2011 annual tamesis books catalogue

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  • 8/7/2019 2011 Annual Tamesis Books Catalogue




  • 8/7/2019 2011 Annual Tamesis Books Catalogue


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    table of contents

    Actividad teatral ToledoDAvIS 9

    Alegoras del poderCArrEo-roDrgUEz 8

    Companion to C. M. GaiteoLEAry/ rIbEIro DE MENEzES 12

    Companion to Catalan CultureKEowN 17

    Companion to Catalan Lit.TErry 18

    Companion to CervantesEemplaesboyD 18

    Companion to Dn QuixteCLoSE 18

    Companion to F. G. LorcaboNADDIo 19

    Companion to G. G. MrquezwILLIAMS 15

    Companion to Golden Age TheatreTHACKEr 19

    Companion to Jorge Luis BorgesboLDy 14

    Companion to Latin Am. FilmHArT 19

    Companion to Latin Am. Lit.HArT 19

    Companion to Lope de VegaSAMSoN/THACKEr 6

    Companion to Luis BuuelEDwArDS 18

    Companion to Mexican StudiesSTANDISH 19

    Companion to Mod. Sp-Am FictionSHAw 20

    Companion to ModernismogoNzLEz 19

    Companion to Portuguese Lit.PArKINSoN/ PAzoS ALoNSo/EArLE 18

    Companion to Sp. Womens Stud.

    DE roS/HAzbUN 17Companion to US Latino Lit.


    Conronting the Dirty WarbUrUCA 16

    Cuba New OrigenismobUCKwALTEr-ArIAS 14

    Desintegracin y justicia

    CoPErTArI 17El discurso colonial en textos

    rIvErA-AyALA 6

    El teatro en Murcia XVIISNCHEz MArTNEz 9

    Federico Garca LorcaboNADDIo 11

    Indice onomstico

    CroSby 5

    Isabel Allendes TrilogyMArTIN 16

    Libro de Fortuna y PrudenciaMETgE/bArNETT 4

    Lie and Times o Mother AndreazArA/CrUz 5

    Mdicos escritores en EspaaSoSA-vELASCo 10

    Mujeres picas espaolasrATCLIE 3

    Poetry and LossrobErTS 15

    Ramon LlullLLULL/boNNEr 4

    Reading PerormanceISCHEr 7

    Romance & ExemplarityKEbADzE 12

    Sergi Belbel & Catalan TheatregEorgE 13

    Spanish Art Britain & IrelandgLENDINNINg/ MACArTNEy 10

    Studies Womens Poetry GAoLIvArES 7

    Treacherous FoundationsCoATES 3

    Tracking Knowledge SpainSINCLAIr 11

    Women Print Culture Buenos AiresMACINTyrE 13

    Women Prose Mara de ZayasobrIEN 8

    18-19TH CENTUry 1019-20TH CENTUry 10

    20TH CENTUry 11-12

    20-21ST CENTUry 13

    CoLoNIAL 6CoMPANIoNS 17-20

    EArLy MoDErN 5

    UENTES 9

    goLDEN AgE 6-8LATIN AM LIT 13-16

    LATIN AM ILM 16-17

    MEDIEvAL 3-4

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Annual Tamesis Books Catalogue


  • 8/7/2019 2011 Annual Tamesis Books Catalogue


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    Ramon LlullA Cntempa LierAMoN LLULL, ED AND TrANS byANTHoNy boNNEr

    As ell as eactiel pusuin asustained and attimes pesnallhaadus campain cnesin, thismedieal Catalanintellectual teextensiel, man

    his ks elatin t his amus At, amethd eliius discussin ithscientic and lical applicatins thatsusequentl inuenced gidan bunand Lieni

    ANTHoNy boNNEr is a tanslatand schla h has pulished extensieln ramn Llull

    $34.95/16.99 (s), March 2010978185566199816 color illustrations, 112pp, PB

    Libro de Fortuna y PrudenciabErNAT METgE, ED AND TrANS byDAvID bArNETT

    witten aund 1381 benat Mete,the mst imptant Catalan ite the14th centu, the Libro de Fortuna y Prudenciais a antas in ese, dain n leanedsuces, pincipall The Consolation oPhilosophy bethius

    Eal ne mnin, benat, the ptanistand naat, decides t alleiate hisss stllin aund the hau bacelna He meets an ld man,appaentl a ea, h ticks him intettin int a at hich, despite theasence sails and as, cnes himt an island hee the ddess tunaappeas t him In a heated discussin,benat lames he all his mistunesHis next meetin is ith Pudencia

    h is accmpanied seen maidensepesentin the lieal ats Pudenciais ale t lessen his despai, and exhtshim t tust in pidence and enuncemateial pssessins when she cnsideshim cued, she and the maidens send himsailin ack t bacelna, hee he quickles hme t aid ssipin tnslk

    DAvID bArNETT, hse dctate ism Queen Ma, Uniesit Lndn,cntinues t e inled in eseach nmedieal Catalan liteatue

    $29.95/16.99 (s), June 20119781855662285224pp, PB

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    early modern

    The Lie and Times oMother Andrea

    La ida cstumes dela Made AndeaEDITED by ENrIQUETA zArA,TrANSLATED by ANNE j CrUz

    Pal itten a Sephadic esident Amstedam, and llin thepicaesque mde st pesn naatie,it details the amusin expeiences Mthe Andea, the pstitutes unde hechae, and the aied scial tpes hmake up the thels clients Emphasiinthe cupt pactices pstitutinand the cntes e the licensin thels in eal mden Spain, the nellappses a hihl entetainin ie the e lie expeiences it pupts t

    cndemnENrIQUETA zArA is AssistantPess Spanish at Tent Uniesit

    ANNE j CrUz is Pess Spanishand Cpe ell at the Uniesit Miami

    $90.00/50.00 (s), April 201197818556622611 b/w illustration, 168pp, HB

    Indice onomstico, toponmicoy bibliogrco de las Cartasde Jesuitas, 1634-1648jAMES o CroSby

    La exactitud la pecisin de las nticiasecidas p ls jesuitas en estas catas hansid eliadas p histiades de la talla degei Maan Pascual de gaansHace 16 as Cs cmpil este Indicepaa su ppia utilidad al anta una seiede 28 catas descncidas de Queed,

    edactadas en la ccel Cm se tata de unped imptantsim en la histia deEupa, puede se de an utilidad a tsinestiades, Cs decidi pulical paaeceles acces a las 3451 pinas de lssiete tms impess de la cespndenciade ls jesuitas espales a tas de un ndicededin cmplet

    El Indice onomstico, toponmico y bibliogrfcoaaca el text cmplet de ls siete tms td el extens apaat ctic de su edit,Pascual de gaans La Bibliograa identica cuand es psile lcalia eemplaes dels 560 dcuments impess manuscitscitads p gaans ls jesuitas Tdas laschas de pesnas imptantes llean ntas

    extensas se sus caeasjAMES o CroSby es pes emiten la lida Intenatinal Uniesit

    $170.00/90.00 (s), October 20099781855661837704pp, HB, Two Volume Set

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    El discurso colonial entextos novohispanos:

    espacio, cuerpo y poderSErgIo rIvErA-AyALA

    Themultidisciplinaappach thisell-eseachedmnaph makes it

    accessile t eadesand the authsucceeds in ceatina ne space cntextualiin the

    clnial eths - CoLoNIAL LATINAMErICAN HISTorICAL rEvIEw

    Al analia una an aiedad de texts, el

    aut taa ls enes uss del saeepltic desde la pca clsica hastael sil XvIII nhispan, paa aptanueas pespectias se etnicidad, ne,suetiidad eupea, cnstuccin deeaas clniales

    SErgIo rIvErA-AyALA es pes enla Uniesidad de Calinia, rieside

    $105.00/55.00 (s), March 20099781855661790232pp, HB

    Golden aGe

    A Companion to Lope de VegaEDITED by ALEXANDEr SAMSoN &

    joNATHAN THACKErThis lume assessesthe aiet, pusinand iinalit Lpes utput, asell as mlcntextualisin hislie, k and his

    eputatin It alseects the lieliness deate

    suundin this enduinl ppula uehse dama has ecentl ened aenaissance in theates ldide

    CoNTrIbUTorS: edeick DeAmas, Elaine Cannin, gealdine Cates,

    vict Dixn, geaint Eans, Tle ishe,Edad H iedman, Aleand gacareid, Esthe gme, Daid jhnstn,Aanta Ma, Daid Mcgath, baaaMuica, Ali riai, js Maa ruande la Haa, Alexande Samsn, jnathanThacke, Isael Tes, Xaie Tuau,Duncan wheele

    ALEXANDEr SAMSoN lectuesin glden Ae liteatue at UniesitCllee Lndn and joNATHANTHACKEr is a ell in Spanish atMetn Cllee, oxd

    $95.00/50.00 (s), May 20109781855661684

    32 color, 2 b/w & 1 line illust., 404pp, HB

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    Reading Perormance:Spanish Golden-Age Theatre andShakespeare on the Modern StageSUSAN L ISCHEr

    This lume instethe tdieent and tenmutuall exclusiecnstituencies: theacademic citic andthe theate

    pactitine Inlkin at the asin hich theate is a

    amete sciet, these essas mpat a lae theetical inqui intpemance as intepetatin, cntinentupn the cultual cntext Thee is analsis pemances plas Lpe de vea,Tis de Mlina, Calden de la baca,and an adaptatin ras Celestina, nthe Spanish, ench, Anl-Ameicanstae, and Shakespeaes Merchant o Venicein tanslatin n the Spanish and enchads

    SUSAN L ISCHEr is Pess Spanish and Cmpaatie Liteatue at

    bucknell Uniesit$105.00/55.00 (s), June 2009978185566181315 b/w illustrations, 392pp, HB

    Studies on Womens Poetryo the Golden AgeTras el espejo la musa escribeEDITED by jULIN oLIvArES

    Studies seculapet demnstateh emale pets the eal mdenSpanish peiddeised stateies tcnnt the

    dminant masculinepetic discuse,hile the essas n

    saced pet itten men in thesame peid exple the multiplemaniestatins emale piet andmsticism

    CoNTrIbUTorS: Electa Aenal,

    Anau bache Mendil, Anne jCu, Adienne L Matin, rsa NaaDun, julin oliaes, Inmaculada osuna,Amanda Pell, Eliaeth rhdes, StaceSchlau, La Schat, Alisn wee, judithwhitenack

    jULIAN oLIvArES is Pess Spanish at the Uniesit Hustn and

    edit Calope, junal the Sciet renaissance and baque Hispanic Pet

    $95.00/50.00 (s), August 200997818556618202 b/w illustrations, 352pp, HB

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    Women in the Proseo Mara de ZayasEAvAN obrIEN

    Maa de zaas Stma pulishedt lumes nellas, Novelasamorosas y ejemplares(1637) andDesengaos amorosos(1647), hichened immenseppulait in he

    da She has ecentl een einstated as ama ue the Spanish glden Ae

    This stud examines zaass pse thuha ncentic lens Dain n anextensie aa pima and secndasuces, and eein t the ideas

    Iiaa, Kistea, Cixus, ramndand genette, obien eects n theinteactins zaass men in suchelatinships as iendship, sistehd, andmthehd, analin these inteactinsthuh the cllectins as a hle, andcnnectin the nellas ith the amesties, an aspect zaass itin hichhas ten een elked citics

    EAvAN obrIEN is a Lectue inHispanic Studies at Tinit ClleeDulin

    $115.00/60.00 (s), November 201097818556622232 line illustrations, 296pp, HB

    Alegoras del podercisis impeial cmedianuea (1598-1659)ANToNIo CArrEo-roDrgUEz

    A splendid stud Spains pessinaltheate in theimpeial cisisexpeienced in thepeninsula eteen1598 and 1659 []This k ismandat eadin thse inteested

    in these t aeas cultual pductinin eal mden Spain


    La pesente mnaa analia las asdamticas de Lpe de vea, Tis de

    Mlina Calden de la baca cmeaccin a la inestailidad pltica scialde Espaa en la pimea mitad del silXvII En cnta de la intepetacin quepesenta la comedia cm un instument deppaanda de la mnaqua, este estudippne que muchs de ls damasescits en este ped uncinan a mdde el que sutilmente eela una cticametaica de ls einads de elipe III de elipe Iv

    ANToNIo CArrEo-roDrgUEzes pes asistente de espal, geeMasn Uniesit

    $105.00/55.00 (s), September 20099781855661868

    8 line illustrations, 280pp, HB

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    El teatro en Murcia en elsiglo XVII (1593-1695)

    Estudi dcumentsrAAEL SNCHEz MArTNEz

    Este li, asad enaundantedcumentacin deachi, es el pimeestudi sei delteat del sil XvIIen Mucia El aut secenta en ls pimesteats cmeciales dela ciudad El ms

    antiu, situad en un pati del Hspital deNuesta Sea de gacia, est dcumentaddesde 1593 ue sustituid en 1609 p elTeat del T, cnstuid p el

    Auntamient en un emplaamient peada la antiua mualla del Alca, tmandcm mdel la Casa de Cmedias deCda El deume pacial de este edicien 1633 lle al Municipi a cnstuiapesuadamente t teat, el del buenSuces, en la cntica plaa de Santa Catalina;pe cinc as despus, ante ls plemas

    estuctuales del nue teat, se decidiestalece denitiamente el del T Ellumen ece asimism numess datsse las cmpaas de actes que isitanesta ciudad meditenea, situadaestaticamente ente valencia Andaluca

    rAAEL SANCHEz MArTINEz esDct p la Uniesidad de Mucia

    $105.00/55.00 (s), June 200997818556618444 line illustrations, 232pp, PB

    Actividad teatral en la regionde Toledo, 1612-1630estudi dcumentsCHArLES DAvIS

    Este lumen es una edicin de un millade dcuments indits penientes dels ptcls ntaiales de Tled, cnestudi pelimina Tal cm suiee elttul, es una a de cacte simila als tms 35-36 de la seie uentes paala Histia del Teat en Espaa,Actividad

    teatral en la regin de Madrid segn los protocolos deJuan Garca de Albertos, pulicads en 2003Est pensad cm el pime de dslmenes de la misma uente, de ls queel seund aaca ls as 1631-1670

    Apate de una cncida cleccin dedcuments ntaiales de an utilidadpulicada p ancisc de b San

    rmn en 1935, el teat auisecula enTled su ein est pcticamente sindcumenta El ppsit de la pesentecleccin es extende el taa de Sanrmn as ppcina p pimea euna isin pmeniada de la isaida teatal de esta imptante ciudadcastellana su ein en el sil XvII,pues adems de las pestiisas cmpaasde actes itineantes que epesentaanen su teat plic, Tled, al iual queMadid, psea su ppia cmunidadesidente de cmpaas menes deactes msics autnms

    CHArLES DAvIS es Hna reseachell de Queen Ma, Uniesidad de

    Lndes$99.00/60.00 (s), May 20119781855662193400pp, PB

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    1819 centUry

    Spanish Art in Britain andIreland, 1750-1920

    Studies in receptin in Mem Eniqueta Hais anktEDITED by NIgEL gLENDINNINg &HILAry MACArTNEy

    Cntiutins leadin schlaschat the thin undestandinand appeciatin the SpanishSchl, and itspunctuatin aestheticcntes,

    pesistent distust eliius imaes inPtestant bitain, and the successie

    disceies indiidual atists - Muill,velque, riea, zuan, El gecand ga

    NIgEL gLENDINNINg is EmeitusPess Spanish and ell QueenMa Uniesit Lndn

    HILAry MACArTNEy is Hna

    reseach ell the Institute AtHist, Uniesit glas

    $95.00/50.00 (s), November 2010978185566223017 color, 54 b/w & 2 line illust., 328pp, HB

    1920 centUry

    Mdicos escritores enEspaa, 1885-1955

    Santia ramn Caal, Pbaa, gei Maan Antni valle NeaALrEDo j SoSA-vELASCo

    Este lumen analiael papel de estscuat mdics en

    una aiedad detexts, ilustandcm utilian laciencia la medicinapaa deni plticasnacinales en Espaaa tas de la

    meta del cuep enem Teniend encnsideacin psicanlisis, teaspstclniales, de ne quee, esteli expne una denicin neatia de lanacin espala que aplica cnceptspatlics paa desacedita echaatd aquell que n encaa cn el idealcastellancentista de la espalidad

    ALrEDo j SoSA-vELASCo es

    Assistant Pess Spanish andjhn wesle and Anna Hdin Hanesell en el Depatament de Lenuas Liteatuas rmnicas de la Uniesidadde Calina del Nte en Chapel Hill

    $115.00/60.00 (s), November 20109781855662186232pp, HB

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    20 centUry

    Trafcking Knowledge in EarlyTwentieth-Century Spain

    Centes Exchane andCultual ImainaiesALISoN SINCLAIr

    This stud makes aniinal cntiutint schlaship tackin and

    ealuatin thesinicance theaius indiidualsand (paticulal)institutinsespnsile the

    tafc ideas th eteen Spain and theutside ld, and als ithin Madid andthe intei It lks in eadth and indetail at the natue Spains cultual andintellectual exchanes ith Eupe in theeal decades the tentieth centu

    ALISoN SINCLAIr is Pess Spanish at the Uniesit Camide

    $95.00/50.00 (s), November 20099781855661905

    240pp, HB

    Federico Garca Lorca:The Poetics o Sel-ConsciousnessEDErICo boNADDIo

    This lume is ne e sues inEnlish the hle Lcas petand the st tcncentate entieln sel-cnsciusness, asuect hich it seesas cental t u

    undestandin the k a petitin in the mst sel-cnscius litea peids: the Mdenist ea

    cusin n pems hich hae the pet,at and ceatiit as thei suect, hichda attentin at a mal leel t issues

    pactice stle, it shs h thesepems speak aainst cntempaaesthetic dctine, thee eealin theextent the pets alleiance t it andthe psitins he takes up in the pcess makin his n mak in the litea eldIn s din it chats the deelpment a pet hse sel-cnscius enaementith his at es an explanatin as t hhis k, in the space little me thana decade and a hal, shuld hae een ssinula and diese

    EDErICo boNADDIo lectues inMden Spanish Studies at Kins ClleeLndn

    $95.00/50.00 (s), August 2010

    9781855662216224pp, HB

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    Romance and Exemplarity in Post-War Spanish Womens NarrativesNINo KEbADzE

    This lumeepesents the stseius et tquestin thecateies used tassess the alue andmeanin textspeiusl pesumedt e deid th It des s

    inin t the e the peatie pemise ancist cultual plitics, heeinctinal ks hae the pe t muldindiidual chaacte and cnductNaaties Luisa-Maa Linaes,Cncha Linaes-becea, Camen de Icaaand Maa Mecedes otll ae thus

    examined in tems the eects that theee expected t hae n thei eades, andthe cnstaints that such expectatinsplaced n the ks pductin andeceptin

    NINo KEbADzE is an AssistantPess in the Hispanic StudiesDepatment the Uniesit Massachusetts bstn

    $95.00/50.00 (s), November 20099781855661929200pp, HB

    A Companion to CarmenMartn GaiteCATHErINE oLEAry& ALISoN rIbEIro DE MENEzES

    Despite heextadinacntiutin tcntempaSpanish liteatue,matinaitistas mEnlish-speakincunties hae had t

    ait eas ak like the ne

    eieed hee: an eie CamenMatin gaites eue, attactie andstimulatin t th specialists in the eldand tetia students


    Camen Matn gaite pduced a laed k in aius enes e thecuse he e-decade caee, thuhshe is pimail knn as a nelist, shtst ite, and scial cmmentat Hek at times eects, and at times dees,the patten deelpment in Spanishctin since the 1950s

    CATHErINE oLEAry lectuesin Spanish at the Natinal Uniesit Ieland, Manth and ALISoNrIbEIro DE MENEzES is a SeniLectue in the Schl Lanuaes andLiteatues, Uniesit Cllee Dulin

    $95.00/50.00 (s), April 2009

    9781855661776304pp, HB

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    Cuba and the New OrigenismojAMES bUCKwALTEr-ArIAS

    The litea textsexamined in thisstud ee itten inthe 1990s, in theake a paadimcisis scialismand elutinwhile Cuanliteatue as eine-cmmdied

    an intenatinal pulishin indust,aius Cuan ites eclaimed thecultual mement assciated ith themaaine Orgenes(1944-1956)

    Dispaaed and mainalied in the 1970s,the origenistasn cnstituted an emlem liteatues autnm m the state and its undatin in an authentic aestheticsensiilit This neo-origenismo amed anstensil mdenist litea utpia inthe eckae a scialist utpia, ata histical mment in hich th these cunte-heemnic pects eeepeed the cultue indust cnsume capitalism

    The ne origenismo speaks t the suspensin Cuan liteatue eteen the natinstate and the tansnatinal maket, andindeed, t the suspensin Cua itseleteen a eleaueed scialism and anencachin lal capitalism

    jAMES bUCKwALTEr-ArIAS is anAssciate Pess Spanish at Hane

    Cllee, Indiana$95.00/50.00 (s), March 20109781855661950216pp, HB

    A Companion toJorge Luis BorgesSTEvEN boLDy

    This stud cminesthe mappin bess intellectualtaect ithdetailed analses his k, paticulalthe sties his tmain cllectins,Ficcionesand El AlephThe accunt the

    cntext alls the eade maximum accesst the meanin and sinicance thek and pesents a iaphical naatiedeelped aainst the Aentine liteald in hich bes as a ke plae, theAentine intellectual taditin in itshistical cntext, and the Aentine and

    ld plitics t hich his ks espndin me less ius as

    STEvEN boLDy is reade in LatinAmeican Liteatue at the Uniesit Camide

    $95.00/50.00 (s), November 20099781855661899

    224pp, HB

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    A Companion toGabriel Garca MrquezrAyMoND LESLIE wILLIAMS

    This k esdiscussin andanalsis the sutleitin gacaMque - ataditinalist hdas m classicwesten texts, aMdenistcmmitted t

    mdeniin the cnseatie liteataditin in Clmia and Latin Ameica,an intenatinall ecnied ma ite the 1960s bm, the ke ue inppulaiin hat has een called maicealism and, nall, a Mdenist h hasccasinall enaed in sme the

    stateies the pstmdenrAyMoND LESLIE wILLIAMS isPess Latin Ameican Liteatue atthe Uniesit Calinia, rieside

    $105.00/55.00 (s), May 20109781855661912200pp, HB

    Poetry and LossThe wk Eueni MnteNICHoLAS robErTS

    El hech de que laa de EueniMnte, un de lsmaes petas delenua espala de laseunda mitad delsil XX, n cntasehasta aha cn unestudi extens eninls astaa paa

    caacteia cm insustituile el lumenque Nichlas rets acaa dededicale Pe que a es se aeueniquea esatilidad teicas, as cminneale i en el anlisis de pesa entiemps emialmente pc aales atal empesa, es un act que destaca an

    ms su cntiucin- EL NACIoNAL

    This epesents the st k-lenth studin Enlish Mntes k and thest mnaph in an lanuae t ea sustained thematic analsis his entieutput In the pcess, it sees t inut m the academic shads ne the

    mst imptant and cmmandin peticices t appea in Latin Ameica in thelast t eas

    NICHoLAS robErTS lectues inHispanic Studies at the Uniesit Duham

    $95.00/50.00 (s), December 2009

    97818556619361 b/w illustrations, 248pp, HB

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    Isabel Allendes Houseof the SpiritsTrilogyNaatie geaphiesKArEN wooLEy MArTIN

    Allendes eppula nels haeattacted thcitical appal andppium, ten atthe expense enuine analsis

    This sphisticatedstud exples thenaatie achitectue

    Allendes House o the Spirits(1982),Daughter o Fortune(1999), and Portrait inSepia (2000) as a til, ppsin thatthe places ceated in these nels suetthe patiachal nms that hae enedplitics, sexualit, and ethnicit

    KArEN wooLEy MArTIN isAssciate Pess Spanish at UninUniesit, jacksn, Tennessee

    $95.00/50.00 (s), June 20109781855662001208pp, HB

    latin american film

    Conronting the Dirty War inArgentine Cinema, 1983-1993

    Mem and gende inHistical repesentatinsCoNSTANzA bUrUCA

    The sstematic illealpesecutin andannihilatin plitical ppnents

    the 1979-1983Aentine militadictatship,cmmnl knntda as the Ditwa, ecame ne

    the main themes the natins cinema atethe eimes all In this stud, hile pidina detailed sue the cnditins pductin pst-dictatship Aentinecinema, the auth cuses n a selectedcpus lms in de t exple hissues mem, munin and tauma,tethe ith questins ende and eneepesentatin, hae een dealt ith in thecinema that lled the adent demcac in 1983

    CoNSTANzA bUrUCA, haincmpleted he PhD at the Uniesit waick, is an independent lm pducein Caacas

    $95.00/50.00 (s), April 2009978185566180625 b/w illustrations, 248pp, HB

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    Desintegracin y justicia en elcine argentino contemporneogAbrIELA CoPErTArI

    Este li analia, enuna seie de pelculasaentinascntempneas(Buenos Aires viceversa,76 89 03, Nuevereinas, El hijo de lanovia, Herencia Eljuego de la silla), lasintepetacines

    epesentacines de la expeiencia scial depdida desinteacin nacinalpducida p la implementacin de lalaliacin nelieal en ls asnenta en Aentina

    gAbrIELA CoPErTArI es pesa en

    la Uniesidad de Case westen resee$95.00/50.00 (s), November 2009978185566187512 b/w illustrations, 200pp, HB

    forthcominG companions

    A Companion to Catalan CultureEDITED by DoMINIC KEowN

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    $95.00/55.00 (s), March 201197818556622787 color, 7 b/w & 4 line illust, 260pp, HB

    A Companion to SpanishWomens StudiesED by XoN DE roS & gErALDINE HAzbUN

    An eie the issues and citicaldeates in the eld wmens Studies

    ithin the aea peninsula HispanismLiteatue, the isual ats, cinema, andscial and cultual hist ae expledthuh a theetical eminist lens indiscussin the k men theiepesentatin

    $115.00/65.00 (s), March 20119781855662247

    9 color & 12 b/w illustrations, 360pp, HB

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    recent companions

    A Companion toPortuguese Literature


    A chnlical eie Ptuuese liteatuem the 12th centu tthe pesent da sme the mstdistinuished litea

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    240pp, HB

    A Companion to Luis BuuelgwyNNE EDwArDS

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    ueis alues and eliin

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    A Companion to Catalan LiteratureArTHUr TErry

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    $37.95/19.99, March 20109781855662063184pp, PB

    A Companion to Cervantess

    Novelas EjemplaresEDITED by STEPHEN boyD

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    9781855662087296pp, PB

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    A Companion toGolden Age TheatrejoNATHAN THACKEr

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    $37.95/19.99, March 20109781855662094240pp, PB

    A Companion toLatin American FilmSTEPHEN M HArT

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    A Companion to LatinAmerican LiteratureSTEPHEN M HArT

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    A Companion to Mexican StudiesPETEr STANDISH

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    A Companion to SpanishAmerican ModernismoANbAL goNzLEz

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    $37.95/19.99, March 20109781855662155160pp, PB

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Annual Tamesis Books Catalogue


    essential companions

    A Companion to USLatino LiteraturesEDITED by CArLoTA CAULIELD& DArIN j DAvIS

    The cllectin ultimatel

    intduces a ane dieent cultues int theLatin cnstuct and thechaptes cncen ithissues such as decssins and hiditmak this as an imptant

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    A Companion to ModernSpanish American FictionDoNALD L SHAw

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