2013 bible bowl

Post on 01-Jan-2017






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Information and Rules

Letter to Parents and Coaches

Letter to Bible Bowl Students

Study Questions

Scoring for Bible Bowl

Samples of Find the Verse Questions

Memory Work


1. Date of Competition: Saturday, November 9th, 2013

2. Time: 9:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.

3. Ages: Children from the 2nd - 12th Grades

4. Open to any church who wants to participate

5. Material Covered: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-25

• Bible Memory Lists are at end of study guide

6. Bible Translation: New King James Version

7. Competition:

• One “Find the Verse” Round worth 30 points

• Two “General Question” multiple choice rounds worth 75 points each

• Over the covered material

• SAMPLE TEST QUESTIONS are included with the study guide

• 3rd - 12th Grades have two extra tests to take

8. Awards:

• Trophies for the top five scores in nine age groups (45 total)

• Ribbons for 6th - 13th place in nine age groups (72 total)

• Team Award Certificates

• On-line Practice Certificates

• All participants receive a participation ribbon

9. Cost

• The cost is $8 per participant to offset the cost of awards, lunch, etc. (If money is a problem, please contact Christian Torres)

• The fee should be sent with your order for the second part of the guide

• You may add participants up to the week of the competition

10. Study Guide:

• The study questions for Genesis are downloadable or can be ordered by mail, phone, e-mail, or fax when you need them

11. Contact Christian Torres (director of Bible Bowl) for orders or questions:

• Weber Rd. Church of Christ * 5253 Weber Rd * Corpus Christi, TX 78411

• Christian’s Cell Phone: 361-500-2018

• Church Phone: 361-853-7701

• Church Fax: 361-853-7836

• E-Mail: thereisdesign@gmail.com

To All Bible Bowl Coaches and Parents,

Coastal Bend Bible Bowl will be here soon! The Book of Genesis will be a lot of fun to study! I hope you, your students and all parents will grow spiritually during these studies in coming weeks. Thank you for your commitment to young people and remember that your commitment will bless the lives of each child you have in your care. You are also helping the church of the present and future! I encourage you to keep up the great work!

Young people are looking for direction and it’s up to us to show them how God's Word provides the direction they need. Bible Bowl can serve as a tool to help them understand and live the Word of God. Remember David's words found in Psalm 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Let's do our best to make that verse come to life for each child involved with Bible Bowl.

Do not underestimate your children's amazing memories! At one Christian school third graders memorize Hebrews 11. I have known 3 and 4 year olds who know the Books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and up to 100 basic Bible facts, among other things. Do not put limits on them. Challenge and encourage them. Their confidence and desire will grow as they learn.

As in past years, this study guide focuses on leading each student through the Bible. If your students follow this guide, they will gain knowledge and understanding. All scripture will be taken from the New King James Version. Also, there may be questions which are answered by using other study materials such as dictionaries, commentaries, etc.

Here are ideas to use in preparing for Bible Bowl:

(1) Meet at least one time per week (try not to over-work the students, especially at first).

(2) Use "grease pencils" to color code the scripture: Blue-important quotes, Yellow-names, Orange-verse numbers, Green-places, Red or pink-objects and other nouns;

(3) Encourage parents to help in study.

(4) Make a schedule to follow to cover a certain amount of material per week.

(5) Split up students to have practice contests or tests.

(6) Compliment them in front of the congregation, in the bulletin, in front of parents, etc.

(7) Remind them that this is not a school grade and whatever they learn will help them in life and for eternity.

(8) Make use of the website with practice questions (http://bb.theseeker.org)

Whether each student knows everything does not matter. Encourage each young person to participate November 9, 2013.

Enjoy your study of Genesis 1-25 and I hope your lives and your students will be enriched over the next few months.

In Christ,

Christian Torres (Director)

A Note to All Bible Bowlers:

Bible Bowl can be so much fun if you get involved is studying God’s Word. It will be as much fun and fulfilling as you make it! This is my 2nd Bible Bowl and I'm looking forward to seeing you in November.

This year we will have many awards to give out and that means if you study and do well, you have a very good chance of receiving a trophy, ribbon or plaque. No matter what you receive or don’t receive, you study and commitment will benefit you always. The Book of Genesis is a great study from which you will grow if you apply it daily. Remember, no matter how you do, you will be learning God’s Word.

As you study try not only to know the facts - try to understand what is going on. This study guide is designed to aid your study. Here are a few tips in studying for Bible Bowl:

(1) Read the Bible without your study guide. Take short notes or write down words and items you do not understand.

(2) Look at the guide and see if it helps you understand (if not, ask your parents, coach, teacher or preacher).

(3) The older participants will have an open Bible section. Each participant will be expected to find the chapter and verse in which certain scriptures are found. Bring your Bible for this section.

(4) You are allowed to mark in your Bible if you wish.

(5) Look up any words that you do not understand.

(6) Do not get discouraged.

(7) Remember to include prayer in your study.

(8) Use the website with practice questions (http://bb.theseeker.org)

You have a great mind, if you use it and that’s what Bible Bowl can do for you. You will never be sorry for taking the time to study the Bible because it can help you for the rest of your life. The more you know, the better off you will be. Here is a verse, 2 Timothy 2:15 that you should remember as you study, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

In Christ,

Christian Torres


2013 Bible Bowl 6 Genesis 1-25


1. Who wrote the book of Genesis? Moses

2. What does the term "genesis" mean?

Origin, source, generation or beginning

3. In how many days did God create the

world? Six

4. What hovered over the face of the waters

after the heavens and earth were created? (1:2) Spirit of God

5. What did God create on the first day? (1:3-

5) Light

6. What did God create on the second day?

(1:6-8) Clouds and sky

7. What divided the waters "above" from the

waters "under"? (1:7) The firmament

8. What did God call the "firmament"? (1:8)

Heaven 9. What did God create on the third day? (1:9-

13) Land, plants, and trees

10. What did God call the dry land? (1:10)


11. What did God call the waters that were gathered together? (1:10) Seas

12. What did God create on the fourth day?

(1:14-19) Sun, moon, and stars

13. What did the lights in the firmament divide?

(1:14) Day from the night

14. What did God create on the fifth day? (1:20-

23) Birds and fish

15. What did God create on the sixth day?

(1:24-31) Animals and man

16. Who is the "Us" mentioned in Genesis

1:26? Father, Son, Holy Spirit

17. In whose image was man created? (1:27)

God's 18. Who was to have dominion over the earth?

(1:26, 28) Man

19. What word describes how God saw all that

He created? (1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31) Good


20. What did God do on the seventh day? (2:2)) Rested

21. What did God sanctify according to Genesis

2:3? Seventh day

22. What does "sanctify" mean? (2:3)

To set apart

23. Did it rain when God first created the world? (2:5) No

24. How was the earth watered when God first

created the world? (2:6) A mist went up from the earth and

watered the whole face of the ground 25. From what did God create man? (2:7)

Dust of the ground

2013 Bible Bowl 7 Genesis 1-25

26. Who was the first man? (2:15 and 19) Adam

27. Where did the first man and woman live?

(2:8) Garden of Eden

28. What, in the Garden, are described as

"pleasant to the sight and good for food"? (2:9) Trees

29. What were the four rivers that formed from

the Garden (2:11-14) Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and

Euphrates 30. What precious metal was found in the land

of Havilah? (2:11-12) Gold

31. Which river went around the whole land of

Cush? (2:13) Gihon

32. Which river went toward the east of Assyria

(2:14) Hiddekel

33. Why was Adam put in the garden? (2:15) To tend and keep it

34. Of what tree was Adam and Eve not to eat?

(2:17) Tree of knowledge of good and evil

35. What would happen if the fruit of the

forbidden tree was eaten? (2:17) They would die

36. God said, "It is not good that man should be

______;" (2:18) Alone

37. Who named the animals? (2:20)

Adam 38. From what did God create the first woman?

(2:21-22)) Adam's rib

39. Who said, "She shall be called Woman,

Because she was taken out of man." (2:23) Adam

40. Who is a man to leave when he marries?

(2:24) His father and mother


41. How did Satan appear to Eve? (3:1) As a snake or serpent

42. How did Satan differ from all the other

beasts of the field? (3:1) He was more cunning

43. Satan said to Eve, "You will not surely

______." (3:4) Die

44. What did Satan tell Eve would happen if

they ate the forbidden fruit? (3:5) They would become like God,

knowing good and evil 45. What three things did the woman consider

in viewing the forbidden tree? (3:6) It was good for food It was desirable to make one wise It was pleasant to the eyes

46. What did the man and woman immediately realize after eating the forbidden fruit? (3:7) That they were naked

47. What did Adam and Eve sew together to

make clothing? (3:7)) Fig leaves

48. At what time of the day did they hear God

"walking" in the garden? (3:8) Cool of the day

49. After eating the forbidden fruit, what did

Adam and Eve do when God came to the garden? (3:8) Hid among the trees of the garden

50. What question did God first ask when he

called for Adam? (3:9) "Where are you?"

2013 Bible Bowl 8 Genesis 1-25

51. Why did Adam tell God that he was afraid? (3:10) He was naked

52. Who did Adam blame for disobeying God

after eating the forbidden fruit? (3:12) The woman that God gave to him

53. Who did Eve blame for her sin? (3:13)

The serpent 54. What did God tell the serpent that he would

eat all the days of his life? (3:14) Dust

55. God said to serpent concerning the

woman's Seed, "He shall bruise your ______, And you shall bruise His ______." (3:15) Head, heel

56. Who is the woman's Seed? (3:15)

Jesus Christ 57. What was the first punishment for the

woman for eating the forbidden fruit? (3:16) She would have pain in having


58. What was the first punishment for the man because he ate of the forbidden fruit? (3:17) The ground would be cursed and he

would have to work it all the days of his life

59. What was the final punishment mentioned

to Adam for disobeying God? (3:19) He would die and return to the

ground 60. What was the name of the first woman and

what does the name mean? (3:20) Eve, mother of all living

61. What did God make clothes from for Adam

and Eve? (3:21) Skins

62. Who said, "Behold, the man has become

like one of Us, to know good and evil."? (3:22) The Lord God

63. What guarded the Garden after Adam and

Eve were driven out? (3:24) A cherubim and flaming sword


64. Name the first baby? (4:1) Cain

65. Who were Adam and Eve's three sons?

(4:2, 25) Cain, Abel, and Seth

66. What did Abel do for a living? (4:2)

Shepherd 67. What did Cain do for a living? (4:2)

Farmer 68. What type of offering did Cain bring to the

Lord? (4:3) Fruit of the ground

69. What type of offering did Abel bring to the

Lord (4:4) Firstborn of his flock and of their fat

70. Whose offering did the Lord respect? (4:4) Abel's

71. What was Cain's reaction to God's

rejection? (4:5) He was angry

72. What were Cain and Abel doing before the

terrible confrontation? (4:8) Talking

73. Who was the first murderer? (4:8)

Cain 74. Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (4:9)

Cain 75. What did God tell the murderer he would be

seen as for punishment? (4:12) A fugitive and vagabond

2013 Bible Bowl 9 Genesis 1-25

76. After hearing of his punishment, what did the first murderer say to the Lord? (4:13) "My punishment is greater than I can

bear!" 77. How many times would vengeance be

taken out on anyone who killed the first murderer? (4:15) 7 times

78. What did the Lord do to the first murderer to

keep others from killing him? (4:15) Put a mark on him

79. After killing his brother, in what land did the

first murderer live? (4:16) Nod

80. Who built the first city mentioned in the

Bible? (4:17) Cain

81. What was the name of the first city (4:17)


82. What man had two wives named Adah and Zillah? (4:19) Lamech

83. Who was the father of those who live in

tents and have livestock?(4:20) Jabal

84. Who was the father of those who play the

harp and flute? (4:21) Jubal

85. Tubal-Cain was an instructor or every

craftsman in what two metals? (4:22) Bronze and iron

86. What did Lamech brag about doing? (4:23)

Killing a man for wounding him 87. How many times did Lamech say he would

be avenged is someone killed him? (4:24) 77 times

88. What did men begin to do in the time of

Seth and his son, Enosh? (4:26) Call on the name of the Lord


89. In whose likeness was man created? (5:1) God's

90. What name did God begin to call all people

as he made them? (5:2) Mankind

91. How long did Adam live? (5:5)

930 years 92. How long did Seth live? (5:8)

912 years 93. How long did Enosh live? (5:11)

905 years 94. How long did Cainan live? (5:14)

910 years 95. How long did Mahalaleel live? (5:17)

895 years 96. How long did Jared live? (5:20)

962 years

97. How long did Enoch live on the earth? (5:23) 365 years

98. How long did Methuselah live? (5:27)

969 years 99. How long did Lamech live? (5:31)

777 years 100. What man walked with God and did not die

because he was taken by God? (5:24) Enoch

101. What man lived the longest number of

years? (5:25) Methuselah

102. Who was Noah's father? (5:29)

Lamech 103. What is the meaning of the name "Noah"?

(5:29) Rest

2013 Bible Bowl 10 Genesis 1-25

104. How old was Noah when he had children? (5:32) 500

105. Who were Noah's three sons? (5:32) Shem, Ham, Japheth


106. How are the "daughters of men" described? (6:2) Beautiful

107. What was the time limit given by the Lord in

at the beginning of chapter 6 for man? 120 years

108. How were some men described in Genesis

6:4? Giants

109. "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man

was great in the earth, and that every intent of the ______of his heart was only ______ continually." (6:5) Thoughts, evil

110. According to Genesis 6:7, was the Lord

glad or sorry He had created man? Sorry

111. What did God say that he would do to all

men, beasts, and birds because of man's wickedness? (6:7) Destroy them

112. What four good things were written about

Noah in Genesis 6:8,9? He was perfect (blameless) in his

generations He walked with God He found grace in the eyes of the

Lord He was a just man

113. What was the earth filled with in the days of

Noah? (6:11) Violence

114. Who was instructed to build the ark? (6:14)


115. Of what kind of wood was the ark made? (6:14) Gopherwood

116. What was the ark covered with both inside

and outside to make it watertight? (6:14) Pitch

117. How long was the ark? (6:15)

300 cubits (450 feet) 118. How wide was the ark? (6:15)

50 cubits (75 feet) 119. How high was the ark? (6:15)

30 cubits (45 feet) 120. How many windows and doors were in the

ark? (6:16) One of each

121. How many decks were in the ark? (6:16)

Three 122. When the flood came, what would die?

(6:17) Everything on the earth

123. What did God promise to establish with

Noah? (6:18) His covenant

124. How were the animals brought to the ark?

(6:20) They came to Noah

125. How much did Noah obey God? (6:22)

According to all that God commanded, he did

2013 Bible Bowl 11 Genesis 1-25


126. How did God describe Noah as he called him and his family into the ark? (7:1) Righteous

127. How many of each clean animal and bird

were aboard the ark? (7:2,3) Seven

128. How many of each unclean animal were

aboard the ark? (7:2) Two

129. How long did it take them to board the ark

after receiving instructions about the animals? (7:4) Seven days

130. How long did it rain on the earth while Noah

and his family were in the ark? (7:4) 40 days and 40 nights

131. How old was Noah when the flood waters

came? (7:6) 600

132. How many people boarded the ark? (7:7, 13) Eight

133. As the flooding rain began, it was described

as ". . . all the ______ of the great deep were broken up, and the ______ of heaven were opened." (7:11) Fountains, windows

134. Who shut the door of the ark? (7:16)

The Lord 135. By how many cubits was the earth

covered? (7:20) 15 Cubits (22.5 feet)

136. What died in the flood? (7:22)

"All in whose nostrils was the breath of life... on the dry land"

137. How many days were the waters on the

earth? (7:24) 150 days


138. What did God cause to pass over the earth to make the waters subside? (8:1) A wind

139. The ark rested on what mountain? (8:4)

Ararat 140. What was the first bird Noah sent out? (8:7)

Raven 141. What was the second bird Noah sent out?

(8:8) Dove

142. What happened to the first dove that Noah

sent out? (8:9) It returned

143. How many days did Noah wait to send out

the second time? (8:10) Seven days

144. What did the dove bring back to Noah the second time it was sent out? (8:11) Fresh olive branch

145. What happened the third time Noah sent

out the dove? (8:12) It did not return

146. What did God tell Noah and the animals to

do when they left the ark? (8:17) "be fruitful and multiply on the earth"

147. What did Noah build after exiting the ark?

(8:20) An altar to the Lord

148. What burnt offerings did Noah give to the

Lord? (8:20) Of every clean animal and clean bird

149. What kind of smell is mentioned in Genesis

8:21 regarding Noah's sacrifices? Soothing aroma

2013 Bible Bowl 12 Genesis 1-25

150. Fill in the blanks: "I will never again ______ the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart is ______ from his youth; nor will I again ______ every living thing as I have done." (8:21) Curse, evil, destroy

151. What seasons are not to cease as long as the earth remains? (8:22) Day and Night Winter and Summer Cold and Heat Seedtime and Harvest


152. What feeling toward people did the beasts have after the flood? (9:2) Fear and dread

153. What animals were people permitted to eat

according to Genesis 9:3? All

154. What were they not permitted to eat? (9:4)

Flesh with blood 155. What is the punishment called for every

murder? (9:5) Reckoning

156. What would be the punishment for murder

according to Genesis 9:6? The murderer must be put to death

157. Who did God speak to when He spoke of

His covenant? (9:8) Noah and his sons

158. God's covenant to not destroy the earth by

flood was given to whom? (9:11-17) Every living creature

159. What did God set as a sign of the covenant that He would never again flood the earth? (9:13) Rainbow

160. What is the meaning of the word

"covenant"? A legally binding obligation

161. Which of Noah's sons was the father of

Canaan? (9:18) Ham

162. What did Noah plant after exiting the ark?

(9:20) Vineyard

163. Which relative of Noah was cursed for

sinning against him? (9:22-27) Canaan

164. Who laid the garment on Noah's body when

he sinned by getting drunk? (9:23) Shem and Japheth

165. How old was Noah when he died? (9:29)



166. From which of Noah's sons came the coastland peoples? (10:5) Japheth

167. Who was the mighty hunter? (10:9)

Nimrod 168. From which of Noah's sons came the man

who built Nineveh? (10:11) Ham

169. Who built Nineveh? (10:9-12)


170. What was the principal city of the Hamites? (10:12) Calah

171. The Philistines came from the descendants

of which of Noah's sons? (10:14) Ham

172. The descendants of which son of Noah

lived in Sodom and Gomorrah? (10:19) Ham

2013 Bible Bowl 13 Genesis 1-25

173. In what man's days was the earth described as being divided? (10:25) Peleg

174. Which of Noah's sons did the Jewish and

Arab people come from? Shem

175. In what other chapter of the Old Testament can the genealogies of Noah's sons be found? 1 Chronicles 1


176. How many languages were spoken immediately after the flood? (11:1) One

177. What tower did men try to build to heaven?

(11:1-9) Tower of Babel

178. This tower was built in on a plain in what

land? (11:2) Shinar

179. With what materials did they begin to build

the tower? (11:3) Bricks for stone and asphalt for

mortar 180. The people wanted to build what two

things? (11:4) A tower A city

181. What was unique about the tower they

wanted to build? (11:4) Its top would be in the heavens

182. For what two reasons did the people want

to build this city and tower? (11:4) To keep from being scattered To make a name for themselves

183. "Come, let ______ go down and there

confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." (11:7) Us

184. What two did things did God do when He

saw the Tower of Babel? (11:7-8) Confused their languages and

scattered them over the earth

185. What is the meaning of the word "Babel"? (11:9) Confusion

186. What was the result of the scattering of the

people of Babel? (11:8-9) They ceased building the city

187. After the story of the city and tower of

Babel, what son of Noah's lineage is given in Genesis 11? Shem

188. Who were Terah's three sons? (11:26)

Abram, Nahor, Haran 189. What was Lot's relation to Abram? (11:27)

His nephew (son of his brother, Haran)

190. What was the native land of Abram and his

brother's? (11:28) Ur of the Chaldeans

191. Who was Abram's wife? (11:29)

Sarai 192. Who was Nahor's wife? (11:29)

Milcah 193. What was wrong with Abram's wife? (11:30)

She was barren (no children) 194. To which place did Terah take much of his

family and where did he die? (11:31) To Haran

2013 Bible Bowl 14 Genesis 1-25


195. What three promises does God make to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3 and to what do they refer? To make him a blessing for all

peoples (Messiah, Jesus Christ) To make of him a great nation (Israel,

the children of Israel) To give him the land (Canaan, the

Promised Land) 196. How old was Abram when he left Haran

with his wife, their people, and Lot? (12:4) 75 years old

197. Who were "the people" they had acquired?

(12:5) Probably slaves

198. Which tree is mentioned in Genesis 12:6?

Terebinth tree of Moreh 199. What is the meaning of the word "Moreh"?

(12:6) One who teaches

200. What did Abram build in Shechem? (12:6,7)

An altar to the Lord 201. Why did Abram go to Egypt? (12:10)

There was a famine in the land

202. What did Abram fear the Egyptians would do to him because Sarai was beautiful? (12:11,12) Kill him

203. What did Abram tell Sarai to say to the

Egyptians about her relationship to him? (12:13) She was his sister

204. Who commended Sarai to Pharaoh?

(12:15) Princes of Pharaoh

205. What did the Pharaoh give to Abram

because of Sarai? (12:16) Sheep, oxen, male donkeys, male

servants, female servants, female donkeys, and camels

206. What did the Lord do to Pharaoh because

of Sarai? (12:17) Plagued him and his house with

great plagues 207. What did the Pharaoh do to Abram after the

trouble with Sarai? (12:20) Sent him, his wife and all that he had

away from Egypt


208. In what three things was Abram rich? (13:2) Silver Livestock Gold

209. Where did the separation of Abram and Lot

take place? (13:3) Between Bethel and Ai

210. Why was the land unable to support Abram

and Lot? (13:6) Their possessions were so great

211. What was the problem between Abram's

and Lot's herdsmen? (13:7) Strife

212. Who got to choose which way he would go, Abram or Lot? (13:8,9) Lot

213. What was appealing in plain of Jordan?

(13:10) It was well watered

214. What happened later to change the

favorable view of the plain of Jordan? (13:10) The Lord destroyed Sodom and

Gomorrah 215. Where did Abram live after separating from

Lot? (13:12) The land of Canaan

2013 Bible Bowl 15 Genesis 1-25

216. What is written about the men of Sodom just after Abram and Lot separated? (13:13) They were exceedingly wicked and

sinful against the Lord 217. To what did the Lord compare Abram's

descendants? (13:16) As the dust of the earth

218. In what place were the terebinth trees of Mamre located? (13:18) Hebron

219. What did Abram seem to build everywhere

he stayed? (13:18) An altar to the Lord


220. According to the New King James Version, where was the Valley of Siddim located? (14:3) Salt Sea (possibly meaning the area

was under water when Genesis was written)

221. What was the Valley of Siddim full of?

(14:10) Asphalt pits

222. Who was the commander of the forces

which took Lot, along with his goods? (14:4-12) Chedorlaomer

223. Where had Lot been living when he was

taken captive? (14:12) Sodom

224. At the time Lot was carried off, Abram lived

near the ______________ of Mamre the Amorite. (14:13) Terebinth trees

225. How many servants did Abram take to

rescue Lot? (14:14) 318

226. Was Abram successful at bringing back his

"brother," possessions, and more? Yes

227. What was the Valley of Shaveh also known

to be called? (14:17) King's Valley

228. Who was the king of Salem? (14:18) Melchizedek

229. What did the king of Salem bring to Abram

after he rescued Lot? (14:18) Bread and wine

230. What other position did the king of Salem

hold? (14:18) Priest of God Most High

231. What did Abram give after being blessed by

the priest? (14:20) A tithe (a tenth)

232. Of what is "Salem" a short version?

Jerusalem 233. In which New Testament book is

Melchizedek also mentioned in length? Hebrews

234. What is the meaning of the name

"Melchizedek"? King of righteousness

235. What did Abram keep for himself after

rescuing Lot? (14:21-24) Nothing

236. Abram asked the king of Sodom to give

what three men a portion of the goods? (14:24) Eshcol Mamre Aner

2013 Bible Bowl 16 Genesis 1-25


237. Who said the following to Abram? "I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." (15:1) The Lord

238. How was the promise "I am your shield,

your exceedingly great reward" given to Abram? (15:1) In a vision

239. Before he had a son, who was the heir of

Abram? (15:2) Eliezer of Damascus

240. What did God show Abram to illustrate the

number of descendants he would have? (15:5) Stars

241. "And he believed in the Lord, and He

accounted it to him for ______." (15:6) righteousness

242. Where was Abram from? (15:7)

Ur of the Chaldeans 243. What five animals were brought to seal the

covenant between God and Abram? (15:9) Heifer, Female goat, Ram,

Turtledove, Pigeon 244. Which is NOT one of the five animals that

Abram brought to seal the covenant between God and Abram? (15:9) Camel

245. What did Abram have to drive away from the carcasses of the animals which he had cut in two? (15:11) Vultures

246. What fell upon Abram as the sun was going

down? (15:12) He fell into a deep sleep

247. What happened during Abram's deep

sleep? (15:12) A horror and great darkness fell

upon him 248. How long did God say Abram's

descendants would be slaves? (15:13) 400 years

249. What land was God talking about when he

said Abram's descendants would be "strangers in a land that is not theirs"? (15:13) Egypt

250. When His people were finally freed, what

would they come out with? (15:14) Great possessions

251. When it became dark, what two things

appeared and went between the pieces of the animals? (15:17) A smoking oven and a burning torch

252. What river was known as the "great river"?

(15:18) Euphrates


253. Who was Sarai's Egyptian maidservant? (16:1) Hagar

254. Did Abram go to the maidservant to have a

child after Sarai told him to do so? (16:2) Yes

255. About what age was Abram when he and

Hagar had a son? (16:3, 16 and 12:4) 86

256. After Hagar learned she would have a baby, how did she feel toward Sarai? (16:4-5) She despised her

257. Because Sarai dealt so harshly with the

maidservant, what did this servant do? (16:6) Fled

258. Who found the maidservant in the

wilderness? (16:7) Angel of the Lord

2013 Bible Bowl 17 Genesis 1-25

259. Where did the angel of the Lord find Hagar after she had run away from Sarah? (16:7) By a spring of water (the spring on

the way to Shur) 260. Who told Hagar to return to Sarai? (16:9)

Angel of the Lord 261. Who was Abram and Hagar's son? (16:11)


262. What does "Ishmael" mean? (16:11) God hears

263. What kind of man would Hagar's son be?

(16:12) Wild man

264. What was called Beer Lahai Roi and was

located between Kadesh and Bered? (16:14) The well where God spoke to Hagar


265. Abram is described as falling on his ______, when God talked to him. (17:3) Face

266. Who is called the "father of many nations?"

(17:4) Abram

267. To what was Abram's name changed?

(17:5) Abraham

268. What did God call the promise he made to

Abraham and his descendants? (17:7) Covenant

269. What land did the Lord promise to

Abraham? (17:8) Canaan

270. What did God tell Abraham should be done

to every male child? (17:10) They should be circumcised

271. How old were male children to be when this

medical procedure was performed? (17:12) Eight days old

272. Did Abraham own slaves? (17:13)

Yes 273. To what was Sarai's named changed?

(17:15) Sarah

274. What does the name "Sarah" mean? (17:15) Princess

275. When God told Abraham that Sarah would

have a son, what did Abraham do? (17:17) Fell on his face Laughed Questioned God

276. How old would Abraham be when he was

told Sarah would have a son? (17:17) 100

277. How old would Sarah be when she was told

she and Abraham would have a son? (17:17) 90

278. What was to be the name of Abraham and

Sarah's son according to God? (17:19) Isaac

279. How many princes would come from

Ishmael's children? (17:20) Twelve

280. How old was Ishmael when he was

circumcised? (17:25) 13

2013 Bible Bowl 18 Genesis 1-25


281. What time of day did the Lord appear to Abraham as he was sitting in the tent door? (18:1) Heat of the day

282. By what trees did the Lord appear to

Abraham? (18:1) Terebinth trees of Mamre

283. When Abraham was sitting by his tent, how

many men did he see standing nearby? (18:2) Three

284. What did Abraham do when he saw the

men? (18:2) Ran to meet them and bowed to the

ground 285. How did Abraham refer to himself when

talking to the men? (18:3) As a servant

286. What did Sarah bake for the three visitors?

(18:6) Cakes

287. What four items were brought before the

men to eat? (18:6-8) Cakes, butter, milk, a calf

288. What did Sarah do when the men said she would have a son? (18:12) Laughed within herself

289. Who said "Is anything too hard for the

Lord?" (18:14) The Lord

290. Why did Sarah deny that she laughed?

(18:15) She was afraid

291. After the meeting with the men, where did

the men go? (18:22) Sodom

292. Who asked, "Would You also destroy the

righteous with the wicked? (18:23) Abraham

293. Give the number of righteous that Abraham

asked about the FIRST time he gave the Lord a number? (18:23-33) 50

294. At the end of Abraham's discussion with the

Lord, how many righteous men would it have taken to save the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? (18:32) Ten righteous men


295. When the two angels arrived at Sodom, who was sitting in the gateway of the city? (19:1) Lot

296. Where did Lot invite the angels to stay?

(19:2) In his home

297. Where did the angels want to spend the

night? (19:2) In the city square

298. Where did the angels end up staying in

Sodom? (19:3) In Lot's home

299. When the men of the city asked for the visitors, who was Lot willing to send to them? (19:8) His two daughters

300. What did the men try to do to Lot's home?

(19:9) They tried to break down his door

301. What did the angels do to the men who

were after them? (19:11) Struck them blind

302. Who thought Lot was joking when he told

them of Sodom's coming destruction? (19:14) Lot's sons-in-law

2013 Bible Bowl 19 Genesis 1-25

303. Who helped Lot and his family to get outside the city? (19:16) The men (the angels)

304. What family members left Sodom with Lot?

(19:16) His wife and two daughters

305. Where was Lot told to run with his family?

(19:17) To the mountains

306. What was Lot and his family to do as they

fled the city of Sodom? (19:17) Don't look back, or stay anywhere in

the plain 307. To what city did Lot and his family flee?

(19:22) Zoar

308. What did the Lord rain down on the cities of

Sodom and Gomorrah? (19:24) Brimstone and fire

309. What two cities were destroyed by fire?

(19:24) Sodom and Gomorrah

310. What four items were destroyed by the Lord? (19:25) Inhabitants of the cities All the plain What grew on the ground Cities

311. What was Lot's wife turned into? (19:26)

Pillar of salt 312. When Abraham looked toward Sodom and

Gomorrah, what did he see? (19:28) Smoke which was like the smoke of a

furnace 313. How did God remember Abraham when He

destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? (19:29) He saved Lot

314. After leaving Zoar, where did Lot live?

(19:30) In a cave

315. What was the name of Lot's first

grandchild? (19:37) Moab

316. What was the name of Lot's second

grandchild? (19:38) Ben-Ammi


317. After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, where are we told Abraham stayed (between Kabesh and Shur)? (20:1) Gerar

318. What did Abraham tell the king about his

relationship with Sarah? (20:2) "She is my sister"

319. What king took Sarah away from Abraham?

(20:2) Abimelech king of Gerar

320. Who told Abimelech, and how was he told

about the true relationship of Abraham and Sarah? (20:3) God told him in a dream

321. Who said, "In the integrity of my heart and innocence of my hands I have done this."? (20:5) Abimelech

322. What is "integrity"?

Moral soundness and decency 323. Who kept the king from touching Sarah?

(20:6) God

324. What did God call Abraham in 20:7?

A prophet 325. Why did Abraham lie about Sarah to the

king? (20:11) He feared for his life and thought

they would kill him

2013 Bible Bowl 20 Genesis 1-25

326. Was Sarah really Abraham's sister? (20:12) Yes

327. How were they related? (20:12)

Sarah was the daughter of Abraham's father but not his mother

328. When did Abraham first tell Sarah to cover

the fact that they were married? (20:13) When they left his father's house

329. What did the king give to Abraham to

restore Sarah as his wife? (20:7, 14-16) Land 1,000 pieces of silver Sheep Oxen Male and female servants

330. What punishment had God placed on the king, his wife, and his maidservants? (20:17-18) They could have no children

331. How were the king, his wife and his

maidservants healed? (20:17) Abraham prayed to God and God

healed them 332. How long did Sarah stay with the king?

There is no record of the amount of time


333. Who was Abraham and Sarah's son? (21:3) Isaac

334. What does the name "Isaac" mean?

Laughter 335. How old was Isaac when Abraham

circumcised him? (21:4) Eight days old

336. How old was Abraham when Isaac was

born? (21:5) 100 years old

337. What did Sarah see the son of Hagar doing

at the feast for Isaac? (21:9) Scoffing

338. What did Sarah tell Abraham to do with

Hagar and her son? (21:10) Cast them out

339. Did God forbid Abraham to listen to Sarah

concerning Hagar and her son? (21:12,13) No, He told him to listen and that He

would make a great nation from this son

340. What did Abraham give to Hagar and her

son as he sent her away? (21:14) Bread and a skin of water (water

bottle made of skins)

341. Where did Hagar and the boy wander? (21:14) The Wilderness of Beersheba

342. After they ran out of water, where did Hagar

place her son to die? (21:15-16) Under a shrub

343. Who said, "What ails you, Hagar?" (21:17)

The angel of God 344. What did Hagar see when God "opened her

eyes"? (21:19) A well of water

345. What skill did Hagar's son acquire while

growing up in the wilderness? (21:20) Archery

346. Where did Hagar find a wife for her son?

(21:21) Egypt

347. What wilderness did Hagar and her son live

in as he was growing up? (21:21) Wilderness of Paran

348. Who was the commander of Abimelech's

army? (21:22) Phichol

2013 Bible Bowl 21 Genesis 1-25

349. What had Abimelech's servants seized that caused Abraham to rebuke him? (21:25) A well of water

350. What is a "covenant"?

A treaty 351. How many ewe lambs did Abraham use to

make an agreement with Abimelech? (21:29) Seven

352. What does the name "Beersheba" mean? (21:31) Well of the Oath

353. What kind of tree did Abraham plant in

Beersheba after his agreement with Abimelech? (21:33) Tamarisk tree

354. In whose land did Abraham stay for many

days? (21:34) The Philistine's


355. Who did God test? (22:1) Abraham

356. In which land did God tell Abraham to offer

Isaac as a sacrifice? (22:2) Land of Moriah

357. Who did Abraham take with him as he

prepared to sacrifice his son? (22:3) Two young men and Isaac

358. What kind of animal did Abraham saddle as

he prepared to sacrifice his son? (22:3) Donkey

359. How many days journey was it before

Abraham saw the place to which God told him to go? (22:4) Three

360. What did Abraham tell those with him that

he and Isaac were going to do? (22:5) Worship

361. What three things did Abraham and Isaac

take with them as they went to worship? (22:6) Wood, Fire, Knife

362. What did Isaac ask Abraham as they went

to worship? (22:7) "Where is the lamb for a burnt

offering?" 363. Who did Abraham say would provide the

lamb for the offering? (22:8) God

364. Who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son? (22:11) An angel of the Lord

365. Because Abraham was willing to sacrifice

his son, what did the Lord know about him? (22:12) Abraham feared God

366. What did Abraham see in the thicket that he

sacrificed as a burnt offering? (22:13) A ram

367. What was the name of the place where

Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac? (22:14) The Lord Will Provide

368. What two things did God compare with the

number of descendants that Abraham would have? (22:17) Stars of Heaven Sands on the seashore

369. How many nations would be blessed

because Abraham obeyed God? (22:18) All

370. Which of Abraham's brothers was Milcah's

husband? (22:20) Nahor

371. Who was Rebekah's grandfather? (22:20-

23) Nahor

372. Who was Rebekah's father? (22:23)


2013 Bible Bowl 22 Genesis 1-25


373. How long did Sarah live? (23:1) 127 years

374. Where did Sarah die? (23:2)

Kirjath Arba (Hebron) 375. Who gave Abraham a burial site? (23:5-6)

Sons of Heth 376. What did the sons of Heth call Abraham?

(23:6) A mighty prince

377. Where was Sarah buried? (23:9, 19)

Cave of Machpelah 378. What Hittite sold Abraham the burial place

for Sarah? (23:10) Ephron

379. What did Sarah's burial place cost

Abraham? (23:16) 400 shekels of silver

380. In what land was the place of Sarah's grave

site located? (23:19) Canaan

381. Who said to his oldest servant, "Please, put

your hand under my thigh"? (24:2) Abraham

382. From what country did Abraham NOT want Isaac to take a wife? (24:3) Canaan

383. Where DID Abraham want his son to find a

wife? (24:4) To Abraham's country and his family

384. Who went to the land before Abraham's

servant in order to find a wife for his son? (24:7) An angel

385. What animals did Abraham's servant take

with him to find a wife for Isaac? (24:10) Ten camels

386. Where did Abraham's servant go to find a

wife for Isaac? (24:10) Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor

387. What did the servant call God as he prayed

by the well? (24:12) "Oh Lord God of my master

Abraham" 388. Who was Nahor? (23:20, 24:15)

Abraham's brother


389. What young woman came out from the city to draw water? (24:15) Rebekah

390. Who said, "Please let me drink a little water

from your pitcher"? (24:17) Abraham's servant said this to

Rebekah 391. After Rebekah gave water to Abraham's

servant, what else did she do? (24:19,20) Gave water to the camels

392. What jewelry did the servant give to

Rebekah? (24:22) Golden nose ring and two bracelets

393. What did Abraham's servant first ask of Rebekah? (24:23) For a place to lodge (stay)

394. Who was the brother of Rebekah that ran

out to meet the servant? (24:29) Laban

395. Who retold the story of the servant and how

he found Rebekah in Genesis 24:34-49? Abraham's servant

396. When Laban and Bethuel agreed to let

Rebekah go with Abraham's servant, how did the servant react? (24:50-52) He bowed to the earth and worshiped

the Lord

2013 Bible Bowl 23 Genesis 1-25

397. What three things did Abraham's servant give to Rebekah? (24:53) Jewelry of silver Clothing Jewelry of gold

398. Did Rebekah agree to be Isaac's wife?

(24:58) Yes

399. What other women were with Rebekah

when she went away with Abraham's servant? (24:59, 61) Her maids Her nurse

400. Where was Isaac living at the time his wife was brought to him? (24:62) Beer Lahai Roi

401. Where was Isaac when he first saw the

camels coming as they brought Rebekah? (24:63) He was meditating in the field

402. What did Rebekah cover herself with when

she first met Isaac? (24:65) A veil

403. What did Sarah do when she first met

Rebekah? (23:1-20; 24:67) Sarah never met Rebekah because

Sarah was dead


404. Who was Abraham's wife after Sarah died? (25:1) Keturah

405. How many children did Abraham have with

his new wife? (25:2) Six

406. To whom did Abraham give "all that he

had"? (25:5) Isaac

407. Who did Abraham send to the east, away

from Isaac? (25:6) The sons of his concubines

408. How many years did Abraham live? (25:7)

175 409. Where was Abraham buried? (25:9)

In the cave of Machpelah 410. Who was buried in the same place that

Abraham was buried? (25:10) Sarah

411. How many sons were born to Ishmael?

(25:13-16) Twelve

412. What special titles were the sons of

Ishmael called? (25:16) Princes

413. How many years did Ishmael live? (25:17) 137

414. How old was Isaac when he took Rebekah

as his wife? (25:20) 40

415. Who asked, "If all is well, why am I this

way?" (25:22) Rebekah asked this to the Lord

416. How many babies did Rebekah have at

first? (25:24) Two, she had twins

417. How was Esau described at his birth?

(25:25) Red and hairy

418. What does the name "Esau" mean?

Hairy 419. What does the name "Jacob" mean?

Supplanter 420. What did Jacob do at his birth? (25:26)

Took hold of his brother's heel 421. How many years had Isaac and Rebekah

been married when they had finally had children? (25:20,26) 20

2013 Bible Bowl 24 Genesis 1-25

422. How was Esau described as he grew? (25:27) A skillful hunter and man of the field

423. How was Jacob described as he grew?

(25:27) Mild man who dwelt in tents

424. Who was Isaac's favorite son? (25:28)

Esau 425. Who was Rebekah's favorite son? (25:28)


426. What did Esau sell to Jacob? (25:29-31) Esau's birthright

427. Esau was called Edom. What does

"Edom" mean? (25:30) Red

428. What did Esau receive for his birthright?

(25:34) Bread, stew of lentils, and drink

2013 Bible Bowl 25 Genesis 1-25

SCORING FOR BIBLE BOWL November 2, 2013 Book of Genesis

Individual Awards:

Grade(s) Scripture Search

Multiple Choice (Tests #1 & #2)

Matching (Tests #1 & #2)

Total for Individual Scoring

2nd 15 100 (50 pts each) None 115

3rd - 5th 30 150 (75 pts each) 20 (10 pts each) 200

6th - 8th 30 150 (75 pts each) 50 (25 pts each) 230

9th - 12th 30 150 75 pts each) 80 (40 pts each) 260

Team Awards:

Teams are scored by the combined individual scores of up to four team members. Teams from each congregation will be decided by highest scores (not teachers or coaches). Teams with less than four are decided by scores and are factored in by a computer program.



Test What is Covered Points

Scripture Search

15 verses to look up. The book, chapter and verse are listed and ONE word is left out of the passage which needs to be filled in. These may be whole verses or parts of verses.


Multiple Choice

Two tests with 50 questions each. Three possible answers (A, B or C). 2nd graders are read to and they must place the letter A, B or C on their test. No Scantron is used for the 2nd grade.


Matching None for 2nd graders. 0

Tie Breaker None for 2nd graders. 0

2013 Bible Bowl 26 Genesis 1-25




Test What is Covered Points

Scripture Search

30 verses to look up. The book, chapter and verse are listed and ONE word is left out of the passage which needs to be filled in. These may be whole verses or parts of verses.


Multiple Choice

Two tests with 75 questions each. Four possible answers (A, B, C or D). 2nd graders are read to and they must place the letter A, B or C on their test. Scantron forms are used.


Matching Two tests with 10 point each. Names, places, numbers, and facts are used from study guide, Bible text, chapter headings, and memory work.


Tie Breaker One test with 50 questions. ONLY graded in the event of a tie. 50




Test What is Covered Points

Scripture Search

30 verses to find. The verse from the Book of Genesis is given and must be found. The student needs to fill in the Chapter and Verse number. These may be whole verses or parts of verses.


Multiple Choice

Two tests with 75 questions each. Four possible answers (A, B, C or D). 2nd graders are read to and they must place the letter A, B or C on their test. Scantron forms are used.


Matching Two tests with 25 point each. Names, places, numbers, and facts are used from study guide, Bible text, chapter headings, and memory work.


Tie Breaker One test with 50 questions. ONLY graded in the event of a tie. 50




Test What is Covered Points

Scripture Search

30 verses to find. ONLY the passage is given from the Book of Genesis and the students must fill in TWO missing words (½ point each). These may be whole verses or parts of verses.


Multiple Choice

Two tests with 75 questions each. Four possible answers (A, B, C or D). 2nd graders are read to and they must place the letter A, B or C on their test. Scantron forms are used.


Matching Two tests with 40 point each. Names, places, numbers, and facts are used from study guide, Bible text, chapter headings, and memory work.


Tie Breaker One test with 50 questions. ONLY graded in the event of a tie. 50

2013 Bible Bowl 27 Genesis 1-25


2nd thru 5th Grades: Find the verses and fill in the blanks: (Use the New King James

Version) 1. EZEKIEL 3:15 - "Then I came to the captives at Tel Abib, who dwelt by the River

____________; and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them ____________ days.

Answers: Chebar, seven 2. AMOS 3:4 - "Will a lion ____________ in the forest, when he has no prey? Will a

young lion cry out of his ____________, if he has caught nothing? Answers: Roar, den 3. TITUS 1:12 - "One of them, a prophet of their own, said, "____________ are always

liars, evil beasts, ____________ gluttons." Answers: Cretans, lazy

The key to this round is to know your Books of the Bible and know how to find each book quickly!

6th thru 8th Grades: Find the book, chapter and verse number for the following passages in the Book of Genesis. (Use the New King James Version) 30 verses in this round. 1. ______ ___:___ “In the beginning…“ Answer: Genesis 1:1 2. ______ ___:___ "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” Answer: Genesis 6:8 9th - 12th Grades: Fill in the missing words from the following passages. (Use the New King James Version) 30 verses in this round. 1. “Then the LORD God called to ______ and said to him, ‘______ are you?’" Answers: Adam, Where (3:9) 2. “Lot also, who went with Abram, had ______ and ______ and tents.” Answers: Flocks, Herds (13:5)

The key to this round is to know Genesis 1-25 very well!

2013 Bible Bowl 28 Genesis 1-25


A. ______ Old Testament Books

B. ______ Days of Creation

C. ______ Sons of Jacob

D. ______ Ten Plagues

E. ______ Ten Commandments

F. ______ Judges of Israel

G. ______ 23rd Psalm

H. ______ New Testament Books

I. ______ Apostles

J. ______ Beatitudes

K. ______ The Lord's Prayer

L. ______ The Great Commission

M. ______ Qualifications for Elders

N. ______ Steps of Salvation

O. ______ "I AM" Statements from the Gospel of John

P. ______ Chapter Headings

2013 Bible Bowl 29 Genesis 1-25

A. OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS (Tune: “The More We Get Together”) Let us sing the Books of Moses, of Moses, of Moses, Let us sing the Books of Moses, for he wrote the law. First, Genesis; second, Exodus; third, Leviticus; fourth, Numbers; And the fifth is Deuteronomy, the last of them all. Let us sing the Books of History, of History, of History; Let us sing the Books of History, that tell of the Jews. There's Joshua and Judges and the story of Ruth; Then 1st and 2nd Samuel, and 1st and 2nd Kings; Then 1st and 2nd Chronicles which give us the records. Then Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther the queen. Let us sing the Books of Poetry, of Poetry, of Poetry; Let us sing the Books of Poetry, the songs the Jews sang. Job the patient, Psalms of David and the Proverbs of a wise one; And then Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. Let us sing the Major Prophets, Major Prophets, Major Prophets; Let us sing the Major Prophets, they wrote five books in all. Isaiah, Jeremiah who wrote Lamentations; Then Ezekiel and Daniel, who were true to their God. Let us sing the Minor Prophets, Minor Prophets, Minor Prophets; Let us sing the Minor Prophets, there were twelve of them all. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

B. DAYS OF CREATION Day one, day one, God made light when there was none; Day two, day two, God made clouds and skies of blue; Day three, day three, God made flowers and plants and trees. Day four, day four, sun and moon and stars galore. Day five, day five, God made birds and fish alive; Sixth day, sixth day God made animals and man that day. Day seven, day seven, God rested in his heaven.

2013 Bible Bowl 30 Genesis 1-25

C. SONS OF JACOB (Tune: “Sing A Song of Sixpence”) Jacob lived in Canaan, there he had twelve sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, Issachar and Asher, Naphtali, and Dan, Joseph, Gad, and Benjamin.

D. TEN PLAGUES (Exodus 7-12) 1. Water turning to blood 2. Frogs 3. Lice 4. Flies 5. Sickness of cattle 6. Boils on men and animals 7. Hail 8. Locusts 9. Darkness 10. Death of the firstborn

E. TEN COMMANDMENTS (Exodus 20) 1. You shall have no other gods before me 2. You shall not make for yourself any carved image 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy 5. Honor your father and your mother 6. You shall not murder 7. You shall not commit adultery 8. You shall not steal 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 10. You shall not covet

F. JUDGES OF ISRAEL God sent Judges over Israel, One brave woman, fourteen men. They helped Israel fight their battles, led them back to God from sin. Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, Samuel.

2013 Bible Bowl 31 Genesis 1-25

G. 23rd PSALM 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; he leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for

You are with me; your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head

with oil; my cup runs over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in

the house of the LORD forever.

H. NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Acts and the letter to the Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Galatians and Ephesians. Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Hebrews, James, First and Second Peter, First and Second and Third John, Jude and Revelation.

I. APOSTLES Peter, Andrew, James, and John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew James, Simon, Thaddeus, Judas Matthias, and Paul

2013 Bible Bowl 32 Genesis 1-25

J. BEATITUDES (Matthew 5) 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against

you falsely for My sake.

K. THE LORD'S PRAYER (Matthew 6:9-13) 9 "In this manner, therefore, pray: our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the

kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

L. THE GREAT COMMISSION (Matthew 28:19-20) "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.”

2013 Bible Bowl 33 Genesis 1-25

M. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELDERS (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9) (*Be able to list at least 12)

1. Blameless 2. The husband of one wife 3. Temperate 4. Sober-minded 5. Of good behavior 6. Hospitable 7. Able to teach 8. Not given to wine 9. Not violent 10. Not greedy for money 11. Gentle 12. Not quarrelsome 13. Not covetous 14. One who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all

reverence 15. Not a novice 16. He must have a good testimony among those who are outside 17. Faithful children 18. Steward of God 19. Not self-willed 20. Not quick-tempered 21. Lover of what is good 22. Just 23. Holy 24. Self-controlled 25. Holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught

2013 Bible Bowl 34 Genesis 1-25

N. STEPS OF SALVATION (Know EVERYTHING: the “step,” verse and where it is found)

1. HEAR: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans

10:17) 2. BELIEVE: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God

must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

3. REPENT: “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” (Luke

13:3) 4. CONFESS: "For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth

confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:10) Also: “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before

My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32) 5. BE BAPTIZED: "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not

believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:16) 6. BE FAITHFUL: ". . . be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life."

(Revelation 2:10)


1. I AM (8:28,58; 9:9; 13:19) 2. Bread of life (6:35,48,51) 3. Light of the world (8:12; 9:5) 4. From above (8:23) 5. Door (10:7,9) 6. Good shepherd (10:11-15) 7. Son of God (10:36) 8. Resurrection and the life (11:25) 9. Way, the truth, and the life (14:6) 10. Vine (15:1-5)

2013 Bible Bowl 35 Genesis 1-25

P. CHAPTER HEADINGS FOR THE BOOK OF GENESIS 1-25 (Chapter Headings will be included in testing for the 6-12 grades)

Chapter 1 & 2 Creation of the World (1:1-2:3) Creation of Man (2:4-25) Chapter 3 Temptation of Man (3:1-5) Fall of Man (3:6-7) Judgment on Man (3:8-24) Chapters 4 & 5 The Initial Conflict (4:1-15) The Ungodly Line of Cain (4:16-24) The Godly Line of Seth (4:25-5:32 Chapter 6 The Ungodly Multiply (6:1-4) The Ungodly Sin Continually (6:5) The Ungodly to Be Destroyed (6:6-7) The Godly to Be Saved (6:8-22) Chapter 7 The Ark Is Entered (7:1-10) The Earth is Flooded (7:11-24) Chapter 8 The Flood Recedes (8:1-19) Noah Worships God (8:20-22) Chapter 9 God’s Covenant with Noah (9:1-17) The Sons of Noah (9:18-19) Ham’s Sin (9:20-24) The Curse on Canaan (9:25-27) Noah’s Death (9:28-29) Chapter 10 The Family of Japheth (10:1-5) The Family of Ham (10:6-14) The Family of Canaan (10:15-20) The Family of Shem (10:21-32) Chapter 11 Construction of the Tower (11:1-3) Rebellion at the Tower (11:4) Judgment on All the Family Lines (11:5-9) Abram’s Family Line (11:10-26) Abram’s Past (11:27-32)

Chapter 12 Initiation of the Covenant (12:1-20) Chapter 13 Abram’s Separation from Lot (13:1-13) God’s Promise to Abram (13:14-18) Chapter 14 Abram Rescues Lot (14:1-16) Abram Refuses Reward (14:17-24) Chapter 15 & 16 God’s Promise of Children (15:1-21) A Carnal Plan for Children (16:1-16) Chapter 17 Institution of the Covenant: Circumcision

(17:1-27) Chapter 18 Sarah’s Faith Is Tested (18:1-15) Abraham’s Faith Is Tested (18:16-33 Chapter 19 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (19:1-

29) The Sin of Lot (19:30-38) Chapter 20 The Test of Abimelech (20:1-18) Chapter 21 Birth of Isaac (21:1-34) Chapter 22 Offering of Isaac (22:1-24) Chapter 23 Death of Sarah (23:1-20) Chapter 24 Isaac’s Marriage (24:1-67) Chapter 25 Abraham Dies (25:1-18) The Family of Isaac (25:19-34)

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