2013-7 - sintef

Post on 30-Jan-2022






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Message from the BIGCCS TeamAs 2013 is coming to an end, we are proud to give you our last Newsletter. This year BIGCCS passed the Research Council of Norway’s Midway evaluation of the FMEs with excellent reviews and the management team together with our highly valued industry partners has joined forces to even more strengthen BIGCCS’s innovation force, research profile and visibility. Also, in 2013 the many and important defining processes and decisions regarding the forming of Horizon2020, ERANET, EERA, and the Integrated Roadmap of the SET-plan has been high on our agenda. Forming the European energy- and CCS policy and instruments is of paramount importance to overcome the struggling when it comes to climate action.

With this we would like to thank our partners in BIGCCS and the Research council for a fruitful and encouraging cooperation in the year that is about to end.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

BIGCCS Director Dr. Mona Mølnvik and Chairman of the Board Dr. Nils Røkke (Photo: Gry Karin Stimo)

Three New KPN Projects for BIGCCSThe board of the Norwegian Research Council’s CLIMIT-program decided at its December 4 meeting to fund three new CCS projects with a total CLIMIT funding of NOK 20.8 million. In this round, the program received 29 applications, and funding was given to 11 projects. The following CCS projects are planned to be amended to BIGCCS.

uncertainty reduction in monitoring methods for improved accuracy of CO2

Quantity estimates (uniCQue). The primary objective is to develop methods for quantification and reduction of uncertainties in CO2 monitoring (e.g. for saturation and spatial extent) when using geophysical inversion methods like Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) and Controlled Source Electro-Magnetics (CSEM) inversion. Partners are: SINTEF Petroleum Research, SINTEF Information and Communication Technology, British Geological Survey, and NTNU. The budget is NOK 8 million over 3 years (including cost for a Postdoc).

Ensuring well integrity during CO2 injection.

The goal is to improve the understanding of how leaks develop in/along CO2 injection wells, and how they can best be predicted, prevented and remediated. Numerical models will be developed both for vertical flow of CO2 and for downhole heat transfer in wells, and experimental work will investigate the consequences of different downhole temperature variations on the sealing ability of wells. Research partners are SINTEF Petroleum Research, SINTEF Energy Research and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. The budget is NOK 9 million over 3 years.

Shaping of advanced materials for CO2 capture processes (SINTERCAP).

The main objective of “SINTERCAP” is to develop pressure swing adsorption (including vacuum swing) and temperature swing adsorption processes for pre- and post-combustion CO2 capture based on metal-organic frameworks as new advanced materials. The target is to significantly reduce the energy consumption of the post-combustion CO2 capture in ASC and in NGCC applications and in post-combustion, with simultaneous production of high-purity H2. Partners are SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, SINTEF Energy Research, University of Porto (Portugal), and Politecnico di Milano (Italy). The total budget is NOK 9 million.


BIGCCS Researcher Ms. Sissel Grude Wins Young Scientists PrizePhD candidate Ms. Sissel Grude at Institute for Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics has won a prize for young researchers, for an innovative paper on sustainability and geological recourses. The prize, which included a diploma and € 1,000, was given at the Sustainable Earth Sciences conference in Pau, France in November.

At this conference Ms. Grude presented her paper titled: Pressure Effects Caused by CO2 Injection in the Snøhvit Field. Ms. Grudes co-authors were: J. Dvorkin (Stanford University), A. Clark (Stanford University), T. Vanorio (Stanford University) and her supervisor Professor Martin Landrø at Institute for Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics.

The Sustainable Earth Sciences conference was organized for the second time and gathered around 120 participants. This year’s topic was use of geological heat and geological CO2 storage. The organizer, the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), has set up the prize to encourage research and development within sustainability and geoscience.

Sissel Grude proudly posing with her Young Scientist Prize

Paper Award to BIGCCS Researcher David BerstadThe International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) and Elsevier have jointly recognized BIGCCS researchers Mr. David Berstad and co-authors Mr. Rahul Anantharaman and Mr. Petter Nekså (SINTEF Energy Research) for their paper titled Low-temperature CO2 capture technologies – Applications and potential1 by. Their work was recognized as a high-quality review paper, which was underlined by a € 500 royalty fee from Elsevier. The paper can be found here.

In the first part of the paper, a visual overview of CO2 capture conditions is provided for large point sources within industry and power generation. The substantial differences in CO2 concentration and particularly partial pressure – important premises for the optimal choice of CO2 separation technology – are emphasized. Following a discussion highlighting the need for a diverse technology portfolio for covering the complete array of capture

conditions, a review of the development of low-temperature CO2 capture technologies is given. This includes work performed in BIGCCS Task 1.5. Common for all processes within the low-temperature definition is the cooling and phase change of CO2 (liquefaction or solidification) enabling phase separation of CO2 from more volatile constituents in flue gas or synthesis gas, thus minimizing or completely avoiding the dependence on chemical or physical sorption materials.

1 International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 36, pp. 1403–1416

Lead author of the paper, David Berstad (Photo: David Berstad)

Award to Georg BaumgartnerBIGCCS researcher, Mr. Georg Baumgartner, was given the Best Presentation Award at the joint BIGCCS/CLIMIT PhD Seminar, October 17-18. The title of his presentation was: Study of Flame Flashback Phenomena for the Safety of Hydrogen-Rich Fuel Burners. The presentation can be found here.

Georg Baumbartner, Technische Universität Munchen

BIGCCS General AssemblyThe BIGCCS 2013 General Assembly was held at Lerkendal Stadium, Trondheim, on October 17. With the Midway Evaluation process completed, the GA was predominantly engaged in following up the recommendations from this evaluation and on forming the Centre strategy for the period 2014-1016. A good portion of the meeting was also dedicated to discussion of innovation activities, and what can be done to further stimulate innovation and commercialization of research results generated in the Centre. In her summary of operations, Centre Director, Ms. Mona Mølnvik, pointed to the fact that BIGCCS and offspring projects now account for a project portfolio of NOK 1.1 billion (excluding the SOLVit project). She also underlined the value of the feedback from the Midway Evaluation, and said that BIGCCS is now using the results of the evaluation in the planning of the final three years. Mr. Ole Kristian Sollie of Shell was elected Chairman of the BIGCCS General Assembly.

BIGCCS General Assembly at Lerkandal Stadium October 17, 2013. Behind from left: Remi Dreux (GDF Suez), Carsten Nielsen (GEUS), Nils Røkke (SINTEF), Ole Kristian Sollie (Shell), Arve Erga (TOTAL E&P), Åse Slagtern (NFR). Middle from left: Brita Paasch (Statoil), Svein Solvang (Gassco) Rune Bredesen (SINTEF), Ole Lindefjeld (ConocoPhillips). In front: Olav Bolland (NTNU), Mona J. Mølnvik (SINTEF Energy AS). (Photo: Rune Aarlien)

Consortium Day 2013The 2013 edition of the BIGCCS Consortium Day was held at Lerkendal Stadium on October 16 with almost 30 participants from industry and the BIGCCS project. The seminar focussed on progress and results from the four Centre Sub-programs. Besides the results presentations very interesting presentations were given by Mr. Christian Skar, PhD Cnadidate from the Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU (on the Market Economics report ZEP), Mr. Per Ivar Karstad, Statoil (on Statoil’s view on the future with CCS), and from Professor Martin Landrø, Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU (on monitoring CO2 storage – using geophysical methods to map CO2 movements and pressure changes). Program with link to the open presentations can be found on the BIGCCS eRoom.

PhD SeminarThis year’s BIGCCS PhD seminar was organized jointly with the traditional CLIMIT PhD seminar at Lerkendal Stadium on October 17 and 18. Almost 60 young scientists attended, and presented many innovative solutions for the next generation CCS technologies.

The seminar ended with a visit to the SINTEF CO2 capture pilot at Tiller. This is a world class pilot for testing post combustion CO2

Christian Skar Professor Martin Landrø

Attendees at the Consortium Day 2013 (Photos: Rune Aarlien)

capture by solvents. The students were impressed and motivated by the possibilities that lies in a world class facility like the Tiller pilot.

The results presented at the CLIMIT and BIG CCS PhD Seminar shows an incredible level of innovation, and this could very well lead to the next generation CCS technology we need to deploy CCS worldwide.

Link to a summary from seminar can be found here. Presentations held at the seminar can be found here.

Participants at the BIGCCS-CLIMIT PhD seminar (Photo: Aage Stangeland)

Contacts:Centre Director Mona Mølnvik, mona.j.molnvik@sintef.noCentre Manager Rune Aarlien, rune.aarlien@sintef.noDeputy Ctr. Mgr. Jon Magne Johansen, jonmagne.johansen@sintef.no

Board MeetingBIGCCS Board meeting No 11 was held on November 28 at Statoil’s Research Centre (Rotvoll). In addition to keeping a close eye on operations and progress, important issues at this meeting was following up the outcome of the Midway Evaluation, in particular the issue of innovation and commercialization. The Board also devoted time to the Annual Working Plan for 2014, which includes a moderate restructuring of the task structure of the BIGCCS project. This is done in order to focus efforts on the most promising research areas and to optimize possibilities for innovation. The Board was also given a tour of Statoil’s laboratory facilities.

Doctor DefenseXinzhi Chen has finished his doctoral research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and the public defense was conducted on December 10, 2013. The thesis is titled “Dense oxygen separation membrane materials-thermal and chemical expansion of La1-xSrxMO3-δ (M = Fe, Co) and tape casting and mechanical properties of La2NiO4+δ”, and is part of SP1 – CO2 Capture, Task 1.2 – High Temperature Membranes. The aim of the thesis is to establish a fundamental understanding of the mechanical stability and high temperature thermal and chemical stability of selected oxygen separation membrane materials. Mr. Chen’s supervisor has been Professor Tor Grande, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NTNU.

His work has demonstrated a strongly anisotropic thermal and nonlinear chemical expansion in La1-xSrxMO3-δ (M = Fe, Co) materials, which to the author’s knowledge is first reported here. The mechanical properties of La2NiO4+δ ceramics were observed to be related to the grain size of La2NiO4+δ, which opens up a possibility to improve mechanical properties by controlling grain growth.

Xinzhi Chen, NTNU

PublicationsAs of November 20, 2013, BIGCCS has registered over 300 publications from its research activities. The figure for 2013 is not yet complete, and will increase as more

publications are entered into the database. The table below shows the number of publications per year generated by the Centre (As of November 20, 2013).

Publications produced by BIGCCS (by year) as of November 20, 2013

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