2012 - 29 aug - beheading of st john the baptist

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


    2. B E H E A D I N G O F S T J O H N T H E B A P T I S T & F O R E R U N N E R 2 9 A U G U S T 2 0 1 2

    P s a l m 1 1 7 / 1 1 8 T o n e ( 7 ) V a r y s / G r a v eP r a i s e T o G o d F o r H i s E v e r l a s t i n g M e r c y

    Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin.Evlogimenos O ergomenos enOnomati Kyriou!

    STIHOS 1: Exomologisthe to Kyrio, otiagathos, oti is ton eona to eleosaftou!*

    Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin.Evlogimenos O ergomenos enOnomati Kyriou!

    STIHOS 2:Pantata ethni ekiklosan me,ke to Onomati Kyriou iminamin

    aftous.Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin.

    Evlogimenos O ergomenos enOnomati Kyriou!

    STIHOS 3:Para Kyriou egeneto afti, keesti thavmasti en ofthalmisimon.

    Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin.Evlogimenos O ergomenos en

    Onomati Kyriou!

    The Lord is God, and hasappeared to us. Blessed is HeWho comes in the Name of theLord!

    VERSE 1: Give thanks to the Lord,for He is Good; His Mercyendures forever!

    The Lord is God, and hasappeared to us. Blessed is HeWho comes in the Name of theLord!

    VERSE 2:All the nations surroundedme, but in the Name of the

    Lord I drove them back.The Lord is God, and has

    appeared to us. Blessed is HeWho comes in the Name of theLord!

    VERSE 3: This is the Lords doing,and it is marvellous in oureyes.

    The Lord is God, and hasappeared to us. Blessed is He

    Who comes in the Name of theLord!

    Festa l Apoly t ik ion St John the Baptis t TON E 3

    Mnimi Dikeou met egkomion, Si dearkesi i Martyria tou KyriouProdrome. Anedihthis garontos ke Profiton sevasmioteros,oti ke en rithris Vaptisekatixiothis ton Krittomenon.Othen tis Alithias iperathlisas,

    heron evingeliso ke tis en Adi,Theon fanerothenta en Sarki,ton eronta tin amrtian toukosmou, ke parehonta imin toMega Eleos.

    Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke AgioPnevmati

    The memory of the Just isobserved with Hymns of Praise;for Thou suffices theTestimony of the Lord, OForerunner. Thou hast provedto be truly more Venerablethan the Prophets, since Thou

    were granted to Baptise in theriver the One Whom theyproclaimed. Therefore, whenfor the Truth Thou hadcontested, rejoicing, to those inHades Thou preached theGospel, that God wasmanifested in the Flesh, andtakes away the sin of theworld, and grants to us HisGreat Mercy.

    Glory to the Father, and to theSon, and to the Holy Spirit

    B E H E A D I N G - S T J O H N T H E B A P T I S T & F O R E R U N N E R 2 9 A U G U S T 2 0 1 2 15.

    world, and grants us His GreatMercy.

    T H E D I V I N E L I T U R G Y F O L L O W S I M M E D I A T E L Y

  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


  • 7/31/2019 2012 - 29 Aug - Beheading of St John the Baptist


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