2012 hr tech conference photo essay

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Technology at the 2012

HR Tech Expo Hall:

Old School Meets New School

A Photo Essay…

Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved 2


The significant progress the HR industry has made in developing and leveraging social and digital technologies was clearly evident at the 2012 HR Technology Conference in Chicago – especially in the Expo Hall. Not only were new technologies highlighted in the products and services offered by vendors, they were also integrated throughout the entire experience. This integration was impressive for many reasons, not the least of which was that “high tech” was used to facilitate “high touch” interactions. I documented my impressions via a digital photo essay. I invite others to share additional observations, insights, and examples as well.

For a detailed introduction and overview, click here to access the corresponding blog post.

3Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

About the Conference

2012 marked the 15th year of the HR Technology Conference, which was once again in Chicago (where I live).

If you’re not familiar with HR Tech, click on the image on the left to learn more.

4Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

The welcome emails pushed the mobile apps (even using QR codes to facilitate downloads). I wonder how many people used them?

I loved the high tech/high touch balance in this message emphasizing the value of in-person interaction as well as digital apps.

Pre-Conference Communication

5Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

The Sponsors

The main sponsors were comprised of a nice blend of old and new companies. Each one of these sponsors has an interesting story to tell about the Digital Era opportunities and challenges it has faced, and how it has responded to them. And their stories are far from over…

Click on the image for the complete list of sponsors.

6Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Old and New Media Planning

This partition outside the Expo Hall served a dual media purpose: its panels displayed the conference schedule for each day, old-school style, while also inviting people to take a new-school approach to managing their time.

7Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Twitter and the Hashtag

It wouldn’t be a Digital Era conference without an invitation to engage via Twitter, using a custom hashtag…

8Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Not Yet Paper Free…

Even with all the digital support, we still received a fairly hefty paper show guide, filled with lots of inserts, to schlep around with us. I wonder if they’ll ever completely disappear…

Click on the image for the complete list of exhibitors.

9Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Evidence of the Digital Infusion

Even the @ pillows reflected the digital theme… : )

10Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Clothing was also Fair Game

Plenty of low-tech social media platforms (e.g., t-shirts) were used to deliver high-tech messages.

PS - I really wanted one of SilkRoad’s shirts – they’re so fun! And I love the tag line!

11Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Tag Clouds on a Billboard? Why Not.

A sign of the times – literally and figuratively!

12Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

QR Codes were Ubiquitous

Yes, the QR Code on this slide can be activated! But if you don’t have a reader, just click on the image to link to the corresponding web page.

I like the fact that successfactors has a community and that they’re promoting it, but I might suggest making the landing page(s) a bit friendlier. I can respect the fact that it’s a closed community, but if it’s a potential draw for new customers, a little information about the community and its value would be interesting to learn about.

Note: this is virtually my only negative observation…

13Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Multi-Media Tools

This was a pretty common booth site: tablet displays next to paper brochures/flyers, with paper business cards and giveaway pens, as well as flat screen monitors and even laptops everywhere… And of course the in-person interaction was high also. The technology facilitated conversations rather than replacing it - as it should be.

14Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Best Social Integration: Dice

Brilliant on so many levels…

15Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Of Course I Joined In!

16Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Best Old/New School Interaction Blend

Several booths had caricaturists, both digital and paper, but ACT Bridge had the original digital caricaturist. As CMO Kurt Ballard CMO described it, it’s a great way to get people to relax and engage with them about the services they offer.

And of course I couldn’t resist having my own caricature done!

17Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Committing to the Cloud

18Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Recruiting: The Hot Application

Recruiting applications and related technologies seemed to dominate the Expo Hall, which isn’t surprising given that more advances have been made in that area than in other HR-related functions. That should change over time…

Click on each image to visit their websites.

19Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

New Twist on a New Trend

Barrel of Jobs takes the idea of social referrals in a new direction. Rather than just having employer-based incentives, individuals are independently incentivized as well. And they appeal to a variety of motives: altruistic (help a friend), materialistic (earn some $$) and patriotic (put America to work).

Click on either image to learn more.

20Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Other Ways to Differentiate

A few things potentially differentiate recruitics: One, they can post to both job boards and social sites. Two, they place a heavy emphasis on analytics. And three, they offer services through their own internal agency in addition to their software platform.

Click on the image to learn more.

I give them the “best digital swag” award for their branded MicroClean wipes for mobile devices. I have one on my droid! : )

21Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Biggest Trend within a Trend?

Digital and video interviewing tools and platforms were hot, hot, hot! What was really neat, though, is that there were clear differences in what each of the four vendors I talked to offer (as well as key differences in how they evolved). Eventually there may be more homogenization (and commoditization), but for both buyers and sellers today’s competitive distinctions are critical.

Click on each image to learn more.

Best tagline: HireVue.Best “Hairclub for Men” boother: Spark Hire (yes, the young man in the picture got his job because of the quality of his video interview!

22Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

There’s an App for That – and More

We’re already to the point of realizing that customized mobile apps may not be a worthwhile investment – but optimizing your website for mobile devices is absolutely critical. This company does both, and their work is, in a word, gorgeous. I was very impressed.

Bonus realization: this company evolved from AlltheTopBananas.com – “The UK's Job Search Engine.” I love a good business model extension…

23Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Social Rewards Was also Hot

I talked to people from two different companies, with two different stories of how they came to develop and offer a social recognition and rewards platform.

YouEarnedIt was developed by Rockfish, a young company that bills itself as a “digital innovation partner.” The CEO Kenny Tomlin (pictured with EVP Autumn Manning) explains the origins of this new platform here.

Click on the image to access YouEarnedIt’s website and learn more.

24Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

More Social Rewards

And at the other end of the spectrum…

MTM has been in the recognition business for 40 years. Developing a social engagement platform, Carousel, was a logical extension of their existing business. Self-titled “Social Media Diva” and self-proclaimed millennial Ashley Hurney couldn’t be more enthusiastic.

Click on the image to access MTM’s website and learn more.

Props to them for best tablet displays. And the t-shirts are fun too!

25Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Coming Soon: The Social HRIS

We hear a lot about social software applications like social intranets, social collaboration and content management systems, and social CRM, but we don’t hear as much about social HRISs. Mangrove has been working on adding social elements to their HRIS platform, and it’s looking good so far. It will be interesting to see how this area develops.

Click on the image to learn more about Mangrove.

26Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Career Engagement

This tool is the kind of thing I had in mind when I wrote Part 2 of the Social Media Primer (The Juggernaut is Bigger than You Think) almost three years ago. It’s a great example of how new technology can enhance and extend traditional human capital management activities. Even better, in true 2.0 fashion it shifts control from the organization to employees.

Click on either image to learn more about Career Engagement Group.

These folks, who hail from New Zealand, may win the “furthest traveled” award. And the founder even ran the Chicago Marathon the day before conference started. Wow!

27Copyright © 2012, Courtney Shelton Hunt, PhD - all rights reserved

Making the Big Bet

Based on my visit to their booth, I would say that SilkRoad has gone “all in” on their commitment to social technologies. Their tag line says it all.

I also give them props for their zany digital “photo booth,” which was another fun way to engage people.

And did I mention how much I liked their t-shirt? : )


The Denovati…Pronunciation guide: day-no-VAH-teeDeconstructing the term:

– DE = Digital Era– NOV = short for novani, the Latin term for colonists,

immigrants, new residents…– ATI = those who seek knowledge and/or are in the know

Copyright © 2013, Courtney Shelton Hunt - all rights reserved29

The Denovati areDigital Era explorers, pathfinders and pioneers

who seek to understand and effectively leverage social and digital technologies

The Denovati Group

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