2012 11 suka news us nov

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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In this Issue: Youth from Nhansonswe visit the village; 7 days, 3 provinces; "Your Will be Done" in the Youth of Mozambique; Girls' Tears; Endings and Starts; Literacy Project; Next Year's Plan.




SUKANEWSAfrika Wa Yesu


Jundiaí, December 05th, 2012

Dear friends, I’m writing this letter from Brazil, but the news I’m telling here

started 10 thousand miles away from here, at Inhaminga, Mozambique. In the beginning of October, we looked at the calendar and realized

that if we didn’t move fast, we wouldn’t finish everything that God had put in our hearts for this year! And so we made our plans and put them into action!

The first event was a day of fellowship with the youth of a church way out in the bush, in a place called Nhansonswe. They woke

up before the sun was up and walked the long journey to participate in our weekly youth meeting at Inhaminga. We celebrated, enjoyed God’s presence together and I brought a word about not resisting God’s will, because it is good, perfect and pleasant! We had lunch together and spent the rest of the day in fellowship! At night we watched a movie and discussed it afterward! Events like these renew the strength of the youth and allow us time to know them better and speak into their lives! They left early the next morning, in order to get home on time for Sunday service!



The second event was a week long trip. Simona, Dora, Jansen, Josias, Matavele and I visited three different villages/cities in three

different provinces. Since the beginning of the year we were promising to visit these churches to encourage the youth and to see how the work was going! And so we went to Xiluvu, in Sofala, Chimoio, in Manica and Quelimane, in Zambézia. It wasn’t an easy trip, because the areas were far apart, the weather was very, very hot and almost everyone in the team got sick. Praise God we completed the circuit and saw lives encouraged and touched in all these places. We spoke everywhere about the “Will of God”!

During this trip, we met with Cassale. I don’t know how many remember, but Cassale lived with Dora and I in Nacala during 2009. She now lives in Gondola, a village close to Chimoio, and is pregnant! We had a good time of fellowship, acceptance, and we saw God’s love operating in and through us!

We were also blessed to catch up with some other missionary friends: Vágner and his family in Chimoio and Cléber and his family in Quelimane. We enjoyed spending time with them, playing with their kids and were truly blessed by their hospitality. Above, top to bottom: Flora, from the Youth Group and

Calebe Gravata, playing instruments during worship!Bellow, left to right: Saturday Youth Group with Nhansonswe youth; Jansen ilustrating his teaching in Xiluvu; and Simona, Dora and I visiting Cassale in Chimoio.


Finally, to wrap up my year in Mozambique, we promoted our Annual Youth Conference

at Inhaminga. Two hundred youth gathered from the center region of Mozambique for five days of praise, worship, teaching and counseling.

For a while we were feeling that God’s word for the youth at this time had to do with “His Will”, and so the conference theme was “Your Will be Done”! It was a continuation for what we had been speaking the years before: “Your Kingdom Come”! We aligned all the different lectures and small group sessions with the theme, believing that this would help form a complete the understanding of what is God’s will, how to find it and how to live it.

Since July, when we had the Youth Leaders Training, with the Brazilian team ministering, we knew we had a breakthrough in the spiritual world... and so we had great expectations for these days! It was a larger group, with younger and more immature people than in July, and we knew that only God could make eternal changes in their lives. The burden we felt in our hearts in prayer and during planning; the willingness of everyone in the team to work in every area; the expectation in the hearts of all the youth coming... all of this prepared the atmosphere for Gods move!

We rejoiced as God answered our prayers. The Holy Spirit worked in a beautiful way! Without effort, we saw the youth flowing in praise and worship in a way we had never seen before! Some were laying on the floor having their hearts touched by the Holy Spirit, while others cried out love words to the Father. Some who had never seen the Spirit move in this way, gave themselves completely to Him and started to dance in the Spirit, in front of everyone, without caring about anything else but the Lord! “He is worthy! He is worthy of all our worship!” - we were all singing!

In the small groups, the youth was very open to speak about what they had experienced in the mornings during worship and what they had understood of the Word being ministered. For many, it was their first revelation that God has a will, and that it is a good one. They also understood that we are not saved for God to fulfill our desires,

but we are saved to do God’s will! God’s perfect will for us is the only thing that can satisfy us!

Besides the freedom in the Spirit and the renewing of mind through the Word, we saw God enabling many to make important decisions. They understood, through the Word, that many things in their lives weren’t the will of God and made a commitment to Him. This filled our hearts with hope for this new generation!



God did something new amongst the girls as well. Some of the situations we face with

the girls seem impossible to overcome. We feel the only thing we can do for them is to pray and cry! During these days we were, again, faced with this, and yet, at the same time, we could see God starting to move in them.

Most of the girls are very shy, especially the ones that come from remote areas. They are raised under such spiritual oppression in their families! No one loves them or cares for them, unless they can use them for their own gain. Many are forced to become second or third wife, while they are still very young. Their “husbands” are looking more for a slave, than a wife. These guys are often older and, in many cases, HIV positive. The girls fight to survive, to study and they face circumstances that no girl should face alone!

During this last conference, we had an afternoon of girl to girl talk. We spoke about dating, marriage and holiness. We started the subject, and then opened for questions and comments. Some started to share their difficulties! Everything was normal, until a very shy young girl from “the bush” got up and started sharing what had happened to her. She said her dad had made her work in the house of a

Herivelton, Leidy’s father, speaking to the youth about sexuality and holiness!

He ministered 2 months to families all over Mozambique with his wife, Célia, and it was a great blessing!

man who had already paid the dowry to make her his third wife. She was still very young, so she was only supposed to work, and when she grew some more, he would take her as his wife. But he couldn’t wait, and forced her as soon as she arrived. She spent all her strength and courage to get up and tell this to everyone. We could see on the faces of all the other girls listening that many in that room shared her story. We asked how many were in a similar situation and at least 60 of the 80 girls raised their hands.

We encouraged them to stand firm in their convictions, but unable to do anything else, we decided to pray.

The prayer started as whispers, but, as each of them started to pour their pain and despair before the Lord, the whisper became a loud cry! We started praying for them! As we got near each of them, we could feel their hurt, and pain, and lack of hope! Some cried without stop and it was impossible for us not to join them! As we hugged them, it was as if the gates of emotions, blocked up for so long, opened up and everything came out as a flood! They grabbed us and didn’t want to let us go!

We knew it wasn’t a natural cry. They were crying for the hurt and pain of all the girls in Mozambique and, as they did this, God picked up

each of their tears, as only a Father can do. It was a very strong experience for each one of

us, and impacted us deeply! We have no doubt that God has a plan for each of these girls! He allows us to share people’s pain and some of His pain for this world. He created this world perfect, but it has been invaded and governed by such evil! He calls us to cry with Him, and then obey Him, step by step, until His Kingdom comes fully and He wipes every tear from our faces and heals every wound!



The Conference finished and each one went home, with the serious mission of walking

out their decisions and the commitments made during those days! They are not alone! The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Helper, will always be present and He brings brothers and sisters to walk with each of them!

I traveled to Brazil on November 12th, after making sure everything was organized for next year. Many team members are traveling during this time, visiting churches, family and friends! Others continue the work, making the most of the school holidays in Mozambique! Simona and the

As many of you may have noticed, I spent most of 2012 at Inhaminga, at Simona’s house; and

not at my own house in Nacala. It seems like 2013 will be the same!

The plans are to help the Inhaminga Bible School, not exactly coordinating, or directing, but training and delegating responsibilities to the teachers. Patrícia has been coordinating the school for all these years and has done such an excellent job. She is going to have her second baby in December and so will dedicate more of her time next year to her family and Casa Esperança. We, then, have the responsibility of keeping up the level of excellence in this transition!

We will also be starting a new program of Mission’s Training, which will probably happen from May forward; and will help host some teams!

I would like to thank each of you, who has been such an important part of our work in Mozambique in so many ways! God is faithful to provide for all our needs, as we do His will, and He uses people like you to do it! And so my heart is always filled with gratitude for God’s provision and for your willingness to be used by God! Thank you so much!

May you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and an end and beginning of year full of Jesus!!!

At His service, With much joy,

PS: Please note the change in the mailing address in this letter’s heading!

youth team are having the first pre-teens Camp! We believe God wants to reach these kids at this important season of their lives, while they have so much potential, but are attacked by so many worldly things and Satan’s deceits. Please pray for this event that will happen during the second week of December.

I’ll be in Brazil until January 08th, when I’ll travel back with seven others!

Victor Porto and Felipe Moraes, who graduated from my dad’s Bible School in Brazil (CPP - in English: Prophetic Preparation Course), will take Diogo and Leidy’s position as Bible School teachers at Inhaminga. Diogo and Leidy have returned to Brazil after serving faithfully for five years and becoming very dear to all of us. We will miss them so much!

Another Brazilian couple, Leandro and Flávia, is also returning to Brazil after a year of training and serving in the field. He helped with construction and campus maintenance and she taught and trained at the new Casa Esperança (House of Hope) Pre-School. We will also miss them a lot! Paulo Costa, another CPP graduate, will take Leandro’s place and also receive mission’s training.

Taís and Karine will also travel with us, sent by a Christian School to train pre-school and literacy teachers in Nacala for two weeks. Two other student girls will accompany and help them in the training.

And so, you can imagine how my time in Brazil has been. Besides visiting churches, seeing family and friends, doing the annual shopping and trying to rest a bit, my mind is racing with all these trips and new plans!


Donations in Brazil, please deposit into: Education Project:Banco BradescoTitular: Ester WalkerAgency 627Current Account 105860-6

Donations in the US, please send to:Personal and Ministry Support:Banco BradescoTitular: Susana WalkerAgency 0215 Savings Account 1000159-5

Susana Walker - c/o MAPS Program CFNI - PO BOX 769000 - Dallas/TX - 75376Checks payable to CFNI - (MAPS Program)Memo “for Susana Walker”. Tax Deductible

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