2011 spring exam review

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2011 Spring Exam Review. He had turned his back on God and had become an alcoholic. A Raisin in the Sun. He was too eager to spend the money Mama would receive from his father's insurance policy. Why did Mama call Walter a disgrace to his father's memory?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


2011 Spring Exam Review

A Raisin in the Sun

Why did Mama call Walter a

disgrace to his father's


He had become too concerned with money and had lost traditional family values.

He was too eager to spend the money Mama would receive from his father's insurance policy.

He beat his wife and disgraced his mother.

He had turned his back on God and had become an alcoholic.

A Raisin in the Sun

What is the setting of the

play? in an apartment in Chicago’s Southside

in a boarding house in New York City

in a quiet house in a Chicago suburb

in an apartment in a small town in Illinois

A Raisin in the Sun

Which of the following

statements BEST expresses a key

theme of the play?

Family is more important than money.

Discrimination is wrong.

Hard work will help people achieve their goals

It is important to honor one’s heritage.

A Raisin in the Sun

An example of external

conflict from Act I is when:

Walter struggles with other family members over moneyBeneatha struggles to choose between George and Asagai

Mama struggles with Ruth for control of the family

Travis struggles to keep his grades up in school

A Raisin in the Sun

Which of the following best

describes Beneatha?

Realist searching for her own identity

Idealist who dreams of having her own house

Deeply religious and devoted to her family


A Raisin in the Sun

Mama’s plant symbolizes:

her hopes for the future

the love that she and her late husband shared

her own inner state

the cultural climate the family lives in

Literary Terms

An indirect reference to a person, place, event, work of

literature, art, etc.





Literary Terms

Giving an inanimate

object human-like






Literary Terms

A comparison using like or as





Poetry Terms

The repetition of an initial consonant

sound in nearby words





Poetry Terms

The repetition of a vowel sound in

nearby words



Exact Rhyme


Poetry Terms


Exact Rhyme

Slant Rhyme

No Rhyme

Sight Rhyme

Literary Terms

The group of people for which a

passage has been written

Target Audience





Stanley tells Stella that Blanch is well known in Laurel but not





When Stella is in the hospital having her

baby, Blanche seduces Stanley.




Blanche encourages

Stella to leave Stanley because

he is violent.




Blanche comes to stay with the

Kowalskis because of Stella’s pregnancy.




According to Stanley, the Napoleonic

Code means that:

what belongs to one spouse belongs to the other.

in-laws are not legally part of the family.

it is a man’s right to rule his family.


Stanley found out that Blanche was

fired from her teaching job in

Laurel because she was:

involved with a seventeen-year-old.

not teaching the required material.

having an affair with the superintendent, Mr. Graves.


Because Stanley wants Blanche

out of his life, his birthday present

to her is a:

one-way bus ticket back to Laurel

two-week cruise of the Caribbean

new fur to add to her collection

month’s free rent on her own apartment


Which of these best represents

Blanche’s decaying false


the paper lantern that Mitch tore off the light

the broken plates that Stanley threw on the floor

Blanche’s costume jewelry

Blanche’s need to drink all the time


Which of the following attitudes is most likely linked

to Blanche’s Old South upbringing?

her constant reference to Stanley as “common” and inferior

her need for Stella to wait on her hand and foot

her tendency to bathe often


Which of the following best characterizes

Stanley as animalistic and


[He hurls a plate to the floor.] “That’s how I’ll clear the table!”

“Nothing belongs on a poker table but cards, chips, and whiskey.”

“How right you was, baby. I was common as dirt.”

“A Rose for Emily”

What is unclear to the reader

when Emily buys rat poison from the druggist?

the reason that she buys the poison

the amount of rat poison she buys

the kind of poison she wants to buy

the amount she pays for the poison

“A Rose for Emily”

How might the result of the

minister's visit be considered ambiguous?

The reader knows he refused to go back but can only guess what may have happened.

The reader sees how Emily treats visitors, and his experience was similar.

The reader can assume the minister was successful.

The reader knows that Emily is not easily influenced, so the minister gave up.

“A Rose for Emily”

Why did the ladies of

Jefferson force the minister to call on Emily?

Emily was becoming a disgrace and setting a bad example.Emily was in need of charity but wouldn't admit it.

Emily was in need of counseling during her loss.

Emily had sinned and they wanted her to pray.

“A Rose for Emily”

Why were the people glad when it was learned that after Miss Emily's father

died, all that was left to her was the house?

She had suddenly become more like them.

They had always envied her good fortune.

The house was worth a lot of money.

The people of Jefferson were gossips.

Poetry: Langston Hughes

Which line from “Dream Variations”

gives you a clue about what the

speaker looks like? “Dark like me—”

“To fling my arms wide”

“A tall, slim tree …”

“That is my dream!”

Poetry: Langston Hughes

In “I, Too,” what does the word

“too” in the first and last lines

emphasize in the poem?

The speaker is part of the American experience.

The speaker is anticipating a radical change.

The speaker is American.

The speaker is a well-known American musician.

Poetry: Langston Hughes

“I, Too” is best described as:

A response to Whitman’s “I Hear America Singing”

A collection of poems about nature

A sonnet

A replica of Frost’s “Birches”

“The Life You Save

May Be Your Own”

How does Mr. Shiftlet gain Mrs. Crater's


by teaching Lucynell to say “bird”

by buying a new fanbelt for the car

by speaking of his background

by admiring the sunset

“The Life You Save

May Be Your Own”

How are Mrs. Crater and Mr. Shiftlet alike?

They are both obsessed with an idea.

They both want to improve the farm.

They are both protective of Lucynell.

They both want the car to work.

“The Life You Save

May Be Your Own”

What can you predict, based on Mr. Shiftlet's statement that a person's spirit

is always “on the move”?

He will leave after he fixes the car.

He will continue to try to fix the car.

He will stay and work on the farm.

He and Lucynell will live in the house.

“The Life You Save

May Be Your Own”

When Mr. Shiftlet meets the old woman and her daughter, the author's description of

him conveys the impression that he is most interested in the

car in the yard.

possibility of a job.

chance to teach the daughter.

location of the farm.

“The Life You Save

May Be Your Own”

Which of the following

statements by the old woman is


“‘And I wouldn't let no man have her but you because I seen you would do right.’”“‘One that can't talk,’ she continued, ‘can't sass you back or use foul language.’”

“‘Are you married or are you single?’”

“‘She can sweep the floor, cook, wash, feed the chickens, and hoe.’”

“The Life You Save

May Be Your Own”

Which of the following statements by Mr. Shiftlet should

have alerted Mrs. Crater that he

wasn’t to be trusted?

“Lady, nowadays, people’ll do anything anyways...people don’t care how they lie.”“Lady, there’s some men that some things mean more to them than money.”“I’d give a fortune to live where I could see me a sun do that every evening.”

“Tools. I’m a carpenter.”

“The First Seven Years”

Why does Feld want Max to date Miriam?

Max is a college student.

Max has expressed interest in Miriam.

Max is a peddler's son.

Miriam has said she likes Max.

“The First Seven Years”

After a long time, what is

Feld's epiphany, or realization, about Sobel?

Sobel loves Miriam.

Sobel hates working for Feld.

Miriam loves Sobel.

Sobel wants his own business.

“The First Seven Years”

How does the title “The First Seven Years” connect to the epiphany, or

realization, that Feld has about Sobel?

Sobel will work for Feld for seven years before he can court Miriam.

Sobel will leave Feld's employment after seven years as his assistant.

Miriam will work for seven years and then go to college.

Miriam will date Max for seven years and then marry Sobel.

“The First Seven Years”

Based on the information in the story, what can a reader reasonably

predict about Miriam?

She will probably marry Sobel.

She will probably date Max again.

She will probably lose interest in books.

She will probably go to college.

“The First Seven Years”

Which of the following is one

way in which the story reflects the

author’s life?

The author was from an immigrant family, and his father wanted a better life for him just as Feld wanted for Miriam.

The author was a Russian immigrant who wanted his daughter to marry a student.

The author suffered from a heart condition like Feld.

The author was a shoemaker like Feld.

“The First Seven Years”

How does Feld misunderstand “education”?

At the start of the story, he thinks that a college degree is the only indicator of an education.

At the start of the story, he thinks that one must be old in order to be educated.

At the start of the story, he thinks that being a doctor or lawyer is the only indication of being educated.

At the start of the story, he thinks that one must have on-the-job work experience in order to be educated.


Which of the following best describes the

narrator’s feelings toward the


apathy, because her family was used to the poverty that came with the Depression

fear, because her family lost everything and had nowhere to turn

remorse, because she associated the Depression as the end of all happiness

surprise, because she too young to understand how the Depression could happen

“Marigolds”What cultural context is revealed in

the following passage? I don’t know what it was that we

were waiting for; certainly not for the prosperity that was “just around the corner,” for those were white folks’

words, which we never believed. Nor did we wait for hard work and thrift to pay off in shining success, as the American Dream promised, for we

knew better than that, too.

The African American community in which the narrator lived did not hold the same beliefs as many of the white communities.

The African American community in which the narrator lived believed in the power of prayer.

The African American community in which the narrator lived believed that fate ruled their lives.

The African American community in which the narrator lived very much believed in the American Dream.


Why did Lizabeth dislike the marigolds in

Miss Lottie’s yard?

They didn’t fit in with the picture of total decay.

They were her least favorite flower.

Miss Lottie had stolen the flower from her father’s garden store.

She was allergic to them, and the pollen made her sick every year.


How did Miss Lottie react

when Lizabeth destroyed the


She just stood there in awe because she no longer had anything to protect.

She was furious and began beating her.

She called Lizabeth’s parents and asked them to pay for new flowers.

She broke down in tears and begged her to fix it.

Poetry: Robert Frost

In Frost’s “Birches,” how

do the birch trees actually get bent over?

by an ice storm

by a bulldozer

by a woodsman chopping them

by a tornado

Poetry: Robert Frost

How would the author like to

think the birches got bent


a boy swinging on them

a tornado

a giant stepping on them

a sand storm

Poetry: Robert Frost

This is an example of what poetic device: “They click upon themselves/ As the breeze rises, and turn many-colored/ As the stir cracks and crazes their






Poetry: Robert Frost

Which of the following is a

metaphor from “Birches”?

“Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away”

“Then he flung outward, feet first, with a swish,”

“One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.”

“And life is too much like a pathless wood”

Poetry: Robert Frost

What type of rhyme is in the following excerpt from “Stopping by Woods on a

Snowy Evening”?Whose woods these are I

think I know.His house is in the village






The Secret Life of Bees

Lily chooses to go to Tiburon


she sees the name on the back of the black Mary picture.

she has heard about the three sisters who make honey.

she knows she has relatives there.

she stops there on her way to Virginia.

The Secret Life of Bees

What made Lily first ask if

someone in the house knew her


May leaving the graham crackers to lure out the roaches

T. Ray showing up at the house

August reading the Jane Eyre book

June trying to send her away

The Secret Life of Bees

The historical event that

influences the action of the

novel is

Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights Bill of 1964

The bombing of Pearl Harbor

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s march on Washington, D.C.

Rosa Parks being arrested and the beginnings of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

The Secret Life of Bees

Which of the following was

NOT true about Lily’s mother?

She was divorcing T. Ray and going to live in Tiburon without Lily.

She returned home to get Lily and bring her back to Tiburon.

She was depressed after marrying T. Ray.

She stayed with the honey ladies for three months while married to T. Ray.

The Secret Life of Bees

“[the bees sounded] like a radio tuned to static in the next room”





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