2013 graduation celebration program

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2013 Samueli School of Engineering Graduation Celebration Program at University of California, Irvine


2013 GraduationCelebrationand Project Displays

Friday, June 14

University of California, IrvineEngineering Gateway Plaza

1965UCI first day of class

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

Welcometo the fourth annual Samueli School of Engineering Graduation Celebration featuring our senior students’ design projects. This year, we present 98 projects, including poster displays and demonstrations involving more than 500 students.

At the Samueli School, all of our engineering programs combine science, engineering fundamentals, design principles and application, culminating in a senior design project. Our graduating seniors are among the most competitive in the country and are workforce ready. They’ve received not only a rigorous academic education, but many have also received “hands-on” engineering design and research experience. Please take your time to browse the various projects that our students have worked hard on all year.

We are proud of this year’s graduating class accomplishments and wish them success in their future endeavors.

Thank you for sharing in this special occasion.

About The Order (excerpt from www.order-of-the-engineer.org)

The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer.

The first ceremony was held on June 4, 1970 at Cleveland State University. Since then, similar ceremonies have been held across the United States at which graduate and registered engineers are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer and a stainless steel ring. The ceremonies are conducted by Links (local sections) of the Order.

The Order is not a membership organization; there are never any meetings to attend or dues to pay. Instead, the Order fosters a unity of purpose and the honoring of one’s pledge lifelong.

The Obligation is a creed similar to the oath attributed to Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) that is generally taken by medical graduates and which sets forth an ethical code. The Obligation likewise, contains parts of the Canon of Ethics of major engineering societies. Initiates, as they accept it voluntarily, pledge to uphold the standards and dignity of the engineering profession and to serve humanity by making the best use of Earth’s precious wealth.

This afternoon’s schedule:

1:00 to 4:00 2:00 2:30 3:00

Project Displays Dean’s Recognition of Graduates

Order of the Engineer Ceremony

Cake and Refreshments

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

Student & VisitorRegistration

Order ofthe EngineerRegistration

Order of the Engineer (2:30pm


ean’s Presentation (2:00pm)

Formula Energy& Electric

InvitationalSteel Bridge& Concrete


Design Build Fly& Human

Powered AircraftCake & Refreshments (3:00pm)

Biomedical Engineering Projects

Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Projects

Civil and Environmental Engineering Projects

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Projects

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Projects

2013 STUDENT PROJECT DISPLAYS (1:00 - 4:00pm)

Student & VisitorRegistration

Order ofthe EngineerRegistration

Order of the Engineer (2:30pm


ean’s Presentation (2:00pm)

Formula Energy& Electric

InvitationalSteel Bridge& Concrete


Design Build Fly& Human

Powered AircraftCake & Refreshments (3:00pm)

Biomedical Engineering Projects

Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Projects

Civil and Environmental Engineering Projects

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Projects

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Projects

2013 STUDENT PROJECT DISPLAYS (1:00 - 4:00pm)

An App fOr AuTOmATed SCreeninG Of AOrTiC STenOSiSThis project aims to develop an iPhone/iPad or Android app that could aid in the diagnosis of aortic stenosis and provide necessary education around the disease and treatment guidelines. It would be a valuable tool for clinicians treating these patients. Students: Piyush Gupta, Mark Keating, Borna Khavari, Jigar Shah, Bakr Teebi mentor: Rita Birchard

ArTifiCiAl AnATOmiCAl BeATinG HeArT fOr THe TrAininG Of HeArT deviCeS This training model will be used to perform several cardiology procedures. The design and construction of this model will allow a greater understanding of the anatomical constraints of developing catheter-based devices for cardiology. Students: Joseph Gomez, Jin Kim, Stephen Lee, Timothy Macagba, Sohan Weeraratne mentor: Anthony Nobles

ASSiSTed WAlker The project idea was suggested by Mr. Andrew Ekelem, a T-11 paraplegic, who described a training device that relieves the patient’s arms when standing or walking. The device should help the user go from a sitting to standing position, and enable the user to focus on walking, not balancing him/herself. This multifaceted project includes the investigations of materials, design, safety, FDA, and consumer satisfaction issues. Students: Kristine Bonifacio, Michelle Sangalang, Kenny Tran, Eric Wilde, Kevin Yokota mentor: Glen Rabito

AuTOmATed miCrOfluidiC Hiv immunOASSAy plATfOrm fOr develOpinG nATiOnS Develop a portable, low-cost diagnostic device (MDchip Diagnostic Device) with the following design objectives: (1) portable diagnostic device suitable for use in developing countries, (2) targets diagnosis of HIV epidemic in a resource limited setting, (3) low-cost and high throughput performance, and (4) clear identification of positive and negative diagnosis. Students: Natasha Felsinger, Nigel Fernandez, Patrick Kahn, Huylong Ngo, Vlad Satchouk mentors: William Tang, Oladele Ogunseitan

CATHeTer-BASed SuTurinG deviCe The device will be used in cardiac surgery and cardiology and need to withstand sterilization and FDA and CE Mark testing levels for functionality and safety. Students: Maxwell Daly, Timothy Keo, Brianne Lucchesi, Ethan Parker, Abdullah Siddiqui, Phong Tran mentor: Anthony Nobles

CirCulATinG TumOr CellS deTeCTiOn SySTem The goal will be to design a complete device starting with sample collection, sample introduction into the device, CTC capture and detection and finally, the display of the results. Students: Burgwald Basey, Ji Hwang, Kevin Limtao, Andrea Navarro, Nika Nikbakht, Derya Yilmaz mentor: Brad Sargent

COmBininG TriAnGulATiOn And pATTerned infrAred illuminATiOn—THree-dimenSiOnAl vein imAGinG This imaging system will be applicable toward current medical device systems for implantation, atherosclerosis, and other medical applications. The imaging system should be able to accurately size and locate (coordinates) the veins being imaged. Students: Kathleen Mendoza, Leila Nazemi, Edgar Pena, Steven Serna mentor: David Yang, Abraham Lee, Bernard Choi

defleCTABle Tip GuideWire There is a need for a steerable guidewire that allows the physician to deflect the tip to allow vessel selection. MEMS components or other actuation technologies may be leveraged to create a controllable motion.Students: Ruben Alanis-Luu, Hanna Chang, Michael Kim, Saharat Pinyo, Christopher Yeung mentor: Chris Folk

develOpinG A pOrTABle, lOW-COST mAlAriA diAGnOSTiC plATfOrm Recent findings indicate that PLDH is present in the saliva of infected patients, making this target enzyme an ideal candidate biomarker without the need to draw and test blood. Students: Chase Davis, Priyanka Jain, Ryan Kwong, Katherine Lee, Eric Nguyen, Reaz Rahman mentors: William Tang, Oladele Ogunseitan

Department of Biomedical Engineering Projects

diSTAlly expAndinG CATHeTer fOr inCreASed iSCHemiC ClOT ASpirATiOn This project aims to develop a 3-D deflectable catheter that may either: (1) select vessels via catheter deflection, or (2) allow increased aspiration of clot in ischemic stroke cases by increasing the diameter of the distal section of the catheter. Students: Christian Crouzet, Urmila Janardan, Meghan Knight, Princeton Saroha, Daniel Youssef mentor: Chris Folk

fiTWell: “Be fiT, live Well” The project goal is to develop a platform that integrates off-the-shelf sensors into a portable device that provides regular monitor and recordings of multiple vital signs, interprets the results, and provides feedback and warning to the users. Students: John Lam, Michael Lum, Amanda Ngo, Tracey Tien, Jonathan Vo mentor: Bruce Sargeant

HOme-BASed SpASTiCiTy mOniTOrinG deviCe The goal of this project is to develop a custom-personalized device to automatically monitor spasticity in an at-home setting. Students: Brian Anderson, Brandon Chimits, Kevin Jalalipour, Kristen Macneal, Jacob Moebius mentor: David Reinkensmeyer

mAGneTiC BAllOOn reTrACTOr AuTOmATiC reTrACTiOn fOr lApArOSCOpiC SurGery “Magnetic balloon retractor” is a technology whereby you can deploy a small ferrous liquid filled balloon into the abdominal cavity, or into a target organ to act as a retraction target. Students: Parinaz Abiri, Alexandra Crampton, Anh La, Albert Liao, Nicole Mendoza mentor: Brad Sharp

OpTiCAl pHAnTOm fOr OCT imAGinG CAliBrATiOn This project aims to customize the geometry of a corneal phantom to suit current commercial applications. The ideal corneal phantom would be easily reproduced and more cost-effective than using cadaver eyes for performance testing. Students: Jonah-Micah Jocson, Ali Mansouri, Jason Merz, Erik Olson, Hamid Yaqubi mentor: Jeremy Dong

preSSure releASe AlerT SySTem fOr SpinAl COrd injury pATienTS A system which detects and warns SCI patients when they have neglected to perform a pressure release maneuver and also provides physicians with a summary of the patients’ pressure release habits to help reduce the incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers. Students: Stephanie Gonzales, Joshua Nguyen, Oluchi Okafor, Carine Todmia mentor: An Do

reAl Time pCr On A miCrOfluidiC Cd fOr pOinT Of CAre AppliCATiOnS The goal in the development of such μTAS devices is to design a disposable platform that combines multiple steps, such as for sample preparation, calibration, detection, or a number of other useful functions. Students: Seyed Khalessi Hosseini, Baolong Tien Nguyen, Kimberly Sarrisin mentor: Lawrence Kulinsky

SmArTpHOne AnAlyzer Of miCrOfluidiC AGGluTinATiOn Students need to deliver an optical detection component that will be integrated with a handheld analyzer that provides straightforward readouts from disposable assay devices. Students: Emma Gallarza, Jennifer Lee, Max Mao, Albert Truong mentor: Arlene Doria

diGiTAl HeAT: lArGe SCAle COOlinG SySTem And AppliCATiOnS On mOdern fACiliTieS Recycle heat waste from modern facilities, such as Microsoft data centers, as green energy resources. Students: Rachele Fiske, Paul Gabot, Jonathan Haydt, Marc Kryger, Joseph Lacasella, Peter Mac, Bogdan Rusu mentor: Gang Xu

mAx_pirin: ASpirin prOduCTiOn WiTH jOB SHOp/flOW SHOp SCHedulinG Apply Job Shop/Flow Shop scheduling technique in “aspirin” production line. Students: Iba Aguilar, Brian Bacho, Eric Cheng, Steven Lam, Long John Nguyen, Tiffany Yu-Ting Sun, Andrew Wang mentor: Gang Xu

SOlAr-pOWered AirplAne The project is to design, build and test a solar-powered airplane. Students: Alvin Cao, Joseph Cuevas, Christopher Gay, Kenny Miranda, Jonathan Wong mentor: Albert Yee

An independenT TWO-lAne expAnSiOn BridGe The objective of this project is to design an independent two-lane bridge constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete box girders in order to serve as an expansion for the existing bridge (Caltrans bridge #18 located in Devore, CA at the I-15 & I-215 junction). The goals of the design are to improve freeway operations, reduce accidents, and improve travel time along the corridor.Students: Ashley Coakley, Michelle Garcia, Eber Navarrete, Jacob Rhodes, Laura Rojas mentor: Ayman Mossalam

ATmOSpHeriC And GeOmOrpHiC reSeArCH CenTer The Atmospheric and Geomorphic Research Center (AGRC) explores the capability of integrating a building structure and artificial landforms to create optimum environments for energy generation. Students: Carter Cox, Gabrielle Custodio, Jefferson Du, Megan Kile, Michael Mah, Jesse Plasmyer mentor: Steve Bucknam

BuS rApid TrAnSiT SySTem The objective of this design project is to provide the residents of the city of Sacramento, CA, with a safe and efficient transportation alternative, at a fair cost to the consumers, by means of a bus rapid transit system (BRT).Students: Paulo Ayala, Daniel Bothwell, Tiffany Nguyen, Birgitta Ongawan, John Song mentor: Will Recker

CiTy Of BellflOWer muniCipAl WATer SySTem HiGH CApACiTy Well The city of Bellflower, CA, is planning to install a groundwater well in order to increase local water supply. The objective of this project is to provide a cost-effective design alternative to increase water supply and reduce the dependency on imported water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California.Students: Daniel Chien, Joshua Goldstein, Andrea Hernandez, Jonathan Kazarian, Nicholas Lowe mentor: Russ Detwiler

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Projects

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Projects

CiTy Of irvine inTerSeCTiOn imprOvemenTS Traffic study and geometric design of long-term improvements for the Jamboree Road and Main Street intersection located in the city of Irvine, CA. Students: Wilson Chan, Marichrisse Gabon, Ibrahim Hafeez, Leila Salehi, Sarah Tasnim, Amir Zahlan mentor: Jay Jayakrishnan

COnSTruCTiOn mAnAGemenT Of THe SAnd CAnyOn GrAde SepArATiOn prOjeCT This project will apply construction management techniques to evaluate design alternatives for the Sand Canyon Grade Separation Project and simultaneously determine feasible methods for implementation during the construction phase.Students: Connor Culligan, Aakash Mehta, Kevin Nguyen mentor: Steve Bucknam

freeWAy inTerCHAnGe deSiGn Analysis and design alternatives of freeway interchange improvements for the SR-55 and MacArthur junction in the city of Irvine, CA. Students: Erik Chin, Elliot Huang, Nathan Kwok, Dennis Pham-Le, Clever Tan mentor: Jean-Daniel Saphores

HeAlTHCAre fACiliTy Design of a healthcare facility with a roof penthouse and partial basement constructed on a sloped site in a high seismic activity area. The structure will consist of a concrete-over-metal deck rooftop, steel beams and columns, and special moment-resisting frames.Students: Ivan Magana, Ariyan Manshadi, Tai Ta, Jonathan Tapia, Shayesteh Vafaeifard, Taylor Watanabe mentor: Farzin Zareian

HeSperiA lifT STATiOn And pipeline Design of a lift station for a two-development phase project, including gravity line, force main, wet well, pumps, and an odor control facility. Students: Trisha Barlow, Troy Edwards, Steven Henderson, Dylan Lafrance, Christine Tran mentor: Brett Sanders

HydrOlOGy STudy And STOrm drAin deSiGn Hydrology study using the rational method to calculate peak flow before and after development, and the design of a storm drain system to manage runoff generated by the decrease in coverage of permeable soil.Students: Mary Danielson, Sarah Leung, Iris Lim, James Matthews, Katherine Wong mentor: Amir AghaKouchak

infrASTruCTure fOr A COmmuniTy pArk This project focuses on the design of community park infrastructure, including pedestrian underpassage, masonry building, sound wall, steel trellis, and light pole foundation. Students: Arlando Arif, Paul Curry, Tsz Lee, Oscar Ortiz, Anthony Paulos, Jorge Pelayo, Richard Wu mentor: Anne Lemnitzer

kern COunTy WATer BAnkinG prOjeCT Design of a water banking system in Kern County for the Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), including well design, piping, electrical systems, and berm crossing. Students: Titus Chen, Quan Chi, William Kadonaga, Luan Tran mentor: Soroosh Sorooshian

mulTi-STOry BuildinG WiTH SuBTerrAneAn pArkinG 1 The design of this multistory building will consist of four-stories of residential space, a reinforced concrete base-level retail floor, and two levels of subterranean parking. The design process of the structural systems will include shear walls, two-way slabs, and brace frames to handle seismic, wind, and gravitational loads.Students: Mohamed Badawi, Anthony DiPasupil, Jeffrey Lee, Mitchell Shibley, Thanhhy To mentor: Lizhi Sun

mulTi-STOry BuildinG WiTH SuBTerrAneAn pArkinG 2 The objective of this project is to design a four-story apartment complex with ground-level retail and subterranean parking. The structure is a decoupled unit comprising of a rigid wood system for the apartment section and a concrete system for the retail and parking sections. Students: Ali Aoude, Huong Bui, Dina Elkinawy, Kiet Ly, Calvin Nguyen mentor: Lizhi Sun

reSidenTiAl SiTe develOpmenT Design of residential subdivision for detached housing in planning area six of the city of Irvine, CA. Design elements to include rough grading, lot configuration, street, storm sewer, domestic water design, and fire code implementation. Students: Jose Ramos, Nikolaus Sabath, Juan Zavala mentor: Jasper Vrugt

riverSide COmmuniTy COlleGe diSTriCT mulTi-uSe fACiliTy Prestige Construction is designing the Riverside Community College District building to function as a multipurpose office building with a public patio to allow for lounging and outdoor activity. This project focuses on designing the frame members, connections, and foundations to support against gravity, seismic, and wind loads. Students: Michael Emami, Long Nguyen, Eric Robles, Justin Sakakura, Vivian Seto, Yunfei Wang mentor: Farzin Zareian

rOAdWAy deSiGn This project involves designing the optimum roadway network and geometric design for the city of Irvine, CA, including drainage system and pavement materials in order to sufficiently withstand forecasted traffic volumes. Students: Michael Hetland Janet Kuo, Kyle La Viscount, Do Park, Kibret Temesgen mentor: Stephen Ritchie

SeWer pipeline deSiGn Our team will design a new gravity sewer line in downtown Laguna Beach by streamlining the sewer collection process and removing an inverted siphon condition. Students: Desiree Flores, Luis Mejia, Justin Smith, Matthew Vera, Angela Yu mentor: Sunny Jiang

TrAffiC impACT AnAlySiS STudy This project involves analyzing the traffic impact and parking requirements associated with a mixed-use development at the intersection of Laguna Canyon Road and Sand Canyon Avenue in the city of Irvine, CA.Students: Ashlee Fayazrad, Nghi Le, Angelina Leong, Michelle Nguyen, Francis Sy Su mentor: Michael McNally

TrAffiC impACT AnAlySiS And SiGnAl deSiGn The team will identify existing and future traffic impact of a planned hotel development along Harbor Boulevard in the city of Garden Grove, CA. Traffic impact will be assessed and mitigation measures will be recommended. Students: Tiffany Giordano, Jacqueline Kim, Akshar Mathur, Nadeem Noorzay, Phillip Yang mentor: Michael McNally

TrAffiC SiGnAl deSiGn Intersection analysis and traffic signal design at Park Street and Alameda Avenue in the city of Alameda, CA. The objective will be to determine the optimal lane configuration and traffic control in order to provide a high level of service, while simultaneously in synchronization with the surrounding network.Students: Kevin Dao, Jonathan Delgado, Melissa Lai, Ji Lee, Eduardo Lopez mentor: Wenlong Jin

TWO-STOry HiGHer eduCATiOn BuildinG Design of a two-story higher education building comprised of steel columns and composite steel beams, concrete and metal deck flooring, lightweight roof diaphragm, shear walls, and continuous and shallow spread footings. The facility will be designed to withstand gravity and seismic forces. Students: Mario Camacho, Jason Chen, Dorothy Chung, Christian Hall, Wilson Lu, Arlyn Reyes, Reginaldo Urbiztondo mentor: Anne Lemnitzer

uC irvine BiOdiGeSTer The UC Irvine Biodigester is a dry anaerobic fermentation facility that uses plant trimmings and domestic waste as input, resulting in the production of methane gas during the production stages, which can be utilized for energy generation, as well as a byproduct of fertilizer to promote plant and tree growth on campus. Students: Christopher Carson, Joshua Smeenge, Byron Valencia, Shin-Young Yu mentor: Diego Rosso

uCi redWOOd GrOve BiOSWAle UC Irvine is planning to incorporate a water treatment feature on campus to improve the water quality of runoff directed into the San Diego Creek. The proposed bioswale will be designed to improve water quality by pollutant particle settling and to provide an aesthetic location behind the Ayala Science Library to better utilize the site for the enjoyment of the UCI community.Students: Victoria Biggs, Josh Gisi, Willoughby Peterson, Jessica Satterlee, Stephani Torres mentor: Kristen Davis

Well WATer TreATmenT The design of two wells in the Inland Empire in order to reduce the dependence on the Colorado River, including a treatment system that involves filtration with disposable cartridges to reduce turbidity, and ion exchange to treat for perchlorates and nitrates. Combined, these two wells will have the capacity to pump 3,600 acre feet per year. Students: Haly Herrera, Nicole Idiart, Megan Lee, Alex Leu, Andrew Takahashi, Brian Tang mentor: Bill Cooper

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Projects

Air duCT effiCienCy ATTACHmenT (AdeA) Automated air duct vent registers based on user-given set points. Students: Philip McDougall, Alexandra Rose, Avaz Sobhani mentor: Rainer Doemer

ddS SOlAr umBrellA A solar umbrella for customers to charge their electronic devices outdoors when there is no power outlet. Students: David Cheng, Scott Lee, Daniel Ly mentor: Mark Bachman

eleCTrOniC SpArrinG SySTem Taekwondo sparring gear with embedded sensors to collect real-time force and location data and provide valuable competition, training, and play feedback in the computer app. Students: Vahan Hartooni, Nicholas Lajeunesse, Muhammad Zaman mentor: Garnet Hertz

enerGy everlASTinG A power-generation system for developing countries that utilizes thermoelectric module. Students: Jyotika Nalwa, Christine Nguyen, Kyle Shiue, Jason Tan mentor: C.C. Lee

fiTneSS TrACkinG HeAdpHOneS A heart monitor that records the user’s pulse and keeps track of workout sessions so that optimum performance is achieved. Students: Lucia Diaz, Kevin Kamishin, Jessica Szeto, Patrick Szulc mentor: Nader Bagherzadeh

GpS-driven AuTOnOmOuS rOBOT A GPS-guided vehicle that navigates to a series of way-points with an accuracy of 1-to-2 meters. Students: Young Choi, Eric Giese, Youn Jeong, Robert Moreno mentor: Issac D. Scherson

HOme AuTOmATiOn A home automation system that allows users to control consumer devices and manage homes from anywhere on a single, easy-to-use iPhone application. Students: Kevin Carlin, Kevin Morita, Christopher Suchil, Michelle Tyler mentor: Ian Harris

HOme enerGy mAnAGemenT SySTem Energy monitoring agents to create intelligent power schedules that lead to greener environments and lower monthly bills. Students: Clifford Huang, Timothy Kwan, Kevin Sison, Vinh Trinh mentor: Mohammad Al Faruque

inTeGrATed eleCTrOplATinG SySTem An electroplating system that utilizes a pulse-reverse plating technique to deliver high-quality metal finishes for prototyping applications Students: Zachary Davis, Christopher Hurst, Jordan Linford, Amy Pham mentor: Mark Bachman

kineCTiOn An innovative gesture recognition system which grants users control of their television using a wide range of simple body motions. Students: Daryl Alfaro, Moises Alvarado, Ameen Manghi, Quan Nguyen mentor: Nader Bagherzadeh

lABile liGHTinG SySTem A solar-powered dynamic lighting system for small off-grid structures. Students: Seyedbabak Jalalichimeh, Djamil Rummun, Richard Vu, Jeffrey Wu mentor: Nader Bagherzadeh

lOW-COST diGiTAl miCrOSCOpe WiTH remOTe STAGe Low-cost and portable optical microscope to image the sample and to control the stage on a graphical user interface. Students: Timothy Hernandez, Anthony Tran, Lynn Tran, Regina Wiher mentor: C.C. Lee

lOW-pOWer TrAnSmiTTer SenSOr A low-power sensor transmitter network capable of detecting anomalies in the frequency signature of industrial machinery. Students: George Fang, Abraham Lin, David Shin mentor: Michael Green

miCrOBeATA portable synthesizer that takes a MIDI input and outputs musical sounds. Students: Trisha Das, Sivan Goldstein, Matthew Martin mentor: Henry Lee

miCrOmOuSe A Micromouse robot designed to navigate any maze by using sensors to detect walls, and a MCU to map the maze to memory. Students: Timothy Chan, Irvin Huang, Alvin Perlas mentor: Ian Harris

pOWer-SAvinG SmArT liGHTSMotion-activated lighting system with automated dimming function controlled by ambient light. Students: Timothy Chan, Steven Ji, Andrew Sather, Alan Tran mentor: Mark Bachman

pOWer Supply SySTem WiTH A uSB pOrT A USB port with a boost circuit to provide 12 v output. Students: Sukho Kang, Kyaw Phyo, Chuanyang Xie, Xi Zhou mentor: Keyue Smedley

pOWerleSS BiCyCle OdOmeTer Powerless bicycle odometer with smartphone integration. Students: David Carreon, Collin Mehring, Michael Wang, Kevin Wood mentor: C.C. Lee

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Projects

r.A.T.S. (rOdenT AppliCATiOn TrACkinG SySTem) A low-cost counting device that quantifies rat wheel-running activity. Students: Jorge Chumbipuma, Enrique Guevara, Edgar Pena, Hong Wong mentor: Syed Jafar

ripple A portable hi-fi music system. Students: Kenneth Ching, Andrew Perez, Arvind Prabhakar, Awad Sharif mentor: Ender Ayanoglu

rOBOCAm An automated video-recording system that follows a subject as they move around the room, eliminating the need for a cameraman. Students: Raisa Cuevas, Tom Huang, Nicholas Ma, Jainam Shah mentor: G.P. Li

SAve-A-WATT Save money on your electrical bill with Sav-a-watt—the power is at your fingertips. Students: Eric Nelson, Adrian Taruc, Thomas Tran, Chris Yin mentor: Fadi Kurdahi

SmArT rC CArRC car automated driving system that detects and avoids obstacles in order to reach a beacon. Students: Thierry Abinader, Ivan Nizkorodov, Justin Pao, Joseph Wang mentor: Nader Bagherzadeh

SmArT Sprinkler COnTrOller Smart sprinkler controller to save water in an irrigation system. Students: I-Chih Huang, Dong Kim, Aria Sarraf, Stephen Vusca mentor: Mark Bachman

TeSSA An innovative driver drowsiness detection and alert system. Students: Jose Altamirano, Tony Doan, Hai Huynhlam, Andy Yeung mentor: Rainer Doemer

TrAnSmiSSiOn line delAy AT lOW frequenCy A model made of black boxes and two coupled transmission lines of 40 feet to simulate a transmission line of thousands of feet. Students: John Kim, Alexandra Payne, Kevin Ramirez, Michael Stevens mentor: Filippo Capolino

uCi eleCTriC rACe CAr A control system that monitors various input sensors on an electric car and controls the throttle and safety system. Students: Kevin Dinicola, Bryan Eidson, Lawrence Ho, Sandra Hom mentor: Michael McCarthy

venT-fiCCienT TemperATure COnTrOl SySTem (vTCS) A system to monitor temperatures throughout buildings and control air flow by opening or closing vents automatically via RF communication.Students: Kevin Moslehpour, Omar Munoz, Shivam Patel, Jonathan Turcios mentor: C.C. Lee

vmAp (virTuAl mAppinG SySTem) A system to create 3-D maps of interior spaces using the Microsoft Kinect. Students: Scott Gettinger, Ina Liu, Christopher Miliotti, Robert Ovcharenko mentor: Deva Ramanan

WATerSABer An intelligent irrigation system that pulls weather data from the Internet to regulate watering schedule. Students: Patrick Borricano, Sergio Lopez, James Pham, Raymund Ramos mentor: Fadi Kurdahi

zipSCOpe Test and measurement solution for characterizing communications components such as low-noise amplifiers, mixers, or other devices with either an analog or digital output.Students: Justin Bass, Anh Cao, William Hillhouse III, Aaron Paff mentor: Lee Swindlehurst

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Projects

AdvAnCed COmBuSTiOn TeCHnOlOGy Our main focus in this research is to optimize the use of an entrained flow reactor so it can produce 5 percent or less of carbon; the only difference is that the entrained flow reactor that we use is approximately 1/10th the full size. The only parameters that we can control are temperature and excess oxygen. It needs to contain 5 percent or less carbon in the ash so it can be recycled for further use. Students: Jose Jacobo Jr., Navid Saeidi Advisor: Professor Derek Dunn-Rankin

AiAA deSiGn/Build/fly The Design-Build-Fly (DBF) project team is building an aircraft to compete in a contest hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). In addition to providing a challenging aircraft design experience, the DBF members gain teamwork and leadership skills and experience that prepare them to enter the aero-industry. Students: Shaun Abdelkerim, Ana Arakaki, Hugo Banh, Albert Barber, Sarah Black, Jessica Chean, Sun-Che Chen, Wei-Han Chen, Michael Gamboa, Geoffrey Dubridge, Michaela Fleming, Daniel Grant, Varun Jasuja, Kevin Kho, John Parcell, Ravi Patel, Joseph Petrilli, Charles Poblete, Erik Reyno, Roi Rivera, Zachary Satterfield, Bruno Vu, Robert Zavala Advisor: Professor Robert Liebeck

AiAA HumAn pOWered AirplAne The Human Powered Aircraft (HPA) project is working on modeling and testing thrust systems and developing sizing programs for a human-powered aircraft.Students: Alecxandre Andre, Jacob Boyer, Joe King, Joseph Liu, Cassandra Margitan-Thomas, Veronica Swanson Advisors: Professor Robert Liebeck, Professor Kenneth Mease

ASCe COnCreTe CAnOe This intercollegiate competition challenges students to design, fabricate, and construct a 20-foot long canoe made of concrete, which will be raced in five events and judged on various criteria. The canoe must comply with annually updated rules that are modeled from realistic challenges faced in canoe design and construction.Students: Gabrielle Custodio, Isamar Escobar, Nicholas Lowe, Wade Monsen, Willoughby Peterson Advisor: Professor Ayman Mosallam

ASCe STeel BridGe Steel Bridge is a year-long project that allows students to design, manufacture and assemble a bridge according to strict guidelines and dimensions. Students work in a hands-on environment, learning to weld and work with various metal shop tools. The project is then displayed at the annual ASCE-PSWC conference, where team members participate in a timed assembly and judging round.Students: Nicole Idiart, Tsz Nok Lee, Nicholas Lo, Matthew Wagstaff Advisors: Professor Ayman Mosallam, Dr. Rashid Miraj

Cd fluidiCS This project focuses on the integration of medical diagnostics and microfluidics for miniaturized diagnostic devices. CD microfluidics, pioneered at UCI, offers simple pumping and valving mechanisms that allow for the integration of multiple steps on a single disc. Student: Baolong Nguyen, Kimberly Sarrisin, Ali Khalessi Advisors: Professor Marc Madou, Dr. Lawrence Kulinsky

eduCATiOnAl pOWer-GenerATinG Wind Spinner kiT - peTer dunn-rAnkin Design and prototype of low-cost educational energy-generating and lighted wind spinners for children ages 8-12.Students: Melinda Malley, Miles Newton, (Tina) Yingshan Tan, Carlos Solorzano, (Toby) Yaotian ZhangAdvisor: Dr. John Garman

eleCTrOCHemiCAl enerGy To improve the efficiency of the hydrogen production process of electrolysis by designing an electrolysis device that will then be used to examine how electrolysis is affected by variation of the following parameters: Electrode material and spacing, type of electrolyte and water temperature. Students: Natali Chau, Arshitha Vaidhyanathan Advisor: Professor Yun Wang

exOSpine fOr peOple WiTH SpinAl COrd injury Wheelchair based body-weight support system for patients with spinal cord injuries. Allows patients to move naturally while performing functional tasks for diagnostic and rehabilitative purposes. Student: Mike Conroy Advisor: Professor David Reinkensmeyer

GSm-BASed liGHTinG BAllAST HeAlTH mOniTOrinG SySTem - inTelliCOnDesign and prototype of a GSM-based notification system for UV lamp ballast health monitoring. Students: Irvin Huang, Venu Madhav Gundeti, Alvin Perlas, Michael Blank, Trisha Das, Donjon Baclig, Nicholas MaAdvisor: Dr. John Garman

inTeGrATiOn Of GAS TurBine/CHiller This project develops a combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system that can reduce peak loads on the electrical grid and increase the overall system efficiency to more than 90 percent. Furthermore, the approach provides increased flexibility regarding how chillers are to be integrated with a given microturbine. Students: Shang-Hsuan Chung, Ryan Maxwell, Rena Yang Advisor: Professor Vincent McDonell

mOTiOn CApTure SySTem fOr A rOBOTiC OverHeAd SuppOrT Our main goal is improve the motion capture capabilities of a system that provides up to 300 pounds of unloading so rehabilitation patients can practice walking, balancing and walking up and down steps. Students: Basheer Afaneh, David Hirschberg, Walter Morales, Miller Ramirez Advisors: Professor David Reinkensmeyer, Jaime Duarte

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Projects

lOW-COST flAT-pAnel SOlAr TrACker And prOTOType - rAinBird COrpOrATiOn Design and reduced scale prototype of a solar tracker for low-cost, flat-panel photovoltaics.Students: Roi Rivera, Justin Kaung, Erik Reyno, Damon Liang, Christopher LauAdvisor: Dr. John Garman

pneumATiC SurGiCAl BOe STApler - prO-dex, inC Improvements were made to the trigger mechanism, safety and air valve of an air-powered surgical bone stapler. Students: Noe Rodriguez, Indra Bolla, Joseph Liu, Dhaiya Parikh, Kristen MacNealAdvisor: Dr. John Garman

rACeCAr eleCTriC The project focuses on the design of an electric drive for an energy-efficient racecar. The project will modify the design of existing racecars to include electric motor drives, vector motor control and regenerative braking. The racecar will compete in the 2013 UCI Energy Invitational. Students: Kevin Groth, Tyler Santos-Matson Advisor: Professor Michael McCarthy

rACeCAr enGineerinG This project uses the design, construction and testing of an energy efficient racecar to provide experience in performance engineering. Students will modify existing racecars and develop new designs for competition in the 2013 UCI Energy Invitational. Students: Christopher Anderson, Luis Avalos, Dean Baggs, Jeffrey Best, Indra Bolla, Adam Cepero, Henry Diep, Amy Dunford, Christina Faraci, Joshua Helstrom, Samantha Helstrom, Alex Ho, Alexander Kaufman, Justin Kaung, Chano Kim, Sharango Kundu, Eddie Kwan, Jason Lee, Alejandro Li, Damon Liang, Peter Livingston, Ryan Ma, Diona Maxon, Marvin Medina, Saedeh Mirghasemi, Andrew Moodie, McVincent Obando, Arezoo Orouji, Dhairya Parikh, Jesus Ramos, Mustafa Sabha, Mark Saleh, Jon Shubin, Anthony Tamayo, Aldrich To, Thomas Van, Benjamin Vega, Jay Wu, Rena Yang, Abdorruhman Yousef, Ting Yu, Yaotian Zhang, Marbin Jay Sy Quimsiam, Tyler Santos-Matson, Kevin Sale, Jairus Racelis, Cheng Lin, Bryant Min, Kevin Groth, Athanasios M. Kaplanis Advisor: Professor Michael McCarthy

reneWABle enerGy Determine the feasibility of generating hydrogen from a renewable source and investigate the economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages toward implementation of generating renewable hydrogen. Students: Nathan Kirksey, Dustin Semark Advisor: Professor Scott Samuelsen

rOBOTiC reSCueThe 2012-13 RoboEaters is a multidisciplinary team of undergraduate researchers collaborating with the goal of participating in the 2013 German regional RoboCup Rescue competition. www.robocup.org Students: Brian Chen, Brian Hoover, Wells Tsai Advisor: Professor James Bobrow

rOCkeT prOjeCT This recurring project designs, builds and launches a rocket. Past rockets have achieved altitudes of about 10,000 feet. The specific goals of the project are different each year. As examples, past projects have participated in a national competition, developed a solid rocket motor, developed a liquid bi-propellant motor, and designed an active roll control system. Students: Isaac Baertlein, Grant Jackson, Austin Moore, Brian Morey, Patrick Sy, Lee Tea, Robert Watson, Violet Ismailyan, Christoph Maximilian Seeliger, David Hahn, Brian Morey, Brandon Anthony Hernaez, Huzafa Khan, Kevin Jalalipour, Ivan Borislavov Gochev, Shailin Bhupendra Shah, Thanh Chung Advisor: Professor Kenneth Mease

SmArT jAmmer CruTCH The goal of this project is a mechanically operated crutch that can grip the contacting surface. A vacuum is drawn on a granular material housed in a latex bag which jams the grains and grips the contacting surface. Students: Danielle Becerra, Blake Burchman Advisor: Professor David Reinkensmeyer

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Projects

STOred enerGy SOlAr STOve This project involves design and development of a solar-powered stored energy cook stove that will be deployed in selected rural villages in India. A successful design must be able to store solar energy, allowing the cooker to charge during the day and be usable in a household during normal cooking periods late at night and early in the morning. Students: Ananya Habtemariam, Eric Kuo, Teresa Nguyen, Lineker Phuo, James Chizmar, Pedro Montenegro, Kushal Shah, Ronny Sunnaa, Rena Yang, Joe Chen, Chris Gay Advisor: Dr. John Garman

uCi SATelliTe The UCISAT project aims at designing, building, testing and operating small satellites based on the cubesat standard. Two current missions are being developed. UCISAT I, which aims at taking pictures of the Northern hemisphere with a CMOS camera flying at 300km altitude, and UCISAT II, which aims at testing a radiation-based water purification concept for space exploration. Students: Suhaylah Ali, Andrea Antonello, Joshua Apple, Olivia Domenici, Dalen Ellis, Timothy Hernandez, Jason Hsu, Kyle Johnson, Young-Seob Kim, Stephanie Kwok, Akash Patel, Brian Soriano, Abdullah Tarif, Timothy Wang, Regina Wiher, Geoffrey Chen, Keegan Carroll, Jared Hatland, Anthony Christensen, Cristhian Fimbres, Kevin Lasquete, Diane Phung, Hanchel Cheng, Daniel Rojas, Scott Walters Advisor: Professor Benjamin Villac

Wind enerGy This project aims to design and develop two small-scale fixed pitch, self-starting wind turbines, one vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), and one horizontal axis (HAWT), that will be installed on top of Engineering Tower (ET).Students: Jorge Angulo Fernandez, Benjamin Cacanindin, Soo Chung, Kierstin Colesen, Michael Conroy, Phoebe Dedman, Timothy Kheng, Anthony Lai, John Laughlin, McVincent Obando, Djamil Rummun, Andrew Sather, Thomas Sayles, David Shakhbazyan, Kristopher Swartzbaugh, Theresa Tran, Ryan Wong, Bryan Wu, Zhi Liu Advisor: Professor Yun Wang

BiOmediCAl enGineerinG deGree


Kameel Michael Abi-SamraElectrochemical and Thermal Techniques for Detection and Fluidic Handling on Centrifugal Microfluidic PlatformsAdvisor: Marc Madou

Seyedhamed Alavi Development of a Novel Self Regenerating Hybrid Heart Valve Advisor: Arash Kheradvar

Cosimo Arnesano In Vivo Tissue Raman Spectroscopy Advisor: Enrico Gratton

David John Bardin Microfluidic Methods for Generating Clinical-Scale Quantities of Uniform Fine Emulsions for Applications in Site-Specific Therapeutics Advisor: Abraham Lee

Gobind Singh Bisht Micro- and Nanofabrication of Carbon-based Electrodes and Their Application in Miniature Power Sources Advisor: Marc Madou

Qin Cai Improving the Poisson-Boltzmann Implicit Solvent Model for Molecular Dynamics Simulations Advisor: Ray Luo

Arlene Doria Enabling Point-of-Care Diagnostics with Air-Liquid Cavity Acoustic TransducersAdvisor: Abraham Lee

Nizan Friedman Rehabilitation Devices for Training, Assessing and Monitoring Hand FunctionAdvisor: David Reinkensmeyer

Ottavia Golfetto Advisor: Enrico Gratton

Monica Young Kim Development of a Juxtacrine-Permeable Membrane for Separable Co-Culture Advisor: Elliot Hui

Yoon Kyung Kim Stimuli-Responsive and Multi-Functional Responses for Cancer-Targeted Therapy and Imaging Advisor: Wendy Liu

Christine Elizabeth King Towards the Development of High Performance Electroencephalogram (EEG) Based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) SystemsAdvisor: Zoran Nenadic

Sameeran Kunche Regulation of Robust Cell Lineages Advisor: Arthur Lander

Chang Won Lee A Method for Neural Source IdentificationAdvisor: Zoran Nenadic

Jiawen Li Integrated Multimodal Intravascular Imaging System with Optical Coherence Tomography and Ultrasound for Characterization of Atherosclerotic Plaques Advisor: Zhongping Chen

Alexander Justin Lin Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging: Applications in Preclinical Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Advisor: Bruce Tromberg

Jason Tze-Sum Luo A Microfluidic Device for the Capture and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells in Human Blood Advisor: Mark Bachman

Yuka OkabeCavity Acoustic Transducers (CATs) for DNA biosensors Advisor: Abraham Lee

Dhondup Pemba Micro Implantable Neural Interfaces Advisor: William Tang

Claire Robertson Advisor: Steven George

Yixin Shi Non-invasive Methods to Assess Asthma Control in Children Advisor: Steven George

Roger Shih Microfluidic Production of Monodisperse Microbubbles for Ultrasound Contrast Enhancement and Targeted Therapeutic Agent Delivery Advisor: Abraham Lee

Salar Soroori Novel Flow Control Schemes Utilizing Intrinsic Forces on Centrifugal Microfluidic Platforms Advisor: Marc Madou

Jeffrey L. Suhalim Detection of Vulnerable Plaque Advisor: Bruce Tromberg

Lei Tian Create Thick Prevascularized Implantable Tissues Advisor: Steven George

Sean Michael White Functional Optical Imaging Methods to Characterize Interactions Between Microvasculature and a Prevascularized Tissue Construct Advisor: Bernard Choi

Moritz Winkler Structure and Biomechanics of the Corneal Stroma: The Role of Keratocytes and the Extracellular Matrix Advisor: James Jester

William Reino Winter Advisor: Ramesh Srinivasan

Dwight Paul Wynne Measuring and Modeling Loudness Adaptation in Normal and Impaired Hearing Advisor: Fan-Gang Zeng

Shanshan Xu Characterization of Breast Cancer Using Endogeneous Tumor Spectral Marker: High Spectral-Resolution Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Its Clinical Application Advisor: Enrico Gratton

Bruce Yee Yang Advisor: Bernard Choi

Hsin-I Yang Speech Information Extraction and Integration in Cochlear Implant Subjects with Contralateral Acoustic Hearing Advisor: Fan-Gang Zeng

Owen Reuben Yang Accelerated Laser Speckle and Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging with Graphics Processing Units and Color Cameras Advisor: Bernard Choi

2012 – 2013 doctor of philosophy and master of Science Graduates*


Kendrew AuClinical Translation of Spatial Modulated Quantitative SpectroscopyAdvisor: Bernard Choi

Allison Christine Baker Fabrication of Micro-Platforms for Studying the Biomechanics of CardiomyocytesAdvisor: William Tang

David John Bardin Comprehensive Exam

Haotian Cui Advisor: Bernard Choi

Janice Dilag De Jesus Advisor: Jered Haun

Jeremy Ryan DongDesign of an Artificial Eye Phantom for Optical Coherence Tomography ImagingAdvisor: Tibor Juhasz

Long Van Duong Advisor: James Brody

Gelareh EslamianComprehensive Exam Advisor: William Tang

Seunghyun HaAdvisor: Wendy Liu

Ashkan HajirasoolihaApplication of Simplified GLRT Detectors for Spike Detection in Multi-Sensor Extrocellular RecordingsAdvisor: Zoran Nenadic

Yu-Shan HsiaoAdvisor: Bernard Choi

Shrutilaya KarunanidhiAdvisor: William Tang

Clement Joshua KondruCharacterization and Comparison of Two Chromophore Determination Techniques: The Modified Beer-Lambert Law and Spatial-Frequency Domain Imaging Advisor: Bernard Choi

Ling Xuan Kong Comprehensive Exam – Ph.D. CandidateAdvisor: Marc Madou

Abhishek Kurup Comprehensive Exam – Ph.D. CandidateAdvisor: Elliot Botvinick

Alexander Justin Lin Comprehensive Exam – Ph.D. CandidateAdvisor: Bruce Tromberg

Yi LuoAdvisor: Jered Haun

Jolie Marie MclaneShrink-Induced Superhydrophobic Plastics for POC DetectionAdvisor: Michelle Khine

Soroush MohammadmirzaeizarandiA Multichannel Point-of-care Device for Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and ImagingAdvisor: Bruce Tromberg

Azad MojadediAdvisor: Elliot Hui

Jennifer NguyenMonte Carlo Methods for Solution of the Radiative Transport Equation and Cervical Cancer DiagnosticsCo-Advisors: Jerome Spanier and Vasan Venugopalan

Apurva PatelHydrodynamic Trapping and Encapsulation of MicroparticlesAdvisor: Abraham Lee

Shreyas J. PatelAdvisor: Bernard Choi

Jonathan Dusan Pegan Microfabrication Techniques for Scalable Manufacturing of Integrated Microfluidic DevicesAdvisor: Michelle Khine

Seyed Omid RohaniAdvisor: William Tang

Justin Bradley RoweMechanisms of Robotic Rehabilitation of the Hand: Role of Previous Practice, Effort, and Range of MotionAdvisor: David Reikensmeyer

Eric Zoltan SomogyiInvestigating the Role of Substrate Mechanics on Macrophage PolarizationAdvisor: Wendy Liu

Ricky Wai Suen Advisor: Bernard Choi

Victor SunAdvisor: J. Stuart Nelson

Philip Vijay ThomasComprehensive Exam – Ph.D. CandidateAdvisor: Elliott Hui

Derek Hunter VallejoGiant Unilaminar Vesicles as Cell-like SensorsAdvisor: Abraham Lee

Xiaoyong WangDevelopment of Breast Segmentation Methods for Magnetic Resonance Images and Computed Tomography in Clinical ApplicationsAdvisor: Gultekin Gulsen

John Warren WeidlingNovel Optical Implantable Continuous Multi-Analyte SensorAdvisor: Elliot Botvinick

James Ryon YamadaLaser Softening of Glutaraldehyde-Crosslinked Bovine PericardiumAdvisor: Elliott Botvinick

Lili Zeng Advisor: Jered Haun

CHemiCAl And BiOCHemiCAl enGineerinG deGree


Javier CardenasEngineering Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for High-Level Synthesis of PolyketidesAdvisor: Nancy DaSilva

Hubert Kenneth Chan Deformation and Direct Visualization of Complex Fluids Advisor: Ali Mohraz

Cheng-Wei Aaron Chen Construction of Scaffold-free Cardiac Patch Using Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived CardiomyocytesAdvisor: Michelle Khine

Jonathan Lee ComptonCavitation Bubble Generated Shear Stress for MechanotransductionAdvisor: Vasan Venugopalan

Christopher Tyler LeberMetabolic Engineering of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for the Enhanced Production of Bio-renewable Platform ChemicalsAdvisor: Nancy DaSilva

Richa MittalTowards in Vivo Nonlinear Optical MicroscopyAdvisor: Zhongping Chen

Dongmei RenEngineering a Protein Nanoscaffold as a Versatile Drug Delivery SystemAdvisor: Szu Wang

Himanshu SharmaNanostructured Metal Substrates for Enriched Fluorescence Applications in Point of Care Diagnostics Advisor: Michelle Khine

Sneha SrikrishnanEngineering Enzymes and Yeast for the Hydrolysis of BiomassAdvisor: Nancy DaSilva


Sonal BhargavaComprehensive Exam

Ruben Fernandez Moya Comprehensive Exam Advisor: Nancy DaSilva

Isha Gujarati Comprehensive Exam

Adrienne Yu-Yin Ho Comprehensive Exam Kaiheng HuComprehensive Exam

Andy Steven JacksonComprehensive Exam

Pouyan Khakbaz Comprehensive Exam

Andrew LamComprehensive Exam Cade Bryant Markegard Comprehensive Exam Leila Safavi-Tehrani Comprehensive Exam

Chelise Ann Van De GraaffComprehensive Exam

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

Civil enGineerinG deGree


Mahdieh Allahviranloo Advisor: Wilfred Recker

Shakiba AyatollahiExploring the Interaction between Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Pharmaceuticals: Treatment and Environmental FateAdvisor: William Cooper

Amir Ameli RenaniFracture Aperture Deformation Under Coupled Chemical and Mechanical ProcessesAdvisor: Russ Detwiler

Ankoor BhagatComprehensive Analysis of Off-Peak Port Policy Advisor: R. Jayakrishnan

Omid EsmailiDeveloping a Rapid Seismic Performance Rating Mechanism for Safety Assessment of Existing BuildingsAdvisor: Farzin Zareian

Timu W. GallienPredictive Urban Coastal Flood Melding: Accounting for Tides, Surges, Waves and Flood Control Infrastructure Advisor: Brett Sanders

Jee Eun KangIntegration of Locational Decisions with the Household Activity Pattern Problem and Its Applications in Transportation SustainabilityAdvisor: Wilfred Recker

Jingjing Li A Hybrid Framework for Verification of Satellite Precipitation ProductsAdvisor: Soroosh Sorooshian

Nasrin NasrollahiImproving PERSIANN Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm Using Multi-Spectral Satellite ImageryAdvisor: Soroosh Sorooshian

Sepideh SarachiA Generalized Model for Satellite Precipitation Estimation Product ErrorAdvisor: Soroosh Sorooshian

Robert George SteinAdvisor: Brett Sanders

Ai-Lun WFinite-Element Based Damage Detection Methods For Nonlinear Reinforced Concrete Structures Advisor: Jann Yang

Hao YangCommunication Capacity of Inter-Vehicle Communication SystemAdvisor: Wenlong Jin

Daji Yuan An Operational Activity-Based Regional Travel Demand ModelAdvisor: Wilfred Recker

Seyedmohammadali Zafarani Transport of Conservative Solutes in Simulated Discrete Fracture NetworksAdvisor: Russell Detwiler


Stephen James Breen Analysis of Electrical Resistivity Tomography with Applications to Geologic CO2 SequestrationAdvisor: Russell Detwiler

Riccardo CappaComprehensive Exam

Stephanie CastleQuantifying Water Storage Changes in the Colorado Basin Using Satellite Observations, Modeled Results and In Situ DataAdvisor: Jay Famiglietti

Tzu-Heng ChengComprehensive Exam

Andrew Christopher EasterlingComprehensive Exam

Reza Esfandiari Comprehensive Exam

Alireza FarahmandA Satellite-based Global Landslide ModelAdvisor: Amir Aghakouchak

Kimberly Ann GeeComprehensive Exam

Thomas Edward GockeDistributed Water Reuse and Nutrient Reclamation: A Source of Revenue and Security for MunicipalitiesAdvisor: Diego Rosso

Farnaz JadbabaieComprehensive Exam

Samantha Alyson Mesuro Ihlenfeldt Comprehensive Exam Negar Karbalaee Mohammad Advisor: Farzin Zareian

Wan-Tzu LoComprehensive Exam

Albert Luan Luu Seismic Earth Pressures Measured During a Shake Table Experiment of Underground StructuresAdvisor: Anne Lemnitzer

Sudaryanto Mak Comprehensive Exam Aryan SafaieComprehensive Exam

Hesam SajedComprehensive Exam

Scott Lee SellarsObject Based Methods and Machine Learning to Remote Sensing Data for Water Resources ManagementAdvisor: Soroosh Sorooshian

Andrea Rose ThorstensenComprehensive Exam

Jingjing ZangAdvisor: R. Jayakrishnan

Qijin ZhangComprehensive Exam

eleCTriCAl & COmpuTer enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in COmpuTer enGineerinG deGree


Mahshid RoumiData Acquisition System Level DesignAdvisor: Stuart Kleinfelder

2012 – 2013 doctor of philosophy and master of Science Graduates*


Alex ChuComprehensive Exam

Toviah Nathan HirschbergComprehensive Exam

Jue Wang Comprehensive Exam

Shaofei WangComprehensive Exam

Kaiyuan Yang Comprehensive Exam

eleCTriCAl And COmpuTer enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in COmpuTer neTWOrkS And diSTriBuTed COmpuTinG deGree


Sangwon Chae HD-Graph Viz: Highly Graph Visualization on Tiled Displays Advisor: Gopi Meenakshisundaram

Ting-Chou Chien Nucleo Cast Advisor: Pai Chou

Weihong Hu On Performance Optimization of MIMO SDR MANETs = From MAC to PHY LayerCo-Advisors: Homayoun Yousefizadeh and Hamid Jafarkhani

Jinhwan Lee Distributed Reputation and Trust Management for Service Oriented Computing on Heterogeneous EnvironmentAdvisor: Kwei-jay Lin

Xinjie Yang Advisor: Lee Swindlehurst

Jing Zhang Web Service Process Recovery in Accountability Middleware ArchitectureAdvisor: Kwei-jay Lin


Ahmad Abiri Interactive Execution and Just-in-time Compilation on Networked Embedded ProcessorsAdvisor: Pai Chou

Tameem Anwar Comprehensive Exam

Ravindra Ishmitra Bhanot Comprehensive Exam

Hang Cheng Comprehensive Exam

Kshitij Pankaj Desai Comprehensive Exam

Jingran Gu Comprehensive Exam

Yichao Jiang Comprehensive Exam

Akshay Rajan Kantak Comprehensive Exam

Kwangsun Lee Comprehensive Exam

Hao Lian Comprehensive Exam

Dawei Ouyang Comprehensive Exam

Rutuja Rajendrakumar Raghoji Comprehensive Exam

Santhosh Rajathayalan Comprehensive Exam

Mayuresh Randive Comprehensive Exam

Mahnaz Roshanaei A Harvesting-aware Routing Protocol for Energy-Efficient Data Collection in WSNsAdvisor: Elaheh Bozorgzadeh

Vishal Sahu Comprehensive Exam

Ao Shen Comprehensive Exam

Li Sheng Comprehensive Exam

Qian Sheng Comprehensive Exam

Harish Kumar Bharat Singh Comprehensive Exam

Hailun Song Comprehensive Exam

Boyu Sun Comprehensive Exam

Xuejie Sun Comprehensive Exam

Ramya Tridandapani Comprehensive Exam

Dakuo WangComprehensive Exam

Weijun Wang Comprehensive Exam

Howard Wah Wong The OpenMP Optimization Framework: Using OpenMP to Optimize Structure Grid HPC ApplicationsAdvisor: Jean-Luc Gaudiot

Li Zhang Comprehensive Exam

Qiwei Zhang Comprehensive Exam

Ke Zhu Comprehensive Exam

eleCTriCAl And COmpuTer enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in COmpuTer SySTemS And SOfTWAre deGree


Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alhussien Design and Development of Reliable and Fault-tolerant Network-on-Chip Router Architecture Advisor: Nader Bagherzadeh

Weiwei Chen Concurren C: A New Model of Computation for System Design Advisor: Rainer Doemer

Yong Hun Eom Self-Stabilizing Java: An Approach for Building Robust Software Advisor: Brian Demsky

Xu Han Computer-Aided Recoding for Data Structure Analysis and Decomposition to Exploit Parallelism Advisor: Rainer Doemer

Ke Hao Semantic Search of Web Services Advisor: Philip Sheu

Christopher Bryant Harris Towards the Improved Verification of Complex Systems-on-Chip Advisor: Elaheh Bozorgzadeh

Chengjia Huo Object Relational OLAP on Real Time DataAdvisor: Pai Chou

Ganghee Jang Scalability Issues on Many-Core DesignAdvisor: Jean-Luc Gaudiot

Kyoungwon Kim Automatic Platform Generation in System Synthesis Advisor: Daniel Gajski

Sina Poorkasmaei Differential Modulation for Multi-User MIMO Communication Systems Advisor: Hamid Jafarkhani

Vahid Salmani Adaptive Multiple Access Communication for High Data Rate Wireless Sensing Applications Advisor: Pai Chou

Eun Bae Yoon Hierarchical Non-Volatile Memory Structure for Sensor Storages Advisor: Pai Chou

Jin Zhou Bamboo: A Data-Centric, Object-Oriented Approach to Many-Core Software Advisor: Brian Demsky


Rohit Athavale Comprehensive Exam

Nishanth Bhushan Comprehensive Exam

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

Longjun Chen Comprehensive Exam

Subramanian Ganapathy Comprehensive Exam

Mohana Sudhan Gandhi Comprehensive Exam

Balaji Mukundan Iyengar Comparison of Intel Xeon Phi and Intel Xeon with Burrows Wheeler AlignerAdvisor: Jean-Luc Gaudiot

Mrinalini Shankar Iyer Comprehensive Exam

Piyush Ghanasham Kadam Comprehensive Exam

Sina Keshtkar Jafari Comprehensive Exam

Pavitra KrishnamoorthyAdvisor: Alexandru Nicolau

Amit Kulkarni Comprehensive Exam

Alan S. Lam Comprehensive Exam

Guantao Liu A Hybrid Thread Library for Efficient Electronic System Level StimulationAdvisor: Rainer Doemer

Jing Liu Comprehensive Exam

Huaxiang Man Comprehensive Exam

Praveen Mandayam Ammanji Comprehensive Exam

Don Huu Nguyen Advisor: Pai Chou

Brian Alan Norris CDSChecker: A Model-Checker for C/C++ AtomicsAdvisor: Brian Demsky

Sookyung Park Advisor: Nikil Dutt

Nisha Premnath Comprehensive Exam Yunkai Qian Comprehensive Exam

Jing Qin Comprehensive Exam

Anupam Rastogi Comprehensive Exam

Surya Ravichandran Comprehensive Exam

Rahul Rudradevan Comprehensive Exam

Saket Chandrakant Sardeshpande Comprehensive Exam

Jongsu Shin Comprehensive Exam

Siddharth Samarendra Singh Comprehensive Exam

Zhao Tong Comprehensive Exam

Vivekanand Veeracholan Comprehensive Exam

Ching-Yao Wang Comprehensive Exam

Shi Yan Comprehensive Exam

Jian Zhang Comprehensive Exam

eleCTriCAl & COmpuTer enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in eleCTriCAl enGineerinG deGree


Muhammad Sayed Khairy AbdelghaffarCognitive Power Management Techniques for Ultra Low Power Wireless Communication SystemsAdvisor: Ahmed Eltawil

Serhat Nazim AvciFast Proactive Network Recovery Against Single Link Failures Using CodingAdvisor: Ender Ayanoglu

Hyeoung Ho BaeEmbedded Computer Vision System for Image Based Motion and Speckle Image Analysis Advisor: Pai Chou

Sanaz BarghiInterference Mitigation in Cross-Layer Design for Wireless NetworksAdvisor: Hamid Jafarkhani

Salvatore CampioneControl of Guidance, Radiation and Near-fluids Using Plasmonics and Semiconductors at Optical Frequencies Advisor: Filippo Capolino

Jie ChenAdaptive Network Estimation - Quantization and CommunicationAdvisor: A. Lee Swindlehurst

Byung Kwan ChunAdvisor: Payam Heydari

Leland Ridge GilreathSilicon-Based MM-Wave Integrated Circuits for Radiometric Imaging ApplicationsAdvisor: Payam Heydari

Jing HuangCooperative Communication for Wireless Physical Layer SecurityAdvisor: A. Lee Swindlehurst

Sui HuangA Systematic Approach to Clock/Data Recovery Circuit DesignAdvisor: Michael Green

Yuewang HuangSOS Based Mid-IR DevicesAdvisor: Ozdal Boyraz

Amr Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed HussienA Partial Reconfiguration Based Heterogeneous MPSOC for Wireless ApplicationsAdvisor: Ahmed Eltawil

In Wha JeongOne-Cycle Control Multilevel Converter for High Power ApplicationsAdvisor: Keyue Smedley

2012 – 2013 doctor of philosophy and master of Science Graduates*

Salih Kagan KalyoncuRaman-Based Dispersive Systems for Short Pulse Generation and Optical Signal ProcessingAdvisor: Ozdal Boyraz

Il Joon KimAdvisor: Fadi Kurdahi

Sungjun KimOn the Design and Modeling of High Power RF MEMS SwitchAdvisor: G.P. Li

Boyu LiFull Diversity, Full Multiplexing Beamforming Techniques for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Communication SystemsAdvisor: Ender Ayanoglu

Liangbin LiInterference Cancellation for Multi-Access Relay ChannelAdvisor: Hamid Jafarkhani

Hamed MalekiInterference Alignment for Multiple UnicostsAdvisor: Syed Jafar

Darya MohtashemiA Low Power 4-bit 8-GS/sec Flash ADC in 0.13um CMOS TechnologyAdvisor: Vasan Venugopalan

Shiji PanAntennas and Metamaterial Application On-chip at Millimeter-wavesAdvisor: Filippo Capolino

Ana Papio TodaBeamforming Millimeter-wave Antenna Systems for Power Harvesting and Motion SensingAdvisor: Franco De Flaviis

Sara SaediniaCoupon-Based Microfluidic Western Blot for Small Sample AnalysisAdvisor: Mark Bachman

Jun Yong ShinThermal-Aware 3D IC Placement Using Pattern ClassificationAdvisor: Nikil Dutt

Qi SongIntegrated Optics for Planar Imaging and Optical Signal ProcessingAdvisor: Ozdal Boyraz

Marco TeddeActive Damping with OCC Control in Single Phase PFC RectifierAdvisor: Keyue Smedley

Le Nguyen TranPower-saving Method for Dramle Dram and 3D-Dram Exploiting the Process Variations, Temperature Changes, Device Degradation, and Memory Access Workload Variations, and Imorative Heterogeneous Memory Management Approach Using 3D-Dram with Quality of ServiceCo-Advisors: Ahmed Eltawil and Fadi Kurdahi

Chenwei WangInterference Management via Interference Alignment in Wireless NetworksAdvisor: Syed Jafar

Han Wang Invariant Hyperspectral Face RecognitionAdvisor: Glenn Healey

Minfeng WangFabrication and Characterization of MEMS Direct-Contact Switches in LaminatesAdvisor: Mark Bachman

Kaikai XuA Three Terminal Silicon - PMOSFET like Light Emitting Device for Optical Intensity ModulationAdvisor: G.P. Li Katayoun Zand Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Devices for Biological ApplicationsAdvisor: Peter Burke

Xin ZhangDevelopment of Multichannel Microdata Array and Microelectronic System for Extracellular Characterization of Action Potentials in Sinoatrial Node CellsAdvisor: G.P. Li

Yun ZhuNovel Wideband Tunable Microwave Band-Pass Filters Using YIG/GGG Layer Structure on RT/Duroid SubstrateAdvisor: Chen Tsai

Liang ZouDesign and Development of the High Speed Multichannel DAG System for the ARIANNA High Energy Neutrino DetectorAdvisor: Stuart Kleinfelder


Tina Mary AchankunjuComprehensive Exam

Abdulaziz Nasser AlshammaComprehensive Exam

Muhammad Umair AneesComprehensive Exam

Nazila ArefazarComprehensive Exam

Amir Babaesmaili Advisor: Payam Heydari

Mathew Cherian CarathedathuTexture Classification using Histogram of Sparse RepresentationsAdvisor: Charless Fowlkes

Eric Fan-Tsen Chien Simulation Study on the Design Vanuting of the MEMS-Based Ultrasonic Silicon NozzleAdvisor: Chen Tsai

Shizhuo DingComprehensive Exam

Anthony Michael DrakeComprehensive Exam

Xin DuComprehensive Exam

Fei GuHigh Penetration Integration of Inverter-Tied PhotovoltaicsAdvisor: Keyue Smedley

Venu Madhav GundetiComprehensive Exam

Jerry Jifang HanComprehensive Exam

Wen HouAdvisor: Michael Green

Furong HuangFast Concurrent and Distributed Load Balancing under Switching Costs and Imperfect ObservationsAdvisor: Arash Anandkumar

Qingli HuangComprehensive Exam

Anh Nguyen Quynh HuynhComprehensive Exam

Gaurav JaiswalComprehensive Exam Priyanka Vasant JantreComprehensive Exam

Nivethitha JayarajComprehensive Exam

Adnan KantemurHigh-Efficiency Power Amplifier Design Using Linear and Nonlinear TechniqueAdvisor: Franco De Flaviis

Rackgeun KimBowtie and Bowtie Aperture Antennas at Microwave and Optical FrequencyAdvisor: Filippo Capolino

Cheng-Kuei KuoComprehensive Exam

Raphael Changik LeeComprehensive Exam

Hanzhi LiComprehensive Exam

Nannan LiAdvisor: Ender Ayanoglu

Shouxiang LiComprehensive Exam

Yi LiComprehensive Exam

Shinan LuComprehensive Exam Gen MengComprehensive Exam

Thomas Lloyd MoffittComprehensive Exam

Youngsuk OhComprehensive Exam

Lisa ParkComprehensive Exam

Boyao ShengComprehensive Exam

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

Wei-Kai ShihComprehensive Exam Pawel Starakiewicz Micro Platform for Quantification of P.falciparumAdvisor: William Tang

Hua Sun Comprehensive Exam

Suryanarayanan VaitheeswaranComprehensive Exam

Long Vu Comprehensive Exam

Haoyu WangComprehensive Exam

Shuo WangComprehensive Exam

Tengjiao WangComprehensive Exam

Yinghan WangComprehensive Exam

Chentian WengComprehensive Exam Feng XiaoComprehensive Exam

Chen YangComprehensive Exam

Kaiyue YangComprehensive Exam

Kai YouComprehensive Exam

Xuan YuComprehensive Exam

Haozhou ZhaoComprehensive Exam

Xin ZhaoComprehensive Exam

Xu ZhaoComprehensive Exam

Yexin ZhengComprehensive Exam

enGineerinG mAnAGemenT deGree


Sapna BangComprehensive Exam

Dongzi ChenComprehensive Exam

Kimberly Grace CoComprehensive Exam

Jinelle Savia D’souzaComprehensive Exam

Amanda Michelle GageComprehensive Exam

Kevin Bradley LeongComprehensive Exam

Giridhara Venkata Rama Raju MulasaComprehensive Exam

Syed NaqviComprehensive Exam

Johnway Changg-Whay Yih Comprehensive Exam

enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in envirOnmenTAl enGineerinG deGree


Shakiba AyatollahiInvestigating the Interaction between Natural Organic Matter and PharmaceuticalsAdvisor: William Cooper

Siqian HuangInvestigation of Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Membrane BiofoulingAdvisor: Sunny Jiang

Xiao HuangDetection of Virus in Water Reclamation ProcessesAdvisor: Sunny Jiang

Trung NguyenForecast Analysis of Water, Energy and Carbon Footprint Portfolios of Southern CaliforniaAdvisor: Diego Rosso

Ling WangPharmaceuticals: Photochemical Fate and Engineered Water Treatment SystemsAdvisor: William Cooper


Xiao Dai Comprehensive Exam

Zhixuan DuanFlashback Propensity of Synthetic Gas/Air Mixture in a Generic Non-Swirling Jet InjectorAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Shang Gao Comprehensive Exam

Yuan Gao A Comparative Study of Electrical Energy per Order CEE/O) for Degradation of Three-blockers by Gamma IrradiationAdvisor: William Cooper

Guillermo Andres GomezInjection of Oil-Water Emulsions Into a High Pressure CrossflowAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Ying HanComprehensive Exam

Christopher Ahlvin HartleyDevelopment of Next Generation Energy Audit Protocols for the Rapid and Advanced Analysis of Building Energy UseAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Jian LiElectric Energy per Order (EE/O) and Energy Footprints Evaluation of Advanced Oxidation Process (AoP)Advisor: William Cooper

Keah Ying LimQuantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Decision-Making on the Application of Partially-Treated WaterAdvisor: Sunny Jiang

Lisha LiuComprehensive Exam

2012 – 2013 doctor of philosophy and master of Science Graduates*

Michael Allen Mac KinnonAir Quality Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies in the Transportation and Power Generation SectorsAdvisor: Jack Brouwer

Kersey Sanchez ManliclicThe Spatial Impacts of Water Demand Associated with the Generation, Distribution, and Utilization of Alternative FuelsAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Yizhen Shao Comprehensive Exam

Yin TungStudies on the Photochemical Fate of Iodinated X-ray Contrast Media Chemicals in Aqueous SolutionsAdvisor: William Cooper

Laura WeidenComprehensive Exam

Haiping ZhouComprehensive Exam

enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in inTerdiSCiplinAry mATeriAlS SCienCe And enGineerinG deGree


Ming-Je SungGrain Boundary Sliding in Ultra-fine Grained 5083 AluminumAdvisor: Farghalli Mohamed

enGineerinG WiTH A COnCenTrATiOn in mATeriAlS And mAnufACTurinG TeCHnOlOGy deGree


Walid Magdy Tawfik HannaBehavior and Microstructure in a Cryonmilled Aluminum Alloy Containing Diamondoid NanoparticlesAdvisor: Farghalli A. Mohamed

Vinh Si HoUtilization of Polypynole in the Development of High Surface Area Electrodes and an Extended-Life Implantable Biosensor Platform Advisor: Marc Madou

Yun Shuai Packaging Process and Materials Optimization for Enhancing Performance of White LED EmittersAdvisor: Frank Shi


Raafay AhmedComprehensive Exam

Elizabeth ChuComprehensive Exam

Yun Jong HanComprehensive Exam

Xiaowei LiAdvisor: James Earthman

Swati SharmaAdvisor: Marc Madou

Yuchen WangComprehensive Exam

mATeriAlS SCienCe And enGineerinG deGree


Sarah Marie Adams Nanoparticle Array Assembly using Chemical Templates Advisor: Regina Ragan

Talin Ayvazian Study the Effect of Grain Size and Channel Length on Mobility and Transfer Characteristic of Litographically Patterned CdSe Nanowires Advisor: Reginald Penner

Weicai Cao A STM Study of Photo-Induced Electron Transfer Advisor: Martha Mecartney

Soo Kyung Cho Core-shell Nanoparticles for Enhanced, Synergistic, and Versatile Delivery of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Advisor: Young Jik Kwon

Shehreen Saeed Dheda Production of Nanocrystalline Titanium for Biomedical Applications Advisor: Farghalli A. Mohamed

Wenjuan Qi 3-Dimensional High-Speed High-Resolution Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography and Applications Advisor: Zhongping Chen

Matthew Hunt Sullivan On the Development of Thermally Grown Oxides in High Water Vapor EnvironmentsAdvisor: Daniel Mumm

Sandy Tuyet Tran Incorporation of Nicotine into Silicone Coatings for Corrosion and Fowling Resistance Advisor: James Earthman

Xi Wang Fundamental Studies of Assembly and Mechanical Properties of Lipid Bilayer Membranes and Unilamellar Vesicles Advisor: Regina Ragan

Hamed Youssefpour Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Stem Cells and Therapeutic Intervention MethodsAdvisor: John Lowengrub


Tianming Cheng Comprehensive Exam

Evan Lamont Doxtad Comprehensive Exam

Kyle James Garcia Dykman Comprehensive Exam

Tian Jiang Synthetic LPS-Binding Polymer NanoparticlesAdvisor: Szu-Wen Wang

Amir Mazaheripour Comprehensive Exam

David Diaz Ordinario Comprehensive Exam Phi Pham Comprehensive Exam

Chien-Hsiung Tseng Comprehensive Exam

Jason Von Wilpert Design and Optimization of a High Throughput Chemical Vapor Deposition System for Depositing Thin Films of Iron Pyrite for Photovoltaic ApplicationsAdvisor: Matthew Law

Min Zhai Comprehensive Exam

meCHAniCAl And AerOSpACe enGineerinG deGree


Amin Akbarimonfared Combustion Behavior Associated with Alternative Fuels in Lean Premixed, High-Swirl Stabilized Distributed ReactionsAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Abdullah Mohammadfarid N Alkudsi Effect of Length Scales on the Mixing of a Passive Scalar in Grid Turbulence Advisor: John LaRue

James Patrick Allington Design of Two Pneumatically Actuated Orthoses with Applications to Motor Learning and Rehabilitation Advisor: James Bobrow

David Joseph Beerer Combustion Characteristics and Performance of Low-Swirl Injectors with Natural Gas and Alternative Fuels at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures Advisor: Scott Samuelsen

Peter Louis Bishay Computational Modeling of Micro-mechanics & Multi-functional MaterialsAdvisor: Satya Atluri

Jordi CasolivaAdvisor: Kenneth Mease

Sung Chan ChoTwo-phase Flow Characteristics in a Gas Flow Channel of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel CellsAdvisor: Yun Wang

Anh-Tuan Vu Do Performance and Control of Gas Turbine-Driven Combined Cooling Heating and Power Systems for Economic DispatchAdvisor: Jack Brouwer

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

Leiting Dong Trettz Voronoi Cells and SGBEM Super Elements-Towards an Efficient & Accurate Modeling of In Homogeneities and Defects in Solids Advisor: Satya Atluri

Joshua David Eichman Energy Management Challenges and Opportunities with Increased Intermittent Renewable Generation on the California Electrical Grid Advisor: Scott Samuelsen

Ahmad Falahatpisheh Computational Modeling of Congenital Heart Defects Advisor: Arash Kheradvar

Dorrin Jarrahbashi Transient High-Pressure Fuel Injection Processes Advisor: William Sirignano

Mazdak KebriaMeasurements & Modeling Pulverized Fuel Char in an Entrained Flow ReactorAdvisor: Derek Dunn-Rankin

Alan Lai Aerodynamics of a Flapping Airfoil with a Flexible Tail Advisor: Feng Liu

Ya Liu Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics in Cartesian Grid FrameworkAdvisor: Feng Liu

Salvador Mayoral Prediction of Jet Noise Shielding with Forward Flight Effects Advisor: Dimitri Papamoschou

Dustin Fogle Mclarty Thermodynamic Modeling and Dispatch of Distributed Energy Technologies including Fuel-Cell-Gas Turbine Hybrids Advisor: Jack Brouwer

Jeffrey Harris MishlerCharacteristics of Subfreezing Operation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel CellsAdvisor: Yun Wang

Sergio Perez Vazquez Estimating Maximal Effort Movement During Rehabilitative Training of Humans and Rodents Advisor: David Reinkensmeyer

Igor Prikhodko Development of Self-Calibrated MEMS Gyrocompass for North-Finding and Tracking Advisor: Andrei Shkel

Ghazal Razeghi Development and Evaluation of Highly-Resolved CA Electricity Market Model to Characterize the Temporal and Spatial Grid, Environmental, and Economic Impacts of Electric Values Advisor: Scott Samuelsen

Montgomery Chittenden Rivers Micro IMU Utilizing a Folded MEMS Approach Advisor: Andrei Shkel

Melika Roshandell Combustion of Methane Hydrate Advisor: Derek Dunn-Rankin

Sara Rostamimonjezi Optimization and Modeling of Noise Reduction for Turbulent Jets with Induced Asymmetry Advisor: Dimitri Papamoschou

Fernan Saiz Poyatos Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Nano Projectile Hyper-velocity Impacts Advisor: Manuel Gamero Castano

Matthew Allen SchnoorNovel Solution Methods for Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Advisor: Satya Atluri

Shervin Taghavi Nezhad Prediction and Reduction of Noise in High Speed Pressure Valves Advisor: Feng Liu

Ronne Toledo Numerical Simulation of Taylor-Cone JetAdvisor: Roger Rangel and Manuel Gamero Castano


Eric Arnal Fort Exploration of a Graph-based Method to Orbit Transfers Near VestaAdvisor: Benjamin Villac

David Boyd Bober Comprehensive Exam Advisor: Tim Rupert

Rafael Borrajo Pelaez Research on Energetic Impact of Electrosprayed Nanodroplets Advisor: Manuel Gamero-Castano

Scott Edward Bougie Comprehensive Exam

Renee Gail Cinar Impact of Distributed Energy Resources and Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging on Secondary Distribution CircuitsAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Carles Civit Sabate Optimal Operation of a Thermal Energy Storage Tank Using Linear OptimizationAdvisor: Faryar Jabbari

Brandon Evan Creager Comprehensive Exam

Jin Dang Comprehensive Exam Advisor: Derek Dunn-Rankin

Hong Hoa Thi Do Model Characterization of the Dispatchable Potential of Building HVAC Loads and Resulting Impact on Occupant ComfortAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Robert Joseph Flores Control of Disptach Dynamics for Lowering the Cost of Distributed Generation in the Build EnvironmentAdvisor: Jack Brouwer

Gevorg Hovakimyan Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Fuel Cell Performance on AircraftAdvisor: Jack Brouwer

Kevin Hung Comprehensive Exam Advisor: Michael McCarthy

Albert Jorda Juanos Two-Dimensional Analysis of a Triple FlameAdvisor: William Sirignano

Ahmad Hassan Khatib Comprehensive Exam Advisor: Kenneth Mease

Samboroth KongComprehensive Exam

2012 – 2013 doctor of philosophy and master of Science Graduates*

Ryan Christopher Kuehne Prototyping, Testing and Improvement of a Mechanical Trap ToiletAdvisor: Derek Dunn-Rankin

James Martin Lewis Comprehensive Exam

Bojun Lin Comprehensive Exam

Kelly Lin Comprehensive Exam

Ferran Marti Duran Droplet Evaporation in an Active Turbulence Grid Wind Tunnel Advisor: Derek Dunn-Rankin

Jeff Ngarmboonta Comprehensive ExamAdvisor: Donald Dabdub

Gia Luong Huu NguyenDynamic Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell SystemAdvisor: Jack Brouwer

David Page Prediction of Flashback and Blowout Limits in a Commercial Lean-Premixed Combustor Operating on Synthesis Gas Advisor: Scott Samuelsen

Josh Daniel Payne Analysis of Distribution Circuits with High Penetrations of Photo-Voltaic Generations and Progressive Steps to Enable Higher PenetrationsAdvisor: Scott Samuelsen

Mark Mathew Plecnik Synthesis of Slider-Crank Four-and Six-Bar Mechanisms Using Toleranced Task Specification Advisor: Michael McCarthy

David Pointer Comprehensive Exam

Donat Racz Novel Integration Technique for Meshfree Methods Advisor: Satya Atluri

Timothy James Rasmussen Comprehensive Exam

Ladan Salari Sharif Comprehensive Exam Advisor: Lorenzo Valdevit

Kamil Samaan Comprehensive Exam with Research Project: Moving Mass ProjectAdvisor: Kenneth Mease

Colin Alexander Sledge Comprehensive Exam

Brendan Wesley Smith Comprehensive Exam

Lluis Soler A New Aggregate Model for Air Traffic Simulation: Modeling and OptimizationAdvisor: Kenneth Mease

Kaustubh Sonawale Computer Aided Design of Spherical Six-Bar Linkages Advisor: Michael McCarthy

Alicia M. Tan Spatially and Temporally Resolved Emissions Impacts of Renewable Energy Integration into the Electric GridAdvisor: Jack Brouwer

Jesus Alonso Tapia-Negrete Comprehensive Exam

Cameron Kelly Turner Comprehensive Exam

Qian Zhang Comprehensive Exam

Ali Ziaee Comprehensive Exam

*Important Notes: List of graduates is based on 2013 Commencement Ceremony Program Eligibility and not on academic year.Masters Eligibility: Fall 2012 through Summer 2013Doctoral Eligibility: Fall 2012 through Fall 2013 All Spring 2013, Summer 2013, and Fall 2013 listings are expected only and are subject to change. All of the information listed in the pro-gram is correct to the best of the School’s knowledge.

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity

School of Engineering founded & 75 students declare engineering major

First Bachelor of Science degree awarded

Engineering Tower constructed

Expansion of the School of Engineering

Departments of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering established

Engineering Laboratory Facility constructed

Rockwell Engineering Center constructed

Departments expanded to Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Engineering Gateway and Engineering Lecture Hall constructed

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science established

National Fuel Cell Research Center established

School is named The Henry Samueli School of Engineering in honor of its generous benefactor

Department of Biomedical Engineering established

Samueli School monument erected

Edwards Lifesciences Center for Advanced Cardiovascular Technology established

Engineering Hall constructed


Congratulations Samueli School of Engineering

2013Class of

unleashing innovation

creating opportunitiesinspiring ingenuity


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