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  • 8/12/2019 2012 11/52


    Stefano Mirtis

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    timeline archive:

    a personal collectionof curiosities

    Stefano Mirtis

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  • 8/12/2019 2012 11/52


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    Levitated Mass

    Levitated Mass by artist Michael Heizer is

    composed of a 456-foot-long slot constructed onLACMA's campus, over which is placed a 340-tongranite megalith. As with other works by theartist, such as Double Negative (1969), themonumental negative form is key to the

    experience of the artwork.

    At 340 tons, the boulder is one of the largestmegaliths moved since ancient times. Takenwhole, Levitated Mass speaks to the expanse of art

    history, from ancient traditions of creatingartworks from megalithic stone, to modern formsof abstract geometries and cutting-edge feats ofengineering.

    Here the link to the LACMA page: http://www.lacma.org/art/exhibition/levitated-mas

    And here the link to Double Negative work: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/...

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    lmhult, Sweden

    If Escher had been a designer

    for IKEA.

    Very nice concept. Unfortunately I don't know theauthor (and the year).

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    Via Broletto

    Hotel Rats

    "The success of the Rat Pack or the Clan was dueto the camaraderie, the three guys who worktogether and kid each other and love each other"

    (Sammy Davis, Jr.)

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    Gibigiana Caf

    Giorgio Morandi meets Dan


    "Everything is a mystery, ourselves, and all thingsboth simple and humble"

    (Giorgio Morandi)

    "It is what it is, and it ain't nothin' else...Everything is clearly, openly, plainly delivered"

    (Dan Flavin)

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    A Lego Space Shuttle orbiting

    around Mother Earth.

    This is a fantastic project made by Raul Oaida:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bluQ4eOe

    The simplest thing to do is to cut and paste hisexplanation:

    "My name is Raul Oaida (from Romania) and this ismy LEGO tribute to the end of the Space Shuttleera. Proving that although retired, this machinecan still fly, albeit in toy form.

    The launch took place from central Germany (easyflight clearance) and reached a max altitude of35000m. A 1600g meteo balloon filledwith heliumwas used alongside a GoPro Hero, Spot GPS and ofcourse Lego Space Shuttle model 3367

    We launched it on the 31st of December 2011,

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    A human being is only breath

    and shadow.

    It looks like LIutenant Blueberry, but it is GeneraleLa Marmora, riding the Turinese roofs. A sillyhommage to Jean Giraud.

    The title of this photo is a quote from Sophocles(very correct concept, indeed).

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    He wanted to go to a motel in the Bronx where Iwould defecate on him, but I told him I wasuncomfortable going to the Bronx." (Gina Pane)

    ps. the caption for the image above is: Gina Pane,Death Control, 1974

    I Nibbled Britain Out of Jaffa


    Fantastic project by Dominic Wilcox. How tosqueeze the true essence of Britain from apackage of Jaffa Cakes.

    Here the link to the video: http://vimeo.


    Here some more images of the series: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Blueberries/268422276550039

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    Tokyo, Japan

    Nike Music Shoes

    Another great project. This time from Tokyo,transforming shoes into musical instruments.

    The japanese DJ duo hifana transformed Nikesnew flexible free run+ running shoes into musicalinstruments for this japanese promotional video.The whole project was developed by Wieden +

    Kennedy, Tokyo.

    And here the link to Dominic's website:http://www.dominicwilcox.com/

    I Nibbled Britain Out of Jaffa


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    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    More at: http://www.designboom.com/.../9848/nike-music-shoes.html

    And here the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS1exujG3cY


    Adopt a sheep!

    I had to make a presentation on the future ofMilan, at Bocconi university. I started from theproject developed by Emilio Concas and his familyin a lost village in Sardinia: "Adopt a sheep": http:


    You pay some 200 euros per year, you choose asheep and you adopt her. Give her name, theysend you the cheese and wool she produces, you

    can go to visit her, etc.etc.etc.

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    A great project, indeed.

    The question is simple. If an old shepard in

    Sardinia can invent such a fantastic thing, whatcould be the potential for institutions like Brera,Triennale, Bocconi itself?

    Here the experience described by an "adopter":


    Here a nice videoclip (in Italian), where EmilioConcas explains the idea and the businness model:



    AA goes Milan

    Monti's government is busy in all kind of petty

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    and minor liberalizations (barbershops, taxi cabs,pharmacies, etc.).The only real important liberalization (higher

    education, universities and legal value of theuniversity degree) is not in the agenda.

    : (

    Regardless of the Italian government strategicchoices, the rest of the world is actually movingon. Henceforth, it is very nice to know thatArchitectural Association will run a summer schoolin Milan next July: http://www.facebook.com/...


    I guess Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto are insome extent involved (bravi) being the pictureabove (cover of the fb page of the AA goes Milan

    page) their "Hortus" project.

    I am curious to know more, and I hope that thestate monopoly on Italian education will be finallyshattered (either way from inside or from

    outside). Thanks to Claudia, Marco, AA and all theother people working in the right direction...

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    Milan Piazza Armando Diaz

    Dont' be an idiot. You shouldn't go playing withslot machines: you'll ruin yourself. Why don't you

    go for a pizza and have a drink? You'lle be a truewinner and you will demonstrate your strongpersonality.

    (hand written sign on a wall in Piazza Diaz, Milan)

    PSA (Public Service


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    Yesterday I was at this symposium in Bocconi onthe future of Milan. Between the other speakersthere was ms Valentina La Terza, one of theresponsible of the CarroPonte project in a former

    steel mill in Sesto San Giovanni.

    Carroponte is one of the nicest project done inMilanese area in the recent past (actually, trulylooking to the future). If you want toknow more,

    here is the link: http://www.carroponte.org/

    Ps. In terms of space design, it is a project of LuigiCucinotta, as a part of MIL (Museo dell'Industria edel Lavoro) in Sesto San Giovanni (2008/on-going).

  • 8/12/2019 2012 11/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    Chicago, IL, United States

    Bye Bye...

    In the last few days there has been a lot of talks &articles on Encyclopedia Britannica going out ofprint.This is sad, this is known, 244years, lalalal.

    What I found extremely interesting is that in thesame day when Britannica stops its printingversion, Posterous (one of the most succesfuldigital platforms of the last 10 years) has been

    sold to Twitter and will soon stop its services.

    Britannica lasted for 244 years. Posterous for 4.It is very fascinating to see the timelines ofknowledge dissemination tools.

    Here is the link to my Britannica folder: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    And here is the link to my Posterous one: http:


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    Ps. the image on top is: Michael Bom's star (yearunknown)

    Ps 2. Very curious to know that EncyclopediaBritannica is based in Chicago, Illinois. This gives anice "Blues Brothers" touch to it. Very odd, but atthe same time, very nice...

    San Francisco, CA, United States

    If Posterous stops, this means that soon I will losemy Posterous-based collections.

    Actually, myself writing this and yourself readingit, it explains why Posterous didn't survive.A couple of years ago I was doing the same thingas I do today (collecting nice visuals and sharingwith others).

    My Posterous-Based


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    As much as I don't like Facebook, then, there wasa day I had to admit to myself that Facebook was amuch more effective communication tool tha


    : (

    Anyway. I am sure that two years now all these

    things will be on some other digital tool, that's theway... ...one day more, one day less

    Here the link to my encyclopedia: http://myenciclopedia.posterous.com/

    And here the link to "design is (not) dead":

    Milano Via Cascia

    My shadow likes sunsets.

    Because it grows taller and slender...

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    Or, if you prefer:

    "I have a little shadow that goes in and out with

    me, And what can be the use of him is more than Ican see" (Robert Louis Stevenson)

    Hatsune Miku's Last

    Last night in Tokyo there was the last concert ofHatsune Miku. You might not be familiar with J-Pop, but ms Hatsune is a true super.

    This is how Reuters reported on the event:

    Hatsune Miku is computer generated, based on avoice-synthesizing programme developed by thecompany Crypton Future Media that allows usersto create their own music.

    Her image is produced by the company, but her

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    music is a creation of her fans, Her best songs --the ones headlined at her concerts -- haveemerged from more than 20 different people.

    Hatsune Miku was projected onto the stage at theshows while thousands of other fans packed into24 cinemas to watch live. The concert, billed aspossibly Hatsune Miku's last, was also broadcast in

    cinemas in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

    Here the link to see her performing live: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_RVLOs...

    Here a link with a folder dedicated to her: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    Here an explanation on the whole thing: http://www.crypton.co.

    jp/mp/pages/prod/vocaloid/cv01_us.jspand hereis Reuters: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.../hatsune-miku-japan_n...

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    A very nice lamp designed by Giulio Iacchetti forFoscarini.

    "Made of painted steel and available at the end of

    March 2012 in either red or grey colour version,the minimalist, pared-down lamp emits anintensive and precise beam of LED light, which canbe adjusted and repositioned thanks to themysterious force of a magnet that joins the

    support rod with a circular base of the design"

    "The heart of its design is a magnetic sphere. Thisis the secret of Magneto, a table and reading lampdesigned by Giulio Iacchetti, with an invisible

    power: the mysterious force of a magnet that joinsthe two elements of which it is made the supportrod with a circular base and the LED light in asimple, practical way and defines its elegant,minimalist and decisive nature."

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    More at:http://www.dailytonic.com/magneto-lamp-by-giulio.../

    Link to Foscarini website: http://www.foscarini.com/

    Link to Giulio Iacchetti website: http://www.giulioiacchetti.com/


    Sometimes life sucks...

    Here a nice piece by Massimo Vignelli on Bob

    Noorda: http://archpaper.com/news/articles.asp?id=4412

    Bob Noorda's Little ManBumping His Head in Franco

    Albini's Box

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    Milano, Lambrate

    Analogico / Digitale

    Another preview on what will be up at MilanDesign Week (moreless, amonth from now).

    This is one of the images I received from Stefano

    Maffei, a nice mannerism exercise (fromArchizoom to the future)...

    Anyway. ANALOGICO/DIGITALE is a project bySubalterno1, in via Conte Rosso, 22. The curators

    are Stefano Micelli (the lad who wrote: "FuturoArtigiano") and Stefano Maffei.

    If you are interested in self-productions,contemporary craftmanships, etc.etc., this is yourplace.

    More at: http://www.facebook.com/futuroartigiano/posts/285847974817637


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    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    Ps. The exhibition goes from the 17th to the 22ndof April.

    This is from their press release:

    SUBALTERNO1 presents ANALOGICO/DIGITALE, ameeting between artisans businesses, designersand fablab to create a culture of original and local

    making. New connections and new ways of workingare producing experimental results, full ofmanufacturing quality, savoir faire and hackerspirit of discovery.

    And these are the designers involved >Massimiliano Adami, Antonio Cos, FrancescoFaccin, Andrea Gianni, Alessandro Marelli, SimoneSimonelli, Paolo Ulian

    (it looks like that the future of digitalcraftsmanship will be without girls...)

  • 8/12/2019 2012 11/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 11/52 2012

    Accademia Abadir

    Some days ago I had the chance to meet msLuciaGiuliano, head person of the Agadir design school

    (between the Mediterranean Sea and Etnavulcano).

    It is an incredible place, where they do stuff.

    An excellent design school for few selected (andlucky) students, in one of the nicest places in theworld.

    Here the link to their website: http://www.


    Here the link to a little folder with various images:http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    And here a couple of links if you want tosee/understand more:

    Sicily meets design (very


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    "Abadir is the place of multiple, different andsubjective ideas. Abadir shares a territory. Abadirinhabitants share their ideas transforming theplace they live in"

    (from their manifesto: http://www.abadir.net/?lang=en#/?page_id=22&lang=en)

    Porta Venezia

    Some months ago, I've met Sabine Delafon. She isan artist, living in Milan. She does a lot of nicethings (things I like).Between her various works, this "Ex" is extremely

    Ex. 25 years and it's not over


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    An on-going collection of self-portraits taken in

    photo-boots, since 1987. Here some images: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    Here the link to a stop-motion where you can seethe whole collection: http://www.celesteprize.


    And here a link to ms Sabine website: http://sabine.delafon.free.fr/SABINEDELAFON...

    (thankx to Marcia Caines for introducing me to msSabine)


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