analysoradodot.inf



Standards fn Guide

Guide y 5040.28, Dy RRR Proje///legsregs/Board, TRBine forms lio/library/for

sis of Essenfo/business


for Highway

Developing ects directives/t

B Special Rbrary rms ntial Itemss/designsup



techadvs.hteport 214,



c Design Cr

tm Designing

y-memos .

anuary 31, 2

riteria and

Safer Road





The desand conwith the

Highwaycan be d

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The Resobjectivecan equdesign fconsiderEnginee

The ResAny bengeometrdetails.

AASHTOprojects (federal,approve

y 31, 2013


sign of safetinues throuAASHTO R

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Roadway sa

Roadside ha

Traffic enginirections

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Elimination o

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d review anuld include . See the A

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ty issues anchments, roesign Guide

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as a primarygn or treatmlize limited

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ent on all s of fundingfied by criteria


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Project D requiringDesign S(Varianc

For CleaDesign M

Addition1. AAS2. AAS3. CDO4. Tran5. CDO


g formal apStandards fces).

ar Zone reqManual.

nal ReferencHTO HighwHTO Policy

OT Roadwaysportation

OT Procedu

ent Process

proval, withfor Highway


ces: way Safety y on Geomey Design GResearch Bral Directiv


h the excepys). Refer

of hydraulic

Design andetric Design

Guide Board, TRBe 1602.1 B


ption of the to Section

c structures

d Operationn of Highwa

B Special ReBike and Pe

clear zone 2.05 for De

s, refer to th

ns Guide ays and Str

eport 214, edestrians


(23 CFR Pesign Excep




anuary 31, 2

Part 625, ptions


Safer Road



Project Development Process Rev: June 29, 2020



Roadside barrier is installed to reduce the severity of run-off-the-road accidents. The primary purpose of roadside barrier is to prevent a vehicle from leaving the road and striking a fixed object or terrain feature that is more hazardous than the roadside barrier.

A roadside barrier is a longitudinal barrier used to shield motorists from natural or manmade hazards located along either side of a roadway, and may occasionally be used to protect bystanders, pedestrians, and cyclists from vehicular traffic. A barrier is installed when an obstacle cannot be removed or relocated or when the steepness of the roadside terrain prevents establishing an adequate clear zone. CDOT installs barrier only when it is not economically feasible to eliminate a hazard or make the feature traversable or when terrain conditions are such that an adequate roadside recovery area cannot be provided for the given design speed.

CDOT uses several types of barriers, primarily Guardrail Type 3 W-beam, Guardrail Type 7 F-shape and Type 9 Single Slope Concrete Barrier, and Tensioned Wire Cable Barrier. Thrie Beam Guardrail is also used.

In many cases, slope flattening and extending hazardous features such as culverts can be viable alternatives to barrier. Guardrail Type 3 (semi-rigid) and concrete (rigid) barriers can redirect errant vehicles when impacted. Semi-rigid barriers can deflect up to 5 feet upon impact. Rigid concrete barrier that is anchored has no deflection upon impact. In some cases, the available space between the barrier and the object may not be adequate. In such cases, the barrier should be stiffened as suggested in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide in advance of and alongside the fixed object. Also, important is the need for a thrie beam transition between semi-rigid and rigid barriers or between a semi-rigid barrier and bridge rail to eliminate pocketing, snagging, or penetration of the vehicle at the point of connection.

Because guardrail is a hazard in itself, it should be installed only in accordance with the guidelines of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. See CDOT Roadway Design Guide Section for guidance on offset distance for the guardrail. Placement of barrier is based on accident potential and severity. Since both barriers are hazards, they should be installed only where they result in a reduction in the accident severity compared to impacting the hazard being shielded.

Substandard bridge rail should be examined for upgrading on resurfacing projects.

The Resident Engineer is responsible for evaluating factors concerning safety, traffic control, hazards, and other constraints in the use of guardrail. Justifications and

January 31, 2013 Rev:June 29, 2020 Project Development Process


warrants for guardrail design are best done after the scoping review. The Resident Engineer should use an analysis to warrant the use of guardrail based on the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. Bridge rail designs and decisions should be coordinated with the Bridge Design and Management Branch.

The Resident Engineer should consider factors such as design speed and traffic volume in relation to barrier need as identified in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. The cost of slope flattening and hazard elimination compared with barrier cost should be considered.

The design sequence for the placement of barrier is as follows:

1. Provide the clear zone as determined from the AASHTO Roadside DesignGuide.

2. Provide for slope flattening for traversable grades (4:1 slope) within the clearzone.

3. Remove the obstacle or redesign it so it can be traversed safely.4. Relocate the obstacle or flatten the steep terrain. Relocate obstacles to a location

where an errant vehicle is less likely to impact it. Location should be as far fromthe edge of travel way as practical.

5. Reduce impact severity by using appropriate breakaway roadway fixtures.6. Shield the obstacle, terrain feature, or water hazard with longitudinal barrier,

crash cushion, or a combination thereof when it cannot be eliminated, relocated,or redesigned.

7. Delineate the obstacle or hazard when the above alternatives are not appropriatedue to type of project, low design speed, low volume, classification of theroadway as scenic, or classification of the obstacle as a historical feature.

8. If barrier is impeding the free passage of drainage flow or is causing ponding,consult the Region Hydraulics Engineer to address the drainage problem.

When the Resident Engineer recommends barrier, criteria in the CDOT Roadway Design Guide, CDOT M Standard Plans, and the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide should be followed. For resurfacing, rather than just replace in kind, the existing Type 3 guardrail should first be checked to ensure that the installation configuration meets the length of need criteria in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide or current CDOT M Standard Plans. If Type 3 guardrail condition is such that it will function and safely perform as designed and the height is at least 26.5 inches following 3R work, the guardrail may remain in place. If guardrail would be less than 26.5 inches in height after the 3R work is complete, adjusting and resetting to a specified height of 29 +/- 1 inches may be an option under specific conditions. It is necessary to check to ensure that existing guardrail is in good condition before adjusting and resetting. If the height of guardrail will be less than 26.5 inches following 3R work, the following options are available:

Project Development Process Rev: June 29, 2020


1. Guardrail with a height less than 25 inches must be removed and replaced with31 inch MGS guardrail per CDOT M-Standards.

2. Guardrail with steel posts at a height 25 inches to less than 26.5 inches may bemodified by using additional predrilled bolt holes to raise block and guardrailassembly and reset to height to 29 +-/ 1 inches. If pre-drilled holes are present inW-beam rail, the rail shall be adjusted horizontally along guardrail run, so railsplice location is midspan between posts. Field drilling of steel posts or W-beamrail is not permitted, and only holes pre-drilled by the manufacturer shall be used.

3. Guardrail with timber posts at height less than 26.5 inches must be removed andreplaced with 31 inch MGS guardrail per CDOT M-Standards. Field modificationof timber posts in any kind is not permitted.

Raising, resetting and/or reuse of removed guardrail posts (steel or timber) in an attempt to attain acceptable guardrail height, in any manner, is not permitted. Consideration must be given to condition of assembly hardware (bolts, nuts) and guardrail components (blockouts, metal W-beam sections) when choosing to leave in place or modify. Replacement of hardware or individual blockouts and/or W-beam guardrail sections may be necessary to ensure overall integrity of guardrail system.

When completing the CDOT Form 463 Design Data in SAP, the designer should provide a detailed description of the barrier elements that do not meet current standards. The description should appear either in the comments section of Section 8, Safety Considerations or in Section 13, Remarks where additional text can be added.

Barrier installations should use the standard configurations as shown in the CDOT M Standard Plans. For situations not addressed in the CDOT M Standard Plans, barrier installations will need to be designed in accordance with the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. Designers are to include the barrier design calculations as part of the project file. For those barrier designs that are project specific and different from the M Standard Plans, designers need to send the proposed design into the Standards and Specifications Unit for review and comment. Allow 2-3 weeks within the project schedule for this review.

Substandard existing guardrail end sections on all Interstate highway projects and on all National Highway System projects with a design speed of at least 45 miles per hour and an average daily traffic of 6,000 or more are to be replaced.

January 31, 2013 Project Development Process


1. CDOT Cable Barrier Guide2. AASHTO Roadside Design Guide3. CDOT Roadway Design Guide, Chapter 204. AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) 2009

Replace them with end treatments passing the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report No. 350 criteria or AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) 2009. When possible replace substandard end treatments on other roadway systems.

Additional References

Rev: June 29, 2020

Project D


Bicycle arecreatiodesign pproper pnew or r

CDOT Pneeds otranspor

Coloradany roadother roathat in spedestriexclusivtranspordesignatpractica


The Resfacilitiesreview oDesign G902.0 Shand attelocationsto be adrequiredMUTCD

Bicycle aAmericacrosswa(ramps)



and pedestonal purposphase, bothplacement areconstruct

Policy Direcf bicyclists rtation facili

o statutes rdway unlesad users. ome mannean travel, o

ve use of bicrtation is anted bike lanl.

eration for pand parks.

sident Engin on new co

of CDOT PrGuide - Chahoulder Po

ention must s. For 3R t

ddressed acd to addressD, Section 6

and pedestans With Disalks, overpa, and acces

ent Process


trian facilitieses. When h safety andand design ion projects

ctive 1602.0and pedesities as a m

recognize bs specificalBicycle ander is specifor both, regcycles, pedn important nes and sho

pedestrian a

neer shall eonstruction arocedural Dapter 14 Bilicy. Thesebe paid to

type projectccording to s accommoC.01.

trian facilitiesabilities Acasses and uss ramps fo



es are of grthese facil

d efficiency of these fa


0 Bikes andtrians in the

matter of rou

bicycles as lly prohibited pedestriaically desigardless of w

destrians, oconsideratoulders, are

and bicycle

evaluate theand recons

Directive 16icycle and Pe facilities atheir presets, the desiPD 1602.1

odations for

es should cct requiremunderpasseor persons w



rowing impoities are noof the shar

acilities is an

d Pedestriane planning, utine.

vehicles. Aed and havean facilities a

nated as bewhether sur both. Shaion. On-roae viable opt

design is e

e options fostruction pro02.1 Bike aPedestrian are an integence in ruragn of pedes. Construc

r bicycles a

comply withments, includes, traffic cowith disabil


ortance natot incorporared roadwan important

ns requiresdesign, an

As such, bice all the rigare portioneing open tch facilitiesared bicyclead bicycle ftions when

especially im

or providingojects. Theand PedestrFacilities, a

gral part of tal areas as wstrian and b

ction projecand pedestr

the latest dding requireontrol featuities. Curb



tionally for cated or consay can be imt element o

s CDOT to ind operation

cyclists arehts and ress of a road to bicycle trs are designe use with ofacilities, suseparate fa

mportant in

g bicycle ane evaluationtrian, CDOTand CDOT the roadwawell as urbabicycle faci

ct Traffic Corians as ca

design stanements for res, curb cu cuts (ramp

anuary 31, 2

commuting sidered in tmpaired. Tof design on

nclude the n of

e allowed tosponsibilitieor pathway

ravel, ned for the other modeuch as acilities are

n areas clos

nd pedestrian will includT Roadway Policy Dire

ay environmanized lities will ne

ontrol Planslled for in th

ndards and sidewalks, uts, lightingps) and othe


and he he

n all

o use es of y

es of

e not

se to

an de

ective ment,

eed s are he

g er

January provisionsidewalkregardin

Accordinpedestriand conpersonsshould b

Where cwith mot

Where revaluateTraffic EM-614-1


The scofacilitiesor reconvariancebicycle fDesign G

GuidelinFacilitiesof the RHighwayfunded pprojects

For Hydrefer to

Addition1. 23 C

y 31, 2013

ns for persoks. See pang complian

ng to Title 2ans and bicstruction of with disab

be given to

current or ator vehicle

rumble striped accordinEngineering1 for rumble

ed and rehas and pede

ping docum, and the F

nstruction pes for bicycfacilities shoGuide.

nes are in ths, the AASHoadway Deys and Streprojects, an.

raulic DesigCDOT Drai

nal RefereCFR Part 65

ons with disragraph 4 i

nce and con

23 of the Cocyclists shof federal aidilities shall state-funde

nticipated ptraffic, ever

ps are propong to the CDg. If the dece strips sha

abilitated brestrians whe

ment shouldorm 463, Drojects, thele and pedeould be doc

he AASHTOHTO Guideesign Guideeets. Thesend it is reco

gn of drainainage Desig

nces: 52, Pedestr

sabilities arn Section 8nsulting the

ode of Fedeould be gived highway pbe consideed projects.

pedestrian ry effort sha

osed on proDOT Roadwision is madll be followe

ridge decksere they are

d discuss aDesign Datae Resident Eestrian facicumented i

O Guide fore for the Dee, and the Ae design gummended t

age structugn Manual.

ian and Bic


re required 8.01 for infoe CDOT AD

eral Regulaen full consprojects. Tered on all p.

or bicycle tall be made

ojects, the eway Designde to instaled.

should be e permitted

pplicability a, should doEngineer shlities. The n accordan

r the Develovelopment

AASHTO Pouidelines withat local a

res under B

cycle Accom


on all projeormation onDA Coordina

ations the sideration dhe special projects. T

traffic presee to minimiz

effects to bn Guide, Chl rumble str


of providingocument thhall documeinability to

nce with Ch

opment of Bof Pedestriolicy on Gell be used ogencies us

Bicycle and


oject Develo

ects involvinn making deator..

afe accommuring the deneeds of thhe same co

ents a potenze the confl

bicyclists shhapter 20 – rips, CDOT

cted to acco

g bicycle anese decisioent design provide ped

hapter 14 of

Bicycle andrian Facilitieeometric Deon all state se them for

d Pedestrian

s and Proje

opment Pro

ng curbs orecisions

modation oevelopmenhe elderly aonsideratio

ntial confliclicts.

hould be Safety and

T Standard


nd pedestrions. For nedecisions adestrian anf the Roadw

d Pedestrianes, Chapteresign of or federallylocally fund

n Facilities,




of t

and n


d Plan

ian ew and nd way

n r 14

y ded


Project D 2. Tran

http:/3. CDO

Unde4. CDO

Disa5. Ame6. FHW7. CDO8. CDO9. Flexi10. The 11. Manu12. Pede13. Ame14. Pede

http:/15. CDO16. Peds

http:/17. ITE B

http:/18. Acco



sportation //pubsindex

OT Proceduerpasses an

OT Policy Dbilities ricans With

WA Region 8OT M StandOT Roadwayibility in HigNational Biual on Unifoestrian and ricans with

estrian and //www.bicyc

OT Bridge Dsafe: Pede//www.walkBicycle and//www.ite.o

ommodatingT Policy Stastructure //www.fhwagn.cfm

ent Process

Research Bx.trb.org/vie

ural Directivnd Overpasirective 605

h Disabilitie8 Commen

dard Plans y Design G

ghway Desiicycling andform Traffic

Bicyclist InDisabilitiesBicycle Inf

clinginfo.orDesign Man

strian Safekinginfo.orgd Pedestrianrg/councilsg Bicycle antement Inte



Board, TRBew.aspx?id=ve 507.1, Stsses 5.0 Compre

s Act Handtary and Te

Guide, Chapign – FHWAd Walking SControl De

ntersection s Act Accesformation Cg/engineerual, Sectio

ety Guide an/pedsafe/ n studies 19/pedbike/pund Pedestregrating Bic



B 959 - Ped=216854 tandards fo

ehensive Ac

dbook ext, Section

pter 14 BicyA-PD-97-06Study – FHWevices for SSafety Indic

ssibility GuiCenter ing/ n 2.2.7 Bicynd Counter

996 - 2005ublications.ian Travel: cycling and


estrian and

or Rest Area


n 14, ADA A

ycle and Pe62 WA-PD-94-

Streets and ces, 2006 delines (AD

ycle Railingrmeasure S

.asp A RecommWalking in



d Bicycle Fa

as, Pedestr

for Person


edestrian Fa

-023 Highways


g Selection Sy

mended Appnto Transpo


anuary 31, 2



ns with

y Guideline




proach A Uortation








The purprunoff, thof desigapplicab

The desthe magthe drainsedimen

Design othe CDOCDOT E

The Hydlocationworking identify fsignificaprotectiodrainagedrainage

Routine completreviewed

HydrauliCDOT Dhas beecompletPlanninglitigation

Proceduthe Drai

y 31, 2013


pose of hydhe best locaned drainag

ble to all CD

sign of highwgnitude and nage facilitint control, w

of drainageOT DrainagErosion Con

draulics Eng, and size, with the Enfloodplain n

ant encroacon, storm rue structurese features s

designs, sued by a Red by the Re

ic reports aDrainage Den made. If e written asg/Environmn occurs, an

ures for the inage Desig


draulic desiation and age systems

DOT project

way drainafrequency es. Hydrau

water quality

e features oe Design Mntrol and St

gineer is reas determinnvironmentneeds, and hments. Tunoff, and as. Undergroshould be id

uch as culvsident Eng

egion Hydra

and documeesign Manuf environmessessment

mental Manand in case d

design of pgn Manual.


gn is to detadequate sizs. Erosion cts.

ge structureof storm ru

ulic design y, and storm

on transportManual, the tormwater Q

esponsible fned by calcal Programto accommhe structureany other faound utilitiedentified an

verts or smaineer familiaulics Engin

entation shoual as evideental factorsshould be

ager. Repodesign mod

pipe culvert Erosion co



termine theze of drainacontrol and

es requiresunoff and a includes mmwater ma

tation projeCDOT Pip

Quality Con

for determinculations an

ms staff to asmodate floode design wiactors involves in the vicnd located b

all concretear with minneer.

ould be comence that a s are affecteprepared a

orts and docdifications b

ts, CBCs, aontrol proce



e magnitudeage facilitie

d stormwate

s a hydrologhydraulic a

methods andanagement

cts will be de Type Sel

ntrol Guide.

ning major nd field inspssess envirdplain requill consider ved in the dcinity of exisby the Regi

e box culvernor structure

mpleted in acompetented by the h

and submittecumentatiobecome nec

and bridge hedures are

oject Develo


e and freques, and hyder managem

gic analysisanalysis to ld practices on projects

done in acclection Guid.

drainage stpections. Tronmental n

uirements, ielevations

design of hysting and pion.

rts (CBCs),e hydraulic

accordancet and respohydraulic deed to the Rn are essencessary.

hydraulics aaddressed

opment Pro


uency of storaulic efficiement is

s to determlocate and for erosion


cordance wde, and the

tructure typThis involveneeds, to ncluding an, scour, eroydraulic


, can be s, and will b

e with the onsible desiesign, a

Region ntial in case

are outlined in the Eros


orm ency

ine size and


pe, es

ny osion




d in sion

Project D Control during th

When thwith the is capabsuch as than 48

The Resnecessacompletresponsrequiremcompletwill scheadvertisthe hydrinto the

Addition1. 23 C2. CDO


and Stormwhe project s

he hydrologRegion Hy

ble of desigirrigation, sinches in d

sident Enginary data to ted prior to ible for ens

ments of theed, the PM

edule the soement dateraulic desigplans.

nal RefereCFR Part 65OT Drainage

ent Process

water Qualiscoping pro

gy predictionydraulics Enning. The storm drain


neer will prthe Region the Field In

suring that pe CDOT Pip will use enoil and watee. Upon finan informatio

nces: 50, Bridges,e Design M


ity Guide. Hocess.

ns are comngineer, wilHydraulics s, MS4 pon

ovide surveHydraulics

nspection Rpipe type sepe Type Sengineering jer testing toal design coon will be s

, StructuresManual


Hydraulic d

pleted, the l decide whEngineer w

nds, and all

ey, structurs Engineer. Review. Theelection is c

election Guiudgment to

o ensure coompletion, asent to the R

s and Hydra

design need

Resident Ehich structuwill design tl standard d

re cross-sec Preliminar

e Project Maconducted ide. After tho determineompliance wand prior toResident E



ds will be de

Engineer, inures the Resthe special drainage st

ctions, and ry designs anager (PMpursuant to

he preliminae sampling with the proo the Final Ongineer for

anuary 31, 2


n conjunctiosident Engistructures,

tructures la

other should be

M) is o the ary designslocations a

oject Office Revier incorporat


on ineer rger

s are and

ew, ion



Designeon enginmaterialrequire tcompetitanalysisLocal Ag

CDOT hacceptafactors. and poliMemoraupdatedtheir prowebpagDocumedocs/cdo

Residenon a speengineeand corrand hydchoose tin applicConstruAny pipeaccordaaccepta

All desigletter pla

y 31, 2013


ers will consneering ands for considthat State Dtion for pric

s for considegency proje

has developbility of alteThe Pipe Mcies regard

andum, Febd as changeojects. The e on the De

ents” at: httpot_pipe_se

nt Engineersecific projecring requirerosion), soilraulic charathe final pip

cable sectioction and Se that meetnce with thble for all p

gn decisionaced in the


sider all avad economicderation incDOT’s allowcing when pering alternects receivin

ped a Pipe ernative pipMaterial Selding the selebruary 1984es occur an

CDOT Pipesign and Cp://www.colection_gui

s will selectct after balaements sucl conditionsacteristics ope material ons of the CStandard Spts the corroe Contract

projects as d

s regardingproject file


ailable pipec analysis aclude concrw the use ofperformancenative pipe ng federal a

Material Sepe materials

ection Policection of pi

4. The CDOd designerse Material S

Constructioloradodot.inde/view .

t the allowaancing the ach as durabs, fill heightsof pipe matfrom the o

CDOT Standpecial Provsion and abis expected

described a

g pipe mate. Copies of



e product ms part of th

rete, metal, f alternativee is deemematerials isaid funds.

election Pols based on cy replacespe materia

OT Pipe Mats should staSelection Pn Support pnfo/busines

able pipe malternative u

bility, enviros, need for erial insideptions provdard Specifisions as mbrasion crited to have aabove.

erial type sef all selectio



aterials thae project deand plastic

e pipe mateed to be equs required f

licy that is tapplication

s all previoul including tterial Selecay current o

Policy can bpage underss/designsu

material optiouse of pipe

onmental cowater tight surfaces.

vided in the fications fo

modified for eria in this

a 50-year se

election muon letters a

oject Develo


at are judgeesign. Avac pipe. Federials to prouivalent. Thfor all CDOT

to be used tn, locale, anus procedurthe Chief E

ction Policy on the lates

be found onr “Miscellanupport/desig

ons for eace materials bonsiderationt joints, slopThe ContraContract a

r Road andthe particupolicy and ervice life a

st be documare to be se

opment Pro


ed acceptabailable pipe eral regulat

omote he engineerT projects a

to evaluatend regional res, guideli

Engineer's will be

st revisionsn the CDOTneous Desiggn-

ch installatiobased on ns (abrasiopes of inveractor will

and as specd Bridge lar project. is installed

and is thus

mented andent to the Ar





ring and



s for T gn


n rts,



d a rea

Project D Engineebeing m

All excemust be

Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. FHW


er for guidanade.

ptions to th approved

nal RefereOT DrainageOT Pipe MaWA website:

ent Process

nce and ve

he Pipe Matby the Reg

nces: e Design Mterial Selec http://www


rification of

terial Selecion Program

Manual ction Policy w.fhwa.dot.g


f consistenc

tion Policy m Engineer


cy prior to f

require a Jr and the F



final design



anuary 31, 2


letter and




The StatmaintenMaintenThe Mai


The Mairegardin

For projelocated wwith C.Rincluded

The Resor DepuReview,

Maintenabout hiareas whit. Mainhazardoalso havpersonn

MaintenMaintenguardraithe apprcontrol p


y 31, 2013


te of Coloraance oversance Supeintenance S


intenance Sng the appro

ects on couwithin cities

R.S 43-2-13d in the proj

sident Enginty Superint the Field In

ance persogh-water leith surfacinntenance peous materiave valuable nel can help

ance requirance persoil, delineatoropriate typplan, snow

ance persoand incorp


ado is dividsight of statrintendent w

Section bou


Superintendopriate pers

unty roads os, maintena35. The city ject develop

neer shouldtendent, or nspection R

onnel have evel at draing and sub-ersonnel mls, undergroknowledge

p determine

rements foronnel duringors, fence, ae of materiremoval sh

onnel commporated into


ed into eighe highwayswho reports

undaries of


dent for thesonnel to b

or city streeance is the

or county mpment proc

d contact thboth, for ap

Review and

valuable innage structbase probleay be familound tankse about cure stockpile l

r new desigg the desigand temporal specified

hould be dis

ments and co project pla



ht CDOT Ms. The Mains directly tojurisdiction


e applicablee involved

ets includingresponsibilmaintenanccess.

he CDOT Mppropriate rd the Final O

put for projures, areasems, and loliar with site

s, rare vegerent and paocations an

gn elementsn. Particularary and ped for these iscussed wit

concerns shans as appl



Maintenancentenance Seo a Region n are indicat


e Section shin the proje

g some staity of the loce or Public

MaintenancerepresentatOffice Revie

ject designs with erosioocations whes along a

etation, andast landownnd material

s should bear elementsermanent eritems. Wheth the Main

hould be doicable.

oject Develo

e Sections fections havTransportated in a ma


hould be coect develop

ate highwayocal entity inc Works se

e Section Stion at the Dew meeting

as they haon problemhere guardrproject that animal habners. Maint pit sites.

e discusseds of interestrosion BMPen designinntenance Su


opment Pro

for ve a ation Directoap found at:


ontacted pment proce

ys that are n accordanction shoul

SuperintendDesign Scogs.

ave knowledms, roadwayrail has beet could contbitat. They tenance

d with t may includPs, along wg the trafficuperintende

in the revie


or. :



ce d be

dent oping

dge y en tain may

de with c ent.


Project D The Resproject rrepresenwriting to

Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. CDO

(DSR4. Field5. Final


sident Enginreviews durntative shouo the Resid

nal RefereOT Plant MaOT Manual oOT ProceduR) d Inspectionl Office Rev

ent Process

neer will noring the prould review t

dent Engine

nces: aintenance of Maintenaral Directiv

n Review (sview (see S


otify the appoject develothe project eer.

Field Manuance Procee 512.1, Pr

see SectionSection 2.28


propriate Mopment proc

plans and

ual edures roject Scop

2.17 of this8 of this ma

Maintenancecess. The Mprovide com

ping and De

s manual)anual)


e Section peMaintenancmments at

esign Scopi

anuary 31, 2

ersonnel ofce the review

ing Review


f all

or in



A field spropose

A field sresurfacreconstrrequiremrequiredadequatland acq

The full the startinitially pprojects

At the prused as Survey Rnotice ppropertydone on

The ResScopingEngineeThe Surfrom the

The Regsurvey o

1. Rs

2. Cth

3. Gth

4. E

y 31, 2013


urvey is used limits.

urvey is uscing. A fieldruction, newments, or std when an ote field survquisition on

extent of tht of the fieldperformed w, project sc

roject scopa tool to en

Request shrior to the s

y. A presurvn the prelim

sident Enging Review to er should finrvey Requee Resident E

gion Surveyon highway

Research anurveys, ma

Conduct thehrough all s

Gain accesshe use of F

Establish gro


ed to map

ually requird survey is w alignmenttructures to overlay projvey is essen

a project.

he project lid survey to within the acoping may

ing meetingnsure that ahould be a pstart of a suvey confereinary surve

neer is respdiscuss iss

nalize a surst is a prodEngineer a

y Unit or suprojects in

nd gather inaps, as-conse pre-surveysurvey activs to private orm 730, Pound contro


the topogra

red whenevappropriatets, municipabe constru

ject includential to a pr

mits must beliminate m

anticipated pbe an exte

g, the Formall issues aproduct of turvey is reqence shouldey.

ponsible forsues relevarvey requesduct of the Dnd all the a

rvey consucluding the

nformation structed play conferencvities. property fo

Permission tols and XYZ


M 1217)

aphy of a pr

ver a projece when theral separate

ucted or extes slope flatroperly cons

be determinmultiple survproject area

ensive study

m 1217, Prere addressehe Design uired to obtd be condu

r including tant to any sst within 30 Design Sco

affected disc

ultant firm we following:

for a pre-suans, and infce to establ

or the purpoto Enter ProZ coordinat



roject within

ct consists ore is significe storm sewtended. A fttening or gstructed pro

ned by the veys and da. For newy of the are

eliminary Sued at the mScoping Retain permis

ucted prior t

the Surveysurvey requ

days of theoping Revieciplines.

will conduct

urvey confeformation frlish ground

ose of surveoperty. tes, install m

oject Develo

n the exten

of more thacant earthw

wer system field survey

guardrail insoject and is

Resident Euplicate eff

w or reconstea.

urvey Requmeeting, andeview. Suf

ssion to entto any fieldw

y Coordinatoirements. Te Design Scew, and incl

and docum

erence inclurom other e rules to be

eying, if req


opment Pro

nt of its

an minor work,

(MS4) y may be stallation. As required fo

Engineer prifort. Scopintruction

est, shouldd a draft fficient advaer any work being

or in the DeThe Residecoping Revludes input

ment the fie

uding existientities. e followed

quired, thro

s for use in


An or

or to ng is

d be


esign ent view.




Project D

ri5. C

c6. S7. P8. F


9. S

Addition1. CDO2. CDO

(DSR3. Mem

Profe4. For f



ght of way Compile XYontours on

Schedule anPrepare survFile the cont

nd file monProfessionaSign, seal, a

nal RefereOT Survey MOT ProceduR)

morandum oessional Enforms, see C//www.colo

ent Process

purchasesZ data on ta topograp

nd obtain a vey report, trol diagram

nument recol Engineers

and file the

nces: Manual ral Directiv

of Understangineers anCDOT on-liradodot.info


, and stakehe T-MOSS

phic map. review by aother requ

m in the surords with ths and Proferight of way

e 512.1, Pr

anding with nd Professioine forms lio/library/for


e parcels, anS computer

a professioired submitrvey plat dehe Coloradoessional Lany plans with

roject Scop

the Coloradonal Land Sbrary rms

nd easemer program f

onal land suttals, or botepository wio Board of Rnd Surveyoh the appro

ing and De

do State BoSurveyors (


ents. format and

urveyor. th if neededith the apprRegistration

ors. opriate coun

esign Scopi

oard of Reg(attached)

anuary 31, 2


d. ropriate coun for


ng Review

gistration fo






Value Edisciplinfor that fand prov

Value Efollowing

1. As

2. Ap

3. Cps

A Value million. project, under $4complexthat havdifficult trequirem




y 31, 2013


ngineering ed team whfunction or vides the ne

ngineering g three bas

An organizepecialists k

A function oroduct, or s

Creative thinerforming fervice, or p

EngineerinA VE analyand lower i40 million, ixities, or eleve major strtechnical is

ments, com


-cycle cost

or project


is the systehich identifiservice; geeeded func

may be deic precepts

d review toknowing varriented appservice bein

nking whichfunctions atproduct.

ng (VE) anaysis often leimpacts to tit is a good ements thatuctures, cosues, exterpeting com


t The toincludprojecway, pmaintetaxes,

A projof the millionTrans


ematic appies the func

enerates altctions, reliab

efined in oths:

o improve various aspecproach to idng studied a

h uses recot a lower ov

alysis is reqeads to mothe travelinpractice to

t may beneomplex desirnal influenc

mmunity and

otal cost of es all of the

ct or item, inplanning, deenance, mo disposal, a

ect receivinfollowing c

n or more, oportation as



lication of rction of a prernatives thbly, at the lo

her ways, as

alue by usicts of the prdentify the eand the cos

ognized techverall cost o

quired for feney and timg public. A

o perform a efit from a Vign or consces and und stakehold

a project oe relevant cncluding iniesign, and odification, and salvage

ng Federal criteria: (1) Ior (2) it hass being “Ma



recognized roduct or sehrough the owest over

s long at th

ng a multi-droblem beinessential fusts associa

hniques to or to otherw

ederally funme savings,Although no

VE on projVE analysisstruction, chnique or comer objective

r item over costs that otial acquisitconstructioreplacemee value as

financial asIt has an es

s been idenajor.”

oject Develo


techniqueservice; estause of crea

rall cost.

he definition

disciplined ng studied. nctions of tted with tho

explore altewise improv

nded projec, a more coot required fjects that ha. Examples

hallenging cmplicated fues, etc.

its useful lioccur througtion costs (

on), operationt, demolitiapplicable.

ssistance thstimated cotified by the

opment Pro


s by a multiablishes a wative thinkin

n contains t

team of

the system,ose function

ernate wayve the desig

ts over $40onstructible for projectsave s are projecconstraints,unctional

ife. This ghout life of(such as rigon, ion, financin

hat meets oost of $500 e Secretary


-worth ng;


, ns.

s of gn,




f a ght of



y of

Project D





After produring a

1. G

2. A

3. Sre

4. E

5. D



duct or ser

ue Enginee

ue Enginee

oject selecta VE analys

Gather infor

Analyze func

Speculate uequired fun

Evaluate the

Develop alte

ent Process

A portto conprelimA projsevera

rvice Any eoperaachievperfor

ring analyprojecmultidteam functiocost; (reduci

ring Job Pconduthe reanalyssolvinand go Involvearly iexperi

ion, the Jobsis:


ctions, wort

sing creativctions;

e best and l

ernatives in


tion of a hignstruct, reco

minary desigect may coal years.

lement of ation. In all ived at the lormance, ma

sis A systect, during thdiscipline teprovides reons safely, (2) improvining the time

Plan A systeucting a VE commendasis shall follg procedurovernmenta

ve FHWA anin the VE pience in the

b Plan cons

th, cost, pe

ve techniqu

lowest life-c

to fully sup


ghway that onstruct, orgn report oronsist of sev

a project fronstances, towest life-c


ematic proche concept aam of perso

ecommendareliably, eff

ng the valuee to comple

ematic and analysis an

ations. The low widely res that areal agencies

nd CDOT Process. FHe requireme

sists of the


ues to ident

cycle cost a

pported reco

a State or pr improve asr applicableveral contra

om concept the requiredcycle cost by, safety, a

cess of reviand designons not invations for: (ficiently, ane and qualiete the proje

organized nd assuringmethodolorecognizedused throu


Project DevHWA and Pents of Valu

following p

, and quality

ify alternati




public auths described

e environmeacts or pha

t through md function sbased on rend esthetic

iew and ann phases, byvolved in the1) providing

nd at the lowity of the prect.

plan of actg the implemgy utilized f

d systematicughout priva

velopment BPDB have sue Enginee

phases that


ives that ca


ons; and

anuary 31, 2

ority proposd in the ental documses over

aintenanceshould be equirementscs.

alysis of a y a e project. Tg the needewest overalroject; and (

tion for mentation ofor any VE c problem-ate industry

Branch (PDignificant ring.

are conduc

an provide t




e and

s for

The ed ll (3)







6. Pim




1. Epo

2. A

3. Pp

4. A

Any useregardlerequire C

A VE anthe preliabove. Adevelopdesign ocontractsmaller conduct


In additiCDOT aprojects VE analy

y 31, 2013

Present VE mplementat

alysis Job Pes of the aped in accor

Value E

requires a V

Each projecroject dever more that

Any other fe

Per MAP-21rojects..

A Value Eng

e of FAHP fuess of the aCDOT to pe

nalysis is reminary desAfter complment proce

or is prograts, an additiprojects or a VE analy

Value E

on to all proand other pu

where therysis, or the


Plan activitipproved recrdance with


VE analysis

t on the fedelopment, dt uses FAH

ederal aid p

, Value En

gineering an

unding on amount of FAerform mor

quired if thesign report oeting the re

ess, if the pmmed to beional VE anmultiple co

ysis is not a


ojects descublic authorre is a high potential e

dations for

ies include commendath the policie

g Analysis

s on:

deral aid syesign, rightP funding;

rojects FHW

gineering a

nalysis is n

a Major ProAHP fundine than one

e establisheor environmequired VE roject is sue complete

nalysis is noonstruction allowed.

g Analysis

cribed in Serities (Locapotential fo

exists to imp


review, ap

the implemtions. Thesees stated by


stem with at of way, anand

WA determ

analyses are

ot required

oject requireng that mayVE analys

ed scope amental docu

analysis atbsequently

ed by the letot required.contracts to


ection 2.15.al Agencies)or cost saviprove the p


proval, repo

mentation ane post-anay FHWA.

an estimatend construc

ines to be a

e not requi

for design-

es that a VEy be used ois for a Maj

and estimateument meett this stage

y split into stting of mul. However, o avoid the


02, FHWA ) to conducings in com

projects’ per

oject Develo

orting, and

nd evaluatilysis phase

ed cost (whction costs)


red on desi

-build proje

E analysis on the projejor Project.

e of the prots the criterin the proje

smaller projltiple constrsplitting a p requireme

strongly enct the VE anmparison to rformance o

opment Pro

on of the es are

ich includesof $40 mill




be conductect. FHWA m

oject costs ria noted inect ects in finaruction project intonts of havin

ncourages nalysis on othe cost ofor quality.


s ion

ted, may



ng to

other f the

Project D Projectsrequiremfor impro

FHWA mencountdoes no

1. If3sreec

2. IfSfo


When thproceedsatisfied

1. Acs

2. A2dp


For maxplanning(30–35 pproject daccepte


s involving cments, and oved value

may requireters instanct immediate

f a project th-year, or loubstantial cequired re-encourage oompleted V

f a project’sSection 2.15ollowing ap

. The proje

. A substa

. The chanabove thevaluatio

he design od to construd, or not nec

A project meonducted, aubstantial c

A project’s e.15.02, but ue to inflatirojects des

When s

ximum beneg or design percent) dedevelopmend and incor

ent Process

complex teccompeting by conduc

e a VE analces when thely proceed

hat met thenger, delaychange to tevaluation oor require aVE analysis

s estimated 5.02, FHWAply:

ect advanceantial changnge is detere criteria id

on of the en

f a project ction, the recessary, if:

et the criterand advancchanges in

estimated cwhen adva

ion, standasign or cont

hould a VE

efit, VE anaphase of a

esign. The Vnt activitiesrporated int


chnical issucommunityting VE ana

ysis to be che design od to constru

e criteria idey prior to adhe project’sof the envir

a new VE ans to be cond

cost initiallA will requir

es to a lettige occurs tormined to b

dentified in Snvironmenta

has been cequirement

ia identifiedces to a lettits scope o

ost initially ancing to lerd escalatioract.

E analysis

alysis shoula project, prVE analysiss. This will eto the proje


ues, challeny and stakealyses.

conducted if a project h

uction. In ac

entified in Sdvancing tos scope or dronmental dnalysis or aducted; or

y fell belowre a VE ana

ng for conso the projecbe the basisSection 2.1al documen

completed bt to conduct

d in Sectionting for con

or its design

fell below tetting for coon of costs,

be conduc

d be condureferably bes should beenable propect design w

nging projeceholder obje

if CDOT or has been cccordance w

Section 2.15o a letting fodesign is iddocument isan update to

w the criteriaalysis to be

struction. ct’s scope os for an incr15.02 whennt is perform

but the projet a VE anal

n 2.15.02, hstruction w

n; or

the criteria onstruction, , or minor m


ucted as eaefore the coe closely coposed VE rewithout conf


ct constrainectives offe

the public completed bwith Sectio

5.02 encouor constructdentified whs performedo the previo

a identified conducted

or design. rease in the

n the requiremed,

ect does nolysis is con

had a VE anwithout need

identified infalls above


arly as practompletion oordinated wecommendflicting with

anuary 31, 2

nts, unique er opportuni

authority but the projen 2.15.02:

ntered a tion, and a hen the d, FHWA mously

in d when all th

e project coed re-

ot immediatsidered to b

nalysis ding any

n Section e the criterians to the

ticable in thof preliminarwith other ations to be or adverse







tely be


he ry

e ely

January impactinconstruc


To satisfand 23 Ccharacte

The usedesign oVE tech

The systof this m

The prod









For bridg

1. Inc

2. B

y 31, 2013

ng previousction sched

What chprocess

fy the requiCFR 627], teristics:

e of a multi-of the projecniques and

tematic appmanual.

duction of a

Project info


Backgrounother analyoperations



Documentathe time th


The formalcompletion

ge projects

nclude bridgonstruction

Be evaluate

agency or ule.


irement to cthe analysis

disciplinaryct, with at le

d able to se

plication of

a formal wr


on of the VE

nd and suppyses condu, constructa

ation of theation of the

ation of the

ation of thee report is f

ation of then to support

l written repn of the proj

, the VE An

ge substrucn material;

d based on

project com

ics need to

conduct a Vs process w

y team of ineast one inrve as the t

the VE Job

itten report

E analysis t

porting docucted on theability);

stages of tlife-cycle c

analysis co

proposed finalized;

proposed t the CDOT

port shall beject (as spe

nalyses mu

cture and s




o be incorp

VE analysiswill incorpor

dividuals ndividual whteam’s facil

b Plan desc

outlining a


umentatione project (e.

the VE Jobcosts that w



and approvT and FHWA

e retained fecified in 49




, the projec

porated in

s [as specifrate each o

ot directly iho is trainedlitator and c

cribed in Se

t a minimum

n, such as in.g., environ

Plan whichwere analyze

dations and

ved recommA’s VE prog

for at least 9 CFR 18.4

ure requirem

oject Develo

ct’s develop

the VE an

ied in 23 Uof the follow

involved in d and knowcoordinator

ection 2.15.


nformation nmental, saf

h would inced;

d approvals

mendationsgram monit

3 years afte42); and

ments base

opment Pro

pment, or th


.S.C. 106(ewing

the planninwledgeable r;

01 Definitio

obtained frfety, traffic


s received a

s, and relatetoring and

er the

ed on




ng or in





Project D




CDOT mshould nthey havqualifiedsufficienInternati


As direcGeneral

1. Eaa

2. Pd

3. Tim

4. Ma

CDOT’sprojects multi-ye

VE exam

The CDOstatus ofshall preeffectiveManageFHWA’s


. Engineerdesigns f

. Analysis

How ma

may employnot conductve an intered VE practitnt VE traininional as me

What ar

cted in 23 Cly, an acce

Ensures all analysis, incuthorities (i

Provides forocumentat

Tracks all Vmplemented

Monitors, annd VE prog

VE prograthat will be

ar Statewid

mples are a

OT Project f CDOT’s V

epare the Aeness of effer will subms VE websit

ent Process

ring and ecfor bridges;of life-cycle

ay consulta

y qualified Vt a VE analyest in the prtioners, expng, educatioeeting the re

re CDOT’s

CFR 627.5, ptable VE p

applicable cluding anai.e. Local A

r the timely ion of the V

E analysesd; and

nalyzes, andgram perfor

m, policies e subject to de Transpor

available fro

DevelopmeVE programAnnual VE Aforts to encoit the Annute.


conomic bas; e costs and

ants be us

VE consultaysis on projroject. It is sperienced inon, and expequirement


CDOT musprogram is

projects nolyses for ap


review, finaVE analysis

s that are co

d disseminarmance.

and proceda VE analy

rtation Impr

om the Area

ent Branch m and submAccomplishourage VE al Accomp


ses, taking

d duration o

ed to cond

ants to condjects (as spstrongly recn performinperience to ts for certific


st establish one that:

oted in Sectpplicable pr

al dispositio recommen

onducted an

ates the res

dures will pysis early inrovement P

a Engineers

Manager wit it to FHWment Repoon federallishment Re

into consid

of project co

duct VE an

duct VE anpecified in Scommendedg and leadbe recognication.

and sustai

tion 2.15.02rojects bein

on, implemendations;

nd VE reco

sults of all V

provide for tn the proceProgram.

s in Project

will completWA. FHWAort including

aid projecteport to CD


deration acc



alyses. ConSection 2.1d that consing VE studized by SAV

in a VE pro

2 will receivng administ

entation, an


VE analyse

the identificss to devel

t Developm

te an annuaVE Progra

g an assessts. FHWA VDOT and po

anuary 31, 2



nsulting firm5.02) wher

sultants be dies, and haVE


ve a VE ered by Pu


ons that are

es conducte

cation of op the Stat


al report onam Managesment of theVE Programost results o


ms re






n the er e

m on



1. http:/2. Pre-C

y 31, 2013



nal Referen

a.dot.gov/veon Team (H


e HIPA-20)


Projoject Develoopment Proocess

Project D


Upon obassessemake ceheld to v



The Resproject. the manaffect SpAd date


The Resinvolvedthe prefethe overwritten dmade.


The Resnecessaetc.) in oupdatedthat the assessm



bligation of ed against tertain respoverify that th


.01 Targe

sident EnginAs the Proj

nagement opecialties U.

.02 Main

sident Engind on the proerred methorall project sdocumentat

.03 Revie

sident Enginary, at all morder to assd cost estim

Cost Estimment.

ent Process


the project heir approp

onsibilities ahese respo

Phase Res

et the Curr

neer will beject Managf unexpecte

Units and th

ntain Good

neer will maoject. Persood for discuschedule. Ction, as rec

ew Project

neer will coajor projectsess unfore

mates, as remates Unit is



funds, projpriate projecare met andonsibilities a


rent Plann

e responsiber, the Resed changes

he overall p

d Commun

aintain gooon to personussing projeConversatioord of the d

t Cost Estim

oordinate ret milestone

eseen budgquested. Ins provided c



ject activitiect phase. Dd that perioare met. the


ned Ad Dat

ble for meetsident Engins to the schroject delive


od communn communicect issues, ons must bediscussion a


evisions to ts (Field Insetary need

n addition, tcurrent proj


es may comDuring this podic Region e following t


ting the Curneer will behedule, incluery by the a

ications witcation (teleespecially

e followed uand any de

the project spection Res. Specialty

the Residenoject cost es



mmence anphase, it is Plan Statutasks will b

rrent Planne responsibuding thoseapproved C

th the Specephone or fathose whicup with emaecisions or c

cost estimaeview, Finaly Units will nt Engineerstimates for

anuary 31, 2


d charges important t

us Meetingse complete

ed Ad datele for e that couldCurrent Plan

cialty Units ace to faceh could affeail or other commitmen

ate, as l Office Revprovide

r will ensurer review an


to s are ed:

e of a

d nned

) is ect



e d



The ResRegion is determthe chanincludingrequire areflect th


The ResCurrent BusinesindividuacontribuCurrent Specialt


The Regor rejectand the will provThe issutheir pro


The ResprogresscommonUnit withupdate sMeeting

y 31, 2013

.04 Conv

sident EnginProgram Emined, the nge(s). Chag the time ra new budghese impac

.05 Discu

sident EnginPlanned Ads Manager als needs toting issuesPlanned Ad

ty Units ass

.06 Comm

gion Businetion to a chaContracts a

vide a documues will be rogress may

.07 Upda

sident Engins in the projn milestonehout prior dshould refles, as detail

vey Scope o

neer will sungineer for Resident Eanges that required forget request cts in the pr

uss Any Po

neer will bed date with and the Re

o occur as . The Residd date chansociated wit

municate A

ess Manageange in theand Agreemment summreflected thbe monitor

ate Workin

neer will upject activitie

es or the Cuiscussion w

ect all informed below:

or Budget 

ubmit any capproval. Wngineer muaffect the b

r budget acor STIP/TI

roject’s wor

otential Im

e responsibthe approp

egion Transsoon as the

dent Enginenge and coth the proje

Any Decisi

er will comme Current Plments unit fmarizing therough chanred.

ng Schedul

pdate the wes. Changeurrent Plannwith and apmation curre



hanges in tWhen a chaust inform abudget or Stions or STP amendmking sched

pact on Ad

ble for discupriate Regiosportation De Resident eer will docmmunicate


ions on Ad

municate thlanned Ad dfor trackinge issues whnges to the


working schees to the woned Ad dateproval by thent at the ti


the project ange in proall membersSTIP/TIP muTIP/TIP amements, the R


d Date 

ussing any pon ProgramDirector. CoEngineer is

cument the e these deta

d Date 

he final decdate, to the purposes.

hich supporproject wo

edule montorking schee will not behe Residenime of any

oject Develo

scope or buoject scope s of the proust be consendments.

Resident En

potential chm Engineer,ommunicatis aware of reasons forails to all af

ision, regare Chief Eng

The Residrt the schedrking sched

thly to reflecedule whiche made by nt EngineerRegion Pla

opment Pro

udget to theand/or bud

oject team osidered, If the chang

ngineer will

hanges to th, the Regionion with thethe r the requeffected staff

rding approgineer, OFMent Engine

dule changedule so that

ct accurateh affect any Specia. This mont

an Status


e dget of


he n ese

sted f and

oval MB, eer e. t


alty thly

Project D 2.16.02

Each ReinformatThese mfrequentindividuatechnica

The RegEngineethese mindividua

1. A

2. R

3. E

4. R

5. U

6. B

7. H

8. T

9. B

10. M

11. M

All Progbetter unon the n

Region Residendetermin

In order recommRegion thorough

1. C



egion will hotion exchan

meetings mutly at the disal Project Sal detail and

gion Plan Sers and will eeting shouals are reco

All Program

Resident En


Right of Way





Business Of



ram Enginenderstand t

needs of the

Plan Statusnt Engineer ned approp

to provide mended to b

Plan Statush review of

Current Proj

ent Process

Plan Statu

old a Regionge and to aust be heldscretion of

Status meetd assessme

Status Meetreview the uld be moreommended




y / Survey



eers shouldthe Region’e full region

s Meetings or with all

priate by the

meaningfue complete

s Meeting. Weach proje

ject Budget


us Meeting

on Plan Staassess the at a minimeach regiotings that aent.

ing should progress o

e on criticalto attend t

d attend the’s activities


can be conResident Ee Program E

l informatioed by each With the fol

ect manage



atus Meetingstatus of bo

mum of evern. These mre often he

be facilitateof projects inl project dehe Region

e entire Regand to mak

nducted witngineers frEngineers.

on at these Resident Ellowing infod within the

g which wiloth design ry two mont

meetings dold more fre

ed by the Rn each Protails. At a mPlan Status

gion Plan Ske better re

h schedulerom a respe

meetings, aEngineer anormation, the residencie


l serve to faand constrths, but can

o not take thquently and

Region’s Program area.

minimum, ths Meetings

Status Meetesource dec

ed time slotsective Prog

a Project Snd made avhis report wies:

anuary 31, 2

acilitate ruction projen be held mhe place of d involve m

ogram . The focushe following:

ing in ordercisions bas

s for each ram Area, a

tatus Repovailable for till allow for


ects. more


of g

r to sed


ort is the a


2. D

3. D

4. In

Discussproject sallocatio

Prior to status ofshould cUpdatedproject.

Specialtupdatedin PhaseprovisionestimateSpecialtdecision

The RegResidenrequiredto the pr

Involvemto be adEngineeresource

y 31, 2013

Dates of Sch

Dates of Act

nitial Planne

ions at the schedule, hon of resour

these meetf their proje

come to thed working s

ty unit sched as necesse I will be bns for chanes, the estimty Unit manns that may

gion Plan Snt Engineersd. All changroject team

ment of the djusted to mers and affees to ensur

heduled Pro

tual Project

ed, Current

Region Plahave fiscal irces.

tings, the Rects with theese meetingchedules a

dules, worksary by specased on the

nge, and idemates will bagers will kaffect thes

Status Meets an opportes will be uand Progra

Program Emeet projectected Specie that key r

oject Milest

t Milestones

t Planned a

an Status Mmpacts, inv

Resident Eneir staff. Thgs preparednd work-ho

k-hour estimcialty unit me best inforentification be reviewedkeep the Rese estimates

ing discusstunity to upupdated in tam Enginee

Engineer wit milestonesalty Unit maregion prior




and Schedu

Meetings shvolve issues

ngineer andhe Residentd to discussour estimate

mates, and managers. Trmation avaof assumptd for modificesident Engs for the sp

sions with thdate milestthe workinger, as they

ll be necesss. In some anagers wirities are pr


uled Ad Dat

ould centers of risk or

d Specialty t Engineer as the latest es should b

project cosThe prelimiailable at thtions, shoucation as thgineer inforpecialty port

he specialtytone dates,g schedule are made.

sary if speccases, all oll need to m

roperly add

oject Develo


r on issues require a c

Units shouland Speciaproject info

be available

st estimatesinary estima

he time. Althld be a parthe project prmed of anytion of the p

y units shou activity duand will be

cialty unit reof the Regiomeet and diressed.

opment Pro

that affect change in th

ld discuss talty Units ormation. e for each

s will be ates providhough t of the origprogresses.y activities oproject wor

uld allow thrations, etccommunic

esources neon Programiscuss


the he



ginal . The or rk

he c. as cated

eed m

Project D


The Fielconstrucis held inInspectiorequiredconcludespecific

The follothe FieldPlans, Steam.


The Fiel


The follo


1. PS

2. P

3. JjuJsfe


1. Fo

2. E



ld Inspectioction plans n an office on Review

d items and e all unresocriteria and

owing instrud InspectionSpecification


ld Inspectio


owing items

.01 Scop

Preliminary Section 2.05


ustification ustified prioustificationsafety effecteatures con

.02 Envir

Form 128, Cther approp

Every projec

ent Process


on Review (that signifiemeeting enplans are pdetails of a

olved issued direction t

uctions estan Review mns, and Est


on Review w

ed Items

s are requir

ing, Budge

Form 463 -5 Design Da

alignment d

for variancr to being is for variants on the hignsidered. Se


Categorical priate clear

ct requires a



(FIR) is intees the end onvironment preliminary all salient fes identifiedthat are to b

ablish the pmeeting. Thtimate (PS&

will be initia

red prior to

eting, and 

- Design Daata.


ces: Varianncluded in

nces are to ghway facilee Section


Exclusion Dance docum

an environm



ended to beof the prelimwith an optin nature, b

eatures. Thduring pre

be used in t

procedures hese instruc&E) are dev

ated and sc

the Field In


ata with saf

nces to desithe Field Inbe based ulity, alternat2.05

e Documen

Determinatment. See S

mental clea

e the on-siteminary destional field tbut still mushe Field Ins

eliminary dethe final de

preparatoryctions applyveloped by

heduled by

nspection R

fety require

ign standarnspection Rupon analystives consid


tion showinSection 3.0

arance of so


e review of ign phase. trip to visit tst contain aspection Reesign and toesign.

y to and fory to all projethe Reside

y the Reside


ments, if av

rds must beReview plansis of operadered, and

g clearance02.

ome type.

anuary 31, 2

preliminaryOften, the the site. Fi

applicable eview is helo establish

r the conduects on wh

ent Enginee

ent Enginee

vailable. Se

e identified ns. ational and


e activities


y FIR eld

d to the

uct of ich







3. Ps

4. RC


1. Ids

2. Cs


1. S

2. F


1. TaW

2. Tcos


Existing available


A prelimReview.


1. IdP

y 31, 2013

Projects not ign-off.

Resident EnCJ20N in SA

.03 Traff

dentificationhould be de

Complete trahould be av

.04 Mate

Soil survey s

Final stabiliz

.05 Right

The assessovailable rig

Way Manag

The consultaompleted ewnership mhould be pr

.06 Utilit

utility infore. The Reg

.07 Hydr

minary hydra

.08 Wetl


eligible for

ngineer canAP under C


n of detourseveloped p

affic data, available, if r


should be c

zation plan

t of way 

or’s parcel ht of way iner. All nec

ant selectioearly to allowmap. Accurrovided prio


mation, incion Utility E


aulic report


n and schednvironmenta

r Programm

see if enviCustom Fiel

s and the prior to the F

accident darequired.


should be p

maps, ownnformation essary tem

on process w the consrate locationor to the Fie

cluding irrigaEngineer sh

or design s

duling of weal Manager


matic Catego

ronmental ds, then En

roposed preField Inspec

ata, safety re


ership list, should be p

mporary eas

for right of ultant time n of all exiseld Inspecti

ation ditchehould resea

should be p

etland map(see Sectio


orical Exclu

clearance invironmenta

reliminary cction Revie

report, and

old right of prepared fo

sements mu

way work sto complete

sting right oion Review

es and watearch utilities

provided pr

pping by theon 3).This i

oject Develo

usions requ

is completeal tab.


turning mov

way plans,or review byust be ident

should be ine the prelim

of way and pw.

er rights, shs.

ior to the F

e Region item is not

opment Pro

uire FHWA

e through

n-phasing p


, and other y the Right tified.

nitiated or minary property lin

hould be

ield Inspec

required pr







Project D




2. Atheda


1. Asth

2. Ifmo


1. Tb

2. Fs

3. Tc


Three caInspectio


1. SAto


o the Field nformation a

. Before thDevelopmcheck wiManager

. The Regthe Envir

Avoidance ohe U.S. Armffective Febesign procevoidance.

.09 Surve

A complete hould be cohe design to

f right of wamarkers mu

wnership m

.10 Prelim

The Field Inelow in sec

FIR plans shalient featu

The Engineeurrent pricin


ategories oon Review

.01 Requ

Scoping, buA title sheetopography

ent Process

Inspection available as

he Environmment can sth the Resir for projection Planninronmental P

of wetlands my Corps ofbruary 7, 19ess where w


survey, incompleted ao begin.

ay is involvest also be t

map to begi

minary Co

spection Rection III, ma

hall containures.

ering Estimng.

d Categori

f items (reqplans:

uired on al

dgeting and, typical secand utilities


Review, hos possible.

mental Progtart field madent Engint scope, terng/ EnvironPrograms o

is stressedf Engineers990. Desigwetland are

luding topond tied to C

ed, aliquot stied to CDOn.

st Estimat

eview plansay not apply

all the app

ates and M


quired, desi

l plans 

d planning:ctions, genes, proposed


owever, it is

grams officeapping, theeer or the R

rmini, detoumental Man


d by the Envs in their Migners must eas are so t

ography, utiCDOT’s sur

section cornOT’s survey


s are prelimy to speciali

plicable item

Market Analy

ired and op

eral notes,

d alignment

s desirable

e in the Dive EnvironmeRegion Pla

urs, and thenager will s

vironmentaitigation Meknow earlythe sites ca

lities, and ervey contro

ners, propey control net

minary in naized projec

ms and prel

ysis Unit is

ptional) are

plan and pts, slope ca


to have as

vision of Traental Progrnning/Envir

e project plasubmit the i

al Protectionemorandumy in the scopan be analy

existing mol network to

erty pins, antwork to all

ature. The ct plans.

liminary det

available t

included on

profile sheetatch points,

anuary 31, 2

much of th

ansportatioams office ronmental an sheets.nformation

n Agency am of Agreemping and

yzed for

onumentatioo allow wor

nd right of wow work on

items inclu

tails of the

to assist in

n Field

ts with exisprofile grad



n will


and ment

on, rk on

way n the


sting des,



2. E



3. T


4. S


5. M


6. R


7. U


8. O



The Fielfor the s

1. P

2. P


The Fielavailable

y 31, 2013

round line, rainage pla


. Mappingstaff. ThInspectio

. Prelimina

. Location

. Initial siteidentified


. Conceptu

. Traffic vo


. Bridge ge

. Major str


. Soil profi

Right of way

. Existing


. Identifica

. Names o


. Prelimina

. Prelimina

. Special d

. Driveway

.02 Desir

ld Inspectioscheduled F



.03 Optio

ld Inspectioe at the tim

cross sectan, access


of any exishis will allowon Review mary mitigatios of environe assessmed.

ual construolume data

eneral layoructure cros

ile and stab


and propos

ation of impof utility com

ary layouts ary estimatedetails and ys and field

red items 

on Review pField Inspec

survey tabu

survey con

onal items

on Review pe of the sch

ions, existinplan, and d

sting wetlanw discussionmeeting. on plan. nmental coent complet

ction phasi.

uts and apss-sections

bilization req

sed right of

pacts to utilimpanies an

of interchae. unusual sp

d approache

plans shoulction Review

ulation shee

trol sheet.

plans shoulheduled Fie


ng right of wdetour plan.

nds identifien of avoida

nstraints (oted and pot

ng plan.

plicable pla.


way shown

ties shownd contact p

anges and in


d contain thw:


d contain aeld Inspecti


way and ro.

ed by the Ence alterna

other than wtential haza

an sheets.


n on the de

. people.



he following

all appropriaion Review

oject Develo

ugh structu

Environmenatives durin

wetlands). ardous mat

esign plan.


g items if a

ate optionaw. These ite

opment Pro

ure notes,

tal Programg the Field

erials sites

vailable in t

l items thatems may




t are

Project D identify dalso conencountthose thInspectiodetails.


The Resseven, bField Insneeds to

1. F

2. R

3. P

4. G

5. R

6. R

7. R

8. R

9. R

10. R

11. R

12. R

13. R

14. R

15. L

16. C

17. O

18. C

19. O

20. D


The Reswho will


design probntain prelimtered duringat the Resion Review.


sident Enginbut preferabspection Reo determine


Region Tran

Project Struc


Region Plan

Region Prog

Region Mate

Region Righ

Region Utilit

Region Hydr

Region Prof

Region Main

Region Resi

Region Traff

andscape A

Colorado St

Other Local,


Others as de

DTD Data C


sident Enginhave signif

ent Process

blems that cinary desigg the Field dent Engin They do n

ution of pla

neer will disbly 14 dayseview planse when it is

: Operation


ctural Engin

al Engineer

nning and E

gram Engin

erials Engin

ht of Way M

ty Engineer

raulics Eng

fessional La

ntenance S

ident Engin

fic Enginee


ate Patrol

, State, or F

etermined b

Collection U


neer shouldficant input


can best begn data thatInspection eer determ

not include


stribute prins, in advancs will be tran


ns Engineer










and Survey




Federal Age

by the Resi


d limit partict. Those re


e resolved wt would assReview. O

mines will imitems such

nts of the Fce of the Fiensmitted ase to distribu


tal Manage




dent Engin

cipation at teceiving pla

with an on-ist in resolv

Optional itemmprove the eh as tabulat

ield Inspeceld Inspectis follows (thute the mem




the Field Inns who hav


-site inspecving problemms should iefficiency otions, summ

ction Reviewion Reviewhe Residenmo without

nspection Rve only min

anuary 31, 2

ction and mams nclude only

of the Field maries, and

w plans at lw. Prints of

t Engineer the plans):

Review to thnor concern





east the

hose ns

January should cReview

Staff Bri

On certaseparateconduct should dconstrucEngineereview wcommen


The Respreparedpreparedrecognizinclude,


1. T

2. T

3. Pin

4. P

5. ST

6. Bit


1. P(s

2. P

3. S

y 31, 2013

communicaand not att

dge Branch

ain projectse field reviethese revie

document inction plans.er will notifywith sufficients (if they s


sident Engind checklist d and followze which pabut are not

6.01 Scop

Typical sect

The horizon

Plan details nsufficient t


Schedule. UThe schedul

Budget the ems.

6.02 Envir

Plan details such as noi

Preliminary f


te those to end the me

h may cond

s, outside puew prior to tews separan writing pe When a re

y the appropnt advanceso desire) f

ct of the rev

neer will cobe complet

wed, especarts of the mt limited to,

ing, Budge

ions, stabili

tal and vert

for approaco construct

cost estima

Update the ble should b

ROW and/


for measurise, air, wat

field mappi


the Resideeeting.

duct a sepa

ublic agencthe Field Insately from thertinent infoequest for apriate agene time to allofor consider


onduct the rted for all m

cially for commeeting the

the followi

eting and P

ization, and

tical alignm

ches to prot the propos


baseline sce discussed

or Utility ph


res to mitigater, parks (4

ng of existi

ent plans.


ent Enginee

arate Field I

cies involvespection Rehe schedule

ormation ana separate cies' represow the ageration prior

review. It ismeetings. Amplex projeey should atng:


d general no


oject and posed length o

chedule to rd at the FIR

hases as ne

ate or avoid4(f)), and st

ng wetland


er prior to th

nspection R

ed in the proeview. Theed Field Insd requiremreview is dsentatives a

encies to preto the Field

s strongly reAlso, an ageects, so thattend. The


ossible cutoof the proje

reflect impaR meeting.

ecessary kn

d adverse etream encr

d areas.

oject Develo

he Field Ins


oject may re Resident spection Re

ments incorpesirable, thand shall scepare their d Inspection

ecommendenda (schedt participanitems to be

off points if ect.

act to projecSee Sectio

nowing the


opment Pro


request a Engineer m

eview and porated intohe Residentchedule ther own written Review.

ded that a dule) shoulnts can e reviewed

funds are

ct milestoneon 1.02.

scope of th

ntal impactss).



o t e n

d be





Project D

4. P


1. Pp

2. T

3. T


1. S

2. S

1. R

2. Im

3. N

4. P

5. E

6. P

7. P

8. P

9. S


1. U

2. P

3. N

4. Ir


Permit requi

6.03 Traff

Plan details hasing, and

Traffic contr

Traffic signa

6.04 Struc

Structure Se

Structure de Right or Way

Right of way

mpacts to b

Number of o

Purchase of

Existing Agr

Plan details

Purchase of

Purchase of

Section 4(f)

6.07 Utilit

Utility reloca

Power sourc

New or futur

rrigation ditc

ent Process



for any prod barrier.

ol plan.

al plan (if ap


election Re

emolition me

Materials Stabilization Report and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (if available)Materials Recommendation Report Quality incentivesCertifications or FIPIs for proprietary items, if any (See Section 2.24 for the approval process)

y requireme

buildings, ot

owners affe

f mitigation

reements th

for fencing

f utility ease

f temporary

process re


ation require


re utility acc



ovisions for




ents and ac

ther improv

cted and w


hat have co



y constructio





traffic durin

ccess contro

vements, an

what the imp

onditions aff


on easeme



ng construc

ol plan.

nd agricultu

pacts are.

fecting plan



ction, includ

ural operatio


anuary 31, 2

ding detours






1. R

2. R

3. Cc


1. P

2. A


1. Ir

2. M


1. S

2. M

3. S

4. S

5. F

6. Ad


As soon


Send a loriginallycopy of Enginee

y 31, 2013

6.08 Agre

Railroad req


Coordinationonditions, o

6.09 Surve


Additional su

6.10 Hydr

rrigation an

Major structu

6.11 Othe

Safety issue


Special inter

Specialty rep


Additional Curing const

Field Ins

n as possibl

.01 Distr

letter repory sent Fieldthe marked

er deems it

ements, ju


nts for any I

n of all desior justificati


survey tabu

urvey need


d drainage

ure sizing



e concerns

rest groups

ports (safet

CDOT assettruction bec

spection R

e after the

ibute FIR M

ting the mind Inspectiond-up plans anecessary.


and other a


ign elemenons within C

ulation shee





ty, geotech

ts. For exacause their

Review foll

Field Inspe


nutes of then Review noand additio.


ns, and app


mental Agr

ts requiringCDOT or b




ample, DTDexistence i


ection Revie

e Field Inspotification. nal copies w


provals sta



g mitigationetween CD

D count statis often unk

ew, the Res

pection RevThe Resid

will be sent

oject Develo



s, action iteDOT and oth

ions are oftknown by th

sident Engi

view to all went Enginet to others i

opment Pro

ems, her entities

ten damagehe Region.

neer will:

who were eer will keepif the Resid




p a dent

Project D


Obtain dReview


Update tscopingdefined.


Revise t


1. ME

2. R

3. C

4. T

5. TU

6. R

7. TC


If the proensure tProgramforwardefinding isto forwafinding isof wetlan


.02 Addr

decisions anmeeting.

.03 Upda

the project . This may

.04 Upda

the Form 46

.05 Revis

Monitor the Environmen

Request traf

Complete st

Transmit pla

Transmit plaUtilities Eng

Request or c

Transmit theCoordinator

.06 Follo

oject impacthat a wetla

ms office or ed to the Ens approvedrd a copy tos a legally bnd impacts

ent Process

ress Unans

nd respons

ate Project

schedule obe the case

ate Form 4

63, Design

se project 

progress oftal Manage

ffic plans.


ans showing

ans showingineer.

complete th

e preliminar.

ow up on W

cts wetlandsands finding

a private cnvironment

d, copies areo the Residbinding comand mitiga


swered Qu

ses for all q

t Schedule

or completee for more c


Data, as ne


f the wetlaner submits t

and specia

g proposed

g replacem

he final hyd

ry survey ta

Wetland re

s, the Regiog is prepareonsultant. tal Programe returned

dent Enginemmitment bation require



uestions lef

e the baselincomplex pr


nds finding to FHWA.

al justificatio

d features to

ent or new

raulic repo

abulation sh


on Planninged, whetherFollowing c

ms office forto the Regi

eer. This labetween CDements.

ft unanswe

ne schedulrojects whe

that the Re

on letters.

o the Regio

utility locat


heet to the


g and Envirr by the Regcompletionr review andion. It is theast step is imDOT and FH


ered at the F

e if it was nere the scop

egion Plann

on Right of

tions to the

Region Fie

ronmental Mgion, the E, the findingd approval.e Region's mportant beHWA regar

anuary 31, 2

Field Inspec

not done at ping is bette

ning and

Way Mana


eld Survey

Manager mnvironmentg must be Once the responsibi

ecause therding the ex



the er


must tal





Details sfield appwetland Region’s


Follow u


For smaReview are adeqbe reflec


1. 23 C2. For f


y 31, 2013

.07 Prepa

such as edgproaches, aareas, repl

s Right of W

.08 Follo

up on Utility


all projects, with the Fiequate. In socted in the


CFR Part 62forms, see C//www.colo

are inform

ge of pavemalignment, dlacement u

Way Unit.

ow‐up on U

y issues. H

nation Field

such as wreld Inspectiome instancbaseline sc

nal Referen

25, Design SCDOT on-liradodot.info

mation for 

ment, curb drainage dittilities, ease

Utility Issue

ave the Uti

d Inspectio

rite-ups, it mion Reviewces, formalchedule.


Standards fine forms lio/library/for


Right of w

and gutter,tches and pements, an


lity Enginee

on Review-

may be ben, if the Plan meetings m

for Highwaybrary rms


way require

toe of sloppipes, irrigand detours s

er initiate u

-Final Offic

neficial to cons, Special may not be


oject Develo


pe, drivewayation designshould be s

tility agreem

ce Review

ombine theProvisions

e necessary

opment Pro

ys, structurn, replacemsent to the


e Final Offic, and Estim

y. This shou


res, ment

ce mate uld

Project D



A Consttechnoloadvantaindustry special eprocess be enhaconstruc

Projectshave extprojects techniquat projecfuture pr

Accordina CR shtimeframmight beconstrucprojects Manage

The Colwhen coadvanta


A PSCRin the scto reviewonly, butfiles.




tructability Rogy, and exge of the w(both inter

expertise, rmay be ite

anced plansction, with f

s that may btraordinary that have i

ues and/or ct closeout rojects.

ng to sectiohortly after tme for a Sigenefit from ction). It sheligible for

er should m

orado Depaontractors age to the co


R should becope. Additw the decist document

ent Process



Review (CRxperience inwealth of knnal and extrelevant to terative, and s and speciffewer chang

benefit fromenvironme

innovative finnovative /are extrem

on 1.07, Sigthe FIR or agnature Projadditional C

hould be nor CRs. Thisake on a ca

artment of Tare includedontractors w

Scoping C

held shorttionally, it isions of the ted on the a



R) is the intento the engiowledge anternal i.e. cothe project,is expecte

fications leages.

m constructaental circumfeatures su/ alternate b

mely valuabl

gnature Proa 30 percenoject to haveCRs (e.g. p

oted, howevs is a determase by case

Transportatd in reviewiwho particip


ly after the s recommescoping meattached CR



egrating of ineering annd experienontractors) be included to be muading to inc

ability reviemstances. T

ch as expebidding cone in assisti

ojects requirnt Project Ce a CR, it w

project scopver, that Sigmination thae basis.

tion (CDOTng plans it pate in the

project sconded that reeting. ThiR documen


constructiond design ofnce that exi

it is recomed when waltidisciplinacreased eas

ws are comThis processerimental mntracting. Inng the proje

re a CR. SCR. While twould be exping, 90 pergnature Projat the Resi

T) is requiredoes so wireview.

oping, in ordregional envis meeting ntation form


on knowledf a project. ists in the c

mmended tharranted in tary. The ense and effic

mplex, time s is also rec

materials, prn addition, ect team in

Section 1.12this is the expected tharcent, and pojects are ndent Engin

ed to have athout giving

der to identvironmentais intended

m, and kept

anuary 31, 2

ge, resourcTo take

constructionat persons the CR. Th

nd result shociency of

critical andcommendeocesses, CRs condu

n improving

2 recommenstablished t the projecpost ot the only eer and Pro

a process tg a compet

tify “fatal flaal staff is inv to be interin the proje



n with is ould

d/or ed for





hat itive

aws” vited rnal ect

January 2.18.03

A 30 perestablishteam wil


A 90 peeopportunspecific specific staging

It may btypicallyconstrucconstrucprocedu


A Post Cimproveconstrucconstrucmeets wand Arethe meeon. Thethe meeteams, a


CDOT hlarge to network

y 31, 2013

30 Perce

rcent PCR hed (i.e. at ll not force

90 Perce

ercent PCRnity to interconstructiostructure tydetails (e.g

e a temptay conductedctability focuctability issuural issues t

Post Co

Constructioments for tction contraction issueswith the cona Engineer

eting shoulde Resident Eeting, finalizand Project


has an FTP email. Acceand from a

ent Projec

should be hthe FIR staa specific d

ent Projec

R should beact with the

on techniquypes, modifg. crane pick

tion to includ (i.e. Scopius may be ues that arethat are com


n CR at prohe design p

actor, contras. In the Postruction pr

r), to assessd focus on pEngineer w

ze a report, t Developm


server thatess to CDOany internet

t CR – 30 P

held shortlyage). The pdesign witho

t CR – 90 P

e held after e contractines. This wfy/add specking diagra

ude a CR, aing, FIR, FOblurred. The specific tommon at th

n CR

oject closeoproject manact change ost Construroject engins the overapositive asp

will scheduleand distribent Branch

t can be usOT's FTP set location.


Percent PC

y after the fpurpose of tout conside

Percent PC

the FOR. Tng communill be an op

cifications, aams).

at any stageOR). This ihe CR meeo that projeese meetin

out incorpornagement teorders, dection CR, t

neering teaall quality ofpects of thee the Post Cute the repo


sed to uploaerver can b



final profile this meetineration of o


This will givity and othe

pportunity toand conside

e, in conjunis not recom

eting shouldct and not g


rates discueam. It malay claims, he design pm (includinf the designe project as Constructioort to the d

ad and dowbe obtained

oject Develo

and alignmng is so thatther option

ve the projeers knowledo fine tune ter detour a

nction with tmmended, d be held toget bogged

ssions regaay include aand other s

project manng Residentn product. T

well as topon CR meetesign and c

wnload files from both

opment Pro

ment are t the projecs.

ect team andgeable in the design nd construc

the meetingas the

o only discud down on t

arding futura survey of staging or nagement tt Engineer(sThe format pics to imprting, facilitaconstructio

that are toowithin CDO




on ction


uss the

re the

eam s) of

rove ate n

o OT's

Project D Files upautomatdurationuploadeplan to s

If data istheir cusdata, plesecure s

The FTPconveniestability

Files shomoved tthe FTPand is n

When ththat conbe taken

1. Cto

2. Tftaw

3. C

4. U

5. TAinac

6. TwCpin


loaded to thtically be de

n files can red to the sershare docum

s sensitive, stomers, anease contacsolution.

P site is outence and isor usability

ould not beto the user’s server, youot designed

he Project Mtractors are


Contact youo inform him

Type the folltp://yogi.dotnd enter th

when promp

Create a fold

Upload relev

The project All documennclude a stare “not for conclusion o

The Residenwith some eContractors

articipate, hnterested co

ent Process

he FTP sereleted from eside on thrver and is ments with

please do nd is open tct the Help

tside the CDs not considy.

e opened dis computeru may be pd to be use

Manager, Re to be inclu

r Area Engm of an upc

lowing FTPt.state.co.ue usernam


der with the

vant plans a

team shoulnts to be poamp statingconstructioof the meet

nt Engineerxpertise wiAssociatio

however, inontractor ca


rver will havthe server

e server. Tnot reset uof this limit

NOT use thto the internDesk and t

DOT firewadered busin

rectly from r and openeprompted fod to view o

Resident Enuded in Con

ineer for thcoming Con

P address ins e and pass

e project na

and specific

ld also haveosted on theg that they an”. There iing.

r or Project th similar pn (CCA) ma

n order to man participa


ve a 10 day. No excepthe 10 day “pon use. Btation.

his FTP sitenet. If you hthe IT staff

all and is opness critical

the FTP seed from theor credentiar edit docum

gineer, andnstructabilit

e latest FTnstructability

nto Window

sword you r

ame and su

cations to t

e review doe FTP site aare for a “cos no need t

Manager wprojects to pay be able

maintain fairate in these

y life. After 1tions will be“clock” begBe sure to a

e, as it is ophave a needwill work w

pen to the Inl. There are

erver; they ere. If you aals. The FTPments.

d/or the Proty Review,

TP site usery Review.

ws Explorer

received fro

ubaccount n

he newly c

ocuments aand provideonstructabito collect do

will contact participate ito assist in r and compe reviews, w


10 days, the made to i

gins the momadvise othe

pen for all Cd to transfe

with you to p

nternet. It ise no guaran

should be cattempt to oP server is

ogram Engithe followin

r name and

, (not Intern

om your Are


reated folde

available at ed at the mlity review” ocuments a

at least twon the CR. locating co

petitive biddwhether a m

anuary 31, 2

e file(s) wilncrease thement the fil

ers who you

CDOT staffer sensitive provide a m

s offered asntees of its

copied or open a file fr

not a file sh

neer determng steps are


net Explore

ea Enginee


the meetineeting musand that th

at the

o contractoThe Colora

ontractors tding, any member of C


l e e is




s a

rom hare

mine e to




g. st hey

ors ado o




7. Inah TC



8. ACCp

9. Aime

10. Twp

11. Cabp

When thinvitationstamped

y 31, 2013

r not. Conthe project.

n order to ndvertise a Cttp://www.c

The Project Contracts U

. for a Con

. name/pro

. Brief des

. The namreach to

. RemovalCR anno

All attendeeCR meetingContractor c

urposes of

All suggestiomplementedconomicall

The project will formally


Contact youssistance we contactedrojects that

he CR will cn procedured as mentio

tractors wh

not overlookCR at the focoloradodot

Engineer wnit at CDOT

nstructabilitoject numbscription of

me and phonparticipate l date that t


s to the CR, but rather

contact infofollow-up o

ons will be d or modifiey feasible f

team shoulthank all pa


r Area Engwith procesd. The Projt use const

consist solees will be fooned in Num

o participat

k any intereollowing loct.info/busine

will provide T HQ, deta

ty Review er the project ne number in the CR

tells the Cofrom the bi

R will be advr on the ultimrmation shoor clarificati

reviewed bed then impfor impleme

ld explain ifarticipants

ineer prior s uniformity

oject Develoructability r

ely of CDOTollowed. Enmber 5 abov


te in a CR w

ested contracation: ess/bidding

a Word dociling that th

and reasonof the poin

onstruction Cdding webs

vised to notmate constould be gaton.

by the projecplemented. entation will

f / why any and expres

to holding ay, and for copment Brareviews

T or consultnsure that ave.


will not be p

actors, the


cument to this is

n for the CRt-of-contac

Contracts Usite

t rely on whtruction planthered by th

ct team. SuThose whic

l be elimina

suggestionss CDOT’s

a constructconcurrenceanch will ma

tant design all docume

oject Develo

precluded f

Project Ma

the Constru

R ct that contr

Unit when t

hat was disns and spehe project t

uggestions ch are not s


ns are not uappreciatio

tability reviee on which aintain a sta

personnel,nts used in

opment Pro

from bidding

nager will a


ractors can

o remove t

scussed in tcifications. eam for the

may be dirsuitable or

used. CDOon for their

ew for contractorsatewide list

, typical the CR are


g on







s will of


Project D



The folloreviewed Sheet



owing is a cd during a C

ent Process


checklist of Constructa




project itembility Review



ity Review


ms (if applicw (at the R

w ChecklistPM:RE:


cable to theRE/PE’s disc




e project) thcretion):

r PE

anuary 31, 2

hat need to





PROJECSUB-ACPROJECPROJECPROJEC Intendedspecificacontactsforward informa MeetingThe Cra1:00 - 4:Golden, PurposeThe purpremovalConstrurecomm(limited underneefforts a Project DThis prothat carrconstrucits placeimprove How to AThe plan2010 at (NOTESPotentiashall ONContracthis provolunta

y 31, 2013



d Audienceally looking s that you fethis invite t

ation about

Informatioane Constru:00 p.m. in CO 80401

e: pose of this and replacctability Re

mended conROW, Sou

eath, overheare needed

Descriptionoject includeries I-25 ovcting a newe, as well asments.

Access Prons will be av9:00 a.m.

S: The planal bidders NLY bid thctors whichoject. Partiry.)


BR 16 I-2


: This meefor input fr

eel would bto them. (*Bt this meet

n: uctability Rethe Fox Ho.

s review is tcement of theview was hducting a cth Platte Riead transmwith crane

n: es the remoer the Sout

w 3 span, prs constructi

oject Plans vailable forTo access ns availabshould noe project bh participaicipation in


R R600-297212

25 / Bronco enver, CO nticipated A

eting is operom bridge abe interesteBridge Conting with th

eview Meetollow Confe

to determinhe bridge aheld on Aprcrane constiver, two locission linesplacement

oval of a 3 sth Platte Rivre-cast concing retainin

Prior to Mer review on the FTP sitle on the F

ot base thebased on tate in the ren the review




Arch Bridg


n to all conand crane cd in attendintractors aheir crane

ting is scheerence Room

ne the craneand bridge dril 27, 2010.ructability rcal streets, s, etc.) to w and select

span, steel ver (a.k.a. Bcrete tub gig walls, dra

eeting: CDOT’s FTte please fo

FTP site areir bids on he “Adverteview are Nw will NOT



ge Replacem

ent Date – J

ntractors. Hcontractorsing this meare stronglcontractor

duled for Om, located

e constructdeck panels. The particreview, as ttwo bike p

work with antion.

arch bridgeBronco Arcrder bridge

ainage impr

TP site on Tollow the ine “For Infothis prelimtisement” NOT preclT be compe

oject Develo



January 27

However, Cs. Also, if yeting, pleasly encourar/supplier c

October 21, at 425B Co

tability durins. A traditiocipants of tthere are maths, and a

nd extensive

e (384’ longch Bridge) ae (373’ longrovements

Tuesday, Ostructions b

ormation Ominary set

set of planuded fromensated as

opment Pro


, 2011

DOT is ou have se feel free

aged to shacontacts.*)

2010 from orporate Ci

ng the phasonal hat meeting

many constraa trolley linee coordinat

g x 158’ widand x 196’ widand roadw

October 12, below.

Only”. of plans, ans.

m bidding os it is stric


e to are )



g aints

e tion


e) in ay


on tly

Project D 1. Open

2. In the

3. A se

4. Pres

5. The

You are conditionsite, plea


n Windows

e address f

curity windo



s the LOGI

plans are lo

also encouns. If you hase contac

ent Process

Explorer w

field, type: f

ow will ope

Name: yo

word: 4re

IN button.

ocated in th

uraged to vhave any qut the Projec


window (not


n requiring



he folder na

isit the projuestions abct Manager


t Internet Ex


the user to

amed: 1621

ect site to gbout this mer, Jana Spik


us and pres

o enter a us

2 I-25 Bron

get familiareeting or troker, at (720



ser name a

nco Arch Br

r with existinouble acces) 497-6959

anuary 31, 2


nd passwo


ng site ssing the F







Design Oconsultaissues ounits anreviews Office Rproblem

The Resdocumemeetingissues c

y 31, 2013


Office Reviant-prepareor problemsd external agenerally a

Review stagms, such as

sident Enginnting these. The meet



ews usuallyd projects w

s. For largeagencies, mare conductes. Minuteutilities, ma

neer is respe reviews. Pting should at Design O


y are conduwhen an inf

er projects tmonthly stated betweees are prepaajor structu

ponsible forPlans for spbe attende

Office Revie



ucted on theformal meethat requiretus meetingn the Field ared of revires, right of

r initiating, specific area

ed by all resew.



e more cometing is dese coordinatiogs may be Inspection iews held fof way, or hy

schedulingas of concesponsible pe

oject Develo


mplicated pirable to dison with muconducted. Review anor examininydraulics.

, conductinrn may be ersonnel in

opment Pro


projects or scuss desigltiple specia. These nd the Finalng specific

ng, and required fo

nvolved with


gn alty


r the h the

Project D


A designdiscretiospecial cless desthe deciletters” omore inf

Design d

1. D2. A3. A4. R5. R

Addition1. 23 C2. For f




n decision lonary desigcircumstancsirable. Thesion that wor “design eformation o

decision let

Discussed wAddressed tAddressed tReferred to Referred to

nal RefereCFR Part 62forms, see C//www.colo

ent Process


etter can bn decisionsces exist th

e letter shouas made. Dexceptions”n design ex

tters should

with the Proto the projeto the Residon a Form in the Field

nces: 25, Design SCDOT on-liradodot.info



e used by ts. The lettehat would muld clearly eDesign deci” (variance xceptions.

d be:

ogram Enginct file if writdent Engine463, Desig

d Inspection

Standards fine forms lio/library/for



the Residener is used to

make conforexplain the sion lettersfrom design

neer. tten by the eer if writtenn Data, und

n Review or

for Highwaybrary rms

nt Engineero documenrming to acoptions tha

s should non standards

Resident En by outsidder remarkr Final Offic



r to supportt a major d

ccepted desat were cont be used ins). See Se

Engineer. e agencies

ks. ce Review m

anuary 31, 2

t and documecision whe

sign guidelinnsidered ann lieu of “sa

ection 2.06 f

s or consulta



ment en nes d afety for



2.21 The purptraining to the jodisadvan

CDOT h(OJT) reCDOT wTrainingprogramapprentiapplicab

The OJTStandarestablishProvisioproject, Standarhttp://wwSpecs/susing anOffice, thadvertis

When a goals, thproject. goals analthoughthe train

For fedefor On-thdefined Civil Rigon the grequired

y 31, 2013

ON-THpose of thethat will advurney workntaged indi

has establiselative to thwill accept tg Programs ms approvediceship ageble to contra

T Program d Special Phing goals fn defines thas shown id Special Pww.coloradotandard-sp

ny of the tabhe OJT proed contract

project esthe Region CThe Reside

nd related sh the On-thning program

eral aid projhe-Job Traiby the Reg

ghts Office wgoal set. Fod.

HE-JOB e On-the-Jovance unsk

ker level. Eviduals and

shed procede Equal Emraining progwhich have

d by the U.Sency. The Cactors parti

is implemeProvision. Tfor each prohe number n Table 2-1

Provision toodot.info/buecial-provisbles mentio

oject speciat specificati

timate is suCivil Rights ent Engineespecificatione-Job Trainm requirem

jects, a projining. The

gion Civil Riwill use theor non-fede

TRAINEob Trainingkilled worke

Emphasis shd persons f

dures for idmployment Ograms frome been pre-S. DOL – OCDOT OJTcipating thr

nted on all The Regionoject. The of training

1 below. (Po verify the cusiness/dessions/mics/oned aboveal provision ons for the

bmitted to tOffice will

er ensures ns are incluning Standa

ments apply

ject force aforce accoghts Office table to de

eral-aid proj



ers toward mhould be plarom minorit

entifying anOpportunity

m two categ-approved b

Office of Ap Specificatirough these

projects thn Civil RightOn-the-Jobhours a colease visit tcurrent tablsignsupportOJT.docx/v

e. When a gwith the goproject.

the Regiondetermine that the pro

uded in the ard Special only to fed

account itemunt amount

e, also showetermine theects, no pro


ROVALgram is to pmore highlyaced on adty groups.

nd approviny program. ories. CDOby CDOT/Fprenticeshiion (Standae programs

rough the its Office is b Training Sntractor is rthe most rele t/constructiview.) Thegoal is set

oal must be

Civil Rightthe appropoject specifContract. Provision ieral aid pro

m and budgt for the pro

wn in Tablee appropriaoject force

oject Develo

provide cony skilled wodvancemen

ng On-the-J For federa

OT will acceFHWA, as wip or recognard Special s.

nclusion of responsible

Standard Srequired to

ecent revisio

ion-specifice project goby the Reg

e included in

ts Office forpriate OJT gfic On-the-JIt should beis included ojects.

get must beoject OJT tr2-1 below.

ate budget aaccount ite

opment Pro

struction ork, preferat of women

Job Trainingal aid projecept Standawell as nized state Provision)

f the OJT e for pecial train on the

on of the O

cations/201oal may be ion Civil Rin the

r establishingoal for the Job Traininge noted thain all projec

e establisheraining goa. The Regioamount bas

em or budge


bly n,

g cts, rd



1-met ghts


g at cts,

ed, l is on sed et is

Project D

Addition1. 23 C2. CDO3. Curre4. For f








For e$5 mill

nal RefereCFR Parts 2OT Construcent OJT Staforms, see C//www.colo

ent Process

tract Dollar

Up to 1 Mill

>1 – 2 Milli

>2 – 4 Milli

>4 – 6 Milli

>6 – 8 Milli

>8 – 12 Mill

12 – 16 Mil

16 – 20 Mil

each incremion, over $2

nces: 230A, Equaction Manuaandard SpeCDOT on-liradodot.info


r Value









ment of 20 million


l Employmeal ecification ine forms lio/library/for


Minimto be

Table 2-1 Training Go

ent Opportu

brary rms

mum Total TProvided o












Training Hon the Pro










anuary 31, 2

ours oject


Januaryy 31, 2013



advantagedg objectivests:

Ensure nondDepartment’

Create a levompete fair

Ensure that ailored in ac

Ensure that Program eligBusiness En

Help removen contracts;

Assist the deutside the D

Provide appDisadvantag


onsidered aantaged Busantaged Busation Progra

and Countmally recoged on the Cs.

advantagedDOT Execu

ss Enterpris



d Business s on highwa

discriminati’s highway,

vel playing frly for contr

CDOT’s Diccordance w

only firms tgibility stannterprises;

e barriers to


ropriate flexged Busines


a Disadvantsiness Entesiness Enteam (UCP). y of Denve

gnized UCPDOT extern

d Business utive Directse.


Enterpriseay construc

on in the aw, transit, an

field on whiracts;

isadvantagewith applica

that fully medards are p

o the partic

t of firms thaged Busine

xibility in esss Enterpris

taged Businerprise goaerprise CertCurrently, r’s Division

P certifying enal website

Enterprisetor and CDO



(DBE) progction and hi

ward and ad airport fin

ch Disadva

ed Businesable law;

eet the Disapermitted to

ipation of D

hat can comess Enterpr

stablishing ses.

ness Enterpl on a projetification thrthe CDOT of Small Bentities. Th

e along with

Program wOT Policy D



gram was cghway des

administrationancial ass

antaged Bu

ss Enterpris

advantagedo participate


mpete succerise program

and provid

prise and bect, the firmrough the CCenter for

Business Ophe current Uh other DBE

was establisDirective 61

oject Develo


created to asign and en

on of contraistance pro

usiness Ente

se program

d Businesse as Disadv

ged Busine

essfully in tm; and

ing opportu

be credited m must haveColorado UEqual Opppportunity (UCP DBE dE Program r

shed under11.0, Disad

opment Pro


achieve thegineering

acts in the ograms;

erprises ca

is narrowly


ess Enterpri

the marketp

unities for

toward the e received nified ortunity and(DSBO) aredirectory is related

r the authordvantaged









d e the


Project D To be ce

1. AB

2. AaNa

3. In

4. M

5. A


It is the to set a Rights Oestimateanticipaton the pconsidercommunwith the

A CDOTCivil Rigthe RegBusinessubmitteproject.




ertified as a

A small busiBusiness Ac

At least 51 pre included

Native Amernd socially


Managed an

Able to mee


responsibilDBE goal f

Office whene and bid iteted constru

project will bred by the Rnicated bacgoal must

T Form 863ghts Office aion Civil Rigs Enterpris

ed by contra Due to con


ting outreacent for the t specificatioh. Please b

ent Process

a Disadvant

iness concect.

percent ownd are peoplerican, womedisadvanta

t from any o

nd controlle

t other requ


ity of the Rfor each pron establishinems, locatiouction issuebe reasonabRegion Civ

ck to the probe included

3, DBE Conand sent toghts Officeres are listeactors, Formnfidentiality


ch to small DBE prograons may bebe sure to c


taged Busin

ern as defin

ned by onee who are Hen, or memaged under

other firm.

ed on a day

uirements c

egion Civil oject. Seveng the DBEon of the prs by projecble and achil Rights Ofoject staff. d in the adv

tract Goal Ro the HQ Cer believes c

ed on the fom 863 is us

y issues, Fo

and disadvam. Projece needed if consult with


ness Enterp

ned pursua

or more mHispanic, A

mbers of othr Section 8(

-to-day bas

contained in

Rights Offieral items wE goal includroject, availct staff, the hievable baffice. The gThe DBE p

vertised con

Recommenenter for Eqcan be subcorm. At bid tsed by HQ sorm 863 is n

vantaged buct staff shoua mandato

h the Regio

prise, a firm

nt to Sectio

minorities or Asian Ameriher groups f(a) of the Sm

sis by the d

n the 49 CF

ce, at the rwill be consding type olability of DCDOT bidd

ased on theoal set on e

project specntract spec

ndation, is fqual Opportcontracted time and wstaff to verinot provided

usinesses iuld keep in ory requiremn Civil Righ


m must be:

on 3 of the

women; thcan, Africafound to bemall Busine


FR Part 26.

request of thidered by thf funding, fBEs for bid

ders list, etce informatioeach projeccial provisioifications.

filled out bytunity. Poteto Disadvahen evaluaify the goal d to project

is an impormind that a

ment is addhts Office a

anuary 31, 2

Federal Sm

he groups thn American

e economicess Act.

ged owners

he project she Region Cinal engine

d items, c. The goal n availablect will be on (workshe

y the Regionential items ntaged

ating bids set on the

t staff.

rtant additional

ded for as needed.



hat n, ally


staff, Civil er’s

set and


n that

January 2.22.05

Projectsstate fundevelopparticulaavailableproject.

Federallfunded sDBE reqproject i

1. Pmb

2. Pare

For addi


It is the its geogestablishconductspecificaDisadvaits overaincludesprojects track acprogram

The CDOEnterpriCommis

y 31, 2013


s administernds, local ament phase

ar project. Te or for the

ly funded psolely withoquirements s advertise

Projects funmust remain

e added af

Projects fundvertisemeemove all fe

itional guida


Region’s Craphical reghing projecing disputeations are pantaged Busall annual Ds monitoring


m implemen

OT Center se Participa

ssion with m


red by CDOgency funde, it may beThis may bpurpose of

rojects are out federal fand how cod, adjustme

ded solely wn funded softer advertis

ded wholly ent must remederal aid f

ance pleas


Civil Rights Ogion. Condt goals, pro resolution

part of admsiness Ente

DBE goal byg DBE partis of those ps, issues, atation.

for Equal Oation, and f

monthly rep

OT may be ds, or a come advantagebe due to nef funding ad

subject to funds. Exaontract DBEent of fundi

with non-feolely with nosement.

or in part wmain at leasfunds after

e contact y

Office respoducting outroviding techfor project inistering therprise goay the end oficipation on

projects’ DBnd discrepa

Opportunityfurnish the orts that lis


funded frommbination theous to adjew or additidditional pro

requiremenamples of thE goals areng sources

ederal aid fuon-federal a

with federalst partly funadvertisem

your area en

onsibility toreach to smhnical assisissues, and

hat programl and particf each fede

n both federBE percentaancies to m

will monitoRegion and

st Disadvan


m various shereof. Durust the fundional fundinojects or ex

nts that mayhese requiree establishes is limited a

unds at the aid funds. F

aid funds anded with fe



o administemall and disstance, estad enforcingm. The CROcipation to heral fiscal yerally fundedage goal ammonitor, ver

or Disadvand the Colorataged Busi

oject Develo

sources: fedring the proding source

ng sources xtending the

y not apply ements ma

ed. Therefoas follows:

time of advFederal fun

at the time ederal aid f

r the DBE padvantaged

ablishing prg compliancO will monihelp ensureear. This cd and state mounts. It iify, and ens

ntaged Busado Transpness Enter

opment Pro

deral fundsoject es for a becoming e scope of

to projectsay include thore, once a

vertisemennds are not

of funds. Do n

program wid businesseoject goals

ce with contitor each e CDOT mecommitment

funded s importantsure overal

iness portation rprise




s he

t to


thin es, , tract

eets t

t to l

Project D participastate.


1. 13 C2. 23 C3. 23 C

Regu4. 49 C

Depa5. Lates

Prov6. For f



ation on fed


CFR Part 12CFR Part 63CFR Subchaulations

CFR Part 26artment of Tst “DBE De

visions forms, see C//www.colo

ent Process

derally and

nal Referen

21, Small Bu35.107, Smaapter A, Pa

6, ParticipatTransportatefinitions an

CDOT on-liradodot.info


state funde


usiness Sizall and Disart 1, Sectio

tion by Disation Financnd Requirem

ine forms lio/library/for


ed projects

ze Regulatioadvantagedn 1.36, Com

advantagedial Assistanments” in th

brary rms

for each Re

ons d Business mpliance W

d Business nce Programhe CDOT S


egion and f

ParticipatioWith Federa


Standard Sp

anuary 31, 2

for the entir

on al Laws and

s in







Special specificaSpecial

1. PS

2. SSin

The ResprovisionchangedSpecificAll SectiEngineeMaterialspecial pprovisionaccordathe time


The StaStandarDevelopspecificafederallyspecifica


The Stabook to Special revised

y 31, 2013


Provisions ations coveprovisions

Project SpecSupplement

Standard SpSupplementntended for

sident Enginns and the d special pration Enginion 100 – “Ger’s concurr Engineer’sprovisions ans are inclunce with th of advertis


ndard Specrd Specificapment Branations usedy funded locations relate


ndard Specimplement Provisions requiremen


are additioering conditfall within o

cial Provisiotal Specifica

pecial Provital Specificatemporary

neer is respproject spe

rovisions arneer for revGeneral Prorence, and as concurrenare compleuded in the e latest list

sing the pro

rd Specific

cifications fations) is revch, Standa

d to control cal agency ed to road a

rd Special

cial Provisiocurrent CDhave an iss

nts related t


ns and revions specifi

one of the tw

ons: Additioations, spec

ision: Additations, specuse.

ponsible forecial provisire to be subiew at leastovisions” spall material

nce. The Rted accuratPlans, Speprovided fr



for Road anvised and rrds and Spthe work onadministerand bridge


ons revise, DOT construsue date anto procedur



isions to theic to an indwo followin

ons and revcific to a pro

ions and recific to a se

r preparing ions prior tobmitted to tht 2 weeks ppecifications specificat

Resident Entely, and alecifications rom the Sta

nd Bridge Creissued pepecificationsn CDOT trared projectsconstructio


clarify or suction and nd apply to res, current


e standard ividual projg categorie

visions to throject.

evisions to telected grou

referencedo the Final he Project prior to thein changes stion changegineer will l necessaryand Estima

andards an

Constructioneriodically bs Unit, and ansportations. This is thon.

upersede tmaterials rea group of

t wages, co

oject Develo

and suppleect or grou


he Standard

the Standaup of projec

d standard Office ReviDevelopmer inclusion

should havees should hverify that ay standard ate packagd Specifica

n (referred tby the Projecontains thn, maintenahe primary r

he Standarequirementf projects. Tonstruction

opment Pro

emental p of project

d and

rd and cts or which

special iew. All newent Branch'in the PS&e the Residhave the Reall the projespecial e in

ations Unit a

to as the ect he standardance, and reference fo

rd Specificats. StandarThey contamaterials a



h are

w or s E. ent

egion ect




ation rd

ain and

Project D technoloprojects

The StaProvisioChapterapplicablist of St http://ww


Project Sor modifand bid superseEngineeparticulaSpecial

Project Saddressprovide ensure pthe Stan

Special intendedResidenProvisio

Review frequentprovision

1. SU

2. Ep


ogy, and proin accorda

ndards andns and the

r 16 of the Cble special ptandard Spe



Special Profy a particulpackage spde the Stan

er specific inar project. Provisions

Special Proed in the Sproject speproper comndard Spec

provisions d to be comnt Engineer n.

Proceduraltly, and keens.

Submit everUnit (SSU) f

Expect SSUrovisions it

ent Process

oject manaance with th

d Specificatinstruction

CDOT Roadprovisions tecial Provis


Special Pr

ovisions arelar aspect, pecific to a ndard Specnformation Project Spethat apply

ovisions areStandard Specific mater

mpletion of aifications.

are essentmplementary

is respons

l Directive 5ep the follow

ry new projefor review a

U to delay adetermines


agement. She instructio

tion unit wrifor use in a

dway Desigto each prosions with in



e revisions titem or conparticular p

cial Provisioand require

ecial Provisto the proje

e used whepecificationsials and co

a project. T

ial parts of y and bindiible for the

513.1 and Cwing guidel

ect special at least two

pproval ands to be con


Standard Spons issued b

tes and updaccordancegn Guide. Toject. Eachnstruction fo


to the Stanndition contproject. Theons and proements relasions includect

n specific rs or in the Snstruction r

The provisio

the Contracng instructicontent an

Chapter 16 ines in min

provision toweeks befo

d initiate a mtroversial o

pecial Proviby the Proje

dates the Se with ProceThe Reside Region ha

for the use o


dard Specitained in thee Project S

ovide the Coated to specde an index

requiremenStandard Srequiremenons appear

ct, and conons to com

nd accuracy

of the 2005d when pre

o the Standore it is nee

more formaor have a br


isions are inect Develop

Standard Spedural Dire

ent Engineeas access toof each pro


ifications the plans, sp

Special Provontractor acific aspectof the requ

ts are not apecial Prov

nts to the Coas change

ntain requiremplete a proy of each Pr

5 Roadwayeparing proj

dards and Seded.

al review ofroad impac

anuary 31, 2

ncluded in pment Bran

pecial ective 513.1er adds the o the up-to-ovision:

cations .

hat supplemecificationsvisions nd Project ts of a uired Stand

adequately visions. Theontractor to

es to section

ements thaoject. The roject Spec

y Design Guject specia


f project spect. The mor





ment s,


ey o ns of

t are


uide l


ecial re



3. Swp

4. Spasath

5. Ppaaafop

6. Caasp

7. Dreo


1. InS

2. Nlis

3. Cretos

4. C

5. Fin

6. Tth

y 31, 2013

ormal reviewndustry repr

Submit a coweeks befor


Submit a proroject to SS new projecubmit it to S more thorohat determi

Prepare a neay item or tppear in thnd the Engpprove a nor that pay roblems wi

Check the Spproved prddress. If tpecial provroject, mod

Do not subveviewed adr other plan

ng are examrtation cons

ndex PagesSpecial Prov

Notice to Bidsts CDOT c

Commencemequiremento be shownchedule.

Contract Go

Force Accouncluded in t

Traffic Contrhe propose

w may invoresentative

mmonly usre it is need

oject speciaSU for reviect special pSSU. New ough reviewnation.

ew project the materiae Standard

gineering Esew pay itemitem are adth its use.

Specificationroject specithere is an

vision. If thedify it and su

vert the spedditions or cn notes.

mples of Prostruction pla

s – List the visions.

dders - Estaconstruction

ment and Cts and Contn when a ba

oals - Estab

unt Items - the Contrac

rol Plan, Ged method o

olve approps.

sed project sded if it has

al provisionew before itprovision on

project spew that may

special proals and consd Specificatstimates & m without cdequately c

ns page onal provisionapproved s

e existing submit it to S

cial provisiochanges to

oject Speciaans:


ablishes then represent

Completion tract time. Oar chart sch

lishes Disa

Identifies Cct.

eneral Contof handling


priate CDOT

special probeen signi

that was at is used onn more thanecial provisinclude add

ovision for astruction reions. SubmMarket Anaonsulting Sovered and

the CDOTn that coverspecial provspecial provSSU for rev

on developthe specific

al Provision

Project Spe

e required atatives assi

of Work - EOn small simhedule is all


CDOT's esti

tains key etraffic.


T staff or te

vision to SSficantly mo

approved fon other projen one projecions that wditional stak

a proposed equirementsmit that spealysis Unit (

SSU to ensud that there

T web site tors the issuevision, use vision is notview.

ment procecation requ

ns that are

ecial Provis

amount of tigned to the

Establishes mple projeclowed. Mos

Business E

imate for fo

lements of

oject Develo

echnical com

SU for revieodified for a

or use on a ects. If youct, indicate

will be widelykeholders;

new pay ites for that pa

ecial provisi(EEMA). Eure that the are no tec

o see if there you are trit instead o

t adequate

ess by incoirements in

usually inc

sions and S

the proposae project.

beginning cts it lists sast projects


orce accoun

the traffic c

opment Pro

mmittees an

ew at least particular

particular u intend to that when

y used requSSU will m

em when thay item do on to both S

EEMA will ne requiremehnical or po

re is alreadrying to of writing a for your

rporating un general no

luded in the


al guaranty

work alient featurequire a C

s goals.

nt work

control plan




use you uire


hat not SSU ot

ents olicy

dy an




y and

res CPM

n and

Project D

7. Ulim

8. R

9. Pth

The follo

1. TFOfos

2. TsSS



1. CDO2. Proc


Utilities - Lismits.

Right of Way

Project Speche project.

owing outlin

The ResidenFinal Office Office Revieor the approhould be ob

To request nhould follow

SpecificationSpecial Prov

Upon requesSpecificationSpecificationSSU at leas


OT Roadwaycedural Dire

ent Process

sts utility co

y Restrictio

cific Specia

nes the proc

nt EngineerReview pla

ew prior to fopriate discbtained.

new or revisw CDOT Prns. The Revisions for c

st by the Rens Unit (SSns and Estit 2 weeks b

nal Referen

y Design Gective 513.1


mpanies an

ons – Lists r

al Provision

cedures for

r will preparans and incfinal plan recipline, for e

sed Standarocedural Desident Engchanges an

esident EngSU) will revie

mate packabefore they


Guide, Chap1


nd types of


s - Contain

r preparatio

re Project Slude specif

eview. Conexample, co

ard Special Directive 51gineer will rend additions

gineer, the ew the speage. The spneed to be

pter 16

f utility reloc

that will aff

n specificati

on of specia

Special Profication chancurrence oonstruction

Provisions3.1, Constreview the cs prior to ad

Project Decifications pecificatione complete.


cations with

fect the pro

on changes

al provision

ovisions for nges made

of the perso, materials,

, the Residruction Projcurrent list odvertisemen

evelopment portion of th

ns should be

anuary 31, 2

hin the proje


s appropria


inclusion ine at the Finaon responsib, or bridge,

ent Engineject of Standardnt.

Standardshe Plans, e submitted



ate to

n the al ble




d to




The usematerialprojectsspecificacompetitwhere a

If only pwith all, reasonainclude tPublic Innot requ

When thfewer thshow tha

One or mInterest

1. Csy

2. C3. S


When reprocess(See Se

y 31, 2013



e of trade ors, specifica, NHS and ations shoution among particular

atented or or at least

able numbethe term “onterest list iuired.

he use of a an three suat no equal

more of theto justify th

CDOT certifynchroniza

CDOT certifSuch patentonstruction

esearch is ued through

ection 8.10


uction Con

r brand namations, or prnon-NHS,

uld be deveg equivalentproprietary

proprietary a reasonabr would be r approved t will be no

patented ouitable prodlly suitable

e following che use of pr

fies that suction with ex

fies that no ted or proprn on relative

used as thethe Resea




mes or the drocesses shregardless loped that wt materials product mu

products able number to specify tequal”. If a

ted in the s

or proprietarducts can bealternative

criteria musroprietary ite

ch patentedxisting transequally suirietary itemely short se

e justificatiorch Branchtal Items in



direct referehould be avof funding will obtain tor productsust be spec

are acceptaof accepta

three or moa product isspecification

ry (trade nae found, a Fexists.

st be documems:

d or propriesportation ftable alternis used for

ctions of ro

on for using h of the Divi this manua


ence to patvoided in cosource. Gethe desireds. There arecified for us

able, they shable materiaore equally s on the appn and the te

ame) item isFinding in t

mented in th

tary item isfacilities; ornative existsr research ooad for expe

a proprietaision of Traal).

oject Develo

tented or prontracts. Theneric cons results as e instancesse on a proj

hall be bid als or produsuitable pro

proved Finderm “or app

s essential the Public I

he Finding i

s essential fr s; or or for a disterimental p

ary item it mansportation

opment Pro

roprietary his applies struction

well as asss, however,ject.

as alternatiucts listed. oducts andding in the proved equa

for a projecnterest sha

in the Publi


tinctive typepurposes.

must be n Developm


to all


ives A


al” is

ct or all


e of


A Finding in the Public Interest may be written for use of a proprietary item on a specific project, for use on a region-wide basis, or for use on state-wide basis. A project-specific Finding in the Public Interest applies only to that one project and cannot be used to justify use of the proprietary item on other projects.

[Revised May 2020]11,. 3 P.nt Pror.


Project D


1. T2. N

F3. R


If any ofspecifiedsubmitte

Once a specificabasis.


Finding in the Public Interest will require the approval by the Resident Engineer (for project specific), Program Engineer (for regionwide use), or Branch Manager (for statewide use). Copies of approved project specific, regionwide and statewide Findings in the Public Interest shall be distributed to the Standards & Specifications Unit. The Standards & Specifications Unit will maintain a list of the approved products.

ed Findings

Three yearsNew producFinding in thResearch haecommend

f the above d for use oned for appro

proprietary ation can be

ent Process

in the Pub

have elapscts are founhe Public Inas been coation for us

criteria occn a project, oval.

item is acce written, th


blic Interest

sed from dad or createterest. mpleted onse of the pro

curs and thethen anoth

cepted as mhe material


are valid u

ate of approd that are e

n the patentoduct has b

e particularher Finding

meeting staor product

ntil any of t

oval. equal to the

ted or proprbeen made

r proprietaryin the Pub

ndards andshould be


the followin

e products i

rietary item.

y product mlic Interest

d a non-proselected on

anuary 31, 2

g criteria

in the origin

m and a

must still bemust be

oprietary n a compet





[Revised May 2020]PmiP.r.t 0 nt Pm :s


Januaryy 31, 2013


Projoject Develoopment Proocess

2.24.02 Procurement Contracts

A justification letter approved by the Manager of Procurement and Contract Services to the files certifies that no equally suitable or patented item exists for use on the project and that such patented or proprietary item is essential for the construction of the project. Generally, products identified by their brand or trade name are not to be specified without an "or equal" or equivalent phrase.

A Sole Source Certification Form

https://www.codot.gov/business/procurement-and-contract-services(shall be completed only for sole sources of goods or services.) This certification does not apply to situations classified as "Emergency Procurement" covered by CRS 24-103-206.

[Revised May 2020]11,. 3 P.nt Pror.


Project DDevelopmeent Processs


Jaanuary 31, 22013

[This page intentionally left blank.]

[Revised May 2020]PmiP.r.t 0 nt Pm :s




Most proneeded guidancdetermin

The stepCDOT's servicesthe FOR

The follo

1. Dw

2. P






3. BEinIT

4. Onre

5. Opfu

y 31, 2013


ojects will hfor field offe on determne what IT

ps should bIT personn

s are availaR stage and

owing steps

During the Fwho this is, c

Please prov

. Project npossible

. Number and the d

. Identity oduring thprocess

. Identity obringing will be ne

. Duration

Before the FEngineer witncluded whT equipmen

Only CDOT etwork andequires Inte

Once the prorovided by uture projec


have some fices, field lamining whaservices m

be taken dunel determinble at the p

d ready for C

s should be

FIR processcontact the

ide your reg

name, numblocations foof project fadate those of the CDOThe project –

of the CDOTtheir CDOTeeded by thof the proje

FOR procesth the CDOen the proje

nt they need

authorizedd primary Inernet acces

oject has cothe region



need for infabs, or anot those IT nay be need

ring the FIRne what IT

project site. CDOT proje

e taken to id

s, contact y CDOT He

gion IT sup

ber, start daor the facilitacilities reqfacilities areT staff (if it this inform

T staff on loT issued wohe FOR staect

ss, the regioOT IT requir

ect is sent od to provide

equipmentnternet connss it must pr

ome to a clIT support



formation teother projecneeds are; ided.

R process trequiremenThis will en

ect staff to

dentify IT ne

our region lp Desk at 3

pport team w

ate, and locties that are

quiring highe expectedhas been d

mation will b

ocation whoorkstations age of the p

on IT supporements for out to bid se to the pro

t and usersnection at throvide a se

ose, the onteam must



echnologyct facility. Tit includes s

to help the nts the projnsure that ause when t

eeds for the

IT support 303-757-93

with the foll

cation; this e within rea speed Inte

d to arrive odeterminede needed b

o (if it has bto the proje


ort team withe project

so contractooject.

s shall havehe project sparate serv

n-site netwot be returne

oject Develo


(IT) serviceThis subsecsteps to be

project engect has as all IT needsthe project

e project:

team. If yo317.

lowing infor

will help ITach of high-ernet that won site. ) who will bby the FOR

been determect site – th

ll provide tht. These caors will be a

e access to site. If the Cvice for its o

ork equipmed so it can

opment Pro


es. IT may ction providee taken to

gineer and well as wh

s are definesite is setu

u are unsu


T identify -speed Inte

will be on-sit

be on-site R stage of th

mined) will his informat

he Residenan then be aware of wh

the CDOT Contractor own use.

ent that wabe used on


be es

at ed by p.


ernet. te


be ion



as n

Project D


The Forcontrollinshortly t

The comcontractMethod “controllsimple psoftwareAn MS Pchart maspecificafor a parpreferreDesign pdevelopdecision

NOTE: Acompletis an itembut may

All specthat mayEnginee

In additiwhen co

1. U

2. E

3. N

4. Ir

5. S

6. P



m 859, Prong or salienhereafter p

mpleted Fort time, affec(CPM) sching items o

projects, CDe, and moreProject CPMay be used ations requrticular projd schedulinphase. Subment proce

ns with accu

A “controllinion time of m of work t

y not affect t

ific project fy impact coer is respon

on to the iteompleting th

Urgency of p

Effect of con

Need for coo

rrigation req

Special even

Production r

ent Process


oject Contront features rior to adve

rm 859 concted pay iteedule or a

of work” andDOT has che complex pM scheduleon very simire the Conect. Attach

ng method. bsequent mess will helpurate sched

ng item of wthe project

that may bethe overall

features, coontract time sible for ini

ems on thehe Form 85

proposed im

nstruction o

ordination w


nts, schedu

rates used.



ol Data, is ufor a constr

ertisement f

tains informm quantitiebar chart s

d “salient fehosen MS Pprojects wae should be mple projecntractor’s sching the MS A draft scodification

p the projecdule informa

work” is an iif the durat

e of special completion

onstruction should alstiation and

e form the fo59:


on local bus

with other p


ules, and ho



used to estaruction projfor bids.

mation that es, and a Mhowing esta

eatures.” AProject as itarrant the us

prepared fcts. Note thchedule to bS Project CPhedule shoand update

ct team makation.

item of wortion of this interest in

n of the proj

requiremeo be includcompletion

ollowing key


sinesses an


oliday impa


ablish the cject at the F

is relevant Microsoft (M

ablished timlthough a bts preferredse of this pfor all but thhat current be a CPM sPM Schedu

ould be prepes throughoke importan

rk that will eitem is incrcoordinatinject.

nts, and otded in the Fn of this form

y issues sh

nd property




contract timeFinal Office

to the deteMS) Project C

me allotted bar chart mad CPM schereferred sche simplest CDOT consschedule, uule output tpared earlyout the projnt and infor

extend the oreased. A “ng the proje

her specialForm 859. Tm.

hould also b


anuary 31, 2

e, and e Review or

ermination oCritical Patfor the ay be usededuling heduling toprojects. A

struction unless modo the 859 is

y in the projeect

rmed projec

overall “salient featect schedule

requiremeThe Reside

be documen



of h


ool. A bar

ified s a ect


ture” e,

ents ent


January The proc

1. Ch

2. D

3. Id

4. LP

5. Ca

6. D

Addition1. CDO2. For f

http:/3. CDO

y 31, 2013

cedures for

Complete thave been r

Determine c

dentify the c

ist items ofProject CPM

Complete thnd receive

Distribute Fo

nal RefereOT Construcforms, see C//www.colo

OT, Fundam

r preparing

he final Formesolved.

contract tim


f work in chM.

he Form 859Program E

orm 859 an

nces: ction ManuaCDOT on-liradodot.info

mentals of C

the Form 8

m 859 after

e for the pr

items of wo


9 four weekEngineer ap

nd attachme

al ine forms lio/library/for

CPM Sched


859 are:

r the Final O


ork, salient

l order on th

ks prior to tpproval sign


brary rms

duling Using


Office Revie

features, a

he Bar Cha

he schedulnature.

g Microsoft

oject Develo

ew and all k

nd related w

art of Form

led advertis


opment Pro

key issues

working da

859 or the

sement date





Project D


The finaapparen

All bid itunit quain the Co


1. P

2. R

3. P

4. C

5. R

Copies oapplicabthey are

The Reswith the

1. Tfr

2. T

3. TE

4. Ta


To proviadhered



al engineer'snt low bidde

ems listed ntities and ontracts an

activities inc


Review of F


Creation of b

Retention of

of estimateble. Estimae no longer

sident EnginEEMA. Th

The Residenrom the EE

The EEMA p

The EEMA rEngineer.

The EEMA ddvertiseme


ide for the cd to:

ent Process


s estimate wer's bid on t

in the consgiven to the

nd Market A


unit pricing

inal Office

of the final

bid tabulatio

f historical

s prior to bates will be confidentia

neer shouldhe following

nt EngineerMA.

provides un

reviews any

determines ent.

e Security




will be usedhe project.

struction plae Engineer

Analysis Bra

prior to the

Review eng


ons based

cost data.

id will be seconfidentia


d coordinatg activities d

r tabulates

nit prices fo

y subseque

the unit pr

lity of the es



d as a basis

ans are taburing Estimatanch for ass

e Final Offic

gineer’s est

s estimate p

on contract

ent to CDOal prior to th

e each stagdescribe the

the plan qu

r the Prelim

ent estimate

ices for the

stimate, the


s for either

ulated by thtes and Masignment o

ce Review


prior to adve

tor bids.

T Regions e bid open

ge of the pre cost estim

uantities an

minary Engi

es as reque

e final estim

e following



award or re

he Residenarket Analysof unit prices



and FHWAing, after th

roject estimmate review

d requests

ineer's Esti

ested by the

mate prior to

restriction s

anuary 31, 2


ejection of

t Engineer sis Unit (EEs.


A when he bid open

mating procew:

unit prices


e Resident


shall be



with EMA)




1. Esy

2. C3. T



1. 23 C2. CDO3. CDO

Deta4. Estim

y 31, 2013

Engineers pystem.

Consultants The Enginee

y CDOT po


CFR Part 63OT ProceduOT Proceduailed Estimamated Total

repare thei

prepare “qer’s Estimaolicy.

nal Referen

30B, Plans, ural Directivural Directivate l Project Co

r cost estim

quantity onlyte is protec


Specificative 303.01, Ae 511.1, Se

ost (see Se


mates using

y” estimatected by the

ons and EsAward of Coecurity and

ection 1.02 o


g the CDOT

es. computer s

stimates ontract – JuConfidentia

of this man

oject Develo

T computeri

system and

ustification iality of the


opment Pro

ized estima

d is confiden

of Bid Engineer’s




Project D


The Finaand costto be a fwhich thconsultaall varian

Design Buse of n

The Resindividuaresponsschedule

1. F



2. P





al Office Ret estimatesfully complehe Plans, Spants. Prior nces have

Bulletin 200ew or revis

sident Enginals from vaibility of thee, budget, s

Final Office

. Plans an

i. Comrequ

ii. All sthe

Cost EstimAn updateaccount woway, utilitie


. Initiation The FinaResidentconvenieEngineer

. DistributiCopies oEngineerOffice RecontrolleDirectiveEstimate

ent Process


eview (FOR for comple

eted plan sepecificationto the Finalbeen appro

09-5 Projecsed project

neer leads rious CDOTe Resident scoping, de

Review doc

nd specifica

mplete projeuired for cospecial provFinal Office

mate (not tod cost estimork and othes, construc

of the Finaal Office Ret Engineer. ent to the mr. ion of the Pof the plans r at least seeview. Thed and will b

e 511.1, Sece.



R) is a final eteness andet. A Final

ns and Estiml Office Revoved (See S

ct Special Pspecial pro

the projectT work unitEngineer is

esign, and q

cuments sh


ect plans coonstruction.visions nece Review.

be distribumate of all fher items chction engin

al Office Review will be The Final

majority of th

Plans, Specand specia

even days, e distributiobe distributecurity and C



review of cd accuracy.Office Rev

mate (PS&Eview, the RSection 2.0

Provisions sovisions on

design teas, consultas to ensure quality are s

hall consist

ontaining a

cessary for

uted except finalized plahargeable teering, and

eview e initiated, sOffice Rev

he attendee

cifications, aal provisionbut preferan of any preed only in aConfidentia

construction. The Final

view is condE) are final

Resident En5).

summarizesCDOT con

am. A designts and entthat the imsuccessfull

of the follo

all necessar

the project

as describan quantitieto the projed indirect co

scheduled aview will be es, as deter

and Estimans will be disably 14 dayseliminary co

accordanceality of the E


n plans, spel Office Revducted for aized by CDgineer shou

s CDOT postruction pr

gn team cotities. The

mportant objly accompli

owing plan p

ry tabulation

, current as

bed below) es, includingct such as osts.

and conducheld in the

rmined by t

te packagestributed bys, in advanost estimat with CDOT

Engineer’s D

anuary 31, 2

ecificationsview plans all projects

DOT or its uld ensure

licies regarrojects.

onsists of principal jectives (e.gshed.


ns and deta

s of the date

g planned fdesign, righ

cted by the office mosthe Residen

e. y the Residce of the F

te is rigidly T ProcedurDetailed


, are on





e of

force ht of

st nt

dent inal






y 31, 2013

Plans anEngineermemo w

i. FHWAii. Regiii. Projiv. Geov. Regvi. Regvii. Regviii. Regix. Regx. Regxi. Regxii. Regxiii. Regxiv. Regxv. Lanxvi. Coloxvii. Othxviii. Conxix. Oth

. Those reand accuto presenSpecialtiIf their inResident

. Conduct The Resso the paattend. Fensure thfor the finmade at

. DocumenThe Rescorrectiowill sendwho wereEngineerbe sent t On consuReview m

nd special pr will determithout the p

A-Attn.: Opgion Transpject Structuotechnical Egion Planningion Progragion Materiagion Right ogion Utility Egion Hydraugion Profesgion Maintegion Residegion Traffic ndscape Arcorado Stateer Local, S

nsultants ers as dete

eceiving plauracy of connt their recoes with signvolvement t Engineer of the Finaident Enginarticipants cFollowing thhat all correnalization oor prior to tntation ident Enginns and rev the minutee originally r will keep ato others, a

ultant-desigmeeting and

provisions wmine when plans):

perations Enportation Diural EngineEngineer ng and Env

am Engineeals Engineeof Way ManEngineer ulics Enginesional Land

enance Supent EngineeEngineer


e Patrol State or Fed

ermined by

ans and spenstruction dommendationificant invois limited, tprior to the

al Office Reneer shouldcan recognhe Final Offections are of the plansthe Final O

neer will maisions that

es reportingsent Final

a copy of ths the Resid

gned projecd prepare a


will be transand to who

ngineer rector er

vironmentaler er nager

eer d Survey Cperintendener

deral Agenc

the Reside

ecifications details and ons for reviolvement shthey can coFOR meet

eview d prepare anize which pfice Reviewmade for a, special prffice Review

aintain one result from

g the resultsOffice Rev

he marked-dent Engine

cts, the conand distribu


smitted to thom it is app

l Manager



ent Enginee

will review plan quantisions and chould atten

ommunicateting and no

n agenda foparts of the w meeting, tadvertising. rovisions, aw.

set of printthe review

s of the Finiew notificaup plans an

eer deems

nsultant will ute the minu

oject Develo

he followingropriate to


them for coities, and wcorrections

nd the Finale their conct attend.

or the Finalmeeting ththe Reside All decisiond cost est

ts on which w. The Resi

al Office Reation. The Rnd additionnecessary.

conduct thutes. The c

opment Pro

g (the Residdistribute th

ompleteneswill be prepas at the FOR Office Rev

cerns to the

l Office Revhey should nt Engineeons necesstimate will b

to record tident Engineview to allResident al copies w

he Final Offconsultant w


dent he

ss ared R. view. e


r will ary


he neer l


ice will

Project D


incorporasubmit toreproduccorrectio

ent Process

ate all modo the Residcibles, CADns, if applic


ifications agent Engine

D files, and tcable.


greed to inter the minuthe Final O

to the plansutes of the mffice Review


s and specimeeting, thw documen

anuary 31, 2

ifications anhe revised nts with





Plans anthe consthe anticreceived

The Resto help fReprodu

Whoeve1299 Plabefore there: ht

A compl

1. Ss

2. Pch

3. P

The EngAnalysisrequired

The ResEstimatesectionsand repr

1. C

2. Ra

3. OPre

4. Rfe

y 31, 2013


nd specificastruction itecipated cosd.

sident Enginfinalize the uction.

er checks thans, Specifthe project ttp://www.c

lete PS&E s

Standard Spupplemente

Plans in the ross-sectioydraulics, s

Project costs

gineering Es Branch wid to perform

sident Engine package. s, special prroduction w

Compiling th

Running thend Market A

Obtaining CProject Scopeceived in w

Reviewing thederal and


ations of a pems in sufficts in detail

neer shouldplans befor

he Plans, Sfications anis advanceoloradodot

set of plans

pecificationsed or modif

form of detns. These

structures, s

s of bid item

stimates anill review or

m the work (

neer is respThe packa

rovisions, ework order. A

he final plan

e final EnginAnalysis Un

DOT clearaping/Clearawriting. Em

he final Plastate requir


project descient detail to permit a

d use portiore advancin

pecificationnd Estimated to Advert.info/library

s shall inclu

s for Road fied by spec

tailed drawplans contasoil, pavem

ms, force ac

nd Market Ar establish p(see Sectio

ponsible forage includesestimate, scAssembly i

n sheets.

neer's Estimnit in the Co

ance approance Recordmails are an

ns, Specificrements.



cribe the loto facilitaten effective

ons of the Fng the proje

ns and Estim Checklist ttisement any/forms/cdot


and Bridgecial provisio

ings, layouain informat

ments, and o

ccount item

Analysis Unprices for mn 2.27 of th

r assemblins, but is notchedule, adnvolves:

mate, as revontracts an

vals and sigrd. Clearancn acceptable

cations, and


RM 1299

ocation and e constructioreview and

Form 1299 ect to Adve

mate (PS&to ensure thnd Reprodut1299.docx

e Constructions to suit t

ts, profiles,tion pertainother featur

ms, right of w

nit in the Comaterials, lahis manual)

ng the final t limited to,


viewed by tnd Market A

gn-offs as rces from Spe form of cl

d Estimate

oject Develo


design feaon. The es

d compariso

not coveredrtisement a

E) should uhe plans aruction. Formx/view

tion. This bothe specific

, and any aning to geomres of the p

way, and ut

ontracts andabor, and eq).

Plans, Spe plan sheet

nt notice, bi

the EngineeAnalysis Bra

required onpecialty Unlearance.

for complia

opment Pro

atures with astimate refleons of bids

d in Form 1and

use the Forre completem 1299 is fo

ook will be c contract.

appropriatemetrics, project.

tility costs.

d Market quipment

ecifications,ts, cross-d documen

ering Estimanch.

n Form 104its should b

ance with


all ects


rm e ound

, and



8, be

Project D

5. Sre

The ForEngineeadvertis

Immediafinish theEngineeControl

Addition1. 23 C2. Proc

Proje3. For f



Submitting teproduction

m 1048, Prer. All clearaement of a

ately prior toe final chec

er shall alsoData, Form

nal RefereCFR Part 63cedural Direects forms, see C//www.colo

ent Process

he Plans, Sn center.

roject Scopances outlinproject.

o requestinck of the bido confirm alm 1048, and

nces: 35B, Force Aective 520.1

CDOT on-liradodot.info



ing/Clearanned on the

ng that a prod package fl clearance

d check she

Account Co1, Documen

ine forms lio/library/for


ns, and Est

nce RecordForm 1048

oject is advfollowing R

es and requeets) have b

onstructionnts for Bidd

brary rms

timate pack

d, is to be co8 will be obt

vertised the Region proce

irements (sbeen met.

ding and Co


kage for pri

ompleted btained prior

Resident Eedures. Thsee Form 8

ontracting o

anuary 31, 2

inting to the

by the Residr to

Engineer we Resident

859, Project

on Construc




ill t




After thefederal a(StandaSAP in oproject. and FormExclusioEnvironm

Obligatio SAP Ste

1. Z

2. Z

3. U

4. Z

5. Z

6. M

Constru10 perce

1. Ifthd

2. Ifto


1. F

2. Fa

3. Afr

These foadvertis

y 31, 2013


e final Plansand state rerds Certificorder to obl The Residm 859 have

on projects,mental Man



ZJ14 - Form

ZJ17 – Form

Update Trns

ZJ23 – Initia

ZJ30 – Trac

ME51N – Cr

ction Estiment of the C

f the estimahe project bepending if

f the estimao ensure th

zation is req

Final Form 4

Form 1180 wnd Estimat

An approvedrom the reg

orms shouldement date


s, Specificaegulations hation and Pligate the co

dent Enginee been app the Form 1


m 463 – Fina

m 128 – Env

s*port fundi

ate Form 11

ck Form 118

reate a Pur

mate in TrnsConstruction

ate is 10% obefore it canf a STIP am

ate is 10% le budget is

quested fro

463 (Design

workflow(Ste Approval

d Form 128gion.

d be submie to allow ad


ations and Ehave been Project Planonstruction

eer cannot iproved by th128 has be



ng to match


80 progress

rchase Req

*port reviewn funds bud

over the bun be advertmendment i

ess than ths not more t

m FHWA o

n Data)

tandards C)

8 (Environm

tted to OFMdequate tim



Estimate armet the Re

ns, Specific phase andnitiate the F

he Programen finalized

al Manager

h SAP fund


uisition for

wed by CDOdgeted.

dget, then atised. Be aws required.

he budget, tthan 10% o

once OFMB


mental Cate

MB at least me for OFM



re reviewedesident Engcations and d obtain appForm 1180

m Engineer ad and appro



OT Cost Es

additional fware this m

then funds over the est

B receives:

and Projec

egorical Exc

7-10 days MB/FHWA to

oject Develo


d and all reqgineer initiat

Estimates proval to aduntil the finand, for Caoved by the


stimating h

funds must may take up

need to be timate.

ct Plans, Sp

clusion Dete

prior to theo process t

opment Pro

quirementstes Form 1Approval) idvertise thenal Form 46ategorical e Region

as to be wi

be added tto 2-3 mon




e scheduledhe


of 180 in e 63


to nths





Project D authorizadequatrequire t

The Regsafety stpackage

The Regto adverbudget dplannedpercent,notificatiadvertis

The ForManage463, cur

When Othey willforward

A federaphase oa projecconstitut

Once thbe found


To deter(CJ20N)appear i

NOTE: (particip


zation requetely before two weeks

gion Progratandards hae by approv

gion Businertise the prodeficits up t action vers the clearaion of the Cement of th

m 1180 wilement and Brrent cost e

OFMB receiv approve ththe packag

al aid constbligation/au

ct does not tes authoriz

e Construcd in SAP us

HWA has obOFMB will,

rmine whet). If the proin the “FHW

23 CFR Paating) for c

ent Process

est. Therefthe plannedto approve

am Engineeave been mving the For

ess Manageoject. With tto 10 percesus Enginence indicat

Chief Enginehe project b

l then be foBudget). Thstimate and

ves the comhe budget foge to FHWA

ruction projuthorizationinclude anyzation to pr

ction phase sing transac

bligated andin turn, aut

her a projeoject has reWA Agreem

art 630.106 osts incurre


fore the stad advertisethe PS&E

er will certifymet, and aprm 1180 in

er will certifthe Region’

ent (based oeer's Estimaes approvaeer. Deficit

because of

orwarded inhe Residentd Form 128

mpleted Foor advertise

A for obligat

ject will notn has been y federal funroceed with

is authorizection ZJ40

d authorizethorize the

ct has receceived FHW

ment Date” f

specifies thed prior to t


rt of the forment date.package fo

y on Form 1prove the PSAP.

fy on Form ’s approvalon Transpoate). For pral by the Rets greater trequired Tr

SAP to OFt Engineer

8 (if applica

rm 1180 anement (if ontion and au

t be advertisreceived frnding final aadvertisem

ed by FHWor CJ20N.

ed the Fedebudget for

eived FHWAWA authorizfield in the C

hat federal the dates o

rm 1180 woWhen FHW

or authorizin

1180 that aPlans, Spec

1180 in SA, projects m

ortation Comrojects withegion Transhan 15 perransportatio

FMB (Officeis responsible) to OFM

nd all of thenly state funuthorization

sed for bidsrom FHWA approval of


WA, the FHW

eral Funds, advertisem

A authorizazation, the CJ20N Use

funds shalof obligation


orkflow shouWA has oveng funds fo

appropriate cifications,

AP that fundmay be advmmission bu deficits gre

sportation Drcent may don Commis

e of Financible for forwMB.

e associatednds are use of Federal

s until the cIn those in

f the budge

WA authoriz

they will rement.

ation, you cadate it was

er fields.

l not be usen and autho

anuary 31, 2

uld be timeersight, theor construct

design andand Estima

ds are availvertised withudget plus eater than 1Director anddelay the ssion action

ial warding the

d documened), or will Funds.

constructionstances wh

et action

zation date

spond to

an log into s approved

ed orization.


ed y


d ate

able h

10 d



n here


SAP will

January Federal projectscharges

Addition1. 23 C

Spec2. 23 U3. CDO

(DSR4. 23 C5. For f


y 31, 2013

Highway A. See Secti can be ma

nal RefereCFR Part 62cifications a

USC 106, PrOT ProceduR) CFR Part 63forms, see C//www.colo

Administratioon 1.03 an

ade against

nces: 25, Design Sand Estimatroject Appro

ural Directiv

30A, FederCDOT on-liradodot.info

on authorizd Section 1t a project.

Standards ftes oval and O

ve, 512.1, P

ral-Aid Projeine forms lio/library/for


zation is not1.04 of this

for Highway

versight Project Scop

ect Authorizbrary rms


t required fomanual for

ys, and Pa

ping and De


oject Develo

or non-feder an explana

rt 630B, Pla

esign Scop

opment Pro

eral-aid ation of wh


ping Review




Project D


After thecreate athe fundensure t

The Res

For a stainstructio

Link to

ME51N - FeFunded Con


PRs for different

After youFirst youBusinesrelease will also Contract

For fede“FHWA Purchasobligatiostates thobligatio



e project is a Purchase ds and advethe project

sident Engin

andard CDOon on how

ME51N – C

ederally nstruction


Bridge Enttly and instr

u have savu will need ts Office anmust be cobe requirets Unit on t

erally fundeAgreement

se Requisition are comphat federal fon and agre

ent Process


authorized Requisition

ertise the prhas adequa

neer will cre

OT project,to fill out a

Create a Co


erprise or Truction for t

ed the PR, to send thed request t

ompleted prd on the rehe *HQ-CU

d projects, t Date” has on on a fedplete. Thesfunds shall eement. Se



by OFMB fn (PR) in SAroject. It alsate funds fo

eate the PR

, please usePR for a st



Tolling Entethose PRs a

you’ll neede PR numbehat they aprior to the pquest adve


the Purchabeen rece

derally fundse requirem

not be usee Figure 2-



for advertisAP. The PRso will serveor advertise

R using tran

e the attachtandard CD

n Project P


erprise projeare attache

d to record ter to both thpprove (akaproject gettinertise letter tion Contrac

ase Requisiived. SAP w

ded project ents are ba

ed for costs -3.


sement, theR is generae as a preliement in the

nsaction co

hed ResourDOT funded

PR Resour

ects will need as a refe

the PR numhe Programa release) thng advertisthat will bects Unit dis

ition shouldwill not allowunless the ased on 23Cincurred p



e Resident Eally a requeminary bude construct

ode ME51N

rce guide wd project.

rce guide

eed to be crerence belo

mber for futm Engineer he PR in SA

sed. The PR sent to the

stribution lis

d not be staw the compfederal appCFR 630.1rior to the d

anuary 31, 2


Engineer west to encumdget check ttion phase.


with the pro

reated ow.

ture referenand the AP. This R informatioe Constructst.

arted until thpletion of thproval and 06 which

date of


will mber to



on ion

he he



1. In(p(pCF

2. Wast“F

3. BGnp

4. TDre

y 31, 2013


n the “Accoprojects thaprojects tha

Category” fieFHWA agree

When a P isutomaticalltate only fuFHWA Agre

Based on thGeneral Led

ot alter or eroject befor

The Region Date.” The Regarding Pu


P Purchas

unt Assignat require feat do not neeld of the Pement date

s entered foy check for

unds, there eement Dat

e “Accountdger Numbeedit the G/Lre going to

Business ORegion Busurchase Re

Fhecking FHW

e Requisit

ment Categederal authoeed federal Purchase Ree is in place

or the “Accor the “FHWAis no validate.”

t Assignmeer (G/L NumL Number o


Office shousiness Officequisitions o


igure 2-3 WA Agreem

tion Points

gory,” enterorization) oauthorizatioequisition is

e and federa

ount AssignA Agreemeation check

nt Categorymber) in theon a Purchament.

ld also crose should beor the “FHW


ment Date


r either a P or a Z for a on). The “As a critical fal participat

nment Categent Date”. Ifk on whethe

y,” SAP core Purchasease Requisi

ss check foe contactedWA Agreem

oject Develo

for a particnon-particip

Account Assfield for enstion is appr

gory” field, f a Z is enteer or not the

rrectly popue Requisitioition for a c

or the “FHWd for any qu

ment Date.”

opment Pro

cipating propating projesignment suring that roved.

SAP will ered indicatere is an

ulates the n. Please donstruction

WA Agreemeuestions


oject ect


do n


Project D

5. IfC

6. UU


1. Link http:/


f the PurchaCDOT is in j

Upon awardUnit.


to BE CDO//vupweb.d

ent Process

ase Requisjeopardy of

d of the proj

nal Referen

OT combineot.state.co.


sition is creaf losing the

ect, the PR


ed PR creat.us/gm/folde


ated incorrefederal fun

R will be con

tion resourcer-1.11.300

ectly prior tonds for the p

nverted into

ce guide 001


o the federaproject.

o a PO by t

anuary 31, 2

al obligatio

the Agreem






The Resspecial papplicab(VCC). Fthe docu

1. CSCdad

2. CTd

3. AEwin

4. TUo1reCs Aatha


The PrinProject Dconstrucfrom For

y 31, 2013


sident Enginprovisions, ble, and sevFour groupsuments at d

CDOT ProjeSupporting tContractor’s

eferrals. Ths possible, iscussion o



Agencies: External agewho may nenternal revie

The ContracUpon award

f plans and02 Project eceive with

Contractor’special prov

After Award t the Visuahe Award pnd are ship

Form 28

nting and VDistributionction documrms 644 an


neer develobid schedu

veral forms s of peopledifferent sta

ect Staff: the advertiss questions his group nejust in case

of Form 644

struction StaConstructio

encies sucheed the Ad aew and pro

ctor: d of the Cond specificatiPlans and out cost an

s Award setvisions, plus

distributionl Communilan sets wit

pped to the

87 Project

isual Commn (See Figurment sets thnd 155) are


ops an Advules, cross s

for the Prin receive the

ages. The g

sement (Adand submieeds the Ade there are4.)

aff: on Staff can

h as FHWAand revisio

ocesses (se

ntract, the Cons. The pOther Data

nd how the Cts include As all revision

n, the Contrcation Centhin one weResident E


municationsre 2-4.) as hat will be pcombined



vertisement sections ornting and Vese documroups are:

) process, tts-revisionsd documen immediate

n wait for no

A, other fedens-under-a

ee discussio

Contractor wroject spec

a, specifies Contractor

Ad plans, stans-under-ad

ractor’s Awter in Denv

eek, these sEngineer.


s Center bua workshee

printed. All sto get a tot



package wr other suppVisual Comm

ents. Each

the CDOT s-under-ad nts and revie Contracto

ormal groun

eral agencied documen

on of Form

will be sent cial provisiohow many will receiveandard sped.

ward sets wiver. If the Csets are lab

usiness procet for determsections of tal print run

oject Develo


which includplemental inmunications of these gr

Project Staand requessions-under questions

nd delivery

es, and Locnts as soon644.)

t Contractoron, Revision

sets the Coe the documecial provisi

ill be availaontractor d

beled “Cont

cess uses mining the the form (i. The const

opment Pro

des plans, nformations Center roups need

aff answerssts for bid

er-ad as soos. (See

of all

cal Agencie as possibl

r’s Award sn of Sectionontractor w

ments. The ions, projec

ble for pickoesn’t pick tractor’s Se

Form 287 total numbencluding totruction





es e for

sets n will


k-up k up ets”

er of tals

Project D documeprinting.


nt sets nee The goal o

ent Process

eded for theof VCC is to


e entire Ad to print only



through awonce.

igure 2-4 ple Form 2

ward proces



ss are printe

anuary 31, 2

ed in one in

Standard Distribution se

Ad sets

Award sets





The illusrun. For sets tharevisionsThe AwaRevisionthe projenumber in the spsets, the

y 31, 2013

stration in Feach regio

t will be prins-under-ad ard sets aren of Sectionect’s speciaof Award s

pecial provie Designer

Figure 2-5 ison, the numnted and seare printed

e the Contrn 102-Projeal provision sets on the sion. If the will need to

s the top pamber design

ent by groud, each is sractor’s setsect Plans an

for the numForm 287 mspecial pro

o order them


art of Formated here wnd deliveryent separats, as specifnd Other Damber of setsmust be eqovisions stam (see disc


287, the stwill be the ny to the regitely to the rfied in the pata. The Des the Contrual to or lar

ate that thecussion on

oject Develo

tandard disnumber of aion for distrregion for dproject specesigner neeractor is to rger than wContractor Form 155.)

opment Pro

tribution pradvertisemeribution. Asdistribution. cial provisioeds to checreceive. Th

what is specr will get mo)


int ent

on, ck he cified ore

Project D

INSTR ♥ 6 10 15

After Visualof planof fullpickedbe senmay breprodbidderreprod


RUCTIONS T Insert the apsets for write-

0 sets for norm5 sets for majo

the proposals hl Communicatins and special l-size major strd up the plans ant to the Residebe purchased onduction prices. r or they may pduction prices.

ent Process

TO DESIGNEppropriate numup projects.

mal projects witor projects (mo

PRhave been openions Center, 42provisions; an

ructure plan shand other availent Engineer inn a cash sale ba Subcontractor

purchase copie


FTop Pa

ERS (delete insmber of plan se

th plan sheets.re than 100 she

REVISIONROJECT PLANned, the low re201 East Arkand if available feets, and one slable data by 4n charge of the asis from CDOrs and suppliers on a cash sal


igure 2-5 art of Form

structions and sets:


N OF SECTIONNS AND OTHsponsible bidd

nsas Avenue, Dfor the project, set of computer:00 p.m. on theproject. Addit

OT's Visual Comrs may obtain pe basis from th


symbols from

N 102 HER DATA der may obtain Denver, Colora

one set of fullr output data. e second Fridaytional sets of pmmunication Cplans and otherhe Visual Comm


final draft):

from CDOT's ado 80222, at nl-size cross secIf the low bidd

ay after bid opeplans and otherCenter at currer data from the

mmunication Ce

anuary 31, 2

Printing and no cost: ♥ sets tions, one set

der has not ening, they willr available dataent e successful enter at current


l a




This formRecord

y 31, 2013

Form 64

m has threesets for the

44 Plan Dis

e functions.e residency

Form 644:

stribution R

. The first fuand Consu

FResident E



unction is foultants. (Se

igure 2-6 Engineer Or


or the Residee Figure 2-

rders Reco

oject Develo

dent Engine-6.)

ord Sets

opment Pro

eer to orde



Project D The secstandardquestion

The Visurequeste


cond functiod mail. Thens. (See Fig

ual Commued and at th

ent Process

on is for these are the dgure 2-7.)

unications Che requesto

Form 64


e Resident Edocuments

Center doesor’s expens

F44: Residen


Engineer tos needed im

s not ship ose.

igure 2-7 nt Engineer

o order the 2mmediately

overnight m

r Orders 2 S


2 sets that to answer C

mail unless s


anuary 31, 2

will be shipContractor




January The thirdagencieManageAgencieThese athe Printimmediathe Formeach is r

y 31, 2013

d function iss such as t

ement, and es such as care ordered ting and Visate Ad copiem 155 but wreceived.

s to order che Federal National Pacities, counin the box

sual Commes, the Res

will have to


copies that Highway A

ark Serviceties, and spbelow (See

munications sident Enginremember

F644: Copie


will be needAdministratie. Also, deppecial improe Figure 2-8Center. No

neer can orto mail the

igure 2-8 es for Exter


ded immedion, Forest

pending on ovement di8.) and are ote: if theserder construAd sets an

rnal Agencie

oject Develo

diately for eService, Buthe projectistricts maysent to the

e agencies duction docund revisions


opment Pro

external ureau of La, Local

y want copiee individualsdon’t need ument sets s-under-ad,



es. s by

on , as

Project D 2.32.03

This formdocume

The secwant you


Form 15

m has threents. (See F

cond functiour order pri

ent Process

55 Reprodu

e functions.Figure 2-9.)

Form 155

on is to tell tnted. (See


uction Wor

. The first f

F5: Authorize

the PrintingFigure 2-10


rk Order

function is t

igure 2-9 e Printing o

g and Visua0.)

to authorize

of Ad Docum

al Commun


e the printin


ications Ce

anuary 31, 2

ng of the Ad

enter how y





The thirdflexibility

1. Tb

7. T

8. Ta

9. Tsafo “ISs

In aSp

y 31, 2013

d function oy to order m

There aren’tox,

The project

The Residengencies, an

The Revisioets for the Csk for additollowing wo

n addition tSpecial Provhould be on

addition to the stapecial Provisions, P


of this form more sets of

t enough se

is large and

nt Engineernd

n of SectioContractor.tional sets oording:

to the standvisions, Pronly the add

andard printing, plProject Special Pr

FigForm 155: P

(See Figurf document

ets identifie

d construct

r wants to s

n 102 requ. In the “Adof specific s

dard printinoject Speciaitional docu

lease print X sets Provisions, and cro


gure 2-10Printing Inst

re 2-11.) givts for the fo

d on Form

ion staff wil

send plan s

ires the Redditional Infsets. For e

g, please pal Provisionuments that

of plans, Standaoss sections.



ves the Resollowing situ

287 in the

ll need add

sets and rev

sident Engformation” bexample, Re

print X sets ns, and crost will be nee


oject Develo

sident Engiuations:

Standard D

itional copi

visions und

ineer to ordbox, you neepro sugge

of plans, Sss sectionseded.)

opment Pro

neer the



er ad to ou

der additioneed to clearests the

Standard s.” (This list




nal rly

Project D

Using thspecs, cit’s imposubmitte

To reducare nowResidento the prresiding electronneed, wwill deveappropriThis list and 155

Final plain a newwebsite.number


he Form 287cross sectioortant that thed.

ce the amow distributingnt Engineer roject Conson the FTPic copies qhich typicalelop a prelimiate, bid scshould be


ans, speciaw folder und. NOTE: Wr and ad da

ent Process


7, the Printons, etc. thahe Residen

ount of papeg FIR and Fmay send

struction PlaP server areuickly. Indivlly is not theminary disthedules anincluded in

l provisionsder \\public\hen choosate, not a s


Figrm 155: Ord

ing and Visat are neednt Engineer

er being useFOR plans out a “Notic

ans and Spe removed viduals attee full set of ribution list d at what sthe FOR n

s, bid schedreprojobs\p

sing a namsubaccoun


gure 2-11dering Addi

sual Commed for the eorder enou

ed during pelectronicace of FOR”

pecial Provisafter 10 da

ending the Fdocumentsof who nee

stage they anotes and u

dule, and Foplansandsp

me for the nnt.

itional Sets

unications entire projeugh sets wh

project deveally. In the c meeting visions on th

ays, project FOR may ps. At the FOeds plans, sare neededsed in filling

orms 155 apecs which new folder


Center princt at one timhen Form 2

elopment, scase of the ia email ane FTP site.reviewers

print the docOR, the Resspecificatio

d – either Adg out the fo

and 644 shois the Repruse the ac

anuary 31, 2

nts all the pme. Therefo287 is

some RegioFOR, the d provide a. Since filesmust get thcuments thsident Engi

ons, and, whd or Awardorms 287, 6

ould be plaro folder onctual proje


lans, ore,


a link s

heir ey ineer hen .


ced the ct

January ReproduThe Ad are heldperiod is

As Revisaccordin

y 31, 2013

uction combsets are iss

d in the Prins over and A


bines all forsued as insnting and ViAward is m

er-Ad are co

rms and pristructed on sual Comm


ompleted, V


nts both AdForms 287


VCC will pri


d and Awar, 155 and 6

s Center un

int them an

oject Develo

rd documen644. The retil the adve

nd distribute

opment Pro

nts at this tiemaining seertisement

e them


me. ets

Project D


CDOT tylonger oEngineeManage

Two weeweeks is635.112steward

An adve(Contracthe projeInnovativperiod.

The acti

1. P

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. Aa

6. P

The Resthe Formdiscrepa

The ResVisual Cshould b

1. F

2. F

3. P

4. O



ypically advor shorter ader is to requer.

eks is the ms the minim2(b) unless ship agreem

ertisement pctors) may ect has a unve Contrac

vities that l

Process des

Check estim

Check final d

Compile the

Approve thedvertiseme

Prepare the

sident Enginm 1048, Proancies have

sident EnginCommunicabe included

Form 644, P

Form 155, R

Project sche

Original proj

ent Process


vertises a pdvertiseme

uest concur

minimum admum adverti

approved bment).

period of 5 whave a diffinique elem

cting method

ead up to p

sign require

mate and bu

design, spe

Plans, Spe

e Plans, Speent for bid.

Plans, Spe

neer will enoject Scopine been reso

neer is resptions Cente:

Plan Distribu


edule of item

ject plan sh



project for thnt period mrence from

dvertisemensement pe

by the Regio

weeks or mcult time acent or difficd, bidders m

project adve

ements and






nsure that ang/Clearanolved.

ponsible forer (See Sec

ution Reque

on Work Ord




hree weeksmay be appr

the Contra

nt period reriod requireon Transpo

more can beccurately ascult phasingmay benefit



, and bid ite

, and Estim

s, and Estim

, and Estim

all applicablce Record,

r deliveringction 2.28 B



s. There areropriate. In acts and Ma

equired by Sed by FHWAortation Dire

e used whessessing thg, is a signat from the lo




mate deliver

mate packag

mate deliver

le clearance, and that a

the documBid Package


e situationseither case

arket Analy

State statutA accordingector (see C

en the potenhe risks of tature projeconger Adve

rable packa

ge, includin

ry schedule

es have beall mitigating

ments to thee Review).

anuary 31, 2

in which a e, the Progrsis Branch

te. Three g to 23CFRCDOT/ FHW

ntial biddershe project. ct, or uses aertisement




een obtaineg issues an

e Printing anThe follow




s If an

d on d

nd ing


5. O

6. O

7. E

8. A

9. O

To ensuCenter rshould b

1. TD

2. LD

3. VD

The Adv



y 31, 2013

Original proj

Original proj

Earthwork c


Other supple

ure a timely requires thebe given du

Typical PS&Deliver to th

arge PS&EDeliver to th

Very Large PDeliver to th


n upper left

n upper righ

ject specific

ject cross-s


ent letter fro

emental inf

advertiseme following suring holiday

&E packagee Center 8

E packages e Center 15

PS&E packe Center 22

t Notice in T

corner: · L· C· R

ht corner: C· P· D· P· W· R· A____________

cations and

sections, if a

, if applicab

om Residen

formation, if

ment of the submittal scys):

es (200 plancalendar d

(between 5 calendar

kages (over2 calendar

Trns*Port m

Letting DateCounties Region

Contract IDProject No.DBE Goals/Plan PriceWork or CaResident EA check ma

_ More than_ Between $_ Between $_ Between $_ Between $_ Less than


d special pro



nt Engineer

f applicable

project the chedule to

n sheets or days prior to

200 and 40days prior

r 400 plan sdays prior

must contain




alendar Dayngineer ark by the c $20,000,0

$10,000,000$5,000,000 $1,500,000 $600,000 a$600,000



r (e-mail)


Printing anbe followed

less): o advertisem

00 plan sheto advertise

sheets): to advertise

n the follow


correct one 00 0 and $20,0and $10,00and $5,000nd $1,500,0

oject Develo

nd Visual Cd (additiona


eets): ement.


wing informa

of the follo

000,000 00,000 0,000 000

opment Pro

Communicatal considera




tions ation

Project D



The quaconferenit is man


Authorizdistributthan 9:0holiday,

A samplthe CDO


(You ma

The sam


The Resshould p


Use the folloNumber of O



Add $10 for ev

antities shounce is schendatory.


zation letterion list in O

00 a.m. on tthey must

le advertiseOT website


ay need to s

mple format

Bid Ope

sident Enginprovide the

ent Process

owing to deOriginal Plan

TCE Projects 1 – 150

151 – 250 251 – 350 351 – 450

very additiona

uld read “Mduled, inclu

zation Lett

rs must be sOutlook. All the Mondaybe received

ement authoat:


scroll down

t is to be us

ening Defe

neer shouldnew bid op


termine then Sheets

l 100 plan she

MAJOR ITEMude the loca


sent to the advertisemy morning bd by 9:00 a

orization let


n to find the

sed on all le


d notify the pening date


e Plan Price

eets, or portio

MS” as oppation, time,

“*HQ-CU/Cment authoribefore the aa.m. the pre

tter and pro



etters autho

Award Offie and indica

e: Plan Price $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00

on thereof, ove

posed to “B and date,

Constructionizations muadvertisemeevious Frida

ocedural ins

ment Lette

orizing proje

icer of a deate if there i


er 450.

BID ITEMS.”and clearly

n Contractsust be receient date. Ifay.

structions a

r Instruction

ect advertis

eferral via eis a revision

anuary 31, 2

” If a pre-biy state whet

s Unit” ved no latef Monday is

are located

ns” link.)


mail. The en to follow.


d ther

er s a





The folloAdvertis

All revisiCenter (submittewill incluthe revisThese st

AddressThe Revreceipt othe botto



The “SuNo.____distributiinformat

y 31, 2013


owing proceement.

ion packageVCC) at lea

ed later will ude the revission letter mteps must b

s the actual vision No. sof the revisioom of the le

FHWA, Colondividuals list

Duran/StillerM. Pyle, Bid R. LiljenbergR. Ott, ConsS. Yu, Cost Central Files

Project ManaResident En

bject” for th

__" All the sion list calletion only.




edure and fo

es are to beast 10 daysresult in a dsion letter a

must be madbe followed

revision lethould be lison in their s

etter for hard

o. F/A Divissted in the

r, Printing CPlans

g, Business str. ContractEstimating s

ager gineer

he e-mail costandard noed "HQ-CU/

lvaro Duranid Plans ack Stiller . Rasmusseracie Bentoichard Ott

on Transp. Dram Engine


ormat are to

e submitted prior to thedeferred bidand all revisde concurreto ensure t

ter to “All Hsted under “submitted bd copy distr

ion Operatimost curren



over letter shon-regional /Constructio


en n

= *H

Dir. er



o be followe

to the Prine scheduledd opening. Tsed sheets. ently with orthat key pro

Holders of P“Subject.” (Aid proposalribution:

ions Engr. (nt *CU_HQ

hould note recipients h

on". The cu




ed for all pla

ting and Visd bid openinThe packagAdditionally

r prior to theocesses are

Plans for ProAll bidders ls.) Include

(if FHWA hQ/constructio

"Revision Nhave been current name


oject Develo


an Revision

sual Commng date. Rege to the Pry, an e-maie submittal e initiated.

oject No. __are to acknthe followin

as project oon Contract

No. _____ Pconsolidatees in this list

opment Pro


ns Under

munications evisions inting Centel distributioto the VCC

__________nowledge ng recipient

oversight) ts distributio

Project ed in a t are shown


er n of



ts at


n for

Project D

All non-rdistributias the R The latehttp://ww The revi

1. RLefo


2. BIntha

3. PLp

4. SL

5. PLreth

6. DEmpte

7. FIfre


regional disions are ba

Region direc

est version oww.colorado

sion letter s

Reasons forist the reasnhance newor each rev

. Plan or s

. commen

. biddable

. addition

. addition new Dav. funding a. other (ex

Bid Proposandicate whehere are, stmendment

Project Specist page nurovision.

Standard Spist titles, da

Plan Sheetsist sheet nuevised whehat the Titl

Date Explicitly stamake vague

roject has bext).

FHWA Apprf the projectevision.

ent Process

stribution inssed on a co


of the revisodot.info/bu

shall include

r Revision. sons for thewly requireision. There

specificationcement or quantity chor deletion or deletion

vis Bacon wavailability, xplain)

al ether there tate that themust be us

cial Provisioumbers with

pecial Proviates, numbe

s umbers withen any plale Sheet ha

ate the datee statementbeen deferr

roval t has FHWA


structions monsensus ta

ion letter causiness/bidd

e the follow

e need to red reportinge are eight

n correctioncompletionhange, of specs, of plan she

wage rates,

are any che revised scsed (see ex

ons h titles and

isions er of pages

h description revision as been rev

e of the bid ts, such as,red, call att

A oversight


must be folloaken from a

an be foundding.

wing in the o

evise the proneeds. Chpotential ca

n, of work tim


anges to thchedule (foxample).

brief descri

s, and brief

on of revisiooccurs. Th


opening an “At the timention to th

t, identify F

owed exactall the region

d on CDOT

order specifi

oject plans heck as manategories fr

me change,

he bid propor those not

iptions for e


on. The Tithe Residen

nd whether me previoushe revised E

HWA engin


ly. The intrans and may

T’s website


and specsny reasonsrom which t

osal (or schusing EBS

each revise

n of change

le Sheet mnt Enginee

it has chanly advertiseEBS file (se

neer who ap

anuary 31, 2

a-regional y be modifie


s in order tos as may apto choose:

hedule). If S) or EBS

ed special


must alwayser must ve

nged. Do noed.” If the ee example

pproved the



o pply

s be rify





8. AInas

IMPORTa revisiowith the creates

NOTE: Ithe Bid PConditiothese fo

The Resspecificaprocess(303) 75

Date: From: (Dept: Tel No: TO: Subject Please f Distribu

Which mshould bTO:

y 31, 2013

Authorizationdicate whouthorized bignature is

TANT: If sion. In the pa

intent to dedistortions

If a revisionPlans Room

ons Assuranrms to all n

sident Enginations caref, please co



See Below

t: Revision

find attache


may includebe used oveBid Plans @

n o is authorizby someonenot require

ignificant plast, there heal with thein the bidd

n adds Disam must be ince, “Note onew sets tha

neer shouldfully prior tontact Richa


ally filled in


No. 1 HB

ed the follow


e the followier the list be@DHQ

zing the reve at or aboved.

lan quantityhave been se errors “in ting process

advantagedinstructed ton DBE %”at are sold.

d attempt too advertisemard Ott in C


by Email)


wing revisio


ng individuelow.


vision and tve the Profe

y errors becsome incidethe field.” Ts that canno

Business Eo include th” with the pa

o minimize ment. If the

Contracts an


on letter for

nstruction c|

als but the


the Region.essional En

come knowents when tThis is not pot be admin

Enterprise he Form 71ackage sen

revisions bere are any nd Market A


r Project ___



oject Develo

. All revisiongineer II le

wn, it is manthe Region permissible nistered fai

participatio14, Underutnt to plan ho

by reviewingquestions

Analysis at



n list is kept

opment Pro

ns must beevel. A

ndatory to iswent forwabecause it rly.

on to a projetilized DBE olders and

g all plans aon this

t up to date



ssue ard

ect, Bid add


e and

Project D


The late http://ww


Duran, AlvStiller, JacOtt, RicharRasmusseBenton, Tr

RTD Program E

est version o


ent Process

varo @DHQk @DHQ rd @DHQ en, Bernie @racie @DHQ


of the revis





ion letter ca



an be found

ding .

d on CDOT


T’s website

anuary 31, 2





Occasiobidders prescrib

CDOT cre-adverTranspolow bid gdoes noby the Tproject.

If a projeEngineeEngineeBranch t

The Engexcessiv

Bids on

1. Ltha

2. LO

3. FE

4. A

If all bidssteps to Exampleconditionappropri

y 31, 2013


onally projecall of whomed by statu

can reject brtise the pro

ortation Comgreater that limit the D


ect’s low bider’s Estimatering Estimato determin

gineering Eve variation

a project m

ess than thhe engineerccordance

ack of fundOffice for res

Failure of bidEnterprise re

A negative f

s are rejectremedy the

es of such rns, modifyiniate.


cts need to m exceededute, or there

ids for any oject at a lammission. An 15 percen

Departmenton Commis

d is greaterte,” it will beates and Mne the reaso

stimates anns from the

may be rejec

hree bids rer’s estimatewith CRS 4

ding to awarsolution of f

dders to saequirement

finding on th

ted, the Rege causes foremedies ang the scop


be re-adved the enginee were no a

reasonableater date or A cost justifnt over or 2’s authorityssion, the C

r than 115 pe discussedarket Analyon for the d

nd Market Aengineer’s

cted for any

eceived withe (greater th43-1-113(16

rd the projefunding sho

atisfactorily ts.

he cost just

gion may reor not receivre changingpe of the wo



ertised becaeers estimaacceptable b

e cause. Threquest ad

fication is re20 percent uy to reject bChief Engin

percent or ld with the aysis Unit in difference.

Analysis Unestimates.

y of severa

h the low bihan 125 pe6).

ect at the amortfall.

respond to

tification rev

e-advertiseving acceptg completioork, and rev


ause there ate by morebids.

he Residentdditional funequired to aunder the eids. If additeer can au

less than 80apparent low

the Contra

nit will docu

l reasons in

d being greercent on pr

mount bid.

o the Disadv

view or low

the projecttable bids pon time spevising the e

oject Develo

were less te than that w

t Engineer nds from thaward any pestimate. Thtional fundsthorize awa

0 percent ow bidder ancts and Ma

ument the re

ncluding bu

eater than 1rojects unde

Contact Re

vantaged B

w bid analys

t. The Regiprior to re-aecifications engineer's e

opment Pro

than three which is

can requese project withhis requirems are approvard of the

of the “Detand the arket Analys

easons for

ut not limited

110 percener $1 millio

egion Busin



ion should tadvertisemeor working

estimate wh


st to

h a ment ved




d to:

t of n) in


take ent.


Project D

Addition1. 23 P2. CDO


nal Refereart CFR 63

OT Procedu

ent Process

nces: 35A, Contraral Directiv


act Processe 303.01, A


s Award of Coontract – Ju



anuary 31, 2

of Bids




When a Preliminfor a bud

If the ReDirector process


Step one“intent” tsubmitte

Prior to the EngiMarket Abecomebidder, sbidder. would resecond region wseparateThis anaquantitieestimateEEMA dis reaso


Step twofunds to

Both subshould c

y 31, 2013


bid results nary Financdget action

egion wantsshall requefor the reg

Step On

e is to sendto request ted to the Ch

the submisineering EsAnalysis Brs availablesecond lowIf EEMA de

esult in highor third low

will also anae contract, alysis will aes, estimateed unit pricedoes not conable, EEM

Step Tw

o is to subm the Chief E

bmissions scontain the


in surplus ial Stateme.

s to retain aest retentioion has two


d an e-mail to retain all hief Engine

sion of the stimates anranch analy. The spre

w bidder, anetermines ther costs to

w bidder, thealyze costs including also be submed unit pricees to compncur that th

MA will notif


mit a formalEngineer’s

should be sfunds reten


funds on thent and will

all or part ofn of surpluso steps.

to the Chieor part of ter by noon

email to thd Market A

yzing the pradsheet wid third low hat includin

o CDOT thae additionalto performdditional mmitted to EEes, and prolete the wohe anticipatfy the regio

letter requoffice by th

sent via emntion reque



he project, tsubmit a re

f the bid sus funds afte

ef Engineerhe bid surpthe day fol

e CE the reAnalysis Uniroposed cosll list all itembidder; and

ng the additan if it were l work will nthe additioobilization,

EMA in a spoduct extensrk under a ed cost savn.

esting to rehe Monday

ail to the Cst letter and



the Bids anequest to th

rplus, the Rer bid open

r (CE) with plus funds. llowing bid

egion will suit (EEMA) osts of the wms of work;d the produtional work included in

not be addeonal work as

traffic contpreadsheetsions. Theseparate covings to add

etain all or pfollowing b

Chief Engined a copy of

oject Develo

nd Awards Uhe Region B

Region Traning day. Th

notification This emailopening.

ubmit a sprof the Contrwork to be a; the unit pr

uct extensioin the low

n the bids fred to the Cos though it wtrol, indirect format cone EEMA maontract as nd the work

part of the bid opening.

eer. The sef the first em

opment Pro

Unit will issBusiness O

nsportationhe request

of the regiol must be

readsheet tracts and added if funrices of the

ons for eachbidder's bidrom either tontract. Thwere a

ct costs, etcntaining ay adjust thenecessary. to the Cont

bid surplus .

econd emamail with ini


ue a Office



nding low

h d the he


e If


il itial

Project D approvaemail: OEric EhrAward aAnalysis

The form

1. Ts

2. A

3. Tp

4. J

5. E

After recAccountcategorybe the namount Indirect

The Projsubmit it


al and amouOffice of Finrbar, and Daand Accouns (Richard O

mal letter sh

Time involveeparate con

Anticipated c

Time remaineriod.



ceipt of the ting Unit wily 0200 and net amount

is calculatenumber).

ject Awardst to the Agr

ent Process

unt of surplunancial Manarrell Johns

nting Unit (AOtt), and th

hould conta

ed in prepantract.


ning and the

of work tha

tal clearanc

signed lettell add a CMitem numbof funds re

ed by dividi

s and Accoreements U


us. The folnagement &son), OfficeAbeba Yehde Region B

ain the follow

ring, letting

n for the wo

e critical wo

at was omit

ces for the

er from theMO line in thber 700-700tained afterng the amo

ounting UnitUnit for proje


lowing Unit& Budget, Pe of Financidego, Tram

Business Of

wing justific

g, awarding


ork that mu

tted becaus

extra work,

Chief Engihe Trns*por002. The ar allowance

ount retaine

t will generaect award.

ts are to beProject Budal Manage

m Ngo), Conffice Manag

cation at a

and issuin

st be done

se of fundin

, if any.

ineer, the Prt worksheemount to in

e for CE anded by 1.239

ate a final f


e copied ondget Unit (Pment & Budntracts and ger.


g a notice t

before win

ng constrain

Project Awaet bid projecnput in the Cd Indirect C

95 (or the cu

financial sta

anuary 31, 2

the secondPam Thomsdget - ProjeMarket

to proceed

nter shut-do


ards and ct under CMO line wCosts. The urrent CE &

atement and


d son, ect

for a


will net



January 31, 2013 Environmental



Environmental January 31, 2013




EnvironmintroducNationalindividuainformatresourceEnvironmEngineeflags. Relengtheninformatassist yo

More deprocessEnvironmheadqua


The Natsystemaquality oEnvironm1500 – 1Highwayregulatio771 § 77officials with soc

Transpofrom negthe variathe leve

y 31, 2013



mental Cleaction describl Environmeal sections tion to aid ine, its assocmental Reser, a generaed flags aren the projectional purpoou with imp

etailed infor, can be foumental Manarters envir


tional Enviroatic, interdisof the humamental Qua1508. To ady Administrons, Enviro71.101 – 77to make pr

cial, econom

ortation projgligible to sability of prol of docume


mental Cle

arance is rebes how to ental Policyfor each enn the cleara

ciated regulasource Specal timeline foe generally ct schedule oses; your rpact analysi

mation on rund in the Cnager (RPEronmental s

w of NEPA

onmental Psciplinary apan environmality (CEQ) ddress the ation (FHWnmental Im71.131). Throject decismic, and na

jects vary insignificant tooject impacentation req



equired for navigate th

y Act (NEPAnvironmentaance procesations, a liscialist, a lisor clearancconsideredor be costl

regional ress, permittin

resource clCDOT NEPEM) or assostaff should


Policy Act (Npproach to

ment. NEPAthrough TitNEPA resp

WA) and Fedmpact and Rhe FHWA aions that batural enviro

n type, sizeo both the ncts, there arquired in the


every projehe environmA) projects.al resourcess Informat

st of tasks tt of tasks to

ce of each rd to be thosly to mitigatsource specng and mitig

earance prPA Manual, ociated regi

be consult

NEPA) requdecision-m

A is implemetle 40 Codeponsibilitiesderal Trans

Related Prond FTA NEalance engonment fact

e, complexitnatural andre three base NEPA pro

ect before amental clea. Following

e, presentintion includehat should o be compleresource, ase things thte. These scialist, or hegation.

rocesses, aand your Ron environted on ever

uires that femaking whe

ented by the of Federas establishesit Administocedures (FEPA procesineering antors.

ty, and can human ensic classes ocess:

advertisemerance procthe introdu

ng resourcees a descripbe completeted by thend a list of

hat would sisections areeadquarter

and the entiRegion Planmental stafry project.

ederal agenn actions m

he Council ol Regulatio

ed by CEQ, tration (FTA

FHWA and Fs allows tra

nd transport

have impavironment. of action th


ent. This ess for

uction are -specific

ption of the ted by the

e Resident potential regnificantly

e for rs specialist

re NEPA nning and ff, and CDO

ncies use a may affect ton ns [CFR] § the Federa

A) jointly issFTA, 23 CFansportationtation need

acts rangingTo accoun

hat prescrib



t, will



al sued FR n


g nt for be


Table 3-the diffeconsultaappropriCDOT N

Class I

Requiredhave signeffects thmitigated An EIS dthrough wproject isconsiderareasonabdetailed apotential environmeach.


Class I –

Class II –

Class III

-1 summarirent classe

ation with Ciate. More d



d for actions nificant envihat cannot bed.

details the prwhich a trans developed,ation of a rable alternativanalysis of timpacts to t

ment resulting

– Environme

– Categoric

– Environm

zes the defes of action.CDOT (typicdetailed infoual. Most C

likely to ronmental e

rocess sportation , including nge of

ves and he the g from

ental Impac

cal Exclusio

mental Asse

finition, exa. After revie

cally the RPormation fo

CDOT projec

Class II (

Required fonot individucumulativelsignificant eeffect or hacontroversyenvironmencompliancerequiremenfor the projetypes of CaprogrammaCDOT can by FHWA; aprogrammarequires FH


ct Statemen

on (CatEx)

essment (E

amples, reqewing the nPEM), will dor each clascts are com


or actions thaually nor y have a environment

ave substanty. Necessaryntal studies ae with all appnts are still reect. There a

atExs: the atic CatEx thsign as authand the non-

atic CatEx thHWA signatu

nt (EIS)


quirements eeds in theecide whicss of action

mpleted thro


at do

tal ial y and plicable equired re two

hat horized -

hat ure.



and generae project areh class of a

n can be fouough the Ca

lass III (EA

equired for aot qualify as here there isformation tohether the parrant an EIhould concenn environmeith impacts tgnificant or tscerning fac

election; therpproach shouch shorter

ocused docun EIS. An EArocess throuansportationeveloped, inonsideration easonable aletailed analyotential impaom each.

anuary 31, 2

al scheduleea, FHWA, action is und in the atEx proces


actions that CatEx, but

s insufficiento determine project’s impaS. The EA ntrate attent

ental resourcthat may be that could bector in alternrefore, this

ould result in and more ment than wA details theugh which a n project is cluding of a range oternatives a

ysis of the acts resulting


es for in





tion ces

e a ative


with e

of nd



Class I

Example A n

acc A p

con New


Upon comFHWA siDecision the basisdeterminany mitigincorporaand docu4(f) appro4(f) for fuNo EIS leproceed without aDecision

Schedulelongest eprocess. and the Ffor publicdocumenpublic hesufficiencHQ in Wacan take complete

y 31, 2013


s include: new, controllcess freewayproject havinntroversy w constructiension of fixnsit facilities

mpleting theigns a Reco(ROD) that

s for the ation, summ

gation measuated in the puments any oval (see Se

urther informevel project to final desig

a signed Rec(ROD).

e: An EIS is environmenta

Both the DrFinal EIS muc review. Thents require aearing and lecy review froashington Dyears to pre


ed-y/highway g public

on or xed rail

e EIS, rd of presents

marizes ures to be

project, Section ection on

mation). can gn cord of

the al raft EIS ust go out ese

a formal egal om FHWA

DC. EISs epare and

Class II (

Examples i Pedes Lands Routin

includ Inters

impro Bridge

replac Minor

CDOT and required onIn Colorado“programmaapproval of CDOT so thsignature isCatEx projewithout a si

Schedule: Athe shortesprocess. A just a few wyears or moclearance isthe examplesimple and Those CatEFHWA signlonger to cleprogrammausually morand time is coordinate w




nclude: strian facilitiescaping ne maintenading resurfacection vements e cement/rehar widening

FHWA apprn all CatEx po, FHWA hasatically” delef some CatEhat no FHWAs required. Nect can go togned CatEx

A CatEx is tyt environmeclearance c

weeks or up ore. The typis 4-6 monthse schedulescomplex pro

Exs that requnature can taear. These n

atic CatExs are complex pneeded to with FHWA.

Table 3-1 lasses of A



ance, cing



roval is projects. s egated xs to A

No o ad x.


ypically ental an take to 1.5 ical s (See

s for a oject). uire ake non-are projects


ScnicogoLedoin reheth


lass III (EA

xamples inc Actions

clearly C Actions

clearly C New con

highway Adding c

coordinatioDOT determnding of No

mpact (FONSor a complete

rther study iIS. No EA prroceed to finithout a sign

chedule: An ne months t

omplete. Onoes out for pegal sufficienone at the lomost cases

equire a formearing unlese public.



lude: that are not

Class II (Catthat are not

Class I (EIS)nstruction ofy interchangecapacity

n with FHWAmines whethe

Significant SI) is approped EA study is required inroject can

nal design ned FONSI.

EA can taketo two years ly the Final E

public reviewncy review is

ocal FHWA os. They do nomal public

s requested



) f e

A, er a

priate or if

n an

e to

EA w. s office ot


Environm Additionwith FHWproject ibeen a cre-evaluforward fairly quchange final desAdvertis


CatExs focus on

1. D

2. D

3. Do

4. D

5. D

It is impothe criteimpactsappropri

CatEx a

Programa significis not reonline u

Non-proregulatioand appForm 12Some Nbut non-


nally, any ofWA if: it hass moving ochange in r

uation can dwithout riskickly unlessin environm

sign by the sement. CD

More on

are the mon the proces

Do not induc

Do not requi

Do not havether resour

Do not have

Do not involv

ortant to noria listed ab, a large amiate.

ctions are g

mmatic actiocant impactquired to clnder the Ca

ogrammatic ons (CEQ, 4proved by F28 to clear ton-Program-listed actio

f these class been thren to the nexegulation, p

document thk of surprises there has ment or desRPEM and

DOT has a

n CatExs

st commonss and sche

ce significa

ire the reloc

e a significarce.

e significant

ve substan

ote that evebove is not mount of pu

generally ca

ons are thot on the envlear these pategorical Exc

CatExs are40 CFR § 1HWA. Therthese projemmatic actions may als

sses of actioee years or xt phase ofpolicy, the ehat none ofes during pbeen a sig

sign) or regud must be sre-evaluatio

n type of NEedule for th

nt impacts

cation of sig

nt impact o

t impacts on

tial public c

en if a projemet. Even

ublic controv


se that, basvironment.projects. A clusions Progr

e actions th1508.4) if threfore, FHWcts (More inons are spe

so qualify as


ons could remore since

f ROW, desenvironmenf these condproject advegnificant chaulation. Thigned beforon form (Fo

EPA projecthat class of

to planned

gnificant nu

on any natu

n travel pat


ct action is n if a projecversy can r

as either P

sed on pasBased on tfull list of Prammatic Agr

hat meet thehey are appWA signatunformation ecifically liss a CatEx if

require a ree the documsign or consnt or the proditions exisertisement.ange in the

he re-evaluare the projeorm 1399) t

ts for CDOTaction. Cat

growth or

umbers of p

ural, cultura



listed as a ct is not exprequire an E


st experiencthis past ex

Programmatreement, 2011

e criteria fopropriately are is requireon Form 12

sted in Part f it is known


-evaluationment was astruction; ooject. Somest so the pro

Most re-eve project impation is comect can advto expedite

T and so thtExs are ac

land use fo


l, recreation

CatEx, it wpected to haEA or EIS a

tic or Non-P

ce, generallxperience Ftic actions c1.

or a CatEx ianalyzed, ded on the to28 is includt D of 23 CFn that no si

anuary 31, 2

n of the anapproved; th

or there hasetimes, a qoject can mvaluations mpacts (due

mpleted durance to this proces

his section wctions that:

or the area.

nal, historic

will not qualave significaaction as


ly do not haFHWA signacan be foun

n the CEQ documentedop part of t

ded below.)FR§771.117gnificant


alysis he s uick

move move to a




c or

ify if ant


ave ature nd

d, he ). 7,

January impacts found in


The lengnecessaof impacprojects sectionsimpacts


The typeis evaluashould b

1. FPnredS4sc

2. SCethaFc Aincredju

y 31, 2013

will occur a CDOT’s N


gth of time ary class of cts, unexpe(the CDOT

s identify tas.

Project F

e of fundingated. If a cobe followed

Federal FunProjects with

exus such equire a Feescribed ab

Section 4(f) (f) Propertiuch as alteoncurrently

State or LocCDOT’s Env

nvironmentherefore, Clthough the

Federal nexompleted if

Although nonvolvementontroversiaegulations” esignation,


as a result oNEPA Manu

le Implicat

required to action, ava

ected changT priority of sks that mu


g identified ombination .

nding: h Federal fuas projects

ederal permbove. Additanalysis (ses). NEPA rnatives an

y but may re

cal Fundingvironmentaltal impacts DOT follow

ere is someus. For exaf there is no

t legally net process coal. Additiona

which allow to regulateThus, a me

of the actioual.


complete eailability andges in projethe project

ust be done

for all phasof funding

unding, or as that involv

mit, are requtionally, a F

see the Secand Sectio

nalysis and equire addi

: l Stewardshfor projects

ws the inten flexibility re

ample, Secto Federal n

cessary whould be advally, Coloraw local agee land use aeaningful pu


on. Detailed

environmend type of fu

ect scope/fot), and evene at a certai

ses of a prosources is

a potential fve the Intersuired to go tFederal nexction 4(f) reson 4(f) can r

public invotional time.

hip Guide ds whether ot and requiegarding hotion 4(f) anaexus.

hen no Fedvantageousdo recogniz

encies, if theand develoublic involve

d informatio

ntal clearanunding, resoootprint, schn the time oin time in o

oject will habeing used

for Federal state systemthrough thexus triggerssource sectrequire som

olvement, w.

directs CDOor not thererements of ow this is calysis does

eral nexus s, especiallyzes what aey have ap

opment activement proc

n on all Ca

nces will deources preshedule confof year. Therder to avo

ve a direct d, the most

funding, orm or projec

e NEPA pro the need ttion for deta

me of the sawhich are so

OT to conside is a Federf NEPA on aconducted ifs not need t

is present,y if the projre known aplied for anvities withincess can be


tExs can be

epend on thsent and exflicts with oe resource id schedule

effect on hstringent p

r any Fedects that will ocess as o completeails on Secame steps, ometimes d

der ral nexus; all projects f there is noto be

a public ect is

as “1041 nd receivedn their e used as a



e xtent ther


ow it policy


e a ction




a tool



3. UAoath(RpaofuPaacPAL


While evare basiwith CDorder to importanlife of th

1. EApdmthesta(Iincla


or building c

Unknown FuAll of the ab

rder to get dvertisemehe next phaROW), or ahased, a re signature ff No Signifiunding sour

Planning an funding solternatives oordination

PEL study cAdditional in

inkages (P


very projectc steps thaOT Regionmeet certa

nt to the proe project.

Early NoticeAs early as p

hotograph isturbance,

manager to he engineerxtent of thetudy area sdditional fuTS) is need

nclude that an be pursu



unding Souove classesthe require

ent. For largase of a proan actual coeasonable pfor the deciicant Impacrce cannot d Environm

ource to be analysis, e

n. Upon idecan then be nformation oEL) Handb


t is differenat must be c or Division

ain NEPA moject sched

e of Impactepossible, thwith an out, to be givethe project r of any isse project limshould incluunds are fouded in the parea on theued. It is ea

for transpo

rce: s of action

ed environmger projectsoject is fundonstruction plan for obtision documct for an EAbe identifie

mental Linkaidentified, bnvironmentntification oused in the

on PELs caook.


t and will pcompleted fn of Transpomilestones sdule and bu

ed Area: he Residenttline showinn to the RPthat can beues that sh

mits may noude locationund. For exproject areae map as “masier to rem


ortation proj

require themental clears, EAs or EIded; this coproject. Hotaining the rment (i.e., toA, or the Reed, the projeages (PEL)but still allotal impact aof a fundinge NEPA stuan be found

resent uniqfor all projeortation Desuch as Scodget to con

t Engineerng the outsiPEM. The Regin work o

hould be coot be knownns that havexample, if ina and fundinmay be add

move an are


e identificatirance needISs, it is onuld be final

owever, everest of the fop part of th

ecord of Decect may be ) study. A Pows for the assessmeng source, thudy, saving d in the Plan

que environects. It will bevelopment oping; howentinue that c

should preide extent o

RPEM will aon the clearnsidered du

n this early e the potenntelligent trang could ocded if fundeea from the


on of fundinded for projely necessal design, rigen when a pfunding is rhe Form 12cision for aa good can

PEL study dproject to p

nt, and/or aghe informati time and mnning and E

nmental chabe necessa

environmeever, it is ecoordinatio

pare a mapof possible assign an erance proceuring desigin the proce

ntial of beingansportationccur in the ned” so that t study than

anuary 31, 2

ng sourcesect ry to show

ght of way project is required to 28, the Findn EIS). If a ndidate for

does not reqproceed witgency on from the

money. Environmen

allenges, thry to coord

ental staff inequally n through t

p or aerial ground nvironmentess and infon. The finaess so the g added. if n systems near futurethe clearan

n it is to add


s in


get ding

a quire h



ere inate



tal orm l

, ces

d it


2. EIfageinmp

3. ImIffemcccvam

NEPA rewhich wstaff canOnly a mplans aras: the ppermitteis in poterequiredneeds todesign oand depcriteria aenvironmproject c


In additiprovidedno envir

y 31, 2013

Early Noticef the Residedvance notiven to the nvironment

ncluding sematerials, or

urchasing t

mmediate Nf there are ceature) the

may affect thlearance inhanging thehanging thealves; and ll-inclusive

manager of

egulations swould preden begin invemap of the ore helpful. Ifproject is oved area; theential paleo

d before all o see the plof permanepth of disturare addressmental cleacan be adve


on to informd. One depironmental r

e of Impacteent Engineetice of parcRPEM. Thtal resourcearching appr other envithe property

Notice if Dechanges to Resident Ehe clearanc

nclude: move elevation e area of dimodifying alist and theall changes

state that atermine theestigating aouter most f any envirover one acre project haontologicallyenvironmelanned projnt water qubance for psed within tarance can ertised.

g a Categor

mation on hicts the timeesources p

ed ROW Neer knows thel addressee environme work withpropriate daironmental y.

sign Changthe project

Engineer shces for the ving a noise

of a road oisturbance;a design froe Resident s.

actions canne outcome oas soon as t

potential ponmental isre and in a s prairie doy-rich subsntal clearanject impacts

uality featurpaleontologhe project’sbe complet

rical Exclu

how to compeline for a “

present in th


eeds: hat ROW mes and exte

mental mana the ROW atabases foissues that

ges: t design (ad

hould informproject. So

e barrier locor bridge; a changing t

om a retainEngineer s

not be takeof the NEPAthey are givroject limits

ssues are idmunicipal s

ogs living wtrate, then nces can bes to determres; the mitiical monitos plans andted and RO


plete a Cat“simple” Cahe project a

ay be requent of the imager can thright-of-entor historicalt may affect

dditions, dem the envirome exampl

cation or chchange in

the locationing wall to ahould inform

n, such as A analysis.ven informas is neededdentified witseparate sto

within the promore advae obtained.

mine such thigation of p

oring duringd specificatiOW can pro

Ex, two exaatEx. Thesearea and do

ired for thempacted arehen coordintry permissil resourcest the condit

eletions, or onmental mles of chan

hanging its hthe roadwa

n of landscaa 3:1 slopem the envir

the purcha However, ation about d for this buthin the proorm sewer oject area; nced plan d Environme

hings as: lorairie dogs

g constructioions, the receed, if nee

ample schee are projeco not requir


e project, ea should bate ion process, hazardoutions of

moving a manager as

ges that altheight; ay alignmenaping sprinke. This is noronmental

se of ROWenvironmeproject limt preliminar

oject area, ssystem (MSor the proje

designs areental staff cation and ; or locationon. Once th

equired eded, so th

edules are cts with littlere much age



s, s

it ter a

nt; kler

ot an

W, ntal its. ry such S4) ect e

n hese


e to ency

Environm coordinaenvironmcoordina

Simple CatExclusion Ex

Since Crequirempublic indocumefor Progsome soacquisiti


The CatThe formpart” anddescriptto be acfor ROWearly accan be swill be uearly ac

The bottenvironmproject aprimarilyEnvironmprocess

For detathe CDOProgram


ation. The omental resoation and m

tegorical xample.pd

atEx projecments are snvolvement ntation for rammatic o

ort of publicion, constru

Form 12

tEx approvam is dividedd “bottom pion and list

cquired as pW acquisitioquisition of shown that used for thequisition.

tom part (Pmental comadvertisemey used for Cmental Proj.

ailed informOT NEPA Mmmatic CatE

other depictources in th


cts have nosubstantially

and alternaFHWA app

or Non-Progc involvemeuction impa

28 CataEx A

al form, Ford into five separt.” The to

of environmpart of the pn cannot be

f ROW coulit would no project. Th

arts C, D, ammitments a

ent and oblCatEx approject Certific

ation on hoManual. ForEx projects

ts a “comple project a

Complex CatExclusion Exa

o significanty less stringatives analy

proval is gregrammatic Cent, particulaacts that affe


rm 128 is eections but op part (Pamental cleaproject, the egin until thd be appro

ot predetermhe Region’s

and E) trackare in the finigation of fuoval, Signacation signa

ow to walk tr informatio, see Sectio


ex” CatEx. rea requirin

tegorical ample.pd

impacts ongent than thysis are noteatly reduceCatExs, thearly for thosect the pub

ntered by Ris generallrts A and B

arances to bROW plan

he top part oved even bmine the NEs ROW Man

ks environmnal plans aunds for co

ature on theature and m

through then on how toon 5.2.4, an

These are ng more inte

n the envirohose for an t explicitly red. Althouge Resident se projects

blic, road clo

Region envy considere

B) of Form 1be completauthorizatiis signed. I

before the toEPA decisionager shou

mental permnd specifica

onstruction. e bottom pamarks the co

e CatEx appo complete nd for Non-


projects thensive age

onment, NEEA or EIS.

required, angh not explic

Engineer s that includosures or d

ironmental ed to be div128 provideted. If new Rion and oblt may be pop part is con and if nould be consu

mits, ensureations, andAlthough t

art is called ompletion o

proval procthe proces


anuary 31, 2

hat may havncy

EPA . For exampnd the levecitly require

should consde ROW detours, etc

staff into Svided into aes a projectROW will nigation of fuossible tha

complete if o federal fuulted regard

es d is needed his form is the

of the CatEx

ess please ss for atic CatEx



ple, l of ed sider


SAP. a “top t eed unds t it nds ding




January projectsis the sa


1. CDOhttp:/

2. List ohttp:/

3. List ohttp:/

4. Formhttp:/http:/

5. Catehttp:/Prog

6. Planhttp:/hand

y 31, 2013

, see Sectioame as that


OT NEPA M//www.coloof region en//www.coloof headqua//www.colo

m 1399 Re-e//www.colo//www.colo

egorical Exc//www.colo

grammatic%ning and E//www.colo


on 5.3.4. Tht for regular


Manual — Cradodot.infonvironmentaradodot.inforters enviroradodot.infoevaluation radodot.inforadodot.infoclusions Proradodot.info



he approvar Non-Prog


CDOT o/programsal staff o/programsonmental sto/programsform o/library/foro/library/forogrammatico/programs

ment%20201tal Linkageso/programs



al process forammatic p



s/environmetaff s/environme

rms/cdot13rms/cdot13c Agreemens/environme11.pdf/views (PEL) Has/environme

or Non-Proprojects.




99.doc/ 99.doc/viewnt, 2011 ental/resou

w andbook ental/plann









CatEx proj














The folloresourceresourceResidenclearancrepresenwith imp



Section wildlife/w


49 U.S.C4(f) propprudent to minimmust the


Federal jurisdictihistoric ppublicly-generall


1. Idp

2. Id



owing sectioes that neee includes wnt Engineer ces, and whnt. Your re

pact analysi

4(f) PR

What are

4(f) properwaterfowl re

Why do

C. 303 prevperties unlealternative

mize harm toerefore com

Who reg

Highway Aion (OWJ) oproperties t-owned pary the public

What do

dentify all hroject area

dentify offic

al Resou

ons provided to be anawhat the reand the en

hat potentiagional resois, permittin


e Section 4

ties are (1) efuges, and

we evalua

vents the Uess the secr

to the use o the prope

mply with Se

gulates this

Administratioover the prothe OWJ is rks, recreatc entity with

oes the Env

istoric prop. This inclu

cials with jur

urce Info

e resource-alyzed for esource is, w

nvironmentaal red flags ource speciang, and miti


4(f) proper

publicly owd (2) historic

ate this res

.S. Departmretary of theexists, and

erty. Any prection 4(f) r

s resource

on providesoperty musthe State H

ional resouh most direc


perties and/udes those

risdiction fo



-specific infoeach projectwho/what real resource to schedulealist, or heagation for t


wned parksc properties


ment of Trae U.S. DOTd that the prroject that rrequiremen


s final approst be consulHistoric Prerces and wct control o

al Resourc

/or all publicwithin or pa

or each prop


formation ot. Informategulates it, specialist t

e or budgetadquarters these resou

s, recreations regardles

ansportationT determineroject includreceives fed


ovals. Howlted for appeservation Owildlife/wateover the pro

ce Speciali

cly owned part of the tr



n all enviroion providewhat is ne

to completet the resourspecialist,


nal resourcess of owner

n from “usines that no fedes all possderal funds

wever, the oproval in thiOfficer (SHerfowl refugoperty.

ist need to

properties wransportatio

anuary 31, 2

onmental ed for each eded from e the rce could will assist y

es and ship.

ng” any Seceasible andsible plann

s from FHW

official with s process. PO). For es it is

o do?

within the on system.




ction d ing




3. Dp

4. D

5. Ca

6. C

7. SS

8. D


1. D

2. Wa

3. Wreuv

4. Ain


Completone monreview r4(f) eval

For r

de m


Full e


1. P

2. A

y 31, 2013

Determine ifroperty.

Determine a

Complete Sepprovals.

Complete Se

Submit SectSection 4(f)

Document S

What do

Develop pro

Work with reny Section

When avoidesource spese is anticipariances, a

Assure that ncluded in p

What is

ting Sectionnth to 24 mequirementluation met

review whic

minimis: 3 to



What are

Public contro

A determina

f Section 4(


ection 4(f) e

ection 4(f) s

tion 4(f) sitespecialists

Section 4(f)

oes the Res

oject descrip

esource spe4(f) proper

ance of a Secialist to dpated. This

and compen

all measureproject plan

the genera

n 4(f) consuonths, depets. Below ahods:

ch leads to

o 6 months

3 to 12 mo

12 to 24 m

e the red fl

oversy on t

ation of adve

(f) is applica

Section 4(f


site form fo

e form to CD.


sident Eng

ption and d

ecialist to erties and de

Section 4(f) determine ms can includnsation as a

es to minimns and requ

al clearanc

ultation andending on tare general





lags for th

the project.

erse effect


able to the

f) process f

s including a

or each prop

DOT Enviro

process an

gineer need

esign elem

explore poteevelop justif

property cameasures tode project sappropriate

mize harm auirements.

ce schedul

d documentthe process time frame

one month

is resource

on a histor

property an

for Section

any necess

perty evalua

onmental P

nd approva

d to do?


ential alternfications if a

an’t be acco minimize scheduling,e.

and avoidan

e for this r

t approval ms used, duees for the d



ric property

nd if there i

n 4(f) prope

sary consul


Programs B

als in projec

natives that avoidance

complished,harm to res phasing, p

nce commit


may take ane to the diffeifferent type



s a use for


tations and

ranch (EPB

ct file.

avoid use is not poss

, work with sources whpossible des

tments are

nywhere froerent federaes of Sectio





of ible.

the here sign

om al on


3. Are

4. Hn

5. C

6. O

7. D


Access closesources du

High numbeumber of S

Changes to

OWJ not sup

Design chan

ures or inauring const

er of all typeSection 4(f)

project sco

pportive of


bility to protruction.

es of properproperties

ope that res

project or a


vide for pub

rty acquisitiwhere ther

sult in use o

actively adv

blic access

ions (right-ore is a use.

of Section 4

verse to the


s to parks/re

of-way purc

4(f) property

e project.

anuary 31, 2


chases), lar







Section acquiredImportanconversproject. recreatio


1. T

2. Tthe

3. T6


Section Section transporand useinitial co


1. IfC

2. UcoSis

3. Oa

4. Td

y 31, 2013


What is

6(f) of the Ld or developntly, Sectioions of the Normally, aonal or park

Why do

To preserve

To comply whe statewidnvironment

To comply w(f)(3).

Who reg

6(f) is adm6(f) directsrtation projefulness. NP

oordination w

What do

f ROW acquCSP’s list of

Upon identifooperation f equal valu

Section 6(f) s less than f

Once land hre required

The Region emonstrate

Section 6(

Land and Wped with LWn 6(f) applieproperty w

any federallk land cove

we evalua

the intende

with CDOT’se transporttally respon

with several

gulates this

inistered by the NPS to

ect are comPS delegatewith CDOT

oes the Env

uisition of pf 6(f) grants

fication of imwith the loc

ue, locationcan occur. five acres p

has been ided:

and the loces that the r


Water ConsWCF grantses to all trahether or nly funded tr

ered by Sec

ate this res

ed use of p

s environmtation systensible, susta

l legal mand

s resource

y the Depao ensure th

mpensated wes its autho



public land is and list of

mpacts to 6cal governm

n, and usefu More flexi

per project

entified as

cal governmreplacemen


servation Fus to be conv

ansportationot federal f

ransportatioction 6(f) wi


public funds

ental stewaem is constrainable, an

dates that p


rtment of Inat recreatiowith replaceority to Colo

al Resourc

is anticipateLWCFA re

6(f) land, thement land oulness befobility existsphase.

a compara

ment must dnt land is ac

und Act (LWverted to a n projects infunding is bon project rll also invol

s for land an

ardship polructed & ma

nd complian

pertain to th

nterior Natioonal or parkement landorado State

ce Speciali

ed, the speesources.

e Region’s owner, will iore a transfes in cases w

ble replace

develop a wcceptable to

WCFA) prohnon-recrea

nvolving pobeing utilizerequiring thelve Section

nd water co

icy, which eaintained in

nt manner


onal Park Sk lands imp

ds of equal ve Parks (CS

ist need to

ecialist will i

ROW grouidentify reper of prope

where the to

ement, the f

written plano the local


hibits propeational purpossible ed for the e conversio 4(f).


ensures than an

, Section

Service (NPpacted by a value, locat

SP) to provid

o do?


up, in placement larty under otal convers

following st

, which governmen


erty pose.

on of




tion, de







5. Usc

6. Tfi

7. Ua

8. OR

9. Tace


1. Inim

2. ES


Coordinabove, ccan issuof the Seland botwork wit


1. Ao

2. Tth


The plan mueemed neceplacement

Upon agreempecialist wioncurrence

The specialinal Section

Upon acceppproval.

Once NPS aRPEM and t

The resourcnd the writtoncurrencevaluation.

What do

nform and impacts to re

Explore alteSection 6(f)

What is

ation, devecan take upue Environmection 6(f) lth occur durth the Regio

What are

Anticipated pen space,

Temporary chan six mon

ust also inclcessary, to t land.

ment of a wll submit th


st will coordn 6(f) Evalua

tance of the

approval hathe local go

ce specialistten plan in e letter shou

oes the Res

nvolve righecreational

rnatives duresource.

the genera

elopment anp to a year. mental Clealand to a traring the ROon’s ROW g

e the red fl

ROW acqu, or otherwi

closure of onths.

lude any spbring abou

written plan e Section 6

dinate with ations.

e written pl

as been obtovernment

t will then inthe Sectionuld be incor

sident Eng

t-of-way (Ror park lan

uring the de

al clearanc

nd approvaApproval o

arance on thansportatio

OW acquisitgroup to de

lags for th

isition of puse undevel

or loss of ac


pecial condt equal valu

by the Reg6(f) Land Re

the CSP d

an, CSP w

tained, CPS

nclude inforn 4(f) evaluarporated int

gineer need

ROW) as eands.

esign proces

ce schedul

l of a writteof the writtehe top portin use and ttion phase.evelop a sc

is resource

ublic land inloped.

ccess to rec

itions, mutuue, location

gion and theeplacemen

uring the p

ill submit th

S will send

rmation onation. The wto the appe

d to do?

arly as poss

ss that min

e for this r

en plan withn plan musion of the Fthe acquisit The Resid

hedule for t


ncluding rec

creational p


ually agreen and usefu

e local govnt Plan to th

rocess of th

he plan to N

a concurre

the Sectionwritten planendix of the

sible on any

imize or av


h CSP, as dst occur befForm 128. Ttion of the rdent Enginethe ROW c


properties t

anuary 31, 2

d to and asulness in the

ernment, thhe CSP for

he draft and

NPS for

nce letter to

n 6(f) propen and the C Section 4(

y potential

void harm to

described fore the RPThe converreplacemeneer will neeclearance.

wildlife refu

hat last lon


s e



o the

erty CSP (f)

o the

PEM rsion nt ed to






Air qualibe harmmay alsoby the aand othepreserve

There arprojects Additionevaluate

In areasa projec(APCD) met air qof the prspecifica(hotspot

If a projeattainmerules beHoweveFHWA.

ContractAPCD dthan six fugitive dbatch pl


The 199quality a

y 31, 2013


What is

ity addressemful to huma

o contributetmosphereer organisme visibility o

re a total ofas establis

nally, on EAed.

s of nonattact must acqu

to prove thquality budgroject impleally describt) conformit

ect is locateent/maintencause it is

er, hotspot a

tors are resduring const

months in dust or otheant activitie

Why do

90 Clean Aiand prevent


air quality

es the emisan beings, oe to regiona, and degra

ms, to proteof scenic vis

f six criteriashed by theA/EIS level p

inment or (uire a confohat regionalgets and shementation.es the requty analyses

ed completenance area not regionaanalyses m

sponsible fotruction phaduration aner air pollutes.

we evalua

r Act Ament the violatio


ssions of poother living al haze, alteade visibilityct the strucstas, it is im

a used to eve National Aprojects, Mo

(attainment/ormity conc and projec

how that no Regulatio

uirements o.

ely outside boundary,

ally significaay be requ

or acquiringases of a pnd/or the prtants being

ate this res

ndments weon of NAAQ


ollutants froorganisms

er certain cy. In essencctural integrmportant to

valuate air qAmbient Air obile Sourc

/maintenancurrence froct-level cono violation oon defining tof both regio

of the nonaor is determ

ant, no confired for NE

g an Air Polroject if theroject footprgenerated


ere passed QS. Transp

om transpors, or man-mcharacteristce, to proterity of man-prevent deg

quality pollur Quality Stace Air Toxic

nce) for a crom Air Pollformity ana

of the NAAQtransportaton-level co

attainment mined to beformity anaPA purpose

llution Emise project emrint is greatduring con

by the U.Sportation Co

rtation systmade materi

ics and benect the healmade mategradation o

utants on trandards (Ncs (MSATS

riteria polluution Contr

alyses haveQS is expecion conformnformity an

or e exempt fralyses are res as recom

ssions Noticmissions wilter than 25

nstruction o

S. Congressonformity, w


ems that caials. Emissnefits providth of huma

erials, and tof air quality

ransportatioAAQS). ) are also

tant of concrol Division e adequatelcted as a remity (40CFRnd project-le

rom conformrequired. mmended b

ce (APEN)l occur longacres with perations o

s to protect which appli


an ions ded ns to y.



ly esult R93) evel



from ger


air es

Environm to areasfederallybe desctransporin the Tr


The U.SAmendmHealth a


1. Sa

2. FA

3. Pa

4. D

5. Rin

6. Pg


1. Smin

2. Pst

3. C

4. G


If confor



s of the staty funded traribed and mrtation plan ransportatio

Who reg

S. Environmments and aand Environ

What do

Scope the pnd funding

For large proAPCD, FHW

Prepare projssurance o

Define mitig

Review traffntersections

Prepare andraphics (aft

What do

Supply any tmovements,ntersections

Provide plantriping, and

Confirm acc

Go over the

What is

rmity is requ


e where theansportationmodeled for

must be pron Improve

gulates this

mental Proteauthorizationment- APC

oes the Env

roject and d.

ojects, coorWA and loca

ject-level Con consulta

ation meas

fic reports (es.

d submit a cter receipt o

oes the Res

traffic repor, signal timis within the

n sheets shd turning lan

curacy of pr

details of t

the genera


l analyses a

e NAAQS hn projects ar regional crepared by ment Progr

s resource

ection Agenon is delegaCD.


determine c

rdinate air qal agencies

CO hot spotnt analyses



conformity cof Air Quali

sident Eng

rts that shoing, and lev project bo

owing internes.

oject fundin

he project s

al clearanc

and docum


have been vand projectsonformity. Athe area M

ram (TIP).


ncy (EPA) aated to the

al Resourc


quality interand MPOs

analyses os and docum

ure volume

concurrencty Technica

gineer need

ow existing avel of servicundary.

rsection and

ng stream.

scope with

ce schedul

mentation: tw

violated in ts of regionaA fiscally co

MPO and m

administers Colorado D

ce Speciali


ragency cos as approp

or provide gmentation.

es) and iden

ce request lal Report).

d to do?

and future ce analyses

d project ro

the Region

e for this r

wo to four w


the past, real air qualityonstrained ust have fu

the Clean Department

ist need to

y, regional

nsultation wpriate.

guidance an

ntify conges

etter to AP

traffic volums for signali

oadway con




anuary 31, 2

equires thaty significanregional

unding inclu

Air Act t of Public

o do?


with EPA,

nd quality

sted signa

CD, includi

mes, turninized




t all nce









Total = s


It is criticfor definfunding letter of cannot b

y 31, 2013

Preparation hree days

APCD applic

six weeks

What are

cal that a pned pollutanbe identifieconformity

be complete

of conform

cation revie

e the red fl

roject locatnts of conceed and prog

concurrenced until the

mity concurre

ew and issu

lags for th

ted within aern be accugrammed ince will not bproject spo


ence reque

uance of co

is resource

a nonattainmurately desc the TIP pr

be issued bonsor has m

est letter an



ment or attacribed in therior to expecby APCD anmet these c

nd submitta

two weeks

ainment/mae most recected NEPAnd the NEPconditions.


l to APCD:

s, minimum

aintenance ent RTP an

A completionPA project


area nd n. A




Farmlanprime, uclassifiehigh yielConservfarm proFor exam


The Fedto considAct protealso fall


The NRCalso req




1. Wu

2. Ifth



What is

nd is land usunique, that d “prime” mld of importvation Servioduces. Colmple, Palis

Why do

deral Farmlader the advects “primeunder prote

Who reg

CS regulateuired to de

What do

te Form AD6 should be

What do

Work closelynique farm

f avoidancehe project w



sed for agrof state im

mainly basetant crops aice (NRCS)lorado areaade peache

we evalua

and Protecverse effecte” and “uniqection of th

gulates this

es this resotermine if a

oes the Env

D 1006 (See used if it i

oes the Res

y with the reland.

e is not posswill impact.


icultural cromportance, aed on soil chare conside). The termas that are kes or Rocky

ate this res

tion Policy ts a project que” farmlanis Act.

s resource

ource but coa farmland q


ee NEPA Mis a corrido

sident Eng

esource sp

sible, prepa


op productioand that of haracteristic

ered prime bm “unique” rknown for cy Ford melo


Act, 7 CFRmay have

nd. Farmlan


oordinationqualifies for

al Resourc

anual Chapr project.

gineer need

pecialist to d

are an estim

on. Farmlalocal imporcs. Soils thby the Naturefers to thecertain cropons may fa

R Part 658, on the presnds of state

with local ar protection

ce Speciali

pter 9, Appe

d to do?

develop alte

mate of the


nd may be rtance. Far

hat are knowural Resoure high valueps fall into tll into this c

requires feservation ofe and local

agriculturaln under the

ist need to

endix G), o

ernatives to

number of

anuary 31, 2

classified armland is wn to produrces e crops thahis categorcategory.

deral agenf farmland. importance

l extension Act.

o do?

or Form NR

o avoid prim

farmland a



uce a

at a ry.

cies The




me or


January 3.05.06





Total = n


The NRCwhen Prthat prodmelons,

y 31, 2013

What is

Determine ifmportance:

Develop avo

Prepare For

NRCS has 4

nine weeks

What are

CS Soil Surime or Uniqduce speciaPalisade p

the genera

f impacted ftwo weeks

oidance and

rm 1006 an

45 days to r


e the red fl

rvey for theque soils aral high valu


al clearanc

farmlands as

d minimizat

d send to th

respond to

lags for th

e area will gre present a

ue crops are


ce schedul

are prime, u

tion alterna

he NRCS: o

the conclus

is resource

give the resat the projee red flags

e for this r

unique, or o

tives: two w

one week

sion on For


source specect site. Pro(i.e. Olathe


of statewide


rm 1006: 45

cialist a gooojects that ime corn, Roc



5 days

od indicatiompact farmky Ford


n ms




A floodpFloodplathem. Fl(percentone percfor the p


ExecutivregulatefloodplaDamageresult of


The Fedfloodpla


1. O

2. Esed

3. Winah

4. J(C

5. If

6. If



What are

plain is lowlaains are deslood frequetage probabcent chancepurpose of e

Why do

ve Order 11ed for federain can alter

e can be eitf causing a

Who reg

deral Emergins, in coop

What do

Obtain curre

Evaluate who, evaluatencroachmeetermine m

Work with rencrease is lrea and diffigher flow v

udge whethCLOMR/LO

f needed, p

f needed, p


e floodplai

and adjacesignated by

ency is oftenbility of flooe of occurriestablishing

we evalua

1988 Floodal projects. r flooding pather physicaproperty ow

gulates this

gency Manaperation wit

oes the Env

ent regulato

hether the ge opportunitent can’t bemagnitude o

esidency to ess than onffers from thvelocities th

her a CondOMR) subm

repare CLO

repare LOM



ent to water y the size an described

oding each ying in any gg risk for flo

ate this res

plain ManaFloodplain

atterns, caual damage wner to hav

s resource

agement Agth local cou


ory floodpla

geometry ofty to minimi changed,

of impacts.

minimize ine foot. Thhe floodplaihat cause m

itional Lettemittal is nece

OMR subm

MR submitt


bodies sucand frequend by the potyear). For egiven year. ood insuran


agement dics need to busing damaas a result

ve an increa


gency (FEMnties and m

al Resourc

in maps, hy

f the constrze or eliminperform hyd

mpacts andhe floodwayn in that it i

more damag

er of Map Ressary for t

ittal prior to

al after con

ch as a rivency of floodstential occuexample, th Floodplain

nce purpose

ctates how be regulatedage to neighof flooding

ase in flood

MA) managmunicipalitie

ce Speciali

ydrology an

ruction will anate encroadraulic ana

d ensure thy is the centis the portioge than jus

Revision/Lehe scope o

o advertisem



er, creek, sts large eno

urrence in ahe 100-yearns are mappes.

floodplainsd as constrhboring pro

g, or financiad insurance

ges the regues.

ist need to

nd hydraulic

alter the floachment. W

alysis of the

hat floodwaytral portion on of the flot inundation

tter of Mapof impact.


anuary 31, 2

tream, or laough to covea given year flood has ped primar

s should be ruction withoperties. al damage

e rates.

ulation of

o do?

cs informat

oodplain, anWhen e channel to

y elevation of a floode

oodplain witn.

p Revision


ake. er r a ily

in a

as a


nd if


ed th

January 3.06.05

1. Pin

2. Fa


Floodplathe com

A simpleto floodw

A complplans anto constsubmittaand the


Any detrright of weasemefloodwayFEMA.

y 31, 2013

What do

Provide geonto the flood

For any floonalysis in a

What is

ain modificaplexity.

e project, wway elevatio

lex CLOMRnd hydraulicruction to g

al of the as-LOMR fina

What are

rimental chway, will resnt or purchy elevation

oes the Res

metry of thdplain.

dplain impaaccordance

the genera

ation appro

with minimalon, and no

R applicatioc analysis oget conditio-built geom

alizes the ch

e the red fl

ange to a fsult in the nase acquisof one foot

sident Eng

e roadway,

acts, provid with the C

al clearanc

val can tak

l encroachmFEMA sub

n can take of the plannnal approvaetry and hyhange in the

lags for th

loodplain, hnecessity tosition) to allot or greater


gineer need

, structures

de channel cDOT Drain

ce schedul

e a variable

ment into anbmittal: two

up to a yeaned improveal of the proydraulic anae regulatory

is resource

horizontallyo purchase ow that char is prohibite

d to do?

s and/or em

cross-sectiage Manua

e for this r

e amount o

n existing fto four wee

ar. A CLOMements. Thoposed chaalysis after ry floodplain


y or verticallproperty rig

ange to occed and will


ons to allowal.


of time, dep

loodplain, weks for eval

MR is a subhis submittaange. A LOconstructio


ly, on propeghts (either

cur. Any incnot be app


s that impin

w for hydra

pending upo

with no chaluation.

mittal of theal is done p

OMR is the on is comple

erty outsider a floodplacrease of a

proved by






e prior


e the in




The terma solid wmaterialCDOT sto protecthat requ





For exam(LUST) tSafety (OEnvironmreleasesdiscoverboundarEnvironmRegulatoregulato


1. Fc



What are

m hazardouwaste, hazas, radioacti

strives to idect worker huire investig

Why do

ination aboment by varnant.

Who reg

ous materiary Act (RCRnsation, andons may ap

mple, whenthe ColoradOPS) is usument (CDPs of chlorinary of unconry. Involvemmental Protory Commi

ory agencies

What do

For all projeomplex pro


e hazardou

us materialsardous wasive materiaentify contaealth and sgation and

we evalua

ove regulatorious federa

gulates this

als are reguRA) and thed Liability Apply depend

n contaminado Departmually involvHE) is invoated solventrolled landment and ctection Agession (NRCs (County o

oes the Env

cts, prepareojects with n


us materia

s is an all-inte, and othels, petroleu

aminated fasafety, to limremediatio

ate this res

ory levels real, state, or

s resource

ulated primae CompreheAct (CERCLding on the

ation originament of Laboved. The Coolved when nts from drydfills, or the coordinationency (EPA),C), the US or City Hea


e an Initial no ROW ac




nclusive terer wastes cum fuels, toacilities earlmit public exn (clean-up


equires notlocal agenc


arily by the ensive EnvLA), althoug


ates from aor and Empolorado Deother waste

y cleaning olocation of

n with other, Army CorpGeologicallth Departm

al Resourc

Site Assesscquisitions,

m for matecontaminateoxic substay in the proxposure, anp).

ification of cies, depen

Resource Cvironmental gh a myriadant, or conta

a leaking unployment –

epartment oe types are

or manufactf a project wr federal agps of Engin Survey (U

ments) may

ce Speciali

sment (ISAor contract


rials that ared with haznces, and poject develond to comp

and possibndent on th


d of other laaminants pr

ndergroundDivision of

of Public Hee identified, turing facilitwithin a Supgencies, sucneers (ACOSGS); and/

y also be req

ist need to

A) for smallet a Phase I

anuary 31, 2

re regulatedzardous pollutants. opment proply with laws

ble ongoing e type of

on and ,

aws and resent.

storage taf Oil and Puealth and

such as ties, the perfund sitech as the

OE), the Nuc/or local quired.

o do?

er, less Investigatio


d as

cess s

nk ublic






2. IfPa

3. Ruge

4. Po

5. TsmcHs

6. Cp


1. P

2. P

3. In




4. Pre

5. Es

6. Sc



y 31, 2013

or larger, metermine th

f structures Property Ma

nd samplin

Results of thp site inveseotechnicatc.).

Prepare or rr demolition

The resourcpecification

managemenontractor aw

Hazardous Wpecification

Confirm thatermits have

What do

Perform a jo

Provide FIR

nform the s

. structuresystem (

. temporarexcavatio

. Disturban

. Suspecte

Prepare infoesource spe

Edit FOR plapecialist.

Schedule thonference t

What is

SA: one to f

more complehe appropri

(Bridges oanagement ng.

he above mstigations (eal sampling)

request pern, and/or di

ce specialistns and plannt plan for mwarded theWaste manns to addres

t specificatie been obta

oes the Res

oint site rev

plans with

pecialist of

e acquisitionMS4) modiry or permaons, drillingnce depthsed groundw

ormation neecialist.

ans and sp

e resource to present a

the genera

four weeks

ex projects ate level of

r buildings)on conduct

may include ex. collect s), and/or re

mitting, if reischarge/de

t will notify s need to b

minor or suse project), Fnagement ass known o

ons/plans hained, if nec

sident Eng

iew with the

clear proje


n, modificatfications,

anent ROWg, caissons,s (feet) water or dew

eeded for en

ecs with mo

specialist tand discuss

al clearanc


with ROW f investigati

) are to be ating asbest

avoidance soil and/or gmediation (

equired, forewatering o

the Residebe modifiedspected co

Force Accouand/or dispoor suspected

have been cessary.

gineer need

e environm

ect footprint

tion, or dem

W acquisition, or utilities,




to attend ths hazardou

ce schedul

acquisitionon for each

altered or dtos/heavy m

of contamigroundwate(excavation

r site remedof shallow g

ent Engineed to include:ntaminationunt contingosal, and/ord contamin


d to do?

ental speci


molition, brid

n, subsurfa,

tal permits a

s requested

he pre-bid aus materials

e for this r

.. Resourceh project.

demolishedmetal paint

inated proper samples n, disposal,

diation, struground wate

er when pro: requiring an (to be comency fundinr Modified C


ely modified

ialist, if requ

dge or storm

ce work su

as requeste

d by the res

and/or pre-cs concerns.



e specialist

, consult Cinspections

perties, folloduring treatment,

ucture alteraer.

oject a materialsmpleted by ng for possCDOT 250

d and that


m water

ch as

ed by the




t will




the ible








Total = t


1. Ps

2. P

3. P

4. P

5. P

6. A


Phase 1 Inv

Asbestos / pe done con

Permitting, if

Additional si

Complete clermitting an

two months

What are

Project is thrites or facil

Project has

Project has

Project requ

Project requ

Ability to acc


paint inspecncurrent wit

f required:

ite investiga

earance: twnd site inve

s to two yea

e the red fl

rough commities.

structure m

ROW acqu

uires large,

uires dewate

cess proper

two to six m

ction and sath ISA and

one to thre

ation and/o

wo weeks toestigation)

ars +

lags for th




deep, or ex





ampling, if rPhase 1)

e months

r clean-up,

o three mon

is resource

ustrial corri

s or demoli

xtensive exc

required: on

if required

nths (may o


idors that m


cavation / s


ne to three

: -2 months

occur concu

may have co


anuary 31, 2

months (ca

s to 2 years

urrently wit





s +






Historic structureHistoric but may


Section to take i106 regu“Protectagencieinvolvesmitigatin


The StatdiscussiCDOT readversemust beadverseFHWA aConsultidevelop


Tasks inEA), thecompletonly nec

y 31, 2013


What are

properties e, or object Places (NR

y also apply

Why do

106 of the nto accounulations areing Historics must mee

s identifyingng adverse

Who reg

te Historic on with conequests co effects to p notified an effects is o

and SHPO, ing parties ment of the

What do

n the clearae resource be tasks, an

cessary whe


e historic p

are definedincluded in

RHP). Thisy to properti

we evalua

National Hnt the effecte publishedc Propertieset to comply

g historic proeffects in th

gulates this

Preservationsulting parncurrence fproperties,

nd afforded outlined in aas well as must also b

e MOA.

oes the Env

ance procesbase in the d whether Sen there is



d as any pren, or eligible typically aes that hav

ate this res

istoric Press of their un in the Cod

s,” and provy with the laoperties, evhe context

s resource

on Officer (Srties is alsofrom the SHthe Advisoan opportu

a MemoranACHP if th

be given an


ss vary depproject areSHPO consan adverse




ehistoric ore for inclusipplies to prve achieved


servation Acndertakings

de of Federavide guidanaw. Sectiovaluating thof a Federa


SHPO) rego a critical pHPO on Sery Council o

unity to partndum of Agrat agency p

n opportunit

al Resourc

pending on tea, whethersultation is e effect. Th


r historic dision in, the Nroperties thd significanc

ct of 1966 rs on historical Regulatio

nce on requn 106 is a p

he effects toal undertak

ulates histopart of the Section 106 fon Historic ticipate in threement thaparticipatesty to be invo

ce Speciali

the scale or a consultanecessary

he general s


strict, site, bNational Reat are 50 yce in less t

requires Fec propertiesons at 36 C

uirements Fprocedural o properties


oric propertSection 106indings. WPreservati

he processat is signeds in the proolved in the

ist need to

of the projecant has bee. Steps 8, steps includ



building, egister of ears or oldehan 50 yea

ederal agens. The Sec

CFR Part 80ederal law that

s, and

ties but 6 process.

When there aon (ACHP). Mitigation

d by CDOTcess. e review an

o do?

ct (CE, EISen hired to 9 and 10 ade:


er ars.

cies ction 00,

are ) n for ,





1. Fd

2. F

3. P

4. P

5. P

6. Sc

7. R

8. S

9. Paa

10. C


1. P

2. Pdp

3. Wp


Clearanwhetherprojectsmore cosometimproject igeneral consultaas defin

ProjectsSection nature o


File search oatabase

Field survey

Prepare surv

Prepare site

Prepare effe

Submit survonsulting p

Respond to

Submit adve

Prepare Memffected andppropriate,

Complete m

What do

Provide deta

Provide righesigns, androperties.

Work with reroperties.

What is

ce time framr consultatio, specialists

omplex corrmes longer d

mpacts, antime frame

ation) and ped under S

s that meet 106 Progra

of the projec

on Office of

y of project

vey report a

e eligibility d

ects determ

ey report aarties for re


erse effect f

morandum d circulate f ACHP and

mitigation for

oes the Res

ailed and up

t-of-way and graphics t

esource spe

the genera

mes vary don with the s typically nidor projectdepending

nd the naturs associate

projects thaSection 106

the requireammatic Agct)

f Archaeolo

area of pot

and site for


minations, as

nd determieview

sulting part

finding to A

of Agreemfor signatured concurring

r adverse e

sident Eng

pdated proj

nd easemento assist re

ecialist on s

al clearanc

epending oSHPO and

need a minits, the Secton the typere of the coed with intet require SH:

ements of Sgreement: o


ogy and His

ential effec



s appropria

nations of e

ties comme


ent (MOA) es from FHg parties


gineer need

ject descrip

nt informatisource spe

solutions to

ce schedul

on the projed consultingimum of eigtion 106 proe and numbnsultation. rnal clearanHPO consu

Screened Unone to five d

storic Prese



eligibility an

ents or inqu

for propertHWA, SHPO

d to do?

ption and sc

on, projectecialist in ev

o avoid or m

e for this r

ect scope ag parties is ght weeks tocess can tber of resouThe followince procesultation and

ndertakingsdays (can b


ervation (AC

nd effects to

uiries (if nec

ties that areO, CDOT an


t plan sheevaluating ef

minimize eff


nd resourcenecessary.to clear a ptake up to ources, the aing estimat

sses (not inv result in sp

s as definedbe less dep

anuary 31, 2

CHP) Comp

o SHPO an


e adverselynd when

ets, conceptffects to his

fects to hist

e types, an For minoroject. For one year anassociated es represevolving SHpecific findi

d by the pending on t





tual storic


nd or r nd

nt PO ngs


January No Histospecialis



There arprocess

1. T

2. C

3. In

4. S

It is partif SHPOconsultainformat

y 31, 2013

oric Propertst’s researc

e Effect: 285ation as we

What are

re a variety, including:

Tight project

Changes in


SHPO and/o

ticularly impO consultatioation has betion) then th

ties Affectech and coor

5 to 320 call as SHPO

e the red fl

y of issues t

t schedules

project sco

project info

or consultin

portant to pon is requiregun and phe consulta

ed or No Adrdination as

alendar daysO review tim

lags for th

that could c


ope and lim

ormation, an

ng party disa

rovide the sed. SHPO roject scop

ation period


verse Effecs well as SH

s (inclusiveme).

is resource

cause delay




specialist arequires 30

pe changes will have to

ct: 100 caleHPO review

e of speciali


ys in the Se

over findin

adequate tim0 days to re(due to ina

o start over

endar days w time).

ist’s resear

ection 106 c


me and projeview projecaccurate or r again.


(inclusive o

rch and


ject informacts. If new







MigratorServicesMigratorare nativspecies species game biUSFWSregular b

The MBbarter, imsuch bir“Take” iscollect, operson ieggs anviolationUSFWSconstruccausing activitiesnesting Migratorduring c


The Migmigratorwatchingannuallymigrator



What are

ry Birds ares (USFWS)ry Bird Treave to the Unare includeexcept the rds like phe

S maintains basis, and

TA makes mport, expod, unless as defined inor attempt ts found in pd nests), or

n of the lawS generally dction activitytakes of m

s (through tactivity is mry bird take


Why do

gratory Bird ry birds. Mg, hunting, y to local ecry bird or m


e Migratory

e bird specie) List of Migaty Act (MBnited Statesed on the lis

house spaeasants, grthe List of is also resp

it unlawful tort, or transuthorized u

n regulationto pursue, hpossessionr if you rem. Nests aredoes not pry. Construigratory birthe 240 Promost likely, s can poten

n activities o

we evalua

Treaty Act igratory birdand photog

conomies thmigratory bir


y Birds?

es includedgratory BirdBTA). Migras which migst, includingarrow, feral ray partridgeMigratory B

ponsible for

to pursue, hsport any munder a perns as: “purshunt, shoot

n of a protecmove an acte determinerovide permction mana

rds. CDOT oject Speciabetween Antially occuon bridges o

ate this res

(MBTA) is ds provide graphy. Thehroughout trd nests are


d on the Uns and are patory Birds grate over ig many compigeon, come, and sageBirds, both ar enforceme

hunt, take, migratory birrmit issued ue, hunt, sh, wound, kicted specieive nest, yo

ed to be actmits for migragers are re

implemental Provisionpril 1 and Ar during cleor culverts


the primarya variety of

ese activitiethe United Se criminal a

nited Statesprotected bygenerally renternationa

mmon specmmon starle grouse, aadding andent of the M

capture, kird, or any pby the Sechoot, wounll, trap, cap

es or its parou are autotive when aratory bird tequired to tats increasedn) during peAugust 31 oearing and g(i.e. overla

y legislationf beneficial es contributStates. Pend expensi


s Fish and Wy the provisefer to bird al boundariecies. In Colling, and no

are protected removing MBTA.

ll, possess,part, nest, ocretary of thnd, kill, trap,pture, or colrts or produomatically inan egg is latakes assoake measud restrictioneriods whenof any givengrubbing ofys, bridge d

n in the U.Sfunctions i

te nearly $4nalties for aive.

anuary 31, 2

Wildlife sions of thespecies th

es. Over 1orado, all on-migratored. The species on

, sell, purchor egg of an

e Interior. , capture, ollect.” If a

ucts (includin criminal id. The ciated with res to avoid

ns on projecn migratoryn year. f vegetationdemolition)

S. to conserncluding bi40 billion a taking a


e at 000


n a

hase, y



d ct

y bird

n or .

rve rd-

January 3.09.03

The U.Smigratorauthorizconserv


1. Ds

2. Dw

3. Tea

4. PM

5. Aa



1. In

2. B

3. In


1. C

2. M2


Unless srequired


y 31, 2013

Who reg

S. Fish and ry bird popu

zed by moreation of mig

What do

Determine ifite.

Determine ifwhen migrat

The Resourcxclusion de nest site.

Provide andMigratory Bi

Assist contrand maintain

What do


Budget for n



Contact Res

Manage proj40 Project

What is

stated elsewd during the

ces are obtces are con

gulates this

Wildlife Seulations ande than 25 pgratory bird

oes the Env

f migratory

f constructiotory birds a

ce Specialievices to en

revise the rds.

actors and ning nest fr

oes the Res

Section 24

nest preven

Resource S

source Spe

ject construSpecial Pro

the genera

where, mige migratory

tained durinnditional on

s resource

rvice has thd enforce thrimary conv



bird or mig

on activitiesre nesting.

st can somnsure that m

Section 24

consultantsree work sit

sident Eng


tion, remov

Specialist n

cialist to ad

uction to asovision, and

al clearanc

ratory bird bird nesting

ng the envirthe timing



he legal reshe provisionventions, tr

al Resourc

ratory bird

s are likely

etimes remmigratory bi

40 Project S

s on implemtes without

gineer need

ation in proj

val and mon


ddress migr

ssure all asd plan shee

ce schedul

nest preveng season (A

ronmental rand locatio

sponsibility ns of the Mreaties, and

ce Speciali

nests are li

to occur du

move inactivirds do not

Special Prov

menting nescausing tak

d to do?

ect specific

nitoring act


ratory birds

pects of MBets are follo

e for this r

ntion, remoApril 1-Aug

review procon of the ind

to maintainMBTA. The Sd laws to en

ist need to

ikely to occ

uring period

ve nests or begin using

vision for th

st surveys akes.

cation pack



BTA notes,owed by the


oval, monitoust 31).

cess. Migradividual pro


n healthy Service is nsure the

o do?

cur on a pro

ds of the ye

install nestg structures

he Protectio

as appropri


the Sectioe Contracto

oring is only

atory bird oject and




t s as

on of


n or.


Environm specificsappropri


1. Tnrestth

2. Pobredbpb

3. PmbasH

4. Ppbn


s are addreiate genera

What are

The presencests must bemoved. Utopped if nehe nests are

Projects than bridge orridge structemoval or nifficult to mird speciesroblems rereeding sea

Projects thamonitoring fo

iweekly basvoid bi-weeuch as nett

Hiring a wild

Projects tharoceed befefore the cests.

essed throual notes as

e the red fl

ce of migratbe monitore

Under someests are foue determine

t involve cler culverts hatures are tonest exclusionitor. Oth dependingquire phasiason.

t start after or bird nestsis until conekly monitoting, or if thdlife biologis

t are not adfore Augustontractor h

gh the inclurecommend

lags for th

tory birds hed until theye situations,und active ded to be ina

earing and ave the potoo large for ion activitieher projectsg on the exting a projec

April 1 andting activitynstruction b

oring if nest-e areas canst results in

dvertised unt 31, could fas an oppo


usion of theded by the

is resource

has the potey can be de, constructioduring consactive.

grubbing oential to caany known

es or have es could impatent of cleact to avoid a

d before Auy using a crebegins in th-building prn be cleare

n additional

ntil after Apfind active m

ortunity to p

e Section 24Resource S


ential to deletermined ton work mastruction, an

of vegetatioause a migrn, practical extensive nact grasslaring and gractivity duri

ugust 31 reqedentialed e impacted

revention med (or trees

costs to a

pril 1, but armigratory b

prevent the


40 SpecificSpecialist.

lay projectsto be inactivay also havnd may onl

n or construratory bird timplementaesting habind or wood

rubbing. Soing the Apr

quire survewildlife biol

d area. Themethods are

cut down) project.

re given a nbirds alreadestablishm

anuary 31, 2

cation and

s since activve and thenve to be y resume w

uction activake. Someation of nesitat in place

dland migraometimes thil 1-August

y and logist on a e project cae implemenprior to Apr

notice to dy on-site

ment of activ


ve n


vity e st es atory hese 31

an ted ril 1.





Noise isconsidereither admaking to sensitbackgrofor Coloas: A B C D E F


As definanalysisprojects for ColoGuidelin


Noise anhave no


1. D

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. C

y 31, 2013


What is

defined asrations are dding roadwinterchangetive receptound noise orado gener

A: areas of sB: residentiaC: parks, traD: special soE: CommercF: industrial,

Why do

ned in 23 CFs is conduct

that exceerado NEPA

nes (2011).

Who reg

nalysis andise ordinan

What do

Determine if


Conduct fiel

Conduct TN

Complete N


noise anal

s unwanted necessary

way capacite modificators to causeor noise levrally pertain

serenity <5al <66 decibails, campground sensitcial and dev, warehous

we evalua

FR772, Fedted for fedeed the NoiseA and highw

gulates this

d mitigation nces that m

oes the Env

f noise anal

view TNM m

d noise me

M mitigatio

oise Abatem



or excessiwhen a fed

ty, changinions, or moe an impacvels over thns to outside

6decibels; bels; rounds, chutive indoor veloped proe, agricultu

ate this res

deral Highweral projectse Abatemen

way projects

s resource

is regulateust be addr


lysis is requ

model for pr


on modeling

ment Deter


ve sound. Nderal projecg the vertic

oving the rot of either tee Noise Abe activities

urches, schNAC C use

operty <71 ural non-noi


way Adminiss and noisent Criteria. s under CD


d by FHWAressed duri

al Resourc


roject noise


g to define p

rmination F

Noise analyct causes ncal profile, aoadway paven decibels

batement Cand land u

hools, auditoes; decibels; aise sensitiv

stration (FHe abatemenTraffic nois

DOT Noise A

A. Also, maing the nois

ce Speciali

e levels.

physical no


ysis and minoise levels adding an avement horis or more o

Criteria (NACses, and ar

oriums <66

and ve uses, no

HWA) requint is considese complianAnalysis an

any local mse clearanc

ist need to

oise abatem


itigation to increase

auxiliary lanzontally clo

over existingC). The NAre categoriz

6 decibels;


ires that noered for thonce is detaind Abateme

municipalitiece process.

o do?

ment measu


e by ne, oser g

AC zed

oise ose led ent




6. 1m

7. Ifa

8. Pd


1. Pp

2. P

3. Pa

4. Cn




Total = f


1. Plo

2. Afo


209 for eacmitigation.

f noise abatpproval (ne

Provide engesign.

What do

Provide exislanned roa

Provide exis

Provide guidnd final bar

Coordinate, ecessary (o

What is

Noise level a

Public outre

four weeks

What are

Public disagocated uphiAssure that or each imp

ch impacted

tement is wew federal r

ineering wi

oes the Res

sting and findway elem

sting and de

dance on norrier siting,

in cooperaowner appr

the genera

and mitigat

ach: two we


e the red fl

greement will of the roamitigation a

pacted rece

d receptor c

warranted, srequiremen

th noise ba

sident Eng

nal design pents, adjac

esign year t

oise barrierutilities, oth

tion with sprovals, nois

al clearanc

ion analyse


lags for th

ith project, adway will manalyses ar

eptor site re



survey impant).

arrier dimen

gineer need

plan sheetscent building

traffic volum

r material seher critical i

pecialist, puse barrier ap

ce schedul

es: minimum

is resource

high existinmake mitigare documen

egardless of

g feasiblene

acted prope

nsion details

d to do?

s including tgs.

mes, and ve

election, cletems affect

ublic outreappearance,

e for this r

m two week


ng noise levation effortsnted by anaf final mitiga



erty owners

s and siting

terrain, elev

ehicle fleet

ear zone reting location

ach for nois, etc.).



vels, and/os more chaalyst signedation recom

anuary 31, 2

ableness fo

s for mitigat

g for final




e mitigation

r receptors allenging. d, Form 120mmendation





n if

09 n.




Noxiousby rule ainvades poisonoThe direenvironm


The Fedand/or e


The Col


1. Fn

2. Lth


1. Ws

2. Inn


There ar



y 31, 2013


What are

s weeds areas being noor is detrimus to livesto

ect or indirementally so

Why do

deral Noxioueradication

Who reg

orado Depa

What do

For EA or Eoxious wee

ook for noxhe need for

What do

Work with Rpecies, bid

nclude treatecessary.

What is

re no forma

What are

issues may


e noxious

e alien aquaoxious and mental to ecock; (c) Is act effect of und manag

we evalua

us Weed Aof designat

gulates this

artment of A

oes the Env

IS projects,ed manage

xious weed r an Herbici

oes the Res

Resource Spitem hours

tment area

the genera

al clearance

e the red fl

y restrict tim



atic and termeet one oconomic croa carrier of the presen

gement of n

ate this res

Act and the Cted noxious

s resource



, the consument plan

infestationde Treatme

sident Eng

pecialist ans.

on Storm W

al clearanc

es for this re

lags for th

ming and loc


restrial planor more of tops or nativdetrimenta

nce of this pnatural or ag


Colorado Ns weeds.


governs Co

al Resourc

ltant or con

s at scopinent pay item

gineer need

d Landscap

Water Mana

ce schedul


is resource

cation of he

nt species the following

ve plant coml insects, d

plant is detrgricultural e

Noxious We

olorado’s n

ce Speciali

ntractor will

g and inform

d to do?

pe Architec

agement P

e for this r


erbicide app

that have bg criteria; (ammunities; iseases, orrimental to tecosystems

eed Act man

noxious wee

ist need to

be require

rm Residen

ct to calcula

lan plan sh




been designa) Aggress(b) Is

r parasites; the s.

ndate contr

ed program

o do?

d to submit

t Engineer

ate area,

heets, if


nated ively




t a





Paleontoevolutionnot inclutools, po


The HistStatute 2and landowned ladestroy and assexplicitlyor remov


The OffiAntiquiti


1. Idw

2. Iffo

3. Dp

4. Us

5. Uim

6. Dc



What is

ology is thenary history

ude prehistoottery), whic

Why do

torical, Preh24-80-401 ds controlleands is resfossils coveess the sciey in the lawval of the re

Who reg

ce of the Ses Act.

What do

dentify potewithin the pr

f required, cossil localiti

Determine throject limits

Using FIR/Fcientifically

Using FIR/Fmpacts to p

Develop a ponstruction



e study of py, and its paoric human ch are the d

we evalua

historical, aet al.] (Stat

ed by any suerved to theered under entific impo, it is implicesource wit

gulates this

tate Archae

oes the Env

entially fossroject limits

conduct on-es within th

he scientifics.

OR level ply significant

OR level plpresently bu

lan for precn impacts to



lant and analeoecologremains an

domain of a

ate this res

and Archaete Antiquitieubdivision oe state. Pethe State A

ortance of focit in the reqthout a perm

s resource

eologist, Co


siliferous de

-the-groundhe project li

c significan

lans, determfossil local

lans, determuried, scien

constructiono scientifica


nimal life of ical interrelnd their assarchaeology


ological Rees Act) protof state govermits are reAntiquities Aossils on stquirement tomit.


olorado (OS

al Resourc

eposits and

d reconnaismits.

ce of any re

mine the loclities within

mine the prtifically imp

n and/or dually importan

past geoloationships.sociated cuy.

esources Actects all fosvernment. required to cAct. While tate-owned o avoid any

SAC) admin

ce Speciali


ssance for p

ecorded fos

cation and the project

robable locaportant foss

uring constrnt fossils.


ogic time, in This area

ultural artifa

ct [Coloradsils on statTitle to fosscollect, damthe require lands is noy damage t

nisters the

ist need to

recorded f

previously u

ssil localitie

scope of imt limits.

ation and ssils.

ruction mitig

anuary 31, 2

ncluding its of study docts (e. g., s

o Revised e-owned lasils on statemage, or ement to locot stated to, destruct


o do?

fossil localit


es within the

mpacts to a

cope of

gation of


oes stone

ands e-







January 3.12.05


1. In(Asc


1. Mre


It will tak


1. Pwre

2. Pp

3. Cp

4. P

y 31, 2013

What do

ncorporate Archaeologpecialist thaompliance


Manage projevisions to

What is

ke between

What are

Project is locwhich have equirement

Project has ermit perfo

Clearance rerevent perf

Project requ

oes the Res

all general gical and Paat provide dwith the Sta

ject construsubsection

the genera

n seven and

e the red fl

cated at leaadditional rts.

ROW acqurmance of

equest is isformance of

uires large,

sident Eng

notes and aleontologicdirection to ate Antiquit

uction to as 107.23 are

al clearanc

d nine week

lags for th

ast partiallyresource sp

uisition, requon-the-grou

ssued durinf on-the-gro

deep, or ex


gineer need

special revcal Discovethe contrac

ties Act.

ssure that ae followed b

ce schedul

ks to clear t

is resource

on lands apecialist rep

uiring rightsund reconn

g winter/spound recon

xtensive exc

d to do?

visions to sueries) identictor to cons

all general nby the cont

e for this r

this resourc


administereport and inte

s-of-entry anaissance (i

pring monthnnaissance


ubsection 1fied by the struct the p

notes and sractor.



d by Federeragency c

acquisition iif necessary

hs when sno(if necessa

ubsurface w


07.23 resource

project in


ral agenciescoordination

n order to y).

ow cover mary).



s, n





The SB impacts guidelinejurisdictiits immesupport.


SB 40 (3the StateWildlife tributarieincludeswith stre


CDOT’sbetweenis the offunder thdependeand Speplans anProgram


1. RS

2. Dre

3. Arein



What is

40 guidelinto State wa

es are applion of SB 4ediate bank

Why do

33-5-1014-e of Colora(CPW) whees”. Althous provisionseams in Col

Who reg

requiremen the Coloraffice within Dhe jurisdictioent on the tecial Conditnd specificammatic proje

What do

Review FIR/SB 40 jurisd

Develop meeproduction

Assure incorestrictions ancorporate


SB 40?

nes outline vaterways dulicable to an0. The exte

ks, and asso

we evalua

107, Colorado to obtai

en the agenugh SB 40 es to protect lorado.

gulates this

nts under Sado DepartDNR that reon of SB 40types of protions are adations. Projects requiri

oes the Env

/FOR level diction.

asures to mn, wildlife re

rporation inand BMPs tby referenc

L 40 (SB

various besuring and any projects ent of SB 4ociated ripa

ate this res

ado Revisen wildlife cency plans coemphasizesand preser

s resource

SB 40 are dments of Neviews plan0. Programojects and pddressed wject specificng formal C


plans to ide

mitigate potesources, a

nto project pto reduce rece all SB 40



st managemafter constru

on or adjac40 jurisdictioarian areas


d Statutes ertification fonstructions the protecrve all fish a


defined in aatural Reso

ns and provmmatic and potential to

within the MOc conditionsCertification

al Resourc

entify proje

tential impaand wetland

plans any Gesource im0 General, S

ment practicuction or mcent to streon includesthat contrib

as amendefrom the Co

n in “any strction of fishand wildlife

a Memorandources (DNvides certificnon-Prograimpact StaOA for incos may be pn.

ce Speciali

ct impacts

acts to wateds.

General Notmpacts, and

Specific an


ces designemaintenanceeams that fas the streambute to stre

ed) requiresolorado Divream, its bahing waters, resources

dum of AgrNR) and CDcation for aammatic Ceate waterwaorporation inrovided by

ist need to

to streams

er quality, fi

tes to addreSpecificati

nd Certificat

anuary 31, 2

ed to minime activities. all under them bed propeeam food ch

s any agencvision of Paanks, or , it also associated

reement (MDOT. The Cactions that ertificationsays. Genernto project CPW for n

o do?

that fall un


ess timing ons that tion Conditi


mize The e er, hain

cy of rks



fall s are ral





4. SmcP



1. Inidc


1. Ma


SB 40 Cthat impthe Genassociat404 perm



Total = 3


1. Tca

2. Sem

y 31, 2013

Submit projemeasures, rross sectio


What do

ncorporate dentified byonstruct the


Manage projnd plan she

What is

Certification act SB 40 reral Notes,ted letter anmit applicab

Application p

CPW respon

35 days (fro

What are

The SB 40 Aonstructionnd an addit

Seasonal rengendered

maximum w

ect summareclamationns, Sectiontic only).

oes the Res

all Generaly the Resoue project in

ject construeets are fol

the genera

can be initresources a Specificatnd applicatible corresp


nse: 30 day

om receipt o

e the red fl

Application n according tional 45 be

strictions to species m

work days or

ry letter tha/revegetatio

n 404 permi

sident Eng

l Notes, Spurce Specia


uction to aslowed by th

al clearanc

tiated with Fare defined ions, and Imion forms c

pondence w

n: five days


of necessa

lags for th

must be suto State St

etween adv

o avoid trouay conflict r completio


at addresseon plan aloit applicatio

gineer need

ecificationsalist that proe with SB 4

ssure all ashe Contract

ce schedul

FIR or FORand finaliz

mpact Specan be prep

with the USA

ry design in

is resource

ubmitted to tatute (at levertisement

ut spawningwith enginen dates.

s alternativong with appon, and SB

d to do?

s, and any rovide direct40 condition

pects of SBtor.

e for this r

R level planszed. Once tcific Sheets

pared. If a pACE should



the CDOWeast 45 dayst and start o

g, avian andeering sche

ves consideplicable pla40 applicat

required plation to Contns.

B 40 notes,


s provided the plan shs are developroject requd be attache


W at least 90s before adof construct

d/or threateedules that


ered, mitigaan sheets ation (non-

an sheets tractor to


that activitieets that shoped, the ires a Sected.

0 days priodvertisemention).

ened and identify


ation nd


es how


r to nt




Social reuse, visuway landindustriaarea. Thsuch as Socioecemploymservicesculturesenforcem


Land useasemeexisting,

Visual - the stronsense ofeconom


EJ is guOrder 12


Land ussocioecoEnvironm



What are

esources geual, socioecd is developal, parks, ethese can be

architecturconomics inment and tas, infrastruc, and incomment of env

Why do

e - Zoning,nts, urban , and future

Visual resong emotion f community.

conomics – ment, groceway it could

ided by Titl2898 on En

Who reg

e is regulatonomics armental Prot


e Social Re

enerally refconomics, aped and ustc.).Visual re natural fere, skylinesclude a var

ax base, accture and utmes with resvironmental

we evalua

future landinfrastructu

e developm

ources and they inspir

ty to the inh

Transportaery stores, ad affect the

le VI of the nvironmenta

gulates this

ted by the le regulatedtection Age



fer to the buand environ

sed for varioresources inatures, vist, or other criety of factocess to bustilities. EJ isspect to thel laws and p

ate this res

d use and gure service ent trends c

aesthetics re in humanhabitants of

ation projecand other eavailability

Civil Rightsal Justice.

s resource

ocal agencd by FHWA ency.




uilt human enmental jusous activitienclude feattas, or viewharacteristiors that masinesses, hs the fair tree developmpolicies.


growth manboundariescan affect t

are importan viewers. Sf an area an

ts can haveessential sey of housing

s Act of 196


cy (city, towand CDOT

environmenstice (EJ). Les (e.g., resures that de

wsheds, but ics that cre

ay affect anousing stoc

eatment of ment, adopti

nagement as, annexatiotransportati

ant becausSuch speciand may attr

e an effect ervices. If a g and emplo

64, as ame

wn, or countT. EJ is reg


nt and can Land use issidential, coefine the chalso urbanate a visua

n area’s ecock, propertypeople of aion, implem

areas, conseon plans, anion needs.

se of their ual places ofract tourism

on the abiliproject neeoyment.

ended and E

ty). Visual rulated by th

anuary 31, 2

include lans defined asommercial, haracter of n characterial definition.onomy incluy value, puball races, mentation, a

ervation nd past,

niqueness ften provide

m and drive

ity to acceseds addition


resources ahe


nd s the

an stics . uding blic


and e a its

ss nal


January 3.14.04

The resonecessa

Since soinvolvemadequat


The eng


There ar


1. T

2. Ts

3. Tc

4. To

y 31, 2013

What do

ource specary.

ocial resourment and cote informati

What do

gineer shou

What is

re no forma

What are

The project

The project wpecific dem

The project wommunity.

The project wffice, etc.)

oes the Env

ialist will ev

rces tend tooordination on to addre

oes the Res

ld incorpora

the genera

al clearance

e the red fl

primarily im

will acquiremographic.

will drastica

will remove


valuate imp

o be more qwith local c

ess these re

sident Eng

ate any rec

al clearanc

es required

lags for th

mpacts low-

e minority ow

ally change

e a commun


al Resourc

pacts and de

qualitative, communitieesource are

gineer need


ce schedul

for these r

is resource

-income and

wned busin

e the land u

nity service

ce Speciali

etermine if

dynamic, aes may be reas.

d to do?

d into the d

e for this r



d/or minorit

nesses or b

se pattern

e (i.e. free m

ist need to


and intangibrequired to

esign and s


ty commun


or visual ch

medical clin


o do?

s are

ble, public gather



that serve

haracter of

ic, library, p









A Stormthat outlproject wcoming fconstruc

A SWMPshows th

RegulatiDepartmPermit (SCP req

CDOT awater re

Local Agacreage


1. P

2. Dc

3. Rto

4. Pe


1. Ea

2. Rs



What are

mwater Manines recomwill utilize tofrom the prction projec

P consists ohe location

ion 61 of thment of HeaSCP) be ob

quires the d

also requireesource pro

gencies mae disturbed.

What do

Provide the

Design the Soordinate w

Review the So the Engin

Provide finanvironment

What do

Ensure the rll Scoping,

Receive SWpecialist


e Stormwa

agement Pmmended ano protect Wroject site. ct (i.e., befo

of seven paof best ma

he Coloradoalth and Envbtained for developmen

s a SWMP tection.

ay also have

oes the Env

SWMP tem

SWMP andwith the Eng

SWMP andeer (in eac

l approval otal project m

oes the Res

resource spFIR and FO

WMP templa


ater Manag

Plan (SWMPnd required

Waters of theThe SWMP

ore ground i

arts plus theanagement

o Water Quvironment (all projects

nt of a SWM

for projects

e SWMP re


mplate to the

site map wgineer on w

d site map h developm

of the SWMmanager fo

sident Eng

pecialist is pOR meeting

ate from the



gement Pla

P) is writtend best manae State by mP must be it broken).

eir subcompractices to

ality Contro(CDPHE), rs that disturMP for the p

s less than


al Resourc

e project de

with expectewho will do t

for accuracment phase

MP and a waor the 128 F

gineer need

part of the pgs.




n guidance agement prminimizing mplemente

ponents, ino be used o

ol Act, regurequires a Srb one or mproject.

one acre o

s for the pro

ce Speciali


ed phasing the drafting

cy, then re)

ater qualityForm.

d to do?

project des

Q website o



included inractices (BMpollutants i

ed at the sta

ncluding a son site.

ulated by theStormwaterore acres o

of disturban

oject, regar

ist need to

(if consultag)

lay the nee

y clearance

ign team an

or from the

anuary 31, 2


the plan seMPs) the in runoff art of a

site map tha

e Colorador Constructiof land. Th

nce to aid in

rdless of th

o do/

ant is not us

eded chang

to the

nd is invited





o ion is





d to


3. ET

4. A

5. Md




Total timfinal app


1. Cd

2. Am

3. Sdm

y 31, 2013

Enter projecTemplate

Add the SW

Make revisioevelopmen

What is

Design SWMOver one a

Review SWMevelopmenUnder one A

me it takes tprovals) = a

What are

Changes to esign can c

Allocation ofmilestones.

Specifically fesign plans

meet the var

ct specific d

WMP to the p

ons requestnt

the genera

MP and sitecre)

MP and sitent - scopingAcre ), 20

to completeapproximate

e the red fl

the scope ocause delay

f adequate

for projectss as early arious SCP

ata, such a

plan set

ted by the r

al clearanc

e map: appr

e map – the, FIR, FORhours each

e the clearaely 60 hour

lags for th

of work or tys and re-w

time for res

s over one aas possible permit requ


as the proje

resource sp

ce schedul


en type andR, Final): aph stage (Ov

ance for thiss (Under on

is resource

the additionwork of the

source spec

acre, the SW(preferable


ect descripti

pecialist thr

e for this r

10 hours (U

d send noteproximately

ver one acre

s resource ne acre), 15


n of project project SW

cialist to re

WMP shoue at FIR) to

ion, into the

roughout pr


Under one a

es (in each y eight houe)

(including m50 hours (O


view the SW

ld be includallow for a




acre), 40 ho

stage of rs each sta

meetings anOver one ac

nts througho

WMP at de

ded in projedequate tim




nd cre).



ect me to




An endaall or a sspecies significaproposespecies which thand thredevelopactivitiesspecies physicalincludedfor razor


The Endprovidesanimals they autor result


Each CDthreatenand variassesseThese dcritical h


1. C

2. C



What are

angered spesignificant plikely to be

ant portion oed in the Fe

is an animahe Fish andeats to propment or a ps. Conservathat may wl or biologicd with the lisrback sucke

Why do

dangered Ss for the proand their h

thorize or fut in the dest

Who reg

DOT projecned and endous other s

ed through tdocuments habitat, and

What do

Conduct site

Conduct lite


e threatene

ecies is an portion of itsecome endaof its rangederal Regisal or plant s Wildlife Se

pose them aproposed lisation of the

warrant futucal featuressting of a wer, Colorad

we evalua

Species Act otection andhabitat. Theund will not truction of d

gulates this

ct is evaluatdangered bspecies listethe develophelp determ also deter

oes the Env

e inventory

rature revie


ed and end

animal or ps range. A tangered wit. A proposester for listinspecies defervice has sas endangesting regulase species re protectio

s essential twildlife or fis

o pikeminn

ate this res

of 1973 (Ed conservae ESA requjeopardize


s resource

ted for impaby the Uniteed by otherpment of Bimine the effmines if co





dangered s

plant speciethreatened thin the foreed species ng under Sfined by thesufficient inered or threation is precis importan

on under theto the consesh species; now, humpb


SA), as amtion of threa

uires federae the continu

critical hab


acts to wilded States Fir resource aological Evfects a projensultation w

al Resourc



es in dangespecies is

eseeable fuis an animaection 4 of

e USFWS aformation o

eatened undcluded by ont because e ESA.” Crervation of such as the

back chub,

mended (16atened and

al agencies ued existenbitat for liste

life, includinish and Wilagencies. Ivaluations oect will havwith the US

ce Speciali



er of extinctan animal

uture througal or plant sthe ESA. A

as “plants aon their biolder the ESAother higher

they are byritical habitathe speciese Coloradoand bonyta

U.S.C. 153d endangerto ensure t

nce of any led species.

ng species ldlife ServicImpacts froor Biologicave on listed SFWS is ne

ist need to

anuary 31, 2


tion throughor plant ghout all or species A candidateand animalslogical statuA, but for wr priority listy definition at, based ons, may be

o River Basail chub.

31 et seq.),ed plants, that actionslisted speci.

listed as ce (USFWSom projects al Assessme

species ancessary.

o do?




e s for us

which ting

n the



s es,

S), are

ents. nd/or


3. P

4. Sto


1. Wa

2. P

3. E





Total = s


1. Are

2. Arele

3. Nsa

y 31, 2013

Prepare Bio

Submit Bioloo USFWS,

What do

Work with Rnd minimiz

Provide plan


What is

On-site and eason)

Prepare biol


six weeks to

What are

Avoidance oestrictions.

Any project equire furthengthen the

Not all surveurveyed at s they are o

logical Eva

ogical Evaluas necessa

oes the Res

Resource Spzation of imp

n sheets to

Biological A

the genera

literature re

logical docu

iew and co

o several m

e the red fl

of impacts t

that will be her coordinae clearance

eys can be specific timonly bloom



sident Eng

pecialist to pacts. Dev

include in t


al clearanc

eview: one

ument: one



lags for th

o listed spe

“likely to adation with the process by

conducted mes of yearing for a sh


logical Asse

ogical Asse

gineer need

determine velop mitiga

the Biologic


ce schedul

week to se

e week

four weeks

is resource

ecies may r

dversely afhe USFWSy 12 weeks

all year rou. Surveyin

hort time.


essment wit

d to do?

impacts, anation measu


e for this r

everal mont



require des

ffect” a spec. This add


und. Someng for plants

th “effects”

nd assist inures as nec


ths (depend

ign modific

cies or critiitional coor

e species cas is especia



n the avoidacessary.

dent on

cations or tim

cal habitat rdination ma

an only be ally problem





will ay





Water qthe projeSeparatquality pand redeinvolvemPlease sthe specpermits to those


Clean Wregulatinfor the Nthe basi

Safe Drihealth bwater anAssessm

Erosion B) - All hand opethe highresource

Colorad8) - The of state



What is

uality analyect area. We Storm Se

programs asevelopmen

ment, pollutsee the youcific programassociated regulations

Why do

Water Act (Cng dischargNational Poc structure

inking Watey regulatingnd its sourcment and P

and Sedimhighways fuerated accoway and ades.

o Water QuColorado Wwaters and


water qua

ysis includeWater qualiewer Systemssociated wt, illicit discion prevent

ur region or m guidance with them.s but may r

we evalua

CWA) 401ages of pollutllutant Discfor regulati

er Act (SDWg the nationces. CDOT rotection (S

ment Controunded in whrding to stadjacent pro

uality ContrWater Quald regulates



es all the suty analysis m (MS4) pewith the MSharge, indution and gor headquarte for more i. If a projecrequire a co

ate this res

nd 402 - Thtants into n

charge Eliming the disc

WA)(40 CFRn's public dis a stakeh

SWAP) prog

ol on Highwahole or in paandards thaperties and

rol Act (Cololity Control water quali


urface watecan vary if

ermit area. S4 permit: custrial facilitood housekeers water qnformation ct is not in aonstruction


he CWA esavigable w

mination Syscharge of po

R Parts 141rinking watolder in thegram mand

ay Construart by FHW

at will minimd abate poll

orado RevisAct protectity.

r and grounf the projectCDOT has

constructionties, public eeping, andquality spec

on these pan MS4 perpermit if it

stablished thwaters. It prostem (NPDEollutants int

1–143) - Thter supply ae Colorado dated by the

ction ProjeWA must bemize erosion

ution of sur

sed Statutets and max


ndwater in ot area is in seven diffe

n sites, neweducation d wet weathcialists, NEPprograms anrmit area, itwill disturb

he basic strovides the sES) permit to waters o

he SDWA pand protectiSource Wae SDWA.

cts (25 CFR designed, n and sedimrface and g

es (CRS) Tximizes the

anuary 31, 2

or affected a Municipaerent water

w developmand her monitorPA Manualnd the variot is not subjover an ac

ructure for statutory baprogram a

of the US.

protects pubing drinkingater

R 650 Subpconstructe

ment damaggroundwate

itle 25, Articbeneficial u


by al r ent

ring. , or ous ject


asis nd

blic g

part d, ge to


cle uses

January 3.17.03

It is the of Healthregulate


1. Dm

2. Dod

3. Ifq


1. Ca

2. Ifre

3. Dd


Betweendesign isand requproject d


1. T

2. P

y 31, 2013

Who reg

responsibilh and Envir

e water qua

What do

Determine ifmitigation an

Determine iff developmevelopmen

f new develuality form.

What do

Consult the nd if so, wh

f the projectequirement

Determine ifesign and c

What is

n 10 days as far enouguired permidetails. Plea

What are

The receivin

Permanent W

gulates this

ity of the Eronment (Clity.

oes the Env

f project is ind enginee

f the projecment. If so, ont and redev

opment an.

oes the Res

decision mhich model

t is in an Mts.

f permanencomplete th

the genera

and two mogh along to its. There aase see yo

e the red fl

ng water bo

Water Qual

s resource

nvironmentCDPHE), Wa


in MS4 arear notes for

t disturbs oobtain consvelopment

d redevelop

sident Eng

atrix to deteis appropri

S4 area, in

nt Water Quhe PWQ Fo

al clearanc

onths to acqmake conc

are multiple ur region o

lags for th

ody is on the

lity (PWQ)



tal Protectioater Quality

al Resourc

a and if so project plan

over an acrestruction stoprogram re

pment appl

gineer need

ermine if wate.

sert notes a

uality is requorm.

ce schedul

quire permitclusions), de

permits thar headquar

is resource

e 303(d) lis

is required.

on Agency y Control D

ce Speciali

proceed wns.

e or is part ormwater peequirements

lies then co

d to do?

water quality

and specs

uired and if

e for this r

ts and comependent oat may be rrters water q




and ColoraDivision (WQ

ist need to

ith necessa

of a larger ermit and ds.

omplete per

y modeling

to follow th

f so incorpo


plete PWQon PWQ reprequired dequality spe


ado DepartmQCD) to

o do?

ary permits

common pdetermine n

rmanent wa

is necessa

he programs

orate early

Q Form (afteport comple

ependent oncialist.




lan new





er etion n the




Wetlandgroundwtypicallyswampswetlandsorder to impacts alternatiwetland

Unavoid(USACEthe simpnationwinationwiSection individuapersonsapplicatia Sectio


The Clebiologicaprovide intensityactivitiesspecificaSection





What are

ds are definwater at a fry adapted tos, marshes,s require a avoid and to wetlandves, quantilosses.

dable impacE). There arplest permitide permitside permit, 404 Individal permit ap. After evalion is made

on 404 Natio

Why do

an Water Aal, and chea variety of

y, provide hs to name aally the disc404 of the

Who reg

ACE regula


e wetlands

ed as thoserequency ao thrive und fens, and rWetland Dminimize ims require doifies impact

cts will also re two typest under the authorizingthe activity

dual Permitspplication. Auating all c

e. This is a onwide Per

we evalua

Act was pasmical qualitf beneficial abitat for fis

a few. Undcharge of dClean Wate

gulates this

ates impact


e areas thand duration

der anaerobriparian areelineation t

mpacts to thocumentatits, and iden

require a ps of permitsSection 40g various a

y must meets are issuedA public notcomments amuch more


ate this res

ssed by thety of Waterfunctions tsh and wilder federal rredge and er Act.

s resource

s to wetlan


at are inundn sufficient tbic soil condeas. Projecto identify thhese sites don in a We

ntifies mitiga

permit froms. A Section

04 program.ctivities natt the required following tice is distriand informae complex a


U.S. Congrs of the U.Shat improve

dlife, and foregulations,fill material



dated or satto support aditions. Wcts that havheir locatioduring cons

etland Findiation meas

the U.S. An 404 Natio. The USAtionwide. Iements of oa full publicibuted to al

ation receivand detailed

gress in 197S., includinge water qua

oster recrea, activities t into wetlan


turated by sa prevalenc

Wetlands genve potential n within thestruction. Ung that con

sures to com

Army Corps onwide Perm

ACE lists a tn order to oone of thesc interest rell known int

ved, final ded process t

77 to protecg wetlandsality, reduce

ational and ethat impact nds is regul

anuary 31, 2

surface or ce of vegetanerally incluto impact

e landscapeUnavoidablensiders mpensate fo

of Engineemit is genetotal of 50 obtain a se 50 permieview of anterested ecision on ththan obtain

ct the physi. Wetlandse floodwateeducationawetlands

lated under


ation ude

e in e


ers rally

ts. n

he ing

cal, s er al


January 3.18.04

1. Cb

2. Pb

3. P

4. Dp

5. Dto

6. P

7. S

8. P



1. In

2. Qm

3. In

4. p

5. Pp

6. Ifp


1. CC

2. Ms



y 31, 2013

What do

Conduct fieloundaries f

Prepare Weoundaries,

Provide wetl

Develop androtection of

Develop cono compensa

Prepare We

Secure FHW

Prepare app

What do


Quantify weminimize im


repare des

Provide planermit applic

f mitigation lan sheets


Contact ResConference

Manage projpecification

What is

d DelineatioSeptember

oes the Env

d Wetland for Survey

tland Delinand areas.

land polygo

d incorporaf existing w

nceptual Miate for wetl

tland Findin


propriate pe

oes the Res

wetland de

tland impacpacts

Resource S

ign of mitig

n sheets shcation letter

will be on-sof the mitig

source Speand flag we

ject construns, and plan

the genera

ons can onlyr).



eation for U.

ons for desi

te measurewetlands

tigation Plaand losses

ng once im


ermit applic

sident Eng

elineation bo

cts based o

Specialist n

gation plan f

owing wetlar.

site, as oppgation site.

cialist to adetlands in t

uction to asn sheets are

al clearanc

y be perform


al Resourc

ns and GPS


igner to inc

es into proje

an (i.e. wetl.

pacts and m

n of Wetlan

ation mater

gineer need

oundaries i

on consider


for wetland

ands and p

posed to off

ddress wetlahe field.

ssure all ase followed

ce schedul

med during

ce Speciali

S wetland b

bmittal that

clude in proj

ect plans to

and bank, o

mitigation o

nd Finding

rials for the

d to do?

nto plans.

ration of me

s, and

d impacts

project footp

f-site mitiga

ands during

pects of weby the Con

e for this r

g the active

ist need to


identifies w

ject plan sh

o address a

on site, offs


e USACE pe

easures to a

print to inclu

ation or ban

g Preconstr

etland notesntractor.


growing se


o do?

or flag wetl

wetland type


avoidance a

site, in lieu

es are know


avoid and

ude in the

nking, provid



eason (~Ap









Environm Wetlandinclude i

Developof impacmonths

For Indiv



Total = s

For Nati



Total = f


1. PaWo

2. Wthdin

3. WdTnw


d Findings pimpacts an

pment of Wect, availabili

vidual Perm


USACE appix months

seven to nin

onwide Per

Preparation weeks


four weeks

What are

Projects thallow for det

Wetland Delf Wetland D

Wetland Finhe level wheveloped.

nformation f

Write up proetailed surv

These type potes, speci

wetland bou

preparation d mitigation

etland Mitigity of mitiga


of applicat

plication rev

ne months


of Nationw

plication rev

e the red fl

t are scopetermination lineation. TDelineation

dings cannere impactsSection 40for approva

ojects (i.e. rveys that shprojects mufications an

undaries an

and appron measures

gation oppoation opport

ion packag

view, public

wide Permit

view and iss

lags for th

ed in the winof wetland

The USACEs and will n

not be prepas are finaliz

04 Permits aal by USAC

esurfacing,how wetlanust addressnd requiremd require C


val (followins) : Approxi

ortunities (fotunities, and

e and subm

notice proc


suance of p

is resource

nter and are boundarie

E is allowednot approve

ared until Pzed and appand Wetlan

CE and FHW

, culvert repnd boundaris protectionments for thContractor p

ng the revismately thre

ollowing thed Designer

mittal to US

cess, and is

n letter and

permit: two


re advertises and restrd up to 45 de outside th

Project Planpropriate m

nd FindingsWA.

pairs) geneies that ma

n and avoidae Resource

protection o


sions to theee weeks.

e FIR deper assistance

SACE: three

ssuance of

submittal to


ed in the Sprict preparadays to prove growing s

ns have beemitigation m

must conta

rally do noty be subjecance of impe Specialist

of wetland a

anuary 31, 2

e FOR Plan

nding on lee): one to th

e months

f permit: fou


pring do nottion of a vide approvseason.

en developeeasures ain identica

t include ct to impactpacts throut to flag



ns to

evel hree

ur to




ed to


t. gh

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming




Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



The Form 463, Design Data, provides a section for information on traffic data for both the current and future (usually 20 years, but can be less) average daily traffic, design hourly volume, and the percentage of trucks. This information, along with the highway functional classification, is used to determine the appropriate design standards (e.g., typical sections or travel lanes) for a project.

The Resident Engineer is responsible for obtaining the latest traffic data. Traffic data is available from the Division of Transportation Development (DTD) or is accessible at http://apps.coloradodot.info/dataaccess/. For non-CDOT controlled roadways, the local transportation planning region (TPR) or metropolitan planning organization (MPO), such as the Denver Regional Council of Governments, may furnish traffic data.

The Resident Engineer will usually request any turning movement volumes from the Division of Transportation Development.

The following items consist of traffic information that should appear on the Form 463, the Title Sheet, or elsewhere on the plans as appropriate:

1. Traffic data - includes average daily traffic, design hourly volume, percentage of trucks and directional traffic distribution [Form 463, Title Sheet, Traffic Movement Diagram plan sheet].

2. Roadway functional classification - such as interstate, freeway, collector, or arterial can be obtained from the DTD web page referenced above [Form 463].

3. Terrain type -- obtained from the same web page [Form 463].

4. Number of lanes - geometric design type or typical section, can be determined from the CDOT Design Guide, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Highway Capacity Manual, or associated software [Form 463, Typical Sections, Plan & Profiles].

Additional References: 1. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2. CDOT Procedural Directive 512.1, Project Scoping and the Design Scoping Review

(DSR) 3. State Highway Access Code 4. For forms, see CDOT on-line forms library


Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013



The Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch periodically reviews the safety performance of all roads on the state highway system and identifies locations that have the potential for accident reduction. This data is available to the designer.

Under the Federal-aid Highway Act, each state is to maintain the Hazard Elimination Program by surveillance and identification of accident locations on all federal aid roads and streets. This program is part of the state’s overall Statewide Safety Program and is administered by the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch.

In the Colorado Highway Safety Improvement Plan developed by CDOT, a program is described to reduce the number and severity of traffic accidents and to decrease the potential for accidents. All crash data is supplied to the Department of Revenue by the Colorado State Patrol and other local law enforcement agencies. The Department of Revenue, in turn, provides information and makes accident reports available to CDOT for analysis.

The Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch, with crash data supplied by the Department of Revenue, is responsible for identifying locations that have the potential for accident reduction. Some of the methods of identifying highway and traffic safety issues are:

1. Accident frequency distribution

2. Accident rate

3. Accident severity

4. Pattern Recognition

5. Roadway Diagnostics

6. Safety Performance Functions

The Accidents and Rates on State Highways book (http://staging.coloradodot.info/library/traffic/traffic-manuals-guidelines/safety-crash-data/accident-rates-books-coding ) is another important tool used in the analysis and selection of locations for traffic accidents and associated rates. The two sources for producing this report are the electronic traffic volume data bank from the Division of Transportation Development and the electronic crash data gathered and maintained by the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch.

Safety Assessment Reports are provided by the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch on all highway type projects, such as rail-highway, non-interstate routes, interstate, “safety enhancement” type and 3R type. When requested, the accident summaries are

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


provided by either the Region Traffic Engineer or the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch. Use the Safety Engineering and Analysis website <http://internal/stafftraffic/safety_engineering_group/index.html> to: submit requests for new Safety Assessment Reports, accident information, and graphs; view completed reports and studies; or get information on accidents and rates.

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 655F, Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and

Highways; Part 924, Highway Safety Improvement Program; Part 1205, Highway Safety Programs; Determinations of Effectiveness

2. CDOT Procedural Directive 548.1, Safety Considerations on Resurfacing & 3R Type Projects

3. 23 USC Section 109(e), Standards; Section 152, Hazard Elimination Program 4. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD)

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013



Traffic volume data are used to analyze the level of service of proposed designs as described in Section 4.01. Average daily traffic volumes and design hourly volumes are usually projected for 20 years for each traffic movement at an at-grade intersection or interchange.

The Resident Engineer will initiate a request to the Division of Transportation Development for turning movement volumes prior to designing the intersection or interchange. The request will be in e-mail or letter form adequately describing the location and type of data needed.

It is important that the request properly describes the proposed improvement so that any new traffic patterns can be predicted. The request should also include a list of alternative design concepts, if applicable. If the current project is part of a corridor, then the overall corridor traffic should be used in the prediction.

In urban locations it is desirable to have peak hour traffic counts both in the morning and in the evening, so that the design hourly volume is properly selected.

It may be necessary for the Division of Transportation Development to conduct a current traffic count at the site prior to applying an expansion factor. In some areas, the local agency may have a current count and may have a planning model predicting traffic.

The Division of Transportation Development may provide a traffic diagram (see Section 4.04) to the designer showing the requested traffic information.

On larger projects or corridor projects, a traffic model may be prepared, based on future growth and land uses, to forecast the expected volumes. The Resident Engineer may include this modeling need in the design engineer’s scope of work.

The turning movement volumes should be documented in the project file, or in the intersection or interchange report, as supporting documentation for the chosen design.

Additional References: 1. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2. CDOT Roadway Design Guide 3. CDOT Procedure Directive 512.1, Project Scoping and the Design Scoping Review


January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



The traffic movement diagram illustrates, in the plans, the design traffic volume predicted for each movement within an intersection or interchange. It is used as data to confirm acceptable levels of service and to justify design features such as turning lanes and storage lengths.

The traffic movement diagram is a graphic representation of the data received from the request that is described in Section 4.03. The diagram is placed on the plan sheet showing the proposed intersection or interchange design and provides a permanent record, in the plans, of the data that justified the design features of the intersection or interchange.

The diagram will show the design hourly volume for each movement within the intersection or interchange. The diagram may also show the current average daily traffic and the current hourly volume. The diagram will show the current year and the 20-year projection of traffic movements. Signal project movements may be projected for 10 years.

The Resident Engineer is responsible for assuring that the traffic movement diagram and data are placed on the appropriate plan sheet, as needed. Placing the diagram on the plan sheet provides permanent documentation of the traffic data used for design of the project.

If the turning movement data will be more than two years old at the time of advertisement, the Division of Transportation Development should be contacted for updated information, and the design assumptions for the new traffic predictions should be verified.

Additional References: 1. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2. CDOT Roadway Design Guide 3. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Highway Capacity Manual

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013



A thorough investigation of traffic conditions, accident history, and physical characteristics of the location is necessary to establish warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. Warrants should be established prior to any engineering work, since the design criteria for a signalized intersection will be different from that of a stop-controlled intersection.

The Region Traffic Engineer will conduct the signal warrant study for the roadway intersection together with all the necessary calculations, documentation and traffic signal warrant justification for each location.

The Region Traffic Engineer shall certify that warrants have been met by documenting them in the form of a letter justifying the need for traffic control signals. Traffic Control Signals can be justified when warrants are met as indicated in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), Part IV. The letter should state which of the warrants as shown in the MUTCD are applicable. It is important to note that a location meeting signal warrants does not automatically mean that installation of a traffic signal is the solution. Engineering judgment should be exercised before making a final decision.

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 655F 2. 23 USC 109(d), Standards 3. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



Project design should efficiently and safely move traffic through various conflict points arising at the crossing of highways.

The crossing of two or more highways can be accomplished in three manners: at-grade intersections, grade separations, and interchanges. The most common at-grade intersection configurations are “4-leg,” “T,” and “Y,” with or without separate auxiliary lanes or channelization. At-grade intersections require some form of traffic control, which could range from stop signs or traffic signals to a modern roundabout. Grade separations allow one roadway to pass over another with no provision for turning movements. Interchange design allows for one roadway to pass over another with turning movements. Common interchange types are “diamond,” “cloverleaf,” “directional,” “urban,” “Y,” and “trumpet.” The decision to use interchanges depends on traffic counts, highway classification, and access requirements.

Concepts, including signal warrants and truck-turn templates, for use in intersection design can be found in the References listed at the end of this Section. Truck-turn templates account for the off-tracking of large vehicles as they turn through at-grade intersections,

The Resident Engineer is responsible for the justification and design of new or modified intersections or interchanges. Turning movements are discussed in Section 4.03 and signal warrants in Section 4.05 of this manual.

For a new or modified intersection justification, factors usually addressed are:

1. Traffic factors include: capacity, turning movements, signal warrants, cause of accidents and their type and frequency, the needs of pedestrians and bicycle users when justified in urban or rural areas.

2. Physical factors include: topography, improvements, physical requirements, and physical constraints.

3. Economic factors include: the cost of the improvements and economic effects on abutting businesses.

4. Human factors include: driving habits, decision and reaction times, driver expectations, and natural paths of movement.

When signal warrants are not initially met but are expected to be met in the future, the Region Traffic Engineer should specify the requirements that must be met to justify signalization of the intersection.

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


For interchange design, the above factors also apply, along with addressing highway classification, character and composition of traffic, design speed, and degree of access control. For the interchange design and approval process, see CDOT Policy Directive 1601.0, Interchange Approval Process.

For new or modified intersection design, the following data is required for initiating a final design:

1. Basic data – relative to traffic, physical and economic factors.

2. Preliminary design – aerial photos (when available), topographic maps, preliminary sketches of plan and profiles for alternative designs. Preferred alternative should be determined no later than the Field Inspection Review stage.

3. Comparative costs – cost estimates of alternative designs.

4. Selection of suitable design – from the standpoint of traffic adequacy and economy and safety considerations.

5. Final plans – design approval of intersection configuration, complete calculations, plan and profiles, traffic flow diagrams showing the design hourly volume and the design year of all anticipated traffic movements, and proposed construction Traffic Control Plan.

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 771 2. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (see Section 2.10 of this manual) 4. CDOT Roadway Design Guide 5. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) 6. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Highway Capacity Manual 7. For forms, see CDOT on-line forms library


January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



A traffic signal plan is used to establish control of vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow at intersections, consistent with the assumptions used in Section 4.06 Intersection and Interchange Design. Prior to design of signal plans, the Resident Engineer confirms that the signals are warranted and that documentation is in the project file.

Traffic signal plans will include a complete geometric layout of the intersection showing the location of the traffic signal poles, conduit, signal cabinet, power source, and existing utilities. A sketch of the signal faces, a phasing diagram, a legend, general notes pertaining to the signalization, and a summary of approximate quantities will be included.

The Project Traffic Engineer or a consultant prepares the signal plan according to the decisions made at the Design Scoping Review and the Field Inspection Review meetings. The Region Traffic Engineer reviews and approves signal plans.

The Resident Engineer will be responsible for providing an updated intersection layout to the Project Traffic Engineer to use in designing the signal plan.

The Project Traffic Engineer completes all the necessary calculations for documentation of the signal warrant study, prepares the traffic signal design, computes quantities, drafts specifications, and completes drawings for the final signal plans. The Project Traffic Engineer also certifies that all traffic plans conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) and CDOT S Standard Plans. Some signal installations may need to conform to the local entity specifications, if they are a part of an integrated signal system.

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 655 2. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 3. FHWA 23 USC 120 4. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Highway Capacity Manual

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013



A lighting plan is prepared by a qualified engineer to provide roadway lighting for improved driver vision at night and to enhance the safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

The purpose of roadway lighting is to improve nighttime highway safety by reducing the possibility of motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians, fixed objects, or obstructions on the roadway. The quantity of light does not necessarily indicate a good lighting system. What’s important is to provide effective lighting. Effective lighting refers to the ability of the light to provide contrast between objects and background so that motorists can detect conflicts in sufficient time to take evasive action. Many interrelated factors contribute to effective lighting, such as reducing glare to help improve driver performance.

The CDOT Roadway Design Guide provides a description of illumination, including design guides, methods, and types. Design software may be available through the Region.

Warrants for lighting are outlined in The AASHTO Informational Guide for Roadway Lighting. Warrants are not required for minimum interchange lighting.

The CDOT Lighting Design Guide should be used when preparing lighting plans or determining lighting warrants. The CDOT Lighting Design Guide is based on the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Lighting Handbook Ninth Edition and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2005 Roadway Lighting Design Guide. It represents the current recommended practice for roadway lighting and includes criteria for typical applications found in the state of Colorado. The CDOT Lighting Design Guide should be used in conjunction with the latest version of these two references. Exceptions to these guidelines should be thoroughly evaluated and documented in accordance with CDOT’s design exception policies.

All projects that include lighting installation or modification require plans and specifications that show the type and locations of the lighting equipment and a summary of quantities. The lighting design will be incorporated into the final plan set by the Resident Engineer.

The following documentation and procedures are to be followed for the design of highway lighting:

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


1. The Resident Engineer, through the Region Utility Engineer, will coordinate with the utility company to ensure proposed materials are compatible with utility inventories. If applicable, a lighting agreement will be negotiated between CDOT and the local agency.

2. The Region Utility Engineer will designate the power source locations and negotiate with the utility company to supply the power.

3. In special lighting situations (e.g., use of ornamental or decorative lighting), the state and federal shares of costs shall not substantially exceed the estimated cost of conventional highway lighting, unless such special lighting is within the scope of the project (such as enhancement projects or historical areas) or is otherwise justified by the public interest. The Resident Engineer will negotiate the local share, if any, of special lighting costs.

The following information will be shown on the lighting plan:

1. Circuit type, voltage, and location of power source.

2. Luminaire type, lumens, and locations.

3. Light standard type, mounting height, bracket arm type and length, and foundation details.

4. Size and location of electrical conduit, conductor size, location of direct burial cable, and locations of pullboxes and junction boxes.

All final plans for lighting should be reviewed by a qualified lighting or electrical engineer for proper wiring or other electrical details.

Additional References: 1. CDOT Roadway Design Guide 2. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 3. IESNA Lighting Handbook 4. AASHTO Lighting Guide 5. CDOT Lighting Design Guide

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013



The proposed final signing and pavement marking plan will be included in the project Plans, Specifications, and Estimate package.

The Project Traffic Engineer or a consultant is responsible for the design of the signing and pavement marking plans for the construction project.

The preparation of permanent signing and pavement marking plans includes the following activities:

1. Plan sheets showing the roadway, edge of traveled way, shoulders, structures, and topography are drafted for traffic engineering plans by the Designer, and electronic files provided to the Project Traffic Engineer or consultant, when required.

2. The Project Traffic Engineer or consultant collects and tabulates the field inventory of existing traffic controls.

3. The Project Traffic Engineer or consultant draws existing signs on the plan sheets.

4. The Project Traffic Engineer or consultant locates and places the required traffic controls, such as pavement markings or guide signs, on the plans.

5. The Project Traffic Engineer or consultant prepares the traffic plan that includes the tabulations of signing and striping quantities.

6. The Project Traffic Engineer or consultant prepares required specifications and special provisions.

The Project Traffic Engineer or consultant submits the traffic plans and specifications to the Resident Engineer for incorporation into the final plan set .

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 655F 2. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 3. CDOT S Standard Plans 4. CDOT Roadway Design Guide 5. CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 6. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD)

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



A Transportation Management Plan (TMP) lays out a set of coordinated strategies and describes how these strategies will be used to manage the work zone impacts of a project. The scope, content, and degree of detail of a TMP may vary based on the expected work zone impacts of the project. All projects must comply with the Region’s Lane Closure Strategies. The Region Traffic Engineer must approve all work that does not comply with the Region’s Lane Closure Strategies (http://www.coloradodot.info/library/traffic/traffic-manuals-guidelines/lane-close-work-zone-safety/lane-closure-strategies).

The components of the TMP will depend on whether it is a “significant project.” A significant project is defined as one that, alone or in combination with other concurrent projects nearby, is anticipated to cause sustained work zone impacts at a location for three or more consecutive days with either intermittent or continuous lane closures. A significant project impacts the traveling public at the metropolitan, regional or the Interstate level and has a moderate to very high level of public interest. It will directly impact a moderate to very large number of travelers and will have moderate to very high user cost impacts. A TMP may consist of the following components:

1. Traffic Control Plan (TCP) – Required Component Traffic control devices are all types of signs, signals, and temporary or permanent pavement marking that are used on streets or highways to regulate, warn, or guide traffic during the construction phase of a project. Traffic control is also required for maintenance, utility, and emergency operations. The safety of all forms of transportation such as cars, trucks, pedestrians, and bicycles should be considered throughout the construction phases of the project. All construction plans that require temporary signing, signals, and pavement marking shall have a Traffic Control Plan layout sheet (which may be a reference to one or more of the cases illustrated in the CDOT S Standard Plans) showing the different phases of construction and the locations of signs, signals, and pavement marking. The TCP shall be consistent with the provisions of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, CDOT M&S Standard Plans, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and any applicable incident management plans. A tabulation of pavement markings, signing quantities, schedule of construction traffic control devices, and project specifications are also required. The Traffic Control Plan may be developed by the Region Traffic Unit or a consultant. Coordination with the region, local agencies, utility companies,

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


railroads, and entities is essential during project development. The Region Traffic Engineer or designee is responsible for reviewing Traffic Control Plans. The Resident Engineer is responsible for providing the construction phasing plan and ensuring that a Traffic Control Plan is included in the final plan set.

2. Transportation Operations (TO) – Required Component The TO component of the TMP consists of compliance with the Region’s Lane Closure Strategies. (The Region Traffic Engineer must approve all work that does not comply with the Region’s Lane Closure Policy.) In addition, TO strategies should be identified that will be used to mitigate impacts of the work zone on the operation and management of the transportation system within the work zone impact area. Typical TO strategies may include, but are not limited to, demand management, corridor/network management, work zone safety management, and Traffic/Incident Management and enforcement. More strategies are listed in the “Work Zone Safety and Mobility Procedures” document (http://www.coloradodot.info/library/traffic/traffic-manuals-guidelines/lane-close-work-zone-safety/work-zone-safety-mobility/WZSM_Procedures.pdf/view). The scope of the TO component should be determined by the project characteristics, and the identified transportation operations and safety strategies.

3. Public Information (PI) – Required Component for Significant Projects The PI component of the TMP includes communications strategies that inform affected road users, the general public, area residences and businesses, and appropriate public entities about the project, the expected work zone impacts, and the changing conditions on the project. The PI component may be customized by use of the “Public Information Services” project special provision worksheet (http://www.coloradodot.info/business/designsupport/construction-specifications/2011-Specs/project-special-provision-work-sheets/626pis.docx/view). This may include motorist information strategies. The scope of the PI component should be determined by the project characteristics and the identified public information and outreach strategies. Public information should be provided through methods best suited for the project and may include, but not be limited to, information on the project characteristics, expected impacts, closure details, and commuter alternatives.

Preparation and implementation of a TMP for a highway project includes:

1. The Project Traffic Engineer will prepare a TCP, TO, and PI (optional for non-significant projects) to be included in the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate package, including project special provisions for traffic control, general notes, and pay items for all traffic control devices, when requested by the Resident Engineer. TO strategies must be specified in the general notes and include all contract language, plan sheets, and specifications required to implement the

January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


selected strategies. Projects requiring a PI component must utilize the Public Information Services project special provision worksheet.

2. The Project Traffic Engineer will select traffic control devices that conform to the version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) adopted by the Transportation Commission and amended by the Colorado Supplement for CDOT use, the CDOT Guidelines on Variable Message Signs, the Standard Specifications, and the CDOT S Standard Plans.

3. Work zone speed limits shall be set in accordance with the procedures established by CDOT Form 0568 http://www.coloradodot.info/library/forms/cdot0568.pdf/view, in CDOT’s Update on Signing for Double Fines memo, and any others communicated to the Region Transportation Directors and Branch Heads.

4. The Resident Engineer will ensure adherence to all parts of the CDOT Work Zone Safety Guidelines for Engineering and Maintenance:

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Parts 630J and 655F 2. CDOT S Standard Plans 3. CDOT Guide Signing Practices and Procedures

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013


January 31, 2013 Structures



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enter pring n the et or

e can’t

e on

t or


r will


3. Abth

Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. CDO4. AAS5. CDO

y 31, 2013

A cost compest choice he cost com

nal RefereOT RoadwayOT DrainageOT Bridge D


parison shoto be const

mparison alt

nces: y Design Ge Design M

Design ManD Bridge Deterial Selec

ould be madtructed. Proternatives.

Guide Manual nual esign Speciction Policy


de to determoject grade

ifications .

mine what sadjustmen

structure altnts should b


ternative isbe included


s the in



An unusnew or clong bridacceptaarch, sethat devhighwaydesign; exceedinconcrete


1. b

2. s

3. tu

4. gim

5. hd

6. usy

FHWA Wbridges,Selectioaid projethe prevsquare fand maj

The ResInspectioEngineestructureforward

The ResStructur



sual bridge complex dedge spans, ble practicegmental co

viate from Ay bridges subridges using 500 feete or steel.

l structures


now sheds



ydraulic stresigns, or d

nusual hydystems, sto

Washington tunnels, hyn Report shects, the FHvious sentenfeet and all or geotech

sident Enginon Review

er will provides, and tunthem to the

sident Enginal Engineer


is one invoesigns with

or (4) desiges. Exampleoncrete, moAASHTO bruch as: bridng three-dit; and bridg



al structuresnt systems;

ructures thadesign tech

draulic strucormwater pu

n Headquarydraulic struhould be suHWA Divisonce) that habridges onnical featur

neer shall sand Final Ode the Resinels. The loe Washingt

neer must cr. The Struc


olving: (1) dunique opegns with proes of unusu

ovable, or tridge design

dges requirimensional

ges with ma

s featuring n

at involve cohniques tha

ctures, suchumping fac

rters shall auctures, anubmitted to on Office shave an estim

n the Nationres.

submit a StOffice Revieident Enginocal FHWAon Headqu

coordinate cture Selec



ifficult or unerational or ocedures thual bridges russ bridgesn standardsng abnormcomputer a

ajor support

new or com

omplex streat are atypic

h as those scilities, dam

approve all nd geotechn

the FHWAhall approvemated total

nal Highway

ructure Selew plans toneer with plaA Division wuarters for a

the requirection Report


nique founddesign fea

hat depart finclude ca

s. Other exs or AASHTal dynamicanalysis; brting elemen

mplex wall s

eam stabilitcal or uniqu

serving largs or levees

movable brnical structu

A for review e all other bl deck areay System, m

lection Repo the FHWAans for brid

will review thapproval as

ed submittat submitted


dation charatures, (3) efrom currenble-stayed,

xamples areTO guide spc analysis foridges with nts of “ultra”

systems or

ty countermue; or

ge storm drs.

ridges and ures. A Struand approv

bridges (not greater tha

major hydra

port as well A. The Projedges, earth hose submis appropriat

ls with the d with the in

anuary 31, 2

acteristics, exceptionallntly recogni, suspensioe bridge typpecificationor seismic spans ” high stren




unusual ucture val. On fedt included ian 125,000aulic structu

as the Fielect Structurretaining ittals and mte.

Project nitial reques


(2) y zed

on, pes s for



0 ures,

d ral


st for

January review ameasure

Addition1. CDO2. AAS

y 31, 2013

and approvaes, and stud

nal RefereOT Bridge D


al shall incldies of alte

nces: Design ManD Bridge De

ude environrnate spans

nual esign Speci


nmental cos and bridg


oncerns andge types.

d suggested


d mitigation





Pedestriother codistricts,centers.

Pedestrifreewayimpose traffic. Totherwis

When dethe samarchitectThe Resthe prelithe strucelectron

The Projproposegeneral accommrequest

The desaccessib

Public sincludedare in th

Addition1. AAS2. CDO3. Desi




ian facilitiesonditions me, factory are

ian separats or expresan extreme

They are alsse warrante

esigning pee as for antural considsident Enginminary geocture. Additic format.

ject Structued alignmen

layout for tmodations fo

that the ap

sign of pedebility for the

afety featurd in the deshe CDOT R

nal RefereHTO Policy

OT Bridge Dign of Pedeication N50


s should beerit their useas, school

tion, either ssways whee inconvenieso desirableed and the s

edestrian ovy other highderations shneer is respometric layotionally, top

ural Enginents submittehe selectedor the phys

ppropriate fo

estrian overe physically

res such asign of the soadway De

nces: y on GeomeDesign Manestrian Over040.38, FHW


e provided wse. These fal zones, ath

over or undere cross stence or safe at locationseparation

verpasses ahway structhould be coponsible forout, verticalpography of

er is responed and prepd structure ically handoundation in

rpasses andhandicapp

s vertical clestructures. Design Guide

etric Designnual rpass and UWA



where pedeacilities are hletic fields,

der the roadtreets are tefety hazardns where this economi

and underpture where onsidered (sr providing profiles, an

f the surrou

nsible for reparing a strwith appropicapped. Thnvestigation

d underpasped, and bic

earance, feDesign critee.

n of Highwa



estrian voluusually loc

, parks, and

dway, is userminated o to pedestr

he need forcally and e

passes, thethe same gsee Sectionthe Projectnd cross se

unding area

eviewing anructure selepriate widthhe Project Sns be comp

sses shouldcycle traffic

encing and eria for ove

ays and Str

to Accomm



ume, traffic cated in cend other maj

ually desiraor where corians due tor a pedestriaenvironment

e requiremegeometric an 5.01 of tht Structural ections for ta should be

nd commenection reporhs, clearancStructural Epleted.

d accommoc, where wa

lighting shoerpasses an


modate the

anuary 31, 2


volume, or ntral busineor activity

able at onditions o heavy vehan crossingtally feasib

ents should and his manual)

Engineer wthe locationprovided in

nting on thert including ces, and Engineer sh

odate arranted.

ould be nd underpas




hicle g is le.


. with n of n

e a




January 4. Pede

Regu5. AAS6. AAS7. AAS8. AAS9. CDO

y 31, 2013

estrian and ulations, TitHTO LRFDHTO GuideHTO GuideHTO LRFD

OT Roadway

Bicycle Actle 23, High

D Bridge Dee for the Plae SpecificatD Guide Spey Design G

ccommodatihways, Partesign Specianning, Destions for Deecifications



ions and Prt 652 ifications sign and Opesign of FRPs for the Des

rojects, Cod

peration of P Pedestriasign of Ped

de of Fede

f Pedestrianan Bridges destrian Bri



n Facilities





Aesthetiinclude fincorporstructure

CorridorNEPA PResidenguideline


Visually commenstructurein a struand treastructure

Addition1. CDO2. Bridg

Rese3. Bridg



ically pleasfeatures anrating archites could be

rs typically hProcess or fnt Engineer es. An arch

nary design n Report (s

appealing nces becaue design hacture at low

atments mue. Aesthetic

nal RefereOT Bridge Dge Aesthetiearch Coungescape –


ing structurnd treatmentectural fea

e in service

have an exfrom a localwill determ

hitect may b

and architesee Section

structures suse inclusioas begun. Sw cost whilest be thoro

cs are impo

nces: Design Manics Around ncil, 1991 The Art of D


res should nt that proveatures and a

50 to 75 ye

xisting archil entity pref

mine the strube consulte

ectural detan 5.07 of thi

should be an of these d

Some aesthe others incughly inves

ortant in hig

nual the World,

Designing B



be compatie to be endaesthetic treears.

tectural-aeference. Thucture spec

ed for ideas

ails must bes manual.)

adopted andetails is no

hetically plecrease cost stigated befh-profile, fr


Bridges, Fre


ible with theduring. Careeatment in

sthetic themhe Project Scific architeon feature

e document

d developeot easily acasing featusignificant

fore they arrequently vi

ation Resea

ederick Got



eir surrounde must be ea structure

me developStructural Ectural treats and treat

ted in the S

ed early befccomplishedures can bely. New or ure incorporaiewed struc

arch Board


anuary 31, 2


dings and exercised we because s

ped during tngineer anment ments.


fore final ded after the

e incorporatuntried featated into a ctures.

(TRB) Nati



when some

the d


ted tures




The founbased obridges,and retastructureinclusion

When a send a fResidenlocations

The Resor survecompletGeotechEnginee

Any quebe addrerespons

The Geogeology

The Geoshould p

Addition1. CDO2. AAS

y 31, 2013


ndation inven existing s major conc

aining wallse design son in the Stru

boring or afoundation int Engineers for the str

sident Enginey crew will ed the accehnical Enginer will have

estions the Gessed to thible for exa

otechnical Eplan sheet

otechnical Eparticipate i

nal RefereOT Bridge D



estigation gsubsurface crete box c. Investigat

o that prelimucture Sele

a geotechniinvestigatio. A copy of ructure bori

neer will bearrange for

ess and traneer and ththe final bo

Geotechnice Project S

amining the

Engineer wt and geote

Engineer shn the follow

nces: Design ManD Bridge De


gathers dataconditions.

culverts, higtion requestminary foundection Repo

cal study ison request,

the requesings will be

e responsibr traffic conffic control

he Project Soring locatio

cal EngineeStructural En

site and sc

will analyze sechnical rep

hould be incw-up and re

nual esign Speci



a and provi. Typical re

gh-mast lights should bdation reco

ort prepared

s required, tincluding th

st and the gsent to the

ble for obtaintrol. When has been a

Structural Eons surveye

er may havengineer. Thcheduling u


cluded in thesolution of



ides foundaequests inclhting, sign se made at

ommendatiod by the Pro

the Projecthe propose

general layoe Geotechn

ning accesthe Reside

arranged, hngineer in wed for inclus

e related tohe Geotechutility locate

e data and p

he Design Sany structu

ation recomude foundastructures, the concepons are avaoject Struct

t Structural ed General out with appnical Progra

s. The Resent Engineehe shall notiwriting. Thesion in the

o the boringhnical Engines, as requir

provide an

Scoping Reural problem


mmendationation studiesound walls

ptual stageailable for tural Engine

Engineer wLayout, to t

proximate am Manage

sident Enginer has ify the e Resident report.

locations sneer is red.


eview and ms identifie


ns es for s, of


will the








A structurecommwill proc

During tEngineewith Secmajor cu

Selectiobut othe

1. S

2. S

3. S

4. E

5. C

6. H

7. L

8. O

The ResrequiredSection

Prior to prepare the Resiand to thto the Fi



ure selectiomended seleceed.

he concepter shall devection 19 of tulverts, see

n of the beer requireme

Site requirem

Safety (durin

Structural (fu



Hydraulics (

ife cycle co

Other (comm

sident Engind to prepare5.01 of this

commencinand distrib

ident Enginhe FHWA. Tield Inspect


on report doection and e

tual and preelop a structhe CDOT B

e Section 5.

st structureents to be c

ments (topo

ng construc

uture widen

tal (appear

n (ease of c

stream flow

osts (mainte

mitments to

neer will pre a structures manual.

ng the final ute a struct

neer. The RThe structution Review


ocuments thestablishes

eliminary decture selectBridge Des02.

e type alternconsidered

ography, al

ction, traffic

ning, founda

rance, wetla


w, bank and

enance, du

o officials an

ovide the Pe layout, st

structure dture selecti

Resident Enure selectiow meeting.



he importanthe basis u

esign stagetion report f

sign Manual

native may include:


c, detours)

ation condit

ands, public

n, false wor

d pier protec


nd commun

Project Struructure sele

design, the on report, igineer shan report sho


nt factors thupon which

es of a projefor all majol. For a stru

be based i


c exposure

rk, season)

ction, culve

nity, team s

ctural Engiection repo

Project Struncluding anll make distould be rev


hat lead to th the final st

ect, the Proor structuresucture selec

n part on th


ert alternate


neer the infort, and fina

uctural Engn economictribution witviewed and

anuary 31, 2

the tructure des

oject Structus in accordaction report

he lowest c

es, scour)

formation al design. Se

gineer will c analysis, tthin the Reapproved



ural ance t for



to egion prior



Retainingrade chthe avai


1. A

2. As

3. Ast


1. S

2. B

3. E

Retaininenvironmshould b

The Projresponsalternatia founda

The requDesign M

The defaStructur

1. Dp

2. DC

y 31, 2013


ng walls arehange. Thelable R.O.W

ng walls aren and sourc

An externall

An internallyelf-supporti

A hybrid or mtabilized sy

affecting th

Spatial cons

Behavior co

Economic co

ng walls shomental factobe designed

ject Structuible for the ve wall desation invest

uired documManual, Se

ault wall deal Engineer

Default desirocess (see

Design alterCDOT Bridg


e used primey are also W, as well a

e classified ce of suppo

y stabilized

y stabilized ing.

mixed systeystems.

he selection

straints -- Fu

nstraints --


ould be desors comprod for a mini

ural Engineselection a

signs may btigation and

mentation fection 5.

esign and der will includ

gn -- Definee the CDOT

rnatives -- Tge Design M


arily for retused whenas other ap

into three cort:

d system us

system use

em combine

n of a retain

unctions of

Earth pres

ns -- Enviro

signed to reomising the mum servic

er in coopeand design be developed foundation

for the wall

esign alterne:

ed to meanT Bridge De

The productManual, Sub


aining soilsit is necess


categories a

ses a physic

es soil reinf

es element

ning wall are

f a wall, spa

ssure, water

onmental, a

esist corrosidurability o

ce life of 75

eration with of the best-ed. The Pron report.

selection re

native docu

n the best wesign Manu

ts of the debsections 5

s or roadwasary to con

according t

cal structur

forcement t

ts of both ex


ace limitatio

r table, foun


ion, deterioof the wall. 5 to 100 yea

the Reside-suited waloject Struct

eport is out


wall obtaineual, Subsec

esign select5.4 and 5.5)

ay cuts and ntain the roa

to basic me

re to hold th

to make the

xternally an

ons, propos

ndation pre

oration, andPermanentars.

ent Engineel type. Whetural Engine

tlined in the

provided b

d from the ction 5.6).

tion proces).


fills to creaadway fill w

echanisms o

he retained

e retained s

nd internally

sed profile.


d other t retaining w

er will be ere appropreer will requ

e CDOT Bri

y the Proje


s (see the


ate a within






riate, uest



Structur For a pr

Addition1. CDO2. AAS


oprietary w

nal RefereOT Bridge DSHTO LRFD

wall, refer to

nces: Design ManD Bridge De

o Section 2.

ual esign Spec


24 Propriet


tary Items i


n this manu

anuary 31, 2





The Resresponsthe Resiheight, astructurawill need

Addition1. CDO2. AAS3. AAS

y 31, 2013


sident Enginible for the ident Enginand configual design and to review

nal RefereOT Bridge D



neer, in cooselection o

neer will prouration. Thend requestithe structu

nces: Design ManD Bridge Dee Specificat


operation wof the best-sovide the Pre Project Stng the founral plans fo

nual esign Specitions for Str


with the Projsuited wall roject Strucructural En

ndation inveor any poten

ifications ructural Des

oject Structutype. Base

ctural Enginngineer will estigation. Tntial conflic

sign of Sou

ural Engineed on the noneer with thbe responsThe Reside

cts with buri

und Barriers


er, will be oise analyshe alignmensible for theent Engineeied utilities.



is, nt, e er



A structumay afferail heigcan be pthicknes

The ResEnginee

The ProjResidenresurfacwater pr

The Resresurfac

Addition1. CDO



ural analysiect the loadht, its bridgplaced on ass of aspha

sident Enginer for resurf

ject Structunt Engineercing, recomroofing mem

sident Engincing method

nal RefereOT Bridge D


is is performd carrying cge expansioa structure ilt after resu

neer will refacing of str

ural Engine. The memomended re

mbrane, an

neer will infd.

nces: Design Man


med beforeapacity of t

on devices, f there is ad

urfacing sha

quest recomructures.

er will sendo will includpairs to mad bridge ra

form the Pr




e a structurethe structuror a combidequate loaall be limite


d a surfacinde conditionaintain the iil upgrades

roject Struc


e is resurfacre, its verticination therad carryingd to 3 inche

ons from the

ng recommens related tntegrity of t

s to maintai

ctural Engin



ced becauscal clearancreof. Additiog capacity. Tes on the s

e Project St

endation mto the structthe riding sn roadway

neer of the f

anuary 31, 2


se resurfacce, its bridgonal pavemThe total



emo to the ture

surface, exissafety.

final propos



ing e






An existleft in pla

The Resinvolving

The ResEngineedocume

The Resthe Form

The decdocume

Addition1. For f

http:/2. CDO

y 31, 2013


ting structurace.

sident Enging the existin

sident Enginer regardingntation acc

sident Enginm 463, Des

cision to leanted.

nal Refereforms, see C//www.colo

OT Bridge D


re must me

neer will furng structure

neer shall rg the adequcording to th

neer shall cign Standa

ave bridges

nces: CDOT on-liradodot.info

Design Man


eet criteria a

rnish the Pes and prop

request recuacy of the he CDOT B

compare thrds, to dete

that are na

ine forms lio/library/forual



as establish

roject Strucposed desig

ommendatexisting str

Bridge Desig

e bridge wiermine adeq

arrower tha

brary rms


hed by FHW

ctural Engingn.

ions from thructure andgn Manual

idth with thequacy of th

n the propo


WA and CD

neer pertine

he Project S recommenfor repair o

e requiremehe bridge wi

osed roadw



DOT, if it is t

ent data

Structural ndations anor replacem

ents shownidth.

way should


to be

nd ment.

n on




FHWA aRehabilirail unlecriteria p

CrashwoHighwayHardwarto crash

The ProjEngineeresponsbridge ra


The folloroadway

1. Th

2. Tlimtoh

When a than 45 bridge e

WorkingDesign a




approved critated bridgss a varianpresented in

orthy rail is y Researchre (MASH),-tested rail

ject Structuer regardingible for deteail in place.

ed documen

owing bridgy classificat

Type 7 or Tyighways pr

Type 3 or anmited applio use type 1ighway sys

bridge alsomph, a bar

edge may b

g drawings wand Manag

d drawings oction Plans


rashworthy es on all prce is appron the CDO

defined ash Program R, or rail whic.

ural Engineg the replacermining w

ntation for v

ge rails are tions:

ype 10M onrojects.

ny approvedcations bec10M for all stem.

o serves perrier to shiee warranted

with currengement Bra

of bridge ras as determ


bridge railrojects, regoved. The vT Bridge De

s crash testeReport 350,ch has bee

er will provcement of ehether to in

variances a

required fo

n National H

d crash tescause of itsnew constr

edestrians old them frod as determ

tly approvench.

ail with revisined by the



must be prardless of f

variance shaesign Manu

ed in accor, AASHTO

en approved

ide a recomexisting bridnstall new b

and design d

r new or re

Highway Sy

sted bridge s 27-inch heruction requ

or cyclists am the trave

mined by th

ed bridge ra

sions or moe Resident E


rovided on funding, shall include aual, Section

rdance withManual for

d by the FH

mmendationdge rail. Thebridge rail o

decisions s


ystem (NHS

rail on locaeight. Thereuiring a stee

and the poseled way ane Resident

ail are availa

odifications Engineer.


all new bridall use crasan analysisn 2.

h the Nationr Assessing

HWA as bei

n to the Ree Resident or to leave t

shall be in t

bridges on

S) and non-

al roads. Tyefore, CDOel bridge ra

sted speed nd a pedestt Engineer o

able from th

are to be in

anuary 31, 2

dges. shworthy brs based on

nal Cooperag Safety ng equivale

sident Engineer is

the existing

he project f

the followi

-NHS state

ype 3 has OT has electail on the sta

limit is greatrian rail at or Staff Brid

he Bridge

ncluded in








ted ate

ater the dge.


January Addition1. 23 C2. AAS3. AAS4. AAS5. AAS

y 31, 2013

nal RefereCFR Part 62


nces: 25, Design Se for SelectD Bridge Dedside Designdard Specifi

Standards fting, Locatinesign Specin Guide fications for


for Highwayng, and Desifications

r Highway B

ys signing Tra


affic Barriers






All highwguidelineoverpasfacilitieschannelappropri

Vertical wideningis achiev


The Restraffic shconsiderapproprithe high

Addition1. 23 C2. AAS3. AAS4. AAS5. AAS6. CDO



way projectes set by thses, under, overhead s, and canaiate clearan

clearance ag and overlved.

m vertical c

sident Enginhifts. Clearared. If minimiate signingway constr

nal RefereCFR Part 62


OT Bridge D


ts shall meehe FHWA apasses, railines, sign

als. The Rences.

applies to tay. A forma

learances a

neer must vances to falmum clearag shall be inruction plan

nces: 25, Design Sy on Geomee for the DeD Bridge Dedards SpeciDesign Man


et or exceedand CDOT.lroad and tbridges, si

esident Eng

he full paveal variance

are listed in

verify verticse work an

ances cannncluded in tns for all str

Standards fetric Designevelopmentesign Speciifications fo

nual (Sectio



d minimumThese clearansportatiognal mast a

gineer is res

ement widthis required

n the CDOT

cal clearancnd shoring dot be mainthe plans. Vuctures.

for Highwayn of Highwat of Bicycle ifications or Highway n 2)


m vertical clearances shaon facilitiesarms, navigsponsible fo

h, includingd if less clea

T Roadway

ces for all pduring constained durin

Vertical clea

ys ays and StrFacilities




earances aall pertain ts, bicycle angational streor determin

g provisionsarance than

Design Gu

phases on dstruction shng construcarances sha


anuary 31, 2

ccording too all nd pedestrieams,

ning the

s for future n the minim

uide, Chapte

detours andould be ction, all be show





er 6.


wn on



For consfor evaluor not th

The matThe matsave the


The accwill contmust betechniqucompletdesignatABC ma

The docprocesswhetherevaluatio

This cur“CDOT_evaluatiomay moto determin-depthspecialtyTraffic, Hthe softw

The abodiagram

y 31, 2013


struction pruating Accehey are app

terials for Aterials are ce files to yo


celerated brtain one or written and

ue will be used during thted Staff Br


cument “CD. The proce

r or not ABCon as to wh

rsory evalua_Prescopingon show thve on to a mine which

h evaluationy groups inHydraulics, ware are to

ove informam that is incl


rojects that elerated Bripropriate for

ABC evaluacompressedur local com


ridge constrmore bridgd added to sed on the he ABC evaridge Engin

DOT_ABC_Sess is a twoC is approphat type of A

ation is to bg_ABC_Raat an ABC more in-de

h ABC methn is requiredcluding butetc. to exebecome pa

tion is repreuded in the


include onedge Constrr any given

tion can bed in a Zip fimputer.


ruction metes. After cothe projectproject. Thaluation. Th

neer for guid

Selection_Oo-phase appriate for a gABC techni

be done durating_Attachtechnique ipth evaluat

hod best med, the desigt not limitedecute the ABart of the pr

esented grae document



e or more bruction (ABproject.

e downloadele. Downloa


hodology isompletion o file explaine justificatiohe design tedance and

Overview” cproach. Ongiven projecique will be

ring the scohment_B.” Iis appropriation using theets the progn team shad to: Staff BBC Decisioroject files.

aphically int titled, “AB


bridges, CDC) techniqu

ed at the inad the mate


s to be evaof the evaluning why oron letter sheam may cinformation

contains ane phase is ct. The sec

e employed

oping phaseIf the resultate for the phe “ABC Deoject’s goalall scheduleridge, Utilitn Making S

n Figure 5-1C_Workflow


DOT has deues, to dete

nternet link erials, unzip


luated for aation, a jus

r why not anhould includchoose to wn regarding

n overview a cursory e

cond phase .

e using the ts of the cuproject, theecision Maks and conse a meetingties, EnvironSoftware. T

1. This is thw_Attachm



eveloped a ermine whe

given belowp the files,


all projects tstification len ABC de materialswork with th

the use of

of the ABCevaluation ais an in-de


e design teaking Softwa

straints. If thg with all nmental, he results o

e same ment _A.”


tool ether

w. and

that etter

s e the

C as to



am are” he




ABBC EvaluatF

tion and De


igure 5-1 ecision Makking Matrix



anuary 31, 22013


y 31, 2013





N 6





Jaanuary 31, 22013



Existing selectedpaveme

A pavempaving operformeconditionproject.

The printraffic vo

The twohot mix selectionmaterialanalysistechniquSection

The Resof the prMaterialpavemeit is prep

After a pEnginee

1. F

2. S

3. P

The Reg

y 31, 2013


pavement d and the rent surfacing

ment analysor resurfacined by the Rn and to de

ncipal factorolume and t

types of paasphalt (flen will be pre cost for the

s will compaues, or both6.05 of this

sident Enginroject to allos Engineernt justificat

pared by a c

proposed prer performs

Field Condit

Selection of

Pavement J

gion should


conditions equired thicg.

sis and an eng, with the

Region Mateetermine the

rs in choostypes, clima

avements uexible). A lifeepared for ae pavemenare concreteh. Alternativs manual.

neer must bow sufficienr will preparion letter. Tconsultant.

roject involvthe followin

tion Survey



d retain a co


are analyzckness is de

existing cone exceptionerials Engine type of ne

ing pavemeate, life cyc

used are Poe cycle cosall appropri

nt including e to asphalve pavemen

be in contant time to pere the paveThe Region

ving pavemng:

and Field I


opy of the p



ed for distretermined fo

ndition surv of minor p

neer to deteew paveme

ent type or cle costs, an

ortland cemst analysis, iate projectany subbast pavementnt designs a

ct with the erform a dement analyMaterials E

ments has b


pavement ju


ress. The prfor the subb

vey are donpatching. A ermine the

ent or resurf

treatment and construc

ment concresupporting

ts with morese and basts, compareand life cyc

Materials Eetailed paveysis, distresEngineer re

been scope




roposed pabase, base

ne on all propavement aexisting pafacing requ

are soil chaction consid

ete paveme the paveme than $2 mse course me alternativcle costs are

Engineer at ement analss reports, aeviews the

d, the Regi

in the proje


avement typcourse, an

ojects that hanalysis is

avement uired on the


ent (rigid) anment type million in material. Thve rehabilitae discussed

the inceptiysis. The and the analysis wh

ion Materia

ect file.


pe is d





e ation d in





Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. CDO


nal RefereOT PavemeOT RoadwayOT Policy D

nces: nt Design My Design Girective 140

Manual Guide 00.0, Surfac


ce Treatmeent Program



anuary 31, 22013



The prelfollowingchangesAdditionsection i

The invewater prand struinformat

The Regrequest drilling s

If the eqprescribthe Geodrilling c

Region Mfield andMaterialsheets a

Region Mdocume

1. R

2. E

3. As

4. A

5. Pre

6. PTd

7. E

y 31, 2013


liminary soig: proposeds in grade cnal informatin Chapter

estigations roblems, emuctures suchtion for pav

gion Materiato the Regi

soil samples

quipment aved depth oftechnical P

contractor w

Materials ad laboratorys will work

are prepare

Materials pnt informat

Research fil

Examine site

Assign or peubsurface m

Assign or pe

Prepare repehabilitation

Provide soil The Residen

esign plans

Ensure that


il survey incd pavementcut and fill aion on the p200 of the

are neededmbankmenth as CBCs,ement desi

als Engineeion Materias for the pro

vailable to Rf a cut area

Program of twill be reque

nd Materiay tests and with projec


ersonnel wion required

es for exist

es of propo

erform drillinmaterials.

erform labo

orts and prn, soil and b

survey resnt Engineers.

reports and


cludes drillit rehabilitat

areas descrpreliminaryField Mater

d to examint failures, a, bridges, aign.

er (RME) oals personneoposed pro

Region persa or performthe Materiaested to pro

ls and Geoanalyze da

ct personne

will ensure thd for projec

ting reports

osed project

ng of propo

ratory testin

rovide recombase stabili

ults and bor will assure

d plan shee



ng soil samtion, wideniribed in the soil survey

rials Manua

ne sites of pnd soil prob

and retaining

r the Residel for prelim


sonnel is noming the neeals and Geoovide drillin

otechnical Bata, CDOT Fl or consult

he followingct design:

on propose

ts and iden

osed locatio

ng of samp

mmendatioization, etc.

oring log infoe incorpora

ets are subm


mples for onng, new roaCDOT Fie

y can be foual.

proposed cublems relateg walls. Th

ent Engineminary soil s

ot capable eded drillinotechnical Bng services.

Branch persForms, andtants to ens

g actions a

ed sites.

ntify need fo

ons and col


on of pavem.

formation totion of the

mitted to th

ne or more adway alignld Materialsund in the S

ut and fill aed to pavemese investi

eer usually isurvey inve

of drilling tong methods Branch or a.

sonnel perfod soil test resure soil pro

re taken to

or utility clea

lect sample

ment types,

o the Residinformation

he appropria


of the nment, or s Manual. Soil Survey

reas, grounment condigations pro

initiates theestigation a

o the or procedu

a commerci

orm a varieeports. Regofile plan

collect and


es of


ent Enginen into the

ate agency



nd tion


e nd

ures, al

ety of gion





The RegBranch Sperform Enginee

The Reg

During tare need

Addition1. CDO2. CDO


gion MateriaSoils Lab Mthe R-valu

er will review

gion should

he design pded, they w

nal RefereOT Field MaOT Paveme

als EngineeManager at e test for paw the analy

d retain a co

phase of thwill be obtai

nces: aterials Mannt Design M

er should cothe inceptioavement an

ysis and des

opy of the s

e project, ifned and a s

nual (LatestManual (Lat


oordinate won of the prnalysis andsign when i

soil profile a

f it is determsupplemen

t Edition) test Edition

with the Maroject to allo

d design. Thit is prepare

and test res

mined that atal report s



terials and ow sufficienhe Region Med by a con

sults in the

additional dubmitted.

anuary 31, 2

Geotechnicnt time to Materials nsultant.

project file.

data or sam






Geotechfinal rep

Geotechbridge fowalls, grrelated b

The Matfoundatifooting e

The Projdrilling toGeotech

Requestphase tousually r

The Staf

1. R

2. Ec

3. Pm

4. A

5. Pre

6. P

7. SE

Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. CDO4. AAS

y 31, 2013


hnical invesort with app

hnical invesoundations round anchbuildings.

terials and on construcexcavations

ject Structuo the Residhnical Progr

ts for drillinogether withrequired for

ff Geotechn


Examines silearances.

Performs drimaterials.

Assigns labo

Prepares fouecommend

Prepares the

Submits repEngineer.

nal RefereOT Bridge DOT RoadwayOT Field Ma



stigations inpropriate fo

stigations a(piling, caisors, high-m

Geotechnicction relates.

ural Enginedent Engineram Manag

g and geoteh site plan sr completio

nical Progra

files for ex

ites of prop

illing at pro

oratory test

undation reed foundat

e Engineer

ort and pla

nces: Design Many Design G

aterials ManD Bridge De


nclude drillinoundation re

re needed tssons, or s

mast lighting

cal Branch ed problems

er will sendeer, and wilger.

echnical stusheets andn of drilling

am perform

xisting repo

posed struct

posed loca

ting of samp

eport and spion.

ing Geolog

n sheet to t

nual Guide nual esign Speci



ng for varioecommend

to examinepread footi

g, sound ba

provides ass during pile

d a request l send a co

udies shou cross-sect, lab testing

ms and docu

rts on propo

tures and id

ations and c


pecifies typ

y Plan She

the Residen

ifications fo


ous structurations.

e sites of prongs), concr

arriers, traff

ssistance ine driving, ca

for foundatopy of the re

ld be submtions as neeg, and repo

uments the

osed sites.

dentifies an

collects sam

pe and bear


nt Enginee

or Highway


res and pre

oposed strurete box cufic signs, an

n areas sucaisson cons

tion investigequest to th

mitted duringeded. Four

ort preparat

following a

ny need for

mples of sub

ring capacit

r and Proje




paration of

uctures suclverts, reta

nd highway

ch as struction, a

gation and he

g the designr to six weetion

as requeste



ty of

ect Structura



ch as ining


n ks is






The GeoMaterialanalyzesgeotech

The Mat

1. Flig

2. R

3. E

4. P

5. S

6. E

7. Fm

8. Rlog

9. R

10. G

11. L

12. Swc

During tthe ProjeGeotechand shofor struc

Typical rRequestSelectioResiden



e foundationve measure

otechnical gs and Geots data, andnical report

terials and


Roadway em


Pavement s

Soil laborato


Foundation misalignmen

Remote senocations, buround pene

Rockfall pro

Ground wate


Space constwetlands anontaminate

he design pect Structurhnical Progruld include


requests arts should bn Report pr

nt Engineer


n systems ses taken fo

group (Geotechnical B

d prepares ets.


s for bridges


nt and back

ubgrade sta

ory testing.

tal geologic

constructiont, footing e

nsing for unuried tanks etrating rad


er problems

e high-resol

traint identid streams,

ed soils.

phase, wheral Engineeram Manag a set of pla

re for founde done at trepared by and Design


should be dor other geo

otechnical Pranch perfoengineering

cal Branch

s, culverts,

t settlemen

kslope failur


c problems

on related pexcavation)

derground and utilitiesar and othe


ution aerial

fication sucexisting hig

en the needer should mger of the Mans showin

dation studiehe conceptthe Bridge

n Engineer



designed footechnical p

Program anorms a varieg geology p

is involved

retaining w

t studies.


, including w

roblems (su.

conditions s, buried foer geophys

l photograp

ch as limitegh-value la

d for drilling make a requMaterials anng approxim

es for bridgtual stages Design an

r must revie

r structuresproblems.

d Soils/Fouety of field

plan sheets


walls, groun

wetland inv

uch as pile

such as beoundations, ical techniq


d right of wnd uses, so

or a geoteuest to the Rnd Geotechmate locatio

ges, culvertfor inclusiod Managem

ew the geot


s, and corre

undation Prand laboratand variou

nd anchorin


driving, ca

edrock and stream sco


way, steep toft foundati

chnical stuResident Ennical Branc

ons of requi

ts, and retaon in the Strment Branctechnical re

anuary 31, 2

ective or

rogram) of ttory tests,

us types of

ng, high-ma



water tableour, all usin

terrain, ons, and

dy is requirngineer andch in writingred soundi

ining walls.ructure

ch. The eports with t




e ng

red, d g, ngs





The Geoprepares

1. E

2. P

3. Db

4. Pth

In additiproject mgeologicin the Dein the fo

The ResMaterial

Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. CDO


y 31, 2013

hnical Engindation are a

otechnical gs the follow

Examines si

Performs dri

Determines earing capa

Prepares anhem to the

on to the usmay involvec hazards. Tesign Scopllow-up and

sident Engins and Geot

nal RefereOT Bridge DOT RoadwayOT ProceduR)

OT Standard

neer and Paccounted fo

group of thewing studies

ite and sche

illing and sa

required foacity of fou

nd reviews eProject Stru

sual foundae a number The Materia

ping Reviewd resolution

neer shouldtechnical B

nces: Design Many Design Gral Directiv

d Specificat

roject Strucor in the de

e Materials s for bridges

edules a ut

ampling op

oundation tyndation to b

engineeringuctural Eng

ation probleof other fe

als and Geow to identifyn of the pro

d contact thranch when

nual Guide

e 512.1, Pr

tion for Hig


ctural Enginesign.

and Geotes and other

tility clearan

erations an

ype and prebe used.

g geology pgineer or Re

ems such aatures that otechnical Bthese type

blems iden

he Consultan using a co

roject Scop

hway Bridg

neer to ens

echnical Brar related str

nce, if need

nd laborator

epares repo

plan sheet aesident Eng

as those witmay have

Branch peres of probletified.

ant Manageonsultant.

ping and the


ure that iss

anch conduructures:


ry tests.

ort stating th

and reportsgineer.

th bridges ofoundation

rsonnel shoems and sho

ement secti

e Design Sc


sues such a

ucts and

he type and

s, and subm

or culverts, concerns o

ould be incluould partici

on of the

coping Rev





a or uded pate




Life cyclperformereconstrnew conquantity also be structure

Life cyclasphalt economappropriand subcycle coconsideralternatisame lev

For newdesignelife cyclerestore taccurateproject dMaterialalternatidevelop

Based o(comparRegion Mconsidercycle coReview alternatiactual q



le cost analed to examruction, or rnstruction a

or thicknesconsiderede.

le cost analpavementsic analysis iate project-base mate

osts will be sred should ve to a 40-vels of relia

w constructiod for both ae cost analythe roadwae project limdescription s section wve prior to preliminary

on preliminarison that yMaterials Ered to indic

osts or the tand a comve pavemeuantities.


lysis of altemine two or resurfacing nd major ress to justify d for restora

lysis is preps, comparinsupporting

ts with moreerial. A pavestudied. Whbe analyzeyear concre

ability and s

on and recoasphalt andysis. On resy structure

mits, proposwith availa

will determinthe Field Iny quantities

ary quantitieields a diffe

Engineer. A cate equivalype of projeplete Field

ent. The life


ernative pavmore pavemof a projec


ation, resurf

pared for alg alternativ the paveme than $2 mement struchen compa

ed over the ete alternatserviceabilit

onstruction d concrete tsurfacing aare consid

sed typical sble budgetne preliminanspection Rs for the diff

es, if one aerence grea

comparisolent designsect warrantInspection cycle costs



vement desment struct

ct. Life cycleon projects g alternativfacing, and

ll appropriave rehabilitament type semillion initialcture will be

aring pavemsame perio

tive. Alternaty loss.

projects, tho provide and rehabilitered. The Rsection widto the Reg

ary pavemeReview (FIRferent pave

lternative isater than 10on that yields. When thets further inReview des for each a


signs is an etures for nee cost analythat have s

ves. Variousrehabilitati

ate projects ation technielection will pavemente designed

ment designod; i.e., comative design

he pavemeaccurate qutation projeResident E

dth, up-to-daion Materiaent type and

R). The Resement types

s clearly mo0 percent), ds results we alternativvestigationsign shouldalternative


economic aew construcysis is perfosufficient pas pavemenion of existi

comparingiques, or bol be prepart cost includ for each o

ns, all alternmpare a 40-ns must als

nt structureuantities as cts, variousngineer wilate traffic cals section. d thicknesssident Engis.

ore cost effa selection

within 10 peves have con, a Construd be done fshould be b

anuary 31, 2

analysis ction, ormed for aavement

nt designs cing paveme

g concrete toth. An red for all ding any baption and li

natives bein-year asphaso have the

e will be a basis for

s methods tl provide

counts, and The Regio

s for each neer will

fective is made byrcent may b

omparable luctability for each based on



can ent


ase fe

ng alt


r the to

a on

y the be life


In most Field InsselectedType SePTSC pit may b

Refer to(LCCA)

Addition1. CDO2. AAS

y 31, 2013

cases, a finspection Red pavementelection Comavement tye best to ha

the Pavemand PTSC

nal RefereOT Paveme

HTO Policy

nal alternateview, and t design. In mmittee (PType selectioave bidders

ment Designprocesses

nces: nt Design My Guide for

ive is selecthe project some case

TSC) makeon may takes submit alt

n Manual fo.

Manual Geometric


cted by the proceeds w

es it may bee the final me up to two ternative bid

or more det

Design of

Region Mawith the finae appropria

materials typmonths to ds for each

tails on the

Highways a

aterials Enigal design baate to have pe selectioncomplete. I

h pavement

Life Cycle

and Streets


gneer after ased on thethe Pavemn. HoweverIn other cast type.

Cost Analy



the e ent r, ses




The Pavused to

The repo

1. A

5. L

6. P

7. P

8. F

9. S

Any add

The Regsubmit tPavemeJustifica

Addition1. CDO



vement Jusarrive at its

ort should i

An analysis

ife cycle co

Pavement d

Pavement th

Final recomm

Surfacing pl

ditional infor

gion Materiahe report to

ent Design Pation Report

nal RefereOT Paveme


tification Res selection o

nclude the


ost analysis

istress surv

hickness ca



rmation use

als Engineeo the approProgram Mt shall be m

nces: nt Design M


eport documof pavemen


the pavem

s of alternat

vey of exist

alculations o

s for typical

ed to determ

er shall appopriate Prog

anager neamaintained i




ments the ant type or re

ment type se

te designs.

ting paveme

of alternate

l sections.

mine and ju

prove the Pgram Enginear the date n the Regio


analysis anehabilitation

election or r


e designs.

ustify the pa

Pavement Jueer, Resideof the FIR.on's project



nd procedurn method.


avement typ

ustification ent Enginee The Pavemt records.

anuary 31, 2

re the Regio

on method.


Report ander and the ment





y 31, 2013






N 7


Right of W


Way and Uti



Right of

f Way and UUtilities Jaanuary 31, 22013



CDOT hprojectseaseme(includinindividuaacquisiticlearanccondition

It is imposuch as warrant to consttopograpof the arpermanean ownetemporaRestoratpropertyTypicallypublic im


As part o

1. Cm

2. Cs

3. Idm

4. S

5. Fstnth

y 31, 2013


has the resp. At times, onts are nec

ng MS4 reqally or colleion. Such ace can be isnal clearan

ortant that tclear vehicit, and enhruction. Thephy, land urea. All perment easemeer’s (remainary easemetion is typic

y. However,y, permanemprovemen


of the proje

Coordinationmutually det

Creation andubmitted by


Submitting a

Furnishing ctructure limeeded replhe Field Ins


ponsibility fooutright acqcessary to auirements a

ectively, comacquisition ossued to facce may be

the right of cle recoveryancementse width depse, environmanent feaents. Tempning) propernt should b

cally done b, there are

ent physicalnts are not a


ect develop

n with the Rtermine an

d funding oy the ROW

n of prelimin

a survey req

comprehensmits, road ap

acement ofspection Re


or the acququisition (i.eaccommodaand utilitiesmprise whaof ROW shocilitate advegranted in

way acquiry areas (cles. The widthpends on thnmental conatures shouorary easerty for cons

be restored by compensinstances w changes inallowed with

ment proce

ROW Manaacceptable

of a ROW pManager;

nary survey

quest to the

sive designpproach def utility ease

eview (FIR)



uisition of rige. fee acquate certain s). The idenat is referredould be fullyertisement some limite

red be suffiear zone), wh of the ROhe cross-senstraints, stld be constments are a

struction puto its origin

sating the owhere CDOn the form ohin tempora

ess, the Res

ager and othe advertisem

hase in SA

y and right o

e Region S

n informatiosign, hydraements, im;


ght of way isition), peraspects of

ntified typesd to as righy completeof the projeed circumst

cient for cowidening whW is availa

ection elemetructures antructed withacquired wrposes, and

nal conditioowner for th

OT may makof grade chary easeme

sident Engi

her specialtment date o

AP based up

of way nee

urvey Coor

on such as eaulic needs pacts to sig

Right of W

on all federrmanent andesign and

s of acquisitt of way (R

ed before a ect. Howevtances.

onstruction hen future t

able for eacents of the nd ultimate hin fee acqu

where accesd the area wn after con

he damage ke the repa

hanges or pent areas.

ineer is res

ty unit manor shelf date

pon a ROW

eds at the sc


embankme(e.g. MS4

gnage, etc.

Way and Uti

ral and statnd/or tempod constructition, either

ROW) ROW er, a

and needs traffic volum

ch project phighway, developme

uisition areass is neededwithin a struction. done to the

airs directly.permanent

sponsible fo

agers to e;

W estimate


ent toes, ponds), at the time


te orary ion

mes rior

ent as or d to

e .


e of

Right of

6. ARa

7. Idotonfoacw

8. Cs

The Rigwork actthat takepublic pu

NOTE:Tright of westimate


1. P

2. W(Ea

3. EeA

4. 4creresc

5. H


1. C

f Way and U

Assisting theReview (RO

ssociated r

dentificationf the Final Oo the ROW ecessitate ollowing, thccommodahanges are

way clearan

Coordinationhould be fin

ht of Way ptivities. Thees place duurposes.

The right of way chargee of ROW c


Public involv

When an EnEIS) is prepnd to ident

Environmenxclusions; (


(f) and 6(f) annot be imeasonable aequired undignificantly learance is

Hazmat inve

Field Su

Conduct a p


e Right of WOWPR) checright of way

n of ROW imOffice Reviplans couldupdated ore FOR ofte

ate the unfoe discouragce.

n of all IGAnalized and

project devee following ouring a proje

way phasees can be incosts needs

nmental Ele


nvironmentapared, ROWify the num

tal clearanc(b) FONSI ts; or (c) Re

resources:mpacted unand prudender 6(f), butincrease th needed be

estigation: P

urvey and R

pre-survey c

Way Plans Scklist and hy needs, are

mpacts andew (FOR).d become nr new valuaen require thoreseen acqed, since th

s or Mainted fully execu

elopment poverview isect that invo

e must be bncurred. Bes to be ente


al AssessmW is often aber and typ

ce by eithe(Finding of ecord of De

: These areless an app

nt alternativt not 4(f). Imhe time reqefore the RO

Phase I in a

ROW Plans



Supervisor helping make fully reflec

d necessaryIf this does

necessary aations, newhat the projquisition of hey often a

enance Agreuted prior to

rocess cans provided toolves ROW

udgeted, oefore a rightered by the

ment (EA) orasked to estpe of busine

r: (a) Form No Signific

ecision for E

e certain hispropriate stve but to immpacts to thuired to acqOW acquis

all cases an



in completke sure thatcted in the

y ROW acqs not occur,at the FORoffers, or bject scheduadditional r

adversely af

eements. Ao requestin

n be dividedo assist in v

W acquisition

bligated, ant of way phaROW Man

r Environmtimate the cess and res

128 clearacant ImpactEnvironmen

storic and ptudy conclupact the reshese types quire ROW

sition can be

nd Phase II


ting the Rigt all design ROW plans

quisitions w, then signif

R, which in tboth. Major ule be adjusright of wayffect and de

All of these ng ROW cle

d into variouvisualizing n of private

nd funded iase can beager.

ental Impaccost of ROWsidential rel

ance for catt) for Environtal Impact

park resourcudes that thsource. Mitof resource

W, as environegin.

as necess

anuary 31, 2

ht of Way Pimpacts, a


well in advanficant chanturn, would changes at

sted to y. Post-FORelay the righ


us categoriethe proces properties

n SAP befoe created, a

ct StatemeW acquisitiolocations.

tegorical onmental Statements

ces which ere is no tigation is es can nmental



Plan nd

nce ges

t, or

R ht of


es or s for

ore n

nt on



2. Pst

3. O

4. P

5. P



6. C


7. C


8. D

9. D


10. D

11. HwPaRT

abcdef.ghi. j. k

y 31, 2013

Prepare fieldtructures.

Obtain title r

Prepare own

Prepare RO

. Procure research

. Determin

. Determin

. Review e

Consider ad

. All signs

. Signs in process.

Consider ac

. Coordina

. Determin

. Identify e

Determine lo

Determine p

. Toes of s

. Drainage

. Utilities;

. DrivewayDetermine p

Hold a Rightway or easePlans Revie

nd easemeReview is doThe meeting

. Design P

. Region U

. Environm

. Region A

. Region R ROW Pla. Region S. ROW Ac

ROW AcProperty

. Review A

d survey, es

research to

nership ma

W plans th

copies of reh. ne existencne if existingeasements

dvertising de

on the projfee acquisi

ccess contro

ate with Regne if accessexisting and

ocation of n

purpose and

slopes; e and MS4 and y constructipossible relo

t of Way Plements, the w as deem

ent limits arone immedg shall be h

Project ManUtilities Engmental ProjeAccess ManROW Plansans ProjectSurrvey Coocquisition Sucquisition Ag

Appraiser Appraiser.

stablish con

identify ex


at depict in

ecorded ea

e and impag utilities neof record s


ject will be tion areas


gion Access control is d new acce

necessary e

d nature of


ion or reconocations an

ans ReviewRegion Rig

med necessare sufficientiately preceeld with the

nager, gineer, ect Managenager, s Supervisot Manager, ordinator, upervisor, gent, and


ntrol, prepa

isting owne

tended righ

asement doc

act of utility eed to be restill in existe

inventoriedmust be ac

ss Coordinarequired, ass points o




nstruction.nd unecono

w. On projeght of Way ary to deterto construc

eding authoe Resident



are topogra

erships and

ht of way ac

cuments id

easementselocated. ence on pro

d and indicacquired as a

ator. nd, if so, wn all plans.



omic remna

cts requirinManager s

rmine that tct and mainorization to Engineer a

Right of W

phy studies

d easement


dentified in t

s and agree

operty to be

ated on all pa part of the



ng acquisitioshall hold a the proposentain the prappraise a

and the follo

Way and Uti

s, and ident


the title


e acquired.

plan sheetse right of wa

on of right oRight of W

ed right of wroject. The nd acquire




s ay

of Way



Right of

12. TwR




13. P

14. Oa

15. P

16. F

17. M


1. RTfustre


2. IsPAb

f Way and U

The Region whether the Right of Way

. Right of wof Way Pof way to

. After a previsionsServicesand concSurvey CProgram

. While sothe ROWadvertiseway clea

Prepare eng

Obtain verifiuthorization

Prepare con

File ROW pl

Monument t


RequiremenThe Region unds and esteps must belocation st

. Environm

. Field Ins

. Preparat

. Right of W

. Hardship Acquisitio. Sufficien

ssuance of Program in PApproval, au

oth as appl


Right of Wright of wa

y Plans Re

way plans sPlans Revieo be acquireroject has b

s that affect until the recurrence haCoordinator Engineer. metimes un

W plans ofteement date arances.

gineer’s est

cation of enn

ntrol diagram

lans with th

he new RO

zation of R

nts for projeProgram Establishing be completetage under

mental clearpection Revtion of right Way Plan r

p parcels (Hon Stage Rt funds obli

Form 462: Project Devuthorizing thlicable.

Way Managey plans areview Guide

shall not beew has beeed. been authot right of waevision has as been recr or the Reg

navoidableen lead to s

revisions o

imate for R


ms for field

he County.

OW bounda

Right of Wa

ect authorizaEngineer is

the spendied before aFunctions 3

rance; view held bof way pla

review; H-Parcels) aRelocation Pigated by th

After the stvelopment she entire pr


er or Surveye sufficientlyelines:

e submittedn conducte

orized for apay will not b

been justifceived fromgion Right o

, design revcheduling i

or unnecess

ROW acquis

tal clearanc


ries in the f

ay Projects

ation: responsibleng authority

authorizatio3111 or 31

by Region;ns and des

approved bPlan preparhe Region.

teps in a, hshall issue roject for Fu

y Coordinaty complete

d for authoried and all pa

ppraisal andbe considerefied by the o

m the Resideof Way Man

visions whicmpacts andsary reques

sition and re

ce and obta




e for the oby under Fu

on can proc09. Steps i


y FHWA; red (7-b Stu

have been ma Form 462unctions 31


tor shall dein accorda

ization untilarties agree

d acquisitioed for approffice initiatent Engineenager, and

ch necessitd can resulsts for cond


ain ROW pla

bligation of rnction 3114

ceed to the nclude:

udy); and

met, the Rig2, Right of W111, Functio

anuary 31, 2

etermine ance with th

l after the Re as to the

on, design roval by ROting the rever, Region the Region

tate changet in

ditional righ


right of way4. The folloacquisition

ght of Way Way Plan on 3109, or



Right right

OW ision


es to

t of

y owing



January 7.01.05

1. Voto

2. Aocc

3. A

4. Tath

5. T

6. C

7. C

8. C

9. C


1. Cs


2. G

3. L1

4. Fp

5. MeRcso

6. Pto

7. Aec

y 31, 2013

Value F

Value findingf way purcho $25,000.

Appraisals pver $10,00ircumstancompensatio

Appraisal re

The Owner ippraisal is hat will be p

The Owner m

CDOT review

CDOT review

CDOT review

CDOT Issue


CDOT will mhall not be

. CDOT’s

. CDOT’s

Good faith n

ast written 0 days to re

Final offer ofroperty own


Resident Enonstructiono that the pwners, suc

Permits muso existing a

Administrativstimate of condemnatio

indings an

gs (Waiver hases value

prepared by0 and comp

ces, a valueons up to $


is notified oCDOT’s ap

paid for by C

may accom

ws and app

w appraise

ws the own

es an amen

tion Proce

make a promless than:

review appValue Find


offer madeeview it.

f settlemenner’s review

m of Agreein a written

ngineer for in project enproject engich as fence-

st be obtainccesses m

ve settlemecompensaton proceed

nd Apprais

Valuationsed up to $1

y a CDOT qplicated acq

e finding ma25,000.

s apply to b

of the statutppraisal andCDOT.

mpany CDO

proves of C

r issues a d

ner’s apprai

nded determ

ess for Par

mpt written

praiser’s deting determ

s begin and

e, then the p

nt is made aw.

ement - Anyn Memorandinclusion ingineer in thneer is fully-type gates

ned by propade by the

ent: This is ion (FMV),




s) are prepa0,000 and

qualified apquisitions uay be subst

both CDOT

tory right tod the secon

OT’s apprais

CDOT’s app



mination of

cels and E

offer to the


d require a m

property ow

and requires

y commitmedum of Agre the plans.

he Residency aware of a

s, excess di

perty ownerproperty ow

any settlemreached pr

ared by a rigin certain li

praiser areunder $10,0tituted for a

and the ow

o obtain a send appraisa

ser on inspe


on of Fair M

Fair Marke


e Landowne

n of Fair Ma

minimum o

wner must b

s a minimu

ents to the reement and The ROWcy should cany commirt, or movin

rs for all newwner.

ment in excerior to filing

Right of W

ght of way imited circu

e required fo000. In certan appraisal

wner’s appra

econd appral is the own


Market Valu

t Value, if w

er. The amo

arket Value;

f 30 days to

be afforded

um of 10 da

property owd be comm

W agent andcoordinate witments mang a tree.

w accesses

ess of CDO a parcel fo

Way and Uti

agent for riumstances,

or acquisitioain limited l, for


raisal. The ner’s appra

ue (FMV).


ount of the

; or

o complete

a minimum

ays for the

wners mustmunicated tod the with each ode to prope

s and chang

OT’s approvor a


ght up


first aisal



m of

t be o the

other erty



Right of

8. Oriod

9. Po

10. Sthotho

11. Cu

12. Haathrithahis

13. Vsupa

14. Loa


1. RCT

2. Rth

3. Nois

4. Rin

f Way and U

Owner retenght of way.wner to retetermined

Payment: Par the Court

Summary sthe amount f the acquishat an owneffer.

Condemnatip to three m

Hearing for cquiring pacquisition ohe acquiringghts. Very heir propertrgued and earing, the

s available t

Valuation Trettlement renresolved gossession nd

egal Settlef compensafter a cond


Region RighCompletion Transportati

Region Righhe relocatio

Notices to vaffer to acqu

ssued as of

Region Righnventory pe


ntion of imp. Upon requain improvesalvage va

ayment mufor legal po

tatement of establishedsition offer. er can mak

ion – filed bmonths for

Immediate arty’s opporof the propeg entity winoftern, the ty. The subdecided byfull amoun

to the prope

rial – while eached aftego to a valuhearing, the

ment: This ation (FMVemnation a


ht of Way Uof this planon Director

ht of Way Uon program

acate are isuire the reaf closing or

ht of Way Uersonal prop

provementsuest by an oements thelue.

st be receivossession t

f elements od by CDOT

The statemke a reason

by the Attoran Immedia

Possessionrtunity to proerty rights snning “immeproperty ow

bsequent vay the Court nt offered foerty owner;

almost all fer the Immeuation trial. e valuation

is any settl), reached

action is file

Unit will comn is requiredr or his auth

Unit will mee.

ssued: Initial estate inteupon obtai

Unit will inspperty to be


: CDOT acqowner, at Cy made tha

ved either bto be obtain

of compensas just com

ment must sable judgm

rney Generaate Posses

n – this shoovide a val

sought. Thisediate posswners havealuation triaor jury. Aft

or the prope;

filed condemediate Poss Scheduledtrial proces

lement in eby the lega

ed with the c

mplete an Acd before FMhorized des

et with prop

al 90-day nerests and tning posse

pect the aremoved, and

quires all reCDOT’s discat were acq

by the propned (see nu

sation: Thismpensationset forth ad

ment concer

al’s Office –ssion hearin

ort hearing id public tras hearing asession” of te a higher oal is the plater the immerty that wa

mnation cassession head months ass can go o

xcess of Cal representcourt as no

cquisition SMV’s can besignee (e.g.

perty owner

otice issuethe final 30


ea being acd present r


ealty within cretion, it muired at CD

perty ownerumber 12 b

s is a writtenn, summarizdequate inforning the am

– can take ng to be sch

(1/2 day oransportatiolmost alwathe needed

opinion as toce for the v

mediate possas in escrow

ses are resaring, casefter the immon for mont

DOT’s apptative (attor

oted in num

Stage Reloce approved . Region RO

rs and tena

d at the sam0-day notice

cquired (prorelocation b

anuary 31, 2

a required may permit aDOT’s

, escrow agelow).

n statemenzing the basormation somount of the

a couple wheduled;

r less) is then purpose fys results i

d property o the valuevalue to be session

w with the C

solved in a s that rema

mediate ths or years

roved estimrney) to CDber 12 abo

cation Planby the Reg

OW Manag

nts to expla

me time ase to vacate

operty), benefit eligib




t of sis o e


e for n

e of




mate DOT


. gion ger).


s the is




5. Ap

6. Rae


1. E

2. D


1. ACaaCrethc


1. BHaws

2. OcMACMMmfomalo

y 31, 2013

Region Righnd replacem

Advisory serroperty own

Region Righnd arrangeasement.





All federal-aCode, and th

id projects.ssistance;

CDOT to beequirementhe requiremontain the r

Right of

Before any fHighway Ad

cquired andwhat action pecification

On all projeclearance le

Manager to AdministratioConditional Manager, buManager. Fomust receiveorwardit to

must monitopplicable s

ocal public a

ht of Way pement costs

rvices assisners and te

ht of Way Ue for moving

y Managem

tal inspecti

if not perfor


id projects he FHWA m. This includright of way reimbursets must be m

ments set forequiremen

f Way Clea

federal-aid ministrationd relocationis being ca

n must be in

cts under thetters will bethe Resideon and the Right of Waut require thor right of we a certificaRight of Wa

or the acquitate and fedagency. Aft

ersonnel wwith affect

stance: Regenants in ob

Unit will provg all person


on and aba

rmed by CD


must meetmust reviewdes actionsy acquisitiod for eligiblmet. Reimb

orth in the “Unts with whi

arance of P

project cann requires an carried ourried out to

ncluded in t

he jurisdictioe presentednt EngineeRight of W

ay clearanche approvaway clearanation clearaay Programsition procederal laws, ter all the n


ill discuss ied landown

gion Right obtaining alte

vide applicanal property


DOT’s cont

the requirew and appros related to:n; and plane project co

bursement fUniform Acch the acqu

Projects for

n be advertia letter certut. All excepo clear the pthe bid pac

on of CDOTd in writing er with a cop

Way Programces shall bel of the CD

nce on all lonce letter fr

m Manager ess in sufficrules, and ecessary d

ssues suchners and te

of Way Uniternate facil

able relocaty from any l


ements of Tove selecte: public heans, specificaosts by thefor eligible

ct.” Title II auiring agen

r Construc

ised for contifying that aptions mustproject and kage.

T procedurby the Regpy to the Fem in Projecte written byOT Project

ocal agencyrom the locin Project Dcient depth regulations


Right of W

h as estimaenants.

t will assist ities.

tion benefitand acquis

Title 23, Uned state actiarings; relocations, and FHWA, ceproject cos

and Title III ncy must co


nstruction, tall right of wt be stated a condition

res, all non-gion Right oederal Hight Developm

y the Regiont Developmy projects, tcal public agDevelopme

to ensure ts were adhetion has bee

Way and Uti

ate of prope


ts to displacsition or

ited Statesions on fedcation estimates.

ertain sts is basedof the Act


the Federaway has bealong with

nal ROW

-conditionaof Way hway

ment. n Right of Went Branchthe Region gency and nt. The Regthat all ered to by ten received






d on

l en


Way h


the d,

Right of


3. Creafe

4. Cmcinreains

Addition1. CFR2. CDO3. Fede4. FHW5. Fifth 6. ASTM

Envir7. ASTM

Envir8. For f


f Way and U

he Region Rertification

CDOT has oeal propertycquisitions ederal laws

CDOT has tmunicipal, oonsultants

ndividuals mequired by fssure comp

nforming theanctions in

nal RefereR 23, Part 71OT Right of eral-aid Pol

WA Right of Amendme

M E1527 – ronmental SM E1903 – ronmental Sforms, see C//www.colo


Right of Waacceptance

overall respy on federaand dispos and regula

he authorityr local publto carry ou

must complfederal regpliance withese organizcases of m

nces: 10.201 throWay Operaicy Guide Way Projent, U.S. Co05 Standa

Site Assess11 Standa

Site AssessCDOT on-liradodot.info

ay Managere procedure

ponsibility foal-aid projecsals by CDOations.

y to enter inlic land acqt federal rey with the pulations to h state and zations of a

material non

ough 713.30ations Manu

ct Developonstitution rd Practicesment Procrd Practicesment Procine forms lio/library/for


r will issue e.

or the acqucts. This resOT are mad

nto written aquisition orggulations. T

policies andmonitor reafederal law

all such reqn-complianc

08, Right ofual

ment Guide

e for Environcess e for Environcess brary rms

a clearance

isition, mansponsibility de in comp

agreementganizations The organizd practices al property w. CDOT is uirements ace.

f Way issue


nmental Sit

nmental Sit


e letter und

nagement, includes aliance with

ts with otheor with priv

zations, firmof CDOT. Cacquisitionalso respo

and for imp


te Assessm

te Assessm

anuary 31, 2

der the

and disposssuring thastate and

r state, couvate ms, or CDOT is activities to

onsible for posing

ments: Phas

ments: Phas


sal of at



se I

se II



Permits requiredobtainedthe authService,the NatioState Diowned bInstitutioDivision

For highabove-reeasemeRight of for the reconcernthe requ

The aboeasemeconstrucsurveyinetc. for fin a memActivitiesColoradthe Proje

The ResRight of Environmto obtainThe RegclearancProject D

y 31, 2013


or other agd to do workd from othehority of the United Staonal Parks vision of W

by other staons, Depart

of State Bu

hway constreferenced ant, or otherWay Manaequired docs and expe

uest, or ask

ove-referencnt deed, prction can beng, and relafederal landmorandum s Affecting o.” A currenect Develop

sident EnginWay Mana

mental Mann the speciagion Right oces and subDevelopme


greements ak outside thr governmeUnited Sta

ates BureauService, th

Wildlife, and ate agencietment of Miuildings in t

ruction workagencies, thr document ager and thecument from

ectations. Tthat it be re

ced agenciroperty granegin; this inated work. Rds (Bureau of understathe State Tnt copy canpment Bran

neer is respager, and enager, or boal use permof Way Manbmitting theent to make


are requiredhe right of went entities.ates Bureauu of Indian Ahe State of C

State Diviss such as tlitary Affairsthe Departm

k to be perfhe agreemeis required

e Right of Wm the pertinhe agency evised.

es require tnt, or other ncludes envRequiremenof Land Ma

anding titledTransportatn be obtainench.

ponsible forither the Reoth, when a

mit, highwaynager is rese necessarye application



d wheneveway or ease. Permit areu of Land MAffairs, UniColorado Bsion of Parkhe Departms, or State ment of Gen

formed on pent of that a

d. The ResidWay Progranent agencymay issue

their approvdocument

vironmentalnts, roles, aanagementd “Memoranion Systemed from the

r initiating aegion Utilityapplicable, ty easementsponsible foy information for access


r the Depaement area eas include

Managemenited States

Board of Lanks and Outdment of CorPatrol, is usneral Supp

property thaagency by sdent Enginam in Projey after consthe permit

val, by spebefore any clearances

authorities, t and Foresndum of Un

m and Publice Environme

and coordiny Engineer,to provide tt deed, granor securing on to the Ris to state a

Right of W


rtment or athat has be property o

nt, United SBureau of nd Commisdoor Recrerrections, Dsually handort Service

at is ownedspecial useeer, througct Developsidering thaor easeme

cial use pey work relates, utility reloplanning, c

st Service) anderstandinc Lands in tental Progr

nating with t the Regionthe necessnt, or other the right ofght of Way

and federal

Way and Uti


a Contractoreen previou

owned or unStates ForesReclamatio

ssioners, thation. Prop

Department dled by the s.

d by any of e permit, gh the Regioment, will aat agency’sent, turn dow

ermit, highwed to ocations, coordinationare describng Related the State orams office

the Region n Planning/ary informa

r document.f way

y Program inlands.



r is usly nder st on, he perty



on apply s wn


n, ed to f in

/ ation .


Right of Necessadocume



Right of to the St

1. S

2. H

3. T

4. L


Right of highlightof Way P

1. Tth

2. TsF

The Regissuance

Please rUSFS, aprocess

f Way and U

ary informants.


.01 State

Way Progrtate Board

State Land B

Half-sized p

The determi

egal descri


way plan sted or crossProgram in

The applicathat owns th

The Highwaignatures o

FHWA for fin

gion Right oe of the lett

refer to the and BLM wh



tion include


e of Colora

ram personof Land Co

Board appli

lan sheet s

nation of fa

iption of the


sheets uponshatched aProject De

tion to FHWhe property.

y Easemenof the Chief nal executio

of Way Manter of conse

most recenhich outlineabove.

es the plans


ado Land (L

nnel in Projeommissione

ication form

showing the

air market v

e parcels in


n which there prepared


WA, which is.

nt Deed witEngineer a


nager clearent by the o

nt Interagenes the roles


s, appraisa

Land Board

ect Developers, which in


e State Land

value and va

cluding a c


e parcels and by the Reuses these

s reviewed

h stipulatioand Chief C

rs the right oowner or ag

ncy Agreems and respo

ls, and righ


pment makencludes the

d Board pa

alue finding

copy in elec


nd easemenegion Survee maps to p

and then fo

ns, which isClerk before

of way for cgency.

ments betweonsibilities o


ht of way ac

e the applice following m


g (or appra

ctronic form


nts to be acey Coordinaprepare the

orwarded to

s forwardede being sub


een CDOTof each age

anuary 31, 2


cation direcmaterial:




cquired areator. The Re following:

o the agenc

d for the bmitted to

n following

, FHWA, ency in the






January Addition1. 23 C2. CDO3. CDO4. Mem

Mana5. CRS6. CRS

Land7. CRS


y 31, 2013

nal RefereCFR 660A, SOT ROW MaOT Survey Mmorandum o

agement, AS 38-50-101S 38-51-101d Surveys aS 38-52-101em

nces: Special Proanual, ChapManual of UnderstaAugust-Sep ff, Survey ff, Survey

and Plats ff, Survey

ograms, Forpter 2

anding, Unitptember 199

Plats and MPlats and M

Plats and M


rest Highwa

ted States F95 Monument Monument



Forest Serv

Records –Records -

Records - C

Right of W

vice and Bu

General PrMinimum S

Colorado C

Way and Uti

ureau of La

rovisions Standards fo





Right of


CDOT hmay be utilities o

1. A

2. Ru

3. Em

4. Cs

A utility or distribcrude pror any oCFR Pa

CRS 38laws andhighway18 CDOto or witfacilitatehas a prcost of rColoradsystemsshall be

Prior to issue a Construcompanand Esti

The utilitprojects letter is

f Way and U


has establisimpacted bor coordina

A utility may

Road constrpgrade exis

Existing unsmitigated du

Certain non-olution.

is a privatebuting commroducts, waother similarrt 645.105

-5-101, Emd Constitutiy right of wa

OT Utility Achin the high

e constructioroperty interelocating uo or abuttin

s or on the ia cost of h

advertisemUtility Clearction Authoies involvedimate packa

ty clearancwith FHWA

directed to



shed procedby a projectte construc

y conflict wit

ruction maysting ones.

safe or hazauring constr

-aesthetic v

or publiclymunicationsater, steam,r type of coUtility Relo

minent Domaional provisay, providedccommodathway right oon is normarest in their

utility facilitieng landowninterstate sighway con

ment of any rance in ac

orization. Thd with the page or satis

ce letter is dA oversightthe Reside


dures for co. Numerous

ction around

th proposed

y provide a

ardous condruction.

visual impac

y owned lines, cable tele, waste, sto

ommodity wocations, Ad

ain Act; CRsions give ud they meetion Code).of way. Relally accompr current loces owned ber on the feystem, incl


constructioccordance whis clearancproject havesfactorily re

directed to tt. On projecent Enginee



oordinating s conditionsd utilities, s

d construct


ditions may

cts may be

e, facility orevision, pow

ormwater nowhich directldjustments,

RS 43-1-225utilities the rt CDOT’s eAs a resultocation or

plished at thcation. Pursby any goveederal-aid puding exten

on project, twith 23 CFRce certifies e been addesolved.

the Federalcts where Cer.

with utility s result in t

such as:


t opportunit

y easily and

replaced w

r system forwer, electriot connectely or indirec and Reimb

5, Transporright to conestablished t, many utilimodificatiohe utilities’suant to 43ernmental sprimary or snsions there

he Region R Part 635.that all con

dressed in t

l Highway ACDOT has o


companiesthe need to

ty to place n

d economic

with a more

r producingicity, light, hed with highctly serves tbursement,

rtation Act; nstruct their

criteria (seities are locn of such uexpense un

3-1-225(2)(bsubdivision secondary oeof within u

Utility Engi309(b), Phy

nflicts with the Plans, S

Administratoversight, th

anuary 31, 2

s when utilitrelocate

new utilities

cally be

e acceptable

g, transmittiheat, gas, ohway drainathe public [, Definitions

and other slines within

ee 2CCR 60cated adjacutilities to nless the ub), C.R.S.: “of the stateor secondaurban areas

neer must ysical the utility Specificatio

ion (FHWAhe clearanc



s or


ng, oil, age, [23 s].

state n 01-cent

tility “The e of

ary s,


A) on ce

January The Regaffected

The Reg

1. Id

2. Id

3. C

4. N

5. D

6. Is

7. P

The Res

1. Eap

2. Inn

3. Ep

The Heafollowing

1. A

2. A

3. A

Utilities utility relfederal-aa phaseof FinanObligatioobtain tiby OFM

Agreemarea, or utility ph

y 31, 2013

gion Utility E by the proj

gion Utility E

dentifying, v

dentifying a



Drafting proj

ssuing proje

Processing u

sident Engin

Ensure that ccurately sackage.

n consultatieeded to ve

Ensure that roperly sco

adquarters g:

Advises the

Assists with

Assists with

phase authlocation woaid project f start date

ncial Managon Plan, whmely authoB.

ents for utilelectric pow

hase costs,

Engineer isject.


verifying, an

and verifying

g necessary


ject utility s

ect utility cle

utility billing

neer is resp

existing utihown and i

on with theerify utility c

any utility ioped, progra

Utility Unit

Resident E


obtaining u

horization (fork for whicfunds. The and estima

gement andhich it then orization, the

lity serviceswer to a ligand therefo

s the liaison

duties inclu

nd locating

g utility con

y utility relo

utility agree




ponsible to:

lity lines anidentified in

e Region Utconflicts.

nvolvemenammed, bu

in the Safe

Engineer or

g or process

utilities auth

function 398h the utility region mus

ated phase d Budget (O

submits to e Region m

s to the projhting systeore do not r


n between t

ude, but are

known utili



ements and



nd any utilityn the Plans,

tility Engine

t, includingudgeted, an

ety and Traf

r Region Ut

sing utility a


88) is requiowner will

st initiate thcosts in the

OFMB) will cFHWA for

must meet th

ject site, suem, are trearequire utili

he Residen

e not limited

ities within

d permits.

y relocation, Specificat

eer, make fu

g utility phasnd authorize

ffic Enginee

ility Engine


as needed

ired prior tobe directly

he authorizae budgetingcompile thisphase authhe submiss

uch as wateated as conty phase au

Right of W

nt Engineer

d to:

project limi

n requiremetions, and E

urther inves

ses of worked.

ering Branc

eer on utility



o incurring creimbursed

ation proceg data systes data in itshorization asion deadlin

er and sewestruction, rauthorization

Way and Uti

r and all util


ents are Estimate

stigations a

k (see below

ch does the

y issues.

costs on and out of

ess by indicaem. The Ofs Quarterly approval. Tones specifie

er to a rest ather than n.




w) is


ating ffice

o ed

Right of Utility phthe Contmeans oconstruc

Utility re

1. Ath

2. Ainth

For non-letter of coordina

In someeconomthe highowner mreimburs

A Form cover alinclude atime con

The utilit

1. A

2. W

3. If

4. C

5. U

Utility cle

1. Tfo

2. Th

f Way and U

hase authortractor on tof a plan forction phase

elocations a

A Form 690he work and

A Form 691ncorporatedhe utility ow


ation requir

instances,ical to haveway contra

may enter ase the proje

333, Utility l relocationall necessanvenient to

ty clearanc

A list of invo

Whether the

f at project e

Contract forc

Utility specif

earance ac

The Region or utility inv

The Region ave facilitie


rization is ahe utility owrce accoun

e costs.

at project ex

, Standard d be reimbu

, Contractod into the hiwner’s beha

ble utility reding for the ements, an

CDOT ande utility woract and perfn agreemeect.

Permit, or work. The

ary terms anand in coor

ce letter sho

olved utilitie

e work will b

expense, ty

ce account

fication atta

ctivities inclu

Utilities Enolvement.

Utilities Enes within the

also not reqwner’s behat item. In e

xpense will

Utility Agreursed by CD

or Adjusted ighway con


elocations, Cagreed-up

nd the utility

d the utility rk that is theformed by tnt for CDO

a Form 128permit may

nd conditionrdination w

ould include


be performe

ype of agre

work if any

ached, when


ngineer atte

ngineer invee project lim


quired for utalf, or coordither case,

be docume

eement, if thDOT; or

Utility Agrentract and p

CDOT and pon work, thy's responsi

owner maye owner’s rehe ContracT to perform

84, Utility Ry incorporans for the uith the high

e, at a minim

ed at projec

ement and


n required

ends the sco

estigates anmits.

tility work thdinated throsuch expen

ented by:

he owner ha

eement, if thperformed b

the utility ohe timeframibility for co

y find it to besponsibilit

ctor. In suchm the work

Relocation Pate any relautility work thway projec


ct expense


oping meet

nd identifies


hat will be pough that Cnses are tre

as or will ha

he work wilby CDOT’s

owner shoume for composts.

be more effity (cost) inch cases, CD

k and for the

Permit, shated agreemto be accomct.


ting to asse

s all utility o

anuary 31, 2

performed bContractor beated as

ave perform

l be Contractor

uld execute pletion,

cient or corporated DOT and the owner to

ll be issuedment and shmplished at

ess the pote

owners that


by by




into he

d to hall a




3. AEe

4. Tpoem

5. TcIn

6. IfUaaidlin

7. Tp

8. Ifow

9. TCnaCfu

10. TnPPfo

11. Tre

12. Tbp

y 31, 2013

After the preEngineer co

xisting utilit

The Residenreliminary pr other avalectromagn

map data fo

The Region onducts a Unspection R

f necessaryUtilities Eng

s pot holings non-destr

dentify and nes.

The Residenroject plans

f the utility mf reimburse

with Statewi

The Region Contractor-A

ecessary togreements

Controller, ourther proce

The CDOT Hecessary, a

Proceed andProcuremenor approval

The Region eimbursable

The Region oth with utiermits as o

eliminary Fontacts the uties.

nt Engineerplans, usingilable data.

netic detectr buried util

Utilities EnUtility Field

Review, to v

y to verify coineer and Rg. At criticaructive vacudetermine

nt Engineers.

must relocaement basede Utilities

Utilities EnAdjusted Uto cover the requiring a

or a combinessing.

Headquarteassembles d distributesnt reviews th

of the Chie

Utilities Ene utility relo

Utilities Enlity clearan

outlined ear

orm 463, Deutility owne

r plots existg base map. Subsurfacion methodlity lines.

ngineer furnInspection

verify existin

onflict or to Resident Enl locations, uum excavthe precise

r incorporat

ate, the Reged on state

Engineer a

ngineer negtility Agreemutility work

approval byation there

ers Utilities the executes the execuhe agreemeef Engineer

ngineer obtaocation requ

ngineer furnce and spe

rlier in this s


esign Dataers for base

ting utilitiesps, survey uce utility engds, should b

nishes prelimReview, in

ng utility lin

develop rengineer willsubsurfaceation metho

e horizontal

tes all nece

gion Utilitiesor federal l

as needed.

otiates the ment, or othk. The Regiy the Chief Eof to Headq

unit verifiesed agreemeuted agreement for comr and CDOT

ains the utiluirements.

nishes the Fecification, asection.

, has been maps or o

as accuratutility locategineering tebe used to v

minary plann coordinatines and ide

elocation re arrange fue utility engods should and vertica

essary reloc

s Engineer aws or reg

Standard Uher form of on Utilities Engineer, Aquarters Ut

s utility phaent packagment packa

mpliance, anT Controlle

lity's concu

FHWA, the and coordin

Right of W

issued, thether inform

tely as posses as markeechniques, verify or su

ns to utility on with thentify potent

equirementsurther invesgineering te be used toal location o

cation detai

determinesulations, in

Utility AgreeagreementEngineer t

Attorney Getilities unit f

ase authorizges, issues ages after Hnd routes thr.

rrence on a

Resident Enates any n

Way and Uti

e Region Utation on

sible onto ed in the fiesuch as pplement b

owners ande project Fietial conflicts

s, the Regiostigations, schniques s

o visually of buried ut

ils into the f

s the eligibiconsultatio

ement, t as may beransmits eneral, for review a

zation statuthe Notice

Headquartehe agreeme

all non-

Engineer, ornecessary u





d eld s.

on such such



ility on



us as to

ers ent

r utility

Right of Addition1. AAS2. AAS3. AAS4. AAS5. Prog

Sixth6. High7. USC


8. CDOSyste


10. CFR11. CDO12. See


f Way and U

nal RefereHTO PolicyHTO GuideHTO PolicyHTO Road

gram Guideh Edition, Jaway/Utility

C 23 Sectioness to Rightlities

OT Policy Dem ROW

OT ProceduR)

R 23 Part 63OT Utility Co



nces: y on Geomee for Accomy on the Acside Design, Relocatioanuary 200Guide, Pub

n109(l), Stats-of-Way -

irective 390

ral Directiv

35C, Physicode .coloradodo

etric Designmmodating U

commodatin Guide n and Acco3

blication Noandards; Se


0.0, Accom

e 512.1, Pr

cal Construc



n of HighwaUtilities withion of Utiliti


o. FHWA-SAection 111, System; Se

modation o

roject Scop

ction Autho


ays and Strhin Highwaes Within F

n on Federa

A-93-049, JAgreemen

ection123, R

of Utilities W

ing and the




reets ay Right of WFreeway Ri

al-Aid High

June 1993 ts Relating Relocation

Within State

e Design Sc

pecialuse fo

anuary 31, 2

Way ght-of-Way

way Projec

to Use of aof Utility

e Highway

coping Rev

or current








This secfacilities

Work wicontract

1. A(Rcuthgsfa

2. Tcc NTRnpit

3. Frefe(sreinthnbRreNM

When thrailroad railroad Contract

y 31, 2013


ction prescr by CDOT

thin the railtor involves

As early in thRPM) and goordinate wnexpected,hey not be civen. Whilemoother pracilitate the

The RPM wiopies of theharge for p

NOTE: Plan rTask Order isRPM is advis

ecessary parepare a Puready by the

For soil samequire the aees. Proof osee note beequired purnformation fheir websiteecessary toe purchase

Requistion fequired doc

NOTE: DocumManagement

he Contractcompany’swhich inclutor’s operat


ribes procedcontractors

lroad right o the followi

he processget his inpuwith the Res, railroad iscontacted d

e this may srocess since project and

ill advise the planned wlan review

review servicssued undersed that suchaperwork for rchase Reque time the T

mpling, mainappropriateof insuranceelow). It is nrchase evenfor the two es. It is veryo acquire thed, the Resifor the requcuments bementation fot – they are f

tor is requirs right of waudes obtaintions on be


dures for ads or railroad

of way, wheng prelimin

s as possiblut and guidasident Engisues. Both directly by pseem like ae the RPMd generally

he railroad owork at the services.

ces and/or pr the terms oh services arthe Task Or

uisition for thask Order is

ntenance, d right of ene, whether not uncommn though Cmain Class

y important he needed ddent Engineired amoun

efore the raor CDOT selffamiliar with

ed to perfoay, the Coning railroad

ehalf of the



dvancing pd forces.

ether by CDnary steps:

e, contact tance on theneer to devUnion Pac

project persn inconvenhas additio

y has a good

of the penddesign leve

preliminary eof the masterre needed, hrder. The Rehe amount os ready for p

demolition, otry documefor CDOT o

mon for railrDOT is selfs 1 railroadsthat the Re

documentseer will be rent to be issuilroad will gf-insurance the railroad

rm work ontractor mus

d-highway irailroad com

rojects invo

DOT person

the Railroade project reqvelop soluticific and BNsonnel withience, it ge

onal resourcd relationsh

ing project el plan stag

engineering sr agreementhe will beginesident Engiof the PE (usprocessing b

or construcentation aloor a Contraroad-speciff-insured. Ms in Coloraesident Engs. If railroadequired to pued a checgrant a rightcan be obta requiremen

n railroad fast obtain a rnsurance pmpany, as

Right of W

olving work

nnel or by a

d Program quirementsions for exp

NSF have reout prior pe

enerally resces and infhip with the

and providge. The railr

services aret with the rain the processineer will besually $20,00y HQ Purch

ction the raiong with coractor will alsfic insurancMost of the do will be agineer do th

d specific inprepare a Pk to send int of entry.

ained throughnts.

acilities or wright of entrprotection fostipulated i

Way and Uti

k on railroad


Manager s. The RPMpected, andequested thermission bults in a formation toe railroad.

de them withroad will

e initiated vialroad. Once s of acquirin required to 00.00) and hasing.

lroad will rrespondingso be requice to be a contact

available onhe researchsurance mu

Purchase n with the

h HQ Risk

within the ry from the or the n the railro



M will d hat being



a a the g the


g red

n h ust


Right of agreemecrossingway.

An agrewill alter

When a following

1. Twarain

2. Traa

3. IfawN

4. Tfieth

5. TreTare

6. TreCCitPE

If there arailroad,to do soas late p

f Way and U

ent. The rags of railroa

ement betwr an existing

highway prg documen

The Residenwork and ide

ttend, e.g. ailroad will ncluding es

The Residenailroad encrnd highway

f the railroany costs to

will coordinaNOTE: this p

The RPM prnal agreemxecuted aghe Controlle

The RPM prequired, su

The applicatlter the croesponsible

The plans anelated to th

Contractor’sContractor toself and for

Protective LEvidence of

are charges the approp expeditiou

payment fee


ilroad compad right of w

ween the rag railroad fa

roject involvtation and p

nt Engineerentify the imCDOT desdevelop a ctimating the

nt Engineerroachmentsy, and subm

d-highway the railroa

ate with the process is s

repares andment, includgreement iser.

repares andch as at-gration is not nssing, i.e., for this act

nd specificae railroad w

s Right-of-Eo provide pr any subcoiability and the covera

s during copriate arran

usly. Late paes and may

pany shall away or work

ailroad and acility or tha

ves work oprocedures

r holds a fiempacts to thign, railroadcost estimae cost of re

r develops s, defines cmits plans fo

agency agrd from fedeRPM to ob

seldom use

d negotiatesing a railroa

s signed by

d submits aade railroadnecessary fbridge overivity.

ations needwork, e.g. cEntry from thproof of Pubontractors. T

Property Dage shall be

nstruction fngements sayment of ry result in d


also be conk that encro

the state isat will encro

n railroad ps are usually

eld diagnoshe railroad. d track fore

ate for any rquired railro

project planconstructionor acceptan

reement wieral-aid highbtain federaed.

s a draft agad estimateall involved

a Public Utild crossingsfor minor rarlays. For lo

d to detail aoordinate rhe railroad.blic LiabilityThe Contra

Damage Inse furnished

for which thhould be mrailroad billidelayed pro

ntacted for woaches upon

s usually reqoach on rail

property or y necessar

stic meetingAll approp

eman, signarequired wooad flaggin

ns that depn responsibnce by the

ll provide fohway funds

al authoriza

greement ae, for approd parties be

lities Comms and overpailroad encrocal agency

all the requirailroad flag. The Right-

y and Propeactor shall asurance on to CDOT a

he project wmade with things will inc

ocessing of


work on gran the railroa

quired on alroad right o

a railroad cry:

g to describriate agenc

al foreman, ork by the rng.

ict and desbilities betwrailroad thr

or direct reis, the Residation (functio

nd ultimateoval by the refore being

mission apppasses or uroachmentsy projects,

rements of gging and o-of-Entry re

erty Damagalso obtain behalf of th

and to the ra

will be billedhe Region bcur additionother pape

anuary 31, 2

ade-separaad's right of

all projects tof way.

crossing, th

e the propocies need toetc. The ailroad,

scribe any ween railroarough the R

imbursemedent Engineon 3987).

ely submits railroad. Thapproved b

plication whnderpasses

s that do nothat entity i

f the Contraobtaining a equires the e InsuranceRailroad's he railroad.ailroad.

d by the business of

nal costs, suerwork by th


ated f



osed o

d RPM.

ent of eer

the he by

en s.

ot s


e for

ffice uch he

January railroad.fees. Thapprova



1. Em

2. Psrere

3. Vaambth

4. FpR


For projerequirem

1. T

2. Ti.to

3. Trast

y 31, 2013

The businhere have bal of projects

d flagging rex. Please coed rate, doc

Early coordimay take up

Projects whihould NOTeviewed anequired to v

Very often, ettached to highway s

moved or buy the railroahis situation

For projects ay 5% of th

RPM on whe


ects that afments:

The railroad

The hydraule., both higo provide th

The hydraulailroad) flowtate this.

ess office seen instancs in anothe

equirementontact the Ccumentation

nation with p to a year o

ich have unT be assumend approvedverify that n

especially ipoles adjactructure the

uried prior tad and cann is therefor

that eliminhe theoreticen this shou


ffect drainag

should be

ics report sghway and rhis informat

ics report sw impacts –

should pay ces where

er Region.

ts, for both CDOT Railrn, and sche

the railroador more to o

ndergone raed to be read. Typicallyno changes

n rural areacent to the te demolitiono the comm

n take as lonre of prime

ate an at-gcal structureuld be purs


ge upstream

notified as

should inclurailroad miltion.

should also – if no mate


all invoicesunpaid invo

preconstrucroad Prograeduling proc

d companyobtain clea

ailroad planady for AD a second r were made

as, the railrotracks. When of the strumencementng as 18 mimportance

rade crosse. The Ressued with th


m from a ra

early as po

ude, at a mieposts, etc

assess anderial flow ch

s as quicklyoices in one

ction and cam Coordincedures.

y and with thrances and

n review andjust becaus

review proce.

oad will haven these linucture will rt of work. T

months to ace.

ing, the railsident Enginehe railroads


ailroad, ther

ossible (sco

nimum, croc. The RPM

d evaluate hanges are

Right of W

y as possible Region im

constructionnator for the

he RPM is d a written a

d then are se the plancess by the

ve existing nes follow threquire the his will requccomplish.

lroad may beer should ws.

re are spec

oping phase

oss-referenM can work w

downstreamexpected it

Way and Uti

le to avoid mpacted the

n phases, ae current

critical sincagreement.

later “shelvns were railroad is

signal lineshe tracks ulines be eituire scheduRecognitio

be requiredwork with th



ced locatiowith Hydra

m (i.e., t should cle


late e


ce it


s nder

ther uling n of

d to he

ns, ulics


Right of Addition1. 23 C

Insur2. FHW3. Joint

f Way and U

nal RefereCFR Part 14rance Prote

WA Railroadt BNSF/UP


nces: 40I, Reimbuection, and d - Highway


ursement foPart 646B,

y Grade Cros for Grade


or Railroad Railroad-H

ossing HandSeparation

Work; Part Highway Prdbook

n Projects


t 646A Railrrojects

anuary 31, 2




January 31, 2013 Additional Project Development Considerations




Additional Project Development Considerations January 31, 2013



ThroughRequirestandardthe Amedisabiliti

Facility dAccessibADAAG domes, designatadditionsuch as personsreconstr

New facnew highall new fresurfacin the dohttp://wwmemos/0Projectfacilities

If the Re

accessibCoordinwill be d

In consu(Headquand impshould band be ireconstr

y 31, 2013


h the implemments in Cds to ensurericans withes, includin

design shalbility Guideapplies to pedestrian ted points o, the Residpoles, sign with disabructed park

cilities shall hway projefacilities wilcing or otheocument ADww.colorado/ADA%20Ats%2010-20 shall be ad

esident Engin

bility featureator. All de


ultation withuarters), thelementation

be identifiedncluded in ructed.


mentation oDOT Transe projects o

h Disabilitiesng wheelch

ll be in comelines (ADAsafety rest overpasse

of pedestriaent Engine

ns, and vertilities and ving areas.

meet the cct is constrll accommor means, th

DA Accessiodot.info/buccessibility0-2003%20ddressed.

neer is uncee is requirecisions regd in the proj

h the CDOTe Resident n of all facild in the earthe design


of the provissportation Pon new ands Act (ADAair and limi

mpliance witAAG) or stan

areas, dess, underpa

an concentrer should stical edge dvan accessi

current stanructed. Whodate persohe alterationibility Requusiness/des

y%20Requir0.pdf/ . Duri

ertain aboud, the Resid

arding comject file.

T ADA CoorEngineer wlities in comrly stages o

plans for b




sions of theProjects,” Cd existing trA) and are m

ted-sight us

th the 1991ndards that

signated intess structureration for coseek to elimdrop-offs. Sible parking

dards for pen an exist

ons with disns must meirements insignsupporrements%2ng construc

t whether, dent Engine

mpliance wit

rdinator in twill be respompliance witf design, su

both new fac

Project De


e documentCDOT has eransportatiomade accessers.

Americanst may replaerest pointses, pedestrontrolled ro

minate hazaigning and

g shall be a

persons withting highwaabilities. If eet current n CDOT Trart/policy-20in%20CDction, ADA

or to what eeer will consth ADA Acc

the Center onsible for th the ADAuch as the cilities and



t “ADA Accestablished on facilities ssible to pe

s with Disabce the 199s, curb cutsrian ramps, oadway crosards within s

pavement added in new

h disabilitieay is to be ra facility is ADA stand



extent, a pasult with thecessibility R

for Equal Oincorporati

A. These reqDesign Scoexisting fac

t Considera


essibility uniform conform wrsons with

bilities Act 1 ADAAG. s with trunc

and ssing. In sidewalk armarking fow and

s whenevereconstructealtered thro

dards providn Projects:

ansportationaccess an

articular e CDOT ADRequiremen

Opportunityng the desiquirementsoping Reviecilities to be





reas r

er a ed, ough ded


DA nts

y ign

ew e

Addition The Resrequireddisabiliti

Addition1. 42 U

19902. 28 C

Gove3. CDO4. Manu5. CDO

Disa6. ADA

Octo7. U.S.

Ame8. Desi9. Ame

nal Project D

sident Engind by CDOT es.

nal RefereUSC, Subch0 CFR Part 35ernment Se

OT M&S Staual on Unifo

OT Policy Dbilities Accessibil

ober 2003. Architecturricans Withigning Sidericans With


neer will prand federa

nces: hapter 2--Pu

5, Nondiscriervices andard Planform Traffic irective 605

lity Require

ral and Tranh Disabilitiewalks and

h Disabilitie

ent Conside

ovide propeal guidelines

ublic Servic

imination o

ns Control De

5.0 Compre

ments in C

nsportations Act AccesTrails for As Act Acces



er plans, chs related to

ces (Title II)

n the Basis

evices for Sehensive Ac

DOT & Loc

n Barriers Cssibility Guccess – FHss Board, h

hecklists, sto accommod

), American

s of Disabili

Streets and ccessibility

cal Agency

Compliance uidelines forHWA-HEP-9http://www.a


tandards, adations for

ns With Disa

ty in State

Highways for Person


Board (Accr Buildings 99-006 HEHaccess-boa

anuary 31, 2

and details apersons wi

abilities Act

and Local

(MUTCD)ns with

ation Projec

cess Boardand FacilitiHE/8-99/(5Mard.gov


as ith

t of


d), ies M)E



Detours existing designework are

Detour dtypical svertical sproperlymitigatio

The desor false

A detourdetour iswithout iconsiderconstrucdrainagedesigneamount

Detours when woprovidedwork doPriorities

1. S

2. A

3. R

4. A

5. E

6. C

7. P

y 31, 2013


are any tealternate rod to safely ea.

design shousection (e.gsight distan

y designed eon and cons

signer shouwork, espe

r should pros being builimpeding thr running spction activitie is also and accordingof traffic de

should be ork is takingd with a safes not delas for provid

Safety of mo

Adequate co


Adequate ro



Proper drain


mporary rooutes or usand efficien

uld include ., lane widt

nce, clearanend terminastruction tra

ld considerecially when

ovide adeqlt. Adequathe flow of dpeed, barrieies includin

n integral asg to the suremand.

designed sg place nexfe work areaay or impacting a prope

otorists and


detour des

oadway cap

detour des

on of vehicl

nage during


uting of trafse of modifiently move tr

speed, cleah, superelence, curve rals, surfacinaffic control

r vertical clen utilizing sh

uate area fte space sh

detour trafficer widths, r

ng typical cospect of a drrounding to

so that the mxt to the trava. Construt traffic wheer detour ar

d workers

work area

sign speeds



es that exc

g constructio



ffic off its used lanes onraffic while

ar zone, hoevation andradii, any nng requirem.

earance to ohoulders wh

for the conshould be proc. When plrequired offsonstruction detour desigopography c

motorists pavel way, anction work

enever condre:


ceed legal w

on to preve

Project De

sual coursen available providing a

orizontal an shoulder deeded tem

ments, appr

overhead shere cleara

struction woovided for tlanning a dfset to barriesign place

gn. The lenconsidering

ass safely tnd so that carea shoulditions and

weight and

ent hydropla


e, includingpavement.

an adequat

d vertical adesign), horporary barrroach ties,

structures sance is ofte

ork around the Contracetour, the ders, and clement. Temngth of detog duration o

through theconstructiond be large economics

height limit


t Considera

g the use ofDetours ar

e construct

alignment, rizontal andrier with environmen

such as bridn less.

which the ctor to workdesigner shear distance

mporary our should bof detour an

e constructin workers aenough thas permit.



f re tion




k hould e to

be nd

on are at

Addition The transmooth speed pclose to designedetour zwarrants

A highercompliancausing speed saccompthe likeliconsiderSection determinReisbec2009 PoCDOT F(http://wzone-sa09_%20

The Resproject ddesign smaintenengineedesignedesign. construcpipes to

Signing Section of the dethe Field

nal Project D

nsitions betwas possibleroperties ofthe originar should an

zone, when s, the detou

r detour desnce with thea crash or hould not blished with ihood of thered. The m3.5 of The ning work zck dated Apolicy MemorForm 568 anwww.colorad


sident Engindocumentatshould incluance, remor of record r shall meeIf the detouction, then Rminimize t

and striping4.10 of thisetour desigd Inspection


ween the roe. It is desif the main r

al speed of tnticipate the

deciding our posted sp

sign speed e lower detendangerin

be used to cregulatory

e drivers’ anaximum spCDOT Roa

zone speed pril 4, 1997, randum on nd reductiododot.info/lizone-safety/view ).

neer is resption, the Fo

ude all propoval, and dishall comp

et all federaur includes Region Hydhe possibili

g for the des manual). n and posten Review to

ent Conside

oadway aligrable to maroadway. Tthe main roe level of mn the detoupeed may b

will increastour postedng highwaycontrol motosigns and enticipating r

peed differeadway Desi

limits is exand shouldWork Zone

on of speedbrary/traffic-mobility/W

ponsible fororm 518, Deper pay itemsposal of th

plete the Fol standardstemporary draulics Engity of overto

etour shouldThe Regio

ed speed, ao allow a pr



gnment andaintain the lThe detour oadway as iotorist com

ur design spbe lower tha

se the likelispeed can

y workers aorist behavenforcemenreduced spntial and deign Guide sxplained in ad be followee Safety for limits in woc/traffic-ma


r scoping aetour Desig

ms for the dhe detour.

orm 518. Os and obtaindetour pipegineer shouopping duri

d be includen's Traffic Eand should roper Traffic

d the detouane width ashould be dis reasonab

mpliance witpeed. Whean the desi

ihood that vn traverse thnd other m

vior, when tnt. The loc

peed in the etails of detshould be foa memo byed. Also ser guidance ork zones nuals-guidemprovment

nd designingn Data, wiletour, incluFor consuln projects wn FHWA coes to allow tuld be consng construc

ed in the TrEngineeringreceive ad

c Control P


r alignmentand geomedesigned wbly possibleth the reducen safety coign speed.

vehicles thahe work zonotorists. Thhis can be

cation of thedetour shotour designollowed. A y J. Siebels ee the Septon complet


ng the detoll be compleuding provisltant or entiwith federa

oncurrence the passagsulted on thction.

raffic Contrg Unit shou

dequate plaPlan to be d

anuary 31, 2

t should beetric design with a speede. The ced speed onsideration

at are not inne without he design more safely

e detour anuld be

n presentedprocedureand W.

tember 25, tion of the


our. For proeted. The sions for ty projects,l oversight,with the

ge of flow duhe size of th

rol Plan (seuld be informn sheets afeveloped.


e as

d as

in a n


y d

d in for



, the , the

uring he

e med fter

January The AASinformat

For projestreams

Addition1. CDO2. Manu3. CDO4. NCH

High5. For f


y 31, 2013

SHTO Poliction for mai

ects that re and waterw

nal RefereOT Standardual on Unifo

OT DrainageHRP – Repo

ways forms, see C//www.colo

cy on Geomntenance o

equire constways, refer

nces: d Plan S-63form Traffic e Design Mort 581 – De

CDOT on-liradodot.info

metric Desigof traffic thro

truction of tr to the CDO

30-1 Control De

Manual esign of Co

ine forms lio/library/for



gn of Highwough const

temporary dOT Drainag

evices for S


brary rms

Project De

ways and Sruction area

drainage dege Design M

Streets and

Work Zone


Streets provas.

etour structManual.


es on High S

t Considera

ides useful

tures over






Airway-hand highimprove

Airport f20,000 fabove th

The Resairway-hobjects acrossingconstruc

The Resand coo(FAA) ofprocess requiredairport wdeterminwho subDivision process website

DocumeinformatAdminiswill adviresolvedAdminis

The FHWclearancprivate a

nal Project D


highway flighway trafficment must

flight area cfeet of an ahe ground.

sident Enginhighway cleas overhea

g structuresction operat

sident Enginrdinate withf these poteas possible

d by Federawhere constne if there ibmitted the

of Aeronauof filing a Fat http://ww

entation shation submitttration (FHWse the FAAd, the regiontrator.

WA issues ces that conairports with



ght area clec. The expe

be in the p

clearance shirport or wit

neer will seearances wad signs, ligs, and fencintion activitie

neer will noh airport offential conflie. The Res

al Aviation Rtruction mas any hazaFAA Form

utics for assFAA Form 7ww.faa.gov/

all be providted by the oWA) to dete

A of its findinn FHWA sh

a Finding innform to FAh the same

ent Conside


earances mnditure of p

public intere

hould be cothin 5,000 f

eek to eliminhen develoht standardng adjacenes such as

otify the airpficials in nocts. This no

sident EnginRegulation ay impact aird to air na7460. The sistance or 7460. A cop/forms/ .

ded by the official will bermine if clngs and givhall refer its

n the PublicAA standard

rules and r




ust be adeqpublic fundsest.

onsidered wfeet of a he

nate existinoping the PSds, vehiclest to the airpcrane place

port or heliptifying the Fotification sneer may ne(FAR) Partirport opera

avigation anResident Equestions

py of the fo

coordinatinbe reviewedearances pve its concus recommen

c Interest bds. FAA guregulations


quate for ths for any re

when a higheliport or ex

ng and avoiS&E. The cs moving onport or helipement shou

port of any Federal Avishould occueed to file at 77 (77.17)ations or acnd respond Engineer shregarding t

orm can be

ng airport ofd by the Feprovided areurrence. Whndations to

ased on coidelines als as apply to



he safe movlated airpor

hway projecxceeds 200

id new subsclearances n the highwport. Impactuld be cons

conflict thaiation Admi

ur as early ia FAA Form) for those lccess. The accordingly

hould contathe FAR Paaccessed f

fficial to theederal Highwe sufficienthen conflictthe Federa

ompliance wso apply to o public airp

anuary 31, 2

vement of art and highw

ct is within feet in heig

standard apply to su

way, over-ts of sidered.

at might appinistration n the desig

m 7460-1 asocations ofFAA will y to the per

act the CDOart 77 or thefrom the FA

e FAA; all way . The FHWAts cannot bal Highway

with flight amilitary andports/helipo


air way




gn s ff the

rson OT e AA

A e

rea d orts.

January The FAA

Addition1. 23 C2. CDO3. 14 C4. Fede


y 31, 2013

A notifies th

nal RefereCFR Part 62OT RoadwayCFR Part 77eral Aviationstruction or //www.faa.g

he Resident

nces: 20 A, Highwy Design G

7, Objects An Administrr Alteration gov/regulat

t Engineer

way ImproveGuide Affecting Naration Advisof Objects ions_policie



of acceptab

ements in t

avigable Airsory Circulathat May Aes/advisory

Project De

ble mitigatin

he Vicinity

r Space

ar AC 70/74ffect the Na



ng actions.

of Airports

460-2K Proavigable Ai/

t Considera

oposed irspace




Safety rplace fois respo

Safety retables aThe faciinformat

Safety redisabilitiproper ssemi-traof sewagand impmaintenfacilitiesstormwadesign, personnutility, drfactors mreconna

The ResBuildingand coomanageState BuManage

The Resincorpornearby.

Considecommerfor trave

nal Project D


est areas wr the motornsible for s

est areas und bencheslity may betion.

est areas wes. They sh

signing, resailer vehiclege. The deslement pollance of res; energy eff

ater runoff uconstructio

nel should srainage, wamay be deteaissance.

sident Engins Program rdination of

ement, and uilding codeement Office

sident Enginrate in the r

eration for arce for incluelers and th



with parkingrist to stop acoping and

usually provs, telephon located at

will provide fhould have troom facilis, adequatesigner shoulution prevest areas. Exfficient lightusing appron, environm

select the oater quality,ermined by

neer shall cdelegate af plans andmaintenanc

es can be ce.

neer shall crest area an

a public-privusion of an e surround

ent Conside


g facilities sand rest ford design of

vide one or es, informaa scenic lo

full considecontrolled ties, parkine lighting, auld consideention and examples incing, cooling

opriate watemental, maiptimal site , energy effy examinatio

coordinate tat the CDOT contractuace of CDOT


coordinate wny chain-up

vate partneinformationing commu




eparated frr short periosafety rest

more of theation facilitieocation and

eration and entrance a

ng areas foradequate soer environmenergy efficclude instalg, and heatier quality Bntenance, based on faficiency, ecoon of aerial

the buildingT Property Mal procedureT owned bu with the ar

with the Rep or chain-d

rship with an kiosk as punity.

rom the higods of timearea projec

e following:es, and othinclude his

accommodand exit highr both passource of waental issueciency (P2/lation of lowing; and coMPs. A mulandscapinactors suchonomy, andl photos an

gs for Rest Managemees for the cuildings. Corchitects in

egion’s Trafdown station

a local govepart of the b


hway are p. The Residcts.

drinking wer facilities

storic or sce

dation for phway conneenger cars ater, and pr

es in the des/E2) in the ow-water-useollection andulti-discipling, and right

h as safety,d scenic vad by groun

Areas withent Office foconstructionompliance wthe CDOT

ffic Engineens that may

ernment or building ma

anuary 31, 2

provided asdent Engine

water, toiletsfor travele


ersons withections withand large

roper disposign procesoperation ae toilet andd detentionary team ot of way materials,

alue. Thesed

the State or the reviewn, with local aProperty

er to y be needed

chamber oy be of ben


a eer

s, rs.

h h

osal ss and sink of f





of nefit

January FHWA o

Addition1. 23 C2. Ame3. AAS4. CDO5. CDO

Manu6. CDO

http:/7. Safe8. CDO


y 31, 2013

oversight m

nal RefereCFR Part 75

ricans with HTO Guide

OT Lighting OT New Devual, 2004

OT webpage//www.dot.sty Rest Are

OT Policy Dbilities

may apply to

nces: 52.5, 752.7

Disabilitiese for DeveloDesign Mavelopment

e for informstate.co.us/eas: Planninirective 605

o safety res

and 752.8 s Act Guideopment of Ranual and Redev

mation on ex/TravelInfo/ng, Locatio5.0 Compre



t area deve

Safety Reselines Rest Areas

velopment S

xisting CDO/Facilities/Rn and Desig

ehensive Ac

Project De


st Areas

on Major A


OT Rest AreRestAreas/ gn, USDOTccessibility


Arterials and

r Managem

ea Location T, FHWA, 1for Person

t Considera

d Freeways

ent Progra


1981 s with






Railroadproject: at an at-after theprojects construcof an excategory


The Res

1. D

2. Pa

3. OD

4. P

The RairesponsagencieEngineefinal planschedulewith outsRailroaddesign. needs tothe proje

The Reshighwayhighwayon railro

nal Project D


d-Highway pThe first ca-grade croseir original f

in which thction, projecxisting roadwy of projects

y projects thed with the

arily on railr7.04 Railro

sident Engin

Develop pre

Prepare docgreement r

Obtain approDepartment

Prepare railr

lroad Progrible for pres. Coordina

er, and Regns. Contace and scopside agenc

d (UPRR) isSee Sectioo be includeect schedul

sident Enginy system, iny system, thoad property



projects fallategory inclssing. Thesefederal legishe crossing ct. Exampleway, which s is the sub

hat have a primary em

road involveoad Involvem

neer’s resp

eliminary an

cuments anrequiremen

ovals and a, and other

road flaggin

ram Managparing the ation amongion Utility E

ct the Railroe. The Railies, so allow

s the only ran 7.04 Railed in the prle.

neer is respncluding thehe involved y, by railroa

ent Conside


l into two spudes projece are commslation in 23improveme

es include tthen requi

bject of this

railroad comphasis onement. Thement of this


nd final railr

d specificats.

appropriateagencies (

ng, coordina

ger, in the Srailroad cong the CDOT

Engineer is oad as soonlroads havew extra timailroad thatlroad Involvroject costs

ponsible fore design an

local agenad forces, w



pecific catects whose smonly know3 U.S.C. 13ents are pathe replaceres a widensection of

mponent or the highwa

e proper mes manual.

s for railroad

road plans.

tions to ass

signatures(such as Att

ation, and r

Safety and Tntract for reT Railroad necessary

n as possibe a detailede for these requires pa

vement of th and addre

r review of d traffic concy is respo

will be done

egories bassole purpos

wn as Sectio30. The secart of a largement of an ned at-gradthe manua

r will involvay improveethodology


sure compl

s from the ratorney Gen

railroad ins

Traffic Engieview by theProgram Min the prep

ble and discd process fo

steps. Curayment for his Manual

essing the re

railroad wontrol. When

onsible for the by the forc


ed upon thse is to impon 130 projcond categoer, primarilyoverpass,

de crossingl.

e railroad pments and is more full

projects ar

iance with r

ailroad comneral or Sta

urance spe

ineering Bre railroad a

Manager, Reparation of pcuss with thor executingrrently the Utheir reviewfor guidanc

eview time

ork that impn projects ahese activitce account

anuary 31, 2

e origin of tprove the saects, nameory includesy highway or the wide. This seco

participationonly ly set out in



mpany, the te Controlle


anch, is and other esident preliminary

hem the prog agreemenUnion Pacifw of CDOTce on whatfor railroad

pacts the staare off the sties. Any womethod of


the afety ed s

ening nd

n are




and oject nts fic


ds in

ate state ork

January constructhis manhandled

The doc

1. A

2. Ea

3. R

4. P

5. F

6. P

7. C

8. R

9. N

Railroadhighwayminimumwill inclurailroad

It is reco

1. Afob

2. Mcri

3. Dsra

y 31, 2013

ction, the prnual). Work by normal


Approved Fo

Executed Copplicable

Railroad flag

Public Utilitie

Force accou

Project Spec

Cost Estima

Right of way

Notice to Pro

d-highway py projects (sm, an abbreude a cost ework may b


Allow adequor clearanceefore any c

Make early company anghts in mos

Do not presucope of woailroads wil

rocedures fk done on ra


n required f

orm 463, D

ontracts be

gging insura

es Commis

unt justificat

cial Provisio

ate and gen

y and utility

oceed lette

projects shascoping, Fieeviated planestimate anbe incorpor

that the Re

uate lead time. The railrocontract can

communicand recognizst cases.

ume an exirk for a newl require a n

for this typeailroad propprocedures

for railroad-

esign Data

tween CDO

ance protec

ssion applic

tion and Fin


eral plan sh



all follow simeld Inspectin set of projnd general prated into a

esident Eng

me since thoads will ren be succes

ation with the that railro

sting contraw project is new agreem



e of construperty by a cs.

-highway pr


OT, the loca

ction certific


nding in the

heet from in

s, as appro

milar develoion Reviewject plans wplan sheet flarger proj


e contract equire submssfully exec

he Railroadoads have s

act will covecovered by

ment to be

Project De

uction will acontractor s

rojects is:

al agency, a


e Public Inte

nvolved rai


opment prow and the Fiwill be prepfor the railrect.

process mamission andcuted.

Program Mspecific righ

er new wory an existinprepared a


pply (see Sselected by

and the rail

erest, when

lroad comp

ocesses as nal Office R

pared for theroad work. P

ay take mod approval o

Manager anhts that trum

rk. Typicallyng agreemeand execute

t Considera

Section 1.11CDOT will

lroad, as

n required


regular Review). Ate project anPlans for th

re than a yeof 100% pla

nd the railromp CDOT’s

y, even if thent, the ed.


1 of be

t a nd he

ear ans

oad s


Addition Addition1. 23 C

Insur2. 23 U3. FHW


4. CDO5. AAS6. Manu7. [Join


8. For fhttp:/

nal Project D

nal RefereCFR Parts 1rance Prote

USC 109, StWA Railroadond Edition,//www.fra.d

OT RoadwayHTO Policyual on Unifo

nt] BNSF Raaration Proj//www.uprrforms, see C//www.colo


nces: 40 I, Reimb

ection; 646 tandards; 1

d-Highway G, August 20

dot.gov/dowy Design Gy Guide for form Traffic ailway / Unijects (availa.com/aboutCDOT on-liradodot.info

ent Conside

bursement B, Railroad30, Railwa

Grade Cros007 (availabwnloads/safGuide

Geometric Control De

ion Pacific able from etup/operatioine forms lio/library/for



for Railroadd-Highway y-Highway ssing Handbble from thefety/HRGXH

Design of evices for SRailroad G

either railroaons/specs/abrary rms

d Work; 64Projects Crossings

dbook, USDe FRA websHandbook.p

Highways aStreets and Guidelines fad website attachment


46 A, Railro

DOT FHWA-site) pdf

and StreetsHighways

for Railroadin PDF form


anuary 31, 2




d Grade mat) eparation.pd






Transit aconstructrains, eto reductranspor

Parking transpor

On fedemetropocoordinaselection

Transit splanningor commsystemsplanningfacilitateshelters

At the sctransit nto constEngineeRegion Tincorpor

The Resplans th

The decFHWA, respons

Approprshould band adv

y 31, 2013


accommodaction of lanemergency v

ce single ocrtation that

facilities arrtation serv

ral aid projeolitan planniate with eacn, approval

should be cg process wmuter rail lins. The desigg process be transit ser.

coping stageeds and inruct a proje

er should beTransportarate transit

sident Enginat involve h

cision to impFTA, the mible local of

riate designbe sent to thvisement.


ations for thes or other vehicles, an

ccupancy veis linked as

re an imporices and m

ects, the Feing organizch other on, and comp

considered would focusnes, high-ocgn process but would alrvice deliver

ge, the Resncorporatinect in a waye talking wittion Directoelements in

neer is resphigh-occupa

plement trametropolitan

fficials, and

n standards he FHWA w


he purposeimprovemend high-occehicle usags a system

rtant meansust meet th

ederal Highzations, and any projec


in both the s on major cccupancy vwould not olso scope sry, such as

ident Enginng elementsy that precluth the Regior, and othento the plan

ponsible forancy vehicl

ansit accom planning o


and plans,when appro




e of increasients for the cupancy moge and encoto move pe

s to accommhe needs of

hway Admind the Federacts involving

planning acapital invesvehicle laneonly consid

smaller itempark and r

neer shoulds into the pludes futureon Program

er Regions ns.

r the comple lanes, pa

modations organization

, and projecopriate and

Project De


ing capacityexclusive u

odes of tranourage the eople in hig

modate indf persons w

nistration (Fral Transit Ag public tra

and the desstments an

es, or majorder project dms that wouride lots and

d be thinkinglans. It is im

e options. Am Engineeron long-ran

letion of anarking facilit

is usually ans, the loca

ct decision to transpor


y can includuse of busensportationuse of multh-occupanc

ividuals usiwith disabilit

FHWA), CDAdministratinsit to facili

ign processnd issues, sr expansiondecisions m

uld help accd bus stops

g about futumportant to At this stager, Planning nge plannin

y highway ties, bus pu

a joint efforal transit ag

type documrtation agen

t Considera

de the es, trucks, . The intenti-modal cy vehicles

ing ties.

DOT, ion (FTA) sitate projec

ses. The such as lighns to bus made in thecommodates, pads, and

ure mass-be careful

e, the ResidManager,

ng necessa

constructioull-outs, etc

rt between tency,

mentation ncies for re


t is


shall ct

ht rail

e e and d

not dent

ary to

on c.




Addition1. 23 C

810B2. 23 U

Park3. AAS4. Manu5. Pede


nal Project D

nal RefereCFR Part 81B, Highway USC Sectionking FacilitieHTO Policyual on Unifoestrian Safe



nces: 0A, Mass TPublic Tra

n 134, Metres; Section y on Geomeform Traffic ety Guide fo017.

ent Conside

Transit andnsportationropolitan Pla142, Public

etric DesignControl De

or Transit A



Special Usn Projects aanning; Secc Transportn of Highwaevices for SAgencies, F

se Highwayand Specialction 137, Ftation ays and Str

Streets and February 20


y Projects, Use HighwFringe and

reets Highways

008, FHW A

anuary 31, 2

General anway FacilitieCorridor

(MUTCD)A Report No


nd es




An irrigaproposeauthorizpropose

An irrigaowner aand con

An agrecompan

The wor

1. To

2. Tfa

The ResThe Regagreemespecial treviews designs


1. F

2. S

3. D

4. TA

5. AC

y 31, 2013


ation compaed highway zes CDOT ted structure

ation compand CDOT, ditions of th

ement is rey is presen

rk is usually

The owner mr

The owner isacility.

sident Engingion Utilitiesent betweeterms and cthe hydrau.

entation nec

Form 1028a

Structure Se

Ditch Compa

The ResidenAgreement (

An original cCentral File


any agreemconstructioo enter upo or ditch sh

any agreemthat describhe agreeme

equired for ant and whos

y at project

may hold pr

s protected

neer is resps Engineer n the ditch conditions o

ulic structure

cessary (att

a, Irrigation

election Cos

any Coordi

nt Engineer(included b

copy of the


ment is requon within theon the prophown on the

ment is a legbes the proent.

all CDOT pse facilities

expense be

rior or overl

d by statute

ponsible for(RUE) purscompany a

of the agreee design an


Company A


nation Infor

r needs to aelow).

Irrigation C




uired to doce companyerty and to e CDOT pla

gal documeoposed wor

projects on wwill be affe


lapping pro

from action

r the designsues and coand CDOT. ement. Thend may reco



adhere to th

Company Ag

Project De


cument the y’s right of w

construct aans.

ent signed brk and sets

which an ircted by the

operty rights

ns that wou

n of the irrigoordinates The RUE m

e Hydraulicsommend al

for Constru

he Procedu

greement s



owner’s coway. The agand mainta

by the irrigaforth the ap

rigation (or e proposed

s within stat

uld permane

gation structhe signing

may assist s Engineer lternative st


ure for Irriga

shall be sen

t Considera

onsent to greement ain the

ation compapplicable te

ditch) constructio

te right of w

ently impai

cture and dg of the with any performs otructure

ation Comp

nt to CDOT


any erms



r the





Addition Addition1. CRS2. CDO

nal Project D

nal RefereS 37-86-101OT Roadway


nces: ff, Rights-oy Design G

ent Conside

of-Way andGuide



d Ditches

Jaanuary 31, 22013

January PROCED

1. A

a b



2. D







3. W




y 31, 2013


At the scoping

. Identify all

. Determinecapacity, f

. Meet with and the po

. Record an

Develop a prelomparisons (snalysis for eabtain their ver

ollowing for ea

. Estimated paying pub

. Safety pronear roadw

. Maintenanstabilizatio

. Operating operating s

. Other termliquidated (coordinateBranch).

When the struc

. CDOT Forexhibits, aacceptable

. Structure pcompany. suffice. Avvoid the ag

. If the agreecontractor,Project Sp


stage of the

irrigation stru

e the water rigreeboard, and

the representossible impact

d retain pertin

liminary strucsee “Structure

ach design altrbal consent tach alternate:

costs and coblic.

blems such away.

nce problems,on, etc.


ms and conditidamages, inse with Attorne

cture plan is f

rm 1028, Irrigand including ae to the Depa

plan (identifie The plan shevoid details sugreement.

ement impose, such as wor

pecial Provisio



uctures involv

ghts of these id/or other ope

tatives of thest on or conflic

nent data (se

cture design pe Selection Cernate. Presto begin deve:

ost differences

as guardrail, “

, snow proble

s such as deb

ions as may bsurance coveey General via

finalized, prep

ation Companany other termrtment.

d as Exhibit Aeet note, and ubject to chan

es a further crk schedule reon (identified a




ved and their o

rrigation strucerating requir

se structures,ct with their ex

e “Ditch Com

plus one or moCosts”). Suppo

ent to the irrigeloping plans

s between typ

narrowing of

ems with guar

bris, freeboard

be requested rage, or indema HQ Utilities

pare and subm

ny Agreemenms and condit

A) depicting oschematic of

nge during de

contractual resestrictions or as Exhibit__)

Project De


ctures and threments.

, discuss the xisting structu

mpany Coordin

ore structure ort with adequgation compafor the facility

pes of structu

roadway” illu

rdrail, deck re

d, scour, and

by the ownermnification, m Unit, Safety

mit for owner

nt for Constructions request

only structure f the structureesign or const

sponsibility onliability for de).


eir characteri

proposed CDures and cust

nation Inform

alternates, touate survey dany board of dy. Be prepare

res that will im

sion or ditch

ehabilitation, a

project sched

r. Unusual remay require leand Traffic E

r’s approval fo

ction, referrinted by the ow

information oe on the plan truction, whic

n the State’s elays, attach a

t Considera

istics such as

DOT constructtomer obligati


ogether with cdata and hydrdirectors and ed to discuss

mpact the tax

cleaning activ

abutment bac

dule vs. ditch

equests such egal advice ngineering

or the followin

ng to attachedner and

of interest to tsheet, should

ch technically

construction a copy of the



tion ons.

cost raulic








the d may



4. A


5. If


nal Project D

. If requestereferenced

After the owneesignated repriginal. Forwaegal). Furnisthers as need

the owner wiompensation

Manager and Hspecialized a


ed by the ownd as part of th

er has signed presentative. ard one originh copies to th


ill not sign theover and abo

HQ Utilities foagreement.

ent Conside

ner, a structure agreement

the agreemeExecute two

nal agreemenhe Resident E

e Form 1028 aove the cost oor guidance o



re cross-sectio.

nt, obtain signoriginal-signa

nt including alEngineer, Reg

agreement (foof the improven whether to

on, which sho

nature of Regature agreeml attachments

gion Utility En

or example, ifements), conspursue a con


ould not be at

gion Transporments if the ows to CDOT Regineer, HQ U

f they demansult the Regiondemnation ac

anuary 31, 2

ttached to, no

rtation Directowner requestsecords Cente

Utilities Unit, a

d cash on Right of Wction, or nego



or or s an r


Way otiate



A Requ Roug P R D A

CONC Avera Guard Detou

y 31, 2013


Average cost o

ired guardrail

h Detour Cos

LACE emban


Ditch drainage

Additional sign


age cost of CB

drail not requi

ur not required



of bridge per s

at bridge site


nkment requir

bankment cu.

e structures (te

ning required f


BC per sq ft x

ired if clear zo

d if use of roa



square foot x


red cu. yd. x a

yd. x average

emporary pip

for detour est

x required size

one is addres

adway emban





required size

average cost

e cost



Total Cost of

e and length


nkment is use

Total Cost of


Project De



f Bridge





= $____

= $___

= $___

= $___

= $___

= $___


= $___





t Considera





















nal Project D




F DITCH (if no




FLOW _____










DTH _______





N __________

MPANY ____

ot same as co

ESS ______


UMBER ____



ARD _______







CLES ______




ent Conside





ompany) ___




RSON ______

L FLOW ____



EMS: ______







Y _________












_____ STOR






STING ____

D _________





__ D






_________ P










MENT? ____












DRY ______




RS) ________






anuary 31, 2






















y 31, 2013







D FLOW ___








NY ________





RED? ______











Project De














UIRED? ____


t Considera











Climbingmoving vconditionterrain. Ahighwayused oncapacity

The requcapacitieshould bfor a typexpenditPolicy Gaddition lanes. Thighway

Where ttraffic vovertical atravel laGuide.

When a graph shin speedgrades ideceleraJustificaconsidermaximuan unrea

Addition1. Tran

Repo2. AAS

nal Project D


g lanes are vehicles. Ans limit pasA highway y, but a two freeways a

y to handle

uirements fes, percentbe considerpical heavy tures as ou

Guide on Deof passing

The Highwayys.

errain condolumes or sand horizonnes and sh

climbing orhowing the d will be uses needed to

ation and acation for climred from thm length ofasonable re

nal Referesportation ort 209 HTO Policy



extra lanesA passing lassing opporsection with-lane highwand multi-lathe traffic v

for establisht of trucks, gred when a truck provid

utlined in theesign of Hig lanes. Accy Capacity

ditions permsignificant sntal curves.hould be tap

r a passingrelationshi

ed to develo find the lecceleration

mbing lanese standpoinf a designaeduction in

nces: Research B

y on Geome

ent Conside


s provided ne can be

rtunities on h a climbingway with anane highwavolume with

hing climbingrades, spe10 mile pe

ded the pere CDOT Ro

ghways andcident histoManual is

mit, a passinegments of. Passing lapered in and

lane is reqp between op the planength and lochart (see

s where thent of highwated upgradspeed.

Board (TRB

etric Design




on highwayprovided wtwo-lane hg or passin extra laneys because

h slow movi

ng lanes areeds, and le

er hour or grrcentage ofoadway Ded Streets. Sry should bused for the

ng lane shof passing sanes shouldd out as pre

quired, a plarate and le

n and profileocation of tthe CDOT

e critical lenay capacitye on which

B) Highway

n of Highwa


ys with longwhere sight d

ighways, ing lane is no. Climbing e these highing vehicles

re usually bevel of servreater speef trucks and

esign GuideSafety is a pbe reviewedese analyse

ould be addight distancd have the escribed in

an and profength of grae. A sketchthe climbing

T Roadway Dngth of grady. Critical le a loaded t

Capacity M

ays and Str


g, steep gradistances o

ncluding rolot considerlanes genehways usuas.

based on travice. Climbied reductiond traffic volue and in theprimary justd for climbines of grade

ded when thce restrictiosame lane the Roadw

file will be dade for seve of the profg lanes, togDesign Gui

de is exceedength of graruck can op

Manual - Sp


anuary 31, 2

ades for sloor traffic ling and flaed a three-

erally are noally have th

affic volumeing lanes n is expecteumes justifye AASHTO tification forng and passes on two-la

here are higons due to

width as thway Design

developed. eral reductiofile with thegether with ide). ded may be

ade is the perate witho




at -lane ot he


ed y the

r the sing ane



A ons a





Stockpasafe pasother sid

A stockphigh; anallows livwildlife mstockpasshould bA machithat will

Economappraisaaid projeproject. consoliddesirablfor guard

The Rescrossingnecessa


1. N

2. F

3. W

4. Ifst

5. Te

6. T

y 31, 2013


asses, landossage of livde by mean

pass usually 84-inch cuvestock to movement fss or wildlifbe consulteine pass shuse the un

mic justificatals should bects requireThe design

dated with ae to extenddrail.

sident Engings and macary support

ation data s

Number of li

Frequency o

Whether the

f a stockpastructure stil

The cost of txcluding sa

Type of wild


owner acceestock, wild

ns of an und

y consists oulvert; or a 5move benefor mid andfe undercrod for prope

hould be larderpass.

ion should be obtainede stockpassner should da drainage cd the require

neer is respchine passe


hould includ

ivestock tha

of crossing

e stockpass

ss or machll be require

the stockpaavings on e

life crossin


esses, wildldlife or farmderpass.

of a standa5'-10" x 7'-8eath the road large size ossing. The er sizing of srge enough

be determid both with s justificatiodetermine iculvert or bed structure

ponsible fores in the De


at would us

by the lives

s or machin

ine pass weed.

ass, owner liminating o

g the roadw




ife crossingm machinery

ard box culv8" structuraadway for g

animals mRegion’s E

structures tfor the exp

ned for all pand withou

ons when stf the requir

bridge, if thee outside of

r justifying tesign Scopi

se the stock

stock or ma

e pass will

ere not prov

access, wilor reducing


Project De


gs, and macy from one

vert at leastal plate archrazing or tray benefit f

Environmento accommopected farm

proposed sut the propotockpassesred stockpaese featuresf the clear z

the need fong Review,



also be use

vided, wou

ldlife crossi the draina



chine passeside of the

t 6 feet wideh culvert. Thransportingfrom the plantal Programodate wildli

m machinery

stockpassesosed structus are constrass facility cs exist on tzone to elim

or stockpas, and for pr

ed for drain

ld a large d

ing, or macge structur

t Considera


es provide e highway to

e and 7 feehe stockpas. In additionacement ofm Managerife in the ary or vehicle

s. Property ures. All fedructed on thcould be he project.

minate the n

ses, wildliferoviding all



chine pass, re.



a o the

et ss n, f a r rea. es

deral he

It is need


Addition Addition1. CDO2. CDO3. CDO4. Repo

to Pr

nal Project D

nal RefereOT RoadwayOT DrainageOT M & S Sort No. CDOrovide Safe


nces: y Design Ge Design Mtandard PlaOT-DTD-UCe Crossing O

ent Conside

Guide Manual ans CD-2003-9 Opportunitie



Identifyinges for Wildl

g the Best Llife


Locations al

anuary 31, 2

long Highw





This secconstruca CDOTproject i

An expeResearcmonitoreon future

The ResDirectiveexperim

A propospecificaextent oconstrucappropriDirective

The Depproprietaof const

Refer to

Addition1. 23 C2. Prop

y 31, 2013


ction providction projecT or an indus not consi

erimental fech Engineered after cone use.

sident Engine 1401.1, Pental featur

sed experimations affecf use (numcted and moiate technice 1401.1.

partment ofary items uruction in th


nal RefereCFR Part 63priety Items


es guidelincts. An expeustry standadered an ex

ature must r, or a technstruction a

neer must cProduct Evare is incorp

mental featcted, a descber and sizonitored, thcal committ

f Transportased as an ehe highway

al Directive

nces: 35D, Gener

(see Sectio


es for the uerimental iteard. A minoxperimenta

have prelimnical comm

and reports

confirm thaaluation andporated into

ure is docucription of thze of projeche results aee. Docum

ation Develexperimenty process.

1401.1 for

al Material on 2.24 of t




use of expeem is a mer change to

al feature.

minary appmittee. The e

made to a

at the requird Experime

a CDOT co

umented byhe field mots). After thnd recommentation re

opment, Real feature, f

details on t

Requiremethis manua

Project De

erimental fethod, mate

o adapt spe

proval by a Pexperimenttechnical c

rements of ental Featuronstruction

y a statemeonitoring to he experimemendations esponsibility

esearch Brfor researc

this process

ents l)


eatures on Crial, or prac


Program Ental feature mcommittee f

CDOT Procres, are men project.

nt of purpobe conductental featurare reporte

y is outlined

ranch, mustch, or as a d


t Considera

CDOT ctice that is to a single

ngineer, themust be for a decisio

cedural et before an

se, the ted, and there is ed to the d in Proced

t review distinctive ty










Usually used duan efficieto best d

Whenevmateriallimits, a

If the DeresponsWhenevassure tthere is Engineeby the UContractcomply w

The manResidenEngineecontrol f

Addition1. 23 C

nal Project D


soil and agring construent use of tdetermine u

ver a projec off the projFinding in t

epartment pible for obta

ver the Depthere is adenot, the dis

er must alsoU.S. Governtor procurewith all fede

ndatory disnt Engineer er. The planfeatures, an

nal RefereCFR Part 63



ggregate mauction or plthe materiause of the m

ct has provisject right ofthe Public I

procures a daining an eartment ma

equate areasposal site so address enment, whes a disposaeral, state a

posal site dwith a Find

ns and agrend site impr

nces: 35.407, Use

ent Conside


aterials devaced within

al and avoidmaterial.

sions for a f way or beInterest by

disposal siteconomical andates a da or volumeshould be serosion conn disposing

al site, it wiland local la

designatedding-in-the-eements sharovements.

e of Materia




veloped on n the projecd excessive

mandatoryyond a reasthe Depart

te for excessite, consid

disposal sitee available tselected bytrol requireg of materiall be his res


by the DepPublic-Inteall provide

als Made Av


a constructct boundarie hauls. This

y site for thesonable disment must

ss material,dering envire, the Residto accomm

y the Contraments and al from pubsponsibility

partment wirest letter afor any req

vailable by



tion projectes. The intes can allow

e disposal ostance frombe docume

, the Resideronmental ident Engineodate the d

actor. The Rany royaltylic lands. Wto obtain a

ill be documapproved byquired resto

a Public Ag

anuary 31, 2


t should be ent is to pro

w the Contra

of excess m the projecented.

ent Engineeimpact. eer must disposal. IfResident y fees impo

When the site that w

mented by ty the Progr

oration, eros



ovide actor


er is




the ram sion



Usually,to be inc

When it furnishepublic ag

Materialused forfurnishe

To be elmaterialprocess

Materialspecificato the proversighoversigh

When thfurnishePublic Ininspectin

The ResfurnisheCFR Paeffectiveproject i


1. Nc

2. Tth

y 31, 2013


contracts fcorporated

is in the pud by CDOTgency.

s can be nar roadway cd to the Co

ligible for fes made ava(23 CFR P

furnished bation requirroject must ht, use of suht, by FHWA

he Departmd to them, nterest justing, and app

sident Engind materialsrt 635 B&D

eness, specs in the bes

ments for c

Natural mateonsideratio

The locationhe special p


for highwayin the work

ublic’s intereT or a public

atural mateconstructionontractor for

ederal particailable by a

Part 635.407

by a public rements on be approve

uch materiaA.

ment or othethe Resideifying the usproving the

neer is resps follows theD). A Findingcifications, lst interest o

creating a m

erials (borroons and me

n and unit pprovisions.


y projects sk.

est, CDOT c agency o

erials from lon, or any mar mandatory

cipation cosa public age7 explains

agency forthe project

ed as beingals must be

er public agent Engineese of this mpublic age

ponsible fore rules and g-in-the-Pulocation, anof the public

mandatory s

ow/embanket specifica

prices of nat




pecify that

can requirer obtained f

ocal sourceaterial purcy use on th

sts, any maency, must natural mat

r a construct. Material fg in the pube approved

ency requirr is respons

mandatory sency’s mate

r assuring tregulations

ublic-Interesnd reasons c shall be p

source of m

kment) musations.

tural materi

Project De


the Contra

e the Contrfrom source

es, such aschased by the project.

aterial, othebe acquiredterials).

ction projecfurnished thblic interestby the Dep

res the Consible for presource, anderial sources

that the uses applicablest letter docthat the ma

placed in the

materials are

st be based

ial must be



ctor furnish

ractor to usees designat

s borrow or the Departm

er than locad by a com

ct shall meehat has a m. If the proje

partment, an

ntractor to ueparing a Fd for monitos.

e of public ae to such ucumenting taterial furnie project fil


d on environ

stated on t

t Considera


hes all mate

e material ted by the

aggregatesment and

al natural mpetitive bid

et the monetary va

ect has CDnd if Federa

use materiaFinding in thoring,

agency se (see 23 the cost shed to thee.


the plans o





alue DOT al

al he


or in


3. Mcth

4. FD

5. Tfe

6. AE

FHWA CGuide of

Current incorporfrom whmade wAdminisfurnishebest be manufac Manufacapproveoptional prohibitibe furnisa public Adminis Local Nasuch as may be require aIn order and anycontract Summar

nal Project D

Materials othompetitive he benefit o

Federal partDepartment

The Contracederal parti

All costs of mEstimates an

Contract Adffers the fol

FHWA polirated in the ich the mat

when there isstrator, that ed by the ST

understoodctured mate

ctured Mateed based onl use of Staing public ashed by theinterest fin


atural Matea borrow pdesignateda public inter to permit py conditionstor shall be

rizing FHW


her than nabidding and

of all prospe

ticipation w.

ctor must uscipation.

material shand Market A


icy requireswork, and

terials are ts a definite it is in the p

TA or from d by separaerials and lo

erials. When a public inte-furnished

agencies froe State musnding for an

erials. Whenpit or a stocd for either oerest findin

prospective s to be met

stated in th

WA policy for

ent Conside

atural materd must be lective bidde

ill be limited

se the desig

all be revieAnalysis Un

n Core Cur

s that the cothe contrac

to be obtainfinding, by

public interesources de

ating State-focal natura

n the use onterest findid manufact

om competist be acquirother meth

n the STA okpile of saloptional or g and the Dbidders to for obtaininhe bidding d

r the manda



rial must haisted in theers.

d to the uni

gnated sou

wed and apnit.

rriculum Pa

ontractor mctor shall bened. Excepty the STA aest to requi

esignated byfurnished ml materials.

of State-furning, such ustured matering with privred throughod, and con

owns or convaged pavemandatory

Division Admproperly pr

ng materialsdocuments

atory use o

ave been ace special pro

it cost of su

urce of mate

pproved by

articipant’s M

must furnish e permittedtions to this

and concurrire the conty the STA.

materials int

nished manse must berials is in vivate firms. Mh competitivncurred in b

ntrols a locaement matey use; howeministrator'repare theirs that are m.

of borrow or


cquired on ovisions of

uch materia

erials to be

y the Engine

Manual and

all materiad to select ths requiremered in by thetractor to usThe excepto the categ

nufactured me made maniolation of oManufacturve bidding, by the Divis

al natural merial, etc., thever, manda's concurrenr bids, the l

made availa

r disposal s

anuary 31, 2

the basis othe project

al to the

eligible for


d Reference

als to be he sourcesent may be e Division se materials

ption policy gories of

materials isndatory. Thour policy red materiaunless thersion

materials sohe materialatory use wnce. location, coable to the



of t for




s can

s he

als to re is

ource ls




1. MandAdm

2. mandenvir

3. wherenvir

Factors effective

When anaccount preparatmaterial

1. Apa

2. A

3. AA

4. AcE

5. AAap

The Regmaterial

Force ac

y 31, 2013

datory use ministrator's

datory use ronment wilre the use ironmental d

to justify a eness, syste

n agency isconstructio

tory to docus:

A letter of inurchase mapplicable.

A submittal o

A technical aAnalysis Un

A Form 895ertifying the


A Notice to PAnalysis Bra

pplicable aurchase of

gion will nots,” if appro

ccount cons

of either reconcurrencof either mll be substais based ondocument m

public interem integrity

s recoveringon method umenting th

tent from thaterials or e

of a price o

and audit eit for cost e

, Force Acce entity’s qu

Proceed issanch and adnd only whthe materia

tify the agepriate.

struction m

equires a puce,

may be baseantially enhan environmemay be use

rest finding y, and local

g reimburseprocedures

he use of pu

he entity reqequipment

or cost prop

valuation beffectivenes

count Consualifications

sued by Agdministereden executeal.

ency with cle

ethod is de



ublic interes

ed on enviroanced withental consided as the ba

should incll shortages

ement of cos in Sectionublic agenc

questing a through its

posal for the

by the Enginss.

truction Mes with conc

reements id by the Reed in a prop

earance to

efined in Se

Project De

st finding an

onmental coout excessderations, thasis for pub

lude such iof material

ost, it is impn 1.11. Thecy material,

Finding in town biddin

e items.

neering Est

ethod - Findurrence by

n the Contresident Engper and time

proceed w

ection 1.11.


nd the Divis

onsideratiosive additionthe discussiblic interest

items as col.

portant to foe following i including s

the Public Ing procedur

timates and

ding in the Pthe Region

racts and Mgineer, if reiely manner

with “advanc

t Considera


on where thnal cost, anion in the finding.


ollow the foitems are state furnis

Interest to res, if

d Market

Public Intern Program

Markets mburseme

r prior to

ce purchase


e nd




nt is

e of

Addition Addition1. 23 C2. FHW


3. 23 C4. 23 U5. Traff

nal Project D

nal RefereCFR Part 63WA Contractde 2006 //www.fhwa

CFR Part 63USC 112, Lefic Data (Se


nces: 35D, Genert Administra

a.dot.gov/pr35B, Force Aetting of Coee Section 4

ent Conside

al Material ation Core

rogramadmAccount Co

ontracts 4.01 of this






ents m Participan



t's Manual


anuary 31, 2

and Refere



January 31. 2013 Index

Index - 1


Numbers listed are the page numbers on which the listed item is referenced. Entries in bold face indicate a main subsection listing.

3 3R program, 2-17

4 4(f) Properties, 3-10

6 6(f), 3-13

ABC (Accelerated Bridge Construction), 5-21

Accelerated Bridge Construction, 5-21 ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act Advertisement, 2-114

Re-advertisement, 2-121 Revisions under, 2-117

Advertisement Date, 1-25 Advertisement package, 2-103 Aesthetics, 5-10 Agreements Program, 1-51 Air Quality, 3-15 Airport and heliport clearances, 8-6 Americans with Disabilities Act, 8-1 Archaeology, 3-25 Architectural features, 5-10

Bicycle and pedestrian facilities, 2-32 Bid Package Review, 2-95 Bids and Awards Unit, 2-123 Birds, Migratory, 3-28 Bridge

Historic, 3-25 Bridge rail, 5-18 Bridges, 5-1 Bureau of Land Management, 7-10

Categorical exclusion, 2-54, 2-97

Categorical Exclusion, 3-2, 3-4 CatEx. See Categorical Exclusion Center for Equal Opportunity, 8-1 CJ20N, 1-21 Clear zone, 7-1 Clear zones, 2-27 Climbing lanes, 8-22 CMGC, 1-32, 1-54 Colorado Highway Safety Improvement

Plan, 4-2 Colorado Highway Users Tax Fund, 1-19 Concrete box culverts, 2-35 Consolidated projects, 1-60 Constructability Review, 2-64 Construction Engineering and Indirects, 1-

10, 1-76 Construction Manager/General Contractor.

See CMGC Construction Transportation Management

Plans, 4-13 Consultant selection, 1-32 Contractor Adjusted Utility Agreement, 7-14 Contracts and Market Analysis Branch, 1-51 Crash Data

Request and Analyze, 4-2 Crashworthy Bridge Rail, 5-18 Culverts, 5-1, 5-4 Current Planned Ad, 2-50

Design decision letter, 2-72 Design Office Review, 2-71 Design Scoping Review, 2-1 Design-Bid-Build, 1-54 Design-Build, 1-54 Detour design, 8-3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, 2-75 Disposal of excess material off project site,

8-26 Division of Transportation Development

(DTD), 1-3 DSR. See Design Scoping Review

Index January 31. 2013

Index - 2

E EA. See Environmental Assessment EIS. See Environmental Impact Statement Encumbrance, 1-26 Engineering Estimates and Market Analysis

Unit, 2-90 Entity agreement, 1-50 Environmental Assessment (EA), 3-2 Environmental Clearance, 3-1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), 3-2 Erosion control, 2-35 Estimating Costs, 1-10 Excess material, disposal of, 8-26 Existing typical section, 2-5 Experimental items, 8-25

F Farmland, 3-18 FASTER Bridge Enterprise Projects, 1-64 FASTER Bridge Projects

signage, 1-98 Federal Property, 7-10 Federal-aid Highway Act, 4-2 Field Inspection Review, 2-54 Field survey, 2-41 Final Office Review, 2-92 Finding in the Public Interest, 1-56, 2-84

Flowchart, 2-85 FIR. See Field Inspection Review Fiscal Constraint, 1-6 Floodplains, 3-20 FMMEASURE, 1-21 FOR. See Final Office Review Force Account Construction Method, 1-56 Forest Service, 7-10 Form 0568, 4-15 Form 1048, 1-1, 2-1 Form 1180, 2-97 Form 1217, 2-41 Form 128, 3-8 Form 1284, 7-14 Form 1299, 2-95 Form 155, 2-103, 2-110 Form 287, 2-103, 2-104 Form 333, 7-14 Form 463, 2-6, 2-8, 2-11, 4-1, 5-17 Form 464, 2-6, 2-13 Form 518, 8-4 Form 644, 2-103, 2-107

Form 690, 7-14 Form 691, 7-14 Form 859, 2-88 Form 895, 1-56, 8-29 Foundation investigation, 5-11 Foundation investigation and drilling, 6-5 F-shape Concrete Barrier, 2-29 funding sources, 1-19

Geotechnical studies, 6-6

Hazard Elimination Program, 4-2 Hazardous Materials, 3-22 Historic Properties Clearances, 3-25 Hydraulic design, 2-35

I Indirects, 1-10, 1-76 Information technology, 2-87 Innovative Contracting, 1-48 Intersection and Interchange Design, 4-7 Irrigation company agreement, 8-15, 8-17

L Landowners' access, 8-23 Letter of understanding, 7-14 Life cycle cost analysis, 6-8 Lighting plan, 4-10 Local Public Agency, 1-50

Machine passes, 8-23 Maintenance, 2-39 Major structure

bridge, 5-1 culvert, 5-4 unusual, 5-6

Mandatory source of materials, 8-27 Marking

pavement, 4-12 Materials and Geotechnical Branch, 6-6 Materials furnished by a public agency, 8-27 Migratory Birds, 3-28 MS4 (separate storm sewer system), 2-41 Multi-modal transportation, 8-13

January 31. 2013 Index

Index - 3

National Environmental Policy Act, 3-1 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),

5-10 NCAT, 1-26 NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act),

3-1 Noise Analysis, 3-31 Noise Walls, 5-15 NOPT, 1-26 Noxious Weeds, 3-33

Obligation, 1-27 On-the-Job Training, 2-73 Overhead sign structures, 5-1 Overpasses

pedestrian, 5-8

P Paleontology, 3-34 Passing lanes, 8-22 Pavement analysis, 6-1 Pavement Justification Report, 6-10 Pavement marking, 4-12 Pedestrian facilities, 2-32 Pedestrian overpasses and underpasses, 5-

8 Permanent Signing and Pavement Marking,

4-12 Permits required to work on government

lands, 7-9 Pipe materials, 2-37 Plans and Reproduction Processes, 2-103 Plans, Specifications and Estimate Review,

2-97 Pre-construction project (or design)

schedule, 1-42 Preliminary Financial Statement, 2-123 Printing and Visual Communications Center,

2-103 Private Interest, 1-50 Project Control Data, 2-88 Project Creation, 1-21 Project Delivery Methods, 1-54 Project Management, 1-42 Project Manager, 1-43 Project Special Provisions, 2-80 Proposed typical section, 2-6

Proprietary Items, 2-83 Public Agency, 1-50 Public Information, 4-14 Public Owned Organization, 1-50 Public Private Partnerships, 1-55 Purchase requisition

for Bridge Enterprise Project, 1-79 Purchase Requisition, 2-100

Railroad design, 8-10 Railroad Involvement, 7-17 Re-advertisement, 2-121 Red flags, 3-1 Region Plan Status Meetings, 2-50 Resident Engineer, 1-44 Resurfacing, 5-16 Retaining Walls, 5-13 Right of entry, 7-17 Right of way, 7-1 Roadside barrier, 2-29 RUDEM (ROW, Utilities, Design,

Environmental and Miscellaneous), 1-46

S Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch, 4-2 Safety rest areas, 8-8 Safety review, 2-27 SAP, 1-2 SB 40. See Senate Bill 40 SBWP, 1-21 Section 240, 3-29, 3-30 Section 4(f) properties, 3-10 Section 6(f), 3-13 Senate Bill 40, 3-36 Signal Warrants, 4-6 Signature projects, 1-62 Signing, 4-12 Social Resources, 3-38 Soil survey, 6-3 Special Provisions, 2-79

Project, 2-80 Standard, 2-79

Special use permits, 7-10 Stage construction, 2-4 Standard Special Provisions, 2-79 Standard Utility Agreement, 7-14 Statewide Transportation Improvement

Program, 1-2

Index January 31. 2013

Index - 4

Statewide Transportation Plan, 1-3 STIP, 1-3 STIP development schedule, 1-4 Stockpasses, 8-23 Stormwater management, 2-35 Stormwater Management Plans, 3-40 Structural Adequacy, 5-17 Structure selection report, 5-12 Surplus funds, 2-123 SWMP, 3-40

T Threatened and Endangered Species, 3-42 Thrie Beam Guardrail, 2-29 Traffic Control Plan, 4-13, 8-4 Traffic Data, 4-1 Traffic movement diagram, 4-5 Traffic signal plan, 4-9 Traffic signal warrants, 4-6 Traffic volume data, 4-4 Transit accommodations, 8-13 Transportation Management Plan, 4-13 Transportation Operations, 4-14 Turning Movements Request, 4-4 Type 3 W-beam guardrail, 2-29 Type 7 F-shape Concrete Barrier, 2-29 Typical section

existing, 2-5 proposed, 2-6


machine, 8-23 stock, 8-23 wildlife, 8-23

Underpasses pedestrian, 5-8

Utility agreement contractor adjusted, 7-14 standard, 7-14

Utility Involvement, 7-12 Utility Permit, 7-14 Utility Relocation Permit, 7-14

V Value Engineering, 2-43 Vertical Clearance, 5-20

Walls noise, 5-15 retaining, 5-13

Water Quality, 3-44 W-beam guardrail, 2-29 WBS, 1-42 Wetlands, 3-46 Wildlife crossings, 8-23 Wire Cable Barrier, 2-29 Work Breakdown Structure, 1-42 Work zone speed limits, 4-15, 8-4

Z ZJ08, 1‐21 




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SAP Steps for new projects (click on link to go to work instructions).

ZJ08 – Initiate Project Creation – PM (ZJ08 Initiate Project Creation) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29385?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

SBWP – Complete Project Manager Tab – PM (SBWP Complete CJ20N) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.32630?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

CJ20N – Enter GIS details in SAP Project Manager – PM (GIS Project Limits ) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29337?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

CJ20N – Create Project Structure from Standard Template – (Add Template ) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29381?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

FMMEASURE – Maintain Funded Program for Project (FMMEASURE ) (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.28338?mode=EU&originalContext=1.11.30034 )

CJ20N Release Project (CJ20N) - Release project (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.29333?mode=EU )

Use the link to SAPTraining for SAP checklists for full list of transactions and workflow steps. SAP checklists for project processes (http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.33901?mode=EU ).

1.04.01 Description

After a project has been scoped and is part of the current STIP, a project is ready to be created in SAP. Although one project usually covers all phases, sometimes it necessary to create multiple projects under one STIP number. For example, the Resident Engineer may create a project for design and a separate project for construction. The

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Resident Engineer should confer with the Business Office to ascertain if there will be any benefits or deterrents to fragmenting the STIP line item into more than one project.

The Resident Engineer begins the process in SAP with Transaction Code ZJ08. ZJ08 starts a workflow that is routed to OFMB, the person who initiates ZJ08, and the Region Business office. See the online SAP work instructions for more details on project creation steps and information required. SAP Checklists provided in SAP training website show the participants and order for the SAP workflow.

KEY ITEMS TO KNOW FOR PROJECT CREATION - These fields combined, are the project information sent to FHWA via the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) and so it is key to have it as accurate as possible.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION (NAME) – ZJ08 The project name will be based on the information supplied with the request for the project using SAP transaction code – ZJ08. The information should be as descriptive as possible using state roads or federal highways and cities or counties.

PROJECT DESIGNATORS (General Location) – ZJ08 The Project Designators is the general location of the project which is used to generate the project number. If you choose a highway segment, then the system will then generate a number after that highway segment in sequential order. Example project number 0504-055 is on Highway 50 segment 4 (between La Junta and Kansas) and is the 55th project on this segment.

PROJECT PRE-FIX The business manager will designate the Project Pre-fix to be used on the project during this process. It will depend on the primary scope, location and funding for the project. For example, IM is Interstate Maintenance, FBR is Faster Bridge project, NH is National Highway.

OTHER PROJECT CREATION INFORMATION (fields with a check mark are required)

1. Region Code – Select the Region overseeing the project. For projects not created in the Region, select Statewide (ST). Do not select HQ.

2. Federal System Code:

I – Interstate

N – NHS non interstate

O – Other federal-aid highway

X – For conversion purposes (do not use)

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Z – Not on any federal-aid highway (local agency off system projects for example)

3. Advertised By:

None – The project is design only or a study and will not go to Ad

State – This is a project advertised by CDOT and will go to ad. If you choose this option, the business manager must enter an ad date into SAP.

Local – This is a project that is advertised by a Local Agency (not CDOT). If None is chosen above, a reason must be given from the pull down menu.

4. Federal Improvement Code

Choose an option that best corresponds with the majority of funding or work. For example, if the project is mainly bridge funds then select “bridge replacement (either added capacity or no added capacity).” FHWA will review the code to make sure the work is in line with the funding.

5. State Improvement Code

The selection here should be similar to the Federal Improvement code based on the funding available.

6. Oversight Designator

A – CDOT administered – This is the majority of the projects.

N – Full FHWA (NHS) The Resident Engineer is responsible for determining whether the project is under CDOT or FHWA oversight. The oversight responsibilities are outlined in the Stewardship Agreement between the FHWA Colorado Division and CDOT. Unless the STA/FHWA agreement differs, full FHWA involvement projects will tend to be new construction or reconstruction projects on Interstate routes with an estimated value greater than $1 million. The Resident Engineer can contact the FHWA for further guidance.

O- Other – This is almost never used. FHWA will indicated if it is needed.

X- Full FHWA (Non-NHS) – This is rarely used. FHWA will indicate if it is needed.

7. Construction Engineering by:

C- Cons/Contr – This is a unique situation. Only use if told to do so.

L- Local – Construction oversight by Local Agency.

O- Other – Only use if instructed to use for special reasons.

S- State - This is standard for CDOT projects.

X- For conversion purposes – Do not select

8. Geographic Location, Terrain Type, Proposal of Work.

a. For the Geographic Location be as precise as possible (similar to, if not exactly the name of the project) by naming the Federal or State road and the city or county (i.e. – CR 520/CR 616 on SH 69 in Huerfano County).

b. For terrain type the options are: Level, Mountainous, Plains, Rolling or Urban.

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c. For Proposal of Work list the major activity to be completed (e.g. – Intersection Design, Drainage improvements, Surface Treatment or Safety improvements).

9. % construction complete – this is usually zero

10. Remark or Comments – Add more information here if needed.


a. This information is key if someone needs to contact appropriate party during any of the project development process.

b. The people entered are tied to their organization code and are what is used when SAP sends workflows for key processes in the project development.

c. The organization codes associated with the project personnel need to be correct and if there are more than one organization involved in the project there is an alternate Org code.

d. The business office also enters in Cost Center codes for the project which should correspond to the Residency in-charge of the project.

12. On System or Off System –

If it is on a state highway then it is ON SYSTEM. If it is on a City or County road or not on a highway, then OFF SYSTEM.


a. Design-bid-build is our traditional method for projects. b. Other options – Refer to Innovating contracting manual.


are not tied to the information given in OTIS at this time. Make sure the Planned Length entered matches the mileposts in OTIS. This information goes into Form 463.


Check all that may apply to your project. Update as needed as project develops. Refer to Innovative Contracting manual as needed.


a. Exit SAP and go into OTIS to enter this information b. Route, beginning and ending reference points, lane quantity, facility type,

functional type, and population.DTD has this information for highways on CDOT’s Intranet in Data Access – Transportation Data Set and OTIS.

c. SAP will carry the project location information to other forms such as Form 463, FMIS, ProjectWise project description, and ZJ40 Project Tracker.


If there are railroads near the project, use the pull-down menus to select which ones may be involved.

18. County Details, Congressional Districts, Structure ID Details, MPO’s, TRP;s, and Commission Districts, and TIP information –

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Must press the Calculate County Percentages and Calculate Cong Dist Percentage buttons. This information is calculated automatically based on the project limits entered in OTIS.

19. Other fields such as “Completed construction date” are not required at project creation and can be ignored.

ADVERTISEMENT DATES The Advertisement Date is the milestone where construction funds are authorized and obligated for the project. This date also serves as the commencement of the period when a project is open for job showings and acceptance of bid proposals. CDOT recognizes three types of Advertisement or “Ad” dates, for use in project schedules. These “Ad” dates are recognized in CDOT’s business application system (SAP):

1. Initial Planned Ad date – Ideally this is the Ad date that each region puts forth prior to July 1st of every year for the upcoming fiscal year’s projects going to bid or when the project is created. This date is entered into SAP by the Region Business Manager.

2. Current Planned Ad date - This is the Ad date which is current and officially agreed to by the RTD. The Current Planned Ad date will match the Initial Planned Ad date until such time during the course of the fiscal year that the RTD has concurred with the necessity to change. Changes to the Current Planned Ad date are entered into SAP by the Region Business Manager.

3. Scheduled Ad date.

This is the date that goes into the Go Sheet.

This is a working Ad date generated by the Resident Engineer based on the most current scheduling information. This Ad date primarily serves as a barometer of progress in the total project. When indicated by a Scheduled Ad date which exceeds the Current Planned Ad date, the Resident Engineer will conduct a further assessment of the project and give consideration to a revision to the Current Planned Ad date (including consulting with the appropriate Region and project personnel).

The Resident Engineer should review CJ20N in SAP after the project is created to be sure all the data is accurate and inform the Business Office of any revisions.

After the project is created in SAP, an email message will be sent to key Region personnel involved indicating the process is complete and show the project information including the 5 digit project code.

The Resident Engineer needs to add a Template to the project before funds can be added to the project in SAP. See the SAP training internal website for work instructions

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on adding a template to a project. A project cannot be seen in ZJ40 until the template is added. Once a template is added to the project in SAP, the Resident Engineer can notify the business office that the project is ready to be budgeted. See Section 1.02 for estimations for the Preconstruction Phases for a project.

1.04.02 Federal Authorization and Budgeting

Federal-aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist States with the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible routes and for other special purpose programs and projects. To be eligible for federal funds, projects must meet program requirements as outlined in Section 1.04.03. CDOT requires all highway projects to conform to these federal standards to ensure consistency and to allow for the possibility of adding federal funds to a project that initially is funded without any federal funds. Routine highway maintenance activities such as snow removal or repairing pot holes do not qualify for federal aid. Background: 

Federal funding to state transportation projects must be authorized by FHWA prior to initiating any work on a project. Requests for federal aid must be supported by a documented Project Cost Estimate as described in Title 23CFR 630.106. The process of developing an early Project Cost Estimate also provides a foundation for a sound project management plan. These requirements are described in the guidance document: “Controlling Our Critical Path: A CDOT Guide to Better Project Management Practices,” and can be found on CDOT’s website at: http://www.coloradodot.info/business/designsupport/design-docs/Controlling_Our_Critical_Path.pdf/ Definitions: 

Assumptions – An important component of the Project Cost Estimate process is documenting assumptions relative to the project tasks, i.e. definitions, resource needs, durations, etc. Project Cost Estimate – The estimated total cost (in dollars) to complete the scope of work for a design and/or construction project. The Project Cost Estimate should include separate sections for the various project phases including ROW, Utilities, Design, Environmental, and Construction phases. The estimate should include all project costs (i.e., materials, equipment, labor, engineering, construction, and indirect charges).

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Scope of Work – A detailed listing of criteria and objectives required for a project. Work-Hour Estimate – An estimate of labor hours to complete project tasks in accordance with the established scope of work for a design and/or construction project. Work-hour estimates including both internal and external personnel are required for all projects. Process: 

The Resident Engineer must develop a Project Cost Estimate, based on the Scope of Work and assumptions, to request FHWA authorization of federal funds. The Project Cost Estimate should indicate whether work-hours are for internal or external personnel, and should include the labor rates and costs associated with each. Note: If a consultant is to serve as the Project Engineer on a FHWA Oversight Construction Project (See Construction Bulletin CB 2010-9, “Guidance for When the Project Engineer is a Consultant”), the Regional Engineer/Project Manager shall submit a separate request for approval from their respective FHWA Operations Engineer prior to contracting such services. A Project Cost Estimate Worksheet is provided below:

Requirements for the authorization request to FHWA depend on whether projects are staffed with internal (CDOT/Local Agency) resources only, or if they include external (Consultant) resources, as noted below.

A) For projects staffed EXCLUSIVELY with CDOT and Local Agency Resources, the FHWA submittal only needs to include the Project Cost Estimate. Design costs may be represented as a percentage of the total construction cost estimate, based on historical and inflationary data.

B) For projects staffed INCLUSIVE of Consultant Resources, the FHWA submittal

will include:

1) Scope of Work –Sections of the Scope of Work ONLY where consultant resources are identified.

2) Project Cost Estimate – The Project Cost Estimate shall separately list CDOT and Consultant labor-hours and costs for each phase of the project.

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After Region Management personnel including the Program Engineer and Specialty Unit managers concur with the Scope of Work and Project Cost Estimate, the Resident Engineer shall e-mail the authorization request to the respective FHWA Operations Engineer. The e-mail subject line should provide a brief description of the project (i.e., Preliminary Design, Final Design, etc.). Any increases to previously authorized budgets require FHWA re-authorization. Only those increases greater than $100,000 require a revised Project Cost Estimate to be included in the re-authorization request to the FHWA Operations Engineer.

1.04.03 Obligation:

After a project has been authorized, FHWA obligates the federal funds, making them available for CDOT to spend for the approved project. Charges cannot be made against any phase of the project until the funds are obligated. It is further important to note that if federal aid has been requested, state authorization is not granted until the federal authorization is received. Work performed on unauthorized projects is not legitimate and could become the personal liability of the individual initiating such work. Definitions: 

NCAT: NCAT prevents time/labor charges from hitting the phase, at time sheet entry. The Region Business Office will need to unset NCAT to allow labor charges after Federal authorization is given. The Region Business Office should be notified if the Resident Engineer wants to allow payroll charges. Some projects do not want payroll charges to a particular phase.

NOPT: NOPT (No postings) stops all financial postings to the project. Nothing can be charged to this phase including Purchase Requisitions or direct charges.

ENCUMBRANCE: An encumbrance is a binding obligation to pay.

Pre-Construction Phase encumbrances are generally for ROW acquisition, Utility agreements, and Consultant Task Orders.

Construction phase encumbrances are for the contract with the contractor, Construction Engineering (CE) and Indirects costs calculated for the project.

Intergovernmental agreements (IGA) encumber funds for all phases for the Local Agency on Local Agency projects.

Procedure to Budget Funds: The initiating region must ensure that the project is properly listed in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) and within the fiscal constraints imposed by the STIP. Each project budget action is individually

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processed and verified against its approved STIP line item. Each project is budgeted by phase (ROW, Utility, Design, Environmental, Construction, Miscellaneous, etc.) and provider (i.e. Federal, State, or Other (Local).

Identify the sources of funding for the project.

For Federal Funds there are subcategories that have to match the characteristics of the project such as Interstate Maintenance and Bridge-On System. OFMB reviews the annual federal appropriation bill by category, comparing the appropriations with the authorizations calculating the percentage obligation limits for Colorado by program. Based upon these calculations, CDOT Regions and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are allotted funds to spend on actual projects by sub-category. It is from these allotted funds or additional funding provided by a local government that a project receives obligated funding.

The regional business offices must ensure that the project funds from the various federal categories, as well as state and/or local highway funds, are applied in a suitable mix based on estimates from the Resident Engineer.

Funds to be budgeted must be in the current year’s STIP. It should be noted that moving funds currently budgeted into a project that are from the same fiscal year is considerably easier than moving funds from a prior fiscal year. For example, if the project needs funds moved from Design to Construction, it will be much easier if the Design funds are in the current fiscal year STIP. If the funds are from a prior fiscal year, they will have to be de-budgeted, rolled forward in the TIP and in the STIP, and re-budgeted into the construction phase.

Determine whether or not the project’s budget requires Transportation Commission action. Budget items requiring Commission approval are:

1. Initial Project Budget Actions from certain programs not already approved by Commission as a whole. (i.e., RPP, BRS, FBR)

2. Projects involving Earmarks or Discretionary Funding

3. Local Overmatch not already projected or 100% locally funded projects

4. Strategic Projects (7th Pot)

5. Additional Funding above 15% of prior TC approved Budget

All Budget Actions are processed daily and, if Commission action is required immediately scheduled for the next supplement. The cutoff for Budget Actions inclusion in a Supplement is the 25th of the month preceding the T.C. Scheduled Meeting. These Budget Actions will remain in a “Pre-posted” status until the commission’s approval of the Budget Supplement.

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After verifying the overall project description, including location and work type with the requested funding and ensures each budget action is linked to a viable STIP number, OFMB applies first and second level approvals to the budget action and determines the Budget Document Type.

OFMB enters the approved budget request into the SAP system which automatically generates the corresponding requests for phase authorization/obligation.

Non-federal-aid phases are authorized and obligated immediately upon Budget Action approval in SAP.

Federal-aid phase fund authorizations and obligations requests are submitted daily for review and approval by FHWA Colorado Division via the outbound FHWA Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS). The approved federal authorization/obligation is received from FHWA via the inbound FMIS interface.

The process of requesting federal-aid fund authorization/obligation is differentiated by non-construction and construction phases of work.:

1. Pre-Construction

For the pre-construction phases of a Federal-aid project OFMB’s final approval of a budget action in SAP prompts a request to FHWA for federal authorization/obligation via the outbound FMIS interface. Once authorization is granted by FHWA and recorded in FMIS, the FHWA phase authorization date(s) is auto populated in SAP PS via the inbound FMIS interface.

The Right of Way phase requires no further budgetary action by the Region. Actual acquisition, however, must be authorized by Staff ROW upon completion and approval of the ROW plans. Staff ROW notifies the Region, via Form 462A Right of Way Plan Approval, that ROW acquisition may occur.

The Utility phase requires no further budgetary action by the Region, but the region must also submit utility agreements to the utility engineer for processing.

The Design, Environmental and Miscellaneous phase requires no further budgetary action by the Region.

Note: Project Phases are automatically set to NCAT or NOPT (see definitions above) when created. Resident Engineer will notify the business office if they want payroll charges or other charges to be allowed to the Preconstruction phases after budgeting and obligation are complete.

2. For the construction phase Obligation of a Federal-aid construction project (See Section 2.30):

3. Budgeting Timing before obligation:

Budgeting construction funds is usually in advance of the authorization/obligation process.

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Budgeting construction funds can occur when the current STIP year begins for construction phase designated or when the funds are completed in the STIP process.

If additional funds for Construction are required, the budgeting request may initiate the change in the STIP process.

4. Obligation – See Section 2.30 Form 1180 section for construction funds obligation process.

1.04.04 After Award of Low Bidder

At the time of award, the construction phase budget will be adjusted so it matches Form 65 exactly. The preconstruction phases have to be closed shortly thereafter (approximately 30 days) or a request with justification has to be made to keep the funds open.

The Approved Commission Budget level is significant in determining the number of authorized actions over the life of a project. Use SAP transaction ZJ20 to access Form 65 which will indicate the Approve Commission Budget. It is from this dollar amount that the 10 percent will be computed for determining if Chief Engineer approval is required for project award during the project bid process. It is also from this amount that the 15 percent will be calculated to establish if Transportation Commission Action is required to increase the project budget or for award of a project at bid.

Any request for additional budget greater than 15 percent of the approved Transportation Commission budget will be processed through a budget supplement action, which occurs on a monthly basis.

If the budget request is less than 15 percent of the Transportation Commission approved budget, OFMB may approve the request as an “allotment advice.” Allotment advices include transfers to projects from pools or other projects. Allotment advices are usually processed within a few days.

Any surplus or deficit amounts will be corrected by the Regional Business Managers with a Budget Action submitted to OFMB for approval to de-budget or supplement the amount. If the Regional Business Office wishes to retain this surplus amount, the

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business office must request an approval to retain the surplus funds from the Chief Engineer. The request must be submitted to the Bids and Awards section by Monday, NOON, following the Letting Day. See Section 2.36 for additional information on retaining surplus bids.

1.04.05 Supplementing the Budget

There are many reasons that project phase budgets need to be supplemented, including additional work or overruns. In those instances, the Resident Engineer will work with the Region Program Engineer and the Business Office to find sources.

Many requests to add funds to a project do not require Transportation Commission approval. However, in those cases that do require Transportation Commission approval, the Resident Engineer needs to be aware that supplementing a project can take months. See Section 1.01 requirements on STIP/TIP, and Transportation Commission Action (PD 707.1).

The Region should make as few presentations to the Transportation Commission as possible on any given project If there is any likelihood that several phases such as utilities and right of way are going to run over budget, both requests should be calculated and communicated to the Region Program Engineer as soon as the Resident Engineer has solid figures.

1.04.06 Day-to-Day Financial Management

The Resident Engineer should check their projects in either ZJ40 or ZF70 in SAP to determine the current status of the project funding, expenditures, and encumbrances. It is recommended to use the timesheet report available through the Portal and run the report as needed to see which CDOT employee charges to their project(s) and the indirects that hit the project(s) budget.

If any phase of a project goes into deficit, payment for any phase of the project to a third party will not be processed. For example, if the design phase goes into deficit after the project is awarded in construction, the contractor cannot be paid. The Resident Engineer needs to be aware of CDOT purchasing requirements, rules, and directives. State Procurement, CDOT Procurement, and the Center for Accounting offer training applicable to the financial aspects of running a project. There is an On-line budgeting class available through the Transportation Engineering Training Program (TETP). Additional References:

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1. OFMB Policy and Procedures Manual - http://intranet.dot.state.co.us/business/ofmb/other/current/ofmb-policy-manual-4-11/view

2. PD 707.1 – Annual Budget Process 3. FHWA A Guide to Federal-Aid Programs and Projects

http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/federalaid/projects.pdf 4. Title 23, United States Code (23 U.S.C.) Title 23, Highways, of the Code of Federal

Regulations (23 CFR) – 630.106 (Project Authorizations (FMIS) Preconstruction) 5. The FHWA/CDOT Stewardship Agreement)


6. TETP On-line budget training 7. SAP Training website

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Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013 [Revised March 2013]




When the State does not have adequate resources (such as qualified personnel,

adequate staff, specialized expertise, or ample time) to perform a task, consultant

services are contracted. A professional consultant is a licensed professional engineer,

licensed professional architect, licensed landscape architect, licensed industrial

hygienist, or licensed surveyor. A qualified and experienced consultant in relation to the

expected scope of work is obtained according to an approved selection process through

the Engineering Contracts Unit Program in the Contracts & Market Analysis Branch.

This process is also followed when Construction Manager/General Contractor or CMGC

services contractor is required for CMGC delivery. If CMGC services that require a

Contractor produce any stamped design plans or lead a formal Value Engineering

Study, Brooks Act compliance per the Consultant Selection process will be required. If

no Brooks Act compliance is required for the CMGC process, please follow the alternate

process for CMGC projects.

The method for obtaining a professional consultant to do a specific scope of work or

non-project-specific consultant services shall comply with applicable federal and state

laws governing the services of consultants, as outlined in CDOT Procedural Directive

400.1, Obtaining Professional Consultant Services, and 23 CFR Section 172,

Administration of Engineering and Design Related Services.

The Program Manager in the Contracts & Market Analysis Branch is responsible for the

prequalification and coordination in the selection of a consultant, and developing a

contract between the state and the selected consultant. The Engineering Contracts Unit

facilitates the selection process. The Resident Engineer shall evaluate the consultant’s

performance on projects.

1.05.01 Obtaining a Consultant Contract

The following steps are necessary to obtain an executed consultant contract. The

Engineering Contracts Unit shall perform the steps unless otherwise noted [responsible

persons are identified in parentheses after each step]:

1. Ensure that the proposed consultant service is consistent with CDOT’s Long-Range Plan, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, the CDOT budget, and the Obligation Plan (Program Engineer, Resident Engineer and Business Office).

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2. Develop scope of work. For non-fund encumbering (generally, Non-Project Specific or NPS contracts), the Scope of Work should provide a general description of the anticipated services. For fund encumbering contracts and Task Orders, the Scope of Work will be project specific and detailed to include all requirements and deliverables. If the Consultant is known, the Scope of Work should be reviewed with the Consultant and modified as necessary for clarity. (Resident Engineer)

3. Prepare an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) as described in Section below. (Resident Engineer).

4. Prepare consultant selection request, including the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) goals, for the Chief Engineer’s approval for advertisement (Resident Engineer and Region EEO/Civil Rights Specialist).

5. Establish a selection panel (Resident Engineer).

6. Create selection schedule (Resident Engineer and the Engineering Contracts Unit Staff).

7. Advertise Invitation for Consultant Services on the Internet and, as needed, in special journals (contract writer).

8. Create and distribute the selection information and instruction package to the consultant community (contract writer).

9. Coordinate and facilitate selection panels to achieve consensus and make a recommendation to the Chief Engineer (contract writer).

10. Obtain RTD’s approval of the selection results. (Resident Engineer)

11. Obtain the Chief Engineer’s approval of the selection results (contract writer).

12. Notify consultants of selection results (contract writer).

13. Finalize the ICE. For non-fund encumbering Contracts, use the ICE Summary Template, Type A, in Section For fund encumbering Contracts/Task Orders, work-hours and costs will be negotiated with the Consultant and the results documented in the ICE Summary Type B (Section for “Fund Encumbering Contracts/Task Orders.” Include all documents in the solicitation request to the Engineering Contracts Unit. (Resident Engineer) Note: For task order contracts, this step is done for each task order request.

14. Obtain and review the consultant’s financial information, insurance information, and initial cost proposal (Consultant Audit).

15. Initiate audit evaluation (Consultant Audit Program).

16. Analyze audit evaluation report and negotiate consultant fee and final contract cost exhibit (contract writer).

17. Prepare final contract and route the contract for approval and signatures. Distribute executed contract (Procurement and Business Offices).

18. Issue the Notice-to-Proceed to the consultant (Engineering Contracts Staff).

19. Debrief consultants, as requested, on selection results (contract writer).

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013 [Revised March 2013]


20. Compile selection documentation and transmit the selection file to the CDOT Records Center (contract writer).

The Resident Engineer is responsible for the submittal of the Contract Certification and

Contractor Evaluation forms that are part of the Colorado State Controllers Contract

Management System (CMS). See Section 1.06 Contract Certification and Evaluation

Requirements for Colorado Contract Management System (CMS).

1.05.02 Preparing an Independent Cost Estimate for Consultant Services Background Professional (engineering and architecture) services for CDOT projects are acquired through a qualifications-based process in accordance with the Brooks Act (Title 40 United States Code, Chapter 11, Section 1101-1104). The Brooks Act requires agencies using federal funds for construction projects to promote open competition by advertising, selecting, and negotiating contracts based on qualifications, and at a fair and reasonable price. State and Federal laws require State Departments of Transportation to develop an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE), including an independent Work-Hour Estimate, as a part of the contracting process for all professional services. An ICE must be completed for all contracts and task orders valued in excess of $100,000. Definitions Assumptions – An important component of an ICE is documenting assumptions relative to the tasks, i.e. definitions, resource needs, durations, etc. Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) – A cost estimate to accomplish the scope of work, completed by the CDOT Project Manager. In addition to the cost of labor, an ICE should include fees, material costs, equipment charges indirect charges, and all other costs for a contract. Scope of Work – A detailed listing of requirements, criteria, and objectives for services that a Consultant is expected to provide. Work-Hour Estimate – Used to develop the ICE, the estimated Consultant labor hours required to complete the established scope of work. Process Non-Fund Encumbering Contracts:

January 31, 2013 [Revised March 2013] Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


Non-Fund Encumbering Contracts are typically Non-Project Specific (NPS) Contracts for which specific service needs are defined and executed through Task Orders. A solicitation request for this type of Contract to the Engineering Contracts Unit must include an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) Summary. Although specific work details may be unknown, the ICE should provide a general estimate identifying the number of consultant work-hours and cost, to justify the value of the contract to be awarded. The ICE should be formatted using the template below:

Type A - Non Fund Encumbering ICE

Fund Encumbering Contracts/Task Orders: For Fund Encumbering Contracts or Task Orders, the ICE is more detailed because the Consultant and specific work requirements are known. In this case, the following steps must be completed prior to submitting an ICE with a solicitation request to the Engineering Contracts Unit:

(1) Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) (Required (>$100K)) – Upon completion of the

Scope of Work, the CDOT Project Manager and Consultant separately must complete an ICE based on the estimated resources, work-hours and other related material/services needed to accomplish all of the required tasks. To simplify the negotiation process, the CDOT Project Manager and the Consultant should use an identical format for the work-hour estimate. Assumptions should be clearly documented, and all applicable labor, equipment, materials, and other costs should be included.

(2) Work-Hour/Project Cost Negotiation (Required (>$100K)) – Upon completion of the

ICEs, the CDOT and Consultant Project Managers should review and negotiate the work-hours and project costs, regardless of the magnitude of the differences in the estimates. The basis of the negotiation should address the allocation of resources and work-hours, and not solely the total cost. The final work-hour distribution and project cost shall be documented on the Work Hour and Cost estimate Worksheets in the ICE Summary (see below Section (3)). Copies of the CDOT and Consultant ICEs should be retained in the project records.

Any changes to the Scope of Work as a result of the negotiations should be incorporated in the Final Statement of Work submitted with the solicitation request.

(3) Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) Summary (Required (>$100K)) – The Summary will include the initial CDOT ICE as well as a comparison of the CDOT and

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013 [Revised March 2013]


(4) Consultant Total Cost estimates, as prepared and prior to negotiation. The ICE Summary MUST be formatted using the template below:

Type B-Fund Encumbering ICE Summary.xlsx

NOTE: If a Task Order Amendment is of a value greater than $100k OR a Task Order Amendment revises the collective Task Order value greater than $100k for the first time, steps 1 thru 4 above are required.

1.05.03 Obtaining a CMGC Contract (Alternate Process)

The following steps are necessary to obtain an executed CMGC contract. The

Engineering Contracts Unit shall perform the steps unless otherwise noted [responsible

persons are identified in parentheses after each step]:

1. Ensure that the proposed CMGC service is consistent with CDOT’s Long-Range Plan, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, the CDOT budget, and the Obligation Plan (Program Engineer, Resident Engineer and Business Office).

2. Develop scope of work (Resident Engineer).

3. Prepare a contract cost estimate (Resident Engineer).

4. Prepare CMGC selection request, including the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) goals, for the Chief Engineer’s approval for advertisement (Resident Engineer and Region EEO/Civil Rights Specialist).

5. Establish a CMGC selection panel per CMGC guidance from the Innovative Contracting Advisory Committee (Resident Engineer).

6. Create selection schedule (Resident Engineer and the Engineering Contracts Unit Staff).

7. Advertise Invitation for CMGC Services on the Internet and, as needed, in special journals (contract writer).

8. Create and distribute the selection information and instruction package to the CMGC and CCA community (contract writer).

9. Coordinate and facilitate selection panels to achieve consensus and make a recommendation to the Chief Engineer (contract writer).

10. Obtain RTD’s approval of the selection results. (Resident Engineer)

11. Obtain the Chief Engineer’s approval of the selection results (contract writer).

12. Notify contractors of selection results (contract writer).

January 31, 2013 [Revised March 2013] Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


13. Finalize scope of work, and for project-specific funds-encumbered contracts, negotiate work-hours and the cost proposal (Resident Engineer and the contractor representative), and submit those to the Engineering Contracts Unit. Note: For task order contracts, this step is done for each task order request.

14. Obtain and review the contractor’s financial information, insurance information, and initial cost proposal (contract writer). (Only for Brooks Act CMGC Contracts.)

15. Initiate audit evaluation (contract writer). (Only for Brooks Act CMGC Contracts.)

16. Analyze audit evaluation report and negotiate contractor fee and final contract cost exhibit (contract writer). (Only for Brooks Act CMGC Contracts.)

17. Prepare final contract and route the contract for approval and signatures. Distribute executed contract (Procurement and Business Offices).

18. Issue the Notice-to-Proceed to the contractor (Engineering Contracts Unit Staff).

19. Debrief contractors with CMGC Debrief Template on selection results. In-person debriefs are optional and up to the Resident Engineer. (contract writer)

20. Compile selection documentation and transmit the selection file to the CDOT Records Center (contract writer).

The Resident Engineer is responsible for the submittal of the Contract Certification and

Contractor Evaluation forms that are part of the Colorado State Controllers Contract

Management System (CMS). See Section 1.06 Contract Certification and Evaluation

Requirements for Colorado Contract Management System (CMS).

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming January 31, 2013 [Revised March 2013]


January 31, 2013 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


1.07.12 PROJECT ESTIMATE – (See Section 1.02)

The Project Estimate is the summary of total costs for a project. This estimate is often broken out into ROW, Utilities, Design, Environmental and Miscellaneous (RUDEM) phases. Additionally, the Project Estimate will include projected costs for Construction of the project. Reasonably accurate Project Estimates are important, as budgets and project limits are often established from them.

A project schedule is prepared to monitor the progress of preconstruction activities and to determine a reasonable date for the advertisement of the project.

The project schedule is developed by the Resident Engineer to monitor important events and activities required to complete the design, right-of-way acquisition, environmental clearances, utility work, and other associated tasks required to finalize design of a project. The Resident Engineer will monitor the schedule to ensure important dates are met to successfully advertise the project.

The Resident Engineer should give priority attention to critical path tasks that often require considerable time such as right-of-way acquisition, complex bridge design, consultant selection, environmental investigations, local agency agreements, utility and railroad agreements, and hazardous materials mitigation.

Microsoft Project is used to establish the project schedule, critical path and milestones. Using Microsoft Project, the Resident Engineer and the Specialty Units can coordinate production milestones for completion of assigned tasks.

The Resident Engineer needs to consider the availability of funds when determining schedules. For example, preliminary engineering should not be started until funds have been budgeted and obligated for the design phase, and a project may not be advertised until funds are available for construction, particularly if federal aid is involved. In addition, local agencies may provide funds and their processes and time constraints for providing these funds have to be considered.

The Resident Engineer will develop the project schedule and coordinate project progress with the project design team and all affected parties. The project team will be informed of activity schedule changes and accomplishments in order to coordinate plan development. Strategies should be developed for resolving critical path activity delays. The Resident Engineer will inform affected parties of any changes to the schedule and adjustment to the advertisement date.

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming February 10, 2014


Developing and managing a project schedule includes the following activities:

1. Conduct the project design scoping prior to preliminary design by initiating a Design Scoping Review – See Sections 1.02 and 2.01.

2. Develop a proposed project schedule, preferably within 30 days after the Design Scoping Review.

3. Coordinate, monitor and update the project schedule with other appropriate milestones such as request and receipt of the survey, Field Inspection Review, Final Office Review, and advertisement date.

4. Update any changes to these dates in Microsoft Project.

The project schedule should be saved on a server within the Region or as a shared file on a personal computer so that specialty units and other members of the design project team may review the schedule. Any changes to the schedule or notes to be added should be coordinated through the Resident Engineer.

For Programming and Budgeting of funds refer to Sections 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04:

1.07.13 Milestone Dates in SAP Project Builder (CJ20N) CDOT uses Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling to help manage our design and construction projects. For CPM to be effective, the schedule must be maintained. Entering and reporting Milestone dates for a CDOT project is an important task for managing the schedule. However, it has historically been time-intensive. The SAP Project Systems team has eliminated several layers of networks and activities that were not being used in the CDOT Engineering template in Project Builder (CJ20N) and we have streamlined the configuration of the templates to include only the major Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Milestones. This new template will not have the extraneous ROW WBS, Design Networks and Design Activities. This has resulted in a simple layout that is easier for Project Managers to use and report project status. The new template became available on July 31, 2013. The new templates have the same names (Std. Project – Eng. Cap. (with ROW) – 00010 and Std. Project – Eng. Cap (without ROW) – 00011). (See screenshot in Figure 1-2A.) The Milestones in the templates are the Standard Milestones outlined in the “Controlling Our Critical Path” document. With this change you can add additional Milestones to any WBS in the project. There is no limit to the number of additional milestones you can add. However, only the first five additional milestones will display on the Project Status Report (ZJ40). There are two reports you can use to report Milestone dates. The first report, Project Status Report (ZJ40), will display most of the Project information including the Standard Milestones and up to five additional Milestones. (See Project Status Report sample in Figure 1-2B.) The second report is Milestones (CN53N). With this report you can call-up the Milestone dates by

February 10, 2014 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming


Project or WBS Elements. To add a template to a new project, refer to the help document “CJ20N - Add Template to Project” or “CJ20N - Add Standard Template to Bridge Enterprise Project” in SAPTraining. If you created a project, added a template and released the project BEFORE August 1, 2013 you can change the template. To do this and include the new Milestones refer to “CJ20N – Update Old Template to Include New Milestones”:

Update Old Template to Include New Milest

To add dates to Milestones refer to “CJ20N – Add Milestone Dates to WBS Template”:

Add Milestone Dates to WBS Template.doc


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Scoping, Budgeting and Programming February 10, 2014


We are continuing to work on additional help documents and will let you know as they become available. The help documents we are working on are: “CN53N – Milestone Reporting” and “CJ20N – Add Additional Milestones”. If you need assistance on Milestones in SAP or SAP Project Systems, please contact the BPXs: Tawnya Nicholson Valerie Metaiguer tawnya.nicholson@state.co.us valerie.metaiguer@state.co.us (303)512-5207 [7-5207] (303)757-9837 [7-9837]

1.07.14 Additional References: 1. CDOT Procedural Directive 512.1, Project Scoping and the Design Scoping Review

(DSR) at the following link: http://intranet/resources/policy-procedure/documents/0512-1/view

2. SAP Workflows at the following site: http://vupweb.dot.state.co.us/gm/folder-1.11.33901?mode=EU

3. OFMB Policy and Procedures Manual - http://intranet.dot.state.co.us/business/ofmb/other/current/ofmb-policy-manual-4-11/view

4. Controlling our Critical Path guide found at the following link: http://www.coloradodot.info/business/designsupport/design-docs/Controlling_Our_Critical_Path.pdf/view

July 24, 2015 Scoping, Budgeting and Programming



1.15.01 Background

CDOT is moving from a budget-based project funding system to an expenditure-based project funding system. What this means is that CDOT will now only encumber funds as they are needed on a fiscal year basis. Moving to an expenditure-based system will allow CDOT to more effectively use our cash reserves and deliver more projects. In order to move to an expenditure-based funding system, CDOT needs to have a better understanding on when projects anticipate spending funds. Recognizing construction projects comprise the largest portion of our cash obligations, it was decided to focus on obtaining anticipated drawdown information for the construction phase dollars without including CE and indirect costs, before addressing the pre-construction phases.

1.15.02 Project Manager Guidance

Pre-advertisement (Applies to all CDOT Managed Projects):

1. Send the scoping level estimate and type of work to the Project Management Office (PMO). They will develop a scoping level construction drawdown and coordinate with the Project Manager and RE for feedback. Once there is agreement that the drawdown is reasonable, the Project Manager will enter the anticipated expenditures by fiscal year in SAP.

2. In coordination with PMO, update the anticipated construction phase drawdown at FIR using the latest construction estimate and update the drawdown in SAP.

3. In coordination with PMO, update the anticipated construction phase drawdown at FOR using the latest construction estimate, and update the drawdown in SAP.

4. In coordination with PMO, update the anticipated construction phase drawdown at least one week before processing the Form 1180 using the Engineer’s Estimate (Line 7 from Form 65 Project Commitment Amount), and update the drawdown in SAP.

5. Include the appropriate construction drawdown standard special provision in your specification package (single or multiple fiscal years).

https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/construction-specifications/2011-Specs/standard-special-provisions/section-100-revisions/108psscy.docx/view https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/construction-specifications/2011-Specs/standard-special-provisions/section-100-revisions/108psmcy.docx/view

Scoping, Budgeting and Programming July 24, 2015


1.15.03 Resources

For questions related to the phase level funding contact Eric Ehrbar. Contact Sam Pappas for questions related to indirect and construction engineering rates, encumbrances, and the Form 65 – Project Financial Statement. Name Phone Number Email Eric Ehrbar (303) 757-9581 [7-9581] eric.ehrbar@state.co.us Budget and Cash Management Reporting Manager Scott Howard (303) 757-9328 [7-9328] scott.howard@state.co.us Cash Management Manager Sam Pappas (303) 757-9628 [7-9628] sam.pappas@state.co.us Projects Accounting and Reporting Manager Joe Duhon (303) 757-9638 [7-9638] joseph.duhon@state.co.us Budget Manager For technical assistance entering the drawdown schedule into SAP, contact your Region SAP Power/Super User or the SAP Project System BPXs. Please contact your Resident Engineer for the name of you region’s current representative. SAP Project System BPX Tawnya Nicholson (303) 512-5207 [7-5207] tawnya.nicholson@state.co.us SAP Project System BPX Valerie Metaiguer (303) 757-9837 [7-9837] valerie.metaiguer@state.co.us For general guidance or support regarding Program and Cash Management implementation and specific requirements for Program and Cash Management found in Design and Construction Bulletins, contact the respective Region Program Management Representative listed below: Name Phone Number Email Region 1 Hilary Hawthorn (720)497-6910 [1-6910] hilary.hawthorne@state.co.us Region 2 Michael Nusen (719)546-5779 [2-5779] michael.nusen@state.co.us Region 3 Sherry Dunn (970)683-6207 [3-6207] sherry.a.dunn@state.co.us Region 4 Bryan Schafer (970)350-2219 [4-2219] bryan.schafer@state.co.us Region 5 Tom Bovee (970)385-1412 [5-1412] thomas.bovee@state.co.us

Additional References: 1. Design Bulletin DB 2014-1 2. CDOT Construction Manual

June 8, 2015 Project Development Process



The Design Scoping Review (DSR) is an early, on-site review of a project prior to

preliminary design. This enables development of a scope of work that will be consistent

with the planning and design characteristics. See Section 1.02.04 for timing and scoping

project pool (payroll charges) of Design Scoping Review prior to project creation and

budgeting. Some projects will be created and budgeted before the scoping review

meeting. It is acceptable to have two scoping meetings. One before the project is

created and budgeted and another after the project is created and budgeted.

The process establishes the objectives of a project, the identification of design

standards, funding sources, and the required resources necessary to complete a

project. All projects, regardless of size, shall use the scoping process.

2.01.01 Form 1048, Project Scoping/Clearance Record

Form 1048, Project Scoping/Clearance Record comprises a review list used to

document the design scoping process, to monitor status toward PS&E approval, and to

track final clearances prior to advertisement of a project.

2.01.02 Design Scoping Review (DSR) Meeting

The DSR meeting shall be scheduled as soon as possible when a project is identified.

Charges can be made to the Region Scoping Pool section 1.02.04. The DSR invitation

letter shall include the CDOT Form 1048 completed through Phase I, the first three

items on the following list, and as many of the remaining items on the list as possible:

1. Location map of the project with proposed project limits identified.

2. Plan and profile of existing facility, if available.

3. Traffic data.

4. Accident history and hazard rating.

5. Existing roadway condition and pavement rating.

6. Design speed and existing signed speed.

7. Related inter-modal information.

8. Environmental considerations.

9. Context Sensitive Solutions

Project Development Process January 31, 2013


2.01.03 DSR Invitees

The following shall be invited to the DSR, or receive notice of the DSR, as appropriate:

From CDOT Region: Others:

Program Engineer CDOT Staff representatives: (Bridge, Hydraulics, Safety and Traffic, Transportation Development, ROW, Environmental, Geotechnical, etc.)

Resident Engineer Other State Agencies

Traffic and Safety Engineer Local Government Agencies (city, county, etc.

Utilities Engineer FHWA Representatives (and other federal agencies)

Planning/Environmental Manager Specific organizations: emergency, schools, special districts, enhancement sponsors, etc.

Maintenance Superintendant Railroads, Transit Operators, Airports

Materials Engineer

ROW Supervisor

Survey Coordinator

Hydraulics Engineer

Civil Rights Manager

2.01.04 Conduct of the DSR Meeting

The Resident Engineer will conduct the Design Scoping Review. An agenda will be

prepared to ensure all critical issues are addressed. All CDOT policies and directives

currently in force will be considered when preparing the agenda. The items to be

reviewed include, but are not limited to, the following:

January 21, 2016 Project Development Process

2-19 Safety Evaluation for 3R Projects

3R Projects are now required to have a TSM&O Evaluation and are no longer required to have a separate safety evaluation. The TSM&O (Transportation Systems Management and Operations) Evaluation, which is required on all projects, consists of three parts: a Safety Analysis, an Operations Analysis, and an ITS Analysis. Refer to the new section 4.12 for details on the TSM&O Evaluation. Field Inspection Review/Final Office Review (FIR/FOR) for 3R Projects

FIR and FOR meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined

in Sections 2.17 and 2.28.

At the Field Inspection Review, the Resident Engineer shall identify any exceptions to

minimum design standards for 3R projects, and record those on the Form 463a when a

variance is required, including a safety letter. Safety Issues Related to Geometric Design Criteria

The designer will adhere to the following procedures for designing and documenting the

13 geometric design criteria if a safety evaluation is not done. (Design Standards,

Boxes 3 and 4 of CDOT Form 463 and CDOT Form 1327). For definitions of the 13

geometric design criteria, see the CDOT Roadway Design Guide. For Freeway and

Interstate 3R projects, full AASHTO standards apply. For the purposes of these

procedures, Freeways are arterial highways with full control of access (for further

information see AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets and

the CDOT Transportation Data Set

http://www.dot.state.co.us/App_DTD_DataAccess/index.cfm ). For all other 3R projects,

the 3R standards are intended to provide reduced limits in design. However, these

Project Development Process Rev: June 29, 2020


1. Design speed 8. Grade2. Lane width 9. Cross-slope3. Shoulder width 10. Superelevation4. Structural capacity 11. Horizontal clearance (except clear zone)5. Horizontal alignment 12. Vertical clearance6. Vertical alignment 13. Bridge width7. Stopping sight distance

Guardrail and bridge rail are to be designed according to the latest CDOT M&S Standard Plans, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and AASHTO Roadside Design Guide on all new construction and reconstruction projects. For 3R and surfacing type projects, guardrail is to be handled in accordance with Section 2.07.

FHWA may approve design exceptions on federal aid projects for experimental features or where conditions warrant an exception.

Determination to approve a project design that does not conform to the minimum criteria is to be made only after due consideration is given to project conditions and safety benefits for the dollar invested, compatibility with adjacent sections of roadway, and the probable time before the roadway section will be reconstructed due to increased traffic demands or changed conditions.

On local agency projects the involved entities and consultants should discuss the variance request with the Resident Engineer to determine the feasibility of approval and the possibility of project delays. Local agency projects may not have historical accident data and roadway safety inventories. However, accident records may be available from the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch.

FHWA should be invited to the Field Inspection Review meeting on National Highway System projects and federal-oversight projects when there is a potential variance.

All variances should be identified by the Field Inspection Review and approved prior to the Final Office Review. Early submittal of variance requests will allow time to incorporate comments and concerns, and to collect any additional supporting data and analysis. Untimely submittal for approval of design variances can result in costly delays to the project.

When the design criteria are properly discussed on Form 464, the minimum FHWA requirements for preparing the variance request are satisfied. Additional comments can be added to clarify items. No separate variance transmittal letter is necessary when Form 464 is used.

Project Development Process Rev: June 29. 2020


lesser standards should not be used automatically, but only if higher values are not possible, practical, or cost effective (See Section on 3R standards in the CDOT Roadway Design Guide for these standards).

The project team should address all documented safety issues identified through the Safety Evaluation, DSR, FIR, and FOR processes. Existing roadway design features may be retained where they are performing in a satisfactory manner with regard to accident history. The proposed design should not worsen an existing condition (guardrail height, edge drop-off, drainage, etc.). Safety issues identified as being related to any of the 13 geometric design criteria will be addressed in the design process. Only those geometric design criteria directly related to the identified safety issue need to be addressed. Refer to the “Process for Addressing Safety Requirements on 3R Projects” flowchart (Figure 2-1) for guidance.

If a geometric design criterion is identified as being related to accident causality, then the designer will either bring this design element up to the relevant standard, or will complete a design variance according to the procedures described in Section 2.05 Design Exception (Variance) (Form 464) and the process flowchart (Figure 2-1). Design variances for Interstate projects require FHWA approval.

All existing guardrail, bridge rail,transitions and end and median terminals not meeting NCHRP 350 shall be upgraded to meet MASH 2016 requirements. All roadside safety devices meeting NCHRP 350 in good condition, determined to function as designed and meeting minimum height requirements may remain in place. See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide and Sections 2.09 and 5.12 of the this manual for additional information. For assistance contact the Standards and Specifications Unit and Staff Bridge.

The Resident Engineer may implement safety improvements not specifically identified in the Safety Evaluation, DSR, FIR, and FOR if funding and special circumstances exist and written approval is obtained from the Program Engineer. Safety Issues Not Related to One of the 13 Geometric Design Criteria

Safety mitigation recommendations identified through the Safety Evaluation, DSR, FIR, and FOR processes that are not related to one of the 13 geometric design criteria should be incorporated into the plans. If the decision is made not to implement recommendations for improvement, this decision should be documented in the meeting minutes or explained in a design decision letter.

Project Development Process Rev: June 29, 2020



Roadside barrier is installed to reduce the severity of run-off-the-road accidents. The primary purpose of roadside barrier is to prevent a vehicle from leaving the road and striking a fixed object or terrain feature that is more hazardous than the roadside barrier.

A roadside barrier is a longitudinal barrier used to shield motorists from natural or manmade hazards located along either side of a roadway, and may occasionally be used to protect bystanders, pedestrians, and cyclists from vehicular traffic. A barrier is installed when an obstacle cannot be removed or relocated or when the steepness of the roadside terrain prevents establishing an adequate clear zone. CDOT installs barrier only when it is not economically feasible to eliminate a hazard or make the feature traversable or when terrain conditions are such that an adequate roadside recovery area cannot be provided for the given design speed.

CDOT uses several types of barriers, primarily Guardrail Type 3 W-beam, Guardrail Type 7 F-shape and Type 9 Single Slope Concrete Barrier, and Tensioned Wire Cable Barrier. Thrie Beam Guardrail is also used.

In many cases, slope flattening and extending hazardous features such as culverts can be viable alternatives to barrier. Guardrail Type 3 (semi-rigid) and concrete (rigid) barriers can redirect errant vehicles when impacted. Semi-rigid barriers can deflect up to 5 feet upon impact. Rigid concrete barrier that is anchored has no deflection upon impact. In some cases, the available space between the barrier and the object may not be adequate. In such cases, the barrier should be stiffened as suggested in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide in advance of and alongside the fixed object. Also, important is the need for a thrie beam transition between semi-rigid and rigid barriers or between a semi-rigid barrier and bridge rail to eliminate pocketing, snagging, or penetration of the vehicle at the point of connection.

Because guardrail is a hazard in itself, it should be installed only in accordance with the guidelines of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. See CDOT Roadway Design Guide Section for guidance on offset distance for the guardrail. Placement of barrier is based on accident potential and severity. Since both barriers are hazards, they should be installed only where they result in a reduction in the accident severity compared to impacting the hazard being shielded.

Substandard bridge rail should be examined for upgrading on resurfacing projects.

The Resident Engineer is responsible for evaluating factors concerning safety, traffic control, hazards, and other constraints in the use of guardrail. Justifications and

January 31, 2013 Rev:June 29, 2020 Project Development Process


warrants for guardrail design are best done after the scoping review. The Resident Engineer should use an analysis to warrant the use of guardrail based on the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. Bridge rail designs and decisions should be coordinated with the Bridge Design and Management Branch.

The Resident Engineer should consider factors such as design speed and traffic volume in relation to barrier need as identified in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. The cost of slope flattening and hazard elimination compared with barrier cost should be considered.

The design sequence for the placement of barrier is as follows:

1. Provide the clear zone as determined from the AASHTO Roadside DesignGuide.

2. Provide for slope flattening for traversable grades (4:1 slope) within the clearzone.

3. Remove the obstacle or redesign it so it can be traversed safely.4. Relocate the obstacle or flatten the steep terrain. Relocate obstacles to a location

where an errant vehicle is less likely to impact it. Location should be as far fromthe edge of travel way as practical.

5. Reduce impact severity by using appropriate breakaway roadway fixtures.6. Shield the obstacle, terrain feature, or water hazard with longitudinal barrier,

crash cushion, or a combination thereof when it cannot be eliminated, relocated,or redesigned.

7. Delineate the obstacle or hazard when the above alternatives are not appropriatedue to type of project, low design speed, low volume, classification of theroadway as scenic, or classification of the obstacle as a historical feature.

8. If barrier is impeding the free passage of drainage flow or is causing ponding,consult the Region Hydraulics Engineer to address the drainage problem.

When the Resident Engineer recommends barrier, criteria in the CDOT Roadway Design Guide, CDOT M Standard Plans, and the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide should be followed. For resurfacing, rather than just replace in kind, the existing Type 3 guardrail should first be checked to ensure that the installation configuration meets the length of need criteria in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide or current CDOT M Standard Plans. If Type 3 guardrail condition is such that it will function and safetly perform as designed and the height is at least 26.5 inches following 3R work, the guardrail may remain in place. If guardrail would be less than 26.5 inches in height after the 3R work is complete, adjusting and resetting to a specified height of 29 +/- 1 inches may be an option under specific conditions. It is necessary to check to ensure that existing guardrail is in good condition before adjusting and resetting. If the height of guardrail will be less than 26.5 inches following 3R work, the following options are available:

Project Development Process Rev: June 29, 2020


1. Guardrail with a height less than 25 inches must be removed and replaced with31 inch MGS guardrail per CDOT M-Standards.

2. Guardrail with steel posts at a height 25 inches to less than 26.5 inches may bemodified by using additional predrilled bolt holes to raise block and guardrailassembly and reset to height to 29 +-/ 1 inches. Field drilling of steel posts is notpermitted. Rail shall be adjusted along guardrail run, so rail splice location ismidspan between posts.

3. Guardrail with timber posts at height less than 26.5 inches must be removed andreplaced with 31 inch MGS guardrail per CDOT M-Standards. Field modificationof timber posts in any kind is not permitted.

Raising, resetting and/or reuse of removed guardrail posts (steel or timber) in an attempt to attain acceptable guardrail height, in any manner, is not permitted. Consideration must be given to condition of assembly hardware (bolts, nuts) and guardrail components (blockouts, metal W-beam sections) when choosing to leave in place or modify. Replacement of hardware or individual blockouts and/or W-beam guardrail sections may be necessary to ensure overall integrity of guardrail system.

When completing the CDOT Form 463 Design Data in SAP, the designer should provide a detailed description of the barrier elements that do not meet current standards. The description should appear either in the comments section of Section 8, Safety Considerations or in Section 13, Remarks where additional text can be added.

Barrier installations should use the standard configurations as shown in the CDOT M Standard Plans. For situations not addressed in the CDOT M Standard Plans, barrier installations will need to be designed in accordance with the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. Designers are to include the barrier design calculations as part of the project file. For those barrier designs that are project specific and different from the M Standard Plans, designers need to send the proposed design into the Standards and Specifications Unit for review and comment. Allow 2-3 weeks within the project schedule for this review.

Substandard existing guardrail end sections on all Interstate highway projects and on all National Highway System projects with a design speed of at least 45 miles per hour and an average daily traffic of 6,000 or more are to be replaced. Replace them with end treatments passing the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report No. 350 criteria or AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) 2009. When possible replace substandard end treatments on other roadway systems.

January 31, 2013 Project Development Process


Additional References 1. CDOT Cable Barrier Guide2. AASHTO Roadside Design Guide3. CDOT Roadway Design Guide, Chapter 204. AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) 2009

January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013) Project Development Process



2.15.01 General

Value Engineering is the systematic process of review and analysis of a project during the planning and design phase by a multi-disciplined team not involved in the project, to make recommendations for:

Providing the needed functions safely, reliably, and at the lowest overall cost; Improving the value and quality of the project; and Reducing the time to complete the project.

The scope of this VE program is to provide guidance for selecting projects for VE analysis, and to standardize the procedure for conducting studies and reporting results in compliance with federal requirements. This guidance focuses on Value Engineering during the planning and design phase of a project. The goal of the VE program is to provide a positive benefit to a given project, and CDOT as a whole. This benefit may take the form of monetary saving, reduced construction time, reduced impact to the travelling public, improved maintainability, reduced environmental or cultural impacts, or some other identified benefit. The effectiveness of the VE Program will be tracked and reported to CDOT management in the spirit of continuous improvement.

2.15.02 Requirements

The CDOT/FHWA Stewardship agreement states that CDOT will conduct VE analyses for:

Projects on the Federal-aid system with an estimated total cost of $40 million or more, and

Any other project that the U.S. Secretary of Transportation determines to be appropriate.

Total project cost is defined as the cost of all phases of a project, including environmental, design, right of way, utilities, construction, and construction engineering costs. If total project cost is revised any time prior to award to exceed $40 million, then a VE analysis is required. If construction is advertised in multiple projects for a corridor improvement, all construction projects need to be considered in the total. VE analyses are not required on projects delivered using a design-build method of construction.

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013)


2.15.03 Additional Guidance

A VE analysis is not just limited to projects meeting the total cost threshold. A VE analysis during design may also be considered for other design-bid-build projects with one or more of the following elements:

Major Structures, Complex design or construction, Challenging constraints and/or difficult technical issues, External influences and unique or complicated functional requirements, Potential to improve the projects’ performance or quality, Competing community and stakeholder objectives, Potential alternative solutions that impact scope and cost, New alignment or bypass sections, Capacity improvements that widen existing highways, Interchanges, Extensive or expensive environmental or geotechnical requirements, Materials that are difficult to acquire or have special requirements, Inferior material sources, New/reconstruction project, and Major traffic control requirements or multiple construction phases.

2.15.04 Roles and Responsibilities State VE Coordinator 

The State VE Coordinator role is held by the Design Program Manager in the Project Development Branch. The State VE Coordinator ensures statewide implementation of the VE Program in compliance with federal requirements, and is responsible to:

Coordinate the Statewide VE Plan; Prepare and submit to FHWA an Annual VE Report to summarize results,

accomplishments, costs, and benefits; Maintain VE program documents and forms and monitors federal requirements; Maintain an informational webpage and a list of resources to support the VE

program, including a statewide pool of qualified Team Leaders and Members, Assist Project Managers to select VE Team Leaders and Team Members; Serve as a proponent for the VE program and monitor and publicize benefits; and Develop and coordinate training.

January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013) Project Development Process

2-45 Project Manager 

The Project Manager is responsible to: Review assigned projects to identify opportunities to implement VE analyses per

the requirements and guidelines; Initiate VE Studies and work with State VE Coordinator to select VE Team

Leaders and Team Members; Coordinate the preparation of VE study packages for the project, and provide

those study packages to VE team members; Coordinate and facilitate VE Team Review; Ensure preparation of Final Report for completed studies; Ensure implementation of approved recommendations; and Report the results of the project VE study to the State VE Coordinator. VE Team Leader  

The VE Team Leader oversees all aspects of individual VE studies including coordinating the logistical arrangements, leading team efforts, and completing the final report. Team Leaders can be affiliated with the region, another region, headquarters, or the consultant community, but should have some autonomy from the project. If utilizing a consultant as the VE Team Leader, the consultant shall provide his or her VE qualifications to the Project Manager for review and acceptance. A generally accepted qualification for Team Leaders is to be licensed by the Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE International). Being licensed by the SAVE International is not required, but should be considered by the Project Manager. The Team Leader should be knowledgeable and proficient in transportation design and construction as well as the VE analysis process, and is responsible for:

Planning, leading, and facilitating the VE study; Scheduling a pre-workshop meeting with the project team, providing the pre-

study materials to team members, and preparing the agenda for the VE study; Ensuring proper application of VE methodology. Guiding the team through the activities needed to complete the VE study,

preparation of the report, and the post-study stages. VE Team Members  

The VE team is typically comprised of five to ten members with diverse expertise relevant to the specific project including major functional areas and any critical, high-cost issues. Team Members may be from the regions; headquarters; other local, state,

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013)


or federal agencies; or the private sector. Team Members must not be directly involved in the planning and development phases of the project, and preferably, should have attended Value Engineering training.

2.15.05 Planning and Reporting Annual VE Plan  

The State VE Coordinator works with the individual Project Managers to prepare an annual VE Plan that lists projects identified for VE analysis. The VE Plan is the basis for determining projected VE program needs, including costs, team members, team leaders, consultants, and training. The Annual VE Plan will be completed by November 30th. Annual VE Tracking Report 

The State VE Coordinator will prepare an Annual VE Tracking Report that summarizes project benefits and cost savings from completed VE studies. The State VE Coordinator will report VE program achievements and best practices to the FHWA as required. The Annual VE Tracking Report will be completed by November 30th. Conducting a VE Study 

A VE analysis should be conducted as early as practicable in the planning and development of a project, preferably before the completion of preliminary design and at a minimum, prior to completing the final design. If the need for a VE study has yet to be determined, the topic shall be discussed at the Scoping, FIR, and FOR meetings, and the decision to conduct a study or not, shall be documented in the meeting minutes. The VE analysis should be closely coordinated with other project development activities to minimize the impact that approved recommendations might have on the project. Although benefits can be realized by performing a VE analysis at any time during project development, four prime windows of opportunity are: 1. Planning Phase: The subject of whether or not to conduct a VE analysis on a given project is to be discussed once a preferred alternative has been identified during the NEPA phase.

2. Post Scoping Meeting: The subject of whether to conduct a VE analysis is to be discussed at the scoping meeting and should be documented in the scoping meeting minutes, along with justification for the decision. The best time to consider alternatives

January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013) Project Development Process


to design solutions is soon after the scoping meeting when preliminary engineering information is available. At this point, the study can also provide an opportunity for building consensus among stakeholders.

3. Pre-Final Inspection Review (FIR): Major design decisions with regard to project scope have been made at this point, preliminary costs have been established, and the design team has initiated the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E). Although the VE analysis may be limited by these decisions and activities, there is opportunity for the study to focus on technical aspects of specific design elements.

4. Pre-Final Office Review (FOR): At the FOR stage, most of the important project decisions have been made and the opportunity to affect the project design is limited. At this stage, the VE analysis should focus on constructability, construction sequencing, staging, traffic control, and significant design issues.

Note If a project has been identified for a VE analysis, the Project Manager shall notify the State VE Coordinator. A VE study can be conducted in conjunction with or in lieu of a Constructability Review if the VE team consists of two or more members of the Contracting community. If the VE is to be considered in lieu of the Constructability Review, this shall be noted in the introduction portion of the VE Final Report. Process To initiate a VE study, the Project Manager will contact the State VE Coordinator. The State VE Coordinator maintains a list of qualified Team Leaders and Team Members. The Project Manager and the State VE Coordinator will work together to appoint a VE Team Leader and select Team Members for the VE study. The VE Team Leader will work with the Project Manager and Design Team to prepare a study package (see Figure 1) that is provided to each of the Team Members at least one week prior to the study. The Project Manager should arrange for the use of a meeting facility and needed equipment for the team meeting. The facility, if possible, should be near the project site, to allow for a site visit.

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013)


Figure 1 - VE Study Team Information and Logistics Planning Study Package for VE Team Members: Accident data, traffic data, aerial photos, contour maps, cross-sections and profiles, environmental documents, estimates, as-built plans for existing elements, geotechnical reports, hydraulic report, land use maps, plan sheets, quantities, right-of-way plans, vicinity maps, design decision memos, and any other identified design information.

Provide to VE Team Members at least 1 week prior to meeting.

Facilities and Equipment: Conference room with a large table and adequate space for the team, AASHTO Green Book, Field Log of Structures, calculators and/or computers, telephone, projector, CDOT Design Guide, design file, large scale aerial photos (if available), easel(s)/paper, field tables, office supplies, network access, power strip(s) and extension cords, scales, straight edges, and curves, Standard Plans, Standard Specifications, and vehicle or vehicles with adequate seating to transport the VE team for a site visit.

Typically allow 3 to 5 days for the team to meet.

It is recommended that the VE Job Plan (see Figure 2) approach be followed for conducting and documenting the results of a VE analysis. The phases can be tailored as appropriate for each project, and more information is available regarding this approach in the Value Methodology Standard and Body of Knowledge by The Society of American Value Engineers (www.value-eng.org).

January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013) Project Development Process


Figure 2 - VE Job Plan Phase Activities 1. Information Phase

Gather project information, including project commitments and constraints.

Investigate technical reports and field data. Develop team focus and objectives.

2. Function Analysis Phase

Analyze the project to understand the required outcomes. Review and analyze these project outcomes to determine which

items could benefit from improvement to meet overall project goals. 3. Creative Phase

Generate ideas on alternative proposals and solutions to accomplish the required outcomes, which improve the project's performance, enhance its quality, and/or lower project costs.

4. Evaluation Phase

Evaluate and select feasible ideas for development. Analyze design alternatives, technical processes, and life-cycle costs

5. Development Phase

Develop the selected alternatives into fully supported recommendations.

Develop technical and economic supporting data to prove the benefits and feasibility of the desirable concepts.

Develop team recommendations including long-term and interim solutions.

Generate cost and/or time saving based on proposed solutions. 6. Presentation Phase

Present the VE recommendation in an oral presentation to the project stakeholders, the region project team, region management, FHWA, and any other relevant stakeholders that the Project Manager has identified.

Provide a written report. 7. Resolution Phase

Evaluate, resolve, document, and implement all Approved recommendations and record this information in the VE Study Summary and Implementation Report.

Post VE analysis activities include the implementation and evaluation of the outcomes of the approved recommendations.

Conduct a VE Close Out meeting to review VE study results with identified members of CDOT and FHWA.

Document for each recommendation whether the recommendation has been “Approved, Declined, or Tabled for Further Consideration” VE Final Report 

The results of a VE analysis will be documented in a Final Report prepared by the VE Team Leader that includes the following sections:

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013)


Introduction; Executive summary; Project number and narrative description of project information, including

estimated project cost prior to the VE study; VE Project Team; Background, history, constraints, and controlling decisions; VE team focus areas; Discussion of the team speculation and evaluation processes; Approximate cost to conduct the VE; Benefits that the VE outcome will provide to the project; Time and/or cost savings to the project; and Final recommendations recorded on the VE Study Summary and Implementation

Report. All of the team’s evaluation documentation including sketches, calculations, analyses, and rationale for recommendations should be included. A copy of the Final Report will be included in the project file and made available to the region’s project team. Following the VE analysis, the Project Manager and the region’s design team will add their evaluation to the VE Final Report. The Project Manager will provide a copy of the VE Study Summary and Implementation Report to the State VE Coordinator. The State VE Coordinator will record the study outcome on the Annual VE Tracking Report for reporting to FHWA.

2.15.06 Training and Information

The State VE Coordinator will identify regular VE training courses in order to build a pool of qualified VE Team Leaders and Team Members. The State VE Coordinator will maintain a list of qualified VE Team Leaders and Team Members.

2.15.07 Attachments:

VE Study Summary and Implementation Report

VE Study Summary and Iplementation Re

January 31, 2013 (Revised August 2013) Project Development Process


2.15.08 References 1. CDOT/FHWA Stewardship Agreement 2. 23 United States Code (USC) 106 (e, g, and h); 3. 23 CFR Part 627, Value Engineering; 4. P.L. 112-141, MAP-21; 5. Value Engineering, Circular A-131, Office of Management and Budget 6. Guidelines for Value Engineering, 3rd Edition, American Association of State

Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO); 7. Value Methodology Standard and Body of Knowledge, SAVE International, The

Value Society: www.value-eng.org; and 8. CDOT VE Website (Under Development)

Project Development Process January 31, 2013



Upon obligation of the project funds, project activities may commence and charges assessed against their appropriate project phase. During this phase, it is important to make certain responsibilities are met and that periodic Region Plan Status Meetings are held to verify that these responsibilities are met. the following tasks will be completed:

2.16.01 Design Phase Responsibilities Target the Current Planned Ad Date 

The Resident Engineer will be responsible for meeting the Current Planned Ad date of a project. As the Project Manager, the Resident Engineer will be responsible for the management of unexpected changes to the schedule, including those that could affect Specialties Units and the overall project delivery by the approved Current Planned Ad date. Maintain Good Communications 

The Resident Engineer will maintain good communications with the Specialty Units involved on the project. Person to person communication (telephone or face to face) is the preferred method for discussing project issues, especially those which could affect the overall project schedule. Conversations must be followed up with email or other written documentation, as record of the discussion and any decisions or commitments made. Review Project Cost Estimates 

The Resident Engineer will coordinate revisions to the project cost estimate, as necessary, at all major project milestones (Field Inspection Review, Final Office Review, etc.) in order to assess unforeseen budgetary needs. Specialty Units will provide updated cost estimates, as requested. In addition, the Resident Engineer will ensure that the Cost Estimates Unit is provided current project cost estimates for review and assessment.

January 31, 2013 Project Development Process


should communicate those to the Resident Engineer prior to the Field Inspection

Review and not attend the meeting.

Staff Bridge Branch may conduct a separate Field Inspection Review.

On certain projects, outside public agencies involved in the project may request a

separate field review prior to the Field Inspection Review. The Resident Engineer may

conduct these reviews separately from the scheduled Field Inspection Review and

should document in writing pertinent information and requirements incorporated into

construction plans. When a request for a separate review is desirable, the Resident

Engineer will notify the appropriate agencies' representatives and shall schedule the

review with sufficient advance time to allow the agencies to prepare their own written

comments (if they so desire) for consideration prior to the Field Inspection Review.

2.17.06 Conduct of the review

The Resident Engineer will conduct the review. It is strongly recommended that a

prepared checklist be completed for all meetings. Also, an agenda (schedule) should be

prepared and followed, especially for complex projects, so that participants can

recognize which parts of the meeting they should attend. The items to be reviewed may

include, but are not limited to, the following: Scoping, Budgeting and Planning

1. Typical sections, stabilization, and general notes.

2. The horizontal and vertical alignments.

3. Plan details for approaches to project and possible cutoff points if funds are insufficient to construct the proposed length of the project.

4. Preliminary cost estimate.

5. Schedule. Update the baseline schedule to reflect impact to project milestones. The schedule should be discussed at the FIR meeting. See Section 1.02.

6. Budget the ROW and/or Utility phases as necessary knowing the scope of these items. Environmental

1. Plan details for measures to mitigate or avoid adverse environmental impacts (such as noise, air, water, parks (4(f)), and stream encroachments).

2. Preliminary field mapping of existing wetland areas.

3. Stormwater management plans.

Project Development Process September 22, 2014


4. Permit requirements. Traffic

1. Plan details for any provisions for traffic during construction, including detours, phasing, and barrier.

2. Traffic control plan.

3. Traffic signal plan (if applicable). Structures

1. Structure Selection Report.

2. Structure demolition method. Materials

1. Stabilization Report and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (if available)

2. Materials Recommendation Report

3. Quality incentives

4. Certifications or FIPIs for proprietary items, if any (See Section 2.24 for the approval process). Right of way

1. Right of way requirements and access control plan.

2. Impacts to buildings, other improvements, and agricultural operations.

3. Number of owners affected and what the impacts are.

4. Purchase of mitigation areas.

5. Existing Agreements that have conditions affecting plans.

6. Plan details for fencing requirements.

7. Purchase of utility easements.

8. Purchase of temporary construction easements.

9. Section 4(f) process requirements. Utilities

1. Utility relocation requirements.

2. Power sources.

3. New or future utility accommodations.

4. Irrigation ditches.

January 31, 2013 Project Development Process



Special Provisions are additions and revisions to the standard and supplemental

specifications covering conditions specific to an individual project or group of projects.

Special provisions fall within one of the two following categories:

1. Project Special Provisions: Additions and revisions to the Standard and Supplemental Specifications, specific to a project.

2. Standard Special Provision: Additions and revisions to the Standard and Supplemental Specifications, specific to a selected group of projects or which are intended for temporary use.

The Resident Engineer is responsible for preparing referenced standard special

provisions and the project special provisions prior to the Final Office Review. All new or

changed special provisions are to be submitted to the Project Development Branch's

Specification Engineer for review at least 2 weeks prior to their inclusion in the PS&E.

All Section 100 – “General Provisions” specification changes should have the Resident

Engineer’s concurrence, and all materials specification changes should have the Region

Material Engineer’s concurrence. The Resident Engineer will verify that all the project

special provisions are completed accurately, and all necessary standard special

provisions are included in the Plans, Specifications and Estimate package in

accordance with the latest list provided from the Standards and Specifications Unit at

the time of advertising the project.

2.23.01 Standard Specifications

The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (referred to as the

Standard Specifications) is revised and reissued periodically by the Project

Development Branch, Standards and Specifications Unit, and contains the standard

specifications used to control the work on CDOT transportation, maintenance, and

federally funded local agency administered projects. This is the primary reference for

specifications related to road and bridge construction.

2.23.02 Standard Special Provisions

The Standard Special Provisions revise, clarify or supersede the Standard Specification

book to implement current CDOT construction and materials requirements. Standard

Special Provisions have an issue date and apply to a group of projects. They contain

revised requirements related to procedures, current wages, construction materials and

Project Development Process January 31, 2013


technology, and project management. Standard Special Provisions are included in

projects in accordance with the instructions issued by the Project Development Branch.

The Standards and Specification unit writes and updates the Standard Special

Provisions and the instruction for use in accordance with Procedural Directive 513.1 and

Chapter 16 of the CDOT Roadway Design Guide. The Resident Engineer adds the

applicable special provisions to each project. Each Region has access to the up-to-date

list of Standard Special Provisions with instruction for the use of each provision:

http://www.coloradodot.info/business/designsupport/construction-specifications .

2.23.03 Project Special Provisions

Project Special Provisions are revisions to the Standard Specifications that supplement

or modify a particular aspect, item or condition contained in the plans, specifications,

and bid package specific to a particular project. The Project Special Provisions

supersede the Standard Special Provisions and provide the Contractor and Project

Engineer specific information and requirements related to specific aspects of a

particular project. Project Special Provisions include an index of the required Standard

Special Provisions that apply to the project

Project Special Provisions are used when specific requirements are not adequately

addressed in the Standard Specifications or in the Standard Special Provisions. They

provide project specific materials and construction requirements to the Contractor to

ensure proper completion of a project. The provisions appear as changes to sections of

the Standard Specifications.

Special provisions are essential parts of the Contract, and contain requirements that are

intended to be complementary and binding instructions to complete a project. The

Resident Engineer is responsible for the content and accuracy of each Project Special


Review Procedural Directive 513.1 and Chapter 16 of the 2005 Roadway Design Guide

frequently, and keep the following guidelines in mind when preparing project special


1. Submit every new project special provision to the Standards and Specifications Unit (SSU) for review at least two weeks before it is needed.

January 31, 2013 [Revised May 2015] Project Development Process


2. Expect SSU to delay approval and initiate a more formal review of project special provisions it determines to be controversial or have a broad impact. The more formal review may involve appropriate CDOT staff or technical committees and industry representatives.

3. Submit a commonly used project special provision to SSU for review at least two weeks before it is needed if it has been significantly modified for a particular project.

4. Submit a project special provision that was approved for use on a particular project to SSU for review before it is used on other projects. If you intend to use a new project special provision on more than one project, indicate that when you submit it to SSU. New project special provisions that will be widely used require a more thorough review that may include additional stakeholders; SSU will make that determination.

5. Prepare a new project special provision for a proposed new pay item when that pay item or the materials and construction requirements for that pay item do not appear in the Standard Specifications. Submit that special provision to both SSU and the Engineering Estimates & Market Analysis Unit (EEMA). EEMA will not approve a new pay item without consulting SSU to ensure that the requirements for that pay item are adequately covered and that there are no technical or policy problems with its use.

6. Check the Specifications page on the CDOT web site to see if there is already an approved project special provision that covers the issue you are trying to address. If there is an approved special provision, use it instead of writing a new special provision. If the existing special provision is not adequate for your project, modify it and submit it to SSU for review.

7. Do not subvert the special provision development process by incorporating un-reviewed additions or changes to the specification requirements in general notes or other plan notes.

8. Refrain from writing warranties into the special provisions.

Following are examples of Project Special Provisions that are usually included in the

transportation construction plans:

1. Index Pages – List the applicable Project Special Provisions and Standard Special Provisions.

2. Notice to Bidders - Establishes the required amount of the proposal guaranty and lists CDOT construction representatives assigned to the project.

3. Commencement and Completion of Work - Establishes beginning work requirements and Contract time. On small simple projects it lists salient features to be shown when a bar chart schedule is allowed. Most projects require a CPM schedule.

4. Contract Goals - Establishes Disadvantaged Business Enterprises goals.

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 [Revised May 2015]


5. Force Account Items - Identifies CDOT's estimate for force account work included in the Contract.

6. Traffic Control Plan, General Contains key elements of the traffic control plan and the proposed method of handling traffic.

7. Utilities - Lists utility companies and types of utility relocations within the project limits.

8. Right of Way Restrictions – Lists restrictions that will affect the project.

9. Project Specific Special Provisions - Contain specification changes appropriate to the project.

The following outlines the procedures for preparation of special provisions:

1. The Resident Engineer will prepare Project Special Provisions for inclusion in the Final Office Review plans and include specification changes made at the Final Office Review prior to final plan review. Concurrence of the person responsible for the appropriate discipline, for example, construction, materials, or bridge, should be obtained.

2. To request new or revised Standard Special Provisions, the Resident Engineer should follow CDOT Procedural Directive 513.1, Construction Project Specifications. The Resident Engineer will review the current list of Standard Special Provisions for changes and additions prior to advertisement.

3. Upon request by the Resident Engineer, the Project Development Standards and Specifications Unit (SSU) will review the specifications portion of the Plans, Specifications and Estimate package. The specifications should be submitted to SSU at least 2 weeks before they need to be complete.

2.23.04 Additional References:

1. CDOT Roadway Design Guide, Chapter 16

2. Procedural Directive 513.1




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A Finding in the Public Interest may be written for use of a proprietary item on a specific project, for use on a region-wide basis, or for use on state-wide basis. A project-specific Finding in the Public Interest applies only to that one project and cannot be used to justify use of the proprietary item on other projects.

[Revised May 2020]11,. 3 P.nt Pror.


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[Revised May 2020]PmiP.r.t 0 nt Pm :s


Januaryy 31, 2013


Projoject Develoopment Proocess

2.24.02 Procurement Contracts

A justification letter approved by the Manager of Procurement and Contract Services to the files certifies that no equally suitable or patented item exists for use on the project and that such patented or proprietary item is essential for the construction of the project. Generally, products identified by their brand or trade name are not to be specified without an "or equal" or equivalent phrase.

A Sole Source Certification Form

https://www.codot.gov/business/procurement-and-contract-services(shall be completed only for sole sources of goods or services.) This certification does not apply to situations classified as "Emergency Procurement" covered by CRS 24-103-206.

[Revised May 2020]11,. 3 P.nt Pror.


Project DDevelopmeent Processs


Jaanuary 31, 22013

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[Revised May 2020]PmiP.r.t 0 nt Pm :s


Project Development Process March 2016




2.27.01 Engineer’s Estimate

On the fundamental level, the Engineering Estimates and Market Analysis (EEMA) Unit

has two roles to play in the CDOT project development process: efficient allocation of

funds and vigilant protection of public funds. The former is done by helping set the

project budgets and the latter is done mainly through post-bid analyses to decide

whether to award a project to the apparent low bidder.

Estimates produced/reviewed by EEMA are called Engineer’s Estimates (EE). EEMA

prices only biddable items. Non-bid items are priced by the region project team.

Together they form the basis for total project costs, or Preliminary Detailed Estimates.

Project design and cost estimates are integral parts of the project development process

which is iterative in nature. An estimate that is higher than previously thought may lead

to reduction in project scope or increased funding. On the other hand, a lower estimate

may lead to increased project scope or funds moved away from the current project.

Currently, CDOT only commits real funds to a project 90 days before Ad.

The various estimates produced prior to FOR are parametric in nature. They are based

on information available during a timeframe of 0 to 60% design and are subject to scope

and market changes as the design process evolves. These estimates are preliminary

and may be used to establish a preliminary project construction budget. However, the

confidence placed on them should be at an appropriate level.

At FOR, the project is fully itemized for the first time and the EE revised to a higher level

of accuracy. The EE produced based on FOR plans and specs, and the revisions based

on comments at FOR, should be the basis for setting or adjusting project construction


After the FOR EE is completed, neither EEMA nor the project team should change the

EE without letting the other side know.

There may be many reasons an EE could be modified, including but not limited to:

1. The scope has been changed;

2. The quantities of certain major items have been changed dramatically;

March 2016 Project Development Process


3. New quotes are available from the supplier for major items;

4. The market/trend in general has changed dramatically.

When considering making changes to EE after FOR, one should keep the “efficient

allocation of funds” criteria in mind. For EEMA, the most important thing is to pass the

new information to the project team and not just to make the EE more accurate. For the

project team, the most important thing is to communicate updated project info to EEMA,

the Region and CDOT management in a timely manner so that sound decisions may be

made based on the most up-to-date information.

When a project is under Ad, adjustments to the EE should not occur. At time of bid

opening, If a large difference occurs between the EE and apparent low bid, reasons

should be documented to the project file and appropriate processes followed for award,

where applicable. If the total cost of the project is projected to be higher than the

Approved Commission Budget Level, the project team should follow Policy Directive

703.0 (Effective August 27, 2014) to acquire additional funding.

Of note, CDOT has been granted a three-year relief from the automatic rejection Statute

starting April 7, 2015. For cases where there are fewer than three bidders and the low

bid is higher than the EE by previous statutory thresholds, award can still occur with

Executive Director review and approval.

2.27.02 Estimate Security

Engineer’s Estimates are confidential until award. Follow Procedural Directive 511.1,

Security and Confidentiality of the Engineer’s Detailed Estimate.

2.27.03 Additional References:

1. 23 CFR Part 630B, Plans, Specifications and Estimates

2. HB15-1046, Highway Project Contract Amount Limit Waivers, Effective April 2015

3. CDOT Manual on Bidding and Award Procedures (Effective July 2014, CDOT

Procedural Directive 303.01, Award of Contract – Justification of Bid was repealed)

4. CDOT Procedural Directive 511.1, Security and Confidentiality of the Engineer’s

Detailed Estimate

5. Estimated Total Project Cost (see Section 1.02 of this manual)

Project Development Process January 31, 2013



The Final Office Review (FOR) is a final review of construction plans, specifications,

and cost estimates for completeness and accuracy. The Final Office Review plans are

to be a fully completed plan set. A Final Office Review is conducted for all projects on

which the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) are finalized by CDOT or its

consultants. Prior to the Final Office Review, the Resident Engineer should ensure that

all variances have been approved (See Section 2.05).

Design Bulletin 2009-5 Project Special Provisions summarizes CDOT policies regarding

use of new or revised project special provisions on CDOT construction projects.

The Resident Engineer leads the project design team. A design team consists of

individuals from various CDOT work units, consultants and entities. The principal

responsibility of the Resident Engineer is to ensure that the important objectives (e.g.,

schedule, budget, scoping, design, and quality are successfully accomplished.

1. Final Office Review documents shall consist of the following plan package:

a. Plans and specifications

i. Complete project plans containing all necessary tabulations and details required for construction.

ii. All special provisions necessary for the project, current as of the date of the Final Office Review.

b. Cost Estimate (not to be distributed except as described below) An updated cost estimate of all finalized plan quantities, including planned force account work and other items chargeable to the project such as design, right of way, utilities, construction engineering, and indirect costs.

2. Procedure

a. Initiation of the Final Office Review The Final Office Review will be initiated, scheduled and conducted by the Resident Engineer. The Final Office Review will be held in the office most convenient to the majority of the attendees, as determined by the Resident Engineer.

b. Distribution of the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate package. Copies of the plans and special provisions will be distributed by the Resident Engineer at least seven days, but preferably 14 days, in advance of the Final Office Review. The distribution of any preliminary cost estimate is rigidly controlled and will be distributed only in accordance with CDOT Procedural Directive 511.1, Security and Confidentiality of the Engineer’s Detailed Estimate.

January 31, 2013 (Revised October 2015) Project Development Process



If the project is a FHWA Project of Division Interest (PoDI), send the PS&E package to your FHWA Area Engineer for review at least two weeks prior to starting the Form 1180 approval process. The PS&E package must be sent to FHWA in paper format.

After the final Plans, Specifications and Estimate are reviewed and all requirements of federal and state regulations have been met the Resident Engineer initiates Form 1180 (Standards Certification and Project Plans, Specifications and Estimate Approval) in SAP in order to obligate the construction phase and obtain approval to advertise the project. The Resident Engineer cannot initiate the Form 1180 until the final Form 463 and Form 859 have been approved by the Program Engineer and, for Categorical Exclusion projects, the Form 128 has been finalized and approved by the Region Environmental Manager.

Obligation: SAP Steps:

1. ZJ14 – Form 463 – Finalize 2. ZJ17 – Form 128 – Environmental Manager

3. Update Trns*port funding to match SAP funding

4. ZJ23 – Initiate Form 1180

5. ZJ30 – Track Form 1180 progress

6. ME51N – Create a Purchase Requisition for Construction

Construction Estimate in Trns*port reviewed by CDOT Cost Estimating has to be within 10 percent of the Construction funds budgeted.

1. If the estimate is 10% over the budget, then additional funds must be added to the project before it can be advertised. Be aware this may take up to 2-3 months depending if a STIP amendment is required.

2. If the estimate is 10% less than the budget, then funds need to be de-budgeted to ensure the budget is not more than 10% over the estimate.

Authorization is requested from FHWA once OFMB receives:

1. Final Form 463 (Design Data)

2. Form 1180 workflow (Standards Certification and Project Plans, Specifications and Estimate Approval)

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 (Revised October 2015)


3. An approved Form 128 (Environmental Categorical Exclusion Determination) from the region.

These forms should be submitted to OFMB at least 7-10 days prior to the scheduled advertisement date to allow adequate time for OFMB/FHWA to process the authorization request. Therefore the start of the Form 1180 workflow should be timed adequately before the planned advertisement date.

The Region Program Engineer will certify on Form 1180 that appropriate design and safety standards have been met, and approve the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate package by approving the Form 1180 in SAP.

The Region Business Manager will certify on Form 1180 in SAP that funds are available to advertise the project. With the Region’s approval, projects may be advertised with budget deficits up to 10 percent (based on Transportation Commission budget plus planned action versus Engineer's Estimate). For projects with deficits greater than 10 percent, the clearance indicates approval by the Region Transportation Director and notification of the Chief Engineer. Deficits greater than 15 percent may delay the advertisement of the project because of required Transportation Commission action.

The Form 1180 will then be forwarded in SAP to OFMB (Office of Financial Management and Budget). The Resident Engineer is responsible for forwarding the Form 463, current cost estimate and Form 128 (if applicable) to OFMB.

When OFMB receives the completed Form 1180 and all of the associated documents, they will approve the budget for advertisement (if only state funds are used), or will forward the package to FHWA for obligation and authorization of Federal Funds.

A federal aid construction project will not be advertised for bids until the construction phase obligation/authorization has been received from FHWA In those instances where a project does not include any federal funding final approval of the budget action constitutes authorization to proceed with advertisement.

Once the Construction phase is authorized by FHWA, the FHWA authorization date can be found in SAP using transaction ZJ40 or CJ20N.

After FHWA has obligated and authorized the Federal Funds, they will respond to OFMB. OFMB will, in turn, authorize the budget for advertisement.

January 31, 2013 (Revised October 2015) Project Development Process


To determine whether a project has received FHWA authorization, log into SAP (CJ20N). If the project has received FHWA authorization, the date it was approved will appear in the “FHWA Agreement Date” field in the CJ20N User fields.

NOTE: 23 CFR Part 630.106 specifies that federal funds shall not be used (participating) for costs incurred prior to the dates of obligation and authorization.

Federal Highway Administration authorization is not required for non-federal-aid projects. See Section 1.03 and Section 1.04 of this manual for an explanation of when charges can be made against a project.

Additional References: 1. 23 CFR Part 625, Design Standards for Highways, and Part 630B, Plans,

Specifications and Estimates 2. 23 USC 106, Project Approval and Oversight 3. CDOT Procedural Directive, 512.1, Project Scoping and Design Scoping Review

(DSR) 4. 23 CFR Part 630A, Federal-Aid Project Authorization 5. For forms, see CDOT on-line forms library


Project Development Process January 31, 2013



After the project is authorized by OFMB for advertisement, the Resident Engineer will create a Purchase Requisition (PR) in SAP. The PR is generally a request to encumber the funds and advertise the project. It also will serve as a preliminary budget check to ensure the project has adequate funds for advertisement in the construction phase.

The Resident Engineer will create the PR using transaction code ME51N.

For a standard CDOT project, please use the attached Resource guide with the proper instruction on how to fill out a PR for a standard CDOT funded project.

Link to ME51N – Create a Construction Project PR Resource guide

ME51N - Federally Funded Construction


PRs for Bridge Enterprise or Tolling Enterprise projects will need to be created differently and instruction for those PRs are attached as a reference below.

After you have saved the PR, you’ll need to record the PR number for future reference. First you will need to send the PR number to both the Program Engineer and the Business Office and request that they approve (aka release) the PR in SAP. This release must be completed prior to the project getting advertised. The PR information will also be required on the request advertise letter that will be sent to the Construction Contracts Unit on the *HQ-CU/Construction Contracts Unit distribution list.

For federally funded projects, the Purchase Requisition should not be started until the “FHWA Agreement Date” has been received. SAP will not allow the completion of the Purchase Requisition on a federally funded project unless the federal approval and obligation are complete. These requirements are based on 23CFR 630.106 which states that federal funds shall not be used for costs incurred prior to the date of obligation and agreement. See Figure 2-3.

January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015] Project Development Process



The following procedure and format are to be followed for all plan Revisions Under Advertisement.

2.34.01 Instructions to Complete PS&E Revisions Under Advertisement Revision to Bid Documents

The process to revise the Bid Proposal is defined in the Web Trnsport PreConstruction User Handout, located on the Trnsport website at:

http://internal/trnsapps Revision to Project Special Provisions

If there are any changes to the Project Special Provisions or Standard Special Provisions, prepare a revised index to reflect the changes.

Add a side bar to identify changes. (This can be completed either with Track Changes or using the Paragraph Tool Bar – Table Left Border).

NOTE: It is easiest to revise a spec with track changes by creating a new document, copying in the text of the spec from the original document and then begin editing. The new document shall have the same format as the original specs. Using section breaks (next page) instead of page breaks helps with the page numbering. With section breaks, you can break the link between pages with the “Link to Previous” command in the Header/Footer box. Track Change Options: Insertions (None), Deletions (Hidden), Formatting (None), Change Lines (Left Border), Balloons (Never).

Numbering of Pages – Project Special Provisions The lower case letter indicates the revision number 1a Revision No. 1 under advertisement (Index page) 13b Revision No. 2 under advertisement 28c Revision No. 3 under advertisement An upper case letter indicates that the page is being added. 13Ba

Example: Revised page 13 (no added pages). The numbering of the special provision under Revision No. 1 is 13a.

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015]


Example: Page 32 was originally a one-page special provision. After advertisement this special provision needed to be expanded to include more detail and ended up being five pages. The numbering of the special provision under Revision No. 1 is 32a, 32Aa, 32Ba, 32Ca, 32Da.

Note: Specifications added to project by Revision Under Ad shall be added to the end of the spec package without increasing the original page numbering.

Example: The original spec package ends with Page 50. A ten page SWMP spec is added by Revision Under Ad. The page numbering would be as follows if the original Page 50 is not to be revised during this revision: 50Aa-50Ja. If another three page spec is added, the numbering is as follows: 50Ka-50Ma.

Deleted specifications by Revision Under Ad shall remain in the spec package with a “DELETED” dark diagonal watermark over the original text. Deleted specifications shall remain in the Project Special Provisions Index with a strikethrough the title of the text and (Deleted) following the title with the revised page number identified.

Example: The original spec package contains page 19. That page is being deleted by the first Revision Under Ad. The new page would be numbered 19a with the revision date and have a large text watermark imposed under the existing specification text. The watermark text would be the word “DELETED”. Select the diagonal layout and make sure to uncheck the “Semitransparent” box. Select color as automatic (black). In Microsoft Word, the Printed Watermark option is found at Page Layout/Page Background Toolbar. In the Project Special Provisions Index, the title of original specification would remain with a strikethrough and (Deleted) following the title with the revised page number identified, in this case 19a. Revision to Standard Special Provisions

Should a Standard Special provision need to be updated with a more current one, use the date that the Standard Special was approved for use by the Specification Committee in the date column on the revised index . The latest Standard Special Provision will be identified by the date in the upper right hand corner of the each page. If a Standard Special Provision is deleted, the Index should include the title of the original specification with a strikethrough the title with Deleted in parentheses following the title with the revised page number identified, in this case 19a.

January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015] Project Development Process

2-119 Revision to Plan Sheets

The Title Page (also identified as plan sheet 1) will be included with each Revision where plan pages are added, revised or deleted. Fill out the block in the border to identify the Date, Comments (what is being revised) and Initials of the Engineer of Record.

Sheets Revisions Date Comments Initials

The Index of Sheets on the Title Page (also identified as plan sheet 1) shall include a Revision number symbol next to the revised sheets.

An added plan sheet will be inserted in the plans in the most logical location. 12A Added plan sheet after sheet 12 and before 13.

The plan sheet numbers will not be revised when a plan sheet is replaced or deleted. The Sheet Revision block will reflect the change.

If text is to be deleted, the text shall remain with a strikethrough.

Use Revision Under Advertisement Revision No. to identify when the revision is made. Example: R-1 noted next to a change indicates this change was made with Revision Under Advertisement No. 1 documents.

NOTE: Optional - For extra attention and possible ease in identifying the revision, use a “revision cloud” around the change. Evaluate the impact of the revision cloud to the overall clarity of the sheet. Use at designers discretion.

2.34.02 Documentation for PS&E Revisions Under Advertisement

All revision packages are to be submitted to the Printing and Visual Communications Center (VCC) at least 10 days prior to the scheduled bid opening date. Revisions submitted later will result in a deferred bid opening. The package to the Printing Center will include the revision letter and all revised sheets. Additionally, an e-mail distribution of

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015]


the revision letter must be made concurrently with or prior to the submittal to the VCC. These steps must be followed to ensure that key processes are initiated.

Address the actual revision letter to “All Holders of Plans for Project No. ____________.” The Revision No. should be listed under “Subject.” (All bidders are to acknowledge receipt of the revision in their submitted bid proposals.) Include the following recipients at the bottom of the letter for hard copy distribution:

FHWA, Colo. F/A Division Operations Engr. (if FHWA has project oversight) Individuals listed in the most current *CU_HQ/construction Contracts distribution list Duran/Stiller, Printing Center M. Pyle, Bid Plans R. Liljenberg, Business Programs M. Gray, Constr. Contracts S. Yu, Cost Estimating Central Files

Project Manager Resident Engineer

The “Subject” for the e-mail cover letter should note "Revision No. _____ Project No._____" All the standard non-regional recipients have been consolidated in a distribution list called "HQ-CU/Construction". The current names in this list are shown for information only.

Alvaro Duran Bid Plans Jack Stiller Kyle Dilbert Tracie Benton Marci Gray

= *HQ-CU/Construction

Region Transp. Dir. Program Engineer

All non-regional distribution instructions must be followed exactly. The intra-regional distributions are based on a consensus taken from all the regions and may be modified as the Region directs.

January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015] Project Development Process


The revision letter shall include the following in the order specified:

1. Reasons for Revision. List the reasons for the need to revise the project plans and specs in order to enhance newly required reporting needs. Check as many reasons as may apply for each revision. There are eight potential categories from which to choose:

a. Plan or specification correction, b. commencement or completion of work time change, c. biddable quantity change, d. addition or deletion of specs, e. addition or deletion of plan sheets, f. new Davis Bacon wage rates, g. funding availability, h. other (explain)

2. Bid Proposal Indicate whether there are any changes to the bid proposal (or schedule). If there are, state that the revised schedule (for those not using EBS) or EBS amendment must be used (see example).

3. Project Special Provisions List page numbers with titles and brief descriptions for each revised special provision.

4. Standard Special Provisions List titles, dates, number of pages, and brief description of change.

5. Plan Sheets List sheet numbers with description of revision. The Title Sheet must always be revised when any plan revision occurs. The Resident Engineer must verify that the Title Sheet has been revised.

6. Date Explicitly state the date of the bid opening and whether it has changed. Do not make vague statements, such as, “At the time previously advertised.” If the project has been deferred, call attention to the revised EBS file (see example text).

7. FHWA Approval If the project has FHWA oversight, identify FHWA engineer who approved the revision.

8. Authorization Indicate who is authorizing the revision and the Region. All revisions must be authorized by someone at or above the Professional Engineer II level. A signature is not required.

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015]


IMPORTANT: If significant plan quantity errors become known, it is mandatory to issue a revision. In the past, there have been some incidents when the Region went forward with the intent to deal with the errors “in the field.” This is not permissible because it creates distortions in the bidding process that cannot be administered fairly.

NOTE: If a revision adds Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation to a project, the Bid Plans Room must be instructed to include the Form 714, Underutilized DBE Bid Conditions Assurance, “Note on DBE %” with the package sent to plan holders and add these forms to all new sets that are sold.

The Resident Engineer should attempt to minimize revisions by reviewing all plans and specifications carefully prior to advertisement. If there are any questions on this process, please contact Marci Gray in Contracts and Market Analysis at (303) 757-9006.

EXAMPLE OF REVISION REQUEST E-MAIL: Date: From: (Automatically filled in by Email) Dept: Tel No: TO: See Below Subject: Revision No. 1 HB 9999-999 Please find attached the following revision letter for Project _________. Distribution:

*HQ-CU/Construction contracts |

Which may include the following individuals but the distribution list is kept up to date and should be used over the list below. TO: Bid Plans @DHQ TO: Duran, Alvaro @DHQ TO: Stiller, Jack @DHQ TO: Gray, Marci @DHQ TO: Dilbert, Kyle @DHQ TO: Benton, Tracie @DHQ CC: RTD CC: Program Engineer

January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015] Project Development Process



[Project Name, i.e. HB 9999-999] [SAP #, i.e. 10000] SH 99, North of the Big Hole DATE: [Current Date] TO: All Holders of Plans for Project No. {HB 9999-999} SUBJECT: Revision No. [1, 2, or 3, etc.] (to be acknowledged in all bid proposals) Reason(s) for Revision _____Plan or Spec Correction ______Commencement or completion time change _____Biddable quantity changes ______ Add or delete specs _____Add or delete plan sheet ______ New Davis Bacon wage rates _____Funding availability ______Other (explain)_____________________________ Bid Proposal: Revised Schedule. Prospective bidders not using EBS must submit their bids on the revised schedule dated (Revision Date) or the bid will be rejected. For EBS use the Amendment posted on the CDOT web site. OR No revisions to Schedule Project Special Provisions: Pages 1a and 2a: Revised Index Page 16a: Added Cross Sections Pages 50-56: Deleted Section 253-Asbestos Containing Material Management ...etc OR N/A Standard Special Provisions: Page 3a: Revised Date on Standard Special Provision R.O.S. 106-Quality Of Hot Bituminous Pavement (Nov. 7, 1996) ...etc OR N/A Plan Sheets: Sheet 1: Updated Revision Block Sheet 8: Deleted Item and Revised Quantity Sheet 10: Added Item Sheet 12: Deleted Item

Project Development Process January 31, 2013 [Revised October 2015]


Sheet 21: Changed Note ...etc OR N/A It is requested that you substitute the enclosed revisions in your copy of plan documents and destroy those sheets superseded by this transmittal. The Department will open bids for this project on (Bid Opening Date) as previously advertised. OR The Department has delayed the bid opening __ weeks for this project. Bids will be opened on (Bid Opening Date). A new EBS file has been posted on the web to correspond to the revised bid opening date. Bidders using EBS must use the new file. If FHWA Oversight: This revision has been approved by ___________________, FHWA Colorado Federal Aid Division Operations Engineer. This revision is authorized by (PE II authorizing Revision).

cc: FHWA, Colo F/A Division Operations Engr.(If FHWA Oversight) Stiller/Duran, Printing Center J. Justiniano, Bid Plans R. Liljenberg, Business Programs M. Gray, Constr. Contracts S. Yu, Cost Estimating Central Files Project Manager Resident Engineer



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August 25, 2014 Project Development Process



If the Residency chooses, the Residency can require potential bidders to attend a

CDOT information meeting while a project is under Advertisement. The primary

reasons for requiring such a meeting should be focused on risk associated with CDOT,

the Contractor, or a third party. There may be one large aspect which is difficult to

understand or explain through the contract documents, or there may be multiple smaller

aspects warranting pre-bid discussion. Some examples of reasons would be items

such as:

1. A particularly difficult to execute or understandable phasing plan.

2. A challenging work environment (work in the mountains, over a river, hazardous

materials, etc.).

3. A new or unique bridge design. Perhaps with some new bridge type or


4. A new, long, or complicated specification.

5. A new or unique project delivery method such as Design Build and CMGC.

In the event the design team feels a mandatory Pre-bid Conference is warranted, the

following are required:

1. Include in the specification package the appropriate Project Special Provision

Worksheet titled Notice to Bidders or Notice to Bidders – Signature Project.

Modify the specification, as stated in the instructions, to require a mandatory pre-

bid meeting.

2. List who from the company should attend in the Notice to Bidders.

3. Have every individual attending the meeting sign in with their name (print and

sign), the company they are employed by, and their title with the company.

4. The design team should have a presentation prepared and present to the

potential bidders the specifics of the items warranting the meeting. The

presentation should include a statement that questions asked during the meeting

may be shared in the Form 1389 - Project Showing Question and Answer


5. CDOT should have a person recording meeting minutes. The meeting minutes

will become part of the project file. Questions from the contractors that are

answered should be written down and included in the Form 1389 - Project

Showing Question and Answer Details for the project.

Project Development Process August 25, 2014


May 4, 2015 Project Development Process



2.39.01 Over Budget Less Than Ten Percent

If the project has a final total cost estimate from the Cost Estimating Unit less than ten

percent over Commission Budget or Project Budget, the Program Engineers have the

option of going to advertisement over budget, or deciding to cut back the project before

advertisement and then add work back in if lower than expected bids are received and a

request to retain bid surplus funds is made as described in the Construction Manual

Section 103.5 and the Project Development Manual Section 2.36.

Guidelines to Cut Back Projects Before Going to Ad:

1. Get all clearances for the original length of work and show original length of work

on plans.

2. The Region Civil Rights Office (CRO) will review the original project estimate and

any subsequent cut back project estimates for establishing DBE goals, and take

into consideration any differences, before determining the final Contract DBE

Goal for the project.

3. Instead of deleting portions of the plans, line out items on the plans and

tabulations which were in areas cut back or eliminated from the work. Other

options such as separate tabs or clearly identified footnotes are also acceptable.

Add notes on the plans at each location cut back that “Work may be added if

funds become available”. This ensures that all bidders are aware at the time of

bid that work may be added in later. Lined out items should be work similar to the

work in the remainder of the plans. The Region must submit a request to retain

funds as per Construction Manual Section 103.5 and the Project Development

Manual Section 2.36. This request should document that cut back locations and

items were clear on the plans, and the note about work being added if funds

become available was in the plans.

4. If work is added to the Contract, the bid schedule, revised to include the

proposed added work, will need to be analyzed for material unbalancing

according to subsection 102.07(5). The Engineering Estimates Unit will perform

the material unbalancing analysis using the additional quantities shown on the

plans. If material unbalancing is detected, the proposed added work will not be


Project Development Process May 4, 2015


5. If work is added to the Contract, that work will be added by Change Order. The

Change Order shall include all items of work to be modified or added for the

additional work. The Region CRO will be advised of any change order adding

work to a project when a contract is awarded under a GFE process.

6. Project extensions at a later date are highly discouraged. If pursued, project

extensions must meet the criteria laid out in the Construction Manual, Section

2.39.02 Over Budget Ten Percent or Greater

If the project has a final total cost estimate from the Cost Estimating Unit that is ten

percent or greater over the Commission Budget or Project Budget, then

The RTD may approve the option to reduce the Project Scope to fit within budget.


The RTD may seek approval (Commission, MPO, or transfer funds as appropriate) to

amend the budget.


The Region shall prepare a set of plans with multiple schedules. Contractors would be

required to submit a bid for each of the multiple schedules:

1. Schedule A would be for the entire original project.

2. Schedule B would be for the project after project reductions are identified and


3. Schedule C (if used) would be for a third, even smaller, project when bids are


4. Include the project special provision, Multiple Bid Schedules, to identify that the

project has multiple schedules.

5. The maximum estimate spread between schedules should be fifteen percent for

two schedules, or thirty percent for three schedules. Greater deviations must be

approved by the Chief Engineer before advertisement. The minimum estimate

spread between schedules should be five percent. Do not use more than three


May 4, 2015 Project Development Process


6. The Region CRO must be specifically advised that there will be multiple

schedules advertised when a DBE goal is requested. Contract DBE Goals shall

be established by the Region Civil Rights Office for each of the different

schedules. These goals may or may not be the same. Examples of multiple

schedule projects:

a. Overlay project with bid schedules for 2 miles and 2.5 miles

b. Bridge project with and without landscaping

c. Shouldering project with embankment only and with surfacing included

Award Procedure when the “Multiple Schedules” process is used: Prior to the bid

opening, the Design Project Manager must contact the Engineering Estimates Manager

(303-757-9293) and the Award Officer (303-757-9297) to determine the highest bid that

would meet the Project or Commission Budget. This bid amount will be considered the

Maximum Acceptable Bid. For Example:

1. The Project or Commission Budget minus Force Account, MCR, CE, PE, ROW,

Utilities and all other non-bid items = Maximum Acceptable Bid.

2. This Maximum Acceptable Bid will be announced immediately prior to bid


If a bidder does not bid on all schedules, his bids will be rejected and set aside.

At the bid opening, the maximum acceptable bid will be announced. Then the total bid

will be read for the smallest schedule (Schedule B or C) for each bidder. After all bids

for the smallest schedule have been opened and read, the apparent low bidder for that

schedule will be announced. Then, if one or more bids on the next larger schedule

(Schedule A or B) is at or less than the maximum acceptable bid, then the bids for that

schedule will be read for each bidder and the apparent low bidder for that schedule

announced. Then, if one or more bids on the largest schedule (Schedule A) is at or less

than the maximum acceptable bid, the bids for that schedule will be read for each bidder

and the apparent low bidder for that schedule announced. Bids will be read only for the

smallest schedule if none of the bid schedules receives a bid at or less than the

maximum acceptable bid. The project selection process shall use the following

guidelines unless otherwise established in the project special provisions:

1. If only the smallest schedule receives one or more bids at or under the Maximum

Acceptable Bid, select the low bid for that schedule.

Project Development Process May 29, 2015


2. If the low bid for the smallest schedule is over the Maximum Acceptable Bid, but

results in a total cost less than 110 percent of the Project or Commission Budget,

select the low bid for that schedule.

3. If the low bid for the smallest schedule is over the Maximum Acceptable Bid, and

results in a total cost greater than 110 percent of the Project or Commission

Budget, pursue either Commission Action or other appropriate means to

supplement the funding. Appropriate means to supplement the budget are

described in Section 1.04.03 of the Project Development Manual. Otherwise,

adjust and re-advertise the project.

4. If two or more schedules receive one or more bids at or under the Maximum

Acceptable Bid, select the low bid for the larger schedule.

Transport Note — When using Multiple Schedules and requiring the contractors

to bid on all of the schedules, separate Prime Projects must be set up in

Transport e.g. 14980A, 14980B, and 14980C.

Projects which use multiple bid schedules as described above must include the

following special provisions:

1. Multiple Bid Schedules based on the work sheet found at the Innovative Contract

Provisions web page listed below.

2. Commencement and Completion of Work based on the appropriate one of the

three work sheets found at the Innovative Contract Provisions web page listed


The Innovative Contract Provisions web page is found at:



Revised December 18, 2014 Traffic



The controlling federal document for designing roadway signage is the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). In some cases, deviations from the standards set forth in the MUTCD are allowed on the basis of engineering judgment.

The MUTCD contains two basic types of statements, Standard statements and Guidance statements. Standard statements contain the word “shall” and are considered mandatory. Guidance statements contain the word “should” and are considered suggestions. Under certain circumstances, a Project Engineer may deviate from a Standard statement based on engineering judgment.

However, deviations may be allowed only if the deviation is location or site-specific. For example, a Project Engineer may use engineering judgment to justify specifying narrower signs in the median of a specific portion of a project where signs of standard width would protrude into the travel lane. The Project Engineer would only need to document the reasons in the project files to justify the decision.

Any deviation using engineering judgment can affect only a specific area of the project; deviations from the MUTCD standard cannot be made on a project, corridor, area, or statewide basis. For example, a Project Engineer cannot use engineering judgment to justify using unique sign layouts on a corridor project, because the decision could have corridor, region, or statewide implications. Instead, to make changes on a project-wide basis, the Project Engineer could make use of one of the MUTCD requests:

1. Request for Interpretation

2. Request for Permission to Experiment

3. Request for Interim Approval

4. Request for Change

A request for interpretation involves asking FHWA to render an official opinion on the application and operation of standard traffic control devices, official meanings of standard traffic control devices, or the variations from standard device designs.

A request for permission to experiment involves asking FHWA’s permission to field test or evaluate a new traffic control device, its application or manner of use, or a provision not specifically described in the MUTCD.

Traffic Revised December 18, 2014


A request for interim approval involves asking FHWA for interim use, pending official rulemaking, of a new traffic control device, a revision to the application or manner of use of an existing traffic control device, or a provision not specifically described in the MUTCD. However, any other jurisdiction that desires to use a traffic control device for which FHWA has issued an interim approval must still request permission from FHWA.

A request for change involves asking FHWA to consider use of a new device to replace a present standard device, an additional device to be added to the list of standard devices, or a revision to a traffic control device application or placement criteria.

All requests must be submitted to the FHWA Office of Transportation Operations MUTCD team for consideration (see MUTCD Section 1A.10 for details). All CDOT requests should be developed with the assistance of the appropriate Region Traffic Engineer or the Staff Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch’s Traffic Engineering Support / Specs & Standards Unit.

Requests submitted by local entities in Colorado do not require CDOT approval or involvement. However, FHWA does provide the CDOT Traffic Specifications & Standards Engineer with a copy of the local entity’s request and FHWA’s reply. CDOT Region personnel who become aware of a pending request by a local entity should inform the appropriate Region Traffic Engineer, as well as the State Traffic Engineer, to ensure CDOT is informed of the request.

Should you have any questions, or should you require assistance in submitting a request, contact the Safety and Traffic Engineering Branch.

Additional References: 1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD)

New January 21, 2016 Traffic



Beginning January 1, 2016 all projects with a Design Scoping Review on or after February 1, 2016 will require a Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Evaluation.

The TSM&O Evaluation is an evaluation that consists of three parts, a Safety Analysis, an Operations Analysis, and an ITS Analysis. The purpose of the TSM&O Evaluation will be to evaluate the project area and make recommendations to the project team for improvements related to safety and mobility to the project.

To initiate the TSM&O Evaluation, the Project Manager will take the following steps.

Create the TSM&O Evaluation milestone in SAP when project is initiated. See SAP Workflow 1 in the guidance document on the CDOT website (https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/bulletins_manuals/adg). See Design Bulletin 2014-3 Milestone Dates in SAP Project Builder (CJ20N) (https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/bulletins_manuals/design-bulletins/db-2014-3/view) February 10, 2014 for more information on entering milestones in SAP CJ20N.

Prepare the TSM&O Evaluation Request form at the beginning of the Pre-Scoping phase of the project by entering the project information in the request form at the following link:


Email the request form to Region Traffic contacts and ITS as indicated on the webpage.

Fill out the Form 1048 section 4.12 ”Transportation Systems Management and Operations Evaluation”.

The evaluation will be coordinated and conducted by a Region Traffic Representative (RTR) assigned to the project, and provided to the Project Manager before the Field Inspection Review (FIR). In the case of a project incorporating new ITS devices or more complex projects, HQ TSM&O will provide additional support to the Regions.

Traffic New January 21, 2016


4.12.01 Background

The TSM&O Reorganization Report of May 2013 recommended that all CDOT projects conduct an operational analysis to ensure improved systematic and integrated delivery of statewide operations. Per federal regulations, the FHWA-CDOT Stewardship Agreement, and CDOT policy, CDOT is required to conduct safety analyses and ITS systems engineering analyses as applicable on CDOT Projects. The TSM&O Evaluation combines all these analyses – safety, operational, and ITS systems engineering – into one coordinated process to ensure that every CDOT project is considering improvements for the safety and efficiency of the travelling public.

Another purpose of the TSM&O Evaluation is to enhance regional partnerships that support collaborative investment and implementation of TSM&O strategies that benefit the Region and its stakeholders. This requires collaborative investment by Maintenance, Access, Regions, Operations, Safety, ITS, FHWA, and other stakeholders to identify and consider operational strategies for implementation early in the project lifecycle. This will help provide the ability to implement new or additional operational strategies at the opportune time during the project lifecycle. Additionally, the TSM&O Evaluation creates enhanced opportunities to provide safety improvements, accountability to stakeholders, increased ability to document and reference lessons learned, and streamline business processes while providing increased system reliability.

4.12.02 Operations Definition

Operations at CDOT refers to a number of innovations and strategies used to improve the volume and flow of traffic to maximize the efficiency and benefit/cost of our roadways. These strategies include the use of traffic control devices, use of shoulders, narrow lanes, variable speed, traffic incident management, quick clearance, adaptive and efficient signal timing, traffic control, demand management (metering), appropriate and pertinent speeds, alternative and innovative intersections, and coordinated work and response efforts. CDOT is committed to improving system operations and safety and is implementing this formal process, the TSM&O Evaluation, to build these strategies into CDOT’s roadway projects.

New January 21, 2016 Traffic


4.12.03 Roles and Responsibilities Project Manager

To the Project Manager this process will look somewhat similar to the current process for the Safety Assessment Report, whereby the Project Manager requests an evaluation, receives a completed TSM&O evaluation from the Regional Traffic Representative and considers recommendations that can be integrated into the scope of the project. The Project Manager will be responsible for assuring that an associated milestone is created in SAP CJ20N, coordinating with the RTR for status of the TSM&O Evaluation process, and discussing recommendations for implementation with his/her Resident Engineer. Region Traffic Representative 

The Region Traffic Representative (RTR) referred to in the process is the traffic engineer assigned to the project being evaluated. The RTR is the single point of coordination for the TSM&O Evaluation for the project. In this role, the RTR completes the Level 1 Safety and Operations Analyses and requests that the TSM&O Support Groups complete the Level 2 Analysis when required. The RTR also provides support to the Project Manager and coordinates and consolidates the key recommendations of the Evaluation from the TSM&O support groups, Safety, Operations and ITS. The RTR will be the lead for documenting recommendations from the Safety, Operations and ITS reports implemented into the project design. See Exhibit 1 and Table 1 in the guidance document on the CDOT website (https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/bulletins_manuals/adg). TSM&O Support Groups 

The TSM&O support group consists of HQ Traffic, Safety, Operations and ITS. Each specialty is responsible for providing detailed analysis and recommendations for each of their respective disciplines. The TSM&O Support Group will coordinate directly with the RTR’s. The TSM&O Support Groups will also be responsible for reviewing and following up with the regions on the overall effectiveness of the process.

4.12.04 Additional References: 1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) 2. Design Bulletin DB 2014-3 Milestone Dates in SAP Project Builder (CJ20N) 3. Design Bulletin DB 2016-1 TSM&O Evaluations

Traffic New January 21, 2016


[This page intentionally left blank.]

October 22, 2014 Right of Way and Utilities


railroad. The business office should pay all invoices as quickly as possible to avoid late

fees. There have been instances where unpaid invoices in one Region impacted the

approval of projects in another Region.

Railroad flagging requirements, for both preconstruction and construction phases, are

complex. Please contact the CDOT Railroad Program Coordinator for the current

estimated rate, documentation, and scheduling procedures.


1. Early coordination with the railroad company and with the RPM is critical since it may take up to a year or more to obtain clearances and a written agreement.

2. Projects which have undergone railroad plan review and then are later “shelved” should NOT be assumed to be ready for AD just because the plans were reviewed and approved. Typically a second review process by the railroad is required to verify that no changes were made.

3. Very often, especially in rural areas, the railroad will have existing signal lines attached to poles adjacent to the tracks. When these lines follow the tracks under a highway structure the demolition of the structure will require the lines be either moved or buried prior to the commencement of work. This will require scheduling by the railroad and can take as long as 18 months to accomplish. Recognition of this situation is therefore of prime importance.

4. For projects that eliminate an at-grade crossing, the railroad may be required to pay 5% of the theoretical structure. The Resident Engineer should work with the RPM on when this should be pursued with the railroads.


For projects that affect drainage upstream from a railroad, there are special


1. The railroad should be notified as early as possible (scoping phase);

2. The hydraulics report should include, at a minimum, cross-referenced locations, i.e., both highway and railroad mileposts, etc. The RPM can work with Hydraulics to provide this information.

3. The hydraulics report should also assess and evaluate downstream (i.e., railroad) flow impacts – if no material flow changes are expected it should clearly state this.


Prior to advertisement of any construction project, the Region Utility Engineer must

issue a Railroad Clearance in accordance with 23 CFR Part 635.309(b), Physical

Right of Way and Utilities October 22, 2014


Construction Authorization. This clearance certifies that impacts with the railroad

companies involved with the project have been addressed in the Plans, Specifications

and Estimate package or satisfactorily resolved. The Region Utilities Engineer

furnishes the FHWA, the Resident Engineer, or both with railroad clearance and

Railroad Requirements specification. The railroad clearance letter is directed to the

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on projects with FHWA oversight. On projects

where CDOT has oversight, the clearance letter is directed to the Resident Engineer.

The statement will be one of these types:

1. There is no railroad involvement within the limits of this project.

2. The railroad has no work on this project, but was notified and has approved the plans.

3. The railroad work on this project has been completed prior to the advertisement of the CDOT work.

4. The railroad work has been arranged to be undertaken and completed as required for proper coordination with the physical construction schedules of the CDOT project work.

Additional References:

1. 23 CFR Part 140I, Reimbursement for Railroad Work; Part 646A Railroad-Highway

Insurance Protection, and Part 646B, Railroad-Highway Projects

2. FHWA Railroad - Highway Grade Crossing Handbook

3. Joint BNSF/UP Guidelines for Grade Separation Projects

June 8, 2015 Additional Project Development Considerations


8.13 Context Sensitive Solutions

Incorporate Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) into your design processes. CSS is a

project development approach in which designers recognize and evaluate the affected

community’s values and objectives in relation to the design of the project. These

community values may be scenic, aesthetic, historic, environmental, etc. in nature.

Key elements of CSS (from NCHRP Report 480):

1. The project satisfies the purpose and needs as agreed to by a full range of stakeholders. This agreement is forged in the earliest phase of the project and amended as warranted as the project develops.

2. The project is a safe facility both for the use and the community.

3. The project is in harmony with the community and preserves environmental, scenic, aesthetic, historic, and natural resource values of the area.

4. The project exceeds the expectations of both the designers and stakeholders and achieves a level of excellence in people’s minds.

5. The project involves efficient and effective use of resources (such as time, budget, and community) of all involved parties.

6. The project is designed and built with minimal disruption to the community.

7. The project is seen as having added lasting value to the community.

CDOT’s design professionals determine which design solutions best fit, given the site’s

condition and context.

Additional References: 1. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 480

Additional Project Development Considerations January 31, 2013


May 13, 2016 Additional Project Development Considerations



The Resident Engineer or Project Manager needs to determine early in the design of a project whether the project is a good candidate for CDOT to provide 3D modeling information to Contractors. With this information Contractors can gain efficiencies in bidding the work. They can also gain efficiencies during construction by not needing as much staking and by providing the data directly to an automated machine or to a machine operator.

The Project Special Provision Revision of Section 102 Project Plans and Other Data is where the design team will modify the contract to let the Contractors know that CDOT will be providing 3D modeling electronic data for use during construction.

Criteria for consideration of whether a project would be a good candidate include the following:

1. Project needs to have a large amount of earthwork or paving,

2. A new alignment,

3. A CDOT approved existing topographic survey, or

4. A CDOT approved Project Control Diagram.

Conditions that limit or would exclude the use of providing 3D modeling data are:

1. Widening with narrow strip additions,

2. Designs, such as overlays, which are not based on an existing Digital Terrain Model (DTM),

3. Designs that do not exist in a 3D digital environment. (Overlay, write-up job or projects without survey data needed.),

4. Structures,

5. Intersections,

6. Projects that are under a tree canopy, in narrow canyons, or next to tall buildings that interfere with GNSS signals. (This limitation only applies when GNSS is used to position equipment.), or

7. Design difficulties that would prevent the creation of an accurate and complete DTM.

CDOT’s Standard Specifications Section 625 and 629, along with CDOT’s Survey Manual, provides specifications for control, preliminary, and construction surveys that shall be followed for any 3DECS performed for CDOT by CDOT surveyors, consultant, surveyors, or contractor surveyors.

Additional Project Development Considerations May 13, 2016



1. 3D Modeling Quality Assurance:

CDOT has developed a Quality Assurance document which serves as a guide to be used by the project team to carefully examine and perform quality checking on project data as the data is produced during each stage of the design phase of the project. This guide is available to CDOT staff to be implemented on all design projects using InRoads and specifically for 3D engineered modeling for construction projects. Please use the link below to access the document:


2. Data Density for 3D Engineered Models

Template Drop Intervals:

a. Everywhere along the alignment (Except complex design areas) - 10-foot intervals,

b. Complex design areas (Intersections, etc.) – one-foot intervals, c. Additional template drops should occur at:

i. Event Points defined in the horizontal alignment. ii. External Control Points - (Point Control, location where multiple corridors

interact, locations where the proposed alignment tie with the existing alignment, Parametric Constraint, template transition, superelevation transition stations, and End Condition Override Stations).

d. When generating cross sections, use the same interval, event points, and external control points that were used in Roadway Designer to model the design surface.

3. Electronic Deliverables:

a. LandXML files generated from the InRoads alg files (Proposed H&V), Existing dtm file, and the proposed dtm files.

Note: The creation of LandXML files is covered in Workflow IR 17 – Exporting A LandXML File

b. MicroStation dgn files containing proposed horizontal alignments, existing triangulated surface features, and proposed triangulated surface features.

May 13, 2016 Additional Project Development Considerations


c. AutoCAD dwg files converted from the above MicroStation files will also be provided.

d. Control diagram and file projection.

4. File Naming Convention: CADD Drawing Files (dgn/dwg)

a. Proposed Horizontal Alignment – JPC#DES_Alignment##.dgn b. Proposed Vertical Alignment - JPC#DES_Profile##.dgn c. Existing Surface Features - JPC#SURV_Topo##Scale##.dgn d. Proposed Surface Features - JPC#DES_Model##.dgn

Note: AutoCAD files use the same naming conventions with the dwg file extension replacing dgn.

5. Proposed Geometry:

a. InRoads alg file – JPC#DES_Descrption.alg - The description should be a brief version of the project description.

i. Horizontal Alignment – Route number_Usage. (i.e. SH75_Mainline, SH75_Rt Point Ctrl, Drive Stn 10+74 Lt, …)

ii. Vertical Alignment – Use the same as its parent horizontal alignment with a usage descriptor if more than one vertical is there.

6. Surfaces:

a. InRoads Design Surface - JPC#DES_Route Number-Usage.dtm (12345DES_SH75_Mainline, 12345DES_SH75_SW On Ramp,…)

i. In the event that there are multiple surfaces along a single route, Station extents should be included in the name (i.e. SH75_Mainline1+25-5+73).

b. InRoads Existing Surface – JPC#SURV_Existing##.dtm or the current ROW/Survey naming convention.

Additional Project Development Considerations May 13, 2016


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