2011 caribbean secondary order form

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form


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  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form



    Longman engLiSH LanguageiSbn PriCe Qty totaL


    Pupil Book 1 978 1 405895 88 0 10.90

    Pupil Book 2 978 1 405895 87 3 10.90

    Pupil Book 3 978 0 582848 99 3 10.90

    Pupil Book 4 978 1 405826 94 5 11.90

    Teachers Guide 1 978 1 405816 68 7 8.40

    Teachers Guide 2 978 1 405816 69 4 8.40

    Teachers Guide 3 978 1 405816 70 0 8.40

    Teachers Guide 4 978 1 405826 95 2 8.40

    SuCCeSS in engLiSH

    Pupil Book 1 978 1 405895 86 6 10.00

    Pupil Book 2 978 1 405895 85 9 10.00

    Pupil Book 3 978 0 582848 78 8 10.00

    Pupil Book 4 978 0 582848 79 5 11.40

    Teachers Guide 1 978 1 405818 24 7 8.40

    Teachers Guide 2 978 1 405818 25 4 8.40

    Teachers Guide 3 978 1 405818 26 1 8.40

    Teachers Guide 4 978 0 582848 81 8 8.60


    Pupil Book 1 978 0 582100 25 1 9.80

    Pupil Book 2 978 0 582217 10 2 9.80

    Pupil Book 3 978 0 582237 35 3 9.80

    Pupil Book 4 978 0 582239 18 0 11.20

    Teachers Guide 4 978 0 582258 76 1 10.10

    Language For LiVing

    Book 1 978 0 582766 32 7 9.80Book 2 978 0 582766 33 4 9.80

    Book 3 978 0 582766 34 1 9.80

    Book 4 978 0 582766 35 8 11.20

    brigHter grammar

    Book 1 978 0 582558 95 3 6.40

    Book 2 978 0 582558 96 0 6.40

    Book 3 978 0 582558 97 7 6.40

    Book 4 978 0 582558 98 4 7.80

    Longman diCtionarieS

    Longman Dictionary o Contemporary

    English (Paper) 978 1 408202 97 5

    Longman Dictionary o Contemporary

    English (Cased with CD-ROM) 978 1 408215 32 6 Contact your local

    Longman Dictionary o Contemporary representative or prices

    English (Paper with CD-ROM) 978 1 408215 33 3

    Longman Basic English Dictionary 978 0 582438 50 7

    Longman Active Study Dictionary Paper

    with CD-ROM 978 1 405862 28 8 Contact your local

    Longman Active Study Dictionary Paper representative or prices

    without CD-ROM 978 0 582794 53 5

    Longman Language Activator Cased 978 0 582415 48 5 Contact your local

    Longman Language Activator Paper 978 0 582419 52 0 representative or prices

    Longman engLiSH LiteratureiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Literature exam SuPPort

    A Midsummer Nights Dream with CXC Study Notes 978 1 408245 14 9 7.00

    The Chrysalids with CXC Study Notes 978 1 405851 80 0 6.50

    The Merchant o Venice with CXC Study Notes 978 0 582777 61 3 6.50

    Macbeth with CXC Study Notes 978 0 582777 60 6 6.50

    The Glass Menagerie with CXC Study Notes 978 0 582854 30 7 6.40

    The Suns Eye 978 0 582766 49 5 7.10

    West Indian Poetry 978 0 582766 37 2 11.60

    Wide Sargasso Sea 978 0 582488 96 0 6.25


    Clouds in my Sky 978 0 582258 72 3 6.15

    Escape to Last Man Peak 978 0 582765 75 7 6.15

    Over Our Way 978 0 582225 80 0 6.40

    Sixty-Five 978 0 582765 73 3 6.40

    Sprat Morrison 978 0 582052 07 9 6.15

    The Young Warriors 978 0 582765 69 6 6.15

    Longman Caribbean WriterS

    Old Story Time with CXC Study Notes 978 1 408245 00 2 7.00

    Old Story Time / Smile Orange 978 0 582786 33 2 9.25

    A Brighter Sun 978 0 582642 65 2 9.25

    In the Castle o My Skin 978 0 582642 67 6 9.25

    The Lonely Londoners 978 0 582642 64 5 9.25

    Plays or Today 978 0 582786 20 2 9.25

    Summer Lightning 978 0 582786 27 1 9.25

    The Jumbie Bird 978 0 582786 19 6 9.25

    Ways o Sunlight 978 0 582642 61 4 9.25


    Book 1 978 0 582765 55 9 7.00

    Book 2 978 0 582089 13 6 6.90

    Book 3 978 0 582071 26 1 6.90

    Penguin readerS

    The Adventures o Tom Sawyer 978 1 405842 77 8 5.10

    Mother Teresa 978 1 405831 02 4 4.00

    Heidi 978 1 405842 85 3 5.20

    The Last o the Mohicans 978 1 405842 87 7 5.20

    Tales rom the Arabian Nights 978 1 405855 39 6 5.20

    Men in Black 978 1 405869 72 0 5.20Pirates o the Caribbean 2 978 1 405867 73 3 5.70

    Romeo and Juliet 978 1 405855 46 4 5.70

    David Copperfeld 978 1 405862 40 0 5.70

    Princess Diana 978 1 405882 01 9 5.70

    Rain Man 978 1 405876 77 3 5.70

    The Merchant o Venice 978 1 405882 27 9 5.90

    Pride and Prejudice 978 1 405862 46 2 6.60

    Oliver Twist 978 1 405865 25 8 6.50

    2011 Price List and Order Form

    t +44 1279 623925 f +44 1279 623627 @ icsorders@pearson.com w www.pearsoncaribbean.com

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form


    grand totaLSubtotaL

    Longman matHematiCSiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    matHematiCS For Caribbean SCHooLS

    Pupil Book 1 978 1 405847 77 3 10.00

    Pupil Book 2 978 1 405847 78 0 10.00

    Pupil Book 3 978 1 405847 81 0 10.00

    Pupil Book 4 978 1 405847 79 7 11.10

    Teachers Guide 1 978 1 405862 79 0 Free

    Teachers Guide 2 978 1 405862 80 6 Free

    Teachers Guide 3 978 1 405862 81 3 Free

    Teachers Guide 4 978 1 405847 80 3 Free

    SuCCeSS in matHS For tHe Caribbean

    Pupil Book 1 978 0 582436 90 9 9.70

    Pupil Book 2 978 0 582436 91 6 9.70

    Pupil Book 3 978 0 582436 92 3 9.70

    Pupil Book 4 978 0 582853 27 0 11.20

    Teachers Guide 1 978 0 582461 54 3 9.70

    Teachers Guide 2 978 0 582461 55 0 9.70

    Teachers Guide 3 978 0 582461 56 7 9.70

    Teachers Guide 4 978 0 582853 28 7 9.20

    Teacher Resource and Testing Book 1 978 0 582436 93 0 4.00

    Teacher Resource and Testing Book 2 978 0 582436 94 7 4.00

    Teacher Resource and Testing Book 3 978 0 582436 95 4 4.00

    Teacher Resource and Testing Book 4 978 0 582894 30 3 4.00

    Longman SCienCeiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Biology Skills or Excellence 978 0 582093 47 8 9.80

    aCtiVe SCienCe

    S bk wh acvbk

    Book 1 978 1 405885 28 7 12.70

    Book 2 978 1 405885 29 4 12.70

    Book 3 978 1 405885 30 0 12.70


    Book 1 978 1 405885 31 7 131.40

    Book 2 978 1 405885 32 4 131.40

    Book 3 978 1 405885 33 1 131.40

    Longman SCienCe For CSeC

    S bk wh acvbk

    Longman Integrated Science or CSEC 978 1 405885 23 2 14.10

    Longman Physics or CSEC 978 1 405885 24 9 14.10

    Longman Chemistry or CSEC 978 1 405885 21 8 14.10

    Longman Biology or CSEC 978 1 405885 19 5 14.10

    Longman Human and Social Biology or CSEC 978 1 408208 55 7 15.80


    Longman Integrated Science or CSEC 978 1 405885 22 5 183.90

    Longman Physics or CSEC 978 1 405885 25 6 183.90

    Longman Chemistry or CSEC 978 1 405885 20 1 183.90

    Longman Biology or CSEC 978 1 405885 18 8 183.90

    Longman Human and Social Biology or CSEC 978 1 408208 54 0 183.90

    Longman buSineSS and eConomiCSiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Longman Electronic Document Preparation

    and Management or CSEC 978 1 405876 87 2 13.00

    Essential Principles o Business or CSEC 978 1 405842 21 1 12.30

    Economics or CXC 978 0 582854 36 9 14.90

    Principles o Accounts or the Caribbean 978 1 405842 23 5 13.30

    Ofce Administration or CXC 978 0 582854 40 6 14.00

    Universal Typing or the Caribbean 978 0 582307 68 1 16.10

    Walmsleys Commercial Typewriting

    or the Caribbean 978 0 582311 68 8 16.10

    Business Studies 978 1 405892 31 5 28.99

    A Level Business Studies 978 0 582405 47 9 24.70

    New Caribbean Ofce Procedures 978 0 582437 02 9 13.30

    Longman inFormation teCHnoLogyiSbn PriCe Qty totaLinteraCt WitH inFormation teCHnoLogy

    S bk wh acvbk

    Book 1 978 1 405870 07 8 11.90

    Book 2 978 1 405870 08 5 11.90

    Book 3 978 1 405870 09 2 11.90


    Book 1 978 1 405870 04 7 128.80

    Book 2 978 1 405870 05 4 128.80

    Book 3 978 1 405870 06 1 128.80

    Log on to it

    Log on to IT or CSEC Student Book (2nd Edition)with ActiveBook 978 1 408228 76 0 14.50

    Log on to IT or CSEC ActiveTeach 978 1 408228 77 7 180.30

    Log on to IT 978 0 582824 80 5 11.10

    Longman Inormation Technology or CXC 978 0 582827 90 5 12.40

    Longman agriCuLturaL SCienCeiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    agriCuLturaL SCienCe For tHe Caribbean

    Agricultural Science or the Caribbean with CD 1,

    2nd edition 978 1 408246 34 4 8.30

    Agricultural Science or the Caribbean with CD 2,

    2nd edition 978 1 408246 35 1 8.30

    Agricultural Science or the Caribbean with CD 3,

    2nd edition 978 1 408246 36 8 8.30

    Longman ViSuaL artSiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Visual Arts or Lower Secondary 978 1 408208 53 3 12.40

    2011 Price List and Order Form

    t +44 1279 623925 f +44 1279 623627 @ icsorders@pearson.com w www.pearsoncaribbean.com

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form



    Longman deSign and teCHnoLogyiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    CertiFiCate teCHniCaL draWing

    Book 1 978 0 582651 39 5 14.00

    Book 2 978 0 582588 57 8 14.00

    Book 3 978 0 582651 40 1 14.00

    Graded Exercises in Technical Drawing 978 0 582650 95 4 14.60

    deSign in tHe maKing

    Pupil Books

    Food Technology 978 0 582365 90 2 13.99

    Textiles Technology 979 0 582344 37 2 13.50

    otHer deSign and teCHnoLogy titLeS

    The Theory and Practice o Metalwork 978 0 582331 37 2 18.99

    Cooking Explained 978 0 582305 73 1 19.99

    Longman HiStoryiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Caribbean HiStory

    Foundations, Book 1 (4th Edition) 978 1 408205 93 8 13.20

    Independence, Book 2 (4th Edition) 978 1 408205 94 5 13.20

    Longman Caribbean HiStory

    Empires and Conquests 978 0 582407 91 6 8.40

    Freedom and Change 978 0 582407 92 3 8.40

    tHe PeoPLe WHo Came

    Book 1 978 0 582766 48 8 9.10

    Book 2 978 0 582766 58 7 10.10

    Book 3 978 0 582766 57 0 10.10

    otHer HiStory titLeS

    The Making o The Bahamas 978 0 582848 83 2 9.10

    History o Jamaica 978 0 582038 98 1 9.80

    The Making o the West Indies 978 0 582763 04 3 10.50

    A Pre-Emancipation History o the West Indies 978 0 582028 04 3 8.60

    A Post-Emancipation History o the West Indies 978 0 582028 03 6 8.60

    Longman geograPHy


    iSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Longman Geography or CSEC 978 1 405816 63 2 15.00

    Principles o Geogrpahy or CSEC 978 0 582039 89 6 13.60

    The New Reading Tropical Maps 978 9 810619 90 9 11.70

    Map Reading or the Caribbean 978 0 582766 09 9 8.30

    Photo Mapwork or the Caribbean 978 0 602226 27 5 12.50

    First Lessons in Physical Geography 978 0 582585 20 1 9.70

    Introducing Caribbean Weather Maps 978 0 582763 09 8 5.20

    Longman Caribbean geograPHy

    The Caribbean and Beyond 978 0 582407 89 3 8.30

    Caribbean Challenges 978 0 582407 90 9 8.30

    PraCtiCaL SKiLLS in Caribbean geograPHy

    Book 1 978 0 582766 36 5 6.50

    Book 2 978 0 582765 89 4 6.50


    Atlas or Caribbean Examinations 978 1 405849 44 9 12.50

    Schools Atlas or The Commonwealth o 978 1 408258 27 9 9.00

    The Bahamas

    Longman SPaniSHiSbn PriCe Qty totaL


    Pupil Book 1 978 1 405895 84 2 10.20

    Pupil Book 2 978 1 405895 83 5 10.20

    Pupil Book 3 978 0 582853 17 1 10.20

    Pupil Book 4 978 0 582853 18 8 10.90

    Activity Book 1 978 0 582853 19 5 4.10

    Activity Book 2 978 0 582853 20 1 4.10

    Activity Book 3 978 0 582853 21 8 4.10

    Activity Book 4 978 0 582853 22 5 4.10

    Teachers Guide 1 978 0 582853 23 2 8.60

    Teachers Guide 2 978 0 582853 24 9 8.60

    Teachers Guide 3 978 0 582853 25 6 8.60

    Teachers Guide 4 978 0 582853 26 3 8.60


    Pupil Book 1 978 0 582332 82 9 9.20

    Pupil Book 2 978 0 582332 83 6 9.20

    Pupil Book 3 978 0 582332 84 3 9.20

    Pupil Book 4 978 0 582794 61 0 10.90

    Practice Book 1 978 0 582332 85 0 3.90

    Practice Book 2 978 0 582367 79 1 3.90

    Practice Book 3 978 0 582367 80 7 3.90

    Practice Book 4 978 0 582794 59 7 5.30

    Teachers Guide 1 978 1 405806 46 6 8.40

    Teachers Guide 2 978 1 405806 47 3 8.40

    Teachers Guide 3 978 1 405837 81 1 8.40

    otHer SPaniSH titLeSEssential Spanish Vocabulary or

    Caribbean Students 978 0 582765 80 1 8.00

    Practice Papers CXC Spanish -

    Comprehensive Paper 978 0 582337 76 3 7.20

    2011 Price List and Order Form

    t +44 1279 623925 f +44 1279 623627 @ icsorders@pearson.com w www.pearsoncaribbean.com

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form



    CaPe and additionaLreSourCeS

    iSbn PriCe Qty totaL


    A Level Chemistry Students Book 978 0 582328 35 8 36.50

    A Level Chemistry or AS and A2 Paper 978 0 582337 33 6 33.50

    Calculations in AS/A Level Chemistry 978 0 582411 27 2 18.99

    buSineSS and eConomiCS

    Business Studies 4th ed 978 1 405892 31 5 28.99

    A Level Economics 978 1 405892 35 3 29.75

    reViSion exPreSS

    Biology 978 1 408206 49 2 14.99

    Business Studies 978 1 408206 50 8 14.99

    Chemistry 978 1 408206 51 5 14.99

    Drama 978 1 408206 68 3 14.99

    Economics 978 1 408206 52 2 14.99

    English Language 978 1 408206 54 6 15.50

    English Literature 978 1 408206 55 3 14.99

    General Studies 978 1 408206 56 0 14.99

    Geography 978 1 408206 57 7 14.99

    ICT 978 1 408206 58 4 14.99

    Law 978 1 408206 59 1 14.99

    Media Studies 978 1 408206 61 4 14.99

    Modern History 978 1 408206 62 1 14.99

    PE and Sport 978 1 408206 63 8 14.99

    Physics 978 1 408206 64 5 14.99

    Psychology 978 1 408206 65 2 14.99

    Religious Studies 978 1 408206 66 9 14.99

    Sociology 978 1 408206 67 6 14.99

    matHS - a LeVeL edexCeL titLeS

    Advanced Maths AS Core or Edexcel 978 0 582842 37 3 22.50

    Advanced Maths A2 Core or Edexcel 978 0 582842 36 6 22.50

    Advanced Maths: Essentials or Edexcel

    (revision guides with CD-ROM, 80pp, contain

    detailed, worked examples and practice questions

    Core 1 978 0 582836 63 1 9.25

    Core 2 978 0 582836 66 2 9.25

    Core 3 978 0 582836 69 3 9.25

    Core 4 978 0 582836 72 3 9.25

    Mechanics 1 978 0 582836 75 4 9.25

    Decision 1 978 1 405818 46 9 9.25


    Sociology in Focus or AQA AS Level 978 1 405896 71 9 19.50

    Sociology in Focus or AQA A2 Level 978 1 405892 35 3 29.75

    Sociology in Focus or OCR AS Level 978 1 902796 16 1 18.99

    Sociology in Focus or OCR A2 Level 978 1 902796 76 5 22.50

    Heinemann engLiSH LiteratureiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Caribbean WriterS SerieS

    Aunt Jen 978 0 435910 12 9 6.80

    Bad Girls in School 978 0 435215 17 0 6.80

    Beka Lamb with CXC Study Notes 978 0 435988 46 3 6.80

    Beka Lamb without Study Notes 978 0 435988 47 0 6.80

    Children o the Sea 978 0 435215 19 4 6.80

    Crick Crack Monkey 978 0 435989 51 4 6.80

    Cricket in the Road and Other Stories 978 0 435980 32 0 6.80

    Dilemmas o Deokie 978 1 408231 28 9 6.70

    Doctors Orders 978 0 435988 27 2 6.80

    Frangipani House 978 0 435899 36 3 6.80

    Gaulin and the Dove, The 978 0 435899 38 7 6.80

    Green Days by the River 978 0 435989 55 2 6.80

    Harriets Daughter 978 0 435989 24 8 6.80

    Heinemann Book o Caribbean Poetry, The 978 0 435988 17 3 6.80

    High Tide o Intrigue 978 0 435989 56 9 6.80It Begins with Tears 978 0 435989 46 0 6.80

    Leopard, The 978 0 435899 37 0 6.80

    Masters o the Dew 978 0 435987 45 9 6.80

    Miguel Street 978 0 435989 54 5 6.80

    Mint Tea and Other Stories 978 0 435989 32 3 6.60

    October All Over 978 0 435988 26 5 6.80

    Pick o the Crop 978 0 435989 66 8 6.80

    Schoolmaster, The 978 0 435989 50 7 6.80

    Selected Poetry 978 0 435911 97 3 6.80

    Songs o Silence 978 0 435989 57 6 6.80

    Songs o Silence with CXC Study Notes 978 0 435089 09 2 7.00

    Stone Haven 978 0 435989 49 1 6.80

    Time and the River 978 0 435215 18 7 6.80Wine o Astonishment, The 978 0 435988 80 7 6.80

    Wine o Astonishment with CXC Study Notes, The 978 0 435033 40 8 7.00

    Year in San Fernando, The 978 0 435989 43 9 6.80

    neW WindmiLLS SerieS

    A Kestral or a Knave 978 0 435124 60 1 7.99

    Animal Farm 978 0 435121 65 5 7.99

    Boy Who Was Araid, The 978 0 435120 17 7 7.50

    Christmas Carol, A 978 0 435124 05 2 7.99

    Enchanted Island 978 0 435121 00 6 7.99

    Flowers or Algernon 978 0 435123 43 7 7.99

    Great Expectations 978 0 435126 00 1 7.99

    Great Gatsby, The 978 0 435123 24 6 7.99

    Guardians, The 978 0 435121 76 1 7.99

    Hound o the Baskervilles, The 978 0 435126 09 4 7.99

    I Am David 978 0 435123 71 0 7.99

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 978 0 435124 27 4 7.99

    Island o the Blue Dolphins 978 0 435121 08 2 7.99

    Jane Eyre 978 0 435126 02 5 7.99

    Machine Gunners, The 978 0 435124 57 1 7.99

    Matilda 978 0 435123 98 7 7.99

    Mrs Frisby and the Rats o NIMH 978 0 435121 97 6 7.99

    Old Man and the Sea, The 978 0 435122 16 4 7.99

    Road to Canterbury, The 978 0 435122 59 1 7.99

    Roll o Thunder, Hear My Cry 978 0 435123 12 3 7.99

    2011 Price List and Order Form

    t +44 1279 623925 f +44 1279 623627 @ icsorders@pearson.com w www.pearsoncaribbean.com


  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form



    Secret Garden, The 978 0 435120 03 0 7.99

    Shane 978 0 435120 35 1 7.99

    Silas Marner 978 0 435126 04 9 7.99

    Silver Sword, The 978 0 435120 39 9 7.99

    Splendid Journey, The 978 0 435120 06 1 7.25

    The Cay 978 0 435121 79 2 7.25

    To Kill a Mockingbird 978 0 435120 96 2 7.99

    To Sir, With Love 978 0 435121 48 8 7.99

    Treasure Island 978 0 435120 82 5 7.99

    Village by the Sea, The 978 0 435122 90 4 7.99

    Walkabout 978 0 435122 24 9 7.99

    White Fang 978 0 435120 27 6 7.99

    Wind in the Willows 978 0 435122 74 4 7.99

    Wuthering Heights 978 0 435126 08 7 7.99

    Z or Zacharia 978 0 435122 11 9 7.99

    aFriCan WriterS SerieS

    A Grain o Wheat 978 0 435913 56 4 10.00

    Arrow o God 978 0 435905 30 9 10.00

    Changes 978 0 435910 14 3 8.90

    Concubine, The 978 0 435905 56 9 8.90

    Euru 978 0 435900 26 7 9.30

    Grass is Singing, The 978 0 435901 31 8 9.30

    Harvest o Thorns 978 0 435905 82 8 8.70

    Joys o Motherhood 978 0 435913 54 0 8.90

    Purple Violet o Oshaantu, The 978 0 435912 08 6 8.90

    River Between, The 978 0 435905 48 4 8.90

    So Long A Letter 978 0 435913 52 6 7.40

    Things Fall Apart 978 0 435913 50 2 8.90

    Weep Not, Child 978 0 435908 30 0 8.90


    A Man or All Seasons 978 0 435233 20 4 8.25

    An Inspector Calls 978 0 435230 10 4 6.50

    A Streetcar Named Desire 978 0 435233 10 5 8.25

    Death o a Salesman 978 0 435233 07 5 8.25

    Glass Menagerie, The 978 0 435233 19 8 8.25

    Heinemann SHaKeSPeare

    A Midsummer Nights Dream 978 0 435026 46 2 7.25

    King Lear 978 0 435193 09 6 6.50

    Macbeth 978 0 435026 44 8 7.25

    Much Ado About Nothing 978 0 435026 47 9 7.25

    Othello 978 0 435026 48 6 7.25

    Romeo and Juliet 978 0 435026 49 3 7.25

    The Merchant o Venice 978 0 435026 45 5 7.25

    The Tempest 978 0 435193 09 6 6.50

    Twelth Night 978 0 435192 04 4 7.25

    For details o Heinemann English Readers titles, please visit www.psc.cm/h

    Heinemann engLiSH LanguageiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    A World o Poetry or CXC 978 0 435988 01 2 9.60

    A World o Prose or CXC 978 0 435987 98 5 9.60

    CxC SuCCeSS reViSion guideS

    A Brighter Sun 978 0 435975 26 5 5.40

    A Man or All Seasons 978 0 435975 24 1 5.60

    Annie John 978 0 435975 27 2 5.40

    A Raisin in the Sun 978 0 435975 29 6 5.60

    A Separate Peace 978 0 435975 23 4 5.40

    Julius Ceasar 978 0 435975 22 7 5.60

    Shane 978 0 435975 20 3 5.60

    The Chrysalids 978 0 435975 23 4 5.40

    CxC LetS WorK WitH engLiSH

    Book 1 978 0 435987 26 8 10.00

    Book 2 978 0 435987 27 5 10.00

    Book 3 978 0 435987 28 2 10.00CXC Lets Work with English 978 0 435987 29 9 14.40

    Practice Exercises or CSEC English Language 978 0 435983 16 1 7.00

    Making the Grade 978 0 435988 02 9 14.80

    Heinemann diCtionarieS

    Heinemann English Dictionary 978 0 435104 24 5 11.99

    Heinemann International Students Dictionary 978 0 435972 08 0 9.80

    Heinemann matHematiCSiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Heinemann Maths For CXC 978 0 435983 17 8 15.90

    FundamentaL matHematiCS For tHe Caribbean

    Book 1 978 0 435983 20 8 8.60

    Book 2 978 0 435983 21 5 9.00

    Book 3 978 0 435983 22 2 9.00

    Caribbean matHS ConneCt

    Book 1 978 0 435989 97 2 9.50

    Book 2 978 0 435989 98 9 10.00

    Book 3 978 0 435989 99 6 10.00

    Teaching Resource CD-ROM 1 978 0 435081 60 7 10.90

    Teaching Resource CD-ROM 2 978 0 435081 61 4 10.90

    Teaching Resource CD-ROM 3 978 0 435081 62 1 10.90

    JamaiCa matHS ConneCtBook 1 978 0 435891 51 0 9.85

    Book 2 978 0 435891 52 7 9.85

    Book 3 978 0 435891 50 3 9.85

    Jamaica Maths Connect Workbook 1 978 0 435044 20 6 5.00

    Jamaica Maths Connect Workbook 2 978 0 435044 21 3 5.00

    Jamaica Maths Connect Workbook 3 978 0 435044 22 0 5.00

    trinidad and tobago matHS ConneCt

    Book 1 978 0 435891 53 4 9.70

    Book 2 978 0 435891 54 1 9.70

    Book 3 978 0 435895 97 6 9.90

    2011 Price List and Order Form

    t +44 1279 623925 f +44 1279 623627 @ icsorders@pearson.com w www.pearsoncaribbean.com


  • 8/4/2019 2011 Caribbean Secondary Order Form



    Heinemann SCienCeiSbn PriCe Qty totaL

    Heinemann Integrated Science or CSEC 978 1 408231 27 2 15.50

    Chemistry or CSEC 978 0 435983 14 7 15.50

    Practical Chemistry or CXC 978 0 435983 08 6 12.40

    Heinemann Physics or CXC 978 0 435975 33 3 16.60

    integrated SCienCe For Caribbean SCHooLS

    Book 1 978 0 435575 88 5 9.60

    Book 2 978 0 435575 89 2 9.60

    Book 3 978 0 435575 90 8 9.60

    integrated SCienCe For JamaiCa

    Book 1 978 0 435980 89 4 8.40

    Book 2 978 0 435980 90 0 8.40

    Book 3 978 0 435980 91 7 8.40

    Workbook 1 978 0 435046 17 0 5.00

    Workbook 2 978 0 435046 16 3 5.00

    Workbook 3 978 0 435046 19 4 5.00

    integrated SCienCe For trinidad & tobago

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