2011recipients · 2018. 6. 1. · entry program (cstep), 2011-2012 national science foundation; new...

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of Major InstItutIonal Grants for EducatIon and PublIc sErvIcE





proudly announce the 2011 recipients of institutional grants for education and public service. Congratulations to all of them on this most deserving recognition of their exemplary scholarship and teaching. The work of these and many other dedicated educators at CUNY exemplifies the University’s commitment to quality educational opportunities, student achievement, and service to society.




Stefan BatheAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of nAturAl sciences

Brookhaven National Laboratory; RHIC Physics Fellow, 2011-2012

David BirdsellDeAn, school of Public AffAirs

United States Department of Education; North American Student Mobility Program, 2011-2012

John CaseyProfessor

school of Public AffAirs

United States Department of Education; North American Student Mobility Program, 2011-2012

Adrian DumitruAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of nAturAl sciences

Brookhaven National Laboratory; Riken BNL Physics Fellow Program, 2011-2012

Brian KaneDirector, steP AcADemy

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Caroline KasnakianAssociAte Director, counseling center

Van Ameringen Foundation Inc.; The Expansion of Care Treatment System, 2011-2013

Karen Luxton-GourgeyDirector, comPuter center for VisuAlly imPAireD PeoPle

Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust; Computer Center for Virtually Impaired, 2011-2013

Sheila NoorollahAssistAnt Director, college now

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Geanne RosenbergAssociAte Professor

JournAlism ProgrAm

McCormick Foundation; High School News Literacy Summit, 2011-2012

Jianming YechAirPerson/AssociAte Professor

DePArtment of AccountAncy

Ernst and Young Foundation; Ernst and Young Advisor, 2011-2012

Rodney AlexanderDirector, mAnhAttAn eDucAtionAl oPPortunity center

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; BMCC/MEOC/TRIO Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center Project, 2011-2012

Emily B. AndersonProfessor

DePArtment of sociAl sciences AnD humAn serVices/Ph.D. ProgrAm in sociAl welfAre

borough of mAnhAttAn community college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; Fostering Student Success in Geospatial Technology (GISc NSF ATE Grant), 2011-2013

Everton Barrettstem eDucAtion Director

office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department; (STEP) Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

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Lynda CarlsonProfessor

office of AllieD heAlth serVices

Columbia University/Department of Health and Human Services; Columbia Curriculum Development Center, 2011-2012

Yan ChengAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of comPuter informAtion systems

National Science Foundation; Fostering Student Success in Geospatial Technology (GISc NSF ATE Grant), 2011-2013

Denise DeaganDirector of ADult bAsic eDucAtion

office of ADult continuing eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; Literacy Zone, 2011-2012

Janey Flanagane-leArning Director

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; E-Learning: Strengthening Academic Programs, 2011-2012

Deborah HarteProgrAm Director

office of stuDent AffAirs

Single Stop Services; Single Stop USA, Inc./Community College Grant Award, 2011-2012

Michael HutmakerDeAn of stuDent AffAirs

office of stuDent AffAirs

Single Stop Services; Single Stop USA, Inc./Community College Grant Award, 2011-2012

Lalith JayantAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of science

New York State Education Department; (C-STEP) Collegiate Science Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Adolfina KorochAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of science

New York State Education Department; (C-STEP) Collegiate Science Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

David A. KraussProfessor

DePArtment of science

National Science Foundation; Computer-Based Analytic Methods to Teach Education Programs for Future Middle School Science Teachers, 2011-2012

Patricia Mathews-SalazarDirector, center for ethnic stuDies

center for ethnic stuDies/Ph.D. ProgrAm in AnthroPology

borough of mAnhAttAn community college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; Fostering Student Success in Geospatial Technology (GISc NSF ATE Grant), 2011-2013

Antonette McKainProJect Director

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; Upward Bound Program, 2011-2012

Eric NeutuchcoorDinAtor, strAtegic college initiAtiVes

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; BMCC/MEOC/TRIO Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center Project, 2011-2012

Sandra RumayorDirector, eVening AnD weekenD ProgrAms

office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Perkins IV Academic Support Services, 2011-2012

Cecilia Scott-CroffexecutiVe Director

eArly chilD cAre center

United States Department of Education; Child Care Access Means Parents in School (BMCC Early Child Care Center), 2011-2012

Ching-Song Don WeiAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of comPuter informAtion systems/Ph.D. ProgrAm in comPuter science

borough of mAnhAttAn community college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; Fostering Student Success in Geospatial Technology (GISc NSF ATE Grant), 2011-2013

Erwin WongDeAn for AcADemic ProgrAms AnD instruction

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; E-Learning: Strengthening Academic Programs, 2011-2012

Madelaine BatesProfessor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics AnD comPuter science

National Science Foundation; Mathematics, Engineering, Technology, and Science Scholarship Program, 2011-2016

Diane D’AlessioDePuty chAirPerson

DePArtment of eDucAtion AnD reADing

Department of Labor; CUNY Career Preparation for Adults through Training and Higher Education, 2011-2014

Barbara MartinProJect Director for coPe/single stoP ProgrAm

Single Stop; Single Stop Student Services, 2011-2012

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Luis MontenegrochAirPerson

DePArtment of Physics AnD technology

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2015

Joan WilsonchAirPerson

DePArtment of eDucAtion AnD reADing

Department of Labor; CUNY Career Preparation for Adults through Training and Higher Education, 2011-2014

Rebecca BogerAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of eArth AnD enVironmentAl sciences

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Global Climate Change, International Food Security, and Local Sustainability, 2011-2012

Louise HainlineProfessor

DePArtment of Psychology

National Institutes of Health/Department of Health and Human Services; MARC: Biomedical Research Training for Minority Honor Students, 2011-2012; RISE Option 2: Increasing URM Student Success in Science and Science Careers, 2011-2012New York State Education Department; Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP), 2011-2012National Science Foundation; New GK-12 Brooklyn College: City as a Lab, 2011-2012

Sandra KinganAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics

National Science Foundation; CCLI: Phase 1 - Mathematics for Social Advocacy, 2011-2012

Charlene Kohler-BrittonDirector, eArly chilDhooD center

United States Department of Education; Brooklyn College Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS), 2011-2012

Sharona LevychAirPerson, seek DePArtment

United States Department of Education; Brooklyn College Talent Search, 2011-2012

Catherine McEnteelecturer

DePArtment of biology

New York State Education Department; Brooklyn College Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP), 2011-2012

Lorraine MondesirAssistAnt Director, bccs ProgrAms

eArly chilDhooD center

United States Department of Education; Brooklyn College Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS), 2011-2012

Diane Reiserchief oPerAting officer

brooklyn college community PArtnershiP

New York City Department of Youth and Community Development- Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 011, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 014, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 017, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 008, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - BK5 Maxwell High School, 2011-2012New York State Education Department; 21st Century Community Learning Centers, 2011-2012; Extended Day: Bushwick Campus High Schools, 2011-2012TransCanada; The Brooklyn College Experience, 2011-2012

Nancy RomerProfessor

DePArtment of Psychology

New York City Department of Youth and Community Development- Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 011, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 014, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 017, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - Brooklyn 008, 2011-2012; Neighborhood Development Area - BK5 Maxwell High School, 2011-2012 New York State Education Department; 21st Century Community Learning Centers, 2011-2012; Extended Day: Bushwick Campus High Schools, 2011-2012TransCanada; The Brooklyn College Experience, 2011-2012

Lynda SarnoffProgrAm heAD

school of eDucAtion

New York City Department of Education; Graduate Courses in Administration and Supervision to Nonpublic School Principals, 2011

Deborah ShanleyDeAn, school of eDucAtion

New York City Department of Education; Graduate Courses in Administration and Supervision to Nonpublic School Principals, 2011United States Department of the Interior; Develop a Research-Based Education and Teacher Professional Development Program, 2011-2012

Jeffrey SuzukiAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics

National Science Foundation; CCLI: Phase 1 - Mathematics for Social Advocacy, 2011-2012

Micha TomkiewiczProfessor

DePArtment of Physics

National Science Foundation; New GK-12 Brooklyn College: City as a Lab, 2011-2012

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Alison ConwayAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of ciVil engineering

United States Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration; Eisenhower Hispanic-Serving Institutions Fellowship, 2011-2012

David CrismondAssociAte Professor

school of eDucAtion/DePArtment of teAching, leArning AnD culture

New York City Department of Education; Manhattan Mathematics and Science Partnerships-STEM Grant, 2011

Shira Eve EpsteinAssistAnt Professor

school of eDucAtion/DePArtment of seconDAry eDucAtion

Kettering Foundation; Fostering Deliberation in Civic Curriculum Design, 2011-2012

Jorge E. GonzalezProfessor

DePArtment of mechAnicAl engineering

United States Department of Education; The Alliance for Continuous Innovative Learning Environments in STEM (CILES), 2011-2012; Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability-Graduate, 2011-2015; The Alliance for Continuous Innovative Learning Environments in STEM (CILES), 2011-2016

Yuying GosserDirector of stuDent reseArch

groVe school of engineering

National Institute of Standards and Technology; Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)-Gaithersburg, 2011

Ramona HernándezProfessor/Director

DePArtment of sociology/institute of DominicAn stuDies/ Ph.D. ProgrAm in sociology

the city college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Endowment for the Humanities; Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool, 2011-2013

Reza KhanbilvardiProfessor/Director

DePArtment of ciVil engineering/crest institute/ Ph.D. ProgrAm in engineering

the city college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyUnited States Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA CREST Center, 2011-2016

NOAA-Office of Education; NOAA-CREST, 2011-2016NOAA/NESDIS; Annual Colloquium, 2011-2012New York City Department of Education; Title II Mathematics and Science Program, 2011-2012

Shakila MerchantAssistAnt Director, eDucAtion AnD outreAch

groVe school of engineering

NOAA/NESDIS; Annual Colloquium, 2011-2012New York City Department of Education; Title II Mathematics and Science Program, 2011-2012

Neville A. Parkerherbert g. kAyser Professor of ciVil engineering

DePArtment of ciVil engineering/institute for trAnsPortAtion systems

National Science Foundation; New York City Bridge to the Doctorate Activity-BD Site: The Graduate School and University Center/CUNY, 2011-2013

Annette PinedaAssistAnt Director

DePArtment of DeVeloPment

LCU Foundation; LCU Foundation Housing Grant, 2011-2012

Issa SalameAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of chemistry

National Science Foundation; CI-TEAM Demonstration Project: Enhancing STEM Education through Faculty Training in the Use of Cyberinfrastructure, 2011-2013

Morton SlaterAssociAte Professor

gAtewAy institute for Pre-college eDucAtion

New York State Department of Health; Queens Bridge to Medicine Program, 2011

Christian VolkmannAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of Architecture

National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Solar Decathlon 2011

Diana WallProfessor

DePArtment of AnthroPology/Ph.D. ProgrAm in AnthroPology

the city college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; REU Site: The Archaeological Study of Seneca Village: A 19th Century African-American and Irish Immigrant Community in Today’s Central Park, 2011-2012

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Neophytos AntoniadesAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of engineering science AnD Physics/Ph.D. ProgrAms in engineering AnD Physics

college of stAten islAnD/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; STEM Talent Expansion via Applied Mathematics (STEAM), 2012

Dean BalsaminiDirector, stAten islAnD smAll business DeVeloPment center

RF/SUNY/SBA; Staten Island Small Business Development Center, 2011-2012

A. Ramona BrownVice PresiDent for stuDent AffAirs

office of stuDent AffAirs

New York City Human Resources Administration; NYC/HRA/CUNY/COPE/COSI, 2010-2011New York State Education Department; Liberty Partnerships Program, 2011-2012

Michael KressVice PresiDent for technology systems

office of technology systems/mAsters ProgrAm in enVironmentAl science

National Science Foundation; CUNY HPCC Workshops, 2011-2012

Carlo LancellottiProfessor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics/Ph.D. ProgrAm in mAthemAtics

college of stAten islAnD/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; STEM Talent Expansion via Applied Mathematics (STEAM), 2012

Charles T. LiuAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of engineering science AnD Physics/Ph.D. ProgrAms in engineering AnD Physics

college of stAten islAnD/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; REU Site: Collaborative Research, 2010-2012

Paul MuzioDirector, cuny high PerformAnce comPuting center

National Science Foundation; CUNY HPCC Workshops, 2011-2012

Mary E. O’DonnellchAirPerson, nursing DePArtment

college of stAten islAnD/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyHealth Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships, 2011-2012

Deborah SturmAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of comPuter science/Ph.D. ProgrAm in comPuter science

college of stAten islAnD/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; STEM Talent Expansion via Applied Mathematics (STEAM), 2012

Frederick P. Rooney, EsquireDirector, community legAl resource network (clrn)Workforce Development Initiative; Access to Justice Initiative, 2011-2012New York Community Trust; Access to Justice Initiative, 2011-2012Hudson Valley Bank; Access to Justice Initiative, 2011-2012LaunchPad; Access to Justice Initiative, 2011-2012New York Department of State; Legal Resource for Tenants and Homeowners, 2011-2012Oversight Board for Judiciary Civil Legal Services Funds in New York; Access to Justice Initiative, 2011-2012New York State Legislative Appropriations:Access to Justice Initiative, 2011-2012

Deema BayrakdarADVisor/coorDinAtor

CUNY Start/LaGuardia Community College; CUNY Start – The University Accounting Office; CUNY Start, 2011

Sarah EisensteinleAD reADing/writing teAcher

cuny stArt/lAguArDiA community college

The University Accounting Office; CUNY Start, 2011

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Donna LindermanuniVersity executiVe Director of AccelerAteD stuDy in AssociAte ProgrAms (AsAP)office of AcADemic AffAirs

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; ASAP Helmsley Scholars and Evaluation, 2012

Christina MasciottileAD mAthemAtics teAcher

cuny stArt/lAguArDiA community college

The University Accounting Office; CUNY Start, 2011

Tracy MeadeDirector, strAtegic PlAnning AnD ProgrAm DeVeloPment

office of AcADemic AffAirs

Carnegie Corporation of New York; CUNY’s New Community College at CUNY and World of Work, 2011-2012

Helen WheelockDirector, new york city shAkesPeAre festiVAl

creAtiVe Arts teAm/office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Council on the Arts; Arts Education–New York City Student Shakespeare Festival and Creative Arts Team Youth Theatre, 2011-2012

Helen WhitefounDer/Director

creAtiVe Arts teAm youth theAtre

creAtiVe Arts teAm/office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Council on the Arts; Arts Education–New York City Student Shakespeare Festival and Creative Arts Team Youth Theatre, 2011-2012

Matthew GoldADVisor, DigitAl initiAtiVes

office of the ProVost

Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate ProgramAlfred P. Sloan Foundation; Commons-in-a-Box, 2011-2012

Kevin MurphyProfessor/executiVe officer

Ph.D. ProgrAm in Art history

Overseas Korean Studies Incubation Program; Researching and Teaching Korean Art at CUNY, 2011-2014

Lorraine AltmanAssistAnt DeAn

DePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

JPMorgan Chase Foundation; Center for Bronx Non-Profits, 2011-2012United States Department of Health and Human Services; Health Profession Opportunity Grants to Serve TANF Recipients and Other Low Income Individuals, 2011-2012

Nieves AnguloAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics

United States Education Department/HSI STEM (in Collaboration with The City College); The Alliance for Continuous Innovative Learning Environments in STEM (CILES), 2011-2012

Maria CanoProgrAm Director, coPeoffice of stuDent DeVeloPment AnD enrollment mAnAgement

New York City Human Resources Administration; College Opportunity to Prepare for Employment Program (COPE), 2011-2012

Nathaniel CruzVice PresiDent

office of stuDent DeVeloPment AnD enrollment mAnAgement

Single Stop USA, Inc.; Single Stop Services, 2011-2012

Rosa Cruz-CorderoProgrAm Director

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; GEAR UP, 2011-2012

Jose EncarnacionProgrAm Director, lPPDePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

New York State Education Department; Liberty Partnerships Program, 2011-2012

Magali Figueroa-SanchezexecutiVe Director, hostos chilDren’s center

United States Department of Education; Child Care Access Means Parents in School, 2011-2012

Johanna GomezAssistAnt DeAn

office of stuDent DeVeloPment AnD enrollment mAnAgement

Single Stop USA, Inc.; Single Stop Services, 2011-2012

Zenobia JohnsonProgrAm Director, ADult leArning center

DePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

New York City Office of the Mayor; Adult Literacy Program, 2011-2012

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Moise KoffiProgrAm Director, steP/cstePDePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

New York State Education Department; C-STEP, 2011-2012; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP), 2011-2012

Colette LabradorsPeciAl AssistAnt to the PresiDent for workforce DeVeloPment

office of the PresiDent

United States Department of Labor/Trade Adjustment Assistance/Community College and Career Training Program; CUNY Career PATH, 2011-2014JPMorgan Chase Foundation; Center for Bronx Non-Profits, 2011-2012

Christine ManginoActing AssociAte DeAn

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; GEAR UP, 2011-2012

Peter MertensexecutiVe Director

DePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

New York State Education Department; C-STEP, 2011-2012; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP), 2011-2012; Liberty Partnerships Program, 2011-2012United States Social Security Administration; CUNY Bronx Work Incentives Planning, 2011-2012New York City Office of the Mayor; Adult Literacy Program, 2011-2012

Carlos MolinaVice PresiDent

DePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

New York City Human Resources Administration; Jobs Plus Program-Jefferson Houses, 2011-2012United States Department of Labor/Trade Adjustment Assistance/Community College and Career Training Program; CUNY Career PATH, 2011-2014New York State Education Department; Vocational Education Program (PERKINS), 2011-2012United States Department of Health and Human Services; Health Profession Opportuniy Grants to Serve TANF Recipients and other Low Income Individuals, 2011-2012

Lillian MoralesexecutiVe AssistAnt to the Vice PresiDent of stuDent DeVeloPment

Office of Student Development and Enrollment ManagementSingle Stop USA, Inc.; Single Stop Services, 2011-2012

Nelson Nuñez-RodriguezAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of nAturAl science

American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)-Minority; The Role of Communication and Information Literacy Skills in the Sciences of Today, 2011-2012

Deborah ReidProgrAm Director

DePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

United States Department of Health and Human Services; Health Profession Opportunity Grants to Serve TANF Recipients and Other Low Income Individuals, 2011-2012

Yoel RodriguezAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of nAturAl science

National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute; Non-Coding RNAs for Epigentic Transcriptional Silencing in Prostate Cancer, 2011

Esther Rodriguez-Chardavoynesenior Vice PresiDent

office of ADministrAtion AnD finAnce

Columbia University/United States Department of State; Global Scholars Program, 2011-2015

Corwin SpiveyProgrAm Director

DePArtment of continuing eDucAtion AnD workforce DeVeloPment

New York City Human Resources Administration; Jobs Plus Program-Jefferson Houses, 2011-2012

Jesus AnguloProfessor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences

PHS/National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse; Summer Program for Undergraduate Research at the Center for Gene Structure, 2011-2012

Sarah BonnerAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of eDucAtionAl founDAtions

National Science Foundation; MSPinNYC2 - A New Partnership to Transform Urban Secondary School Mathematics and Science Experiences, 2011-2014

Derrick BrazillAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences

PHS/National Institutes of Health/National Institute on General Medical Sciences; Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Training at Hunter, 2011-2012

Der-Lin ChaoProfessor

DePArtment of clAssicAl AnD orientAl stuDies/chinese flAgshiP center

hunter college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyInstitute of International Education; A Domestic Chinese Language Program Under the Language Flagship: An Initiative of the National Security Education Program, 2011-2012

Pamela MillsProfessor

DePArtment of chemistry

National Science Foundation; MSPinNYC2 - A New Partnership to Transform Urban Secondary School Mathematics and Science Experiences, 2011-2014

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Jacqueline MondrosDeAn/Professor

silbermAn school of sociAl work

Charles A. Frueauff Foundation; Project Impact/Children’s Village Traineeship Program, 2011-2012

Khursheed NavderProfessor

cuny school of Public heAlth At hunter college

MMR Research Worldwide; Mentored Student Research in Sensory Evaluation. 2011-2013

Rosanne SilbermanProfessor

DePArtment of sPeciAl eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; Intensive Teacher Institute for Teachers of the Blind or Visually Impaired, 2011-2012

David BarnetDirector, eDucAtionAl PArtnershiPs

DePArtment of unDergrADuAte stuDies

United States Department of Education; Title V: Enhancing Student Success in Criminal Justice Studies, 2011-2012

Jeffrey ButtsDirector, criminAl Justice reseArch AnD eVAluAtion center

Youth Build USA (Funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, United States Department of Justice); Assessment of Mentoring Initiatives by Youth Build USA, 2011-2012; AmeriCorps Initiative, 2011-2012

Anthony CarpiProfessor

DePArtment of science/Ph.D. ProgrAms in criminAl Justice AnD eArth AnD enVironmentAl sciences

John JAy college of criminAl Justice/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyUnited States Department of Education; Title V - Success through Engagement: Development of a Comprehensive Program to Promote Undergraduate Research and Increase Persistence and Graduation Rates of Hispanic Students, 2011-2012; Title V - Cooperative Grant (Higher Education-Institutional Aid), Creating Hispanic Scientists: A Model Articulation Program between Hispanic-Serving Institutions, 2011-2012; Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP), Program for Research Initiatives for Science Majors (PRISM), 2011-2012

Shu Yuan ChengAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of science

New York City Department of Education; Summer Institute in Forensic Science at John Jay College, 2010-2011

James CohenProfessor emeritus

office of Public mAnAgement

United States Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; University Transportation Research: Financing Rail Capital Projects-Historical Lessons-Contemporary Cases, 2011-2012

Josefina CoutureDirector, eDucAtionAl tAlent seArch

uniteD stAtes DePArtment of eDucAtion; John JAy college eDucA-tionAl tAlent seArch, 2011-2012

Louis GuintaAssociAte Professor/Director

communicAtions skills/Perkins iVNew York State Education Department; Carl D. Perkins IV Career and Technical Education Grant, 2011-2012

Deborah Hairston-ParkerDirector, sPeciAl ProgrAms

New York City Department of Homeless Services; Peace Officer Training, 2011-2014

Ann JacobsDirector, Prisoner reentry institute

New York City Center for Economic Opportunity; Young Men’s Initiative Program (New York City Justice Corps), 2011-2012New York City Council; New York City Justice Corps, 2011-2012

Andrew KarmenProfessor

DePArtment of sociology

New York City Department of Education; Law Enforcement Academies: Tutoring and Mentoring Services for High School Students, 2011-2012

Jane KatzProfessor

DePArtment of heAlth AnD PhysicAl eDucAtion

Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center; Senior Summer Water Exercise, 2011-2012

David KennedyProfessor/Director

DePArtment of criminAl Justice/center for crime PreVention AnD control/Ph.D. ProgrAm in criminAl Justice

John JAy college of criminAl Justice/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyUnited States Department of Justice-Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS); National Network for Safe Communities: Leadership Group Essential Elements Part II, 2011-2013; COPS and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Network for Safe Communities, 2011-2013

Lawrence KobilinskyProfessor/chAirPerson

DePArtment of science

John JAy college of criminAl Justice/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNew York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012United States Department of Education; Title V Cooperative Grant (Higher Education-Institutional Aid), Creating Hispanic Scientists: A Model Articulation Program between Hispanic-Serving Institutions, 2011-2012

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Ernest LeeAssociAte Director

mcnAir ProgrAm

United States Department of Education; Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, 2011-2012

Nathan LentsAssociAte Professor/DePuty chAir

DePArtment of biochemistry/Ph.D. ProgrAm in biochemistry

John JAy college of criminAl Justice/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyUnited States Department of Education; Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP), Program for Research Initiatives for Science Majors (PRISM), 2011-2012

Anne LopesDeAn, unDergrADuAte stuDies

office of unDergrADuAte stuDies

Charina Endowment Fund; Applied Sciences Fellowship, 2011-2014

John MattesonProfessor

DePArtment of english

The Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation; Rubin Essay Contest, 2011-2012

Jessica Gordon NembhardAssociAte Professor/Director

DePArtment of AfricAn stuDies/mcnAir ProgrAm

United States Department of Education; Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, 2011-2012

Barry NemeroffDirector, science AnD technology entry ProgrAm

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Kate SzurDirector, office of freshmAn serVices

United States Department of Education; Title V - Success through Engagement: Development of a Comprehensive Program to Promote Undergraduate Research and Increase Persistence and Graduation Rates of Hispanic Students, 2011-2012

Karen K. TexeiraDirector, uPwArD bounD ProgrAm

United States Department of Education; CUNY/John Jay College of Criminal Justice Upward Bound Program, 2011-2012

Jeremy TravisPresiDent

Carnegie Corporation of New York; Mosques, Veils, and Madrassas: Muslims and Institutions of Justice in Pluralistic Societies, 2011-2012Charina Endowment Fund; Applied Sciences Fellowship, 2011-2014The Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation; Rubin Essay Contest, 2011-2012

Gregory “Fritz” UmbachAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of history/interDisciPlinAry ProgrAms

Carnegie Corporation of New York; Mosques, Veils, and Madrassas: Muslims and Institutions of Justice in Pluralistic Societies, 2011-2012

Margaret WallaceAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of science/Ph.D. ProgrAm in forensic science

John JAy college of criminAl Justice/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNew York City Department of Education; Summer Institute in Forensic Science at John Jay College, 2010-2011

Babette AudantProfessor

center for economic AnD workforce DeVeloPment

United States Department of Labor; CUNY PATH, 2011-2014

Elizabeth A. BasileAssociAte DeAn for college ADVAncement

office of college ADVAncement

Richmond County Savings Foundation; Scholarships for Staten Island Students, 2011National Grid; Environmental Sustainability Education, 2011-2012

Anna BeckerexecutiVe Director

Performing Arts center

The New York Community Trust; Kingsborough Performing Arts Center, 2011-2013New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; Performing Arts Center, 2011-2012

Anthony BorgeseAssociAte Professor of tourism AnD hosPitAlity

DePArtment of tourism AnD hosPitAlity

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Natalia Bredikhinaoffice of the DeAn of continuing eDucAtion

New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance; Venture to Success, 2011-2012

Paulette DalpesDeAn for stuDent AffAirs

office of stuDent AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Reza FakhariAssociAte ProVost

office of AcADemic AffAirs

Gladys Brooks Foundation; Gladys Brooks Scholars, 2012

Juan Morales FloresfAculty ADVisor

DePArtment of behAViorAl sciences

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

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Thomas G. FriebelDeAn for enrollment mAnAgement

office of enrollment mAnAgement

Single Stop USA; On-Campus Single Stop Center, 2011-2012

Denise Giachetta-RyanchAirPerson

DePArtment of nursing

Ambrose Monell Foundation; Ambrose Monell Foundation Scholarship, 2011-2012Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students, 2011-2012New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

David GomezDeAn of instructionAl serVices

office of instructionAl serVices

Tortora Sillcox Family Foundation; President’s Preparatory Initiative High School Transition Program, 2011-2012

Amanda KalincoorDinAtor of AllieD heAlth AnD retention center

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Saul W. KatzDeAn of continuing eDucAtion

office of continuing eDucAtion

Consortium for Worker Education; Jobs to Build On, 2010-2011

Coleen KumarAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of nursing

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Jeffrey LaxProfessor

DePArtment of business

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Georgia LindAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Maxine McGarveyProfessor

DePArtment of business

JPMorgan Chase; The Community Financial Education Program, 2011-2012

Lavita McMath-TurnerDirector of goVernment relAtions

office of goVernment relAtions

Nathan C. and Margaret Y. Thorne Fund; Civic Engagement Program Development, 2011-2012

Brian MitraDirector

office of cAreer counseling, PlAcement AnD trAnsfer

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Josephine MurphyProfessor

librAry AnD meDiA serVices

New York State Education Department; Library Collection Award, 2011

Lawrence Perooffice of the DeAn of instructionAl serVices

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Darry RomanoProfessor

DePArtment of business

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Gary B. SarinskyProfessor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences

New York State Education Department; Science Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Marissa SchlesingerProfessor

office of AcADemic AffAirs

Robin Hood Foundation; Opening Doors Learning Communities, 2011

Steven SkinnerAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Susan SpivackProfessor

DePArtment of Art

New York State Education Department; Perkins, 2011-2012

Kirstin SwansonDirector of DeVeloPment

office of college ADVAncement

May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.; Rudin Book Fund, 2011

Antonio ThompsonAssistAnt Director of DeVeloPment

office of college ADVAncement

JPMorgan Chase; The Community Financial Education Program, 2011-2012

Edgar Troudtinstructor

DePArtment of tourism AnD hosPitAlity

National Science Foundation; Center for Technological Entrepreneurship, 2011-2012

Christoph WinklerAssociAte AnD curriculum Director, cuny institute for VirtuAl enterPrise

DePArtment of tourism AnD hosPitAlity

National Science Foundation; Center for Technological Entrepreneurship, 2011-2012


Tony AllicinoDirector, ProgrAm for DeAf ADults

office of ADult continuing eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; Program for Deaf Adults, 2011-2012

Tyrone BennettDirector, school college collAborAtions

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP), 2011-2012

Mary EsfarayeniAssociAte Director, AllieD heAlth initiAtiVes

office of ADult continuing eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; Home Health Aide, 2011-2012

Samuel FarrellDirector, center for VeterAns, youth AnD ADult ProgrAms

United States Department of Education; Veterans Upward Bound Program, 2011-2012

Sean GalvinDirector, liberty PArtnershiPs ProgrAm

office of liberty PArtnershiP ProgrAms

New York State Education Department; Liberty Partnership Programs, 2011-2012

John GarciaDirector, sPeciAl ProgrAms

office of ADult continuing eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; Community Health Worker, 2011-2012

Reine SarmientoAssistAnt DeAn

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment ManagementSingle Stop; Single Stop Student Services, 2011-2012

Marilyn Aguirre-MolinaProfessor

DePArtment of heAlth sciences

lehmAn college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyW. K. Kellogg Foundation; Youth Circles for Racial Healing, 2011-2012

Stefan BeckerProfessor

DePArtment of eArth, enVironmentAl AnD geosPAtiAl sciences/Ph.D. ProgrAm in eArth AnD enVironmentAl sciences

lehmAn college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNew York State Education Department; Teacher Education for Advanced Science Preparation, 2010-2013

Harriet FayneDeAn, eArly chilDhooD AnD chilDhooD eDucAtion

DePArtment of eArly chilDhooD AnD chilDhooD eDucAtion

JPMorgan Chase; MATH-UP Clinical Residency Support, 2011-2012

C. Alicia GeorgesProfessor

DePArtment of nursing/Ph.D. ProgrAm in nursing science

lehmAn college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyHealth Resources and Services Administration (HRSA - DHHS); Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship, 2011-2012

Nancy GriffethProfessor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics AnD comPuter science/Ph.D. ProgrAm in comPuter science

lehmAn college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; S-STEM: Lehman College Mentoring and Scholarship Program, 2011-2014

Michael E. HandelProfessor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics AnD comPuter science/Ph.D. ProgrAm in mAthemAtics

lehmAn college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; S-STEM: Lehman College Mentoring and Scholarship Program, 2011-2014

Dene HurleyAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of economics, Accounting AnD business ADministrAtion

National Science Foundation; Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE), a Project of The City University of New York, 2011-2014

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Marzie JafariDeAn, continuing eDucAtion

office of continuing eDucAtion

Bronx Lebanon Hospital; Master Nursing Program, 2011-2013Hospital League, Local 1199; BSN Cohort Classes, 2011-2014; BSN RN Bridge, 2011-2014Sung Shin University; RN to BSN Korea, 2011-2014

Anne L. RothsteinProfessor

DePArtment of eArly chilDhooD AnD chilDhooD eDucAtion

United States Department of Education; Lehman College Talent Search: Pathways to Success, 2011-2016

Robert SchneidermanAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics AnD comPuter science

National Science Foundation; S-STEM: Lehman College Mentoring and Scholarship Program, 2011-2014

Esther WilderAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of sociology

National Science Foundation; Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE), a Project of The City University of New York, 2011-2014

Marcie WolfeDirector, institute for literAcy stuDies

National Writing Project; Literacy Design Initiative, 2011

William BaileyProJect Director

school of ProfessionAl AnD community DeVeloPment

New York State Education Department; Science Technology Entry Program, 2011-2015

John BrownProJect Director

school of ProfessionAl AnD community DeVeloPment

New York State Education Department; Science, Math and Robotics STEP Program, 2011-2015

Margaret CarrollProfessor

DePArtment of biology

New York State Education Department; Collegiate Science Technology Entry Program, 2011-2015Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology; MARC Program Poster/Oral Presentation Travel Award, 2011

Edward CatapaneProfessor

DePArtment of biology

New York State Education Department; Collegiate Science Technology Entry Program, 2011-2015Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology; MARC Program Poster/Oral Presentation Travel Award, 2011

John GrahamDeAn, school of business

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Study Abroad Perspective in South Africa, 2010-2013

Brenda GreeneexecutiVe Director, center for blAck literAture

Target Corporation; Re-Envisioning Lives through Literature, 2011-2012National Endowment for the Arts; The 11th National Black Writers Conference, 2011-2012JPMorgan Chase; Re-Envisioning Our Lives, 2011-2012;

Derrick E. GriffithActing AssistAnt ProVost

office of AcADemic AffAirs

The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation; The Carroll and Milton Petrie Emergency Fund, 2011-2015

Suzanne HurleyProJect Director

school of ProfessionAl AnD community DeVeloPment

United Way of New York City; Attendance Improvement Dropout Prevention, 2010-2011

Leon JohnsonProfessor

DePArtment of PhysicAl, enVironmentAl, AnD comPuter sciences

Rutgers University; New York City Research Initiative Program, 2011-2012

Valerie Kennedycounsel to the PresiDent

office of the PresiDent

The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation; The Carroll and Milton Petrie Emergency Fund, 2011-2015

Abraham NyamehProJect Director

school of ProfessionAl AnD community DeVeloPment

United States Department of Education; Talent Search Program, 2011-2016

Simone Rodriguez-DorestantActing DeAn, school of ProfessionAl AnD community DeVeloPment

United Way of New York City; Attendance Improvement Dropout Prevention, 2010-2011United States Department of Education; Talent Search Program, 2011-2016New York State Education Department; Science, Math and Robotics STEP Program, 2011-2015

Gwen RiddickDePuty Director, center for lAw AnD sociAl Justice

The New York Community Trust; Racial Justice Redistricting Project, 2011-2012

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Claudia SchraderActing AssociAte ProVost

office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Smart Scholars Early College High School Partnership Schools – Cohort 2, 2011-2012United States Department of Education; Predominantly Black Institutions Program, 2011-2016

Esmeralda SimmonsexecutiVe Director, center for lAw AnD sociAl Justice

The New York Community Trust; Racial Justice Redistricting Project, 2011-2012

Bonne AugustProVost/Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department: Smart Scholars Early College High School Partnership Schools; Pathways in Technology Early College High School: A Smart Scholars Partnership School, 2011-2014; City Tech/CityPoly Cooperative, 2011-2014

Ivonne BarrerasDirector of collAborAtiVe ProgrAms

office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP Academy), 2011-2015

Reginald BlakeAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of Physics

National Science Foundation; Creating and Sustaining Diversity in the Geosciences Among Students and Teachers in the Urban and Costal Environment of New York City, 2011-2013; REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Satellite and Ground-Based Remote Sensing at NOAA-CREST 2, 2011-2015

Catalina CastanoDirector, smAll business DeVeloPment center

Robin Hood Foundation; Business Counseling Services to Veterans in New York City, 2011-2012United States Small Business Administration via Research Foundation of SUNY; Small Business Jobs Act, 2011-2013

Richard HanleyProfessor

DePArtment of english

National Endowment for the Humanities; Along the Shore: The Landmarks of Brooklyn’s Industrial Waterfront, 2011-2012

Delaram KahrobaeiAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics/Ph.D. ProgrAm in mAthemAtics

new york city college of technology/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Science Foundation; Collaborative Project: Building Cybersecurity Capacity by Means of a National High School Digital Forensics Challenge, 2011-2013

Anne LeonhardtAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of Architecture AnD technology

National Science Foundation; Fuse Lab: Collaborative Education for Tomorrow’s Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2011-2014

Janet Liou-MarkAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics

National Science Foundation; REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Satellite and Ground-Based Remote Sensing at NOAA-CREST 2, 2011-2015

Kathryn RichardsonProfessor

DePArtment of nursing

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA); Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students Associates Degree Nursing, 2011-2012

Marie-Francesca SegarescityPoly liAison

office of the ProVost

New York State Education Department: Smart Scholars Early College High School Partnership Schools; City Tech/CityPoly Cooperative, 2011-2014National Science Foundation; Fuse Lab: Collaborative Education for Tomorrow’s Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2011-2014

Gerarda ShieldsAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of construction technology

National Science Foundation; Fuse Lab: Collaborative Education for Tomorrow’s Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2011-2014

Shelley SmithAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of ArchitecturAl technology

National Endowment for the Humanities; Along the Shore: The Landmarks of Brooklyn’s Industrial Waterfront, 2011-2012National Science Foundation; Fuse Lab: Collaborative Education for Tomorrow’s Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2011-2014

Viviana VladutescuAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of electricAl engineering technology

National Science Foundation; Creating and Sustaining Diversity in the Geosciences Among Students and Teachers in the Urban and Costal Environment of New York City, 2011-2013

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Huseyin YuceAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of mAthemAtics

National Science Foundation; Fuse Lab: Collaborative Education for Tomorrow’s Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2011-2014

Claudia HindoDirector, college PrePArAtory ProgrAms

New York City Department of Education; Townsend Harris High School: Queens College Collaboration, 2011-2012

Carmella MarroneDirector, women AnD work Queens college extension center

Helena Rubinstein Foundation; Women and Work, 2011-2012

Francine PetermanDeAn, DiVision of eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; Graduate Level Clinically Rich Teacher Preparation Pilot Program, 2011-2014

Eric UrevichDirector

chilD DeVeloPment center

New York State Office of Children and Family Services; The Child Development Center at Queens College, 2010-2011

Peishi WangAssistAnt Professor

office of eDucAtionAl AnD community ProgrAms

United States Department of Education; Project-Culturally Aligned and Responsive Early Intervention (Project I-CARE), 2012

Zahra ZakeriProfessor

DePArtment of biology/Ph.D. ProgrAm in biology

Queens college/the grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center/cunyNational Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences; MARC Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research, 2011-2012

Kitty BatemanAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of bAsic skills/Qcc literAcy ProgrAm

Institute of Museum and Library Services; Culture and Literacy through Art for the 21st Century, 2011-2014

Marie-Francesca BerrouetDirector, c-stePoffice of stuDent AffAirs

New York State Education Department; C-STEP Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012

Cheryl BluestoneProfessor

DePArtment of sociAl sciences

National Science Foundation; TUES: Development of an Active Learning Gemology Studio Course, 2011-2014

Jeffrey ChenProgrAm mAnAger

office of continuing eDucAtion

United States Department of Labor; CUNY Career Path, 2011-2014

Michele CuomoAssociAte DeAn of AcADemic AffAirs

office of AcADemic AffAirs

Association of American Colleges and Universities/MetLife Foundation; Queensborough Community College Roadmap Project, 2010-2013United States Department of Education-Title V/LaGuardia Community College; Making Transfer Connections, 2011-2012

Jean DarcyAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of english

United States Department of Education - Title V/LaGuardia Community College; Making Transfer Connections, 2011-2012

Margot EdlinAssistAnt Professor

office of AcADemic AffAirs

Institute of Museum and Library Services; Culture and Literacy through Art for the 21st Century, 2011-2014

Arthur FlugexecutiVe Director

the kuPferberg holocAust resource center AnD ArchiVes

Temple Emanu-EL; The Kupferberg Resource Center and Archives, 2011National Endowment for the Humanities; The Kupferberg Resource Center and Archives, 2011

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Paul Jean-PierreAssociAte DeAn of stuDent AffAirs

office of stuDent AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Liberty Partnerships Project Prize, 2011-2012; C-STEP Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program, 2011-2012Single Stop/Robin Hood Foundation; Single Stop Student Services, 2011-2012

Simran KaurAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences AnD geology

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP), 2011-2012

Patricia Lannesco-Director, cAltA21office of AcADemic AffAirs

Institute of Museum and Library Services; Culture and Literacy through Art for the 21st Century, 2011-2014

Paul MarcheseAssistAnt DeAn

office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Career Pathways at Queensborough Community College, 2011-2012

Mary Anne MeyerProgrAm Director

office of AcADemic AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Career Pathways at Queensborough Community College, 2011-2012

Darlene O’RourkeProJect coorDinAtor

office of continuing eDucAtion

New York State Education Department; 21st Century Community Learning Center, 2011-2012

Arthur PerkinsAssistAnt DeAn for fAcilities PlAnning

office of cAmPus fAcilities

New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation; Stormwater Management Permeable Pavement Project, 2011

Joan PetersenAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences AnD geology

New York State Education Department; Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP), 2011-2012

Faustino QuintanillaexecutiVe Director

Art gAllery

National Endowment for the Arts; Shangaa: Art of Tanzania, 2012-2013

Hugh RanceProfessor

DePArtment of biology sciences AnD geology

National Science Foundation; TUES: Development of an Active Learning Gemology Studio Course, 2011-2014

Roland ScalAssociAte Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences AnD geology

National Science Foundation; TUES: Development of an Active Learning Gemology Studio Course, 2011-2014

Lisa ScandaliatoAssistAnt Director

Art gAllery

National Endowment for the Arts; Shangaa: Art of Tanzania, 2012-2013

Patricia SchneiderProfessor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences AnD geology

National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences; NIH: Bridges to the Baccalaureate, 2011-2012

Regina SullivanAssistAnt Professor

DePArtment of biologicAl sciences AnD geology

JPMorgan Chase Foundation; STEM Academy for Middle School Students - JHS 185, 2011

Sherri-Ann Simmons TerryDirector, ProJect Prize

office of stuDent AffAirs

New York State Education Department; Liberty Partnerships Project Prize, 2011-2012

George Trembergerlecturer

DePArtment of Physics

JPMorgan Chase Foundation; STEM Academy for Middle School Students-JHS 185, 2011

Denise WardDeAn of continuing eDucAtion

office of continuing eDucAtion

United States Department of Labor; CUNY Career Path, 2011-2014New York State Education Department; 21st Century Community Learning Center, 2011-2012

Panayiotis MeletiesDeAn, college of Arts AnD sciences

office of AcADemic AffAirs

United States Department of Education; Fostering African-American Student Talent, 2011-2015

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BOARD OF TRUSTEESBenno SchmidtchAirPerson

Philip Alfonso BerryVice chAirPerson

Valerie Lancaster BealWellington Z. ChenRita DiMartinoFreida D. FosterJudah GribetzJoseph J. LhotaHugo M. Morales, M.D.Peter S. PantaleoKathleen M. PesileCarol A. Robles-RománCharles A. ShorterSam A. SuttonJeffrey S. WiesenfeldSandi Cooper (ex-officio)chAirPerson, uniVersity fAculty senAte

Kafui K. Kouakou (ex-officio)chAirPerson, uniVersity stuDent senAte

Jay HershensonsecretAry

Frederick P. SchaffergenerAl counsel

CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIONMatthew GoldsteinchAncellor

Allan H. DobrinexecutiVe Vice chAncellor AnD chief oPerAting officer

Alexandra W. LogueexecutiVe Vice chAncellor AnD uniVersity ProVost

Jay Hershensonsenior Vice chAncellor for uniVersity relAtions

AnD boArD secretAry

Frederick P. Schaffersenior Vice chAncellor for legAl AffAirs

AnD generAl counsel

Marc V. Shawsenior Vice chAncellor for buDget, finAnce AnD fiscAl Policy

Eduardo MartíVice chAncellor for community colleges

Frank D. SanchezVice chAncellor for stuDent AffAirs

Pamela SilverblattVice chAncellor for lAbor relAtions

Gillian SmallVice chAncellor for reseArch

Gloriana B. WatersVice chAncellor for humAn resources mAnAgement

Iris WeinshallVice chAncellor for fAcilities PlAnning, construction AnD mAnAgement

Brian CohenAssociAte Vice chAncellor AnD uniVersity chief informAtion officer

Matthew J. SapienzaAssociAte Vice chAncellor for buDget AnD finAnce

Dave FieldsuniVersity DeAn/sPeciAl counsel to the chAncellor

PRESIDENTS AND DEANSMichelle J. Anderson, Deancuny school of lAw

Diane Bova Call, Interim PresidentQueensborough community college

Lisa S. Coico, Presidentthe city college

Scott E. Evenbeck, Founding Presidentnew community college At cuny

Ricardo R. Fernández, Presidentherbert h. lehmAn college

Karen L. Gould, Presidentbrooklyn college

Russell K. Hotzler, Presidentnew york city college of technology

Carole Berotte Joseph, Presidentbronx community college

Marcia V. Keizs, Presidentyork college

William P. Kelly, Presidentthe grADuAte school AnD uniVersity center

Ann Kirschner, DeanmAcAulAy honors college At cuny

Gail O. Mellow, Presidentfiorello h. lA guArDiA community college

John Mogulescu, Dean cuny school of ProfessionAl stuDies

Tomás Morales, Presidentcollege of stAten islAnD

James L. Muyskens, PresidentQueens college

Kenneth Olden, Founding Deancuny school of Public heAlth

Antonio Pérez, Presidentborough of mAnhAttAn community college

Regina Peruggi, Presidentkingsborough community college

William L. Pollard, PresidentmeDgAr eVers college

Jennifer Raab, Presidenthunter college

Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Presidenteugenio mAríA De hostos community college

Stephen B. Shepard, Founding Deancuny grADuAte school of JournAlism

Jeremy Travis, PresidentJohn JAy college of criminAl Justice

Mitchel B. Wallerstein, PresidentbernArD m. bAruch college



Baruch CollegeJohn Brenkmaninterim ProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Mark GibbelVice PresiDent for college ADVAncement

Alan J. Evelyn Director, office of sPonsoreD ProgrAms AnD reseArch

Borough of Manhattan Community College Sadie BraggProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

John Montanez AssociAte DeAn for grAnts

Karen WenderoffVice PresiDent for college ADVAncement

Bronx Community College Howard Wachinterim Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Carin SavageAssistAnt Vice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Brooklyn CollegeWilliam A. TramontanoProVost AnD Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Andrew SillenVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Sabrina CerezoDirector, office of reseArch AnD sPonsoreD ProgrAms

Barbara Naso Director, institutionAl initiAtiVe

office of grADuAte stuDies AnD reseArch

The City College Martin MoskovitsProVost

Rachelle D. ButlerVice PresiDent for DeVeloPment & institutionAl ADVAncement

Adam GreenbergActing Director, office of reseArch ADministrAtion

College of Staten Island William FritzProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Barbara R. EshooVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement AnD externAl AffAirs

Lisa S. EbertDirector, office of sPonsoreD ProgrAms AnD reseArch

CUNY-WIDE Programs (spring submissions only)John Mogulescusr. uniVersity DeAn for AcADemic AffAirs AnD DeAn, school of ProfessionAl stuDies

Anne FitzgibbonDirector of oPerAtions

The Graduate CenterChase RobinsonProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Edith Gonzalez executiVe Director of reseArch AnD sPonsoreD ProgrAms

Hilry Fisher Director of sPonsoreD reseArch

Rachel SponzostAff AssistAnt for AcADemic AffAirs

Raymond SoldavinVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Hostos Community College Carmen Coballes-VegaProVost AnD Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Ana Carrion-SilvaVice PresiDent for institutionAl DeVeloPment

Lourdes Torres Director of ADministrAtion, buDget AnD grAnts mAnAgement

Hunter CollegeVita RabinowitzProVost AnD Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Robert J. Buckley Director of reseArch ADministrAtion

Jayne RosengartenexecutiVe Director of DeVeloPment

John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jane BowersProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Karen Terryinterim AssociAte ProVost AnD DeAn of reseArch AnD strAtegic PArtnershiPs

Mayra Nievesinterim AssistAnt Vice PresiDent for mArketing AnD DeVeloPment

James P. LevineDeAn of reseArch

Jacob MariniexecutiVe Director, office of sPonsoreD ProgrAms


Kingsborough Community CollegeStuart SussAssociAte ProVost for AcADemic AffAirs

Elizabeth A. BasileAssociAte DeAn for college ADVAncement

Kirstin SwansonDirector of DeVeloPment

LaGuardia Community College Peter KatopesVice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

E. Ramone SegreeVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Robert KahnDirector, grAnts DeVeloPment office

CUNY School of Law Penelope AndrewsAssociAte DeAn for AcADemic AffAirs

Vivian TodiniexecutiVe Director of institutionAl ADVAncement

Midiam FernandezfAculty scholArshiP suPPort mAnAger

Lehman CollegeJoseph Rachlininterim ProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Mario DéllapinaVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Stephanie EndyDirector, office of reseArch AnD sPonsoreD ProgrAms

Medgar Evers CollegeHoward C. JohnsonProVost AnD interim sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Moses NewsomeVice PresiDent for externAl relAtions

Chi KoonDirector of reseArch AnD sPonsoreD ProgrAms

Tamaria PerryDirector of DeVeloPment

New York City College of Technology Bonne AugustProVost AnD Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Barbara BurkeDirector, ofice of grAnts AnD contrActs

Stephen SoiffersPeciAl AssistAnt to the PresiDent/institutionAl ADVAncement

Queens College James R. StellarProVost AnD Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Sue HendersonVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Gautama Michael PrasadDirector, office of reseArch AnD sPonsoreD ProgrAms

Queensborough Community College Karen Steeleinterim Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Rosemary ZinsVice PresiDent for institutionAl ADVAncement

Christina A. JohnsonDirector of sPonsoreD ProgrAms

York CollegeIvelaw GriffithProVost AnD sr. Vice PresiDent for AcADemic AffAirs

Dolores SwirinexecutiVe Director of institutionAl ADVAncement

Mondell SealyDirector of DeVeloPment AnD Alumni AffAirs

Dawn A. HewittDirector, office of reseArch AnD sPonsoreD ProgrAms

The City University of New York is the nation’s leading urban public university, serving more than 480,000 students at 24 colleges and institutions in New York City. The University’s 24 institutions include 11 senior colleges, seven community colleges, the William E. Macaulay Honors College at CUNY, the Graduate School and University Center, the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, the CUNY School of Law, the CUNY School of Professional Studies, and the CUNY School of Public Health.



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