2011 wasbo school

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

WASBO Spring Conference

2011Presented By: Mark Cyganiak

ServiceMaster Recovery Services

© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.


You have been asked to restore a school from water or fire damage.

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.


You have been asked to restore a school from water or fire damage.

You have been awarded the contract

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

Key information

Who is your carrier?- Have they been in contact with you?

Have they assigned an adjuster?- If yes, contact the adjuster

Who is your broker?

What is your deductible?

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

Key information

National Contract – If this is a National Contract, find out all details and requirements

Discuss clients ability to pay for the work you are going to perform

Does the customer have Business Interruption Coverage and for how long?

Identify the customers internal procedures for payment

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Defining the money terms

Clearly define payment terms 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd Draw Schedule

Up front draw is standard practices Mobilization Costs Materials Supplies

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Defining the money terms

Define how invoicing is suppose to be organized to the adjusters expectations

Inform all contractors to anticipate slower than normal payouts

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Copy of Certificate of Insurance


Rate Schedule Labor Rates, Labor Classifications & Labor Conditions Rates for Company owned Equipment and Supplies


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Job Specifics

Assess overall scope of work to be addressed

Assessment of critical infrastructure

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Health and Safety

ServiceMaster Health and Safety Issue Bring in Independent Safety Coordinator

Client Health and Safety Requirements Does client have in house safety director? Know company safety rules

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Health and Safety


Asbestos Survey

Be prepared for to stop by

Client priorities: STATED EXPECTATIONS

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Job Specifics

Accessibility/availability of affected areas

Subcontractors Required

Required Cleaning Protocols

Pre-loss conditions

Perform pre-clean test

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Defining Cleaning Standards

Clean VS. Clean, Seal, and Paint


Is clearance testing being conducted? Have expectations spelled out

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Contents, Equipment, & Machinery Clean versus replace Is a salvage company involved? Re-Certification (In House, Manufacturer,

or Authorized Dealer) Replacement parts Electronics

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Time Frames

What is clients desired completion date? When can work begin? Breakdown priorities, completed dates by zones What is realistic completion date based on

customer priorities and your abilities? Don’t over sell your abilities

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Time Frames

Build shift configuration Options – Day shift, night shift, 8 hour shift

Qualify circumstances that can impact projected completion date Available materials Local, State, Federal operations

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Preparing for Production

Develop Manifest Equipment, Materials, and Supplies

Secure vendors/subcontractors

Determine minimum number of casual labor required on first day of production to make a positive impact

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Preparing for Production

Mobilize Equipment, materials, supplies,

and supervisory personnel Secure hotel rooms and vehicles Scheduled vendors and

subcontractors Schedule daily production

meetings with client and subcontractors

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Prominently display your trucks and trailers at front entrance

Supervisory Staff – Review assignment of duties

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Set up supply distribution, inventory all equipment, materials and supplies

Introduction of Project Manager to client, review scope with PM and client

Staff Meeting with crew, give project overview

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On Site

Set up command center and administrative work area

Set up accounting and paper flow Schedule casual labor to arrive on site one

hour after beginning your shift on the first day of work

Review project, site rules, and ServiceMaster / clients expectations

Conduct internal safety meetings Address any client safety requirements

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Distribute floor plan of work area to Supervisors Break down work area by Supervisor Indicate start date and target completion date

The initial priorities "Make Safe” the work environment Access and begin production in accordance with the

client “Critical Path”

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Transfer salvageable items within the affected area to a stable environment

Collect vital documents for freezing if applicable

Apply “lube protectant” on all affected surfaces if required to stabilize

Access needs for utilities, establish environmental controls if needed

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Daily Activities

Revisit rules and expectations Check with supply person to determine

possible needs. Purchase as needed, stay ahead of the needs

Discuss any unexpected obstacles Maintain documents in accounting file for

project auditor Production meeting with Client as arranged Check weather forecast

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End of Shift / Shift Change

Clean and secure work area

Return all items to supply distribution

Full staff line up

Dismiss labor and review progress

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End of Shift / Shift Change

Shift change meeting and project walk through

Deliver all project paperwork to project accountant

Notate any new information that can impact time frames, scope of work, or project estimate

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Day 2 of production

Adjust labor depending on need, and deploy to work supply distribution and then to designated work area

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Continued Production

Walk your job site to determine if there is any additional work that was not included in your original scope of services

Determine that scope of work is being performed to expectations

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Continued Production

Conduct daily production meetings

Put all change orders or scope adjustments in writing to client with signed acknowledgement by client

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Do not wait for this to happen!

Have a pre loss agreement with a National Vendor!


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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

Key Success Factors for Client

Accept what has happened - A large loss is not a quick fix overnight

Lock down the building as soon as possible

Patience is needed

How you start often dictates how the job progresses and how it ends

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

Key Success Factors

Clear understanding of the Client needs and priorities

Clearly defined and agreed scope of work

A realistic time table and flow of work

Clear payment terms

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

Key Success Factors

Organized, well-trained, quality Supervision and Administration staff

Completed field paperwork/documentation Written, Photos, Video (ie CYB)

Clear ongoing communication with client, staff, and subcontractors

Clearly defined subcontract agreements

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© 2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved.

Key Success Factors

No Surprises! Keep all interested parties updated to changing or new events

Have a relationship established with a local vendor with national coverage

A large disaster requires a firm with access to national resources and workforce

Have a plan B or C

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ServiceMaster Recovery Services Mark Cyganiakwww.smrecover.com



2011 ServiceMaster Clean. All right reserved. 2011 RAM Program

Thank you,We look forward to working

with you!

Any questions?

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