2013 channel data management survey results overview

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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This presentation reviews the results of our survey about channel data management and How the industry uses channel data to make decisions, what the challenges are for collecting and cleaning channel data, and how most companies are solving this challenge.


© 2013 Channelinsight Proprietary & Confidential

The Global Leader for Channel Data Management

2013 Channel Data Management Survey Results Overview

© 2013 Channelinsight Proprietary & Confidential

Today’s Presenter

Jeremy Miller

Senior Director Product Management & Marketing

© 2013 Channelinsight Proprietary & Confidential

Channelinsight delivers the only Cloud

Channel Sales Management Solution for sales

professionals that provides visibility into the

channel for companies who want to see and

manage their channel business the same way

they manage their direct business through

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2013 Channel Data Management Survey Results Overview

The objective of the survey was to identify…

– How the industry uses channel data to make decisions

– What the challenges are for collecting and cleaning channel data

– How most companies are solving this challenge

• 66 manufacturer respondents in Aug/Sep 2013

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#1 – How important is it to your organization to do the following with your channel data

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#1 – How important is it to your organization to do the following with your channel data

Performance visibility and ROI stand out

Processing is important but secondary

Take Away:

Start by solving the channel data visibilityproblem

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#2 - How satisfied is your organization with your ability to do the following with your channel data?

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#2 - How satisfied is your organization with your ability to do the following with your channel data?

Respondents were neutral at best about current solutions

The most important areas lagged behind

Take Away:1. Some respondents are satisfied, so it is possible2. Start with visibility

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#3 - Rank your top challenges with channel data management

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#3 - Rank your top challenges with channel data management

Consumption of the data – in dashboards and CRM – lead the way

Submission of the data also ranked high

Take Away:

1. Look for solutions that will take care of dashboard and CRM needs

2. Make sure your solution will scale as priorities change

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#4 – What is the primary reason you have not improved your data management process? (Open question)

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#4 – What is the primary reason you have not improved your data management process?

Many of you have, but if you’re struggling, it’s all about… – Priorities – budget, resources, time– Waiting – for IT, for the next release

Take Away:If you lack organizational support, start looking for pre-built solutions

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#5 – What Percent of your partners are submitting channel data?

POS Data Inventory Data

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#5 – What Percent of your partners are submitting channel data?

POS data is barely over 50% Inventory data is barely over 30%

Take Away:

1. Make sure you know who has valuable data

2. Make it easy for your partners to report

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#6 – What is the frequency that your partners submit POS data?

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#6 – What is the frequency that your partners submit POS data?

Monthly and “Randomly” prevail

Take Away:

Make it easier for your partners to submit – even if you don’t need daily data, you need some consistency

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#7 - How do you currently cleanse your channel data?

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#7 - How do you currently cleanse your data?

Internal manual solutions dominate (> 50%)Explains struggles, and makes sense in light of resourcing

Take Away:

Strongly consider an economical pre-built solution

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#8 - Do you have sales data visibility in your CRM system?

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#8 - Do you have sales data visibility in your CRM system?

Many have made progress with visibility to channel data, but direct data still has the lead

Take Away:

The trend is towards more channel data in CRM - Consider that moving forward

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#9 - Rate the following Partner Portal features based on importance…

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#9 - Rate the following Partner Portal features based on importance…

Needs are varied– Marketing & Training Materials– Workflow– Rebates & Partner Performance

Take Away:

1. Look for a fully featured portal solution for


2. Your portal solution should be interactive – landing pages for content are a small part

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Key Take Aways

• Plan for long term needs – which includes performance visibility for you and your partners

• Make it easier for partners to give you important data consistently

• Plan for channel data in CRM and your partner portal

• Look for pre-built solutions to help your organization move ahead

© 2013 Channelinsight Proprietary & Confidential

If you have further questions about the

results of the Channel Data Management

Survey or would like to take a deeper dive

into how your company compares to the

industry in general please contact Jeremy

Miller at: jmiller@channelinsight.com

Thank You

© 2013 Channelinsight Proprietary & Confidential

Q&AJeremy Miller Phone: 303-308-3371

Email: jmiller@channelinsight.com

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Web: www.channelinsight.com

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